[D] 18:02:51 - [Info] Log file created: 10 Jan 2016 18H02.log.html
[D] 18:02:51 - [Info] WRobot Version: 1.5.6 (38748) for wow: 6.2.3_20886
[D] 18:02:51 - [Info] Offical website: http://wrobot.eu/
[D] 18:02:51 - [Info] Operating System Details: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
[D] 18:02:51 - [Info] Lang: English (United States)
[F] 18:02:51 - [Memory] D3D9 found: 8B FF 55 8B EC 6A FF 68 FC AD
[F] 18:02:51 - [Memory] D3D11 found: 8B FF 55 8B EC 83 E4 F8 83 EC
[D] 18:02:51 - [Memory] D3D11 used
18:02:59 - [Memory] Select game process: 8700 - Pal...
[D] 18:03:00 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
18:03:00 - [BG] Loaded
[F] 18:03:00 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Battlegrounder ; CustomClass = [fezz] Protection Paladin PvP.xml ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = True ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Black War Ram ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Golden Cloud Serpent ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; BlackListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; ListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = True ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1.7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; NpcScan = True ;
[D] 18:03:00 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 18:03:00 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Battlegrounder ; CustomClass = [fezz] Protection Paladin PvP.xml ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = True ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Black War Ram ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Golden Cloud Serpent ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; BlackListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; ListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = True ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1.7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; NpcScan = True ;
[D] 18:03:00 - [Info] Wow Version: 20886
[D] 18:03:00 - [Info] Player found: True
18:03:00 - [SpellManager] Initializing SpellBook - (Wait few seconds)
18:03:00 - [SpellManager] Initialize SpellBook Finished (620 spell found)
[D] 18:03:01 - [SpellManager] List of id found in spellbook:
Auto Attack (6603)
Gift of the Naaru (59542)
Mass Resurrection (83968)
Mobile Banking (83958)
Revive Battle Pets (125439)
Armor Skills (76271)
Battle Pet Training (119467)
Cold Weather Flying (54197)
Draenor Pathfinder (191645)
Expert Riding (34090)
Flight Master's License (90267)
Gemcutting (28875)
Guild Mail (83951)
Hasty Hearth (83944)
Heroic Presence (6562)
Languages (79741)
Mount Up (78633)
Shadow Resistance (59221)
The Quick and the Dead (83950)
Weapon Skills (76294)
Garrison Ability (161691)
Avenging Wrath (31842)
Beacon of Faith (156910)
Beacon of Light (53563)
Blessing of Kings (20217)
Blessing of Might (19740)
Cleanse (4987)
Crusader Strike (35395)
Denounce (2812)
Devotion Aura (31821)
Divine Protection (498)
Divine Shield (642)
Hammer of Justice (853)
Flash of Light (19750)
Hammer of Wrath (24275)
Hand of Freedom (1044)
Hand of Protection (1022)
Hand of Sacrifice (6940)
Holy Avenger (105809)
Holy Light (82326)
Holy Radiance (82327)
Holy Shock (20473)
Judgment (20271)
Lay on Hands (633)
Light of Dawn (85222)
Weapons of the Light (175699)
Rebuke (96231)
Reckoning (62124)
Redemption (7328)
Righteous Fury (25780)
Sacred Shield (148039)
Seal of Command (105361)
Seal of Insight (20165)
Speed of Light (85499)
Turn Evil (10326)
Word of Glory (85673)
Clemency (105622)
Daybreak (88821)
Empowered Beacon of Light (157453)
Enhanced Holy Shock (157478)
Heart of the Crusader (32223)
Improved Daybreak (157455)
Improved Forbearance (157482)
Infusion of Light (53576)
Sanctified Light (165380)
Supplication (31868)
Ardent Defender (31850)
Avenger's Shield (31935)
Consecration (26573)
Guardian of Ancient Kings (86659)
Hammer of the Righteous (53595)
Hand of Salvation (1038)
Holy Wrath (119072)
Seal of Righteousness (20154)
Shield of the Righteous (53600)
Grand Crusader (85043)
Resolve (158298)
Sacred Duty (165375)
Shining Protector (159374)
Avenging Wrath (31884)
Divine Storm (53385)
Emancipate (121783)
Exorcism (879)
Seal of Justice (20164)
Seal of Truth (31801)
Templar's Verdict (85256)
Righteous Vengeance (165381)
Sanctity Aura (167187)
Sword of Light (53503)
First Aid (158741)
Herb Gathering (158745)
Cooking (158765)
Cooking Fire (818)
Smelting (2656)
Acherus Deathcharger (48778)
Albino Drake (60025)
Amani Battle Bear (98204)
Amani Dragonhawk (96503)
Amani War Bear (43688)
Amber Primordial Direhorn (138424)
Amber Scorpion (123886)
Ancient Frostsaber (16056)
Arctic Wolf (16081)
Argent Charger (66906)
Argent Hippogryph (63844)
Argent Warhorse (67466)
Armored Bloodwing (139595)
Armored Blue Dragonhawk (142478)
Armored Blue Wind Rider (61230)
Armored Brown Bear (60114)
Armored Brown Bear (60116)
Armored Frostboar (171629)
Armored Frostwolf (171838)
Armored Irontusk (171626)
Armored Razorback (171630)
Armored Razzashi Raptor (96491)
Armored Red Dragonhawk (142266)
Armored Skyscreamer (136400)
Armored Snowy Gryphon (61229)
Ashen Pandaren Phoenix (132117)
Ashes of Al'ar (40192)
Ashhide Mushan Beast (148428)
Astral Cloud Serpent (127170)
Azure Cloud Serpent (123992)
Azure Drake (59567)
Azure Netherwing Drake (41514)
Azure Riding Crane (127174)
Azure Water Strider (118089)
Big Battle Bear (51412)
Big Blizzard Bear (58983)
Big Love Rocket (71342)
Black Battlestrider (22719)
Black Dragon Turtle (127286)
Black Dragonhawk Mount (62048)
Black Drake (59650)
Black Hawkstrider (35022)
Black Nightsaber (16055)
Black Polar Bear (59572)
Black Primal Raptor (138642)
Black Proto-Drake (59976)
Black Qiraji Battle Tank (26655)
Black Qiraji Battle Tank (26656)
Black Qiraji Battle Tank (25863)
Black Ram (6896)
Black Ram (17461)
Black Riding Goat (130138)
Black Riding Yak (127209)
Black Skeletal Horse (64977)
Black Stallion (470)
Black War Bear (60119)
Black War Bear (60118)
Black War Elekk (48027)
Black War Kodo (22718)
Black War Mammoth (59785)
Black War Mammoth (59788)
Black War Ram (22720)
Black War Raptor (22721)
Black War Steed (22717)
Black War Tiger (22723)
Black War Wolf (22724)
Black Wolf (578)
Black Wolf (64658)
Blacksteel Battleboar (171627)
Blazing Drake (107842)
Blazing Hippogryph (74856)
Blonde Riding Yak (127220)
Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher (72808)
Bloodhoof Bull (171620)
Blue Dragon Turtle (127287)
Blue Dragonhawk (61996)
Blue Drake (59568)
Blue Hawkstrider (35020)
Blue Mechanostrider (33630)
Blue Mechanostrider (10969)
Blue Proto-Drake (59996)
Blue Qiraji Battle Tank (25953)
Blue Riding Nether Ray (39803)
Blue Shado-Pan Riding Tiger (129934)
Blue Skeletal Horse (17463)
Blue Skeletal Warhorse (64656)
Blue Wind Rider (32244)
Bone-White Primal Raptor (138640)
Brawler's Burly Mushan Beast (142641)
Breezestrider Stallion (171832)
Brewfest Ram (43899)
Brewfest Riding Kodo (49378)
Bristling Hellboar (190690)
Bronze Drake (59569)
Brown Dragon Turtle (127288)
Brown Elekk (34406)
Brown Horse (458)
Brown Kodo (18990)
Brown Ram (6899)
Brown Riding Camel (88748)
Brown Riding Goat (130086)
Brown Riding Yak (127213)
Brown Skeletal Horse (17464)
Brown Wolf (6654)
Brutal Nether Drake (58615)
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Twilight Drake (124550)
Celestial Steed (75614)
Cenarion War Hippogryph (43927)
Challenger's War Yeti (171848)
Champion's Treadblade (171846)
Summon Charger (23214)
Summon Chauffeur (179244)
Summon Chauffeur (179245)
Chestnut Mare (6648)
Cindermane Charger (171847)
Clutch of Ji-Kun (139448)
Coalfist Gronnling (189364)
Cobalt Netherwing Drake (41515)
Cobalt Primordial Direhorn (138423)
Cobalt Riding Talbuk (39315)
Cobalt War Talbuk (34896)
Core Hound (170347)
Corrupted Dreadwing (183117)
Corrupted Fire Hawk (97560)
Corrupted Hippogryph (102514)
Creeping Carpet (169952)
Crimson Cloud Serpent (127156)
Crimson Deathcharger (73313)
Crimson Pandaren Phoenix (129552)
Crimson Primal Direhorn (140250)
Crimson Water Strider (127271)
Crusader's Black Warhorse (68188)
Crusader's White Warhorse (68187)
Dark Phoenix (88990)
Dark Riding Talbuk (39316)
Dark War Talbuk (34790)
Darkmoon Dancing Bear (103081)
Darkspear Raptor (63635)
Darnassian Nightsaber (63637)
Deadly Gladiator's Frost Wyrm (64927)
Deathtusk Felboar (190977)
Depleted-Kyparium Rocket (126507)
Dire Wolf (6653)
Domesticated Razorback (171634)
Drake of the East Wind (88335)
Drake of the North Wind (88742)
Drake of the South Wind (88744)
Drake of the West Wind (88741)
Dread Raven (155741)
Dreadsteed (148972)
Dreadsteed (23161)
Dustmane Direwolf (171844)
Dusty Rockhide (171625)
Ebon Gryphon (32239)
Eclipse Dragonhawk (194464)
Emerald Drake (175700)
Emerald Hippogryph (149801)
Emerald Pandaren Phoenix (132118)
Emerald Raptor (8395)
Enchanted Fey Dragon (142878)
Summon Exarch's Elekk (73629)
Exodar Elekk (63639)
Experiment 12-B (110039)
Feldrake (113120)
Felfire Hawk (97501)
Felsteed (5784)
Felsteed (148970)
Felsteel Annihilator (182912)
Fiery Warhorse (36702)
Flametalon of Alysrazor (101542)
Flameward Hippogryph (97359)
Flying Carpet (61451)
Flying Machine (44153)
Forsaken Warhorse (63643)
Fossilized Raptor (84751)
Frost Ram (17460)
Frostplains Battleboar (171632)
Frostwolf Howler (23509)
Frosty Flying Carpet (75596)
Furious Gladiator's Frost Wyrm (65439)
Garn Nighthowl (171851)
Garn Steelmaw (171836)
Geosynchronous World Spinner (126508)
Ghastly Charger (136505)
Giant Coldsnout (171635)
Gnomeregan Mechanostrider (63638)
Goblin Trike (87090)
Goblin Turbo-Trike (87091)
Golden Cloud Serpent (123993)
Golden Gryphon (32235)
Golden King (90621)
Golden Primal Direhorn (140249)
Golden Riding Crane (127176)
Gorestrider Gronnling (171436)
Grand Armored Gryphon (135416)
Grand Armored Wyvern (135418)
Grand Black War Mammoth (61467)
Grand Black War Mammoth (61465)
Grand Caravan Mammoth (60140)
