[D] 15:11:25.385 - [Info] Log file created: 14 Jan 2018 15H11.log.html
[D] 15:11:25.379 - [Info] WRobot Version: 1.8.4 (28982) for wow: 1.12.1_5875
[D] 15:11:25.385 - [Info] Offical website: https://wrobot.eu/
[D] 15:11:25.385 - [Info] Operating System Details: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
[D] 15:11:25.388 - [Info] Lang: English (United States)
[F] 15:11:25.550 - [Memory] D3D9 found: 6A 18 B8 A 61 C3 6A E8 25 C2
[F] 15:11:25.572 - [Memory] D3D11 found: 8B FF 55 8B EC 83 E4 F8 83 EC
[D] 15:11:25.578 - [Memory] D3D9 used
[D] 15:11:30.978 - [Blacklist] Added, 6 uniques Npcs, 27 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
15:11:31.131 - [Memory] Select game process: 7624 - Ban...
15:11:32.069 - [Quester] Loaded
[F] 15:11:32.073 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Quester ; CustomClass = pally_C.cs ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = True ; FoodMaxPercent = 91 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 68 ; SellQuickly = False ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1600 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 12000 ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 10 ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = True ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; UseCTM = False ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = HumanMasterPlugin.dll = False ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = False ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = Holy Light ; FoodPercent = 55 ; DrinkName = Sweet Nectar ; DrinkPercent = 20 ; RestingMana = True ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = False ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = False ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 2 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = True ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 60 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 3 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = True ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Hearthstone, Refreshing Spring Water, Darnassian Bleu, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Melon Juice, Sweet Nectar, Moonberry Juice, Morning Glory Dew, Morning Glory Dew ; ForceSellList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Hearthstone, Refreshing Spring Water, Darnassian Bleu ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = False ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 99999 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = True ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = True ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1.5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1.5 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1.7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 500 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ;
[D] 15:11:32.083 - [Blacklist] Added, 6 uniques Npcs, 27 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 15:11:32.096 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Quester ; CustomClass = pally_C.cs ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = True ; FoodMaxPercent = 91 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 68 ; SellQuickly = False ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1600 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 12000 ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 10 ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = True ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; UseCTM = False ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = HumanMasterPlugin.dll = False ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = False ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = Holy Light ; FoodPercent = 55 ; DrinkName = Sweet Nectar ; DrinkPercent = 20 ; RestingMana = True ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = False ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = False ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 2 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = True ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 60 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 3 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = True ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Hearthstone, Refreshing Spring Water, Darnassian Bleu, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Melon Juice, Sweet Nectar, Moonberry Juice, Morning Glory Dew, Morning Glory Dew ; ForceSellList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Hearthstone, Refreshing Spring Water, Darnassian Bleu ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = False ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 99999 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = True ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = True ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1.5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1.5 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1.7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 500 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ;
[F] 15:11:32.097 - WRobotFileName = ; FullWowPath = D:\Lights Hope (WoW)\World of Warcraft-Classic\WoW.exe ; MaxFPS = 50 ; MaxLuaMemoryUsage = 37000 ; UseShortcuts = True ; WindowName = ; TopMost = False ; Remote = False ; SizeWidth = 923 ; SizeHeight = 450 ; ToTrayBar = False ; MeShow = True ; TargetShow = True ; PathShow = True ; BlacklistShow = True ; NpcShow = False ; PlayersShow = False ; ObjectsShow = False ; LowFps = True ; LowQuality = True ; ByName = ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerGlobalSetting ; FilePath = C:\Users\Kyle\Desktop\wow bot\WRobot\Settings\WRobotGlobalSetting.xml ;
[F] 15:11:32.097 - InstallDateTime = 1/10/2018 1:23:43 AM ; ShowMs = True ; normalCb = True ; fightCb = True ; navigatorCb = True ; debugCb = True ; ErrorCb = True ; SendErrorCb = False ; CurrentSetting = robotManager.robotManagerGlobalSetting ; FilePath = C:\Users\Kyle\Desktop\wow bot\WRobot\Settings\RobotManagerGlobalSetting.xml ;
[D] 15:11:32.098 - [Info] Wow Version: 5875
[D] 15:11:32.098 - [Info] Player found: True
[D] 15:11:32.116 - [Info] Wow Addons:
15:11:32.121 - [SpellManager] Initializing SpellBook - (Wait few seconds)
15:11:32.122 - [SpellManager] Initialize SpellBook Finished (55 spell found)
[D] 15:11:32.123 - [SpellManager] List of id found in spellbook:
Attack (6603)
Block (107)
Diplomacy (20599)
Dodge (81)
Mace Specialization (20864)
Parry (3127)
Perception (20600)
Sword Specialization (20597)
The Human Spirit (20598)
Blessing of Wisdom (19742)
Blessing of Wisdom (19850)
Exorcism (879)
Exorcism (5614)
Flash of Light (19750)
Flash of Light (19939)
Holy Light (635)
Holy Light (639)
Holy Light (647)
Holy Light (1026)
Holy Light (1042)
Lay on Hands (633)
Lay on Hands (2800)
Purify (1152)
Redemption (7328)
Redemption (10322)
Seal of Light (20165)
Seal of Righteousness (21084)
Seal of Righteousness (20287)
Seal of Righteousness (20288)
Seal of Righteousness (20289)
Turn Undead (2878)
Blessing of Freedom (1044)
Blessing of Protection (1022)
Blessing of Protection (5599)
Blessing of Salvation (1038)
Concentration Aura (19746)
Devotion Aura (10291)
Divine Protection (498)
Divine Protection (5573)
Hammer of Justice (853)
Hammer of Justice (5588)
Righteous Fury (25780)
Seal of Justice (20164)
Shadow Resistance Aura (19876)
Blessing of Might (19740)
Blessing of Might (19834)
Blessing of Might (19835)
Judgement (20271)
Retribution Aura (10298)
Sanctity Aura (20218)
Seal of Command (20375)
Seal of Command (20915)
Seal of the Crusader (21082)
Seal of the Crusader (20162)
Seal of the Crusader (20305)

15:11:32.125 - [SpellManager] Please wait, loading spellbook...
15:11:32.272 - [SpellManager] Spellbook loaded.
[D] 15:11:32.366 - [Keybindings]
Sit / Stand: X
Backward: S
Forward: W
Strafe Left: Q
Strafe Right: E

[F] 15:12:19.496 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Quester ; CustomClass = pally_C.cs ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = True ; FoodMaxPercent = 91 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 68 ; SellQuickly = False ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1600 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 12000 ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 10 ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = True ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; UseCTM = False ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = HumanMasterPlugin.dll = False ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = False ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = Holy Light ; FoodPercent = 55 ; DrinkName = Sweet Nectar ; DrinkPercent = 20 ; RestingMana = True ; FoodIsSpell = True ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = False ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = False ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 2 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = True ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 60 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 3 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = True ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Hearthstone, Refreshing Spring Water, Darnassian Bleu, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Melon Juice, Sweet Nectar, Moonberry Juice, Morning Glory Dew, Morning Glory Dew ; ForceSellList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Hearthstone, Refreshing Spring Water, Darnassian Bleu ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = False ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 99999 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = True ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = True ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1.5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1.5 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1.7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 500 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ;
[D] 15:12:19.497 - [Blacklist] Added, 6 uniques Npcs, 27 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 15:12:21.839 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Quester ; CustomClass = pally_C.cs ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = True ; FoodMaxPercent = 91 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 68 ; SellQuickly = False ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1600 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 12000 ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 10 ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = True ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; UseCTM = False ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = HumanMasterPlugin.dll = True ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = False ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = Holy Light ; FoodPercent = 55 ; DrinkName = Sweet Nectar ; DrinkPercent = 20 ; RestingMana = True ; FoodIsSpell = True ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = False ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = False ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 2 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = True ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 60 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 3 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = True ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Hearthstone, Refreshing Spring Water, Darnassian Bleu, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Melon Juice, Sweet Nectar, Moonberry Juice, Morning Glory Dew, Morning Glory Dew ; ForceSellList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Hearthstone, Refreshing Spring Water, Darnassian Bleu ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = False ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 99999 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = True ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = True ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1.5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1.5 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1.7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 500 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ;
[D] 15:12:21.840 - [Blacklist] Added, 6 uniques Npcs, 27 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
15:12:27.090 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stopped.
[F] 15:12:28.768 - ProfileName = Vanilla\Alliance25-60.xml ; BlackListWhereIAmDead = False ; SaveModifiedGeneralSettings = False ; SkipPickUpQuestAfterXSecondes = 120 ; ProfilesUserSettings = ; CurrentSetting = Quester.Bot.QuesterSetting ;
[D] 15:12:29.310 - [Quester] Create instance of : HinterlandsHiriWatha
[D] 15:12:29.310 - [Quester] Create instance of : Hinterlandsmid
[D] 15:12:29.311 - [Quester] Create instance of : Hinterlansthermid
[D] 15:12:29.311 - [Quester] Create instance of : HinterlandsEnd
[D] 15:12:29.312 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arathistart
[D] 15:12:29.312 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arathimid
[D] 15:12:29.313 - [Quester] Create instance of : Arathiend
[D] 15:12:29.313 - [Quester] Create instance of : WetlandsRaptors
[D] 15:12:29.314 - [Quester] Create instance of : Wetlandsblackchannel
[D] 15:12:29.315 - [Quester] Create instance of : WetlandsGreenbelt
[D] 15:12:29.316 - [Quester] Create instance of : BadlandsCampKosh
[D] 15:12:29.317 - [Quester] Create instance of : Badlandsmirageflats
[D] 15:12:29.317 - [Quester] Create instance of : WPLSorrowhill
[D] 15:12:29.318 - [Quester] Create instance of : WPLBulwark
[D] 15:12:29.318 - [Quester] Create instance of : WPLDalsons
[D] 15:12:29.319 - [Quester] Create instance of : WPLWeepingCave
[D] 15:12:29.320 - [Quester] Create instance of : EPLMarrisStead
[D] 15:12:29.321 - [Quester] Create instance of : EPLMereldar
[D] 15:12:29.321 - [Quester] Create instance of : EPLBlackwoodLake
[F] 15:12:29.379 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Kyle\Desktop\wow bot\WRobot\FightClass\pally_C.cs
[D] 15:12:29.683 - [Spell] Blessing of Wisdom (Id found: 19850, Name found: Blessing of Wisdom, NameInGame found: Blessing of Wisdom, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 15:12:29.684 - [Spell] Blessing of Might (Id found: 19835, Name found: Blessing of Might, NameInGame found: Blessing of Might, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 15:12:29.684 - [Spell] Devotion Aura (Id found: 10291, Name found: Devotion Aura, NameInGame found: Devotion Aura, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 15:12:29.685 - [Spell] Retribution Aura (Id found: 10298, Name found: Retribution Aura, NameInGame found: Retribution Aura, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 15:12:29.685 - [Spell] Flash of Light (Id found: 19939, Name found: Flash of Light, NameInGame found: Flash of Light, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 15:12:29.685 - [Spell] Purify (Id found: 1152, Name found: Purify, NameInGame found: Purify, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 15:12:29.686 - [Spell] Seal of the Crusader (Id found: 20305, Name found: Seal of the Crusader, NameInGame found: Seal of the Crusader, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 15:12:29.686 - [Spell] Holy Light (Id found: 1042, Name found: Holy Light, NameInGame found: Holy Light, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 15:12:29.686 - [Spell] Seal of Righteousness (Id found: 20289, Name found: Seal of Righteousness, NameInGame found: Seal of Righteousness, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 15:12:29.687 - [Spell] Judgement (Id found: 20271, Name found: Judgement, NameInGame found: Judgement, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 15:12:29.687 - [Spell] Seal of Command (Id found: 20915, Name found: Seal of Command, NameInGame found: Seal of Command, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 15:12:29.688 - [Spell] Holy Shock (Id found: 25914, Name found: Holy Shock, NameInGame found: Holy Shock, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 15:12:29.689 - [Spell] Consecration (Id found: 26574, Name found: Consecration, NameInGame found: Consecration, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 15:12:29.689 - [Spell] Hammer of Wrath (Id found: 24278, Name found: Hammer of Wrath, NameInGame found: Hammer of Wrath, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 15:12:29.690 - [Spell] Exorcism (Id found: 5614, Name found: Exorcism, NameInGame found: Exorcism, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 15:12:29.690 - [Spell] Divine Protection (Id found: 5573, Name found: Divine Protection, NameInGame found: Divine Protection, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 15:12:29.690 - [Spell] Divine Shield (Id found: 13874, Name found: Divine Shield, NameInGame found: Divine Shield, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 15:12:29.691 - [Spell] Lay on Hands (Id found: 2800, Name found: Lay on Hands, NameInGame found: Lay on Hands, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
15:12:29.691 - Pally FC Is initialized.
