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[BUG] Hunter Serpent Sting and Buff Time Left Target Condition

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Hello !

If you try to use  Buff Time Left Target  on Serpent Sting:

Buffname :Serpent Sting (obviously)

Equal 0 => should fire a new Serpent Sting after 15 sec roughly, but spams Serpent Sting shots instead.

Smaller or equal to : 1000 => should fire a new Serpent Sting after 14 sec roughly, but spams Serpent Sting shots instead.

Bigger or equal to : 15000 => should  spams Serpent Sting shots but doesn't fire it at all. 

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Set it to fire once per target, you should rarely need two.. waste of mana.

edit, looks like you are using conditions in the bottom left.. look at the options in the pane to the top right . Cooldown or something (near the top!)

I dont have the bot on this comp so cant check

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I think target buff in general is a bit suspect at Vanilla.  Im seeing the same thing with Spriests and ShadowWord: pain.  i set target buff = false and it will still cast it over and over.

Once per target is one way around this, however if you get a miss / resist thats the "one cast" for that target.  As a Spriest you cant really kill targets well without SWP.  im sure for a hunter its the same with Serpent Sting

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I managed to find another solution with C# coding.

I manage a SerpentStingTimer : I reset it when I'm not in combat or when I change target. That's the best solution I could think of.

I did test to GetAllBuff from target (which works) and then retreive owner of all of them...

But indeed => Owner==0 always. :( But it is noted on Wrobot Vanilla download page that buff owner doesn't work (I missed it at first)


Same solution should apply to Priest's  ShadowWord: pain (I'm planning to make a C# Fight Class for Vanilla for them too)


Anyway I think FightClass creator isn't suited for Vanilla (yet).

There's too much conditions/timer option missing and it's too much restrictive.

C# Fight Classes is the way to go.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 26/02/2017 at 7:47 PM, DonaldMacRonald said:

Hello !

If you try to use  Buff Time Left Target  on Serpent Sting:

Buffname :Serpent Sting (obviously)

Equal 0 => should fire a new Serpent Sting after 15 sec roughly, but spams Serpent Sting shots instead.

Smaller or equal to : 1000 => should fire a new Serpent Sting after 14 sec roughly, but spams Serpent Sting shots instead.

Bigger or equal to : 15000 => should  spams Serpent Sting shots but doesn't fire it at all. 


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