Grand Caravan Mammoth (60136)
Grand Expedition Yak (122708)
Grand Gryphon (136163)
Grand Ice Mammoth (61470)
Grand Ice Mammoth (61469)
Grand Wyvern (136164)
Gray Elekk (35710)
Gray Kodo (18989)
Gray Ram (6777)
Gray Wolf (459)
Great Black Dragon Turtle (127295)
Great Blue Dragon Turtle (127302)
Great Blue Elekk (35713)
Great Brewfest Kodo (49379)
Great Brown Dragon Turtle (127308)
Great Brown Kodo (23249)
Summon Great Exarch's Elekk (73630)
Great Golden Kodo (65641)
Great Gray Kodo (23248)
Great Green Dragon Turtle (127293)
Great Green Elekk (35712)
Great Greytusk (171636)
Great Purple Dragon Turtle (127310)
Great Purple Elekk (35714)
Great Red Dragon Turtle (120822)
Great Red Elekk (65637)
Summon Great Sunwalker Kodo (69826)
Great White Kodo (23247)
Green Dragon Turtle (120395)
Green Kodo (18991)
Green Mechanostrider (15780)
Green Mechanostrider (17453)
Green Primal Raptor (138643)
Green Proto-Drake (61294)
Green Qiraji Battle Tank (26056)
Green Riding Nether Ray (39798)
Green Shado-Pan Riding Tiger (129932)
Green Skeletal Warhorse (17465)
Green Wind Rider (32245)
Grey Riding Camel (88750)
Grey Riding Yak (127216)
Grievous Gladiator's Cloud Serpent (148619)
Grinning Reaver (163025)
Grove Warden (189999)
Headless Horseman's Mount (48025)
Heart of the Aspects (110051)
Hearthsteed (142073)
Heavenly Azure Cloud Serpent (127169)
Heavenly Crimson Cloud Serpent (127161)
Heavenly Golden Cloud Serpent (127164)
Heavenly Jade Cloud Serpent (127165)
Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent (127158)
Ice Mammoth (59799)
Ice Mammoth (59797)
Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher (72807)
Icy Blue Mechanostrider Mod A (17459)
Illidari Felstalker (189998)
Imperial Quilen (124659)
Infernal Direwolf (186305)
Infinite Timereaver (201098)
Invincible (72286)
Iron Skyreaver (153489)
Ironbound Proto-Drake (63956)
Ironbound Wraithcharger (142910)
Ironforge Ram (63636)
Ironhoof Destroyer (171621)
Ironside Warwolf (171839)
Ivory Raptor (10795)
Ivory Raptor (17450)
Jade Cloud Serpent (113199)
Jade Pandaren Kite (133023)
Jade Panther (121837)
Jade Primordial Direhorn (138426)
Jeweled Onyx Panther (120043)
Kor'kron Annihilator (93644)
Kor'kron Juggernaut (148417)
Kor'kron War Wolf (148396)
Life-Binder's Handmaiden (107845)
Magic Rooster (66122)
Magic Rooster (66123)
Magic Rooster (66124)
Magic Rooster (65917)
Magnificent Flying Carpet (61309)
Malevolent Gladiator's Cloud Serpent (139407)
Mechano-Hog (55531)
Mekgineer's Chopper (60424)
Merciless Nether Drake (44317)
Merciless Nether Drake (44744)
Mimiron's Head (63796)
Minion of Grumpus (191314)
Mosshide Riverwallow (171825)
Mottled Drake (93623)
Mottled Meadowstomper (171622)
Mottled Red Raptor (16084)
Mountain Horse (103195)
Mudback Riverbeast (171826)
Mystic Runesaber (180545)
Nether Drake (28828)
Obsidian Nightwing (121820)
Ochre Skeletal Warhorse (66846)
Onyx Cloud Serpent (127154)
Onyx Netherwing Drake (41513)
Onyxian Drake (69395)
Orgrimmar Wolf (63640)
Pale Thorngrazer (171833)
Palomino (16082)
Pandaren Kite (130985)
Pandaren Kite (118737)
Phosphorescent Stone Drake (88718)
Pinto (472)
Plagued Proto-Drake (60021)
Prideful Gladiator's Cloud Serpent (148620)
Primal Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling (186828)
Pureblood Fire Hawk (97493)
Purple Dragon Turtle (127289)
Purple Elekk (35711)
Purple Hawkstrider (35018)
Purple Netherwing Drake (41516)
Purple Riding Nether Ray (39801)
Purple Skeletal Warhorse (23246)
Quel'dorei Steed (66090)
Raven Lord (41252)
Red Dragon Turtle (127290)
Red Dragonhawk (61997)
Red Drake (59570)
Red Flying Cloud (130092)
Red Hawkstrider (34795)
Red Mechanostrider (10873)
Red Primal Raptor (138641)
Red Proto-Drake (59961)
Red Qiraji Battle Tank (26054)
Red Riding Nether Ray (39800)
Red Shado-Pan Riding Tiger (129935)
Red Skeletal Horse (17462)
Red Skeletal Warhorse (22722)
Red Wolf (16080)
Red Wolf (579)
Regal Riding Crane (127177)
Relentless Gladiator's Frost Wyrm (67336)
Riding Kodo (18363)
Riding Turtle (30174)
Rivendare's Deathcharger (17481)
Rocktusk Battleboar (171628)
Ruby Panther (121838)
Rusted Proto-Drake (63963)
Ruthless Gladiator's Twilight Drake (101821)
Sandstone Drake (93326)
Sapphire Panther (121836)
Sapphire Riverbeast (171824)
Savage Raptor (97581)
Sea Turtle (64731)
Shadowhide Pearltusk (171624)
Shadowmane Charger (171829)
Silver Covenant Hippogryph (66087)
Silver Riding Nether Ray (39802)
Silver Riding Talbuk (39317)
Silver War Talbuk (34898)
Silvermoon Hawkstrider (63642)
Skeletal Horse (8980)
Sky Golem (134359)
Slate Primordial Direhorn (138425)
Smoky Direwolf (171843)
Snowy Gryphon (32240)
Soaring Skyterror (191633)
Solar Spirehawk (171828)
Son of Galleon (130965)
Spawn of Galakras (148392)
Spawn of Horridon (136471)
Spectral Gryphon (107516)
Spectral Steed (92231)
Spectral Tiger (42776)
Spectral Wind Rider (107517)
Spectral Wolf (92232)
Spotted Frostsaber (10789)
Stormpike Battle Charger (23510)
Stormwind Steed (63232)
Striped Dawnsaber (66847)
Striped Frostsaber (8394)
Striped Nightsaber (10793)
Subdued Seahorse (98718)
Sunhide Gronnling (171849)
Sunreaver Dragonhawk (66088)
Sunreaver Hawkstrider (66091)
Sunstone Panther (121839)
Summon Sunwalker Kodo (69820)
Swift Alliance Steed (68057)
Swift Blue Gryphon (32242)
Swift Blue Raptor (23241)
Swift Breezestrider (171830)
Swift Brewfest Ram (43900)
Swift Brown Ram (23238)
Swift Brown Steed (23229)
Swift Brown Wolf (23250)
Swift Burgundy Wolf (65646)
Swift Forest Strider (102346)
Swift Frostsaber (23221)
Swift Frostwolf (171842)
Swift Gray Ram (23239)
Swift Gray Steed (65640)
Swift Gray Wolf (23252)
Swift Green Gryphon (32290)
Swift Green Hawkstrider (35025)
Swift Green Mechanostrider (23225)
Swift Green Wind Rider (32295)
Swift Horde Wolf (68056)
Swift Lovebird (102350)
Swift Mistsaber (23219)
Swift Moonsaber (65638)
Swift Mountain Horse (103196)
Swift Nether Drake (37015)
Swift Olive Raptor (23242)
Swift Orange Raptor (23243)
Swift Palomino (23227)
Swift Pink Hawkstrider (33660)
Swift Purple Gryphon (32292)
Swift Purple Hawkstrider (35027)
Swift Purple Raptor (65644)
Swift Purple Wind Rider (32297)
Swift Razzashi Raptor (24242)
Swift Red Gryphon (32289)
Swift Red Hawkstrider (65639)
Swift Red Wind Rider (32246)
Swift Shorestrider (101573)
Swift Spectral Gryphon (55164)
Swift Spectral Rylak (194046)
Swift Spectral Tiger (42777)
Swift Springstrider (102349)
Swift Stormsaber (23338)
Swift Timber Wolf (23251)
Swift Violet Ram (65643)
Swift Warstrider (35028)
Swift White Hawkstrider (46628)
Swift White Mechanostrider (23223)
Swift White Ram (23240)
Swift White Steed (23228)
Swift Windsteed (134573)
Swift Yellow Mechanostrider (23222)
Swift Yellow Wind Rider (32296)
Swift Zhevra (48954)
Swift Zhevra (49322)
Swift Zulian Panther (96499)
Swift Zulian Tiger (24252)
Tan Riding Camel (88749)
Tan Riding Talbuk (39318)
Tan War Talbuk (34899)
Tawny Wind Rider (32243)
Teal Kodo (18992)
Summon Thalassian Charger (34767)
Summon Thalassian Warhorse (34769)
Thunder Bluff Kodo (63641)
Thundering August Cloud Serpent (129918)
Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent (139442)
Thundering Jade Cloud Serpent (124408)
Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent (148476)
Thundering Ruby Cloud Serpent (132036)
Timber Wolf (580)
Time-Lost Proto-Drake (60002)
Trained Icehoof (171617)
Trained Meadowstomper (171623)
Trained Riverwallow (171638)
Trained Rocktusk (171637)
Trained Silverpelt (171831)
Trained Snarler (171841)
Traveler's Tundra Mammoth (61447)
Traveler's Tundra Mammoth (61425)
Tundra Icehoof (171619)
Turbo-Charged Flying Machine (44151)
Turbostrider (65642)
Turquoise Raptor (10796)
Twilight Drake (59571)
Twilight Harbinger (107844)
Tyrael's Charger (107203)
Tyrannical Gladiator's Cloud Serpent (148618)
Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank (92155)
Unpainted Mechanostrider (17454)
Vashj'ir Seahorse (75207)
Vengeful Nether Drake (49193)
Venomhide Ravasaur (64659)
Veridian Netherwing Drake (41517)
Vicious Gladiator's Twilight Drake (101282)
Vicious Skeletal Warhorse (146622)
Vicious War Kodo (185052)
Vicious War Mechanostrider (183889)
Vicious War Ram (171834)
Vicious War Raptor (171835)
Vicious War Steed (100332)
Vicious War Wolf (100333)
Vicious Warsaber (146615)
Violet Netherwing Drake (41518)
Violet Pandaren Phoenix (132119)
Violet Proto-Drake (60024)
Violet Raptor (10799)
Vitreous Stone Drake (88746)
Voidtalon of the Dark Star (179478)
Volcanic Stone Drake (88331)
Warforged Nightmare (163024)
Summon Warhorse (13819)
Warlord's Deathwheel (171845)
Warmongering Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling (189044)
Warsong Direfang (171837)
White Kodo (64657)
White Mechanostrider Mod B (15779)
White Polar Bear (54753)
White Ram (6898)
White Riding Camel (102488)
White Riding Goat (130137)
White Riding Talbuk (39319)
White Riding Yak (123182)
White Skeletal Warhorse (65645)
White Stallion (468)
White Stallion (16083)
White War Talbuk (34897)
Wild Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling (189043)
Wild Goretusk (171633)
Winged Guardian (98727)
Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade (54729)
Winter Wolf (581)
Winterspring Frostsaber (17229)
Witherhide Cliffstomper (171616)
Wooly Mammoth (59793)
Wooly Mammoth (59791)
Wooly White Rhino (74918)
Wrathful Gladiator's Frost Wyrm (71810)
X-51 Nether-Rocket (46197)
X-51 Nether-Rocket X-TREME (46199)
X-53 Touring Rocket (75973)
Yellow Qiraji Battle Tank (26055)

18:03:01 - [SpellManager] Please wait, loading spellbook...
[D] 18:03:01 - [SpellManager] Children spell found: Fist of Justice (105593) (parent spell: Hammer of Justice (853))
[D] 18:03:01 - [SpellManager] Children spell found: Light's Hammer (114158) (parent spell: Weapons of the Light (175699))
[D] 18:03:01 - [SpellManager] Children spell found: Avenging Wrath (31842) (parent spell: Avenging Wrath (31884))
18:03:01 - [SpellManager] Spellbook loaded.
