[D] 09:44:56 - [Info] Log file created: 14 Okt 2017 09H44.log.html
[D] 09:44:56 - [Info] WRobot Version: 1.8.2 (28472) for wow: 2.4.3_8606
[D] 09:44:56 - [Info] Offical website: https://wrobot.eu/
[D] 09:44:56 - [Info] Operating System Details: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
[D] 09:44:56 - [Info] Lang: German (Germany)
[D] 09:44:56 - Warning: TeamViewer is launched on your computer, this software can cause problems with WRobot, I recommend to close all TeamViewer process when you use WRobot.
[F] 09:44:56 - [Memory] D3D9 found: 6A 20 B8 D8 B9 A5 6C E8 3E 6E
[F] 09:44:56 - [Memory] D3D11 found: 8B FF 55 8B EC 83 E4 F8 83 EC
[D] 09:44:56 - [Memory] D3D9 used
[D] 09:46:08 - [Blacklist] Added, 19 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 17 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
09:46:08 - [Memory] Select game process: 8208 - Ish...
09:46:09 - [Quester] Loaded
[F] 09:46:09 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Quester ; CustomClass = FrostMage.dll ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = False ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1600 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 12000 ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 10 ; ForceAutoLoot = False ; KeyBindingMacro = P ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = AntiAfk_plugin_src.cs = False, AvoidIt.dll = False, CombatLooter.cs = True, General_Potion_User.cs = False, iBuy.dll = False, iEquip-TBC.dll = True, MemoryClean.cs = False, MoveDuringCombat.dll = False, NodeBlacklist.cs = False, RangeLooter.cs = False, TbcTrainLevel.cs = True, StopTappedAttack.cs = True ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = False ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 55 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 55 ; RestingMana = True ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 1 ; SearchRadius = 100 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = True ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Forest Mushroom Cap, Refreshing Spring Water, Hearthstone ; ForceSellList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Forest Mushroom Cap, Refreshing Spring Water, Hearthstone ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = False ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = True ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 800 ; LatencyMax = 1000 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1,5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1,5 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1,7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ;
[D] 09:46:09 - [Blacklist] Added, 19 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 17 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[D] 09:46:09 - [Keyboard Hook] Couldn’t register the hot key.
[D] 09:46:09 - [Keyboard Hook] Couldn’t register the hot key.
[F] 09:46:09 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Quester ; CustomClass = FrostMage.dll ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = False ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1600 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 12000 ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 10 ; ForceAutoLoot = False ; KeyBindingMacro = P ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = AntiAfk_plugin_src.cs = False, AvoidIt.dll = False, CombatLooter.cs = True, General_Potion_User.cs = False, iBuy.dll = False, iEquip-TBC.dll = True, MemoryClean.cs = False, MoveDuringCombat.dll = False, NodeBlacklist.cs = False, RangeLooter.cs = False, TbcTrainLevel.cs = True, StopTappedAttack.cs = True ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = False ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 55 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 55 ; RestingMana = True ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 1 ; SearchRadius = 100 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = True ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Forest Mushroom Cap, Refreshing Spring Water, Hearthstone ; ForceSellList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Forest Mushroom Cap, Refreshing Spring Water, Hearthstone ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = False ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = True ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 800 ; LatencyMax = 1000 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1,5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1,5 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1,7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ;
[F] 09:46:09 - WRobotFileName = ; WowPath = C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft ; MaxFPS = 50 ; MaxLuaMemoryUsage = 120000 ; UseShortcuts = True ; WindowName = ; TopMost = False ; Remote = False ; SizeWidth = 664 ; SizeHeight = 564 ; ToTrayBar = False ; MeShow = False ; TargetShow = False ; PathShow = False ; BlacklistShow = False ; NpcShow = False ; PlayersShow = False ; ObjectsShow = False ; LowFps = True ; LowQuality = True ; ByName = ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerGlobalSetting ; FilePath = F:\Games\WoW 2.4.3\wRobot2.4.3\Settings\WRobotGlobalSetting.xml ;
[F] 09:46:09 - InstallDateTime = 23.05.2017 18:00:47 ; ShowMs = False ; normalCb = True ; fightCb = False ; navigatorCb = False ; debugCb = True ; ErrorCb = True ; SendErrorCb = True ; CurrentSetting = robotManager.robotManagerGlobalSetting ; FilePath = F:\Games\WoW 2.4.3\wRobot2.4.3\Settings\RobotManagerGlobalSetting.xml ;
[D] 09:46:09 - [Info] Wow Version: 8606
[D] 09:46:09 - [Info] Player found: True
[D] 09:46:09 - [Info] Wow Addons:
09:46:09 - [SpellManager] Initializing SpellBook - (Wait few seconds)
09:46:09 - [SpellManager] Initialize SpellBook Finished (22 spell found)
[D] 09:46:09 - [SpellManager] List of id found in spellbook:
Attack (6603)
Beast Slaying (20557)
Berserking (20554)
Bow Specialization (26290)
Dodge (81)
Regeneration (20555)
Shoot (5019)
Throwing Specialization (20558)
Arcane Intellect (1459)
Arcane Missiles (5143)
Conjure Food (587)
Conjure Water (5504)
Conjure Water (5505)
Polymorph (118)
Fire Blast (2136)
Fireball (133)
Fireball (143)
Frost Armor (168)
Frost Armor (7300)
Frost Nova (122)
Frostbolt (116)
Frostbolt (205)

09:46:09 - [SpellManager] Please wait, loading spellbook...
09:46:09 - [SpellManager] Spellbook loaded.
[D] 09:46:09 - [Keybindings]
Sit / Stand: L
Backward: P
Forward: W
Strafe Left: A
Strafe Right: D

[F] 09:46:10 - ProfileName = [TRULY][HORDE](1.1) 1-70 by Maylu.xml ; BlackListWhereIAmDead = False ; SaveModifiedGeneralSettings = False ; ProfilesUserSettings = ; CurrentSetting = Quester.Bot.QuesterSetting ;
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : YourPlaceInTheWorld
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : CuttingTeeth
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : VileFamiliars
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : StingoftheScorpid
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : Durotar15
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : Durotar58
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : Durotar811
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : PlainstriderMenace
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : RaptorThieves
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : ItsGottabetheHorn
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : Barrens1114
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : Barrens1417
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : SouthBarrens1721
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : SouthBarrens2126
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : kNeedles2732
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : Desolace3236
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : Desolace3640
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : Feralas4044
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : Feralas4448
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : NFeralas4851
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : UnGoro5154
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : Silithus5458
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : Silithus5862
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : Zangar6264
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : Terokkar6468
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : BEM6870
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : TribesatWar
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : SaltFlatVenom
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : HardenedShells
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : ABumpintheRoad1
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : ABumpintheRoad2
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : ANewCloaksSheen
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheMarkofQuality
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : ImprovedQuality
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoBarrens
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoLift
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : DeadlyDesertVenom
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : ThroughtheDarkPortal
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : ArrivalinOutland
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : JourneytoThrallmar
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : ReporttoNazgrel
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : EradicatetheBurningLegion
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoPortal
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : BonechewerBlood
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : FelsparkRavine1
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : FelsparkRavine2
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : TrueflightArrows
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : HelpingtheCenarionPost
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : ThickHydraScales
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : MenacingMarshfangs
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : VestmentsoftheWolfSpirit
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : MagicalDisturbances
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : SilkwingCocoons
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : MokNathalTreats
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheSoftestWings
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : KeepThornfangHillClear
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCenarionExpedition
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoFree
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoMoja
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoDeso
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoGadget
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoGoro
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoSilithus
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoSwamp
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntothePortal
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoFalcon
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoCenOP
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoCenZang
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoTero
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : CatchZeppelinShip
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : ABumpintheRoad3
[D] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Create instance of : XroadstoDeso
[E] 09:46:11 - [Quester] Cannot found QuestClass: FelsparkRavine

[F] 09:46:11 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: F:\Games\WoW 2.4.3\wRobot2.4.3\FightClass\FrostMage.dll
[D] 09:46:11 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:11 - [Spell] Blink (Id found: 46573, Name found: Blink, NameInGame found: Blink, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:11 - [Spell] Frostbolt (Id found: 116, Name found: Frostbolt, NameInGame found: Frostbolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:11 - [Spell] Frost Armor (Id found: 168, Name found: Frost Armor, NameInGame found: Frost Armor, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:11 - [Spell] Ice Armor (Id found: 36881, Name found: Ice Armor, NameInGame found: Ice Armor, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:11 - [Spell] Arcane Intellect (Id found: 1459, Name found: Arcane Intellect, NameInGame found: Arcane Intellect, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:11 - [Spell] Arcane Intellect (Id found: 1459, Name found: Arcane Intellect, NameInGame found: Arcane Intellect, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:11 - [Spell] Ice Barrier (Id found: 33405, Name found: Ice Barrier, NameInGame found: Ice Barrier, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:11 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Emerald (Id found: 27101, Name found: Conjure Mana Emerald, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Emerald, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:11 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Ruby (Id found: 10054, Name found: Conjure Mana Ruby, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Ruby, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:11 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Citrine (Id found: 10053, Name found: Conjure Mana Citrine, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Citrine, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:11 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Jade (Id found: 3552, Name found: Conjure Mana Jade, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Jade, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:11 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Agate (Id found: 759, Name found: Conjure Mana Agate, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Agate, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:11 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Emerald (Id found: 27101, Name found: Conjure Mana Emerald, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Emerald, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:11 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:11 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:11 - [Spell] Mana Shield (Id found: 46151, Name found: Mana Shield, NameInGame found: Mana Shield, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:11 - [Spell] Ice Barrier (Id found: 33405, Name found: Ice Barrier, NameInGame found: Ice Barrier, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:11 - [Spell] Frost Nova (Id found: 122, Name found: Frost Nova, NameInGame found: Frost Nova, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:11 - [Spell] Polymorph (Id found: 118, Name found: Polymorph, NameInGame found: Polymorph, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Summon Water Elemental (Id found: 45067, Name found: Summon Water Elemental, NameInGame found: Summon Water Elemental, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Icy Veins (Id found: 12472, Name found: Icy Veins, NameInGame found: Icy Veins, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 20554, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Counterspell (Id found: 37470, Name found: Counterspell, NameInGame found: Counterspell, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Cold Snap (Id found: 11958, Name found: Cold Snap, NameInGame found: Cold Snap, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Freeze (Id found: 46610, Name found: Freeze, NameInGame found: Freeze, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Evocation (Id found: 45052, Name found: Evocation, NameInGame found: Evocation, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Fire Blast (Id found: 2136, Name found: Fire Blast, NameInGame found: Fire Blast, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Cone of Cold (Id found: 46984, Name found: Cone of Cold, NameInGame found: Cone of Cold, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Fire Blast (Id found: 2136, Name found: Fire Blast, NameInGame found: Fire Blast, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Cone of Cold (Id found: 46984, Name found: Cone of Cold, NameInGame found: Cone of Cold, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Frostbolt (Id found: 116, Name found: Frostbolt, NameInGame found: Frostbolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Scorch (Id found: 38636, Name found: Scorch, NameInGame found: Scorch, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Fireball (Id found: 133, Name found: Fireball, NameInGame found: Fireball, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Shoot (Id found: 5019, Name found: Shoot, NameInGame found: Shoot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Mana Shield (Id found: 46151, Name found: Mana Shield, NameInGame found: Mana Shield, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Ice Barrier (Id found: 33405, Name found: Ice Barrier, NameInGame found: Ice Barrier, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Summon Water Elemental (Id found: 45067, Name found: Summon Water Elemental, NameInGame found: Summon Water Elemental, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Icy Veins (Id found: 12472, Name found: Icy Veins, NameInGame found: Icy Veins, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Counterspell (Id found: 37470, Name found: Counterspell, NameInGame found: Counterspell, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Cold Snap (Id found: 11958, Name found: Cold Snap, NameInGame found: Cold Snap, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:12 - [FightPetBattle] Cannot load pet battle fight class, use default.
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] spellName=Battle Pet Training => Failed
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Mount] No ground mount selected.
[D] 09:46:12 - [Mount] No aquatic mount selected.
[D] 09:46:12 - [Mount] No flying mount selected.
09:46:12 - /*

You -MUST- keep profile settings 1-5 active at all times.

***Created by: Maylu***


***If you encounter a bug/issues***
Direct URL:
(if URL is broken, find it on: https://wrobot.eu/)

***Total quests***
16 quests
Voidwalker quest

***Need to do***

Add run path from searing to burning
Add all necessary class quests

[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Quester] RunCode[1]: wManager.Wow.Helpers.NpcDB.AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = true;
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
09:46:12 - [CombatLooter] Started.
[D] 09:46:12 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:13 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:13 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
09:46:13 - [iEquip] iEquip version 1.0 is loaded and ready
09:46:13 - [iEquip] blacklist cleared
[D] 09:46:13 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:13 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:13 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:13 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:13 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[2]: MyFrame:Hide()

[D] 09:46:13 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
09:46:13 - [TbcTrainLevel] Started.
[D] 09:46:13 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:13 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[3]: MyFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")

MyFrame.text = MyFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal")
MyFrame.text:SetText("Initializing profile...")
MyFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", 0, -100)
MyFrame:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 0, 0, 1)

RateFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")

RateFrame.text = RateFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal")
RateFrame.text:SetText("Remember to Rate!")
RateFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", 0, -155)
RateFrame:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 0, 0, 1)

ByFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")

ByFrame.text = ByFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal")
ByFrame.text:SetText("Created by Maylu")
ByFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", -60, -45)
ByFrame:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 0, 0, 1)


