[D] 15:05:05 - [Info] Log file created: 13 май 2017 15H05.log.html
[D] 15:05:05 - [Info] WRobot Version: 1.7.2 (19783) for wow: 7.2.0_24015
[D] 15:05:05 - [Info] Offical website: https://wrobot.eu/
[D] 15:05:05 - [Info] Operating System Details: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
[D] 15:05:05 - [Info] Lang: Русский (Россия)
15:05:08 - [Memory] Select game process: 6904 - Хао...
[D] 15:05:09 - [Blacklist] Added, 1 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
15:05:09 - [Quester] Loaded
[F] 15:05:09 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Quester ; CustomClass = Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1600 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; BlackListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; ListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 110 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1,5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0,5 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1,7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ;
[D] 15:05:09 - [Blacklist] Added, 1 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 15:05:09 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Quester ; CustomClass = Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1600 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; BlackListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; ListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 110 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1,5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0,5 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1,7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ;
[D] 15:05:09 - [Info] Wow Version: 24015
[D] 15:05:09 - [Info] Player found: True
[D] 15:05:09 - [Info] Wow Addons: Altoholic, ArtifactPathFinder, ArtifactTab, !BugGrabber, BugSack, DataStore, DataStore_Achievements, DataStore_Agenda, DataStore_Auctions, DataStore_Characters, DataStore_Containers, DataStore_Crafts, DataStore_Currencies, DataStore_Garrisons, DataStore_Inventory, DataStore_Mails, DataStore_Pets, DataStore_Quests, DataStore_Reputations, DataStore_Spells, DataStore_Stats, DataStore_Talents, idTip, MBB, NOP, Postal, Prat-3.0, Prat-3.0_Libraries, Scrap, Scrap_Spotlight, ServerHop, ssr, TinyPad, TomTom, WorldQuestTracker, xCT+, ZygorGuidesViewer, GSE,
15:05:09 - [SpellManager] Initializing SpellBook - (Wait few seconds)
15:05:09 - [SpellManager] Initialize SpellBook Finished (88 spell found)
[D] 15:05:09 - [SpellManager] List of id found in spellbook:
Auto Attack (6603)
Arcane Torrent (28730)
Shoot (5019)
Mobile Banking (83958)
Honorable Medallion (195710)
The Quick and the Dead (83950)
Apprentice Riding (33388)
Arcane Acuity (154742)
Guild Mail (83951)
Armor Skills (76277)
Flight Master's License (90267)
Master Riding (90265)
Wisdom of the Four Winds (115913)
Weapon Skills (76299)
Broken Isles Pathfinder (233368)
Mount Up (78633)
Cold Weather Flying (54197)
Arcane Affinity (28877)
Hasty Hearth (83944)
Arcane Resistance (822)
Languages (79748)
Combat Ally (211390)
Garrison Ability (161691)
Agony (980)
Unending Breath (5697)
Siphon Life (63106)
Demonic Gateway (111771)
Life Tap (1454)
Banish (710)
Soulstone (20707)
Health Funnel (755)
Mortal Coil (6789)
Unstable Affliction (30108)
Eye of Kilrogg (126)
Enslave Demon (1098)
Corruption (172)
Shadow Bolt (232670)
Summon Infernal (1122)
Summon Doomguard (18540)
Ritual of Summoning (698)
Seed of Corruption (27243)
Create Soulwell (29893)
Create Healthstone (6201)
Fear (5782)
Unending Resolve (104773)
Command Demon (119898)
Reap Souls (216698)
Mastery: Potent Afflictions (77215)
Soul Leech (108370)
Drain Soul (198590)
Summon Imp (688)
Summon Voidwalker (697)
Summon Felhunter (691)
Summon Succubus (712)
Demonwrath (193440)
Demonic Empowerment (193396)
Soulstone (231811)
Drain Life (234153)
Call Dreadstalkers (104316)
Doom (603)
Hand of Gul'dan (105174)
Shadow Bolt (686)
Mastery: Master Demonologist (77219)
Soul Link (108415)
Immolate (348)
Incinerate (29722)
Firebolt (231795)
Rain of Fire (5740)
Conflagrate (17962)
Conflagrate (231793)
Chaos Bolt (116858)
Unending Resolve (231794)
Havoc (80240)
Mastery: Chaotic Energies (77220)
First Aid (195113)
Cooking (158765)
Cooking Fire (818)
Tailoring (195126)
Cloth Scavenging (59390)
Skinning Skills (194174)
Skinning (195125)
Archaeology (195127)
Survey (80451)
Felsteed (5784)
Dreadsteed (23161)
Blue Wind Rider (32244)
Swift Purple Wind Rider (32297)
Summon Chauffeur (179244)

15:05:09 - [SpellManager] Please wait, loading spellbook...
[D] 15:05:09 - [SpellManager] Children spell found: Drain Soul (198590) (parent spell: Shadow Bolt (232670))
[D] 15:05:09 - [SpellManager] Children spell found: Summon Infernal (157898) (parent spell: Summon Infernal (1122))
[D] 15:05:09 - [SpellManager] Children spell found: Summon Doomguard (157757) (parent spell: Summon Doomguard (18540))
[D] 15:05:09 - [SpellManager] Children spell found: Soulstone (20707) (parent spell: Soulstone (231811))
[D] 15:05:09 - [SpellManager] Children spell found: Unending Resolve (104773) (parent spell: Unending Resolve (231794))
15:05:09 - [SpellManager] Spellbook loaded.
[D] 15:05:10 - [Keybindings]
Sit / Stand: NUMPAD2
Backward: S
Forward: W
Strafe Left: A
Strafe Right: D

[D] 15:05:20 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : AGiantProblem1Group
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : AGiantProblem2Group
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : ATadMoreCorruption1
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : ATadMoreCorruption2
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : AncientBones1
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : AncientBones2
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : ApocronRaid
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide1
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide2
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide3
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide4
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : ArachnidSuperiority1
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : ArachnidSuperiority2
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : BehindEnemyPortals
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : BehindEnemyPortalsRobbing
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : BehindEnemyPortalsSpiders
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : BreakTheirGarrison
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : BrutallusRaid
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : ByWaterBePurged
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : BybeeLairOut
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : CreepyCrawlies
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : DutysEnd
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : ExterminatingwithImpunity
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : FelFireandIce
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : Felrglrglrglrgl
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : FowlPlay1
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : FowlPlay2
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : FowlPlay3
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : GemsofDestruction
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : HellishScavengers1
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : HellishScavengers2
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : IFelBatForYou1
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : IFelBatForYou2
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : IllidariMastersMadamViciosaPetBattle
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : IllidariMastersNamelessMysticPetBattle
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : IllidariMastersSissixPetBattle
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : KrakenEggs
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : LegionCommandShipOut
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : MalificusRaid
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : MinionKillThatOneTooGroup
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : NoSoldierLeftBehind1
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : NoSoldierLeftBehind2
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : OnBorrowedWings
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : OnBorrowedWings2
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : RelicHunting1
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : RelicHunting2
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : ReturnToLegionfallBase
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : StandGroup
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : StoneboundSoldiers1
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : StoneboundSoldiers2
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : StoneboundSoldiers3
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCallofBattle1
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCallofBattle2
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCallofBattle3
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCostofPower1
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCostofPower2
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCostofPower3
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheShackledVoid1
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheShackledVoid2
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheWailingDead
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : TortureChamber1
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : TortureChamber2
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : WarMateriel
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : WeDidntStarttheFire
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : WeDidntStarttheFire2
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : WingedTerrors1
[D] 15:05:20 - [Quester] Create instance of : WingedTerrors2
[F] 15:05:20 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
15:05:20 - [Quester] Started
[D] 15:05:20 - [FightPetBattle] Cannot load pet battle fight class, use default.
[D] 15:05:20 - [Spell] Revive Battle Pets (Id found: 133994, Name found: Revive Battle Pets, NameInGame found: Воскрешение, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:05:21 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:05:21 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:05:21 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:05:21 - [Mount] No aquatic mount selected.
[D] 15:05:21 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:05:21 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:05:21 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Broken Shore //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1021);

[D] 15:05:21 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:05:21 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:05:21 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:05:21 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:05:21 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:05:21 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:05:21 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:05:21 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:05:21 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:05:21 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:05:21 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:05:21 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:05:22 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:05:22 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:05:22 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:05:22 - [Quester] If[2] (/* REQUIRED: PREQUEST */ !Quest.GetQuestCompleted(46734)) | Result: False
[D] 15:05:22 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
15:05:22 - [World Quests] quests=5 for zone=1021 46201,46825,46111,46180,0
[D] 15:05:22 - [Quester] RunCode[16]: WorldQuest.SetDefaultSettings();
[D] 15:05:22 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:05:22 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:05:22 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:05:22 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:05:22 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:05:22 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:05:22 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:05:23 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:05:23 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 15:05:23 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:05:23 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:05:23 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:05:23 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:05:23 - [Quester] New step (19): FlightMastersWhistle>Pulse
[D] 15:05:23 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:05:23 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:05:23 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:05:23 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:05:23 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:05:23 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:05:24 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:05:24 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:05:24 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:05:24 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:05:24 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[F] 15:05:24 - [Spell] Cast Призыв инфернала (Summon Infernal)
[F] 15:05:26 - [Spell] Cast Камень души (Soulstone)
[D] 15:05:49 - [Quester] New step (61): ByWaterBePurged>Pulse
[N] 15:05:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1645,678 ; 3177,308 ; 135,9322 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:05:49 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_35.mesh.gz
[N] 15:05:49 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_35.mesh.gz
[N] 15:05:49 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_34.mesh.gz
[N] 15:05:49 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_34.mesh.gz
[N] 15:05:49 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_34.mesh.gz
[N] 15:05:49 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_35.mesh.gz
[N] 15:05:49 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_33.mesh.gz
[N] 15:05:49 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_33.mesh.gz
[N] 15:05:49 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_33.mesh.gz
[N] 15:05:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 39 (1081,802y)
15:05:49 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
15:11:53 - [Quester] Stopped
15:11:54 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:06m:33s
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[D] 15:43:05 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : AGiantProblem1Group
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : AGiantProblem2Group
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : ATadMoreCorruption1
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : ATadMoreCorruption2
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : AncientBones1
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : AncientBones2
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : ApocronRaid
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide1
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide2
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide3
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide4
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : ArachnidSuperiority1
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : ArachnidSuperiority2
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : BehindEnemyPortals
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : BehindEnemyPortalsRobbing
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : BehindEnemyPortalsSpiders
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : BreakTheirGarrison
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : BrutallusRaid
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : ByWaterBePurged
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : BybeeLairOut
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : CreepyCrawlies
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : DutysEnd
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : ExterminatingwithImpunity
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : FelFireandIce
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : Felrglrglrglrgl
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : FowlPlay1
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : FowlPlay2
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : FowlPlay3
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : GemsofDestruction
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : HellishScavengers1
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : HellishScavengers2
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : IFelBatForYou1
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : IFelBatForYou2
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : IllidariMastersMadamViciosaPetBattle
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : IllidariMastersNamelessMysticPetBattle
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : IllidariMastersSissixPetBattle
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : KrakenEggs
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : LegionCommandShipOut
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : MalificusRaid
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : MinionKillThatOneTooGroup
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : NoSoldierLeftBehind1
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : NoSoldierLeftBehind2
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : OnBorrowedWings
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : OnBorrowedWings2
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : RelicHunting1
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : RelicHunting2
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : ReturnToLegionfallBase
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : StandGroup
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : StoneboundSoldiers1
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : StoneboundSoldiers2
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : StoneboundSoldiers3
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCallofBattle1
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCallofBattle2
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCallofBattle3
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCostofPower1
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCostofPower2
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCostofPower3
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheShackledVoid1
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheShackledVoid2
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheWailingDead
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : TortureChamber1
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : TortureChamber2
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : WarMateriel
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : WeDidntStarttheFire
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : WeDidntStarttheFire2
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : WingedTerrors1
[D] 15:43:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : WingedTerrors2
[F] 15:43:05 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
15:43:06 - [Quester] Started
[D] 15:43:06 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:43:06 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:43:06 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:43:06 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:43:06 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Broken Shore //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1021);

[D] 15:43:06 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:43:06 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:43:06 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:43:06 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:43:06 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:43:06 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:43:06 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:43:06 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:43:06 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:43:06 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:43:06 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:43:06 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:43:06 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:43:06 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:43:06 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:43:06 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:43:07 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:43:07 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:43:07 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:43:07 - [Quester] If[2] (/* REQUIRED: PREQUEST */ !Quest.GetQuestCompleted(46734)) | Result: False
[D] 15:43:07 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:43:07 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:43:07 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
15:43:07 - [World Quests] quests=5 for zone=1021 46201,46825,46111,46180,0
[D] 15:43:07 - [Quester] RunCode[16]: WorldQuest.SetDefaultSettings();
[D] 15:43:07 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:43:07 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:43:07 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:43:07 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:43:07 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:43:07 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:43:07 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:43:07 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:43:07 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:43:07 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:43:07 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:43:07 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:43:07 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:43:07 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 15:43:07 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:43:07 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:43:08 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:43:08 - [Quester] New step (61): ByWaterBePurged>Pulse
[N] 15:43:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1624,503 ; 3184,54 ; 135,8915 ; "Flying" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:43:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 33 (1071,102y)
[D] 15:43:08 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:43:08 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:44:34 - [SpellManager] Cannot found spell: public static SpellInfo SpellInfoCreateCache()
[D] 15:44:34 - [SpellManager] Cannot found spell: public static SpellInfo SpellInfoCreateCache()
[D] 15:44:34 - [SpellManager] Cannot found spell: public static SpellInfo SpellInfoCreateCache()
[D] 15:44:34 - [SpellManager] Cannot found spell: public static SpellInfo SpellInfoCreateCache()
15:45:33 - [Quester] Stopped
15:45:33 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:02m:27s
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[D] 15:45:57 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : AGiantProblem1Group
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : AGiantProblem2Group
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : ATadMoreCorruption1
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : ATadMoreCorruption2
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : AncientBones1
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : AncientBones2
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : ApocronRaid
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide1
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide2
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide3
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide4
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : ArachnidSuperiority1
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : ArachnidSuperiority2
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : BehindEnemyPortals
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : BehindEnemyPortalsRobbing
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : BehindEnemyPortalsSpiders
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : BreakTheirGarrison
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : BrutallusRaid
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : ByWaterBePurged
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : BybeeLairOut
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : CreepyCrawlies
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : DutysEnd
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : ExterminatingwithImpunity
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : FelFireandIce
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : Felrglrglrglrgl
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : FowlPlay1
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : FowlPlay2
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : FowlPlay3
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : GemsofDestruction
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : HellishScavengers1
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : HellishScavengers2
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : IFelBatForYou1
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : IFelBatForYou2
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : IllidariMastersMadamViciosaPetBattle
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : IllidariMastersNamelessMysticPetBattle
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : IllidariMastersSissixPetBattle
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : KrakenEggs
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : LegionCommandShipOut
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : MalificusRaid
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : MinionKillThatOneTooGroup
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : NoSoldierLeftBehind1
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : NoSoldierLeftBehind2
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : OnBorrowedWings
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : OnBorrowedWings2
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : RelicHunting1
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : RelicHunting2
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : ReturnToLegionfallBase
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : StandGroup
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : StoneboundSoldiers1
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : StoneboundSoldiers2
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : StoneboundSoldiers3
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCallofBattle1
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCallofBattle2
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCallofBattle3
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCostofPower1
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCostofPower2
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCostofPower3
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheShackledVoid1
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheShackledVoid2
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheWailingDead
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : TortureChamber1
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : TortureChamber2
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : WarMateriel
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : WeDidntStarttheFire
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : WeDidntStarttheFire2
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : WingedTerrors1
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] Create instance of : WingedTerrors2
[F] 15:45:58 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
15:45:58 - [Quester] Started
[D] 15:45:58 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:45:58 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:45:58 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Broken Shore //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1021);

[D] 15:45:58 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:45:58 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:45:58 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:45:58 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:45:58 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:45:58 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:45:59 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:45:59 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:45:59 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:45:59 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:45:59 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:45:59 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:45:59 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:45:59 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:45:59 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:45:59 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:45:59 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:45:59 - [Quester] If[2] (/* REQUIRED: PREQUEST */ !Quest.GetQuestCompleted(46734)) | Result: False
[D] 15:45:59 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:45:59 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
15:45:59 - [World Quests] quests=5 for zone=1021 46201,46825,46111,46180,0
[D] 15:45:59 - [Quester] RunCode[16]: WorldQuest.SetDefaultSettings();
[D] 15:45:59 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:45:59 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:45:59 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:45:59 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:45:59 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:00 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:00 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:00 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:00 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:00 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:00 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:00 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:00 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 15:46:00 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:00 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:00 - [Quester] New step (61): ByWaterBePurged>Pulse
15:46:00 - @@1
[N] 15:46:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1600,272 ; 3213,8 ; 130,4971 ; "Flying" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:46:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 31 (1032,793y)
[D] 15:46:00 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:00 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:00 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:00 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:00 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:00 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:01 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:01 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:01 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
15:46:48 - [Quester] Stopped
15:46:49 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:50s
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[D] 15:46:51 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : AGiantProblem1Group
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : AGiantProblem2Group
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : ATadMoreCorruption1
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : ATadMoreCorruption2
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : AncientBones1
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : AncientBones2
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : ApocronRaid
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide1
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide2
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide3
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide4
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : ArachnidSuperiority1
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : ArachnidSuperiority2
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : BehindEnemyPortals
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : BehindEnemyPortalsRobbing
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : BehindEnemyPortalsSpiders
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : BreakTheirGarrison
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : BrutallusRaid
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : ByWaterBePurged
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : BybeeLairOut
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : CreepyCrawlies
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : DutysEnd
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : ExterminatingwithImpunity
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : FelFireandIce
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : Felrglrglrglrgl
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : FowlPlay1
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : FowlPlay2
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : FowlPlay3
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : GemsofDestruction
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : HellishScavengers1
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : HellishScavengers2
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : IFelBatForYou1
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : IFelBatForYou2
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : IllidariMastersMadamViciosaPetBattle
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : IllidariMastersNamelessMysticPetBattle
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : IllidariMastersSissixPetBattle
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : KrakenEggs
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : LegionCommandShipOut
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : MalificusRaid
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : MinionKillThatOneTooGroup
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : NoSoldierLeftBehind1
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : NoSoldierLeftBehind2
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : OnBorrowedWings
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : OnBorrowedWings2
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : RelicHunting1
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : RelicHunting2
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : ReturnToLegionfallBase
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : StandGroup
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : StoneboundSoldiers1
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : StoneboundSoldiers2
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : StoneboundSoldiers3
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCallofBattle1
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCallofBattle2
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCallofBattle3
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCostofPower1
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCostofPower2
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCostofPower3
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheShackledVoid1
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheShackledVoid2
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheWailingDead
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : TortureChamber1
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : TortureChamber2
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : WarMateriel
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : WeDidntStarttheFire
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : WeDidntStarttheFire2
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : WingedTerrors1
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : WingedTerrors2
[F] 15:46:51 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
15:46:51 - [Quester] Started
[D] 15:46:51 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:51 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:51 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:51 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Broken Shore //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1021);

[D] 15:46:51 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:51 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:51 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:51 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:52 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:52 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:52 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:52 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:52 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:52 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:52 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:52 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:52 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:52 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:52 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:52 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:52 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:52 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:52 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:52 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:52 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:52 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:52 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:52 - [Quester] If[2] (/* REQUIRED: PREQUEST */ !Quest.GetQuestCompleted(46734)) | Result: False
[D] 15:46:52 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:52 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:52 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
15:46:52 - [World Quests] quests=5 for zone=1021 46201,46825,46111,46180,0
[D] 15:46:52 - [Quester] RunCode[16]: WorldQuest.SetDefaultSettings();
[D] 15:46:52 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:53 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:53 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:53 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:53 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:53 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:53 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:53 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:53 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:53 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:53 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:46:53 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:53 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:53 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:53 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 15:46:53 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:46:53 - [Quester] New step (61): ByWaterBePurged>Pulse
15:46:53 - @@1
15:46:53 - ##1
15:46:53 - ##2
[N] 15:46:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1577,194 ; 3240,467 ; 124,7971 ; "Flying" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:46:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 30 (998,2943y)
15:47:19 - [Pause] started
15:47:23 - World Quest Settings: whistle=True elite=True raid=True pvp=True soloHP=16 eliteHP%=55 raidHP%=25 cooking=True fishing=True skinning=True mining=True herbalism=True fly_height=1
15:47:25 - [Quester] Stopped
15:47:25 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:33s
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[D] 15:47:28 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : AGiantProblem1Group
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : AGiantProblem2Group
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : ATadMoreCorruption1
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : ATadMoreCorruption2
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : AncientBones1
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : AncientBones2
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : ApocronRaid
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide1
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide2
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide3
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide4
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : ArachnidSuperiority1
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : ArachnidSuperiority2
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : BehindEnemyPortals
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : BehindEnemyPortalsRobbing
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : BehindEnemyPortalsSpiders
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : BreakTheirGarrison
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : BrutallusRaid
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : ByWaterBePurged
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : BybeeLairOut
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : CreepyCrawlies
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : DutysEnd
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : ExterminatingwithImpunity
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : FelFireandIce
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : Felrglrglrglrgl
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : FowlPlay1
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : FowlPlay2
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : FowlPlay3
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : GemsofDestruction
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : HellishScavengers1
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : HellishScavengers2
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : IFelBatForYou1
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : IFelBatForYou2
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : IllidariMastersMadamViciosaPetBattle
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : IllidariMastersNamelessMysticPetBattle
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : IllidariMastersSissixPetBattle
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : KrakenEggs
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : LegionCommandShipOut
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : MalificusRaid
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : MinionKillThatOneTooGroup
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : NoSoldierLeftBehind1
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : NoSoldierLeftBehind2
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : OnBorrowedWings
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : OnBorrowedWings2
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : RelicHunting1
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : RelicHunting2
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : ReturnToLegionfallBase
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : StandGroup
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : StoneboundSoldiers1
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : StoneboundSoldiers2
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : StoneboundSoldiers3
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCallofBattle1
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCallofBattle2
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCallofBattle3
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCostofPower1
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCostofPower2
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCostofPower3
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheShackledVoid1
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheShackledVoid2
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheWailingDead
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : TortureChamber1
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : TortureChamber2
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : WarMateriel
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : WeDidntStarttheFire
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : WeDidntStarttheFire2
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : WingedTerrors1
[D] 15:47:28 - [Quester] Create instance of : WingedTerrors2
[F] 15:47:28 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
15:47:28 - [Quester] Started
[D] 15:47:28 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:47:29 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:47:29 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:47:29 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Broken Shore //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1021);

[D] 15:47:29 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:47:29 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:47:29 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:47:29 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:47:29 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:47:29 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:47:29 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:47:29 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:47:29 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:47:29 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:47:29 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:47:29 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:47:29 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:47:29 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:47:29 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:47:29 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:47:29 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:47:29 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:47:29 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:47:29 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:47:29 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:47:30 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:47:30 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:47:30 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:47:30 - [Quester] If[2] (/* REQUIRED: PREQUEST */ !Quest.GetQuestCompleted(46734)) | Result: False
[D] 15:47:30 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:47:30 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:47:30 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:47:30 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
15:47:30 - [World Quests] quests=5 for zone=1021 46201,46825,46111,46180,0
[D] 15:47:30 - [Quester] RunCode[16]: WorldQuest.SetDefaultSettings();
[D] 15:47:30 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:47:30 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:47:30 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:47:30 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:47:30 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:47:30 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:47:30 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:47:30 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:47:30 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:47:30 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:47:30 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:47:30 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:47:30 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:47:30 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 15:47:31 - [Quester] New step (61): ByWaterBePurged>Pulse
15:47:31 - @@1
15:47:31 - ##1
15:47:31 - ##2
[N] 15:47:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1571,078 ; 3241,191 ; 124,9601 ; "Flying" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:47:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 28 (992,274y)
15:47:35 - [Quester] Stopped
15:47:35 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:06s
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[D] 15:48:50 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : AGiantProblem1Group
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : AGiantProblem2Group
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : ATadMoreCorruption1
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : ATadMoreCorruption2
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : AncientBones1
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : AncientBones2
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : ApocronRaid
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide1
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide2
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide3
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide4
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : ArachnidSuperiority1
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : ArachnidSuperiority2
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : BehindEnemyPortals
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : BehindEnemyPortalsRobbing
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : BehindEnemyPortalsSpiders
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : BreakTheirGarrison
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : BrutallusRaid
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : ByWaterBePurged
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : BybeeLairOut
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : CreepyCrawlies
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : DutysEnd
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : ExterminatingwithImpunity
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : FelFireandIce
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : Felrglrglrglrgl
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : FowlPlay1
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : FowlPlay2
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : FowlPlay3
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : GemsofDestruction
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : HellishScavengers1
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : HellishScavengers2
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : IFelBatForYou1
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : IFelBatForYou2
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : IllidariMastersMadamViciosaPetBattle
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : IllidariMastersNamelessMysticPetBattle
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : IllidariMastersSissixPetBattle
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : KrakenEggs
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : LegionCommandShipOut
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : MalificusRaid
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : MinionKillThatOneTooGroup
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : NoSoldierLeftBehind1
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : NoSoldierLeftBehind2
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : OnBorrowedWings
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : OnBorrowedWings2
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : RelicHunting1
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : RelicHunting2
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : ReturnToLegionfallBase
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : StandGroup
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : StoneboundSoldiers1
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : StoneboundSoldiers2
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : StoneboundSoldiers3
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCallofBattle1
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCallofBattle2
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCallofBattle3
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCostofPower1
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCostofPower2
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCostofPower3
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheShackledVoid1
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheShackledVoid2
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheWailingDead
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : TortureChamber1
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : TortureChamber2
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : WarMateriel
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : WeDidntStarttheFire
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : WeDidntStarttheFire2
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : WingedTerrors1
[D] 15:48:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : WingedTerrors2
[F] 15:48:50 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
15:48:51 - [Quester] Started
[D] 15:48:51 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:48:51 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:48:51 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:48:51 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Broken Shore //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1021);

[D] 15:48:51 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:48:51 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:48:51 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:48:51 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:48:51 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:48:51 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:48:51 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:48:51 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:48:51 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:48:51 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:48:51 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:48:51 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:48:51 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:48:51 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:48:52 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:48:52 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:48:52 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:48:52 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:48:52 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:48:52 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:48:52 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:48:52 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:48:52 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:48:52 - [Quester] If[2] (/* REQUIRED: PREQUEST */ !Quest.GetQuestCompleted(46734)) | Result: False
[D] 15:48:52 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:48:52 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:48:52 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
15:48:52 - [World Quests] quests=5 for zone=1021 46201,46825,46111,46180,0
[D] 15:48:52 - [Quester] RunCode[16]: WorldQuest.SetDefaultSettings();
[D] 15:48:52 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:48:52 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:48:52 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:48:52 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:48:52 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:48:52 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:48:52 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:48:52 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:48:52 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:48:52 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:48:53 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:48:53 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:48:53 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:48:53 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:48:53 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:48:53 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 15:48:53 - [Quester] New step (19): FlightMastersWhistle>Pulse
[F] 15:48:53 - [Spell] Cast Призыв инфернала (Summon Infernal)
[F] 15:48:56 - [Spell] Cast Камень души (Soulstone)
[F] 15:48:58 - [Spell] Cast Камень души (Soulstone)
15:49:18 - [Pause] started
15:49:20 - World Quest Settings: whistle=True elite=True raid=True pvp=True soloHP=16 eliteHP%=55 raidHP%=25 cooking=True fishing=True skinning=True mining=True herbalism=True
15:49:22 - [Quester] Stopped
15:49:22 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:31s
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[D] 15:50:01 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : AGiantProblem1Group
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : AGiantProblem2Group
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : ATadMoreCorruption1
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : ATadMoreCorruption2
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : AncientBones1
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : AncientBones2
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : ApocronRaid
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide1
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide2
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide3
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arachnicide4
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : ArachnidSuperiority1
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : ArachnidSuperiority2
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : BehindEnemyPortals
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : BehindEnemyPortalsRobbing
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : BehindEnemyPortalsSpiders
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : BreakTheirGarrison
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : BrutallusRaid
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : ByWaterBePurged
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : BybeeLairOut
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : CreepyCrawlies
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : DutysEnd
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : ExterminatingwithImpunity
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : FelFireandIce
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : Felrglrglrglrgl
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : FowlPlay1
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : FowlPlay2
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : FowlPlay3
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : GemsofDestruction
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : HellishScavengers1
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : HellishScavengers2
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : IFelBatForYou1
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : IFelBatForYou2
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : IllidariMastersMadamViciosaPetBattle
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : IllidariMastersNamelessMysticPetBattle
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : IllidariMastersSissixPetBattle
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : KrakenEggs
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : LegionCommandShipOut
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : MalificusRaid
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : MinionKillThatOneTooGroup
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : NoSoldierLeftBehind1
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : NoSoldierLeftBehind2
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : OnBorrowedWings
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : OnBorrowedWings2
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : RelicHunting1
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : RelicHunting2
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : ReturnToLegionfallBase
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : StandGroup
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : StoneboundSoldiers1
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : StoneboundSoldiers2
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : StoneboundSoldiers3
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCallofBattle1
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCallofBattle2
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCallofBattle3
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCostofPower1
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCostofPower2
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCostofPower3
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheShackledVoid1
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheShackledVoid2
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheWailingDead
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : TortureChamber1
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : TortureChamber2
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : WarMateriel
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : WeDidntStarttheFire
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : WeDidntStarttheFire2
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : WingedTerrors1
[D] 15:50:01 - [Quester] Create instance of : WingedTerrors2
[F] 15:50:01 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
15:50:02 - [Quester] Started
[D] 15:50:02 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:50:02 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:50:02 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:50:02 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:50:02 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Broken Shore //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1021);

[D] 15:50:02 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:50:02 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:50:02 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:50:02 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:50:02 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:50:02 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:50:02 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:50:02 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:50:02 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:50:02 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:50:02 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:50:02 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:50:02 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:50:02 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:50:02 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:50:02 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:50:03 - [Quester] If[2] (/* REQUIRED: PREQUEST */ !Quest.GetQuestCompleted(46734)) | Result: False
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
15:50:03 - [World Quests] quests=5 for zone=1021 46201,46825,46111,46180,0
[D] 15:50:03 - [Quester] RunCode[16]: WorldQuest.SetDefaultSettings();
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:50:03 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 15:50:04 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 15:50:04 - [Quester] New step (61): ByWaterBePurged>Pulse
[N] 15:50:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1645,678 ; 3177,308 ; 135,9316 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:50:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 33 (1093,529y)
15:50:04 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
15:50:07 - [Pause] started
15:50:17 - World Quest Settings: whistle=True elite=True raid=True pvp=True soloHP=16 eliteHP%=55 raidHP%=25 cooking=True fishing=True skinning=True mining=True herbalism=True
15:50:18 - [Pause] Stoped
[N] 15:50:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1633,621 ; 3181,219 ; 136,22 ; "Flying" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:50:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 33 (1081,465y)
[N] 15:50:51 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 15:50:51 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 15:50:51 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 15:50:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1446,897 ; 2541,661 ; 5,505847 ; "Flying" to -1474,09 ; 2467,144 ; 0,1770438 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:50:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (79,63574y)
[N] 15:51:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1473,92 ; 2467,673 ; 3,73257 ; "None" to -1379,059 ; 2589,032 ; 46,65727 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:51:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (189,4672y)
15:51:02 - [Mount] Dismount
15:51:12 - [Mount] Dismount
15:51:12 - [World Quests] quests=2 for zone=1021 46201,0
[N] 15:51:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1376,8 ; 2583,939 ; 46,65938 ; "None" to -1291,102 ; 2596,511 ; 38,24151 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:51:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (87,02947y)
15:51:16 - [Mount] Dismount
[N] 15:51:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1374,057 ; 2598,505 ; 46,68962 ; "None" to -1291,102 ; 2596,511 ; 38,24151 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:51:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (86,43674y)
15:51:18 - [Mount] Dismount
[N] 15:51:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1359,947 ; 2588,915 ; 46,62439 ; "None" to -1291,36 ; 2596,417 ; 38,29504 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:51:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (70,14893y)
[N] 15:51:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1354,057 ; 2602,353 ; 54,5048 ; "None" to -1296,445 ; 2594,819 ; 39,3745 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:51:20 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: -1354,057 ; 2602,353 ; 54,5048 ; "None" (Troll Raid_27,12059_34,53886) to -1296,445 ; 2594,819 ; 39,3745 ; "None" (Troll Raid_27,13471_34,43084)
[N] 15:51:20 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: -1354,057 ; 2602,353 ; 54,5048 ; "None" (Troll Raid_27,12059_34,53886) to -1630,298 ; 3264,873 ; 15,32036 ; "None" (Troll Raid_25,87836_35,05681)
[N] 15:51:20 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: -1354,057 ; 2602,353 ; 54,5048 ; "None" (Troll Raid_27,12059_34,53886) to -1608,273 ; 3247,694 ; 7,162392 ; "None" (Troll Raid_25,91057_35,01551)
[N] 15:51:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_33.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_34.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:20 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: -1354,057 ; 2602,353 ; 54,5048 ; "None" (Troll Raid_27,12059_34,53886) to -851,4502 ; 3575,833 ; 0,7144552 ; "None" (Troll Raid_25,29531_33,59647)
[N] 15:51:20 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: -1354,057 ; 2602,353 ; 54,5048 ; "None" (Troll Raid_27,12059_34,53886) to -841,7494 ; 3538,232 ; 1,494806 ; "None" (Troll Raid_25,36581_33,57828)
[N] 15:51:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_34.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_35.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_33.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_32.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_32.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 15:51:21 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_36.mesh.gz
[D] 15:51:21 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_36.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_36.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_32.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_36.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_32.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_34.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_35.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_33.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_35.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_37.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_37.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_32.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_36.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_32.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_37.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_31.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_31.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_31.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_34.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_35.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_33.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_32.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_36.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_36.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_31.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_31.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_34.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_33.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_35.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_36.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_31.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_30.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_30.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_30.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_35.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_34.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_30.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_37.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_37.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_36.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_33.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_30.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_37.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_30.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_31.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_29.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_29.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_29.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_29.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_29.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_36.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_35.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_34.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_30.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_29.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_28.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_28.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_30.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_31.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_28.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_29.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_29.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_28.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_31.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_30.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_32.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_28.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_28.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_30.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_29.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_31.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_29.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_27.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_27.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_28.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_28.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_28.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_27.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_31.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_32.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:24 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 15:51:24 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 15:51:24 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 15:51:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_30.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_27.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_27.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_27.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_27.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_28.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_29.mesh.gz
15:51:24 - [Mount] Dismount
[N] 15:51:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_27.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_31.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_32.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_27.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_28.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_26.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_26.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_26.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_26.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_26.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_30.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_26.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_26.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_26.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_29.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_27.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_27.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_28.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_27.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_26.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_28.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_25.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_25.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_25.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_31.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_30.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_25.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_25.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_27.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_32.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_29.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_33.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_33.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_25.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_25.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_26.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_26.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_33.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_25.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_26.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_28.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_26.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_31.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_32.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:27 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 15:51:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_30.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_27.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_24.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_24.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_24.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_24.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_24.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_34.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_34.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_34.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_24.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_33.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_34.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_29.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_25.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_24.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_33.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_35.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_35.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_26.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_35.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_24.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_35.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_28.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_34.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_24.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_25.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_25.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_23.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_23.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_27.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_30.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_31.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_32.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_23.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_33.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_23.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_25.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_35.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_25.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_29.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_23.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_26.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_24.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_23.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_28.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_23.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_23.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_34.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_22.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_22.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_23.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_22.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_31.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_30.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_32.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_27.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_33.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_22.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_25.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_25.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_23.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_26.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_29.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_34.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_28.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_22.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_22.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_25.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_21.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_21.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_21.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_24.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_23.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_22.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_22.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_31.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_30.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_27.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_32.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_24.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_24.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_21.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_24.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_33.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_26.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_29.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_24.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_22.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_22.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_28.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_34.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_24.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_21.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_21.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_21.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_27.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_22.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_25.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_20.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_20.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_20.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_21.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_23.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_20.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_24.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_30.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_29.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_26.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_31.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_23.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_23.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_22.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_20.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_33.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_34.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_21.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_21.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_21.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_25.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_20.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_32.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_20.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_35.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_35.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_20.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_35.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_23.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_23.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_35.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_23.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_36.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_36.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_36.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_36.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_22.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_22.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_14_31.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_14_30.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_36.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_24.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_20.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_36.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_37.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_37.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_37.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_21.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_14_29.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_19.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_19.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_37.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_20.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_20.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_36.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_14_32.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_14_33.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_21.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_20.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_37.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_36.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_26.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_25.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_27.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_21.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_19.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_19.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_19.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_23.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_19.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_28.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_22.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_21.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_20.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_20.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_18.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_18.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_22.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_22.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:34 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_22.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:34 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_19.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:34 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_18.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:34 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_18.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:34 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_21.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:34 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_19.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:34 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_19.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:34 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_20.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:34 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_19.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:34 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_18.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:34 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_18.mesh.gz
[N] 15:51:35 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: -1296,445 ; 2594,819 ; 39,3745 ; "None" (Troll Raid_27,13471_34,43084) to -1353,824 ; 2603,228 ; 51,33421 ; "None" (Troll Raid_27,11895_34,53842)
[N] 15:51:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (101,9972y)
[D] 15:51:35 - [MovementManager] Current pos: -1352,899 ; 2603,736 ; 55,06307 ; "None" - Target pos: -1343,208 ; 2588,358 ; 41,86997 ; "None" Continent: Troll Raid Tile: 27.11799_34.53669
[D] 15:51:35 - [StuckResolver] Started.
[N] 15:51:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1354,061 ; 2613,067 ; 49,86287 ; "None" to -1286,043 ; 2591,517 ; 39,55551 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:51:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (105,7477y)
15:51:36 - [Mount] Dismount
[D] 15:51:37 - [StuckResolver] Done - Stuck count updated, new value: 1.
[N] 15:51:37 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 15:51:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1345,443 ; 2631,772 ; 47,47736 ; "None" to -1286,043 ; 2591,517 ; 39,55551 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:51:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (82,61051y)
[E] 15:51:49 - Cannot MoveTo(0, 0, 0, 00000000000000000000000000000000, 1, 0,5)