15:12:29.692 - pally FC started.
15:12:29.714 - [Quester] Started
15:12:29.736 - [Resurrect] Player dead
15:12:30.442 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Started.
[N] 15:12:34.750 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472.29 ; -2617.96 ; 49.2765 ; "None" to -1794.399 ; -2295.28 ; 35.36152 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:12:35.551 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (637.7617y)
[D] 15:13:43.481 - [Resurrect] 1 hostile(s) npc(s) near character, try to found best location to retrieve corpse.
[N] 15:13:43.552 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: -1806.166 ; -2316.198 ; 35.36152 ; "None" strict = True
[N] 15:13:44.195 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 32.97383
[N] 15:13:44.197 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1828.461 ; -2314.038 ; 40.6189 ; "None" to -1806.166 ; -2316.198 ; 32.97383 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:13:44.636 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (23.66884y)
[F] 15:13:47.953 - [Spell] Cast Retribution Aura (Retribution Aura)
15:13:48.085 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
[D] 15:13:48.143 - [FightPetBattle] Cannot load pet battle fight class, use default.
[D] 15:13:48.154 - [Spell] spellName=Battle Pet Training => Failed
15:13:48.255 - [Regen] Started
[F] 15:13:48.454 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[F] 15:13:48.988 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:13:49.303 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
15:13:50.154 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
15:14:02.572 - [Regen] Finished
[F] 15:14:02.617 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[D] 15:14:02.788 - [Mount] No ground mount selected.
[D] 15:14:02.788 - [Mount] No aquatic mount selected.
[D] 15:14:02.788 - [Mount] No flying mount selected.
15:14:03.905 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
[D] 15:14:03.921 - [Quester] New step (3): Arathistart>Pulse
[N] 15:14:03.931 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1325.203 ; -2384.727 ; 66.97935 ; "None" to -1206.844 ; -2342.629 ; 60.18719 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:14:04.384 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (125.8064y)
[N] 15:14:04.384 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1206.844 ; -2342.629 ; 60.18719 ; "None" to -1120.009 ; -2313.252 ; 52.48941 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:14:04.801 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (91.99223y)
[N] 15:14:04.801 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1120.009 ; -2313.252 ; 52.48941 ; "None" to -1024.094 ; -2348.355 ; 47.65934 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:14:05.223 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (102.2509y)
[N] 15:14:05.224 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1024.094 ; -2348.355 ; 47.65934 ; "None" to -1007.781 ; -2415.368 ; 53.00037 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:14:05.646 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (69.1764y)
[N] 15:14:05.646 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1007.781 ; -2415.368 ; 53.00037 ; "None" to -1076.378 ; -2469.338 ; 52.4601 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[F] 15:14:05.770 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[N] 15:14:06.071 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (87.28461y)
[N] 15:14:06.071 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1076.378 ; -2469.338 ; 52.4601 ; "None" to -1325.203 ; -2384.727 ; 66.97935 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[F] 15:14:06.372 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[N] 15:14:06.581 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (264.2715y)
15:14:06.598 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:14:06.840 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:14:07.306 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:14:07.939 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:14:08.556 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:14:08.590 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:14:08.952 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:14:09.140 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:14:09.624 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:14:35.501 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:14:35.895 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:14:37.184 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:14:37.867 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:14:38.419 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:14:38.836 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:14:39.352 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:14:39.986 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:14:40.471 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:14:41.038 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:14:41.605 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:14:41.887 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:14:42.211 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:14:42.389 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:14:43.006 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:14:43.273 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:14:43.757 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:14:44.025 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:14:44.575 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:14:44.842 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:15:02.310 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:15:02.510 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:15:03.361 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:15:04.378 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:15:10.185 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:15:10.517 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:15:10.886 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:15:11.186 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:15:11.352 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:15:11.736 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:15:20.261 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
15:15:20.722 - [Fight] Player Attack Plains Creeper (lvl 33)
[F] 15:15:20.762 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 15:15:22.145 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:15:22.528 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:15:22.912 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:15:23.262 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:15:23.731 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:15:23.746 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:15:24.086 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Plains Creeper (lvl 33)
[F] 15:15:24.348 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:15:27.302 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 15:15:41.883 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 15:15:44.801 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:15:55.412 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 15:15:55.629 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:15:56.013 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:15:56.345 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:15:56.663 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
15:15:57.221 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
15:15:57.225 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[N] 15:15:57.447 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1829.823 ; -2295.984 ; 45.95598 ; "None" to -1788.151 ; -2298.461 ; 36.27961 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:15:58.064 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (42.85268y)
[F] 15:15:58.784 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:15:59.284 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:15:59.667 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:16:00.134 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:16:00.568 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:16:00.952 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:16:01.134 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:16:01.513 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:16:01.752 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:16:02.053 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:16:02.255 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[D] 15:16:02.255 - [Fight] BlackList Highland Thrasher during 60 sec
15:16:02.391 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:16:02.553 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:16:02.971 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:16:03.156 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:16:31.349 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:16:31.482 - [Regen] Started
[F] 15:16:33.351 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 15:16:34.969 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:16:35.536 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
15:16:38.622 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
15:16:50.575 - [Regen] Finished
15:16:50.962 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:16:51.085 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[N] 15:16:51.469 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1799.532 ; -2297.793 ; 34.1545 ; "None" to -1792.934 ; -2256.556 ; 48.4057 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[F] 15:16:51.785 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[N] 15:16:51.893 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (44.12593y)
[F] 15:16:52.355 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:16:52.836 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:16:53.504 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:16:54.120 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:16:54.688 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:16:55.038 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:16:55.557 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:16:56.106 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:16:56.607 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:16:57.192 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[F] 15:16:57.208 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
15:16:57.586 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:16:57.942 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:17:25.135 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:17:25.370 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:17:28.956 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:17:29.224 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:17:29.424 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:17:33.529 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:17:33.845 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:17:34.227 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:17:34.529 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:17:34.813 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:17:35.279 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:17:35.646 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:17:36.048 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:17:36.215 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
15:17:36.689 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
15:17:36.708 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[N] 15:17:36.831 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1793.545 ; -2259.152 ; 47.24361 ; "None" to -1747.912 ; -2249.109 ; 43.08123 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:17:37.276 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (46.90981y)
[F] 15:17:37.915 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:17:38.301 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:17:38.601 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:17:38.900 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:17:39.300 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:17:39.584 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:17:39.950 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:17:40.234 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:17:40.551 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:17:40.837 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:17:41.170 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:17:41.487 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:17:41.503 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:17:41.880 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:17:42.070 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:17:42.541 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:17:42.854 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:17:43.320 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:17:43.704 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:17:44.088 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:17:44.504 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:12.482 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:18:12.666 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:18:17.053 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:18:17.387 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:21.741 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:18:22.125 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:18:22.326 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:18:22.657 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:18:22.943 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:18:23.242 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:23.542 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:23.844 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:24.194 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:24.528 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:24.811 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:25.210 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:25.512 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:25.845 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:26.246 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:26.529 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:26.846 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:27.146 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:27.431 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:27.746 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:28.065 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:28.381 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:28.832 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:29.131 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:29.416 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:29.766 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
15:18:35.539 - [Regen] Started
15:18:36.672 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
15:18:37.474 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
15:18:50.423 - [Regen] Finished
15:18:50.782 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[N] 15:18:51.003 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1753.081 ; -2249.195 ; 44.2555 ; "None" to -1765.312 ; -2214.218 ; 51.37436 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:18:51.660 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (40.57132y)
[F] 15:18:55.408 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:18:55.741 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:18:56.044 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:18:56.461 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:18:56.977 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:57.393 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:18:57.728 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:19:06.987 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[F] 15:19:23.887 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:19:24.071 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
15:19:25.755 - [Regen] Started
[F] 15:19:26.840 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:19:27.107 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:19:27.340 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
15:19:29.793 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
15:19:32.846 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
15:19:42.544 - [Regen] Finished
15:19:42.821 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
15:19:42.834 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[N] 15:19:42.989 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1759.619 ; -2221.368 ; 50.46389 ; "None" to -1734.613 ; -2194.973 ; 43.96769 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:19:43.412 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (36.93505y)
[F] 15:19:44.092 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:19:44.443 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:19:44.977 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:19:45.360 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:19:45.943 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:19:46.076 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:19:46.437 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:19:46.645 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:19:47.178 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:19:47.630 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:19:47.978 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:20:16.173 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:20:16.256 - [Regen] Started
[F] 15:20:17.808 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 15:20:19.696 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:20:21.728 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
15:20:24.848 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
15:20:26.280 - [Regen] Finished
15:20:26.611 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[N] 15:20:26.817 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1739.334 ; -2199.955 ; 44.77271 ; "None" to -1691.02 ; -2214.023 ; 31.56886 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[F] 15:20:26.834 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[N] 15:20:27.244 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (54.90737y)
[F] 15:20:27.451 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:20:27.834 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:20:28.336 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:20:29.002 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:20:29.436 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:20:29.886 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:20:30.337 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:20:30.905 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:20:31.254 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:20:31.638 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:20:32.156 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:20:32.757 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:20:33.273 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[F] 15:20:33.291 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
15:20:33.668 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:20:33.725 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:21:00.885 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:21:01.102 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:21:01.785 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:21:02.688 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:21:05.406 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:21:08.176 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:21:08.509 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:21:08.893 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:21:09.175 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:21:09.510 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:21:09.911 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:21:10.228 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
15:21:11.488 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[N] 15:21:11.695 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1693.878 ; -2213.422 ; 32.16693 ; "None" to -1674.38 ; -2184.125 ; 26.78549 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:21:12.547 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (35.60093y)
[F] 15:21:13.617 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:21:13.999 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:21:14.382 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:21:14.766 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:21:14.998 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:21:15.376 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:21:15.533 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:21:15.884 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:21:16.317 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:21:16.786 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:21:17.251 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:21:17.668 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:21:17.985 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:21:18.401 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:21:44.844 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
15:21:45.055 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:21:45.427 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:21:45.744 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:21:46.011 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:21:46.328 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:21:46.612 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:21:46.962 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:21:47.429 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:47.813 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:48.097 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:48.464 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:48.748 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:49.080 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:49.466 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:49.748 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:50.102 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:50.399 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:50.732 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:51.200 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:51.484 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:51.818 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:52.102 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:52.485 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:52.785 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:53.119 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:53.419 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:53.702 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:54.086 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:54.370 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:54.653 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:54.938 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:55.320 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:55.604 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:56.037 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:56.422 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:56.722 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:57.138 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:57.441 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:57.723 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:58.073 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:58.356 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:58.640 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:58.924 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:59.308 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:21:59.608 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:22:00.012 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:22:00.392 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:22:00.676 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:22:01.025 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:22:01.311 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:22:01.677 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:22:01.844 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:22:06.466 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
15:22:13.724 - [Regen] Started
15:22:14.940 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
15:22:15.824 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
15:22:32.368 - [Regen] Finished
15:22:32.758 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
15:22:32.769 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:22:32.909 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[N] 15:22:33.024 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1679.279 ; -2191.729 ; 27.88983 ; "None" to -1708.161 ; -2144.774 ; 45.96304 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[F] 15:22:33.408 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[N] 15:22:33.445 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (77.34095y)
[F] 15:22:33.761 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:22:34.193 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:22:34.710 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:22:35.177 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:22:35.811 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:22:36.396 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:22:36.962 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:22:37.464 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:22:38.114 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:22:38.614 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:22:39.098 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:22:39.581 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:22:39.983 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:22:40.481 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:22:40.916 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:22:41.453 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:22:42.018 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:23:10.631 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:23:10.913 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:23:16.470 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 15:23:16.755 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:23:16.920 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:23:17.137 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:23:17.487 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:23:17.803 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:23:18.237 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:23:18.839 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:23:19.323 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:23:19.757 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:23:22.594 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 15:23:22.826 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
15:23:25.172 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Plains Creeper (lvl 32)
[F] 15:23:25.612 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 15:23:25.827 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:23:25.995 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:23:30.515 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:23:30.818 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:23:30.983 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:23:31.301 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:23:53.171 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
15:23:53.573 - [Regen] Started
[F] 15:23:53.871 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:23:54.606 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
15:23:55.407 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
15:24:09.221 - [Regen] Finished
[F] 15:24:09.289 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:24:09.400 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
15:24:09.417 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:24:11.075 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:24:11.794 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[F] 15:24:12.243 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[N] 15:24:12.443 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1700.033 ; -2136.287 ; 39.25603 ; "None" to -1675.968 ; -2123.256 ; 34.56322 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[F] 15:24:12.560 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[N] 15:24:12.867 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (27.76674y)
[F] 15:24:12.895 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:24:13.378 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:24:13.795 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:24:14.295 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:24:14.612 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:24:14.963 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:24:15.514 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:24:46.010 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:24:47.946 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:24:48.629 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:24:48.980 - [Regen] Started
