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WRobot for Wow 7.0.3 bugs reports


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Currently notcing that the WRotation seems to "Stall' in that with Death Knight / Frost the smell rotations don't work over time. I tried both DK Frost "Fighting Classes" and both have eventually just failed?

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6 minutes ago, sdabentua said:

Party Bot issue

In a group of 5 it seems

-the last member of the party does not auto follow

-nor other members are able to follow him

The log is clean

Happens sometimes even on wotlk. Restart the last bot untill starts working and recheck settings 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't remember in which thread we were talking about bot attacking "dead NPCs"

I found the reason for this:

Example: at grizzly hills Venture bay there is dead NPCs. They are identified by bot as Alive with full health and stunned. The reason for this is the NPCs have hidden buff called Permanent Feign Death ID 29266 stack 0 timeleft 0

There is millions of IDs with this same name so you can't just go and tell the bot to completely ignore attacking these. What you can do is tell the bot ignore target that has buff named Permanent Feign Death


memory info from this:

GetUnitDynamicFlags = SpecialInfo
WowClass = Paladin
IsLocalPlayer = False
Position = 2771,754 ; -1873,138 ; 5,567168 ; "None"
PositionWithoutType = 2771,754 ; -1873,138 ; 5,567168 ; "None"
PositionRelativeWithoutType = 2771,754 ; -1873,138 ; 5,567168 ; "None"
Health = 4886
MaxHealth = 4886
MyCharacterInFrontHim = False
HealthPercent = 100
HealthRatio = 1
IsGoodInteractDistance = False
InteractDistance = 4,5
CombatReach = 1,5
IsSwimming = False
IsFlying = False
IsMovingForward = False
IsMovingBackwards = False
IsStrafingLeft = False
IsStrafingRight = False
IsTurningLeft = False
IsTurningRight = False
IsStunned = True
IsFalling = False
IsFallingFar = False
AggroDistance = 0
Rotation = 2,007129
CreatureTypeTarget = Humanoid
FactionTemplate = wManager.Wow.Helpers.WoWFactionTemplate
Mana = 3387
MaxMana = 3387
ManaPercentage = 100
Rage = 0
MaxRage = 0
RagePercentage = 0
Fury = 0
MaxFury = 0
FuryPercentage = 0
Pain = 0
MaxPain = 0
PainPercentage = 0
Focus = 0
MaxFocus = 0
FocusPercentage = 0
Energy = 0
MaxEnergy = 0
EnergyPercentage = 0
Chi = 0
MaxChi = 0
ChiPercentage = 0
Runes = 0
MaxRunes = 6
RunesPercentage = 0
RunicPower = 0
MaxRunicPower = 0
RunicPowerPercentage = 0
SoulShards = 0
MaxSoulShards = 0
SoulShardsPercentage = 0
AstralPower = 0
MaxAstralPower = 0
AstralPowerPercentage = 0
UnitClassification = normal
IsElite = False
IsWorldBoss = False
HolyPower = 0
MaxHolyPower = 0
HolyPowerPercentage = 0
Alternate = 0
MaxAlternate = 5
AlternatePercentage = 0
Maelstrom = 0
MaxMaelstrom = 0
MaelstromPercentage = 0
Insanity = 0
MaxInsanity = 0
InsanityPercentage = 0
ArcaneCharges = 0
MaxArcaneCharges = 0
ArcaneChargesPercentage = 0
Faction = 2143
DisplayId = 24672
GetMove = False
SpeedMoving = 0
GetDistance = 14,07801
GetDistance2D = 14,04358
GetDistanceZ = 0,9840899
IsAlive = True
IsDead = False
IsLootable = False
IsMyPet = False
HasTarget = False
IsTargetingMe = False
IsTargetingMyPet = False
IsTargetingPartyMember = False
IsTargetingMeOrMyPet = False
IsTargetingMeOrMyPetOrPartyMember = False
IsMyTarget = True
IsMyPetTarget = False
IsPartyMemberTarget = False
IsMeOrMyPetTarget = True
IsMeOrMyPetOrPartyMemberTarget = True
Target = 00000000000000000000000000000000
TargetObject =  (Object) : 0x00000000 : 00000000000000000000000000000000 : Null-0-0-0-0-0-0000000000
Level = 73
EffectiveLevel = 0
IsBoss = False
PetNumber = 0
Name = Westfall Brigade Marine
DBCacheRow = 1243581236
UnitFlags = NotAttackable, Stunned, Dazed
UnitNPCFlags = None
Skinnable = False
IsNpcSpiritHealer = False
IsNpcRepair = False
IsNpcVendor = False
IsFlightMaster = False
IsNpcInnkeeper = False
IsNpcVendorFood = False
IsAuctioneer = False
IsNpcTrainer = False
IsNpcWildPets = False
Summon = 00000000000000000000000000000000
CreatedBy = 00000000000000000000000000000000
CreatedBySpell = 0
SummonedBy = 00000000000000000000000000000000
IsPet = False
PetOwnerGuid = 00000000000000000000000000000000
InCombat = False
InCombatFlagOnly = False
InCombatWithMe = False
CastingSpellId = 0
CastingSpell =  (Id found: 0, Name found: , NameInGame found: , Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
CastingTimeLeft = 0
IsCast = False
CanInterruptCasting = False
IsMounted = False
MountDisplayId = 0
TransportGuid = 00000000000000000000000000000000
InTransport = False
Reaction = Hostile
IsTracked = False
IsOnTaxi = False
NotSelectable = False
IsAttackable = False
PlayerControlled = False
Silenced = False
Rooted = False
Root = True
Influenced = False
Confused = False
Pacified = False
Fleeing = False
Possessed = False
NpcMarkerId = 0
NpcMarker = None
IsOutdoors = True
IsIndoors = False
IsPartyMember = False
IsPartyLeader = False
GetBaseAddress = 1758166220
IsValid = True
GetDescriptorStartAddress = 1758173004
Guid = 0027110007AD739E20309847601ADB40
Guid128 = Creature-0-3110-571-10001-27501-0007AD739E
Type = Unit
GetDynamicFlags = 32
IsInvisible = False
Entry = 27501
Scale = 1
BuffStack("Ghost") = 0
HaveBuff("Ghost") = False
BuffCastedBy("Ghost") = 00000000000000000000000000000000
 -  Permanent Feign Death: ID=29266, Stack=0, TimeLeft=0 ms, Owner=0027110007AD739E20309847601ADB40, Flag=Passive, PlayerCasted, Harmful, Duration, Negative, CasterLevel=73, Mask=50331688



