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2 issues with gatherer:


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#1 How to completely avoid starting combat? I've checked all options and I am pretty sure I've set all to off and the character is still attacking. Might this be because of right clicking to move and right click also attacks aggroed mobs and then dismounts - solution left-mouse to click to move forward if that is possible and rightclick interact only? (it's default both left and right iirc)

#2 I've set the path really close to herb nodes sometimes (didnt know that the char auto-moves there once within radar range) and so there are some nodes on my path, even tho he is really close to them, he just ignores and moves along. And no there are no other players around and even avoid node when player is there is off anyway.. why is that?

Thank you really for clarifying

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I was just about typing that it worked but at that moment, it did not. I thought i'd figured out issue #2 - being "Max units nearby" set to 20, was writing this here, had a notification to tab back into wow, did and saw the char going by a farmable node near the route, not caring. Why is that?

To #2 again, can you not completely shut-down combat?

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Is your character tapping nodes at all?  Or bypassing them all?  Or only tapping some, etc.??

Please clarify, thanks!

Also, ensure that your 'attack before being attacked' is set to off, otherwise you'll engage anything that aggros you.


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That is set to off, sure. The character gathers 90% of them. I have even brought the radar down to 100 because I make more precise paths, on my last run there was no issue with looting this time. But a hell-of-a-lot aggroing mobs that "dismounted" the player. So basicly #1 is only remaining and was the very reason for me to create 3 more routes, experimenting with it, but no solution yet - see the other thread:


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Edit: Yes, that is it - seem to got it. When you run towards a node and a mob walks over it, the interaction with the node (a right click), attacks the mob. Can you set the "interact with target", which also works for gathering, to a key and implement it in the software, so the software doesnt click to harvest?

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