15:52:12 - [World Quests] quests=2 for zone=1021 46201,0
[N] 15:52:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1344,157 ; 2591,252 ; 46,23817 ; "None" to -1245,905 ; 2581,757 ; 37,00049 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:52:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (98,65739y)
15:52:12 - [Mount] Dismount
[N] 15:52:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1337,726 ; 2583,854 ; 45,90714 ; "None" to -1245,905 ; 2581,757 ; 37,00049 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:52:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (92,27657y)
15:52:14 - [Mount] Dismount
[N] 15:52:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1319,598 ; 2601,724 ; 44,57137 ; "None" to -1245,905 ; 2581,757 ; 37,00049 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:52:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (76,72443y)
[N] 15:52:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1315,47 ; 2583,348 ; 47,40285 ; "None" to -1245,905 ; 2581,757 ; 37,00049 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:52:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (70,35712y)
[N] 15:52:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1247,374 ; 2582,238 ; 40,55636 ; "None" to -1179,398 ; 2624,998 ; 28,13019 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:52:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (84,25713y)
15:52:34 - [Mount] Dismount
[N] 15:52:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1200,489 ; 2613,384 ; 34,58612 ; "None" to -1140,296 ; 2615,145 ; 28,30377 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:52:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (59,8328y)
[E] 15:52:44 - Cannot MoveTo(0, 0, 0, 00000000000000000000000000000000, 1, 0,5)

15:53:13 - [World Quests] quests=2 for zone=1021 46201,0
[N] 15:53:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1141,679 ; 2615,65 ; 31,86201 ; "None" to -1194,302 ; 2576,852 ; 33,53322 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:53:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (70,16609y)
[N] 15:53:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1468,99 ; 2479,58 ; 1,818204 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:53:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,761746y)
[N] 15:53:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1468,99 ; 2479,58 ; 1,818204 ; "None" to -1474,09 ; 2467,144 ; 0,1777906 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:53:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,54103y)
[N] 15:53:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:53:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:53:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:53:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:53:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:53:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:53:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:53:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:53:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:53:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:53:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:53:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:53:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:53:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:53:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:53:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:53:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:53:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:53:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:53:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:53:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:53:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:53:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:53:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:53:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:53:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:53:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:53:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:53:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:53:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:53:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:53:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:53:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:53:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:53:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:53:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:54:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:54:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:54:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:54:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:54:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:54:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:54:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:54:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:54:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:54:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:54:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:54:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:54:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:54:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
[N] 15:54:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472,13 ; 2471,918 ; 0,6322417 ; "None" to -1463,297 ; 2472,944 ; 1,250999 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:54:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,913939y)
15:54:13 - [World Quests] quests=4 for zone=1021 46825,46111,46180,0
[D] 15:54:13 - [Quester] New step (62): FlightMastersWhistle>Pulse
[D] 15:54:28 - [Quester] New step (79): ReturnToLegionfallBase>Pulse
[N] 15:54:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1222,088 ; 2200,288 ; 0,9798883 ; "None" to -1639,689 ; 3176,833 ; 135,9169 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 15:54:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 50 (1515,491y)
15:54:28 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[N] 15:54:46 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 15:54:46 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
15:54:52 - [Quester] Stopped
15:54:52 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:04m:50s
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 1 (12/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 496 G 55 S 17 C (40 G 00 S 00 C)

[D] 16:03:10 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 16:03:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[F] 16:03:10 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
16:03:11 - [Quester] Started
[D] 16:03:11 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:11 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:11 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:11 - [Quester] LoadProfile: camelot10\Legion world quests\Azsuna\[110] Azsuna E.xml
[D] 16:03:11 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:11 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:11 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:11 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:11 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:11 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:11 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:11 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:11 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:11 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:11 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:11 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:11 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:11 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:11 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:11 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:12 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:12 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:12 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:12 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:12 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:12 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:12 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:12 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:12 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:12 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 16:03:12 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:12 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 16:03:12 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 16:03:12 - [Quester] Create instance of : AncientExemplarsGroup1
[D] 16:03:12 - [Quester] Create instance of : AncientExemplarsGroup2
[D] 16:03:12 - [Quester] Create instance of : LanguageoftheLost1
[D] 16:03:12 - [Quester] Create instance of : LanguageoftheLost2
[D] 16:03:12 - [Quester] Create instance of : LeodrathsKin1
[D] 16:03:12 - [Quester] Create instance of : LeodrathsKin2
[D] 16:03:12 - [Quester] Create instance of : LeodrathsKin3
[D] 16:03:12 - [Quester] Create instance of : TiptheScales
[D] 16:03:12 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDBrogozog
[D] 16:03:12 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDSyphonus
[D] 16:03:12 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDSyphonus2
[D] 16:03:12 - [Quester] Create instance of : BattlefortheRuins1Invasion
[D] 16:03:12 - [Quester] Create instance of : BattlefortheRuins2Invasion
[D] 16:03:12 - [Quester] Create instance of : DrozekInvasionGroup
[D] 16:03:12 - [Quester] Create instance of : KazruulInvasionGroup
[F] 16:03:13 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
[F] 16:03:14 - [FightClass] Fight class already loaded
[D] 16:03:14 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:14 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Azsuna //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1015);

[D] 16:03:14 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:14 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:14 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:14 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:14 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:14 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:14 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:14 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:14 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:14 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:14 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:14 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:14 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:14 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
16:03:14 - Azsuna (E)-SE-S-C-SW-W-NW-NE-N profile start
[D] 16:03:14 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:14 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:14 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
16:03:14 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1015 43328,42021,43606,42018,42712,42022,44894,42511,43027,0
16:03:14 - Azsuna (E)-SE-S-C-SW-W-NW-NE-N profile complete. Loading next profile.
[D] 16:03:14 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:14 - [Quester] LoadProfile: camelot10\Legion world quests\Azsuna\[110] Azsuna SE.xml
[D] 16:03:14 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:15 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:15 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:15 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:15 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:15 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:15 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:15 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:15 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:15 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:15 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:15 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:15 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:15 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:15 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:15 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:15 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:15 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:15 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:15 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:15 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:15 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:15 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:15 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:16 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:16 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 16:03:16 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 16:03:16 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 16:03:16 - [Quester] Create instance of : CalamitousIntentRaid
[D] 16:03:16 - [Quester] Create instance of : DANGERDeepclaw
[D] 16:03:16 - [Quester] Create instance of : DEADLYWitheredJimRaid
[D] 16:03:16 - [Quester] Create instance of : GofromDeadMansBaycave
[D] 16:03:16 - [Quester] Create instance of : GofromMakrana
[D] 16:03:16 - [Quester] Create instance of : HeadsoftheFleet1
[D] 16:03:16 - [Quester] Create instance of : HeadsoftheFleet2
[D] 16:03:16 - [Quester] Create instance of : HeadsoftheFleet3
[D] 16:03:16 - [Quester] Create instance of : HeadsoftheFleet4
[D] 16:03:16 - [Quester] Create instance of : InvestigationatMakrana1
[D] 16:03:16 - [Quester] Create instance of : InvestigationatMakrana2
[D] 16:03:16 - [Quester] Create instance of : InvestigationatMakrana3
[D] 16:03:16 - [Quester] Create instance of : InvestigationatMakrana4
[D] 16:03:16 - [Quester] Create instance of : PiracyDoesntPay1
[D] 16:03:16 - [Quester] Create instance of : PiracyDoesntPay2
[D] 16:03:16 - [Quester] Create instance of : SlabofBacon
[D] 16:03:16 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheEternalMages
[F] 16:03:17 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
[F] 16:03:17 - [FightClass] Fight class already loaded
[D] 16:03:17 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:17 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:17 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:17 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:17 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Azsuna //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1015);

[D] 16:03:17 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:17 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:17 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:18 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:18 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:18 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:18 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:18 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:18 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:18 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:18 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:18 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:18 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:18 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:18 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:18 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
16:03:18 - Azsuna E-(SE)-S-C-SW-W-NW-NE-N profile start
[D] 16:03:18 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
16:03:18 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1015 43328,42021,43606,42018,42712,42022,44894,42511,43027,0
[D] 16:03:18 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:18 - [Quester] New step (4): InvestigationatMakrana3>Pulse
[N] 16:03:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -848,6532 ; 5778,099 ; 2,061684 ; "None" to -805,0746 ; 5707,562 ; 5,013239 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:03:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (88,88179y)
[N] 16:03:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -805,0746 ; 5707,562 ; 5,013239 ; "None" to -758,3195 ; 5791,597 ; 2,204886 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:03:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (96,20723y)
[N] 16:03:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -758,3195 ; 5791,597 ; 2,204886 ; "None" to -865,0078 ; 5883,709 ; 2,03125 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:03:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (153,8502y)
[N] 16:03:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -865,0078 ; 5883,709 ; 2,03125 ; "None" to -848,6532 ; 5778,099 ; 2,061684 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:03:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (106,8687y)
[D] 16:03:18 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:18 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
16:03:18 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[D] 16:03:18 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:18 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:18 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:18 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:18 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:19 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:19 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:19 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:19 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:19 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:19 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:19 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:19 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:19 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:19 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:19 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:03:19 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:19 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:19 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:03:19 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[N] 16:03:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -784,174 ; 6130,04 ; 5,167549 ; "Flying" to -833,4932 ; 5877,779 ; 2,582687 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:03:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (268,8418y)
[N] 16:03:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -789,4724 ; 6025,164 ; 5,050867 ; "Flying" to -766,0723 ; 5971,269 ; -0,2439381 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:03:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (59,16735y)
[N] 16:03:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -766,8652 ; 5972,916 ; 2,023934 ; "None" to -833,4932 ; 5877,779 ; 2,582687 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:03:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (116,9846y)
[N] 16:03:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -793,8016 ; 5934,542 ; 0,04355155 ; "Flying" to -857,2275 ; 5927,867 ; 0,08012711 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:03:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (63,77616y)
[N] 16:03:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -856,1059 ; 5927,925 ; 0,5102863 ; "Flying" to -927,0452 ; 5943,916 ; 4,204661 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:03:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (78,93939y)
16:03:39 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Старейшина Мак'раны (lvl 110)
[F] 16:03:39 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:03:39 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:03:41 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:03:42 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:03:43 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:03:45 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:03:47 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:03:49 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:03:51 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:03:52 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:03:52 - [Looting] Loot Старейшина Мак'раны
[N] 16:03:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -927,0056 ; 5942,909 ; 4,324748 ; "None" to -865,0078 ; 5883,709 ; 2,03125 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:03:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (88,53339y)
16:03:56 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Отравитель из племени Горькой Воды (lvl 110)
[F] 16:03:56 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:03:57 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:03:58 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:03:59 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:03:59 - [Spell] Cast Камень души (Soulstone)
[F] 16:04:02 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:04:03 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:04:05 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 16:04:07 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:04:07 - [Looting] Loot Отравитель из племени Горькой Воды
[N] 16:04:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -927,6656 ; 5942,319 ; 4,115553 ; "None" to -925,6295 ; 5936,799 ; 5,245952 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:04:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (5,990752y)
[N] 16:04:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -926,9343 ; 5940,336 ; 4,520065 ; "None" to -865,0078 ; 5883,709 ; 2,03125 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:04:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (85,76756y)
[N] 16:04:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -921,9952 ; 5934,275 ; 6,06823 ; "None" to -969,7344 ; 5848,25 ; 1,39661 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:04:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (119,8866y)
16:04:20 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Солемаг из племени Горькой Воды (lvl 110)
[F] 16:04:21 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:04:23 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:04:25 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:04:25 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:04:26 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:04:27 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:04:29 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
16:04:32 - [Looting] Loot Солемаг из племени Горькой Воды
[N] 16:04:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -922,7701 ; 5887,65 ; -0,04150795 ; "None" to -924,5536 ; 5866,829 ; -0,3373941 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:04:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,89915y)
16:04:36 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1015 43328,42021,43606,42018,42712,42022,44894,42511,43027,0
[N] 16:04:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -924,2224 ; 5870,696 ; -0,5522253 ; "None" to -969,7344 ; 5848,25 ; 1,39661 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:04:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (53,69862y)
16:04:42 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Отравитель из племени Горькой Воды (lvl 110)
[F] 16:04:43 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:04:43 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:04:45 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:04:47 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:04:48 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[N] 16:04:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -957,8922 ; 5854,098 ; -1,110186 ; "None" to -977,5334 ; 5838,615 ; 1,577668 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:04:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (32,28689y)
[F] 16:04:53 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:04:54 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:04:56 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:04:57 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:04:57 - [Looting] Loot Отравитель из племени Горькой Воды
[N] 16:04:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -973,0624 ; 5838,604 ; 0,9313408 ; "None" to -969,7344 ; 5848,25 ; 1,39661 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:04:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (16,6619y)
16:05:01 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[N] 16:05:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -969,8651 ; 5844,706 ; 0,9621789 ; "Flying" to -865,0078 ; 5883,709 ; 2,03125 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:05:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (115,766y)
[N] 16:05:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -864,0294 ; 5883,517 ; 0,7792085 ; "Flying" to -795,7618 ; 5909,727 ; 1,032794 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:05:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (73,24809y)
[N] 16:05:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -796,2248 ; 5909,511 ; 3,040881 ; "Flying" to -811,7962 ; 5865,224 ; -0,9780563 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:05:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (49,23581y)
[N] 16:05:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -849,4489 ; 5783,031 ; 1,706773 ; "None" to -803,4757 ; 5706,388 ; 4,835361 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:05:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (93,82751y)
16:05:31 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Отравитель из племени Горькой Воды (lvl 110)
[F] 16:05:31 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:05:32 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:05:34 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:05:35 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[N] 16:05:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -803,5275 ; 5706,6 ; 4,79122 ; "None" to -818,3281 ; 5710,407 ; 2,014452 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:05:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,53244y)
[N] 16:05:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -807,8747 ; 5707,719 ; 5,293176 ; "None" to -825,0845 ; 5712,665 ; -1,430096 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:05:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,12694y)
[F] 16:05:38 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:05:39 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:05:41 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:05:42 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:05:44 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:05:46 - [Looting] Loot Отравитель из племени Горькой Воды
[N] 16:05:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -808,7657 ; 5707,975 ; 5,277594 ; "None" to -826,6205 ; 5710,465 ; -1,07146 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:05:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (21,39797y)
16:05:49 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1015 43328,42021,43606,42018,42712,42022,44894,42511,43027,0
16:05:49 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[N] 16:05:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -823,6216 ; 5707,858 ; -0,5704734 ; "Flying" to -805,0746 ; 5707,562 ; 5,013239 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:05:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,3716y)
[N] 16:06:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -848,7984 ; 5779,003 ; 1,941354 ; "None" to -803,4757 ; 5706,388 ; 4,801562 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:06:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (90,92722y)
16:06:20 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[N] 16:06:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -855,468 ; 5820,411 ; -0,5868292 ; "None" to -860,8785 ; 5838,378 ; 3,963066 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:06:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,30799y)
16:06:44 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[N] 16:06:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -860,7234 ; 5837,33 ; 3,475091 ; "Flying" to -865,0078 ; 5883,709 ; 2,03125 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:06:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (46,59924y)
[D] 16:06:47 - [Quester] New step (5): InvestigationatMakrana2>Pulse
[N] 16:06:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -822,4014 ; 5763,458 ; 2,4354 ; "None" to -805,0746 ; 5707,562 ; 5,013239 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:06:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (59,57452y)
[N] 16:06:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -805,0746 ; 5707,562 ; 5,013239 ; "None" to -760,1035 ; 5794,446 ; 2,674932 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:06:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (98,44938y)
[N] 16:06:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -760,1035 ; 5794,446 ; 2,674932 ; "None" to -865,0078 ; 5883,709 ; 2,03125 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:06:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (150,6199y)
[N] 16:06:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -865,0078 ; 5883,709 ; 2,03125 ; "None" to -822,4014 ; 5763,458 ; 2,4354 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:06:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (127,6727y)
16:06:47 - [Fight] Player Attack Отравитель из племени Горькой Воды (lvl 110)
[N] 16:06:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -861,4167 ; 5844,834 ; 3,049661 ; "Flying" to -936,342 ; 5834,936 ; 1,379412 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:06:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (76,23319y)
16:06:48 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 16:06:50 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:06:50 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:06:51 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:06:53 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:06:54 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:06:55 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:06:57 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:06:57 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:06:59 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:07:01 - [Looting] Loot Отравитель из племени Горькой Воды
[D] 16:07:01 - [MovementManager] You try to use flying/swimming path but you cannot fly/swim here, try to use ground mouvement...
16:07:08 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1015 43328,42021,43606,42018,42712,42022,44894,42511,43027,0
16:07:08 - [Fight] Player Attack Солемаг из племени Горькой Воды (lvl 110)
[F] 16:07:08 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 16:07:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -923,8298 ; 5838,359 ; -1,795481 ; "Swimming" to -970,7083 ; 5819,386 ; 2,480086 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:07:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (54,0118y)
[F] 16:07:08 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:07:09 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:07:10 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:07:10 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:07:12 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:07:13 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 16:07:18 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
16:07:19 - [Looting] Loot Солемаг из племени Горькой Воды
[N] 16:07:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -936,6435 ; 5833,172 ; 1,355606 ; "None" to -958,4833 ; 5825,829 ; -1,110661 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:07:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (23,17309y)
[D] 16:07:24 - [Quester] New step (6): InvestigationatMakrana1>Pulse
[N] 16:07:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -822,4014 ; 5763,458 ; 2,4354 ; "None" to -805,0746 ; 5707,562 ; 5,013239 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:07:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (59,57452y)
[N] 16:07:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -805,0746 ; 5707,562 ; 5,013239 ; "None" to -756,5326 ; 5788,686 ; 1,449833 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:07:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (94,60513y)
[N] 16:07:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -756,5326 ; 5788,686 ; 1,449833 ; "None" to -865,0078 ; 5883,709 ; 2,03125 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:07:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (157,1827y)
[N] 16:07:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -865,0078 ; 5883,709 ; 2,03125 ; "None" to -822,4014 ; 5763,458 ; 2,4354 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:07:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (127,6727y)
16:07:24 - [Fight] Player Attack Воин Мак'раны (lvl 110)
[F] 16:07:24 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 16:07:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -954,8621 ; 5827,046 ; -1,110451 ; "None" to -1007,96 ; 5815,327 ; 2,439738 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:07:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (55,81438y)
[F] 16:07:25 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:07:25 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:07:27 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:07:28 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:07:29 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:07:31 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
16:07:35 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Хваткий краб-ползун (lvl 110)
[F] 16:07:36 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:07:38 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:07:38 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:07:40 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:07:41 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
16:07:42 - [Looting] Loot Воин Мак'раны
[N] 16:07:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -971,5794 ; 5826,257 ; -1,110207 ; "None" to -993,4418 ; 5820,341 ; -0,5472716 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:07:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22,1491y)
16:07:47 - [Fight] Player Attack Воин Мак'раны (lvl 110)
[N] 16:07:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -989,5129 ; 5821,402 ; -0,7541789 ; "None" to -958,7239 ; 5750,437 ; 17,87434 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:07:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (87,11852y)
16:07:47 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[F] 16:07:47 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:07:49 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[N] 16:07:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -968,3024 ; 5791,164 ; 6,220198 ; "None" to -958,7239 ; 5750,437 ; 17,87434 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:07:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (46,52279y)
16:07:52 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 16:07:52 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:07:53 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:07:54 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:07:55 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:07:56 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:07:58 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:08:00 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:08:02 - [Looting] Loot Воин Мак'раны
[N] 16:08:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -969,7535 ; 5774,383 ; 11,73883 ; "None" to -964,061 ; 5759,677 ; 12,37288 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:08:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (18,12604y)
16:08:06 - [Fight] Player Attack Воин Мак'раны (lvl 110)
[F] 16:08:06 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 16:08:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -966,5912 ; 5762,548 ; 11,98375 ; "None" to -950,9888 ; 5708,877 ; 24,9793 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:08:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (58,72719y)
[F] 16:08:07 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:08:07 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:08:08 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:08:10 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:08:11 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[N] 16:08:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -958,7662 ; 5735,182 ; 16,06183 ; "None" to -954,2835 ; 5708,579 ; 25,52246 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:08:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (33,3697y)
[F] 16:08:13 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:08:14 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[N] 16:08:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -956,312 ; 5731,722 ; 16,69395 ; "None" to -956,6609 ; 5713,986 ; 23,46531 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:08:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (27,2053y)
[N] 16:08:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -955,5191 ; 5730,469 ; 16,97704 ; "None" to -956,8824 ; 5714,42 ; 23,28759 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:08:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (25,38784y)
[F] 16:08:18 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
16:08:19 - [Looting] Loot Воин Мак'раны
[N] 16:08:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -955,5002 ; 5724,638 ; 19,4673 ; "None" to -956,8824 ; 5714,42 ; 23,28683 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:08:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (17,45563y)
16:08:22 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1015 43328,42021,43606,42018,42712,42022,44894,42511,43027,0
16:08:22 - [Fight] Player Attack Воин Мак'раны (lvl 110)
[F] 16:08:22 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:08:23 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:08:23 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:08:25 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:08:26 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:08:27 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:08:29 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
16:08:31 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Хваткий краб-ползун (lvl 110)
[F] 16:08:32 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:08:33 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
16:08:35 - [Looting] Loot Хваткий краб-ползун
[N] 16:08:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -953,767 ; 5713,892 ; 23,39755 ; "None" to -946,0504 ; 5695,052 ; 28,87264 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:08:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (21,08184y)
16:08:39 - [Fight] Player Attack Старейшина Мак'раны (lvl 110)
[F] 16:08:39 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 16:08:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -947,4279 ; 5698,416 ; 27,91074 ; "None" to -916,4583 ; 5660,628 ; 36,12872 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:08:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (54,26886y)
[F] 16:08:39 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:08:40 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:08:41 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:08:41 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:08:42 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:08:43 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:08:43 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:08:44 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:08:46 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:08:46 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:08:48 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:08:49 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Отравитель из племени Горькой Воды (lvl 110)
[F] 16:08:50 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:08:52 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:08:53 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:08:54 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:08:56 - [Looting] Loot Старейшина Мак'раны
[N] 16:08:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -935,4321 ; 5672,265 ; 34,63395 ; "None" to -941,3286 ; 5673,665 ; 33,90804 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:08:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (6,103704y)
[D] 16:08:58 - [Quester] New step (7): InvestigationatMakrana4>Pulse
[N] 16:08:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -936,4377 ; 5672,385 ; 34,4828 ; "None" to -822,231 ; 5760,954 ; 2,137251 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:08:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (189,8002y)
16:08:58 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
16:09:08 - [Mount] Dismount
16:09:54 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1015 43328,42021,43606,42018,42712,42022,44894,42511,43027,0
16:10:54 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1015 43328,42021,43606,42018,42712,42022,44894,42511,43027,0
[F] 16:11:00 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[F] 16:11:06 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[F] 16:11:23 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[F] 16:11:28 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[F] 16:11:32 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[F] 16:11:43 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[F] 16:11:46 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
16:11:54 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1015 43328,42021,43606,42018,42712,42022,44894,42511,43027,0
[F] 16:11:58 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:12:00 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:12:01 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:12:02 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:12:04 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:12:05 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:12:06 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:12:08 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:12:09 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:12:10 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:12:12 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:12:12 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
16:12:13 - [Looting] Loot Королева Краклаа
[N] 16:12:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -975,387 ; 5628,851 ; 4,060521 ; "None" to -991,3061 ; 5613,69 ; 6,340731 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:12:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22,10116y)
[N] 16:12:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -987,629 ; 5617,192 ; 6,225484 ; "None" to -971,8533 ; 5630,108 ; 4,759759 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:12:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (22,02015y)
16:12:31 - [Looting] Loot Забвенон
[N] 16:12:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -973,5237 ; 5628,142 ; 4,009966 ; "None" to -987,3635 ; 5620,992 ; 6,079231 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:12:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,71446y)
[F] 16:12:52 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
16:12:54 - [World Quests] quests=9 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,44894,42511,42712,42022,43027,0
[D] 16:12:54 - [Quester] New step (8): GofromMakrana>Pulse
[F] 16:13:08 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[D] 16:13:30 - [Quester] RunCode[9]: // InvestigationatMakrana . restore settings //
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseFlyingMount = true;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseGroundMount = true;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseMount = true;

[D] 16:13:31 - [Quester] New step (21): FlightMastersWhistle>Pulse
16:13:46 - Azsuna E-(SE)-S-C-SW-W-NW-NE-N profile complete. Loading next profile.
[D] 16:13:46 - [Quester] LoadProfile: camelot10\Legion world quests\Azsuna\[110] Azsuna S.xml
[D] 16:13:47 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 16:13:47 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 16:13:47 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 16:13:47 - [Quester] Create instance of : DANGERCinderwing
[D] 16:13:47 - [Quester] Create instance of : DANGERLysanisShadesoul
[D] 16:13:47 - [Quester] Create instance of : DANGERTorrentius
[D] 16:13:47 - [Quester] Create instance of : NaganaHappenGroup1
[D] 16:13:47 - [Quester] Create instance of : NaganaHappenGroup2
[D] 16:13:47 - [Quester] Create instance of : TerroroftheDeepRaid
[D] 16:13:47 - [Quester] Create instance of : ThalipedesevilGroup
[F] 16:13:48 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
[F] 16:13:49 - [FightClass] Fight class already loaded
[D] 16:13:49 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:49 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Azsuna //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1015);

[D] 16:13:49 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:49 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:49 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:49 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:49 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:49 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:49 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:49 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:49 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:49 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:49 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:49 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:49 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:49 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:49 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:49 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
16:13:49 - Azsuna E-SE-(S)-C-SW-W-NW-NE-N profile start
[D] 16:13:49 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:49 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
16:13:49 - [World Quests] quests=9 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,44894,42511,42712,42022,43027,0
16:13:49 - Azsuna E-SE-(S)-C-SW-W-NW-NE-N profile complete. Loading next profile.
[D] 16:13:49 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:49 - [Quester] LoadProfile: camelot10\Legion world quests\Azsuna\[110] Azsuna C.xml
[D] 16:13:49 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:50 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 16:13:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 16:13:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 16:13:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : SubzoneNarthalasAcademy
[D] 16:13:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : AdvancedWanding
[D] 16:13:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : BarrelsoFun
[D] 16:13:50 - [Quester] Create instance of : DANGERStormfeather
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : FelwortHerbalism
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlourishingAethrilHerbalism
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : GofromHallofArcaneLearning
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : MidtermRuneAptitude
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : MixologyMixup1
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : MixologyMixup2
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : QueenQueenfishFishing
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : RallytheNightwatchers1
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : RallytheNightwatchers2
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : RallytheNightwatchers3
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheBrokenAcademy
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheFriendoMyEnemyGroup1
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheFriendoMyEnemyGroup2
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheFriendoMyEnemyGroup3
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDCaptainVoloren
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDCaptainVoloren2
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDWarbringerMoxna
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDWarbringerMoxna2
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorkOrderStormscalesSkinning
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorkStudyBestiariesofAzsuna
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheBurningShores1Invasion
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheBurningShores2Invasion
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : ThargokkInvasionElite
[D] 16:13:51 - [Quester] Create instance of : FelcallerThalezraInvasionGroup
[F] 16:13:52 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
[F] 16:13:52 - [FightClass] Fight class already loaded
[D] 16:13:52 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:52 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:52 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Azsuna //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1015);

[D] 16:13:52 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:52 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:52 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:52 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:52 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:52 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:52 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:53 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:53 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:53 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:53 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:53 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:53 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:53 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:53 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:53 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
16:13:53 - Azsuna E-SE-S-(C)-SW-W-NW-NE-N profile start
[D] 16:13:53 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:53 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:53 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
16:13:53 - [World Quests] quests=9 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,44894,42511,42712,42022,43027,0
[D] 16:13:53 - [Quester] New step (21): TheBrokenAcademy>Pulse
[N] 16:13:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -183,2691 ; 6268,194 ; 15,10338 ; "None" to -164,0632 ; 6173,326 ; 4,152327 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:13:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (98,56882y)
[N] 16:13:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -164,0632 ; 6173,326 ; 4,152327 ; "None" to -149,2882 ; 6147,877 ; 15,10442 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:13:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (45,18349y)
[N] 16:13:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -149,2882 ; 6147,877 ; 15,10442 ; "None" to -101,3336 ; 6258,339 ; 1,357647 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:13:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (121,2042y)
[N] 16:13:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -101,3336 ; 6258,339 ; 1,357647 ; "None" to -62,24982 ; 6244,726 ; 3,628683 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:13:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (43,8102y)
[N] 16:13:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -62,24982 ; 6244,726 ; 3,628683 ; "None" to -65,30209 ; 6283,868 ; -0,4886392 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:13:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (43,92555y)
[N] 16:13:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -65,30209 ; 6283,868 ; -0,4886392 ; "None" to -1,033556 ; 6289,557 ; 3,091873 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:13:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (104,3492y)
[N] 16:13:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1,033556 ; 6289,557 ; 3,091873 ; "None" to -0,2329283 ; 6267,358 ; 3,133821 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:13:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22,21369y)
[N] 16:13:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -0,2329283 ; 6267,358 ; 3,133821 ; "None" to -1,180972 ; 6289,479 ; 3,092567 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:13:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22,14144y)
[N] 16:13:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1,180972 ; 6289,479 ; 3,092567 ; "None" to -183,2691 ; 6268,194 ; 15,10338 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:13:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (212,6586y)
[D] 16:13:53 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
16:13:53 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[D] 16:13:53 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:53 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:53 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:53 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:53 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:53 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:53 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:53 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:53 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:53 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:54 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:54 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:54 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:54 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:54 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:54 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:54 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:54 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:13:54 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:54 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:54 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:13:54 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[N] 16:13:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -784,2224 ; 6130,038 ; 5,173751 ; "Flying" to -183,2691 ; 6268,194 ; 15,10338 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:13:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 46 (998,9778y)
[N] 16:14:01 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 16:14:01 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 16:14:01 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
16:14:22 - [Fight] Player Attack Призывательница штормов из клана Колец Нен� (lvl 110)
[N] 16:14:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -238,8687 ; 6075,921 ; 77,23267 ; "Flying" to -225,6343 ; 6171,319 ; 41,15796 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:14:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (221,6792y)
[N] 16:14:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -206,2228 ; 6066,178 ; 64,45913 ; "Flying" to -149,2882 ; 6147,877 ; 15,10442 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:14:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (251,2404y)
16:14:30 - [Fight] Player Attack Призывательница штормов из клана Колец Нен� (lvl 110)
[N] 16:14:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -197,4551 ; 6141,604 ; 41,74546 ; "Flying" to -233,7896 ; 6187,66 ; 41,15794 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:14:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (58,79758y)
16:14:31 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 16:14:34 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:14:35 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:14:37 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:14:38 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:14:40 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:14:41 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:14:42 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:14:43 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:14:44 - [Looting] Loot Призывательница штормов из клана Колец Нен�
[N] 16:14:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -214,8522 ; 6161,61 ; 40,65183 ; "None" to -230,0238 ; 6186,89 ; 41,15826 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:14:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (29,48773y)
16:14:49 - [Fight] Player Attack Хвостодер из клана Колец Ненависти (lvl 110)
[N] 16:14:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -228,0128 ; 6183,539 ; 41,15617 ; "None" to -209,7847 ; 6198,627 ; 4,976946 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:14:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (180,8761y)
16:14:49 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[F] 16:14:49 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:14:51 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[N] 16:14:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -212,5833 ; 6218,482 ; 40,42464 ; "None" to -209,7847 ; 6198,627 ; 4,976946 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:14:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (143,5755y)
[N] 16:14:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -175,6361 ; 6244,523 ; 7,138319 ; "Flying" to -209,7847 ; 6198,627 ; 4,976946 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:14:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (59,27961y)
16:14:58 - [Mount] Dismount
[N] 16:14:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -190,4682 ; 6217,944 ; 4,579568 ; "None" to -209,7847 ; 6198,627 ; 4,976946 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:14:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (29,0423y)
[F] 16:15:01 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:15:02 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:15:03 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:15:04 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:15:05 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:15:07 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 16:15:10 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:15:11 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Хвостодер из клана Колец Ненависти (lvl 110)
[F] 16:15:12 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:15:13 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:15:14 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:15:15 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:15:17 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:15:18 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:15:19 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 16:15:21 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:15:22 - [Looting] Loot Хвостодер из клана Колец Ненависти
[N] 16:15:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -196,2884 ; 6207,786 ; 4,976923 ; "None" to -199,6477 ; 6203,696 ; 4,977231 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:15:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (6,018895y)
16:15:24 - [World Quests] quests=9 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,44894,42511,42712,42022,43027,0
16:15:24 - [Fight] Player Attack Призывательница штормов из клана Колец Нен� (lvl 110)
[F] 16:15:24 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:15:25 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:15:26 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 16:15:32 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
16:15:33 - [Looting] Loot Призывательница штормов из клана Колец Нен�
[N] 16:15:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -192,5401 ; 6207,221 ; 4,976923 ; "None" to -169,2133 ; 6207,563 ; 2,507969 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:15:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (24,46949y)
16:15:38 - [Fight] Player Attack Хвостодер из клана Колец Ненависти (lvl 110)
[N] 16:15:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -172,831 ; 6206,515 ; 1,74767 ; "None" to -203,2726 ; 6181,108 ; 41,33901 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:15:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (131,8335y)
16:15:38 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[F] 16:15:38 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:15:40 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:15:46 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:15:47 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:15:47 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:15:49 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:15:50 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:15:52 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:15:53 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:15:55 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:15:56 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Бролгот (lvl 110)
[F] 16:15:57 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:15:58 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:15:59 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:16:01 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:16:02 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:16:03 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:16:05 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:16:06 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:16:08 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:16:09 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:16:11 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:16:12 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:16:14 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:16:15 - [Looting] Loot Хвостодер из клана Колец Ненависти
16:16:16 - [Fight] Player Attack Хвостодер из клана Колец Ненависти (lvl 110)
[F] 16:16:17 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:16:18 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:16:19 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:16:20 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:16:21 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:16:22 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:16:24 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:16:26 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:16:27 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
16:16:28 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Хвостодер из клана Колец Ненависти (lvl 110)
[F] 16:16:29 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:16:30 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:16:32 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:16:33 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:16:34 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:16:36 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:16:37 - [Looting] Loot Хвостодер из клана Колец Ненависти
[N] 16:16:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -210,5704 ; 6172,909 ; 41,33915 ; "None" to -226,9261 ; 6157,569 ; 41,05275 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:16:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22,42511y)
16:16:41 - [World Quests] quests=9 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,44894,42511,42712,42022,43027,0
16:16:41 - [Fight] Player Attack Хвостодер из клана Колец Ненависти (lvl 110)
[F] 16:16:42 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:16:42 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:16:43 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:16:45 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:16:46 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:16:48 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:16:49 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:16:51 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
16:16:52 - [Looting] Loot Хвостодер из клана Колец Ненависти
[N] 16:16:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -223,9096 ; 6160,394 ; 40,98266 ; "None" to -247,6986 ; 6165,673 ; 41,26264 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:16:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (24,48848y)
16:16:57 - [Fight] Player Attack Хвостодер из клана Колец Ненависти (lvl 110)
[F] 16:16:57 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:16:57 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:16:59 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:17:00 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:17:01 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:17:02 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:17:02 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:17:04 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:17:05 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:17:07 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:17:08 - [Looting] Loot Хвостодер из клана Колец Ненависти
[N] 16:17:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -236,3983 ; 6176,25 ; 41,15848 ; "None" to -223,1651 ; 6192,75 ; 41,3411 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:17:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (21,15144y)
16:17:12 - [Fight] Player Attack Хвостодер из клана Колец Ненависти (lvl 110)
[N] 16:17:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -225,6035 ; 6189,71 ; 41,34235 ; "None" to -209,7847 ; 6198,627 ; 4,976946 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:17:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (174,3102y)
16:17:12 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[F] 16:17:12 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:17:14 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[N] 16:17:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -212,1379 ; 6220,724 ; 40,25972 ; "Flying" to -209,7847 ; 6198,627 ; 4,976946 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:17:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (141,6507y)
16:17:21 - [Mount] Dismount
[N] 16:17:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -186,1878 ; 6230,97 ; 8,036686 ; "None" to -209,7847 ; 6198,627 ; 4,976946 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:17:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (42,66093y)
[F] 16:17:25 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:17:26 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:17:28 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:17:29 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:17:31 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:17:32 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:17:34 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:17:35 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:17:36 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Хвостодер из клана Колец Ненависти (lvl 110)
[F] 16:17:37 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:17:39 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:17:39 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:17:41 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:17:42 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:17:43 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:17:45 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:17:47 - [Looting] Loot Хвостодер из клана Колец Ненависти
[N] 16:17:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -196,255 ; 6207,712 ; 4,976711 ; "None" to -200,099 ; 6204,116 ; 4,976204 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:17:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (6,380112y)
16:17:49 - [World Quests] quests=9 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,44894,42511,42712,42022,43027,0
16:17:49 - [Fight] Player Attack Призывательница штормов из клана Колец Нен� (lvl 110)
[F] 16:17:49 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 16:17:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -196,7815 ; 6206,503 ; 4,976711 ; "None" to -159,8275 ; 6213,223 ; 3,383858 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:17:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (39,01351y)
[F] 16:17:50 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:17:50 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:17:52 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:17:53 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:17:53 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:17:54 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:17:56 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 16:17:58 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:17:58 - [Looting] Loot Призывательница штормов из клана Колец Нен�
[N] 16:17:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -193,0921 ; 6206,261 ; 4,976711 ; "None" to -173,6932 ; 6207,812 ; 2,392132 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:17:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (20,55354y)
16:18:02 - [Fight] Player Attack Хвостодер из клана Колец Ненависти (lvl 110)
[N] 16:18:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -176,6698 ; 6205,81 ; 1,061053 ; "None" to -122,2674 ; 6164,356 ; 7,558879 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:18:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (69,73382y)
[F] 16:18:03 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:18:03 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:18:04 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:18:05 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:18:05 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:18:06 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:18:07 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:18:07 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:18:08 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:18:09 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:18:11 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:18:12 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:18:14 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:18:15 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:18:16 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:18:18 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:18:20 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:18:21 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:18:22 - [Looting] Loot Хвостодер из клана Колец Ненависти
[N] 16:18:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -138,1885 ; 6172,179 ; 7,451975 ; "None" to -128,9985 ; 6160,353 ; 10,10973 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:18:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (21,14957y)
16:18:26 - [Fight] Player Attack Хвостодер из клана Колец Ненависти (lvl 110)
[F] 16:18:26 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:18:26 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:18:27 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:18:28 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:18:29 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:18:30 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:18:32 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:18:34 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:18:34 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
16:18:35 - [Looting] Loot Хвостодер из клана Колец Ненависти
[N] 16:18:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -130,1636 ; 6164,561 ; 8,93643 ; "None" to -110,1165 ; 6177,856 ; 5,292412 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:18:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (24,32989y)
16:18:40 - [Fight] Player Attack Призывательница штормов из клана Колец Нен� (lvl 110)
[F] 16:18:40 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 16:18:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -113,5021 ; 6175,611 ; 5,616627 ; "None" to -145,062 ; 6239,625 ; 4,252599 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:18:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (72,60833y)
[F] 16:18:41 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:18:41 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:18:42 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:18:43 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:18:44 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:18:45 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:18:46 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:18:46 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:18:48 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:18:49 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:18:51 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:18:51 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
16:18:53 - [Looting] Loot Призывательница штормов из клана Колец Нен�
[N] 16:18:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -127,57 ; 6198,641 ; 3,319895 ; "None" to -141,7056 ; 6218,399 ; 2,143054 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:18:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (24,32222y)
[F] 16:18:53 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
16:18:58 - [World Quests] quests=8 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,44894,42511,42712,43027,0
[D] 16:18:58 - [Quester] New step (29): FlightMastersWhistle>Pulse
[F] 16:19:02 - [Spell] Cast Камень души (Soulstone)
[F] 16:19:11 - [Spell] Cast Камень души (Soulstone)
16:19:12 - Azsuna E-SE-S-(C)-SW-W-NW-NE-N profile complete. Loading next profile.
[D] 16:19:12 - [Quester] LoadProfile: camelot10\Legion world quests\Azsuna\[110] Azsuna SW.xml
[F] 16:19:13 - [Spell] Cast Камень души (Soulstone)
[D] 16:19:13 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 16:19:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 16:19:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 16:19:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : DANGERImmolian
[D] 16:19:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : DisgustingbutUseful1
[D] 16:19:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : DisgustingbutUseful2
[D] 16:19:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : FaronaarinChaos
[D] 16:19:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : FaronaarinRuin1
[D] 16:19:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : FaronaarinRuin2
[D] 16:19:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : FelhideSkinning
[D] 16:19:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : FelwortHerbalism
[D] 16:19:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : NotOnMyWatch1
[D] 16:19:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : NotOnMyWatch2
[D] 16:19:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDInfernalLord
[D] 16:19:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDInfernalLord2
[D] 16:19:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDInquisitorTivosMoveBack
[D] 16:19:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDInquisitorTivos1
[D] 16:19:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDInquisitorTivos2
[D] 16:19:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDVorthax
[D] 16:19:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDVorthax2
[D] 16:19:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : WontAnyoneThinkoftheWhelps
[D] 16:19:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : WontAnyoneThinkoftheWhelps2
[D] 16:19:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : AzsunaSpecimensPetBattle
[F] 16:19:14 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
[F] 16:19:15 - [FightClass] Fight class already loaded
[D] 16:19:15 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:15 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Azsuna //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1015);