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Looks like Quest.GetLogQuestIsComplete(62) is broken. It worked fine when bot finished the step but now when i restarted bot it is trying to redo a pulse that is already marked as Ready For turn-in



if (!Quest.GetLogQuestIsComplete(62))
Logging.WriteDebug("quest isn't complete");

returns true

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On 12/08/2016 at 8:31 PM, BetterSister said:

I don't remember in which thread we were talking about bot attacking "dead NPCs"

I found the reason for this:

Example: at grizzly hills Venture bay there is dead NPCs. They are identified by bot as Alive with full health and stunned. The reason for this is the NPCs have hidden buff called Permanent Feign Death ID 29266 stack 0 timeleft 0

There is millions of IDs with this same name so you can't just go and tell the bot to completely ignore attacking these. What you can do is tell the bot ignore target that has buff named Permanent Feign Death

Permanent Feign Death

memory info from this:


Wait next update for the fix.

On 13/08/2016 at 1:47 PM, BetterSister said:

Looks like Quest.GetLogQuestIsComplete(62) is broken. It worked fine when bot finished the step but now when i restarted bot it is trying to redo a pulse that is already marked as Ready For turn-in



if (!Quest.GetLogQuestIsComplete(62))
Logging.WriteDebug("quest isn't complete");

returns true

GetLogQuestIsComplete is obsole, use

Quest.IsObjectiveComplete(int objectiveIndex, int questID)


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  • 4 weeks later...


Depuis la mise a jour impossible de reco le bot, j'ai bien préciser dans les parametres de batelnet de lancer le jeux en 32B et quand je lance le bot il me dit que il faut le lancer en 32B.... Quand j essaye de lancer wow depuis le bot impossoible de connecter le bon wow (j'ai plusieurs wow (le ptr etc) et impossible de connecter celui ou y a mon royaume de jeux ni mes persso.

Help please :'(

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13 hours ago, d.deneys said:


Depuis la mise a jour impossible de reco le bot, j'ai bien préciser dans les parametres de batelnet de lancer le jeux en 32B et quand je lance le bot il me dit que il faut le lancer en 32B.... Quand j essaye de lancer wow depuis le bot impossoible de connecter le bon wow (j'ai plusieurs wow (le ptr etc) et impossible de connecter celui ou y a mon royaume de jeux ni mes persso.

Help please :'(

Bonjour, merci de créer un nouveau sujet dans le forum Français avec vos fichier journals (log files) et plus de détails.

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Crash immediately after launching bot once character recognition is complete. Prior to crashing, there were error messages suggesting I change my keybindings and window mode. I did both of these but the error messages have been replaced with an instant crash. 

[D] 10:22:06 - [Info] Log file created: 13 Sep 2016 10H22.log.html
[D] 10:22:05 - [Info] WRobot Version: 1.6.1 (35573) for wow: 7.0.3_22566
[D] 10:22:06 - [Info] Offical website: http://wrobot.eu/
[D] 10:22:06 - [Info] Operating System Details: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
[D] 10:22:06 - [Info] Lang: English (United States)
[F] 10:22:35 - [Memory] D3D9 found: 8B FF 55 8B EC 6A FF 68 FC AD 
[F] 10:22:35 - [Memory] D3D11 found: 8B FF 55 8B EC 83 E4 F8 83 EC 
[D] 10:22:35 - [Memory] D3D11 used
10:23:12 - [Memory] Select game process: 5620 - Ple...

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  • Droidz unpinned and unfeatured this topic

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