15:24:49.965 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
15:24:53.034 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
15:24:55.969 - [Regen] Finished
[F] 15:24:56.190 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:24:56.379 - [Fight] Player Attack Plains Creeper (lvl 33)
[N] 15:24:58.005 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1682.238 ; -2128.328 ; 35.24025 ; "None" to -1696.061 ; -2083.99 ; 45.51743 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:24:58.434 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (47.56602y)
[F] 15:24:59.054 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:24:59.537 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:24:59.854 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:00.288 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:00.705 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:01.023 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:01.357 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:01.691 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:02.107 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:02.522 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:02.842 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:25:02.924 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:25:03.246 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Plains Creeper (lvl 33)
[F] 15:25:03.460 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:04.042 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:25:08.965 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 15:25:15.539 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 15:25:21.728 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:25:22.396 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:22.695 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:25:23.062 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:23.247 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:25:26.166 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 15:25:29.086 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 15:25:36.577 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:25:36.669 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[N] 15:25:38.427 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1695.981 ; -2091.376 ; 43.7621 ; "None" to -1670.924 ; -2033.338 ; 41.78431 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:25:38.893 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (65.51881y)
[F] 15:25:39.512 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:25:40.063 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:25:40.278 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:40.696 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:41.030 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:41.413 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:41.796 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:42.181 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:42.631 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:42.949 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:43.331 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:43.781 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:44.216 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:44.516 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:44.901 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:45.366 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:25:45.516 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:25:45.862 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:25:46.019 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:46.419 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:25:46.601 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[D] 15:25:46.602 - [Fight] BlackList Highland Thrasher during 60 sec
15:25:46.724 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:25:46.836 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:47.384 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:25:47.808 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:25:48.204 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:26:05.972 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:26:06.190 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:26:06.572 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:26:06.739 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:26:07.491 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:26:08.508 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:26:11.277 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:26:11.796 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:26:12.227 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:26:12.395 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:26:12.745 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:26:12.911 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:26:13.212 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:26:13.379 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:26:13.728 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:26:14.230 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:26:14.563 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:26:14.864 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:26:15.181 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:26:15.647 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:26:15.816 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:26:16.198 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:26:16.481 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:26:16.783 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:26:17.066 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:26:17.469 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:26:17.633 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:26:17.933 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:26:18.300 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:26:18.716 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:26:19.001 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:26:19.351 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:26:19.684 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:26:19.969 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:26:20.352 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:26:20.668 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:26:20.987 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
15:26:21.522 - [Regen] Started
15:26:22.637 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
15:26:23.372 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
15:26:44.246 - [Regen] Finished
15:26:44.557 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
15:26:44.571 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[N] 15:26:44.794 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1674.96 ; -2040.079 ; 42.13981 ; "None" to -1700.359 ; -1990.365 ; 47.54991 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:26:45.372 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (67.04881y)
[F] 15:26:51.901 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:26:52.370 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:26:52.551 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:26:53.251 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:26:53.785 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:27:23.151 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:27:23.435 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:27:27.853 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:27:28.021 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:27:32.541 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:27:32.941 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:27:33.226 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:27:33.679 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:27:34.060 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:27:34.377 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:27:34.693 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:27:34.993 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
15:27:36.339 - [Fight] Player Attack Plains Creeper (lvl 32)
[N] 15:27:36.561 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1686.949 ; -1997.006 ; 48.13813 ; "None" to -1593.116 ; -2045.771 ; 35.33052 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:27:37.010 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (106.5208y)
[F] 15:27:44.705 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:27:45.088 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:27:45.471 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:27:45.789 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:27:46.172 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:27:46.555 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:27:46.856 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:27:47.190 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:27:47.524 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:27:47.940 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:27:48.424 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:27:48.642 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:27:48.962 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Plains Creeper (lvl 32)
[F] 15:27:49.192 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:27:49.510 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:27:49.708 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[D] 15:27:49.709 - [Fight] BlackList Plains Creeper during 60 sec
15:27:49.863 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Plains Creeper (lvl 32)
[F] 15:27:50.027 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
15:28:07.070 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:28:07.977 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:28:08.478 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:08.761 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[N] 15:28:08.951 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 15:28:08.951 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 15:28:08.961 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 15:28:09.045 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:09.446 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:09.779 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:10.162 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:10.446 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:10.831 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:11.264 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:11.549 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:28:11.782 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:28:12.103 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:28:12.266 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:12.549 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:12.832 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:13.116 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:13.450 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:13.899 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:28:14.367 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:28:14.752 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:14.936 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:28:15.219 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:15.518 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:28:15.901 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:38.943 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:28:39.120 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
15:28:39.136 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:28:40.594 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:28:40.978 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:28:41.178 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:41.461 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:41.779 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:42.196 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:42.696 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:43.012 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:43.364 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:43.814 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:44.231 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:28:44.231 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:28:44.609 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:28:44.666 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:45.050 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:45.482 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:28:45.651 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:28:45.950 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:29:03.199 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:29:03.432 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:29:07.870 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:29:08.087 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:29:12.892 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[F] 15:29:13.777 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[F] 15:29:14.010 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:29:14.309 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:29:14.628 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:29:15.095 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:29:15.412 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:29:15.579 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:29:15.861 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:29:16.196 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
15:29:25.605 - [Regen] Started
15:29:26.689 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
15:29:27.572 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
15:29:44.397 - [Regen] Finished
15:29:44.735 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[N] 15:29:44.956 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1554.531 ; -2027.487 ; 32.54775 ; "None" to -1504.238 ; -2037.048 ; 24.79313 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:29:45.550 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (51.77795y)
[F] 15:29:46.310 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:29:46.794 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:29:47.310 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:29:47.728 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:29:48.245 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:29:48.812 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:29:49.328 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:29:49.812 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:29:50.364 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:29:50.830 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:29:51.265 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:30:05.495 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:30:05.762 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:30:10.917 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:30:11.085 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:30:16.275 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:30:16.707 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:30:17.024 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:30:17.290 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:30:17.691 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:30:17.975 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:30:18.275 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:30:26.616 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:30:26.784 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:30:34.025 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:30:34.390 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:30:34.560 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:30:34.959 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:30:35.241 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:30:35.544 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:30:36.042 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:30:40.363 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:40.648 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:40.966 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:41.315 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:41.599 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:41.998 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:42.299 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:42.634 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:42.966 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:43.250 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:43.533 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:43.867 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:44.251 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:44.533 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:44.869 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:45.035 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
15:30:45.913 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:30:46.437 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:46.619 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:30:47.121 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:47.286 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:30:47.587 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:47.771 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:30:48.238 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:48.422 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:30:48.722 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:48.989 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:30:49.272 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:49.540 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:30:49.822 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:50.089 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:30:50.373 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:50.639 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:30:50.924 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:51.124 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:30:51.408 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:51.576 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:30:51.875 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:52.042 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:30:52.508 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:52.676 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:30:53.026 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:53.195 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:30:53.492 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:53.693 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:30:53.977 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:30:54.243 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[D] 15:30:54.573 - [Fight] Fight stopped
[F] 15:30:54.586 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
15:30:54.622 - [Resurrect] Player dead
15:30:54.729 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Died, set new timestamp for last death
[F] 15:30:54.795 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[N] 15:31:00.982 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472.289 ; -2617.959 ; 49.27652 ; "None" to -1512.028 ; -2035.511 ; 26.49359 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:31:01.217 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 20 (981.7199y)
[F] 15:32:47.977 - [Spell] Cast Retribution Aura (Retribution Aura)
15:32:48.199 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
15:32:48.253 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:32:48.462 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[F] 15:32:48.763 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[N] 15:32:48.877 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1498.855 ; -1998.814 ; 31.82986 ; "None" to -1488.8 ; -2002.17 ; 30.32457 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[F] 15:32:49.310 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[N] 15:32:49.478 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (36.07357y)
[F] 15:32:49.543 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:32:50.012 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[F] 15:32:50.978 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:32:51.397 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:32:51.698 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:32:52.034 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:32:52.382 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:32:52.648 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:32:52.948 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:32:53.399 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:32:53.748 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:32:54.051 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:32:54.250 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:32:54.567 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:32:54.751 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:32:55.067 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:32:55.268 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:32:56.019 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:32:56.202 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:32:56.972 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:33:02.477 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:33:02.876 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:33:03.176 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:33:03.558 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:33:03.926 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:33:04.226 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:33:04.527 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:33:04.860 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:33:05.228 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:33:05.562 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:33:05.945 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:33:06.361 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:33:06.665 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:33:06.979 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:33:07.295 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:33:07.647 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:33:08.131 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:33:08.431 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:33:08.731 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:33:09.115 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:33:09.465 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:33:09.933 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:33:10.350 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:33:10.533 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:10.933 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:11.235 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:11.566 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:11.851 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:12.168 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:12.452 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:12.769 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:13.185 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:13.485 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:13.786 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:14.152 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:14.622 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:14.922 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:15.207 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:15.603 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:15.906 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:16.238 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:16.538 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:16.839 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:17.322 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:17.605 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:17.774 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:18.090 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:18.310 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:18.608 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:18.776 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:19.130 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:19.327 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:19.625 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:19.807 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:20.176 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:20.359 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:33:20.693 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:20.879 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:33:21.076 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:33:21.460 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:21.661 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:21.960 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:22.229 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:22.529 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:22.745 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:23.061 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:23.330 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:23.646 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:23.879 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:24.179 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:24.429 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:24.713 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:24.896 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:25.197 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:25.447 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:25.748 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:25.930 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:26.317 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:26.498 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:26.815 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:26.983 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:27.447 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:27.617 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:27.917 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:28.100 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:28.499 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:28.684 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:28.985 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:29.168 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:29.568 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:29.818 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:30.120 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:30.335 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:33:30.635 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:30.985 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:31.436 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:31.822 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:32.121 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:32.420 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:32.721 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:33.023 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:33.338 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:33.722 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:34.024 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:34.407 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:34.724 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:35.023 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:35.492 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:35.891 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:36.191 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:36.491 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:36.792 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:33:37.092 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[D] 15:33:37.134 - [Fight] Fight stopped
15:33:37.186 - [Resurrect] Player dead
15:33:37.193 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Died, set new timestamp for last death
[F] 15:33:37.275 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[N] 15:33:43.498 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472.289 ; -2617.959 ; 49.27652 ; "None" to -1495.703 ; -1994.264 ; 32.62503 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:33:43.703 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 18 (936.2783y)
[D] 15:35:24.414 - [Resurrect] 1 hostile(s) npc(s) near character, try to found best location to retrieve corpse.