[D] 18:03:01 - [Keybindings]
Sit / Stand: T
Backward: S
Forward: W
Strafe Left: A
Strafe Right: D

[F] 18:03:10 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Battlegrounder ; CustomClass = [Cindarella]-Holy Pala.cs ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = True ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Black War Ram ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Golden Cloud Serpent ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; BlackListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; ListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = True ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1.7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; NpcScan = True ;
[D] 18:03:10 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 18:03:11 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Battlegrounder ; CustomClass = ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = True ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Black War Ram ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Golden Cloud Serpent ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; BlackListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; ListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = True ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1.7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; NpcScan = True ;
[D] 18:03:11 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 18:03:11 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Battlegrounder ; CustomClass = [Cindarella]-Holy Pala.cs ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = True ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Black War Ram ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Golden Cloud Serpent ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; BlackListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; ListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = True ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1.7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; NpcScan = True ;
[D] 18:03:11 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 18:03:12 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\FightClass\[Cindarella]-Holy Pala.cs
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Shock, Id found: 20473, Name found: Holy Shock, NameInGame found: Holy Shock, know = True
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Word of Glory, Id found: 85673, Name found: Word of Glory, NameInGame found: Word of Glory, know = True
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Radiance, Id found: 82327, Name found: Holy Radiance, NameInGame found: Holy Radiance, know = True
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Beacon of Light, Id found: 53563, Name found: Beacon of Light, NameInGame found: Beacon of Light, know = True
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Seal of Insight, Id found: 20165, Name found: Seal of Insight, NameInGame found: Seal of Insight, know = True
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Light, Id found: 82326, Name found: Holy Light, NameInGame found: Holy Light, know = True
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Flash of Light, Id found: 19750, Name found: Flash of Light, NameInGame found: Flash of Light, know = True
18:03:12 - [BG] Started
18:03:12 - [WhisperScreenshot] Loadded.
18:03:12 - CTM enabled.
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Prism, Id found: 121552, Name found: Holy Prism, NameInGame found: Holy Prism, know = False
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Lay on Hands, Id found: 633, Name found: Lay on Hands, NameInGame found: Lay on Hands, know = True
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Light of Dawn, Id found: 85222, Name found: Light of Dawn, NameInGame found: Light of Dawn, know = True
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Redemption, Id found: 7328, Name found: Redemption, NameInGame found: Redemption, know = True
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Cleanse, Id found: 4987, Name found: Cleanse, NameInGame found: Cleanse, know = True
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Sacred Shield, Id found: 148039, Name found: Sacred Shield, NameInGame found: Sacred Shield, know = True
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Avenging Wrath, Id found: 31842, Name found: Avenging Wrath, NameInGame found: Avenging Wrath, know = True
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Rebuke, Id found: 96231, Name found: Rebuke, NameInGame found: Rebuke, know = True
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Hammer of Justice, Id found: 853, Name found: Hammer of Justice, NameInGame found: Hammer of Justice, know = True
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Blessing of Kings, Id found: 20217, Name found: Blessing of Kings, NameInGame found: Blessing of Kings, know = True
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Blessing of Might, Id found: 19740, Name found: Blessing of Might, NameInGame found: Blessing of Might, know = True
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Judgment, Id found: 20271, Name found: Judgment, NameInGame found: Judgment, know = True
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Crusader Strike, Id found: 35395, Name found: Crusader Strike, NameInGame found: Crusader Strike, know = True
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Hammer of Wrath, Id found: 24275, Name found: Hammer of Wrath, NameInGame found: Hammer of Wrath, know = True
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Denounce, Id found: 2812, Name found: Denounce, NameInGame found: Denounce, know = True
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Devotion Aura, Id found: 31821, Name found: Devotion Aura, NameInGame found: Devotion Aura, know = True
[D] 18:03:12 - [Spell] spellName=Divine Shield, Id found: 642, Name found: Divine Shield, NameInGame found: Divine Shield, know = True
[F] 18:03:12 - 'Holy Pala' Started
[F] 18:03:22 - Stop 'Holy Pala'
[F] 18:03:22 - 'Holy Pala' Stopped
18:03:22 - CTM disabled.
18:03:22 - [WhisperScreenshot] Disposed.
18:03:22 - [BG] Stopped
18:03:22 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:09s
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)
Honor/HR: 0 (0)
Apexis Crystal/HR: 0 (0)

[F] 18:03:23 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\FightClass\[Cindarella]-Holy Pala.cs
[F] 18:04:56 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\FightClass\[Cindarella]-Holy Pala.cs
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Shock, Id found: 20473, Name found: Holy Shock, NameInGame found: Holy Shock, know = True
[N] 18:04:57 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\NetherstormBG\NetherstormBG_29_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:04:57 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\NetherstormBG\NetherstormBG_28_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:04:57 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\NetherstormBG\NetherstormBG_29_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:04:57 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\NetherstormBG\NetherstormBG_28_26.mesh.gz
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Word of Glory, Id found: 85673, Name found: Word of Glory, NameInGame found: Word of Glory, know = True
[N] 18:04:57 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\NetherstormBG\NetherstormBG_29_28.mesh.gz
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Radiance, Id found: 82327, Name found: Holy Radiance, NameInGame found: Holy Radiance, know = True
[N] 18:04:57 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\NetherstormBG\NetherstormBG_28_28.mesh.gz
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Beacon of Light, Id found: 53563, Name found: Beacon of Light, NameInGame found: Beacon of Light, know = True
[N] 18:04:57 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: NetherstormBG - -1596.196;1245.511;-2518.864 - -1571.171;1159.721;-2219.84
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Seal of Insight, Id found: 20165, Name found: Seal of Insight, NameInGame found: Seal of Insight, know = True
[N] 18:04:57 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\NetherstormBG\NetherstormBG_30_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:04:57 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\NetherstormBG\NetherstormBG_30_28.mesh.gz
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Light, Id found: 82326, Name found: Holy Light, NameInGame found: Holy Light, know = True
[N] 18:04:57 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\NetherstormBG\NetherstormBG_29_29.mesh.gz
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Flash of Light, Id found: 19750, Name found: Flash of Light, NameInGame found: Flash of Light, know = True
[N] 18:04:57 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\NetherstormBG\NetherstormBG_28_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:04:57 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\NetherstormBG\NetherstormBG_27_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:04:57 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\NetherstormBG\NetherstormBG_27_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:04:57 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: NetherstormBG - -1571.171;1159.721;-2219.84 - -1591.298;1232.426;-2494.035
[N] 18:04:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7
18:04:57 - [BG] Follow player Zelty
[D] 18:04:57 - [Mount] No aquatic mount selected.
18:04:57 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Black War Ram
18:04:57 - [BG] Started
18:04:57 - [WhisperScreenshot] Loadded.
18:04:57 - CTM enabled.
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Prism, Id found: 121552, Name found: Holy Prism, NameInGame found: Holy Prism, know = False
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Lay on Hands, Id found: 633, Name found: Lay on Hands, NameInGame found: Lay on Hands, know = True
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Light of Dawn, Id found: 85222, Name found: Light of Dawn, NameInGame found: Light of Dawn, know = True
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Redemption, Id found: 7328, Name found: Redemption, NameInGame found: Redemption, know = True
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Cleanse, Id found: 4987, Name found: Cleanse, NameInGame found: Cleanse, know = True
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Sacred Shield, Id found: 148039, Name found: Sacred Shield, NameInGame found: Sacred Shield, know = True
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Avenging Wrath, Id found: 31842, Name found: Avenging Wrath, NameInGame found: Avenging Wrath, know = True
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Rebuke, Id found: 96231, Name found: Rebuke, NameInGame found: Rebuke, know = True
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Hammer of Justice, Id found: 853, Name found: Hammer of Justice, NameInGame found: Hammer of Justice, know = True
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Blessing of Kings, Id found: 20217, Name found: Blessing of Kings, NameInGame found: Blessing of Kings, know = True
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Blessing of Might, Id found: 19740, Name found: Blessing of Might, NameInGame found: Blessing of Might, know = True
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Judgment, Id found: 20271, Name found: Judgment, NameInGame found: Judgment, know = True
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Crusader Strike, Id found: 35395, Name found: Crusader Strike, NameInGame found: Crusader Strike, know = True
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Hammer of Wrath, Id found: 24275, Name found: Hammer of Wrath, NameInGame found: Hammer of Wrath, know = True
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Denounce, Id found: 2812, Name found: Denounce, NameInGame found: Denounce, know = True
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Devotion Aura, Id found: 31821, Name found: Devotion Aura, NameInGame found: Devotion Aura, know = True
[D] 18:04:57 - [Spell] spellName=Divine Shield, Id found: 642, Name found: Divine Shield, NameInGame found: Divine Shield, know = True
[F] 18:04:57 - 'Holy Pala' Started
[N] 18:05:04 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 18:05:04 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 18:05:04 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 18:05:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7
18:05:19 - [Fight] Attack player Nargarot (lvl 100)
[N] 18:05:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8
18:05:22 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 18:05:23 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[D] 18:05:23 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 18:05:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
18:05:23 - [Fight] Attack player Nargarot (lvl 100)
[N] 18:05:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
[N] 18:05:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7
[N] 18:05:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 18:05:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
[F] 18:05:30 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:05:32 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[D] 18:05:36 - Danïelle is out of range, lets move to him.
[F] 18:05:39 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:05:40 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:05:43 - [Spell] Cast Holy Radiance (Holy Radiance)
[F] 18:05:44 - [Spell] Cast Divine Shield (Divine Shield)
[F] 18:05:46 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Kings (Blessing of Kings)
[F] 18:05:48 - [Spell] Cast Holy Radiance (Holy Radiance)
[F] 18:05:51 - [Spell] Cast Holy Radiance (Holy Radiance)
[F] 18:05:56 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:05:58 - [Spell] Cast Word of Glory (Word of Glory)
[F] 18:05:59 - [Spell] Cast Holy Radiance (Holy Radiance)
[F] 18:06:01 - [Spell] Cast Holy Radiance (Holy Radiance)
[F] 18:06:05 - [Spell] Cast Holy Radiance (Holy Radiance)
[F] 18:06:08 - [Spell] Cast Holy Radiance (Holy Radiance)
[F] 18:06:14 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:06:15 - [Spell] Cast Word of Glory (Word of Glory)
[F] 18:06:18 - [Spell] Cast Holy Radiance (Holy Radiance)
[F] 18:06:20 - [Spell] Cast Holy Radiance (Holy Radiance)
[N] 18:06:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
18:06:22 - [Fight] Attack player Khronikc (lvl 100)
[F] 18:06:22 - [Spell] Cast Holy Radiance (Holy Radiance)
[F] 18:06:24 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:06:27 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:06:27 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 18:06:27 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 18:06:27 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 18:06:32 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:06:38 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:06:44 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:06:50 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:06:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
18:06:53 - [Fight] Attack player Xardamae (lvl 100)
[D] 18:06:54 - Zelty is out of range, lets move to him.
[F] 18:06:57 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:07:02 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:07:07 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:07:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:07:10 - [BG] Follow player Saydiee
[N] 18:07:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11
18:07:12 - [BG] Follow player Silentfox
18:07:12 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Black War Ram
[F] 18:07:13 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
18:07:17 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Black War Ram
[F] 18:07:18 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:07:18 - Stop 'Holy Pala'
[F] 18:07:18 - 'Holy Pala' Stopped
18:07:18 - CTM disabled.
18:07:18 - [WhisperScreenshot] Disposed.