[D] 09:46:13 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:13 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 09:46:13 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[4]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Grab Trials Qs")
[D] 09:46:13 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[8]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Do Trial Qs")
09:46:13 - [Quester] Started
09:46:13 - [StopTappedAttack] Started
[D] 09:46:13 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[13]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Turn in Trial Qs")
[D] 09:46:13 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[15]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Do more Trial Qs")
[D] 09:46:13 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[18]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Turn in more Trial Qs")
[D] 09:46:14 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[20]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Grind Durtoar 1-5")
[D] 09:46:14 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[22]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Grind Durtoar 5-8")
[D] 09:46:14 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[24]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Grind Durtoar 8-11")
[D] 09:46:14 - [Quester] New step (25): Durotar811>Pulse
[N] 09:46:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 902,4057 ; -3914,26 ; 20,65321 ; "None" to 684,6595 ; -3885,681 ; 16,76656 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:46:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (219,6481y)
[N] 09:46:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 684,6595 ; -3885,681 ; 16,76656 ; "None" to 440,5854 ; -3893,403 ; 24,69048 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:46:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (271,902y)
[N] 09:46:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 440,5854 ; -3893,403 ; 24,69048 ; "None" to 108,7585 ; -3906,454 ; 44,7063 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:46:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (334,3027y)
[N] 09:46:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 108,7585 ; -3906,454 ; 44,7063 ; "None" to -161,5941 ; -3953,558 ; 54,39713 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:46:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (289,6692y)
[N] 09:46:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -161,5941 ; -3953,558 ; 54,39713 ; "None" to 902,4057 ; -3914,26 ; 20,65321 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:46:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (1125,722y)
[N] 09:46:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1483,294 ; -4221,964 ; 42,95938 ; "None" to 902,4057 ; -3914,26 ; 20,65321 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:46:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 41 (1308,569y)
[N] 09:46:20 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 09:46:20 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 09:46:20 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
09:46:28 - [Regen] Started
09:46:32 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
09:46:48 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 09:46:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1497,397 ; -4223,036 ; 43,66521 ; "None" to 902,4057 ; -3914,26 ; 20,65321 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:46:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (1294,507y)
[N] 09:47:59 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 09:47:59 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 09:47:59 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[N] 09:48:02 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 09:48:02 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 09:48:02 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 09:48:08 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 09:48:08 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 09:48:08 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
09:49:01 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Hecklefang Hyena (lvl 16)
[D] 09:49:01 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 09:49:01 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 09:49:01 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 09:49:01 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 09:49:01 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 09:49:02 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 09:49:02 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 09:49:02 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 09:49:02 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 09:49:02 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 09:49:02 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 09:49:02 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 09:49:02 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 09:49:03 - Iteration took 19ms
[D] 09:49:03 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 09:49:03 - Iteration took 24ms
[D] 09:49:03 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:49:03 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 09:49:03 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 09:49:03 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 09:49:03 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 09:49:03 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 09:49:04 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 09:49:04 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 09:49:04 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 09:49:04 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 09:49:04 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 09:49:04 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 09:49:05 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 09:49:05 - Iteration took 62ms
[D] 09:49:05 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 09:49:05 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 09:49:05 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 09:49:05 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 09:49:05 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 09:49:05 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 09:49:06 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 09:49:06 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 09:49:06 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 09:49:06 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 09:49:06 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 09:49:06 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:49:06 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 09:49:06 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 09:49:07 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 09:49:07 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 09:49:07 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 09:49:07 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 09:49:07 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 09:49:07 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 09:49:07 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 09:49:08 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 09:49:08 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 09:49:08 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 09:49:08 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 09:49:08 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 09:49:08 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 09:49:08 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 09:49:09 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 09:49:09 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 09:49:09 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 09:49:09 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:49:09 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 09:49:09 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 09:49:09 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 09:49:10 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 09:49:10 - Iteration took 363ms
[F] 09:49:10 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 09:49:10 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 09:49:10 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 09:49:11 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 09:49:11 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 09:49:11 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 09:49:11 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 09:49:11 - Iteration took 85ms
[F] 09:49:11 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 09:49:11 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 09:49:12 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 09:49:12 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 09:49:12 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:49:12 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 09:49:12 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 09:49:12 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 09:49:12 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 09:49:12 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 09:49:13 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 09:49:13 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 09:49:13 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 09:49:13 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 09:49:13 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 09:49:13 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 09:49:13 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 09:49:14 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 09:49:14 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 09:49:14 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 09:49:14 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 09:49:14 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 09:49:14 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 09:49:14 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 09:49:15 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 09:49:15 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:49:15 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 09:49:15 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 09:49:15 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 09:49:15 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 09:49:15 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 09:49:15 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 09:49:16 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 09:49:16 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 09:49:16 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 09:49:16 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 09:49:16 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 09:49:16 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 09:49:16 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 09:49:16 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 09:49:17 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 09:49:17 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 09:49:17 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 09:49:17 - Iteration took 57ms
[D] 09:49:17 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:49:17 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 09:49:17 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 09:49:18 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 09:49:18 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 09:49:18 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 09:49:18 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 09:49:18 - [Fight] Fight stopped
09:49:18 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[N] 09:49:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -592,6014 ; -2523,492 ; 91,78803 ; "None" to 1310,911 ; -3850,348 ; 27,33463 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:49:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 29 (2512,981y)
[N] 09:50:51 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 09:50:51 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 09:50:51 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 09:50:53 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 09:50:53 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 09:50:53 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 09:50:56 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[D] 09:50:56 - [MovementManager] Current pos: -114,6195 ; -3026,477 ; 93,04446 ; "None" - Target pos: -115,9506 ; -3028,382 ; 99,60788 ; "None" Continent: Kalimdor Tile: 37.67464_32.21491
[D] 09:50:56 - [StuckResolver] Started.
[D] 09:50:58 - [StuckResolver] Done - Stuck count updated, new value: 1.
[N] 09:50:58 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 09:50:58 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 09:50:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -112,5005 ; -3027,007 ; 94,57036 ; "None" to 1310,911 ; -3850,348 ; 27,33463 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:50:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 26 (1833,81y)
[F] 09:54:22 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Arcane Intellect (Arcane Intellect)
09:54:23 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
09:54:23 - [Regen] Started
09:54:24 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
09:54:26 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
09:54:41 - [Regen] Finished
09:54:42 - [Fight] Player Attack Venomtail Scorpid (lvl 18)
[F] 09:54:42 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 09:54:42 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 09:54:42 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 09:54:42 - Iteration took 8ms
[D] 09:54:42 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 09:54:42 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 09:54:42 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:42 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 09:54:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:43 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 09:54:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:43 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 09:54:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:43 - Iteration took 29ms
[D] 09:54:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:43 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 09:54:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:43 - Iteration took 29ms
[D] 09:54:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:43 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 09:54:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:43 - Iteration took 35ms
[D] 09:54:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:44 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 09:54:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:44 - Iteration took 28ms
[D] 09:54:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:44 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 09:54:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:44 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 09:54:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:44 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 09:54:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:44 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 09:54:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:44 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 09:54:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:45 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 09:54:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:45 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 09:54:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:45 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 09:54:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:45 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 09:54:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:45 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 09:54:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:45 - Iteration took 35ms
[D] 09:54:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:45 - Iteration took 29ms
[D] 09:54:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:45 - Iteration took 25ms
[D] 09:54:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:46 - Iteration took 35ms
[D] 09:54:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:46 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 09:54:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:46 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 09:54:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:46 - Iteration took 26ms
[D] 09:54:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:46 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 09:54:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:46 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 09:54:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:46 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 09:54:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:47 - Iteration took 35ms
[D] 09:54:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:47 - Iteration took 62ms
[D] 09:54:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:47 - Iteration took 35ms
[D] 09:54:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:47 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 09:54:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:47 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 09:54:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:47 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 09:54:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:47 - Iteration took 29ms
[D] 09:54:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:48 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 09:54:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:48 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 09:54:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:48 - Iteration took 29ms
[D] 09:54:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:48 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 09:54:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:48 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 09:54:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:48 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 09:54:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:48 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 09:54:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:48 - Iteration took 35ms
[D] 09:54:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:49 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 09:54:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:49 - Iteration took 29ms
[D] 09:54:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:49 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 09:54:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:49 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 09:54:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:49 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 09:54:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:54:49 - Iteration took 27ms
[D] 09:54:49 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
09:54:50 - [Fight] Can't reach Venomtail Scorpid, blacklisting it.
[N] 09:54:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1276,128 ; -3833,621 ; 30,03899 ; "None" to 902,4057 ; -3914,26 ; 20,65321 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:54:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (383,6357y)
[D] 09:55:03 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 09:55:03 - Iteration took 114ms
09:55:03 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Sunscale Screecher (lvl 13)
[D] 09:55:03 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 09:55:03 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 09:55:03 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 09:55:03 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 09:55:03 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 09:55:03 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 09:55:04 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 09:55:04 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 09:55:04 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 09:55:04 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 09:55:04 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 09:55:04 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 09:55:04 - Iteration took 27ms
[D] 09:55:04 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:55:04 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 09:55:05 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 09:55:05 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 09:55:05 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 09:55:05 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 09:55:05 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 09:55:05 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 09:55:05 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 09:55:06 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 09:55:06 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 09:55:06 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 09:55:06 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 09:55:06 - Iteration took 50ms
[N] 09:55:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1206,613 ; -3847,134 ; 29,13274 ; "None" to 1208,135 ; -3857,018 ; 29,13274 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:55:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999969y)
[D] 09:55:06 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:55:06 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 09:55:07 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 09:55:07 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 09:55:07 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 09:55:07 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 09:55:07 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 09:55:07 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 09:55:07 - Iteration took 29ms
[D] 09:55:07 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 09:55:07 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 09:55:08 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 09:55:08 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 09:55:08 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 09:55:08 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 09:55:08 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 09:55:08 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 09:55:09 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 09:55:09 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 09:55:09 - Iteration took 111ms
[D] 09:55:09 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 09:55:09 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 09:55:09 - Iteration took 158ms
[F] 09:55:10 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 09:55:10 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 09:55:10 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 09:55:10 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 09:55:10 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 09:55:10 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 09:55:10 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 09:55:10 - [Fight] BlackList Sunscale Screecher during 60 sec
09:55:10 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Savannah Prowler (lvl 14)
[F] 09:55:10 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 09:55:11 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 09:55:11 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 09:55:11 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 09:55:11 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 09:55:11 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 09:55:11 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 09:55:12 - Iteration took 62ms
[D] 09:55:12 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:55:12 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 09:55:12 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 09:55:12 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 09:55:12 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 09:55:12 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 09:55:13 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 09:55:13 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 09:55:13 - Iteration took 110ms
[F] 09:55:13 - Iteration took 87ms
[F] 09:55:13 - Iteration took 106ms
[F] 09:55:14 - Iteration took 105ms
[F] 09:55:14 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 09:55:14 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 09:55:14 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 09:55:14 - Iteration took 73ms
[D] 09:55:14 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 09:55:14 - Iteration took 28ms
[N] 09:55:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1207,789 ; -3853,015 ; 28,52926 ; "None" to 1215,343 ; -3859,568 ; 28,52926 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:55:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (33,86334y)
[F] 09:55:15 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 09:55:15 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 09:55:15 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 09:55:15 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 09:55:15 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 09:55:15 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 09:55:15 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 09:55:15 - Iteration took 24ms
[N] 09:55:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1212,199 ; -3857,191 ; 27,91285 ; "None" to 1219,638 ; -3863,695 ; 27,92363 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 09:55:16 - Iteration took 30ms
[N] 09:55:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,881319y)
[F] 09:55:16 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 09:55:16 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 09:55:16 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 09:55:16 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 09:55:16 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 09:55:17 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 09:55:17 - Iteration took 29ms
[D] 09:55:17 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 09:55:17 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 09:55:17 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 09:55:17 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 09:55:17 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 09:55:17 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 09:55:18 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 09:55:18 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 09:55:18 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 09:55:18 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 09:55:18 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 09:55:18 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 09:55:18 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 09:55:19 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 09:55:19 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 09:55:19 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 09:55:19 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 09:55:19 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 09:55:19 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 09:55:19 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 09:55:20 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 09:55:20 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 09:55:20 - Iteration took 81ms
[F] 09:55:20 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 09:55:20 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 09:55:20 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 09:55:21 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 09:55:21 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 09:55:21 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 09:55:21 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 09:55:21 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 09:55:21 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 09:55:22 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 09:55:22 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 09:55:22 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 09:55:22 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 09:55:22 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 09:55:22 - Iteration took 82ms
[F] 09:55:22 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 09:55:23 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 09:55:23 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 09:55:23 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 09:55:23 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 09:55:23 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 09:55:23 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 09:55:24 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 09:55:24 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 09:55:24 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 09:55:24 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 09:55:24 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 09:55:24 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 09:55:25 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 09:55:25 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 09:55:25 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 09:55:25 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 09:55:25 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 09:55:25 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 09:55:25 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 09:55:26 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 09:55:26 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 09:55:26 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 09:55:26 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 09:55:26 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 09:55:26 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 09:55:27 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 09:55:27 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 09:55:27 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 09:55:27 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 09:55:27 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 09:55:27 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 09:55:28 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 09:55:28 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 09:55:28 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 09:55:28 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 09:55:28 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 09:55:28 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 09:55:29 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 09:55:29 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 09:55:29 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 09:55:29 - Iteration took 68ms
[D] 09:55:29 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 09:55:29 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 09:55:29 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 09:55:29 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 09:55:30 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 09:55:30 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 09:55:30 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 09:55:30 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 09:55:30 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 09:55:30 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 09:55:30 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 09:55:31 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 09:55:31 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 09:55:31 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 09:55:31 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 09:55:31 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 09:55:31 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 09:55:32 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 09:55:32 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 09:55:32 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 09:55:32 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 09:55:32 - Iteration took 74ms
[D] 09:55:32 - [Fight] Fight stopped
09:55:32 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[N] 09:55:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -592,6014 ; -2523,492 ; 91,78803 ; "None" to 1215,03 ; -3859,332 ; 27,64311 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:55:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 31 (2446,202y)
[D] 10:00:13 - [Resurrect] 2 hostile(s) npc(s) near character, try to found best location to retrieve corpse.
[N] 10:00:13 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1215,03 ; -3859,332 ; 27,64311 ; "None" strict = True
[N] 10:00:14 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 28,12403
[N] 10:00:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1195,562 ; -3826,014 ; 28,25828 ; "None" to 1215,03 ; -3859,332 ; 28,12403 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:00:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (38,5891y)
[F] 10:00:18 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Arcane Intellect (Arcane Intellect)
10:00:19 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
10:00:19 - [Regen] Started
10:00:21 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
10:00:22 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:00:38 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 10:00:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1213,632 ; -3856,937 ; 27,93977 ; "None" to 902,4057 ; -3914,26 ; 20,65321 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:00:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (318,0296y)
10:00:38 - [Fight] Player Attack Elder Mottled Boar (lvl 9)
[F] 10:00:38 - Iteration took 22ms
[N] 10:00:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1211,892 ; -3857,929 ; 27,81951 ; "None" to 1138,761 ; -3926,652 ; 18,7489 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:00:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (107,8853y)
[F] 10:00:39 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:00:39 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:00:39 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:00:39 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:00:39 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:00:39 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:00:39 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:00:39 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:00:40 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:00:40 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:00:40 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:00:40 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 10:00:40 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:00:40 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:00:40 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 10:00:40 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:00:41 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:00:41 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:00:41 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:00:41 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 10:00:41 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:00:41 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:00:41 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:00:41 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:00:42 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:00:42 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:00:42 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:00:42 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:00:42 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:00:42 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:00:42 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 10:00:42 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:00:42 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:00:43 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:00:43 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:00:43 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:00:43 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:00:43 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:00:43 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:00:43 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:00:43 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:00:44 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:00:44 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:00:44 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:00:44 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:00:44 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:00:44 - Iteration took 14ms
[D] 10:00:44 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[D] 10:00:44 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:00:44 - Iteration took 93ms
[D] 10:00:45 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:00:45 - Iteration took 94ms
[D] 10:00:45 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:00:45 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:00:45 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:00:45 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:00:45 - Iteration took 30ms
10:00:45 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 11)
[F] 10:00:45 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:00:45 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:00:46 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:00:46 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:00:46 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:00:46 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:00:46 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:00:46 - Iteration took 29ms
[D] 10:00:46 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 10:00:46 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 10:00:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:00:48 - Iteration took 1545ms
[D] 10:00:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:00:48 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:00:48 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 10:00:48 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:00:49 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:00:49 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:00:49 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:00:49 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:00:49 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:00:49 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:00:49 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:00:50 - Iteration took 36ms
[N] 10:00:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1195,324 ; -3891,221 ; 17,19396 ; "None" to 1185,339 ; -3890,689 ; 17,19396 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 10:00:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:00:50 - Iteration took 50ms
[N] 10:00:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999974y)
[F] 10:00:50 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:00:50 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:00:50 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:00:50 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:00:50 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:00:51 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:00:51 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 10:00:51 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:00:51 - Iteration took 152ms
[D] 10:00:51 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:00:51 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:00:51 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:00:51 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:00:52 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:00:52 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:00:52 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:00:52 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:00:52 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:00:52 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:00:52 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:00:53 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:00:53 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:00:53 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:00:53 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:00:53 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:00:53 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:00:53 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:00:54 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:00:54 - Iteration took 66ms
[D] 10:00:54 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:00:54 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:00:54 - Iteration took 37ms
[N] 10:00:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1188,91 ; -3891,105 ; 17,68709 ; "None" to 1178,91 ; -3891,107 ; 17,68709 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:00:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10y)
[F] 10:00:54 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:00:54 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 10:00:54 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 10:00:55 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:00:55 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:00:55 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:00:55 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:00:55 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:00:55 - Iteration took 18ms
[N] 10:00:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1182,707 ; -3891,359 ; 17,71547 ; "None" to 1172,877 ; -3892,38 ; 17,70963 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:00:55 - Iteration took 13ms
[N] 10:00:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,882768y)
[F] 10:00:55 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:00:55 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:00:56 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:00:56 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:00:56 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:00:56 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:00:56 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:00:56 - Iteration took 12ms
[D] 10:00:56 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:00:56 - Iteration took 25ms
[D] 10:00:56 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:00:56 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:00:57 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:00:57 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:00:57 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:00:57 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:00:57 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:00:57 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:00:57 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:00:58 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 10:00:58 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:00:58 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:00:58 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:00:58 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:00:58 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 10:00:58 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:00:58 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:00:58 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:00:59 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:00:59 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:00:59 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:00:59 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:00:59 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:00:59 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:00:59 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:01:00 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:01:00 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:01:00 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 10:01:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:01:00 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:01:00 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:01:00 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:01:00 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:01:01 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:01:01 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:01:01 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:01:01 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:01:01 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:01:01 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:01:01 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:01:01 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:01:02 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:01:02 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:01:02 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:01:02 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:01:02 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 10:01:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:01:02 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:01:02 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:01:03 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:01:03 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:01:03 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:01:03 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:01:03 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:01:03 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:01:03 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:01:04 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:01:04 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:01:04 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:01:04 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:01:04 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:01:04 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:01:04 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:01:05 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:01:05 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:01:05 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:01:05 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:01:05 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:01:05 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 10:01:05 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:01:05 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:01:06 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:01:06 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:01:06 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:01:06 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:01:06 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:01:06 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:01:07 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:01:07 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:01:07 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:01:07 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:01:07 - Iteration took 68ms
[D] 10:01:07 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:01:07 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:01:07 - Iteration took 66ms
10:01:09 - [Regen] Started
10:01:10 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
10:01:12 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
[D] 10:01:13 - [iEquip] acknowledging item "Native Cloak" id 14098 with a value of 15 and armor value of 10
10:01:13 - Name: Native Cloak ID: 14098
10:01:14 - [iEquip] equipping "Native Cloak" id 14098 value 15
10:01:29 - [Regen] Finished
10:01:30 - [Fight] Player Attack Elder Mottled Boar (lvl 9)
[F] 10:01:30 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:01:30 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 10:01:30 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:01:30 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:01:31 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:01:31 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:01:31 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:01:31 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:01:31 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:01:31 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:01:31 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:01:31 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:01:31 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:01:32 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:01:32 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:01:32 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:01:32 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:01:32 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:01:32 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:01:32 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:01:32 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:01:33 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:01:33 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:01:33 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:01:33 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:01:33 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:01:33 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:01:33 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:01:33 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:01:34 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:01:34 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:01:34 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:01:34 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:01:34 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:01:34 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:01:34 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:01:35 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:01:35 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:01:35 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:01:35 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:01:35 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:01:35 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:01:35 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:01:35 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:01:36 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:01:36 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:01:36 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:01:36 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:01:36 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:01:36 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:01:36 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:01:37 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:01:37 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:01:37 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 10:01:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:01:37 - Iteration took 100ms
[D] 10:01:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:01:37 - Iteration took 97ms
[D] 10:01:37 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
10:01:38 - [Fight] Can't reach Elder Mottled Boar, blacklisting it.
10:01:38 - [Fight] Player Attack Venomtail Scorpid (lvl 9)
[N] 10:01:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1158,119 ; -3909,605 ; 16,06001 ; "Swimming" to 1093,933 ; -3978,886 ; 20,5579 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:01:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (94,55121y)
[D] 10:01:39 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:01:39 - Iteration took 103ms
[D] 10:01:39 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:01:39 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:01:39 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:01:39 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:01:39 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:01:40 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:01:40 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:01:40 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:01:40 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:01:40 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:01:40 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:01:40 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:01:41 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:01:41 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:01:41 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 10:01:41 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:01:41 - Iteration took 104ms
[D] 10:01:41 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:01:41 - Iteration took 96ms
[D] 10:01:41 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:01:41 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:01:42 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:01:42 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:01:42 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 10:01:42 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[F] 10:01:42 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:01:42 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:01:42 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:01:42 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:01:42 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:01:43 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:01:43 - Iteration took 31ms
10:01:43 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Elder Mottled Boar (lvl 9)
[F] 10:01:43 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:01:43 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:01:43 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 10:01:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:01:43 - Iteration took 96ms
[D] 10:01:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:01:43 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:01:44 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:01:44 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:01:44 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:01:44 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:01:44 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:01:44 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:01:44 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:01:45 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 10:01:45 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:01:45 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:01:45 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:01:45 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 10:01:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:01:45 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:01:45 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:01:46 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:01:46 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:01:46 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:01:46 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:01:46 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:01:46 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:01:46 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:01:47 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:01:47 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:01:47 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:01:47 - Iteration took 35ms
[D] 10:01:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:01:47 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:01:47 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:01:47 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:01:48 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:01:48 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:01:48 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:01:48 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:01:48 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:01:48 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:01:48 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:01:49 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:01:49 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:01:49 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 10:01:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:01:49 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:01:49 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:01:49 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:01:49 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:01:50 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:01:50 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:01:50 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:01:50 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:01:50 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:01:50 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:01:50 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:01:50 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:01:51 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 10:01:51 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:01:51 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:01:51 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:01:51 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:01:51 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:01:51 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:01:52 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:01:52 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:01:52 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:01:52 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:01:52 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:01:52 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:01:52 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:01:52 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 10:01:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:01:53 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:01:53 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:01:53 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:01:53 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:01:53 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:01:53 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:01:53 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:01:54 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:01:54 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:01:54 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:01:54 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:01:54 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:01:54 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 10:01:54 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:01:54 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:01:55 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:01:55 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:01:55 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:01:55 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:01:55 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:01:55 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:01:55 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:01:56 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:01:56 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:01:56 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:01:56 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:01:56 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:01:56 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:01:56 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:01:57 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:01:57 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:01:57 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:01:57 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:01:57 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:01:57 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:01:58 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:01:58 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:01:58 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:01:58 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:01:58 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:01:58 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:01:58 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:01:59 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:01:59 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:01:59 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:01:59 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:01:59 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:01:59 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:00 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:00 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:00 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:00 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:00 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:02:00 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:00 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:01 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:02:01 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:01 - Iteration took 85ms
[F] 10:02:01 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:01 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:01 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:01 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:02:02 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:02 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:02:02 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:02:02 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:02 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:02 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:03 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:02:03 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:02:03 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:03 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:03 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:03 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:03 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:04 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:02:04 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:04 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:04 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:04 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:02:04 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:04 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:05 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:05 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:05 - Iteration took 60ms
[D] 10:02:05 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:02:05 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:02:05 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:02:05 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:02:05 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:02:06 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:02:06 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:06 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:06 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:02:06 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:02:06 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:02:06 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:02:07 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:02:07 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:02:07 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:07 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:07 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:07 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:07 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:08 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:02:08 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:02:08 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:08 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:08 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:08 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:02:09 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:09 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:09 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:09 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:09 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:09 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:09 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:10 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:10 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:02:10 - Iteration took 77ms
[F] 10:02:10 - Iteration took 89ms
[F] 10:02:10 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:02:10 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:11 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:11 - Iteration took 93ms
[F] 10:02:11 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 10:02:11 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:02:11 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:02:11 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:12 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:02:12 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:02:12 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:12 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:12 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:12 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:12 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:13 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:13 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:02:13 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:02:13 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:02:13 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:13 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:02:13 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:02:14 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:14 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:14 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:14 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:14 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:14 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:02:15 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:15 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:15 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:02:15 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:15 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:15 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:15 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:16 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:16 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:02:16 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:02:16 - Iteration took 81ms
[F] 10:02:16 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:02:16 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:02:17 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:17 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:17 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 10:02:17 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:02:17 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:02:17 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:02:17 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:02:17 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:02:18 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:02:18 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:02:18 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:02:18 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:02:18 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 10:02:18 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:02:18 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:02:18 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:02:19 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:19 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:02:19 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:02:19 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:02:19 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:19 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:02:20 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:20 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:02:20 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:20 - Iteration took 78ms
[F] 10:02:20 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:20 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:21 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:21 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:21 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:21 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:21 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:21 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:21 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:02:22 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:02:22 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:22 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:22 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:02:22 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:02:22 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:22 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:23 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:23 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:23 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:23 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:02:23 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:23 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:02:24 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:02:24 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:24 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:02:24 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:02:24 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:02:24 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:02:24 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:25 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:02:25 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:02:25 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:02:25 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:25 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:02:25 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:02:25 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:26 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:02:26 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:02:26 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:26 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:26 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:26 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:27 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:27 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:27 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:02:27 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:27 - Iteration took 87ms
[F] 10:02:27 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:02:27 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:28 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:28 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:28 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:02:28 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:02:28 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:02:28 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:02:29 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:02:29 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:29 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 10:02:29 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:02:29 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:02:29 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:02:29 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:02:29 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:02:30 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:02:30 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:02:30 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:02:30 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:02:30 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:30 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:02:30 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:30 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:02:31 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:31 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:02:31 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:31 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:31 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:31 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:02:32 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:02:32 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:02:32 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:32 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:32 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:02:32 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:32 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:33 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:33 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:33 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:33 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:33 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:33 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:02:33 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:02:34 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:34 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:34 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:34 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:34 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:34 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:35 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:35 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:35 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:35 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:35 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:35 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:35 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:36 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:36 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:36 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:36 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:36 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:36 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:36 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:37 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:02:37 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:37 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:02:37 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:37 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:02:37 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:02:38 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:02:38 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:38 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:38 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:38 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:02:38 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:38 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:39 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:39 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:39 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:39 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:39 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:39 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:40 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:40 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:40 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:02:40 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:40 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:40 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:40 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:41 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:41 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:41 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 10:02:41 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:02:41 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:02:41 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:02:41 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:02:41 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:02:42 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:02:42 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:42 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:02:42 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:02:42 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:02:42 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:02:42 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:02:43 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:02:43 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:02:43 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:43 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:02:43 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:43 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:02:43 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:44 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:02:44 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:44 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:44 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:44 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:44 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:44 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:45 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:45 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:45 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:45 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:02:45 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:02:45 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:46 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:46 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:46 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:46 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:46 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:46 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:02:46 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:47 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:47 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:47 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:47 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:47 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:47 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:47 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:48 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:48 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:48 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:48 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:48 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:02:48 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:02:49 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:49 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:49 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:49 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:49 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:49 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:49 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:50 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:02:50 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:02:50 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:50 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:50 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:02:50 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:51 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:51 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:51 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:51 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:02:51 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:02:51 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:51 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:02:52 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:52 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:52 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:52 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:52 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:02:52 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:02:52 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:02:53 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:53 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:53 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 10:02:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:02:53 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:53 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:02:53 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:02:54 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:02:54 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:02:54 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:02:54 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:02:54 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:02:54 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:02:54 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:02:54 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 10:02:55 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:02:55 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:55 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:02:55 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:02:55 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:55 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:02:56 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:02:56 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:02:56 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:56 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:56 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:56 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:56 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:57 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:57 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:57 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:57 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:57 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:02:57 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:57 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:58 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:02:58 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:02:58 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:02:58 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:02:58 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:58 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:59 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:02:59 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:02:59 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:02:59 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:02:59 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:02:59 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:02:59 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:00 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:00 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:00 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:00 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:00 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:00 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:00 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:01 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:01 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:03:01 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:03:01 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:03:01 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:03:01 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:03:02 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:03:02 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:03:02 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:02 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:02 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:02 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:03:02 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:03 - Iteration took 87ms
[F] 10:03:03 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:03:03 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:03 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:03:03 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:03:03 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:04 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:04 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:03:04 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:03:04 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:04 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:04 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:04 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:05 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:05 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:05 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 10:03:05 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:03:05 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:03:05 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:03:05 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:03:05 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:03:06 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:03:06 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:03:06 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:03:06 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:03:06 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:03:06 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:03:06 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:03:07 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:03:07 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:03:07 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:07 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:03:07 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:07 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:03:07 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:08 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:03:08 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:03:08 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:03:08 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:03:08 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:03:08 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:08 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:09 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:09 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:09 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:03:09 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:09 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:03:09 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:10 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:03:10 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:10 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:03:10 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:10 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:03:10 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:03:10 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:11 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:11 - Iteration took 87ms
[F] 10:03:11 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:11 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:03:11 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:11 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:03:12 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:03:12 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:12 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:03:12 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:03:12 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:12 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:12 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:03:13 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:13 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:13 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:13 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:13 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:13 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:13 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:03:14 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:14 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 10:03:14 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:14 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:14 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:03:14 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:03:15 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:15 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:15 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:15 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:03:15 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:03:15 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:15 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:16 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:03:16 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:16 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:03:16 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:03:16 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:16 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:16 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:03:17 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:17 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:03:17 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 10:03:17 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:03:17 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:03:17 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:03:17 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:03:17 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:03:18 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:03:18 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:03:18 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:03:18 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:03:18 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:18 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:03:18 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:03:19 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:19 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:03:19 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:19 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:19 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:19 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:20 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:03:20 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:20 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:20 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:03:20 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:03:20 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:03:20 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:21 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:03:21 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:03:21 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 10:03:21 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:21 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:21 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:21 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:22 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:22 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:22 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:22 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:03:22 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 10:03:22 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:03:23 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:23 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:03:23 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:23 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:23 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:23 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:23 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:24 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:24 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:03:24 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:03:24 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:03:24 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:24 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:25 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:25 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:25 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:25 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:03:25 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:03:25 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:03:25 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:26 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:26 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:26 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:03:26 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:03:26 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:03:26 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:03:26 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:27 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:27 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:03:27 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:03:27 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:27 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:03:27 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:28 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:03:28 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:03:28 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:28 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:03:28 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:03:28 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:28 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:03:29 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:29 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:29 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 10:03:29 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:03:29 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:03:29 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:03:29 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:03:29 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:03:30 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:03:30 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:03:30 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:03:30 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:03:30 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:03:30 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:03:30 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:03:31 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:03:31 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:31 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:31 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:31 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:03:31 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:31 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:03:32 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:32 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:32 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:32 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:32 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:32 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:33 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:33 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:33 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:33 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:03:33 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:03:33 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:33 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:03:34 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:03:34 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:34 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:03:34 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:34 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:34 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:35 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:03:35 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:03:35 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:35 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:35 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:35 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:35 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:03:36 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:03:36 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:03:36 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:36 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:36 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:36 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:36 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:37 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:37 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:03:37 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:03:37 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:03:37 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:03:37 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:03:38 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:38 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:38 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:38 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:38 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 10:03:38 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:03:38 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:39 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:03:39 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:39 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:39 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:39 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:39 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:39 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:40 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:03:40 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:03:40 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:03:40 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:03:40 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:40 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:03:41 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:03:41 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:41 - Iteration took 53ms
[D] 10:03:41 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:03:41 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:03:41 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:03:41 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:03:41 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:03:42 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:03:42 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:03:42 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:03:42 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:03:42 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:03:42 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:03:42 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:43 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:03:43 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:43 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:43 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:43 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:43 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:03:43 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:03:44 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:03:44 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:03:44 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:44 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:44 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:44 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:44 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:45 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:45 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:45 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:45 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:03:45 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:03:45 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:46 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:46 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:46 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:03:46 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:46 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:03:46 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:46 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:47 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:03:47 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:03:47 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:03:47 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:03:47 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:47 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:03:47 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:48 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:48 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:03:48 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:03:48 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:48 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:48 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:49 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:03:49 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:49 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 10:03:49 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 10:03:49 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:03:49 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:49 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:03:49 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:03:50 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:50 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:03:50 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:50 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:50 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:03:50 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:03:50 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:51 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:51 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:51 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:03:51 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:03:51 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:51 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:52 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:52 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:52 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:52 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:52 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:52 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:03:52 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:03:53 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:53 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:03:53 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:03:53 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:53 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:53 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:03:54 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:54 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:54 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:03:54 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:54 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:54 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:54 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:55 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:55 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:55 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:03:55 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:03:55 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:03:55 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:03:55 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:56 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:03:56 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:56 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:03:56 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:03:56 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:56 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:03:57 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:03:57 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:03:57 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:57 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:03:57 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:03:57 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:03:57 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:03:58 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:03:58 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:58 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:03:58 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:03:58 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:03:58 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 10:03:59 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:03:59 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:03:59 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 10:03:59 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:03:59 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:03:59 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:03:59 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:03:59 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:04:00 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:04:00 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:00 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:00 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:04:00 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 10:04:00 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 10:04:00 - [Fight] BlackList Elder Mottled Boar during 60 sec
10:04:00 - [Regen] Started
[F] 10:04:02 - Iteration took 53ms
10:04:02 - [Regen] Finished
[F] 10:04:02 - Iteration took 52ms
10:04:02 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Elder Mottled Boar (lvl 9)
[F] 10:04:02 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:02 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:02 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:02 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:04:03 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:04:03 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:03 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:03 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:04:03 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:04:03 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:04:04 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:04 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:04:04 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:04 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:04 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:04 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:04:04 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:04:05 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:05 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:04:05 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:04:05 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:05 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:04:05 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:06 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:06 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:04:06 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:06 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:06 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:04:06 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:04:06 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:07 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:07 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:04:07 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:07 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:04:07 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:07 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:04:07 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:04:08 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:08 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:08 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:08 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:08 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:04:08 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:04:09 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 10:04:09 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:04:09 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:09 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:04:09 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:04:09 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:04:09 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:10 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:04:10 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:04:10 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:04:10 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:04:10 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:04:10 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:10 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:04:11 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:04:11 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:11 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 10:04:11 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:04:11 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:04:11 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:04:11 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:11 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:04:12 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:04:12 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:04:12 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:04:12 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:04:12 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:04:12 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:04:12 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:04:13 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:04:13 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:13 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 10:04:13 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:04:13 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:04:13 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:14 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:14 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:14 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:14 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:04:14 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:14 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:14 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:04:15 - Iteration took 86ms
[F] 10:04:15 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:04:15 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:04:15 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:04:15 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:04:15 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:04:16 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:16 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:04:16 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:04:16 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:04:16 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:04:16 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:04:17 - Iteration took 93ms
[F] 10:04:17 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:04:17 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:04:17 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:04:17 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:04:17 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:17 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:04:18 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:04:18 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:04:18 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:04:18 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:04:18 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:04:18 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:04:19 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:19 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:19 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:04:19 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:04:19 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:04:19 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:04:19 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:04:20 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:04:20 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:04:20 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:04:20 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:04:20 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:20 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:21 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:04:21 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 10:04:21 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:21 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:21 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:04:21 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:21 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:04:22 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:22 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:04:22 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:04:22 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:04:22 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:04:22 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:04:23 - Iteration took 86ms
[F] 10:04:23 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:04:23 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 10:04:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:04:23 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:23 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:04:23 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:23 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:04:24 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:24 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:04:24 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:04:24 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:04:24 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:04:24 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:04:24 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:25 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:04:25 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:25 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:04:25 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:25 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 10:04:25 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:04:26 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:26 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:04:26 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 10:04:26 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:04:26 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:04:26 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:04:27 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:27 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:27 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:04:27 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:04:27 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:04:27 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:04:27 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:04:28 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:04:28 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:04:28 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:04:28 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:28 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:04:28 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:29 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:04:29 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:29 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:29 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:04:29 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:29 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:29 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:30 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:04:30 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:04:30 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:30 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:04:30 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:30 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:30 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:31 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:31 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:31 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:31 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:04:31 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:31 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:32 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:04:32 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:04:32 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:32 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:04:32 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:32 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:32 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:04:33 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:04:33 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:04:33 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:33 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:33 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:33 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:33 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:04:34 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:04:34 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:04:34 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:34 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:34 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:04:34 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:35 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:35 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:04:35 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 10:04:35 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:04:35 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:04:35 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:04:35 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:04:35 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:04:36 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:04:36 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:04:36 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:04:36 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:04:36 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:04:36 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:04:36 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:04:36 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:04:37 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:04:37 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:37 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:04:37 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:37 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:37 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:37 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:38 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:04:38 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:38 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:04:38 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:38 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:38 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:39 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:39 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:04:39 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:39 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:04:39 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:39 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:39 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:40 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:40 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:40 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 10:04:40 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:04:40 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:40 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:40 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:41 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:04:41 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:41 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:41 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:41 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:04:41 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:42 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:42 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:04:42 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:42 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:04:42 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:42 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:04:42 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:43 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:04:43 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:43 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:43 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:04:43 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:43 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:44 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:04:44 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:04:44 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:04:44 - Iteration took 86ms
[F] 10:04:44 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:04:44 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:44 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:45 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:45 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:04:45 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:04:45 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:45 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:45 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:46 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 10:04:46 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:04:46 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:04:46 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:04:46 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:46 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:46 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:04:47 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:04:47 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:47 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 10:04:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:04:47 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:04:47 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:04:47 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:04:47 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:04:48 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:04:48 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:48 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:04:48 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:48 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:04:48 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:04:49 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:04:49 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:04:49 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:04:49 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:49 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:04:49 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:04:49 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:50 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:50 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:04:50 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:50 - Iteration took 100ms
[F] 10:04:50 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:50 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:51 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:04:51 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:51 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:04:51 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:04:51 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:04:51 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:51 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:52 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:52 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:04:52 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:04:52 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:04:52 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:04:52 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:52 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:53 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:53 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:53 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:53 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:53 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:04:53 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:54 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:54 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:04:54 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:54 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:04:54 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:04:54 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:54 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:55 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:55 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:55 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:04:55 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:04:55 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:04:55 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:04:55 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:04:56 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:04:56 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:56 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:04:56 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:56 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:56 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:04:57 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:04:57 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:04:57 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:04:57 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:57 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:04:57 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:04:57 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:58 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:04:58 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:58 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:58 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:04:58 - Iteration took 89ms
[F] 10:04:58 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:04:59 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:04:59 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:04:59 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 10:04:59 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:04:59 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:04:59 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:04:59 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:04:59 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:05:00 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:05:00 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:05:00 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:05:00 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:05:00 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:05:00 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:00 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:05:01 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:05:01 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:01 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:05:01 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:05:01 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 10:05:01 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:05:01 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:05:02 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:02 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:05:02 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:05:02 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:05:02 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:05:02 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:05:03 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:05:03 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:05:03 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:05:03 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:03 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:03 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:03 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:04 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:04 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:04 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:04 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:05:04 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:05:04 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:05:04 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:05 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:05:05 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:05 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:05 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:05:05 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:05 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:06 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:05:06 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:05:06 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:05:06 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:05:06 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:05:06 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:06 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:05:07 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:05:07 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:05:07 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:07 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:07 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:07 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 10:05:08 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:08 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:05:08 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:05:08 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:08 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:08 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:05:08 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:05:09 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:05:09 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:09 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:09 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:09 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 10:05:09 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:09 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:10 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:10 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:05:10 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:10 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:05:10 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:05:10 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:11 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:11 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:11 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 10:05:11 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:05:11 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:05:11 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:05:11 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:05:11 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:05:12 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:12 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:05:12 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:05:12 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:05:12 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:05:12 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:05:12 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:05:13 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:13 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:13 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:05:13 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:13 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:05:13 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:05:13 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:05:14 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:14 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:05:14 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:14 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:05:14 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:05:14 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:05:15 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:05:15 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:05:15 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:15 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:15 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:15 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:05:15 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:05:16 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:16 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:16 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:16 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:16 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:05:16 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:05:16 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:05:17 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:05:17 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:17 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:05:17 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:17 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:05:17 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:18 - Iteration took 93ms
[F] 10:05:18 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:05:18 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:05:18 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:18 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:05:18 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:05:18 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:19 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:19 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:05:19 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:19 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:19 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:05:19 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:20 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:05:20 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:05:20 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:05:20 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:05:20 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:05:20 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:20 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:05:21 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:05:21 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:05:21 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:05:21 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:21 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:05:21 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:05:21 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:22 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:22 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:22 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:05:22 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:05:22 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:05:22 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:05:23 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:05:23 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:05:23 - Iteration took 115ms
[D] 10:05:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:05:23 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:05:23 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:05:23 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:05:23 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:05:24 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:24 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:05:24 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:05:24 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:05:24 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:05:24 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:05:24 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:25 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:25 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:25 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:25 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:25 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:25 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:05:26 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:05:26 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:05:26 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:26 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:26 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:05:26 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:26 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:05:27 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:05:27 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:27 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:05:27 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:27 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:27 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:27 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:05:28 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:05:28 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:28 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:05:28 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:28 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:28 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:05:29 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:05:29 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:05:29 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:29 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:29 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:29 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:05:29 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:05:30 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:30 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:30 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:05:30 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:30 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:05:30 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:31 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:31 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:05:31 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:05:31 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:05:31 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:05:31 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:05:31 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:05:32 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:05:32 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:32 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:05:32 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:32 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:32 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:05:32 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:33 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:33 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:33 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:05:33 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:05:33 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:33 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:34 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:34 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:05:34 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:34 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:05:34 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:05:34 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:34 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:35 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:35 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:35 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 10:05:35 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:05:35 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:05:35 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:05:35 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:05:35 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:05:36 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:05:36 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:36 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:36 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:05:36 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:05:36 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:05:36 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:05:37 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:05:37 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:05:37 - Iteration took 88ms
[F] 10:05:37 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:37 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:37 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:37 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:38 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:05:38 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:38 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:38 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:05:38 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:05:38 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:39 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 10:05:39 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:39 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:05:39 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:05:39 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:05:39 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:39 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:40 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:05:40 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:05:40 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:05:40 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:05:40 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:05:40 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:41 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:41 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:05:41 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:05:41 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:05:41 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 10:05:41 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:05:42 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:42 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:05:42 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:42 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:42 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:05:42 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:05:42 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:05:43 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:05:43 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:05:43 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:43 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:43 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:05:43 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:05:43 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:44 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:05:44 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:05:44 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:05:44 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:05:44 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:44 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:45 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:05:45 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:05:45 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:05:45 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:05:45 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:05:45 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:45 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:05:46 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:05:46 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:46 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:46 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:46 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:46 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:05:46 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:47 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:47 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:47 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 10:05:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:05:47 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:05:47 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:47 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:05:47 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:05:48 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:05:48 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:05:48 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:05:48 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:05:48 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:05:48 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:05:48 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:05:49 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:49 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:05:49 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:05:49 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:05:49 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:05:49 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:05:50 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:50 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:05:50 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:50 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:05:50 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:50 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:05:50 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:05:51 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:05:51 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:05:51 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:05:51 - Iteration took 87ms
[F] 10:05:51 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:51 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:52 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:52 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:52 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:05:52 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:05:52 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:05:52 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:52 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:53 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:53 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:53 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:05:53 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 10:05:53 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:05:53 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:05:54 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:05:54 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:54 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:05:54 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:54 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 10:05:54 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:05:54 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:55 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:05:55 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:55 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:55 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:55 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:55 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:56 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:05:56 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:05:56 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:56 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:56 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:05:56 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:05:56 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:05:57 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:05:57 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:05:57 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:05:57 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:05:57 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:05:57 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:05:57 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:05:58 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:05:58 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:05:58 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:05:58 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:05:58 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 10:05:58 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:05:59 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:05:59 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:05:59 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 10:05:59 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:05:59 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:05:59 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:05:59 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:05:59 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:05:59 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:06:00 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:06:00 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:06:00 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:06:00 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:06:00 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:06:00 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:06:00 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:06:01 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:01 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:06:01 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:06:01 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:06:01 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:06:01 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:06:02 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:06:02 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:06:02 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:06:02 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:06:02 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:02 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:06:02 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:06:03 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:03 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:03 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:06:03 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:03 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:06:03 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:04 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:04 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:06:04 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:04 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:04 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:06:04 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:06:04 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:06:05 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:06:05 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:05 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:06:05 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:06:05 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:05 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:05 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:06:06 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:06 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:06:06 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:06 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:06 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 10:06:06 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:07 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:06:07 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:06:07 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:07 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:07 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:07 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:07 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:06:08 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:06:08 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:06:08 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:06:08 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:08 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:08 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:08 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:09 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:09 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:06:09 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:06:09 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:06:09 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:09 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:10 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:06:10 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:10 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:10 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:10 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:10 - Iteration took 110ms
[F] 10:06:11 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:11 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:06:11 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 10:06:11 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:06:11 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:06:11 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:06:11 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:11 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:06:12 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:06:12 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:06:12 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:06:12 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:06:12 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:12 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:06:12 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:06:13 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:06:13 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:06:13 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:06:13 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:13 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:06:13 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:06:13 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:06:14 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:14 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:06:14 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:14 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:06:14 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:14 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:06:14 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:06:15 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:15 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:06:15 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:15 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:15 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:06:15 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:16 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:06:16 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:06:16 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:06:16 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:16 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:06:16 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:06:16 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:17 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:06:17 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:17 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:06:17 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:06:17 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:06:17 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:06:17 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:18 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:06:18 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:18 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:06:18 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:06:18 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:18 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:06:19 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:19 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:19 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:06:19 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:06:19 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:06:19 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:19 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:20 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:20 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:06:20 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:06:20 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:06:20 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:20 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:20 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:21 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:21 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:06:21 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:06:21 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:06:21 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:06:21 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:22 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:06:22 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:06:22 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:06:22 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:06:22 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:22 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:22 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:06:23 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:23 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:23 - Iteration took 53ms
[D] 10:06:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:06:23 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:06:23 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 10:06:23 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:06:23 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:06:24 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:06:24 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:06:24 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:06:24 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:06:24 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:24 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:06:24 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:06:25 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:06:25 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:06:25 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:06:25 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:25 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:06:25 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:25 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:06:26 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:06:26 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:26 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:06:26 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:06:26 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:26 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:06:27 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:27 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:06:27 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:06:27 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:06:27 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:06:27 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:06:27 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:28 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:06:28 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:06:28 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:28 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:28 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:28 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:28 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:29 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:29 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:06:29 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:29 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:29 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:29 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:30 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:06:30 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:06:30 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:06:30 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:06:30 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:30 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:06:30 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:06:31 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:31 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:06:31 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:06:31 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:06:31 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:31 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:31 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:06:32 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:06:32 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:06:32 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:06:32 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:32 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:06:32 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:06:33 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:33 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:06:33 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:06:33 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:33 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:33 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:33 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:06:34 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:06:34 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:06:34 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:06:34 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:34 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 10:06:34 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:35 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:06:35 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:35 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 10:06:35 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:06:35 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:35 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:35 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:35 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:36 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:36 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:06:36 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:06:36 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:36 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:06:36 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:06:36 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:06:37 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:06:37 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:06:37 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:06:37 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:06:37 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:37 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:37 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:38 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:06:38 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:38 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:06:38 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:06:38 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:38 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:06:39 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:39 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:39 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:06:39 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:06:39 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:39 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:06:39 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 10:06:40 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:40 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:06:40 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:40 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:06:40 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:40 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:40 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:06:41 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:41 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:06:41 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:06:41 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:06:41 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:06:41 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:42 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:06:42 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:42 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:06:42 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:42 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:06:42 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:06:42 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:06:43 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:06:43 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:06:43 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:06:43 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:06:43 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:06:43 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:06:44 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:44 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:06:44 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:44 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:44 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 10:06:44 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:44 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:06:45 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:45 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:45 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 10:06:45 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:45 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:45 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:06:46 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:06:46 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:06:46 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:46 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:06:46 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:06:46 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:06:46 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:06:47 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:06:47 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:06:47 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 10:06:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:06:47 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:47 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:47 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:06:47 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:48 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:06:48 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:06:48 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:06:48 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:06:48 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:06:48 - Iteration took 116ms
[F] 10:06:48 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:06:49 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:06:49 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:49 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:06:49 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:06:49 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:06:49 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:06:50 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:06:50 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:06:50 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:06:50 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:06:50 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:50 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:50 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:51 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:06:51 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:06:51 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:51 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:51 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:06:51 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:52 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:52 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:06:52 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:06:52 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:52 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:52 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:52 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:06:53 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:06:53 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:06:53 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:06:53 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:53 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:06:53 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:06:53 - Iteration took 74ms
[F] 10:06:54 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:06:54 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:54 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:06:54 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:06:54 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:06:54 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:55 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:06:55 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:06:55 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 10:06:55 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 10:06:55 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:06:55 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:55 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:55 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:06:56 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:06:56 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:06:56 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:56 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 10:06:56 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:06:56 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:06:57 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:06:57 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:57 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:06:57 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:06:57 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:57 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:06:57 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:06:58 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:06:58 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:06:58 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:06:58 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:06:58 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:06:58 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:06:58 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:06:59 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:06:59 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:06:59 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:06:59 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:06:59 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:06:59 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:07:00 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:07:00 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:07:00 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:07:00 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:07:00 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:07:00 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:07:00 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:07:01 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 10:07:01 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:07:01 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:07:01 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:07:01 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:07:01 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:07:01 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:07:02 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:07:02 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:07:02 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:07:02 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:07:02 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:07:02 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:07:03 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:07:03 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:07:03 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:07:03 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:07:03 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:07:03 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:07:03 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:07:04 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:07:04 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:07:04 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:07:04 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:07:04 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:07:04 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:07:05 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:07:05 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:07:05 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:07:05 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 10:07:05 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:07:05 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:07:05 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:07:05 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:07:06 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:07:06 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:07:06 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:07:06 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:07:06 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:07:06 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:07:06 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:07:07 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:07:07 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:07:07 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:07:07 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:07:07 - Iteration took 78ms
[F] 10:07:07 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:07:07 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 10:07:08 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 10:07:08 - [Fight] BlackList Elder Mottled Boar during 60 sec
10:07:08 - [Regen] Started
10:07:09 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:07:27 - [Regen] Finished
10:07:27 - [Fight] Player Attack Venomtail Scorpid (lvl 9)
[N] 10:07:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1156,7 ; -3911,137 ; 16,17752 ; "None" to 1092,66 ; -3978,999 ; 21,00203 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:07:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (93,43309y)
[D] 10:07:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:07:28 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 10:07:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:07:28 - Iteration took 96ms
[D] 10:07:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:07:28 - Iteration took 92ms
[D] 10:07:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:07:28 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:07:28 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:07:28 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:07:29 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:07:29 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:07:29 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:07:29 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:07:29 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:07:29 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:07:29 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:07:29 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:07:30 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:07:30 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:07:30 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 10:07:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:07:30 - Iteration took 110ms
[D] 10:07:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:07:30 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:07:30 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:07:31 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:07:31 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:07:31 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 10:07:31 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[F] 10:07:31 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:07:31 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:07:31 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:07:31 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:07:32 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:07:32 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:07:32 - Iteration took 30ms
10:07:32 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Elder Mottled Boar (lvl 9)
[F] 10:07:32 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:07:32 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 10:07:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:07:32 - Iteration took 107ms
[D] 10:07:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:07:32 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:07:33 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:07:33 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:07:33 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:07:33 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:07:33 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:07:33 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:07:33 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:07:34 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:07:34 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:07:34 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:07:34 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:07:34 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 10:07:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:07:34 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:07:34 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:07:35 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:07:35 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:07:35 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:07:35 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:07:35 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:07:35 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:07:35 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:07:36 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:07:36 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:07:36 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:07:36 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:07:36 - Iteration took 59ms
[D] 10:07:36 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:07:36 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:07:37 - Iteration took 58ms
[N] 10:07:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1154,827 ; -3913,122 ; 16,47059 ; "None" to 1162,488 ; -3906,695 ; 16,47059 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:07:37 - Iteration took 23ms
[N] 10:07:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999966y)
[F] 10:07:37 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 10:07:37 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:07:37 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:07:37 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:07:37 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:07:37 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:07:37 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 10:07:38 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:07:38 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 10:07:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:07:38 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 10:07:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:07:38 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:07:38 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:07:38 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:07:38 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:07:39 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:07:39 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:07:39 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:07:39 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:07:39 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:07:39 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:07:39 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:07:40 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:07:40 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:07:40 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 10:07:40 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:07:40 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:07:40 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:07:40 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:07:40 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:07:40 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:07:41 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:07:41 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:07:41 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:07:41 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:07:41 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 10:07:41 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 10:07:41 - [Fight] BlackList Elder Mottled Boar during 60 sec
10:07:41 - [Fight] Player Attack Venomtail Scorpid (lvl 9)
[F] 10:07:41 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:07:42 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 10:07:42 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:07:42 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:07:42 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:07:42 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:07:42 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:07:42 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:07:42 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:07:43 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:07:43 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:07:43 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:07:43 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:07:43 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:07:43 - Iteration took 55ms
[D] 10:07:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:07:44 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:07:44 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:07:44 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:07:44 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:07:44 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:07:44 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:07:44 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:07:45 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:07:45 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:07:45 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:07:45 - Iteration took 95ms
[F] 10:07:45 - Iteration took 56ms
[D] 10:07:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:07:45 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:07:46 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:07:46 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:07:46 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:07:46 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:07:46 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:07:46 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:07:46 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:07:47 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:07:47 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:07:47 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:07:47 - Iteration took 57ms
[D] 10:07:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:07:47 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:07:47 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:07:48 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:07:48 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:07:48 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:07:48 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:07:48 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:07:48 - Iteration took 116ms
[F] 10:07:49 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:07:49 - Iteration took 77ms
[F] 10:07:49 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:07:49 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:07:49 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:07:49 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:07:49 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:07:50 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:07:50 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:07:50 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:07:50 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:07:50 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:07:50 - Iteration took 29ms
[N] 10:07:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1158,981 ; -3910,059 ; 16,05973 ; "Swimming" to 1096,506 ; -3975,446 ; 19,83199 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:07:50 - Iteration took 34ms
[N] 10:07:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (90,5136y)
[F] 10:07:51 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:07:51 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:07:51 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:07:51 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:07:51 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:07:51 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:07:51 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:07:51 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:07:52 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:07:52 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:07:52 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:07:52 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:07:52 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:07:52 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 10:07:52 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:07:53 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:07:53 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:07:53 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:07:53 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:07:53 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:07:53 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:07:53 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:07:53 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:07:54 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:07:54 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:07:54 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:07:54 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:07:54 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:07:54 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:07:54 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:07:55 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:07:55 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:07:55 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:07:55 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:07:55 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:07:55 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:07:55 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:07:55 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:07:56 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:07:56 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:07:56 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:07:56 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:07:56 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:07:56 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:07:56 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:07:57 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:07:57 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:07:57 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:07:57 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:07:57 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:07:57 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:07:57 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:07:58 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:07:58 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:07:58 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:07:58 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:07:58 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:07:58 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:07:58 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:07:58 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:07:59 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:07:59 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:07:59 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:07:59 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:07:59 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:07:59 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:07:59 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 10:08:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:08:00 - Iteration took 97ms
[D] 10:08:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:08:00 - Iteration took 99ms
[D] 10:08:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:08:00 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:08:00 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:08:00 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:08:00 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:08:01 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:08:01 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:08:01 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:08:01 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:08:01 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:08:01 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:08:01 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:08:02 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 10:08:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:08:02 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:08:02 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:08:02 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:08:02 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:08:02 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:08:02 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:08:03 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:03 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:08:03 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:08:03 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:08:03 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:08:03 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:08:04 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:08:04 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:08:04 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:08:04 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:04 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:08:04 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:08:04 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:08:05 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:08:05 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:08:05 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:08:05 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:08:05 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:08:05 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:08:05 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:08:06 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:06 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:08:06 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:08:06 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:08:06 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:08:06 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:08:07 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:08:07 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:07 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 10:08:07 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:08:07 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:08:07 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:08:07 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:07 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:08:08 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:08:08 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:08:08 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:08:08 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:08:08 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:08 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:08:08 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:08:09 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 10:08:09 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:08:09 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:08:09 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:08:09 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:08:09 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:08:09 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:08:10 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:08:10 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:08:10 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:08:10 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 10:08:10 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:08:10 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:08:10 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:08:11 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:08:11 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:08:11 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:11 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:08:11 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:08:11 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:08:11 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:08:12 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:08:12 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:08:12 - Iteration took 99ms
[F] 10:08:12 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:08:12 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:08:12 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:08:13 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:13 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:08:13 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:08:13 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:08:13 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:08:13 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:08:13 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:08:14 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:08:14 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:08:14 - Iteration took 84ms
[F] 10:08:14 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:08:14 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:14 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:08:15 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:08:15 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:08:15 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:08:15 - Iteration took 81ms
[F] 10:08:15 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:08:15 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:08:15 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:08:16 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:08:16 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:16 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:08:16 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:08:16 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:08:16 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:08:17 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:08:17 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:08:17 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:08:17 - Iteration took 98ms
[F] 10:08:17 - Iteration took 142ms
[F] 10:08:17 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:08:18 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:08:18 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:08:18 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:18 - Iteration took 135ms
[F] 10:08:18 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:08:18 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:08:19 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:08:19 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:08:19 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 10:08:19 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:08:19 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:08:19 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:08:19 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:08:19 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:08:20 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:08:20 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:08:20 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:08:20 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:08:20 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:08:20 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:08:20 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:08:21 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:08:21 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:08:21 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:08:21 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:08:21 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:08:21 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:08:21 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:08:22 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:08:22 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:08:22 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:08:22 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:08:22 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:08:22 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:08:22 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:08:23 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:08:23 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:08:23 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:08:23 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:08:23 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:08:23 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:23 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:08:24 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:08:24 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:08:24 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:08:24 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:08:24 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:08:24 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:08:24 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:25 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:08:25 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:08:25 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:08:25 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:08:25 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:08:25 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:25 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:08:26 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:08:26 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:08:26 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:08:26 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:08:26 - Iteration took 91ms
[F] 10:08:26 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:08:26 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:08:27 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:08:27 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:08:27 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:08:27 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:08:27 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:08:27 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:27 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:08:27 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:08:28 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:08:28 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:28 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:08:28 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:08:28 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:08:28 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:08:29 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:08:29 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:08:29 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:08:29 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:08:29 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:08:29 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:08:29 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:08:29 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:08:30 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:08:30 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:30 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:08:30 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:08:30 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:08:30 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:08:30 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:08:31 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:08:31 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:08:31 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 10:08:31 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:08:31 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:08:31 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:08:31 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:08:31 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:08:32 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:08:32 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:08:32 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:08:32 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:08:32 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:08:32 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:08:32 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:08:33 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:08:33 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:08:33 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:08:33 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:08:33 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:08:33 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:33 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:08:34 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:08:34 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:34 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:08:34 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:08:34 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:08:34 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:08:34 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:35 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:08:35 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:08:35 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:08:35 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:08:35 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:08:35 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:08:35 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:08:36 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:08:36 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:36 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:08:36 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:08:36 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:08:36 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:08:36 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:08:37 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:08:37 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:08:37 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:08:37 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:08:37 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:08:37 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:08:37 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:08:38 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:08:38 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:08:38 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:38 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:08:38 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:08:38 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:08:38 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:08:38 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:08:39 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:08:39 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:08:39 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:08:39 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:08:39 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:08:39 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:08:40 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:08:40 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:40 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:08:40 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:08:40 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:08:40 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:08:40 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:08:40 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:08:41 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:08:41 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:08:41 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:08:41 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:08:41 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:41 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:08:41 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:08:42 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:08:42 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:08:42 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:08:42 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:08:42 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:08:42 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:08:42 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:43 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:08:43 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:08:43 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 10:08:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:08:43 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:08:43 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:08:43 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:08:43 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:08:44 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:08:44 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:08:44 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:08:44 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:08:44 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:08:44 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:08:44 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:08:44 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:08:45 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:08:45 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:08:45 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:08:45 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:08:45 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:08:45 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:08:45 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:08:46 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:08:46 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:08:46 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:08:46 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:08:46 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:08:46 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:08:47 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:08:47 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:08:47 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:08:47 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:08:47 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:08:47 - Iteration took 74ms
[F] 10:08:48 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:08:48 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:08:48 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:08:48 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:08:48 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:08:48 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:08:49 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:08:49 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:08:49 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:08:49 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:08:49 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:08:49 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:08:49 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:08:50 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:08:50 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:08:50 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:08:50 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:08:50 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:08:50 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:08:50 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:08:51 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:08:51 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:08:51 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:08:51 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:08:51 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:08:51 - Iteration took 82ms
[F] 10:08:52 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:08:52 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:08:52 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:08:52 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:08:52 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:08:52 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:08:53 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:08:53 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:08:53 - Iteration took 61ms
[D] 10:08:53 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:08:53 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:08:53 - Iteration took 49ms
10:08:55 - [Regen] Started
10:08:57 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
10:08:58 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:09:16 - [Regen] Finished
10:09:16 - [Fight] Player Attack Elder Mottled Boar (lvl 9)
[N] 10:09:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1116,058 ; -3957,45 ; 17,25613 ; "None" to 1138,411 ; -3926,697 ; 18,81843 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:09:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (42,40427y)
[F] 10:09:16 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:09:16 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:09:16 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:09:16 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:09:17 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:09:17 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:09:17 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:09:17 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:09:17 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:09:17 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:09:17 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:09:17 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:09:18 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:09:18 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:09:18 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:09:18 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 10:09:18 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 10:09:18 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:09:18 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:09:18 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:09:19 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:09:19 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:09:19 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:09:19 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:09:19 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:09:19 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:09:19 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:09:19 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:09:19 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:09:20 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:09:20 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:09:20 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:09:20 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 10:09:20 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:09:20 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:09:20 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:09:20 - Iteration took 14ms
[D] 10:09:21 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:09:21 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:09:21 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:09:21 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:09:21 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:09:21 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:09:21 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:09:21 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:09:21 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:09:22 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:09:22 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:09:22 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:09:22 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:09:22 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 10:09:22 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:09:22 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:09:22 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:09:23 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:09:23 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:09:23 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:09:23 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:09:23 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:09:23 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:09:23 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:09:24 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:09:24 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:09:24 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:09:24 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 10:09:24 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:09:24 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:09:24 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:09:24 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:09:25 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:09:25 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:09:25 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:09:25 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:09:25 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:09:25 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:09:25 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:09:26 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:09:26 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:09:26 - Iteration took 88ms
[D] 10:09:26 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:09:26 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:09:26 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:09:26 - Iteration took 28ms
[N] 10:09:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1133,99 ; -3942,121 ; 20,29185 ; "None" to 1129,877 ; -3951,236 ; 20,29185 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:09:26 - Iteration took 32ms
[N] 10:09:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00001y)
[F] 10:09:27 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:09:27 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:09:27 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:09:27 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:09:27 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:09:27 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:09:27 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:09:27 - Iteration took 15ms
[N] 10:09:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1131,251 ; -3947,558 ; 17,68701 ; "None" to 1126,864 ; -3956,544 ; 17,68701 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:09:28 - Iteration took 19ms
[N] 10:09:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00008y)
[F] 10:09:28 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 10:09:28 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:09:28 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:09:28 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:09:28 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 10:09:28 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:09:28 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:09:28 - Iteration took 15ms
[N] 10:09:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1130,759 ; -3948,876 ; 16,42354 ; "None" to 1126,494 ; -3957,921 ; 16,42354 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:09:29 - Iteration took 16ms
[N] 10:09:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999892y)
[F] 10:09:29 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:09:29 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:09:29 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:09:29 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 10:09:29 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:09:29 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:09:29 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:09:30 - Iteration took 13ms
[D] 10:09:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:09:30 - Iteration took 97ms
[D] 10:09:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:09:30 - Iteration took 25ms
[D] 10:09:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:09:30 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:09:30 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:09:30 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:09:30 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:09:31 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:09:31 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:09:31 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:09:31 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:09:31 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:09:31 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:09:31 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:09:31 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:09:32 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:09:32 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 10:09:32 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:09:32 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:09:32 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:09:32 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:09:32 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:09:32 - Iteration took 25ms
10:09:35 - [Regen] Started
10:09:37 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:09:53 - [Regen] Finished
10:09:54 - [Looting] Loot Elder Mottled Boar
[N] 10:09:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1127,978 ; -3954,777 ; 14,53566 ; "None" to 1134,183 ; -3941,572 ; 20,44316 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:09:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,74154y)
10:09:58 - [Fight] Player Attack Bloodtalon Scythemaw (lvl 8)
[N] 10:09:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1132,452 ; -3945,261 ; 19,37189 ; "None" to 1135,279 ; -4027,607 ; 14,43763 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:09:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (82,54184y)
[F] 10:09:59 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:09:59 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:09:59 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:09:59 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:09:59 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:09:59 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:09:59 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:10:00 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:10:00 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:10:00 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:10:00 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:10:00 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:10:00 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:10:00 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:10:00 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:10:01 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:10:01 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 10:10:01 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:10:01 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:10:01 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:10:01 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:10:01 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:10:01 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 10:10:01 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:10:02 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 10:10:02 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:10:02 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:10:02 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:10:02 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:10:02 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:10:02 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:10:02 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:10:03 - Iteration took 14ms
[D] 10:10:03 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 10:10:03 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:10:03 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:10:03 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:10:03 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:10:03 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:10:03 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:10:03 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:10:04 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:10:04 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:10:04 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:10:04 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:04 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:04 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:10:04 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:05 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:10:05 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:10:05 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:10:05 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:10:05 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:10:05 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:10:05 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:06 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:10:06 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:10:06 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:10:06 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:10:06 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:06 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:10:06 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:06 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:10:07 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:07 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:10:07 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:10:07 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:10:07 - Iteration took 29ms
[D] 10:10:07 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:10:07 - Iteration took 95ms
[D] 10:10:08 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:10:08 - Iteration took 101ms
[D] 10:10:08 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:10:08 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:10:08 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:10:08 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:10:08 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:10:08 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:10:08 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:10:08 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:10:09 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:10:09 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:10:09 - Iteration took 302ms
[F] 10:10:09 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:10:09 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:10:10 - Iteration took 28ms
[D] 10:10:10 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 10:10:10 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:10:10 - Iteration took 126ms
10:10:10 - [Fight] Can't reach Bloodtalon Scythemaw, blacklisting it.
10:10:11 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Bloodtalon Scythemaw (lvl 8)
[D] 10:10:11 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:10:11 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 10:10:11 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 10:10:11 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:10:11 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:10:11 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:10:11 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:10:11 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:10:12 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:10:12 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:10:12 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:10:12 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:10:12 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 10:10:12 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:10:12 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:10:12 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:10:13 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:10:13 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:10:13 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:10:13 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:10:13 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:10:13 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:10:13 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:10:14 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:10:14 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:10:14 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 10:10:14 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:10:14 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:14 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:10:14 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:10:14 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:15 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:10:15 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:10:15 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:10:15 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:10:15 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:10:15 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:10:15 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:10:15 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:16 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:10:16 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:10:16 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:10:16 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:10:16 - Iteration took 205ms
[F] 10:10:16 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:10:17 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:10:17 - Iteration took 113ms
[D] 10:10:17 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:10:17 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:10:17 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:10:17 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:10:17 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:18 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:18 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:10:18 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:10:18 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 10:10:18 - Iteration took 140ms
[F] 10:10:18 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:10:19 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:10:19 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:10:19 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:10:19 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:10:19 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 10:10:19 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:10:19 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:10:19 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:10:20 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:10:20 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:10:20 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:10:20 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:10:20 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:10:20 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 10:10:21 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:10:21 - Iteration took 136ms
[F] 10:10:21 - Iteration took 326ms
[F] 10:10:21 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:10:22 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 10:10:22 - Iteration took 130ms
[F] 10:10:22 - Iteration took 80ms
10:10:23 - [Regen] Started
10:10:25 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
10:10:26 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
[F] 10:10:32 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:32 - Iteration took 33ms
10:10:33 - [Regen] Finished
[D] 10:10:33 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:10:33 - Iteration took 33ms
10:10:33 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Bloodtalon Scythemaw (lvl 11)
[F] 10:10:33 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:10:33 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:33 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:33 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:10:33 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:10:33 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:10:34 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:10:34 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 10:10:34 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:10:34 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:10:34 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:10:34 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:10:34 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:10:35 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 10:10:35 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:10:35 - Iteration took 21ms
[N] 10:10:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1134,685 ; -4007,467 ; 15,13908 ; "None" to 1126,807 ; -4001,309 ; 15,13908 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:10:35 - Iteration took 50ms
[N] 10:10:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00004y)
[F] 10:10:35 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:10:35 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:10:35 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:10:35 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:10:36 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:10:36 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:10:36 - Iteration took 29ms
[N] 10:10:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1129,95 ; -4004,124 ; 14,96256 ; "None" to 1122,035 ; -3998,012 ; 14,96256 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:10:36 - Iteration took 30ms
[N] 10:10:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00001y)
[F] 10:10:36 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:10:36 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:10:36 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:10:36 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:10:37 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:10:37 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:10:37 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:10:37 - Iteration took 14ms
[N] 10:10:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1127,149 ; -4001,616 ; 14,99401 ; "None" to 1119,378 ; -3995,323 ; 14,99401 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:10:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00006y)
[F] 10:10:37 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:10:37 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:10:37 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:38 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:10:38 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 10:10:38 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:10:38 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:10:38 - Iteration took 28ms
[D] 10:10:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:10:38 - Iteration took 114ms
[D] 10:10:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:10:38 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:10:39 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:10:39 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:10:39 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:10:39 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:10:39 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:10:39 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:39 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:10:39 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:10:40 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:40 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:10:40 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:10:40 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 10:10:40 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:10:40 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:10:40 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:10:40 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:10:41 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:10:41 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:10:41 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:10:41 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:10:41 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:41 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:10:41 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:10:42 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 10:10:42 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:10:42 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:10:42 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:10:42 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:10:42 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:10:42 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:10:42 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:10:43 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:10:43 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:43 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:10:43 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:10:43 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:10:43 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:10:43 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:10:43 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:10:44 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:10:44 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:10:44 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:10:44 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:10:44 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:10:44 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 10:10:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:10:45 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:10:45 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:10:45 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:10:45 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:10:45 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:10:45 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:10:45 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:10:46 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:10:46 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:10:46 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:10:46 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:10:46 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:10:46 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:10:46 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:10:46 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:10:47 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:10:47 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:10:47 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:10:47 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:47 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:10:47 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 10:10:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:10:47 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:10:48 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:10:48 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:10:48 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:10:48 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:10:48 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:10:48 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:10:48 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:10:49 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:10:49 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:10:49 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:10:49 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:10:49 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:49 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:10:49 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:10:50 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:10:50 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:50 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:10:50 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 10:10:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:10:50 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:10:50 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:10:50 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:10:51 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:10:51 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:10:51 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:10:51 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:51 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:10:51 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:10:51 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:10:52 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:10:52 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:10:52 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:10:52 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:10:52 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:10:52 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:10:52 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:10:53 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:10:53 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 10:10:53 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:10:53 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:10:53 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:10:53 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:10:54 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:10:54 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:10:54 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:10:54 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:10:54 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:10:54 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:10:54 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:10:55 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:10:55 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:10:55 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 10:10:55 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:10:55 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:10:55 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:10:56 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:10:56 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:10:56 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:10:56 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:10:56 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:10:56 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:10:57 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:10:57 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:10:57 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:10:57 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:10:57 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 10:10:57 - Iteration took 115ms
[F] 10:10:58 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 10:10:58 - Iteration took 127ms
[F] 10:10:58 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:10:58 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:10:58 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:10:58 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:10:59 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:10:59 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:10:59 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:10:59 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:10:59 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:10:59 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:10:59 - Iteration took 92ms
[F] 10:11:00 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:11:00 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:11:00 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 10:11:00 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:11:00 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:11:00 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:11:01 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:11:01 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:11:01 - Iteration took 61ms
[D] 10:11:01 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:11:01 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:11:01 - Iteration took 59ms
10:11:02 - [Regen] Started
10:11:04 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
10:11:05 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:11:23 - [Regen] Finished
10:11:23 - [Looting] Loot Corrupted Bloodtalon Scythemaw
10:11:26 - [Fight] Player Attack Bloodtalon Scythemaw (lvl 8)
[D] 10:11:27 - [iEquip] acknowledging item "Patchwork Pants" id 1431 with a value of 13 and armor value of 10
[D] 10:11:27 - [iEquip] acknowledging item "Apprentice's Pants" id 1395 with a value of 11 and armor value of 10
10:11:27 - Name: Patchwork Pants ID: 1431
[F] 10:11:27 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:11:27 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:11:27 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:11:27 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:11:27 - Iteration took 32ms
10:11:28 - [iEquip] equipping "Patchwork Pants" id 1431 value 13 replacing "Apprentice's Pants" id 1395 value 11
[F] 10:11:28 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:11:28 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 10:11:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:11:28 - Iteration took 96ms
[D] 10:11:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:11:28 - Iteration took 98ms
[D] 10:11:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:11:28 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:11:28 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:11:29 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:11:29 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:11:29 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:11:29 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:11:29 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:11:29 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:11:29 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:11:29 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:11:30 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:11:30 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:11:30 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:11:30 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 10:11:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:11:30 - Iteration took 112ms
[D] 10:11:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:11:30 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:11:31 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:11:31 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:11:31 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:11:31 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:11:31 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:11:31 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:11:31 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:11:32 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:11:32 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:11:32 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:11:32 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:11:32 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:11:32 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 10:11:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:11:32 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:11:32 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:11:33 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:11:33 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:11:33 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:11:33 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:11:33 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:11:33 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:11:33 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:11:34 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:11:34 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:11:34 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:11:34 - Iteration took 170ms
[D] 10:11:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:11:34 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:11:34 - Iteration took 138ms
[F] 10:11:35 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:11:35 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:11:35 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:11:35 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:11:35 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:11:35 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:11:35 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:11:36 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:11:36 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:11:36 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:11:36 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:11:36 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:11:36 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:11:36 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:11:37 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:11:37 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 10:11:37 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:11:37 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:11:37 - Iteration took 42ms