[N] 15:35:24.480 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: -1505.508 ; -2011.696 ; 32.62503 ; "None" strict = True
[N] 15:35:25.086 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 33.10242
[N] 15:35:25.087 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1457.616 ; -1984.307 ; 36.29549 ; "None" to -1505.508 ; -2011.696 ; 33.10242 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:35:25.529 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (60.0831y)
[F] 15:35:32.893 - [Spell] Cast Retribution Aura (Retribution Aura)
15:35:33.206 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
15:35:33.427 - [Regen] Started
[F] 15:35:33.475 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[F] 15:35:33.976 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:35:34.608 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
15:35:37.679 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
15:35:45.133 - [Regen] Finished
[F] 15:35:45.288 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
15:35:45.472 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
15:35:45.514 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:35:45.885 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[F] 15:35:46.252 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:35:46.737 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:35:47.289 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:35:47.971 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:35:48.306 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:35:48.788 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:35:49.323 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:35:50.023 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:35:50.543 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:36:20.709 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:36:20.910 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:36:25.397 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
15:36:29.410 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[N] 15:36:29.550 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1515.642 ; -1988.192 ; 39.76362 ; "None" to -1488.885 ; -1960.81 ; 51.40311 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:36:29.959 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (40.01546y)
[F] 15:36:32.720 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:36:33.253 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[D] 15:36:33.286 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[F] 15:36:33.435 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
15:36:33.624 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:36:33.820 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:36:34.103 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:36:34.554 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:36:54.360 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:36:54.476 - [Regen] Started
15:36:56.295 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
15:37:02.382 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
15:37:12.843 - [Regen] Finished
15:37:13.235 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:37:13.408 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:37:14.025 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:37:14.610 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:37:14.926 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:37:15.321 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:37:15.576 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:37:16.244 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:37:16.778 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:37:17.063 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:37:17.431 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:37:43.441 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:37:43.602 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
15:37:43.616 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[N] 15:37:45.340 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1485.75 ; -1956.219 ; 53.22434 ; "None" to -1475.244 ; -1988.528 ; 33.76355 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:37:45.773 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (39.15261y)
[F] 15:37:46.259 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:37:46.925 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:37:47.410 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:37:47.925 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:37:48.527 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:37:49.062 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:37:49.677 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[F] 15:37:49.795 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
15:37:50.032 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:37:50.265 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:37:50.462 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:38:07.529 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:38:07.812 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:38:08.530 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:38:09.614 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:38:16.923 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:38:17.238 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:17.638 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:38:18.071 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:38:18.457 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:38:32.855 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:38:32.870 - [HumanMasterPlugin] cancelling regen while in combat
15:38:32.965 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
15:38:33.070 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Canceling combat, because we need to regen
[F] 15:38:34.691 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:38:35.038 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:35.423 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:35.723 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:36.108 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:36.490 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:36.959 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:37.358 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:37.792 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:38.225 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
15:38:38.521 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:38:38.726 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[N] 15:38:38.862 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1476.621 ; -1985.444 ; 35.27681 ; "None" to -1488.231 ; -2035.778 ; 26.11346 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:38:39.394 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (52.46222y)
[F] 15:38:40.479 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:40.930 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:41.548 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:41.848 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:42.231 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:42.564 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:42.965 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:43.267 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:43.582 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:44.066 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:44.502 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:44.967 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:45.318 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:45.618 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:46.019 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:38:46.586 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:38:56.162 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:39:04.084 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:04.403 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:04.752 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:05.169 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:05.555 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:08.089 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:39:08.257 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:39:13.962 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:39:14.211 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:39:14.613 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:14.897 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:15.298 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:15.597 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:15.946 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:16.231 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:16.531 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:16.815 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:17.082 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:39:17.382 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:17.699 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:17.982 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:18.267 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:18.551 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:18.852 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:19.316 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:19.616 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:19.933 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:20.219 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:20.585 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:20.953 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:21.236 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:21.619 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:21.787 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
15:39:22.598 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:39:22.704 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:22.873 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:39:23.404 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:23.640 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:39:23.973 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:24.206 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:39:24.674 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:24.856 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:39:25.241 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:25.408 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:39:25.758 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:25.924 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:39:26.274 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:26.475 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:39:26.759 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:26.927 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:39:27.244 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:27.511 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:39:27.795 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:27.977 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:39:28.261 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:28.527 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:39:28.812 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:29.011 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:39:29.345 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:29.545 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:39:29.845 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:30.112 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:39:30.396 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:30.563 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:39:30.847 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:31.114 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:39:31.513 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:31.681 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:39:32.064 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:32.231 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:39:32.582 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:39:32.767 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:39:33.198 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[D] 15:39:33.426 - [Fight] Fight stopped
15:39:33.476 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 15:39:33.483 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
15:39:33.516 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Died, set new timestamp for last death
[N] 15:39:39.799 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472.289 ; -2617.959 ; 49.27652 ; "None" to -1486.238 ; -2027.137 ; 28.74406 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:39:40.516 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 23 (1048.343y)
[F] 15:41:33.754 - [Spell] Cast Retribution Aura (Retribution Aura)
15:41:34.018 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
15:41:34.238 - [Regen] Started
[F] 15:41:34.304 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[F] 15:41:34.738 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:41:35.271 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
15:41:36.073 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
15:41:48.537 - [Regen] Finished
[F] 15:41:48.586 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:41:48.816 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
15:41:48.829 - [Fight] Player Attack Plains Creeper (lvl 32)
[N] 15:41:50.252 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1460.272 ; -1997.484 ; 29.63719 ; "None" to -1448.912 ; -2047.19 ; 17.80617 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:41:50.860 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (52.34165y)
[F] 15:41:51.256 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:41:52.088 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[F] 15:41:52.304 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:41:53.190 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[F] 15:41:53.591 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:41:53.940 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:41:54.441 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:41:54.942 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:41:55.541 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:41:56.033 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:41:56.575 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:41:56.825 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:41:57.205 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Plains Creeper (lvl 32)
[F] 15:41:57.377 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:41:57.877 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:41:57.948 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[D] 15:41:57.948 - [Fight] BlackList Plains Creeper during 60 sec
15:41:58.116 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Plains Creeper (lvl 32)
[F] 15:41:58.464 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:42:03.249 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 15:42:25.872 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:42:26.033 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[N] 15:42:27.590 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1445.469 ; -2047.355 ; 17.10443 ; "None" to -1501.961 ; -2036.441 ; 24.8707 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:42:28.006 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (58.05842y)
[F] 15:42:28.674 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:42:29.108 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:42:29.507 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:42:29.994 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:42:30.309 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:42:30.726 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:42:31.127 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:42:31.460 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:42:31.894 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:42:32.211 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:42:32.628 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:42:33.112 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:42:33.445 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:42:33.779 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[F] 15:42:33.800 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
15:42:34.157 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:42:34.413 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:42:35.097 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:42:35.685 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:42:51.747 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:42:52.014 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:43:06.082 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
15:43:14.223 - [Regen] Started
[F] 15:43:14.390 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 15:43:16.075 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:43:18.277 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
15:43:21.297 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
15:43:30.244 - [Regen] Finished
15:43:30.605 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
15:43:30.617 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[N] 15:43:30.856 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1499.132 ; -2040.607 ; 23.76556 ; "None" to -1550.743 ; -2022.424 ; 31.50354 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[F] 15:43:30.892 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[N] 15:43:31.269 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (55.26522y)
[F] 15:43:31.408 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:43:31.857 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:43:32.474 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:43:32.942 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:43:33.426 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:43:33.825 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:43:34.258 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:43:34.795 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:43:35.211 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:43:35.814 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:43:36.313 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:43:36.347 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:43:36.757 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:43:36.997 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:43:37.548 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:43:37.747 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:44:08.343 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:44:09.326 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
15:44:09.762 - [Regen] Started
[F] 15:44:09.827 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:44:10.814 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
15:44:22.023 - [Regen] Finished
15:44:22.234 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[N] 15:44:22.391 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1541.374 ; -2026.125 ; 29.42171 ; "None" to -1581.017 ; -2025.961 ; 33.31241 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[F] 15:44:22.426 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:44:23.040 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[N] 15:44:23.077 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (39.83399y)
[F] 15:44:23.759 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:44:24.226 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:44:24.641 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:44:25.060 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:44:25.562 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:44:26.010 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:44:26.042 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:44:26.423 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:44:26.711 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:44:27.294 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:44:27.998 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
15:44:45.993 - [Fight] Player Attack Plains Creeper (lvl 33)
[F] 15:44:46.940 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:44:47.650 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:44:48.101 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:44:48.517 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:44:48.861 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Plains Creeper (lvl 33)
[F] 15:44:48.936 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:44:49.506 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:44:49.601 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[D] 15:44:49.602 - [Fight] BlackList Plains Creeper during 60 sec
15:44:49.755 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Plains Creeper (lvl 33)
[F] 15:44:50.036 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:44:56.696 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 15:45:00.584 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 15:45:05.433 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 15:45:08.520 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 15:45:18.379 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 15:45:21.215 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 15:45:21.482 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:45:23.884 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:45:24.134 - [Regen] Started
15:45:25.953 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
15:45:29.090 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
15:45:38.044 - [Regen] Finished
15:45:38.525 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
15:45:38.542 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:45:38.615 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[N] 15:45:38.749 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1586.627 ; -2035.541 ; 35.72137 ; "None" to -1619.986 ; -2101.274 ; 32.35664 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:45:38.950 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (73.78986y)
[F] 15:45:39.166 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:45:39.767 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:45:40.350 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:45:40.801 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:45:41.220 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:45:41.635 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:45:42.186 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:45:42.720 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:45:43.104 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:45:43.553 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:45:44.104 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:45:44.624 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:45:45.072 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:45:45.506 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:45:45.772 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:45:46.151 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:45:46.223 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:45:46.724 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:45:47.308 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:45:47.575 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:46:10.398 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:46:10.747 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:46:11.531 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:46:12.717 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:46:17.956 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:46:18.372 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:46:18.772 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:46:19.173 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:46:19.607 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:46:19.974 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:46:20.390 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:46:20.574 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:46:20.992 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:46:21.309 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
15:46:23.371 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[N] 15:46:23.594 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1613.658 ; -2089.834 ; 33.22491 ; "None" to -1672.38 ; -2116.464 ; 34.6968 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:46:24.007 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (64.49505y)