18:07:18 - [BG] Stopped
18:07:19 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:02m:21s
Kills: 3 (76/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)
Honor/HR: 434 (17)
Apexis Crystal/HR: 0 (0)

[F] 18:08:16 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Battlegrounder ; CustomClass = ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = True ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Black War Ram ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Golden Cloud Serpent ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; BlackListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; ListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = True ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1.7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; NpcScan = True ;
[D] 18:08:16 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 18:08:16 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Battlegrounder ; CustomClass = [Cindarella]-Holy Pala.cs ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = True ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Black War Ram ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Golden Cloud Serpent ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; BlackListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; ListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = True ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1.7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; NpcScan = True ;
[D] 18:08:16 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 18:08:17 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Battlegrounder ; CustomClass = ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = True ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Black War Ram ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Golden Cloud Serpent ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; BlackListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; ListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = True ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1.7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; NpcScan = True ;
[D] 18:08:17 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 18:08:17 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Battlegrounder ; CustomClass = [Cindarella]-Holy Pala.cs ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = True ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Black War Ram ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Golden Cloud Serpent ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; BlackListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; ListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = True ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1.7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; NpcScan = True ;
[D] 18:08:17 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 18:08:18 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Battlegrounder ; CustomClass = ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = True ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Black War Ram ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Golden Cloud Serpent ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; BlackListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; ListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = True ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1.7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; NpcScan = True ;
[D] 18:08:18 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 18:08:18 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Battlegrounder ; CustomClass = [Cindarella]-Holy Pala.cs ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = True ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Black War Ram ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Golden Cloud Serpent ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; BlackListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; ListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = True ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1.7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; NpcScan = True ;
[D] 18:08:18 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 18:08:19 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\FightClass\[Cindarella]-Holy Pala.cs
[F] 18:09:27 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\FightClass\[Cindarella]-Holy Pala.cs
[N] 18:09:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5
18:09:27 - [BG] Follow player Khairo
[D] 18:09:27 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Shock, Id found: 20473, Name found: Holy Shock, NameInGame found: Holy Shock, know = True
[D] 18:09:27 - [Spell] spellName=Word of Glory, Id found: 85673, Name found: Word of Glory, NameInGame found: Word of Glory, know = True
[D] 18:09:27 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Radiance, Id found: 82327, Name found: Holy Radiance, NameInGame found: Holy Radiance, know = True
[D] 18:09:27 - [Spell] spellName=Beacon of Light, Id found: 53563, Name found: Beacon of Light, NameInGame found: Beacon of Light, know = True
[D] 18:09:27 - [Spell] spellName=Seal of Insight, Id found: 20165, Name found: Seal of Insight, NameInGame found: Seal of Insight, know = True
[D] 18:09:27 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Light, Id found: 82326, Name found: Holy Light, NameInGame found: Holy Light, know = True
[D] 18:09:27 - [Spell] spellName=Flash of Light, Id found: 19750, Name found: Flash of Light, NameInGame found: Flash of Light, know = True
18:09:28 - [BG] Started
18:09:28 - [WhisperScreenshot] Loadded.
18:09:28 - CTM enabled.
[D] 18:09:28 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Prism, Id found: 121552, Name found: Holy Prism, NameInGame found: Holy Prism, know = False
[D] 18:09:28 - [Spell] spellName=Lay on Hands, Id found: 633, Name found: Lay on Hands, NameInGame found: Lay on Hands, know = True
[D] 18:09:28 - [Spell] spellName=Light of Dawn, Id found: 85222, Name found: Light of Dawn, NameInGame found: Light of Dawn, know = True
[D] 18:09:28 - [Spell] spellName=Redemption, Id found: 7328, Name found: Redemption, NameInGame found: Redemption, know = True
[D] 18:09:28 - [Spell] spellName=Cleanse, Id found: 4987, Name found: Cleanse, NameInGame found: Cleanse, know = True
[D] 18:09:28 - [Spell] spellName=Sacred Shield, Id found: 148039, Name found: Sacred Shield, NameInGame found: Sacred Shield, know = True
[D] 18:09:28 - [Spell] spellName=Avenging Wrath, Id found: 31842, Name found: Avenging Wrath, NameInGame found: Avenging Wrath, know = True
[D] 18:09:28 - [Spell] spellName=Rebuke, Id found: 96231, Name found: Rebuke, NameInGame found: Rebuke, know = True
[D] 18:09:28 - [Spell] spellName=Hammer of Justice, Id found: 853, Name found: Hammer of Justice, NameInGame found: Hammer of Justice, know = True
[D] 18:09:28 - [Spell] spellName=Blessing of Kings, Id found: 20217, Name found: Blessing of Kings, NameInGame found: Blessing of Kings, know = True
[D] 18:09:28 - [Spell] spellName=Blessing of Might, Id found: 19740, Name found: Blessing of Might, NameInGame found: Blessing of Might, know = True
[D] 18:09:28 - [Spell] spellName=Judgment, Id found: 20271, Name found: Judgment, NameInGame found: Judgment, know = True
[D] 18:09:28 - [Spell] spellName=Crusader Strike, Id found: 35395, Name found: Crusader Strike, NameInGame found: Crusader Strike, know = True
[D] 18:09:28 - [Spell] spellName=Hammer of Wrath, Id found: 24275, Name found: Hammer of Wrath, NameInGame found: Hammer of Wrath, know = True
[D] 18:09:28 - [Spell] spellName=Denounce, Id found: 2812, Name found: Denounce, NameInGame found: Denounce, know = True
[D] 18:09:28 - [Spell] spellName=Devotion Aura, Id found: 31821, Name found: Devotion Aura, NameInGame found: Devotion Aura, know = True
[D] 18:09:28 - [Spell] spellName=Divine Shield, Id found: 642, Name found: Divine Shield, NameInGame found: Divine Shield, know = True
[F] 18:09:28 - 'Holy Pala' Started
[F] 18:09:28 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:09:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
18:09:29 - [BG] Follow player Giliandria
18:09:29 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Black War Ram
[F] 18:09:30 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[N] 18:09:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
18:09:30 - [BG] Follow player Giliandria
[F] 18:09:32 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[N] 18:09:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
18:09:32 - [BG] Follow player Danïelle
[F] 18:09:32 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[N] 18:09:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
18:09:33 - [BG] Follow player Danïelle
[F] 18:09:33 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:09:34 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:09:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10
18:09:37 - [BG] Follow player Giliandria
18:09:37 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Black War Ram
[D] 18:09:37 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 18:09:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
18:09:37 - [BG] Follow player Gizzymoe
18:09:38 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Black War Ram
[F] 18:09:38 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:09:39 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:09:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
18:09:41 - [BG] Follow player Giliandria
18:09:41 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Black War Ram
[F] 18:09:41 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[N] 18:09:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
18:09:42 - [BG] Follow player Giliandria
18:09:42 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Goldfish (lvl 100)
[F] 18:09:42 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:09:43 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 18:09:43 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 18:09:44 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:09:45 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:09:45 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:09:46 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:09:46 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:09:47 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:09:48 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:09:49 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:09:50 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:09:55 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:09:56 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:09:57 - [Spell] Cast Word of Glory (Word of Glory)
[D] 18:10:00 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[D] 18:10:01 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
18:10:03 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 18:10:04 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[N] 18:10:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
18:10:30 - [BG] Follow player Notproblem
[F] 18:10:30 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
18:10:30 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Black War Ram
[N] 18:10:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13
18:10:43 - [BG] Follow player Kruze
[D] 18:10:44 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 18:10:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
18:10:49 - [Fight] Attack player Khronikc (lvl 100)
[N] 18:10:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
[N] 18:10:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:10:53 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 18:10:53 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:11:04 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:11:05 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:11:08 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:11:09 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:11:11 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:11:17 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[D] 18:11:21 - Notproblem is out of range, lets move to him.
[F] 18:11:23 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:11:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:11:26 - [Fight] Attack player Xardamae (lvl 100)
[D] 18:11:28 - Aryn is out of range, lets move to him.
[F] 18:11:29 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:11:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:11:33 - [Fight] Attack player Left (lvl 100)
[N] 18:11:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 18:11:34 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[D] 18:11:38 - Notproblem is out of range, lets move to him.
[F] 18:11:40 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:11:46 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:11:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5
[F] 18:11:51 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:11:54 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[N] 18:11:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:11:55 - [Fight] Attack player Nargarot (lvl 100)
[F] 18:11:56 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:11:57 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:11:59 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:12:01 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:12:03 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:12:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:12:04 - [BG] Follow player Danïelle
[N] 18:12:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
18:12:04 - [Fight] Attack player Khronikc (lvl 100)
[N] 18:12:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4
[D] 18:12:06 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[N] 18:12:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4
[D] 18:12:08 - Giliandria is out of range, lets move to him.
[D] 18:12:08 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 18:12:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
18:12:08 - [Fight] Attack player Khronikc (lvl 100)
[N] 18:12:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7
[N] 18:12:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[D] 18:12:12 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 18:12:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
18:12:12 - [Fight] Attack player Khronikc (lvl 100)
[N] 18:12:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
[N] 18:12:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
[D] 18:12:15 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 18:12:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
18:12:17 - [Fight] Attack player Devãstator (lvl 100)
[N] 18:12:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
[F] 18:12:23 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:12:25 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:12:28 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:12:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 18:12:33 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:12:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 18:12:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
[N] 18:12:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:12:37 - [Fight] Attack player Milidia (lvl 100)
[N] 18:12:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 18:12:38 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:12:44 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:12:49 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:12:55 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:13:00 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:13:00 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:13:01 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:13:03 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:13:05 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:13:07 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:13:08 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:13:10 - [Spell] Cast Light of Dawn (Light of Dawn)
[F] 18:13:11 - [Spell] Cast Divine Shield (Divine Shield)
[F] 18:13:13 - [Spell] Cast Judgment (Judgment)
[F] 18:13:14 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Kings (Blessing of Kings)
[F] 18:13:16 - [Spell] Cast Denounce (Denounce)
[F] 18:13:17 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[D] 18:13:19 - Notproblem is out of range, lets move to him.
[F] 18:13:22 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:13:24 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:13:26 - [Spell] Cast Light of Dawn (Light of Dawn)
[F] 18:13:27 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:13:29 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:13:29 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:13:30 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:13:31 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:13:32 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:13:33 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:13:36 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:13:39 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:13:44 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:13:45 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:13:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
18:13:47 - [Fight] Attack player Chiico (lvl 100)
[N] 18:13:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
[F] 18:13:49 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:13:54 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:13:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
18:13:56 - [Fight] Attack player Left (lvl 100)
[F] 18:13:58 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:14:00 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[D] 18:14:05 - Notproblem is out of range, lets move to him.
[F] 18:14:05 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[D] 18:14:08 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 18:14:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:14:08 - [Fight] Attack player Left (lvl 100)
[N] 18:14:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 18:14:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:14:10 - [Fight] Attack player Xardamae (lvl 100)
[N] 18:14:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 18:14:11 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:14:16 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:14:21 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:14:26 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:14:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:14:28 - [Fight] Attack player Chiico (lvl 100)
[F] 18:14:31 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:14:34 - [Spell] Cast Word of Glory (Word of Glory)
[F] 18:14:35 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:14:36 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[N] 18:14:37 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 18:14:37 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 18:14:37 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 18:14:38 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:14:39 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:14:41 - [Spell] Cast Light of Dawn (Light of Dawn)
[F] 18:14:42 - [Spell] Cast Light of Dawn (Light of Dawn)
[F] 18:14:43 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:14:45 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:14:47 - [Spell] Cast Light of Dawn (Light of Dawn)
[F] 18:14:48 - [Spell] Cast Light of Dawn (Light of Dawn)
[F] 18:14:49 - [Spell] Cast Judgment (Judgment)
[F] 18:14:50 - [Spell] Cast Light of Dawn (Light of Dawn)
[F] 18:14:52 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:14:53 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:14:55 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:14:57 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:14:58 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:14:59 - [Spell] Cast Judgment (Judgment)
[F] 18:15:01 - [Spell] Cast Hammer of Wrath (Hammer of Wrath)
[F] 18:15:01 - [Spell] Cast Word of Glory (Word of Glory)
[F] 18:15:03 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:15:05 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 18:15:06 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 18:15:07 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 18:15:08 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 18:15:10 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:15:12 - [Spell] Cast Word of Glory (Word of Glory)
[N] 18:15:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:15:12 - [Fight] Attack player Arâwn (lvl 100)
[F] 18:15:12 - [Spell] Cast Word of Glory (Word of Glory)
[F] 18:15:16 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:15:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:15:20 - [BG] Follow player Notproblem
[F] 18:15:21 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:15:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 18
18:15:22 - [BG] Follow player Kruze
18:15:22 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Black War Ram
[F] 18:15:26 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[D] 18:15:31 - Silentfox is out of range, lets move to him.