[D] 16:19:15 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:15 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:15 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:15 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:15 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:15 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:15 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:15 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:15 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
16:19:16 - Azsuna E-SE-S-C-(SW)-W-NW-NE-N profile start
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
16:19:16 - [World Quests] quests=8 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,44894,42511,42712,43027,0
16:19:16 - Azsuna E-SE-S-C-(SW)-W-NW-NE-N profile complete. Loading next profile.
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:16 - [Quester] LoadProfile: camelot10\Legion world quests\Azsuna\[110] Azsuna W.xml
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:16 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:17 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:17 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:17 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:17 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:17 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:17 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:17 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:17 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:17 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:17 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:17 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 16:19:17 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 16:19:17 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 16:19:17 - [Quester] Create instance of : ACleansingCocktailEggs
[D] 16:19:17 - [Quester] Create instance of : ACleansingCocktailMeat
[D] 16:19:17 - [Quester] Create instance of : BrimstoneDestroyer2Mining
[D] 16:19:17 - [Quester] Create instance of : Interlopers
[D] 16:19:17 - [Quester] Create instance of : TomesofYore
[D] 16:19:17 - [Quester] Create instance of : TwistedSouls1
[D] 16:19:17 - [Quester] Create instance of : TwistedSouls2
[D] 16:19:17 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDArcanistShaliman
[D] 16:19:17 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDArcanistShaliman2
[D] 16:19:17 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDDoomlordKazrok
[D] 16:19:17 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDDoomlordKazrok2
[F] 16:19:18 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
[F] 16:19:19 - [FightClass] Fight class already loaded
[D] 16:19:19 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:19 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:19 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Azsuna //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1015);

[D] 16:19:19 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:19 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:19 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:19 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:19 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:19 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:19 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:19 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:19 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:19 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:19 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:19 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:19 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:19 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:19 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:20 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:20 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:20 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:20 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
16:19:20 - Azsuna E-SE-S-C-SW-(W)-NW-NE-N profile start
[D] 16:19:20 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
16:19:20 - [World Quests] quests=8 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,44894,42511,42712,43027,0
[D] 16:19:20 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:20 - [Quester] New step (8): TwistedSouls2>Pulse
[N] 16:19:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 320,3559 ; 7557,951 ; 146,3019 ; "None" to 320,3559 ; 7557,951 ; 146,3019 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:19:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 1 (0y)
[D] 16:19:20 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
16:19:20 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[D] 16:19:20 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:20 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:20 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:20 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:20 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:20 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:20 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:20 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:20 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:20 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:20 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:20 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:20 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:20 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:20 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:20 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:19:21 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:21 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:21 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:19:21 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[N] 16:19:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -784,5608 ; 6130,038 ; 5,207761 ; "Flying" to 320,3559 ; 7557,951 ; 146,3019 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:19:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 76 (2288,743y)
[D] 16:20:12 - [NpcScan] Add npc to database: Repair - Фалара Песня Ночи
16:20:20 - [World Quests] quests=8 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,44894,42511,42712,43027,0
16:21:17 - [Fight] Player Attack Лорд Таш'ирель (lvl 110)
[F] 16:21:18 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:21:20 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:21:21 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:21:22 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:21:24 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:21:25 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:21:27 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:21:28 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:21:30 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:21:32 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:21:34 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
16:21:35 - [Looting] Loot Лорд Таш'ирель
16:21:36 - [World Quests] quests=8 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,44894,42511,42712,43027,0
[D] 16:21:36 - [Quester] New step (9): TwistedSouls1>Pulse
[N] 16:21:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 347,0507 ; 7498,726 ; 150,2612 ; "None" to 345,6641 ; 7500,199 ; 149,8731 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:21:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (2,059959y)
[N] 16:21:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 345,6641 ; 7500,199 ; 149,8731 ; "None" to 329,2014 ; 7523,09 ; 149,848 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:21:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (36,48594y)
[N] 16:21:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 329,2014 ; 7523,09 ; 149,848 ; "None" to 299,6059 ; 7519,978 ; 149,8737 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:21:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (30,8573y)
[N] 16:21:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 299,6059 ; 7519,978 ; 149,8737 ; "None" to 288,0226 ; 7439,88 ; 145,5328 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:21:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (97,96668y)
[N] 16:21:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 288,0226 ; 7439,88 ; 145,5328 ; "None" to 265,8393 ; 7400,356 ; 145,5322 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:21:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (45,32373y)
[N] 16:21:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 265,8393 ; 7400,356 ; 145,5322 ; "None" to 266,9306 ; 7414,405 ; 145,5326 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:21:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,09115y)
[N] 16:21:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 266,9306 ; 7414,405 ; 145,5326 ; "None" to 286,4913 ; 7412,138 ; 144,4907 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:21:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,71913y)
[N] 16:21:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 286,4913 ; 7412,138 ; 144,4907 ; "None" to 334,0393 ; 7427,562 ; 145,5329 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:21:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (52,86912y)
[N] 16:21:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 334,0393 ; 7427,562 ; 145,5329 ; "None" to 347,0507 ; 7498,726 ; 150,2612 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:21:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (81,60572y)
16:21:36 - [Fight] Player Attack Мстительная душа (lvl 110)
[N] 16:21:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 320,3078 ; 7558,1 ; 146,3831 ; "None" to 350,4063 ; 7503,756 ; 149,8807 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:21:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (63,21603y)
[F] 16:21:36 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:21:37 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:21:38 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:21:38 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:21:39 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:21:40 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:21:40 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:21:41 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:21:41 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:21:42 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:21:42 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:21:43 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:21:43 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:21:44 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:21:44 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:21:45 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:21:45 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:21:46 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:21:46 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:21:47 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:21:47 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[D] 16:21:48 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
16:21:48 - [Fight] Can't reach Мстительная душа, blacklisting it.
16:21:48 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Мстительная душа (lvl 110)
[N] 16:21:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 329,204 ; 7532,579 ; 149,7152 ; "None" to 331,566 ; 7527,99 ; 149,8568 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:21:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (5,162614y)
[F] 16:21:48 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:21:49 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:21:50 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:21:51 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:21:53 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 16:21:58 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:21:59 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
16:22:00 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Мстительная душа (lvl 110)
[F] 16:22:01 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:22:03 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:22:04 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:22:05 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:22:07 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 16:22:10 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:22:10 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Мстительная душа (lvl 110)
[F] 16:22:11 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:22:12 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:22:12 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:22:14 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
16:22:15 - [Looting] Loot Мстительная душа
[N] 16:22:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 328,916 ; 7531,676 ; 149,7191 ; "None" to 334,4255 ; 7527,061 ; 149,873 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:22:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (7,188827y)
16:22:17 - [Fight] Player Attack Мстительная душа (lvl 110)
[F] 16:22:17 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:22:18 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:22:19 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:22:20 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:22:22 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:22:23 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:22:25 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:22:26 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Чародей Шал'иман (lvl 110)
[F] 16:22:27 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:22:28 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:22:30 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:22:31 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:22:33 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:22:35 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
16:22:36 - [Looting] Loot Чародей Шал'иман
[N] 16:22:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 331,5583 ; 7529,233 ; 149,8469 ; "None" to 327,8145 ; 7525,367 ; 149,8302 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:22:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (5,382124y)
16:22:38 - [Looting] Loot Мстительная душа
[N] 16:22:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 330,4294 ; 7528,067 ; 149,8301 ; "None" to 308,2286 ; 7518,569 ; 150,7173 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:22:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (24,40046y)
16:22:38 - [World Quests] quests=8 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,44894,42511,42712,43027,0
16:22:38 - [Fight] Player Attack Мстительная душа (lvl 110)
[F] 16:22:38 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:22:39 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:22:40 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 16:22:41 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:22:43 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:22:44 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:22:45 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 16:22:48 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
16:22:49 - [Looting] Loot Мстительная душа
[N] 16:22:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 333,3065 ; 7517,234 ; 150,0445 ; "None" to 338,59 ; 7504,949 ; 150,7177 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:22:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (17,53075y)
16:22:52 - [Fight] Player Attack Мстительная душа (lvl 110)
[F] 16:22:52 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:22:56 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:22:57 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 16:22:59 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:23:00 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:23:02 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[D] 16:23:02 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
16:23:02 - [Fight] Can't reach Мстительная душа, blacklisting it.
16:23:02 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Мстительная душа (lvl 110)
[F] 16:23:03 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:23:05 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:23:06 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:23:07 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:23:07 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:23:09 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:23:11 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
16:23:11 - [Looting] Loot Мстительная душа
16:23:13 - [Fight] Player Attack Мстительная душа (lvl 110)
[N] 16:23:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" to 331,4033 ; 7435,869 ; 145,5327 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:23:13 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to 331,4033 ; 7435,869 ; 145,5327 ; "None" (Troll Raid_18,05774_31,37862)
[N] 16:23:13 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to -32,41346 ; 8056,751 ; 108,2496 ; "None" (Troll Raid_16,89359_32,06078)
[N] 16:23:13 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to -53,72546 ; 8075,026 ; 116,3894 ; "None" (Troll Raid_16,85933_32,10073)
[N] 16:23:13 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to 64,61892 ; 6280,565 ; -15,28693 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,22394_31,87884)
[N] 16:23:13 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to 82,54731 ; 6328,554 ; 12,91586 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,13396_31,84522)
[F] 16:23:13 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:23:14 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:23:14 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[N] 16:23:15 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 331,4033 ; 7435,869 ; 145,5327 ; "None" (Troll Raid_18,05774_31,37862) to 328,1403 ; 7448,14 ; 143,9911 ; "None" (Troll Raid_18,03474_31,38474)
[N] 16:23:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (65,47349y)
[D] 16:23:15 - [Fight] Cannot make path to the target (Мстительная душа), ignore it.
16:23:15 - [Fight] Can't reach Мстительная душа, blacklisting it.
16:23:15 - [Fight] Player Attack Мстительная душа (lvl 110)
[N] 16:23:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" to 290,6424 ; 7441,255 ; 145,5331 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:23:15 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to 290,6424 ; 7441,255 ; 145,5331 ; "None" (Troll Raid_18,04765_31,45505)
[N] 16:23:15 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to -32,41346 ; 8056,751 ; 108,2496 ; "None" (Troll Raid_16,89359_32,06078)
[N] 16:23:15 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to -53,72546 ; 8075,026 ; 116,3894 ; "None" (Troll Raid_16,85933_32,10073)
[N] 16:23:15 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to 64,61892 ; 6280,565 ; -15,28693 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,22394_31,87884)
[N] 16:23:15 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to 82,54731 ; 6328,554 ; 12,91586 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,13396_31,84522)
[F] 16:23:15 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:23:16 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:23:16 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[N] 16:23:17 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 290,6424 ; 7441,255 ; 145,5331 ; "None" (Troll Raid_18,04765_31,45505) to 292,0391 ; 7443,849 ; 141,1014 ; "None" (Troll Raid_18,04278_31,45243)
[N] 16:23:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (79,63003y)
[D] 16:23:17 - [Fight] Cannot make path to the target (Мстительная душа), ignore it.
16:23:17 - [Fight] Can't reach Мстительная душа, blacklisting it.
16:23:17 - [Fight] Player Attack Мстительная душа (lvl 110)
[N] 16:23:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" to 301,6235 ; 7443,144 ; 145,5331 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:23:17 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to 301,6235 ; 7443,144 ; 145,5331 ; "None" (Troll Raid_18,0441_31,43446)
[N] 16:23:17 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to -32,41346 ; 8056,751 ; 108,2496 ; "None" (Troll Raid_16,89359_32,06078)
[N] 16:23:17 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to -53,72546 ; 8075,026 ; 116,3894 ; "None" (Troll Raid_16,85933_32,10073)
[N] 16:23:17 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to 64,61892 ; 6280,565 ; -15,28693 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,22394_31,87884)
[N] 16:23:17 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to 82,54731 ; 6328,554 ; 12,91586 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,13396_31,84522)
[N] 16:23:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (65,84663y)
[D] 16:23:17 - [Fight] Cannot make path to the target (Мстительная душа), ignore it.
16:23:17 - [Fight] Can't reach Мстительная душа, blacklisting it.
16:23:17 - [Fight] Player Attack Мстительная душа (lvl 110)
[N] 16:23:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" to 286,4913 ; 7412,138 ; 144,4907 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:23:17 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to 286,4913 ; 7412,138 ; 144,4907 ; "None" (Troll Raid_18,10224_31,46283)
[N] 16:23:17 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to -32,41346 ; 8056,751 ; 108,2496 ; "None" (Troll Raid_16,89359_32,06078)
[N] 16:23:17 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to -53,72546 ; 8075,026 ; 116,3894 ; "None" (Troll Raid_16,85933_32,10073)
[N] 16:23:17 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to 64,61892 ; 6280,565 ; -15,28693 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,22394_31,87884)
[N] 16:23:17 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 148,0801 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to 82,54731 ; 6328,554 ; 12,91586 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,13396_31,84522)
[F] 16:23:18 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:23:18 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:23:19 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[N] 16:23:19 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 286,4913 ; 7412,138 ; 144,4907 ; "None" (Troll Raid_18,10224_31,46283) to 285,519 ; 7412,254 ; 139,1505 ; "None" (Troll Raid_18,10202_31,46465)
[N] 16:23:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (99,28221y)
[D] 16:23:19 - [Fight] Cannot make path to the target (Мстительная душа), ignore it.
16:23:19 - [Fight] Can't reach Мстительная душа, blacklisting it.
16:23:19 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[N] 16:23:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 147,9424 ; "Swimming" to 341,1244 ; 7500,276 ; 151,0162 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:23:21 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 147,9424 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to 341,1244 ; 7500,276 ; 151,0162 ; "None" (Troll Raid_17,93698_31,36039)
[N] 16:23:21 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 147,9424 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to -32,41346 ; 8056,751 ; 108,2496 ; "None" (Troll Raid_16,89359_32,06078)
[N] 16:23:21 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 147,9424 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to -53,72546 ; 8075,026 ; 116,3894 ; "None" (Troll Raid_16,85933_32,10073)
[N] 16:23:21 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 147,9424 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to 64,61892 ; 6280,565 ; -15,28693 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,22394_31,87884)
[N] 16:23:21 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 319,8675 ; 7499,606 ; 147,9424 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_17,93824_31,40025) to 82,54731 ; 6328,554 ; 12,91586 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,13396_31,84522)
[N] 16:23:23 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 341,1244 ; 7500,276 ; 151,0162 ; "None" (Troll Raid_17,93698_31,36039) to 348,8273 ; 7503,995 ; 143,4753 ; "None" (Troll Raid_17,93001_31,34595)
[N] 16:23:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (30,9376y)
[N] 16:23:28 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 16:23:28 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
16:23:30 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
16:23:31 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
16:23:37 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
16:23:38 - [World Quests] quests=8 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,44894,42511,42712,43027,0
16:23:42 - [Looting] Loot Мстительная душа
[N] 16:23:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 298,6318 ; 7517,628 ; 149,8708 ; "None" to 318,6216 ; 7451,813 ; 149,2888 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:23:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (76,49257y)
16:23:54 - [Fight] Player Attack Мстительная душа (lvl 110)
[F] 16:23:54 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:23:55 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:23:57 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:23:59 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:24:00 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:24:01 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:24:03 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 16:24:08 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:24:09 - [Looting] Loot Мстительная душа
[N] 16:24:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 324,8039 ; 7434,513 ; 145,5324 ; "None" to 332,8391 ; 7415,394 ; 144,4648 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:24:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (20,88303y)
16:24:13 - [Looting] Loot Чародей Шал'иман
[N] 16:24:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 331,5793 ; 7418,878 ; 144,5602 ; "None" to 344,2319 ; 7500,052 ; 149,9597 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:24:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (93,72173y)
16:24:13 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
16:24:20 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Мстительная душа (lvl 110)
[F] 16:24:20 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:24:21 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:24:22 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:24:23 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:24:24 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:24:25 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:24:26 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:24:28 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:24:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Мстительная душа (lvl 110)
[F] 16:24:30 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:24:32 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:24:33 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:24:34 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:24:36 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:24:37 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:24:39 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:24:40 - [Looting] Loot Мстительная душа
16:24:42 - [World Quests] quests=7 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,44894,42712,43027,0
[D] 16:24:42 - [Quester] New step (14): FlightMastersWhistle>Pulse
16:24:56 - Azsuna E-SE-S-C-SW-(W)-NW-NE-N profile complete. Loading next profile.
[F] 16:24:56 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[D] 16:24:56 - [Quester] LoadProfile: camelot10\Legion world quests\Azsuna\[110] Azsuna NW.xml
[D] 16:24:57 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 16:24:57 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 16:24:57 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 16:24:57 - [Quester] Create instance of : ATaintedVintage1
[D] 16:24:57 - [Quester] Create instance of : ATaintedVintage2
[D] 16:24:57 - [Quester] Create instance of : ATaintedVintage3
[D] 16:24:57 - [Quester] Create instance of : ATaintedVintage4
[D] 16:24:57 - [Quester] Create instance of : BloodgazerSwarm
[D] 16:24:57 - [Quester] Create instance of : DANGERMarblubtheMassive
[D] 16:24:57 - [Quester] Create instance of : OperationMurlocFreedomPvP
[D] 16:24:57 - [Quester] Create instance of : SlabofBacon2
[D] 16:24:57 - [Quester] Create instance of : SubjugatorValrekInvasionElite
[D] 16:24:57 - [Quester] Create instance of : WeavingFelWebs1Invasion
[D] 16:24:57 - [Quester] Create instance of : WeavingFelWebs2Invasion
[F] 16:24:58 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
[F] 16:24:59 - [FightClass] Fight class already loaded
[D] 16:24:59 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:24:59 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:24:59 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:24:59 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Azsuna //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1015);

[D] 16:24:59 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:24:59 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:24:59 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:24:59 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:24:59 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:24:59 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:24:59 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:24:59 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:24:59 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:24:59 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:24:59 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:24:59 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:24:59 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:24:59 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:24:59 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
16:25:00 - Azsuna E-SE-S-C-SW-W-(NW)-NE-N profile start
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
16:25:00 - [World Quests] quests=7 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,44894,42712,43027,0
[D] 16:25:00 - [Quester] New step (10): BloodgazerSwarm>Pulse
[N] 16:25:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1465,497 ; 7527,99 ; 1,326927 ; "None" to 1454,166 ; 7486,49 ; 0,8833902 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:25:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (43,02135y)
[N] 16:25:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1454,166 ; 7486,49 ; 0,8833902 ; "None" to 1423,208 ; 7459,572 ; 1,139706 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:25:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (189,3685y)
[N] 16:25:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1423,208 ; 7459,572 ; 1,139706 ; "None" to 1453,124 ; 7469,877 ; 0,0005273018 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:25:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (169,9836y)
[N] 16:25:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1453,124 ; 7469,877 ; 0,0005273018 ; "None" to 1497,158 ; 7444,753 ; 1,063436 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:25:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (102,3868y)
[N] 16:25:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1497,158 ; 7444,753 ; 1,063436 ; "None" to 1458,014 ; 7454,795 ; 0,5797132 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:25:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (50,35031y)
[N] 16:25:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1458,014 ; 7454,795 ; 0,5797132 ; "None" to 1465,497 ; 7527,99 ; 1,326927 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:25:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (151,399y)
16:25:00 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:25:00 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:25:01 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:25:01 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[N] 16:25:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -228,4864 ; 7733,698 ; 139,1426 ; "Flying" to 1423,208 ; 7459,572 ; 1,139706 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:25:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 124 (3173,9y)
[N] 16:25:04 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 16:25:04 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 16:25:04 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 16:25:31 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 16:25:31 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 16:25:31 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[N] 16:25:48 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 16:25:48 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 16:25:48 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
16:26:00 - [World Quests] quests=7 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,44894,42712,43027,0
16:27:00 - [World Quests] quests=7 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,44894,42712,43027,0
[N] 16:27:06 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 16:27:06 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 16:27:06 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
16:27:11 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[N] 16:27:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1289,233 ; 7391,336 ; -0,860799 ; "Flying" to 1352,41 ; 7448,051 ; 0,6338993 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:27:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (100,1906y)
16:27:14 - [Mount] Dismount
[N] 16:27:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1339,579 ; 7417,143 ; 0,9043213 ; "None" to 1352,41 ; 7448,051 ; 0,6338993 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:27:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (34,06252y)
[F] 16:27:16 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 16:27:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1342,072 ; 7420,958 ; 0,9671576 ; "None" to 1352,975 ; 7451,053 ; 0,6225812 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:27:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (32,55868y)
[F] 16:27:18 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[N] 16:27:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1343,32 ; 7422,883 ; 0,9834447 ; "None" to 1354,504 ; 7457,854 ; 0,8434025 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:27:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (37,22979y)
[F] 16:27:20 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:27:21 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:27:21 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:27:22 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:27:23 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:27:25 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:27:26 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
16:27:28 - [Looting] Loot Молодой кровогляд
[N] 16:27:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1347,536 ; 7432,247 ; 1,609524 ; "None" to 1352,32 ; 7461,156 ; 0,891775 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:27:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (29,31068y)
16:27:33 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:27:33 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:27:36 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:27:37 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:27:38 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:27:39 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 16:27:42 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
16:27:42 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:27:43 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
16:27:45 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:27:46 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:27:46 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:27:47 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:27:48 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
16:27:49 - [Looting] Loot Молодой кровогляд
[N] 16:27:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1366,447 ; 7461,462 ; -1,524458 ; "Swimming" to 1385,475 ; 7466,907 ; -0,9826583 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:27:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (297,5638y)
16:27:49 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
16:28:07 - [World Quests] quests=7 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,44894,42712,43027,0
16:28:07 - [Fight] Player Attack Гнездо кровогляда (lvl 110)
[F] 16:28:07 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:28:07 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
16:28:08 - [Fight] Player Attack Кровогляд - хранитель гнезда (lvl 110)
[N] 16:28:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1386,177 ; 7466,85 ; -0,857912 ; "None" to 1428,749 ; 7459,956 ; 0,1793512 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:28:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (157,18y)
16:28:08 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[F] 16:28:09 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
16:28:16 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:28:17 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:28:17 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:28:19 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:28:20 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:28:21 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:28:21 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:28:23 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:28:25 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:28:26 - [Looting] Loot Молодой кровогляд
[D] 16:28:26 - [MovementManager] You try to use flying/swimming path but you cannot fly/swim here, try to use ground mouvement...
16:28:30 - [Looting] Loot Молодой кровогляд
[N] 16:28:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1368,279 ; 7466,012 ; -1,523494 ; "Swimming" to 1343,16 ; 7476,227 ; 0,8997155 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:28:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (334,6356y)
16:28:30 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
16:28:34 - [Looting] Loot Молодой кровогляд
[N] 16:28:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1368,279 ; 7466,012 ; 4,590466 ; "Flying" to 1348,056 ; 7496,362 ; 0,8728729 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:28:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 20 (302,4034y)
16:28:48 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Кровогляд - хранитель гнезда (lvl 110)
[F] 16:28:49 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:28:49 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:28:51 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:28:52 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:28:53 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:28:54 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:28:56 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:28:57 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:28:57 - [Looting] Loot Кровогляд - хранитель гнезда
[N] 16:28:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1347,257 ; 7497,348 ; 0,8812307 ; "None" to 1343,741 ; 7491,998 ; 0,7096727 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:28:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (6,403974y)
16:29:00 - [Fight] Player Attack Кровогляд - хранитель гнезда (lvl 110)
[N] 16:29:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1345,918 ; 7495,31 ; 0,8247643 ; "None" to 1423,208 ; 7459,572 ; 1,13931 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:29:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (132,7575y)
16:29:00 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[F] 16:29:00 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:29:02 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[N] 16:29:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1380,853 ; 7465,443 ; 4,683218 ; "Flying" to 1423,208 ; 7459,572 ; 1,13931 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:29:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (43,1401y)
16:29:07 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 16:29:08 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:29:09 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:29:11 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:29:12 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:29:14 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:29:15 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:29:17 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:29:18 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:29:19 - [Looting] Loot Кровогляд - хранитель гнезда
[N] 16:29:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1420,189 ; 7459,219 ; 1,574505 ; "None" to 1426,559 ; 7459,868 ; 0,4393874 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:29:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (6,50328y)
16:29:22 - [World Quests] quests=7 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,44894,42712,43027,0
16:29:22 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[N] 16:29:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1422,916 ; 7459,497 ; 1,208749 ; "None" to 1447,249 ; 7524,947 ; 1,368072 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:29:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (197,2986y)
16:29:22 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[F] 16:29:22 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:29:24 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
16:29:26 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 16:29:27 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:29:28 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:29:29 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:29:30 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:29:31 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:29:33 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 16:29:34 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:29:35 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:29:36 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:29:38 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:29:39 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:29:41 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:29:42 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 16:29:45 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:29:45 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Кровогляд - хранитель гнезда (lvl 110)
[F] 16:29:46 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:29:47 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:29:47 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:29:49 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:29:50 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:29:51 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:29:53 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:29:55 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:29:55 - [Looting] Loot Молодой кровогляд
[N] 16:29:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1448,915 ; 7490,827 ; 0,6194847 ; "None" to 1447,055 ; 7510,208 ; 0,5034599 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:29:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,47126y)
16:29:59 - [Fight] Player Attack Гнездо кровогляда (lvl 110)
[F] 16:30:00 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:30:00 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:30:01 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:30:02 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:30:03 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:30:03 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:30:04 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:30:05 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:30:06 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:30:06 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:30:07 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
16:30:09 - [Looting] Loot Гнездо кровогляда
[N] 16:30:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1447,429 ; 7506,311 ; 0,4747277 ; "None" to 1448,691 ; 7531,834 ; 0,8621562 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:30:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (25,55755y)
16:30:13 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:30:13 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:30:14 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:30:15 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:30:16 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:30:17 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:30:18 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:30:20 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:30:21 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:30:22 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:30:23 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:30:23 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:30:25 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:30:26 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
16:30:27 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
16:30:28 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Кровогляд - хранитель гнезда (lvl 110)
[F] 16:30:29 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:30:30 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:30:32 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:30:34 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:30:35 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
16:30:36 - [Looting] Loot Молодой кровогляд
16:30:38 - [World Quests] quests=7 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,44894,42712,43027,0
16:30:38 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:30:38 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:30:39 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:30:39 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:30:40 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:30:41 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:30:43 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
16:30:44 - [Looting] Loot Молодой кровогляд
[N] 16:30:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1448,496 ; 7527,883 ; 1,354953 ; "None" to 1449,352 ; 7537,018 ; 0,6844069 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:30:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,198812y)
16:30:46 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[N] 16:30:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1448,996 ; 7533,219 ; 0,8526963 ; "None" to 1414,817 ; 7465,018 ; 0,5342493 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:30:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (206,2947y)
16:30:46 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[F] 16:30:47 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:30:48 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
16:30:54 - [Fight] Can't reach Молодой кровогляд, blacklisting it.
16:30:55 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
16:30:55 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 16:30:56 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:30:58 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:30:59 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:31:01 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 16:31:02 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:31:03 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:31:04 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:31:06 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:31:07 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:31:07 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:31:09 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:31:10 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:31:12 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:31:14 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Кровогляд - хранитель гнезда (lvl 110)
[F] 16:31:15 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:31:15 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:31:16 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:31:18 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:31:19 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
16:31:20 - [Looting] Loot Кровогляд - хранитель гнезда
[N] 16:31:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1462,781 ; 7464,951 ; -0,2474812 ; "None" to 1443,979 ; 7460,888 ; -0,05527278 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:31:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,23648y)
16:31:25 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:31:25 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:31:26 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:31:27 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:31:28 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:31:29 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
16:31:30 - [Fight] Player Attack Кровогляд - хранитель гнезда (lvl 110)
[N] 16:31:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1447,701 ; 7461,692 ; 0,1272423 ; "None" to 1509,104 ; 7448,625 ; 0,7816592 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:31:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (73,63439y)
[N] 16:31:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1460,16 ; 7454,304 ; 0,4655592 ; "None" to 1523,657 ; 7453,578 ; -0,378597 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:31:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (74,09268y)
16:31:34 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[N] 16:31:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1464,298 ; 7451,332 ; 0,2707479 ; "None" to 1473,489 ; 7399,81 ; 0,9068588 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:31:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (52,33867y)
[F] 16:31:38 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[N] 16:31:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1466,799 ; 7437,354 ; 2,778221 ; "None" to 1471,868 ; 7403,445 ; 0,359675 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:31:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (34,37105y)
[F] 16:31:40 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:31:41 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:31:41 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:31:42 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:31:43 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:31:45 - [Looting] Loot Молодой кровогляд
16:31:47 - [World Quests] quests=7 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,44894,42712,43027,0
16:31:47 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:31:47 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:31:49 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:31:50 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:31:51 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:31:53 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:31:54 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:31:56 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:31:57 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:31:58 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:31:59 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:31:59 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:32:00 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:32:02 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:32:03 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:32:05 - [Spell] Cast Семя порчи (Seed of Corruption)
16:32:05 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:32:06 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:32:08 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:32:09 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:32:10 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:32:12 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:32:13 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:32:15 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:32:15 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:32:16 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:32:17 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:32:19 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:32:20 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:32:21 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:32:22 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:32:23 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:32:24 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:32:25 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
16:32:25 - [Looting] Loot Молодой кровогляд
[N] 16:32:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1458,029 ; 7429,091 ; 0,784716 ; "None" to 1439,578 ; 7440,282 ; 0,07281181 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:32:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (21,53963y)
16:32:30 - [Fight] Player Attack Кровогляд - хранитель гнезда (lvl 110)
[F] 16:32:31 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:32:31 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:32:32 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:32:34 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:32:34 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:32:35 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:32:37 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 16:32:38 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:32:39 - [Looting] Loot Кровогляд - хранитель гнезда
[N] 16:32:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1442,866 ; 7438,285 ; -0,07417332 ; "None" to 1431,419 ; 7450,684 ; 0,2452793 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:32:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,87844y)
16:32:43 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:32:43 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:32:44 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:32:45 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:32:47 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
16:32:48 - [Looting] Loot Молодой кровогляд
[N] 16:32:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1433,9 ; 7447,995 ; 0,1508046 ; "None" to 1424,757 ; 7461,69 ; 0,5395223 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:32:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,47124y)
16:32:51 - [World Quests] quests=7 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,44894,42712,43027,0
16:32:51 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:32:51 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:32:52 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[N] 16:32:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1448,118 ; 7460,95 ; 0,1532777 ; "None" to 1498,109 ; 7463,626 ; 1,057546 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:32:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (80,32385y)
16:32:55 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[N] 16:32:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1462,597 ; 7452,047 ; 0,8245366 ; "Flying" to 1501,448 ; 7454,938 ; 1,050617 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:32:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (59,62074y)
[N] 16:33:00 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 16:33:00 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 16:33:00 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
16:33:01 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 16:33:03 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:33:05 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:33:06 - [Looting] Loot Молодой кровогляд
[N] 16:33:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1483,58 ; 7429,55 ; -0,8202925 ; "None" to 1504,411 ; 7453,047 ; 1,021399 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:33:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (31,60088y)
16:33:12 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:33:12 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
16:33:14 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:33:14 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[F] 16:33:20 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:33:21 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[D] 16:33:22 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
16:33:22 - [Fight] Can't reach Молодой кровогляд, blacklisting it.
16:33:22 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:33:22 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:33:23 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:33:24 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:33:26 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:33:28 - [Looting] Loot Молодой кровогляд
[N] 16:33:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1490,156 ; 7426,753 ; -0,4904791 ; "None" to 1477,523 ; 7409,585 ; -0,01351003 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:33:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (21,3209y)
16:33:32 - [Looting] Loot Молодой кровогляд
[N] 16:33:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1479,877 ; 7412,784 ; -0,2072618 ; "None" to 1481,385 ; 7360,07 ; -0,2432841 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:33:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (52,73595y)
16:33:41 - [Fight] Player Attack Кровогляд - хранитель гнезда (lvl 110)
[F] 16:33:41 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:33:41 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 16:33:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1482,325 ; 7364,817 ; -0,1697477 ; "None" to 1516,462 ; 7388,405 ; 2,064961 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:33:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (45,20184y)
16:33:47 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[N] 16:33:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1504,423 ; 7373,831 ; 0,8646916 ; "None" to 1548,553 ; 7372,93 ; 0,6739452 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:33:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (47,67912y)
[F] 16:33:48 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[F] 16:33:50 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:33:51 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:33:53 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 16:33:57 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
16:33:57 - [Looting] Loot Молодой кровогляд
[N] 16:33:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1518,625 ; 7379,741 ; 1,336951 ; "None" to 1551,997 ; 7369,292 ; 1,038543 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:33:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (37,00301y)
16:34:04 - [World Quests] quests=7 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,44894,42712,43027,0
16:34:04 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:34:04 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:34:05 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[N] 16:34:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1535,135 ; 7360,621 ; -0,8699516 ; "None" to 1495,065 ; 7335,065 ; 2,397485 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:34:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (48,57915y)
[F] 16:34:09 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:34:10 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:34:12 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:34:13 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
16:34:15 - [Looting] Loot Молодой кровогляд
[N] 16:34:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1521,499 ; 7352,445 ; -0,7001979 ; "None" to 1488,636 ; 7338,045 ; 2,475757 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:34:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (39,98404y)
[F] 16:34:16 - [Spell] Cast Камень души (Soulstone)
[F] 16:34:16 - [Spell] Cast Камень души (Soulstone)
[F] 16:34:17 - [Spell] Cast Камень души (Soulstone)
[F] 16:34:20 - [Spell] Cast Камень души (Soulstone)
16:34:23 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:34:24 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:34:26 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:34:27 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:34:28 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:34:28 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:34:30 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:34:31 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:34:33 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:34:35 - [Looting] Loot Молодой кровогляд
[N] 16:34:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1499,45 ; 7335,403 ; 2,365441 ; "None" to 1488,636 ; 7338,045 ; 2,475757 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:34:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (11,58123y)
16:34:38 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Кровогляд - хранитель гнезда (lvl 110)
[F] 16:34:38 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:34:39 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:34:40 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:34:41 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:34:43 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:34:44 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 16:34:48 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:34:48 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:34:49 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[N] 16:34:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1504,458 ; 7319,052 ; 0,4617392 ; "None" to 1529,873 ; 7285,348 ; 1,035525 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:34:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (42,45827y)
[N] 16:34:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1510,564 ; 7312,294 ; -0,8097479 ; "None" to 1532,668 ; 7284,862 ; 1,125411 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:34:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (35,67243y)
[F] 16:34:55 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[N] 16:34:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1513,116 ; 7309,543 ; -0,7458895 ; "None" to 1530,402 ; 7285,72 ; 1,062276 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:34:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (29,6002y)
[F] 16:34:56 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:34:58 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:34:59 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:35:00 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:35:02 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:35:03 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:35:04 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой кровогляд (lvl 110)
[F] 16:35:05 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:35:07 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:35:08 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:35:10 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:35:11 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:35:12 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:35:14 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:35:14 - [Looting] Loot Молодой кровогляд
[N] 16:35:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1514,031 ; 7308,193 ; -0,6185854 ; "None" to 1521,629 ; 7297,665 ; 0,6158156 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:35:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,04192y)
16:35:18 - [Looting] Loot Кровогляд - хранитель гнезда
[N] 16:35:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1519,325 ; 7300,844 ; 0,2057895 ; "None" to 1489,177 ; 7338,546 ; 2,577766 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:35:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (48,54164y)
16:35:26 - [World Quests] quests=6 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,42712,43027,0
[D] 16:35:26 - [Quester] New step (14): FlightMastersWhistle>Pulse
16:35:41 - Azsuna E-SE-S-C-SW-W-(NW)-NE-N profile complete. Loading next profile.
[D] 16:35:41 - [Quester] LoadProfile: camelot10\Legion world quests\Azsuna\[110] Azsuna NE.xml
[D] 16:35:42 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 16:35:42 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 16:35:42 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 16:35:42 - [Quester] Create instance of : BrimstoneDestroyerMining
[D] 16:35:42 - [Quester] Create instance of : DANGERValakartheThirsty
[D] 16:35:42 - [Quester] Create instance of : FelwortHerbalism
[D] 16:35:42 - [Quester] Create instance of : LeyRace
[D] 16:35:42 - [Quester] Create instance of : LivelyAethrilHerbalism
[D] 16:35:42 - [Quester] Create instance of : LivelyCursedQueenfishFishing
[D] 16:35:42 - [Quester] Create instance of : ReclaimingLlothien1
[D] 16:35:42 - [Quester] Create instance of : ReclaimingLlothien2
[D] 16:35:42 - [Quester] Create instance of : SmoothSunrunnerHideSkinning
[D] 16:35:42 - [Quester] Create instance of : StraightFromtheSource1
[D] 16:35:42 - [Quester] Create instance of : StraightFromtheSource2
[D] 16:35:42 - [Quester] Create instance of : ThoseBeyondRedemption
[D] 16:35:42 - [Quester] Create instance of : UnwelcomeVisitors1
[D] 16:35:42 - [Quester] Create instance of : UnwelcomeVisitors2
[D] 16:35:42 - [Quester] Create instance of : UnwelcomeVisitors3
[D] 16:35:42 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDArcavellus
[D] 16:35:42 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDArcavellus2
[D] 16:35:42 - [Quester] Create instance of : ReleasetheWardensInvasion
[D] 16:35:42 - [Quester] Create instance of : OnUnhallowedGroundsInvasion
[D] 16:35:42 - [Quester] Create instance of : OnUnhallowedGrounds2Invasion
[F] 16:35:43 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
[F] 16:35:44 - [FightClass] Fight class already loaded
[D] 16:35:44 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:35:44 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:35:44 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Azsuna //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1015);