[F] 15:46:27.198 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:46:27.731 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:46:28.065 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:46:28.448 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:46:28.799 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:46:29.131 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:46:29.616 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:46:29.933 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:46:30.401 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:46:30.799 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[F] 15:46:30.867 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
15:46:31.179 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:46:31.333 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:46:31.635 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:46:32.052 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:46:32.453 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:46:54.258 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
15:46:59.715 - [Regen] Started
[F] 15:46:59.732 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:47:02.301 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
15:47:05.452 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
15:47:18.163 - [Regen] Finished
15:47:18.565 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
15:47:18.576 - [Fight] Player Attack Plains Creeper (lvl 33)
[N] 15:47:18.733 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1667.778 ; -2118.472 ; 33.62971 ; "None" to -1699.353 ; -2089.934 ; 45.61724 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[F] 15:47:18.849 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[N] 15:47:19.160 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (44.21646y)
[F] 15:47:19.365 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:47:19.932 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:47:20.284 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:47:20.767 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:47:21.367 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:47:21.803 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:47:22.384 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:47:22.818 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:47:23.252 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:47:23.591 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Plains Creeper (lvl 33)
[F] 15:47:23.769 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:47:24.438 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:47:41.222 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
15:47:52.760 - [Fight] Player Attack Plains Creeper (lvl 32)
[N] 15:47:52.900 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1690.87 ; -2093.265 ; 42.0388 ; "None" to -1726.157 ; -2125.607 ; 44.45721 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:47:53.315 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (47.92708y)
[F] 15:47:54.835 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:47:55.318 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:47:55.636 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:47:56.071 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:47:56.404 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:47:56.721 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:47:57.305 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:47:57.488 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:47:57.849 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Plains Creeper (lvl 32)
[F] 15:47:57.988 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:47:58.507 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:47:59.022 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:48:21.560 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:48:21.830 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:48:26.701 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:48:31.323 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:48:34.258 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 15:48:34.575 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:48:34.893 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:48:35.359 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:48:35.542 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:48:35.944 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
15:48:36.504 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:48:37.512 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:48:37.895 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:48:38.246 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:48:38.530 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:48:38.813 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:48:39.181 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:48:39.498 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:48:39.781 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:48:40.147 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:48:40.514 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:48:40.814 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:48:41.249 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:48:41.565 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:48:41.849 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:48:42.234 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:48:42.517 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:48:42.801 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:48:43.101 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:48:43.470 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:48:43.718 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:48:44.185 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:48:50.676 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:48:50.976 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:48:51.260 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:48:51.558 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:48:51.843 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:48:52.228 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:48:52.510 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:48:52.877 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:48:53.161 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:48:53.478 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:48:53.862 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:48:54.145 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:48:54.546 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:48:54.864 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:48:55.147 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:48:55.497 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:48:55.814 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:48:56.196 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:48:56.480 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:48:56.882 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:48:57.199 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:48:57.516 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:48:57.983 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
15:48:58.566 - [Regen] Started
15:48:59.534 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
15:49:03.439 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
15:49:24.081 - [Regen] Finished
15:49:24.420 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
15:49:24.436 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:49:24.643 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[N] 15:49:24.709 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1719.455 ; -2119.244 ; 44.32695 ; "None" to -1692.162 ; -2165.183 ; 32.79752 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:49:25.132 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (59.32798y)
[F] 15:49:25.193 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:49:25.811 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:49:26.411 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:49:26.778 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:49:27.228 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:49:27.579 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:49:27.879 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:49:28.329 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:49:28.730 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:49:29.130 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:49:29.631 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:49:30.098 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:49:30.432 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:49:30.881 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:49:31.298 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[F] 15:49:31.316 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
15:49:31.643 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:49:31.816 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:49:32.451 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:50:03.147 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:50:09.169 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:50:09.438 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:50:14.075 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:50:14.293 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
15:50:18.590 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:50:19.630 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:50:20.081 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:50:20.315 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:50:20.633 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:50:21.032 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:50:21.365 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:50:21.750 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:50:22.151 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:50:22.668 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:50:23.283 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:50:53.013 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:50:56.099 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:50:56.301 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:51:00.822 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:51:05.158 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:51:05.610 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:51:05.944 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:51:06.226 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
15:51:07.062 - [Regen] Started
15:51:08.211 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
15:51:17.928 - [Regen] Finished
15:51:18.252 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
15:51:18.267 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[N] 15:51:18.437 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1678.009 ; -2174.13 ; 28.61908 ; "None" to -1688.896 ; -2216.264 ; 31.14253 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:51:19.206 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (43.59104y)
[F] 15:51:19.874 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:51:20.325 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:51:20.859 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:51:21.309 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:51:21.958 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:51:22.376 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:51:22.772 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:51:22.944 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:51:23.428 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:51:24.163 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:51:49.456 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:51:49.598 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:51:51.174 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[N] 15:51:51.671 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1687.04 ; -2204.276 ; 30.0877 ; "None" to -1733.664 ; -2185.689 ; 44.07862 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[F] 15:51:51.771 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[N] 15:51:52.099 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (52.83634y)
[F] 15:51:52.238 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:51:52.740 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:51:53.257 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:51:53.723 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:51:54.391 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:51:55.126 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[F] 15:51:55.745 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:51:56.326 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:51:56.793 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:51:57.427 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:51:57.978 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[F] 15:51:58.030 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:51:58.247 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
15:51:58.334 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:51:58.613 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:52:18.385 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:52:18.785 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:52:19.602 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:52:20.521 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:52:23.489 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:52:26.358 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:52:26.843 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:52:27.127 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:52:27.527 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:52:28.011 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:52:28.510 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
15:52:29.705 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[N] 15:52:29.895 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1728.558 ; -2187.388 ; 42.03498 ; "None" to -1765.725 ; -2210.365 ; 51.66907 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:52:30.318 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (44.74507y)
[F] 15:52:31.061 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:52:31.713 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:52:32.064 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:52:32.530 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:52:33.081 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:52:33.517 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:52:33.915 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:52:34.465 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:52:34.900 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:52:35.250 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[F] 15:52:35.399 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
15:52:35.655 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:52:35.884 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:52:36.318 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:52:36.836 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:52:37.171 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:52:37.637 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:52:37.989 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:52:38.521 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:53:08.152 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:53:08.702 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:53:11.805 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:53:11.938 - [Regen] Started
15:53:13.808 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
15:53:16.959 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
15:53:28.244 - [Regen] Finished
15:53:28.581 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
15:53:28.597 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[N] 15:53:28.741 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1761.257 ; -2210.948 ; 49.68013 ; "None" to -1744.653 ; -2247.838 ; 42.98565 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[F] 15:53:28.806 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[N] 15:53:29.159 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (41.00494y)
[F] 15:53:29.321 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:53:30.037 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:53:30.856 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:53:31.389 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:53:31.890 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:53:32.324 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:53:32.742 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:53:33.359 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:53:33.693 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:53:34.064 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 15:53:34.127 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:54:04.407 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:54:06.492 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
15:54:06.893 - [Regen] Started
[F] 15:54:07.141 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:54:08.010 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
15:54:11.146 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
15:54:15.670 - [Regen] Finished
[F] 15:54:15.884 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:54:16.079 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[N] 15:54:17.751 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1750.353 ; -2242.391 ; 46.57087 ; "None" to -1790.198 ; -2259.434 ; 47.12769 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:54:18.191 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (43.34064y)
[F] 15:54:18.904 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:54:19.504 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:54:20.037 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:54:20.738 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:54:21.306 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:54:21.688 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:54:22.153 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:54:22.358 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:54:22.875 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:54:53.124 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:54:53.707 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:54:59.463 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:54:59.729 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:55:04.284 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:55:04.768 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:55:05.136 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:55:08.871 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:55:09.356 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:55:09.622 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:55:10.007 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:55:10.374 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:55:10.791 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
15:55:15.926 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
15:55:15.939 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[N] 15:55:16.095 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1781.066 ; -2254.803 ; 48.20766 ; "None" to -1805.624 ; -2289.728 ; 36.72245 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:55:16.523 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (44.2131y)
[F] 15:55:17.278 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:55:17.781 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:55:18.147 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:55:18.631 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:55:19.080 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:55:19.497 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:55:19.899 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:55:20.483 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:55:21.066 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:55:21.483 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:55:21.851 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:55:34.246 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:55:34.549 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:55:39.286 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:55:39.936 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:55:40.353 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:55:40.669 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:55:41.088 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:55:41.370 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:55:41.905 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:55:42.388 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:55:42.771 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:55:43.156 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:55:43.639 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:55:44.123 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:55:44.624 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:55:45.008 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:55:45.408 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:55:45.825 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:55:46.226 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:55:46.610 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:55:47.109 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:55:47.594 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:47.877 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:55:48.293 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:48.694 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:49.080 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:49.479 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:49.945 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:50.430 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:50.813 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:51.230 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:51.697 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:52.181 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:52.647 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:53.032 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:53.416 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:53.816 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:54.200 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:54.601 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:55.084 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:55.568 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:55.985 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:56.369 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:56.752 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:57.136 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:57.637 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:58.087 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:55:58.536 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[D] 15:55:58.747 - [Fight] Fight stopped
15:55:58.873 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Died, set new timestamp for last death
[F] 15:55:58.888 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
15:55:59.082 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[N] 15:56:05.845 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472.289 ; -2617.959 ; 49.27652 ; "None" to -1800.867 ; -2281.581 ; 38.98932 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:56:06.292 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (639.4623y)
[D] 15:57:14.362 - [Resurrect] 2 hostile(s) npc(s) near character, try to found best location to retrieve corpse.
[N] 15:57:14.381 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: -1782.867 ; -2281.581 ; 38.98932 ; "None" strict = True
[N] 15:57:14.805 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 40.67399
[N] 15:57:14.811 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: -1795.069 ; -2266.669 ; 38.98932 ; "None" strict = True
[N] 15:57:15.244 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 44.74083
[N] 15:57:15.244 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1830.861 ; -2305.844 ; 43.42887 ; "None" to -1795.069 ; -2266.669 ; 44.74083 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:57:15.666 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (53.07961y)
15:57:18.234 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Found corpse, but haven't rezzed yet - moving closer!