[N] 18:15:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
18:15:31 - [Fight] Attack player Streeturchin (lvl 100)
[N] 18:15:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
[F] 18:15:32 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:15:33 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:15:35 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:15:37 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[N] 18:15:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:15:38 - [BG] Follow player Silentfox
[F] 18:15:39 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:15:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:15:40 - [BG] Follow player Silentfox
[F] 18:15:40 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[N] 18:15:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:15:40 - [BG] Follow player Wildson
[F] 18:15:41 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[N] 18:15:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:15:42 - [Fight] Attack player Streeturchin (lvl 100)
[N] 18:15:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 18:15:44 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:15:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7
[D] 18:15:49 - Notproblem is out of range, lets move to him.
[D] 18:15:49 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 18:15:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:15:49 - [Fight] Attack player Milidia (lvl 100)
[N] 18:15:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
18:15:50 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Black War Ram
[D] 18:15:53 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 18:15:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14
18:15:53 - [Fight] Attack player Milidia (lvl 100)
[D] 18:15:53 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[N] 18:15:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13
18:15:53 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Black War Ram
[D] 18:15:54 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[D] 18:15:55 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[N] 18:15:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12
18:15:57 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Black War Ram
[D] 18:15:57 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[D] 18:16:01 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[D] 18:16:02 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[D] 18:16:06 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 18:16:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
18:16:06 - [Fight] Attack player Milidia (lvl 100)
[N] 18:16:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[D] 18:16:06 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[D] 18:16:07 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: Jump
18:16:11 - CTM disabled.
[N] 18:16:11 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[D] 18:16:11 - [Fight] Fight stopped
[N] 18:16:11 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
18:16:11 - [Pause] started
[N] 18:16:11 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:11 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:11 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:11 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:11 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:11 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:11 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:11 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:11 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:11 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:11 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:11 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:11 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:11 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:11 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:12 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:12 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:12 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:12 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:12 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:12 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:12 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:12 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:12 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:12 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:12 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:12 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:12 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:12 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:12 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:12 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:12 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:12 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:12 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:12 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:13 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:13 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:13 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:13 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:13 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:13 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:13 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:13 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:13 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:13 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:13 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:13 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:13 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:13 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:13 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:13 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:13 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:13 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:13 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:13 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:14 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:14 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:14 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:14 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:14 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:14 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:14 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:14 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:14 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:14 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:14 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:14 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:14 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:14 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:14 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:14 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:14 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:14 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:14 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:14 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:15 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:15 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:15 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:15 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:15 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:15 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:15 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:15 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:15 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:15 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:15 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:15 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:15 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:15 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:15 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:15 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:15 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:15 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:15 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:15 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:16 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:16 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:16 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:16 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:16 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:16 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:16 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:16 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:16 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:16 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:16 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:16 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:16 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:16 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:16 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:16 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:16 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:16 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:16 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:16 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:17 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:17 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:17 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:17 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:17 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:17 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:17 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:17 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:17 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:17 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:17 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:17 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:17 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:17 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:17 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:17 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:17 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:17 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:17 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:17 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:18 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:18 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:18 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:18 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:18 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:18 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:18 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:18 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:18 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:18 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:18 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:18 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:18 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:18 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:18 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:18 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:18 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:18 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:18 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:18 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:16:19 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
18:16:19 - [Pause] Stoped
18:16:19 - CTM enabled.
[N] 18:16:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4
18:16:19 - [Fight] Attack player Streeturchin (lvl 100)
[N] 18:16:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4
[N] 18:16:19 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 18:16:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4
[D] 18:16:20 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[D] 18:16:21 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[D] 18:16:22 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[N] 18:16:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7
[D] 18:16:23 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[D] 18:16:23 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 18:16:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12
18:16:23 - [Fight] Attack player Streeturchin (lvl 100)
[N] 18:16:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13
18:16:23 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Black War Ram
[D] 18:16:23 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[D] 18:16:24 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[D] 18:16:25 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[N] 18:16:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7
18:16:31 - [Fight] Attack player Devãstator (lvl 100)
[N] 18:16:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7
[D] 18:16:31 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[D] 18:16:32 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[D] 18:16:35 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 18:16:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7
[D] 18:16:37 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 18:16:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5
18:16:37 - [Fight] Attack player Streeturchin (lvl 100)
[N] 18:16:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5
[N] 18:16:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4
[F] 18:16:39 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:16:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:16:44 - [BG] Follow player Danïelle
[F] 18:16:44 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:16:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:16:45 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Black War Ram
18:16:47 - [BG] Follow player Notproblem
[N] 18:16:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:16:48 - [BG] Follow player Khairo
[N] 18:16:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:16:52 - [BG] Follow player Gizzymoe
18:17:00 - CTM disabled.
18:17:00 - [Pause] started
18:17:04 - CTM enabled.
18:17:04 - [Pause] Stoped
[N] 18:17:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11
18:17:04 - [BG] Follow player Giliandria
[N] 18:17:06 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
18:17:06 - CTM disabled.
18:17:06 - [Pause] started
18:17:09 - CTM enabled.
18:17:09 - [Pause] Stoped
[N] 18:17:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11
18:17:09 - [BG] Follow player Khairo
[N] 18:17:09 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 18:17:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10
18:17:10 - CTM disabled.
18:17:11 - [Pause] started
[F] 18:17:17 - Stop 'Holy Pala'
[F] 18:17:17 - 'Holy Pala' Stopped
18:17:17 - CTM enabled.
18:17:18 - CTM disabled.
18:17:18 - [WhisperScreenshot] Disposed.
18:17:18 - [BG] Stopped
18:17:18 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:07m:50s
Kills: 13 (99/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 06 S 43 C (0 G 00 S 84 C)
Honor/HR: 3408 (445)
Apexis Crystal/HR: 0 (0)

[F] 18:17:23 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\FightClass\[Cindarella]-Holy Pala.cs
[F] 18:18:08 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\FightClass\[Cindarella]-Holy Pala.cs
[N] 18:18:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
18:18:08 - [Fight] Attack player Chiico (lvl 100)
[D] 18:18:08 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Shock, Id found: 20473, Name found: Holy Shock, NameInGame found: Holy Shock, know = True
[D] 18:18:08 - [Spell] spellName=Word of Glory, Id found: 85673, Name found: Word of Glory, NameInGame found: Word of Glory, know = True
[D] 18:18:08 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Radiance, Id found: 82327, Name found: Holy Radiance, NameInGame found: Holy Radiance, know = True
[D] 18:18:08 - [Spell] spellName=Beacon of Light, Id found: 53563, Name found: Beacon of Light, NameInGame found: Beacon of Light, know = True
[N] 18:18:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
[D] 18:18:08 - [Spell] spellName=Seal of Insight, Id found: 20165, Name found: Seal of Insight, NameInGame found: Seal of Insight, know = True
[D] 18:18:08 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Light, Id found: 82326, Name found: Holy Light, NameInGame found: Holy Light, know = True
[D] 18:18:08 - [Spell] spellName=Flash of Light, Id found: 19750, Name found: Flash of Light, NameInGame found: Flash of Light, know = True
18:18:08 - [BG] Started
18:18:08 - [WhisperScreenshot] Loadded.
18:18:08 - CTM enabled.
[D] 18:18:08 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Prism, Id found: 121552, Name found: Holy Prism, NameInGame found: Holy Prism, know = False
[D] 18:18:08 - [Spell] spellName=Lay on Hands, Id found: 633, Name found: Lay on Hands, NameInGame found: Lay on Hands, know = True
[D] 18:18:09 - [Spell] spellName=Light of Dawn, Id found: 85222, Name found: Light of Dawn, NameInGame found: Light of Dawn, know = True
[D] 18:18:09 - [Spell] spellName=Redemption, Id found: 7328, Name found: Redemption, NameInGame found: Redemption, know = True
[D] 18:18:09 - [Spell] spellName=Cleanse, Id found: 4987, Name found: Cleanse, NameInGame found: Cleanse, know = True
[D] 18:18:09 - [Spell] spellName=Sacred Shield, Id found: 148039, Name found: Sacred Shield, NameInGame found: Sacred Shield, know = True
[D] 18:18:09 - [Spell] spellName=Avenging Wrath, Id found: 31842, Name found: Avenging Wrath, NameInGame found: Avenging Wrath, know = True
[D] 18:18:09 - [Spell] spellName=Rebuke, Id found: 96231, Name found: Rebuke, NameInGame found: Rebuke, know = True
[D] 18:18:09 - [Spell] spellName=Hammer of Justice, Id found: 853, Name found: Hammer of Justice, NameInGame found: Hammer of Justice, know = True
[D] 18:18:09 - [Spell] spellName=Blessing of Kings, Id found: 20217, Name found: Blessing of Kings, NameInGame found: Blessing of Kings, know = True
[D] 18:18:09 - [Spell] spellName=Blessing of Might, Id found: 19740, Name found: Blessing of Might, NameInGame found: Blessing of Might, know = True
[D] 18:18:09 - [Spell] spellName=Judgment, Id found: 20271, Name found: Judgment, NameInGame found: Judgment, know = True
[D] 18:18:09 - [Spell] spellName=Crusader Strike, Id found: 35395, Name found: Crusader Strike, NameInGame found: Crusader Strike, know = True
[D] 18:18:09 - [Spell] spellName=Hammer of Wrath, Id found: 24275, Name found: Hammer of Wrath, NameInGame found: Hammer of Wrath, know = True
[D] 18:18:09 - [Spell] spellName=Denounce, Id found: 2812, Name found: Denounce, NameInGame found: Denounce, know = True
[D] 18:18:09 - [Spell] spellName=Devotion Aura, Id found: 31821, Name found: Devotion Aura, NameInGame found: Devotion Aura, know = True
[D] 18:18:09 - [Spell] spellName=Divine Shield, Id found: 642, Name found: Divine Shield, NameInGame found: Divine Shield, know = True
[F] 18:18:09 - 'Holy Pala' Started
18:18:10 - CTM disabled.
18:18:10 - [Pause] started
[F] 18:18:39 - Stop 'Holy Pala'
[F] 18:18:39 - 'Holy Pala' Stopped
18:18:39 - CTM enabled.
18:18:39 - CTM disabled.
18:18:39 - [WhisperScreenshot] Disposed.
18:18:39 - [BG] Stopped
18:18:39 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:30s
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 1980 G 00 S 00 C (15 G 40 S 00 C)
Honor/HR: 23014 (179)
Apexis Crystal/HR: 0 (0)

[F] 18:18:40 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\FightClass\[Cindarella]-Holy Pala.cs
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Shock, Id found: 20473, Name found: Holy Shock, NameInGame found: Holy Shock, know = True
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Word of Glory, Id found: 85673, Name found: Word of Glory, NameInGame found: Word of Glory, know = True
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Radiance, Id found: 82327, Name found: Holy Radiance, NameInGame found: Holy Radiance, know = True
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Beacon of Light, Id found: 53563, Name found: Beacon of Light, NameInGame found: Beacon of Light, know = True
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Seal of Insight, Id found: 20165, Name found: Seal of Insight, NameInGame found: Seal of Insight, know = True
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Light, Id found: 82326, Name found: Holy Light, NameInGame found: Holy Light, know = True
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Flash of Light, Id found: 19750, Name found: Flash of Light, NameInGame found: Flash of Light, know = True
[D] 18:18:41 - [Info] Continent change, NetherstormBG to Draenor
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Prism, Id found: 121552, Name found: Holy Prism, NameInGame found: Holy Prism, know = False
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Lay on Hands, Id found: 633, Name found: Lay on Hands, NameInGame found: Lay on Hands, know = True
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Light of Dawn, Id found: 85222, Name found: Light of Dawn, NameInGame found: Light of Dawn, know = True
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Redemption, Id found: 7328, Name found: Redemption, NameInGame found: Redemption, know = True
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Cleanse, Id found: 4987, Name found: Cleanse, NameInGame found: Cleanse, know = True
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Sacred Shield, Id found: 148039, Name found: Sacred Shield, NameInGame found: Sacred Shield, know = True
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Avenging Wrath, Id found: 31842, Name found: Avenging Wrath, NameInGame found: Avenging Wrath, know = True
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Rebuke, Id found: 96231, Name found: Rebuke, NameInGame found: Rebuke, know = True
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Hammer of Justice, Id found: 853, Name found: Hammer of Justice, NameInGame found: Hammer of Justice, know = True
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Blessing of Kings, Id found: 20217, Name found: Blessing of Kings, NameInGame found: Blessing of Kings, know = True
18:18:41 - [BG] Started
18:18:41 - [WhisperScreenshot] Loadded.