[N] 10:11:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1121,471 ; -4004,691 ; 14,80958 ; "None" to 1121,739 ; -3994,695 ; 14,80958 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:11:37 - Iteration took 32ms
[N] 10:11:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999931y)
[F] 10:11:37 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:11:37 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:11:38 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:11:38 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:11:38 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:11:38 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:11:38 - Iteration took 28ms
[N] 10:11:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1121,366 ; -3998,705 ; 14,81971 ; "None" to 1121,323 ; -3988,705 ; 14,81971 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:11:38 - Iteration took 34ms
[N] 10:11:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00009y)
[F] 10:11:38 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:11:38 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:11:39 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:11:39 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:11:39 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:11:39 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:11:39 - Iteration took 28ms
[D] 10:11:39 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:11:39 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 10:11:39 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:11:39 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 10:11:40 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:11:40 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:11:40 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:11:40 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:11:40 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:11:40 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:11:40 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:11:40 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:11:41 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:11:41 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:11:41 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:11:41 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:11:41 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:11:41 - Iteration took 56ms
[D] 10:11:41 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:11:41 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:11:42 - Iteration took 250ms
10:11:44 - [Regen] Started
10:11:49 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:12:07 - [Regen] Finished
10:12:08 - [Looting] Loot Bloodtalon Scythemaw
[N] 10:12:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1121,701 ; -3995,101 ; 14,73986 ; "None" to 1121,403 ; -4007,24 ; 14,79519 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:12:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,14271y)
10:12:15 - [Fight] Player Attack Elder Mottled Boar (lvl 8)
[N] 10:12:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1121,492 ; -4003,589 ; 14,81907 ; "None" to 1107,585 ; -4044,958 ; 15,34507 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:12:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (44,80463y)
[F] 10:12:16 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:12:16 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 10:12:16 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:12:16 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:12:16 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 10:12:16 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:12:16 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:12:16 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:12:17 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:12:17 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:12:17 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:12:17 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:12:17 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:12:17 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:12:17 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:12:17 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:12:18 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 10:12:18 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:12:18 - Iteration took 113ms
[D] 10:12:18 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:12:18 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:12:18 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:12:18 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:12:18 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:12:18 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:12:19 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:12:19 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:12:19 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:12:19 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:12:19 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:12:19 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:12:19 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:12:20 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:12:20 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 10:12:20 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:12:20 - Iteration took 93ms
[D] 10:12:20 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:12:20 - Iteration took 95ms
[D] 10:12:20 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:12:20 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:12:20 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:12:20 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:12:21 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:12:21 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:12:21 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:12:21 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:12:21 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:12:21 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:12:21 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:12:22 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:12:22 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:12:22 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 10:12:22 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:12:22 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:12:22 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 10:12:22 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:12:22 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:12:22 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:12:23 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:12:23 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:12:23 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:12:23 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:12:23 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:12:23 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 10:12:23 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:12:24 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:12:24 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 10:12:24 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:12:24 - Iteration took 28ms
[D] 10:12:24 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:12:24 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:12:24 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:12:24 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:12:25 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:12:25 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:12:25 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:12:25 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:12:25 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:12:25 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:12:25 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:12:25 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:12:26 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:12:26 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:12:26 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:12:26 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:12:26 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:12:26 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:12:26 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:12:27 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:12:27 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 10:12:27 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:12:27 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:12:27 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:12:27 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:12:27 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 10:12:27 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:12:28 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:12:28 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:12:28 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:12:28 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:12:28 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:12:28 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:12:28 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:12:29 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:12:29 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:12:29 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:12:29 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:12:29 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:12:29 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:12:29 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:12:30 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 10:12:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:12:30 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:12:30 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:12:30 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:12:30 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:12:30 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:12:30 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:12:31 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:12:31 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:12:31 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:12:31 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:12:31 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:12:31 - Iteration took 86ms
[F] 10:12:32 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:12:32 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:12:32 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:12:32 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:12:32 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:12:32 - Iteration took 60ms
[D] 10:12:32 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:12:32 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:12:33 - Iteration took 63ms
10:12:35 - [Regen] Started
10:12:37 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:12:49 - [Regen] Finished
10:12:49 - [Fight] Player Attack Elder Mottled Boar (lvl 9)
[F] 10:12:50 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:12:50 - Iteration took 8ms
[F] 10:12:50 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:12:50 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:12:50 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:12:50 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:12:50 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:12:50 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:12:51 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:12:51 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:12:51 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:12:51 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:12:51 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:12:51 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:12:51 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:12:51 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:12:52 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:12:52 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:12:52 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:12:52 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:12:52 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:12:52 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:12:52 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:12:53 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:12:53 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 10:12:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:12:53 - Iteration took 101ms
[D] 10:12:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:12:53 - Iteration took 96ms
[D] 10:12:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:12:53 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:12:53 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:12:54 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:12:54 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:12:54 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:12:54 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:12:54 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:12:54 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:12:54 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:12:54 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:12:55 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:12:55 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:12:55 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 10:12:55 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:12:55 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 10:12:55 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:12:55 - Iteration took 103ms
[D] 10:12:55 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:12:55 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:12:56 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:12:56 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:12:56 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:12:56 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:12:56 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:12:56 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:12:56 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:12:57 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:12:57 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 10:12:57 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:12:57 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 10:12:57 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:12:57 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:12:57 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:12:57 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:12:58 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:12:58 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:12:58 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:12:58 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:12:58 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:12:58 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:12:58 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:12:59 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:12:59 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:12:59 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:12:59 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 10:12:59 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:12:59 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:12:59 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:12:59 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:13:00 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:13:00 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:13:00 - Iteration took 78ms
[F] 10:13:00 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:13:00 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:13:00 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:13:00 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:13:00 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:13:01 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:13:01 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:13:01 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:13:01 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:13:01 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:13:01 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:13:01 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:13:02 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:13:02 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:13:02 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 10:13:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:13:02 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:13:02 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:13:02 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:13:02 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:13:03 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:13:03 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:13:03 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:13:03 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:13:03 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:13:03 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:13:03 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:13:04 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:13:04 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:13:04 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:13:04 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:13:04 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:13:04 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:13:04 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:13:05 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 10:13:05 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:13:05 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:13:05 - Iteration took 74ms
[F] 10:13:05 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:13:05 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:13:05 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:13:05 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:13:06 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:13:06 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:13:06 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:13:06 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:13:06 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 10:13:06 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:13:06 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:13:07 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:13:07 - Iteration took 77ms
[F] 10:13:07 - Iteration took 64ms
[D] 10:13:07 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:13:07 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:13:07 - Iteration took 56ms
10:13:10 - [Regen] Started
10:13:11 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:13:23 - [Regen] Finished
10:13:23 - [Fight] Player Attack Venomtail Scorpid (lvl 10)
[F] 10:13:24 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:13:24 - Iteration took 8ms
[F] 10:13:24 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:13:24 - Iteration took 19ms
[D] 10:13:24 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 10:13:24 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:13:24 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:13:24 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:13:24 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:13:25 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:13:25 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:13:25 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:13:25 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:13:25 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 10:13:25 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:13:25 - Iteration took 102ms
[D] 10:13:25 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:13:25 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:13:26 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:13:26 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:13:26 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:13:26 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:13:26 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:13:26 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:13:26 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:13:27 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:13:27 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:13:27 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:13:27 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:13:27 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:13:27 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:13:27 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:13:27 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:13:28 - Iteration took 25ms
[D] 10:13:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:13:28 - Iteration took 97ms
[D] 10:13:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:13:28 - Iteration took 97ms
[D] 10:13:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:13:28 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:13:28 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:13:28 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:13:29 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:13:29 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:13:29 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:13:29 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:13:29 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:13:29 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:13:29 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:13:29 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:13:30 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 10:13:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:13:30 - Iteration took 99ms
[D] 10:13:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:13:30 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:13:30 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:13:30 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:13:30 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:13:31 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:13:31 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:13:31 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:13:31 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:13:31 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:13:31 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:13:31 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:13:32 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 10:13:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:13:32 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:13:32 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:13:32 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:13:32 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:13:32 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:13:32 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:13:33 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:13:33 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:13:33 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:13:33 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:13:33 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:13:33 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 10:13:33 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:13:33 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:13:33 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:13:34 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:13:34 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:13:34 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:13:34 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:13:34 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:13:34 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:13:34 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:13:35 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:13:35 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:13:35 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:13:35 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:13:35 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 10:13:35 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:13:35 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:13:35 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:13:36 - Iteration took 39ms
[N] 10:13:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1143,027 ; -4045,284 ; 14,48393 ; "None" to 1136,41 ; -4037,785 ; 14,48393 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:13:36 - Iteration took 25ms
[N] 10:13:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00009y)
[F] 10:13:36 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:13:36 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:13:36 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:13:36 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:13:36 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 10:13:36 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 10:13:37 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 10:13:37 - Iteration took 13ms
[N] 10:13:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1139,252 ; -4040,602 ; 14,17307 ; "None" to 1132,875 ; -4032,899 ; 14,17307 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:13:37 - Iteration took 18ms
[N] 10:13:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00012y)
[F] 10:13:37 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:13:37 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:13:37 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:13:37 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 10:13:37 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:13:37 - Iteration took 9ms
[F] 10:13:38 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:13:38 - Iteration took 15ms
[D] 10:13:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:13:38 - Iteration took 25ms
[D] 10:13:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:13:38 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:13:38 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:13:38 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:13:38 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:13:39 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:13:39 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:13:39 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:13:39 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:13:39 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:13:39 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:13:39 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:13:39 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:13:40 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 10:13:40 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:13:40 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:13:40 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:13:40 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:13:40 - Iteration took 46ms
10:13:42 - [Regen] Started
10:13:46 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:14:03 - [Regen] Finished
10:14:04 - [Looting] Loot Venomtail Scorpid
[N] 10:14:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1136,682 ; -4038,054 ; 14,13906 ; "None" to 1144,289 ; -4046,702 ; 14,6224 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:14:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,52847y)
10:14:06 - [Fight] Player Attack Venomtail Scorpid (lvl 10)
[F] 10:14:06 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:14:06 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:14:06 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:14:07 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:14:07 - Iteration took 9ms
[F] 10:14:07 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:14:07 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:14:07 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:14:07 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:14:07 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:14:08 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:14:08 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:14:08 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:14:08 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:14:08 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:14:08 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:14:08 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:14:08 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 10:14:09 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:14:09 - Iteration took 99ms
[D] 10:14:09 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:14:09 - Iteration took 104ms
[D] 10:14:09 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:14:09 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:14:09 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:14:09 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:14:09 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:14:10 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:14:10 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:14:10 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:14:10 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:14:10 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:14:10 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:14:10 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:14:10 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:14:11 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:14:11 - Iteration took 96ms
[D] 10:14:11 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:14:11 - Iteration took 91ms
[D] 10:14:11 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:14:11 - Iteration took 126ms
[D] 10:14:11 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:14:11 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:14:11 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:14:12 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:14:12 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:14:12 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:14:12 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:14:12 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:14:12 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:14:12 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:14:13 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:14:13 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:14:13 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:14:13 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:14:13 - Iteration took 35ms
[D] 10:14:13 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:14:13 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:14:13 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:14:13 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:14:14 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:14:14 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:14:14 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:14:14 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:14:14 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:14:14 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:14:14 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:14:15 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:14:15 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:14:15 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 10:14:15 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:14:15 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:14:15 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:14:15 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:14:15 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:14:16 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:14:16 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:14:16 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:14:16 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:14:16 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:14:16 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:14:16 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:14:16 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:14:17 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:14:17 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 10:14:17 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:14:17 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:14:17 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:14:17 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:14:17 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:14:18 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:14:18 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:14:18 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:14:18 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:14:18 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:14:18 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:14:18 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:14:18 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:14:19 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:14:19 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:14:19 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:14:19 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:14:19 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:14:19 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:14:20 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:14:20 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 10:14:20 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:14:20 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:14:20 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:14:20 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:14:20 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:14:20 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:14:21 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:14:21 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:14:21 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:14:21 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:14:21 - Iteration took 110ms
[F] 10:14:21 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:14:22 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:14:22 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:14:22 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 10:14:22 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:14:22 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:14:22 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:14:23 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:14:23 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:14:23 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:14:23 - Iteration took 62ms
[D] 10:14:23 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:14:23 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:14:23 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:14:23 - Iteration took 23ms
10:14:26 - [Regen] Started
10:14:27 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
10:14:29 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
[D] 10:14:29 - [iEquip] acknowledging item "Disciple's Sash" id 6513 with a value of 15 and armor value of 10
10:14:39 - [Regen] Finished
10:14:39 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Ukra'nor (Repair)
[N] 10:14:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1152,754 ; -4035,532 ; 14,69634 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:14:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 44 (968,9534y)
[N] 10:14:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1166,697 ; -4025,43 ; 14,58143 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 10:14:45 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:14:45 - Iteration took 43ms
[N] 10:14:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 44 (951,7424y)
[N] 10:14:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1166,697 ; -4025,43 ; 14,58143 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:14:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 44 (951,7424y)
[D] 10:14:45 - [ToTown] In combat, ForceToTown not disabled
[F] 10:14:45 - Iteration took 18ms
10:14:45 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Venomtail Scorpid (lvl 10)
[F] 10:14:45 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:14:45 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:14:46 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:14:46 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:14:46 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:14:46 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:14:46 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:14:46 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:14:46 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:14:47 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:14:47 - Iteration took 16ms
[D] 10:14:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:14:47 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:14:47 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:14:47 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:14:47 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:14:47 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:14:48 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:14:48 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:14:48 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:14:48 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:14:48 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:14:48 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 10:14:48 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:14:49 - Iteration took 45ms
[N] 10:14:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1166,697 ; -4025,43 ; 14,58143 ; "None" to 1156,97 ; -4027,751 ; 14,58143 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:14:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00002y)
[D] 10:14:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:14:49 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:14:49 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:14:49 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:14:49 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:14:49 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:14:49 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 10:14:49 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:14:50 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 10:14:50 - Iteration took 26ms
[D] 10:14:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:14:50 - Iteration took 91ms
[D] 10:14:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:14:50 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:14:50 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:14:50 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:14:50 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:14:51 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:14:51 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:14:51 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:14:51 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:14:51 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:14:51 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:14:51 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:14:52 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:14:52 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:14:52 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:14:52 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:14:52 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:14:52 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:14:52 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:14:53 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:14:53 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:14:53 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 10:14:53 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:14:53 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:14:53 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:14:53 - Iteration took 32ms
[N] 10:14:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1160,545 ; -4027,148 ; 14,68617 ; "None" to 1150,656 ; -4028,638 ; 14,68617 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:14:53 - Iteration took 41ms
[N] 10:14:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999969y)
[F] 10:14:53 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:14:54 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:14:54 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:14:54 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:14:54 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:14:54 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:14:54 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:14:54 - Iteration took 26ms
[N] 10:14:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1154,608 ; -4027,771 ; 14,96486 ; "None" to 1144,678 ; -4028,948 ; 14,96486 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:14:54 - Iteration took 18ms
[N] 10:14:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00002y)
[F] 10:14:55 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:14:55 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:14:55 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:14:55 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:14:55 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:14:55 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:14:55 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:14:55 - Iteration took 16ms
[D] 10:14:56 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:14:56 - Iteration took 27ms
[D] 10:14:56 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:14:56 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:14:56 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 10:14:56 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:14:56 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:14:56 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:14:56 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:14:57 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:14:57 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:14:57 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:14:57 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:14:57 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:14:57 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:14:57 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 10:14:58 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:14:58 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:14:58 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:14:58 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:14:58 - Iteration took 21ms
10:14:59 - [Regen] Started
10:15:01 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
10:15:02 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
[F] 10:15:04 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:15:05 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:15:05 - Iteration took 23ms
10:15:05 - [Regen] Finished
[D] 10:15:05 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:15:05 - Iteration took 32ms
10:15:05 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Bloodtalon Scythemaw (lvl 8)
[F] 10:15:05 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:15:05 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:15:05 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:15:05 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:15:05 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:15:06 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:15:06 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:15:06 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:15:06 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:15:06 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:15:06 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:15:07 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:15:07 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:15:07 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:15:07 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:15:07 - Iteration took 60ms
[N] 10:15:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1151,073 ; -4028,546 ; 15,11817 ; "None" to 1159,765 ; -4023,602 ; 15,11817 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:15:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10y)
[F] 10:15:07 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:15:07 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:15:08 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:15:08 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:15:08 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:15:08 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:15:08 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:15:08 - Iteration took 28ms
[N] 10:15:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1156,381 ; -4025,85 ; 14,81091 ; "None" to 1165,078 ; -4021,158 ; 14,81963 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:15:08 - Iteration took 29ms
[N] 10:15:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,881505y)
[F] 10:15:09 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:15:09 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:15:09 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:15:09 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:15:09 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:15:09 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:15:09 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:15:10 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:15:10 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:15:10 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:15:10 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:15:10 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:15:10 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:15:10 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:15:11 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:15:11 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:15:11 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:15:11 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:15:11 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:15:11 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:15:11 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:15:12 - Iteration took 85ms
[F] 10:15:12 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:15:12 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:15:12 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:15:12 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:15:12 - Iteration took 66ms
[D] 10:15:12 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 10:15:12 - [Fight] BlackList Bloodtalon Scythemaw during 60 sec
10:15:13 - [Regen] Started
10:15:18 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
[F] 10:15:19 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:15:19 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:15:19 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:15:19 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:15:19 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:15:20 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:15:20 - Iteration took 53ms
10:15:20 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
[F] 10:15:20 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:15:20 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:15:20 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:15:20 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:15:20 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:15:21 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:15:21 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:15:21 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:15:21 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:15:21 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:15:21 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:15:22 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:15:22 - Iteration took 64ms
10:15:22 - [Regen] Finished
10:15:22 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Bloodtalon Scythemaw (lvl 11)
[D] 10:15:22 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:15:22 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:15:22 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:15:22 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:15:22 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:15:23 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:15:23 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:15:23 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:15:23 - Iteration took 86ms
[F] 10:15:23 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:15:23 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:15:24 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:15:24 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:15:24 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:15:24 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:15:24 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:15:24 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:15:24 - Iteration took 57ms
[D] 10:15:25 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:15:25 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:15:25 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:15:25 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:15:25 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:15:25 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:15:25 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:15:26 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:15:26 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:15:26 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:15:26 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:15:26 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:15:26 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:15:26 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:15:27 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 10:15:27 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:15:27 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:15:27 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:15:27 - Iteration took 58ms
[N] 10:15:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1159,396 ; -4023,847 ; 14,63836 ; "None" to 1172,028 ; -4015,76 ; 14,63836 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:15:27 - Iteration took 79ms
[N] 10:15:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,00004y)
[F] 10:15:28 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:15:28 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 10:15:28 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:15:28 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:15:28 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:15:28 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:15:28 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:15:29 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 10:15:29 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 10:15:29 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 10:15:29 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 10:15:29 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:15:29 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 10:15:30 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:15:30 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 10:15:30 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 10:15:30 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:15:30 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 10:15:30 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:15:31 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 10:15:31 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:15:31 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:15:31 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 10:15:31 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:15:31 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:15:32 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 10:15:32 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:15:32 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:15:32 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 10:15:32 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 10:15:32 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 10:15:33 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:15:33 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:15:33 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:15:33 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 10:15:33 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:15:33 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:15:34 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 10:15:34 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:15:34 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 10:15:34 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 10:15:34 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:15:34 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 10:15:35 - Iteration took 80ms
[F] 10:15:35 - Iteration took 74ms
[F] 10:15:35 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:15:35 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:15:35 - Iteration took 81ms
[F] 10:15:35 - Iteration took 85ms
[F] 10:15:36 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:15:36 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:15:36 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:15:36 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 10:15:36 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:15:36 - Iteration took 88ms
[F] 10:15:37 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 10:15:37 - Iteration took 62ms
[D] 10:15:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:15:37 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:15:37 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:15:37 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:15:37 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:15:38 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:15:38 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 10:15:38 - Iteration took 65ms
[D] 10:15:38 - [Fight] Fight stopped
10:15:38 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[N] 10:15:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1177,78 ; -4464,24 ; 21,3539 ; "None" to 1163,481 ; -4023,63 ; 14,74507 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:15:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (456,2393y)
[F] 10:16:33 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Arcane Intellect (Arcane Intellect)
10:16:34 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
10:16:34 - [Regen] Started
10:16:36 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
10:16:37 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:16:53 - [Regen] Finished
10:16:53 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Ukra'nor (Repair)
[N] 10:16:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1172,853 ; -4061,635 ; 16,9363 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:16:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 50 (974,6664y)
[N] 10:17:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1192,841 ; -4036,79 ; 15,47941 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 10:17:01 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:17:01 - Iteration took 44ms
[N] 10:17:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 48 (941,5237y)
[N] 10:17:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1192,841 ; -4036,79 ; 15,47941 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:17:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 48 (941,5237y)
[D] 10:17:01 - [ToTown] In combat, ForceToTown not disabled
10:17:01 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Bloodtalon Scythemaw (lvl 9)
[F] 10:17:01 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:17:02 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 10:17:02 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:17:02 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:17:02 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:17:02 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:17:02 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:17:02 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:17:03 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:17:03 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:17:03 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:17:03 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:17:03 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:17:03 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 10:17:03 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:17:03 - Iteration took 32ms
[N] 10:17:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1192,841 ; -4036,79 ; 15,47941 ; "None" to 1182,845 ; -4036,522 ; 15,47941 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 10:17:04 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 10:17:04 - Iteration took 34ms
[N] 10:17:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00004y)
[F] 10:17:04 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:17:04 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:17:04 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:17:04 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:17:04 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:17:04 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:17:05 - Iteration took 19ms
[N] 10:17:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1186,709 ; -4036,367 ; 14,49029 ; "None" to 1176,828 ; -4036,271 ; 14,49029 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:17:05 - Iteration took 32ms
[N] 10:17:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,881207y)
[F] 10:17:05 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:17:05 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:17:05 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:17:05 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:17:05 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:17:05 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:17:06 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:17:06 - Iteration took 13ms
[N] 10:17:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1183,324 ; -4036,503 ; 14,42716 ; "None" to 1173,324 ; -4036,563 ; 14,42716 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:17:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00006y)
[F] 10:17:06 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:17:06 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:17:06 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:17:06 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:17:06 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:17:06 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:17:07 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:17:07 - Iteration took 26ms
[D] 10:17:07 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:17:07 - Iteration took 113ms
[D] 10:17:07 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:17:07 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:17:07 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:17:07 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:17:07 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:17:08 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:17:08 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:17:08 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:17:08 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:17:08 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:17:08 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:17:08 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:17:09 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 10:17:09 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:17:09 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:17:09 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:17:09 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:17:09 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:17:09 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:17:09 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:17:10 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:17:10 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:17:10 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:17:10 - Iteration took 28ms
[D] 10:17:10 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:17:10 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:17:10 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:17:10 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:17:11 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:17:11 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:17:11 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:17:11 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:17:11 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:17:11 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:17:11 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:17:11 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:17:12 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 10:17:12 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:17:12 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:17:12 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:17:12 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:17:12 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:17:12 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:17:12 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:17:13 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:17:13 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:17:13 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:17:13 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:17:13 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:17:13 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:17:13 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:17:14 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:17:14 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:17:14 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:17:14 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:17:14 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 10:17:14 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:17:14 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:17:14 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:17:15 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:17:15 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:17:15 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:17:15 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:17:15 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:17:15 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:17:15 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:17:16 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:17:16 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:17:16 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:17:16 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:17:16 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:17:16 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:17:17 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:17:17 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:17:17 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:17:17 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:17:17 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 10:17:17 - Iteration took 28ms
10:17:18 - [Regen] Started
10:17:20 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
10:17:21 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:17:38 - [Regen] Finished
10:17:39 - [Looting] Loot Bloodtalon Scythemaw
10:17:43 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Ukra'nor (Repair)
[N] 10:17:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1176,443 ; -4036,544 ; 14,56975 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:17:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 46 (951,1379y)
[N] 10:18:36 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 10:18:36 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 10:18:36 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[N] 10:19:24 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 10:19:24 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 10:19:24 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 10:20:09 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 10:20:09 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 10:20:09 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 10:20:11 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 10:20:11 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 10:20:11 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 10:20:12 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[D] 10:20:12 - [MovementManager] Current pos: 1603,911 ; -4092,156 ; 35,10847 ; "None" - Target pos: 1603,259 ; -4095,98 ; 34,76256 ; "None" Continent: Kalimdor Tile: 39.67279_28.99267
[D] 10:20:12 - [StuckResolver] Started.
[D] 10:20:14 - [StuckResolver] Done - Stuck count updated, new value: 2.
[N] 10:20:14 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 10:20:14 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 10:20:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1597,392 ; -4086,354 ; 37,74869 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:20:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (48,45002y)
[N] 10:20:20 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 10:20:20 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 10:20:20 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 10:20:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1586,601 ; -4104,274 ; 35,46017 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:20:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,327427y)
[N] 10:20:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1586,601 ; -4104,274 ; 35,46017 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24112 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:20:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,327427y)
10:20:24 - [ToTown] Vendor found Ukra'nor
10:20:24 - [ToTown] Repair items
10:20:25 - [ToTown] Sell items (try 1)
10:20:33 - [ToTown] Sell items (try 2)
[N] 10:20:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1582,789 ; -4100,518 ; 36,24562 ; "None" to 902,4057 ; -3914,26 ; 20,65321 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:20:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 33 (1136,391y)
[N] 10:21:31 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 10:21:31 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 10:21:31 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[N] 10:21:33 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 10:21:33 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 10:21:33 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 10:21:40 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 10:21:40 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 10:21:40 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[D] 10:22:32 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:22:32 - Iteration took 108ms
10:22:32 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Hecklefang Hyena (lvl 16)
[D] 10:22:32 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:22:32 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:22:32 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:22:32 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:22:32 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:22:32 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:22:33 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:22:33 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:22:33 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:22:33 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:22:33 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 10:22:33 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:22:33 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:22:34 - Iteration took 17ms
[D] 10:22:34 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 10:22:34 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 10:22:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:22:34 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:22:34 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:22:34 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:22:34 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:22:34 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:22:35 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:22:35 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:22:35 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:22:35 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:22:35 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:22:35 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:22:35 - Iteration took 50ms
[N] 10:22:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1315,346 ; -3849,934 ; 26,99175 ; "None" to 1320,733 ; -3841,509 ; 26,99175 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 10:22:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:22:36 - Iteration took 47ms
[N] 10:22:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00004y)
[F] 10:22:36 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:22:36 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:22:36 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:22:36 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:22:36 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:22:36 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:22:36 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:22:37 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:22:37 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:22:37 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:22:37 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:22:37 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:22:37 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:22:37 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:22:38 - Iteration took 60ms
[D] 10:22:38 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:22:38 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:22:38 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:22:38 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:22:38 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:22:38 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:22:39 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:22:39 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:22:39 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:22:39 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:22:39 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 10:22:39 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:22:39 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:22:39 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:22:39 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:22:40 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:22:40 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:22:40 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:22:40 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:22:40 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:22:40 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:22:40 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:22:41 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:22:41 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 10:22:41 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:22:41 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:22:41 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:22:41 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:22:41 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:22:41 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:22:42 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:22:42 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:22:42 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:22:42 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:22:42 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:22:42 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:22:42 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:22:43 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 10:22:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:22:43 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:22:43 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:22:43 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:22:43 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:22:43 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:22:43 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:22:44 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:22:44 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:22:44 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:22:44 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:22:44 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:22:44 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:22:44 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:22:45 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:22:45 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:22:45 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:22:45 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 10:22:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:22:45 - Iteration took 85ms
[F] 10:22:45 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:22:46 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:22:46 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:22:46 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:22:46 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:22:46 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:22:46 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:22:46 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:22:46 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:22:47 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:22:47 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:22:47 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:22:47 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:22:47 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:22:47 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 10:22:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:22:47 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:22:48 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:22:48 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:22:48 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:22:48 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:22:48 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:22:48 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:22:49 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:22:49 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:22:49 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:22:49 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:22:49 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:22:49 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:22:49 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:22:49 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:22:50 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:22:50 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 10:22:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:22:50 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:22:50 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:22:50 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:22:50 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:22:50 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:22:51 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:22:51 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:22:51 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:22:51 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:22:51 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:22:51 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:22:51 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:22:52 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:22:52 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:22:52 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:22:52 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:22:52 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:22:52 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:22:52 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:22:53 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:22:53 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:22:53 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:22:53 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:22:53 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:22:53 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:22:53 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:22:54 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:22:54 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:22:54 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:22:54 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:22:54 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:22:54 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:22:54 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:22:55 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:22:55 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:22:55 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:22:55 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 10:22:56 - [Fight] Fight stopped
10:22:56 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[N] 10:23:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -592,6014 ; -2523,492 ; 91,78803 ; "None" to 1315,288 ; -3850,259 ; 26,94478 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:23:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 39 (2520,516y)
[F] 10:27:44 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Arcane Intellect (Arcane Intellect)
10:27:44 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
10:27:44 - [Regen] Started
10:27:46 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
10:27:47 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:28:03 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 10:28:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1279,94 ; -3833,613 ; 29,78393 ; "None" to 902,4057 ; -3914,26 ; 20,65321 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:28:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (387,3714y)
[D] 10:28:10 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:28:10 - Iteration took 106ms
10:28:10 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Savannah Prowler (lvl 15)
[D] 10:28:10 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:28:10 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:28:10 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:28:10 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:28:11 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:28:11 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:28:11 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:28:11 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:28:11 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:28:11 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 10:28:11 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:28:11 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:28:12 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:28:12 - Iteration took 16ms
[D] 10:28:12 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 10:28:12 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 10:28:12 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:28:12 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:28:12 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:28:12 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:28:12 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:28:13 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:28:13 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:28:13 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:28:13 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:28:13 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:28:13 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:28:13 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:28:14 - Iteration took 51ms
[N] 10:28:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1258,845 ; -3838,271 ; 30,42304 ; "None" to 1260,392 ; -3848,151 ; 30,42304 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 10:28:14 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:28:14 - Iteration took 43ms
[N] 10:28:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00006y)
[F] 10:28:14 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:28:14 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:28:14 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:28:14 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:28:14 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:28:15 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:28:15 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 10:28:15 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:28:15 - Iteration took 124ms
[D] 10:28:15 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:28:15 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:28:15 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:28:15 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:28:15 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:28:16 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:28:16 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:28:16 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:28:16 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:28:16 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:28:16 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:28:17 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:28:17 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:28:17 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:28:17 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:28:17 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:28:17 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:28:17 - Iteration took 77ms
[D] 10:28:18 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:28:18 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:28:18 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:28:18 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:28:18 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:28:18 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:28:18 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:28:19 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:28:19 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:28:19 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:28:19 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 10:28:19 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:28:19 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:28:19 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:28:19 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:28:20 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:28:20 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:28:20 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:28:20 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 10:28:20 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:28:20 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:28:21 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:28:21 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:28:21 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:28:21 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:28:21 - Iteration took 64ms
[D] 10:28:21 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:28:21 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:28:21 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:28:22 - Iteration took 81ms
[F] 10:28:22 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:28:22 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:28:22 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:28:22 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:28:22 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:28:23 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:28:23 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:28:23 - Iteration took 61ms
[D] 10:28:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:28:23 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:28:23 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:28:23 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:28:23 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:28:24 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:28:24 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:28:24 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:28:24 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:28:24 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:28:24 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:28:24 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:28:25 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:28:25 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 10:28:25 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:28:25 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:28:25 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:28:25 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 10:28:25 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:28:26 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:28:26 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:28:26 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:28:26 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:28:26 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:28:26 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:28:26 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:28:27 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:28:27 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:28:27 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:28:27 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:28:27 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:28:27 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:28:27 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:28:28 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:28:28 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:28:28 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:28:28 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:28:28 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:28:28 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:28:29 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:28:29 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:28:29 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:28:29 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:28:29 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 10:28:29 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:28:29 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:28:30 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:28:30 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:28:30 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:28:30 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:28:30 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:28:30 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:28:31 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:28:31 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:28:31 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:28:31 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:28:31 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:28:31 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:28:31 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:28:32 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:28:32 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:28:32 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:28:32 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:28:32 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:28:32 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 10:28:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:28:32 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:28:33 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:28:33 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:28:33 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:28:33 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:28:33 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:28:33 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:28:33 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:28:34 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:28:34 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:28:34 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:28:34 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:28:34 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:28:34 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:28:34 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:28:35 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:28:35 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:28:35 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:28:35 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:28:35 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:28:35 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:28:36 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:28:36 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:28:36 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:28:36 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:28:36 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:28:36 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:28:36 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:28:37 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:28:37 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:28:37 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:28:37 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 10:28:37 - [Fight] Fight stopped
10:28:37 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[N] 10:28:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -592,6014 ; -2523,492 ; 91,78803 ; "None" to 1259,423 ; -3843,876 ; 30,59137 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:28:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 31 (2466,629y)
[D] 10:33:21 - [Resurrect] 2 hostile(s) npc(s) near character, try to found best location to retrieve corpse.
[N] 10:33:21 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1259,423 ; -3843,876 ; 30,59137 ; "None" strict = True
[N] 10:33:21 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 31,16256
[N] 10:33:21 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1271,423 ; -3843,876 ; 30,59137 ; "None" strict = True
[N] 10:33:21 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 31,16256
[N] 10:33:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1226,661 ; -3823,714 ; 28,05588 ; "None" to 1271,423 ; -3843,876 ; 31,16256 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:33:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (49,19128y)
[F] 10:33:26 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Arcane Intellect (Arcane Intellect)
10:33:27 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
10:33:27 - [Regen] Started
10:33:29 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
10:33:30 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:33:46 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 10:33:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1268,889 ; -3842,735 ; 30,53024 ; "None" to 902,4057 ; -3914,26 ; 20,65321 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:33:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (374,9029y)
10:33:56 - [Fight] Player Attack Elder Mottled Boar (lvl 9)
[N] 10:33:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1204,41 ; -3854,335 ; 28,4319 ; "None" to 1139,979 ; -3929,804 ; 19,69707 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:33:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (112,5589y)
[F] 10:33:56 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:33:56 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:33:56 - Iteration took 9ms
[F] 10:33:56 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:33:57 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:33:57 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:33:57 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 10:33:57 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:33:57 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:33:57 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:33:57 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:33:57 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:33:58 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:33:58 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:33:58 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:33:58 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:33:58 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:33:58 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:33:58 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:33:58 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:33:59 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:33:59 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:33:59 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:33:59 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:33:59 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:33:59 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:33:59 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:33:59 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:33:59 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:34:00 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:34:00 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:34:00 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:34:00 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 10:34:00 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:34:00 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:34:00 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:34:00 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:34:01 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:34:01 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:34:01 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:34:01 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:34:01 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:34:01 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:34:01 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:34:01 - Iteration took 10ms
[D] 10:34:01 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[D] 10:34:02 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:34:02 - Iteration took 93ms
[D] 10:34:02 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:34:02 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:34:02 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:34:02 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:34:02 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:34:02 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:34:02 - Iteration took 32ms
10:34:02 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 11)
[F] 10:34:02 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:34:03 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:34:03 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:34:03 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:34:03 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:34:03 - Iteration took 27ms
[D] 10:34:03 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 10:34:03 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 10:34:05 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:34:05 - Iteration took 1542ms
[D] 10:34:05 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:34:05 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:34:05 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:34:05 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:34:05 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:34:06 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:34:06 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:34:06 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:34:06 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:34:06 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:34:06 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:34:06 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:34:07 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 10:34:07 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:34:07 - Iteration took 48ms
[N] 10:34:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1200,09 ; -3888,551 ; 18,0005 ; "None" to 1190,127 ; -3889,405 ; 18,0005 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:34:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00005y)
[F] 10:34:07 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:34:07 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:34:07 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:34:07 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:34:07 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:34:08 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:34:08 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:34:08 - Iteration took 29ms
[D] 10:34:08 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:34:08 - Iteration took 111ms
[D] 10:34:08 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:34:08 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:34:08 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:34:08 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:34:09 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:34:09 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:34:09 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:34:09 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:34:09 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:34:09 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:34:09 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:34:10 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:34:10 - Iteration took 65ms
[D] 10:34:10 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:34:10 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:34:10 - Iteration took 55ms
[N] 10:34:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1193,369 ; -3889,395 ; 18,23926 ; "None" to 1183,4 ; -3890,181 ; 18,23926 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:34:10 - Iteration took 27ms
[N] 10:34:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999943y)
[F] 10:34:10 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 10:34:10 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:34:11 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:34:11 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 10:34:11 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:34:11 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:34:11 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 10:34:11 - Iteration took 14ms
[N] 10:34:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1187,443 ; -3890,131 ; 18,63 ; "None" to 1177,443 ; -3890,19 ; 18,63 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:34:11 - Iteration took 19ms
[N] 10:34:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00005y)
[F] 10:34:11 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:34:12 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:34:12 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 10:34:12 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:34:12 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:34:12 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:34:12 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:34:12 - Iteration took 13ms
[D] 10:34:12 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:34:12 - Iteration took 29ms
[D] 10:34:12 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:34:12 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:34:13 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:34:13 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:34:13 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:34:13 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:34:13 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:34:13 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:34:13 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:34:14 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:34:14 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:34:14 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:34:14 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:34:14 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 10:34:14 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:34:14 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:34:14 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:34:15 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:34:15 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:34:15 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:34:15 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:34:15 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:34:15 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:34:15 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:34:16 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:34:16 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:34:16 - Iteration took 24ms
[D] 10:34:16 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:34:16 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:34:16 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:34:16 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:34:16 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:34:16 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:34:17 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:34:17 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:34:17 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:34:17 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:34:17 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:34:17 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:34:17 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:34:18 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:34:18 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:34:18 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:34:18 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:34:18 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:34:18 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:34:18 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:34:18 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:34:19 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 10:34:19 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:34:19 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:34:19 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:34:19 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:34:19 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:34:19 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:34:20 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:34:20 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:34:20 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:34:20 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:34:20 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:34:20 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:34:20 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:34:21 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:34:21 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:34:21 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 10:34:21 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:34:21 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:34:21 - Iteration took 26ms
10:34:22 - [Regen] Started
10:34:24 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
10:34:25 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:34:40 - [Regen] Finished
10:34:40 - [Fight] Player Attack Elder Mottled Boar (lvl 9)
[N] 10:34:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1183,825 ; -3890,176 ; 18,67887 ; "None" to 1138,453 ; -3930,438 ; 20,17813 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:34:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (60,67814y)
[F] 10:34:40 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:34:41 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:34:41 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:34:41 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:34:41 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:34:41 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:34:41 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:34:41 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:34:41 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:34:41 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:34:42 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:34:42 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:34:42 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:34:42 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:34:42 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:34:42 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:34:42 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 10:34:43 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:34:43 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:34:43 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:34:43 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:34:43 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:34:43 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:34:43 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:34:43 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:34:44 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:34:44 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:34:44 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:34:44 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:34:44 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:34:44 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:34:44 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:34:45 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:34:45 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:34:45 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:34:45 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:34:45 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:34:45 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:34:45 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:34:45 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:34:46 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:34:46 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:34:46 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:34:46 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:34:46 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:34:46 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:34:46 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:34:47 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 10:34:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:34:47 - Iteration took 100ms
[D] 10:34:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:34:47 - Iteration took 95ms
[D] 10:34:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:34:47 - Iteration took 105ms
[D] 10:34:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:34:47 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:34:47 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:34:48 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:34:48 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:34:48 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:34:48 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:34:48 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:34:48 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:34:48 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 10:34:48 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
10:34:49 - [Fight] Can't reach Elder Mottled Boar, blacklisting it.
10:34:50 - [Fight] Player Attack Venomtail Scorpid (lvl 9)
[F] 10:34:50 - Iteration took 38ms
[N] 10:34:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1157,236 ; -3914,152 ; 16,4606 ; "None" to 1102,017 ; -3975,182 ; 18,30166 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:34:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (82,41317y)
[F] 10:34:50 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:34:50 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:34:50 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:34:50 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:34:50 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:34:51 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:34:51 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:34:51 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:34:51 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:34:51 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:34:51 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:34:51 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:34:52 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:34:52 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:34:52 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:34:52 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:34:52 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:34:52 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:34:52 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:34:52 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:34:53 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:34:53 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 10:34:53 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[D] 10:34:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:34:53 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:34:53 - Iteration took 24ms
[D] 10:34:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:34:53 - Iteration took 90ms
[D] 10:34:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:34:53 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:34:53 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:34:54 - Iteration took 33ms
10:34:54 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Elder Mottled Boar (lvl 9)
[F] 10:34:54 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:34:54 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:34:54 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:34:54 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:34:54 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:34:54 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:34:55 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:34:55 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:34:55 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:34:55 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:34:55 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:34:55 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:34:55 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:34:56 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 10:34:56 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:34:56 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 10:34:56 - Iteration took 61ms
[N] 10:34:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1155,633 ; -3915,805 ; 16,73216 ; "None" to 1163,31 ; -3909,397 ; 16,73216 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:34:56 - Iteration took 42ms
[N] 10:34:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999977y)
[F] 10:34:56 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:34:56 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:34:56 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:34:56 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 10:34:57 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:34:57 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 10:34:57 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 10:34:57 - Iteration took 24ms
[N] 10:34:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1160,202 ; -3912,342 ; 16,05974 ; "Swimming" to 1168,095 ; -3906,202 ; 16,05974 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:34:57 - Iteration took 20ms
[N] 10:34:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999992y)
[F] 10:34:57 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:34:57 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:34:57 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:34:58 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:34:58 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 10:34:58 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:34:58 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:34:58 - Iteration took 13ms
[D] 10:34:58 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:34:58 - Iteration took 101ms
[D] 10:34:58 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:34:58 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:34:58 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:34:59 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:34:59 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:34:59 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:34:59 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:34:59 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:34:59 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:34:59 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:35:00 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:35:00 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:35:00 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:35:00 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:35:00 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:35:00 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:35:00 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:35:00 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:35:01 - Iteration took 21ms
[D] 10:35:01 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:35:01 - Iteration took 102ms
[D] 10:35:01 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:35:01 - Iteration took 94ms
[D] 10:35:01 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:35:01 - Iteration took 87ms
[F] 10:35:01 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 10:35:01 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 10:35:01 - [Fight] BlackList Elder Mottled Boar during 60 sec
10:35:02 - [Fight] Player Attack Venomtail Scorpid (lvl 9)
[N] 10:35:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1159,557 ; -3912,521 ; 16,0997 ; "None" to 1097,235 ; -3978,271 ; 19,5103 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:35:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (90,65736y)
[D] 10:35:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:35:02 - Iteration took 108ms
[D] 10:35:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:35:02 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:35:03 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:35:03 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:35:03 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:35:03 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:35:03 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:35:03 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:35:03 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:35:04 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:35:04 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:35:04 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:35:04 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:35:04 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 10:35:04 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:35:04 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 10:35:04 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:35:04 - Iteration took 102ms
[D] 10:35:05 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:35:05 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:35:05 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:35:05 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:35:05 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:35:05 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 10:35:05 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[F] 10:35:05 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:35:05 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:35:06 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:35:06 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:35:06 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:35:06 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:35:06 - Iteration took 38ms
10:35:06 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Elder Mottled Boar (lvl 9)
[F] 10:35:06 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:35:06 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 10:35:07 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:35:07 - Iteration took 111ms
[D] 10:35:07 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:35:07 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:35:07 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:35:07 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:35:07 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:35:07 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:35:07 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:35:08 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:35:08 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:35:08 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:35:08 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:35:08 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:35:08 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:35:08 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:35:09 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 10:35:09 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:35:09 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:35:09 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:35:09 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:35:09 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:35:09 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:35:09 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:35:10 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:35:10 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:35:10 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:35:10 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:35:10 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:35:10 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:35:10 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:35:11 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:35:11 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 10:35:11 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:35:11 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:35:11 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:35:11 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:35:11 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:35:12 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:35:12 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:35:12 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:35:12 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:35:12 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:35:12 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:35:12 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:35:13 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:35:13 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:35:13 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:35:13 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:35:13 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:35:13 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:35:13 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:35:14 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:35:14 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:35:14 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:35:14 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:35:14 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:35:14 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:35:14 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:35:15 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:35:15 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:35:15 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:35:15 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:35:15 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:35:15 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:35:15 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:35:16 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:35:16 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:35:16 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:35:16 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:35:16 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:35:16 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:35:16 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:35:17 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:35:17 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:35:17 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:35:17 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:35:17 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:35:17 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:35:17 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:35:18 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 10:35:18 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:35:18 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:35:18 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:35:18 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:35:18 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:35:18 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:35:18 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 10:35:19 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:35:19 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:35:19 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:35:19 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:35:19 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:35:19 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:35:19 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:35:20 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:35:20 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:35:20 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:35:20 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:35:20 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:35:20 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:35:21 - Iteration took 83ms
[F] 10:35:21 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:35:21 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:35:21 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:35:21 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:35:21 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:35:21 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:35:22 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:35:22 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:35:22 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:35:22 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:35:22 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:35:22 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:35:23 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:35:23 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:35:23 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:35:23 - Iteration took 109ms
[F] 10:35:23 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:35:23 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:35:24 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:35:24 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:35:24 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:35:24 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:35:24 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:35:24 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:35:24 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:35:25 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 10:35:25 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:35:25 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:35:25 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:35:25 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:35:25 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:35:26 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:35:26 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:35:26 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 10:35:26 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:35:26 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:35:26 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:35:27 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:35:27 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:35:27 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:35:27 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:35:27 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:35:27 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:35:27 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:35:28 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:35:28 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:35:28 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:35:28 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:35:28 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:35:28 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:35:29 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:35:29 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:35:29 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:35:29 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:35:29 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:35:29 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:35:30 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:35:30 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 10:35:30 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:35:30 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:35:30 - Iteration took 55ms
10:35:31 - [Regen] Started
10:35:33 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
10:35:34 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:35:52 - [Regen] Finished
10:35:52 - [Fight] Player Attack Venomtail Scorpid (lvl 9)
[F] 10:35:52 - Iteration took 27ms
[N] 10:35:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1157,774 ; -3914,369 ; 16,4485 ; "None" to 1094,802 ; -3980,657 ; 20,10323 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:35:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (91,50365y)
[F] 10:35:52 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:35:52 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:35:53 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:35:53 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:35:53 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:35:53 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:35:53 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:35:53 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:35:53 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:35:53 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:35:54 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:35:54 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:35:54 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:35:54 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:35:54 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:35:54 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:35:54 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:35:54 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:35:54 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 10:35:55 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:35:55 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:35:55 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:35:55 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:35:55 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:35:55 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:35:55 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:35:55 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:35:56 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:35:56 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:35:56 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:35:56 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:35:56 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:35:56 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:35:56 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:35:56 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:35:57 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:35:57 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:35:57 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:35:57 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:35:57 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:35:57 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:35:57 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:35:57 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:35:57 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:35:58 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:35:58 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:35:58 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:35:58 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:35:58 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:35:58 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:35:58 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:35:59 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:35:59 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:35:59 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:35:59 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:35:59 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:35:59 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:35:59 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:35:59 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:36:00 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:36:00 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:36:00 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:36:00 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:36:00 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:36:00 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:36:00 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:36:01 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:36:01 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:36:01 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:36:01 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:36:01 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:36:01 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:36:01 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 10:36:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:36:02 - Iteration took 99ms
[D] 10:36:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:36:02 - Iteration took 95ms
[D] 10:36:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:36:02 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:36:02 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:36:02 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:36:02 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:36:02 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:36:03 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:36:03 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:36:03 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:36:03 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:36:03 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:36:03 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:36:03 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:36:04 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:36:04 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 10:36:04 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:36:04 - Iteration took 104ms
[D] 10:36:04 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:36:04 - Iteration took 107ms
[D] 10:36:04 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:36:04 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:36:04 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:36:04 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:36:05 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 10:36:05 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[F] 10:36:05 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:36:05 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:36:05 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:36:05 - Iteration took 30ms
10:36:05 - [Fight] Can't reach Venomtail Scorpid, blacklisting it.
[F] 10:36:05 - Iteration took 30ms
10:36:05 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Venomtail Scorpid (lvl 9)
[F] 10:36:06 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:36:06 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:36:06 - Iteration took 60ms
[D] 10:36:06 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:36:06 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:36:06 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:36:06 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:36:07 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:36:07 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:36:07 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:36:07 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:36:07 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:36:07 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:36:07 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:36:07 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:36:08 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:36:08 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 10:36:08 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:36:08 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:36:08 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:36:08 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:36:08 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:36:08 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:36:09 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:36:09 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:36:09 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:36:09 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:36:09 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:36:09 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:36:09 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:36:09 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:36:10 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 10:36:10 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:36:10 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:36:10 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:36:10 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:36:10 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:36:10 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:36:10 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:36:11 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:36:11 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:36:11 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:36:11 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:36:11 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:36:11 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:36:11 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:36:12 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:36:12 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:36:12 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:36:12 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:36:12 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:36:12 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:36:12 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 10:36:13 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:36:13 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:36:13 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:36:13 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:36:13 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:36:13 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 10:36:13 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:36:14 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:36:14 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:36:14 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:36:14 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:36:14 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:36:14 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:36:14 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:36:15 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:36:15 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:36:15 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:36:15 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:36:15 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:36:15 - Iteration took 62ms
[D] 10:36:15 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:36:15 - Iteration took 32ms
10:36:16 - [Regen] Started
10:36:18 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
10:36:20 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
[D] 10:36:22 - [iEquip] acknowledging item "Worn Large Shield" id 2213 with a value of 3 and armor value of 1
10:36:22 - Name: Worn Large Shield ID: 2213
10:36:23 - [iEquip] item "Worn Large Shield" id 2213 blacklisted
10:36:30 - [Regen] Finished
10:36:30 - [Fight] Player Attack Bloodtalon Scythemaw (lvl 8)
[N] 10:36:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1110,69 ; -3959,578 ; 17,84105 ; "None" to 1133,387 ; -4029,817 ; 14,25968 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:36:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (73,90173y)
[F] 10:36:30 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:36:30 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:36:31 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:36:31 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:36:31 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:36:31 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:36:31 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:36:31 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 10:36:31 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:36:31 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:36:31 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:36:32 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:36:32 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:36:32 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:36:32 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:36:32 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:36:32 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:36:32 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:36:32 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:36:33 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:36:33 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:36:33 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:36:33 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:36:33 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:36:33 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:36:33 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:36:33 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:36:33 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 10:36:34 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:36:34 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:36:34 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:36:34 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:36:34 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:36:34 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:36:34 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:36:34 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:36:35 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:36:35 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:36:35 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:36:35 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:36:35 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:36:35 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:36:35 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:36:36 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:36:36 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:36:36 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:36:36 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:36:36 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:36:36 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:36:36 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:36:36 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:36:37 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:36:37 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:36:37 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:36:37 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:36:37 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:36:37 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:36:37 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 10:36:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:36:38 - Iteration took 99ms
[D] 10:36:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:36:38 - Iteration took 98ms
[D] 10:36:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:36:38 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:36:38 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:36:38 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:36:38 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:36:38 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:36:39 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:36:39 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:36:39 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:36:39 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:36:39 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:36:39 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:36:39 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:36:40 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:36:40 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 10:36:40 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:36:40 - Iteration took 106ms
[D] 10:36:40 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:36:40 - Iteration took 95ms
[D] 10:36:40 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:36:40 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:36:40 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:36:41 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:36:41 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 10:36:41 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:36:41 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:36:41 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:36:41 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:36:41 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:36:42 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:36:42 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:36:42 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:36:42 - Iteration took 35ms
[D] 10:36:42 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:36:42 - Iteration took 120ms
[D] 10:36:42 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:36:42 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:36:43 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:36:43 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:36:43 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:36:43 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:36:43 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:36:43 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:36:43 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:36:43 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:36:44 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:36:44 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:36:44 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:36:44 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 10:36:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:36:44 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:36:44 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:36:44 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:36:45 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:36:45 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:36:45 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:36:45 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:36:45 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:36:45 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:36:46 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:36:46 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:36:46 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:36:46 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:36:46 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:36:46 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:36:46 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:36:47 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:36:47 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:36:47 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:36:47 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:36:47 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:36:47 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:36:47 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:36:48 - Iteration took 58ms
[D] 10:36:48 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:36:48 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:36:48 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:36:48 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:36:48 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:36:48 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:36:49 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:36:49 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:36:49 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:36:49 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:36:49 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:36:49 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:36:49 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:36:50 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:36:50 - Iteration took 35ms
[D] 10:36:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:36:50 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:36:50 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:36:50 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:36:50 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:36:50 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:36:51 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:36:51 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:36:51 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:36:51 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:36:51 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:36:51 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:36:51 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:36:52 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:36:52 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:36:52 - Iteration took 63ms
[D] 10:36:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:36:52 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:36:52 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:36:52 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:36:52 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:36:53 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:36:53 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:36:53 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:36:53 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:36:53 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:36:53 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:36:54 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:36:54 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:36:54 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:36:54 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:36:54 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:36:54 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:36:55 - Iteration took 65ms
[D] 10:36:55 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:36:55 - Iteration took 39ms
10:36:55 - Level UP! Reload Fight Class.
[D] 10:36:55 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[F] 10:36:55 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 10:36:55 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:55 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:55 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:55 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:55 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:55 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:55 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:55 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:55 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:55 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:55 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:55 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:55 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:55 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:55 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[F] 10:36:56 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: F:\Games\WoW 2.4.3\wRobot2.4.3\FightClass\FrostMage.dll
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Blink (Id found: 46573, Name found: Blink, NameInGame found: Blink, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Frostbolt (Id found: 116, Name found: Frostbolt, NameInGame found: Frostbolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Frost Armor (Id found: 168, Name found: Frost Armor, NameInGame found: Frost Armor, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Ice Armor (Id found: 36881, Name found: Ice Armor, NameInGame found: Ice Armor, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Arcane Intellect (Id found: 1459, Name found: Arcane Intellect, NameInGame found: Arcane Intellect, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Arcane Intellect (Id found: 1459, Name found: Arcane Intellect, NameInGame found: Arcane Intellect, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Ice Barrier (Id found: 33405, Name found: Ice Barrier, NameInGame found: Ice Barrier, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Emerald (Id found: 27101, Name found: Conjure Mana Emerald, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Emerald, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Ruby (Id found: 10054, Name found: Conjure Mana Ruby, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Ruby, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Citrine (Id found: 10053, Name found: Conjure Mana Citrine, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Citrine, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Jade (Id found: 3552, Name found: Conjure Mana Jade, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Jade, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Agate (Id found: 759, Name found: Conjure Mana Agate, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Agate, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Emerald (Id found: 27101, Name found: Conjure Mana Emerald, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Emerald, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Mana Shield (Id found: 46151, Name found: Mana Shield, NameInGame found: Mana Shield, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Ice Barrier (Id found: 33405, Name found: Ice Barrier, NameInGame found: Ice Barrier, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Frost Nova (Id found: 122, Name found: Frost Nova, NameInGame found: Frost Nova, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Polymorph (Id found: 118, Name found: Polymorph, NameInGame found: Polymorph, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Summon Water Elemental (Id found: 45067, Name found: Summon Water Elemental, NameInGame found: Summon Water Elemental, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Icy Veins (Id found: 12472, Name found: Icy Veins, NameInGame found: Icy Veins, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 20554, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Counterspell (Id found: 37470, Name found: Counterspell, NameInGame found: Counterspell, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Cold Snap (Id found: 11958, Name found: Cold Snap, NameInGame found: Cold Snap, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Freeze (Id found: 46610, Name found: Freeze, NameInGame found: Freeze, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Evocation (Id found: 45052, Name found: Evocation, NameInGame found: Evocation, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Fire Blast (Id found: 2136, Name found: Fire Blast, NameInGame found: Fire Blast, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Cone of Cold (Id found: 46984, Name found: Cone of Cold, NameInGame found: Cone of Cold, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Fire Blast (Id found: 2136, Name found: Fire Blast, NameInGame found: Fire Blast, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Cone of Cold (Id found: 46984, Name found: Cone of Cold, NameInGame found: Cone of Cold, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Frostbolt (Id found: 116, Name found: Frostbolt, NameInGame found: Frostbolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Scorch (Id found: 38636, Name found: Scorch, NameInGame found: Scorch, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Fireball (Id found: 133, Name found: Fireball, NameInGame found: Fireball, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Shoot (Id found: 5019, Name found: Shoot, NameInGame found: Shoot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Mana Shield (Id found: 46151, Name found: Mana Shield, NameInGame found: Mana Shield, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Ice Barrier (Id found: 33405, Name found: Ice Barrier, NameInGame found: Ice Barrier, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:57 - [Spell] Summon Water Elemental (Id found: 45067, Name found: Summon Water Elemental, NameInGame found: Summon Water Elemental, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:57 - [Spell] Icy Veins (Id found: 12472, Name found: Icy Veins, NameInGame found: Icy Veins, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:57 - [Spell] Counterspell (Id found: 37470, Name found: Counterspell, NameInGame found: Counterspell, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:57 - [Spell] Cold Snap (Id found: 11958, Name found: Cold Snap, NameInGame found: Cold Snap, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:57 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
10:36:57 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Bloodtalon Scythemaw (lvl 8)
[F] 10:36:58 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: F:\Games\WoW 2.4.3\wRobot2.4.3\FightClass\FrostMage.dll
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Blink (Id found: 46573, Name found: Blink, NameInGame found: Blink, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Frostbolt (Id found: 116, Name found: Frostbolt, NameInGame found: Frostbolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Frost Armor (Id found: 168, Name found: Frost Armor, NameInGame found: Frost Armor, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Ice Armor (Id found: 36881, Name found: Ice Armor, NameInGame found: Ice Armor, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Arcane Intellect (Id found: 1459, Name found: Arcane Intellect, NameInGame found: Arcane Intellect, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Arcane Intellect (Id found: 1459, Name found: Arcane Intellect, NameInGame found: Arcane Intellect, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Ice Barrier (Id found: 33405, Name found: Ice Barrier, NameInGame found: Ice Barrier, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Emerald (Id found: 27101, Name found: Conjure Mana Emerald, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Emerald, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Ruby (Id found: 10054, Name found: Conjure Mana Ruby, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Ruby, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Citrine (Id found: 10053, Name found: Conjure Mana Citrine, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Citrine, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Jade (Id found: 3552, Name found: Conjure Mana Jade, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Jade, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Agate (Id found: 759, Name found: Conjure Mana Agate, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Agate, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Emerald (Id found: 27101, Name found: Conjure Mana Emerald, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Emerald, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Mana Shield (Id found: 46151, Name found: Mana Shield, NameInGame found: Mana Shield, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Ice Barrier (Id found: 33405, Name found: Ice Barrier, NameInGame found: Ice Barrier, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Frost Nova (Id found: 122, Name found: Frost Nova, NameInGame found: Frost Nova, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Polymorph (Id found: 118, Name found: Polymorph, NameInGame found: Polymorph, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Summon Water Elemental (Id found: 45067, Name found: Summon Water Elemental, NameInGame found: Summon Water Elemental, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Icy Veins (Id found: 12472, Name found: Icy Veins, NameInGame found: Icy Veins, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 20554, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Counterspell (Id found: 37470, Name found: Counterspell, NameInGame found: Counterspell, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Cold Snap (Id found: 11958, Name found: Cold Snap, NameInGame found: Cold Snap, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Freeze (Id found: 46610, Name found: Freeze, NameInGame found: Freeze, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Evocation (Id found: 45052, Name found: Evocation, NameInGame found: Evocation, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Fire Blast (Id found: 2136, Name found: Fire Blast, NameInGame found: Fire Blast, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Cone of Cold (Id found: 46984, Name found: Cone of Cold, NameInGame found: Cone of Cold, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Fire Blast (Id found: 2136, Name found: Fire Blast, NameInGame found: Fire Blast, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Cone of Cold (Id found: 46984, Name found: Cone of Cold, NameInGame found: Cone of Cold, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Frostbolt (Id found: 116, Name found: Frostbolt, NameInGame found: Frostbolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Scorch (Id found: 38636, Name found: Scorch, NameInGame found: Scorch, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Fireball (Id found: 133, Name found: Fireball, NameInGame found: Fireball, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Shoot (Id found: 5019, Name found: Shoot, NameInGame found: Shoot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Mana Shield (Id found: 46151, Name found: Mana Shield, NameInGame found: Mana Shield, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Ice Barrier (Id found: 33405, Name found: Ice Barrier, NameInGame found: Ice Barrier, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Summon Water Elemental (Id found: 45067, Name found: Summon Water Elemental, NameInGame found: Summon Water Elemental, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Icy Veins (Id found: 12472, Name found: Icy Veins, NameInGame found: Icy Veins, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Counterspell (Id found: 37470, Name found: Counterspell, NameInGame found: Counterspell, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Cold Snap (Id found: 11958, Name found: Cold Snap, NameInGame found: Cold Snap, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:59 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:59 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:59 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:59 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:59 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:59 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:59 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:59 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:59 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:59 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:59 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:59 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:59 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:59 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 10:36:59 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:36:59 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:36:59 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:36:59 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:37:00 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:37:00 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:37:00 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:37:00 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:37:00 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:37:00 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:37:01 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:37:01 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:37:01 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:37:01 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 10:37:01 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:37:01 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:37:01 - Iteration took 30ms
[N] 10:37:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1127,95 ; -4008,772 ; 14,6491 ; "None" to 1127,702 ; -3998,775 ; 14,6491 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:37:01 - Iteration took 48ms
[N] 10:37:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,9999y)
[F] 10:37:02 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:37:02 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:37:02 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:37:02 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:37:02 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:37:02 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:37:02 - Iteration took 30ms
[N] 10:37:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1127,527 ; -4003,053 ; 14,93121 ; "None" to 1126,939 ; -3993,07 ; 14,93121 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:37:02 - Iteration took 33ms
[N] 10:37:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999933y)
[F] 10:37:03 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:37:03 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:37:03 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:37:03 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:37:03 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:37:03 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:37:03 - Iteration took 26ms
[D] 10:37:04 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 10:37:04 - Iteration took 18ms
[D] 10:37:04 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:37:04 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:37:04 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:37:04 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:37:04 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:37:04 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:37:04 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:37:04 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:37:05 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:37:05 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:37:05 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:37:05 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:37:05 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 10:37:05 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:37:05 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:37:05 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:37:06 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:37:06 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:37:06 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:37:06 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:37:06 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:37:06 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:37:06 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:37:07 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 10:37:07 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:37:07 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:37:07 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:37:07 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:37:07 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:37:07 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:37:07 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:37:08 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:37:08 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:37:08 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:37:08 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:37:08 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:37:08 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:37:08 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:37:08 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:37:09 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:37:09 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:37:09 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:37:09 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:37:09 - Iteration took 53ms
[D] 10:37:09 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:37:09 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:37:09 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:37:10 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:37:10 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:37:10 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:37:10 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:37:10 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:37:10 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:37:10 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:37:11 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:37:11 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:37:11 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:37:11 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:37:11 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:37:11 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:37:11 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 10:37:12 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:37:12 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:37:12 - Iteration took 30ms
10:37:13 - [Regen] Started
10:37:14 - [iEquip] blacklist cleared
[D] 10:37:15 - [iEquip] acknowledging item "Patchwork Shoes" id 1427 with a value of 15 and armor value of 10
10:37:15 - Name: Worn Large Shield ID: 2213
10:37:15 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:37:15 - [iEquip] item "Worn Large Shield" id 2213 blacklisted
10:37:32 - [Regen] Finished
[D] 10:37:33 - [Quester] If[26] (wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.MapZoneName == "Durotar" && ObjectManager.Me.Level >= 11 && ObjectManager.Me.Level < 12) | Result: True
[D] 10:37:33 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[27]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Run to Barrens(attack enabled)")
[D] 10:37:33 - [Quester] New step (28): RuntoBarrens>Pulse
[N] 10:37:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1127,684 ; -3999,206 ; 15,12493 ; "None" to 316,3132 ; -3818,064 ; 23,47821 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:37:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (874,7932y)
[D] 10:37:51 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:37:51 - Iteration took 37ms
10:37:52 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 10)
[F] 10:37:52 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:37:52 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:37:52 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:37:52 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:37:52 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:37:52 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:37:52 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:37:53 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:37:53 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:37:53 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:37:53 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:37:53 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:37:53 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:37:54 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:37:54 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:37:54 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:37:54 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 10:37:54 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:37:54 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:37:54 - Iteration took 46ms
[N] 10:37:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1033,716 ; -3915,922 ; 18,63512 ; "None" to 1033,032 ; -3925,898 ; 18,63512 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:37:54 - Iteration took 51ms
[N] 10:37:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999947y)
[F] 10:37:55 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:37:55 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:37:55 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:37:55 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:37:55 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:37:55 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:37:55 - Iteration took 38ms
[N] 10:37:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1033,623 ; -3921,655 ; 19,34372 ; "None" to 1033,3 ; -3931,649 ; 19,34372 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:37:55 - Iteration took 25ms
[N] 10:37:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00009y)
[F] 10:37:56 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:37:56 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:37:56 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:37:56 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:37:56 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:37:56 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:37:56 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:37:56 - Iteration took 27ms
[D] 10:37:57 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:37:57 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:37:57 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:37:57 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:37:57 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:37:57 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:37:57 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:37:57 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:37:58 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:37:58 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:37:58 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:37:58 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:37:58 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:37:58 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 10:37:58 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:37:58 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:37:59 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:37:59 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:37:59 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:37:59 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:37:59 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:37:59 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:37:59 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:38:00 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:38:00 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:38:00 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 10:38:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:38:00 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:38:00 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:38:00 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:38:00 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:38:00 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:38:01 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:38:01 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:38:01 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:38:01 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:38:01 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:38:01 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:38:01 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:38:02 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:38:02 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 10:38:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:38:02 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:38:02 - Iteration took 81ms
[F] 10:38:02 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:38:02 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:38:02 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:38:03 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:38:03 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:38:03 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:38:03 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:38:03 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:38:03 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:38:03 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:38:04 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:38:04 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:38:04 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:38:04 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:38:04 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:38:04 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 10:38:04 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:38:04 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:38:05 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:38:05 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:38:05 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:38:05 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:38:05 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:38:05 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:38:05 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:38:05 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:38:06 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:38:06 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:38:06 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:38:06 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:38:06 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:38:06 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:38:06 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:38:07 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:38:07 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 10:38:07 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:38:07 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:38:07 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:38:07 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:38:07 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:38:07 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:38:08 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:38:08 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:38:08 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:38:08 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:38:08 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:38:08 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:38:09 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:38:09 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:38:09 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:38:09 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:38:09 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:38:09 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 10:38:09 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:38:09 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:38:10 - Iteration took 28ms
10:38:10 - [Regen] Started
10:38:12 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
10:38:14 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:38:30 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 10:38:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1033,09 ; -3925,482 ; 19,60473 ; "None" to 316,3132 ; -3818,064 ; 23,47821 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:38:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (779,7849y)
[D] 10:38:49 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:38:49 - Iteration took 115ms
10:38:49 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Venomtail Scorpid (lvl 9)
[D] 10:38:49 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:38:49 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:38:49 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:38:49 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:38:49 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:38:49 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 10:38:49 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:38:49 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:38:50 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:38:50 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:38:50 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:38:50 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:38:50 - Iteration took 28ms
[D] 10:38:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:38:50 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:38:50 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:38:51 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:38:51 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:38:51 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:38:51 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:38:51 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:38:51 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:38:51 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:38:52 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:38:52 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:38:52 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:38:52 - Iteration took 53ms
[N] 10:38:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 935,2799 ; -3900,271 ; 18,12309 ; "None" to 945,1837 ; -3901,656 ; 18,12309 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 10:38:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:38:52 - Iteration took 51ms
[N] 10:38:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999989y)
[F] 10:38:52 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:38:52 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:38:53 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:38:53 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:38:53 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:38:53 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:38:53 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:38:53 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 10:38:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:38:53 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 10:38:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:38:53 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:38:54 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:38:54 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:38:54 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:38:54 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:38:54 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:38:54 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 10:38:54 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:38:55 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:38:55 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:38:55 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:38:55 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:38:55 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:38:55 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:38:56 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:38:56 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:38:56 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:38:56 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:38:56 - Iteration took 62ms
[D] 10:38:56 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:38:56 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:38:56 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:38:57 - Iteration took 41ms
[N] 10:38:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 940,6517 ; -3901,31 ; 17,91084 ; "None" to 950,5466 ; -3902,756 ; 17,91084 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:38:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00004y)
[F] 10:38:57 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:38:57 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:38:57 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:38:57 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 10:38:57 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:38:57 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:38:57 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:38:58 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:38:58 - Iteration took 23ms
[N] 10:38:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 946,5912 ; -3901,907 ; 17,65521 ; "None" to 956,4189 ; -3903,003 ; 17,66124 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:38:58 - Iteration took 16ms
[N] 10:38:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,888531y)
[F] 10:38:58 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:38:58 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:38:58 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:38:58 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:38:58 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 10:38:58 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:38:59 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:38:59 - Iteration took 14ms
[D] 10:38:59 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:38:59 - Iteration took 23ms
[D] 10:38:59 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:38:59 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:38:59 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:38:59 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:38:59 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:39:00 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:39:00 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:39:00 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:39:00 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:39:00 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:39:00 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:39:00 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:39:00 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:39:01 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:39:01 - Iteration took 61ms
[D] 10:39:01 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:39:01 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:39:01 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:39:01 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:39:01 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:39:02 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:39:02 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:39:02 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:39:02 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:39:02 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:39:02 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:39:02 - Iteration took 29ms
[D] 10:39:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:39:02 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:39:03 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:39:03 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:39:03 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:39:03 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:39:03 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:39:03 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:39:03 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:39:04 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:39:04 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:39:04 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:39:04 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:39:04 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:39:04 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:39:04 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:39:05 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:39:05 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:39:05 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:39:05 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 10:39:05 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:39:05 - Iteration took 50ms
10:39:06 - [Regen] Started
10:39:08 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:39:22 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 10:39:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 950,1298 ; -3902,667 ; 17,56791 ; "None" to 316,3132 ; -3818,064 ; 23,47821 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:39:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (692,0626y)
[D] 10:39:25 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:39:25 - Iteration took 45ms
10:39:25 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Bloodtalon Scythemaw (lvl 8)
[F] 10:39:26 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:39:26 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:39:26 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:39:26 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:39:26 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:39:26 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:39:26 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:39:26 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:39:27 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:39:27 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:39:27 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:39:27 - Iteration took 13ms
[D] 10:39:27 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:39:27 - Iteration took 35ms
[N] 10:39:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 928,0778 ; -3899,383 ; 18,72373 ; "None" to 937,4004 ; -3895,765 ; 18,72373 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:39:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999984y)
[F] 10:39:27 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:39:27 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:39:28 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:39:28 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:39:28 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:39:28 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:39:28 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:39:28 - Iteration took 20ms
[N] 10:39:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 933,9263 ; -3897,424 ; 18,14617 ; "None" to 943,2066 ; -3894,01 ; 18,15643 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:39:28 - Iteration took 31ms
[N] 10:39:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,888404y)
[F] 10:39:29 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:39:29 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:39:29 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:39:29 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:39:29 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 10:39:29 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:39:29 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:39:29 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 10:39:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:39:30 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:39:30 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:39:30 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:39:30 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:39:30 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:39:30 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:39:30 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:39:31 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:39:31 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:39:31 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:39:31 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:39:31 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:39:31 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 10:39:31 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:39:31 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:39:32 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:39:32 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:39:32 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:39:32 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:39:32 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:39:32 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:39:32 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:39:32 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:39:33 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:39:33 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:39:33 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 10:39:33 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:39:33 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:39:33 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:39:33 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:39:33 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:39:34 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:39:34 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:39:34 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:39:34 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:39:34 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:39:34 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:39:34 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:39:34 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:39:35 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:39:35 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:39:35 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:39:35 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:39:35 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:39:35 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:39:35 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:39:36 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 10:39:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:39:36 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:39:36 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:39:36 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:39:36 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:39:36 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:39:36 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:39:37 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:39:37 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:39:37 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:39:37 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:39:37 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:39:37 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:39:37 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:39:38 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:39:38 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:39:38 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:39:38 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 10:39:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:39:38 - Iteration took 51ms
10:39:39 - [Regen] Started
10:39:41 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:39:54 - [Regen] Finished
10:39:54 - [Looting] Loot Bloodtalon Scythemaw
[N] 10:39:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 936,9838 ; -3895,964 ; 18,00565 ; "None" to 316,3132 ; -3818,064 ; 23,47821 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:39:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (678,1799y)
[D] 10:40:09 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:40:09 - Iteration took 101ms
10:40:09 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Bloodtalon Scythemaw (lvl 9)
[D] 10:40:09 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:40:09 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:40:09 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:40:09 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:40:10 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:40:10 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:40:10 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:40:10 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:40:10 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:40:10 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:40:10 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:40:11 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:40:11 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:40:11 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:40:11 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:40:11 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:40:11 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:40:12 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:40:12 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:40:12 - Iteration took 75ms
[N] 10:40:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 867,6216 ; -3896,847 ; 22,11935 ; "None" to 875,519 ; -3890,713 ; 22,11935 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 10:40:12 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:40:12 - Iteration took 34ms
[N] 10:40:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999963y)
[F] 10:40:12 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:40:12 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:40:12 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:40:13 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:40:13 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:40:13 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:40:13 - Iteration took 27ms
[N] 10:40:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 871,7892 ; -3893,124 ; 23,01191 ; "None" to 879,178 ; -3886,386 ; 23,01191 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:40:13 - Iteration took 18ms
[N] 10:40:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (11,72193y)
[F] 10:40:13 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:40:13 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:40:13 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:40:14 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:40:14 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:40:14 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:40:14 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 10:40:14 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:40:14 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:40:14 - Iteration took 94ms
[F] 10:40:15 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:40:15 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:40:15 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:40:15 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:40:15 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:40:15 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:40:15 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:40:16 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:40:16 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 10:40:16 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 10:40:16 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 10:40:16 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:40:16 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:40:16 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:40:16 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:40:16 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:40:17 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:40:17 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:40:17 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:40:17 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:40:17 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:40:17 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:40:17 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 10:40:18 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:40:18 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:40:18 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:40:18 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:40:18 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:40:18 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:40:18 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:40:18 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:40:19 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:40:19 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:40:19 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 10:40:19 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:40:19 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:40:19 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:40:19 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:40:19 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:40:19 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:40:20 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:40:20 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:40:20 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:40:20 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:40:20 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:40:20 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:40:21 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:40:21 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:40:21 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:40:21 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:40:21 - Iteration took 64ms
[D] 10:40:21 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:40:21 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:40:21 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:40:22 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:40:22 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:40:22 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:40:22 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:40:22 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:40:22 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:40:22 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:40:23 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:40:23 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:40:23 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:40:23 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:40:23 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:40:23 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:40:23 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:40:23 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:40:24 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 10:40:24 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:40:24 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:40:24 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:40:24 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:40:24 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:40:24 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:40:25 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:40:25 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:40:25 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:40:25 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:40:25 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:40:25 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:40:25 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:40:26 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:40:26 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:40:26 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:40:26 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:40:26 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 10:40:26 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:40:26 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:40:27 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:40:27 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:40:27 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:40:27 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:40:27 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:40:27 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:40:27 - Iteration took 15ms
10:40:27 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Venomtail Scorpid (lvl 9)
[F] 10:40:27 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:40:28 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:40:28 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:40:28 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:40:28 - Iteration took 26ms
[D] 10:40:29 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:40:29 - Iteration took 813ms
[F] 10:40:29 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:40:29 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:40:29 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:40:29 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:40:30 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:40:30 - Iteration took 26ms
[D] 10:40:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:40:30 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:40:30 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:40:30 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:40:30 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:40:30 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:40:31 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:40:31 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:40:31 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:40:31 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:40:31 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:40:31 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:40:31 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:40:32 - Iteration took 90ms
[F] 10:40:32 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:40:32 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:40:32 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:40:32 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:40:32 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:40:32 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:40:33 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:40:33 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:40:33 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:40:33 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:40:33 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:40:33 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:40:33 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:40:34 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:40:34 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:40:34 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:40:34 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:40:34 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:40:34 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:40:34 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:40:35 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:40:35 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:40:35 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:40:35 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:40:35 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:40:35 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:40:35 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:40:36 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:40:36 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:40:36 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:40:36 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:40:36 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:40:36 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:40:37 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:40:37 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:40:37 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:40:37 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:40:37 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:40:37 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:40:37 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:40:38 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:40:38 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:40:38 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:40:38 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:40:38 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:40:38 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:40:39 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:40:39 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:40:39 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:40:39 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:40:39 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:40:39 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:40:39 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:40:40 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:40:40 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 10:40:40 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:40:40 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:40:40 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:40:40 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:40:40 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:40:40 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:40:41 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:40:41 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:40:41 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:40:41 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:40:41 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:40:41 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:40:41 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:40:42 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:40:42 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:40:42 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:40:42 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:40:42 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:40:42 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:40:42 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:40:43 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:40:43 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:40:43 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:40:43 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:40:43 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:40:43 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:40:43 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:40:44 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:40:44 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:40:44 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:40:44 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:40:44 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:40:44 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:40:45 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:40:45 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:40:45 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:40:45 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:40:45 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:40:45 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:40:45 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:40:46 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:40:46 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:40:46 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:40:46 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:40:46 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:40:46 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:40:46 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:40:47 - Iteration took 92ms
[F] 10:40:47 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:40:47 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:40:47 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:40:47 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:40:47 - Iteration took 84ms
[F] 10:40:48 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:40:48 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:40:48 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:40:48 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:40:48 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:40:48 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:40:49 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:40:49 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:40:49 - Iteration took 81ms
[F] 10:40:49 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:40:49 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:40:49 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:40:49 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:40:50 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:40:50 - Iteration took 35ms
[D] 10:40:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:40:50 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:40:50 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:40:50 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:40:50 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:40:50 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:40:51 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:40:51 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:40:51 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:40:51 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:40:51 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:40:51 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:40:51 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:40:52 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:40:52 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:40:52 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:40:52 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:40:52 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:40:52 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:40:52 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:40:53 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:40:53 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:40:53 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:40:53 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:40:53 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:40:53 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:40:53 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:40:54 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:40:54 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:40:54 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:40:54 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:40:54 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:40:54 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:40:54 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:40:55 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:40:55 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:40:55 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:40:55 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:40:55 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:40:55 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:40:55 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:40:56 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:40:56 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:40:56 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:40:56 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:40:56 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:40:56 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:40:56 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:40:57 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:40:57 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:40:57 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:40:57 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:40:57 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:40:57 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:40:58 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:40:58 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:40:58 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:40:58 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 10:40:58 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:40:58 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:40:58 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 10:40:59 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:40:59 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:40:59 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:40:59 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:40:59 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:40:59 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:41:00 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:41:00 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 10:41:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:41:00 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:41:00 - Iteration took 94ms
[F] 10:41:00 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:41:00 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:41:00 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:41:01 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:41:01 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:41:01 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:41:01 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:41:01 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:41:01 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:41:01 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:41:02 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:41:02 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:41:02 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:41:02 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:41:02 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:41:02 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:41:02 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:41:03 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:41:03 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:41:03 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:41:03 - Iteration took 78ms
[F] 10:41:03 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:41:03 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:41:04 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:41:04 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:41:04 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:41:04 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:41:04 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:41:04 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:41:05 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:41:05 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:41:05 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:41:05 - Iteration took 86ms
[F] 10:41:05 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:41:05 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:41:06 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:41:06 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:41:06 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:41:06 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:41:06 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:41:06 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 10:41:07 - Iteration took 113ms
[F] 10:41:07 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:41:07 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:41:07 - Iteration took 114ms
[F] 10:41:07 - Iteration took 82ms
[F] 10:41:08 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:41:08 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:41:08 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:41:08 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:41:08 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 10:41:08 - Iteration took 53ms
10:41:09 - [Regen] Started
[D] 10:41:11 - [iEquip] acknowledging item "Warrior's Bracers" id 3214 with a value of 254 and armor value of 250
10:41:11 - Name: Warrior's Bracers ID: 3214
10:41:11 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
10:41:12 - [iEquip] item "Warrior's Bracers" id 3214 blacklisted
10:41:12 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:41:28 - [Regen] Finished
10:41:28 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Ukra'nor (Repair)
[N] 10:41:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 875,1237 ; -3890,969 ; 23,18976 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:41:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 38 (1183,113y)
[D] 10:41:48 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:41:48 - Iteration took 107ms
[N] 10:41:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1006,465 ; -3894,977 ; 18,62878 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:41:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 38 (1051,693y)
[N] 10:41:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1006,465 ; -3894,977 ; 18,62878 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:41:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 38 (1051,693y)
[D] 10:41:48 - [ToTown] In combat, ForceToTown not disabled
[D] 10:41:48 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:41:48 - Iteration took 27ms
10:41:48 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 10)
[F] 10:41:48 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:41:48 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:41:48 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:41:48 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:41:48 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:41:48 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:41:49 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:41:49 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:41:49 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:41:49 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:41:49 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:41:49 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:41:49 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 10:41:50 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:41:50 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:41:50 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:41:50 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:41:50 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 10:41:50 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:41:50 - Iteration took 20ms
[N] 10:41:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1006,465 ; -3894,977 ; 18,62878 ; "None" to 997,6041 ; -3899,613 ; 18,62878 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:41:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00002y)
[F] 10:41:51 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:41:51 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:41:51 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 10:41:51 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:41:51 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:41:51 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:41:51 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:41:51 - Iteration took 28ms
[N] 10:41:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1001,146 ; -3897,453 ; 18,51709 ; "None" to 992,2526 ; -3902,026 ; 18,51709 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:41:52 - Iteration took 17ms
[N] 10:41:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,99995y)
[F] 10:41:52 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:41:52 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:41:52 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:41:52 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:41:52 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:41:52 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:41:52 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:41:53 - Iteration took 25ms
[D] 10:41:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:41:53 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:41:53 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:41:53 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:41:53 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:41:53 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:41:53 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:41:54 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:41:54 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:41:54 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:41:54 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:41:54 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:41:54 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:41:54 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 10:41:55 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:41:55 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:41:55 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:41:55 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:41:55 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:41:55 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:41:55 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:41:55 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:41:56 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:41:56 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:41:56 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:41:56 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:41:56 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 10:41:56 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:41:56 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:41:56 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:41:56 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:41:57 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:41:57 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:41:57 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:41:57 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:41:57 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:41:57 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:41:57 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:41:58 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:41:58 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:41:58 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:41:58 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 10:41:58 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:41:58 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:41:58 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:41:58 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:41:59 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:41:59 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:41:59 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:41:59 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:41:59 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:41:59 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:41:59 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:42:00 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:42:00 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:42:00 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:42:00 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:42:00 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:42:00 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:42:00 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 10:42:01 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:42:01 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:42:01 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:42:01 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:42:01 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:42:01 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:42:01 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:42:01 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:42:01 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:42:02 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:42:02 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:42:02 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:42:02 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:42:02 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:42:02 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:42:02 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:42:03 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:42:03 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:42:03 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 10:42:03 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:42:03 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:42:03 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:42:03 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:42:04 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:42:04 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:42:04 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:42:04 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:42:04 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:42:04 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:42:04 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:42:05 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:42:05 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:42:05 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:42:05 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:42:05 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:42:05 - Iteration took 61ms
[D] 10:42:05 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:42:05 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:42:06 - Iteration took 51ms
10:42:07 - [Regen] Started
10:42:08 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
10:42:10 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:42:26 - [Regen] Finished
10:42:26 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Ukra'nor (Repair)
[N] 10:42:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 997,9543 ; -3899,399 ; 18,43959 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:42:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 37 (1059,966y)
[D] 10:43:00 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:43:00 - Iteration took 110ms
[N] 10:43:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1184,194 ; -3899,642 ; 16,05993 ; "Swimming" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:43:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 37 (873,7237y)
[N] 10:43:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1184,194 ; -3899,642 ; 16,05993 ; "Swimming" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:43:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 37 (873,7237y)
[D] 10:43:00 - [ToTown] In combat, ForceToTown not disabled
[D] 10:43:00 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:43:00 - Iteration took 28ms
10:43:00 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 11)
[F] 10:43:00 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:43:00 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:43:00 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:43:00 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:43:01 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:43:01 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:43:01 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:43:01 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:43:01 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:43:01 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:43:01 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:43:01 - Iteration took 15ms
[D] 10:43:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:43:02 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:43:02 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:43:02 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:43:02 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:43:02 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:43:02 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:43:03 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:43:03 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:43:03 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:43:03 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:43:03 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:43:03 - Iteration took 52ms
[N] 10:43:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1184,194 ; -3899,642 ; 16,05993 ; "Swimming" to 1175,184 ; -3895,303 ; 16,05993 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 10:43:03 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:43:03 - Iteration took 44ms
[N] 10:43:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00008y)
[F] 10:43:04 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:43:04 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 10:43:04 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:43:04 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:43:04 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:43:04 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:43:04 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:43:04 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 10:43:05 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:43:05 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:43:05 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:43:05 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:43:05 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:43:05 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:43:06 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:43:06 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:43:06 - Iteration took 71ms
[D] 10:43:06 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:43:06 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:43:06 - Iteration took 50ms
[N] 10:43:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1184,299 ; -3900,034 ; 16,05993 ; "Swimming" to 1175,132 ; -3896,036 ; 16,05993 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:43:06 - Iteration took 39ms
[N] 10:43:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00003y)
[F] 10:43:06 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:43:07 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:43:07 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:43:07 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:43:07 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 10:43:07 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:43:07 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:43:07 - Iteration took 13ms
[N] 10:43:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1180,709 ; -3898,176 ; 16,05993 ; "Swimming" to 1171,093 ; -3895,433 ; 16,05993 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:43:07 - Iteration took 18ms
[N] 10:43:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999941y)
[F] 10:43:08 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:43:08 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 10:43:08 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:43:08 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:43:08 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:43:08 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:43:08 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:43:08 - Iteration took 12ms
[N] 10:43:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1175,553 ; -3896,198 ; 16,29667 ; "None" to 1165,836 ; -3893,838 ; 16,29667 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:43:09 - Iteration took 12ms
[N] 10:43:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,99996y)
[F] 10:43:09 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:43:09 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:43:09 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:43:09 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:43:09 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:43:09 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:43:09 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:43:09 - Iteration took 17ms
[D] 10:43:10 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:43:10 - Iteration took 104ms
[D] 10:43:10 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:43:10 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:43:10 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:43:10 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:43:10 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:43:10 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:43:11 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:43:11 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:43:11 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:43:11 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:43:11 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:43:11 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:43:11 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:43:11 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:43:12 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 10:43:12 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:43:12 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:43:12 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:43:12 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:43:12 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:43:12 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:43:12 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:43:13 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:43:13 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:43:13 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:43:13 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:43:13 - Iteration took 57ms
[D] 10:43:13 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:43:13 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:43:13 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:43:14 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:43:14 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:43:14 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:43:14 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:43:14 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:43:14 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:43:14 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:43:15 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:43:15 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:43:15 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 10:43:15 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:43:15 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:43:15 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:43:15 - Iteration took 43ms
10:43:16 - [Regen] Started
10:43:18 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:43:32 - [Regen] Finished
10:43:32 - [Looting] Loot Dreadmaw Crocolisk
[N] 10:43:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1168,528 ; -3894,488 ; 17,46523 ; "None" to 1177,044 ; -3897,508 ; 15,99103 ; "Swimming" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:43:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,155669y)
10:43:36 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Ukra'nor (Repair)
[N] 10:43:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1173,529 ; -3896,262 ; 16,47366 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:43:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 38 (884,7833y)
[D] 10:43:51 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:43:51 - Iteration took 99ms
[N] 10:43:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1249,266 ; -3900,682 ; 19,80443 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:43:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 37 (808,9882y)
[N] 10:43:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1249,266 ; -3900,682 ; 19,80443 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:43:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 37 (808,9882y)
[D] 10:43:51 - [ToTown] In combat, ForceToTown not disabled
10:43:51 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 11)
[D] 10:43:51 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:43:51 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:43:51 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:43:51 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:43:51 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:43:51 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:43:52 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:43:52 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:43:52 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:43:52 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:43:52 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:43:52 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:43:52 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:43:52 - Iteration took 25ms
[D] 10:43:53 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 10:43:53 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 10:43:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:43:53 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:43:53 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:43:53 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:43:53 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:43:53 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:43:53 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:43:54 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:43:54 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:43:54 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:43:54 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:43:54 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:43:54 - Iteration took 52ms
[N] 10:43:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1249,266 ; -3900,682 ; 19,80443 ; "None" to 1239,597 ; -3898,131 ; 19,80443 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 10:43:54 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:43:54 - Iteration took 42ms
[N] 10:43:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (12,22333y)
[F] 10:43:55 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:43:55 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:43:55 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 10:43:55 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:43:55 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:43:55 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:43:55 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:43:56 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:43:56 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 10:43:56 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:43:56 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:43:56 - Iteration took 29ms
[D] 10:43:56 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:43:56 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:43:56 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:43:57 - Iteration took 33ms
[N] 10:43:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1249,246 ; -3900,911 ; 19,59937 ; "None" to 1239,587 ; -3898,321 ; 19,59937 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:43:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (11,92351y)
[F] 10:43:57 - Iteration took 9ms
[F] 10:43:57 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:43:57 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:43:57 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:43:57 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:43:57 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 10:43:57 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:43:57 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:43:58 - Iteration took 15ms
[N] 10:43:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1242,983 ; -3899,955 ; 19,46507 ; "None" to 1233,816 ; -3895,957 ; 19,46507 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:43:58 - Iteration took 14ms
[N] 10:43:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00003y)
[F] 10:43:58 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 10:43:58 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:43:58 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:43:58 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:43:58 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:43:58 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:43:59 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:43:59 - Iteration took 15ms
[N] 10:43:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1239,905 ; -3898,629 ; 20,06547 ; "None" to 1230,539 ; -3895,126 ; 20,06547 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:43:59 - Iteration took 19ms
[N] 10:43:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999935y)
[F] 10:43:59 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 10:43:59 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:43:59 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:43:59 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:43:59 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:43:59 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:44:00 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:44:00 - Iteration took 16ms
[D] 10:44:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:44:00 - Iteration took 105ms
[D] 10:44:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:44:00 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:44:00 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:44:00 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:44:00 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:44:01 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:44:01 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:44:01 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:44:01 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:44:01 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:44:01 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:44:01 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:44:02 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 10:44:02 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:44:02 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:44:02 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:44:02 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:44:02 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:44:02 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:44:02 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:44:03 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:44:03 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:44:03 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:44:03 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 10:44:03 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:44:03 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:44:03 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:44:03 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:44:04 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:44:04 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:44:04 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:44:04 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:44:04 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:44:04 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:44:04 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:44:05 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:44:05 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 10:44:05 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:44:05 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:44:05 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:44:05 - Iteration took 46ms
10:44:06 - [Regen] Started
10:44:08 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:44:22 - [Regen] Finished
10:44:22 - [Looting] Loot Dreadmaw Crocolisk
[N] 10:44:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1236,19 ; -3897,596 ; 20,00068 ; "None" to 1240,941 ; -3900,039 ; 19,00995 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:44:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (5,432885y)
10:44:26 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Ukra'nor (Repair)
[N] 10:44:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1237,728 ; -3898,386 ; 19,68469 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:44:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 38 (821,4531y)
[N] 10:45:48 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 10:45:48 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 10:45:48 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 10:46:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1586,803 ; -4103,951 ; 35,50332 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:46:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,244713y)
[N] 10:46:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1586,803 ; -4103,951 ; 35,50332 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24112 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:46:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,244713y)
10:46:41 - [ToTown] Vendor found Ukra'nor
10:46:41 - [ToTown] Repair items
10:46:42 - [ToTown] Sell items (try 1)
10:46:50 - [ToTown] Sell items (try 2)
[N] 10:46:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1582,715 ; -4100,156 ; 36,24112 ; "None" to 316,3132 ; -3818,064 ; 23,47821 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:46:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 34 (1718,894y)
[N] 10:47:47 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 10:47:47 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 10:47:47 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[N] 10:47:49 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 10:47:49 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 10:47:49 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[D] 10:48:55 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:48:55 - Iteration took 136ms
10:48:55 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Savannah Prowler (lvl 15)
[D] 10:48:55 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:48:55 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:48:56 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:48:56 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:48:56 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:48:56 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:48:56 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:48:56 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:48:56 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:48:57 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:48:57 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:48:57 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:48:57 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:48:57 - Iteration took 17ms
[D] 10:48:57 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 10:48:57 - Iteration took 24ms
[D] 10:48:57 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:48:57 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:48:57 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:48:58 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:48:58 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:48:58 - Iteration took 61ms
[N] 10:48:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1263,042 ; -3834,767 ; 30,47421 ; "None" to 1268,409 ; -3843,205 ; 30,47421 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:48:58 - Iteration took 45ms
[N] 10:48:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00006y)
[F] 10:48:58 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:48:58 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:48:58 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:48:59 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:48:59 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:48:59 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:48:59 - Iteration took 26ms
[N] 10:48:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1266,358 ; -3839,452 ; 30,54534 ; "None" to 1271,98 ; -3847,722 ; 30,54534 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:48:59 - Iteration took 33ms
[N] 10:48:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,99998y)
[F] 10:48:59 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:48:59 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:49:00 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:49:00 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:49:00 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:49:00 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:49:00 - Iteration took 19ms
[D] 10:49:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:49:00 - Iteration took 132ms
[D] 10:49:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:49:00 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:49:01 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:49:01 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:49:01 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:49:01 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:49:01 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:49:01 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:49:01 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:49:02 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:49:02 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:49:02 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:49:02 - Iteration took 62ms
[D] 10:49:02 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:49:02 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:49:02 - Iteration took 74ms
[F] 10:49:03 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:49:03 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:49:03 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:49:03 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:49:03 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:49:03 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:49:03 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:49:04 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 10:49:04 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:49:04 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:49:04 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:49:04 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:49:04 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:49:04 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:49:04 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:49:04 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:49:05 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:49:05 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:49:05 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:49:05 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:49:05 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:49:05 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:49:05 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:49:06 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:49:06 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:49:06 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 10:49:06 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:49:06 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:49:06 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:49:06 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:49:07 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:49:07 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:49:07 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:49:07 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:49:07 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:49:07 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:49:07 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:49:08 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:49:08 - Iteration took 104ms