[F] 15:57:22.356 - [Spell] Cast Retribution Aura (Retribution Aura)
15:57:22.655 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
15:57:22.956 - [Regen] Started
[F] 15:57:23.189 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[F] 15:57:23.924 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 15:57:25.860 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
15:57:26.409 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
15:57:27.350 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
15:57:40.443 - [Regen] Finished
[F] 15:57:40.474 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
15:57:40.726 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
15:57:40.734 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:57:43.192 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:57:43.943 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:57:43.959 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:57:44.455 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:57:44.710 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:57:45.513 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:58:04.399 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 15:58:04.831 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:58:05.783 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:58:07.134 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:58:07.450 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:58:10.154 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:58:10.587 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:58:10.955 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:58:11.437 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:58:11.838 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:58:12.256 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:58:12.689 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:58:13.123 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:58:13.557 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:58:13.840 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
15:58:20.357 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 15:58:20.364 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 15:58:22.633 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:58:23.465 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:58:23.832 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:58:24.318 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:58:24.734 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:58:36.480 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:58:36.912 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:58:37.314 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:58:37.764 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 15:58:41.635 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 15:58:47.641 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:58:48.041 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:58:48.541 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 15:58:48.876 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:58:49.392 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:58:49.892 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:58:50.392 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:58:50.793 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:58:51.193 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:58:51.627 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:58:52.028 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:58:52.545 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:58:52.962 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:58:53.462 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:58:53.945 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:58:54.447 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:58:54.849 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:59:03.656 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
15:59:04.090 - [Regen] Started
15:59:05.341 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
15:59:06.175 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
15:59:27.000 - [Regen] Finished
15:59:27.465 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
15:59:27.474 - [Fight] Player Attack Plains Creeper (lvl 33)
[F] 15:59:27.681 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:59:28.630 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:59:29.297 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:59:29.999 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:59:30.533 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:59:31.083 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 15:59:31.633 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
15:59:32.056 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Plains Creeper (lvl 33)
[F] 15:59:32.268 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 15:59:32.888 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 15:59:45.500 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 16:00:03.451 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:00:03.883 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:00:08.590 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 16:00:11.643 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:00:11.743 - [Regen] Started
[F] 16:00:13.363 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:00:15.046 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
16:00:18.115 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
16:00:22.604 - [Regen] Finished
[F] 16:00:22.771 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:00:23.030 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[N] 16:00:24.688 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1829.792 ; -2296.951 ; 45.68237 ; "None" to -1811.79 ; -2342.633 ; 30.86621 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:00:25.291 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (51.28787y)
[F] 16:00:25.794 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:00:26.455 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:00:27.006 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:00:27.558 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:00:27.957 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:00:28.493 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:00:28.859 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:00:29.308 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:00:29.842 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:00:30.342 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 16:00:30.343 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
16:00:30.698 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 16:00:30.843 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:00:31.244 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:00:31.496 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:00:31.910 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:00:32.129 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:00:32.561 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:00:32.811 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:00:33.161 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:00:59.223 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 16:00:59.472 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:01:04.211 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 16:01:04.527 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:01:08.648 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:01:09.016 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:01:09.582 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:01:09.966 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:01:10.333 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:01:10.684 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:01:11.067 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:01:11.550 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:01:11.784 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:01:12.168 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:01:12.401 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:01:12.851 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
16:01:14.019 - [Regen] Started
16:01:15.270 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
16:01:25.027 - [Regen] Finished
16:01:25.420 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
16:01:25.426 - [Fight] Player Attack Plains Creeper (lvl 33)
[N] 16:01:25.581 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1813.43 ; -2338.47 ; 31.69955 ; "None" to -1758.794 ; -2329.27 ; 32.56947 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:01:26.027 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (55.41201y)
[F] 16:01:27.235 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:01:27.817 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:01:28.201 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:01:28.685 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:01:29.152 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:01:29.619 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:01:30.187 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:01:30.570 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:01:30.989 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 16:01:31.205 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
16:01:31.576 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Plains Creeper (lvl 33)
[F] 16:01:31.656 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:01:32.139 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:01:32.557 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:02:02.703 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:02:14.718 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
16:02:14.964 - [Regen] Started
[F] 16:02:15.348 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:02:16.199 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
16:02:22.490 - [Regen] Finished
16:02:22.751 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 16:02:23.574 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[N] 16:02:25.475 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1771.357 ; -2331.669 ; 30.89429 ; "None" to -1742.146 ; -2309.11 ; 39.21735 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:02:25.904 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (37.83536y)
[F] 16:02:26.678 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:02:27.111 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:02:28.029 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[F] 16:02:28.364 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:02:29.264 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[D] 16:02:29.282 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
16:02:29.708 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 16:02:29.865 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:02:30.398 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:02:30.766 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:02:31.332 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:02:56.692 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:02:56.739 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
16:02:56.751 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[N] 16:02:58.526 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1745.995 ; -2313.099 ; 38.71014 ; "None" to -1717.334 ; -2285.777 ; 37.09595 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:02:58.953 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (39.63035y)
[F] 16:02:59.680 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:03:00.179 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:03:00.629 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:03:01.013 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 16:03:01.347 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[F] 16:03:01.430 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
16:03:01.700 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 16:03:01.948 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:03:02.348 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:03:02.849 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:03:21.618 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:03:21.884 - [Regen] Started
16:03:23.719 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
16:03:26.821 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
16:03:35.162 - [Regen] Finished
16:03:35.507 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 16:03:35.614 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[N] 16:03:35.765 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1728.061 ; -2296.095 ; 38.35255 ; "None" to -1686.954 ; -2280.563 ; 35.71377 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:03:36.185 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (44.02256y)
[F] 16:03:36.213 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:03:36.948 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:03:37.448 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:03:37.950 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:03:38.399 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:03:39.034 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:03:39.651 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 16:03:40.035 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[F] 16:03:40.052 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
16:03:40.446 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 16:03:40.586 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:03:41.269 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:03:41.871 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:04:06.579 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:04:06.688 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[N] 16:04:08.445 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1695.693 ; -2282.8 ; 35.62864 ; "None" to -1742.961 ; -2250.283 ; 41.59009 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:04:08.876 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (57.68095y)
[F] 16:04:09.413 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:04:09.997 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:04:10.297 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:04:10.831 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:04:11.482 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:04:12.032 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:04:12.582 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:04:13.132 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:04:13.717 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:04:14.284 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:04:14.835 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:04:15.368 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:04:15.886 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 16:04:16.203 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
16:04:16.558 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 16:04:16.653 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:04:17.203 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:04:17.510 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:04:29.933 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 16:04:30.350 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:04:31.152 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:04:32.069 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:04:34.721 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:04:37.793 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:04:38.207 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:04:38.408 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:04:38.808 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:04:39.161 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:04:39.377 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
16:04:46.549 - [Regen] Started
16:04:47.617 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
16:04:56.597 - [Regen] Finished
16:04:56.973 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
16:04:56.988 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[N] 16:04:57.193 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1742.037 ; -2255.752 ; 39.63505 ; "None" to -1786.127 ; -2258.555 ; 47.24503 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:04:57.610 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (44.82973y)
[F] 16:04:58.362 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:04:58.896 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:04:59.196 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:04:59.630 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:00.213 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:00.748 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:01.251 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:01.698 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:02.099 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 16:05:02.331 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
16:05:02.688 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 16:05:02.850 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:03.468 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:04.104 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:05:32.514 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 16:05:32.815 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:05:37.354 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:05:39.123 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:05:39.555 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:39.956 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:40.240 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
16:05:40.683 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 16:05:40.807 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[N] 16:05:41.139 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1785.924 ; -2256.906 ; 48.11504 ; "None" to -1807.026 ; -2289.547 ; 37.15473 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:05:41.646 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (40.384y)
[F] 16:05:42.625 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:05:43.059 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:43.375 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:43.726 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:44.043 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:44.358 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:44.725 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:45.043 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:45.359 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:45.776 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:46.177 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:46.562 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:46.877 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:47.295 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:47.664 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:47.979 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:48.430 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:05:48.648 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:05:49.015 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:05:59.707 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 16:05:59.975 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:06:05.280 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 16:06:05.597 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:06:11.137 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:06:11.485 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:06:11.704 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:06:12.203 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:06:12.404 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:12.839 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:13.253 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:13.589 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:13.922 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:14.405 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:14.823 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:15.157 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:15.491 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:15.990 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:16.374 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:16.758 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:17.092 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:17.442 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:17.777 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:18.111 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:18.544 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:19.060 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:19.394 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:19.713 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:20.044 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:20.427 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:20.847 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:21.230 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:06:23.364 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:23.682 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:24.100 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:24.432 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:24.850 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:25.184 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:25.518 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:25.868 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:26.202 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:26.568 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:27.002 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:27.336 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:27.670 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:28.088 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:28.420 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:28.803 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:29.137 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:29.471 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:29.820 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:30.154 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:30.572 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:30.906 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:31.240 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:31.590 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:31.923 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:32.341 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:32.675 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
16:06:33.986 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 16:06:34.159 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:34.463 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:06:34.826 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:06:35.109 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 16:06:35.257 - [Fight] Fight stopped
16:06:35.304 - [Resurrect] Player dead
16:06:35.344 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Died, set new timestamp for last death
[N] 16:06:41.636 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472.289 ; -2617.959 ; 49.27652 ; "None" to -1803.325 ; -2283.821 ; 38.39223 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:06:41.955 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (636.2411y)
[D] 16:07:49.601 - [Resurrect] 1 hostile(s) npc(s) near character, try to found best location to retrieve corpse.
[N] 16:07:49.621 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: -1786.818 ; -2272.528 ; 38.39223 ; "None" strict = True
[N] 16:07:50.182 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 42.76966
[N] 16:07:50.182 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1833.024 ; -2307.729 ; 44.21618 ; "None" to -1786.818 ; -2272.528 ; 42.76966 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:07:50.614 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (58.10525y)
16:07:53.105 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Found corpse, but haven't rezzed yet - moving closer!
[F] 16:07:58.095 - [Spell] Cast Retribution Aura (Retribution Aura)
16:07:58.327 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
16:07:58.446 - [Regen] Started
[F] 16:07:58.677 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[F] 16:07:59.212 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:07:59.630 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
16:08:00.496 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
16:08:12.437 - [Regen] Finished
16:08:12.501 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 16:08:13.077 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 16:08:16.362 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:08:17.563 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[F] 16:08:17.831 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:08:19.032 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[F] 16:08:19.483 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:08:19.948 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:08:20.316 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:08:20.666 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:08:21.234 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:08:34.746 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:08:35.398 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:08:35.649 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:08:36.065 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:08:36.417 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:08:36.816 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:08:47.976 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 16:08:48.311 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
16:08:49.244 - [Regen] Started
[F] 16:08:51.063 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 16:08:51.313 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:08:53.950 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
16:08:54.885 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
16:09:06.137 - [Regen] Finished
16:09:06.558 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
16:09:06.573 - [Fight] Player Attack Plains Creeper (lvl 32)
[N] 16:09:06.745 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1788.375 ; -2273.715 ; 42.06344 ; "None" to -1832.731 ; -2297.067 ; 47.11948 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:09:07.253 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (50.38197y)
[F] 16:09:07.996 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:09:08.496 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:09:09.014 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:09:09.547 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:09:10.181 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:09:10.916 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:09:11.483 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:09:12.116 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:09:12.750 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 16:09:13.134 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[F] 16:09:13.185 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
16:09:13.580 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Plains Creeper (lvl 32)
[F] 16:09:13.853 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:09:27.668 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
16:09:34.451 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[N] 16:09:34.674 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1830.974 ; -2295.173 ; 46.80007 ; "None" to -1811.727 ; -2342.607 ; 30.86382 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:09:35.105 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (53.61378y)
[F] 16:09:36.276 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:09:36.692 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:09:37.076 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:09:37.627 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:09:37.993 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:09:38.494 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:09:38.894 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:09:39.362 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:09:39.793 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:09:40.194 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 16:09:40.479 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
16:09:40.851 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 16:09:40.963 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:09:41.364 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:10:00.932 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
16:10:01.433 - [Regen] Started
[F] 16:10:01.716 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:10:02.667 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
16:10:05.787 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
16:10:10.274 - [Regen] Finished
[F] 16:10:10.491 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:10:10.737 - [Fight] Player Attack Plains Creeper (lvl 32)
[N] 16:10:12.361 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1812.785 ; -2337.888 ; 31.72172 ; "None" to -1754.377 ; -2336.375 ; 31.7549 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[F] 16:10:13.295 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[N] 16:10:13.314 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (58.42757y)
[F] 16:10:13.679 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:10:14.046 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:10:14.531 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:10:14.947 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:10:15.398 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:10:15.848 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:10:16.332 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:10:16.698 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:10:17.150 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:10:17.600 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:10:17.967 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 16:10:18.483 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[F] 16:10:18.517 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
16:10:18.913 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Plains Creeper (lvl 32)
[F] 16:10:19.068 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:10:19.738 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:10:22.788 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 16:10:26.559 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 16:10:32.965 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 16:10:46.045 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 16:10:52.169 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 16:10:52.434 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:10:52.917 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:10:53.335 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:10:54.103 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:10:54.214 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