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Blessing of Might, Id found: 19740, Name found: Blessing of Might, NameInGame found: Blessing of Might, know = True
18:18:41 - CTM enabled.
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Judgment, Id found: 20271, Name found: Judgment, NameInGame found: Judgment, know = True
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Crusader Strike, Id found: 35395, Name found: Crusader Strike, NameInGame found: Crusader Strike, know = True
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Hammer of Wrath, Id found: 24275, Name found: Hammer of Wrath, NameInGame found: Hammer of Wrath, know = True
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Denounce, Id found: 2812, Name found: Denounce, NameInGame found: Denounce, know = True
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Devotion Aura, Id found: 31821, Name found: Devotion Aura, NameInGame found: Devotion Aura, know = True
[D] 18:18:41 - [Spell] spellName=Divine Shield, Id found: 642, Name found: Divine Shield, NameInGame found: Divine Shield, know = True
[F] 18:18:41 - 'Holy Pala' Started
[F] 18:18:42 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[D] 18:18:42 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 18:18:47 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:18:52 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:18:57 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:19:02 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:19:08 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:19:13 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:19:17 - Stop 'Holy Pala'
18:19:17 - CTM disabled.
18:19:17 - [WhisperScreenshot] Disposed.
18:19:17 - [BG] Stopped
[F] 18:19:17 - 'Holy Pala' Stopped
18:19:17 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:35s
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)
Honor/HR: 0 (0)
Apexis Crystal/HR: 0 (0)

[F] 18:19:18 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\FightClass\[Cindarella]-Holy Pala.cs
[F] 18:19:53 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\FightClass\[Cindarella]-Holy Pala.cs
[D] 18:19:54 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Shock, Id found: 20473, Name found: Holy Shock, NameInGame found: Holy Shock, know = True
[D] 18:19:54 - [Spell] spellName=Word of Glory, Id found: 85673, Name found: Word of Glory, NameInGame found: Word of Glory, know = True
[D] 18:19:54 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Radiance, Id found: 82327, Name found: Holy Radiance, NameInGame found: Holy Radiance, know = True
[D] 18:19:54 - [Spell] spellName=Beacon of Light, Id found: 53563, Name found: Beacon of Light, NameInGame found: Beacon of Light, know = True
[D] 18:19:54 - [Spell] spellName=Seal of Insight, Id found: 20165, Name found: Seal of Insight, NameInGame found: Seal of Insight, know = True
[D] 18:19:54 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Light, Id found: 82326, Name found: Holy Light, NameInGame found: Holy Light, know = True
[D] 18:19:54 - [Spell] spellName=Flash of Light, Id found: 19750, Name found: Flash of Light, NameInGame found: Flash of Light, know = True
18:19:54 - [BG] Started
18:19:54 - [WhisperScreenshot] Loadded.
18:19:54 - CTM enabled.
[D] 18:19:54 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Prism, Id found: 121552, Name found: Holy Prism, NameInGame found: Holy Prism, know = False
[D] 18:19:54 - [Spell] spellName=Lay on Hands, Id found: 633, Name found: Lay on Hands, NameInGame found: Lay on Hands, know = True
[D] 18:19:54 - [Spell] spellName=Light of Dawn, Id found: 85222, Name found: Light of Dawn, NameInGame found: Light of Dawn, know = True
[D] 18:19:54 - [Spell] spellName=Redemption, Id found: 7328, Name found: Redemption, NameInGame found: Redemption, know = True
[D] 18:19:54 - [Spell] spellName=Cleanse, Id found: 4987, Name found: Cleanse, NameInGame found: Cleanse, know = True
[D] 18:19:54 - [Spell] spellName=Sacred Shield, Id found: 148039, Name found: Sacred Shield, NameInGame found: Sacred Shield, know = True
[D] 18:19:54 - [Spell] spellName=Avenging Wrath, Id found: 31842, Name found: Avenging Wrath, NameInGame found: Avenging Wrath, know = True
[D] 18:19:55 - [Spell] spellName=Rebuke, Id found: 96231, Name found: Rebuke, NameInGame found: Rebuke, know = True
[D] 18:19:55 - [Spell] spellName=Hammer of Justice, Id found: 853, Name found: Hammer of Justice, NameInGame found: Hammer of Justice, know = True
[D] 18:19:55 - [Spell] spellName=Blessing of Kings, Id found: 20217, Name found: Blessing of Kings, NameInGame found: Blessing of Kings, know = True
[D] 18:19:55 - [Spell] spellName=Blessing of Might, Id found: 19740, Name found: Blessing of Might, NameInGame found: Blessing of Might, know = True
[D] 18:19:55 - [Spell] spellName=Judgment, Id found: 20271, Name found: Judgment, NameInGame found: Judgment, know = True
[D] 18:19:55 - [Spell] spellName=Crusader Strike, Id found: 35395, Name found: Crusader Strike, NameInGame found: Crusader Strike, know = True
[D] 18:19:55 - [Spell] spellName=Hammer of Wrath, Id found: 24275, Name found: Hammer of Wrath, NameInGame found: Hammer of Wrath, know = True
[D] 18:19:55 - [Spell] spellName=Denounce, Id found: 2812, Name found: Denounce, NameInGame found: Denounce, know = True
[D] 18:19:55 - [Spell] spellName=Devotion Aura, Id found: 31821, Name found: Devotion Aura, NameInGame found: Devotion Aura, know = True
[D] 18:19:55 - [Spell] spellName=Divine Shield, Id found: 642, Name found: Divine Shield, NameInGame found: Divine Shield, know = True
[F] 18:19:55 - 'Holy Pala' Started
[D] 18:25:59 - [Info] Continent change, Draenor to STV_Mine_BG
[D] 18:26:00 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[N] 18:26:01 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\STV_Mine_BG\STV_Mine_BG_31_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:26:01 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\STV_Mine_BG\STV_Mine_BG_32_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:26:01 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\STV_Mine_BG\STV_Mine_BG_31_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:26:01 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\STV_Mine_BG\STV_Mine_BG_32_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:26:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:26:01 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Black War Ram
[F] 18:26:01 - [Spell] Cast Beacon of Light (Beacon of Light)
18:26:03 - [BG] Follow player Lawngnöme
[N] 18:26:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:26:27 - [Mount] Dismount
18:26:28 - [BG] Follow player Sharkhunter
[N] 18:26:29 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 18:26:29 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 18:26:29 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 18:26:34 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\STV_Mine_BG\STV_Mine_BG_31_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:26:34 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\STV_Mine_BG\STV_Mine_BG_32_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:26:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:26:34 - [Fight] Attack player Khaldrogol (lvl 100)
[N] 18:26:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:26:35 - [Fight] Attack player Khaldrogol (lvl 100)
[N] 18:26:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:26:35 - [Fight] Attack player Khaldrogol (lvl 100)
[F] 18:26:36 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:26:37 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:26:39 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 18:26:41 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 18:26:44 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:26:47 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:26:49 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[D] 18:26:50 - Corytech is out of range, lets move to him.
[F] 18:26:51 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:26:52 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:26:54 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:26:55 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[D] 18:26:56 - Corytech is out of range, lets move to him.
[F] 18:26:58 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:26:59 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:27:01 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:27:02 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:27:04 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:27:05 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:27:07 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:27:08 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[D] 18:27:09 - Sharkhunter is out of range, lets move to him.
[N] 18:27:20 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:20 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:20 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:20 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:20 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:20 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:20 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:20 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:20 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:20 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:20 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:20 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:20 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:20 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:20 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:20 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:20 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:20 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:20 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:20 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:21 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:21 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:21 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:21 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:21 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:21 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:21 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:21 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:21 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:21 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:21 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:21 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:21 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:21 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:21 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:21 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:21 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:21 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:21 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:21 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:22 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:22 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:22 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:22 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:22 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:22 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:22 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:22 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:22 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:22 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:22 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:22 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:22 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:22 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:22 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:22 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:22 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:22 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:22 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:22 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:23 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:23 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:23 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:23 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:23 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:23 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:23 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:23 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:23 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:23 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:23 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:23 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:23 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:23 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:23 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:23 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:23 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:23 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:23 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:23 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:24 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:24 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:24 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:24 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:24 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:24 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:24 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:24 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:24 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:24 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:24 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:24 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:24 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:24 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:24 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:24 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:24 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:24 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:24 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:24 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:25 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:25 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:25 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:25 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:25 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:25 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:25 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:25 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:25 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:25 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:25 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:25 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:25 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:25 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:25 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:25 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:25 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:25 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:25 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:25 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:26 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:26 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:26 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:26 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:26 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:26 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:26 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:26 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:26 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:26 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:26 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:26 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:26 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:26 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:26 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:26 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:26 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:26 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:26 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:26 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:27 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:27 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:27 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:27 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:27 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:27 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:27 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:27 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:27 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:27 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:27 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:27 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:27 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:27 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:27 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:27 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:27 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:27 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:27 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:27 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:28 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:28 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:28 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:28 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:28 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:28 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:28 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:28 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:28 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:28 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:28 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:28 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:28 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:28 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:28 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:28 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:28 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:28 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:28 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:28 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:29 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:29 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:29 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:29 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:29 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:29 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:29 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:29 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:29 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:29 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:29 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:29 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:29 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:29 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:29 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:29 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:29 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:29 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:29 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:29 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:30 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:30 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:30 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:30 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:30 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:30 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:30 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:30 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:30 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:30 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:30 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:30 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:30 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:30 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:30 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:30 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:30 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:30 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:30 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:30 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:31 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:31 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:31 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:31 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:31 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:31 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:31 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:31 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:31 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:31 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:31 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:31 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:31 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:31 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:31 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:31 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:31 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:31 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:31 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:31 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:32 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:32 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:32 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:32 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:32 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:32 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:32 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:32 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:32 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:32 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:32 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:32 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:32 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:32 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:32 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:32 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:32 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:32 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:32 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:32 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:27:33 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[F] 18:27:33 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:27:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:27:39 - [Fight] Attack player Khaldrogol (lvl 100)
[D] 18:27:42 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
18:27:42 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Saintnig (lvl 100)
[F] 18:27:42 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:27:43 - [Spell] Cast Word of Glory (Word of Glory)
[F] 18:27:44 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:27:45 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 18:27:45 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 18:27:46 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 18:27:47 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:27:47 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
18:27:47 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 18:27:58 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:27:59 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\STV_Mine_BG\STV_Mine_BG_30_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:27:59 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\STV_Mine_BG\STV_Mine_BG_30_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:27:59 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -430.4444;353.4819;-815.8757
[N] 18:27:59 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\STV_Mine_BG\STV_Mine_BG_30_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:27:59 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -430.4444;353.4819;-815.8757 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:27:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15
[N] 18:27:59 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -235.0231;320.7111;-723.2971
[N] 18:27:59 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -235.0231;320.7111;-723.2971 - -145.4035;329.2;-823.5789
[N] 18:27:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8
[N] 18:27:59 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -338.0558;347.0152;-556.8145
[N] 18:27:59 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -338.0558;347.0152;-556.8145 - -145.4035;329.2;-823.5789
[N] 18:27:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14
[N] 18:27:59 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -235.0188;320.7086;-723.2558
[N] 18:27:59 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -235.0188;320.7086;-723.2558 - -145.4035;329.2;-823.5789
[N] 18:27:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8
18:27:59 - [BG] Follow player Sharkhunter
18:27:59 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Black War Ram
[N] 18:28:01 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 18:28:01 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -235.0188;320.7086;-723.2558
[N] 18:28:01 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -235.0188;320.7086;-723.2558 - -145.4035;329.2;-823.5789
[N] 18:28:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8
[N] 18:28:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13
18:28:12 - [BG] Follow player Thyraz
[N] 18:28:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:28:14 - [Fight] Attack player Khaldrogol (lvl 100)
18:28:15 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 18:28:16 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:28:17 - [Spell] Cast Sacred Shield (Sacred Shield)
[F] 18:28:19 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 18:28:21 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:28:23 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Kings (Blessing of Kings)
[F] 18:28:25 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 18:28:29 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:28:30 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 18:28:31 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
18:28:31 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 18:28:59 - Stop 'Holy Pala'
[F] 18:28:59 - 'Holy Pala' Stopped
18:28:59 - CTM disabled.