[D] 16:35:44 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:35:44 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:35:44 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:35:44 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:35:44 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:35:44 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:35:44 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:35:44 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:35:44 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:35:44 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:35:44 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:35:44 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:35:44 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:35:44 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:35:44 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
16:35:45 - Azsuna E-SE-S-C-SW-W-NW-(NE)-N profile start
[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:35:45 - [Quester] RunCode[5]: /* ENABLE SKINNING */
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SkinNinja = true;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SkinMobs = true;

[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
16:35:45 - [World Quests] quests=6 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,42712,43027,0
[D] 16:35:45 - [Quester] RunCode[7]: /* DISABLE SKINNING */
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SkinNinja = false;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SkinMobs = false;

[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:35:45 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:35:46 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:35:46 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 16:35:46 - [Quester] New step (18): ThoseBeyondRedemption>Pulse
[N] 16:35:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1117,436 ; 6027,832 ; 85,51924 ; "None" to 1110,092 ; 5975,688 ; 84,13422 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:35:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (71,99859y)
[N] 16:35:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1110,092 ; 5975,688 ; 84,13422 ; "None" to 1115,13 ; 5989,285 ; 99,44057 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:35:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (87,41966y)
[N] 16:35:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1115,13 ; 5989,285 ; 99,44057 ; "None" to 1098,972 ; 6063,379 ; 51,27419 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:35:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 22 (258,3272y)
[N] 16:35:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1098,972 ; 6063,379 ; 51,27419 ; "None" to 1059,423 ; 6157,431 ; 96,29337 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:35:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (137,6845y)
[N] 16:35:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1059,423 ; 6157,431 ; 96,29337 ; "None" to 1076,493 ; 6171,381 ; 96,79811 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:35:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (22,56126y)
[N] 16:35:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1076,493 ; 6171,381 ; 96,79811 ; "None" to 1023,477 ; 6167,55 ; 99,42834 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:35:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (53,21933y)
[N] 16:35:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1023,477 ; 6167,55 ; 99,42834 ; "None" to 1117,436 ; 6027,832 ; 85,51924 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:35:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (194,141y)
16:35:46 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[N] 16:35:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1406,032 ; 7140,698 ; 60,85129 ; "Flying" to 1076,493 ; 6171,381 ; 96,79811 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:35:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 29 (1101,715y)
[N] 16:36:05 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 16:36:05 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 16:36:05 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[N] 16:36:10 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 16:36:10 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
16:36:31 - [Fight] Player Attack Алчущий помраченный (lvl 110)
[N] 16:36:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1075,932 ; 6276,423 ; 114,4254 ; "Flying" to 1023,351 ; 6227,531 ; 94,65392 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:36:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (86,11045y)
[N] 16:36:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1056,745 ; 6266,331 ; 111,7427 ; "Flying" to 1027,042 ; 6227,588 ; 94,66818 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:36:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (63,47331y)
16:36:34 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 16:36:35 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:36:36 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:36:36 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:36:38 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:36:39 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:36:41 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 16:36:45 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:36:45 - [Looting] Loot Алчущий помраченный
[N] 16:36:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1039,28 ; 6259,926 ; 96,81479 ; "None" to 1031,487 ; 6245,021 ; 97,49094 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:36:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,83375y)
16:36:49 - [World Quests] quests=6 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,42712,43027,0
16:36:49 - [Fight] Player Attack Алчущий помраченный (lvl 110)
[F] 16:36:49 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:36:50 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:36:51 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:36:52 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:36:53 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:36:55 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 16:36:58 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:36:59 - [Looting] Loot Алчущий помраченный
[N] 16:36:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1033,335 ; 6248,556 ; 97,39457 ; "None" to 1022,363 ; 6234,796 ; 97,5322 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:36:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,59939y)
16:37:02 - [Fight] Player Attack Алчущий помраченный (lvl 110)
[F] 16:37:02 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:37:03 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:37:04 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:37:05 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[N] 16:37:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1019,708 ; 6233,09 ; 97,06985 ; "None" to 998,1631 ; 6214,665 ; 95,55964 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:37:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (29,79463y)
[F] 16:37:07 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:37:09 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:37:10 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:37:12 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:37:14 - [Looting] Loot Алчущий помраченный
[N] 16:37:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1014,437 ; 6228,723 ; 97,23675 ; "None" to 999,8241 ; 6215,742 ; 95,71146 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:37:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (21,10968y)
16:37:18 - [Fight] Player Attack Алчущий помраченный (lvl 110)
[F] 16:37:18 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:37:18 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:37:20 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:37:20 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[N] 16:37:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1003,456 ; 6216,852 ; 95,13725 ; "None" to 991,3665 ; 6213,746 ; 93,47483 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:37:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (14,09749y)
[F] 16:37:21 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:37:22 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:37:24 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:37:25 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:37:27 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:37:28 - [Looting] Loot Алчущий помраченный
[N] 16:37:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1002,017 ; 6216,594 ; 95,4757 ; "None" to 994,4886 ; 6214,952 ; 94,45506 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:37:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (7,772764y)
16:37:30 - [Fight] Player Attack Помраченный-надзиратель (lvl 110)
[N] 16:37:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 998,253 ; 6215,775 ; 94,97247 ; "None" to 994,0278 ; 6165,104 ; 103,6581 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:37:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (102,237y)
16:37:30 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[F] 16:37:30 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:37:32 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:37:37 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:37:38 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:37:39 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:37:41 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:37:42 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:37:44 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:37:44 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:37:46 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:37:46 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Помраченный-надзиратель (lvl 110)
[F] 16:37:47 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:37:49 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:37:50 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:37:52 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:37:53 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:37:54 - [Looting] Loot Помраченный-надзиратель
16:37:55 - [World Quests] quests=6 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,42712,43027,0
16:37:55 - [Fight] Player Attack Алчущий помраченный (lvl 110)
[N] 16:37:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1009,825 ; 6162,808 ; 103,2285 ; "None" to 985,7118 ; 6199,072 ; 97,69933 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:37:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (68,86428y)
[F] 16:37:56 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 16:37:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1022,592 ; 6165,841 ; 99,3625 ; "None" to 981,816 ; 6194,625 ; 98,48602 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:37:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (54,63078y)
[F] 16:38:02 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[N] 16:38:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1005,432 ; 6181,53 ; 99,31985 ; "None" to 978,986 ; 6184,829 ; 99,28801 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:38:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (27,83533y)
[F] 16:38:03 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:38:04 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:38:04 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:38:06 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:38:07 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:38:09 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:38:10 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
16:38:13 - [Looting] Loot Алчущий помраченный
[N] 16:38:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1003,186 ; 6182,889 ; 99,31985 ; "None" to 991,0914 ; 6184,141 ; 99,31695 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:38:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (13,55644y)
16:38:16 - [Fight] Player Attack Алчущий помраченный (lvl 110)
[F] 16:38:16 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:38:17 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:38:18 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:38:19 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:38:20 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:38:22 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:38:24 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:38:26 - [Looting] Loot Алчущий помраченный
[N] 16:38:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 994,318 ; 6185,394 ; 99,32059 ; "None" to 991,3128 ; 6196,622 ; 98,14413 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:38:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,6831y)
16:38:29 - [Fight] Player Attack Алчущий помраченный (lvl 110)
[N] 16:38:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 992,3184 ; 6192,865 ; 98,68955 ; "None" to 981,1736 ; 6211,532 ; 93,82215 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:38:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (23,92667y)
[F] 16:38:29 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:38:30 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:38:31 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[N] 16:38:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 990,4449 ; 6196,899 ; 98,06673 ; "None" to 981,3763 ; 6211,053 ; 93,53291 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:38:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (19,80258y)
[F] 16:38:32 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:38:32 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:38:33 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:38:35 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:38:37 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
16:38:39 - [Looting] Loot Алчущий помраченный
[N] 16:38:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 989,7507 ; 6198,381 ; 97,82169 ; "None" to 986,3411 ; 6204,161 ; 97,29897 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:38:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (6,730866y)
16:38:41 - [Fight] Player Attack Помраченный-надзиратель (lvl 110)
[F] 16:38:41 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 16:38:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 988,3961 ; 6200,677 ; 97,68723 ; "None" to 1033,027 ; 6162,926 ; 98,25259 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:38:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (59,48046y)
[F] 16:38:42 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:38:43 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:38:43 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:38:44 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[N] 16:38:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 999,0267 ; 6185,061 ; 99,36164 ; "None" to 1033,027 ; 6162,926 ; 98,305 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:38:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (40,58435y)
16:38:46 - [Fight] Player Attack Алчущий помраченный (lvl 110)
[N] 16:38:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1007,414 ; 6179,601 ; 99,32002 ; "None" to 1079,599 ; 6179,046 ; 96,79314 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:38:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (86,19664y)
16:38:46 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
16:38:50 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 16:38:51 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 16:38:52 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 16:38:52 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 16:38:54 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 16:38:56 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 16:38:57 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 16:38:59 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
16:39:02 - [Looting] Loot Алчущий помраченный
[N] 16:39:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1044,662 ; 6169,809 ; 97,15482 ; "None" to 1061,065 ; 6170,833 ; 97,13535 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 16:39:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,43575y)
[D] 16:39:12 - [Looting] Cannot loot the target (Алчущий помраченный), ignore it.
[F] 17:07:47 - [Spell] Cast Камень души (Soulstone)
17:07:48 - [Looting] Loot Иссохший фанатик
17:07:49 - [World Quests] quests=6 for zone=1015 43328,42018,43606,42712,43027,0
17:07:49 - [Fight] Player Attack Алчущий помраченный (lvl 110)
[F] 17:07:50 - [Spell] Cast Камень души (Soulstone)
[F] 17:07:51 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:07:51 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:07:52 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:07:54 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:07:55 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:07:57 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:07:59 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:08:00 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:08:01 - [Looting] Loot Алчущий помраченный
[N] 17:08:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1045,833 ; 6180,805 ; 97,65353 ; "None" to 1052,581 ; 6170,56 ; 97,3107 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:08:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,27203y)
17:08:04 - [Fight] Player Attack Алчущий помраченный (lvl 110)
[F] 17:08:04 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:08:05 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:08:05 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:08:06 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:08:07 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:08:09 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:08:12 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:08:12 - [Looting] Loot Алчущий помраченный
[N] 17:08:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1050,423 ; 6173,837 ; 97,43353 ; "None" to 1057,474 ; 6164,745 ; 96,89561 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:08:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,51828y)
17:08:15 - [Fight] Player Attack Алчущий помраченный (lvl 110)
[F] 17:08:15 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:08:16 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:08:17 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:08:19 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:08:20 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:08:24 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:08:25 - [Looting] Loot Алчущий помраченный
[N] 17:08:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1055,147 ; 6167,746 ; 96,89967 ; "None" to 1065,671 ; 6171,34 ; 97,04762 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:08:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,12171y)
17:08:28 - [Fight] Player Attack Алчущий помраченный (lvl 110)
[F] 17:08:28 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:08:29 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:08:29 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:08:30 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:08:31 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:08:33 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:08:34 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:08:36 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:08:38 - [Looting] Loot Алчущий помраченный
[N] 17:08:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1061,933 ; 6170,063 ; 97,10487 ; "None" to 1072,494 ; 6179,574 ; 97,38302 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:08:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (32,98082y)
17:08:44 - [Fight] Player Attack Иссохший фанатик (lvl 110)
[F] 17:08:44 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:08:46 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:08:47 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:08:48 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:08:49 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:08:50 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:08:52 - [Looting] Loot Иссохший фанатик
[N] 17:08:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1059,603 ; 6168,241 ; 97,10075 ; "None" to 1037,249 ; 6158,745 ; 97,18311 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:08:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (24,28761y)
17:08:57 - [World Quests] quests=5 for zone=1015 43328,43606,42712,43027,0
[D] 17:08:57 - [Quester] RunCode[20]: // LivelyrsedQueenfish //

[D] 17:08:58 - [Quester] New step (22): WANTEDArcavellus2>Pulse
[N] 17:08:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1040,728 ; 6160,222 ; 96,91735 ; "None" to 1251,271 ; 5904,079 ; 17,68019 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:08:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 31 (411,7396y)
17:08:58 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
17:09:15 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 17:09:16 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:09:18 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:09:19 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:09:20 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:09:21 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:09:22 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:09:24 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:09:25 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:09:27 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:09:28 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:09:30 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:09:31 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:09:33 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:09:34 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:09:35 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:09:36 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:09:37 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:09:38 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
17:09:39 - [Looting] Loot Аркавелл
[N] 17:09:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1250,808 ; 5904,348 ; 16,64648 ; "None" to 1276,385 ; 5887,603 ; 11,90423 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:09:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (30,93735y)
[N] 17:09:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1272,295 ; 5890,281 ; 12,60424 ; "None" to 1247,829 ; 5909,21 ; 17,68019 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:09:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (34,62147y)
17:09:57 - [World Quests] quests=4 for zone=1015 43328,42712,43027,0
[D] 17:09:57 - [Quester] New step (26): FlightMastersWhistle>Pulse
17:10:12 - Azsuna E-SE-S-C-SW-W-NW-(NE)-N profile complete. Loading next profile.
[D] 17:10:12 - [Quester] LoadProfile: camelot10\Legion world quests\Azsuna\[110] Azsuna N.xml
[D] 17:10:13 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : CourtofFarondis
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : CourtofFarondisMoveoutside
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : CourtofFarondisMove
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : DANGERArcanorPrime
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : LeyhollowInfestation1
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : LeyhollowInfestation2
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : LeyhollowInfestation3
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheWardens
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheWitheredReturn0
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheWitheredReturn1
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheWitheredReturn2
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDNormantistheDeposed
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDNormantistheDeposed2
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : AssaultonAzsunaInvasion
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : PresenceofPowerInvasion
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : PresenceofPower2Invasion
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : PresenceofPower3Invasion
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : AConduitNoMoreInvasion
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : BattleforAzsunaInvasion
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : SuppliesFromtheCourt
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : ParagonoftheCourt
[D] 17:10:13 - [Quester] Create instance of : SuppliesFromtheWardens
[F] 17:10:14 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
[F] 17:10:15 - [FightClass] Fight class already loaded
[D] 17:10:15 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:10:15 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Azsuna //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1015);

[D] 17:10:15 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:10:15 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:10:15 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:10:15 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:10:15 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:10:15 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:10:15 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:10:15 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:10:15 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:10:15 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:10:15 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:10:15 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:10:15 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:10:15 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:10:15 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:10:15 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:10:15 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
17:10:15 - Azsuna E-SE-S-C-SW-W-NW-NE-(N) profile start
[D] 17:10:15 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:10:15 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
17:10:15 - [World Quests] quests=4 for zone=1015 43328,42712,43027,0
[D] 17:10:15 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:10:15 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:10:16 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:10:16 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:10:16 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:10:16 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:10:16 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:10:16 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:10:16 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:10:16 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:10:16 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:10:16 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:10:16 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:10:16 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:10:16 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:10:16 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:10:16 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:10:16 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:10:16 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:10:16 - [Quester] If[14] (WorldQuest.Invasion.Active) | Result: False
[D] 17:10:16 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:10:16 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:10:16 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:10:16 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:10:16 - [Quester] New step (30): CourtofFarondisMove>Pulse
[N] 17:10:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 553,9937 ; 5628,877 ; 79,86407 ; "None" to 35,73809 ; 6736,746 ; 50,57666 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:10:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 32 (1379,67y)
17:10:16 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[D] 17:10:16 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:11:09 - [NpcScan] Add npc to database: Repair - Тордал
[D] 17:11:13 - [Quester] New step (31): CourtofFarondis>TurnIn
[D] 17:11:26 - [Quester] New step (34): CourtofFarondisMoveoutside>Pulse
[N] 17:11:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -11,95142 ; 6739,224 ; 55,84843 ; "Flying" to -11,20574 ; 6734,406 ; 55,58868 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:11:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (4,882151y)
17:11:27 - AZSUNA WORLD QUESTS COMPLETED. Load Val'sharah profile after 30 secs
[D] 17:11:27 - [Quester] Wait[38]: 30000 ms
[D] 17:11:32 - [NpcScan] Add npc to database: Mailbox - Почтовый ящик
[D] 17:11:58 - [Quester] LoadProfile: camelot10\Legion world quests\[110] Val'sharah.xml
[D] 17:11:59 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 17:11:59 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[F] 17:12:00 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
[F] 17:12:01 - [FightClass] Fight class already loaded
[D] 17:12:01 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:01 - [Quester] LoadProfile: camelot10\Legion world quests\Val'sharah\[110] Val'sharah SE.xml
[D] 17:12:01 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:01 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:01 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:01 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:01 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:01 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:01 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:01 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:01 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:01 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:01 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:02 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:02 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:02 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:02 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:02 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:02 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:02 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:02 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:02 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:02 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:02 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:02 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:02 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:02 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:02 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:02 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:02 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:02 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:02 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:02 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:02 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:03 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:03 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:03 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 17:12:03 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 17:12:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 17:12:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : DarkCorruption1
[D] 17:12:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : DarkCorruption2
[D] 17:12:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : DarkCorruption3
[D] 17:12:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : DarkCorruption4
[D] 17:12:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : GrellinaHandbasket1
[D] 17:12:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : GrellinaHandbasket2
[D] 17:12:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : GrellinaHandbasket3
[D] 17:12:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : LeyRace
[D] 17:12:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : WakingNightmares1
[D] 17:12:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : WakingNightmares2
[D] 17:12:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : WakingNightmares3
[D] 17:12:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheValeofDread1Invasion
[D] 17:12:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheValeofDread2Invasion
[F] 17:12:04 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
[F] 17:12:05 - [FightClass] Fight class already loaded
[D] 17:12:05 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:05 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:05 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:05 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:05 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Valsharah //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1018);

[D] 17:12:05 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:05 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:05 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:05 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:05 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:05 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:05 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:05 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:06 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:06 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:06 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:06 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:06 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:06 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:06 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:06 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:06 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:06 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:06 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:06 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:06 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:06 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:06 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:06 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:06 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
17:12:06 - Val'sharah (SE)-S-W-SW-NW-N-NE-C-E profile start
[D] 17:12:06 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:06 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:06 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:06 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
17:12:07 - [World Quests] quests=13 for zone=1018 43247,42076,41862,42174,41964,43458,42023,43755,44895,41553,42077,41566,0
[D] 17:12:07 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:07 - [Quester] New step (7): WakingNightmares3>Pulse
[N] 17:12:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1747,524 ; 6987,95 ; 3,427072 ; "None" to 1735,603 ; 6990,615 ; 3,766546 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:12:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (20,72784y)
[N] 17:12:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1735,603 ; 6990,615 ; 3,766546 ; "None" to 1747,524 ; 6987,95 ; 3,427072 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:12:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (17,20774y)
[D] 17:12:07 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:07 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[N] 17:12:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 32,86575 ; 6737,517 ; 51,93725 ; "Flying" to 1735,603 ; 6990,615 ; 3,766546 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[D] 17:12:07 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:07 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[N] 17:12:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 89 (2622,011y)
[D] 17:12:07 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:07 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:12:07 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:07 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:07 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:12:07 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
17:13:06 - [World Quests] quests=13 for zone=1018 43247,42076,41862,42174,41964,43458,42023,43755,44895,41553,42077,41566,0
[N] 17:13:12 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 17:13:12 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 17:13:12 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
17:13:49 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Сноворг мракобесов (lvl 110)
[F] 17:13:50 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:13:52 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:13:54 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:13:55 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:13:56 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:13:57 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:13:59 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:14:01 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:14:01 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Мракобес-мучитель (lvl 110)
[F] 17:14:02 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:14:04 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:14:05 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:14:06 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[N] 17:14:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1685,792 ; 6883,859 ; -9,978869 ; "None" to 1701,197 ; 6907,902 ; -11,80988 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:14:08 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 1685,792 ; 6883,859 ; -9,978869 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,09276_28,83914) to 1701,197 ; 6907,902 ; -11,80988 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_19,04768_28,81026)
[N] 17:14:08 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 1701,197 ; 6907,902 ; -11,80988 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_19,04768_28,81026) to 1697,416 ; 6891,665 ; 75,31541 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,07813_28,81734)
[N] 17:14:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (35,08961y)
[D] 17:14:08 - [Fight] Cannot make path to the target (Мракобес-мучитель), ignore it.
[D] 17:14:08 - [Fight] BlackList Мракобес-мучитель during 30 sec
17:14:08 - [Looting] Loot Сноворг мракобесов
[N] 17:14:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1685,792 ; 6883,859 ; -9,978869 ; "None" to 1694,309 ; 6905,693 ; -10,33566 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:14:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (23,43887y)
17:14:09 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Мракобес-мучитель (lvl 110)
[N] 17:14:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1688,127 ; 6889,816 ; -9,849691 ; "None" to 1703,099 ; 6909,385 ; -12,68414 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid)
[F] 17:14:10 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[N] 17:14:12 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 1688,127 ; 6889,816 ; -9,849691 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,08159_28,83476) to 1703,099 ; 6909,385 ; -12,68414 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_19,0449_28,80669)
[N] 17:14:12 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 1703,099 ; 6909,385 ; -12,68414 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid_19,0449_28,80669) to 1704,227 ; 6902,61 ; -9,584599 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,05761_28,80457)
[N] 17:14:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (24,8017y)
[D] 17:14:12 - [Fight] Cannot make path to the target (Мракобес-мучитель), ignore it.
[D] 17:14:12 - [Fight] BlackList Мракобес-мучитель during 30 sec
17:14:12 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Мракобес-мучитель (lvl 110)
[F] 17:14:12 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:14:12 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
17:14:15 - [Looting] Loot Мракобес-мучитель
[N] 17:14:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1688,127 ; 6889,816 ; -9,849691 ; "None" to 1698,212 ; 6901,019 ; -10,19177 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:14:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,07694y)
17:14:18 - [World Quests] quests=13 for zone=1018 43247,42076,41862,42174,41964,43458,42023,43755,44895,41553,42077,41566,0
[N] 17:14:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1695,648 ; 6898,17 ; -9,625099 ; "None" to 1743,806 ; 6981,739 ; 5,108408 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:14:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (142,1111y)
[N] 17:14:21 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 17:14:21 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 17:14:21 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
17:14:28 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Сноворг мракобесов (lvl 110)
[F] 17:14:29 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:14:31 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:14:32 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:14:34 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:14:35 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:14:36 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:14:38 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:14:40 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Сноворг мракобесов (lvl 110)
[F] 17:14:41 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:14:43 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:14:44 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:14:44 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:14:46 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:14:47 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:14:49 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:14:50 - [Looting] Loot Сноворг мракобесов
[N] 17:14:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1673,785 ; 6937,832 ; -5,614015 ; "None" to 1736,107 ; 6988,575 ; 3,779422 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:14:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (85,47697y)
17:15:05 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Пробудившийся Кошмар (lvl 110)
[F] 17:15:06 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:15:07 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:15:09 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:15:10 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:15:10 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:15:12 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:15:13 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:15:15 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:15:16 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:15:17 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:15:18 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:15:24 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:15:28 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
17:15:28 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Мракобес-мучитель (lvl 110)
[F] 17:15:29 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:15:31 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:15:32 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:15:34 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:15:35 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:15:36 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:15:38 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:15:39 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:15:40 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Сноворг мракобесов (lvl 110)
[F] 17:15:41 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:15:42 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:15:43 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:15:44 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:15:46 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:15:47 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:15:49 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:15:51 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:15:52 - [Looting] Loot Мракобес-мучитель
[N] 17:15:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1740,368 ; 6993,827 ; 4,636153 ; "None" to 1753,281 ; 6982,081 ; 3,767042 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:15:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (42,06628y)
17:15:58 - [World Quests] quests=13 for zone=1018 43247,42076,41862,42174,41964,43458,42023,43755,44895,41553,42077,41566,0
[D] 17:15:58 - [Quester] New step (8): WakingNightmares2>Pulse
[N] 17:15:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1732,67 ; 6868,882 ; -0,6454324 ; "None" to 1675,79 ; 6963,417 ; -5,453586 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:15:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (146,3954y)
[N] 17:15:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1675,79 ; 6963,417 ; -5,453586 ; "None" to 1726,872 ; 6862,423 ; 0,0004795264 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:15:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (139,0452y)
[N] 17:15:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1726,872 ; 6862,423 ; 0,0004795264 ; "None" to 1681,934 ; 6967,073 ; -5,722158 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:15:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (142,617y)
[N] 17:15:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1681,934 ; 6967,073 ; -5,722158 ; "None" to 1694,986 ; 6952,928 ; -5,376853 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:15:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,24982y)
[N] 17:15:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1694,986 ; 6952,928 ; -5,376853 ; "None" to 1732,67 ; 6868,882 ; -0,6454324 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:15:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (153,3516y)
[N] 17:15:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1755,886 ; 6984,863 ; 3,767984 ; "None" to 1750,465 ; 6998,211 ; 3,766777 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:15:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (22,48769y)
[N] 17:16:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1753,368 ; 6995,5 ; 4,233379 ; "None" to 1736,163 ; 7000,076 ; 3,767335 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:16:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (21,40306y)
17:16:05 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Дремотный кошмар (lvl 110)
[F] 17:16:05 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:16:06 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:16:08 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:16:09 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:16:09 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:16:11 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:16:12 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:16:14 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:16:15 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[N] 17:16:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1746,066 ; 7000,616 ; 3,767651 ; "None" to 1736,163 ; 7000,076 ; 3,767335 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:16:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,917912y)
[N] 17:16:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1739,771 ; 7000,222 ; 3,767651 ; "None" to 1739,915 ; 6969,577 ; 3,767241 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:16:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (55,54447y)
17:16:21 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Дремотный кошмар (lvl 110)
[F] 17:16:21 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:16:22 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:16:24 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:16:25 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:16:26 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:16:28 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:16:29 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:16:30 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:16:32 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:16:32 - [Looting] Loot Дремотный кошмар
[N] 17:16:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1749,362 ; 6999,977 ; 3,767651 ; "None" to 1736,272 ; 6993,032 ; 3,76761 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:16:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (16,29165y)
[N] 17:16:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1739,039 ; 6995,923 ; 3,767651 ; "None" to 1739,915 ; 6969,577 ; 3,767241 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:16:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (58,17137y)
[N] 17:16:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1742,602 ; 6971,942 ; 3,878029 ; "None" to 1747,455 ; 6922,706 ; 8,886658 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:16:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (56,72469y)
17:16:47 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Дремотный кошмар (lvl 110)
[F] 17:16:48 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:16:50 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:16:51 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:16:52 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:16:52 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:16:54 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:16:56 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:16:57 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:16:59 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:16:59 - [Looting] Loot Дремотный кошмар
[N] 17:16:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1750,26 ; 6962,554 ; 3,767511 ; "None" to 1737,42 ; 6974,5 ; 3,49107 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:16:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,53907y)
17:17:03 - [World Quests] quests=13 for zone=1018 43247,42076,41862,42174,41964,43458,42023,43755,44895,41553,42077,41566,0
[N] 17:17:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1740,219 ; 6971,896 ; 3,767106 ; "None" to 1756,757 ; 6965,307 ; 3,767081 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:17:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,8027y)
[N] 17:17:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1753,292 ; 6966,837 ; 3,767015 ; "None" to 1747,455 ; 6922,706 ; 8,886658 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:17:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (47,81416y)
17:17:10 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Дремотный кошмар (lvl 110)
[F] 17:17:10 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:17:12 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:17:13 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:17:15 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:17:16 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:17:18 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:17:18 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:17:20 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:17:22 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:17:23 - [Looting] Loot Дремотный кошмар
[N] 17:17:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1754,529 ; 6950,579 ; 5,543774 ; "None" to 1755,567 ; 6941,843 ; 8,389396 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:17:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,246058y)
[N] 17:17:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1755,153 ; 6945,329 ; 7,226227 ; "None" to 1747,455 ; 6922,706 ; 8,886658 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:17:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (25,91811y)
[N] 17:17:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1749,803 ; 6925,63 ; 8,995234 ; "None" to 1736,38 ; 6889,602 ; 8,995274 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:17:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (40,95696y)
17:17:33 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Дремотный кошмар (lvl 110)
[F] 17:17:33 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:17:35 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:17:37 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:17:38 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:17:39 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:17:41 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
17:17:44 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Сноворг мракобесов (lvl 110)
[F] 17:17:45 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:17:47 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:17:48 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:17:48 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:17:50 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:17:51 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:17:53 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:17:54 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:17:54 - [Looting] Loot Дремотный кошмар
[N] 17:17:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1745,396 ; 6908,907 ; 8,905738 ; "None" to 1748,309 ; 6901,863 ; 9,594209 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:17:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (7,653623y)
[N] 17:17:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1746,868 ; 6905,276 ; 8,992999 ; "None" to 1736,38 ; 6889,602 ; 8,995274 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:17:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (20,58987y)
[N] 17:18:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1738,743 ; 6892,335 ; 8,992999 ; "None" to 1756,894 ; 6879,424 ; -7,845051 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:18:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 23 (329,447y)
17:18:03 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Дремотный кошмар (lvl 110)
[F] 17:18:03 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:18:05 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:18:06 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:18:07 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:18:08 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:18:09 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:18:11 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:18:12 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:18:14 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Мракобес-мучитель (lvl 110)
[F] 17:18:15 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:18:17 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:18:18 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:18:19 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:18:20 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:18:22 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:18:24 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:18:25 - [Looting] Loot Мракобес-мучитель
[N] 17:18:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1744,162 ; 6896,701 ; 8,992999 ; "None" to 1749,911 ; 6894,007 ; 9,011509 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:18:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (6,349016y)
17:18:27 - [World Quests] quests=13 for zone=1018 43247,42076,41862,42174,41964,43458,42023,43755,44895,41553,42077,41566,0
[N] 17:18:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1746,32 ; 6895,689 ; 8,992999 ; "None" to 1756,894 ; 6879,424 ; -7,845051 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:18:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 23 (321,7573y)
[N] 17:18:32 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 17:18:32 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 17:18:32 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
17:18:45 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Сноворг мракобесов (lvl 110)
[F] 17:18:46 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:18:47 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:18:48 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:18:49 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:18:51 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[N] 17:18:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1723,039 ; 6979,809 ; 2,916058 ; "None" to 1741,504 ; 6989,004 ; 3,596422 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:18:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (30,45152y)
[F] 17:18:52 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:18:53 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:18:55 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[N] 17:18:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1723,82 ; 6980,057 ; 3,134686 ; "None" to 1682,452 ; 6962,983 ; -5,71924 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:18:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (48,31933y)
[N] 17:19:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1684,549 ; 6966,205 ; -5,745272 ; "None" to 1679,156 ; 6941,826 ; -5,423048 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:19:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (27,04884y)
17:19:08 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Дремотный кошмар (lvl 110)
[F] 17:19:08 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
17:19:09 - [Looting] Loot Дремотный кошмар
[D] 17:19:11 - [Quester] New step (9): WakingNightmares1>Pulse
[N] 17:19:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1688,162 ; 6866,756 ; -9,416008 ; "None" to 1675,79 ; 6963,417 ; -5,453586 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:19:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (103,5429y)
[N] 17:19:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1675,79 ; 6963,417 ; -5,453586 ; "None" to 1707,234 ; 6979,25 ; -2,244323 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:19:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (35,39676y)
[N] 17:19:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1707,234 ; 6979,25 ; -2,244323 ; "None" to 1726,872 ; 6862,423 ; 0,0004795264 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:19:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (167,0852y)
[N] 17:19:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1726,872 ; 6862,423 ; 0,0004795264 ; "None" to 1681,934 ; 6967,073 ; -5,722158 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:19:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (142,617y)
[N] 17:19:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1681,934 ; 6967,073 ; -5,722158 ; "None" to 1694,986 ; 6952,928 ; -5,376853 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:19:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,24982y)
[N] 17:19:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1694,986 ; 6952,928 ; -5,376853 ; "None" to 1688,162 ; 6866,756 ; -9,416008 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:19:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (110,5013y)
17:19:11 - [Fight] Player Attack Сноворг мракобесов (lvl 110)
[N] 17:19:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1684,308 ; 6965,611 ; -5,745272 ; "None" to 1722,254 ; 6925,941 ; 8,882505 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:19:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (145,3708y)
[F] 17:19:11 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:19:12 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:19:14 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:19:15 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:19:15 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:19:16 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:19:17 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:19:27 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:19:28 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:19:30 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:19:31 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:19:32 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:19:33 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:19:35 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:19:37 - [Looting] Loot Сноворг мракобесов
[N] 17:19:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1755,596 ; 6932,785 ; 8,908545 ; "None" to 1748,163 ; 6922,656 ; 8,892673 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:19:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,56329y)
17:19:40 - [World Quests] quests=13 for zone=1018 43247,42076,41862,42174,41964,43458,42023,43755,44895,41553,42077,41566,0
17:19:40 - [Fight] Player Attack Мракобес-мучитель (lvl 110)
[F] 17:19:40 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[F] 17:19:43 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:19:43 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:19:45 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:19:45 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:19:46 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:19:47 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:19:49 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:19:50 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:19:52 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:19:53 - [Looting] Loot Мракобес-мучитель
[N] 17:19:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1750,451 ; 6925,774 ; 8,995801 ; "None" to 1734,482 ; 6915,194 ; 8,99525 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:19:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,15528y)
17:19:57 - [Fight] Player Attack Сноворг мракобесов (lvl 110)
[F] 17:19:57 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:19:58 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:19:59 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:20:00 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:20:02 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:20:03 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:20:05 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:20:06 - [Looting] Loot Сноворг мракобесов
[N] 17:20:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1737,777 ; 6917,377 ; 8,992239 ; "None" to 1730,23 ; 6914,372 ; 8,996599 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:20:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,123682y)
17:20:08 - [Fight] Player Attack Мракобес-мучитель (lvl 110)
[F] 17:20:08 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
17:20:10 - [Looting] Loot Мракобес-мучитель
[N] 17:20:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1733,857 ; 6915,816 ; 8,994997 ; "None" to 1742,932 ; 6907,809 ; 8,996245 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:20:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,10302y)
17:20:13 - [Fight] Player Attack Мракобес-мучитель (lvl 110)
[N] 17:20:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1739,991 ; 6910,403 ; 8,994997 ; "None" to 1722,701 ; 6892,284 ; 8,870826 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[F] 17:20:13 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:20:13 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:20:14 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[N] 17:20:15 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 1739,991 ; 6910,403 ; 8,994997 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,04299_28,73752) to 1722,701 ; 6892,284 ; 8,870826 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,07697_28,76994)
[N] 17:20:15 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 1722,701 ; 6892,284 ; 8,870826 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,07697_28,76994) to 1720,702 ; 6902,736 ; 9,015402 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,05737_28,77368)
[N] 17:20:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (38,00464y)
[D] 17:20:15 - [Fight] Cannot make path to the target (Мракобес-мучитель), ignore it.
17:20:15 - [Fight] Can't reach Мракобес-мучитель, blacklisting it.
[F] 17:20:15 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
17:20:15 - [Fight] Player Attack Сноворг мракобесов (lvl 110)
[N] 17:20:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1739,991 ; 6910,403 ; 8,994997 ; "None" to 1677,687 ; 6899,199 ; -9,860172 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:20:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 17 (203,4632y)
[F] 17:20:15 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:20:16 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:20:17 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:20:17 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:20:18 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:20:18 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:20:19 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:20:20 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:20:20 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:20:21 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:20:33 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[D] 17:20:33 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
17:20:34 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Мракобес-мучитель (lvl 110)
[F] 17:20:35 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:20:36 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:20:37 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:20:38 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:20:40 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:20:41 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:20:42 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:20:44 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:20:46 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:20:46 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Сноворг мракобесов (lvl 110)
[F] 17:20:47 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:20:49 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:20:50 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:20:51 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
17:20:51 - [Looting] Loot Сноворг мракобесов
[N] 17:20:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1693,027 ; 6965,743 ; -5,737315 ; "None" to 1705,843 ; 6977,457 ; -2,949826 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:20:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,58465y)
17:20:55 - [World Quests] quests=12 for zone=1018 43247,42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,42023,43755,44895,41553,41566,0
17:20:55 - Val'sharah (SE)-S-W-SW-NW-N-NE-C-E profile complete. Loading next profile.
[D] 17:20:55 - [Quester] LoadProfile: camelot10\Legion world quests\Val'sharah\[110] Val'sharah S.xml
[D] 17:20:56 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 17:20:56 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 17:20:56 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 17:20:56 - [Quester] Create instance of : AwNuts1
[D] 17:20:56 - [Quester] Create instance of : AwNuts2
[D] 17:20:56 - [Quester] Create instance of : LunarwingLiberation1
[D] 17:20:56 - [Quester] Create instance of : LunarwingLiberation2
[D] 17:20:56 - [Quester] Create instance of : LunarwingLiberation3
[D] 17:20:56 - [Quester] Create instance of : RageoftheOwlbeasts1
[D] 17:20:56 - [Quester] Create instance of : RageoftheOwlbeasts2
[D] 17:20:56 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDSkulvrax
[D] 17:20:56 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDSkulvrax2
[D] 17:20:56 - [Quester] Create instance of : RavagedDreamsInvasion
[D] 17:20:56 - [Quester] Create instance of : ImpvasionInvasion
[F] 17:20:57 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
[F] 17:20:58 - [FightClass] Fight class already loaded
[D] 17:20:58 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:20:58 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:20:58 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Valsharah //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1018);