16:10:54.230 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 16:10:57.024 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:10:57.558 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:10:58.009 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:10:58.525 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:10:58.959 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:10:59.376 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 16:10:59.376 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
16:10:59.803 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 16:11:00.143 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 16:11:02.798 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:11:03.214 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:11:29.240 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 16:11:29.522 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:11:30.457 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:11:31.542 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:11:34.278 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:11:35.063 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:11:35.396 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:11:35.846 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:11:36.296 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:11:36.514 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:11:36.930 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:11:37.264 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
16:11:37.924 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[N] 16:11:38.115 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1749.364 ; -2320.69 ; 36.49681 ; "None" to -1719.967 ; -2294.775 ; 37.57893 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:11:38.591 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (39.20399y)
[F] 16:11:39.367 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:11:39.783 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:11:40.217 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:11:40.616 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:11:41.101 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:11:41.451 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:11:41.969 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:11:42.452 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 16:11:42.787 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[F] 16:11:42.868 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
16:11:43.197 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 16:11:43.387 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:11:43.977 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:12:11.732 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:12:15.468 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:12:20.607 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:12:20.957 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:12:21.409 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:12:21.807 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:12:22.275 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:12:22.676 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
16:12:29.332 - [HumanMasterPlugin] cancelling regen while in combat
16:12:29.407 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
16:12:29.426 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
16:12:29.431 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Canceling combat, because we need to regen
16:12:34.921 - [Regen] Started
16:12:35.955 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
16:12:36.806 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
16:12:51.904 - [Regen] Finished
[F] 16:12:52.038 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:12:52.249 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 16:12:53.892 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:12:54.475 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:12:54.942 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:12:55.544 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 16:12:56.077 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[F] 16:12:56.095 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
16:12:56.447 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 16:12:56.611 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:12:57.161 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:12:57.862 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:12:58.445 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:13:20.703 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[F] 16:13:21.870 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[F] 16:13:28.710 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:13:29.214 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
16:13:29.577 - [Regen] Started
[F] 16:13:29.794 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:13:30.728 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
16:13:37.702 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
16:13:46.697 - [Regen] Finished
16:13:47.021 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[N] 16:13:47.162 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1702.996 ; -2278.204 ; 36.69152 ; "None" to -1748.699 ; -2251.192 ; 42.30286 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[F] 16:13:47.244 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:13:47.661 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:13:47.960 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[N] 16:13:48.060 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (53.38456y)
[F] 16:13:48.543 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:13:49.211 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:13:49.779 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:13:50.161 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:13:50.645 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:13:51.080 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:13:51.513 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:13:51.897 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:13:52.264 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:13:52.648 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:13:53.098 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:13:53.482 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:13:54.000 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:13:54.549 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:14:25.148 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:14:27.806 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:14:28.618 - [Regen] Started
16:14:29.762 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
16:14:35.975 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
16:14:42.678 - [Regen] Finished
[F] 16:14:42.865 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:14:42.990 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
16:14:43.010 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[N] 16:14:44.701 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1741.755 ; -2253.253 ; 40.38514 ; "None" to -1762.808 ; -2212.066 ; 50.42414 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:14:45.115 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (47.3327y)
[F] 16:14:45.719 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:14:46.470 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:14:46.969 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:14:47.403 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:14:47.886 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:14:48.387 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:14:48.771 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:14:49.489 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:14:49.973 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:15:16.750 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:15:17.467 - [Regen] Started
16:15:18.435 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
[F] 16:15:18.452 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:15:21.588 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
16:15:24.533 - [Regen] Finished
16:15:24.902 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[N] 16:15:25.126 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1757.732 ; -2221.947 ; 50.40765 ; "None" to -1723.041 ; -2196.157 ; 41.50307 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:15:25.536 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (44.13424y)
[F] 16:15:25.711 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:15:26.377 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:15:27.012 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:15:27.579 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:15:28.196 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:15:28.930 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:15:29.481 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:15:30.048 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:15:30.765 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:15:57.525 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:15:58.392 - [Regen] Started
16:16:00.179 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
16:16:10.631 - [Regen] Finished
16:16:10.882 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[N] 16:16:11.022 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1726.998 ; -2199.099 ; 43.98161 ; "None" to -1686.793 ; -2215.398 ; 30.61341 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:16:11.486 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (50.47658y)
[F] 16:16:11.526 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:16:12.239 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:16:12.672 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:16:13.140 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:16:13.573 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:16:14.007 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:16:14.523 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:16:14.875 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:16:15.483 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:16:15.910 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 16:16:16.409 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[F] 16:16:16.427 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
16:16:16.764 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 33)
[F] 16:16:17.145 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:16:17.596 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:16:45.406 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
16:16:45.806 - [HumanMasterPlugin] cancelling regen while in combat
16:16:45.880 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
16:16:45.884 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
16:16:45.958 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Canceling combat, because we need to regen
[F] 16:16:45.972 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 16:16:47.175 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:16:47.541 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:16:48.008 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:16:48.357 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:16:48.707 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:16:49.226 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:16:49.593 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:16:50.009 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:16:50.543 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:16:50.945 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
16:16:51.389 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 16:16:51.596 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[N] 16:16:51.730 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1689.458 ; -2213.034 ; 31.20999 ; "None" to -1660.865 ; -2181.616 ; 25.28554 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:16:52.150 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (42.89167y)
[F] 16:16:54.448 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:16:54.949 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:16:55.633 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:16:56.067 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 16:16:56.384 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
16:16:56.778 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 16:16:57.001 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 16:17:00.616 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:17:01.206 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:17:01.740 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:17:21.226 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 16:17:21.510 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:17:22.161 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:17:23.163 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:17:25.930 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:17:26.415 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:17:26.796 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:17:27.049 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:17:27.366 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:17:27.649 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:17:27.949 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:17:28.182 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:17:28.516 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:17:28.849 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:17:29.167 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:17:29.501 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:17:29.918 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
16:17:30.512 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[N] 16:17:30.702 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1676.545 ; -2195.698 ; 26.61798 ; "None" to -1694.819 ; -2166.042 ; 33.07182 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:17:31.371 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (35.42691y)
[F] 16:17:32.503 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:17:32.986 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:17:33.402 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:17:33.769 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:17:34.087 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 16:17:34.404 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[F] 16:17:34.571 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
16:17:34.760 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 16:17:34.905 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:17:35.373 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:18:03.936 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:18:08.524 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:18:12.828 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:18:13.265 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:18:13.611 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:18:13.995 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:18:14.412 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:18:14.729 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
16:18:18.883 - [Regen] Started
16:18:19.968 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
16:18:20.885 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
16:18:32.234 - [Regen] Finished
[F] 16:18:32.397 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
16:18:32.718 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
16:18:32.724 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 16:18:33.066 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[N] 16:18:33.229 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1692.826 ; -2169.278 ; 32.20581 ; "None" to -1709.154 ; -2137.909 ; 43.77055 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[F] 16:18:33.464 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[N] 16:18:33.869 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (50.57357y)
[F] 16:18:34.115 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:18:34.817 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:18:35.199 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:18:35.684 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:18:36.117 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:18:36.602 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:18:36.935 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:18:37.284 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:18:37.618 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:18:37.952 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:18:38.519 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:18:38.885 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:18:39.235 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 16:18:39.619 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[F] 16:18:39.619 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
16:18:40.065 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 16:18:40.338 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:18:40.892 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:18:41.590 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:18:42.158 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:19:05.930 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 16:19:06.282 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:19:12.437 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 16:19:12.622 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:19:12.837 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:19:17.542 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:19:17.978 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:19:18.246 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:19:18.563 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:19:18.777 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:19:19.078 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:19:23.548 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
16:19:23.725 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Plains Creeper (lvl 33)
[F] 16:19:24.080 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:19:24.497 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:19:24.798 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:19:25.131 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:19:25.431 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:19:25.732 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:19:26.133 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:19:29.036 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 16:19:29.304 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:19:29.620 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:19:30.070 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:19:30.370 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:19:30.754 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:19:31.089 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:19:33.658 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:19:34.024 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:19:41.699 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 16:19:55.596 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:19:55.724 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[N] 16:19:57.446 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1708.358 ; -2137.84 ; 44.25225 ; "None" to -1679.911 ; -2120.046 ; 35.8979 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:19:57.869 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (35.94558y)
[F] 16:19:58.601 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:19:59.152 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:19:59.652 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:20:00.169 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:20:00.637 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:20:01.037 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 16:20:01.437 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[F] 16:20:01.437 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
16:20:01.830 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 16:20:02.073 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:20:02.455 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:26.613 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 16:20:26.847 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:20:30.566 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 16:20:31.384 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:20:31.768 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 16:20:31.953 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:20:35.804 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:36.123 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:20:36.422 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:20:36.757 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:20:37.090 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:20:37.423 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:20:37.773 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:20:38.107 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:20:38.408 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:20:38.824 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:20:39.275 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:20:39.675 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:20:39.975 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:20:40.409 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
16:20:40.875 - [HumanMasterPlugin] cancelling regen while in combat
16:20:40.956 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Beldruk Doombrow with ID: 5148
16:20:40.969 - [Fight] Player Attack Plains Creeper (lvl 32)
[F] 16:20:41.926 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:20:42.243 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:20:42.610 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:20:42.962 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:20:43.311 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:20:43.612 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:20:44.012 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 16:20:44.227 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
16:20:44.601 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Plains Creeper (lvl 32)
16:20:44.712 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Canceling combat, because we need to regen
[F] 16:20:44.745 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:20:45.229 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:20:45.545 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:20:45.863 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:20:46.348 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:20:46.679 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:20:47.080 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:20:47.498 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:20:47.886 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:20:48.215 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:20:48.715 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:20:49.033 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:20:49.584 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 16:20:49.713 - [Fight] BlackList Plains Creeper during 30 sec
16:20:49.762 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Plains Creeper (lvl 32)
[F] 16:20:50.184 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:50.651 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:50.985 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:51.402 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:51.803 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:52.202 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:52.602 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:53.036 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:53.438 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:53.771 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:54.205 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:54.671 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:55.121 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:55.439 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:55.939 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:56.273 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:56.723 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:57.258 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:57.608 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:58.042 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:58.443 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:58.909 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:59.393 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:20:59.843 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:21:00.327 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:21:12.557 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 16:21:15.578 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
16:21:19.414 - [HumanMasterPlugin] cancelling regen while in combat
16:21:19.508 - [Fight] Player Attack Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[N] 16:21:19.730 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1686.668 ; -2103.478 ; 40.43984 ; "None" to -1669.474 ; -2036.876 ; 41.02377 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:21:20.170 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (68.78781y)
[F] 16:21:23.285 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:21:23.769 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:21:24.069 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:21:24.387 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:21:24.719 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:21:25.036 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:21:25.370 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:21:25.786 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:21:26.121 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:21:26.554 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:21:26.887 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:21:27.238 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[D] 16:21:27.371 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
16:21:27.784 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
16:21:27.789 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Canceling combat, because we need to regen
[F] 16:21:27.874 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:21:28.272 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:21:28.774 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:21:29.124 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:21:29.358 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:21:29.808 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[D] 16:21:32.790 - [Fight] BlackList Highland Thrasher during 30 sec
16:21:32.839 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 16:21:35.914 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:36.332 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:36.649 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:36.966 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:37.300 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:37.617 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:38.066 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:38.436 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:38.750 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:39.268 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:39.685 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:40.019 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:40.385 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:40.786 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:41.120 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:41.453 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:41.953 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:42.304 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:42.688 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:43.105 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:43.423 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:43.839 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:44.173 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:44.506 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:44.923 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:45.240 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:45.557 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:46.075 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:46.409 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:46.761 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:47.242 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:47.660 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:47.992 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:48.327 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:48.744 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:49.061 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:49.395 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:49.762 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:50.130 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:50.463 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:50.813 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:51.313 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:51.631 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:51.947 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:52.365 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:52.697 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[F] 16:21:53.015 - [Spell] Cast Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands)
[D] 16:21:53.131 - [Fight] Fight stopped
16:21:53.150 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Died, set new timestamp for last death
16:21:53.176 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 16:21:53.215 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[N] 16:21:59.789 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1472.289 ; -2617.959 ; 49.27652 ; "None" to -1670.794 ; -2034.006 ; 41.67066 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:22:00.298 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (924.584y)
[F] 16:23:41.392 - [Spell] Cast Retribution Aura (Retribution Aura)
16:23:41.773 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
16:23:41.992 - [Regen] Started
[F] 16:23:42.018 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[F] 16:23:42.609 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:23:43.126 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
16:23:46.245 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
16:23:53.771 - [Regen] Finished
[F] 16:23:53.986 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
16:23:54.105 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Jannos Ironwill (Repair)
[D] 16:23:54.111 - [MovementManager] You try to use flying/swimming path but you cannot fly/swim here, try to use ground mouvement...
[N] 16:23:54.112 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1698.354 ; -2059.934 ; 51.69761 ; "None" to -1278.57 ; -2522 ; 21.37455 ; "Flying" (Azeroth)
[F] 16:23:54.704 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[N] 16:23:54.735 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 28 (1410.18y)
[D] 16:24:12.524 - [MovementManager] You try to use flying/swimming path but you cannot fly/swim here, try to use ground mouvement...