18:28:59 - [WhisperScreenshot] Disposed.
18:28:59 - [BG] Stopped
18:29:00 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:09m:05s
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)
Honor/HR: 66 (10)
Apexis Crystal/HR: 0 (0)

[F] 18:29:00 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\FightClass\[Cindarella]-Holy Pala.cs
[F] 18:29:09 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\FightClass\[Cindarella]-Holy Pala.cs
[N] 18:29:09 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -193.9137;320.5814;-827.2528
[N] 18:29:09 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -193.9137;320.5814;-827.2528 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:29:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
[D] 18:29:09 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Shock, Id found: 20473, Name found: Holy Shock, NameInGame found: Holy Shock, know = True
18:29:09 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Black War Ram
[D] 18:29:09 - [Spell] spellName=Word of Glory, Id found: 85673, Name found: Word of Glory, NameInGame found: Word of Glory, know = True
[D] 18:29:09 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Radiance, Id found: 82327, Name found: Holy Radiance, NameInGame found: Holy Radiance, know = True
[D] 18:29:09 - [Spell] spellName=Beacon of Light, Id found: 53563, Name found: Beacon of Light, NameInGame found: Beacon of Light, know = True
[D] 18:29:09 - [Spell] spellName=Seal of Insight, Id found: 20165, Name found: Seal of Insight, NameInGame found: Seal of Insight, know = True
[D] 18:29:09 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Light, Id found: 82326, Name found: Holy Light, NameInGame found: Holy Light, know = True
[D] 18:29:09 - [Spell] spellName=Flash of Light, Id found: 19750, Name found: Flash of Light, NameInGame found: Flash of Light, know = True
18:29:09 - [BG] Started
18:29:09 - [WhisperScreenshot] Loadded.
18:29:09 - CTM enabled.
[D] 18:29:09 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Prism, Id found: 121552, Name found: Holy Prism, NameInGame found: Holy Prism, know = False
[D] 18:29:09 - [Spell] spellName=Lay on Hands, Id found: 633, Name found: Lay on Hands, NameInGame found: Lay on Hands, know = True
[D] 18:29:09 - [Spell] spellName=Light of Dawn, Id found: 85222, Name found: Light of Dawn, NameInGame found: Light of Dawn, know = True
[D] 18:29:09 - [Spell] spellName=Redemption, Id found: 7328, Name found: Redemption, NameInGame found: Redemption, know = True
[D] 18:29:09 - [Spell] spellName=Cleanse, Id found: 4987, Name found: Cleanse, NameInGame found: Cleanse, know = True
[D] 18:29:09 - [Spell] spellName=Sacred Shield, Id found: 148039, Name found: Sacred Shield, NameInGame found: Sacred Shield, know = True
[D] 18:29:09 - [Spell] spellName=Avenging Wrath, Id found: 31842, Name found: Avenging Wrath, NameInGame found: Avenging Wrath, know = True
[D] 18:29:09 - [Spell] spellName=Rebuke, Id found: 96231, Name found: Rebuke, NameInGame found: Rebuke, know = True
[D] 18:29:09 - [Spell] spellName=Hammer of Justice, Id found: 853, Name found: Hammer of Justice, NameInGame found: Hammer of Justice, know = True
[D] 18:29:09 - [Spell] spellName=Blessing of Kings, Id found: 20217, Name found: Blessing of Kings, NameInGame found: Blessing of Kings, know = True
[D] 18:29:09 - [Spell] spellName=Blessing of Might, Id found: 19740, Name found: Blessing of Might, NameInGame found: Blessing of Might, know = True
[D] 18:29:09 - [Spell] spellName=Judgment, Id found: 20271, Name found: Judgment, NameInGame found: Judgment, know = True
[D] 18:29:09 - [Spell] spellName=Crusader Strike, Id found: 35395, Name found: Crusader Strike, NameInGame found: Crusader Strike, know = True
[D] 18:29:10 - [Spell] spellName=Hammer of Wrath, Id found: 24275, Name found: Hammer of Wrath, NameInGame found: Hammer of Wrath, know = True
[D] 18:29:10 - [Spell] spellName=Denounce, Id found: 2812, Name found: Denounce, NameInGame found: Denounce, know = True
[D] 18:29:10 - [Spell] spellName=Devotion Aura, Id found: 31821, Name found: Devotion Aura, NameInGame found: Devotion Aura, know = True
[D] 18:29:10 - [Spell] spellName=Divine Shield, Id found: 642, Name found: Divine Shield, NameInGame found: Divine Shield, know = True
[F] 18:29:10 - 'Holy Pala' Started
[F] 18:29:11 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
18:29:11 - [BG] Follow player Oxie
[F] 18:29:12 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:29:12 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -143.7342;329.1571;-851.3096 - -229.2744;325.3613;-794.7814
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -229.2744;325.3613;-794.7814 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -143.7342;329.1571;-851.3096 - -224.3586;323.5003;-778.7084
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -224.3586;323.5003;-778.7084 - -145.4035;329.2;-823.5789
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -143.8672;329.1442;-851.3073 - -242.8251;328.4805;-786.8676
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -242.8251;328.4805;-786.8676 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -143.8672;329.1442;-851.3073 - -228.8923;323.5059;-763.8746
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -228.8923;323.5059;-763.8746 - -145.4035;329.2;-823.5789
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -143.8672;329.1442;-851.3073 - -230.2727;323.8509;-765.1773
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -230.2727;323.8509;-765.1773 - -145.4035;329.2;-823.5789
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -143.8672;329.1442;-851.3073 - -243.9938;327.7309;-780.9001
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -243.9938;327.7309;-780.9001 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -143.8672;329.1442;-851.3073 - -211.6913;321.0457;-811.1166
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -211.6913;321.0457;-811.1166 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -143.8672;329.1442;-851.3073 - -211.6913;321.0457;-811.1166
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -211.6913;321.0457;-811.1166 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
18:29:13 - [BG] Follow player Corytech
[F] 18:29:13 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:29:14 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:29:15 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -153.5773;328.8024;-851.1431 - -243.9146;329.3202;-790.2727
[N] 18:29:15 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -243.9146;329.3202;-790.2727 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:29:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4
[N] 18:29:15 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -153.7103;328.7989;-851.1408 - -232.9109;325.152;-777.8216
[N] 18:29:15 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -232.9109;325.152;-777.8216 - -145.4035;329.2;-823.5789
[N] 18:29:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10
[N] 18:29:15 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -153.7103;328.7989;-851.1408 - -243.1772;327.8246;-782.563
[N] 18:29:15 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -243.1772;327.8246;-782.563 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:29:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4
[N] 18:29:15 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -153.7103;328.7989;-851.1408 - -228.5778;323.4702;-764.1884
[N] 18:29:15 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -228.5778;323.4702;-764.1884 - -145.4035;329.2;-823.5789
[N] 18:29:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:29:15 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -153.7103;328.7989;-851.1408 - -230.0027;323.6376;-769.9709
[N] 18:29:15 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -230.0027;323.6376;-769.9709 - -145.4035;329.2;-823.5789
[N] 18:29:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:29:15 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -153.7103;328.7989;-851.1408 - -247.6239;330.2035;-789.1934
[N] 18:29:15 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -247.6239;330.2035;-789.1934 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:29:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4
[N] 18:29:15 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -153.7103;328.7989;-851.1408 - -232.9109;325.152;-777.8216
[N] 18:29:15 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -232.9109;325.152;-777.8216 - -145.4035;329.2;-823.5789
[N] 18:29:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10
18:29:15 - [BG] Follow player Unknown
18:29:15 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Black War Ram
[F] 18:29:15 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[D] 18:29:19 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[N] 18:29:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5
18:29:23 - [Fight] Attack player Rippinheadz (lvl 100)
[N] 18:29:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5
18:29:26 - [Mount] Dismount
[D] 18:29:27 - Corytech is out of range, lets move to him.
[F] 18:29:29 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:29:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:29:29 - [Fight] Attack player Khaldrogol (lvl 100)
[F] 18:29:30 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:29:32 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:29:32 - [Spell] Cast Divine Shield (Divine Shield)
[F] 18:29:34 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Kings (Blessing of Kings)
[D] 18:29:35 - Sharkhunter is out of range, lets move to him.
[F] 18:29:37 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:29:38 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:29:40 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:29:42 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[D] 18:29:43 - Sharkhunter is out of range, lets move to him.
[N] 18:29:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
[N] 18:29:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4
[F] 18:29:57 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:29:59 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:30:00 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:30:02 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:30:03 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:30:07 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[D] 18:30:08 - Thyraz is out of range, lets move to him.
[F] 18:30:10 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:30:11 - [Spell] Cast Word of Glory (Word of Glory)
[F] 18:30:12 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 18:30:14 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
18:30:20 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 18:30:20 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -262.8639;339.3578;-803.7286
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -262.8639;339.3578;-803.7286 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -289.4428;345.5536;-810.2541
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -289.4428;345.5536;-810.2541 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -242.6093;329.7547;-795.6719
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -242.6093;329.7547;-795.6719 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -262.766;339.3043;-803.5941
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -262.766;339.3043;-803.5941 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -289.9561;345.272;-810.3772
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -289.9561;345.272;-810.3772 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -242.7049;329.8221;-796.0662
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -242.7049;329.8221;-796.0662 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -270.5923;341.0429;-800.1924
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -270.5923;341.0429;-800.1924 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -262.766;339.3043;-803.5941
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -262.766;339.3043;-803.5941 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -290.0667;345.1384;-810.711
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -290.0667;345.1384;-810.711 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -242.9683;329.9198;-796.3272
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -242.9683;329.9198;-796.3272 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -270.23;340.9075;-800.0254
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -270.23;340.9075;-800.0254 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -262.766;339.3043;-803.5941
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -262.766;339.3043;-803.5941 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -289.8968;345.1384;-811.201
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -289.8968;345.1384;-811.201 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -243.319;330.0334;-796.5173
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -243.319;330.0334;-796.5173 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -269.7951;340.7604;-799.9484
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -269.7951;340.7604;-799.9484 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -262.766;339.3043;-803.5941
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -262.766;339.3043;-803.5941 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -289.6934;345.1573;-811.7874
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -289.6934;345.1573;-811.7874 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -243.2717;329.9763;-796.0972
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -243.2717;329.9763;-796.0972 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -269.5828;340.7416;-800.334
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -269.5828;340.7416;-800.334 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -262.766;339.3043;-803.5941
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -262.766;339.3043;-803.5941 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -289.5428;345.1746;-812.2213
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -289.5428;345.1746;-812.2213 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -243.1335;329.8896;-795.6261
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -243.1335;329.8896;-795.6261 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
[F] 18:30:37 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -269.7491;340.8345;-800.6559
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -269.7491;340.8345;-800.6559 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -262.766;339.3043;-803.5941
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -262.766;339.3043;-803.5941 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -289.3367;345.1982;-812.8156
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -289.3367;345.1982;-812.8156 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -243.0451;329.8151;-795.1341
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -243.0451;329.8151;-795.1341 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -270.123;340.9742;-800.8282
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -270.123;340.9742;-800.8282 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -262.8457;339.3167;-803.5371
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -262.8457;339.3167;-803.5371 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -289.168;345.2176;-813.3018
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -289.168;345.2176;-813.3018 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -242.8574;329.7446;-794.9529
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -242.8574;329.7446;-794.9529 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -263.1058;339.365;-803.3933
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -263.1058;339.365;-803.3933 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -288.9424;345.2434;-813.9523
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -288.9424;345.2434;-813.9523 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -242.7177;329.6912;-794.7997
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -242.7177;329.6912;-794.7997 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -139.947;319.7401;-719.9151
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -139.947;319.7401;-719.9151 - -132.4912;329.2;-821.8947
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -139.947;319.7401;-719.9151
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -139.947;319.7401;-719.9151 - -132.4912;329.2;-821.8947
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
18:30:37 - [BG] Follow player Viertaria
18:30:37 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Black War Ram
[D] 18:30:42 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[N] 18:30:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:30:46 - [Fight] Attack player Saintnig (lvl 100)
[N] 18:30:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
[D] 18:30:49 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 18:30:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:30:51 - [BG] Follow player Unknown
[N] 18:30:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
18:30:51 - [Fight] Attack player Saintnig (lvl 100)
18:30:52 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 18:30:53 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:30:55 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Kings (Blessing of Kings)
[F] 18:30:57 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[D] 18:31:02 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[D] 18:31:03 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[D] 18:31:04 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[D] 18:31:05 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[D] 18:31:06 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[D] 18:31:07 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[F] 18:31:07 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:31:09 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
18:31:10 - CTM disabled.