[D] 10:49:08 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:49:08 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:49:08 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:49:08 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:49:08 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:49:08 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:49:09 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:49:09 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:49:09 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:49:09 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:49:09 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:49:09 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:49:09 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 10:49:10 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 10:49:10 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:49:10 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:49:10 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:49:10 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:49:10 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:49:10 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:49:11 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:49:11 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:49:11 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:49:11 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:49:11 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:49:11 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:49:11 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:49:11 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:49:12 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:49:12 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:49:12 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:49:12 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:49:12 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:49:12 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:49:13 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 10:49:13 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:49:13 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:49:13 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:49:13 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:49:13 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:49:13 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:49:13 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:49:14 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:49:14 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:49:14 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:49:14 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:49:14 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:49:14 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:49:14 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:49:15 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:49:15 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:49:15 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 10:49:15 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:49:15 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:49:15 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:49:15 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:49:15 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:49:16 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:49:16 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:49:16 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:49:16 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:49:16 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:49:16 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:49:16 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:49:16 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:49:17 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 10:49:17 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:49:17 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:49:17 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:49:17 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:49:17 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:49:17 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:49:18 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:49:18 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:49:18 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:49:18 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:49:18 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:49:18 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:49:18 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:49:18 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:49:19 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:49:19 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:49:19 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:49:19 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:49:19 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:49:19 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:49:19 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 10:49:20 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:49:20 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:49:20 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:49:20 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:49:20 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:49:20 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:49:20 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:49:20 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:49:21 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:49:21 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:49:21 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:49:21 - Iteration took 80ms
[F] 10:49:21 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:49:21 - Iteration took 66ms
10:49:22 - [Regen] Started
10:49:24 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
10:49:26 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:49:44 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 10:49:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1268,21 ; -3842,84 ; 30,54228 ; "None" to 316,3132 ; -3818,064 ; 23,47821 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:49:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (956,4979y)
[D] 10:49:52 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:49:52 - Iteration took 114ms
10:49:52 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Sunscale Screecher (lvl 13)
[D] 10:49:52 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:49:52 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:49:52 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:49:52 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:49:52 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:49:53 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:49:53 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:49:53 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:49:53 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:49:53 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:49:53 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:49:53 - Iteration took 87ms
[F] 10:49:54 - Iteration took 50ms
[N] 10:49:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1216,856 ; -3839,064 ; 28,72415 ; "None" to 1220,499 ; -3848,377 ; 28,72415 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 10:49:54 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:49:54 - Iteration took 44ms
[N] 10:49:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999912y)
[F] 10:49:54 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:49:54 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:49:54 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:49:54 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:49:54 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:49:55 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:49:55 - Iteration took 25ms
[N] 10:49:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1218,695 ; -3844,542 ; 28,65597 ; "None" to 1222,255 ; -3853,887 ; 28,65597 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:49:55 - Iteration took 32ms
[N] 10:49:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00003y)
[F] 10:49:55 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:49:55 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 10:49:55 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:49:55 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:49:55 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:49:56 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 10:49:56 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:49:56 - Iteration took 27ms
[D] 10:49:56 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:49:56 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:49:56 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:49:56 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:49:56 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:49:57 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:49:57 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:49:57 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:49:57 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:49:57 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:49:57 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:49:57 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:49:58 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:49:58 - Iteration took 56ms
[D] 10:49:58 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:49:58 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:49:58 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:49:58 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:49:58 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:49:59 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:49:59 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:49:59 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:49:59 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:49:59 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:49:59 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:49:59 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:50:00 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 10:50:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:50:00 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:50:00 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:50:00 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:50:00 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:50:00 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:50:00 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:50:01 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:50:01 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 10:50:01 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:50:01 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:50:01 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:50:01 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:50:01 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:50:02 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 10:50:02 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:50:02 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:50:02 - Iteration took 48ms
[N] 10:50:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1220,292 ; -3847,937 ; 28,5007 ; "None" to 1222,999 ; -3857,564 ; 28,5007 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:50:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999941y)
[F] 10:50:02 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:50:02 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 10:50:02 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:50:02 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 10:50:03 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:50:03 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:50:03 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:50:03 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:50:03 - Iteration took 19ms
[N] 10:50:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1221,576 ; -3853,547 ; 28,32413 ; "None" to 1223,903 ; -3863,136 ; 28,32413 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:50:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,867722y)
[F] 10:50:03 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:50:03 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:50:03 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:50:04 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:50:04 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:50:04 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 10:50:04 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 10:50:04 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:50:04 - Iteration took 15ms
[D] 10:50:04 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:50:04 - Iteration took 26ms
[D] 10:50:04 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:50:04 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:50:05 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:50:05 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:50:05 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:50:05 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:50:05 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:50:05 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:50:05 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:50:05 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:50:06 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:50:06 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:50:06 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:50:06 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:50:06 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 10:50:06 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:50:06 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:50:06 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:50:07 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:50:07 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:50:07 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:50:07 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:50:07 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:50:07 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:50:07 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:50:07 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:50:08 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:50:08 - Iteration took 29ms
[D] 10:50:08 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:50:08 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:50:08 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:50:08 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:50:08 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:50:08 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:50:09 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:50:09 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:50:09 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:50:09 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:50:09 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:50:09 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:50:09 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:50:09 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:50:10 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:50:10 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:50:10 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 10:50:10 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:50:10 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:50:10 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:50:10 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:50:11 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:50:11 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:50:11 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:50:11 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:50:11 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:50:11 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:50:11 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:50:12 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:50:12 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:50:12 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:50:12 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:50:12 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:50:12 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:50:12 - Iteration took 53ms
[D] 10:50:13 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:50:13 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:50:13 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:50:13 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:50:13 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:50:13 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:50:13 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:50:13 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:50:14 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:50:14 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:50:14 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:50:14 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:50:14 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:50:14 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:50:14 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:50:15 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:50:15 - Iteration took 67ms
[D] 10:50:15 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:50:15 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:50:15 - Iteration took 23ms
10:50:16 - [Regen] Started
10:50:18 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
10:50:19 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:50:36 - [Regen] Finished
10:50:36 - [Looting] Loot Sunscale Screecher
[N] 10:50:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1222,857 ; -3857,162 ; 28,294 ; "None" to 316,3132 ; -3818,064 ; 23,47821 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:50:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (913,0896y)
[D] 10:50:42 - [iEquip] acknowledging item "Worn Mail Vest" id 1737 with a value of 259 and armor value of 250
[D] 10:50:42 - [iEquip] acknowledging item "Apprentice's Robe" id 6140 with a value of 11 and armor value of 10
10:50:42 - Name: Worn Mail Vest ID: 1737
10:50:43 - [iEquip] item "Worn Mail Vest" id 1737 blacklisted
10:50:44 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Savannah Prowler (lvl 14)
[D] 10:50:44 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:50:44 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:50:44 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:50:44 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:50:44 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:50:45 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:50:45 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:50:45 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:50:45 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:50:45 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:50:45 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:50:45 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:50:46 - Iteration took 25ms
[D] 10:50:46 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:50:46 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:50:46 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:50:46 - Iteration took 52ms
[N] 10:50:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1194,178 ; -3851,741 ; 28,82672 ; "None" to 1197,348 ; -3861,225 ; 28,82672 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:50:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999934y)
[F] 10:50:46 - Iteration took 77ms
[F] 10:50:46 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:50:46 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:50:47 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:50:47 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:50:47 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:50:47 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 10:50:47 - Iteration took 27ms
[N] 10:50:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1195,852 ; -3857,575 ; 28,07137 ; "None" to 1198,746 ; -3867,147 ; 28,07137 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:50:47 - Iteration took 32ms
[N] 10:50:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999897y)
[F] 10:50:47 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:50:48 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 10:50:48 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:50:48 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:50:48 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:50:48 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:50:48 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:50:48 - Iteration took 24ms
[D] 10:50:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:50:48 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:50:49 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:50:49 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:50:49 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:50:49 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:50:49 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:50:49 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:50:49 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:50:50 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:50:50 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:50:50 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:50:50 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:50:50 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 10:50:50 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:50:50 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:50:50 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:50:51 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:50:51 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:50:51 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:50:51 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:50:51 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:50:51 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:50:51 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:50:51 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:50:52 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:50:52 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 10:50:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:50:52 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:50:52 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:50:52 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:50:52 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:50:52 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:50:53 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:50:53 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:50:53 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:50:53 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:50:53 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:50:53 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:50:53 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:50:54 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:50:54 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:50:54 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:50:54 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:50:54 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:50:54 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:50:54 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:50:55 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 10:50:55 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:50:55 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:50:55 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 10:50:55 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:50:55 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:50:55 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:50:55 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:50:56 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:50:56 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:50:56 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:50:56 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:50:56 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:50:56 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:50:56 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:50:57 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:50:57 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:50:57 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:50:57 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:50:57 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:50:57 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:50:57 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:50:58 - Iteration took 85ms
[F] 10:50:58 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:50:58 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:50:58 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:50:58 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:50:58 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 10:50:58 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:50:58 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:50:59 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:50:59 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:50:59 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:50:59 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:50:59 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:50:59 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:50:59 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:51:00 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:51:00 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:51:00 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:51:00 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:51:00 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:51:00 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:51:00 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:51:01 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:51:01 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:51:01 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:51:01 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 10:51:01 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:51:01 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:51:01 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:51:01 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:51:02 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:51:02 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:51:02 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:51:02 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:51:02 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:51:02 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:51:02 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:51:03 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:51:03 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:51:03 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 10:51:03 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:51:03 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:51:03 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:51:03 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:51:04 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:51:04 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:51:04 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:51:04 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:51:04 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:51:04 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:51:04 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:51:04 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:51:05 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:51:05 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:51:05 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:51:05 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:51:05 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:51:05 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:51:05 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:51:06 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:51:06 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:51:06 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 10:51:06 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:51:06 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:51:06 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:51:06 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:51:06 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:51:07 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:51:07 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:51:07 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:51:07 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:51:07 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:51:07 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:51:07 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:51:08 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:51:08 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:51:08 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:51:08 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 10:51:08 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:51:08 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:51:08 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:51:09 - Iteration took 136ms
[F] 10:51:09 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:51:09 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:51:09 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:51:09 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:51:09 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:51:09 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:51:10 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:51:10 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:51:10 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:51:10 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:51:10 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:51:10 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 10:51:10 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:51:11 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:51:11 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:51:11 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:51:11 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:51:11 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:51:11 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:51:12 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:51:12 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:51:12 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:51:12 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:51:12 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:51:12 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:51:12 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:51:13 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:51:13 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:51:13 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:51:13 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:51:13 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:51:13 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:51:14 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:51:14 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:51:14 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:51:14 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:51:14 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:51:14 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:51:14 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:51:15 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:51:15 - Iteration took 158ms
[F] 10:51:15 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:51:15 - Iteration took 87ms
[F] 10:51:15 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:51:16 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:51:16 - Iteration took 58ms
[D] 10:51:16 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:51:16 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:51:16 - Iteration took 90ms
[F] 10:51:16 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:51:16 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:51:16 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:51:17 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:51:17 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:51:17 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:51:17 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:51:17 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:51:17 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:51:18 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:51:18 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:51:18 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:51:18 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:51:18 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 10:51:18 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:51:18 - Iteration took 81ms
[F] 10:51:19 - Iteration took 82ms
[F] 10:51:19 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 10:51:19 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 10:51:19 - Iteration took 84ms
[F] 10:51:19 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 10:51:20 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 10:51:20 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:51:20 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:51:20 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:51:20 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 10:51:20 - Iteration took 60ms
[D] 10:51:21 - [Fight] Fight stopped
10:51:21 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[N] 10:51:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -592,6014 ; -2523,492 ; 91,78803 ; "None" to 1197,179 ; -3860,814 ; 27,40255 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:51:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 31 (2440,427y)
[D] 10:56:02 - [Resurrect] 2 hostile(s) npc(s) near character, try to found best location to retrieve corpse.
[N] 10:56:02 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1197,179 ; -3860,814 ; 27,40255 ; "None" strict = True
[N] 10:56:02 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 28,04983
[N] 10:56:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1185,661 ; -3823,544 ; 27,59786 ; "None" to 1197,179 ; -3860,814 ; 28,04983 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:56:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (39,01104y)
[F] 10:56:07 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Arcane Intellect (Arcane Intellect)
10:56:07 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
10:56:07 - [Regen] Started
10:56:09 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
10:56:10 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:56:26 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 10:56:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1196,382 ; -3858,235 ; 27,95571 ; "None" to 316,3132 ; -3818,064 ; 23,47821 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:56:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (887,3571y)
[D] 10:56:47 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:56:47 - Iteration took 99ms
10:56:47 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 10)
[D] 10:56:48 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:56:48 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:56:48 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:56:48 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:56:48 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:56:48 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:56:48 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:56:48 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:56:48 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:56:49 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:56:49 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:56:49 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:56:49 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 10:56:49 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 10:56:49 - Iteration took 32ms
[N] 10:56:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1053,678 ; -3829,242 ; 17,81594 ; "None" to 1045,475 ; -3823,523 ; 17,81594 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:56:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999987y)
[D] 10:56:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:56:49 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:56:49 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:56:50 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:56:50 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:56:50 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:56:50 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:56:50 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:56:50 - Iteration took 25ms
[N] 10:56:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1048,25 ; -3825,78 ; 18,73469 ; "None" to 1040,334 ; -3819,669 ; 18,73469 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:56:50 - Iteration took 31ms
[N] 10:56:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00009y)
[F] 10:56:50 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:56:51 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:56:51 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:56:51 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:56:51 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 10:56:51 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:56:51 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:56:51 - Iteration took 33ms
[N] 10:56:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1045,801 ; -3823,788 ; 19,28443 ; "None" to 1038,406 ; -3817,055 ; 19,28443 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:56:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00005y)
[F] 10:56:52 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:56:52 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:56:52 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:56:52 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:56:52 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:56:52 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:56:52 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:56:52 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 10:56:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:56:53 - Iteration took 110ms
[D] 10:56:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:56:53 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:56:53 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:56:53 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:56:53 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:56:53 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:56:53 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:56:54 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:56:54 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:56:54 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:56:54 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:56:54 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:56:54 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 10:56:54 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:56:54 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:56:55 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:56:55 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:56:55 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:56:55 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 10:56:55 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 10:56:55 - [Fight] BlackList Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 60 sec
10:56:55 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 10)
[F] 10:56:55 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:56:55 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:56:55 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:56:56 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:56:56 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:56:56 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:56:56 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 10:56:56 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:56:56 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:56:56 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:56:56 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:56:57 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:56:57 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:56:57 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:56:57 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:56:57 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:56:57 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:56:57 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:56:58 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:56:58 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 10:56:58 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:56:58 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:56:58 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:56:58 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:56:58 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:56:58 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:56:59 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:56:59 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:56:59 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:56:59 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:56:59 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:56:59 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:56:59 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:57:00 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:57:00 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:57:00 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:57:00 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:57:00 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:57:00 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:57:00 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 10:57:01 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:57:01 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:57:01 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:57:01 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:57:01 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:57:01 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:57:01 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:57:01 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:57:02 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:57:02 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:57:02 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:57:02 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:57:02 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:57:02 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:57:02 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:57:02 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:57:03 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:57:03 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:57:03 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:57:03 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:57:03 - Iteration took 60ms
[D] 10:57:03 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:57:03 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:57:03 - Iteration took 42ms
10:57:04 - [Regen] Started
10:57:06 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
10:57:18 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 10:57:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1040,454 ; -3818,92 ; 19,8047 ; "None" to 316,5125 ; -3804,751 ; 24,52985 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:57:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (725,07y)
[D] 10:57:39 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:57:39 - Iteration took 118ms
10:57:39 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 11)
[D] 10:57:39 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:57:39 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:57:39 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:57:40 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:57:40 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:57:40 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:57:40 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:57:40 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:57:40 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:57:40 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:57:40 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:57:41 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:57:41 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:57:41 - Iteration took 16ms
[D] 10:57:41 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:57:41 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:57:41 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:57:41 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:57:42 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:57:42 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:57:42 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 10:57:42 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:57:42 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:57:42 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:57:42 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:57:43 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:57:43 - Iteration took 44ms
[N] 10:57:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 949,4427 ; -3814,883 ; 16,64122 ; "None" to 955,4532 ; -3806,891 ; 16,64122 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:57:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00006y)
[D] 10:57:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:57:43 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:57:43 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:57:43 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:57:43 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:57:43 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:57:44 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:57:44 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:57:44 - Iteration took 16ms
[D] 10:57:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:57:44 - Iteration took 117ms
[D] 10:57:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:57:44 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:57:44 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:57:45 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:57:45 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:57:45 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:57:45 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:57:45 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:57:45 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:57:45 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:57:46 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:57:46 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:57:46 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:57:46 - Iteration took 59ms
[D] 10:57:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:57:46 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:57:46 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:57:46 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:57:47 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:57:47 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:57:47 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:57:47 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:57:47 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:57:47 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:57:47 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:57:48 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:57:48 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:57:48 - Iteration took 57ms
[D] 10:57:48 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 10:57:48 - Iteration took 34ms
[N] 10:57:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 952,6324 ; -3810,16 ; 16,05976 ; "Swimming" to 958,422 ; -3802,007 ; 16,05976 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:57:48 - Iteration took 50ms
[N] 10:57:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00001y)
[F] 10:57:48 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 10:57:48 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:57:49 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:57:49 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 10:57:49 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:57:49 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:57:49 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 10:57:49 - Iteration took 16ms
[N] 10:57:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 955,0944 ; -3807,165 ; 16,05976 ; "Swimming" to 961,1898 ; -3799,338 ; 16,05976 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:57:49 - Iteration took 16ms
[N] 10:57:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,920169y)
[F] 10:57:49 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:57:50 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:57:50 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:57:50 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 10:57:50 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 10:57:50 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:57:50 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:57:50 - Iteration took 26ms
[N] 10:57:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 957,9539 ; -3802,733 ; 16,05976 ; "Swimming" to 963,7294 ; -3794,667 ; 16,05976 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:57:50 - Iteration took 12ms
[N] 10:57:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,919868y)
[F] 10:57:51 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 10:57:51 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:57:51 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 10:57:51 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:57:51 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 10:57:51 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 10:57:51 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:57:51 - Iteration took 10ms
[D] 10:57:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:57:52 - Iteration took 35ms
[D] 10:57:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:57:52 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:57:52 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 10:57:52 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:57:52 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:57:52 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:57:52 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:57:52 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:57:53 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:57:53 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:57:53 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:57:53 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:57:53 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:57:53 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 10:57:53 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 10:57:53 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:57:54 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:57:54 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:57:54 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:57:54 - Iteration took 26ms
10:57:55 - [Looting] Loot Dreadmaw Crocolisk
[D] 10:57:55 - [MovementManager] You try to use flying/swimming path but you cannot fly/swim here, try to use ground mouvement...
[N] 10:58:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 953,8582 ; -3808,458 ; 16,05984 ; "Swimming" to 316,5125 ; -3804,751 ; 24,52985 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:58:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (638,0959y)
[D] 10:58:09 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:58:09 - Iteration took 126ms
10:58:09 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 10)
[D] 10:58:09 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:58:09 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 10:58:09 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:58:09 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:58:10 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:58:10 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:58:10 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:58:10 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:58:10 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:58:10 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:58:10 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:58:11 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:58:11 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:58:11 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 10:58:11 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:58:11 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:58:11 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:58:11 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:58:11 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:58:12 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:58:12 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:58:12 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:58:12 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:58:12 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 10:58:12 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 10:58:13 - Iteration took 65ms
[D] 10:58:13 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 10:58:13 - Iteration took 43ms
[N] 10:58:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 901,8445 ; -3806,942 ; 16,60509 ; "None" to 911,4286 ; -3804,088 ; 16,60509 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:58:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00001y)
[F] 10:58:13 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 10:58:13 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 10:58:13 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 10:58:13 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:58:14 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:58:14 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:58:14 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 10:58:14 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:58:14 - Iteration took 74ms
[F] 10:58:14 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 10:58:14 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 10:58:15 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 10:58:15 - Iteration took 80ms
[F] 10:58:15 - Iteration took 67ms
[D] 10:58:15 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:58:15 - Iteration took 129ms
[D] 10:58:15 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:58:15 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:58:16 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:58:16 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:58:16 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:58:16 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:58:16 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:58:16 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 10:58:16 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:58:17 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 10:58:17 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:58:17 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 10:58:17 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:58:17 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:58:17 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 10:58:18 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 10:58:18 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 10:58:18 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 10:58:18 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:58:18 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:58:19 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:58:19 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:58:19 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:58:19 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 10:58:19 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:58:19 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:58:19 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:58:20 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:58:20 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:58:20 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 10:58:20 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:58:20 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:58:20 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:58:21 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:58:21 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 10:58:21 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 10:58:21 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:58:21 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:58:21 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:58:22 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 10:58:22 - Iteration took 85ms
[F] 10:58:22 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:58:22 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 10:58:22 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:58:22 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:58:23 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:58:23 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:58:23 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 10:58:23 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:58:23 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:58:23 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 10:58:24 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:58:24 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:58:24 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:58:24 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 10:58:24 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:58:24 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:58:25 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:58:25 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:58:25 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:58:25 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 10:58:25 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:58:25 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:58:26 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:58:26 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 10:58:26 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:58:26 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:58:26 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:58:26 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:58:26 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 10:58:26 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:58:26 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:58:27 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:58:27 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:58:27 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:58:27 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:58:27 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:58:27 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:58:27 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:58:28 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:58:28 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:58:28 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:58:28 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:58:28 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:58:28 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:58:29 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 10:58:29 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:58:29 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:58:29 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 10:58:29 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 10:58:29 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:58:29 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:58:30 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:58:30 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:58:30 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:58:30 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:58:30 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:58:30 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:58:30 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:58:31 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:58:31 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:58:31 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:58:31 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:58:31 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 10:58:31 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:58:31 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:58:32 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:58:32 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:58:32 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:58:32 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:58:32 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:58:32 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 10:58:32 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:58:33 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:58:33 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:58:33 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 10:58:33 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:58:33 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:58:33 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:58:33 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 10:58:34 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:58:34 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:58:34 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 10:58:34 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:58:34 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:58:34 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:58:34 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:58:35 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:58:35 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:58:35 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:58:35 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:58:35 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:58:35 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:58:35 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:58:36 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:58:36 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:58:36 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:58:36 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:58:36 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:58:36 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:58:37 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:58:37 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:58:37 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:58:37 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:58:37 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:58:37 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:58:37 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:58:38 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:58:38 - Iteration took 56ms
[D] 10:58:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:58:38 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:58:38 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:58:38 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:58:38 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:58:39 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 10:58:39 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:58:39 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:58:39 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 10:58:39 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:58:39 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:58:39 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:58:40 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:58:40 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:58:40 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:58:40 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 10:58:40 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 10:58:40 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 10:58:41 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:58:41 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:58:41 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:58:41 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:58:41 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:58:41 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 10:58:41 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:58:42 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 10:58:42 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:58:42 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:58:42 - Iteration took 81ms
[F] 10:58:42 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:58:42 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:58:43 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:58:43 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:58:43 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:58:43 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:58:43 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:58:43 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:58:44 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:58:44 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 10:58:44 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:58:44 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:58:44 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 10:58:44 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 10:58:44 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:58:45 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:58:45 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:58:45 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:58:45 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:58:45 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:58:45 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:58:45 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:58:46 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:58:46 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:58:46 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 10:58:46 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 10:58:46 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 10:58:46 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 10:58:47 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:58:47 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:58:47 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:58:47 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:58:47 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:58:47 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 10:58:48 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 10:58:48 - Iteration took 64ms
[D] 10:58:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 10:58:48 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 10:58:48 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 10:58:48 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 10:58:48 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:58:48 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:58:49 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 10:58:49 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:58:49 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:58:49 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 10:58:49 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:58:49 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 10:58:50 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:58:50 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 10:58:50 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 10:58:50 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:58:50 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 10:58:50 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:58:51 - Iteration took 86ms
[F] 10:58:51 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 10:58:51 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 10:58:51 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 10:58:51 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 10:58:51 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 10:58:52 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:58:52 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 10:58:52 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 10:58:52 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:58:52 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 10:58:52 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 10:58:53 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 10:58:53 - Iteration took 74ms
[F] 10:58:53 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 10:58:53 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 10:58:53 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 10:58:53 - Iteration took 71ms
[D] 10:58:54 - [Fight] Fight stopped
[F] 10:58:54 - Iteration took 35ms
10:58:54 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[N] 10:59:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1177,78 ; -4464,24 ; 21,3539 ; "None" to 901,5794 ; -3807,375 ; 16,54042 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:59:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (725,3143y)
[D] 11:00:19 - [Resurrect] 1 hostile(s) npc(s) near character, try to found best location to retrieve corpse.
[N] 11:00:19 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 913,5794 ; -3807,375 ; 16,54042 ; "None" strict = True
[N] 11:00:19 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 17,41121
[N] 11:00:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 908,7922 ; -3845,64 ; 19,97187 ; "None" to 913,5794 ; -3807,375 ; 17,41121 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:00:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (44,84396y)
[F] 11:00:24 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Arcane Intellect (Arcane Intellect)
11:00:25 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
11:00:25 - [Regen] Started
11:00:27 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
11:00:28 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:00:43 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 11:00:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 912,5364 ; -3809,951 ; 16,73679 ; "None" to 316,5125 ; -3804,751 ; 24,52985 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:00:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (596,8578y)
[D] 11:00:44 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:00:44 - Iteration took 111ms
11:00:44 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 10)
[D] 11:00:44 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:00:44 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:00:44 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:00:45 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:00:45 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:00:45 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:00:45 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:00:45 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:00:45 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:00:45 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:00:46 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:00:46 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:00:46 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 11:00:46 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 11:00:46 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 11:00:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:00:46 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:00:46 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:00:46 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:00:47 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:00:47 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:00:47 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:00:47 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:00:47 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:00:47 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:00:47 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:00:48 - Iteration took 46ms
[N] 11:00:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 906,3413 ; -3809,013 ; 16,5384 ; "None" to 915,4846 ; -3804,963 ; 16,5384 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 11:00:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:00:48 - Iteration took 61ms
[N] 11:00:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00005y)
[F] 11:00:48 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:00:48 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:00:48 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:00:48 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:00:48 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:00:49 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:00:49 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 11:00:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:00:49 - Iteration took 113ms
[D] 11:00:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:00:49 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 11:00:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:00:49 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:00:49 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:00:50 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:00:50 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:00:50 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:00:50 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:00:50 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:00:50 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:00:50 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:00:51 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:00:51 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:00:51 - Iteration took 75ms
[D] 11:00:51 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:00:51 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:00:51 - Iteration took 57ms
[N] 11:00:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 911,8024 ; -3806,309 ; 16,8685 ; "None" to 920,9799 ; -3802,337 ; 16,8685 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:00:51 - Iteration took 33ms
[N] 11:00:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999988y)
[F] 11:00:51 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 11:00:52 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 11:00:52 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:00:52 - Iteration took 9ms
[F] 11:00:52 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 11:00:52 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:00:52 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 11:00:52 - Iteration took 12ms
[N] 11:00:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 917,1749 ; -3804,292 ; 16,83243 ; "None" to 926,4821 ; -3800,635 ; 16,83243 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:00:52 - Iteration took 15ms
[N] 11:00:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00001y)
[F] 11:00:52 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:00:53 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:00:53 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 11:00:53 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 11:00:53 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:00:53 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:00:53 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 11:00:53 - Iteration took 11ms
[D] 11:00:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:00:53 - Iteration took 22ms
[D] 11:00:54 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:00:54 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:00:54 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:00:54 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:00:54 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:00:54 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:00:54 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:00:54 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:00:55 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:00:55 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:00:55 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:00:55 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:00:55 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:00:55 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 11:00:55 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:00:55 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:00:56 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:00:56 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:00:56 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:00:56 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:00:56 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:00:56 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:00:56 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:00:57 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:00:57 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:00:57 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:00:57 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:00:57 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:00:57 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:00:57 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:00:57 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:00:57 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:00:58 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:00:58 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:00:58 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:00:58 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:00:58 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:00:58 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:00:59 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:00:59 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:00:59 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:00:59 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:00:59 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:00:59 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:00:59 - Iteration took 91ms
[D] 11:01:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:01:00 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:01:00 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:01:00 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:01:00 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:01:00 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:01:00 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:01:01 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:01:01 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:01:01 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:01:01 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:01:01 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:01:01 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:01:01 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:01:02 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:01:02 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:01:02 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:01:02 - Iteration took 58ms
[D] 11:01:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:01:02 - Iteration took 80ms
[F] 11:01:02 - Iteration took 29ms
11:01:03 - [Regen] Started
11:01:06 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
11:01:07 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:01:21 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 11:01:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 920,6057 ; -3802,53 ; 16,70102 ; "None" to 316,6504 ; -3794,252 ; 26,13179 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:01:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (608,426y)
[D] 11:01:23 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:01:23 - Iteration took 59ms
11:01:23 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:01:23 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:01:24 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:01:24 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 11:01:24 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:01:24 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:01:24 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:01:24 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:01:24 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:01:24 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:01:25 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:01:25 - Iteration took 22ms
[D] 11:01:25 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:01:25 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:01:25 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:01:25 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:01:25 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:01:25 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:01:26 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:01:26 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:01:26 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:01:26 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:01:26 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:01:26 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:01:26 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:01:27 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 11:01:27 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:01:27 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:01:27 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:01:27 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:01:27 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:01:27 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:01:27 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:01:28 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:01:28 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:01:28 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:01:28 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:01:28 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:01:28 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:01:28 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 11:01:29 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:01:29 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:01:29 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:01:29 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:01:29 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:01:29 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:01:29 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:01:29 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:01:30 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:01:30 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:01:30 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:01:30 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:01:30 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:01:30 - Iteration took 53ms
[D] 11:01:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:01:30 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:01:31 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:01:31 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:01:31 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 11:01:31 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:01:31 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
[F] 11:01:31 - Iteration took 32ms
11:01:31 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:01:31 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:01:31 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:01:31 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:01:32 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:01:32 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:01:32 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:01:32 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:01:32 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 11:01:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:01:32 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:01:32 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:01:33 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:01:33 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:01:33 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:01:33 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:01:33 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:01:33 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:01:33 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:01:34 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:01:34 - Iteration took 88ms
[F] 11:01:34 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:01:34 - Iteration took 53ms
[D] 11:01:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:01:34 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:01:34 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:01:35 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:01:35 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:01:35 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:01:35 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:01:35 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:01:35 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:01:35 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:01:36 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:01:36 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:01:36 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:01:36 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:01:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:01:36 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:01:36 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:01:36 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:01:37 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:01:37 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:01:37 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:01:37 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:01:37 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:01:37 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:01:37 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:01:38 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:01:38 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:01:38 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 11:01:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:01:38 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:01:38 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:01:38 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:01:38 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:01:39 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 11:01:39 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:01:39 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
[F] 11:01:39 - Iteration took 39ms
11:01:39 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:01:39 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:01:39 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:01:39 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:01:39 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:01:39 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:01:40 - Iteration took 86ms
[F] 11:01:40 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 11:01:40 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:01:40 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:01:40 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:01:40 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:01:40 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:01:40 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:01:41 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:01:41 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:01:41 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:01:41 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:01:41 - Iteration took 97ms
[F] 11:01:41 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:01:42 - Iteration took 68ms
[D] 11:01:42 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:01:42 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 11:01:42 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:01:42 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:01:42 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:01:42 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:01:43 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:01:43 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:01:43 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:01:43 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:01:43 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:01:43 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:01:43 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:01:44 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 11:01:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:01:44 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:01:44 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:01:44 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:01:44 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:01:44 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:01:44 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:01:45 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:01:45 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:01:45 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:01:45 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:01:45 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:01:45 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:01:46 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:01:46 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:01:46 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:01:46 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:01:46 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:01:46 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:01:46 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:01:46 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:01:46 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:01:46 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:01:47 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:01:47 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:01:47 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:01:47 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:01:47 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:01:47 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:01:48 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:01:48 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:01:48 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:01:48 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:01:48 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:01:48 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:01:48 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:01:49 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:01:49 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:01:49 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:01:49 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:01:49 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:01:49 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:01:49 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:01:50 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:01:50 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:01:50 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:01:50 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:01:50 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:01:50 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:01:51 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:01:51 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:01:51 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:01:51 - Iteration took 84ms
[F] 11:01:51 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:01:51 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:01:51 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:01:52 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:01:52 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:01:52 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:01:52 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:01:52 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:01:52 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:01:53 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:01:53 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:01:53 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:01:53 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:01:53 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:01:53 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:01:53 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:01:54 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:01:54 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:01:54 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:01:54 - Iteration took 66ms
[D] 11:01:54 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:01:54 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:01:54 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:01:54 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:01:54 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:01:54 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:01:54 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:01:55 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:01:55 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:01:55 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:01:55 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:01:55 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:01:55 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:01:55 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:01:56 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:01:56 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:01:56 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:01:56 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:01:56 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:01:56 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:01:57 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:01:57 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:01:57 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:01:57 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:01:57 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:01:57 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:01:58 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:01:58 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:01:58 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:01:58 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:01:58 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:01:58 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:01:58 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:01:59 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:01:59 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:01:59 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:01:59 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:01:59 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:01:59 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:01:59 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:02:00 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:02:00 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:02:00 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:02:00 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:02:00 - Iteration took 80ms
[F] 11:02:00 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:02:01 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:02:01 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:02:01 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:02:01 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:02:01 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:02:01 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:02:02 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:02:02 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:02:02 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 11:02:02 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:02:02 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:02:02 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:02:02 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:02:02 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:02:02 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:02:02 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:02:03 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:02:03 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:02:03 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:02:03 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:02:03 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:02:03 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:02:04 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:02:04 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:02:04 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:02:04 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:02:04 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:02:04 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:02:04 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:02:05 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:02:05 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:02:05 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:02:05 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:02:05 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:02:05 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:02:06 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:02:06 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:02:06 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:02:06 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:02:06 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:02:06 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 11:02:06 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:02:06 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:02:07 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:02:07 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:02:07 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:02:07 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:02:07 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:02:07 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:02:07 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:02:08 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:02:08 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:02:08 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:02:08 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:02:08 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:02:08 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:02:09 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:02:09 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:02:09 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:02:09 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:02:09 - Iteration took 77ms
[F] 11:02:09 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:02:09 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:02:10 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:02:10 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:02:10 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:02:10 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:02:10 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:02:10 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:02:10 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:02:10 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:02:10 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:02:11 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:02:11 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:02:11 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:02:11 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:02:11 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:02:11 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:02:11 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:02:12 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:02:12 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:02:12 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:02:12 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:02:12 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:02:12 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:02:13 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:02:13 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:02:13 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:02:13 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:02:13 - Iteration took 78ms
[F] 11:02:13 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:02:13 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:02:14 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:02:14 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:02:14 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:02:14 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:02:14 - Iteration took 74ms
[F] 11:02:14 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:02:15 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:02:15 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:02:15 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:02:15 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:02:15 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:02:15 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:02:15 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:02:16 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:02:16 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:02:16 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:02:16 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:02:16 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:02:16 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:02:16 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:02:17 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:02:17 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:02:17 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:02:17 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:02:17 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:02:17 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
[F] 11:02:17 - Iteration took 89ms
11:02:17 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:02:17 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:02:18 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:02:18 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:02:18 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:02:18 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:02:18 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:02:18 - Iteration took 69ms
[D] 11:02:18 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:02:18 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:02:19 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:02:19 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:02:19 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:02:19 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:02:19 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:02:19 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:02:19 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:02:20 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:02:20 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:02:20 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:02:20 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:02:20 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:02:20 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:02:21 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:02:21 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:02:21 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:02:21 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:02:21 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:02:21 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:02:21 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:02:22 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:02:22 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:02:22 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:02:22 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:02:22 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:02:22 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:02:22 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:02:23 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:02:23 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:02:23 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:02:23 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:02:23 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:02:23 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:02:24 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:02:24 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:02:24 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:02:24 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:02:24 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:02:24 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:02:24 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:02:25 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:02:25 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:02:25 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 11:02:25 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:02:25 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:02:25 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:02:25 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:02:25 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:02:25 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:02:26 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:02:26 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:02:26 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:02:26 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:02:26 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:02:26 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:02:27 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:02:27 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:02:27 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:02:27 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:02:27 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:02:27 - Iteration took 96ms
[F] 11:02:28 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:02:28 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:02:28 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:02:28 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:02:28 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:02:28 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:02:28 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:02:29 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:02:29 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:02:29 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:02:29 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:02:29 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:02:29 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:02:30 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:02:30 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:02:30 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:02:30 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:02:30 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 11:02:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:02:30 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:02:31 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:02:31 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:02:31 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:02:31 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:02:31 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:02:31 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:02:31 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:02:32 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:02:32 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:02:32 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:02:32 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:02:32 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:02:32 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:02:33 - Iteration took 59ms
[D] 11:02:33 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:02:33 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:02:33 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 11)
[F] 11:02:33 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:02:33 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:02:33 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:02:33 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:02:33 - Iteration took 104ms
[F] 11:02:34 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:02:34 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:02:34 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:02:34 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:02:34 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:02:34 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:02:35 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:02:35 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:02:35 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:02:35 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:02:35 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:02:35 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:02:36 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:02:36 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:02:36 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:02:36 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:02:36 - Iteration took 78ms
[F] 11:02:36 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:02:37 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:02:37 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:02:37 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:02:37 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:02:37 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:02:37 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:02:38 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:02:38 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:02:38 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:02:38 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:02:38 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:02:39 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:02:39 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:02:39 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:02:39 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:02:39 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:02:39 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:02:40 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:02:40 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:02:40 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:02:40 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:02:40 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:02:40 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:02:41 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:02:41 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:02:41 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:02:41 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:02:41 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:02:41 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:02:42 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:02:42 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:02:42 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:02:42 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:02:42 - Iteration took 69ms
[D] 11:02:42 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:02:42 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:02:43 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:02:43 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:02:43 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:02:43 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:02:43 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:02:43 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:02:44 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:02:44 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:02:44 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:02:44 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:02:44 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:02:44 - Iteration took 86ms
[F] 11:02:45 - Iteration took 80ms
[F] 11:02:45 - Iteration took 77ms
[F] 11:02:45 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 11:02:45 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:02:45 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:02:45 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:02:46 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:02:46 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:02:46 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:02:46 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:02:46 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:02:46 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:02:47 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:02:47 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:02:47 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:02:47 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:02:47 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:02:47 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:02:47 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:02:48 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:02:48 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:02:48 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:02:48 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:02:48 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:02:48 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:02:49 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:02:49 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:02:49 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:02:49 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:02:49 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:02:49 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:02:49 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:02:50 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:02:50 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:02:50 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:02:50 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:02:50 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:02:50 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:02:50 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:02:51 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:02:51 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:02:51 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:02:51 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:02:51 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:02:51 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:02:52 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:02:52 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 11:02:52 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:02:52 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:02:52 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:02:52 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 11:02:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:02:52 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:02:53 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:02:53 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:02:53 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:02:53 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:02:53 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:02:53 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:02:53 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:02:54 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:02:54 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:02:54 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:02:54 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:02:54 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:02:54 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:02:55 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:02:55 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:02:55 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:02:55 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:02:55 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:02:55 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:02:55 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:02:56 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:02:56 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:02:56 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:02:56 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:02:56 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:02:56 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:02:56 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:02:57 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:02:57 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:02:57 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:02:57 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:02:57 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:02:57 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:02:58 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:02:58 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:02:58 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:02:58 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:02:58 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:02:58 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:02:58 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:02:59 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:02:59 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:02:59 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:02:59 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:02:59 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:02:59 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:03:00 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:03:00 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:03:00 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:03:00 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:03:00 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:03:00 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:03:00 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:03:01 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:03:01 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:03:01 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:03:01 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:03:01 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:03:01 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:03:01 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:03:02 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:03:02 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:03:02 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:03:02 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:03:02 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:03:02 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:03:03 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:03:03 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:03:03 - Iteration took 99ms
[F] 11:03:03 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:03:03 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:03:03 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:03:04 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:03:04 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:03:04 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:03:04 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:03:04 - Iteration took 61ms
[D] 11:03:04 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:03:04 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:03:05 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:03:05 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:03:05 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:03:05 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:03:05 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:03:05 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:03:05 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:03:06 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:03:06 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:03:06 - Iteration took 80ms
[F] 11:03:06 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:03:06 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:03:06 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:03:07 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:03:07 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:03:07 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:03:07 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:03:07 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:03:07 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:03:08 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:03:08 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:03:08 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:03:08 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:03:08 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:03:08 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:03:08 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:03:09 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:03:09 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:03:09 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:03:09 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:03:09 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:03:09 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:03:10 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:03:10 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:03:10 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:03:10 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:03:10 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:03:10 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 11:03:10 - [Fight] Fight stopped
11:03:11 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[N] 11:03:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1177,78 ; -4464,24 ; 21,3539 ; "None" to 904,3835 ; -3802,318 ; 16,98727 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:03:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (719,2092y)
[D] 11:04:35 - [Resurrect] 2 hostile(s) npc(s) near character, try to found best location to retrieve corpse.
[N] 11:04:36 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 904,3835 ; -3802,318 ; 16,98727 ; "None" strict = True
[N] 11:04:36 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 17,63887
[N] 11:04:36 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 918,3835 ; -3802,318 ; 16,98727 ; "None" strict = True
[N] 11:04:36 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 17,12088
[N] 11:04:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 923,1934 ; -3836,568 ; 17,98449 ; "None" to 918,3835 ; -3802,318 ; 17,12088 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:04:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (34,59638y)
[F] 11:04:40 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Arcane Intellect (Arcane Intellect)
11:04:40 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
11:04:41 - [Regen] Started
11:04:42 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
11:04:44 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:05:00 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 11:05:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 918,7373 ; -3804,869 ; 16,85554 ; "None" to 316,6504 ; -3794,252 ; 26,13179 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:05:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (606,6063y)
[N] 11:05:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 901,4666 ; -3804,024 ; 16,96888 ; "None" to 316,6504 ; -3794,252 ; 26,13179 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:05:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (589,3213y)
11:05:04 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[D] 11:05:04 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:05:04 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:05:04 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:05:04 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:05:04 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:05:05 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:05:05 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 11:05:05 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:05:05 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:05:05 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:05:05 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:05:05 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:05:05 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:05:06 - Iteration took 18ms
[D] 11:05:06 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 11:05:06 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:05:06 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:05:06 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:05:06 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:05:06 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:05:06 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:05:06 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:05:07 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:05:07 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:05:07 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:05:07 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:05:07 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:05:07 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:05:07 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 11:05:08 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:05:08 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:05:08 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:05:08 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:05:08 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:08 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:05:08 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:05:08 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:05:09 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:05:09 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:09 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:05:09 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:05:09 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 11:05:09 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:05:09 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:10 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:05:10 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:05:10 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:05:10 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:05:10 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:05:10 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:05:10 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:05:11 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:05:11 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:05:11 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:05:11 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 11:05:11 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:05:11 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:05:11 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:05:11 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:05:12 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 11:05:12 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:05:12 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
[F] 11:05:12 - Iteration took 37ms
11:05:12 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:05:12 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:05:12 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:05:12 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:05:12 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:05:12 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:05:13 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:05:13 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 11:05:13 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:05:13 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:05:13 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:05:13 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:05:13 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:05:13 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:05:14 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:05:14 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:05:14 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:05:14 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:05:14 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:05:14 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:05:14 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:05:15 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:05:15 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:15 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:05:15 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:05:15 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:05:15 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:05:15 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:05:15 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:05:16 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:05:16 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:05:16 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:05:16 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:16 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:05:16 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:05:16 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:05:16 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:17 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:17 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:05:17 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:05:17 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:05:17 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:05:17 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:05:17 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:05:18 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:05:18 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:05:18 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:05:18 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 11:05:18 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:05:18 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:05:18 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:05:18 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:05:19 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:05:19 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:05:19 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:05:19 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:05:19 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:05:19 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 11:05:19 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:05:19 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:05:19 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:05:19 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:05:20 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:05:20 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:05:20 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 11:05:20 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:05:20 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:20 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:05:20 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:05:20 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:05:21 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:05:21 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:05:21 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:05:21 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:05:21 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:21 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:05:21 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:05:22 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:05:22 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 11:05:22 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:05:22 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:05:22 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:05:22 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:05:22 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:05:23 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:05:23 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:23 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:05:23 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:05:23 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:23 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:23 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:05:24 - Iteration took 55ms
[D] 11:05:24 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:05:24 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:05:24 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:05:24 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:05:24 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:24 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:05:25 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:05:25 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:25 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:05:25 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:25 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:05:25 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:05:25 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:25 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:05:26 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:05:26 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:05:26 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:26 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:05:26 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:05:26 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:27 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:05:27 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:05:27 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:05:27 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 11:05:27 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:05:27 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:05:27 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:05:27 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:05:27 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:05:27 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:28 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:05:28 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:05:28 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:05:28 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:05:28 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:28 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:29 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:29 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:05:29 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:29 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:29 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:05:29 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:05:29 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:05:30 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:30 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:05:30 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:05:30 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:05:30 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:05:30 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:05:30 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:05:31 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:05:31 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:05:31 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:05:31 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:05:31 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:05:31 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:05:32 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:05:32 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:05:32 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:05:32 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:05:32 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:05:32 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:05:32 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:05:33 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:05:33 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:33 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:05:33 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:05:33 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:33 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:33 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:05:34 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:05:34 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:05:34 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:05:34 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:34 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:34 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:05:35 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:05:35 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:05:35 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:05:35 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
[F] 11:05:35 - Iteration took 45ms
11:05:35 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:05:35 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:05:35 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:05:35 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:05:35 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:05:36 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 11:05:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:05:36 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:05:36 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:05:36 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:05:36 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:05:36 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:05:36 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:05:37 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:05:37 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:05:37 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:05:37 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:05:37 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:05:37 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:05:37 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:05:38 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:05:38 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:05:38 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:05:38 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:05:38 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:38 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:39 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:39 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:05:39 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:05:39 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:05:39 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:05:39 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:05:39 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:05:40 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:05:40 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:05:40 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:05:40 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:40 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:40 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:41 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:05:41 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:05:41 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:05:41 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:05:41 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:05:41 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:05:41 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:05:42 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:05:42 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:05:42 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:42 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:05:42 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:05:42 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:05:42 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 11:05:43 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:05:43 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:05:43 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:05:43 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:43 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:05:43 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:05:43 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:05:43 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:05:43 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:05:44 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:05:44 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:05:44 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:05:44 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:05:44 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:05:44 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:05:44 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:05:45 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:05:45 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:05:45 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:05:45 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:05:45 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:05:45 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:46 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:05:46 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:46 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:05:46 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:05:46 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:05:46 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:05:46 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:47 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:05:47 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:05:47 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:05:47 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:05:47 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:05:47 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:05:47 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 11:05:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:05:48 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:48 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:05:48 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:05:48 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:05:48 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:05:48 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:05:48 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:05:49 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:05:49 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:05:49 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:05:49 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:05:49 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:05:49 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:50 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:05:50 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:05:50 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:50 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:05:50 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 11:05:50 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:05:50 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:05:50 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:05:50 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:05:50 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:05:51 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:51 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:05:51 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:05:51 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:51 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:05:51 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:05:52 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:05:52 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:05:52 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:05:52 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:05:52 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:05:52 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:05:52 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:05:53 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:53 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:05:53 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:53 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:53 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:53 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:05:53 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:05:54 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:05:54 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:05:54 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:05:54 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:54 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:05:54 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:05:55 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:05:55 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:55 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:55 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:05:55 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:05:55 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:05:55 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:05:56 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:05:56 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:05:56 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:05:56 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:56 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:05:56 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:05:56 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:05:57 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:05:57 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:57 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:05:57 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:05:57 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:05:57 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:05:58 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:05:58 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:05:58 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:05:58 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:05:58 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
[F] 11:05:58 - Iteration took 45ms
11:05:58 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:05:58 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:05:58 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:05:58 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:05:59 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:05:59 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:59 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:05:59 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:05:59 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:05:59 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:05:59 - Iteration took 60ms
[D] 11:06:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:06:00 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:06:00 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:06:00 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:06:00 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:06:00 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:06:00 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:06:01 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:06:01 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:06:01 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:06:01 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:06:01 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:06:01 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:06:01 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:06:02 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:06:02 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:06:02 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:06:02 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:06:02 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:06:02 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:06:02 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:06:03 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:06:03 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:06:03 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:06:03 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:06:03 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:06:03 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:06:04 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:06:04 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:06:04 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:06:04 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:06:04 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:06:04 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:06:04 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:06:05 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:06:05 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:06:05 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:06:05 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:06:05 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:06:05 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:06:06 - Iteration took 70ms
[D] 11:06:06 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:06:06 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:06:06 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 10)
[F] 11:06:06 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:06:06 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:06:06 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:06:06 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:06:06 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:06:07 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:06:07 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:06:07 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:06:07 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:06:07 - Iteration took 82ms
[F] 11:06:07 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:06:08 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:06:08 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:06:08 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:06:08 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:06:08 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:06:08 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:06:09 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:06:09 - Iteration took 80ms
[F] 11:06:09 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:06:09 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:06:09 - Iteration took 74ms
[F] 11:06:10 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:06:10 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:06:10 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:06:10 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:06:10 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:06:10 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:06:11 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:06:11 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:06:11 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:06:11 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:06:11 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:06:11 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:06:12 - Iteration took 59ms
[D] 11:06:12 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:06:12 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:06:12 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:06:12 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:06:12 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:06:12 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:06:13 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:06:13 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:06:13 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:06:13 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:06:13 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:06:13 - Iteration took 77ms
[F] 11:06:14 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:06:14 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:06:14 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:06:14 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:06:14 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:06:14 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:06:15 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:06:15 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:06:15 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:06:15 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:06:15 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:06:15 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:06:16 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:06:16 - Iteration took 108ms
[F] 11:06:16 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:06:16 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:06:16 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:06:16 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:06:17 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:06:17 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:06:17 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:06:17 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:06:17 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:06:17 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:06:17 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:06:18 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:06:18 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:06:18 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:06:18 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:06:18 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:06:18 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:06:19 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:06:19 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:06:19 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:06:19 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:06:19 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:06:19 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:06:19 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:06:20 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:06:20 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:06:20 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:06:20 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:06:20 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:06:20 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:06:21 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:06:21 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:06:21 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:06:21 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:06:21 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:06:21 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:06:21 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:06:22 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:06:22 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:06:22 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:06:22 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:06:22 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:06:22 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:06:22 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:06:23 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:06:23 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:06:23 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:06:23 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:06:23 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:06:23 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:06:24 - Iteration took 56ms
[D] 11:06:24 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:06:24 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:06:24 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:06:24 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:06:24 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:06:24 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:06:24 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:06:25 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:06:25 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:06:25 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:06:25 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:06:25 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:06:25 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:06:25 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:06:26 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:06:26 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:06:26 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:06:26 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:06:26 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:06:26 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:06:26 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:06:27 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:06:27 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:06:27 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:06:27 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:06:27 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:06:27 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:06:28 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:06:28 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:06:28 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:06:28 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:06:28 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:06:28 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:06:28 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:06:29 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:06:29 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:06:29 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:06:29 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:06:29 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:06:29 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:06:29 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:06:30 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:06:30 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:06:30 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:06:30 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:06:30 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:06:30 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:06:31 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:06:31 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:06:31 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:06:31 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:06:31 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:06:31 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:06:31 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:06:32 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:06:32 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:06:32 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:06:32 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:06:32 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:06:32 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:06:32 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:06:33 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:06:33 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:06:33 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:06:33 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:06:33 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:06:33 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:06:34 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:06:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:06:34 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:06:34 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:06:34 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:06:34 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:06:34 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:06:34 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:06:34 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:06:35 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:06:35 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:06:35 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:06:35 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:06:35 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:06:35 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:06:35 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:06:36 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:06:36 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:06:36 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:06:36 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:06:36 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:06:36 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:06:36 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:06:37 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:06:37 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:06:37 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:06:37 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:06:37 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:06:37 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:06:37 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:06:38 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:06:38 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:06:38 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:06:38 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:06:38 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:06:38 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:06:39 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:06:39 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:06:39 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:06:39 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:06:39 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:06:39 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:06:39 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:06:40 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:06:40 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:06:40 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:06:40 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:06:40 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:06:40 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:06:40 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:06:41 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:06:41 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:06:41 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:06:41 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:06:41 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:06:41 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:06:41 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:06:42 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:06:42 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:06:42 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:06:42 - Iteration took 85ms
[F] 11:06:42 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:06:42 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:06:43 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:06:43 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:06:43 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:06:43 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:06:43 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:06:43 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:06:43 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:06:44 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 11:06:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:06:44 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:06:44 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:06:44 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:06:44 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:06:44 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:06:44 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:06:45 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:06:45 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:06:45 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:06:45 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:06:45 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:06:45 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:06:45 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:06:45 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:06:46 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:06:46 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:06:46 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:06:46 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:06:46 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:06:46 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:06:47 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:06:47 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:06:47 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:06:47 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:06:47 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:06:47 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:06:47 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:06:48 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:06:48 - Iteration took 78ms
[F] 11:06:48 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:06:48 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:06:48 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:06:49 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:06:49 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:06:49 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:06:49 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:06:49 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:06:49 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:06:49 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:06:50 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:06:50 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:06:50 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:06:50 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:06:50 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:06:50 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:06:51 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:06:51 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:06:51 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:06:51 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:06:51 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:06:51 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:06:52 - Iteration took 67ms
[D] 11:06:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:06:52 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:06:52 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:06:52 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:06:52 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:06:52 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:06:52 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:06:53 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:06:53 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:06:53 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:06:53 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:06:53 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:06:53 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:06:54 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:06:54 - Iteration took 59ms
11:06:55 - [Regen] Started
11:06:56 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
11:06:58 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:07:16 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 11:07:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 898,8853 ; -3803,966 ; 16,91294 ; "None" to 316,6504 ; -3794,252 ; 26,13179 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:07:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (586,739y)
11:07:17 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:07:17 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:07:17 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:07:18 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:07:18 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:07:18 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:07:18 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:07:18 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:07:18 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:07:18 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:07:19 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:07:19 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:07:19 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:07:19 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:07:19 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:07:19 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:07:19 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:07:20 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:07:20 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:07:20 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:07:20 - Iteration took 29ms
[D] 11:07:22 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:07:22 - Iteration took 1667ms
[D] 11:07:22 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:07:22 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:07:22 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:07:22 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:07:22 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:07:22 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:07:23 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:07:23 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:07:23 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:07:23 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:07:23 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:07:23 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:07:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:07:23 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:07:24 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:07:24 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:07:24 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:07:24 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:07:24 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:07:24 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:07:25 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:07:25 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:07:25 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:07:25 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:07:25 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:07:25 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 11)
[F] 11:07:25 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:07:25 - Iteration took 56ms
[D] 11:07:25 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:07:25 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:07:26 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:07:26 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:07:26 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:07:26 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:07:26 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:07:26 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:07:26 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:07:27 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:07:27 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:07:27 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:07:27 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 11:07:27 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:07:27 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:07:27 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:07:28 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:07:28 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:07:28 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:07:28 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:07:28 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:07:28 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:07:28 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:07:29 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:07:29 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:07:29 - Iteration took 70ms
[N] 11:07:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 893,4172 ; -3803,378 ; 16,6775 ; "None" to 890,8482 ; -3813,043 ; 16,6775 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 11:07:29 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:07:29 - Iteration took 38ms
[N] 11:07:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999937y)
[F] 11:07:29 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:07:29 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:07:29 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:07:30 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:07:30 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 11:07:30 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:07:30 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 11:07:30 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:07:30 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:07:30 - Iteration took 104ms
[D] 11:07:30 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:07:30 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:07:31 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:07:31 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:07:31 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:07:31 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:07:31 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:07:31 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:07:32 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:07:32 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:07:32 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:07:32 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 11:07:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:07:32 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:07:32 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:07:32 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:07:33 - Iteration took 60ms
[D] 11:07:33 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:07:33 - [Fight] BlackList Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 60 sec
11:07:33 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 11)
[F] 11:07:33 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:07:33 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:07:33 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:07:33 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:07:33 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:07:34 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:07:34 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:07:34 - Iteration took 63ms
[D] 11:07:34 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:07:34 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:07:34 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:07:34 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:07:34 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:07:35 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:07:35 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:07:35 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:07:35 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:07:35 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:07:35 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:07:36 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 11:07:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:07:36 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:07:36 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:07:36 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:07:36 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:07:36 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:07:36 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:07:37 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:07:37 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:07:37 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:07:37 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:07:37 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:07:37 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:07:38 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:07:38 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:07:38 - Iteration took 77ms
[F] 11:07:38 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:07:38 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:07:38 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:07:39 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:07:39 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:07:39 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:07:39 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:07:39 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:07:39 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:07:40 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:07:40 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:07:40 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:07:40 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:07:40 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:07:40 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:07:41 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:07:41 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:07:41 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:07:41 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:07:41 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:07:41 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:07:42 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:07:42 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:07:42 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:07:42 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:07:42 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:07:42 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:07:43 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:07:43 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:07:43 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:07:43 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:07:43 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:07:43 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:07:43 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:07:44 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:07:44 - Iteration took 84ms
[F] 11:07:44 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:07:44 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:07:44 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:07:44 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:07:45 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:07:45 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:07:45 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:07:45 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:07:45 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:07:45 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:07:46 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:07:46 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:07:46 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:07:46 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:07:46 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:07:46 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:07:47 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:07:47 - Iteration took 78ms
[F] 11:07:47 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:07:47 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:07:47 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:07:47 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:07:48 - Iteration took 57ms
[D] 11:07:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:07:48 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:07:48 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:07:48 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:07:48 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:07:48 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:07:49 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:07:49 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:07:49 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:07:49 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:07:49 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:07:49 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:07:49 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:07:50 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:07:50 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:07:50 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:07:50 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:07:50 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:07:50 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:07:51 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:07:51 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:07:51 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:07:51 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:07:51 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:07:51 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:07:51 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:07:52 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:07:52 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:07:52 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:07:52 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:07:52 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:07:52 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:07:53 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:07:53 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:07:53 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:07:53 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:07:53 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:07:53 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:07:53 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:07:54 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:07:54 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:07:54 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:07:54 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:07:54 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:07:54 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:07:55 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:07:55 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:07:55 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:07:55 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:07:55 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:07:55 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:07:55 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:07:56 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:07:56 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:07:56 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[F] 11:07:56 - Iteration took 99ms
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[F] 11:07:56 - Iteration took 122ms
[D] 11:07:56 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[F] 11:07:56 - Iteration took 81ms
[F] 11:07:57 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:07:57 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:07:57 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:07:57 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:07:57 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:07:57 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:07:58 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 11:07:58 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:07:58 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:07:58 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:07:58 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:07:58 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:07:58 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:07:58 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:07:59 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:07:59 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:07:59 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:07:59 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:07:59 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:07:59 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:07:59 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:08:00 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:08:00 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:08:00 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:08:00 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:08:00 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:08:00 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:08:01 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:08:01 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:08:01 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:08:01 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:08:01 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:08:01 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:08:01 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:08:02 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:08:02 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:08:02 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:08:02 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:08:02 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:08:02 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:08:02 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:08:03 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:08:03 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:08:03 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:08:03 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:08:03 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:08:03 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:08:03 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:08:04 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:08:04 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:08:04 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:08:04 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:08:04 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:08:04 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:08:04 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:08:05 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:08:05 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:08:05 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:08:05 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:08:05 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:08:05 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:08:05 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:08:06 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:08:06 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:08:06 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:08:06 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:08:06 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:08:06 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:08:06 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:08:07 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:08:07 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:08:07 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:08:07 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:08:07 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:08:07 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:08:08 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 11:08:08 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:08:08 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:08:08 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:08:08 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:08:08 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:08:08 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:08:08 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:08:08 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:08:09 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:08:09 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:08:09 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:08:09 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:08:09 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:08:09 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:08:09 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:08:10 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:08:10 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:08:10 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:08:10 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:08:10 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:08:10 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:08:11 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:08:11 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:08:11 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:08:11 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:08:11 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:08:11 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:08:11 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:08:12 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:08:12 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:08:12 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:08:12 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:08:12 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:08:12 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:08:13 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:08:13 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:08:13 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:08:13 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:08:13 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:08:13 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:08:13 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:08:14 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:08:14 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:08:14 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:08:14 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:08:14 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:08:14 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:08:15 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:08:15 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:08:15 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:08:15 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:08:15 - Iteration took 99ms
[F] 11:08:15 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:08:16 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:08:16 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:08:16 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:08:16 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:08:16 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:08:16 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:08:17 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:08:17 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:08:17 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:08:17 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:08:17 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:08:17 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:08:18 - Iteration took 56ms
[D] 11:08:18 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:08:18 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:08:18 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:08:18 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:08:18 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:08:18 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:08:18 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:08:19 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:08:19 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:08:19 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:08:19 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:08:19 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:08:19 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:08:20 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:08:20 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:08:20 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:08:20 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:08:20 - Iteration took 32ms
[N] 11:08:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 891,674 ; -3808,806 ; 16,05976 ; "Swimming" to 316,5125 ; -3804,751 ; 24,52985 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:08:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (575,9641y)
[D] 11:08:25 - [iEquip] acknowledging item "Ragged Leather Bracers" id 1370 with a value of 51 and armor value of 50
11:08:25 - Name: Ragged Leather Bracers ID: 1370
11:08:26 - [iEquip] item "Ragged Leather Bracers" id 1370 blacklisted
[F] 11:08:28 - Iteration took 44ms
11:08:28 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 10)
[F] 11:08:28 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:08:28 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:08:29 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:08:29 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 11:08:29 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 11:08:29 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:08:29 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:08:29 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:08:29 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:08:29 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:08:30 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:08:30 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:08:30 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:08:30 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:08:30 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:08:30 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:08:31 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:08:31 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:08:31 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:08:31 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:08:31 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:08:31 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:08:32 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:08:32 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:08:32 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:08:32 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:08:32 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:08:32 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:08:33 - Iteration took 74ms
[F] 11:08:33 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:08:33 - Iteration took 89ms
[F] 11:08:33 - Iteration took 78ms
[F] 11:08:33 - Iteration took 92ms
[F] 11:08:33 - Iteration took 87ms
[F] 11:08:34 - Iteration took 85ms
[F] 11:08:34 - Iteration took 86ms
[F] 11:08:34 - Iteration took 87ms
[F] 11:08:34 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:08:34 - Iteration took 80ms
[F] 11:08:35 - Iteration took 86ms
[F] 11:08:35 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:08:35 - Iteration took 93ms
[F] 11:08:35 - Iteration took 83ms
[F] 11:08:35 - Iteration took 89ms
[F] 11:08:36 - Iteration took 87ms
[D] 11:08:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:08:36 - Iteration took 134ms
[D] 11:08:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:08:36 - Iteration took 133ms
[D] 11:08:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:08:36 - Iteration took 121ms
[D] 11:08:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:08:36 - Iteration took 136ms
[D] 11:08:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:08:37 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:08:37 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:08:37 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:08:37 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:08:37 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:08:37 - Iteration took 60ms
[D] 11:08:38 - [Fight] Fight stopped
11:08:38 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[N] 11:08:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1177,78 ; -4464,24 ; 21,3539 ; "None" to 854,0323 ; -3806,724 ; 15,99723 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:08:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (764,1501y)
[F] 11:10:08 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Arcane Intellect (Arcane Intellect)
11:10:09 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
11:10:09 - [Regen] Started
11:10:11 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
11:10:12 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:10:27 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 11:10:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 847,5327 ; -3844,25 ; 19,59626 ; "None" to 316,3132 ; -3818,064 ; 23,47821 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:10:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (570,0101y)
[D] 11:10:41 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:10:41 - Iteration took 112ms
11:10:41 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Scorpid (lvl 11)
[D] 11:10:41 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:10:41 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:10:41 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:10:41 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:10:42 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:10:42 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:10:42 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:10:42 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:10:42 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:10:42 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:10:42 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:10:43 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:10:43 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:10:43 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:10:43 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:10:43 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:10:43 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:10:43 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:10:44 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 11:10:44 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:10:44 - Iteration took 30ms
[N] 11:10:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 767,6904 ; -3879,708 ; 23,13713 ; "None" to 763,2455 ; -3870,75 ; 23,13713 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:10:44 - Iteration took 53ms
[N] 11:10:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999927y)
[F] 11:10:44 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:10:44 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:10:44 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:10:44 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:10:45 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:10:45 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:10:45 - Iteration took 34ms
[N] 11:10:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 765,3807 ; -3875,709 ; 23,6113 ; "None" to 760,3711 ; -3867,054 ; 23,6113 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:10:45 - Iteration took 22ms
[N] 11:10:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00009y)
[F] 11:10:45 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:10:45 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 11:10:45 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:10:46 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:10:46 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:10:46 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:10:46 - Iteration took 24ms
[D] 11:10:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:10:46 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 11:10:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:10:46 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 11:10:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:10:46 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:10:46 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:10:47 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:10:47 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:10:47 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:10:47 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:10:47 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:10:47 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:10:47 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:10:48 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:10:48 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:10:48 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:10:48 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 11:10:48 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:10:48 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:10:48 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:10:48 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:10:49 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:10:49 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:10:49 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:10:49 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:10:49 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:10:49 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:10:49 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:10:50 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:10:50 - Iteration took 26ms
[D] 11:10:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:10:50 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:10:50 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:10:50 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:10:50 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:10:50 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:10:51 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:10:51 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:10:51 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:10:51 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:10:51 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:10:51 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:10:51 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:10:51 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:10:52 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 11:10:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:10:52 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:10:52 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:10:52 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:10:52 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:10:52 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:10:52 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:10:53 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:10:53 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:10:53 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:10:53 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:10:53 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:10:53 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:10:53 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:10:54 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:10:54 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:10:54 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:10:54 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:10:54 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:10:54 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:10:54 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:10:54 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:10:55 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:10:55 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:10:55 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:10:55 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:10:55 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:10:55 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:10:55 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:10:56 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:10:56 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:10:56 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:10:56 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:10:56 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:10:56 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:10:56 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 11:10:57 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:10:57 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:10:57 - Iteration took 54ms
11:10:58 - [Regen] Started
11:10:59 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
11:11:01 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:11:13 - [Regen] Finished
11:11:13 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Ukra'nor (Repair)
[N] 11:11:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 763,4429 ; -3871,208 ; 23,95407 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:11:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 48 (1312,359y)
[D] 11:11:19 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:11:19 - Iteration took 110ms
[N] 11:11:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 795,968 ; -3879,474 ; 20,04714 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:11:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 42 (1272,369y)
[N] 11:11:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 795,968 ; -3879,474 ; 20,04714 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:11:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 42 (1272,369y)
[D] 11:11:19 - [ToTown] In combat, ForceToTown not disabled
[D] 11:11:19 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:11:19 - Iteration took 33ms
11:11:19 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Venomtail Scorpid (lvl 9)
[F] 11:11:19 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:11:20 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:11:20 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:11:20 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:11:20 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:11:20 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:11:20 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:11:20 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:11:21 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:11:21 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:11:21 - Iteration took 22ms
[D] 11:11:21 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:11:21 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:11:21 - Iteration took 60ms
[N] 11:11:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 795,968 ; -3879,474 ; 20,04714 ; "None" to 786,0775 ; -3880,95 ; 20,04714 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:11:21 - Iteration took 45ms
[N] 11:11:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (14,17569y)
[F] 11:11:21 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:11:21 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:11:22 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:11:22 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:11:22 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:11:22 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:11:22 - Iteration took 28ms
[N] 11:11:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 790,4583 ; -3880,59 ; 20,86133 ; "None" to 780,6183 ; -3882,372 ; 20,86133 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:11:22 - Iteration took 37ms
[N] 11:11:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (16,03033y)
[F] 11:11:22 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:11:23 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 11:11:23 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:11:23 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:11:23 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:11:23 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:11:23 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 11:11:23 - Iteration took 25ms
[D] 11:11:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:11:23 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 11:11:24 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:11:24 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:11:24 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:11:24 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:11:24 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:11:24 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:11:24 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:11:24 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:11:25 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:11:25 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:11:25 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:11:25 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:11:25 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:11:25 - Iteration took 58ms
[D] 11:11:25 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:11:25 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:11:26 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:11:26 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:11:26 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:11:26 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:11:26 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:11:26 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:11:26 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:11:26 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:11:27 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:11:27 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:11:27 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 11:11:27 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:11:27 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:11:27 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:11:27 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:11:27 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:11:28 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:11:28 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:11:28 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:11:28 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:11:28 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:11:28 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:11:28 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:11:29 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:11:29 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:11:29 - Iteration took 53ms
[D] 11:11:29 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:11:29 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:11:29 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:11:29 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:11:29 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:11:30 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:11:30 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:11:30 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:11:30 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:11:30 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:11:30 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:11:30 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:11:31 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:11:31 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:11:31 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:11:31 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:11:31 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:11:31 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:11:31 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:11:32 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:11:32 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:11:32 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:11:32 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:11:32 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 11:11:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:11:32 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:11:32 - Iteration took 49ms
11:11:33 - [Regen] Started
11:11:36 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
11:11:37 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:11:48 - [Regen] Finished
11:11:49 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Ukra'nor (Repair)
[N] 11:11:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 786,4794 ; -3880,706 ; 21,42604 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:11:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 44 (1284,087y)
[N] 11:11:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 816,0897 ; -3884,145 ; 17,21497 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:11:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 42 (1251,984y)
[N] 11:11:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 816,0897 ; -3884,145 ; 17,21497 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:11:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 42 (1251,984y)
[D] 11:11:57 - [ToTown] In combat, ForceToTown not disabled
[D] 11:11:57 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:11:57 - Iteration took 36ms
11:11:57 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Bloodtalon Scythemaw (lvl 9)
[F] 11:11:57 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:11:58 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:11:58 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:11:58 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:11:58 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:11:58 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:11:58 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:11:58 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:11:59 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:11:59 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:11:59 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:11:59 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:11:59 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:11:59 - Iteration took 57ms
[D] 11:12:00 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:12:00 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 11:12:00 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 11:12:00 - Iteration took 39ms
[N] 11:12:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 816,0897 ; -3884,145 ; 17,21497 ; "None" to 806,0945 ; -3883,834 ; 17,21497 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:12:00 - Iteration took 49ms
[N] 11:12:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00002y)
[F] 11:12:00 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:12:00 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:12:00 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:12:00 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:12:01 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:12:01 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:12:01 - Iteration took 14ms
[N] 11:12:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 810,4647 ; -3884,258 ; 17,77513 ; "None" to 800,4648 ; -3884,3 ; 17,77513 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:12:01 - Iteration took 34ms
[N] 11:12:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00002y)
[F] 11:12:01 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:12:01 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:12:01 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:12:01 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:12:02 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:12:02 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:12:02 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:12:02 - Iteration took 22ms
[D] 11:12:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:12:02 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 11:12:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:12:02 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:12:02 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:12:03 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:12:03 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:12:03 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:12:03 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:12:03 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:12:03 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:12:03 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:12:03 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:12:04 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:12:04 - Iteration took 57ms
[D] 11:12:04 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:12:04 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:12:04 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:12:04 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:12:04 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:12:04 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:12:05 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:12:05 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:12:05 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:12:05 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:12:05 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:12:05 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:12:05 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:12:05 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:12:06 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:12:06 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:12:06 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:12:06 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:12:06 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:12:06 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:12:06 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:12:07 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:12:07 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:12:07 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:12:07 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:12:07 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:12:07 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:12:07 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:12:08 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:12:08 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:12:08 - Iteration took 53ms
[D] 11:12:08 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:12:08 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:12:08 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:12:08 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:12:08 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:12:09 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:12:09 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:12:09 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:12:09 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:12:09 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:12:09 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:12:09 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:12:10 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:12:10 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:12:10 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:12:10 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:12:10 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 11:12:10 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:12:10 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:12:11 - Iteration took 47ms
11:12:11 - [Regen] Started
11:12:14 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
11:12:15 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:12:29 - [Regen] Finished
11:12:29 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Ukra'nor (Repair)
[N] 11:12:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 806,5213 ; -3883,875 ; 18,27261 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:12:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 42 (1261,258y)
[N] 11:12:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 845,5854 ; -3891,701 ; 21,04492 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 11:12:38 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:12:38 - Iteration took 35ms
[N] 11:12:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (1220,953y)
[N] 11:12:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 845,5854 ; -3891,701 ; 21,04492 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:12:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (1220,953y)
[D] 11:12:38 - [ToTown] In combat, ForceToTown not disabled
11:12:38 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Bloodtalon Scythemaw (lvl 9)
[F] 11:12:38 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:12:39 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:12:39 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:12:39 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:12:39 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:12:39 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:12:39 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:12:39 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:12:40 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:12:40 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:12:40 - Iteration took 68ms
[D] 11:12:40 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:12:40 - Iteration took 28ms
[N] 11:12:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 845,5854 ; -3891,701 ; 21,04492 ; "None" to 839,2741 ; -3883,944 ; 21,04492 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:12:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00004y)
[F] 11:12:40 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:12:40 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:12:40 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:12:41 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:12:41 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:12:41 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:12:41 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:12:41 - Iteration took 32ms
[N] 11:12:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 841,944 ; -3887,321 ; 20,15615 ; "None" to 835,3228 ; -3879,827 ; 20,15615 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:12:41 - Iteration took 29ms
[N] 11:12:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00009y)
[F] 11:12:41 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:12:41 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:12:42 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:12:42 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:12:42 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:12:42 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:12:42 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:12:42 - Iteration took 14ms
[D] 11:12:42 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:12:42 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:12:42 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:12:43 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:12:43 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:12:43 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:12:43 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:12:43 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:12:43 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:12:43 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:12:44 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:12:44 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:12:44 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:12:44 - Iteration took 56ms
[D] 11:12:44 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:12:44 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:12:44 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:12:45 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:12:45 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:12:45 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:12:45 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:12:45 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:12:45 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:12:45 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:12:45 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:12:46 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:12:46 - Iteration took 26ms
[D] 11:12:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:12:46 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:12:46 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:12:46 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:12:46 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:12:46 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:12:47 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:12:47 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:12:47 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:12:47 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:12:47 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:12:47 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:12:47 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:12:48 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:12:48 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:12:48 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:12:48 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:12:48 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 11:12:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:12:48 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:12:48 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:12:49 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:12:49 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:12:49 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:12:49 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:12:49 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:12:49 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:12:49 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:12:50 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:12:50 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:12:50 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:12:50 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:12:50 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:12:50 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:12:50 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:12:51 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:12:51 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:12:51 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:12:51 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:12:51 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:12:51 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:12:51 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:12:51 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:12:52 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:12:52 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:12:52 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:12:52 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:12:52 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:12:52 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:12:53 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:12:53 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:12:53 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:12:53 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:12:53 - Iteration took 69ms
[D] 11:12:53 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:12:53 - Iteration took 33ms
11:12:54 - [Regen] Started
11:12:56 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
11:12:57 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:13:13 - [Regen] Finished
11:13:13 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Ukra'nor (Repair)
[N] 11:13:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 839,5562 ; -3884,301 ; 19,6662 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:13:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 41 (1231,218y)
[D] 11:13:16 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:13:16 - Iteration took 110ms
[N] 11:13:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 852,3153 ; -3895,624 ; 21,86307 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 11:13:16 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:13:16 - Iteration took 24ms
[N] 11:13:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (1213,249y)
[N] 11:13:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 852,3153 ; -3895,624 ; 21,86307 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:13:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (1213,249y)
[D] 11:13:16 - [ToTown] In combat, ForceToTown not disabled
11:13:16 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Venomtail Scorpid (lvl 9)
[F] 11:13:17 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:13:17 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:13:17 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:13:17 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:13:17 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:13:17 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:13:17 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:13:17 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:13:18 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:13:18 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:13:18 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:13:18 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:13:18 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:13:18 - Iteration took 84ms
[F] 11:13:19 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:13:19 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:13:19 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 11:13:19 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:13:19 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:13:19 - Iteration took 62ms
[N] 11:13:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 852,3153 ; -3895,624 ; 21,86307 ; "None" to 845,1818 ; -3888,616 ; 21,86307 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:13:19 - Iteration took 46ms
[N] 11:13:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (12,49956y)
[F] 11:13:19 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:13:20 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:13:20 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:13:20 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:13:20 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:13:20 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:13:20 - Iteration took 20ms
[N] 11:13:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 847,7847 ; -3891,615 ; 22,13037 ; "None" to 841,8295 ; -3883,582 ; 22,13037 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:13:20 - Iteration took 49ms
[N] 11:13:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (14,687y)
[F] 11:13:20 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:13:21 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:13:21 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:13:21 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:13:21 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:13:21 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:13:21 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 11:13:21 - Iteration took 26ms
[N] 11:13:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 845,8044 ; -3891,625 ; 21,08951 ; "None" to 838,5591 ; -3884,733 ; 21,08951 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:13:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999932y)
[F] 11:13:21 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 11:13:22 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:13:22 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:13:22 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:13:22 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:13:22 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:13:22 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:13:22 - Iteration took 29ms
[D] 11:13:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:13:23 - Iteration took 124ms
[D] 11:13:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:13:23 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:13:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:13:23 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:13:23 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:13:23 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:13:23 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:13:23 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:13:24 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:13:24 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:13:24 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:13:24 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:13:24 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:13:24 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:13:24 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:13:25 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 11:13:25 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:13:25 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:13:25 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:13:25 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:13:25 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:13:25 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:13:25 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:13:26 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:13:26 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:13:26 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:13:26 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:13:26 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:13:26 - Iteration took 35ms
[D] 11:13:26 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:13:26 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:13:27 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:13:27 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:13:27 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:13:27 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:13:27 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:13:27 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:13:27 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:13:27 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:13:28 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:13:28 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:13:28 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:13:28 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:13:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:13:28 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:13:28 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:13:28 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:13:29 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:13:29 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:13:29 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:13:29 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:13:29 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:13:29 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:13:29 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:13:30 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:13:30 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:13:30 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:13:30 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:13:30 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 11:13:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:13:30 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:13:30 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:13:31 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:13:31 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:13:31 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:13:31 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:13:31 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:13:31 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:13:31 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:13:32 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:13:32 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:13:32 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:13:32 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:13:32 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:13:32 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:13:33 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:13:33 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 11:13:33 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:13:33 - Iteration took 39ms
11:13:33 - Level UP! Reload Fight Class.
[D] 11:13:33 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:33 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:33 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:33 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:33 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:33 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:33 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:33 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:33 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:33 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:33 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:33 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:33 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:33 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:33 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
11:13:34 - [iEquip] blacklist cleared
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[F] 11:13:34 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: F:\Games\WoW 2.4.3\wRobot2.4.3\FightClass\FrostMage.dll
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
11:13:34 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Ukra'nor (Repair)
[N] 11:13:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 840,7661 ; -3886,788 ; 19,93528 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[N] 11:13:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 41 (1228,457y)
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Blink (Id found: 46573, Name found: Blink, NameInGame found: Blink, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Frostbolt (Id found: 116, Name found: Frostbolt, NameInGame found: Frostbolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Frost Armor (Id found: 168, Name found: Frost Armor, NameInGame found: Frost Armor, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
11:13:34 - Name: Worn Mail Vest ID: 1737
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Ice Armor (Id found: 36881, Name found: Ice Armor, NameInGame found: Ice Armor, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Arcane Intellect (Id found: 1459, Name found: Arcane Intellect, NameInGame found: Arcane Intellect, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:34 - [Spell] Arcane Intellect (Id found: 1459, Name found: Arcane Intellect, NameInGame found: Arcane Intellect, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Ice Barrier (Id found: 33405, Name found: Ice Barrier, NameInGame found: Ice Barrier, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Emerald (Id found: 27101, Name found: Conjure Mana Emerald, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Emerald, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Ruby (Id found: 10054, Name found: Conjure Mana Ruby, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Ruby, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Citrine (Id found: 10053, Name found: Conjure Mana Citrine, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Citrine, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Jade (Id found: 3552, Name found: Conjure Mana Jade, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Jade, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Agate (Id found: 759, Name found: Conjure Mana Agate, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Agate, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Emerald (Id found: 27101, Name found: Conjure Mana Emerald, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Emerald, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Mana Shield (Id found: 46151, Name found: Mana Shield, NameInGame found: Mana Shield, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Ice Barrier (Id found: 33405, Name found: Ice Barrier, NameInGame found: Ice Barrier, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Frost Nova (Id found: 122, Name found: Frost Nova, NameInGame found: Frost Nova, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Polymorph (Id found: 118, Name found: Polymorph, NameInGame found: Polymorph, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Summon Water Elemental (Id found: 45067, Name found: Summon Water Elemental, NameInGame found: Summon Water Elemental, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Icy Veins (Id found: 12472, Name found: Icy Veins, NameInGame found: Icy Veins, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 20554, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Counterspell (Id found: 37470, Name found: Counterspell, NameInGame found: Counterspell, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Cold Snap (Id found: 11958, Name found: Cold Snap, NameInGame found: Cold Snap, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Freeze (Id found: 46610, Name found: Freeze, NameInGame found: Freeze, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Evocation (Id found: 45052, Name found: Evocation, NameInGame found: Evocation, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Fire Blast (Id found: 2136, Name found: Fire Blast, NameInGame found: Fire Blast, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Cone of Cold (Id found: 46984, Name found: Cone of Cold, NameInGame found: Cone of Cold, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Fire Blast (Id found: 2136, Name found: Fire Blast, NameInGame found: Fire Blast, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Cone of Cold (Id found: 46984, Name found: Cone of Cold, NameInGame found: Cone of Cold, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Frostbolt (Id found: 116, Name found: Frostbolt, NameInGame found: Frostbolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
11:13:35 - [iEquip] item "Worn Mail Vest" id 1737 blacklisted
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Scorch (Id found: 38636, Name found: Scorch, NameInGame found: Scorch, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Fireball (Id found: 133, Name found: Fireball, NameInGame found: Fireball, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Shoot (Id found: 5019, Name found: Shoot, NameInGame found: Shoot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Mana Shield (Id found: 46151, Name found: Mana Shield, NameInGame found: Mana Shield, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Ice Barrier (Id found: 33405, Name found: Ice Barrier, NameInGame found: Ice Barrier, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
11:13:35 - Name: Ragged Leather Bracers ID: 1370
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Summon Water Elemental (Id found: 45067, Name found: Summon Water Elemental, NameInGame found: Summon Water Elemental, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Icy Veins (Id found: 12472, Name found: Icy Veins, NameInGame found: Icy Veins, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Counterspell (Id found: 37470, Name found: Counterspell, NameInGame found: Counterspell, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Cold Snap (Id found: 11958, Name found: Cold Snap, NameInGame found: Cold Snap, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:35 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
11:13:36 - [iEquip] item "Ragged Leather Bracers" id 1370 blacklisted
[F] 11:13:36 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: F:\Games\WoW 2.4.3\wRobot2.4.3\FightClass\FrostMage.dll
[D] 11:13:36 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:36 - [Spell] Blink (Id found: 46573, Name found: Blink, NameInGame found: Blink, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:36 - [Spell] Frostbolt (Id found: 116, Name found: Frostbolt, NameInGame found: Frostbolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:36 - [Spell] Frost Armor (Id found: 168, Name found: Frost Armor, NameInGame found: Frost Armor, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:36 - [Spell] Ice Armor (Id found: 36881, Name found: Ice Armor, NameInGame found: Ice Armor, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:36 - [Spell] Arcane Intellect (Id found: 1459, Name found: Arcane Intellect, NameInGame found: Arcane Intellect, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:36 - [Spell] Arcane Intellect (Id found: 1459, Name found: Arcane Intellect, NameInGame found: Arcane Intellect, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:36 - [Spell] Ice Barrier (Id found: 33405, Name found: Ice Barrier, NameInGame found: Ice Barrier, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:36 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Emerald (Id found: 27101, Name found: Conjure Mana Emerald, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Emerald, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Ruby (Id found: 10054, Name found: Conjure Mana Ruby, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Ruby, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Citrine (Id found: 10053, Name found: Conjure Mana Citrine, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Citrine, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Jade (Id found: 3552, Name found: Conjure Mana Jade, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Jade, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Agate (Id found: 759, Name found: Conjure Mana Agate, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Agate, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Emerald (Id found: 27101, Name found: Conjure Mana Emerald, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Emerald, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Mana Shield (Id found: 46151, Name found: Mana Shield, NameInGame found: Mana Shield, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Ice Barrier (Id found: 33405, Name found: Ice Barrier, NameInGame found: Ice Barrier, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Frost Nova (Id found: 122, Name found: Frost Nova, NameInGame found: Frost Nova, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Polymorph (Id found: 118, Name found: Polymorph, NameInGame found: Polymorph, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Summon Water Elemental (Id found: 45067, Name found: Summon Water Elemental, NameInGame found: Summon Water Elemental, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Icy Veins (Id found: 12472, Name found: Icy Veins, NameInGame found: Icy Veins, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 20554, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Counterspell (Id found: 37470, Name found: Counterspell, NameInGame found: Counterspell, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Cold Snap (Id found: 11958, Name found: Cold Snap, NameInGame found: Cold Snap, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Freeze (Id found: 46610, Name found: Freeze, NameInGame found: Freeze, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Evocation (Id found: 45052, Name found: Evocation, NameInGame found: Evocation, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Fire Blast (Id found: 2136, Name found: Fire Blast, NameInGame found: Fire Blast, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Cone of Cold (Id found: 46984, Name found: Cone of Cold, NameInGame found: Cone of Cold, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Fire Blast (Id found: 2136, Name found: Fire Blast, NameInGame found: Fire Blast, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Cone of Cold (Id found: 46984, Name found: Cone of Cold, NameInGame found: Cone of Cold, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Frostbolt (Id found: 116, Name found: Frostbolt, NameInGame found: Frostbolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Scorch (Id found: 38636, Name found: Scorch, NameInGame found: Scorch, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Fireball (Id found: 133, Name found: Fireball, NameInGame found: Fireball, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Shoot (Id found: 5019, Name found: Shoot, NameInGame found: Shoot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Mana Shield (Id found: 46151, Name found: Mana Shield, NameInGame found: Mana Shield, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Ice Barrier (Id found: 33405, Name found: Ice Barrier, NameInGame found: Ice Barrier, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Summon Water Elemental (Id found: 45067, Name found: Summon Water Elemental, NameInGame found: Summon Water Elemental, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Icy Veins (Id found: 12472, Name found: Icy Veins, NameInGame found: Icy Veins, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Counterspell (Id found: 37470, Name found: Counterspell, NameInGame found: Counterspell, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Cold Snap (Id found: 11958, Name found: Cold Snap, NameInGame found: Cold Snap, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:37 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:38 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:38 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:38 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:38 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:13:38 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[N] 11:13:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 903,084 ; -3915,506 ; 20,64289 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:13:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (1158,723y)