[D] 17:20:58 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:20:58 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:20:58 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:20:58 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:20:58 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:20:58 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:20:58 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:20:58 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:20:58 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:20:58 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:20:58 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
17:20:59 - Val'sharah SE-(S)-W-SW-NW-N-NE-C-E profile start
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
17:20:59 - [World Quests] quests=12 for zone=1018 43247,42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,42023,43755,44895,41553,41566,0
[D] 17:20:59 - [Quester] RunCode[6]: ImpvasionInvasion.StartFight();
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:20:59 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:00 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:21:00 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:21:00 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:00 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:00 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:00 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:00 - [Quester] RunCode[8]: ImpvasionInvasion.StopFight(); WorldQuest.SetDefaultSettings();
[D] 17:21:01 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
17:21:01 - Val'sharah SE-(S)-W-SW-NW-N-NE-C-E profile complete. Loading next profile.
[D] 17:21:01 - [Quester] LoadProfile: camelot10\Legion world quests\Val'sharah\[110] Val'sharah W.xml
[D] 17:21:02 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : BastionofBradensbrook1
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : BastionofBradensbrook2
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : BastionofBradensbrook3
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : CoastalGloom1
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : CoastalGloom2
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : DANGERLytheron
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : DANGERWithdoctorGrglBrgl
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : FelhideSkinning
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : FelwortHerbalism
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : PocketWizardRaid
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDKiranysDuskwhisper
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDKiranysDuskwhisper2
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : WardenTowerAssaultStarstalkersPointPvP1
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : WardenTowerAssaultStarstalkersPointPvP1A
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : WardenTowerAssaultStarstalkersPointPvP2
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : WardenTowerAssaultStarstalkersPointPvP2A
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : WherestheReef
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : WhereverIMayGloam
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheTasteofCorruption1Invasion
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheTasteofCorruption2Invasion
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheTasteofCorruption3Invasion
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : AbyssalMonstrosityInvasionGroup
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : GelthrakInvasionGroup
[D] 17:21:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlourishingDreamleafHerbalism
[F] 17:21:03 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
[F] 17:21:04 - [FightClass] Fight class already loaded
[D] 17:21:04 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:21:04 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:21:04 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Valsharah //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1018);

[D] 17:21:04 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:04 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:04 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:04 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:04 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
17:21:05 - Val'sharah SE-S-(W)-SW-NW-N-NE-C-E profile start
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
17:21:05 - [World Quests] quests=12 for zone=1018 43247,42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,42023,43755,44895,41553,41566,0
[D] 17:21:05 - [Quester] New step (3): FelhideSkinning>Pulse
[N] 17:21:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1703,182 ; 6975,023 ; -4,057717 ; "None" to 2357,504 ; 7984,012 ; 1,361439 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:05 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:21:06 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[N] 17:21:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 126 (3662,393y)
[D] 17:21:06 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:21:06 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:21:06 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:06 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:06 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:06 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:21:06 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:21:06 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:06 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:06 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:21:06 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
17:21:13 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Сноворг мракобесов (lvl 110)
[F] 17:21:14 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:21:16 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:21:17 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:21:18 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:21:19 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:21:21 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
17:21:25 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Сноворг мракобесов (lvl 110)
[F] 17:21:26 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:21:27 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:21:28 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:21:29 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:21:30 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:21:32 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:21:33 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:21:35 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:21:35 - [Looting] Loot Сноворг мракобесов
[N] 17:21:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1674,682 ; 6940,105 ; -5,474669 ; "None" to 1679,688 ; 6962,142 ; -5,754292 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:21:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22,59971y)
[N] 17:21:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1678,825 ; 6958,347 ; -5,825603 ; "None" to 2357,504 ; 7984,012 ; 1,361439 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:21:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 123 (3631,178y)
17:21:54 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Сноворг мракобесов (lvl 110)
[F] 17:21:55 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:21:57 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:21:58 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:22:00 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:22:01 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:22:03 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:22:04 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:22:06 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
17:22:06 - [Looting] Loot Сноворг мракобесов
17:22:08 - [World Quests] quests=12 for zone=1018 43247,42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,42023,43755,44895,41553,41566,0
[N] 17:22:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1689,754 ; 6869,385 ; -9,67448 ; "None" to 2357,504 ; 7984,012 ; 1,361439 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:22:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 120 (3538,137y)
17:22:40 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[N] 17:23:03 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 17:23:03 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 17:23:03 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[N] 17:23:07 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 17:23:07 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 17:23:23 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 17:23:23 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 17:23:23 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[N] 17:23:43 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 17:23:43 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 17:23:43 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
17:24:59 - [World Quests] quests=12 for zone=1018 43247,42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,42023,43755,44895,41553,41566,0
[N] 17:24:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2355,58 ; 7981,847 ; 2,397084 ; "Flying" to 2315,957 ; 7939,435 ; 6,81066 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:24:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (60,35261y)
17:25:01 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 17:25:02 - [Spell] Cast Камень души (Soulstone)
[F] 17:25:05 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[N] 17:25:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2327,994 ; 7951,526 ; 9,974037 ; "None" to 2324,324 ; 7928,32 ; 4,228022 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:25:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (24,1865y)
[F] 17:25:06 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:25:08 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:25:09 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:25:10 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:25:12 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:25:13 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:25:15 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:25:16 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:25:17 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:25:22 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:25:24 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[N] 17:25:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2327,402 ; 7947,78 ; 9,304565 ; "None" to 2324,997 ; 7929,863 ; 4,906034 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:25:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,60457y)
[N] 17:25:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2327,1 ; 7945,529 ; 8,861762 ; "None" to 2324,95 ; 7930,191 ; 5,114685 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:25:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,93416y)
[N] 17:25:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2326,869 ; 7943,883 ; 8,562821 ; "None" to 2324,95 ; 7930,191 ; 5,285462 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:25:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,20838y)
[N] 17:25:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2326,869 ; 7943,883 ; 8,562821 ; "None" to 2324,95 ; 7930,191 ; 5,285462 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:25:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,20838y)
17:25:59 - [World Quests] quests=11 for zone=1018 43247,42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,43755,42023,44895,41553,0
[D] 17:25:59 - [Quester] New step (27): FlightMastersWhistle>Pulse
17:26:14 - Val'sharah SE-S-(W)-SW-NW-N-NE-C-E profile complete. Loading next profile.
[D] 17:26:14 - [Quester] LoadProfile: camelot10\Legion world quests\Val'sharah\[110] Val'sharah SW.xml
[D] 17:26:15 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : BloodlineofStone1
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : BloodlineofStone2
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : BloodlineofStone3
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : DANGERKathawtheSavage
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : DANGERMalisandra
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : HagsandHexes1
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : HagsandHexes2
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : HagsandHexes3
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : KaldelarNagaIncursion1
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : KaldelarNagaIncursion2
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : KaldelarNagaIncursion3
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : PetrifiedAcolytes1
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : PetrifiedAcolytes2
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDBahagar
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDBahagar2
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDSeersei
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDSeersei2
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : WardenTowerAssaultDarkfollowsSpirePvP1
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : WardenTowerAssaultDarkfollowsSpirePvP1A
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : WardenTowerAssaultDarkfollowsSpirePvP2
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : WardenTowerAssaultDarkfollowsSpirePvP2A
[D] 17:26:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : ZartethInvasionGroup
[F] 17:26:16 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
[F] 17:26:17 - [FightClass] Fight class already loaded
[D] 17:26:17 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:26:17 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Valsharah //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1018);

[D] 17:26:17 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:26:17 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:26:17 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:26:17 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:26:17 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:26:17 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:26:17 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:26:17 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:26:17 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:26:17 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:26:17 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:26:17 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:26:17 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:26:17 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
17:26:18 - Val'sharah SE-S-W-(SW)-NW-N-NE-C-E profile start
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Quester] RunCode[3]: // Disable Taxi //
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = true;

[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:26:18 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:26:19 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:26:19 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
17:26:19 - [World Quests] quests=11 for zone=1018 43247,42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,43755,42023,44895,41553,0
[D] 17:26:19 - [Quester] New step (22): WardenTowerAssaultDarkfollowsSpirePvP2>Pulse
[N] 17:26:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2523,892 ; 8174,857 ; 12,41357 ; "None" to 2115,471 ; 7522,743 ; 88,45457 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:26:19 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 2523,892 ; 8174,857 ; 12,41357 ; "None" (Troll Raid_16,67214_27,2677) to 2115,471 ; 7522,743 ; 88,45457 ; "None" (Troll Raid_17,89486_28,03349)
[N] 17:26:21 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 2115,471 ; 7522,743 ; 88,45457 ; "None" (Troll Raid_17,89486_28,03349) to 2335,158 ; 8143,438 ; -14,49286 ; "None" (Troll Raid_16,73105_27,62158)
[N] 17:26:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 162 (4521,669y)
17:26:21 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[N] 17:26:28 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 17:26:28 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 17:26:28 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 17:26:39 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 17:26:39 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 17:26:39 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[N] 17:27:33 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 17:27:33 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 17:27:33 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 17:28:31 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 17:28:31 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 17:28:31 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 17:28:34 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 17:28:34 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 17:28:35 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[D] 17:28:35 - [MovementManager] Current pos: 2629,126 ; 6548,335 ; 149,1892 ; "Flying" - Target pos: 2620,964 ; 6569,949 ; 141,0711 ; "None" Continent: Troll Raid Tile: 19.72187_27.07039
[D] 17:28:35 - [StuckResolver] Started.
[D] 17:28:35 - [StuckResolver] Flying mode.
[D] 17:28:37 - [StuckResolver] done.
[N] 17:28:37 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 17:28:37 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 17:28:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2629,143 ; 6548,327 ; 147,4105 ; "Flying" to 2115,471 ; 7522,743 ; 88,45457 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:28:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 91 (1599,532y)
[N] 17:28:38 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 17:28:38 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 17:28:40 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 17:28:40 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 17:28:42 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[D] 17:28:42 - [MovementManager] Current pos: 2629,13 ; 6548,333 ; 149,198 ; "Flying" - Target pos: 2636,044 ; 6561,975 ; 147,1542 ; "None" Continent: Troll Raid Tile: 19.72187_27.07038
[D] 17:28:42 - [StuckResolver] Started.
[D] 17:28:43 - [StuckResolver] Flying mode.
[D] 17:28:44 - [StuckResolver] done.
[N] 17:28:44 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 17:28:44 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 17:28:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2629,14 ; 6548,327 ; 147,4105 ; "Flying" to 2115,471 ; 7522,743 ; 88,45457 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:28:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 97 (1721,317y)
[N] 17:28:45 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 17:28:45 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 17:28:47 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 17:28:47 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
17:29:58 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Гилнеасский щитоносец (lvl 110)
[F] 17:29:59 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:30:01 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:30:01 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:30:02 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:30:04 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:30:05 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:30:07 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:30:08 - [Spell] Cast Проклятие косноязычия (Curse of Tongues)
[F] 17:30:09 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:30:11 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:30:11 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:30:13 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:30:15 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
17:30:16 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Гилнеасский жрец (lvl 110)
[F] 17:30:17 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:30:18 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:30:23 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:30:25 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:30:27 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[N] 17:30:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2116,521 ; 7523,574 ; 42,54282 ; "None" to 2103,916 ; 7518,158 ; 48,48288 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:30:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (15,89496y)
[D] 17:30:27 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[D] 17:30:27 - [Fight] BlackList Гилнеасский жрец during 30 sec
17:30:27 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Гилнеасский жрец (lvl 110)
[F] 17:30:28 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:30:29 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:30:30 - [Spell] Cast Проклятие косноязычия (Curse of Tongues)
[F] 17:30:31 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:30:33 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:30:33 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:30:35 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
17:30:35 - [Looting] Loot Гилнеасский щитоносец
[N] 17:30:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2116,052 ; 7523,022 ; 42,54282 ; "None" to 2112,929 ; 7527,312 ; 42,54352 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:30:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (7,877013y)
17:30:37 - [World Quests] quests=11 for zone=1018 43247,42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,43755,42023,44895,41553,0
[N] 17:30:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2115,1 ; 7526,134 ; 42,68145 ; "None" to 2104,93 ; 7556,559 ; 92,22851 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 27 (153,0184y)
[N] 17:30:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2105,545 ; 7555,81 ; 92,03143 ; "None" to 2114,005 ; 7521,693 ; 88,45457 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:30:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (43,86843y)
[F] 17:31:19 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
17:31:37 - [World Quests] quests=11 for zone=1018 43247,42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,43755,42023,44895,41553,0
[N] 17:32:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2112,097 ; 7523,573 ; 89,19936 ; "None" to 2108,362 ; 7556,796 ; 92,10327 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:32:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (44,21971y)
[F] 17:32:00 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:32:01 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:32:01 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:32:02 - [Spell] Cast Проклятие косноязычия (Curse of Tongues)
[F] 17:32:03 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:32:03 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:32:04 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:32:05 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:32:07 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:32:08 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
17:32:09 - [Looting] Loot Верховный маг Брикстон
[N] 17:32:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2109,627 ; 7522,178 ; 90,62453 ; "None" to 2106,164 ; 7543,294 ; 91,94122 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:32:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (26,49112y)
[D] 17:32:14 - [Quester] New step (24): WardenTowerAssaultDarkfollowsSpirePvP1>Pulse
[N] 17:32:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2173,255 ; 7522,041 ; 4,165914 ; "None" to 2122,335 ; 7496,37 ; 6,005914 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:32:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (59,70596y)
[N] 17:32:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2122,335 ; 7496,37 ; 6,005914 ; "None" to 2168,847 ; 7441,619 ; 18,03605 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:32:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (75,33372y)
[N] 17:32:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2168,847 ; 7441,619 ; 18,03605 ; "None" to 2157,559 ; 7395,897 ; 46,93296 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:32:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (89,48898y)
[N] 17:32:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2157,559 ; 7395,897 ; 46,93296 ; "None" to 2131,618 ; 7386,355 ; 50,83618 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:32:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (28,35339y)
[N] 17:32:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2131,618 ; 7386,355 ; 50,83618 ; "None" to 2166,373 ; 7359,683 ; 57,09679 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:32:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (44,25498y)
[N] 17:32:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2166,373 ; 7359,683 ; 57,09679 ; "None" to 2173,255 ; 7522,041 ; 4,165914 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:32:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (212,898y)
17:32:14 - [Fight] Player Attack Стремительный коготь Гилнеаса (lvl 110)
[N] 17:32:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2105,967 ; 7538,911 ; 91,9409 ; "None" to 2100,811 ; 7516,739 ; 14,92212 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:32:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 34 (210,9924y)
17:32:14 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[F] 17:32:14 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:32:16 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[N] 17:32:28 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 17:32:28 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 17:32:28 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 17:32:37 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 17:32:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2091,781 ; 7532,434 ; 26,40852 ; "None" to 2092,252 ; 7527,76 ; 26,22252 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:32:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (4,701152y)
[F] 17:32:39 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[N] 17:32:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2091,248 ; 7529,865 ; 26,05992 ; "None" to 2094,882 ; 7522,766 ; 21,15626 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:32:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,36241y)
[F] 17:32:41 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[N] 17:32:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2091,859 ; 7528,626 ; 26,27795 ; "None" to 2097,823 ; 7519,765 ; 17,09485 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:32:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,08607y)
[F] 17:32:41 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:32:43 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:32:43 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:32:44 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:32:46 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:32:48 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:32:49 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:32:50 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:32:51 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:32:52 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
17:32:53 - [Looting] Loot Стремительный коготь Гилнеаса
[N] 17:32:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2094,89 ; 7524,116 ; 23,0686 ; "None" to 2101,232 ; 7516,861 ; 13,75466 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:32:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,40176y)
17:32:56 - [World Quests] quests=11 for zone=1018 43247,42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,43755,42023,44895,41553,0
17:32:56 - [Fight] Player Attack Гилнеасский воитель (lvl 110)
[N] 17:32:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2100,911 ; 7517,228 ; 14,06619 ; "None" to 2142,026 ; 7514,188 ; 5,430025 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:32:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (54,47438y)
[F] 17:32:57 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:32:57 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:33:02 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:33:04 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:33:05 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:33:05 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:33:07 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:33:08 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:33:09 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:33:11 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:33:12 - [Spell] Cast Проклятие косноязычия (Curse of Tongues)
[F] 17:33:13 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
17:33:14 - [Looting] Loot Гилнеасский воитель
[N] 17:33:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2130,138 ; 7526,973 ; 3,660363 ; "None" to 2146,428 ; 7521,726 ; 2,886309 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:33:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,13112y)
17:33:18 - [Fight] Player Attack Гилнеасский терзатель (lvl 110)
[N] 17:33:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2142,642 ; 7522,945 ; 2,873595 ; "None" to 2135,571 ; 7562,438 ; 6,527559 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:33:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (50,39103y)
[F] 17:33:18 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:33:19 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:33:20 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:33:20 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:33:21 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:33:22 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:33:22 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:33:23 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:33:24 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:33:25 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:33:26 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:33:27 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:33:32 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:33:34 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:33:35 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:33:36 - [Spell] Cast Проклятие косноязычия (Curse of Tongues)
[F] 17:33:36 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
17:33:40 - [Looting] Loot Гилнеасский терзатель
[N] 17:33:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2151,693 ; 7543,712 ; 6,802816 ; "None" to 2144,498 ; 7555,024 ; 6,954817 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:33:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (15,79136y)
17:33:44 - [Fight] Player Attack Гилнеасский жрец (lvl 110)
[F] 17:33:44 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 17:33:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2147,679 ; 7552,623 ; 6,688359 ; "None" to 2149,073 ; 7468,375 ; 1,212802 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:33:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (89,77489y)
17:33:44 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[F] 17:33:46 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
17:33:48 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 17:33:49 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:33:49 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:33:55 - [Spell] Cast Проклятие косноязычия (Curse of Tongues)
[F] 17:33:55 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:33:56 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:33:57 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:33:58 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:33:59 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:34:01 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
17:34:02 - [Looting] Loot Гилнеасский жрец
[N] 17:34:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2147,154 ; 7505,602 ; 5,124484 ; "None" to 2149,073 ; 7468,375 ; 1,212283 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:34:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (40,62358y)
17:34:09 - [World Quests] quests=11 for zone=1018 43247,42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,43755,42023,44895,41553,0
17:34:09 - [Fight] Player Attack Гилнеасский воитель (lvl 110)
[N] 17:34:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2147,832 ; 7471,805 ; 0,3581792 ; "None" to 2169,384 ; 7428,167 ; 20,62756 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:34:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (54,98438y)
[F] 17:34:09 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:34:10 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:34:11 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:34:11 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:34:12 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:34:13 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:34:13 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:34:14 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:34:15 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:34:15 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:34:21 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:34:22 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:34:24 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:34:26 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:34:26 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
17:34:28 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Гилнеасский жрец (lvl 110)
[F] 17:34:29 - [Spell] Cast Проклятие косноязычия (Curse of Tongues)
[F] 17:34:29 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:34:35 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:34:35 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:34:37 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:34:39 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:34:40 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:34:40 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:34:42 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
17:34:42 - [Looting] Loot Гилнеасский воитель
[N] 17:34:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2165,094 ; 7450,108 ; 15,00775 ; "None" to 2168,98 ; 7436,518 ; 19,22724 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:34:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,75141y)
17:34:45 - [Fight] Player Attack Гилнеасский чародей (lvl 110)
[F] 17:34:45 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[N] 17:34:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2170,968 ; 7431,607 ; 20,04673 ; "None" to 2182,672 ; 7398,456 ; 37,84629 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:34:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (41,5722y)
[F] 17:34:51 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:34:52 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:34:53 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:34:58 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
17:35:00 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Стремительный коготь Гилнеаса (lvl 110)
[F] 17:35:01 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:35:02 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:35:03 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[N] 17:35:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2176,081 ; 7406,574 ; 33,57989 ; "None" to 2183,415 ; 7396,983 ; 37,86098 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:35:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,81034y)
[F] 17:35:04 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[N] 17:35:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2176,852 ; 7405,565 ; 34,66006 ; "None" to 2184,401 ; 7394,693 ; 37,98823 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:35:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,64731y)
[F] 17:35:05 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[N] 17:35:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2177,517 ; 7404,607 ; 35,40054 ; "None" to 2185,426 ; 7392,331 ; 37,91587 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:35:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (18,11296y)
[F] 17:35:06 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:35:08 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:35:09 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:35:11 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:35:12 - [Looting] Loot Гилнеасский чародей
[N] 17:35:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2178,204 ; 7403,594 ; 36,1688 ; "None" to 2182,672 ; 7398,456 ; 37,84612 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:35:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (7,012823y)
17:35:14 - [World Quests] quests=11 for zone=1018 43247,42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,43755,42023,44895,41553,0
17:35:14 - [Fight] Player Attack Стремительный коготь Гилнеаса (lvl 110)
[N] 17:35:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2180,233 ; 7401,256 ; 37,49059 ; "None" to 2159,137 ; 7392,027 ; 46,61135 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:35:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (38,74126y)
[F] 17:35:14 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:35:15 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:35:16 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:35:16 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:35:17 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:35:18 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:35:19 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:35:21 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:35:21 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:35:23 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:35:24 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:35:26 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
17:35:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Гилнеасский воитель (lvl 110)
[F] 17:35:30 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:35:30 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:35:31 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:35:32 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:35:33 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:35:34 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:35:36 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:35:37 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:35:38 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:35:39 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
17:35:39 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Гилнеасский жрец (lvl 110)
[F] 17:35:40 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:35:41 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:35:46 - [Spell] Cast Проклятие косноязычия (Curse of Tongues)
[F] 17:35:47 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:35:48 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:35:49 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:35:50 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
17:35:51 - [Looting] Loot Гилнеасский воитель
[N] 17:35:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2181,568 ; 7388,54 ; 40,81996 ; "None" to 2170,617 ; 7389,331 ; 45,03015 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:35:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (12,5854y)
17:35:53 - [Fight] Player Attack Гилнеасский воитель (lvl 110)
[F] 17:35:53 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:35:54 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:35:55 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:35:56 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:35:56 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:35:58 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:35:59 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:36:01 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:36:02 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:36:04 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:36:05 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Гилнеасский ружейник (lvl 110)
[F] 17:36:05 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:36:07 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:36:08 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:36:09 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:36:10 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:36:12 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:36:15 - [Spell] Cast Жизнеотвод (Life Tap)
[F] 17:36:16 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:36:17 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:36:18 - [Looting] Loot Гилнеасский воитель
[N] 17:36:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2173,955 ; 7388,742 ; 43,56158 ; "None" to 2185,762 ; 7383,508 ; 40,93459 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:36:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,17989y)
17:36:21 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,43755,42023,44895,41553,0
[D] 17:36:21 - [Quester] RunCode[26]: // EnableTaxi //
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FlightMasterTaxiUse = false;

[D] 17:36:22 - [Quester] New step (27): FlightMastersWhistle>Pulse
17:36:36 - Val'sharah SE-S-W-(SW)-NW-N-NE-C-E profile complete. Loading next profile.
[D] 17:36:36 - [Quester] LoadProfile: camelot10\Legion world quests\Val'sharah\[110] Val'sharah NW.xml
[D] 17:36:38 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 17:36:38 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 17:36:38 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 17:36:38 - [Quester] Create instance of : BlackRookRumblePvP
[D] 17:36:38 - [Quester] Create instance of : Enigmatic
[D] 17:36:38 - [Quester] Create instance of : GofromBlackRookHoldArena
[D] 17:36:38 - [Quester] Create instance of : GofromRavencourt
[D] 17:36:38 - [Quester] Create instance of : GotoRavencourt
[D] 17:36:38 - [Quester] Create instance of : HugeMossgillPerchFishing
[D] 17:36:38 - [Quester] Create instance of : SealClubbing1
[D] 17:36:38 - [Quester] Create instance of : SealClubbing2
[D] 17:36:38 - [Quester] Create instance of : SealClubbing3
[D] 17:36:38 - [Quester] Create instance of : SlabofBaconCooking2
[D] 17:36:38 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDDarkshade
[D] 17:36:38 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDDarkshade2
[D] 17:36:38 - [Quester] Create instance of : DefenseofEmeraldBayInvasion
[D] 17:36:38 - [Quester] Create instance of : BlackRookHoldings
[F] 17:36:39 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
[F] 17:36:40 - [FightClass] Fight class already loaded
[D] 17:36:40 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:36:40 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:36:40 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:36:40 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:36:40 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:36:40 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Valsharah //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1018);

[D] 17:36:40 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:36:40 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:36:40 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:36:40 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:36:40 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:36:40 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:36:40 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:36:40 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:36:40 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:36:40 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:36:40 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:36:40 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:36:40 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:36:40 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:36:40 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:36:40 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:36:40 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:36:40 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:36:41 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:36:41 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:36:41 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:36:41 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:36:41 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:36:41 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:36:41 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:36:41 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:36:41 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:36:41 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
17:36:41 - Val'sharah SE-S-W-SW-(NW)-N-NE-C-E profile start
[D] 17:36:41 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:36:41 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
17:36:41 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,43755,42023,44895,41553,0
[D] 17:36:41 - [Quester] New step (6): BlackRookRumblePvP>Pulse
[N] 17:36:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2814,242 ; 7275,817 ; 21,87188 ; "None" to 3138,52 ; 7311,83 ; 53,276 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:36:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 36 (762,5321y)
[D] 17:36:41 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:36:41 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
17:36:41 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[D] 17:36:41 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:36:41 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:36:41 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:36:41 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:36:41 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:36:41 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:36:41 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[N] 17:37:19 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 17:37:19 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 17:37:19 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 17:37:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3168,378 ; 7273,276 ; 32,90627 ; "None" to 3204,164 ; 7208,607 ; 33,19699 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:37:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (97,49964y)
17:37:30 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[F] 17:37:31 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:37:36 - [Spell] Cast Лик тлена (Mortal Coil)
[F] 17:37:36 - [FightClass] Launch LUA script: local name = GetItemInfo(5512); RunMacroText('/use ' .. name);
[F] 17:37:37 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:37:38 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[N] 17:37:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3171,351 ; 7257,947 ; 33,56099 ; "None" to 3198,152 ; 7232,663 ; 33,67789 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:37:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (36,84578y)
[F] 17:37:41 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:37:41 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:37:42 - [Spell] Cast Твердая решимость (Unending Resolve)
17:37:43 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 17:37:55 - [Spell] Cast Камень души (Soulstone)
17:37:56 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,43755,42023,44895,41553,0
[F] 17:38:07 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 17:38:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3168,343 ; 7273,326 ; 32,90474 ; "None" to 3177,434 ; 7238,012 ; 34,10745 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:38:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (36,52029y)
[F] 17:38:10 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:38:11 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:38:12 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:38:12 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:38:13 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:38:14 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:38:14 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:38:15 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:38:16 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:38:17 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
17:38:18 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 17:38:36 - [Fight] Target dead
[F] 17:38:37 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:38:38 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:38:39 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:38:40 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:38:45 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:38:48 - [Spell] Cast Лик тлена (Mortal Coil)
[F] 17:38:48 - [FightClass] Launch LUA script: local name = GetItemInfo(5512); RunMacroText('/use ' .. name);
[F] 17:38:49 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:38:50 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:38:50 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:38:51 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
17:38:51 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:39:00 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,43755,42023,44895,41553,0
[F] 17:39:03 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[F] 17:39:08 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:39:10 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:39:11 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:39:11 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:39:13 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[F] 17:39:16 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[D] 17:39:17 - [Fight] Target dead
17:39:17 - [Regen] Started
17:39:19 - [Regen] Finished
17:39:19 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 17:39:31 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[F] 17:39:42 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 17:39:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3168,276 ; 7273,414 ; 32,89742 ; "None" to 3192,528 ; 7260,903 ; 34,25752 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:39:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (37,97436y)
[N] 17:39:44 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 17:39:44 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 17:39:44 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 17:39:44 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:39:45 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:39:46 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:39:48 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:39:49 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:39:50 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:39:52 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:39:53 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:39:53 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:39:54 - [Spell] Cast Лик тлена (Mortal Coil)
[F] 17:39:56 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
17:39:56 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:40:03 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,43755,42023,44895,41553,0
[F] 17:40:04 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[F] 17:40:12 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:40:13 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:40:13 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:40:14 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:40:16 - [Spell] Cast Лик тлена (Mortal Coil)
[F] 17:40:16 - [FightClass] Launch LUA script: local name = GetItemInfo(5512); RunMacroText('/use ' .. name);
[F] 17:40:18 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:40:19 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:40:20 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:40:20 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:40:33 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:40:41 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
[F] 17:40:50 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:40:51 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:40:52 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:40:52 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:40:53 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:40:54 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:40:55 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:40:56 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:40:58 - [Spell] Cast Лик тлена (Mortal Coil)
[F] 17:40:59 - [Spell] Cast Твердая решимость (Unending Resolve)
[F] 17:40:59 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
17:41:00 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:41:07 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,43755,42023,44895,41553,0
[F] 17:41:15 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:41:17 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:41:18 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:41:19 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:41:20 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:41:21 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:41:22 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:41:23 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:41:24 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:41:25 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:41:26 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:41:27 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:41:28 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:41:29 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:41:31 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:41:31 - [FightClass] Launch LUA script: local name = GetItemInfo(5512); RunMacroText('/use ' .. name);
17:41:32 - [Regen] Started
[F] 17:41:34 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
17:41:35 - [Regen] Finished
17:41:35 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:41:38 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
[F] 17:41:38 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[F] 17:41:50 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:41:52 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:41:52 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:41:54 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:41:55 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:41:55 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:41:56 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[F] 17:41:57 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
17:41:57 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:42:10 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,43755,42023,44895,41553,0
[F] 17:42:18 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[F] 17:42:21 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:42:21 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:42:22 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:42:23 - [Spell] Cast Проклятие косноязычия (Curse of Tongues)
[F] 17:42:23 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:42:24 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:42:27 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:42:40 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:42:47 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
[N] 17:42:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3168,284 ; 7273,405 ; 32,89782 ; "None" to 3183,87 ; 7297,789 ; 46,58655 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:42:57 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3168,284 ; 7273,405 ; 32,89782 ; "None" (Troll Raid_18,36236_26,05947) to 3183,87 ; 7297,789 ; 46,58655 ; "None" (Troll Raid_18,31665_26,03024)
[N] 17:42:57 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3183,87 ; 7297,789 ; 46,58655 ; "None" (Troll Raid_18,31665_26,03024) to 3184,087 ; 7291,287 ; 33,51052 ; "None" (Troll Raid_18,32884_26,02984)
[N] 17:42:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (32,01337y)
[D] 17:42:57 - [Fight] Cannot make path to the target (Поганище), ignore it.
[N] 17:42:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3168,284 ; 7273,405 ; 32,89782 ; "None" to 3176,469 ; 7243,516 ; 34,10781 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:42:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (31,07513y)
[N] 17:43:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3170,342 ; 7263,639 ; 32,77576 ; "None" to 3185,694 ; 7234,113 ; 34,10781 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:43:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (33,48911y)
[F] 17:43:01 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 17:43:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3170,847 ; 7260,26 ; 32,83373 ; "None" to 3192,643 ; 7237,909 ; 34,10781 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:43:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (31,32769y)
[F] 17:43:05 - [Spell] Cast Проклятие косноязычия (Curse of Tongues)
[F] 17:43:06 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:43:07 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[N] 17:43:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3184,491 ; 7244,257 ; 34,10797 ; "None" to 3227,939 ; 7254,038 ; 33,28143 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:43:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (56,23393y)
[D] 17:43:08 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 17:43:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3182,611 ; 7247,259 ; 34,10797 ; "None" to 3183,87 ; 7297,789 ; 46,58655 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:43:11 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3182,611 ; 7247,259 ; 34,10797 ; "None" (Troll Raid_18,41139_26,0326) to 3183,87 ; 7297,789 ; 46,58655 ; "None" (Troll Raid_18,31665_26,03024)
[N] 17:43:11 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3183,87 ; 7297,789 ; 46,58655 ; "None" (Troll Raid_18,31665_26,03024) to 3184,087 ; 7291,287 ; 33,51052 ; "None" (Troll Raid_18,32884_26,02984)
[N] 17:43:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (60,41626y)
[D] 17:43:11 - [Fight] Cannot make path to the target (Поганище), ignore it.
[N] 17:43:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3191,764 ; 7254,618 ; 34,10797 ; "None" to 3228,347 ; 7263,727 ; 32,1502 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:43:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (58,55025y)
17:43:15 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,43755,42023,44895,41553,0
[F] 17:43:16 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:43:17 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:43:18 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:43:19 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:43:21 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[D] 17:43:23 - [Fight] Target dead
[F] 17:43:23 - [FightClass] Launch LUA script: local name = GetItemInfo(5512); RunMacroText('/use ' .. name);
17:43:23 - [Regen] Started
17:43:26 - [Regen] Finished
17:43:26 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:43:39 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 17:43:50 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[F] 17:43:55 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:43:59 - [Spell] Cast Лик тлена (Mortal Coil)
[F] 17:44:00 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:44:01 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:44:02 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:44:03 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:44:04 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:44:05 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:44:06 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:44:07 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:44:07 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:44:08 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:44:09 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:44:10 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:44:11 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:44:11 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:44:13 - [Spell] Cast Твердая решимость (Unending Resolve)
[F] 17:44:14 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
17:44:14 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:44:22 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
17:44:23 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,43755,42023,44895,41553,0
[F] 17:44:31 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:44:33 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:44:34 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:44:35 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[D] 17:44:35 - [Fight] Target dead
[D] 17:44:35 - [Fight] Target dead
[N] 17:44:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3168,489 ; 7273,128 ; 32,91518 ; "None" to 3138,52 ; 7311,83 ; 53,276 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:44:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (317,5673y)
[F] 17:44:38 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
17:44:38 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[F] 17:44:38 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:44:40 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:44:41 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:44:42 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:44:43 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:44:43 - [FightClass] Launch LUA script: local name = GetItemInfo(5512); RunMacroText('/use ' .. name);
[F] 17:44:44 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:44:45 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:44:46 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:44:46 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:44:47 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:44:47 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:44:47 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:44:48 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
17:44:48 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:45:02 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:45:15 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:45:29 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,43755,42023,44895,41553,0
[F] 17:45:30 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:45:31 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:45:32 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:45:33 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:45:34 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:45:36 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:45:37 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[N] 17:45:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3168,31 ; 7273,37 ; 32,90109 ; "None" to 3182,69 ; 7229,511 ; 33,41503 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:45:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (46,28503y)
[F] 17:45:40 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:45:41 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:45:43 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:45:44 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:45:45 - [FightClass] Launch LUA script: local name = GetItemInfo(5512); RunMacroText('/use ' .. name);
[F] 17:45:46 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:45:47 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[D] 17:45:49 - [Fight] Fight stopped
17:45:49 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:45:52 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
[N] 17:46:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3168,226 ; 7273,481 ; 32,89233 ; "None" to 3180,571 ; 7254,542 ; 34,10817 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:46:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (25,55519y)
[N] 17:46:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3179,688 ; 7254,827 ; 34,1087 ; "None" to 3192,677 ; 7236,536 ; 34,10857 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:46:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (22,79331y)
[F] 17:46:07 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:46:08 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:46:09 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:46:10 - [Spell] Cast Лик тлена (Mortal Coil)
[F] 17:46:11 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:46:13 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:46:13 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:46:15 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[N] 17:46:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3184,451 ; 7244,324 ; 34,1087 ; "None" to 3202,245 ; 7245,582 ; 34,10762 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:46:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (35,81721y)
[F] 17:46:17 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:46:19 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:46:20 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:46:20 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:46:22 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:46:23 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:46:23 - [Spell] Cast Проклятие косноязычия (Curse of Tongues)
[F] 17:46:24 - [Spell] Cast Проклятие косноязычия (Curse of Tongues)
[F] 17:46:24 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:46:25 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:46:25 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:46:26 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
17:46:26 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:46:39 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:46:52 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:46:56 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
17:46:57 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,43755,42023,44895,41553,0
[F] 17:47:04 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[N] 17:47:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3168,142 ; 7273,595 ; 32,88523 ; "None" to 3172,241 ; 7257,554 ; 33,91565 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:47:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,58863y)
[F] 17:47:09 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:47:10 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:47:11 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:47:12 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:47:12 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:47:13 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:47:14 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:47:15 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:47:15 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:47:16 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:47:18 - [Spell] Cast Лик тлена (Mortal Coil)
[F] 17:47:19 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:47:19 - [FightClass] Launch LUA script: local name = GetItemInfo(5512); RunMacroText('/use ' .. name);
[D] 17:47:20 - [Fight] Fight stopped
17:47:21 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[N] 17:47:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3168,374 ; 7273,281 ; 32,90586 ; "None" to 3175,227 ; 7248,81 ; 34,10752 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:47:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (25,54766y)
[F] 17:47:39 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:47:41 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:47:42 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[N] 17:47:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3171,537 ; 7263,42 ; 33,24002 ; "None" to 3173,856 ; 7250,422 ; 34,10769 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:47:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (14,63951y)
[F] 17:47:44 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[N] 17:47:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3170,693 ; 7264,291 ; 32,79805 ; "None" to 3172,417 ; 7253,666 ; 34,10727 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:47:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,84342y)
[F] 17:47:46 - [Spell] Cast Твердая решимость (Unending Resolve)
[F] 17:47:47 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[D] 17:47:48 - [Fight] Fight stopped
17:47:48 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 17:47:58 - [Spell] Cast Камень души (Soulstone)
17:47:59 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,43755,42023,44895,41553,0
[F] 17:48:06 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[F] 17:48:10 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[F] 17:48:10 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[F] 17:48:21 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:48:22 - [Spell] Cast Лик тлена (Mortal Coil)
[F] 17:48:23 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:48:25 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:48:25 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:48:27 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:48:27 - [FightClass] Launch LUA script: local name = GetItemInfo(5512); RunMacroText('/use ' .. name);
[F] 17:48:28 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:48:30 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
17:48:30 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:48:43 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:48:57 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:49:03 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,43755,42023,44895,41553,0
[F] 17:49:12 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 17:49:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3168,52 ; 7273,087 ; 32,91754 ; "None" to 3176,257 ; 7254,578 ; 34,10735 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:49:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (21,01753y)
[F] 17:49:17 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:49:18 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:49:19 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:49:20 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:49:22 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:49:23 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:49:25 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:49:27 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[D] 17:49:27 - [Fight] Target dead
[D] 17:49:27 - [Fight] Target dead
[F] 17:49:29 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:49:29 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:49:30 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[N] 17:49:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3174,366 ; 7256,415 ; 34,10814 ; "None" to 3195,772 ; 7247,702 ; 34,10808 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:49:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (26,04478y)
[D] 17:49:31 - [Fight] Target dead
[D] 17:49:32 - [Fight] Target dead
[D] 17:49:32 - [Fight] Target dead
[D] 17:49:32 - [Fight] Target dead
[D] 17:49:32 - [Fight] Target dead
[D] 17:49:33 - [Fight] Target dead
[D] 17:49:33 - [Fight] Target dead
[F] 17:49:33 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:49:34 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:49:35 - [Spell] Cast Проклятие косноязычия (Curse of Tongues)
[F] 17:49:35 - [Spell] Cast Проклятие косноязычия (Curse of Tongues)
[F] 17:49:36 - [Spell] Cast Проклятие косноязычия (Curse of Tongues)
[F] 17:49:36 - [Spell] Cast Проклятие косноязычия (Curse of Tongues)
[F] 17:49:37 - [Spell] Cast Проклятие косноязычия (Curse of Tongues)
[F] 17:49:37 - [Spell] Cast Проклятие косноязычия (Curse of Tongues)
[F] 17:49:38 - [Spell] Cast Проклятие косноязычия (Curse of Tongues)
[F] 17:49:39 - [Spell] Cast Лик тлена (Mortal Coil)
[F] 17:49:39 - [Spell] Cast Лик тлена (Mortal Coil)
[F] 17:49:40 - [Spell] Cast Проклятие косноязычия (Curse of Tongues)
[F] 17:49:40 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:49:41 - [Spell] Cast Лик тлена (Mortal Coil)
[F] 17:49:41 - [Spell] Cast Лик тлена (Mortal Coil)
[F] 17:49:42 - [Spell] Cast Лик тлена (Mortal Coil)
[F] 17:49:42 - [FightClass] Launch LUA script: local name = GetItemInfo(5512); RunMacroText('/use ' .. name);
[F] 17:49:43 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:49:44 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:49:44 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:49:45 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
17:49:46 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:49:59 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:50:07 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,43755,42023,44895,41553,0
[F] 17:50:14 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
17:50:14 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Джон Свифти (lvl 110)
[N] 17:50:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3168,125 ; 7273,618 ; 32,88313 ; "None" to 3179,672 ; 7256,247 ; 34,1076 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:50:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (24,63154y)
[F] 17:50:18 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:50:18 - [Spell] Cast Проклятие косноязычия (Curse of Tongues)
[F] 17:50:19 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:50:20 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:50:21 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:50:22 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:50:23 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:50:25 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[D] 17:50:26 - [Fight] Fight stopped
17:50:26 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 17:50:48 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:50:50 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:50:50 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:50:51 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:50:53 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:50:55 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:50:56 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:50:58 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:50:59 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:51:01 - [FightClass] Launch LUA script: local name = GetItemInfo(5512); RunMacroText('/use ' .. name);
[F] 17:51:02 - [Spell] Cast Твердая решимость (Unending Resolve)
[F] 17:51:03 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:51:04 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:51:04 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:51:05 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:51:05 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:51:06 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
17:51:10 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 17:51:10 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
17:51:23 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:51:36 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:51:42 - [World Quests] quests=10 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43458,42174,41964,43755,42023,44895,41553,0
[F] 17:51:50 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 17:51:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3168,337 ; 7273,332 ; 32,90392 ; "None" to 3194,827 ; 7238,116 ; 34,10802 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:51:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (46,36527y)
[N] 17:51:51 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 17:51:51 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[F] 17:51:52 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:51:53 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:51:54 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[N] 17:51:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3176,975 ; 7253,341 ; 34,10814 ; "None" to 3177,547 ; 7277,259 ; 33,00543 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:51:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (28,30851y)
[N] 17:51:58 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 17:51:58 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 17:51:58 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 17:52:01 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:52:01 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:52:03 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:52:04 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:52:04 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:52:06 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:52:07 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[N] 17:52:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3170,502 ; 7260,7 ; 32,79104 ; "None" to 3204,605 ; 7280,674 ; 32,98943 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:52:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (84,17274y)
17:52:09 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[F] 17:52:13 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:52:14 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:52:15 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:52:16 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:52:16 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:52:17 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:52:18 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:52:18 - [Spell] Cast Лик тлена (Mortal Coil)
[F] 17:52:19 - [FightClass] Launch LUA script: local name = GetItemInfo(5512); RunMacroText('/use ' .. name);
[F] 17:52:20 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:52:20 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
17:52:21 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:52:34 - [Resurrect] Player dead
17:52:46 - [World Quests] quests=9 for zone=1018 44895,42076,41862,41553,41964,42174,43458,43755,0
[D] 17:52:46 - [Quester] RunCode[11]: /* STOP FISHING */
if (wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.FishingTask.IsLaunched)