[F] 18:31:10 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
18:31:10 - [Pause] started
[F] 18:31:12 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:31:39 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[D] 18:31:48 - Unknown is out of range, lets move to him.
[N] 18:31:48 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:48 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:48 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:48 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:48 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:48 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:48 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:48 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:48 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:48 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:48 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:48 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:49 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:49 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:49 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:49 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:49 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:49 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:49 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:49 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:49 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:49 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:49 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:49 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:49 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:49 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:49 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:49 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:49 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:49 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:49 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:49 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:50 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:50 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:50 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:50 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:50 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:50 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:50 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:50 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:50 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:50 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:50 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:50 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:50 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:50 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:50 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:50 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:50 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:50 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:50 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:50 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:51 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:51 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:51 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:51 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:51 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:51 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:51 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:51 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:31:51 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[F] 18:31:51 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:31:53 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 18:31:54 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 18:31:56 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:31:58 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:31:59 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 18:32:01 - [Spell] Cast Word of Glory (Word of Glory)
[F] 18:32:02 - [Spell] Cast Word of Glory (Word of Glory)
[F] 18:32:04 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:32:05 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:32:06 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:32:07 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:32:08 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:32:13 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:32:14 - [Spell] Cast Word of Glory (Word of Glory)
[F] 18:32:16 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:32:17 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:32:19 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:32:21 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:32:22 - [Spell] Cast Word of Glory (Word of Glory)
[F] 18:32:28 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:32:31 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:32:33 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:32:34 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:32:35 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:32:36 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:32:37 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:32:39 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:32:40 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 18:32:42 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:32:43 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:32:44 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:32:45 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:32:46 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:32:46 - [Spell] Cast Word of Glory (Word of Glory)
[F] 18:33:14 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
18:33:20 - CTM enabled.
18:33:20 - [Pause] Stoped
[N] 18:33:20 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -347.4021;347.0688;-840.6415
[N] 18:33:20 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -347.4021;347.0688;-840.6415 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:33:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:33:20 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -353.6855;346.9947;-841.92
[N] 18:33:20 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -353.6855;346.9947;-841.92 - -169.8245;329.2;-856.9824
[N] 18:33:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9
[N] 18:33:20 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -274.159;320.6331;-716.6808
[N] 18:33:20 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -274.159;320.6331;-716.6808 - -145.4035;329.2;-823.5789
[N] 18:33:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7
18:33:20 - [BG] Follow player Corytech
18:33:20 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Black War Ram
[N] 18:33:22 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 18:33:22 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -135.1406;328.8382;-851.5746 - -274.159;320.6331;-716.6808
[N] 18:33:22 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: STV_Mine_BG - -274.159;320.6331;-716.6808 - -145.4035;329.2;-823.5789
[N] 18:33:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7
[N] 18:33:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
18:33:29 - [Fight] Attack player Ticticdoom (lvl 100)
[N] 18:33:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
18:33:33 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 18:33:34 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:33:37 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 18:33:38 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 18:33:39 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:33:41 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 18:33:42 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 18:33:43 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 18:33:44 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 18:33:45 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:33:47 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:33:49 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:33:50 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:33:52 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:33:53 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:33:56 - [Spell] Cast Word of Glory (Word of Glory)
[F] 18:33:57 - [Spell] Cast Word of Glory (Word of Glory)
[F] 18:33:59 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:34:00 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[D] 18:34:01 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
18:34:01 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Hackinharry (lvl 100)
[F] 18:34:01 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[N] 18:34:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 18:34:04 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:34:09 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:34:14 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:34:18 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 18:34:20 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:34:24 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:34:28 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:34:29 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:34:31 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:34:33 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:34:34 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:34:36 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:34:37 - [Spell] Cast Light of Dawn (Light of Dawn)
18:34:38 - [Resurrect] Player dead
18:34:42 - CTM disabled.
18:34:43 - [Pause] started
[F] 18:34:49 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:34:53 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:34:54 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:34:55 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:34:56 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:34:57 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:34:57 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:34:58 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:34:59 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:35:00 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:35:00 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:35:01 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:35:02 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:35:02 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:35:03 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:35:04 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:35:05 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:35:05 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:35:06 - [Spell] Cast Holy Shock (Holy Shock)
[F] 18:35:06 - Stop 'Holy Pala'
18:35:06 - CTM enabled.
18:35:06 - CTM disabled.
18:35:06 - [WhisperScreenshot] Disposed.
18:35:06 - [BG] Stopped
18:35:06 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:05m:56s
Kills: 1 (10/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)
Honor/HR: 394 (39)
Apexis Crystal/HR: 0 (0)

[F] 18:35:07 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 18:35:07 - 'Holy Pala' Stopped
[D] 18:35:36 - [Info] Continent change, STV_Mine_BG to Draenor
[D] 18:35:37 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 18:40:33 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Battlegrounder ; CustomClass = ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = True ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Black War Ram ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Golden Cloud Serpent ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; BlackListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; ListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = True ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1.7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; NpcScan = True ;
[D] 18:40:33 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 18:40:33 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Battlegrounder ; CustomClass = [Cindarella]-Holy Pala.cs ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = True ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Black War Ram ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Golden Cloud Serpent ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; BlackListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; ListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = True ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1.7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; NpcScan = True ;
[D] 18:40:33 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 18:40:33 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Battlegrounder ; CustomClass = ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = True ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Black War Ram ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Golden Cloud Serpent ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; BlackListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; ListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = True ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1.7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; NpcScan = True ;
[D] 18:40:33 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 18:40:33 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Battlegrounder ; CustomClass = [Cindarella]-Holy Pala.cs ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = True ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Black War Ram ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Golden Cloud Serpent ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; BlackListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; ListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = True ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1.7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; NpcScan = True ;
[D] 18:40:33 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 18:40:34 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Battlegrounder ; CustomClass = ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = True ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Black War Ram ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Golden Cloud Serpent ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; BlackListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; ListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = True ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1.7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; NpcScan = True ;
[D] 18:40:34 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 18:40:34 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Battlegrounder ; CustomClass = [Cindarella]-Holy Pala.cs ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = True ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Black War Ram ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Golden Cloud Serpent ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; BlackListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; ListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = True ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1.7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; NpcScan = True ;
[D] 18:40:34 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 18:40:36 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\FightClass\[Cindarella]-Holy Pala.cs
[F] 18:41:43 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\FightClass\[Cindarella]-Holy Pala.cs
[D] 18:41:43 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Shock, Id found: 20473, Name found: Holy Shock, NameInGame found: Holy Shock, know = True
[D] 18:41:44 - [Spell] spellName=Word of Glory, Id found: 85673, Name found: Word of Glory, NameInGame found: Word of Glory, know = True
[D] 18:41:44 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Radiance, Id found: 82327, Name found: Holy Radiance, NameInGame found: Holy Radiance, know = True
[D] 18:41:44 - [Spell] spellName=Beacon of Light, Id found: 53563, Name found: Beacon of Light, NameInGame found: Beacon of Light, know = True
[D] 18:41:44 - [Spell] spellName=Seal of Insight, Id found: 20165, Name found: Seal of Insight, NameInGame found: Seal of Insight, know = True
[D] 18:41:44 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Light, Id found: 82326, Name found: Holy Light, NameInGame found: Holy Light, know = True
[D] 18:41:44 - [Spell] spellName=Flash of Light, Id found: 19750, Name found: Flash of Light, NameInGame found: Flash of Light, know = True
18:41:44 - [BG] Started
18:41:44 - [WhisperScreenshot] Loadded.
18:41:44 - CTM enabled.
[D] 18:41:44 - [Spell] spellName=Holy Prism, Id found: 121552, Name found: Holy Prism, NameInGame found: Holy Prism, know = False
[D] 18:41:44 - [Spell] spellName=Lay on Hands, Id found: 633, Name found: Lay on Hands, NameInGame found: Lay on Hands, know = True
[D] 18:41:44 - [Spell] spellName=Light of Dawn, Id found: 85222, Name found: Light of Dawn, NameInGame found: Light of Dawn, know = True
[D] 18:41:44 - [Spell] spellName=Redemption, Id found: 7328, Name found: Redemption, NameInGame found: Redemption, know = True
[D] 18:41:44 - [Spell] spellName=Cleanse, Id found: 4987, Name found: Cleanse, NameInGame found: Cleanse, know = True
[D] 18:41:44 - [Spell] spellName=Sacred Shield, Id found: 148039, Name found: Sacred Shield, NameInGame found: Sacred Shield, know = True
[D] 18:41:44 - [Spell] spellName=Avenging Wrath, Id found: 31842, Name found: Avenging Wrath, NameInGame found: Avenging Wrath, know = True
[D] 18:41:44 - [Spell] spellName=Rebuke, Id found: 96231, Name found: Rebuke, NameInGame found: Rebuke, know = True
[D] 18:41:44 - [Spell] spellName=Hammer of Justice, Id found: 853, Name found: Hammer of Justice, NameInGame found: Hammer of Justice, know = True
[D] 18:41:44 - [Spell] spellName=Blessing of Kings, Id found: 20217, Name found: Blessing of Kings, NameInGame found: Blessing of Kings, know = True
[D] 18:41:44 - [Spell] spellName=Blessing of Might, Id found: 19740, Name found: Blessing of Might, NameInGame found: Blessing of Might, know = True
[D] 18:41:44 - [Spell] spellName=Judgment, Id found: 20271, Name found: Judgment, NameInGame found: Judgment, know = True
[D] 18:41:44 - [Spell] spellName=Crusader Strike, Id found: 35395, Name found: Crusader Strike, NameInGame found: Crusader Strike, know = True
[D] 18:41:44 - [Spell] spellName=Hammer of Wrath, Id found: 24275, Name found: Hammer of Wrath, NameInGame found: Hammer of Wrath, know = True
[D] 18:41:44 - [Spell] spellName=Denounce, Id found: 2812, Name found: Denounce, NameInGame found: Denounce, know = True
[D] 18:41:44 - [Spell] spellName=Devotion Aura, Id found: 31821, Name found: Devotion Aura, NameInGame found: Devotion Aura, know = True
[D] 18:41:44 - [Spell] spellName=Divine Shield, Id found: 642, Name found: Divine Shield, NameInGame found: Divine Shield, know = True
[F] 18:41:44 - 'Holy Pala' Started
[D] 18:50:49 - [Info] Continent change, Draenor to NetherstormBG
[D] 18:50:49 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[N] 18:50:49 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\NetherstormBG\NetherstormBG_29_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:50:49 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\NetherstormBG\NetherstormBG_28_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:50:49 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\NetherstormBG\NetherstormBG_29_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:50:49 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: E:\bot\WRobot\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\NetherstormBG\NetherstormBG_28_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:50:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
18:50:49 - [BG] Follow player Unknown
[N] 18:50:50 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 18:50:50 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on