[N] 11:13:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 903,084 ; -3915,506 ; 20,64289 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:13:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (1158,723y)
[D] 11:13:45 - [ToTown] In combat, ForceToTown not disabled
11:13:45 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Bloodtalon Scythemaw (lvl 8)
[D] 11:13:45 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:13:45 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:13:45 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:13:45 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:13:45 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:13:45 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:13:45 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:13:45 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:13:46 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:13:46 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:13:46 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:13:46 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:13:46 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:13:46 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 11:13:47 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:13:47 - Iteration took 25ms
[N] 11:13:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 903,084 ; -3915,506 ; 20,64289 ; "None" to 900,7942 ; -3925,24 ; 20,64289 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:13:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00007y)
[F] 11:13:47 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:13:47 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:13:47 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:13:47 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:13:47 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:13:47 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:13:47 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 11:13:48 - Iteration took 29ms
[N] 11:13:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 901,901 ; -3921,649 ; 20,76843 ; "None" to 899,545 ; -3931,246 ; 20,76433 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:13:48 - Iteration took 26ms
[N] 11:13:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,881181y)
[F] 11:13:48 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:13:48 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:13:48 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:13:48 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:13:48 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:13:49 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:13:49 - Iteration took 31ms
[N] 11:13:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 900,9383 ; -3924,773 ; 20,88465 ; "None" to 898,3892 ; -3934,443 ; 20,88465 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:13:49 - Iteration took 38ms
[N] 11:13:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00004y)
[F] 11:13:49 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:13:49 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:13:49 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 11:13:49 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:13:49 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:13:50 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:13:50 - Iteration took 25ms
[D] 11:13:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:13:50 - Iteration took 116ms
[D] 11:13:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:13:50 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:13:50 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:13:50 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:13:51 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:13:51 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:13:51 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:13:51 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:13:51 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:13:51 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:13:51 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:13:51 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:13:52 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:13:52 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:13:52 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:13:52 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:13:52 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:13:52 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:13:52 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:13:52 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:13:53 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:13:53 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:13:53 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:13:53 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:13:53 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:13:53 - Iteration took 26ms
[D] 11:13:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:13:53 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:13:54 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:13:54 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:13:54 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:13:54 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:13:54 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:13:54 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:13:54 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:13:54 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:13:55 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:13:55 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:13:55 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:13:55 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 11:13:55 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:13:55 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:13:55 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:13:55 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:13:56 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:13:56 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:13:56 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:13:56 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:13:56 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:13:56 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:13:56 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:13:56 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:13:57 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:13:57 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:13:57 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:13:57 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:13:57 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:13:57 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:13:57 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:13:58 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:13:58 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 11:13:58 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:13:58 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:13:58 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:13:58 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:13:58 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:13:59 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:13:59 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:13:59 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:13:59 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:13:59 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:13:59 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:13:59 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:14:00 - Iteration took 56ms
[D] 11:14:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:14:00 - Iteration took 61ms
11:14:01 - [Regen] Started
11:14:02 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
11:14:04 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:14:16 - [Regen] Finished
11:14:17 - [Looting] Loot Bloodtalon Scythemaw
11:14:21 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Ukra'nor (Repair)
[N] 11:14:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 899,2146 ; -3931,312 ; 21,30471 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:14:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 38 (1160,495y)
[D] 11:15:12 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:15:12 - Iteration took 109ms
[N] 11:15:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1187,914 ; -3908,843 ; 16,05993 ; "Swimming" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:15:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 37 (870,4893y)
[N] 11:15:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1187,914 ; -3908,843 ; 16,05993 ; "Swimming" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:15:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 37 (870,4893y)
[D] 11:15:12 - [ToTown] In combat, ForceToTown not disabled
[D] 11:15:12 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:15:12 - Iteration took 23ms
11:15:12 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 11)
[F] 11:15:12 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:15:12 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:15:12 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:15:12 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:15:12 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:15:13 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:15:13 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:15:13 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:15:13 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:15:13 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:15:13 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:15:13 - Iteration took 17ms
[D] 11:15:13 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 11:15:13 - Iteration took 23ms
[D] 11:15:14 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:15:14 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:15:14 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:15:14 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:15:14 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:15:14 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:15:14 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:15:15 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:15:15 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:15:15 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:15:15 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:15:15 - Iteration took 56ms
[N] 11:15:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1187,914 ; -3908,843 ; 16,05993 ; "Swimming" to 1177,915 ; -3908,953 ; 16,05993 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:15:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999998y)
[D] 11:15:15 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:15:15 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:15:15 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:15:16 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:15:16 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:15:16 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:15:16 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:15:16 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:15:16 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 11:15:16 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:15:16 - Iteration took 127ms
[D] 11:15:17 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:15:17 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:15:17 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:15:17 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:15:17 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:15:17 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:15:17 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:15:17 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:15:18 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:15:18 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:15:18 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:15:18 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:15:18 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:15:18 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:15:19 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:15:19 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:15:19 - Iteration took 65ms
[D] 11:15:19 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:15:19 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:15:19 - Iteration took 55ms
[N] 11:15:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1183,809 ; -3908,625 ; 16,05993 ; "Swimming" to 1173,81 ; -3908,502 ; 16,05993 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:15:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00002y)
[F] 11:15:19 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:15:19 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:15:20 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:15:20 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:15:20 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 11:15:20 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 11:15:20 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 11:15:20 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:15:20 - Iteration took 11ms
[N] 11:15:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1179,778 ; -3908,843 ; 16,05993 ; "Swimming" to 1169,858 ; -3909,138 ; 16,05993 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:15:20 - Iteration took 14ms
[N] 11:15:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,924678y)
[F] 11:15:20 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:15:21 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:15:21 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:15:21 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:15:21 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:15:21 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:15:21 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:15:21 - Iteration took 22ms
[N] 11:15:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1174,747 ; -3908,556 ; 16,05993 ; "Swimming" to 1164,748 ; -3908,47 ; 16,05993 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:15:21 - Iteration took 28ms
[N] 11:15:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10y)
[F] 11:15:22 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:15:22 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:15:22 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:15:22 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:15:22 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:15:22 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:15:22 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:15:22 - Iteration took 27ms
[D] 11:15:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:15:23 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 11:15:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:15:23 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:15:23 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:15:23 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:15:23 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:15:23 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:15:23 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:15:23 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:15:24 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:15:24 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:15:24 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:15:24 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 11:15:24 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:15:24 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:15:24 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:15:24 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 11:15:25 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:15:25 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:15:25 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:15:25 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:15:25 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:15:25 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:15:25 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:15:25 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:15:26 - Iteration took 27ms
[D] 11:15:26 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:15:26 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:15:26 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:15:26 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:15:26 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:15:26 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:15:26 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:15:27 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:15:27 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:15:27 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:15:27 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:15:27 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:15:27 - Iteration took 29ms
[D] 11:15:27 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:15:27 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:15:28 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:15:28 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:15:28 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:15:28 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:15:28 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:15:28 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:15:28 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:15:29 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:15:29 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:15:29 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 11:15:29 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:15:29 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:15:29 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:15:30 - Iteration took 60ms
[D] 11:15:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:15:30 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:15:30 - Iteration took 24ms
11:15:31 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Ukra'nor (Repair)
[N] 11:15:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1169,544 ; -3908,504 ; 16,05993 ; "Swimming" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:15:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 37 (888,7325y)
[N] 11:17:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1586,705 ; -4103,837 ; 35,55396 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:17:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,244713y)
[N] 11:17:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1586,705 ; -4103,837 ; 35,55396 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,24112 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:17:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,244713y)
11:17:54 - [ToTown] Vendor found Ukra'nor
11:17:54 - [ToTown] Repair items
11:17:55 - [ToTown] Sell items (try 1)
11:18:03 - [ToTown] Sell items (try 2)
[N] 11:18:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1582,655 ; -4100,09 ; 36,24124 ; "None" to 316,3132 ; -3818,064 ; 23,47821 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:18:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 34 (1718,894y)
[N] 11:19:00 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 11:19:00 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 11:19:03 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 11:19:03 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 11:19:03 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 11:19:09 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 11:19:09 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 11:19:09 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[D] 11:20:09 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:20:09 - Iteration took 112ms
[D] 11:20:09 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:20:09 - Iteration took 38ms
11:20:09 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Savannah Prowler (lvl 15)
[F] 11:20:09 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:20:09 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:20:10 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:20:10 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:20:10 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:20:10 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:20:10 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:20:10 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:20:10 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:20:10 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:20:11 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:20:11 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:20:11 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:20:11 - Iteration took 27ms
[D] 11:20:11 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 11:20:11 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:20:11 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:20:11 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:20:11 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:20:12 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:20:12 - Iteration took 28ms
[N] 11:20:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1255,179 ; -3834,277 ; 30,1058 ; "None" to 1258,405 ; -3843,742 ; 30,1058 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:20:12 - Iteration took 45ms
[N] 11:20:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10y)
[F] 11:20:12 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:20:12 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:20:12 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:20:12 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:20:12 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:20:13 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:20:13 - Iteration took 29ms
[N] 11:20:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1256,672 ; -3839,58 ; 30,35397 ; "None" to 1259,633 ; -3849,131 ; 30,35397 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:20:13 - Iteration took 36ms
[N] 11:20:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999928y)
[F] 11:20:13 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:20:13 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:20:13 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:20:13 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:20:14 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:20:14 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:20:14 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 11:20:14 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:20:14 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:20:14 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:20:14 - Iteration took 28ms
[D] 11:20:14 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:20:14 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:20:14 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:20:15 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:20:15 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:20:15 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:20:15 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:20:15 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:20:15 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:20:15 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:20:15 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:20:16 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 11:20:16 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:20:16 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:20:16 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:20:16 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:20:16 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:20:16 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:20:16 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:20:17 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:20:17 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:20:17 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:20:17 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 11:20:17 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:20:17 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:20:17 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:20:17 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:20:18 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:20:18 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:20:18 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:20:18 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:20:18 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:20:18 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:20:18 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:20:19 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:20:19 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:20:19 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:20:19 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:20:19 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:20:19 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:20:19 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 11:20:20 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:20:20 - Iteration took 89ms
[F] 11:20:20 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:20:20 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:20:20 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:20:20 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:20:20 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:20:21 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:20:21 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:20:21 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:20:21 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:20:21 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:20:21 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:20:21 - Iteration took 58ms
[D] 11:20:22 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:20:22 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:20:22 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:20:22 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:20:22 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:20:22 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:20:22 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:20:22 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:20:23 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:20:23 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:20:23 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:20:23 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 11:20:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:20:23 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:20:23 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:20:24 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:20:24 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:20:24 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:20:24 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:20:24 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:20:24 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:20:24 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:20:24 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:20:25 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:20:25 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:20:25 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:20:25 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 11:20:25 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:20:25 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:20:25 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:20:26 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:20:26 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:20:26 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:20:26 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:20:26 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:20:26 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:20:26 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:20:27 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:20:27 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 11:20:27 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:20:27 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:20:27 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:20:27 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:20:27 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:20:27 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:20:28 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:20:28 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:20:28 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:20:28 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:20:28 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:20:28 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:20:29 - Iteration took 60ms
[D] 11:20:29 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:20:29 - Iteration took 43ms
11:20:30 - [Regen] Started
11:20:31 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
11:20:33 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:20:51 - [Regen] Finished
11:20:51 - [Looting] Loot Savannah Prowler
[N] 11:20:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1258,243 ; -3843,354 ; 30,5513 ; "None" to 316,3132 ; -3818,064 ; 23,47821 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:20:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (946,5935y)
11:21:01 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Sunscale Screecher (lvl 13)
[D] 11:21:01 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:21:01 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:21:01 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:21:01 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:21:01 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:21:02 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:21:02 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:21:02 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:21:02 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:21:02 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:21:02 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:21:02 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:21:03 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:21:03 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:21:03 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:21:03 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:21:03 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:21:03 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:21:04 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 11:21:04 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:21:04 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:21:04 - Iteration took 60ms
[N] 11:21:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1210,719 ; -3839,702 ; 29,19364 ; "None" to 1214,626 ; -3848,907 ; 29,19364 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:21:04 - Iteration took 47ms
[N] 11:21:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999994y)
[F] 11:21:04 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:21:04 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:21:04 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:21:05 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:21:05 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:21:05 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:21:05 - Iteration took 38ms
[N] 11:21:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1212,699 ; -3845,084 ; 29,01467 ; "None" to 1216,303 ; -3854,412 ; 29,01467 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:21:05 - Iteration took 28ms
[N] 11:21:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00005y)
[F] 11:21:05 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:21:05 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:21:05 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:21:06 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:21:06 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:21:06 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:21:06 - Iteration took 16ms
[D] 11:21:06 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:21:06 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:21:06 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:21:06 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:21:06 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:21:07 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:21:07 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:21:07 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:21:07 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:21:07 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:21:07 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:21:07 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:21:07 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:21:08 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:21:08 - Iteration took 63ms
[D] 11:21:08 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:21:08 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:21:08 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:21:08 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:21:08 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 11:21:09 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:21:09 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:21:09 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:21:09 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:21:09 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:21:09 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:21:09 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:21:09 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 11:21:10 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:21:10 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:21:10 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:21:10 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:21:10 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:21:10 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:21:10 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:21:10 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:21:11 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:21:11 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:21:11 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:21:11 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:21:11 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 11:21:11 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:21:11 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:21:11 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:21:12 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:21:12 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:21:12 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:21:12 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:21:12 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:21:12 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:21:12 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:21:13 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:21:13 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:21:13 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:21:13 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:21:13 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:21:13 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:21:13 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:21:14 - Iteration took 72ms
[D] 11:21:14 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:21:14 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:21:14 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:21:14 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:21:14 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:21:14 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:21:14 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:21:15 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:21:15 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:21:15 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:21:15 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:21:15 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:21:15 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:21:15 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:21:16 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:21:16 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:21:16 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:21:16 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:21:16 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:21:16 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:21:16 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:21:16 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:21:17 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:21:17 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:21:17 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:21:17 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:21:17 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:21:17 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:21:17 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:21:18 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:21:18 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:21:18 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:21:18 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:21:18 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:21:18 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:21:18 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:21:18 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:21:19 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 11:21:19 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:21:19 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:21:19 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:21:19 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:21:19 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:21:19 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:21:20 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:21:20 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:21:20 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:21:20 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:21:20 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:21:20 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:21:20 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:21:21 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:21:21 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:21:21 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:21:21 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 11:21:21 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:21:21 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:21:21 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:21:21 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:21:22 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:21:22 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:21:22 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:21:22 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:21:22 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:21:22 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:21:23 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:21:23 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:21:23 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:21:23 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:21:23 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:21:23 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:21:23 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:21:24 - Iteration took 58ms
[D] 11:21:24 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:21:24 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:21:24 - Iteration took 36ms
11:21:25 - [Regen] Started
11:21:27 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
11:21:28 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:21:45 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 11:21:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1214,432 ; -3848,522 ; 28,73672 ; "None" to 316,3132 ; -3818,064 ; 23,47821 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:21:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (903,4518y)
[D] 11:21:51 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:21:51 - Iteration took 34ms
11:21:51 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Savannah Prowler (lvl 14)
[F] 11:21:51 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:21:52 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:21:52 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:21:52 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:21:52 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:21:52 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:21:52 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:21:52 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:21:52 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:21:53 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:21:53 - Iteration took 27ms
[D] 11:21:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:21:53 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:21:53 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:21:53 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:21:53 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:21:53 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:21:54 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:21:54 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:21:54 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:21:54 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:21:54 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:21:54 - Iteration took 61ms
[N] 11:21:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1196,355 ; -3845,977 ; 29,22067 ; "None" to 1202,465 ; -3853,892 ; 29,22067 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 11:21:55 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:21:55 - Iteration took 46ms
[N] 11:21:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00002y)
[F] 11:21:55 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:21:55 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:21:55 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:21:55 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:21:55 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:21:55 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:21:55 - Iteration took 17ms
[D] 11:21:56 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:21:56 - Iteration took 107ms
[D] 11:21:56 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:21:56 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:21:56 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:21:56 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:21:56 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:21:56 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:21:57 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:21:57 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:21:57 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:21:57 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:21:57 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:21:57 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:21:57 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 11:21:58 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:21:58 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:21:58 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:21:58 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:21:58 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:21:58 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:21:58 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:21:58 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:21:59 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:21:59 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:21:59 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:21:59 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 11:21:59 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:21:59 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:21:59 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:21:59 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:22:00 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:22:00 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:22:00 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:22:00 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:22:00 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:22:00 - Iteration took 78ms
[F] 11:22:00 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:22:01 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:22:01 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:22:01 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:22:01 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:22:01 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:22:01 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:22:02 - Iteration took 77ms
[F] 11:22:02 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 11:22:02 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:22:02 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:22:02 - Iteration took 49ms
[N] 11:22:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1200,211 ; -3850,529 ; 29,00014 ; "None" to 1206,124 ; -3858,594 ; 29,00014 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:22:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00005y)
[F] 11:22:02 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:22:02 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:22:02 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:22:02 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:22:03 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:22:03 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:22:03 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:22:03 - Iteration took 27ms
[N] 11:22:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1203,371 ; -3855,318 ; 28,3009 ; "None" to 1209,02 ; -3863,57 ; 28,3009 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:22:03 - Iteration took 20ms
[N] 11:22:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00005y)
[F] 11:22:03 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:22:03 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:22:03 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 11:22:04 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:22:04 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:22:04 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:22:04 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:22:04 - Iteration took 12ms
[D] 11:22:04 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:22:04 - Iteration took 27ms
[D] 11:22:04 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:22:04 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:22:05 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:22:05 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:22:05 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:22:05 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:22:05 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:22:05 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:22:05 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:22:05 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:22:06 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:22:06 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:22:06 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 11:22:06 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:22:06 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:22:06 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:22:06 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:22:06 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:22:07 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:22:07 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:22:07 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:22:07 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:22:07 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:22:07 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:22:07 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 11:22:08 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:22:08 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:22:08 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:22:08 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:22:08 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:22:08 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:22:08 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:22:08 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:22:09 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:22:09 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:22:09 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:22:09 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:22:09 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:22:09 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:22:09 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:22:10 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:22:10 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:22:10 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:22:10 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:22:10 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:22:10 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:22:11 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:22:11 - Iteration took 99ms
[F] 11:22:11 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:22:11 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:22:11 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:22:11 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:22:11 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:22:12 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:22:12 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:22:12 - Iteration took 81ms
[F] 11:22:12 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:22:12 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:22:12 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:22:13 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:22:13 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:22:13 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:22:13 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:22:13 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:22:13 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:22:13 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:22:14 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:22:14 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:22:14 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:22:14 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:22:14 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:22:14 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:22:14 - Iteration took 84ms
[F] 11:22:15 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:22:15 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:22:15 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:22:15 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:22:15 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:22:15 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:22:16 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:22:16 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:22:16 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:22:16 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:22:16 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:22:16 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 11:22:16 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:22:16 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:22:17 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:22:17 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:22:17 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:22:17 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:22:17 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:22:17 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:22:17 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:22:18 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:22:18 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:22:18 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:22:18 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:22:18 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:22:18 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:22:18 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:22:19 - Iteration took 98ms
[F] 11:22:19 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:22:19 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:22:19 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:22:19 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:22:19 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:22:20 - Iteration took 103ms
[F] 11:22:20 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:22:20 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:22:20 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:22:20 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:22:20 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:22:21 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:22:21 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:22:21 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:22:21 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:22:21 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:22:21 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:22:21 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:22:22 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:22:22 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:22:22 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:22:22 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:22:22 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:22:22 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:22:23 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:22:23 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:22:23 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:22:23 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:22:23 - Iteration took 88ms
[F] 11:22:23 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:22:24 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:22:24 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:22:24 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:22:24 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:22:24 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:22:24 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:22:24 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:22:25 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:22:25 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:22:25 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:22:25 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:22:25 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:22:25 - Iteration took 131ms
[F] 11:22:26 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:22:26 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:22:26 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:22:26 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:22:26 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 11:22:26 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:22:26 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:22:27 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:22:27 - Iteration took 104ms
[F] 11:22:27 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:22:27 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:22:27 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:22:27 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:22:28 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:22:28 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:22:28 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:22:28 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:22:28 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:22:28 - Iteration took 78ms
[F] 11:22:28 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:22:29 - Iteration took 78ms
[F] 11:22:29 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:22:29 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:22:29 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:22:29 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:22:29 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:22:30 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:22:30 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:22:30 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:22:30 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:22:30 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:22:31 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:22:31 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:22:31 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:22:31 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:22:31 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:22:31 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:22:31 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:22:32 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:22:32 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 11:22:32 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:22:32 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:22:32 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:22:32 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:22:33 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:22:33 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:22:33 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:22:33 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:22:33 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:22:33 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:22:34 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:22:34 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:22:34 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:22:34 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:22:34 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:22:34 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:22:35 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:22:35 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:22:35 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:22:35 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:22:35 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:22:35 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:22:36 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:22:36 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:22:36 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:22:36 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:22:36 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:22:36 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:22:37 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:22:37 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:22:37 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:22:37 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:22:37 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:22:37 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:22:38 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:22:38 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:22:38 - Iteration took 75ms
[D] 11:22:39 - [Fight] Fight stopped
11:22:39 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[N] 11:22:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -592,6014 ; -2523,492 ; 91,78803 ; "None" to 1205,852 ; -3858,271 ; 27,81096 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:22:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 31 (2441,067y)
[D] 11:27:19 - [Resurrect] 2 hostile(s) npc(s) near character, try to found best location to retrieve corpse.
[N] 11:27:19 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1205,852 ; -3858,271 ; 27,81096 ; "None" strict = True
[N] 11:27:19 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 28,46425
[N] 11:27:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1189,671 ; -3822,508 ; 27,77727 ; "None" to 1205,852 ; -3858,271 ; 28,46425 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:27:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (39,25914y)
[F] 11:27:24 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Arcane Intellect (Arcane Intellect)
11:27:25 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
11:27:25 - [Regen] Started
11:27:26 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
11:27:28 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:27:45 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 11:27:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1204,736 ; -3855,801 ; 28,20264 ; "None" to 316,3132 ; -3818,064 ; 23,47821 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:27:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (895,0272y)
[D] 11:27:49 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:27:49 - Iteration took 112ms
11:27:49 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Savannah Prowler (lvl 14)
[D] 11:27:49 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:27:49 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:27:50 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:27:50 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:27:50 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:27:50 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:27:50 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:27:50 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:27:50 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:27:51 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:27:51 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:27:51 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:27:51 - Iteration took 24ms
[D] 11:27:51 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 11:27:51 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 11:27:51 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:27:51 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:27:51 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:27:52 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:27:52 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:27:52 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:27:52 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:27:52 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:27:52 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:27:52 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:27:53 - Iteration took 56ms
[N] 11:27:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1178,482 ; -3851,181 ; 28,02163 ; "None" to 1173,723 ; -3859,977 ; 28,02163 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 11:27:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:27:53 - Iteration took 40ms
[N] 11:27:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00011y)
[F] 11:27:53 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:27:53 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:27:53 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:27:53 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:27:53 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:27:54 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:27:54 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:27:54 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:27:54 - Iteration took 120ms
[D] 11:27:54 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:27:54 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:27:54 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:27:54 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:27:55 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:27:55 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:27:55 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:27:55 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:27:55 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:27:55 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:27:55 - Iteration took 35ms
[D] 11:27:56 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:27:56 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:27:56 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:27:56 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:27:56 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:27:56 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:27:56 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:27:57 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:27:57 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:27:57 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:27:57 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 11:27:57 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:27:57 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:27:57 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:27:57 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:27:58 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:27:58 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:27:58 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:27:58 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:27:58 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:27:58 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:27:59 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:27:59 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:27:59 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:27:59 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 11:27:59 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:27:59 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:27:59 - Iteration took 39ms
[N] 11:27:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1175,5 ; -3856,099 ; 27,65079 ; "None" to 1170,748 ; -3864,898 ; 27,65079 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:27:59 - Iteration took 27ms
[N] 11:27:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999906y)
[F] 11:28:00 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 11:28:00 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:28:00 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:28:00 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:28:00 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:28:00 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:28:00 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 11:28:00 - Iteration took 10ms
[N] 11:28:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1172,959 ; -3861,378 ; 27,10324 ; "None" to 1168,556 ; -3870,224 ; 27,1171 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:28:00 - Iteration took 12ms
[N] 11:28:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,881415y)
[F] 11:28:01 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:28:01 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:28:01 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:28:01 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:28:01 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 11:28:01 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:28:01 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:28:01 - Iteration took 13ms
[D] 11:28:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:28:02 - Iteration took 25ms
[D] 11:28:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:28:02 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:28:02 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:28:02 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:28:02 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:28:02 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:28:02 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:28:03 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:28:03 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:28:03 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:28:03 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:28:03 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:28:03 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 11:28:03 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:28:03 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:28:04 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:28:04 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:28:04 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:28:04 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:28:04 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:28:04 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:28:04 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:28:04 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:28:05 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:28:05 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:28:05 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 11:28:05 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:28:05 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:28:05 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:28:05 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:28:05 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:28:06 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:28:06 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:28:06 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:28:06 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:28:06 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:28:06 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:28:06 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:28:07 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 11:28:07 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:28:07 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:28:07 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:28:07 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:28:07 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:28:07 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:28:07 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:28:08 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:28:08 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:28:08 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:28:08 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:28:08 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:28:08 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 11:28:08 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:28:08 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:28:09 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:28:09 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:28:09 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:28:09 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:28:09 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:28:09 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:28:10 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:28:10 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:28:10 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:28:10 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 11:28:10 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:28:10 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:28:10 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:28:10 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:28:11 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:28:11 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:28:11 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:28:11 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:28:11 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:28:11 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:28:12 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:28:12 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:28:12 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:28:12 - Iteration took 38ms
11:28:13 - [Regen] Started
11:28:15 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:28:35 - [Regen] Finished
11:28:35 - [Looting] Loot Savannah Prowler
[N] 11:28:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1170,974 ; -3864,538 ; 26,68427 ; "None" to 316,3132 ; -3818,064 ; 23,47821 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:28:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (865,8513y)
[D] 11:28:39 - Stats: 1 Intellect
[D] 11:28:39 - Stats: 1 Stamina
[D] 11:28:39 - [iEquip] acknowledging item "Willow Bracers" id 6543 with a value of 920 and armor value of 10
11:28:39 - Name: Willow Bracers ID: 0
11:28:40 - [iEquip] equipping "Willow Bracers" id 6543 value 920
11:28:57 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 10)
[D] 11:28:57 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:28:57 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:28:57 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:28:57 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:28:57 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:28:57 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:28:57 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:28:58 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:28:58 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:28:58 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:28:58 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:28:58 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:28:58 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:28:59 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:28:59 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:28:59 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:28:59 - Iteration took 56ms
[D] 11:28:59 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:28:59 - Iteration took 24ms
[N] 11:28:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1049,498 ; -3828,927 ; 16,66777 ; "None" to 1041,236 ; -3823,293 ; 16,66777 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:28:59 - Iteration took 70ms
[N] 11:28:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999971y)
[F] 11:28:59 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:29:00 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:29:00 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:29:00 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 11:29:00 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:29:00 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:29:00 - Iteration took 27ms
[N] 11:29:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1044,264 ; -3825,633 ; 17,41937 ; "None" to 1036,193 ; -3819,729 ; 17,41937 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:29:00 - Iteration took 34ms
[N] 11:29:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999934y)
[F] 11:29:01 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:29:01 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:29:01 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:29:01 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:29:01 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:29:01 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:29:01 - Iteration took 36ms
[N] 11:29:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1041,583 ; -3823,562 ; 17,51537 ; "None" to 1032,423 ; -3819,549 ; 17,51537 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:29:01 - Iteration took 17ms
[N] 11:29:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999964y)
[F] 11:29:02 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:29:02 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:29:02 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:29:02 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:29:02 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:29:02 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:29:02 - Iteration took 28ms
[D] 11:29:03 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:29:03 - Iteration took 122ms
[D] 11:29:03 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:29:03 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:29:03 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:29:03 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:29:03 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:29:03 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:29:03 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:29:04 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:29:04 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:29:04 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:29:04 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:29:04 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:29:04 - Iteration took 64ms
[D] 11:29:05 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:29:05 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:29:05 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:29:05 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:29:05 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:29:05 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:29:05 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:29:05 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:29:06 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:29:06 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:29:06 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:29:06 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 11:29:06 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:29:06 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:29:06 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:29:06 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:29:06 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:29:07 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:29:07 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:29:07 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:29:07 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:29:07 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:29:07 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:29:07 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:29:08 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 11:29:08 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:29:08 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:29:08 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:29:08 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:29:08 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:29:08 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:29:08 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:29:09 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:29:09 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:29:09 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:29:09 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:29:09 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:29:09 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:29:09 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:29:10 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:29:10 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:29:10 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:29:10 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:29:10 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:29:10 - Iteration took 59ms
[D] 11:29:10 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:29:10 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:29:11 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:29:11 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:29:11 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:29:11 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:29:11 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:29:11 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:29:12 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:29:12 - Iteration took 115ms
[F] 11:29:12 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:29:12 - Iteration took 119ms
[F] 11:29:12 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:29:12 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:29:13 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:29:13 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:29:13 - Iteration took 66ms
[D] 11:29:13 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:29:13 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:29:13 - Iteration took 56ms
11:29:14 - [Regen] Started
11:29:16 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
11:29:17 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:29:31 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 11:29:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1035,286 ; -3820,794 ; 17,61859 ; "None" to 316,5125 ; -3804,751 ; 24,52985 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:29:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (719,9904y)
[D] 11:29:47 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:29:47 - Iteration took 107ms
11:29:47 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 11)
[D] 11:29:47 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:29:47 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:29:47 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:29:47 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:29:48 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:29:48 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:29:48 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:29:48 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:29:48 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:29:48 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:29:48 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:29:49 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:29:49 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:29:49 - Iteration took 28ms
[D] 11:29:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:29:49 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:29:49 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:29:49 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:29:49 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:29:50 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:29:50 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:29:50 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:29:50 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:29:50 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:29:50 - Iteration took 60ms
[D] 11:29:51 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:29:51 - Iteration took 74ms
[N] 11:29:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 953,1115 ; -3816,842 ; 16,58412 ; "None" to 963,0235 ; -3815,519 ; 16,58412 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:29:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999984y)
[F] 11:29:51 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:29:51 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:29:51 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:29:51 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 11:29:51 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 11:29:51 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:29:52 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:29:52 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:29:52 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:29:52 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:29:52 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:29:52 - Iteration took 84ms
[F] 11:29:53 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:29:53 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:29:53 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:29:53 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:29:53 - Iteration took 60ms
[D] 11:29:53 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:29:53 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:29:53 - Iteration took 80ms
[N] 11:29:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 952,7227 ; -3816,666 ; 16,59907 ; "None" to 962,4481 ; -3814,339 ; 16,59907 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:29:54 - Iteration took 46ms
[N] 11:29:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999954y)
[F] 11:29:54 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:29:54 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 11:29:54 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:29:54 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:29:54 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:29:54 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:29:55 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:29:55 - Iteration took 17ms
[N] 11:29:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 958,4692 ; -3815,574 ; 16,11492 ; "None" to 968,1644 ; -3813,628 ; 16,12441 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:29:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,888575y)
[F] 11:29:55 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:29:55 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:29:55 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:29:55 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:29:55 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:29:55 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:29:56 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:29:56 - Iteration took 17ms
[D] 11:29:56 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:29:56 - Iteration took 97ms
[D] 11:29:56 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:29:56 - Iteration took 26ms
[D] 11:29:56 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:29:56 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:29:56 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:29:56 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:29:57 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:29:57 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:29:57 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:29:57 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:29:57 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:29:57 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:29:57 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:29:57 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:29:58 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 11:29:58 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:29:58 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:29:58 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:29:58 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:29:58 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:29:58 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:29:58 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:29:59 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:29:59 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:29:59 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:29:59 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:29:59 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:29:59 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:29:59 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:29:59 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:30:00 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:30:00 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:30:00 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:30:00 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:30:00 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:30:00 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:30:00 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:30:00 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:30:01 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:30:01 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:30:01 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:30:01 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:30:01 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:30:01 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:30:01 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:30:02 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 11:30:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:30:02 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:30:02 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:30:02 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:30:02 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:30:02 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:30:03 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:30:03 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:30:03 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:30:03 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:30:03 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:30:03 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:30:03 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:30:04 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:30:04 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:30:04 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:30:04 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:30:04 - Iteration took 71ms
[D] 11:30:04 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:30:04 - Iteration took 64ms
11:30:05 - [Looting] Loot Dreadmaw Crocolisk
[N] 11:30:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 962,4113 ; -3814,35 ; 16,05975 ; "Swimming" to 316,5125 ; -3804,751 ; 24,52985 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:30:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (646,8767y)
[D] 11:30:16 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:30:16 - Iteration took 113ms
11:30:16 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 10)
[D] 11:30:16 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:30:16 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:30:17 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:30:17 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:30:17 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:30:17 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:30:17 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:30:17 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:30:17 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:30:18 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:30:18 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:30:18 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:30:18 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 11:30:18 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:30:18 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:30:18 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:30:18 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:30:19 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:30:19 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:30:19 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:30:19 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:30:19 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:30:19 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:30:20 - Iteration took 55ms
[N] 11:30:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 900,1896 ; -3811,432 ; 16,05984 ; "Swimming" to 909,0201 ; -3806,739 ; 16,05984 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:30:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00004y)
[D] 11:30:20 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:30:20 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:30:20 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:30:20 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:30:20 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:30:20 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:30:20 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:30:21 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 11:30:21 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:30:21 - Iteration took 107ms
[D] 11:30:21 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:30:21 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:30:21 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:30:21 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:30:21 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:30:22 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:30:22 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:30:22 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:30:22 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:30:22 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:30:22 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:30:22 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:30:23 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:30:23 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:30:23 - Iteration took 99ms
[F] 11:30:23 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:30:23 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:30:23 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:30:24 - Iteration took 58ms
[D] 11:30:24 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:30:24 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:30:24 - Iteration took 44ms
[N] 11:30:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 904,661 ; -3809,32 ; 16,44216 ; "None" to 913,5789 ; -3804,796 ; 16,44216 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:30:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,99997y)
[F] 11:30:24 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:30:24 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:30:24 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:30:24 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:30:24 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:30:25 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:30:25 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:30:25 - Iteration took 21ms
[N] 11:30:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 909,5411 ; -3806,522 ; 16,85977 ; "None" to 918,295 ; -3801,688 ; 16,85977 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:30:25 - Iteration took 25ms
[N] 11:30:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00003y)
[F] 11:30:25 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:30:25 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:30:25 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:30:26 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:30:26 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:30:26 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:30:26 - Iteration took 15ms
[D] 11:30:26 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:30:26 - Iteration took 60ms
[D] 11:30:26 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:30:26 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 11:30:26 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:30:26 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:30:26 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:30:27 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:30:27 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:30:27 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:30:27 - Iteration took 84ms
[F] 11:30:27 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:30:27 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:30:28 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:30:28 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:30:28 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 11:30:28 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:30:28 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:30:28 - Iteration took 101ms
[F] 11:30:28 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:30:28 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:30:29 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:30:29 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:30:29 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:30:29 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:30:29 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:30:29 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:30:29 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:30:30 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:30:30 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:30:30 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:30:30 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:30:30 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:30:30 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:30:31 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:30:31 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:30:31 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:30:31 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:30:31 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:30:31 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:30:32 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:30:32 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:30:32 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:30:32 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:30:32 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:30:32 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:30:32 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:30:33 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:30:33 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:30:33 - Iteration took 86ms
[F] 11:30:33 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:30:33 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:30:33 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:30:34 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:30:34 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:30:34 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:30:34 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:30:34 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:30:34 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:30:34 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:30:35 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:30:35 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:30:35 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:30:35 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:30:35 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:30:35 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:30:36 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:30:36 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:30:36 - Iteration took 126ms
[F] 11:30:36 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:30:36 - Iteration took 78ms
[F] 11:30:36 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:30:37 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:30:37 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:30:37 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:30:37 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:30:37 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:30:37 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:30:38 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:30:38 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:30:38 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:30:38 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:30:38 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:30:38 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:30:38 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 11:30:39 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:30:39 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:30:39 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:30:39 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:30:39 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:30:39 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:30:39 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:30:39 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:30:39 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:30:40 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:30:40 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:30:40 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:30:40 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:30:40 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:30:40 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:30:40 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:30:41 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:30:41 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:30:41 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:30:41 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:30:41 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:30:41 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:30:42 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:30:42 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:30:42 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:30:42 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:30:42 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:30:42 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:30:43 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:30:43 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:30:43 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:30:43 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:30:43 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:30:43 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:30:43 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:30:44 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:30:44 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:30:44 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:30:44 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:30:44 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:30:44 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:30:45 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:30:45 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:30:45 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:30:45 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:30:45 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:30:45 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:30:45 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:30:46 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:30:46 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:30:46 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:30:46 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:30:46 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:30:46 - Iteration took 53ms
[D] 11:30:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:30:47 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:30:47 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:30:47 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:30:47 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:30:47 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:30:47 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:30:47 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:30:47 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:30:48 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:30:48 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:30:48 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:30:48 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:30:48 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:30:48 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:30:49 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:30:49 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:30:49 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:30:49 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:30:49 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:30:49 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:30:49 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:30:50 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:30:50 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:30:50 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:30:50 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:30:50 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:30:50 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:30:51 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:30:51 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:30:51 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:30:51 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:30:51 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:30:51 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:30:51 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:30:52 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:30:52 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:30:52 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:30:52 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:30:52 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:30:52 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:30:53 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:30:53 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:30:53 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:30:53 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:30:53 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:30:53 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:30:53 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:30:54 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:30:54 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:30:54 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:30:54 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:30:54 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:30:54 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:30:55 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:30:55 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:30:55 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:30:55 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:30:55 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:30:55 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:30:56 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:30:56 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:30:56 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:30:56 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:30:56 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:30:56 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:30:57 - Iteration took 92ms
[F] 11:30:57 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:30:57 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:30:57 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:30:57 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:30:57 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:30:57 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:30:58 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:30:58 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:30:58 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:30:58 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:30:58 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:30:58 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:30:59 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:30:59 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:30:59 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:30:59 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:30:59 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:30:59 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:30:59 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:30:59 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:31:00 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:31:00 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:31:00 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:31:00 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:31:00 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:31:00 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:31:00 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:31:01 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:31:01 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:31:01 - Iteration took 77ms
[F] 11:31:01 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:31:01 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:31:01 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:31:02 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:31:02 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:31:02 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:31:02 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:31:02 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:31:02 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:31:03 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:31:03 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:31:03 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:31:03 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:31:03 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:31:03 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:31:04 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:31:04 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:31:04 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:31:04 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:31:04 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:31:04 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:31:04 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:31:05 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:31:05 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:31:05 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:31:05 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:31:05 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:31:05 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:31:06 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:31:06 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:31:06 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:31:06 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:31:06 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:31:06 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:31:07 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:31:07 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:31:07 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:31:07 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:31:07 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:31:07 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:31:08 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:31:08 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:31:08 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:31:08 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:31:08 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:31:08 - Iteration took 65ms
[D] 11:31:09 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:31:09 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:31:09 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:31:09 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:31:09 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:31:09 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:31:09 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:31:09 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:31:10 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:31:10 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:31:10 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:31:10 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:31:10 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:31:10 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:31:11 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:31:11 - Iteration took 35ms
11:31:12 - [Regen] Started
11:31:13 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
11:31:15 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:31:35 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 11:31:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 913,1262 ; -3804,989 ; 16,87577 ; "None" to 316,6504 ; -3794,252 ; 26,13179 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:31:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (601y)
[D] 11:31:38 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:31:38 - Iteration took 110ms
11:31:38 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[D] 11:31:38 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:31:38 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:31:38 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:31:38 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:31:38 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:31:38 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:31:38 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:31:39 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:31:39 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:31:39 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:31:39 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:31:39 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:31:39 - Iteration took 23ms
[D] 11:31:39 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 11:31:39 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 11:31:39 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:31:39 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:31:40 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:31:40 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:31:40 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:31:40 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:31:40 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:31:40 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:31:40 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:31:41 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:31:41 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:31:41 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 11:31:41 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:31:41 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:31:41 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:31:41 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:31:42 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:31:42 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:31:42 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:31:42 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:31:42 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:31:42 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:31:42 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:31:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:31:43 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:31:43 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:31:43 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:31:43 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:31:43 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:31:43 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:31:43 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:31:44 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:31:44 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:31:44 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 11:31:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:31:44 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:31:44 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:31:44 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:31:45 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:31:45 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:31:45 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:31:45 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:31:45 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:31:45 - Iteration took 59ms
[D] 11:31:45 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:31:45 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:31:45 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:31:45 - Iteration took 74ms
[D] 11:31:46 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:31:46 - Iteration took 82ms
[F] 11:31:46 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:31:46 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:31:46 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:31:46 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:31:46 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:31:47 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:31:47 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:31:47 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:31:47 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 11:31:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:31:47 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:31:47 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:31:48 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:31:48 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:31:48 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:31:48 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:31:48 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:31:48 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:31:49 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:31:49 - Iteration took 56ms
[D] 11:31:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:31:49 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:31:49 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:31:49 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:31:49 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:31:50 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:31:50 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:31:50 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:31:50 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:31:50 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 11:31:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:31:50 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:31:50 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:31:51 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:31:51 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:31:51 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:31:51 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:31:51 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:31:51 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:31:52 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:31:52 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:31:52 - Iteration took 70ms
[D] 11:31:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:31:52 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:31:52 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:31:52 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:31:53 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:31:53 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:31:53 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:31:53 - Iteration took 56ms
[D] 11:31:53 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:31:53 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:31:53 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 11)
[F] 11:31:53 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:31:53 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:31:53 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:31:54 - Iteration took 56ms
[D] 11:31:55 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:31:55 - Iteration took 864ms
[F] 11:31:55 - Iteration took 78ms
[F] 11:31:55 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:31:55 - Iteration took 112ms
[F] 11:31:55 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:31:56 - Iteration took 100ms
[F] 11:31:56 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:31:56 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 11:31:56 - Iteration took 112ms
[D] 11:31:56 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:31:56 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:31:56 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:31:57 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:31:57 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:31:57 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:31:57 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:31:57 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:31:57 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:31:58 - Iteration took 84ms
[F] 11:31:58 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:31:58 - Iteration took 74ms
[F] 11:31:58 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:31:58 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:31:58 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:31:59 - Iteration took 81ms
[F] 11:31:59 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:31:59 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:31:59 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:31:59 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:31:59 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:32:00 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:32:00 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:32:00 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:32:00 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:32:00 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:32:00 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:32:01 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:32:01 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:32:01 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:32:01 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:32:01 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:32:01 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:32:02 - Iteration took 95ms
[F] 11:32:02 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 11:32:02 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:32:02 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:32:02 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:32:03 - Iteration took 77ms
[F] 11:32:03 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:32:03 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:32:03 - Iteration took 80ms
[F] 11:32:03 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:32:03 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:32:04 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:32:04 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:32:04 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:32:04 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:32:04 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:32:04 - Iteration took 78ms
[F] 11:32:05 - Iteration took 77ms
[F] 11:32:05 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:32:05 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:32:05 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:32:05 - Iteration took 84ms
[F] 11:32:05 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:32:06 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 11:32:06 - Iteration took 81ms
[F] 11:32:06 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:32:06 - Iteration took 77ms
[F] 11:32:06 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:32:07 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:32:07 - Iteration took 90ms
[F] 11:32:07 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:32:07 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:32:07 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:32:07 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 11:32:08 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:32:08 - Iteration took 78ms
[F] 11:32:08 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:32:08 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:32:08 - Iteration took 91ms
[F] 11:32:08 - Iteration took 63ms
[D] 11:32:09 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:32:09 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:32:09 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:32:09 - Iteration took 74ms
[F] 11:32:09 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:32:09 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:32:09 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:32:10 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:32:10 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:32:10 - Iteration took 74ms
[F] 11:32:10 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:32:10 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:32:10 - Iteration took 84ms
[F] 11:32:11 - Iteration took 81ms
[F] 11:32:11 - Iteration took 107ms
[F] 11:32:11 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:32:11 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:32:11 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:32:12 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:32:12 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:32:12 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:32:12 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:32:12 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:32:12 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:32:12 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:32:13 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:32:13 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:32:13 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:32:13 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:32:13 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:32:13 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:32:14 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:32:14 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:32:14 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:32:14 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:32:14 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:32:14 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:32:14 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:32:15 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:32:15 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:32:15 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:32:15 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:32:15 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:32:15 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:32:16 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:32:16 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:32:16 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:32:16 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:32:16 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:32:16 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:32:16 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:32:17 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:32:17 - Iteration took 80ms
[F] 11:32:17 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:32:17 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:32:17 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:32:17 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:32:18 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:32:18 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:32:18 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:32:18 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:32:18 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:32:18 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:32:18 - Iteration took 57ms
[D] 11:32:19 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:32:19 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:32:19 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:32:19 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:32:19 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:32:19 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:32:19 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:32:20 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:32:20 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:32:20 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:32:20 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:32:20 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:32:20 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:32:20 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:32:21 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:32:21 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:32:21 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:32:21 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:32:21 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:32:21 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:32:21 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:32:22 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:32:22 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:32:22 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:32:22 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:32:22 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:32:22 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:32:23 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:32:23 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:32:23 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:32:23 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:32:23 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:32:23 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:32:24 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:32:24 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:32:24 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:32:24 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:32:24 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:32:24 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:32:24 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:32:25 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:32:25 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:32:25 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:32:25 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:32:25 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:32:25 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:32:26 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:32:26 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:32:26 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:32:26 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:32:26 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:32:26 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:32:26 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:32:27 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:32:27 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:32:27 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:32:27 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:32:27 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:32:27 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:32:28 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:32:28 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:32:28 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:32:28 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:32:28 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:32:28 - Iteration took 62ms
[D] 11:32:29 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:32:29 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:32:29 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:32:29 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:32:29 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:32:29 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:32:29 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:32:30 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:32:30 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:32:30 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:32:30 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:32:30 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:32:30 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:32:30 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:32:31 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:32:31 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:32:31 - Iteration took 100ms
[F] 11:32:31 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:32:31 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:32:31 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:32:32 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:32:32 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:32:32 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:32:32 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:32:32 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:32:32 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:32:33 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:32:33 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:32:33 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:32:33 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:32:33 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:32:33 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:32:34 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:32:34 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:32:34 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:32:34 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:32:34 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:32:34 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:32:35 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:32:35 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:32:35 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:32:35 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:32:35 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:32:35 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:32:36 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:32:36 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:32:36 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:32:36 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:32:36 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:32:36 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:32:36 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:32:37 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:32:37 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:32:37 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:32:37 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:32:37 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:32:37 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:32:38 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:32:38 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:32:38 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:32:38 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:32:38 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:32:38 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 11:32:39 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:32:39 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:32:39 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:32:39 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:32:39 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:32:39 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:32:39 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:32:40 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:32:40 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:32:40 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:32:40 - Iteration took 97ms
[F] 11:32:40 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:32:40 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:32:41 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:32:41 - Iteration took 84ms
[F] 11:32:41 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:32:41 - Iteration took 78ms
[F] 11:32:41 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:32:41 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:32:42 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:32:42 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:32:42 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:32:42 - Iteration took 82ms
[F] 11:32:42 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:32:43 - Iteration took 77ms
[F] 11:32:43 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:32:43 - Iteration took 74ms
[F] 11:32:43 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:32:43 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:32:43 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:32:44 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:32:44 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:32:44 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:32:44 - Iteration took 80ms
[F] 11:32:44 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:32:44 - Iteration took 84ms
[F] 11:32:45 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:32:45 - Iteration took 74ms
[F] 11:32:45 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:32:45 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:32:45 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:32:45 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:32:46 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:32:46 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 11:32:46 - Iteration took 80ms
[F] 11:32:46 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:32:46 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:32:47 - Iteration took 73ms
[D] 11:32:48 - [Fight] Fight stopped
11:32:48 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[N] 11:32:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1177,78 ; -4464,24 ; 21,3539 ; "None" to 897,2727 ; -3804,631 ; 16,75684 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:32:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (728,1737y)
[D] 11:34:13 - [Resurrect] 1 hostile(s) npc(s) near character, try to found best location to retrieve corpse.
[N] 11:34:13 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 915,2727 ; -3804,631 ; 16,75684 ; "None" strict = True
[N] 11:34:13 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 17,5359
[N] 11:34:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 904,7682 ; -3842,614 ; 20,84456 ; "None" to 915,2727 ; -3804,631 ; 17,5359 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:34:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (42,92944y)
[F] 11:34:19 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Arcane Intellect (Arcane Intellect)
11:34:19 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
11:34:19 - [Regen] Started
11:34:21 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
11:34:22 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:34:41 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 11:34:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 914,2562 ; -3807,069 ; 16,84479 ; "None" to 316,5125 ; -3804,751 ; 24,52985 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:34:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (598,4724y)
11:34:44 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[D] 11:34:44 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:34:44 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:34:44 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:34:44 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:34:44 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:34:45 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:34:45 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:34:45 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:34:45 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:34:45 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:34:45 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:34:45 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:34:46 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:34:46 - Iteration took 35ms
[D] 11:34:46 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 11:34:46 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 11:34:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:34:46 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:34:46 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:34:46 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:34:46 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:34:47 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:34:47 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:34:47 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:34:47 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:34:47 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:34:47 - Iteration took 53ms
[D] 11:34:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:34:47 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:34:48 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:34:48 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:34:48 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:34:48 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:34:48 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:34:48 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:34:48 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:34:49 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:34:49 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:34:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:34:49 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:34:49 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:34:49 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:34:49 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:34:49 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:34:50 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:34:50 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:34:50 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:34:50 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:34:50 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 11:34:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:34:50 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:34:51 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:34:51 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:34:51 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:34:51 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:34:51 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:34:51 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:34:51 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:34:52 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 11:34:52 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:34:52 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:34:52 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:34:52 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 11:34:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:34:52 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:34:52 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:34:52 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:34:52 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:34:53 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:34:53 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:34:53 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:34:53 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:34:53 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:34:53 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:34:53 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 11:34:54 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:34:54 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:34:54 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:34:54 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:34:54 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:34:54 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:34:54 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:34:54 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:34:55 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:34:55 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:34:55 - Iteration took 53ms
[D] 11:34:55 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:34:55 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:34:55 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:34:55 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:34:55 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:34:56 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:34:56 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:34:56 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:34:56 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:34:56 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:34:56 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 11:34:57 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:34:57 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:34:57 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:34:57 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:34:57 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:34:57 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:34:57 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:34:57 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:34:58 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:34:58 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:34:58 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:34:58 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 11:34:58 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:34:58 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:34:58 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:34:59 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:34:59 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:34:59 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:34:59 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:34:59 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:34:59 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:34:59 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 11:34:59 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:34:59 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:34:59 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:35:00 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:35:00 - Iteration took 59ms
[D] 11:35:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:35:00 - Iteration took 77ms
[F] 11:35:00 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:35:00 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:35:00 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:35:01 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:35:01 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:35:01 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:35:01 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:35:01 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:35:01 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:35:01 - Iteration took 61ms
[D] 11:35:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:35:02 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:35:02 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:35:02 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:35:02 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:35:02 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:35:02 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:35:02 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:35:03 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:35:03 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:35:03 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:35:03 - Iteration took 55ms
[D] 11:35:03 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:35:03 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:35:03 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:35:04 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:35:04 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:35:04 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:35:04 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:35:04 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:35:04 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:35:04 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:35:05 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:35:05 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:35:05 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:35:05 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:35:05 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:35:05 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:35:06 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:35:06 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:35:06 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:35:06 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:35:06 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:35:06 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:35:07 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:35:07 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:35:07 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:35:07 - Iteration took 59ms
[D] 11:35:07 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:35:07 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:35:07 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:35:07 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:35:07 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:35:07 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:35:08 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:35:08 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:35:08 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:35:08 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:35:08 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:35:08 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:35:09 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:35:09 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:35:09 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:35:09 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:35:09 - Iteration took 90ms
[F] 11:35:09 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:35:10 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 11:35:10 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:35:10 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:35:10 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:35:10 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:35:10 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 11:35:10 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:35:10 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:35:11 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:35:11 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:35:11 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:35:11 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:35:11 - Iteration took 93ms
[F] 11:35:12 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:35:12 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:35:12 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:35:12 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:35:12 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:35:12 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:35:12 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:35:13 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:35:13 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:35:13 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:35:13 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:35:13 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:35:13 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:35:14 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:35:14 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:35:14 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:35:14 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:35:14 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:35:14 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:35:15 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:35:15 - Iteration took 60ms
[D] 11:35:15 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:35:15 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:35:15 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:35:15 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:35:15 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:35:15 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:35:15 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:35:15 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:35:16 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:35:16 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:35:16 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:35:16 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:35:16 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:35:16 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:35:17 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:35:17 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:35:17 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:35:17 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:35:17 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:35:17 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:35:18 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:35:18 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:35:18 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:35:18 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:35:18 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:35:18 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:35:18 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:35:19 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:35:19 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:35:19 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:35:19 - Iteration took 99ms
[F] 11:35:19 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:35:19 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:35:20 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:35:20 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:35:20 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:35:20 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:35:20 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:35:20 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:35:21 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:35:21 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:35:21 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:35:21 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:35:21 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:35:21 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:35:21 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:35:22 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:35:22 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:35:22 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:35:22 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:35:22 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:35:22 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:35:22 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:35:22 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:35:22 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[D] 11:35:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:35:23 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:35:23 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:35:23 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:35:23 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:35:23 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:35:23 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:35:23 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:35:24 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:35:24 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:35:24 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:35:24 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:35:24 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:35:24 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:35:25 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:35:25 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:35:25 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:35:25 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:35:25 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:35:25 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:35:26 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:35:26 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:35:26 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:35:26 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:35:26 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:35:26 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:35:27 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:35:27 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:35:27 - Iteration took 81ms
[F] 11:35:27 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:35:27 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:35:27 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:35:27 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:35:28 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:35:28 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:35:28 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:35:28 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:35:28 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:35:28 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:35:29 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:35:29 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:35:29 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:35:29 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:35:29 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:35:29 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:35:29 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:35:30 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:35:30 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:35:30 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:35:30 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 11:35:30 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:35:30 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:35:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:35:30 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:35:30 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:35:31 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:35:31 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:35:31 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:35:31 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:35:31 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:35:31 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:35:31 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:35:32 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:35:32 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:35:32 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:35:32 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:35:32 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:35:32 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:35:33 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:35:33 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:35:33 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:35:33 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:35:33 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:35:33 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:35:33 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:35:34 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:35:34 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:35:34 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:35:34 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:35:34 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:35:34 - Iteration took 55ms
[D] 11:35:35 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:35:35 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:35:35 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:35:35 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:35:35 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:35:35 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:35:35 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:35:35 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:35:36 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:35:36 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:35:36 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:35:36 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:35:36 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:35:36 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:35:37 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:35:37 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:35:37 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:35:37 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:35:37 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:35:37 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:35:37 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:35:38 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:35:38 - Iteration took 61ms
[D] 11:35:38 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:35:38 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:35:38 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:35:38 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:35:38 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:35:38 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:35:38 - Iteration took 94ms
[F] 11:35:39 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:35:39 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:35:39 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:35:39 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:35:39 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:35:39 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:35:40 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:35:40 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:35:40 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:35:40 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:35:40 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:35:40 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:35:40 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:35:41 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:35:41 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:35:41 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:35:41 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:35:41 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:35:41 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:35:42 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:35:42 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:35:42 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:35:42 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:35:42 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:35:42 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:35:42 - Iteration took 77ms
[F] 11:35:43 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:35:43 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:35:43 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:35:43 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:35:43 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:35:43 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:35:44 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:35:44 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:35:44 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:35:44 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:35:44 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:35:44 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:35:44 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:35:45 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:35:45 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:35:45 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:35:45 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:35:45 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:35:45 - Iteration took 60ms
[D] 11:35:46 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:35:46 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
[F] 11:35:46 - Iteration took 58ms
11:35:46 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:35:46 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:35:46 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:35:46 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:35:46 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:35:46 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 11:35:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:35:46 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:35:47 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:35:47 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:35:47 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:35:47 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:35:47 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:35:47 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:35:48 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:35:48 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:35:48 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:35:48 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:35:48 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:35:48 - Iteration took 74ms
[F] 11:35:48 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:35:49 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:35:49 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:35:49 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:35:49 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:35:49 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:35:49 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:35:50 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:35:50 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:35:50 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:35:50 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:35:50 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:35:50 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:35:51 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:35:51 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:35:51 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:35:51 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:35:51 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:35:51 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:35:51 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:35:52 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:35:52 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:35:52 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:35:52 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:35:52 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:35:52 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:35:52 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:35:53 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:35:53 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:35:53 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:35:53 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 11:35:53 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:35:53 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
[F] 11:35:53 - Iteration took 50ms
11:35:53 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:35:53 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:35:54 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:35:54 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:35:54 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:35:54 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:35:54 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:35:54 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:35:54 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:35:55 - Iteration took 86ms
[F] 11:35:55 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:35:55 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:35:55 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:35:55 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:35:55 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:35:56 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:35:56 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:35:56 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:35:56 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:35:56 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:35:56 - Iteration took 56ms
[D] 11:35:57 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:35:57 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:35:57 - Iteration took 87ms
[F] 11:35:57 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:35:57 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:35:57 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:35:57 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:35:57 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:35:58 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:35:58 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:35:58 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:35:58 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:35:58 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:35:58 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:35:59 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:35:59 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:35:59 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:35:59 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:35:59 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:35:59 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:36:00 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:36:00 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:36:00 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:36:00 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:36:00 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:36:00 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:36:00 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:36:01 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:36:01 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 11:36:01 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:36:01 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
[F] 11:36:01 - Iteration took 56ms
11:36:01 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:36:01 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:36:01 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:36:01 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:36:02 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:36:02 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:36:02 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:36:02 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:36:02 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:36:02 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:36:03 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:36:03 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:36:03 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:36:03 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:36:03 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:36:03 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:36:03 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:36:04 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:36:04 - Iteration took 126ms
[F] 11:36:04 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:36:04 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:36:04 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:36:05 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:36:05 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:36:05 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:36:05 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:36:05 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:36:05 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:36:05 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:36:06 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:36:06 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:36:06 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:36:06 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:36:06 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:36:06 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:36:07 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:36:07 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:36:07 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:36:07 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:36:07 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:36:07 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:36:07 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:36:08 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:36:08 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:36:08 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:36:08 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:36:08 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:36:08 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:36:09 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:36:09 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 11:36:09 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:36:09 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:36:09 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:36:09 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:36:09 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:36:09 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:36:09 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:36:09 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:36:09 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:36:10 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:36:10 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:36:10 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:36:10 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:36:10 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:36:10 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:36:10 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:36:11 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:36:11 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:36:11 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:36:11 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:36:11 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:36:11 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:36:12 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:36:12 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:36:12 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:36:12 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:36:12 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:36:12 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:36:12 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:36:13 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:36:13 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:36:13 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:36:13 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:36:13 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:36:13 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:36:14 - Iteration took 92ms
[F] 11:36:14 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:36:14 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:36:14 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:36:14 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:36:15 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:36:15 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:36:15 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:36:15 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:36:15 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:36:15 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:36:15 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:36:16 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:36:16 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:36:16 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:36:16 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 11:36:16 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:36:16 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
[F] 11:36:16 - Iteration took 67ms
11:36:16 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 10)
[F] 11:36:16 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:36:17 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:36:17 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:36:17 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:36:17 - Iteration took 74ms
[F] 11:36:17 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 11:36:17 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:36:18 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:36:18 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:36:18 - Iteration took 95ms
[F] 11:36:18 - Iteration took 82ms
[F] 11:36:18 - Iteration took 85ms
[F] 11:36:19 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:36:19 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:36:19 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:36:19 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:36:19 - Iteration took 80ms
[F] 11:36:19 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:36:20 - Iteration took 92ms
[F] 11:36:20 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 11:36:20 - Iteration took 85ms
[F] 11:36:20 - Iteration took 85ms
[F] 11:36:20 - Iteration took 91ms
[D] 11:36:21 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:36:21 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:36:21 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 11:36:21 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:36:21 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:36:21 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:36:21 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:36:22 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:36:22 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:36:22 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:36:22 - Iteration took 92ms
[F] 11:36:22 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:36:23 - Iteration took 96ms
[F] 11:36:23 - Iteration took 82ms
[F] 11:36:23 - Iteration took 80ms
[F] 11:36:23 - Iteration took 94ms
[F] 11:36:23 - Iteration took 98ms
[F] 11:36:23 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:36:24 - Iteration took 80ms
[F] 11:36:24 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:36:24 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:36:24 - Iteration took 89ms
[F] 11:36:24 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:36:25 - Iteration took 88ms
[F] 11:36:25 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:36:25 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:36:25 - Iteration took 96ms
[F] 11:36:25 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:36:25 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:36:26 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:36:26 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:36:26 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:36:26 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:36:26 - Iteration took 97ms
[F] 11:36:26 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:36:27 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:36:27 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:36:27 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:36:27 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:36:27 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:36:27 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:36:27 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:36:28 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:36:28 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:36:28 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:36:28 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:36:28 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:36:28 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:36:29 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:36:29 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:36:29 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:36:29 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:36:29 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:36:29 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:36:30 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:36:30 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:36:30 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:36:30 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:36:30 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:36:30 - Iteration took 64ms
[D] 11:36:31 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:36:31 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:36:31 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:36:31 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:36:31 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:36:31 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:36:31 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:36:31 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:36:32 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:36:32 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:36:32 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:36:32 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:36:32 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:36:32 - Iteration took 87ms
[F] 11:36:32 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:36:33 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:36:33 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:36:33 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:36:33 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:36:33 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:36:33 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:36:34 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:36:34 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:36:34 - Iteration took 87ms
[F] 11:36:34 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:36:34 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:36:34 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:36:34 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:36:35 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:36:35 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:36:35 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:36:35 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:36:35 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:36:35 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:36:36 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:36:36 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:36:36 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:36:36 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:36:36 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:36:36 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:36:37 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:36:37 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:36:37 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:36:37 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:36:37 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:36:37 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:36:37 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:36:38 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:36:38 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:36:38 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:36:38 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:36:38 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:36:38 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:36:39 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:36:39 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:36:39 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:36:39 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:36:39 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:36:39 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:36:39 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:36:40 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:36:40 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:36:40 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:36:40 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:36:40 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:36:40 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:36:41 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:36:41 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:36:41 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:36:41 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:36:41 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:36:41 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:36:41 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:36:42 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:36:42 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:36:42 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:36:42 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:36:42 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:36:42 - Iteration took 55ms
[D] 11:36:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:36:43 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:36:43 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:36:43 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:36:43 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:36:43 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:36:43 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:36:43 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:36:44 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:36:44 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:36:44 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:36:44 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:36:44 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:36:44 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:36:45 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:36:45 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:36:45 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:36:45 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:36:45 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:36:45 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:36:45 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:36:46 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:36:46 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:36:46 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:36:46 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:36:46 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:36:46 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:36:47 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:36:47 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:36:47 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:36:47 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:36:47 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:36:47 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:36:47 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:36:48 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:36:48 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:36:48 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:36:48 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:36:48 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:36:48 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:36:49 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:36:49 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:36:49 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:36:49 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:36:49 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:36:49 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:36:49 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:36:50 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:36:50 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:36:50 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:36:50 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:36:50 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:36:50 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:36:51 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:36:51 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:36:51 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:36:51 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:36:51 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:36:51 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:36:51 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:36:52 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:36:52 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:36:52 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:36:52 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:36:52 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:36:52 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 11:36:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:36:52 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:36:53 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:36:53 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:36:53 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:36:53 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:36:53 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:36:53 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:36:53 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:36:54 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:36:54 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:36:54 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:36:54 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:36:54 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:36:54 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:36:54 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:36:55 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:36:55 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:36:55 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:36:55 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:36:55 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:36:55 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:36:55 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:36:56 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:36:56 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:36:56 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:36:56 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:36:56 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:36:56 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:36:57 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:36:57 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:36:57 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:36:57 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:36:57 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:36:57 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:36:57 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:36:58 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:36:58 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:36:58 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:36:58 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:36:58 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:36:58 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:36:59 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:36:59 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:36:59 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:36:59 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:36:59 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:36:59 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:37:00 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:37:00 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:37:00 - Iteration took 89ms
[F] 11:37:00 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:37:00 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:37:00 - Iteration took 80ms
[D] 11:37:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:37:00 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:37:01 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:37:01 - Iteration took 108ms
[F] 11:37:01 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:37:01 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:37:01 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:37:02 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:37:02 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:37:02 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:37:02 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:37:02 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:37:02 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:37:02 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:37:03 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:37:03 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:37:03 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:37:03 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:37:03 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:37:03 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:37:04 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:37:04 - Iteration took 77ms
[F] 11:37:04 - Iteration took 85ms
[F] 11:37:04 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:37:04 - Iteration took 82ms
[F] 11:37:04 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:37:05 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:37:05 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:37:05 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:37:05 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:37:05 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:37:05 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:37:06 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:37:06 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:37:06 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:37:06 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:37:06 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:37:06 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:37:07 - Iteration took 71ms
11:37:08 - [Regen] Started
11:37:09 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
[D] 11:37:10 - [iEquip] acknowledging item "Ragged Leather Pants" id 1366 with a value of 51 and armor value of 50
11:37:10 - Name: Ragged Leather Pants ID: 1366
11:37:11 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:37:11 - [iEquip] item "Ragged Leather Pants" id 1366 blacklisted
11:37:31 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 11:37:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 898,3239 ; -3805,895 ; 16,65167 ; "None" to 316,5125 ; -3804,751 ; 24,52985 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:37:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (582,511y)
11:37:32 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:37:33 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:37:33 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:37:33 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:37:33 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:37:33 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:37:33 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:37:33 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:37:34 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:37:34 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:37:34 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:37:34 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:37:34 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:37:34 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:37:34 - Iteration took 27ms
[D] 11:37:35 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:37:35 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 11:37:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:37:36 - Iteration took 1646ms
[D] 11:37:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:37:36 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:37:37 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:37:37 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:37:37 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:37:37 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:37:37 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:37:37 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:37:37 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:37:38 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:37:38 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:37:38 - Iteration took 62ms
[D] 11:37:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:37:38 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:37:38 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:37:38 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:37:39 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:37:39 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:37:39 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:37:39 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:37:39 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:37:39 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:37:39 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:37:40 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 11:37:40 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:37:40 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:37:40 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:37:40 - Iteration took 53ms
[D] 11:37:40 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:37:40 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:37:40 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:37:40 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:37:40 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:37:40 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:37:41 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:37:41 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:37:41 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:37:41 - Iteration took 59ms
[D] 11:37:41 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:37:41 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:37:41 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:37:42 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:37:42 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:37:42 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:37:42 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:37:42 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:37:42 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:37:42 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:37:43 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:37:43 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 11:37:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:37:43 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:37:43 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:37:43 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:37:43 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:37:44 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:37:44 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:37:44 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:37:44 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:37:44 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:37:44 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:37:45 - Iteration took 67ms
[D] 11:37:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:37:45 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:37:45 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:37:45 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:37:45 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:37:45 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:37:45 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:37:46 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:37:46 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:37:46 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:37:46 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:37:46 - Iteration took 58ms
[D] 11:37:46 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 11:37:46 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 11:37:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:37:46 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:37:47 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:37:47 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:37:47 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:37:47 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:37:47 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:37:47 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:37:48 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:37:48 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 11:37:48 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:37:48 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:37:48 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:37:48 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 11:37:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:37:48 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:37:48 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:37:48 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:37:48 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:37:49 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:37:49 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:37:49 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:37:49 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:37:49 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:37:49 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 11:37:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:37:50 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:37:50 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:37:50 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:37:50 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:37:50 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:37:50 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:37:50 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:37:51 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:37:51 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:37:51 - Iteration took 59ms
[D] 11:37:51 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:37:51 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:37:51 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:37:51 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:37:52 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:37:52 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:37:52 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:37:52 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:37:52 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:37:52 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:37:52 - Iteration took 64ms
[D] 11:37:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:37:53 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:37:53 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:37:53 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:37:53 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:37:53 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:37:53 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:37:54 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:37:54 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:37:54 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:37:54 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:37:54 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:37:54 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:37:54 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:37:55 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:37:55 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:37:55 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:37:55 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:37:55 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:37:55 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:37:55 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:37:55 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:37:56 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:37:56 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:37:56 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:37:56 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:37:56 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:37:56 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:37:56 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:37:57 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:37:57 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:37:57 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:37:57 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:37:57 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:37:57 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:37:57 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:37:58 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:37:58 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:37:58 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:37:58 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:37:58 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:37:58 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:37:59 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:37:59 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:37:59 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:37:59 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:37:59 - Iteration took 81ms
[F] 11:37:59 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:38:00 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:38:00 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:00 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:38:00 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:38:00 - Iteration took 104ms
[F] 11:38:00 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:38:01 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:38:01 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:38:01 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:01 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:38:01 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:38:01 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:38:01 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:38:02 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:38:02 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:38:02 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:38:02 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:38:02 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:02 - Iteration took 75ms
[D] 11:38:03 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:38:03 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:38:03 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:38:03 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:38:03 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:38:03 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:38:03 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:38:03 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:38:03 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:38:03 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:38:03 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:38:04 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:38:04 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:38:04 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:38:04 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:04 - Iteration took 91ms
[F] 11:38:04 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:38:05 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:38:05 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:38:05 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:38:05 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:38:05 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:38:05 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:38:05 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:06 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:38:06 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:38:06 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:38:06 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:38:06 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:38:06 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:38:07 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:38:07 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:38:07 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:38:07 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:38:07 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:38:07 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:38:08 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:38:08 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:38:08 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:38:08 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:38:08 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:38:08 - Iteration took 80ms
[F] 11:38:09 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:38:09 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:38:09 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:38:09 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:38:09 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:38:09 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:38:09 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:10 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:38:10 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:38:10 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:38:10 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:38:10 - Iteration took 84ms
[F] 11:38:10 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:38:11 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:38:11 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 11:38:11 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:38:11 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
[F] 11:38:11 - Iteration took 53ms
11:38:11 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:38:11 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:38:11 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:38:11 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:38:12 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:38:12 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:38:12 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:38:12 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:38:12 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:38:12 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:38:12 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:38:13 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:13 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:38:13 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:38:13 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:13 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:38:13 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:38:14 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:38:14 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:38:14 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:38:14 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:38:14 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:38:14 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:38:14 - Iteration took 53ms
[D] 11:38:15 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:38:15 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:38:15 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:38:15 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:38:15 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:38:15 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:38:15 - Iteration took 80ms
[F] 11:38:16 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:38:16 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:38:16 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:38:16 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:38:16 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:38:16 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:38:16 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:38:17 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:38:17 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:38:17 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:38:17 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:38:17 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:38:17 - Iteration took 80ms
[F] 11:38:18 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:38:18 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:38:18 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:38:18 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:18 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:38:18 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:38:19 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 11:38:19 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:38:19 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:38:19 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:38:19 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:19 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:38:19 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:38:19 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:38:19 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:38:19 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:38:20 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:38:20 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:38:20 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:38:20 - Iteration took 77ms
[F] 11:38:20 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:38:20 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:21 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:38:21 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:38:21 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:38:21 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:38:21 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:38:21 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:38:21 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:38:22 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:38:22 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:38:22 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:38:22 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:38:22 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:38:22 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:38:23 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:38:23 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:38:23 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:38:23 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:23 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:38:23 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:38:23 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:38:24 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:38:24 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:38:24 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:38:24 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:38:24 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:38:24 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 11:38:25 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:38:25 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:38:25 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:38:25 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:38:25 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:38:25 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:38:25 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:38:25 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:38:26 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:38:26 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:38:26 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:38:26 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:26 - Iteration took 65ms
[D] 11:38:26 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:38:26 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:38:26 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:38:26 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:38:27 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:38:27 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 11:38:27 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:38:27 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:38:27 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:38:27 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:27 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:38:28 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:38:28 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:38:28 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:38:28 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:38:28 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:38:28 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:38:29 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:38:29 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:38:29 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:38:29 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:38:29 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:38:29 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:30 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:38:30 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:38:30 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:38:30 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:38:30 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:30 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:38:30 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:38:31 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:38:31 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:38:31 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:38:31 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:38:31 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:31 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:38:32 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:38:32 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:38:32 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:38:32 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:38:32 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:38:32 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:38:32 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:38:33 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:38:33 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:38:33 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:38:33 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:38:33 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:38:33 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:38:34 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:38:34 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:38:34 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 11:38:34 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:38:34 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:38:34 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:38:34 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:38:34 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:38:34 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:38:34 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:38:35 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:38:35 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:38:35 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:38:35 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:38:35 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:38:35 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:38:36 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:38:36 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:38:36 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:38:36 - Iteration took 95ms
[F] 11:38:36 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:38:36 - Iteration took 74ms
[D] 11:38:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:38:37 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:38:37 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:38:37 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:38:37 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:38:37 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:38:37 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:38:37 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:38 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:38:38 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:38:38 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:38:38 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:38:38 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:38:38 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:38:39 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:39 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:38:39 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:38:39 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:38:39 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:38:39 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:38:40 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:38:40 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:38:40 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:38:40 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:38:40 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:38:40 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:38:41 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:38:41 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:38:41 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:38:41 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:38:41 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:38:41 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:41 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:38:42 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 11:38:42 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:38:42 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:38:42 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:38:42 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:38:42 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:38:42 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:38:42 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:38:42 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:38:43 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:38:43 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:38:43 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:38:43 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:43 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:38:43 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:38:43 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:38:44 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:38:44 - Iteration took 78ms
[F] 11:38:44 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:38:44 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:38:44 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:38:44 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:38:45 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:38:45 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:38:45 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:38:45 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:38:45 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:45 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:38:46 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:38:46 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:38:46 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:38:46 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:38:46 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:38:46 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:38:46 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:38:47 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:38:47 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:38:47 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:38:47 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:38:47 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:38:47 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:38:48 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:38:48 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:38:48 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:38:48 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:38:48 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:38:48 - Iteration took 106ms
[D] 11:38:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:38:49 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:38:49 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:38:49 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:38:49 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:38:49 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:38:49 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 11:38:49 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:38:49 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:38:49 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:38:49 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:38:50 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:38:50 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:38:50 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:38:50 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:38:50 - Iteration took 84ms
[F] 11:38:50 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:38:51 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:38:51 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:38:51 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:38:51 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:38:51 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:38:51 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:38:52 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:38:52 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:38:52 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:38:52 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:38:52 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:38:52 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:38:52 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:38:53 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:38:53 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:38:53 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:38:53 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:38:53 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:38:53 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:38:53 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:38:54 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:38:54 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:38:54 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:38:54 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:38:54 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:38:54 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:38:55 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:55 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:38:55 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:38:55 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:38:55 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:38:55 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:38:55 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:38:56 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:38:56 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:38:56 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:38:56 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:38:56 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:38:56 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:38:57 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:38:57 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:38:57 - Iteration took 66ms
[D] 11:38:57 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:38:57 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
[F] 11:38:57 - Iteration took 47ms
11:38:57 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:38:57 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:38:57 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:38:58 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:38:58 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:38:58 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:38:58 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:38:58 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:38:58 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:38:58 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:38:59 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:38:59 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:38:59 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:38:59 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:38:59 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:38:59 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:39:00 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:39:00 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:39:00 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:39:00 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:39:00 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:39:00 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:39:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:39:00 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:39:01 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:39:01 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:39:01 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:39:01 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:39:01 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:39:01 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:39:02 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:39:02 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:39:02 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:39:02 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:39:02 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:39:02 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:39:03 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:39:03 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:39:03 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:39:03 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:39:03 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:39:03 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:39:03 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:39:04 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:39:04 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:39:04 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:39:04 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:39:04 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:39:04 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:39:05 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:39:05 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 11:39:05 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:39:05 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:39:05 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:39:05 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:39:05 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:39:05 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:39:05 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:39:05 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:39:06 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:39:06 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:39:06 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:39:06 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:39:06 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:39:06 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:39:07 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:39:07 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:39:07 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:39:07 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:39:07 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:39:07 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:39:07 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:39:08 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:39:08 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:39:08 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:39:08 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:39:08 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:39:08 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:39:09 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:39:09 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:39:09 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:39:09 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:39:09 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:39:09 - Iteration took 82ms
[F] 11:39:10 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:39:10 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:39:10 - Iteration took 84ms
[F] 11:39:10 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:39:10 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:39:10 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:39:11 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:39:11 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:39:11 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:39:11 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:39:11 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:39:11 - Iteration took 85ms
[F] 11:39:12 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:39:12 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:39:12 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:39:12 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:39:12 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:39:12 - Iteration took 53ms
[D] 11:39:12 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:39:12 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:39:12 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[D] 11:39:13 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:39:13 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:39:13 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:39:13 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:39:13 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:39:13 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:39:13 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:39:13 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:39:14 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:39:14 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:39:14 - Iteration took 91ms
[F] 11:39:14 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:39:14 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:39:14 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:39:15 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:39:15 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:39:15 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:39:15 - Iteration took 151ms
[F] 11:39:15 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:39:15 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:39:16 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:39:16 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:39:16 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:39:16 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:39:16 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:39:16 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:39:17 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:39:17 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:39:17 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:39:17 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:39:17 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:39:17 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:39:18 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:39:18 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:39:18 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:39:18 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:39:18 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:39:18 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:39:18 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:39:19 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:39:19 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:39:19 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:39:19 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:39:19 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:39:19 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:39:20 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:39:20 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:39:20 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:39:20 - Iteration took 74ms
[D] 11:39:20 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:39:20 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
[F] 11:39:20 - Iteration took 54ms
11:39:20 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:39:20 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:39:21 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:39:21 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:39:21 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:39:21 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:39:21 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:39:21 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:39:21 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:39:22 - Iteration took 192ms
[F] 11:39:22 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:39:22 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:39:22 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:39:22 - Iteration took 82ms
[F] 11:39:23 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:39:23 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:39:23 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:39:23 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:39:23 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:39:23 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:39:24 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:39:24 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:39:24 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:39:24 - Iteration took 78ms
[F] 11:39:24 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:39:24 - Iteration took 58ms
[D] 11:39:25 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:39:25 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:39:25 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:39:25 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:39:25 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:39:25 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:39:25 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:39:25 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:39:26 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:39:26 - Iteration took 134ms
[F] 11:39:26 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:39:26 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:39:26 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:39:27 - Iteration took 96ms
[F] 11:39:27 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:39:27 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:39:27 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:39:27 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:39:27 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:39:28 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:39:28 - Iteration took 79ms
[D] 11:39:28 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:39:28 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
[F] 11:39:28 - Iteration took 53ms
11:39:28 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:39:28 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:39:28 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:39:28 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:39:29 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:39:29 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:39:29 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:39:29 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:39:29 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:39:29 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:39:29 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:39:30 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:39:30 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:39:30 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:39:30 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:39:30 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:39:30 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:39:31 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:39:31 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:39:31 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:39:31 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:39:31 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:39:31 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:39:31 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:39:32 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:39:32 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:39:32 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:39:32 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:39:32 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:39:32 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:39:33 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:39:33 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:39:33 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:39:33 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:39:33 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:39:33 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:39:34 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:39:34 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:39:34 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:39:34 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:39:34 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:39:34 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:39:34 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:39:35 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:39:35 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:39:35 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:39:35 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:39:35 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:39:35 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:39:36 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:39:36 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:39:36 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:39:36 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:39:36 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:39:36 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:39:36 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:39:37 - Iteration took 27ms
[D] 11:39:37 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:39:37 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:39:37 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:39:37 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:39:37 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:39:37 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:39:37 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:39:37 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 11:39:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:39:37 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:39:38 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:39:38 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:39:38 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:39:38 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:39:38 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:39:38 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:39:38 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:39:39 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:39:39 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 11:39:39 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:39:39 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:39:39 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:39:39 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:39:40 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:39:40 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:39:40 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:39:40 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:39:40 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:39:40 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:39:41 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:39:41 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:39:41 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:39:41 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:39:41 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:39:41 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:39:42 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:39:42 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:39:42 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:39:42 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:39:42 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:39:42 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:39:42 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:39:43 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:39:43 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:39:43 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:39:43 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:39:43 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:39:43 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:39:44 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:39:44 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:39:44 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:39:44 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:39:44 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:39:44 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:39:45 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:39:45 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:39:45 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:39:45 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:39:45 - Iteration took 29ms
[D] 11:39:45 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:39:45 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:39:45 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:39:45 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:39:45 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:39:46 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:39:46 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:39:46 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 11:39:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:39:46 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:39:46 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:39:46 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:39:46 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:39:47 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:39:47 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:39:47 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:39:47 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:39:47 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:39:47 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:39:47 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:39:48 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:39:48 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:39:48 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:39:48 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 11:39:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:39:48 - Iteration took 104ms
[D] 11:39:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:39:48 - Iteration took 148ms
[D] 11:39:49 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:39:49 - Iteration took 108ms
[D] 11:39:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:39:49 - Iteration took 143ms
[D] 11:39:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:39:49 - Iteration took 104ms
[D] 11:39:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:39:50 - Iteration took 374ms
[F] 11:39:50 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:39:50 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:39:50 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:39:50 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:39:50 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:39:50 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:39:51 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:39:51 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:39:51 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:39:51 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 11:39:51 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:39:51 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:39:51 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:39:52 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:39:52 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:39:52 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:39:52 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:39:52 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:39:52 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:39:52 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:39:53 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:39:53 - Iteration took 55ms
[D] 11:39:53 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[D] 11:39:53 - [Fight] BlackList Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk during 30 sec
11:39:53 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 12)
[F] 11:39:53 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 11:39:53 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:39:53 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:39:53 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:39:54 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:39:54 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:39:54 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:39:54 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:39:54 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:39:54 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:39:54 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:39:55 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:39:55 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:39:55 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:39:55 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:39:55 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:39:55 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:39:56 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:39:56 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:39:56 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:39:56 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:39:56 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:39:56 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:39:56 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:39:57 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:39:57 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:39:57 - Iteration took 59ms
11:39:57 - [CombatLooter] Stopped.
11:39:57 - [TbcTrainLevel] Stoped.
11:39:57 - [StopTappedAttack] Stopped
11:39:57 - [Quester] Stopped
11:39:57 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 01h:53m:44s
XP/HR: 4008 - 83 min
Kills: 46 (24/hr)
Deaths: 11 (5/hr)
Stucks: 2 (1/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 12 (6/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 07 S 96 C (0 G 15 S 09 C)
Honor/HR: 0 (0)