[D] 17:52:47 - [Quester] New step (18): FlightMastersWhistle>Pulse
17:53:02 - Val'sharah SE-S-W-SW-(NW)-N-NE-C-E profile complete. Loading next profile.
[D] 17:53:02 - [Quester] LoadProfile: camelot10\Legion world quests\Val'sharah\[110] Val'sharah N.xml
[D] 17:53:03 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 17:53:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 17:53:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 17:53:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : DANGERAodhWitherpetal
[D] 17:53:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : DANGEREaldis
[D] 17:53:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : DANGERShalasaman
[D] 17:53:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : SharptalonSwarmGroup
[D] 17:53:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : TangledNightmare1
[D] 17:53:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : TangledNightmare2
[D] 17:53:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : TangledNightmare3
[D] 17:53:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheSleepingCorruptionRaid
[D] 17:53:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDDreadbog
[D] 17:53:03 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDDreadbog2
[F] 17:53:04 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
[F] 17:53:05 - [FightClass] Fight class already loaded
[D] 17:53:05 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:53:05 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:53:05 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:53:05 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:53:05 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:53:05 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:53:05 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:53:05 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:53:05 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:53:05 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Valsharah //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1018);

[D] 17:53:05 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:53:05 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:53:05 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:53:05 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:53:05 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:53:05 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:53:05 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:53:05 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:53:05 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
17:53:06 - Val'sharah SE-S-W-SW-NW-(N)-NE-C-E profile start
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
17:53:06 - [World Quests] quests=9 for zone=1018 44895,42076,41862,41553,41964,42174,43458,43755,0
[D] 17:53:06 - [Quester] New step (12): SharptalonSwarmGroup>Pulse
[N] 17:53:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4680,147 ; 6840,653 ; 63,08792 ; "None" to 4699,752 ; 6947,754 ; 69,11635 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:53:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (111,5204y)
[N] 17:53:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4699,752 ; 6947,754 ; 69,11635 ; "None" to 4624,775 ; 6930,954 ; 131,3801 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:53:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (171,2206y)
[N] 17:53:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4624,775 ; 6930,954 ; 131,3801 ; "None" to 4623,29 ; 6732,231 ; 95,37439 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:53:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (283,9131y)
[N] 17:53:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4623,29 ; 6732,231 ; 95,37439 ; "None" to 4680,147 ; 6840,653 ; 63,08792 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:53:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (137,1712y)
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
17:53:06 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:53:06 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:53:07 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 17:53:07 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[N] 17:53:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2814,242 ; 7275,817 ; 22,50793 ; "Flying" to 4624,775 ; 6930,954 ; 131,3801 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:53:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 82 (3724,415y)
17:54:06 - [World Quests] quests=9 for zone=1018 44895,42076,41862,41553,41964,42174,43458,43755,0
17:55:06 - [World Quests] quests=9 for zone=1018 44895,42076,41862,41553,41964,42174,43458,43755,0
17:55:32 - [Fight] Player Attack Гнездо острокогтя (lvl 110)
[N] 17:55:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4811,085 ; 6968,547 ; -43,14166 ; "Flying" to 4725,443 ; 7005,108 ; 8,940708 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:55:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 26 (638,9268y)
[N] 17:55:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4805,793 ; 6924,263 ; -1,817583 ; "Swimming" to 4699,752 ; 6947,754 ; 69,11635 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:55:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (474,9816y)
17:55:46 - [Fight] Player Attack Гнездо острокогтя (lvl 110)
[N] 17:55:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4761,863 ; 6806,871 ; -11,38204 ; "Flying" to 4692,491 ; 6770,451 ; 36,53442 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:55:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (175,7593y)
[N] 17:55:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4741,466 ; 6784,114 ; -5,110677 ; "Flying" to 4692,491 ; 6770,451 ; 36,53442 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:55:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (144,1494y)
[N] 17:55:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4710,759 ; 6772,585 ; 25,98885 ; "None" to 4692,491 ; 6770,451 ; 36,53442 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:55:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (24,36958y)
[D] 17:56:04 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
17:56:04 - [Fight] Can't reach Гнездо острокогтя, blacklisting it.
17:56:04 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[N] 17:56:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4706,266 ; 6772,05 ; 29,98106 ; "None" to 4679,014 ; 6829,002 ; 62,00546 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:56:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (70,79333y)
[F] 17:56:12 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:56:13 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[N] 17:56:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4687,174 ; 6811,949 ; 53,35144 ; "None" to 4679,327 ; 6830,076 ; 62,0934 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:56:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (21,6002y)
[D] 17:56:14 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
17:56:14 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[N] 17:56:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4685,643 ; 6815,514 ; 56,0024 ; "None" to 4671,252 ; 6830,03 ; 60,97619 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:56:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (21,03678y)
[F] 17:56:16 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:56:17 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:56:18 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:56:19 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:56:22 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
17:56:23 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Острокоготь-патриарх (lvl 110)
[F] 17:56:24 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:56:24 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:56:25 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:56:26 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:56:28 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:56:29 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:56:35 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:56:36 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:56:38 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:56:40 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:56:42 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:56:42 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[F] 17:56:43 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:56:44 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:56:44 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:56:45 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:56:47 - [Spell] Cast Семя порчи (Seed of Corruption)
[F] 17:56:48 - [Spell] Cast Семя порчи (Seed of Corruption)
17:56:48 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[F] 17:56:49 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
17:56:52 - [Looting] Loot Молодой острокоготь
[F] 17:56:52 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
17:56:55 - [World Quests] quests=9 for zone=1018 44895,42076,41862,41553,41964,42174,43458,43755,0
17:56:55 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[F] 17:56:55 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:56:56 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:56:56 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:56:57 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:56:58 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:57:00 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
17:57:02 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Острокоготь - хранитель гнезда (lvl 110)
[F] 17:57:03 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:57:04 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:57:06 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:57:06 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:57:08 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:57:09 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:57:10 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:57:12 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[F] 17:57:12 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:57:14 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:57:15 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
17:57:16 - [Looting] Loot Молодой острокоготь
[N] 17:57:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4685,122 ; 6816,041 ; 56,35265 ; "None" to 4671,947 ; 6821,764 ; 59,96528 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:57:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,81108y)
17:57:20 - [Fight] Player Attack Гнездо острокогтя (lvl 110)
[F] 17:57:20 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:57:21 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:57:21 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:57:22 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:57:23 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:57:24 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:57:24 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:57:25 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:57:26 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:57:26 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:57:27 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[D] 17:57:28 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
17:57:28 - [Fight] Can't reach Гнездо острокогтя, blacklisting it.
17:57:28 - [Fight] Player Attack Острокоготь - хранитель гнезда (lvl 110)
[F] 17:57:28 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:57:31 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:57:32 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:57:34 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:57:34 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:57:35 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:57:37 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:57:38 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:57:40 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:57:42 - [Looting] Loot Острокоготь - хранитель гнезда
[N] 17:57:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4681,239 ; 6806,496 ; 50,24997 ; "None" to 4687,742 ; 6793,223 ; 40,68259 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:57:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,60702y)
17:57:46 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[F] 17:57:46 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:57:47 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:57:48 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:57:49 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:57:51 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 17:57:53 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:57:53 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[F] 17:57:54 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:57:55 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:57:56 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:57:57 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:57:58 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:58:00 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:58:01 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:58:03 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:58:03 - [Spell] Cast Камень души (Soulstone)
17:58:03 - [Looting] Loot Молодой острокоготь
[N] 17:58:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4686,295 ; 6796,176 ; 42,50872 ; "None" to 4690,846 ; 6789,7 ; 38,19846 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:58:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,012522y)
17:58:06 - [World Quests] quests=9 for zone=1018 44895,42076,41862,41553,41964,42174,43458,43755,0
17:58:06 - [Fight] Player Attack Гнездо острокогтя (lvl 110)
[F] 17:58:06 - [Spell] Cast Камень души (Soulstone)
[F] 17:58:06 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:58:07 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:58:08 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:58:08 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:58:09 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:58:10 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:58:11 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:58:12 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:58:12 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:58:13 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:58:14 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[D] 17:58:14 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
17:58:14 - [Fight] Can't reach Гнездо острокогтя, blacklisting it.
17:58:14 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[F] 17:58:14 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:58:15 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:58:16 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:58:17 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:58:17 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:58:19 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:58:21 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
17:58:23 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[F] 17:58:24 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:58:25 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:58:26 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:58:28 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
17:58:29 - [Looting] Loot Молодой острокоготь
[N] 17:58:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4689,484 ; 6791,638 ; 39,33018 ; "None" to 4693,517 ; 6778,71 ; 35,63618 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:58:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,03691y)
17:58:32 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[N] 17:58:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4692,381 ; 6782,398 ; 36,21098 ; "None" to 4671,211 ; 6830,486 ; 60,98286 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:58:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (58,08876y)
[F] 17:58:32 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:58:33 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:58:34 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:58:35 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:58:35 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:58:36 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
17:58:37 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[N] 17:58:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4684,07 ; 6801,277 ; 46,11114 ; "None" to 4654,799 ; 6827,894 ; 60,89349 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:58:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (44,04622y)
[F] 17:58:37 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:58:38 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:58:38 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:58:39 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
17:58:40 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[N] 17:58:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4678,21 ; 6807,865 ; 51,78765 ; "None" to 4626,585 ; 6760,626 ; 94,93252 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:58:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (125,6919y)
17:58:40 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[F] 17:58:40 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:58:42 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:58:47 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 17:58:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4642,229 ; 6749,07 ; 81,66024 ; "None" to 4628,953 ; 6760,821 ; 94,62327 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:58:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (25,12138y)
[F] 17:58:48 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:58:49 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:58:50 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:58:51 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:58:52 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:58:54 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:58:56 - [Looting] Loot Молодой острокоготь
17:58:57 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[F] 17:58:58 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 17:58:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4635,121 ; 6749,73 ; 85,70068 ; "None" to 4612,404 ; 6763,108 ; 98,31342 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:58:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (29,22504y)
[F] 17:58:58 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:58:59 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:59:00 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:59:01 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:59:02 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:59:02 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:59:03 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:59:05 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:59:06 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:59:07 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[F] 17:59:08 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:59:10 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:59:11 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:59:12 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:59:14 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:59:15 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:59:15 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Острокоготь - хранитель гнезда (lvl 110)
[F] 17:59:16 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:59:17 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:59:18 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:59:19 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:59:21 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:59:22 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:59:24 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
17:59:25 - [Looting] Loot Острокоготь - хранитель гнезда
[N] 17:59:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4631,684 ; 6751,624 ; 89,24779 ; "None" to 4622,777 ; 6753,152 ; 93,6107 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:59:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,03447y)
17:59:28 - [World Quests] quests=9 for zone=1018 44895,42076,41862,41553,41964,42174,43458,43755,0
17:59:28 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[N] 17:59:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4626,197 ; 6752,565 ; 92,14074 ; "None" to 4636,633 ; 6684,758 ; 76,38754 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:59:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 36 (810,4181y)
17:59:28 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[F] 17:59:28 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:59:30 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
17:59:36 - [Fight] Player Attack Острокоготь - хранитель гнезда (lvl 110)
17:59:37 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 17:59:37 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 17:59:38 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 17:59:40 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 17:59:41 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:59:42 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 17:59:43 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:59:45 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:59:47 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 17:59:49 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
17:59:51 - [Looting] Loot Острокоготь - хранитель гнезда
[N] 17:59:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4676,419 ; 6794,742 ; 46,05336 ; "None" to 4688,622 ; 6783,214 ; 37,48596 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:59:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,84632y)
17:59:54 - [Fight] Player Attack Острокоготь - хранитель гнезда (lvl 110)
[N] 17:59:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4686,014 ; 6785,678 ; 39,005 ; "None" to 4684,955 ; 6856,589 ; 69,28948 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 17:59:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (78,95688y)
[F] 17:59:54 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:59:55 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:59:56 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:59:56 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:59:57 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:59:58 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:59:58 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 17:59:59 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:00:00 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:00:02 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:00:03 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:00:04 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:00:05 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:00:06 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:00:08 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:00:09 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:00:11 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
18:00:12 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[F] 18:00:13 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:00:13 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:00:14 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:00:15 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:00:17 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
18:00:18 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[F] 18:00:19 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:00:20 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:00:20 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:00:21 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:00:23 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[F] 18:00:23 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:00:25 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:00:27 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
18:00:27 - [Looting] Loot Молодой острокоготь
[N] 18:00:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4682,488 ; 6826,019 ; 61,64438 ; "None" to 4687,854 ; 6838,127 ; 63,60213 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:00:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,38858y)
18:00:31 - [World Quests] quests=9 for zone=1018 44895,42076,41862,41553,41964,42174,43458,43755,0
18:00:31 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[N] 18:00:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4686,319 ; 6834,688 ; 63,05593 ; "None" to 4620,681 ; 6771,471 ; 99,55086 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:00:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (147,1411y)
18:00:31 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[F] 18:00:31 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:00:38 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 18:00:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4634,198 ; 6749,667 ; 86,79082 ; "None" to 4619,824 ; 6771,276 ; 99,75394 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:00:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (29,01033y)
[D] 18:00:39 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
18:00:39 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[F] 18:00:40 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:00:41 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:00:43 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:00:44 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:00:45 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:00:46 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
18:00:46 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[N] 18:00:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4634,679 ; 6748,996 ; 85,87578 ; "None" to 4613,564 ; 6763,292 ; 98,14896 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:00:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (28,29954y)
[F] 18:00:48 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:00:50 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 18:00:53 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
18:00:54 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[F] 18:00:55 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:00:56 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:00:56 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:00:58 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:00:59 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:01:01 - [Looting] Loot Молодой острокоготь
18:01:03 - [Fight] Player Attack Острокоготь - хранитель гнезда (lvl 110)
[F] 18:01:03 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 18:01:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4631,944 ; 6750,848 ; 88,56507 ; "None" to 4606,751 ; 6691,359 ; 97,82304 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:01:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (65,2629y)
[F] 18:01:03 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:01:04 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:01:05 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:01:05 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:01:06 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:01:07 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:01:07 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:01:08 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:01:09 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:01:10 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:01:12 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:01:14 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:01:16 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:01:18 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:01:20 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:01:21 - [Looting] Loot Острокоготь - хранитель гнезда
[N] 18:01:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4620,322 ; 6723,406 ; 98,18692 ; "None" to 4610,824 ; 6705,458 ; 97,53813 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:01:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,31596y)
18:01:25 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[F] 18:01:25 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:01:26 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:01:27 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:01:27 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:01:29 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:01:30 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:01:32 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:01:34 - [Looting] Loot Молодой острокоготь
[N] 18:01:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4612,644 ; 6708,896 ; 98,4417 ; "None" to 4607,792 ; 6694,419 ; 97,91327 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:01:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,2775y)
18:01:37 - [World Quests] quests=9 for zone=1018 44895,42076,41862,41553,41964,42174,43458,43755,0
18:01:37 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[N] 18:01:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4609,047 ; 6698,164 ; 98,68064 ; "Flying" to 4623,29 ; 6732,231 ; 95,37439 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:01:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (37,07226y)
18:01:42 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[N] 18:01:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4631,504 ; 6739,677 ; 91,5855 ; "Flying" to 4697,552 ; 6762,522 ; 37,57033 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:01:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (169,3181y)
18:01:46 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 18:01:47 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 18:01:48 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:01:49 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:01:51 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:01:52 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:01:53 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:01:55 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 18:01:57 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
18:01:58 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[F] 18:01:59 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:02:00 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:02:02 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:02:03 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:02:05 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:02:06 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:02:07 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
18:02:07 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
18:02:08 - [Looting] Loot Молодой острокоготь
[N] 18:02:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4681,489 ; 6794,14 ; 43,67635 ; "None" to 4691,927 ; 6782,849 ; 36,39729 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:02:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,01245y)
18:02:12 - [Fight] Player Attack Острокоготь - хранитель гнезда (lvl 110)
[N] 18:02:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4690,063 ; 6784,865 ; 37,35426 ; "None" to 4661,923 ; 6834,626 ; 60,23746 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:02:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (61,57629y)
[F] 18:02:12 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:02:13 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:02:14 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:02:14 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:02:15 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:02:16 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:02:16 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:02:17 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:02:18 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:02:20 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:02:21 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:02:21 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:02:22 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:02:24 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:02:26 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:02:27 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:02:28 - [Looting] Loot Острокоготь - хранитель гнезда
[N] 18:02:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4671,46 ; 6817,784 ; 58,92278 ; "None" to 4666,081 ; 6826,415 ; 60,76751 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:02:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,33558y)
18:02:31 - [Fight] Player Attack Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[F] 18:02:32 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:02:32 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:02:33 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:02:34 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:02:35 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:02:36 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 18:02:38 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
18:02:39 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[F] 18:02:39 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:02:40 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:02:42 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:02:43 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 18:02:44 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
18:02:45 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Молодой острокоготь (lvl 110)
[F] 18:02:45 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:02:47 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:02:48 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:02:50 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:02:51 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:02:51 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
18:02:52 - [Looting] Loot Молодой острокоготь
18:02:54 - [World Quests] quests=8 for zone=1018 42076,41862,41553,41964,42174,43458,43755,0
[D] 18:02:54 - [Quester] New step (13): FlightMastersWhistle>Pulse
18:03:09 - Val'sharah SE-S-W-SW-NW-(N)-NE-C-E profile complete. Loading next profile.
[D] 18:03:09 - [Quester] LoadProfile: camelot10\Legion world quests\Val'sharah\[110] Val'sharah NE.xml
[D] 18:03:11 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 18:03:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 18:03:11 - [Fisher] reset settings
[D] 18:03:11 - [Quester] It is not quest class type: Fisher
[D] 18:03:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 18:03:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : ChampionsofElune
[D] 18:03:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : OutoftheWoodwork
[D] 18:03:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : PoisonedWaters1
[D] 18:03:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : PoisonedWaters2
[D] 18:03:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : PoisonedWaters3
[D] 18:03:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : TwistedAsh
[D] 18:03:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheFelandtheFawns1Invasion
[D] 18:03:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheFelandtheFawns2Invasion
[D] 18:03:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : LivelyMossgillPerchFishing
[F] 18:03:12 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
[F] 18:03:13 - [FightClass] Fight class already loaded
[D] 18:03:13 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:03:13 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:03:13 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:03:13 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:03:13 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:03:13 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:03:13 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:03:13 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:03:13 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:03:13 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:03:13 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:03:13 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Valsharah //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1018);