[N] 16:24:12.524 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1724.495 ; -2175.529 ; 42.19001 ; "None" to -1278.57 ; -2522 ; 21.37455 ; "Flying" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:24:13.105 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 25 (1277.254y)
[D] 16:24:13.185 - [ToTown] In combat, ForceToTown not disabled
16:24:13.233 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 16:24:13.388 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:24:14.390 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:24:15.108 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:24:15.424 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:24:15.892 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
16:24:42.269 - [Regen] Started
[F] 16:24:42.285 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[F] 16:24:44.140 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:24:44.204 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
16:24:51.219 - [Regen] Finished
16:24:51.711 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Jannos Ironwill (Repair)
[D] 16:24:51.721 - [MovementManager] You try to use flying/swimming path but you cannot fly/swim here, try to use ground mouvement...
[N] 16:24:51.721 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1725.285 ; -2177.436 ; 42.08909 ; "None" to -1278.57 ; -2522 ; 21.37455 ; "Flying" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:24:52.035 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 25 (1275.373y)
[D] 16:24:58.984 - [MovementManager] You try to use flying/swimming path but you cannot fly/swim here, try to use ground mouvement...
[N] 16:24:58.984 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1757.165 ; -2211.734 ; 48.39027 ; "None" to -1278.57 ; -2522 ; 21.37455 ; "Flying" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:24:59.282 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 25 (1228.448y)
[D] 16:24:59.551 - [MovementManager] You try to use flying/swimming path but you cannot fly/swim here, try to use ground mouvement...
[N] 16:24:59.551 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1757.677 ; -2212.285 ; 48.59164 ; "None" to -1278.57 ; -2522 ; 21.37455 ; "Flying" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:24:59.973 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 25 (1227.674y)
16:25:00.198 - [ToTown] Unable to reach the vendor, blacklist it 120 minutes (you can disable this NPC in NPC DB tab 'Tools').
16:25:00.198 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Deneb Walker (Vendor)
[D] 16:25:00.219 - [MovementManager] You try to use flying/swimming path but you cannot fly/swim here, try to use ground mouvement...
[N] 16:25:00.219 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1758.11 ; -2212.75 ; 48.75261 ; "None" to -1545.36 ; -1837.41 ; 67.94709 ; "Flying" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:25:03.002 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 51 (2322.348y)
[D] 16:25:03.083 - [ToTown] In combat, ForceToTown not disabled
16:25:03.133 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 16:25:03.206 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:25:03.788 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:25:04.623 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:25:05.076 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:25:05.589 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:25:27.528 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
16:25:28.096 - [Regen] Started
[F] 16:25:28.280 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:25:29.215 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
16:25:32.284 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
16:25:39.803 - [Regen] Finished
16:25:40.291 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Samuel Hawke (Repair)
[D] 16:25:40.298 - [MovementManager] You try to use flying/swimming path but you cannot fly/swim here, try to use ground mouvement...
[N] 16:25:40.298 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1758.04 ; -2212.767 ; 48.73631 ; "None" to -1218.48 ; -2521.56 ; 21.9227 ; "Flying" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:25:40.751 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 26 (1205y)
[D] 16:25:46.661 - [ToTown] In combat, ForceToTown not disabled
16:25:46.709 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 16:25:46.918 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:25:47.534 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:25:47.901 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:25:48.468 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:25:48.801 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:25:49.335 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:25:49.670 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:26:17.715 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:26:17.914 - [Regen] Started
16:26:19.817 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
16:26:22.830 - [Regen] Finished
[F] 16:26:22.953 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
16:26:23.219 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Samuel Hawke (Repair)
[D] 16:26:23.233 - [MovementManager] You try to use flying/swimming path but you cannot fly/swim here, try to use ground mouvement...
[N] 16:26:23.233 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1782.575 ; -2247.813 ; 54.03394 ; "None" to -1218.48 ; -2521.56 ; 21.9227 ; "Flying" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:26:23.453 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 23 (1160.07y)
[D] 16:26:30.721 - [ToTown] In combat, ForceToTown not disabled
16:26:30.771 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Thrasher (lvl 34)
[F] 16:26:30.911 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:26:31.445 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:26:32.045 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:26:32.414 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:26:32.813 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:27:00.475 - [Spell] Cast Divine Protection (Divine Protection)
[F] 16:27:00.759 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:27:01.726 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:27:02.893 - [Spell] Cast Holy Light (Holy Light)
[F] 16:27:05.614 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:27:08.032 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:27:08.433 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:27:08.800 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:27:09.083 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:27:09.483 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:27:09.835 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
16:27:11.870 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Samuel Hawke (Repair)
[D] 16:27:11.878 - [MovementManager] You try to use flying/swimming path but you cannot fly/swim here, try to use ground mouvement...
[N] 16:27:11.878 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1812.958 ; -2279.138 ; 41.76455 ; "None" to -1218.48 ; -2521.56 ; 21.9227 ; "Flying" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:27:12.114 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 23 (1116.63y)
[D] 16:27:15.952 - [MovementManager] You try to use flying/swimming path but you cannot fly/swim here, try to use ground mouvement...
[N] 16:27:15.952 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1831.907 ; -2298.674 ; 46.32203 ; "None" to -1218.48 ; -2521.56 ; 21.9227 ; "Flying" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:27:16.160 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 23 (1089.172y)
[D] 16:27:16.342 - [MovementManager] You try to use flying/swimming path but you cannot fly/swim here, try to use ground mouvement...
[N] 16:27:16.342 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1832.155 ; -2298.929 ; 46.35461 ; "None" to -1218.48 ; -2521.56 ; 21.9227 ; "Flying" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:27:16.553 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 23 (1088.816y)
16:27:16.752 - [ToTown] Unable to reach the vendor, blacklist it 120 minutes (you can disable this NPC in NPC DB tab 'Tools').
16:27:16.752 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Deneb Walker (Vendor)
[D] 16:27:16.772 - [MovementManager] You try to use flying/swimming path but you cannot fly/swim here, try to use ground mouvement...
[N] 16:27:16.772 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1832.36 ; -2299.142 ; 46.38191 ; "None" to -1545.36 ; -1837.41 ; 67.94709 ; "Flying" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:27:18.257 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 48 (2205.909y)
[D] 16:27:18.352 - [ToTown] In combat, ForceToTown not disabled
16:27:18.403 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Plains Creeper (lvl 32)
[F] 16:27:18.525 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:27:19.025 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:27:19.375 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:27:19.792 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:27:20.227 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:27:24.516 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
16:27:38.711 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Wenna Silkbeard (Repair)
[N] 16:27:38.711 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1832.36 ; -2299.142 ; 46.38191 ; "None" to -2859.09 ; -1448.46 ; 8.606317 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:27:39.177 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 57 (2133.48y)
[N] 16:27:40.048 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1832.36 ; -2299.142 ; 46.38191 ; "None" to -1240.03 ; -2513.96 ; 21.93003 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:27:40.213 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 16:27:40.213 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 16:27:40.230 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 16:27:40.265 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 20 (1095.776y)
[N] 16:27:40.265 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -3792.26 ; -783.29 ; 9.06 ; "None" to -2859.09 ; -1448.46 ; 8.606317 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:27:40.529 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 31 (1240.907y)
16:27:40.575 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Refuge Pointe, Arathi to Menethil Harbor, Wetlands, go to npc.
[N] 16:27:40.575 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1832.36 ; -2299.142 ; 46.38191 ; "None" to -1240.03 ; -2513.96 ; 21.93003 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:27:40.575 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 20 (1095.776y)
[F] 16:27:40.764 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[N] 16:27:41.616 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 16:27:41.616 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
16:27:49.818 - [FlightMaster] Cannot reach position of taxi node , disable it.
[N] 16:27:49.819 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1871.851 ; -2339.857 ; 49.41305 ; "None" to -2859.09 ; -1448.46 ; 8.606317 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[F] 16:27:49.855 - [Spell] Cast Flash of Light (Flash of Light)
[N] 16:27:50.654 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 56 (2076.53y)
[N] 16:27:50.808 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1871.851 ; -2339.857 ; 49.41305 ; "None" to -1240.03 ; -2513.96 ; 21.93003 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:27:51.010 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (1038.514y)
[N] 16:27:51.010 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -3792.26 ; -783.29 ; 9.06 ; "None" to -2859.09 ; -1448.46 ; 8.606317 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:27:51.326 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 31 (1240.907y)
16:27:51.602 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Refuge Pointe, Arathi to Menethil Harbor, Wetlands, go to npc.
[N] 16:27:51.602 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1871.851 ; -2339.857 ; 49.41305 ; "None" to -1240.03 ; -2513.96 ; 21.93003 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:27:51.602 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (1038.514y)
[N] 16:27:54.672 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1875.175 ; -2361.627 ; 47.45467 ; "None" to -2859.09 ; -1448.46 ; 8.606317 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:27:54.908 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 55 (2059.475y)
[N] 16:27:54.922 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1875.175 ; -2361.627 ; 47.45467 ; "None" to -2859.09 ; -1448.46 ; 8.606317 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:27:54.922 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 55 (2059.475y)
[N] 16:27:54.939 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1875.175 ; -2361.627 ; 47.45467 ; "None" to -2859.09 ; -1448.46 ; 8.606317 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:27:54.939 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 55 (2059.475y)
[D] 16:27:54.955 - [ToTown] In combat, ForceToTown not disabled
16:27:55.005 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Plains Creeper (lvl 33)
[F] 16:27:55.079 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:27:55.628 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:27:56.162 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:27:56.531 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:27:56.964 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:28:02.954 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 16:28:05.839 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 16:28:16.234 - [Spell] Cast Purify (Purify)
[F] 16:28:23.758 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:28:24.258 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:28:24.541 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:28:24.942 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:28:25.209 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:28:25.658 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:28:26.193 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
16:28:31.449 - [Regen] Started
16:28:32.615 - [Regen] Use food Holy Light
16:28:33.499 - [Regen] Use drink Sweet Nectar
16:28:54.449 - [Regen] Finished
[F] 16:28:54.808 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
16:28:54.939 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Wenna Silkbeard (Repair)
[N] 16:28:54.939 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1875.391 ; -2363.925 ; 47.61563 ; "None" to -2859.09 ; -1448.46 ; 8.606317 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:28:55.167 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 55 (2057.832y)
[F] 16:28:55.572 - [Spell] Cast Blessing of Wisdom (Blessing of Wisdom)
[N] 16:28:56.239 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1881.388 ; -2368.905 ; 48.88142 ; "None" to -1240.03 ; -2513.96 ; 21.93003 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:28:56.471 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 17 (1006.635y)
[N] 16:28:56.471 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -3792.26 ; -783.29 ; 9.06 ; "None" to -2859.09 ; -1448.46 ; 8.606317 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:28:56.711 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 31 (1240.907y)
16:28:56.868 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Refuge Pointe, Arathi to Menethil Harbor, Wetlands, go to npc.
[N] 16:28:56.868 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1884.331 ; -2371.349 ; 49.53374 ; "None" to -1240.03 ; -2513.96 ; 21.93003 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:28:57.084 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (1005.948y)
[N] 16:29:23.929 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1721.708 ; -2489.191 ; 63.48221 ; "None" to -2859.09 ; -1448.46 ; 8.606317 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:29:24.223 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 53 (2192.838y)
[N] 16:29:24.229 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1721.708 ; -2489.191 ; 63.48221 ; "None" to -2859.09 ; -1448.46 ; 8.606317 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:29:24.229 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 53 (2192.838y)
[N] 16:29:24.245 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1721.708 ; -2489.191 ; 63.48221 ; "None" to -2859.09 ; -1448.46 ; 8.606317 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:29:24.245 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 53 (2192.838y)
[D] 16:29:24.262 - [ToTown] In combat, ForceToTown not disabled
16:29:24.312 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Highland Strider (lvl 31)
[F] 16:29:24.918 - [Spell] Cast Seal of the Crusader (Seal of the Crusader)
[F] 16:29:25.336 - [Spell] Cast Judgement (Judgement)
[F] 16:29:25.886 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:29:26.520 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[F] 16:29:27.087 - [Spell] Cast Seal of Command (Seal of Command)
[D] 16:29:33.467 - [Fight] Fight stopped
[D] 16:29:33.467 - [Fight] BlackList Highland Strider during 30 sec
16:29:33.522 - [Pause] started