[F] 11:40:09 - ProfileName = [TRULY][HORDE](1.1) 1-70 by Maylu.xml ; BlackListWhereIAmDead = False ; SaveModifiedGeneralSettings = False ; ProfilesUserSettings = ; CurrentSetting = Quester.Bot.QuesterSetting ;
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : YourPlaceInTheWorld
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : CuttingTeeth
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : VileFamiliars
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : StingoftheScorpid
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : Durotar15
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : Durotar58
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : Durotar811
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : PlainstriderMenace
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : RaptorThieves
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : ItsGottabetheHorn
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : Barrens1114
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : Barrens1417
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : SouthBarrens1721
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : SouthBarrens2126
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : kNeedles2732
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : Desolace3236
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : Desolace3640
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : Feralas4044
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : Feralas4448
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : NFeralas4851
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : UnGoro5154
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : Silithus5458
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : Silithus5862
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : Zangar6264
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : Terokkar6468
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : BEM6870
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : TribesatWar
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : SaltFlatVenom
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : HardenedShells
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : ABumpintheRoad1
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : ABumpintheRoad2
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : ANewCloaksSheen
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheMarkofQuality
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : ImprovedQuality
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoBarrens
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoLift
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : DeadlyDesertVenom
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : ThroughtheDarkPortal
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : ArrivalinOutland
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : JourneytoThrallmar
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : ReporttoNazgrel
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : EradicatetheBurningLegion
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoPortal
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : BonechewerBlood
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : FelsparkRavine1
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : FelsparkRavine2
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : TrueflightArrows
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : HelpingtheCenarionPost
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : ThickHydraScales
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : MenacingMarshfangs
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : VestmentsoftheWolfSpirit
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : MagicalDisturbances
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : SilkwingCocoons
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : MokNathalTreats
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheSoftestWings
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : KeepThornfangHillClear
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheCenarionExpedition
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoFree
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoMoja
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoDeso
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoGadget
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoGoro
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoSilithus
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoSwamp
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntothePortal
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoFalcon
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoCenOP
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoCenZang
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoTero
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : CatchZeppelinShip
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : ABumpintheRoad3
[D] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Create instance of : XroadstoDeso
[E] 11:40:10 - [Quester] Cannot found QuestClass: FelsparkRavine