[D] 18:03:13 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:03:13 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:03:14 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:03:14 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:03:14 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:03:14 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:03:14 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:03:14 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:03:14 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:03:14 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:03:14 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:03:14 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:03:14 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:03:14 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:03:14 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:03:14 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:03:14 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:03:14 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:03:14 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:03:14 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:03:14 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:03:14 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:03:14 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:03:14 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:03:15 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:03:15 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:03:15 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:03:15 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
18:03:15 - Val'sharah SE-S-W-SW-NW-N-(NE)-C-E profile start
[D] 18:03:15 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:03:15 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:03:15 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:03:15 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:03:15 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
18:03:15 - [World Quests] quests=8 for zone=1018 42076,41862,41553,41964,42174,43458,43755,0
[D] 18:03:15 - [Quester] New step (3): PoisonedWaters1>Pulse
[N] 18:03:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3329,334 ; 5473,716 ; 328,1197 ; "None" to 3329,334 ; 5473,716 ; 328,1197 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:03:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 1 (0y)
18:03:15 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[N] 18:03:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2836,802 ; 6489,248 ; 206,4383 ; "Flying" to 3329,334 ; 5473,716 ; 328,1197 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:03:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 54 (1388,854y)
[N] 18:03:26 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 18:03:26 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 18:03:26 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 18:03:33 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 18:03:33 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 18:03:33 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
18:04:14 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Ядовитый слизнюк (lvl 110)
[F] 18:04:15 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:04:17 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:04:18 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:04:19 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:04:21 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:04:22 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:04:24 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:04:24 - [Looting] Loot Ядовитый слизнюк
[N] 18:04:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3329,262 ; 5473,679 ; 328,1288 ; "None" to 3349,74 ; 5481,421 ; 327,9997 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:04:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (21,89333y)
18:04:29 - [World Quests] quests=8 for zone=1018 42076,41862,41553,41964,42174,43458,43755,0
[N] 18:04:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3346,19 ; 5480,079 ; 327,8195 ; "None" to 3329,334 ; 5473,716 ; 328,1197 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:04:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,01939y)
18:04:37 - [Fight] Player Attack Мелисандра Венитокс (lvl 110)
[F] 18:04:37 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:04:38 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:04:39 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:04:39 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:04:40 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:04:42 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:04:43 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 18:04:47 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:04:48 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Ядовитый слизнюк (lvl 110)
18:04:49 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Ядовитый слизнюк (lvl 110)
[F] 18:04:50 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
18:04:50 - [Looting] Loot Мелисандра Венитокс
[N] 18:04:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3329,677 ; 5473,86 ; 328,137 ; "None" to 3331,953 ; 5468,613 ; 328,8663 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:04:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (5,765693y)
[D] 18:04:52 - [Quester] New step (4): PoisonedWaters2>Pulse
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3333,092 ; 5625,236 ; 315,0698 ; "None" to 3407,412 ; 5592,686 ; 312,5874 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (81,17342y)
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3407,412 ; 5592,686 ; 312,5874 ; "None" to 3449,198 ; 5590,685 ; 309,4222 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (44,16388y)
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3449,198 ; 5590,685 ; 309,4222 ; "None" to 3426,687 ; 5539,319 ; 313,7556 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (56,30486y)
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3426,687 ; 5539,319 ; 313,7556 ; "None" to 3474,92 ; 5503,536 ; 316,36 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (61,9004y)
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3474,92 ; 5503,536 ; 316,36 ; "None" to 3509,583 ; 5477,781 ; 317,1685 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (43,19169y)
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3509,583 ; 5477,781 ; 317,1685 ; "None" to 3554,281 ; 5465,909 ; 309,6966 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (54,63176y)
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3554,281 ; 5465,909 ; 309,6966 ; "None" to 3604,338 ; 5503,029 ; 313,8367 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (86,45651y)
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3604,338 ; 5503,029 ; 313,8367 ; "None" to 3639,176 ; 5552,764 ; 312,6454 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (63,80284y)
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3639,176 ; 5552,764 ; 312,6454 ; "None" to 3333,092 ; 5625,236 ; 315,0698 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (356,4682y)
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3330,614 ; 5472,307 ; 328,5822 ; "None" to 3385,72 ; 5531,136 ; 312,9596 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (86,92616y)
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3330,614 ; 5472,307 ; 328,5822 ; "None" to 3401,662 ; 5508,419 ; 310,8187 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (89,4485y)
18:04:52 - [Farming] Farm Ядовитый гриб > 3385,72 ; 5531,136 ; 312,9596 ; "None"
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3330,614 ; 5472,307 ; 328,5822 ; "None" to 3385,72 ; 5531,136 ; 312,9596 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:04:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (86,92616y)
18:05:06 - [Farming] Farm successful
[N] 18:05:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3383,1 ; 5528,936 ; 313,8786 ; "None" to 3463,222 ; 5502,118 ; 309,9496 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:05:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (113,4606y)
[N] 18:05:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3383,1 ; 5528,936 ; 313,8786 ; "None" to 3401,662 ; 5508,419 ; 310,8187 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:05:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (51,5266y)
[N] 18:05:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3383,1 ; 5528,936 ; 313,8786 ; "None" to 3453,324 ; 5592,122 ; 309,0188 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:05:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (112,8001y)
[N] 18:05:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3383,1 ; 5528,936 ; 313,8786 ; "None" to 3411,306 ; 5606,78 ; 309,497 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:05:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (85,80138y)
18:05:06 - [Farming] Farm Ядовитый гриб > 3401,662 ; 5508,419 ; 310,8187 ; "None"
[N] 18:05:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3383,1 ; 5528,936 ; 313,8786 ; "None" to 3401,662 ; 5508,419 ; 310,8187 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:05:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (51,5266y)
18:05:14 - [Farming] Farm successful
[N] 18:05:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3404,361 ; 5510,594 ; 309,7961 ; "None" to 3463,222 ; 5502,118 ; 309,9496 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:05:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (93,86021y)
[N] 18:05:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3404,361 ; 5510,594 ; 309,7961 ; "None" to 3491,358 ; 5476,626 ; 310,0975 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:05:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (126,9633y)
[N] 18:05:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3404,361 ; 5510,594 ; 309,7961 ; "None" to 3453,324 ; 5592,122 ; 309,0188 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:05:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (96,59443y)
[N] 18:05:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3404,361 ; 5510,594 ; 309,7961 ; "None" to 3411,306 ; 5606,78 ; 309,497 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:05:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (106,161y)
18:05:14 - [Farming] Farm Ядовитый гриб > 3463,222 ; 5502,118 ; 309,9496 ; "None"
[N] 18:05:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3404,361 ; 5510,594 ; 309,7961 ; "None" to 3463,222 ; 5502,118 ; 309,9496 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:05:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (93,86021y)
18:05:14 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
18:05:22 - [Farming] Farm successful
[N] 18:05:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3465,225 ; 5503,65 ; 312,7567 ; "None" to 3491,358 ; 5476,626 ; 310,0975 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:05:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (43,5355y)
[N] 18:05:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3465,225 ; 5503,65 ; 312,7567 ; "None" to 3453,324 ; 5592,122 ; 309,0188 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:05:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (91,58645y)
[N] 18:05:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3465,225 ; 5503,65 ; 312,7567 ; "None" to 3524,51 ; 5435,032 ; 308,282 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:05:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (103,8169y)
18:05:22 - [Farming] Farm Ядовитый гриб > 3491,358 ; 5476,626 ; 310,0975 ; "None"
[N] 18:05:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3465,225 ; 5503,65 ; 312,7567 ; "None" to 3491,358 ; 5476,626 ; 310,0975 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:05:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (43,5355y)
18:05:29 - [Farming] Farm successful
18:05:29 - [World Quests] quests=8 for zone=1018 42076,41862,41553,41964,42174,43458,43755,0
[N] 18:05:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3491,895 ; 5479,762 ; 312,1643 ; "None" to 3540,971 ; 5423,073 ; 309,4884 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:05:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (82,53374y)
[N] 18:05:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3491,895 ; 5479,762 ; 312,1643 ; "None" to 3524,51 ; 5435,032 ; 308,282 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:05:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (70,12059y)
18:05:29 - [Farming] Farm Ядовитый гриб > 3524,51 ; 5435,032 ; 308,282 ; "None"
[N] 18:05:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3491,895 ; 5479,762 ; 312,1643 ; "None" to 3524,51 ; 5435,032 ; 308,282 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:05:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (70,12059y)
18:05:35 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Ядовитый слизнюк (lvl 110)
[F] 18:05:35 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:05:38 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:05:38 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:05:39 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:05:40 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:05:42 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:05:43 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:05:45 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:05:47 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:05:47 - [Looting] Loot Ядовитый слизнюк
[N] 18:05:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3520,281 ; 5464,168 ; 307,6654 ; "None" to 3515,186 ; 5447,313 ; 306,1208 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:05:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,67569y)
[N] 18:05:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3516,184 ; 5450,616 ; 307,5366 ; "None" to 3588,501 ; 5431,864 ; 308,8637 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:05:53 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3516,184 ; 5450,616 ; 307,5366 ; "None" (Troll Raid_21,7801_25,40715) to 3588,501 ; 5431,864 ; 308,8637 ; "None" (Troll Raid_21,81525_25,27156)
[N] 18:05:53 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3588,501 ; 5431,864 ; 308,8637 ; "None" (Troll Raid_21,81525_25,27156) to 3585,252 ; 5429,206 ; 304,1529 ; "None" (Troll Raid_21,82024_25,27765)
[N] 18:05:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (79,12356y)
[N] 18:05:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3516,184 ; 5450,616 ; 307,5366 ; "None" to 3540,971 ; 5423,073 ; 309,4884 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:05:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (40,26058y)
[N] 18:05:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3516,184 ; 5450,616 ; 307,5366 ; "None" to 3524,51 ; 5435,032 ; 308,282 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:05:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (36,12639y)
18:05:53 - [Farming] Farm Ядовитый гриб > 3524,51 ; 5435,032 ; 308,282 ; "None"
[N] 18:05:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3516,184 ; 5450,616 ; 307,5366 ; "None" to 3524,51 ; 5435,032 ; 308,282 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:05:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (36,12639y)
[N] 18:05:57 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 18:05:57 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 18:05:57 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
18:06:02 - [Farming] Farm successful
[N] 18:06:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3521,427 ; 5432,755 ; 308,7887 ; "None" to 3588,501 ; 5431,864 ; 308,8637 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:06:04 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3521,427 ; 5432,755 ; 308,7887 ; "None" (Troll Raid_21,81358_25,39732) to 3588,501 ; 5431,864 ; 308,8637 ; "None" (Troll Raid_21,81525_25,27156)
[N] 18:06:04 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3588,501 ; 5431,864 ; 308,8637 ; "None" (Troll Raid_21,81525_25,27156) to 3585,252 ; 5429,206 ; 304,1529 ; "None" (Troll Raid_21,82024_25,27765)
[N] 18:06:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (71,55218y)
[N] 18:06:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3521,427 ; 5432,755 ; 308,7887 ; "None" to 3540,971 ; 5423,073 ; 309,4884 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:06:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (24,74874y)
18:06:04 - [Farming] Farm Ядовитый гриб > 3540,971 ; 5423,073 ; 309,4884 ; "None"
[N] 18:06:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3521,427 ; 5432,755 ; 308,7887 ; "None" to 3540,971 ; 5423,073 ; 309,4884 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:06:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (24,74874y)
18:06:09 - [Farming] Farm successful
18:06:09 - [Farming] Farm Ядовитый гриб > 3588,501 ; 5431,864 ; 308,8637 ; "None"
[N] 18:06:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3539,634 ; 5426,41 ; 307,5363 ; "None" to 3588,501 ; 5431,864 ; 308,8637 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:06:11 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3539,634 ; 5426,41 ; 307,5363 ; "None" (Troll Raid_21,82548_25,36319) to 3588,501 ; 5431,864 ; 308,8637 ; "None" (Troll Raid_21,81525_25,27156)
[N] 18:06:11 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3588,501 ; 5431,864 ; 308,8637 ; "None" (Troll Raid_21,81525_25,27156) to 3585,252 ; 5429,206 ; 304,1529 ; "None" (Troll Raid_21,82024_25,27765)
[N] 18:06:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (58,62679y)
18:06:11 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
18:06:17 - [Farming] Farm successful
18:06:18 - [Farming] Farm Ядовитый гриб > 3643,078 ; 5480,429 ; 308,3849 ; "None"
[N] 18:06:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3587,798 ; 5432,166 ; 308,5167 ; "None" to 3643,078 ; 5480,429 ; 308,3849 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:06:18 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3587,798 ; 5432,166 ; 308,5167 ; "None" (Troll Raid_21,81469_25,27288) to 3643,078 ; 5480,429 ; 308,3849 ; "None" (Troll Raid_21,7242_25,16923)
[F] 18:06:18 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[N] 18:06:20 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3643,078 ; 5480,429 ; 308,3849 ; "None" (Troll Raid_21,7242_25,16923) to 3613,474 ; 5450,947 ; 308,3529 ; "None" (Troll Raid_21,77947_25,22474)
[N] 18:06:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (81,08972y)
18:06:20 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
18:06:28 - [Farming] Farm successful
[N] 18:06:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3643,689 ; 5480,733 ; 307,8435 ; "None" to 3699,458 ; 5511,954 ; 308,1205 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:06:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (77,51556y)
[N] 18:06:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3643,689 ; 5480,733 ; 307,8435 ; "None" to 3629,509 ; 5564,021 ; 310,7729 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:06:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (102,6922y)
[N] 18:06:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3643,689 ; 5480,733 ; 307,8435 ; "None" to 3716,753 ; 5535,804 ; 309,7085 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:06:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (100,0652y)
18:06:28 - [Farming] Farm Ядовитый гриб > 3699,458 ; 5511,954 ; 308,1205 ; "None"
[N] 18:06:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3643,689 ; 5480,733 ; 307,8435 ; "None" to 3699,458 ; 5511,954 ; 308,1205 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:06:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (77,51556y)
18:06:41 - [Farming] Farm successful
18:06:41 - [World Quests] quests=8 for zone=1018 42076,41862,41553,41964,42174,43458,43755,0
[N] 18:06:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3698,981 ; 5515,588 ; 307,5358 ; "None" to 3758,951 ; 5525,401 ; 308,4152 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:06:43 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3698,981 ; 5515,588 ; 307,5358 ; "None" (Troll Raid_21,65827_25,06441) to 3758,951 ; 5525,401 ; 308,4152 ; "None" (Troll Raid_21,63987_24,95197)
[N] 18:06:43 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3758,951 ; 5525,401 ; 308,4152 ; "None" (Troll Raid_21,63987_24,95197) to 3761,918 ; 5528,615 ; 301,2858 ; "None" (Troll Raid_21,63385_24,9464)
[N] 18:06:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (101,3756y)
[N] 18:06:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3698,981 ; 5515,588 ; 307,5358 ; "None" to 3629,509 ; 5564,021 ; 310,7729 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:06:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (95,03769y)
[N] 18:06:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3698,981 ; 5515,588 ; 307,5358 ; "None" to 3716,753 ; 5535,804 ; 309,7085 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:06:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (40,38544y)
[N] 18:06:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3698,981 ; 5515,588 ; 307,5358 ; "None" to 3685,444 ; 5604,555 ; 308,3749 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:06:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (94,90708y)
18:06:43 - [Farming] Farm Ядовитый гриб > 3716,753 ; 5535,804 ; 309,7085 ; "None"
[N] 18:06:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3698,981 ; 5515,588 ; 307,5358 ; "None" to 3716,753 ; 5535,804 ; 309,7085 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:06:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (40,38544y)
18:06:50 - [Farming] Farm successful
[D] 18:06:50 - [Quester] New step (5): PoisonedWaters3>Pulse
[N] 18:06:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3561,728 ; 5624,973 ; 307,5363 ; "None" to 3640,559 ; 5577,721 ; 307,5357 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:06:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (98,77438y)
[N] 18:06:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3640,559 ; 5577,721 ; 307,5357 ; "None" to 3496,481 ; 5626,538 ; 307,4633 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:06:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (165,0449y)
[N] 18:06:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3496,481 ; 5626,538 ; 307,4633 ; "None" to 3444,1 ; 5511,436 ; 306,132 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:06:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (136,2884y)
[N] 18:06:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3444,1 ; 5511,436 ; 306,132 ; "None" to 3519,884 ; 5449,438 ; 307,5363 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:06:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (98,04366y)
[N] 18:06:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3519,884 ; 5449,438 ; 307,5363 ; "None" to 3551,8 ; 5446,916 ; 307,5357 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:06:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (32,0155y)
[N] 18:06:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3551,8 ; 5446,916 ; 307,5357 ; "None" to 3561,728 ; 5624,973 ; 307,5363 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:06:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 18 (273,1158y)
18:06:50 - [Fight] Player Attack Ядовитый слизнюк (lvl 110)
[F] 18:06:52 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
18:06:53 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Лесной длинноног (lvl 110)
[F] 18:06:54 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:06:56 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:06:57 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:06:58 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:06:59 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:07:01 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:07:03 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:07:04 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:07:05 - [Looting] Loot Ядовитый слизнюк
[N] 18:07:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3705,673 ; 5539,707 ; 307,5362 ; "None" to 3669,817 ; 5549,259 ; 307,5362 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:07:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (37,10665y)
18:07:12 - [Fight] Player Attack Ядовитый слизнюк (lvl 110)
[F] 18:07:12 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 18:07:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3673,607 ; 5548,248 ; 307,5362 ; "None" to 3617,823 ; 5477,312 ; 307,5357 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:07:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (98,02555y)
18:07:12 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[F] 18:07:14 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
18:07:16 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 18:07:17 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:07:18 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:07:19 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:07:20 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:07:21 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:07:23 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:07:24 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:07:25 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Лесной длинноног (lvl 110)
[F] 18:07:26 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:07:28 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:07:29 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:07:30 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:07:31 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:07:33 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:07:34 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:07:36 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:07:37 - [Looting] Loot Ядовитый слизнюк
[N] 18:07:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3641,892 ; 5507,08 ; 307,5367 ; "None" to 3630,376 ; 5489,38 ; 307,5361 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:07:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (21,11622y)
18:07:41 - [Fight] Player Attack Ядовитый слизнюк (lvl 110)
[F] 18:07:41 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 18:07:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3632,489 ; 5492,627 ; 307,5367 ; "None" to 3662,38 ; 5454,791 ; 306,0079 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:07:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (48,70918y)
[F] 18:07:41 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:07:42 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:07:43 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:07:44 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:07:45 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:07:46 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:07:46 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:07:48 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:07:49 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 18:07:51 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:07:52 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Лесной длинноног (lvl 110)
[F] 18:07:53 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:07:54 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:07:56 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:07:57 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:07:59 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:08:00 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:08:01 - [Looting] Loot Ядовитый слизнюк
[N] 18:08:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3643,471 ; 5481,223 ; 307,9733 ; "None" to 3654,706 ; 5465,993 ; 307,123 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:08:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (20,14262y)
18:08:05 - [World Quests] quests=8 for zone=1018 42076,41862,41553,41964,42174,43458,43755,0
18:08:05 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[N] 18:08:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3653,422 ; 5469,635 ; 311,1233 ; "Flying" to 3611,683 ; 5484,942 ; 304,0854 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:08:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (58,77511y)
18:08:09 - [Fight] Player Attack Ядовитый слизнюк (lvl 110)
[N] 18:08:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3623,157 ; 5476,53 ; 304,344 ; "Flying" to 3552,853 ; 5445,902 ; 307,5357 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:08:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (76,75311y)
18:08:12 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 18:08:13 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:08:14 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:08:16 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:08:17 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:08:17 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:08:19 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:08:20 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:08:22 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:08:23 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:08:24 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Лесной длинноног (lvl 110)
[F] 18:08:25 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:08:27 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:08:28 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:08:29 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:08:31 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:08:32 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:08:34 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:08:35 - [Looting] Loot Ядовитый слизнюк
[N] 18:08:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3587,956 ; 5461,344 ; 307,5365 ; "None" to 3566,327 ; 5453,249 ; 306,0826 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:08:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (23,1397y)
18:08:40 - [Fight] Player Attack Ядовитый слизнюк (lvl 110)
[F] 18:08:40 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:08:41 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:08:42 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:08:43 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:08:43 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:08:44 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:08:46 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:08:48 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:08:49 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:08:50 - [Looting] Loot Ядовитый слизнюк
[N] 18:08:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3569,687 ; 5454,507 ; 307,5365 ; "None" to 3574,158 ; 5459,341 ; 307,5073 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:08:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (6,584485y)
18:08:52 - [Fight] Player Attack Ядовитый слизнюк (lvl 110)
[N] 18:08:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3571,66 ; 5456,64 ; 307,5365 ; "None" to 3659,432 ; 5488,662 ; 307,5352 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:08:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (93,43086y)
[F] 18:08:52 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
18:08:52 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[F] 18:08:54 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
18:08:56 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 18:08:57 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:08:59 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:09:00 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:09:01 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:09:02 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:09:03 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:09:05 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[N] 18:09:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3621,942 ; 5475,443 ; 307,5361 ; "None" to 3647,828 ; 5486,053 ; 305,9639 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:09:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (28,01964y)
18:09:10 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Лесной длинноног (lvl 110)
[F] 18:09:11 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:09:12 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:09:13 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:09:15 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:09:16 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:09:18 - [Looting] Loot Ядовитый слизнюк
[N] 18:09:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3629,749 ; 5478,643 ; 307,5361 ; "None" to 3647,828 ; 5486,053 ; 305,9639 ; "Swimming" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:09:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,60195y)
18:09:22 - [World Quests] quests=8 for zone=1018 42076,41862,41553,41964,42174,43458,43755,0
18:09:22 - [Fight] Player Attack Ядовитый слизнюк (lvl 110)
[F] 18:09:22 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:09:23 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:09:24 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:09:25 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:09:26 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
18:09:28 - [Looting] Loot Ядовитый слизнюк
[N] 18:09:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3646,615 ; 5491,52 ; 308,1523 ; "None" to 3655,76 ; 5524,154 ; 307,4563 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:09:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (33,89862y)
18:09:34 - [Fight] Player Attack Ядовитый слизнюк (lvl 110)
[N] 18:09:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3654,684 ; 5520,316 ; 307,5358 ; "None" to 3670,694 ; 5592,704 ; 307,5357 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:09:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (78,47385y)
[F] 18:09:34 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:09:35 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:09:39 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:09:40 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:09:41 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:09:42 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:09:43 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:09:44 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:09:46 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:09:47 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Ядовитый слизнюк (lvl 110)
[F] 18:09:48 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:09:49 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:09:51 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:09:52 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:09:54 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:09:55 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Лесной длинноног (lvl 110)
[F] 18:09:56 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:09:58 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:09:59 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:10:01 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:10:02 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:10:04 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
18:10:06 - [Looting] Loot Ядовитый слизнюк
[N] 18:10:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3666,188 ; 5554,203 ; 305,9447 ; "Swimming" to 3674,144 ; 5568,378 ; 307,5358 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:10:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (23,06625y)
18:10:11 - [Fight] Player Attack Ядовитый слизнюк (lvl 110)
[F] 18:10:11 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:10:11 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:10:12 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:10:13 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:10:14 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:10:15 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:10:17 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:10:18 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:10:20 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:10:21 - [Looting] Loot Ядовитый слизнюк
[D] 18:10:21 - [MovementManager] You try to use flying/swimming path but you cannot fly/swim here, try to use ground mouvement...
18:10:25 - [World Quests] quests=7 for zone=1018 42076,41862,41553,42174,43458,43755,0
[D] 18:10:25 - [Quester] New step (11): ChampionsofElune>Pulse
[D] 18:10:25 - [Champions of Elune] talk to npc
[N] 18:10:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3675,092 ; 5578,429 ; 306,0116 ; "Swimming" to 3516,594 ; 5549,525 ; 324,138 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:10:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 25 (345,3115y)
18:10:25 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[N] 18:10:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3536,93 ; 5617,887 ; 306,6102 ; "Flying" to 3516,594 ; 5549,525 ; 324,138 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:10:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 18 (189,3407y)
[D] 18:10:42 - [Champions of Elune] settings changed
[D] 18:10:48 - [Champions of Elune] talk to npc
[N] 18:10:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 0 ; 0 ; 0,75 ; "None" to 3516,594 ; 5549,525 ; 324,138 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:10:51 - [Path-Finding] Cannot find path: 0 ; 0 ; 0,75 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain_32_32) to 3516,594 ; 5549,525 ; 324,138 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain_21,59464_25,40639)
[N] 18:10:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 1 (0y)
[D] 18:10:51 - [Champions of Elune] goto random hotstpot 3609,738 ; -4694,284 ; 117,3815 ; "None"
[N] 18:10:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 0 ; 0 ; 0,75 ; "None" to 3609,738 ; -4694,284 ; 117,3815 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 18:10:52 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_32_32.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:10:52 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_32_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:10:53 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_31_32.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:10:53 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_31_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:10:53 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_32_31.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:10:53 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_32_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:10:53 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_31_31.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:10:53 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_31_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:10:54 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_40_25.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:10:54 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_40_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:10:54 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_41_25.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:10:54 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_41_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:10:55 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_40_24.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:10:55 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_40_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:10:55 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_41_24.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:10:55 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_41_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:10:55 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_33_31.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:10:55 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_33_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:10:56 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_32_30.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:10:56 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_32_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:10:56 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_33_30.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:10:56 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_33_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:10:57 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_34_30.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:10:57 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_34_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:10:57 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_34_31.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:10:57 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_34_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:10:58 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_34_29.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:10:58 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_34_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:10:58 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_33_29.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:10:58 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_33_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:10:59 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_35_29.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:10:59 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_35_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:10:59 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_35_30.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:10:59 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_35_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:00 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_35_28.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:00 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_35_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:00 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_36_28.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:00 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_36_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:01 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_36_29.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:01 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_36_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:01 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_37_28.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:01 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_37_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:02 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_36_27.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:02 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_36_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:02 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_37_27.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:02 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_37_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:02 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_38_27.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:02 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_38_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:03 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_38_28.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:03 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_38_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:03 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_38_26.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:03 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_38_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:04 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_37_26.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:04 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_37_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:04 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_39_26.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:05 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_39_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:05 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_39_27.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:05 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_39_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:05 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_39_25.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:05 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_39_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:06 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_40_26.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:06 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_40_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:06 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_31_30.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:06 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_31_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:06 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_30_32.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:06 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_30_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:07 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_30_31.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:07 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_30_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:07 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_33_32.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:08 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_33_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:08 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_32_29.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:08 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_32_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:09 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_34_32.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:09 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_34_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:09 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_35_31.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:10 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_35_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:10 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_31_33.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:10 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_31_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:11 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_32_33.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:11 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_32_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:12 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_31_29.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:12 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_31_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:12 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_36_30.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:12 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_36_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:13 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_33_33.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:13 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_33_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:14 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_34_28.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:14 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_34_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:14 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_30_30.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:14 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_30_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:15 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_37_29.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:15 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_37_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:16 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_35_32.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:16 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_35_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:16 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_36_31.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:16 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_36_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:17 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_35_27.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:17 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_35_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:18 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_37_30.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:18 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_37_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:19 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_38_29.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_38_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:19 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_34_33.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_34_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:20 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_30_29.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_30_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:20 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_34_27.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_34_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:21 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_30_33.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_30_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:21 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_39_28.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_39_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:22 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_33_28.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_33_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:23 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_39_29.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_39_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:23 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_36_26.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_36_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:24 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_35_26.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_35_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:24 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_38_30.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_38_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:24 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_35_33.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_35_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:25 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_40_27.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_40_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:25 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_40_28.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_40_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:25 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_32_28.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_32_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:26 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_31_28.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_31_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:26 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_33_27.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_33_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:27 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_37_31.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_37_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:27 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_34_26.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_34_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:27 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_32_34.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_32_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:27 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_31_34.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_31_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:28 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_38_25.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_38_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:28 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_36_32.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_36_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:29 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_30_28.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_30_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_41_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:29 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_33_34.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_33_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:29 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_40_29.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_40_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_41_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:30 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_37_25.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_37_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:30 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_36_25.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_36_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_41_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:31 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_34_34.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_34_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:31 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_37_32.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_37_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:32 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_29_30.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_29_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:32 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_29_31.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_29_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:33 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_29_32.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_29_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:33 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_36_33.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_36_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:34 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_29_29.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:34 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_29_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:34 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_35_34.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:34 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_35_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:35 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_30_34.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:35 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_30_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:35 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_32_27.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:35 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_32_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:35 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_31_27.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:35 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_31_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:36 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_41_29.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:36 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_41_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:36 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_42_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:36 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_42_25.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:36 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_42_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:36 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_36_34.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:36 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_36_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:37 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_30_27.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:37 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_30_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:37 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_42_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:38 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_38_31.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:38 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_38_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:38 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_38_32.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:38 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_38_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:39 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_33_26.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:39 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_33_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:40 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_29_28.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:40 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_29_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:40 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_32_26.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:40 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_32_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:41 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_31_26.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:41 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_31_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:41 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_38_24.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:41 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_38_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:42 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_37_24.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:42 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_37_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:42 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_35_25.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:42 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_35_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:43 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_34_25.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:43 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_34_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:43 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_37_33.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:43 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_37_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:43 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_42_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:44 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_29_33.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:44 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_29_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:45 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_30_26.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:45 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_30_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:45 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_33_35.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:45 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_33_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:46 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_34_35.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:46 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_34_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:47 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_39_31.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:47 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_39_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:47 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_39_30.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:48 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_39_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:48 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_29_27.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:48 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_29_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:48 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_37_34.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:48 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_37_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:50 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_39_32.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:50 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_39_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:50 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_33_25.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:50 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_33_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:50 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_28_30.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:50 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_28_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:51 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_28_29.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_28_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:51 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_32_25.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_32_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:52 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_35_35.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:52 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_35_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:53 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_42_29.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:53 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_42_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:53 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_38_33.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:53 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_38_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:54 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_31_25.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:54 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_31_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:54 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_40_30.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:54 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_40_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:55 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_40_31.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:55 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_40_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:55 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_32_35.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:55 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_32_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:55 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_28_31.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:55 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_28_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:55 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_30_25.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:55 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_30_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:56 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_29_26.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:56 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_29_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:56 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_36_35.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:56 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_36_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:56 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_28_32.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:56 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_28_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:57 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_40_32.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:57 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_40_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:57 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_38_34.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:57 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_38_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:57 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_43_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:57 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_43_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:57 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_31_35.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:57 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_31_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:58 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_30_35.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:58 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_30_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:58 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_37_35.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:58 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_37_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:59 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_39_33.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:59 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_39_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:59 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_28_33.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:59 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_28_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:11:59 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_38_35.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:11:59 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_38_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:00 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_39_34.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:00 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_39_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:00 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_43_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:00 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_29_25.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:00 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_29_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:00 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_41_31.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:00 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_41_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:00 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_41_30.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:00 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_41_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:01 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_43_29.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:01 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_43_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:01 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_41_32.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:01 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_41_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:01 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_34_36.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:01 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_34_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:01 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_33_36.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:01 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_33_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:01 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_28_27.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:02 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_28_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:02 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_28_28.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:02 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_28_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:02 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_29_34.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:02 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_29_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:02 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_37_36.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:02 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_37_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:03 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_36_36.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:03 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_36_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:03 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_28_26.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:03 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_28_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:03 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_35_36.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:03 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_35_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:03 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_32_36.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:03 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_32_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:04 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_28_34.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:04 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_28_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:04 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_27_30.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:04 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_27_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:04 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_27_29.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:04 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_27_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:04 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_27_31.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:05 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_27_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:05 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_39_35.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:05 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_39_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:05 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_40_33.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:05 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_40_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:05 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_40_34.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:05 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_40_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:06 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_27_28.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:06 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_27_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:06 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_38_36.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:06 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_38_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:06 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_41_33.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:06 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_41_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:07 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_44_28.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:07 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_44_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:07 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_44_27.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:07 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_44_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:07 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_42_31.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:07 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_42_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:07 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_42_32.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:07 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_42_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:07 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_42_30.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:07 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_42_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:07 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_43_30.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:07 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_43_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:07 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_28_25.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:07 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_28_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:07 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_44_29.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:07 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_44_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:08 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_44_26.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:08 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_44_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:08 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_27_33.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:08 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_27_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:08 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_27_32.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:08 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_27_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:09 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_34_37.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:09 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_34_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:09 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_35_37.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:09 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_35_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:09 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_27_34.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:09 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_27_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:10 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_36_37.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:10 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_36_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:10 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_27_27.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:10 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_27_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:11 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_27_26.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:11 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_27_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:13 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_29_35.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:13 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_29_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:14 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_28_35.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:14 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_28_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:14 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_42_33.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:14 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_42_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:14 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_41_34.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:14 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_41_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:15 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_33_37.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:15 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_33_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:15 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_27_25.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:15 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_27_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:15 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_44_30.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:15 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_44_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:15 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_37_37.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:15 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_37_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:16 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_35_38.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:16 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_35_38.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:16 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_34_38.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:16 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_34_38.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:16 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_38_37.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:16 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_38_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:17 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_42_34.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:17 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_42_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:17 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_36_38.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:17 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_36_38.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:17 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_27_35.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:17 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_27_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:18 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_30_36.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:18 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_30_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:18 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_29_36.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:18 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_29_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:19 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_33_38.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_33_38.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:19 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_31_36.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_31_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:19 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_39_36.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_39_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:20 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_39_37.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_39_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:21 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_28_36.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_28_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:21 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_32_37.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_32_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:22 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_37_38.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_37_38.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:23 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_38_38.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_38_38.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:23 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_27_36.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_27_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:24 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_32_38.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_32_38.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:24 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_26_34.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_26_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:25 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_26_33.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_26_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:25 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_26_35.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_26_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:26 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_40_36.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_40_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:27 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_40_37.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_40_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:27 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_35_39.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_35_39.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:28 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_34_39.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_34_39.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_36_39.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:28 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_33_39.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_33_39.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_37_39.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:29 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_30_37.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_30_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:29 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_29_37.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_29_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:29 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_28_37.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_28_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:29 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_38_39.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_38_39.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:30 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_39_38.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_39_38.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:30 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_32_39.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_32_39.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:30 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_27_37.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_27_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:30 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_39_39.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_39_39.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:30 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_37_40.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_36_40.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_33_40.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_32_40.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_38_40.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:31 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_40_38.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_40_38.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:31 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_40_39.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_40_39.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_34_40.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:31 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_26_36.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:31 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_26_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:32 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_26_37.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_26_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_35_40.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:32 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_31_39.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_31_39.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_31_40.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_39_40.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:32 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_40_40.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:33 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_41_38.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_41_38.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:33 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_41_39.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_41_39.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:33 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_41_37.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_41_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:33 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_41_36.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_41_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:34 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_41_40.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:34 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_41_40.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:34 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_42_37.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:34 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_42_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:35 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_42_38.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:35 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_42_38.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:35 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_42_36.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:35 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_42_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:36 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_42_39.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:36 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_42_39.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:36 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_41_35.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:36 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_41_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:36 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_42_35.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:36 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_42_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:36 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_40_35.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:36 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_40_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:36 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_30_39.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:36 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_30_39.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:36 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_30_40.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:37 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_43_36.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:37 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_43_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:37 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_43_35.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:37 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_43_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:37 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_43_37.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:37 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_43_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:38 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_42_40.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:38 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_42_40.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:38 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_43_38.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:38 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_43_38.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:39 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_43_39.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:39 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_43_39.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:39 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_40_41.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:40 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_41_41.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:40 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_41_41.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:40 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_39_41.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:40 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_42_41.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:40 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_42_41.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:41 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_44_37.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:41 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_44_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:41 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_44_36.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:41 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_44_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:41 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_43_40.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:41 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_43_40.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:41 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_44_38.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:41 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_44_38.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:42 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_44_39.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:42 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_44_39.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:42 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_43_41.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:42 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_43_41.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:42 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_38_41.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:42 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_44_40.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:42 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_44_40.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:42 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_45_38.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:42 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_45_38.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:43 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_45_39.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:43 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_45_39.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:43 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_44_41.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:43 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_44_41.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:44 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_42_42.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:44 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_42_42.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:44 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_41_42.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:44 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_41_42.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:44 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_45_40.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:44 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_45_40.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:44 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_43_42.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:44 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_43_42.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:44 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_40_42.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:44 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_39_42.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:44 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_44_42.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:44 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_44_42.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:45 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_45_41.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:45 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_45_41.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:45 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_43_43.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:45 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_43_43.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:45 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_42_43.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:45 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_42_43.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:45 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_41_43.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:45 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_41_43.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:45 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_40_43.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:45 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 0 ; 0 ; 0,75 ; "None" (Azeroth_32_32) to 3609,738 ; -4694,284 ; 117,3815 ; "None" (Azeroth_40,80178_25,23174)
[N] 18:12:45 - [Path-Finding] Mesh file "Azeroth\Azeroth_39_24.mesh.gz" downloaded.
[N] 18:12:45 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Azeroth\Azeroth_39_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:12:45 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3609,738 ; -4694,284 ; 117,3815 ; "None" (Azeroth_40,80178_25,23174) to 3484,351 ; -4887,298 ; 175,8353 ; "None" (Azeroth_41,16368_25,46684)
[N] 18:12:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 165 (7111,719y)
[D] 18:29:06 - [Info] Continent change, Troll_Raid to HulnHighmountain
[D] 18:29:06 - [Blacklist] Added, 1 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
18:29:06 - [World Quests] quests=7 for zone=1018 42076,41862,41553,42174,43458,43755,0
[F] 18:29:07 - [Spell] Cast Призыв инфернала (Summon Infernal)
[D] 18:29:07 - [Champions of Elune] talk to npc
[N] 18:29:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4026,107 ; -5444,047 ; 115,8 ; "None" to 3516,594 ; 5549,525 ; 324,138 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:29:07 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\HulnHighmountain\HulnHighmountain_42_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:29:07 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\HulnHighmountain\HulnHighmountain_41_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:29:07 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\HulnHighmountain\HulnHighmountain_42_23.mesh.gz
[N] 18:29:07 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\HulnHighmountain\HulnHighmountain_41_23.mesh.gz
[N] 18:29:08 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\HulnHighmountain\HulnHighmountain_40_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:29:08 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\HulnHighmountain\HulnHighmountain_40_23.mesh.gz
[N] 18:29:08 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\HulnHighmountain\HulnHighmountain_40_25.mesh.gz
[F] 18:29:08 - [Spell] Cast Камень души (Soulstone)
[N] 18:29:11 - [Path-Finding] Cannot find path: 4026,107 ; -5444,047 ; 115,8 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain_42,20759_24,45105) to 3516,594 ; 5549,525 ; 324,138 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain_21,59464_25,40639)
[N] 18:29:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 1 (0y)
[F] 18:29:11 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[N] 18:29:14 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 18:29:14 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 18:29:14 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 18:29:33 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[D] 18:29:33 - [Champions of Elune] goto random hotstpot 3623,156 ; -4748,32 ; 116,5794 ; "None"
[N] 18:29:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4017,955 ; -5317,505 ; 113,4439 ; "None" to 3623,156 ; -4748,32 ; 116,5794 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:29:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\HulnHighmountain\HulnHighmountain_41_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:29:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\HulnHighmountain\HulnHighmountain_42_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:29:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (709,7228y)
[D] 18:29:40 - [Info] Continent change, HulnHighmountain to Troll Raid
[D] 18:29:40 - [Champions of Elune] talk to npc
[N] 18:29:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3510,99 ; 5546,23 ; 323,49 ; "None" to 3516,594 ; 5549,525 ; 324,138 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[D] 18:29:40 - [Blacklist] Added, 1 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[N] 18:29:40 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:29:40 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:29:40 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:29:40 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:29:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (6,533092y)
[D] 18:29:42 - [Champions of Elune] settings changed
[D] 18:29:45 - [Info] Continent change, Troll_Raid to HulnHighmountain
[D] 18:29:46 - [Blacklist] Added, 1 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
18:30:30 - [World Quests] quests=7 for zone=1018 42076,41862,41553,42174,43458,43755,0
[D] 18:30:31 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Властитель преисподней
[N] 18:30:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3614,52 ; -4666,6 ; 117,3981 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:30:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\HulnHighmountain\HulnHighmountain_40_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:30:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\HulnHighmountain\HulnHighmountain_41_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:30:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\HulnHighmountain\HulnHighmountain_40_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:30:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\HulnHighmountain\HulnHighmountain_41_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:30:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\HulnHighmountain\HulnHighmountain_41_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:30:33 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\HulnHighmountain\HulnHighmountain_40_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:30:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (484,9881y)
[N] 18:30:33 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 18:30:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3614,52 ; -4666,6 ; 117,3981 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:30:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (485,1909y)
[N] 18:30:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3603,163 ; -4680,665 ; 115,4828 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:30:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (467,3336y)
[N] 18:30:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3589,447 ; -4697,289 ; 117,9714 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:30:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (445,6413y)
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3575,762 ; -4713,876 ; 119,8574 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:30:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (424,0563y)
[N] 18:30:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3561,914 ; -4730,661 ; 122,2386 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:30:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (402,1683y)
[N] 18:30:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3548,371 ; -4747,075 ; 124,2752 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:30:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (380,7959y)
[N] 18:30:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3531,078 ; -4755,613 ; 126,5474 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:30:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (361,0768y)
[N] 18:30:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3513,811 ; -4762,528 ; 127,7696 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:30:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (341,0514y)
[N] 18:30:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3498,152 ; -4776,228 ; 129,4685 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:30:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (319,0311y)
[N] 18:30:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3480,973 ; -4790,821 ; 128,6456 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:30:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (296,4978y)
[N] 18:30:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3465,863 ; -4803,365 ; 127,6669 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:30:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (276,775y)
[N] 18:30:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3448,648 ; -4816,146 ; 126,6213 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:30:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (255,3287y)
[N] 18:30:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3431,627 ; -4828,783 ; 128,8756 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:30:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (234,2481y)
[N] 18:30:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3413,965 ; -4842,694 ; 125,4176 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:30:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (211,904y)
[N] 18:30:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3408,646 ; -4859,704 ; 124,1072 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:30:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (192,5426y)
[N] 18:30:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3408,515 ; -4880,521 ; 123,2829 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:30:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (171,7584y)
[N] 18:30:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3412,292 ; -4902,191 ; 119,6593 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:30:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (149,3905y)
[N] 18:30:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3421,613 ; -4921,556 ; 111,8913 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:30:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (127,0825y)
[N] 18:30:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3435,939 ; -4935,921 ; 108,0324 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:30:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (106,3945y)
[N] 18:30:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3450,95 ; -4952,912 ; 103,6488 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:30:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (83,30369y)
[N] 18:31:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3465,76 ; -4969,675 ; 98,68531 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (60,41504y)
[N] 18:31:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3482,774 ; -4988,932 ; 95,01736 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (34,47116y)
[N] 18:31:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3497,223 ; -5005,287 ; 91,25134 ; "None" to 3505,216 ; -5014,333 ; 88,74559 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,3293y)
[D] 18:31:05 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Властитель преисподней
[D] 18:31:06 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Властитель преисподней
[D] 18:31:08 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Властитель преисподней
[N] 18:31:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3504,724 ; -5013,776 ; 89,58416 ; "None" to 3619,4 ; -5153,628 ; 80,19945 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:09 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\HulnHighmountain\HulnHighmountain_42_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:31:09 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\HulnHighmountain\HulnHighmountain_42_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:31:09 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\HulnHighmountain\HulnHighmountain_42_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:31:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (183,6196y)
[N] 18:31:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3519,706 ; -5026,739 ; 89,45383 ; "None" to 3619,4 ; -5153,628 ; 80,19945 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (163,9292y)
[N] 18:31:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3532,522 ; -5041,567 ; 89,26895 ; "None" to 3621,31 ; -5155,67 ; 80,23603 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (146,7253y)
[N] 18:31:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3544,055 ; -5060,151 ; 87,28503 ; "None" to 3621,31 ; -5155,67 ; 80,23603 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (124,7871y)
[N] 18:31:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3555,494 ; -5078,586 ; 85,59758 ; "None" to 3621,31 ; -5155,67 ; 80,23603 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (103,0503y)
[N] 18:31:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3566,596 ; -5096,478 ; 85,35434 ; "None" to 3622,502 ; -5156,142 ; 80,23773 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (83,21945y)
[N] 18:31:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3578,552 ; -5115,744 ; 85,78503 ; "None" to 3563,7 ; -5120,836 ; 82,5236 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,03573y)
[N] 18:31:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3564,562 ; -5120,792 ; 83,35463 ; "None" to 3570,237 ; -5119,337 ; 83,66666 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (5,866687y)
[D] 18:31:21 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[N] 18:31:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3569,368 ; -5119,33 ; 84,206 ; "None" to 3540,657 ; -5082,696 ; 84,82823 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (46,5481y)
[N] 18:31:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3556,778 ; -5103,619 ; 85,50781 ; "None" to 3538,254 ; -5079,967 ; 84,35447 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (30,06445y)
[N] 18:31:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3543,06 ; -5086,094 ; 86,10904 ; "None" to 3527,993 ; -5068,391 ; 84,44351 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (23,30667y)
[N] 18:31:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3528,703 ; -5069,216 ; 85,00527 ; "None" to 3520,197 ; -5059,963 ; 85,27979 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,57179y)
18:31:28 - [World Quests] quests=7 for zone=1018 42076,41862,41553,42174,43458,43755,0
[D] 18:31:28 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:31:29 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:31:31 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:31:32 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:31:34 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:31:35 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:31:36 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:31:37 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:31:38 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[N] 18:31:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3520,69 ; -5060,5 ; 85,90284 ; "None" to 3402,812 ; -4975,415 ; 98,24822 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (146,8473y)
[N] 18:31:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3506,834 ; -5046,345 ; 86,77132 ; "None" to 3402,812 ; -4975,415 ; 98,24822 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (127,0403y)
[N] 18:31:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3492,821 ; -5032,03 ; 87,2608 ; "None" to 3402,812 ; -4975,415 ; 98,24822 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (106,9002y)
[N] 18:31:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3474,565 ; -5020,494 ; 91,33099 ; "None" to 3402,812 ; -4975,415 ; 98,24822 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (85,0208y)
[N] 18:31:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3455,923 ; -5008,782 ; 95,18629 ; "None" to 3402,812 ; -4975,415 ; 98,24822 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (62,79734y)
[N] 18:31:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3437,728 ; -4997,351 ; 95,53716 ; "None" to 3409,855 ; -4987,664 ; 95,4133 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (29,50819y)
[N] 18:31:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3416,608 ; -4989,829 ; 96,7392 ; "None" to 3419,126 ; -5004,49 ; 94,16448 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,09685y)
[N] 18:31:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3418,69 ; -5003,441 ; 95,03198 ; "None" to 3422,084 ; -5012,467 ; 92,8868 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,879101y)
[N] 18:31:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3421,873 ; -5011,902 ; 93,79906 ; "None" to 3412,531 ; -5010,461 ; 93,24432 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,467813y)
[D] 18:31:52 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:31:54 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[N] 18:31:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3413,444 ; -5010,556 ; 93,99687 ; "None" to 3432,779 ; -5002,817 ; 93,06756 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,84666y)
[N] 18:31:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3431,999 ; -5003,125 ; 93,70444 ; "None" to 3428,948 ; -5010,669 ; 91,34147 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:31:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,472996y)
[D] 18:31:59 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:32:00 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[N] 18:32:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3423,388 ; -5022,522 ; 102,2648 ; "None" to 3428,644 ; -5009,053 ; 91,4076 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:32:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,08057y)
[N] 18:32:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3414,982 ; -5040,158 ; 89,11044 ; "None" to 3427,592 ; -5012,086 ; 91,57626 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:32:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (30,87268y)
[N] 18:32:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3423,915 ; -5020,256 ; 92,06233 ; "None" to 3426,468 ; -5014,078 ; 91,67107 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:32:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (6,696638y)
[D] 18:32:06 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[N] 18:32:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3426,189 ; -5014,792 ; 92,39053 ; "None" to 3460,33 ; -4989,053 ; 93,71624 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:32:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (42,77635y)
[D] 18:32:08 - [Champions of Elune] goto random hotstpot 3623,799 ; -4764,203 ; 113,9985 ; "None"
[N] 18:32:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3440,384 ; -5003,927 ; 94,37011 ; "None" to 3623,799 ; -4764,203 ; 113,9985 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:32:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (423,0855y)
18:32:35 - [World Quests] quests=7 for zone=1018 42076,41862,41553,42174,43458,43755,0
[D] 18:32:35 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[N] 18:32:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3622,823 ; -4764,093 ; 114,0409 ; "None" to 3620,948 ; -4755,05 ; 114,6956 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:32:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,258962y)
[D] 18:32:38 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[N] 18:32:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3621,205 ; -4755,66 ; 115,2417 ; "None" to 3617,176 ; -4740,262 ; 117,3111 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:32:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,05026y)
[N] 18:32:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3617,328 ; -4741,202 ; 118,0084 ; "None" to 3613,552 ; -4725,797 ; 117,4936 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:32:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,86909y)
[D] 18:32:43 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:32:44 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:32:46 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[N] 18:32:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3615,382 ; -4733,165 ; 124,9559 ; "None" to 3613,328 ; -4724,9 ; 117,5642 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:32:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,27666y)
[N] 18:32:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3620,108 ; -4752,176 ; 123,7906 ; "None" to 3615 ; -4731,48 ; 117,3114 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:32:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22,2804y)
[N] 18:32:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3615,939 ; -4735,268 ; 118,1719 ; "None" to 3618,938 ; -4747,496 ; 116,4061 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:32:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,71341y)
[N] 18:32:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3618,601 ; -4746,539 ; 117,3336 ; "None" to 3616,6 ; -4738 ; 117,4184 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:32:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,77031y)
[D] 18:32:53 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:32:54 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:32:56 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:32:57 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:32:59 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[N] 18:33:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3616,802 ; -4738,475 ; 118,1511 ; "None" to 3373,314 ; -4865,703 ; 122,9458 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (285,0396y)
[N] 18:33:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3598,746 ; -4741,083 ; 118,7376 ; "None" to 3373,314 ; -4865,703 ; 122,9458 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (266,8485y)
[N] 18:33:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3577,301 ; -4742,672 ; 120,3428 ; "None" to 3373,314 ; -4865,703 ; 122,9458 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (245,2919y)
[N] 18:33:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3555,552 ; -4744,284 ; 123,5811 ; "None" to 3373,314 ; -4865,703 ; 122,9458 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (223,3336y)
[N] 18:33:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3538,902 ; -4752,484 ; 126,1576 ; "None" to 3373,314 ; -4865,703 ; 122,9458 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (204,1946y)
[N] 18:33:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3519,207 ; -4759,685 ; 126,9142 ; "None" to 3373,314 ; -4865,703 ; 122,9458 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (184,9132y)
[N] 18:33:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3510,893 ; -4766,344 ; 128,8955 ; "None" to 3374,65 ; -4856,01 ; 124,5588 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (163,7052y)
[N] 18:33:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3494,385 ; -4779,104 ; 129,4812 ; "None" to 3373,233 ; -4857,457 ; 124,5362 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (144,9358y)
[N] 18:33:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3476,791 ; -4789,021 ; 129,1513 ; "None" to 3371,138 ; -4859,596 ; 124,4254 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (127,4912y)
[N] 18:33:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3459,091 ; -4797,327 ; 128,3044 ; "None" to 3370,649 ; -4860,095 ; 124,3925 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (108,5218y)
[N] 18:33:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3442,657 ; -4808,917 ; 126,9557 ; "None" to 3370,649 ; -4860,095 ; 124,3925 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (88,37896y)
[N] 18:33:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3425,169 ; -4821,347 ; 127,0951 ; "None" to 3370,649 ; -4860,095 ; 124,3925 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (66,94049y)
[N] 18:33:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3407,028 ; -4834,24 ; 124,9049 ; "None" to 3371,128 ; -4859,923 ; 124,3694 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (44,14353y)
[N] 18:33:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3389,627 ; -4846,683 ; 124,7139 ; "None" to 3373,168 ; -4859,19 ; 124,413 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,6735y)
[D] 18:33:19 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:33:20 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[N] 18:33:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3373,956 ; -4858,586 ; 125,0366 ; "None" to 3380,77 ; -4856,457 ; 124,3224 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (7,174486y)
[D] 18:33:24 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:33:25 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:33:26 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:33:27 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[N] 18:33:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3371,167 ; -4861,927 ; 134,166 ; "None" to 3380,77 ; -4856,457 ; 124,3224 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,659187y)
[N] 18:33:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3354,745 ; -4871,282 ; 127,6213 ; "None" to 3367,249 ; -4861,252 ; 124,577 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (21,09444y)
[N] 18:33:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3360,736 ; -4862,061 ; 125,7257 ; "None" to 3352,776 ; -4866,401 ; 123,6737 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (9,533601y)
[D] 18:33:33 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:33:34 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
18:33:36 - [World Quests] quests=7 for zone=1018 42076,41862,41553,42174,43458,43755,0
[D] 18:33:36 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:33:37 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:33:39 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:33:40 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Инфернал-агрессор
[D] 18:33:41 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Чумной бес
[N] 18:33:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3353,188 ; -4865,94 ; 124,5819 ; "None" to 3337,335 ; -4897,671 ; 117,8327 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (36,10764y)
[N] 18:33:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3344,539 ; -4883,061 ; 121,7603 ; "None" to 3343,826 ; -4904,356 ; 115,0743 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22,33125y)
[N] 18:33:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3343,779 ; -4903,242 ; 116,3292 ; "None" to 3349,959 ; -4912,321 ; 111,1589 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,13941y)
[N] 18:33:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3349,619 ; -4911,86 ; 112,0647 ; "None" to 3355,925 ; -4920,716 ; 108,4154 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,46755y)
[N] 18:33:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3355,336 ; -4919,889 ; 109,4244 ; "None" to 3362,408 ; -4929,623 ; 105,8772 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,54371y)
[N] 18:33:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3361,938 ; -4928,976 ; 106,8086 ; "None" to 3368,627 ; -4937,495 ; 103,3949 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,35657y)
[D] 18:33:51 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Чумной бес
[D] 18:33:52 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Чумной бес
[D] 18:33:54 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Чумной бес
[N] 18:33:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3367,985 ; -4936,678 ; 104,4033 ; "None" to 3357,7 ; -4919,623 ; 108,7675 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,38818y)
[N] 18:33:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3358,276 ; -4920,579 ; 109,2209 ; "None" to 3363,104 ; -4926,951 ; 106,6897 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,385545y)
[N] 18:33:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3362,808 ; -4926,354 ; 107,6086 ; "None" to 3368,879 ; -4934,416 ; 104,423 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,58257y)
[N] 18:33:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3368,542 ; -4933,972 ; 105,3172 ; "None" to 3374,97 ; -4941,942 ; 102,3827 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:33:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,65167y)
[N] 18:34:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3374,609 ; -4941,494 ; 103,2271 ; "None" to 3381,112 ; -4949,599 ; 100,6128 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:34:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,71472y)
[D] 18:34:02 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Чумной бес
[N] 18:34:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3380,526 ; -4948,87 ; 101,5963 ; "None" to 3393,258 ; -4952,491 ; 101,8692 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:34:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,23897y)
[D] 18:34:05 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Чумной бес
[N] 18:34:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3392,418 ; -4952,279 ; 102,6557 ; "None" to 3305,585 ; -4888,032 ; 127,611 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:34:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (111,5214y)
[N] 18:34:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3378,934 ; -4942,372 ; 103,7925 ; "None" to 3318,361 ; -4887,235 ; 126,143 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:34:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (84,90367y)
[N] 18:34:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3362,447 ; -4927,405 ; 107,2888 ; "None" to 3330,052 ; -4889,789 ; 123,7336 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:34:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (52,29591y)
[N] 18:34:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3347,644 ; -4910,512 ; 112,4482 ; "None" to 3339,931 ; -4896,552 ; 118,2978 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:34:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,98818y)
[N] 18:34:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3340,195 ; -4897,081 ; 118,8957 ; "None" to 3348,238 ; -4905,683 ; 114,1935 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:34:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,6808y)
[N] 18:34:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3347,701 ; -4904,93 ; 115,3405 ; "None" to 3341,46 ; -4897,52 ; 117,9263 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:34:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,02718y)
[D] 18:34:15 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Властитель преисподней
[D] 18:34:16 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Властитель преисподней
[D] 18:34:18 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Властитель преисподней
[D] 18:34:19 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Властитель преисподней
[D] 18:34:21 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Властитель преисподней
[D] 18:34:22 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Властитель преисподней
[D] 18:34:23 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Властитель преисподней
[N] 18:34:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3341,805 ; -4898,092 ; 118,4592 ; "None" to 3502,308 ; -5029,84 ; 86,57065 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:34:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (210,0846y)
[N] 18:34:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3356,799 ; -4909,762 ; 113,0844 ; "None" to 3502,308 ; -5029,84 ; 86,57065 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:34:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (190,5119y)
[N] 18:34:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3373,657 ; -4923,672 ; 106,9798 ; "None" to 3502,308 ; -5029,84 ; 86,57065 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:34:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (168,046y)
[N] 18:34:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3390,564 ; -4937,623 ; 106,7185 ; "None" to 3502,308 ; -5029,84 ; 86,57065 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:34:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (146,2764y)
[N] 18:34:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3407,138 ; -4951,299 ; 104,1592 ; "None" to 3502,308 ; -5029,84 ; 86,57065 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:34:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (124,6413y)
[N] 18:34:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3423,909 ; -4965,139 ; 101,3736 ; "None" to 3417,182 ; -4947,897 ; 104,749 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:34:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,81275y)
[N] 18:34:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3418,104 ; -4949,563 ; 105,1148 ; "None" to 3420,834 ; -4954,196 ; 103,2471 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:34:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (5,692745y)
[D] 18:34:35 - [Champions of Elune] found mob Властитель преисподней
[N] 18:34:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3420,665 ; -4953,567 ; 104,1447 ; "None" to 3419,867 ; -4948,631 ; 104,4799 ; "None" (HulnHighmountain)
[N] 18:34:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (5,011248y)
18:34:37 - [World Quests] quests=6 for zone=1018 42076,41862,41553,43458,43755,0
[D] 18:34:37 - [Quester] RunCode[12]: ChampionsofElune.ResetSettings();

[D] 18:34:37 - [Champions of Elune] settings restored
[D] 18:34:38 - [Quester] New step (13): FlightMastersWhistle>Pulse
[D] 18:34:47 - [Info] Continent change, HulnHighmountain to Troll Raid
[D] 18:34:47 - [Blacklist] Added, 1 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
18:35:14 - Val'sharah SE-S-W-SW-NW-N-(NE)-C-E profile complete. Loading next profile.
[D] 18:35:14 - [Quester] LoadProfile: camelot10\Legion world quests\Val'sharah\[110] Val'sharah C.xml
[D] 18:35:15 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 18:35:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 18:35:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 18:35:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : AgmozuulInvasionGroup
[D] 18:35:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : BarrelsoFun
[D] 18:35:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : BrimstoneDestroyerMining
[D] 18:35:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : IntotheNightmare
[D] 18:35:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : LostWisp
[D] 18:35:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : PurgeoftheNightmare
[D] 18:35:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : TempleDefense1
[D] 18:35:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : TempleDefense2
[D] 18:35:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : TempleDefense3
[D] 18:35:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDThondrax
[D] 18:35:15 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDThondrax2
[F] 18:35:16 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
[F] 18:35:17 - [FightClass] Fight class already loaded
[D] 18:35:17 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:17 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:17 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Valsharah //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1018);

[D] 18:35:17 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:17 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:17 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:17 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:17 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:17 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:17 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:17 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:17 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:17 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:18 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:18 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:18 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:18 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:18 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
18:35:18 - Val'sharah SE-S-W-SW-NW-N-NE-(C)-E profile start
[D] 18:35:18 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:18 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:18 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
18:35:18 - [World Quests] quests=6 for zone=1018 42076,41862,41553,43458,43755,0
18:35:18 - Val'sharah SE-S-W-SW-NW-N-NE-(C)-E profile complete. Loading next profile.
[D] 18:35:18 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:18 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:18 - [Quester] LoadProfile: camelot10\Legion world quests\Val'sharah\[110] Val'sharah E.xml
[D] 18:35:18 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:18 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:18 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:18 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:18 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:18 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:18 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:18 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:18 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:18 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:18 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:18 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:19 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:19 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:19 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:19 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:19 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:19 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:19 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:19 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:19 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:19 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:19 - World Quests: set default settings (enable: ignore mount fight, use taxi, auto dismount ground & flying, autoloot. disable: harvest, skinning, random jumping)
[D] 18:35:19 - [Quester] Create instance of : WorldQuest
[D] 18:35:19 - [Quester] Create instance of : FlightMastersWhistle
[D] 18:35:19 - [Quester] Create instance of : AssaultonValsharahInvasion
[D] 18:35:19 - [Quester] Create instance of : BattleforValsharahInvasion
[D] 18:35:19 - [Quester] Create instance of : BotanicalBacklash1
[D] 18:35:19 - [Quester] Create instance of : BotanicalBacklash2
[D] 18:35:19 - [Quester] Create instance of : DANGERHarbingerofScreams
[D] 18:35:19 - [Quester] Create instance of : DANGERRabxach
[D] 18:35:19 - [Quester] Create instance of : DrolmazInvasionGroup
[D] 18:35:19 - [Quester] Create instance of : GreenHorror
[D] 18:35:19 - [Quester] Create instance of : HoldingtheRampartsInvasion
[D] 18:35:19 - [Quester] Create instance of : HoldingtheRamparts2Invasion
[D] 18:35:19 - [Quester] Create instance of : HoldingtheRamparts3Invasion
[D] 18:35:19 - [Quester] Create instance of : HoldingtheRamparts4Invasion
[D] 18:35:19 - [Quester] Create instance of : HoldingtheRamparts5Invasion
[D] 18:35:19 - [Quester] Create instance of : LeaveBlackRookHoldRamparts
[D] 18:35:19 - [Quester] Create instance of : ShadowfenVillage1
[D] 18:35:19 - [Quester] Create instance of : ShadowfenVillage2
[D] 18:35:19 - [Quester] Create instance of : SlabofBaconCooking
[D] 18:35:19 - [Quester] Create instance of : SuppliesFromtheDreamweavers
[D] 18:35:19 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheDreamweavers
[D] 18:35:19 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDPerrexx
[D] 18:35:19 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDPerrexx2
[F] 18:35:20 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\download\WRobot\FightClass\Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml
[F] 18:35:21 - [FightClass] Fight class already loaded
[D] 18:35:21 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:21 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:21 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:21 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: // Map ID = Valsharah //
robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("WorldQuestCurrentMapId", 1018);

[D] 18:35:21 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:21 - [Spell] Summon Felhunter (Id found: 691, Name found: Summon Felhunter, NameInGame found: Призыв охотника Скверны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:21 - [Spell] Summon Voidwalker (Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Призыв демона Бездны, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:21 - [Spell] Summon Succubus (Id found: 712, Name found: Summon Succubus, NameInGame found: Призыв суккуба, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:21 - [Spell] Summon Imp (Id found: 688, Name found: Summon Imp, NameInGame found: Призыв беса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:21 - [Spell] Soulstone (Id found: 20707, Name found: Soulstone, NameInGame found: Камень души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:21 - [Spell] Create Healthstone (Id found: 6201, Name found: Create Healthstone, NameInGame found: Создание камня здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:21 - [Spell] Grimoire of Sacrifice (Id found: 159024, Name found: Grimoire of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Гримуар жертвоприношения, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:21 - [Spell] Dark Pact (Id found: 200816, Name found: Dark Pact, NameInGame found: Темный пакт, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:21 - [Spell] Unending Resolve (Id found: 104773, Name found: Unending Resolve, NameInGame found: Твердая решимость, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:22 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Медальон гладиатора, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:22 - [Spell] Life Tap (Id found: 1454, Name found: Life Tap, NameInGame found: Жизнеотвод, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:22 - [Spell] Fear (Id found: 5782, Name found: Fear, NameInGame found: Страх, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:22 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:22 - [Spell] Curse of Weakness (Id found: 199892, Name found: Curse of Weakness, NameInGame found: Проклятие слабости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:22 - [Spell] Curse of Tongues (Id found: 199890, Name found: Curse of Tongues, NameInGame found: Проклятие косноязычия, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:22 - [Spell] Curse of Fragility (Id found: 199954, Name found: Curse of Fragility, NameInGame found: Проклятие хрупкости, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:22 - [Spell] Casting Circle (Id found: 236801, Name found: Casting Circle, NameInGame found: Круг заклинателей, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:22 - [Spell] Haunt (Id found: 183357, Name found: Haunt, NameInGame found: Блуждающий дух, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:22 - [Spell] Phantom Singularity (Id found: 205276, Name found: Phantom Singularity, NameInGame found: Призрачная сингулярность, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:22 - [Spell] Health Funnel (Id found: 755, Name found: Health Funnel, NameInGame found: Канал здоровья, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:22 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
18:35:22 - Val'sharah SE-S-W-SW-NW-N-NE-C-(E) profile start
[D] 18:35:22 - [Spell] Demonic Circle (Id found: 237249, Name found: Demonic Circle, NameInGame found: Демонический круг, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:22 - [Spell] Mortal Coil (Id found: 6789, Name found: Mortal Coil, NameInGame found: Лик тлена, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
18:35:22 - [World Quests] quests=6 for zone=1018 42076,41862,41553,43458,43755,0
[D] 18:35:22 - [Quester] New step (4): WANTEDPerrexx>Pulse
[N] 18:35:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2380,156 ; 6240,606 ; 130,3214 ; "None" to 2380,156 ; 6240,606 ; 130,3214 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[D] 18:35:22 - [Spell] Howl of Terror (Id found: 178072, Name found: Howl of Terror, NameInGame found: Вой ужаса, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[N] 18:35:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_27.mesh.gz
[D] 18:35:22 - [Spell] Burning Rush (Id found: 202545, Name found: Burning Rush, NameInGame found: Стремительный бег, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[N] 18:35:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_27.mesh.gz
[D] 18:35:22 - [Spell] Soul Effigy (Id found: 205277, Name found: Soul Effigy, NameInGame found: Изваяние души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[N] 18:35:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_28.mesh.gz
[D] 18:35:22 - [Spell] Agony (Id found: 980, Name found: Agony, NameInGame found: Агония, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:22 - [Spell] Soulshatter (Id found: 236471, Name found: Soulshatter, NameInGame found: Раскол души, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[N] 18:35:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:35:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 1 (0y)
[D] 18:35:22 - [Spell] Corruption (Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Порча, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
18:35:22 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[D] 18:35:22 - [Spell] Soul Harvest (Id found: 234225, Name found: Soul Harvest, NameInGame found: Жатва душ, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:22 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Кровавое неистовство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:23 - [Spell] Siphon Life (Id found: 63106, Name found: Siphon Life, NameInGame found: Вытягивание жизни, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:23 - [Spell] Summon Infernal (Id found: 1122, Name found: Summon Infernal, NameInGame found: Призыв инфернала, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:23 - [Spell] Summon Doomguard (Id found: 18540, Name found: Summon Doomguard, NameInGame found: Призыв стража ужаса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:23 - [Spell] Curse of Shadows (Id found: 236615, Name found: Curse of Shadows, NameInGame found: Проклятие тени, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:23 - [Spell] Grimoire: Felhunter (Id found: 111897, Name found: Grimoire: Felhunter, NameInGame found: Гримуар: охотник Скверны, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 18:35:23 - [Spell] Unstable Affliction (Id found: 30108, Name found: Unstable Affliction, NameInGame found: Нестабильное колдовство, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:23 - [Spell] Reap Souls (Id found: 216698, Name found: Reap Souls, NameInGame found: Урожай душ, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:23 - [Spell] Drain Soul (Id found: 198590, Name found: Drain Soul, NameInGame found: Похищение души, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 18:35:23 - [Spell] Seed of Corruption (Id found: 27243, Name found: Seed of Corruption, NameInGame found: Семя порчи, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[N] 18:35:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:35:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:35:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:35:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:35:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3094,012 ; 5807,208 ; 301,496 ; "Flying" to 2380,156 ; 6240,606 ; 130,3214 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:35:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:35:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:35:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:35:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:35:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:35:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:35:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:35:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 42 (1292,286y)
18:36:12 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
18:36:22 - [World Quests] quests=6 for zone=1018 42076,41862,41553,43458,43755,0
18:36:40 - [Fight] Player Attack Перрекс (lvl 110)
18:36:41 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 18:36:42 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:36:44 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:36:45 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:36:46 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:36:48 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:36:49 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:36:51 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:36:53 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:36:53 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 18:36:59 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:37:00 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:37:01 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:37:02 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 18:37:08 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:37:09 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 18:37:15 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:37:17 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:37:18 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:37:18 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:37:20 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:37:21 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Раззок (lvl 110)
[F] 18:37:22 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:37:23 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:37:24 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:37:26 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
18:37:27 - [Looting] Loot Раззок
[N] 18:37:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2380,086 ; 6240,686 ; 130,3032 ; "None" to 2401,922 ; 6243,2 ; 131,3934 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:37:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22,00644y)
18:37:31 - [World Quests] quests=5 for zone=1018 42076,41862,41553,43755,0
[D] 18:37:31 - [Quester] New step (7): SlabofBaconCooking>Pulse
[N] 18:37:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2782,16 ; 5797,229 ; 294,875 ; "None" to 2782,16 ; 5797,229 ; 294,875 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:37:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 1 (0y)
18:37:31 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[N] 18:37:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2397,83 ; 6242,729 ; 131,4178 ; "Flying" to 2782,16 ; 5797,229 ; 294,875 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:37:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 51 (1176,457y)
18:38:13 - [Fight] Player Attack (lvl 110)
[N] 18:38:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2855,735 ; 5848,641 ; 304,9259 ; "Flying" to 2782,16 ; 5797,229 ; 294,875 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:38:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (102,2829y)
[F] 18:38:16 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:38:17 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:38:18 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:38:19 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[N] 18:38:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2793,946 ; 5823,715 ; 299,6691 ; "None" to 2787,581 ; 5803,381 ; 294,3654 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:38:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (28,91842y)
[F] 18:38:20 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:38:21 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:38:23 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:38:25 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:38:25 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:38:26 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:38:26 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:38:28 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:38:30 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:38:32 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:38:33 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:38:35 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:38:36 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:38:37 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:38:39 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
18:38:40 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Оскверненный древень (lvl 110)
[F] 18:38:41 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:38:43 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:38:45 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:38:46 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:38:47 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:38:49 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:38:51 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:38:52 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:38:54 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:38:56 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 18:38:59 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
18:39:00 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Зараженный лесовик (lvl 110)
[F] 18:39:01 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:39:02 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:39:04 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:39:06 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:39:07 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
18:39:08 - [Looting] Loot Зараженный лесовик
[N] 18:39:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2794,063 ; 5822,248 ; 300,5372 ; "None" to 2783,882 ; 5809,067 ; 294,7093 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:39:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,64499y)
[F] 18:39:11 - [Spell] Cast Камень души (Soulstone)
18:39:12 - [World Quests] quests=4 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43755,0
[D] 18:39:12 - [Quester] New step (8): ShadowfenVillage1>Pulse
[N] 18:39:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3002,579 ; 5981,24 ; 279,2235 ; "None" to 3002,579 ; 5981,24 ; 279,2235 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:39:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 1 (0y)
18:39:12 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[N] 18:39:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2786,848 ; 5812,906 ; 296,7059 ; "None" to 3002,579 ; 5981,24 ; 279,2235 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:39:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 18 (516,4028y)
18:39:15 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
18:39:36 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[N] 18:39:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3002,583 ; 5981,238 ; 278,9337 ; "None" to 3043,472 ; 5935,173 ; 281,054 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:39:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (67,18698y)
[N] 18:39:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3018,772 ; 5970,98 ; 278,2701 ; "None" to 3032,02 ; 5956,157 ; 279,8801 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:39:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (28,00689y)
[F] 18:39:40 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:39:41 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[N] 18:39:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3019,806 ; 5970,33 ; 278,342 ; "None" to 3031,423 ; 5956,344 ; 280,0796 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:39:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (26,83808y)
[F] 18:39:42 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[D] 18:39:44 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[D] 18:39:44 - [Fight] BlackList Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя during 60 sec
18:39:44 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Ведьма Грельда (lvl 110)
[F] 18:39:45 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:39:47 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:39:48 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:39:49 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:39:51 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:39:52 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:39:54 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:39:55 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:39:57 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:39:58 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:39:59 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 18:40:05 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:40:06 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:40:08 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:40:09 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:40:11 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:40:13 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
18:40:15 - [Looting] Loot Ведьма Грельда
18:40:17 - [World Quests] quests=4 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43755,0
[D] 18:40:17 - [Quester] New step (9): ShadowfenVillage2>Pulse
[N] 18:40:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3089,253 ; 5985,733 ; 278,7757 ; "None" to 3061,429 ; 5963,798 ; 277,6516 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:40:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (36,77386y)
[N] 18:40:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3061,429 ; 5963,798 ; 277,6516 ; "None" to 3059,949 ; 5944,199 ; 280,4022 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:40:17 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:17 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:17 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:18 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:18 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:18 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:18 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:18 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:18 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_23.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:18 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_23.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:18 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:18 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:18 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_23.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:18 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:18 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:18 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:18 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:18 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_22.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_22.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_22.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_23.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_23.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_23.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_23.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_23.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_21.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_21.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_21.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_22.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_22.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:20 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_22.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_21.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_23.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_22.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_21.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_20.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_20.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_20.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_23.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_22.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_21.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_20.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_22.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_22.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:22 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_23.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_20.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_21.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_19.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_19.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_19.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_20.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_22.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_19.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:23 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_21.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_19.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_18.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_18.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_18.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:24 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_14_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_14_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_14_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_23.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_18.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_20.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_19.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_14_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_23.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_21.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_20.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_19.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_22.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_14_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_23.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_22.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:26 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_23_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_21.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_21.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_22.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_23.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_20.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_21.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_22.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_20.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_20.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_16_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_15_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_23.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_32.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_19.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_22.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_21.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_29.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_30.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_18_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_17_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_23.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_20.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_19_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_21.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_18.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_18.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_31.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_26.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_25.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_22.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_20_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_20.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_27.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_24.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_23.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_28.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_21.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_21_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_22.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_22_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_20.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_28_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_21.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_33.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_24_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_29_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_19.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_19.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_20.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_27_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_26_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_25_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_34.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_35.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_31_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_30_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_32_37.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:29 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: D:\download\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Troll Raid\Troll Raid_33_36.mesh.gz
[N] 18:40:30 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3061,429 ; 5963,798 ; 277,6516 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,81788_26,25982) to 3059,949 ; 5944,199 ; 280,4022 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,85463_26,2626)
[N] 18:40:30 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3059,949 ; 5944,199 ; 280,4022 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,85463_26,2626) to 3058,782 ; 5945,625 ; 277,6689 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,85195_26,26478)
[N] 18:40:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (23,27001y)
[N] 18:40:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3059,949 ; 5944,199 ; 280,4022 ; "None" to 3049,368 ; 5918,941 ; 276,4129 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:40:30 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3059,949 ; 5944,199 ; 280,4022 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,85463_26,2626) to 3049,368 ; 5918,941 ; 276,4129 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,90199_26,28243)
[N] 18:40:33 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3049,368 ; 5918,941 ; 276,4129 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,90199_26,28243) to 3061,333 ; 5943,298 ; 281,812 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,85632_26,26)
[N] 18:40:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (32,44079y)
[N] 18:40:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3049,368 ; 5918,941 ; 276,4129 ; "None" to 3046,648 ; 5887,834 ; 276,9874 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:40:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (31,23091y)
[N] 18:40:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3046,648 ; 5887,834 ; 276,9874 ; "None" to 3079,378 ; 5898,042 ; 280,3293 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:40:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (39,17937y)
[N] 18:40:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3079,378 ; 5898,042 ; 280,3293 ; "None" to 3089,253 ; 5985,733 ; 278,7757 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:40:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (111,4982y)
18:40:33 - [Fight] Player Attack Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[N] 18:40:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3024,107 ; 5967,604 ; 278,4679 ; "None" to 3039,065 ; 5935,729 ; 277,6944 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:40:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (48,50528y)
[F] 18:40:34 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:40:35 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:40:36 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:40:37 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
18:40:38 - [Looting] Loot Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:40:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3026,927 ; 5965,687 ; 278,2424 ; "None" to 3037,864 ; 5941,998 ; 276,8113 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:40:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (37,41569y)
18:40:43 - [Fight] Player Attack Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:40:43 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:40:45 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 18:40:46 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:40:47 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:40:49 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:40:50 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:40:51 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:40:52 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:40:54 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 18:40:55 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:40:56 - [Looting] Loot Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:40:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3046,597 ; 5956,671 ; 275,5295 ; "None" to 3051,608 ; 5981,777 ; 275,97 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:40:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (25,60456y)
18:41:01 - [Fight] Player Attack Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:41:02 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:41:04 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:41:05 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:41:07 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:41:08 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:41:09 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:41:11 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:41:12 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:41:13 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:41:14 - [Looting] Loot Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:41:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3050,829 ; 5977,872 ; 275,7257 ; "None" to 3047,386 ; 5957,961 ; 275,5482 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:41:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,20738y)
18:41:18 - [World Quests] quests=4 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43755,0
18:41:18 - [Fight] Player Attack Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:41:18 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:41:19 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:41:20 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:41:22 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:41:23 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:41:25 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 18:41:26 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:41:27 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:41:28 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:41:30 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:41:31 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:41:32 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:41:32 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:41:34 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:41:35 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:41:37 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:41:37 - [Looting] Loot Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:41:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3048,031 ; 5961,688 ; 275,4455 ; "None" to 3057,517 ; 5958,693 ; 276,4718 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:41:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00035y)
18:41:40 - [Fight] Player Attack Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[N] 18:41:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3053,865 ; 5959,859 ; 276,1021 ; "None" to 3063,877 ; 5919,852 ; 276,7386 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:41:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (43,87336y)
[F] 18:41:43 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:41:44 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
18:41:45 - [Fight] Player Attack Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:41:46 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:41:47 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:41:48 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:41:49 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:41:50 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:41:52 - [Looting] Loot Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:41:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3055,143 ; 5945,409 ; 276,907 ; "None" to 3048,683 ; 5956,275 ; 275,5266 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:41:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,7159y)
18:41:55 - [Fight] Player Attack Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[N] 18:41:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3050,581 ; 5953,083 ; 275,6186 ; "None" to 3095,052 ; 5935,592 ; 287,9656 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:41:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 17 (185,266y)
18:41:55 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[N] 18:42:02 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 18:42:02 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 18:42:02 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 18:42:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3122,731 ; 5978,112 ; 304,1089 ; "Flying" to 3095,052 ; 5935,592 ; 287,9656 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:42:03 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3122,731 ; 5978,112 ; 304,1089 ; "Flying" (Troll Raid_20,79104_26,14488) to 3095,052 ; 5935,592 ; 287,9656 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,87076_26,19678)
[N] 18:42:05 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3095,052 ; 5935,592 ; 287,9656 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,87076_26,19678) to 3114,947 ; 5973,895 ; 305,5119 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,79895_26,15947)
[N] 18:42:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (60,36327y)
[D] 18:42:05 - [Fight] Cannot make path to the target (Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя), ignore it.
18:42:05 - [Fight] Can't reach Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя, blacklisting it.
18:42:06 - [Fight] Player Attack Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:42:07 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:42:08 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:42:09 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:42:10 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:42:12 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:42:14 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:42:16 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:42:17 - [Looting] Loot Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя
18:42:19 - [World Quests] quests=4 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43755,0
18:42:19 - [Fight] Player Attack Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:42:19 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:42:19 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:42:20 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:42:21 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:42:22 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:42:23 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:42:25 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
18:42:26 - [Looting] Loot Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:42:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3122,611 ; 5983,04 ; 278,1021 ; "None" to 3132,99 ; 6000,391 ; 275,485 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:42:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,38739y)
18:42:30 - [Fight] Player Attack Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[N] 18:42:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3131,082 ; 5997,201 ; 275,2734 ; "None" to 3045,608 ; 6005,134 ; 282,7599 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:42:32 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3131,082 ; 5997,201 ; 275,2734 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,75525_26,12922) to 3045,608 ; 6005,134 ; 282,7599 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,74037_26,28949)
[N] 18:42:32 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3045,608 ; 6005,134 ; 282,7599 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,74037_26,28949) to 3052,07 ; 6004,772 ; 277,0119 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,74105_26,27737)
[N] 18:42:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (92,9621y)
[D] 18:42:32 - [Fight] Cannot make path to the target (Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя), ignore it.
18:42:32 - [Fight] Can't reach Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя, blacklisting it.
18:42:32 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[N] 18:42:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3131,082 ; 5997,201 ; 276,2113 ; "Flying" to 3089,253 ; 5985,733 ; 278,7757 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:42:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (66,60816y)
18:42:36 - [Fight] Player Attack Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[N] 18:42:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3087,308 ; 5993,203 ; 274,9496 ; "Flying" to 3063,877 ; 5919,852 ; 276,7386 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:42:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (87,23444y)
[F] 18:42:40 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[N] 18:42:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3055,283 ; 5939,79 ; 276,6192 ; "None" to 3063,877 ; 5919,852 ; 276,7386 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:42:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (23,93352y)
[F] 18:42:42 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:42:43 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:42:44 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:42:45 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:42:46 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:42:48 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:42:49 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:42:51 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:42:51 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:42:53 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:42:54 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:42:55 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:42:56 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:42:57 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:42:59 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:43:00 - [Looting] Loot Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:43:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3060,899 ; 5927,576 ; 277,8268 ; "None" to 3049,995 ; 5915,021 ; 275,9635 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:43:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (17,543y)
18:43:04 - [Fight] Player Attack Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:43:04 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:43:05 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:43:06 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:43:07 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:43:08 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:43:10 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 18:43:11 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:43:12 - [Looting] Loot Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя
18:43:14 - [Fight] Player Attack Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:43:14 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:43:15 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:43:15 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:43:16 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:43:17 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:43:19 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:43:20 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:43:22 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:43:23 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:43:24 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:43:26 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:43:27 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:43:29 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:43:30 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:43:31 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:43:33 - [Looting] Loot Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:43:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3052,577 ; 5917,622 ; 274,9456 ; "None" to 3034,07 ; 5911,505 ; 275,0679 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:43:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (23,66124y)
18:43:37 - [World Quests] quests=4 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43755,0
18:43:37 - [Fight] Player Attack Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:43:38 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:43:40 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:43:40 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:43:42 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:43:43 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:43:44 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:43:46 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:43:48 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
18:43:50 - [Looting] Loot Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:43:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3037,419 ; 5913,438 ; 274,9441 ; "None" to 3038,445 ; 5897,505 ; 275,9119 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:43:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (21,13199y)
18:43:54 - [Fight] Player Attack Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:43:55 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:43:56 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:43:57 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:43:57 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:43:59 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
18:44:03 - [Looting] Loot Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:44:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3036,836 ; 5901,03 ; 275,7592 ; "None" to 3045,509 ; 5880,689 ; 276,0606 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:44:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22,11495y)
18:44:07 - [Fight] Player Attack Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:44:08 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:44:08 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:44:09 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:44:11 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:44:12 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:44:14 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 18:44:15 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:44:16 - [Looting] Loot Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:44:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3043,972 ; 5884,293 ; 275,8854 ; "None" to 3028,218 ; 5873,563 ; 275,3031 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:44:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,07055y)
18:44:20 - [Fight] Player Attack Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:44:21 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:44:23 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:44:24 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[N] 18:44:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3031,439 ; 5875,758 ; 275,3338 ; "None" to 3034,992 ; 5896,572 ; 277,7303 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:44:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (22,44857y)
[F] 18:44:27 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[N] 18:44:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3033,062 ; 5884,583 ; 276,1289 ; "None" to 3035,028 ; 5915,92 ; 277,3817 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:44:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (32,85259y)
[F] 18:44:29 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:44:30 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:44:30 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:44:32 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:44:34 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:44:34 - [Looting] Loot Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:44:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3033,205 ; 5886,597 ; 277,7175 ; "None" to 3036,186 ; 5907,37 ; 276,2845 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:44:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (24,32937y)
18:44:39 - [World Quests] quests=4 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43755,0
18:44:39 - [Fight] Player Attack Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:44:39 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:44:39 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:44:41 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:44:42 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:44:44 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:44:45 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:44:47 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:44:49 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:44:50 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:44:51 - [Looting] Loot Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:44:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3035,323 ; 5903,603 ; 275,329 ; "None" to 3036,196 ; 5917,217 ; 275,0679 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:44:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (15,30416y)
18:44:54 - [Fight] Player Attack Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:44:55 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:44:55 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:44:56 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:44:57 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:44:58 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:44:59 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:45:01 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 18:45:03 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:45:04 - [Looting] Loot Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:45:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3034,235 ; 5914,049 ; 274,971 ; "None" to 3051,986 ; 5917,642 ; 275,0679 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:45:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,11141y)
18:45:07 - [Fight] Player Attack Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:45:08 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:45:09 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:45:11 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:45:12 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:45:14 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:45:16 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:45:17 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:45:18 - [Looting] Loot Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:45:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3048,282 ; 5916,893 ; 274,9443 ; "None" to 3067,92 ; 5904,82 ; 276,0413 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:45:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (23,07774y)
18:45:23 - [Fight] Player Attack Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:45:23 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:45:23 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:45:24 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:45:25 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:45:26 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:45:27 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:45:29 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
18:45:32 - [Looting] Loot Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:45:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3064,951 ; 5906,646 ; 276,2376 ; "None" to 3070,546 ; 5895,793 ; 277,6101 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:45:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,28668y)
18:45:35 - [Fight] Player Attack Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:45:36 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:45:37 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:45:39 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:45:40 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:45:41 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:45:43 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:45:44 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:45:46 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:45:47 - [Looting] Loot Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:45:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3070,431 ; 5895,61 ; 277,5487 ; "None" to 3066,848 ; 5888,277 ; 277,6244 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:45:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,161358y)
18:45:49 - [World Quests] quests=4 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43755,0
18:45:49 - [Fight] Player Attack Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:45:49 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:45:50 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:45:51 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:45:52 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:45:53 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:45:54 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:45:56 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:45:58 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:45:59 - [Looting] Loot Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:45:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3064,405 ; 5892,505 ; 276,6497 ; "None" to 3044,333 ; 5897,209 ; 276,2646 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:45:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,61948y)
18:46:03 - [Fight] Player Attack Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:46:04 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:46:04 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:46:06 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:46:07 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:46:08 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:46:10 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:46:11 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:46:13 - [Looting] Loot Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:46:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3047,887 ; 5896,376 ; 275,8477 ; "None" to 3055,5 ; 5907,554 ; 276,0096 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:46:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,5253y)
18:46:16 - [Fight] Player Attack Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:46:17 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:46:18 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:46:18 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:46:20 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:46:21 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:46:23 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:46:24 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
18:46:26 - [Looting] Loot Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:46:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3053,42 ; 5904,5 ; 275,4549 ; "None" to 3049,995 ; 5919,143 ; 275,0679 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:46:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,04274y)
18:46:30 - [Fight] Player Attack Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[N] 18:46:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3050,844 ; 5915,513 ; 274,9445 ; "None" to 3095,052 ; 5935,592 ; 287,9656 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:46:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (219,3143y)
18:46:30 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[N] 18:46:38 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 18:46:38 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 18:46:38 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 18:46:43 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 18:46:43 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 18:46:43 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 18:46:45 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:46:46 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:46:46 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:46:47 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:46:48 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:46:50 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 18:46:53 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:46:53 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:46:54 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:46:55 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:46:55 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:46:57 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:46:59 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:47:00 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:47:01 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:47:03 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:47:04 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:47:06 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:47:07 - [Looting] Loot Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:47:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3102,874 ; 5938,044 ; 305,0924 ; "None" to 3091,783 ; 5951,199 ; 300,8644 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:47:07 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3102,874 ; 5938,044 ; 305,0924 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,86617_26,18211) to 3091,783 ; 5951,199 ; 300,8644 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,8415_26,20291)
[N] 18:47:07 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3091,783 ; 5951,199 ; 300,8644 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,8415_26,20291) to 3100,802 ; 5936,653 ; 304,6119 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,86877_26,186)
[N] 18:47:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (31,06077y)
[D] 18:47:07 - [Looting] Cannot make path to the target (Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя), ignore it.
18:47:07 - [Looting] Loot Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:47:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3102,874 ; 5938,044 ; 305,0924 ; "None" to 3100,723 ; 5936,999 ; 286,0254 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:47:07 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3102,874 ; 5938,044 ; 305,0924 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,86617_26,18211) to 3100,723 ; 5936,999 ; 286,0254 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,86813_26,18614)
[N] 18:47:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,39692y)
[D] 18:47:07 - [Looting] Cannot make path to the target (Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя), ignore it.
18:47:07 - [World Quests] quests=4 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43755,0
18:47:07 - [Fight] Player Attack Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[N] 18:47:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3102,874 ; 5938,044 ; 305,0924 ; "None" to 3059,949 ; 5944,199 ; 280,4017 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:47:07 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3102,874 ; 5938,044 ; 305,0924 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,86617_26,18211) to 3059,949 ; 5944,199 ; 280,4017 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,85463_26,2626)
[N] 18:47:07 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: 3059,949 ; 5944,199 ; 280,4017 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,85463_26,2626) to 3097,824 ; 5934,597 ; 304,0119 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,87263_26,19158)
[N] 18:47:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (51,22986y)
[D] 18:47:07 - [Fight] Cannot make path to the target (Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя), ignore it.
18:47:07 - [Fight] Can't reach Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя, blacklisting it.
18:47:07 - [Fight] Player Attack Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:47:11 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:47:11 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:47:12 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:47:14 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:47:15 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:47:17 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:47:18 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:47:20 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:47:22 - [Looting] Loot Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:47:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3087,848 ; 5954,034 ; 283,0623 ; "None" to 3076,561 ; 5960,289 ; 275,5278 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:47:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 18 (153,9414y)
18:47:22 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Стремительный лиловый ветрокрыл
[N] 18:47:28 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 18:47:28 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 18:47:28 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[N] 18:47:37 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 18:47:37 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 18:47:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3118,05 ; 5991,782 ; 282,1119 ; "Flying" to 3076,561 ; 5960,289 ; 275,5278 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:47:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (87,09003y)
[N] 18:47:38 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 18:47:38 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 18:47:38 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
18:47:46 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[N] 18:47:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3076,36 ; 5961,696 ; 276,2721 ; "None" to 3083,163 ; 5996,061 ; 279,5297 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:47:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (36,02098y)
[F] 18:47:48 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:47:50 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:47:50 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:47:52 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:47:53 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:47:54 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
[F] 18:47:58 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:47:58 - [Looting] Loot Ведьма из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:47:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3076,183 ; 5967,732 ; 275,8798 ; "None" to 3073,332 ; 5979,421 ; 275,8007 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:47:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,03137y)
18:48:01 - [Fight] Player Attack Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[F] 18:48:02 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:48:03 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:48:04 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:48:05 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:48:07 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:48:08 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
[F] 18:48:10 - [Spell] Cast Нестабильное колдовство (Unstable Affliction)
18:48:12 - [Looting] Loot Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:48:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3075,621 ; 5983,622 ; 275,4671 ; "None" to 3079,348 ; 6003,579 ; 274,6437 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:48:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,3188y)
18:48:16 - [World Quests] quests=4 for zone=1018 42076,41862,43755,0
18:48:16 - [Fight] Player Attack Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя (lvl 110)
[N] 18:48:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3078,623 ; 5999,695 ; 274,5199 ; "None" to 3116,531 ; 5996,698 ; 277,5557 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:48:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (46,93169y)
[F] 18:48:16 - [Spell] Cast Страх (Fear)
[F] 18:48:17 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:48:18 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:48:19 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:48:20 - [Spell] Cast Создание камня здоровья (Create Healthstone)
[F] 18:48:21 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Агония (Agony)
[F] 18:48:21 - [Spell] Cast Урожай душ (Reap Souls)
[F] 18:48:22 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Порча (Corruption)
[F] 18:48:23 - [Spell] Cast Вытягивание жизни (Siphon Life)
[F] 18:48:25 - [Spell] Cast Похищение души (Drain Soul)
18:48:28 - [Looting] Loot Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя
[N] 18:48:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 3099,329 ; 6006,905 ; 275,7051 ; "None" to 3106,021 ; 6003,517 ; 277,3847 ; "None" (Troll Raid)
[N] 18:48:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (11,44044y)
[D] 18:48:37 - [Looting] Cannot loot the target (Охотница из племени Червивого Когтя), ignore it.
18:49:29 - ## TEST ### Me.IsCast=True Me.CastingSpellId=198590 Me.CastingTimeLeft=0 Me.CanInterruptCasting=True
18:49:50 - [Logging]13 май 2017 15H05.log.html copied on your desktop.
18:51:03 - ## TEST ### Me.IsCast=True Me.CastingSpellId=198590 Me.CastingTimeLeft=0 Me.CanInterruptCasting=True
18:51:18 - [Logging]13 май 2017 15H05.log.html copied on your desktop.