[F] 11:40:10 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: F:\Games\WoW 2.4.3\wRobot2.4.3\FightClass\FrostMage.dll
[D] 11:40:10 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:10 - [Spell] Blink (Id found: 46573, Name found: Blink, NameInGame found: Blink, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:10 - [Spell] Frostbolt (Id found: 116, Name found: Frostbolt, NameInGame found: Frostbolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:40:10 - [Spell] Frost Armor (Id found: 168, Name found: Frost Armor, NameInGame found: Frost Armor, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:40:10 - [Spell] Ice Armor (Id found: 36881, Name found: Ice Armor, NameInGame found: Ice Armor, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:10 - [Spell] Arcane Intellect (Id found: 1459, Name found: Arcane Intellect, NameInGame found: Arcane Intellect, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:40:10 - [Spell] Arcane Intellect (Id found: 1459, Name found: Arcane Intellect, NameInGame found: Arcane Intellect, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:40:10 - [Spell] Ice Barrier (Id found: 33405, Name found: Ice Barrier, NameInGame found: Ice Barrier, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:10 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Emerald (Id found: 27101, Name found: Conjure Mana Emerald, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Emerald, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:10 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Ruby (Id found: 10054, Name found: Conjure Mana Ruby, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Ruby, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:10 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Citrine (Id found: 10053, Name found: Conjure Mana Citrine, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Citrine, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:10 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Jade (Id found: 3552, Name found: Conjure Mana Jade, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Jade, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:10 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Agate (Id found: 759, Name found: Conjure Mana Agate, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Agate, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:10 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Emerald (Id found: 27101, Name found: Conjure Mana Emerald, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Emerald, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:10 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:40:10 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:40:10 - [Spell] Mana Shield (Id found: 46151, Name found: Mana Shield, NameInGame found: Mana Shield, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:10 - [Spell] Ice Barrier (Id found: 33405, Name found: Ice Barrier, NameInGame found: Ice Barrier, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:10 - [Spell] Frost Nova (Id found: 122, Name found: Frost Nova, NameInGame found: Frost Nova, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:40:10 - [Spell] Polymorph (Id found: 118, Name found: Polymorph, NameInGame found: Polymorph, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:40:10 - [Spell] Summon Water Elemental (Id found: 45067, Name found: Summon Water Elemental, NameInGame found: Summon Water Elemental, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:10 - [Spell] Icy Veins (Id found: 12472, Name found: Icy Veins, NameInGame found: Icy Veins, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 20554, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Counterspell (Id found: 37470, Name found: Counterspell, NameInGame found: Counterspell, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Cold Snap (Id found: 11958, Name found: Cold Snap, NameInGame found: Cold Snap, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Freeze (Id found: 46610, Name found: Freeze, NameInGame found: Freeze, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Evocation (Id found: 45052, Name found: Evocation, NameInGame found: Evocation, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Fire Blast (Id found: 2136, Name found: Fire Blast, NameInGame found: Fire Blast, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Cone of Cold (Id found: 46984, Name found: Cone of Cold, NameInGame found: Cone of Cold, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Fire Blast (Id found: 2136, Name found: Fire Blast, NameInGame found: Fire Blast, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Cone of Cold (Id found: 46984, Name found: Cone of Cold, NameInGame found: Cone of Cold, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Frostbolt (Id found: 116, Name found: Frostbolt, NameInGame found: Frostbolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Scorch (Id found: 38636, Name found: Scorch, NameInGame found: Scorch, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Fireball (Id found: 133, Name found: Fireball, NameInGame found: Fireball, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Shoot (Id found: 5019, Name found: Shoot, NameInGame found: Shoot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Mana Shield (Id found: 46151, Name found: Mana Shield, NameInGame found: Mana Shield, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Ice Barrier (Id found: 33405, Name found: Ice Barrier, NameInGame found: Ice Barrier, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Summon Water Elemental (Id found: 45067, Name found: Summon Water Elemental, NameInGame found: Summon Water Elemental, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Icy Veins (Id found: 12472, Name found: Icy Veins, NameInGame found: Icy Veins, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Counterspell (Id found: 37470, Name found: Counterspell, NameInGame found: Counterspell, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Cold Snap (Id found: 11958, Name found: Cold Snap, NameInGame found: Cold Snap, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Ice Lance (Id found: 46194, Name found: Ice Lance, NameInGame found: Ice Lance, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
11:40:11 - [Regen] Started
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 587, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
11:40:11 - [CombatLooter] Started.
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
11:40:11 - [iEquip] iEquip version 1.0 is loaded and ready
11:40:11 - [iEquip] blacklist cleared
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:40:11 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
11:40:12 - [TbcTrainLevel] Started.
[D] 11:40:12 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 11:40:12 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
11:40:12 - [Quester] Started
11:40:12 - [StopTappedAttack] Started
[D] 11:40:12 - [iEquip] acknowledging item "Ragged Leather Pants" id 1366 with a value of 51 and armor value of 50
[D] 11:40:12 - [iEquip] acknowledging item "Patchwork Pants" id 1431 with a value of 13 and armor value of 10
11:40:12 - Name: Ragged Leather Pants ID: 1366
11:40:13 - [iEquip] item "Ragged Leather Pants" id 1366 blacklisted
11:40:22 - [Regen] Finished
11:40:23 - /*

You -MUST- keep profile settings 1-5 active at all times.

***Created by: Maylu***


***If you encounter a bug/issues***
Direct URL:
(if URL is broken, find it on: https://wrobot.eu/)

***Total quests***
16 quests
Voidwalker quest

***Need to do***

Add run path from searing to burning
Add all necessary class quests

[D] 11:40:23 - [Quester] RunCode[1]: wManager.Wow.Helpers.NpcDB.AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = true;
[D] 11:40:23 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[2]: MyFrame:Hide()

[D] 11:40:23 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[3]: MyFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")

MyFrame.text = MyFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal")
MyFrame.text:SetText("Initializing profile...")
MyFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", 0, -100)
MyFrame:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 0, 0, 1)

RateFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")

RateFrame.text = RateFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal")
RateFrame.text:SetText("Remember to Rate!")
RateFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", 0, -155)
RateFrame:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 0, 0, 1)

ByFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")

ByFrame.text = ByFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal")
ByFrame.text:SetText("Created by Maylu")
ByFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", -60, -45)
ByFrame:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 0, 0, 1)


[D] 11:40:23 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[4]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Grab Trials Qs")
[D] 11:40:24 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[8]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Do Trial Qs")
[D] 11:40:24 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[13]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Turn in Trial Qs")
[D] 11:40:24 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[15]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Do more Trial Qs")
[D] 11:40:24 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[18]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Turn in more Trial Qs")
[D] 11:40:24 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[20]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Grind Durtoar 1-5")
[D] 11:40:24 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[22]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Grind Durtoar 5-8")
[D] 11:40:24 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[24]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Grind Durtoar 8-11")
[D] 11:40:25 - [Quester] If[26] (wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.MapZoneName == "Durotar" && ObjectManager.Me.Level >= 11 && ObjectManager.Me.Level < 12) | Result: False
[D] 11:40:25 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[30]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Grind Barrens 11-14")
[D] 11:40:25 - [Quester] New step (31): Barrens1114>Pulse
[N] 11:40:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -789,4361 ; -2918,536 ; 93,79525 ; "None" to -746,6328 ; -2857,872 ; 93,31492 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (74,24588y)
[N] 11:40:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -746,6328 ; -2857,872 ; 93,31492 ; "None" to -643,3163 ; -2886,205 ; 95,78743 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (107,1596y)
[N] 11:40:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -643,3163 ; -2886,205 ; 95,78743 ; "None" to -671,608 ; -2734,803 ; 91,99272 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (154,0695y)
[N] 11:40:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -671,608 ; -2734,803 ; 91,99272 ; "None" to -768,2975 ; -2752,442 ; 93,75021 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (140,9256y)
[N] 11:40:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -768,2975 ; -2752,442 ; 93,75021 ; "None" to -614,952 ; -2721,66 ; 93,83343 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (170,7194y)
[N] 11:40:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -614,952 ; -2721,66 ; 93,83343 ; "None" to -789,4361 ; -2918,536 ; 93,79525 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (263,0681y)
[N] 11:40:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 884,1506 ; -3831,268 ; 18,65916 ; "None" to -643,3163 ; -2886,205 ; 95,78743 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 39 (2134,546y)
[D] 11:40:32 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:40:32 - Iteration took 117ms
11:40:32 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 10)
[D] 11:40:32 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:40:32 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:40:32 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:40:32 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:40:33 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:40:33 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:40:33 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:40:33 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:40:33 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:40:33 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:40:33 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:40:34 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:40:34 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:40:34 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 11:40:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:40:34 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:40:34 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:40:34 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:40:34 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:40:35 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:40:35 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:40:35 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:40:35 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:40:35 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:40:35 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:40:36 - Iteration took 50ms
[N] 11:40:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 846,7806 ; -3819,02 ; 16,0606 ; "Swimming" to 842,8306 ; -3828,206 ; 16,0606 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:40:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999941y)
[D] 11:40:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:40:36 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:40:36 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:40:36 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:40:36 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:40:36 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:40:36 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:40:37 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:40:37 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:40:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:40:37 - Iteration took 120ms
[D] 11:40:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:40:37 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:40:37 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:40:37 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:40:38 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:40:38 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:40:38 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:40:38 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:40:38 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:40:38 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:40:38 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:40:39 - Iteration took 72ms
[D] 11:40:39 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:40:39 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:40:39 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:40:39 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:40:39 - Iteration took 46ms
[N] 11:40:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 844,9461 ; -3822,611 ; 16,0606 ; "Swimming" to 835,3471 ; -3825,414 ; 16,0606 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:40:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999942y)
[F] 11:40:39 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:40:39 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 11:40:40 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:40:40 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:40:40 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:40:40 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:40:40 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:40:40 - Iteration took 9ms
[F] 11:40:40 - Iteration took 28ms
[N] 11:40:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 839,5723 ; -3823,99 ; 16,70518 ; "None" to 829,6788 ; -3824,036 ; 16,68113 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:40:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,893688y)
[F] 11:40:40 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:40:41 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 11:40:41 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:40:41 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:40:41 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 11:40:41 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:40:41 - Iteration took 9ms
[F] 11:40:41 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:40:41 - Iteration took 25ms
[N] 11:40:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 835,8112 ; -3825,258 ; 17,47409 ; "None" to 826,8409 ; -3829,677 ; 17,47409 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:40:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,99997y)
[F] 11:40:42 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:40:42 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:40:42 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:40:42 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:40:42 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 11:40:42 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:40:42 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:40:43 - Iteration took 20ms
[D] 11:40:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:40:43 - Iteration took 107ms
[D] 11:40:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:40:43 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:40:43 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:40:43 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:40:43 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:40:43 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:40:44 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:40:44 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:40:44 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:40:44 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:40:44 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:40:44 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:40:44 - Iteration took 85ms
[D] 11:40:45 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:40:45 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:40:45 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:40:45 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:40:45 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:40:45 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:40:45 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:40:45 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:40:46 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:40:46 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:40:46 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:40:46 - Iteration took 24ms
[D] 11:40:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:40:46 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:40:46 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:40:46 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:40:47 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:40:47 - Iteration took 103ms
[F] 11:40:47 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:40:47 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:40:47 - Iteration took 87ms
[F] 11:40:47 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:40:47 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:40:48 - Iteration took 67ms
[D] 11:40:48 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:40:48 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 11:40:48 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:40:48 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:40:48 - Iteration took 87ms
[F] 11:40:49 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:40:49 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:40:49 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:40:49 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:40:49 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:40:49 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:40:49 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:40:49 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:40:50 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:40:50 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:40:50 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:40:50 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:40:50 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 11:40:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:40:50 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:40:51 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:40:51 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:40:51 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:40:51 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:40:51 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:40:51 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:40:51 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:40:51 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:40:52 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:40:52 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:40:52 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 11:40:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:40:52 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:40:52 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:40:52 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:40:53 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:40:53 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:40:53 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:40:53 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:40:53 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:40:53 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:40:53 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:40:54 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 11:40:54 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:40:54 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:40:54 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:40:54 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:40:54 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:40:54 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:40:54 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:40:55 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:40:55 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:40:55 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:40:55 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:40:55 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 11:40:55 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:40:55 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:40:55 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:40:56 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:40:56 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:40:56 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:40:56 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:40:56 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:40:56 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:40:56 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:40:56 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:40:57 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:40:57 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:40:57 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:40:57 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:40:57 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:40:57 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:40:58 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:40:58 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:40:58 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:40:58 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:40:58 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:40:58 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:40:58 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:40:59 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:40:59 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:40:59 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:40:59 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:40:59 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:40:59 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:40:59 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:41:00 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:41:00 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:41:00 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:41:00 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:41:00 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:41:00 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:41:00 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:41:01 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:41:01 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:41:01 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:41:01 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:41:01 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:41:01 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:41:02 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:41:02 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:41:02 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:41:02 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:41:02 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:41:02 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:41:02 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 11:41:03 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:41:03 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:41:03 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:41:03 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:41:03 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:41:03 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:41:03 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:41:03 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:41:03 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:41:04 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:41:04 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:41:04 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:41:04 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:41:04 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:41:04 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:41:04 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:41:05 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:41:05 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:41:05 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:41:05 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:41:05 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:41:05 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:41:05 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:41:06 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:41:06 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:41:06 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:41:06 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:41:06 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:41:06 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:41:06 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:41:07 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:41:07 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:41:07 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:41:07 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:41:07 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:41:07 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:41:07 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:41:08 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:41:08 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:41:08 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:41:08 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:41:08 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:41:08 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:41:09 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:41:09 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:41:09 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:41:09 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:41:09 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:41:09 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:41:09 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:41:09 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:41:10 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:41:10 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:41:10 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:41:10 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:41:10 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:41:10 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:41:10 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:41:11 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:41:11 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:41:11 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:41:11 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:41:11 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:41:11 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:41:12 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:41:12 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:41:12 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:41:12 - Iteration took 80ms
[F] 11:41:12 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:41:12 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:41:13 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:41:13 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:41:13 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:41:13 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:41:13 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:41:13 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:41:13 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:41:14 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:41:14 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:41:14 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:41:14 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:41:14 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:41:14 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 11:41:15 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:41:15 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:41:15 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:41:15 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:41:15 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:41:15 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:41:15 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:41:15 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:41:16 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:41:16 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:41:16 - Iteration took 64ms
[D] 11:41:16 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:41:16 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:41:16 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:41:17 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:41:17 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:41:17 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:41:17 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:41:17 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:41:17 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:41:17 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:41:18 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:41:18 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:41:18 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:41:18 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:41:18 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:41:18 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:41:19 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:41:19 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:41:19 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:41:19 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:41:19 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:41:19 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:41:19 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:41:20 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:41:20 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:41:20 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:41:20 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:41:20 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:41:20 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:41:21 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:41:21 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:41:21 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:41:21 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:41:21 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:41:21 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:41:22 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:41:22 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:41:22 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:41:22 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:41:22 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:41:22 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:41:22 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:41:23 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:41:23 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:41:23 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:41:23 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:41:23 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:41:23 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:41:24 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:41:24 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:41:24 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:41:24 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:41:24 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:41:24 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:41:25 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:41:25 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:41:25 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:41:25 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:41:25 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:41:25 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:41:25 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:41:26 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:41:26 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:41:26 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:41:26 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:41:26 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:41:26 - Iteration took 59ms
[D] 11:41:27 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:41:27 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:41:27 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:41:27 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:41:27 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:41:27 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:41:27 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:41:28 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:41:28 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:41:28 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:41:28 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:41:28 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:41:28 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:41:28 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:41:29 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:41:29 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:41:29 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:41:29 - Iteration took 78ms
[F] 11:41:29 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:41:29 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:41:30 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:41:30 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:41:30 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:41:30 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:41:30 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:41:30 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:41:31 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:41:31 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:41:31 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:41:31 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:41:31 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:41:31 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:41:31 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:41:32 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:41:32 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:41:32 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:41:32 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:41:32 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:41:32 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:41:33 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:41:33 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:41:33 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:41:33 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:41:33 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:41:33 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:41:33 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:41:34 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:41:34 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:41:34 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:41:34 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:41:34 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:41:34 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:41:35 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:41:35 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:41:35 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:41:35 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:41:35 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:41:35 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:41:35 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:41:36 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:41:36 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:41:36 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:41:36 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:41:36 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:41:36 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 11:41:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:41:37 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:41:37 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:41:37 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:41:37 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:41:37 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:41:37 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:41:38 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:41:38 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:41:38 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:41:38 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:41:38 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:41:38 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:41:38 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:41:39 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:41:39 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:41:39 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:41:39 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:41:39 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:41:39 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:41:40 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:41:40 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:41:40 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:41:40 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:41:40 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:41:40 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:41:41 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:41:41 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:41:41 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:41:41 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:41:41 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:41:41 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:41:42 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:41:42 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:41:42 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:41:42 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:41:42 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:41:42 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:41:42 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:41:43 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:41:43 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:41:43 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:41:43 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:41:43 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:41:43 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:41:44 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:41:44 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:41:44 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:41:44 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:41:44 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:41:44 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:41:44 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:41:45 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:41:45 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:41:45 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:41:45 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:41:45 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:41:45 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:41:46 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:41:46 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:41:46 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:41:46 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:41:46 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:41:46 - Iteration took 66ms
[D] 11:41:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:41:47 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:41:47 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:41:47 - Iteration took 78ms
[F] 11:41:47 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:41:47 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:41:47 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:41:47 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:41:48 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:41:48 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:41:48 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:41:48 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:41:48 - Iteration took 98ms
[F] 11:41:48 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:41:49 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:41:49 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:41:49 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:41:49 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:41:49 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:41:49 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:41:50 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:41:50 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:41:50 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:41:50 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:41:50 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:41:50 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:41:51 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:41:51 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:41:51 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:41:51 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:41:51 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:41:51 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:41:52 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:41:52 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:41:52 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:41:52 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:41:52 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 11:41:52 - [Fight] Fight stopped
11:41:52 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[N] 11:41:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1177,78 ; -4464,24 ; 21,3539 ; "None" to 829,2164 ; -3828,501 ; 18,74047 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:41:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (748,9188y)
[F] 11:43:21 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Arcane Intellect (Arcane Intellect)
11:43:22 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
11:43:22 - [Regen] Started
11:43:23 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
11:43:25 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:43:42 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 11:43:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 855,3693 ; -3856,683 ; 22,1373 ; "None" to -643,3163 ; -2886,205 ; 95,78743 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:43:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 41 (2119,889y)
[D] 11:43:52 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:43:52 - Iteration took 98ms
11:43:52 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 11)
[D] 11:43:52 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:43:52 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:43:52 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:43:52 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:43:52 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:43:52 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:43:52 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:43:53 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:43:53 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:43:53 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:43:53 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:43:53 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:43:53 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:43:53 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:43:54 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:43:54 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:43:54 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:43:54 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:43:54 - Iteration took 66ms
[D] 11:43:54 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:43:54 - Iteration took 31ms
[N] 11:43:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 822,0882 ; -3836,966 ; 19,22066 ; "None" to 829,5623 ; -3843,61 ; 19,22066 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 11:43:55 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 11:43:55 - Iteration took 39ms
[N] 11:43:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999966y)
[F] 11:43:55 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:43:55 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:43:55 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:43:55 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:43:55 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:43:55 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:43:55 - Iteration took 30ms
[N] 11:43:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 826,2941 ; -3841,073 ; 19,76782 ; "None" to 833,685 ; -3847,642 ; 19,7709 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:43:56 - Iteration took 28ms
[N] 11:43:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,888155y)
[F] 11:43:56 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:43:56 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:43:56 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 11:43:56 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:43:56 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:43:56 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:43:57 - Iteration took 24ms
[D] 11:43:57 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:43:57 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 11:43:57 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:43:57 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:43:57 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:43:57 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:43:57 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:43:57 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:43:57 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:43:58 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:43:58 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:43:58 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:43:58 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:43:58 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:43:58 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:43:58 - Iteration took 56ms
[D] 11:43:59 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:43:59 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:43:59 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:43:59 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:43:59 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:43:59 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:43:59 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:43:59 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:44:00 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:44:00 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:44:00 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 11:44:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:44:00 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:44:00 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:44:00 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:44:00 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:44:00 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:44:01 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:44:01 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:44:01 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:44:01 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:44:01 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:44:01 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:44:01 - Iteration took 53ms
[D] 11:44:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:44:02 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:44:02 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:44:02 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:44:02 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:44:02 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:44:02 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:44:03 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:44:03 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:44:03 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:44:03 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:44:03 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:44:03 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:44:03 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:44:03 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:44:04 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:44:04 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:44:04 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 11:44:04 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:44:04 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:44:04 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:44:04 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:44:05 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:44:05 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:44:05 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:44:05 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:44:05 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:44:05 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:44:06 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:44:06 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:44:06 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:44:06 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:44:06 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:44:06 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:44:07 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 11:44:07 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:44:07 - Iteration took 59ms
11:44:08 - [Regen] Started
11:44:09 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
[D] 11:44:12 - [iEquip] acknowledging item "Disciple's Cloak" id 6514 with a value of 15 and armor value of 10
[D] 11:44:12 - [iEquip] acknowledging item "Native Cloak" id 14098 with a value of 15 and armor value of 10
11:44:26 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 11:44:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 829,2637 ; -3843,378 ; 19,57495 ; "None" to -643,3163 ; -2886,205 ; 95,78743 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:44:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 39 (2088,416y)
[D] 11:44:37 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:44:37 - Iteration took 123ms
11:44:37 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 10)
[D] 11:44:37 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:44:37 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:44:38 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:44:38 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:44:38 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:44:38 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:44:38 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:44:38 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:44:38 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:44:39 - Iteration took 83ms
[F] 11:44:39 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:44:39 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:44:39 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:44:39 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:44:39 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:44:40 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:44:40 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:44:40 - Iteration took 85ms
[D] 11:44:40 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:44:40 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:44:40 - Iteration took 53ms
[N] 11:44:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 759,3818 ; -3808,871 ; 18,31341 ; "None" to 763,4677 ; -3799,744 ; 18,31341 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:44:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00001y)
[F] 11:44:40 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:44:41 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:44:41 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:44:41 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:44:41 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:44:41 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:44:41 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:44:41 - Iteration took 27ms
[N] 11:44:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 761,4581 ; -3803,535 ; 17,77 ; "None" to 765,1586 ; -3794,372 ; 17,78322 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:44:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,88188y)
[F] 11:44:42 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:44:42 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:44:42 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:44:42 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:44:42 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:44:42 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:44:42 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:44:42 - Iteration took 28ms
[D] 11:44:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:44:43 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 11:44:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:44:43 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:44:43 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:44:43 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:44:43 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:44:43 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:44:43 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:44:44 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:44:44 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:44:44 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:44:44 - Iteration took 114ms
[F] 11:44:44 - Iteration took 66ms
[D] 11:44:44 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:44:44 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:44:45 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:44:45 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:44:45 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:44:45 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:44:45 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:44:45 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:44:45 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:44:46 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:44:46 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:44:46 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:44:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:44:46 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:44:46 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:44:46 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:44:47 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:44:47 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:44:47 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:44:47 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:44:47 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:44:47 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:44:47 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:44:48 - Iteration took 60ms
[D] 11:44:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:44:48 - Iteration took 84ms
[F] 11:44:48 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:44:48 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:44:48 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:44:48 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:44:49 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:44:49 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:44:49 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:44:49 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:44:49 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:44:49 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:44:49 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:44:50 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:44:50 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:44:50 - Iteration took 75ms
[D] 11:44:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:44:50 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:44:50 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:44:50 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:44:51 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:44:51 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:44:51 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:44:51 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:44:51 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:44:51 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:44:51 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:44:52 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 11:44:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:44:52 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:44:52 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:44:52 - Iteration took 85ms
[F] 11:44:52 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:44:52 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:44:53 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:44:53 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:44:53 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:44:53 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:44:53 - Iteration took 92ms
[D] 11:44:53 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:44:53 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:44:54 - Iteration took 106ms
11:44:55 - [Regen] Started
11:44:56 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:45:11 - [Regen] Finished
11:45:12 - [Looting] Loot Dreadmaw Crocolisk
[N] 11:45:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 763,2643 ; -3800,127 ; 17,31523 ; "None" to -643,3163 ; -2886,205 ; 95,78743 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:45:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 36 (2007,226y)
[D] 11:45:15 - [iEquip] acknowledging item "Frayed Shoes" id 1374 with a value of 11 and armor value of 10
[D] 11:45:16 - [iEquip] acknowledging item "Patchwork Shoes" id 1427 with a value of 15 and armor value of 10
11:45:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 11)
[D] 11:45:30 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:45:30 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:45:31 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:45:31 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:45:31 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:45:31 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:45:31 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:45:31 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:45:31 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:45:32 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:45:32 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:45:32 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:45:32 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 11:45:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:45:32 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:45:32 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:45:32 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:45:33 - Iteration took 90ms
[F] 11:45:33 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:45:33 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:45:33 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:45:33 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:45:34 - Iteration took 90ms
[N] 11:45:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 673,1168 ; -3763,361 ; 17,21946 ; "None" to 667,7546 ; -3754,92 ; 17,21946 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 11:45:34 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:45:34 - Iteration took 36ms
[N] 11:45:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999899y)
[F] 11:45:34 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:45:34 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:45:34 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:45:34 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:45:34 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:45:34 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:45:35 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:45:35 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:45:35 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:45:35 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:45:35 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:45:35 - Iteration took 74ms
[F] 11:45:36 - Iteration took 84ms
[F] 11:45:36 - Iteration took 77ms
[F] 11:45:36 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:45:36 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:45:36 - Iteration took 80ms
[F] 11:45:37 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:45:37 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:45:37 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:45:37 - Iteration took 61ms
[D] 11:45:37 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:45:37 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:45:37 - Iteration took 67ms
[N] 11:45:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 673,0919 ; -3763,533 ; 17,16416 ; "None" to 670,4517 ; -3778,299 ; 17,16416 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:45:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,00005y)
[F] 11:45:37 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:45:38 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 11:45:38 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:45:38 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:45:38 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:45:38 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:45:38 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 11:45:38 - Iteration took 19ms
[N] 11:45:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 672,0432 ; -3769,398 ; 16,05975 ; "Swimming" to 670,2827 ; -3779,242 ; 16,05975 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:45:39 - Iteration took 22ms
[N] 11:45:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999938y)
[F] 11:45:39 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 11:45:39 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:45:39 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:45:39 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:45:39 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:45:39 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:45:39 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:45:40 - Iteration took 33ms
[N] 11:45:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 671,1672 ; -3774,301 ; 16,05974 ; "Swimming" to 669,4238 ; -3784,056 ; 16,05975 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:45:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,909461y)
[F] 11:45:40 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:45:40 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:45:40 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:45:40 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:45:40 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 11:45:40 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:45:40 - Iteration took 23ms
[D] 11:45:41 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:45:41 - Iteration took 130ms
[D] 11:45:41 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:45:41 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:45:41 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:45:41 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:45:41 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:45:41 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:45:42 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:45:42 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:45:42 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:45:42 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:45:42 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:45:42 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 11:45:42 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:45:42 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:45:43 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:45:43 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:45:43 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:45:43 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:45:43 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:45:43 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:45:43 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:45:44 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:45:44 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:45:44 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:45:44 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 11:45:44 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:45:44 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:45:44 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:45:44 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:45:45 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:45:45 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:45:45 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:45:45 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:45:45 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:45:45 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:45:45 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:45:46 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 11:45:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:45:46 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:45:46 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:45:46 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:45:46 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:45:46 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:45:46 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:45:47 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:45:47 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:45:47 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:45:47 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:45:47 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:45:47 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:45:47 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:45:48 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:45:48 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:45:48 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:45:48 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:45:48 - Iteration took 57ms
[D] 11:45:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:45:48 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:45:49 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:45:49 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:45:49 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:45:49 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:45:49 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:45:49 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:45:49 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:45:50 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:45:50 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:45:50 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:45:50 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:45:50 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:45:50 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:45:50 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:45:51 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:45:51 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:45:51 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:45:51 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:45:51 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:45:51 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:45:51 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:45:52 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 11:45:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:45:52 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:45:52 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:45:52 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:45:52 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:45:52 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:45:53 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:45:53 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:45:53 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:45:53 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:45:53 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:45:53 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:45:54 - Iteration took 65ms
[D] 11:45:54 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:45:54 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:45:54 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 11:45:54 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 11:45:54 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:45:54 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:45:54 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:45:54 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:45:55 - Iteration took 24ms
11:45:55 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Dreadmaw Crocolisk (lvl 10)
[F] 11:45:55 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 11:45:55 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:45:55 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:45:55 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:45:55 - Iteration took 17ms
[D] 11:45:55 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:45:55 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:45:56 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:45:56 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:45:56 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:45:56 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:45:56 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:45:56 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:45:56 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:45:57 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:45:57 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:45:57 - Iteration took 57ms
[D] 11:45:57 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:45:57 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:45:57 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:45:57 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:45:58 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:45:58 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:45:58 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:45:58 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:45:58 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:45:58 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:45:59 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:45:59 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:45:59 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:45:59 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:45:59 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:45:59 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:45:59 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:46:00 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:46:00 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:46:00 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:46:00 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:46:00 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:46:00 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:46:01 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:46:01 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:46:01 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:46:01 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:46:01 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:46:01 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:46:02 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:46:02 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:46:02 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:46:02 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:46:02 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:46:02 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:46:02 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:46:03 - Iteration took 125ms
[F] 11:46:03 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:46:03 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:46:03 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:46:03 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:46:03 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:46:04 - Iteration took 97ms
[F] 11:46:04 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:46:04 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:46:04 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:46:04 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:46:04 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:46:05 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:46:05 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:46:05 - Iteration took 88ms
[F] 11:46:05 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:46:05 - Iteration took 99ms
[F] 11:46:06 - Iteration took 130ms
[F] 11:46:06 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:46:06 - Iteration took 81ms
[F] 11:46:06 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:46:06 - Iteration took 96ms
[F] 11:46:06 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:46:07 - Iteration took 84ms
[F] 11:46:07 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:46:07 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:46:07 - Iteration took 108ms
[F] 11:46:07 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:46:07 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:46:08 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:46:08 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:46:08 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:46:08 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:46:08 - Iteration took 83ms
[F] 11:46:08 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:46:09 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:46:09 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:46:09 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:46:09 - Iteration took 64ms
[D] 11:46:09 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:46:09 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:46:09 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:46:10 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:46:10 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:46:10 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:46:10 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:46:10 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:46:10 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:46:10 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:46:11 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:46:11 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:46:11 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:46:11 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:46:11 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:46:11 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:46:11 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:46:12 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:46:12 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:46:12 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:46:12 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:46:12 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:46:12 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:46:13 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:46:13 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:46:13 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:46:13 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:46:13 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:46:13 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:46:13 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:46:14 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:46:14 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:46:14 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:46:14 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:46:14 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:46:14 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:46:15 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:46:15 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:46:15 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:46:15 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:46:15 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:46:15 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:46:15 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:46:16 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:46:16 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:46:16 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:46:16 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:46:16 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:46:16 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:46:17 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:46:17 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:46:17 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:46:17 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:46:17 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:46:17 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:46:17 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:46:18 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:46:18 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:46:18 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:46:18 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:46:18 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:46:18 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:46:18 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:46:19 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:46:19 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:46:19 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:46:19 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 11:46:19 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:46:19 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:46:19 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:46:19 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:46:20 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:46:20 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:46:20 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:46:20 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:46:20 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:46:20 - Iteration took 87ms
[F] 11:46:20 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:46:21 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:46:21 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:46:21 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:46:21 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:46:21 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:46:21 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:46:22 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:46:22 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:46:22 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:46:22 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:46:22 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:46:22 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:46:23 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:46:23 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:46:23 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:46:23 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:46:23 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:46:23 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:46:23 - Iteration took 81ms
[F] 11:46:24 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:46:24 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:46:24 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:46:24 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:46:24 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:46:24 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:46:25 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:46:25 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:46:25 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:46:25 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:46:25 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:46:25 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:46:25 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:46:26 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:46:26 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:46:26 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:46:26 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:46:26 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:46:26 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:46:27 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:46:27 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:46:27 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:46:27 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:46:27 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:46:27 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:46:28 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:46:28 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:46:28 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:46:28 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:46:28 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:46:28 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:46:28 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:46:29 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:46:29 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:46:29 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:46:29 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:46:29 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:46:29 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:46:30 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:46:30 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:46:30 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:46:30 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:46:30 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:46:30 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:46:31 - Iteration took 77ms
[F] 11:46:31 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:46:31 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:46:31 - Iteration took 59ms
[D] 11:46:31 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:46:31 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:46:31 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:46:31 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:46:32 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:46:32 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:46:32 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:46:32 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:46:32 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:46:32 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:46:33 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:46:33 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:46:33 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:46:33 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:46:33 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:46:33 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:46:33 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:46:34 - Iteration took 61ms
11:46:35 - [Regen] Started
11:46:36 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
11:46:38 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:46:57 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 11:46:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 670,308 ; -3779,108 ; 16,0984 ; "None" to -643,3163 ; -2886,205 ; 95,78743 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:46:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 36 (1916,634y)
[N] 11:47:21 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 11:47:21 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 11:47:21 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
11:49:00 - [Fight] Player Attack Fleeting Plainstrider (lvl 13)
[N] 11:49:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 106,7183 ; -3278,365 ; 64,64944 ; "None" to 33,7807 ; -3210,71 ; 95,22266 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:49:00 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:49:00 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:49:01 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 11:49:01 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:49:01 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:49:01 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:49:01 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 11:49:01 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:49:01 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:01 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:02 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 11:49:02 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:49:02 - Iteration took 16ms
[N] 11:49:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (123,4829y)
[F] 11:49:02 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 11:49:02 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 11:49:02 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:49:02 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 11:49:02 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 11:49:02 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:49:03 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:49:03 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:03 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 11:49:03 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:03 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:03 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 11:49:03 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:03 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 11:49:04 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:04 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 11:49:04 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:49:04 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:49:04 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 11:49:04 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:49:04 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 11:49:04 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:49:04 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 11:49:05 - Iteration took 8ms
[F] 11:49:05 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:49:05 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:49:05 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 11:49:05 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:49:05 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:49:05 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:49:05 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:49:06 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 11:49:06 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:49:06 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 11:49:06 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:06 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:49:06 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:49:06 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:49:06 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:49:07 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:49:07 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 11:49:07 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:49:07 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:49:07 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 11:49:07 - Iteration took 8ms
[F] 11:49:07 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 11:49:07 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:49:07 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:49:08 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 11:49:08 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 11:49:08 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 11:49:08 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 11:49:08 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:08 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 11:49:08 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:08 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 11:49:09 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:09 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 11:49:09 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:49:09 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:49:09 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:49:09 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:49:09 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:09 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 11:49:10 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:49:10 - Iteration took 9ms
[F] 11:49:10 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:49:10 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:49:10 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:49:10 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:10 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:49:10 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 11:49:11 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 11:49:11 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:11 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 11:49:11 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 11:49:11 - Iteration took 9ms
[F] 11:49:11 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:49:11 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 11:49:11 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:49:11 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:49:12 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 11:49:12 - Iteration took 9ms
[F] 11:49:12 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:49:12 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:12 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:49:12 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:12 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 11:49:12 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 11:49:13 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 11:49:13 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:13 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:49:13 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:49:13 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 11:49:13 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 11:49:13 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 11:49:13 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 11:49:13 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:14 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 11:49:14 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:14 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:49:14 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:49:14 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:49:14 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:49:14 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 11:49:14 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:49:15 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:49:15 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:15 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:49:15 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:49:15 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:49:15 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:49:15 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 11:49:15 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:49:16 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:16 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:49:16 - Iteration took 12ms
[D] 11:49:16 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 11:49:16 - Iteration took 27ms
[D] 11:49:16 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:49:16 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:49:16 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:49:16 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:49:17 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:49:17 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:49:17 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:49:17 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:49:17 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:49:17 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:49:17 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:49:18 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:49:18 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:49:18 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:49:18 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:49:18 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:49:18 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:49:18 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:49:18 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:49:19 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:49:19 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:49:19 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:49:19 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 11:49:19 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:49:19 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:49:19 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:49:19 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:49:20 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:49:20 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:49:20 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:49:20 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:49:20 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:49:20 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:49:20 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:49:21 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:49:21 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:49:21 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:49:21 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:49:21 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:49:21 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:49:21 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:49:21 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:49:22 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:49:22 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:49:22 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:49:22 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:49:22 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:49:22 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:49:23 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:49:23 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:49:23 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:49:23 - Iteration took 55ms
[D] 11:49:23 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:49:23 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:49:23 - Iteration took 50ms
[N] 11:49:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 40,14998 ; -3233,746 ; 99,41938 ; "None" to 42,81494 ; -3243,384 ; 99,41938 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:49:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00006y)
[F] 11:49:23 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:49:24 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:49:24 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:49:24 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:49:24 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 11:49:24 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:49:24 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:49:24 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:49:24 - Iteration took 24ms
[N] 11:49:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 41,44386 ; -3239,457 ; 97,37056 ; "None" to 43,76623 ; -3249,069 ; 97,42475 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:49:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,888783y)
[F] 11:49:25 - Iteration took 19ms
[F] 11:49:25 - Iteration took 16ms
[F] 11:49:25 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:25 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:25 - Iteration took 7ms
[F] 11:49:25 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:49:25 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:25 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:49:26 - Iteration took 12ms
[D] 11:49:26 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:49:26 - Iteration took 27ms
[D] 11:49:26 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:49:26 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:49:26 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:49:26 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:49:26 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:49:26 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:49:26 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:49:27 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:49:27 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:49:27 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:49:27 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:49:27 - Iteration took 56ms
[D] 11:49:27 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:49:27 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:49:27 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:49:28 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:49:28 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:49:28 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:49:28 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:49:28 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:49:28 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:49:29 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:49:29 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:49:29 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:49:29 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:49:29 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:49:29 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:49:29 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:49:29 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:49:30 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:49:30 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:49:30 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:49:30 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:49:30 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:49:30 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:49:31 - Iteration took 72ms
[D] 11:49:31 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:49:31 - Iteration took 52ms
11:49:33 - [Regen] Started
11:49:35 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
11:49:36 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:49:49 - [Regen] Finished
11:49:50 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Halija Whitestrider (Repair)
[D] 11:49:50 - [MovementManager] You try to use flying/swimming path but you cannot fly/swim here, try to use ground mouvement...
[N] 11:49:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 42,29053 ; -3241,882 ; 95,88365 ; "None" to -539,841 ; -2672,23 ; 95,78768 ; "Flying" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:49:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (922,1911y)
[D] 11:50:33 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:50:33 - Iteration took 120ms
[D] 11:50:33 - [ToTown] In combat, ForceToTown not disabled
11:50:34 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Razormane Thornweaver (lvl 10)
[D] 11:50:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:50:34 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:50:34 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:50:34 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:50:34 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:50:34 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:50:34 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:50:34 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:50:35 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:50:35 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:50:35 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:50:35 - Iteration took 64ms
[D] 11:50:35 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:50:35 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:50:35 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:50:36 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:50:36 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:50:36 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:50:36 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:50:36 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:50:36 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:50:37 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:50:37 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:50:37 - Iteration took 61ms
[D] 11:50:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:50:37 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:50:37 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:50:37 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:50:37 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:50:38 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:50:38 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:50:38 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:50:38 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:50:38 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:50:38 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:50:38 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:50:39 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:50:39 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:50:39 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 11:50:39 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:50:39 - Iteration took 30ms
[N] 11:50:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -45,4975 ; -2973,191 ; 94,44209 ; "None" to -35,69596 ; -2975,173 ; 94,44209 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:50:39 - Iteration took 74ms
[N] 11:50:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00001y)
[F] 11:50:39 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:50:39 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:50:40 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 11:50:40 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:50:40 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:50:40 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 11:50:40 - Iteration took 14ms
[F] 11:50:40 - Iteration took 27ms
[N] 11:50:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -39,73425 ; -2974,633 ; 94,51752 ; "None" to -29,99739 ; -2976,912 ; 94,51752 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:50:40 - Iteration took 9ms
[N] 11:50:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999978y)
[F] 11:50:40 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:50:41 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:50:41 - Iteration took 13ms
[F] 11:50:41 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 11:50:41 - Iteration took 11ms
[F] 11:50:41 - Iteration took 9ms
[F] 11:50:41 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:50:41 - Iteration took 21ms
[D] 11:50:41 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:50:41 - Iteration took 22ms
[D] 11:50:42 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:50:42 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:50:42 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:50:42 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:50:42 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:50:42 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:50:42 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:50:42 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:50:43 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:50:43 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:50:43 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:50:43 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:50:43 - Iteration took 57ms
[D] 11:50:43 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:50:43 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:50:43 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:50:44 - Iteration took 46ms
11:50:45 - [Regen] Started
11:50:46 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:50:56 - [Regen] Finished
11:50:56 - [Looting] Loot Razormane Thornweaver
[N] 11:50:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -36,16112 ; -2975,112 ; 94,51893 ; "None" to -47,8165 ; -2972,748 ; 94,39333 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:50:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,89332y)
11:50:59 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Halija Whitestrider (Repair)
[D] 11:50:59 - [MovementManager] You try to use flying/swimming path but you cannot fly/swim here, try to use ground mouvement...
[N] 11:50:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -44,26154 ; -2973,468 ; 94,46476 ; "None" to -539,841 ; -2672,23 ; 95,78768 ; "Flying" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:50:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (640,1719y)
[D] 11:51:10 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:51:10 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:51:10 - [ToTown] In combat, ForceToTown not disabled
11:51:10 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Razormane Water Seeker (lvl 10)
[F] 11:51:10 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:51:10 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:51:10 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:51:11 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:51:11 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:51:11 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:51:11 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:51:11 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:51:11 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:51:11 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:51:12 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:51:12 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:51:12 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:51:12 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:51:12 - Iteration took 90ms
[F] 11:51:12 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 11:51:13 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:51:13 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:51:13 - Iteration took 55ms
[N] 11:51:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -69,48709 ; -2899,085 ; 93,1886 ; "None" to -66,07303 ; -2908,485 ; 93,1886 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:51:13 - Iteration took 38ms
[N] 11:51:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00001y)
[F] 11:51:13 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:51:13 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:51:13 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:51:13 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:51:14 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:51:14 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:51:14 - Iteration took 23ms
[N] 11:51:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -67,19559 ; -2904,613 ; 93,52979 ; "None" to -63,50652 ; -2913,908 ; 93,52979 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 11:51:14 - Iteration took 45ms
[N] 11:51:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00002y)
[F] 11:51:14 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:51:14 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:51:14 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:51:15 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:51:15 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:51:15 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:51:15 - Iteration took 18ms
[D] 11:51:15 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:51:15 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:51:15 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:51:15 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:51:15 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:51:16 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:51:16 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:51:16 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:51:16 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:51:16 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:51:16 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:51:17 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 11:51:17 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:51:17 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:51:17 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:51:17 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:51:17 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:51:17 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:51:17 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:51:18 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:51:18 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:51:18 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:51:18 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:51:18 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:51:18 - Iteration took 62ms
[D] 11:51:18 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:51:18 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:51:19 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:51:19 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:51:19 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:51:19 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:51:19 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:51:19 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:51:19 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:51:20 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:51:20 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:51:20 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 11:51:20 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:51:20 - Iteration took 28ms
[D] 11:51:20 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:51:20 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:51:20 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:51:20 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:51:21 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:51:21 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:51:21 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:51:21 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:51:21 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:51:21 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:51:21 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:51:22 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:51:22 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:51:22 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:51:22 - Iteration took 84ms
[D] 11:51:22 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:51:22 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:51:23 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:51:23 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:51:23 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:51:23 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:51:23 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:51:23 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:51:23 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:51:24 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:51:24 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:51:24 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:51:24 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:51:24 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:51:24 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 11:51:24 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:51:24 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:51:25 - Iteration took 80ms
[F] 11:51:25 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:51:25 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:51:25 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:51:25 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:51:25 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:51:26 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:51:26 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:51:26 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:51:26 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:51:26 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:51:26 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:51:26 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:51:27 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:51:27 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:51:27 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:51:27 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:51:27 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:51:27 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:51:27 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:51:27 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:51:28 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:51:28 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:51:28 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:51:28 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:51:28 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:51:28 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:51:29 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 11:51:29 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:51:29 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:51:29 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:51:29 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:51:29 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:51:29 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:51:29 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:51:30 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:51:30 - Iteration took 49ms
11:51:30 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Razormane Thornweaver (lvl 11)
[F] 11:51:30 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:51:30 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:51:30 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:51:30 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:51:30 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:51:30 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:51:31 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:51:31 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:51:31 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:51:31 - Iteration took 23ms
[D] 11:51:31 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:51:31 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:51:31 - Iteration took 89ms
[F] 11:51:32 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:51:32 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:51:32 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:51:32 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:51:32 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:51:32 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:51:32 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:51:33 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:51:33 - Iteration took 57ms
[N] 11:51:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -66,18774 ; -2908,089 ; 93,71428 ; "None" to -73,02023 ; -2915,391 ; 93,71428 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:51:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,999934y)
[D] 11:51:33 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:51:33 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:51:33 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:51:33 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:51:33 - Iteration took 18ms
[F] 11:51:33 - Iteration took 12ms
[F] 11:51:34 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:51:34 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 11:51:34 - Iteration took 24ms
[D] 11:51:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:51:34 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 11:51:34 - successfully casted: Polymorph(Rank 1)
[F] 11:51:34 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:51:34 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:51:34 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:51:35 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:51:35 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:51:35 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:51:35 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:51:35 - Iteration took 79ms
[F] 11:51:35 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:51:36 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:51:36 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:51:36 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:51:36 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:51:36 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:51:36 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:51:36 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:51:37 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:51:37 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:51:37 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:51:37 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:51:37 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:51:37 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:51:38 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:51:38 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:51:38 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:51:38 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:51:38 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:51:38 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:51:38 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:51:39 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:51:39 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:51:39 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:51:39 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:51:39 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:51:39 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:51:40 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:51:40 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:51:40 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:51:40 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:51:40 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:51:40 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:51:41 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:51:41 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:51:41 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:51:41 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:51:41 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:51:41 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:51:41 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:51:42 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:51:42 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:51:42 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:51:42 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:51:42 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:51:42 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:51:43 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:51:43 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:51:43 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:51:43 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 11:51:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:51:43 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:51:43 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:51:43 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:51:44 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:51:44 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:51:44 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:51:44 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:51:44 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:51:44 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:51:45 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:51:45 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:51:45 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:51:45 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:51:45 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:51:45 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:51:45 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:51:46 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:51:46 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:51:46 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:51:46 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:51:46 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:51:46 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:51:47 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:51:47 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:51:47 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:51:47 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:51:47 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:51:47 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:51:47 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:51:48 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:51:48 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:51:48 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:51:48 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:51:48 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:51:48 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:51:48 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:51:49 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:51:49 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:51:49 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:51:49 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:51:49 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:51:49 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:51:50 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:51:50 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:51:50 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:51:50 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:51:50 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:51:50 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:51:50 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:51:51 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:51:51 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:51:51 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:51:51 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:51:51 - Iteration took 59ms
[F] 11:51:51 - Iteration took 77ms
[F] 11:51:52 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:51:52 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:51:52 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:51:52 - Iteration took 68ms
[F] 11:51:52 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:51:52 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:51:53 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:51:53 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:51:53 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:51:53 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:51:53 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:51:53 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:51:53 - Iteration took 72ms
[F] 11:51:54 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:51:54 - Iteration took 57ms
[F] 11:51:54 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:51:54 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:51:54 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:51:54 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:51:55 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:51:55 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:51:55 - Iteration took 38ms
[F] 11:51:55 - Iteration took 61ms
[D] 11:51:55 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:51:55 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:51:55 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:51:55 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:51:56 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:51:56 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:51:56 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:51:56 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:51:56 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:51:56 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:51:56 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:51:57 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:51:57 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:51:57 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:51:57 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:51:57 - Iteration took 86ms
[F] 11:51:58 - Iteration took 83ms
[F] 11:51:58 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:51:58 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:51:58 - Iteration took 52ms
[F] 11:51:58 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:51:58 - Iteration took 56ms
[F] 11:51:58 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:51:59 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:51:59 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:51:59 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:51:59 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:51:59 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:51:59 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:52:00 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:52:00 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:52:00 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:52:00 - Iteration took 61ms
[F] 11:52:00 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:52:00 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:52:01 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:52:01 - Iteration took 61ms
[D] 11:52:01 - [Fight] Fight stopped
11:52:01 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[N] 11:52:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -592,6014 ; -2523,492 ; 91,78803 ; "None" to -69,99464 ; -2912,559 ; 93,76805 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:52:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (726,2963y)
[F] 11:53:27 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Arcane Intellect (Arcane Intellect)
11:53:27 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
11:53:27 - [Regen] Started
11:53:29 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
11:53:30 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:53:48 - [Regen] Finished
11:53:48 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Halija Whitestrider (Repair)
[D] 11:53:48 - [MovementManager] You try to use flying/swimming path but you cannot fly/swim here, try to use ground mouvement...
[N] 11:53:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -108,3932 ; -2905,296 ; 91,66683 ; "None" to -539,841 ; -2672,23 ; 95,78768 ; "Flying" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:53:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (526,9724y)
[N] 11:55:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -533,5023 ; -2679,149 ; 95,68872 ; "None" to -539,841 ; -2672,23 ; 95,78767 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:55:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,383918y)
11:55:06 - [ToTown] Vendor found Halija Whitestrider
11:55:06 - [ToTown] Repair items
11:55:07 - [ToTown] Sell items (try 1)
11:55:15 - [ToTown] Sell items (try 2)
11:55:23 - [ToTown] Sell items (try 3)
11:55:31 - [Fight] Player Attack Greater Plainstrider (lvl 12)
[N] 11:55:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -536,3145 ; -2676,488 ; 95,75601 ; "None" to -517,6394 ; -2750,933 ; 92,37311 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:55:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (84,82043y)
[D] 11:55:31 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:55:31 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 11:55:32 - successfully casted: Berserking
[F] 11:55:32 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:55:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:32 - Iteration took 184ms
[D] 11:55:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:32 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:55:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:32 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:55:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:32 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:55:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:32 - Iteration took 109ms
[D] 11:55:33 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:33 - Iteration took 35ms
[D] 11:55:33 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:33 - Iteration took 72ms
[D] 11:55:33 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:33 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 11:55:33 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:33 - Iteration took 110ms
[D] 11:55:33 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:33 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:55:33 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:33 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 11:55:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:34 - Iteration took 59ms
[D] 11:55:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:34 - Iteration took 110ms
[D] 11:55:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:34 - Iteration took 98ms
[D] 11:55:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:34 - Iteration took 57ms
[D] 11:55:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:34 - Iteration took 28ms
[D] 11:55:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:34 - Iteration took 28ms
[D] 11:55:35 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:35 - Iteration took 115ms
[D] 11:55:35 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:35 - Iteration took 99ms
[D] 11:55:35 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:35 - Iteration took 97ms
[D] 11:55:35 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:35 - Iteration took 55ms
[D] 11:55:35 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:35 - Iteration took 53ms
[D] 11:55:35 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:35 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 11:55:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:36 - Iteration took 133ms
[D] 11:55:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:36 - Iteration took 62ms
[D] 11:55:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:36 - Iteration took 62ms
[D] 11:55:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:36 - Iteration took 57ms
[D] 11:55:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:36 - Iteration took 115ms
[D] 11:55:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:37 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 11:55:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:37 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 11:55:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:37 - Iteration took 56ms
[D] 11:55:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:37 - Iteration took 116ms
[D] 11:55:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:37 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 11:55:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:37 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 11:55:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:38 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 11:55:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:38 - Iteration took 119ms
[D] 11:55:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:38 - Iteration took 62ms
[D] 11:55:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:38 - Iteration took 53ms
[D] 11:55:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:38 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 11:55:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:38 - Iteration took 123ms
[D] 11:55:39 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:39 - Iteration took 119ms
[D] 11:55:39 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:39 - Iteration took 62ms
[D] 11:55:39 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:39 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 11:55:39 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:39 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:55:39 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:39 - Iteration took 131ms
[D] 11:55:40 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:40 - Iteration took 134ms
[D] 11:55:40 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:40 - Iteration took 59ms
[D] 11:55:40 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:40 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 11:55:40 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:40 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:55:40 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:40 - Iteration took 126ms
[D] 11:55:40 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:40 - Iteration took 67ms
[D] 11:55:41 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:41 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 11:55:41 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:41 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 11:55:41 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:41 - Iteration took 123ms
[D] 11:55:41 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:41 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 11:55:41 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:41 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 11:55:41 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:41 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:55:42 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:42 - Iteration took 105ms
[D] 11:55:42 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:42 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 11:55:42 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:42 - Iteration took 68ms
[D] 11:55:42 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:42 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 11:55:42 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:42 - Iteration took 108ms
[F] 11:55:42 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 11:55:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:43 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 11:55:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:43 - Iteration took 55ms
[D] 11:55:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:43 - Iteration took 109ms
[D] 11:55:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:43 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 11:55:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:43 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 11:55:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:43 - Iteration took 60ms
[D] 11:55:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:44 - Iteration took 114ms
[D] 11:55:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:44 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 11:55:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:44 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 11:55:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:44 - Iteration took 64ms
[D] 11:55:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:44 - Iteration took 110ms
[D] 11:55:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:44 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:55:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:45 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:55:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:45 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 11:55:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:45 - Iteration took 118ms
[D] 11:55:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:45 - Iteration took 62ms
[D] 11:55:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:45 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 11:55:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:45 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:55:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:46 - Iteration took 124ms
[D] 11:55:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:46 - Iteration took 58ms
[D] 11:55:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:46 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:55:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:46 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 11:55:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:46 - Iteration took 147ms
[D] 11:55:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:47 - Iteration took 63ms
[D] 11:55:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:47 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:55:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:47 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 11:55:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:47 - Iteration took 107ms
[D] 11:55:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:47 - Iteration took 60ms
[D] 11:55:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:47 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 11:55:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:48 - Iteration took 57ms
[D] 11:55:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:48 - Iteration took 102ms
[D] 11:55:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:48 - Iteration took 63ms
[D] 11:55:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:48 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 11:55:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:48 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 11:55:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:48 - Iteration took 120ms
[D] 11:55:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:49 - Iteration took 116ms
[D] 11:55:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:49 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 11:55:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:49 - Iteration took 57ms
[D] 11:55:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:49 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 11:55:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:49 - Iteration took 131ms
[D] 11:55:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:50 - Iteration took 64ms
[D] 11:55:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:50 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 11:55:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:50 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 11:55:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:50 - Iteration took 122ms
[D] 11:55:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:50 - Iteration took 117ms
[D] 11:55:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:50 - Iteration took 116ms
[D] 11:55:51 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:51 - Iteration took 99ms
[D] 11:55:51 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:51 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:55:51 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:51 - Iteration took 79ms
[D] 11:55:51 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:51 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:55:51 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:51 - Iteration took 118ms
[D] 11:55:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:52 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 11:55:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:52 - Iteration took 53ms
[D] 11:55:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:52 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:55:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:52 - Iteration took 125ms
[D] 11:55:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:55:52 - Iteration took 58ms
[D] 11:55:52 - [Fight] Mob already in fight
11:55:53 - [Fight] Can't reach Greater Plainstrider, blacklisting it.
11:55:53 - [FlightMaster] Discovery new flightmaster Devrak
[N] 11:55:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -535,3896 ; -2676,013 ; 95,77357 ; "None" to -437,137 ; -2596 ; 95,78675 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:55:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (148,4172y)
[N] 11:56:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -502,4875 ; -2630,253 ; 101,2008 ; "None" to -437,137 ; -2596 ; 95,78675 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:56:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (75,67126y)
11:56:17 - [Fight] Player Attack Greater Plainstrider (lvl 12)
[N] 11:56:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -439,9943 ; -2598,3 ; 95,84622 ; "None" to -522,4431 ; -2556,467 ; 91,66662 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 11:56:18 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:18 - Iteration took 51ms
[N] 11:56:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (93,45071y)
[D] 11:56:18 - successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 11:56:18 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:56:18 - Iteration took 67ms
[F] 11:56:18 - Iteration took 50ms
[F] 11:56:18 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:56:18 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:56:18 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:56:19 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:56:19 - Iteration took 76ms
[F] 11:56:19 - Iteration took 70ms
[F] 11:56:19 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 11:56:19 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:19 - Iteration took 113ms
[D] 11:56:20 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:20 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 11:56:20 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:20 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 11:56:20 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:20 - Iteration took 25ms
[D] 11:56:20 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:20 - Iteration took 98ms
[D] 11:56:20 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:20 - Iteration took 109ms
[D] 11:56:20 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:20 - Iteration took 87ms
[D] 11:56:21 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:21 - Iteration took 59ms
[D] 11:56:21 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:21 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:56:21 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:21 - Iteration took 112ms
[D] 11:56:21 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:21 - Iteration took 109ms
[D] 11:56:21 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:21 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 11:56:21 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:21 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:56:22 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:22 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 11:56:22 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:22 - Iteration took 110ms
[D] 11:56:22 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:22 - Iteration took 120ms
[D] 11:56:22 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:22 - Iteration took 89ms
[D] 11:56:22 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:22 - Iteration took 108ms
[D] 11:56:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:23 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 11:56:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:23 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:56:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:23 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 11:56:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:23 - Iteration took 109ms
[D] 11:56:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:23 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 11:56:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:23 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 11:56:24 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:24 - Iteration took 29ms
[D] 11:56:24 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:24 - Iteration took 92ms
[D] 11:56:24 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:24 - Iteration took 101ms
[D] 11:56:24 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:24 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 11:56:24 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:24 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 11:56:24 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:24 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 11:56:25 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:25 - Iteration took 105ms
[D] 11:56:25 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:25 - Iteration took 96ms
[D] 11:56:25 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:25 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 11:56:25 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:25 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:56:25 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:25 - Iteration took 27ms
[D] 11:56:25 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:25 - Iteration took 95ms
[D] 11:56:26 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:26 - Iteration took 116ms
[D] 11:56:26 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:26 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 11:56:26 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:26 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 11:56:26 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:26 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:56:26 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:26 - Iteration took 106ms
[D] 11:56:26 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:26 - Iteration took 97ms
[D] 11:56:27 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:27 - Iteration took 95ms
[D] 11:56:27 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:27 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 11:56:27 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:27 - Iteration took 27ms
[D] 11:56:27 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:27 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 11:56:27 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:27 - Iteration took 100ms
[D] 11:56:27 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:27 - Iteration took 90ms
[D] 11:56:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:28 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 11:56:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:28 - Iteration took 26ms
[D] 11:56:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:28 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 11:56:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:28 - Iteration took 98ms
[D] 11:56:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:28 - Iteration took 91ms
[D] 11:56:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:28 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 11:56:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:28 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 11:56:29 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:29 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 11:56:29 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:29 - Iteration took 111ms
[F] 11:56:29 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:56:29 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:29 - Iteration took 101ms
[D] 11:56:29 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:29 - Iteration took 108ms
[D] 11:56:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:30 - Iteration took 157ms
[D] 11:56:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:30 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 11:56:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:30 - Iteration took 24ms
[D] 11:56:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:30 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 11:56:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:30 - Iteration took 95ms
[D] 11:56:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:30 - Iteration took 101ms
[D] 11:56:31 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:31 - Iteration took 35ms
[D] 11:56:31 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:31 - Iteration took 27ms
[D] 11:56:31 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:31 - Iteration took 28ms
[D] 11:56:31 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:31 - Iteration took 92ms
[D] 11:56:31 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:31 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 11:56:31 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:31 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 11:56:31 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:31 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 11:56:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:32 - Iteration took 118ms
[D] 11:56:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:32 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 11:56:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:32 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 11:56:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:32 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:56:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:32 - Iteration took 93ms
[D] 11:56:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:32 - Iteration took 104ms
[D] 11:56:33 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:33 - Iteration took 106ms
[D] 11:56:33 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:33 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 11:56:33 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:33 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 11:56:33 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:33 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 11:56:33 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:33 - Iteration took 108ms
[D] 11:56:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:34 - Iteration took 96ms
[D] 11:56:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:34 - Iteration took 111ms
[D] 11:56:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:34 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 11:56:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:34 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:56:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:34 - Iteration took 28ms
[D] 11:56:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:34 - Iteration took 86ms
[D] 11:56:35 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:35 - Iteration took 110ms
[D] 11:56:35 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:35 - Iteration took 111ms
[D] 11:56:35 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:35 - Iteration took 97ms
[D] 11:56:35 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:35 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:56:35 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:35 - Iteration took 35ms
[D] 11:56:35 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:35 - Iteration took 24ms
[D] 11:56:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:36 - Iteration took 101ms
[D] 11:56:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:36 - Iteration took 95ms
[D] 11:56:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:36 - Iteration took 95ms
[D] 11:56:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:36 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 11:56:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:36 - Iteration took 35ms
[D] 11:56:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:36 - Iteration took 25ms
[D] 11:56:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:37 - Iteration took 97ms
[D] 11:56:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:37 - Iteration took 35ms
[D] 11:56:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:37 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 11:56:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:37 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 11:56:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:37 - Iteration took 116ms
[D] 11:56:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:37 - Iteration took 126ms
[D] 11:56:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:38 - Iteration took 123ms
[D] 11:56:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:38 - Iteration took 124ms
[D] 11:56:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:38 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 11:56:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:38 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 11:56:38 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:38 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 11:56:39 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:39 - Iteration took 111ms
[D] 11:56:39 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:39 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 11:56:39 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:39 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:56:39 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:39 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 11:56:39 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:39 - Iteration took 94ms
[D] 11:56:39 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:39 - Iteration took 107ms
[D] 11:56:40 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:40 - Iteration took 117ms
[D] 11:56:40 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:40 - Iteration took 113ms
[D] 11:56:40 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:40 - Iteration took 55ms
[F] 11:56:40 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:56:40 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 11:56:41 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:41 - Iteration took 107ms
[D] 11:56:41 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:41 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 11:56:41 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:41 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 11:56:41 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:41 - Iteration took 59ms
[D] 11:56:41 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:41 - Iteration took 104ms
[D] 11:56:41 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:41 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 11:56:42 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:42 - Iteration took 60ms
[D] 11:56:42 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:42 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 11:56:42 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:42 - Iteration took 118ms
[D] 11:56:42 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:42 - Iteration took 124ms
[D] 11:56:42 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:42 - Iteration took 107ms
[D] 11:56:42 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:42 - Iteration took 63ms
[D] 11:56:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:43 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 11:56:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:43 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 11:56:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:43 - Iteration took 152ms
[D] 11:56:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:43 - Iteration took 53ms
[D] 11:56:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:43 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 11:56:43 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:43 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 11:56:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:44 - Iteration took 97ms
[D] 11:56:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:44 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 11:56:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:44 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:56:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:44 - Iteration took 67ms
[D] 11:56:44 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:44 - Iteration took 115ms
[D] 11:56:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:45 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 11:56:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:45 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 11:56:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:45 - Iteration took 60ms
[D] 11:56:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:45 - Iteration took 95ms
[D] 11:56:45 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:45 - Iteration took 131ms
[D] 11:56:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:46 - Iteration took 160ms
[D] 11:56:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:46 - Iteration took 142ms
[D] 11:56:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:46 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 11:56:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:46 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 11:56:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:46 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:56:46 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:46 - Iteration took 114ms
[D] 11:56:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:47 - Iteration took 132ms
[D] 11:56:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:47 - Iteration took 128ms
[D] 11:56:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:47 - Iteration took 133ms
[D] 11:56:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:47 - Iteration took 56ms
[D] 11:56:47 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:47 - Iteration took 61ms
[D] 11:56:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:48 - Iteration took 74ms
[D] 11:56:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:48 - Iteration took 98ms
[D] 11:56:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:48 - Iteration took 109ms
[D] 11:56:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:48 - Iteration took 108ms
[D] 11:56:48 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:48 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 11:56:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:49 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 11:56:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:49 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 11:56:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:49 - Iteration took 112ms
[D] 11:56:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:49 - Iteration took 120ms
[D] 11:56:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:49 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 11:56:49 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:49 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 11:56:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:50 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:56:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:50 - Iteration took 107ms
[D] 11:56:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:50 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 11:56:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:50 - Iteration took 55ms
[D] 11:56:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:50 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 11:56:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:50 - Iteration took 100ms
[D] 11:56:51 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:51 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 11:56:51 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:51 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 11:56:51 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:51 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:56:51 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:51 - Iteration took 153ms
[D] 11:56:51 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:51 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 11:56:51 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:51 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:56:52 - Iteration took 93ms
[D] 11:56:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:52 - Iteration took 98ms
[D] 11:56:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:52 - Iteration took 129ms
[D] 11:56:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:52 - Iteration took 102ms
[D] 11:56:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:52 - Iteration took 62ms
[D] 11:56:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:53 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 11:56:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:53 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 11:56:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:53 - Iteration took 104ms
[D] 11:56:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:53 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 11:56:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:53 - Iteration took 32ms
[D] 11:56:53 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:53 - Iteration took 57ms
[D] 11:56:54 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:54 - Iteration took 110ms
[D] 11:56:54 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:54 - Iteration took 107ms
[D] 11:56:54 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:54 - Iteration took 120ms
[D] 11:56:54 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:54 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 11:56:54 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:54 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 11:56:54 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:54 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 11:56:55 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:55 - Iteration took 108ms
[D] 11:56:55 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:55 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 11:56:55 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:55 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:56:55 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:55 - Iteration took 74ms
[D] 11:56:55 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:55 - Iteration took 102ms
[D] 11:56:55 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:55 - Iteration took 138ms
[D] 11:56:56 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:56 - Iteration took 56ms
[D] 11:56:56 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:56 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 11:56:56 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:56 - Iteration took 103ms
[D] 11:56:56 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:56 - Iteration took 103ms
[D] 11:56:56 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:56 - Iteration took 112ms
[D] 11:56:57 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:57 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:56:57 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:57 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 11:56:57 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:57 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:56:57 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:57 - Iteration took 95ms
[D] 11:56:57 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:57 - Iteration took 110ms
[D] 11:56:57 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:57 - Iteration took 93ms
[D] 11:56:58 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:58 - Iteration took 98ms
[D] 11:56:58 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:58 - Iteration took 35ms
[D] 11:56:58 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:58 - Iteration took 28ms
[D] 11:56:58 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:58 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 11:56:58 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:58 - Iteration took 125ms
[D] 11:56:58 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:58 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 11:56:59 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:59 - Iteration took 28ms
[D] 11:56:59 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:59 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 11:56:59 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:59 - Iteration took 123ms
[D] 11:56:59 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:59 - Iteration took 119ms
[D] 11:56:59 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:56:59 - Iteration took 95ms
[D] 11:57:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:00 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 11:57:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:00 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:57:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:00 - Iteration took 57ms
[D] 11:57:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:00 - Iteration took 118ms
[D] 11:57:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:00 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:57:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:00 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 11:57:00 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:00 - Iteration took 27ms
[D] 11:57:01 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:01 - Iteration took 106ms
[D] 11:57:01 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:01 - Iteration took 106ms
[D] 11:57:01 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:01 - Iteration took 101ms
[D] 11:57:01 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:01 - Iteration took 92ms
[D] 11:57:01 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:01 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 11:57:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:02 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 11:57:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:02 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 11:57:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:02 - Iteration took 95ms
[D] 11:57:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:02 - Iteration took 99ms
[D] 11:57:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:02 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 11:57:02 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:02 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:57:03 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:03 - Iteration took 27ms
[D] 11:57:03 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:03 - Iteration took 102ms
[F] 11:57:03 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 11:57:03 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:03 - Iteration took 109ms
[D] 11:57:03 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:03 - Iteration took 100ms
[D] 11:57:04 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:04 - Iteration took 106ms
[D] 11:57:04 - [Fight] Mob timeout
[D] 11:57:04 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:04 - Iteration took 40ms
11:57:04 - [Fight] Can't reach Greater Plainstrider, blacklisting it.
11:57:05 - [Fight] Player Attack Greater Plainstrider (lvl 12)
[N] 11:57:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -461,6384 ; -2581,854 ; 98,74053 ; "None" to -458,9163 ; -2492,732 ; 92,35006 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:57:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (99,65846y)
[D] 11:57:05 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:05 - Iteration took 106ms
[D] 11:57:06 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:06 - Iteration took 118ms
[D] 11:57:06 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:06 - Iteration took 56ms
[D] 11:57:06 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:06 - Iteration took 29ms
[D] 11:57:06 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:06 - Iteration took 29ms
[D] 11:57:06 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:06 - Iteration took 115ms
[D] 11:57:06 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:06 - Iteration took 61ms
[D] 11:57:06 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:06 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 11:57:07 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:07 - Iteration took 29ms
[D] 11:57:07 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:07 - Iteration took 102ms
[D] 11:57:07 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:07 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:57:07 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:07 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:57:07 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:07 - Iteration took 62ms
[D] 11:57:07 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:07 - Iteration took 115ms
[D] 11:57:08 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:08 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 11:57:08 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:08 - Iteration took 27ms
[D] 11:57:08 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:08 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 11:57:08 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:08 - Iteration took 127ms
[D] 11:57:08 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:08 - Iteration took 26ms
[D] 11:57:08 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:08 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:57:09 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:09 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 11:57:09 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:09 - Iteration took 111ms
[D] 11:57:09 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:09 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 11:57:09 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:09 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:57:09 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:09 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 11:57:09 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:09 - Iteration took 115ms
[D] 11:57:10 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:10 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:57:10 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:10 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 11:57:10 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:10 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 11:57:10 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:10 - Iteration took 96ms
[D] 11:57:10 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:10 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 11:57:10 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:10 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 11:57:10 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:10 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:57:11 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:11 - Iteration took 114ms
[D] 11:57:11 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:11 - Iteration took 121ms
[D] 11:57:11 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:11 - Iteration took 49ms
[D] 11:57:11 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:11 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 11:57:11 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:11 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 11:57:11 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:11 - Iteration took 109ms
[D] 11:57:12 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:12 - Iteration took 103ms
[D] 11:57:12 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:12 - Iteration took 99ms
[D] 11:57:12 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:12 - Iteration took 119ms
[D] 11:57:12 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:12 - Iteration took 113ms
[D] 11:57:13 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:13 - Iteration took 123ms
[D] 11:57:13 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:13 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 11:57:13 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:13 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 11:57:13 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:13 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 11:57:13 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:13 - Iteration took 88ms
[D] 11:57:13 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:13 - Iteration took 99ms
[D] 11:57:14 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:14 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 11:57:14 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:14 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 11:57:14 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:14 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 11:57:14 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:14 - Iteration took 96ms
[D] 11:57:14 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:14 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:57:14 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:57:14 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:14 - Iteration took 24ms
[D] 11:57:15 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:15 - Iteration took 106ms
[D] 11:57:15 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:15 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 11:57:15 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:15 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 11:57:15 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:15 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 11:57:15 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:15 - Iteration took 98ms
[D] 11:57:15 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:15 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:57:16 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:16 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 11:57:16 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:16 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 11:57:16 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:16 - Iteration took 98ms
[D] 11:57:16 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:16 - Iteration took 120ms
[D] 11:57:16 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:16 - Iteration took 61ms
[D] 11:57:16 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:16 - Iteration took 60ms
[D] 11:57:17 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:17 - Iteration took 63ms
[D] 11:57:17 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:17 - Iteration took 130ms
[D] 11:57:17 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:17 - Iteration took 103ms
[D] 11:57:17 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:17 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:57:17 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:17 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 11:57:18 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:18 - Iteration took 73ms
[D] 11:57:18 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:18 - Iteration took 108ms
[D] 11:57:18 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:18 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 11:57:18 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:18 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:57:18 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:18 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 11:57:18 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:18 - Iteration took 139ms
[D] 11:57:19 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:19 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 11:57:19 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:19 - Iteration took 78ms
[D] 11:57:19 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:19 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 11:57:19 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:19 - Iteration took 119ms
[D] 11:57:19 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:19 - Iteration took 94ms
[D] 11:57:19 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:19 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 11:57:20 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:20 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:57:20 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:20 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 11:57:20 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:20 - Iteration took 99ms
[D] 11:57:20 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:20 - Iteration took 113ms
[D] 11:57:20 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:20 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 11:57:20 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:20 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 11:57:21 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:21 - Iteration took 26ms
[D] 11:57:21 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:21 - Iteration took 94ms
[D] 11:57:21 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:21 - Iteration took 115ms
[D] 11:57:21 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:21 - Iteration took 100ms
[D] 11:57:21 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:21 - Iteration took 111ms
[D] 11:57:22 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:22 - Iteration took 54ms
[D] 11:57:22 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:22 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 11:57:22 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:22 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 11:57:22 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:22 - Iteration took 96ms
[D] 11:57:22 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:22 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 11:57:22 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:22 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:57:22 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:22 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 11:57:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:23 - Iteration took 105ms
[D] 11:57:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:23 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:57:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:23 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 11:57:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:23 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 11:57:23 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:23 - Iteration took 91ms
[D] 11:57:24 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:24 - Iteration took 121ms
[D] 11:57:24 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:24 - Iteration took 88ms
[D] 11:57:24 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:24 - Iteration took 50ms
[D] 11:57:24 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:24 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 11:57:24 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:24 - Iteration took 28ms
[D] 11:57:24 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:24 - Iteration took 93ms
[D] 11:57:25 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:25 - Iteration took 96ms
[D] 11:57:25 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:25 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:57:25 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:25 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:57:25 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:25 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 11:57:25 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:25 - Iteration took 100ms
[D] 11:57:25 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:25 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:57:25 - Iteration took 71ms
[F] 11:57:26 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 11:57:26 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:26 - Iteration took 96ms
[D] 11:57:26 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:26 - Iteration took 93ms
[D] 11:57:26 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:26 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 11:57:26 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:26 - Iteration took 111ms
[D] 11:57:27 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:27 - Iteration took 76ms
[D] 11:57:27 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:27 - Iteration took 101ms
[D] 11:57:27 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:27 - Iteration took 102ms
[D] 11:57:27 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:27 - Iteration took 102ms
[D] 11:57:27 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:27 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:57:27 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:27 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 11:57:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:28 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 11:57:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:28 - Iteration took 116ms
[D] 11:57:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:28 - Iteration took 124ms
[D] 11:57:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:28 - Iteration took 135ms
[D] 11:57:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:28 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 11:57:29 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:29 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 11:57:29 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:29 - Iteration took 28ms
[D] 11:57:29 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:29 - Iteration took 90ms
[D] 11:57:29 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:29 - Iteration took 107ms
[D] 11:57:29 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:29 - Iteration took 43ms
[D] 11:57:29 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:29 - Iteration took 26ms
[D] 11:57:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:30 - Iteration took 34ms
[D] 11:57:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:30 - Iteration took 105ms
[D] 11:57:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:30 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 11:57:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:30 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:57:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:30 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:57:30 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:30 - Iteration took 110ms
[D] 11:57:31 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:31 - Iteration took 94ms
[D] 11:57:31 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:31 - Iteration took 113ms
[D] 11:57:31 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:31 - Iteration took 116ms
[D] 11:57:31 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:31 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:57:31 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:31 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 11:57:31 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:31 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 11:57:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:32 - Iteration took 107ms
[D] 11:57:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:32 - Iteration took 107ms
[D] 11:57:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:32 - Iteration took 47ms
[D] 11:57:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:32 - Iteration took 36ms
[D] 11:57:32 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:32 - Iteration took 31ms
[D] 11:57:33 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:33 - Iteration took 96ms
[D] 11:57:33 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:33 - Iteration took 44ms
[D] 11:57:33 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:33 - Iteration took 69ms
[D] 11:57:33 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:33 - Iteration took 35ms
[D] 11:57:33 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:33 - Iteration took 107ms
[D] 11:57:33 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:33 - Iteration took 41ms
[D] 11:57:33 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:33 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:57:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:34 - Iteration took 58ms
[D] 11:57:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:34 - Iteration took 101ms
[D] 11:57:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:34 - Iteration took 51ms
[D] 11:57:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:34 - Iteration took 33ms
[D] 11:57:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:34 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:57:34 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:34 - Iteration took 101ms
[D] 11:57:35 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:35 - Iteration took 60ms
[D] 11:57:35 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:35 - Iteration took 46ms
[D] 11:57:35 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:35 - Iteration took 37ms
[D] 11:57:35 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:35 - Iteration took 110ms
[D] 11:57:35 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:35 - Iteration took 96ms
[D] 11:57:35 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:35 - Iteration took 48ms
[D] 11:57:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:36 - Iteration took 45ms
[D] 11:57:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:36 - Iteration took 39ms
[D] 11:57:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:36 - Iteration took 94ms
[D] 11:57:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:36 - Iteration took 107ms
[D] 11:57:36 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:36 - Iteration took 103ms
[D] 11:57:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:37 - Iteration took 52ms
[D] 11:57:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:37 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:57:37 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:57:37 - Iteration took 53ms
[D] 11:57:37 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:37 - Iteration took 101ms
[F] 11:57:37 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:57:38 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:57:38 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:57:38 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:57:38 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:57:38 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:57:38 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:57:38 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:57:38 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:57:39 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:57:39 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:57:39 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:57:39 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:57:39 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:57:39 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:57:39 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:57:40 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:57:40 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:57:40 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:57:40 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:57:40 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:57:40 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:57:40 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:57:41 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:57:41 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:57:41 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:57:41 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:57:41 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:57:41 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:57:41 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:57:42 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:57:42 - Iteration took 20ms
[F] 11:57:42 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:57:42 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:57:42 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:57:42 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:57:42 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:57:42 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:57:43 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:57:43 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:57:43 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:57:43 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:57:43 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:57:43 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:57:43 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:57:44 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:57:44 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:57:44 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:57:44 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:57:44 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:57:44 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:57:44 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:57:45 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:57:45 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:57:45 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:57:45 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:57:45 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:57:45 - Iteration took 43ms
[F] 11:57:45 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:57:45 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:57:46 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:57:46 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:57:46 - Iteration took 33ms
[F] 11:57:46 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:57:46 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:57:46 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:57:46 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:57:47 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:57:47 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:57:47 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:57:47 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:57:47 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:57:47 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:57:47 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:57:48 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:57:48 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:57:48 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:57:48 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:57:48 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:57:48 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:57:48 - Iteration took 21ms
[F] 11:57:49 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:57:49 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:57:49 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:57:49 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:57:49 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:57:49 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:57:49 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:57:49 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:57:50 - Iteration took 102ms
[F] 11:57:50 - Iteration took 23ms
[F] 11:57:50 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:57:50 - Iteration took 30ms
[D] 11:57:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:50 - Iteration took 105ms
[D] 11:57:50 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:50 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:57:51 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:57:51 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:57:51 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:57:51 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:57:51 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:57:51 - Iteration took 37ms
[F] 11:57:51 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:57:52 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:57:52 - Iteration took 40ms
[F] 11:57:52 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:57:52 - Iteration took 56ms
[D] 11:57:52 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:52 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:57:52 - Iteration took 65ms
[F] 11:57:52 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:57:53 - Iteration took 51ms
[F] 11:57:53 - Iteration took 75ms
[F] 11:57:53 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:57:53 - Iteration took 73ms
[F] 11:57:53 - Iteration took 90ms
[F] 11:57:53 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:57:54 - Iteration took 58ms
[D] 11:57:54 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:54 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:57:54 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:57:54 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:57:54 - Iteration took 158ms
[F] 11:57:55 - Iteration took 134ms
[F] 11:57:55 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:57:55 - Iteration took 126ms
[F] 11:57:55 - Iteration took 128ms
[D] 11:57:55 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:55 - Iteration took 63ms
[F] 11:57:56 - Iteration took 88ms
[F] 11:57:56 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:57:56 - Iteration took 146ms
[F] 11:57:56 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:57:56 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:57:57 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:57:57 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:57:57 - Iteration took 26ms
[F] 11:57:57 - Iteration took 62ms
[F] 11:57:57 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:57:57 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:57:57 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:57:57 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:57:58 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:57:58 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:57:58 - Iteration took 114ms
[D] 11:57:58 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:57:58 - Iteration took 66ms
[F] 11:57:58 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:57:59 - Iteration took 77ms
[F] 11:57:59 - Iteration took 69ms
[F] 11:57:59 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:57:59 - Iteration took 35ms
[F] 11:57:59 - Iteration took 121ms
[F] 11:57:59 - Iteration took 36ms
[F] 11:58:00 - Iteration took 54ms
[F] 11:58:00 - Iteration took 49ms
[F] 11:58:00 - Iteration took 117ms
[F] 11:58:00 - Iteration took 113ms
[F] 11:58:00 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:58:01 - Iteration took 147ms
[D] 11:58:01 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:58:01 - Iteration took 99ms
[F] 11:58:01 - Iteration took 218ms
[F] 11:58:01 - Iteration took 86ms
[F] 11:58:02 - Iteration took 169ms
[F] 11:58:02 - Iteration took 78ms
[F] 11:58:02 - Iteration took 64ms
[F] 11:58:02 - Iteration took 286ms
[F] 11:58:03 - Iteration took 85ms
[F] 11:58:03 - Iteration took 395ms
[D] 11:58:03 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:58:03 - Iteration took 85ms
[F] 11:58:04 - Iteration took 335ms
[F] 11:58:04 - Iteration took 74ms
[F] 11:58:04 - Iteration took 405ms
[F] 11:58:05 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:58:05 - Iteration took 141ms
[F] 11:58:05 - Iteration took 53ms
[F] 11:58:05 - Iteration took 81ms
[F] 11:58:05 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:58:06 - Iteration took 133ms
[D] 11:58:06 - successfully casted: Fire Blast
[F] 11:58:06 - Iteration took 58ms
[F] 11:58:06 - Iteration took 35ms
11:58:08 - [Regen] Started
11:58:10 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Muffin
11:58:11 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Fresh Water
11:58:23 - [Regen] Finished
11:58:23 - [Fight] Player Attack Greater Plainstrider (lvl 12)
[F] 11:58:23 - Iteration took 24ms
[F] 11:58:23 - Iteration took 15ms
[F] 11:58:24 - Iteration took 10ms
[F] 11:58:24 - Iteration took 17ms
[F] 11:58:24 - Iteration took 22ms
[F] 11:58:24 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:58:24 - Iteration took 42ms
[D] 11:58:24 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:58:24 - Iteration took 102ms
[D] 11:58:24 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:58:24 - Iteration took 48ms
[F] 11:58:25 - Iteration took 41ms
[F] 11:58:25 - Iteration took 30ms
[F] 11:58:25 - Iteration took 25ms
[F] 11:58:25 - Iteration took 47ms
[F] 11:58:25 - Iteration took 32ms
[F] 11:58:25 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:58:25 - Iteration took 28ms
[F] 11:58:26 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:58:26 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:58:26 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:58:26 - Iteration took 38ms
[D] 11:58:26 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:58:26 - Iteration took 39ms
[F] 11:58:26 - Iteration took 46ms
[F] 11:58:26 - Iteration took 31ms
[F] 11:58:26 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:58:27 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:58:27 - Iteration took 27ms
[F] 11:58:27 - Iteration took 45ms
[F] 11:58:27 - Iteration took 34ms
[F] 11:58:27 - Iteration took 42ms
[F] 11:58:27 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:58:27 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:58:28 - Iteration took 40ms
[D] 11:58:28 - successfully casted: Frostbolt
[F] 11:58:28 - Iteration took 44ms
[F] 11:58:28 - Iteration took 60ms
[F] 11:58:28 - Iteration took 29ms
[F] 11:58:28 - Iteration took 38ms
11:58:28 - [CombatLooter] Stopped.
11:58:28 - [TbcTrainLevel] Stoped.
11:58:28 - [StopTappedAttack] Stopped
11:58:28 - [Quester] Stopped
11:58:29 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:18m:17s
XP/HR: 12273 - 8 min
Kills: 8 (26/hr)
Deaths: 2 (6/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 1 (3/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)
Honor/HR: 0 (0)