[D] 22:03:58 - [Info] Log file created: 12 Apr 2016 22H03.log.html
[D] 22:03:58 - [Info] WRobot Version: 1.5.8 (22535) for wow: 3.3.5a_12340
[D] 22:03:58 - [Info] Offical website: http://wrobot.eu/
[D] 22:03:58 - [Info] Operating System Details: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
[D] 22:03:58 - [Info] Lang: German (Germany)
[D] 22:03:58 - Warning: TeamViewer is launched on your computer, this software can cause problems with WRobot, I recommend to close all TeamViewer process when you use WRobot.
[D] 22:03:58 - LockFrame disabled by default for lua stability raison, to use LockFrame you can launch WRobot with the shortcut 'WRobot Lock Frame' (LockFrame increment WRobot reactivity).
[F] 22:03:58 - [Memory] D3D9 found: 8B FF 55 8B EC 6A FF 68 FC AD
[F] 22:03:58 - [Memory] D3D11 found: 8B FF 55 8B EC 83 E4 F8 83 EC
[D] 22:03:58 - [Memory] D3D9 used
22:04:00 - [Memory] Select game process: 9640 - Söa...
[D] 22:04:01 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 1 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
22:04:01 - [Quester] Loaded
[F] 22:04:01 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Quester ; CustomClass = 3.3.5a feral by dida1990.xml ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = True ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = False ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Great White Kodo ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Flight Form ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = Aquatic Form ; FoodName = Radish Kimchi ; FoodPercent = 45 ; DrinkName = Morning Glory Dew ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = True ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = False ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; BlackListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; ListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Relogger = True ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = True ; SellGreen = True ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = True ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = True ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1,7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; NpcScan = True ;
[D] 22:04:01 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 1 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 22:04:01 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Quester ; CustomClass = 3.3.5a feral by dida1990.xml ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = True ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = False ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Great White Kodo ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Flight Form ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = Aquatic Form ; FoodName = Radish Kimchi ; FoodPercent = 45 ; DrinkName = Morning Glory Dew ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = True ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = False ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; BlackListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; ListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Relogger = True ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = True ; SellGreen = True ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = True ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = True ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1,7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; NpcScan = True ;
[D] 22:04:01 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 1 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[D] 22:04:01 - [Keyboard Hook] Couldn’t register the hot key.
[D] 22:04:01 - [Keyboard Hook] Couldn’t register the hot key.
[F] 22:04:02 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Quester ; CustomClass = 3.3.5a feral by dida1990.xml ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = True ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = False ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Great White Kodo ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Flight Form ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = Aquatic Form ; FoodName = Radish Kimchi ; FoodPercent = 45 ; DrinkName = Morning Glory Dew ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = True ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = False ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; BlackListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ; ListHarvestByName = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; Relogger = True ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = True ; SellGreen = True ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = True ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = True ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1,7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; NpcScan = True ;
[D] 22:04:02 - [Info] Wow Version: 12340
[D] 22:04:02 - [Info] Player found: True
22:04:02 - [SpellManager] Initializing SpellBook - (Wait few seconds)
22:04:02 - [SpellManager] Initialize SpellBook Finished (69 spell found)
[D] 22:04:02 - [SpellManager] List of id found in spellbook:
Auto Attack (6603)
Cultivation (20552)
Dodge (81)
Endurance (20550)
Leatherworking (2108)
Nature Resistance (20551)
Skinning (8613)
War Stomp (20549)
Barkskin (22812)
Entangling Roots (9853)
Faerie Fire (770)
Hibernate (18658)
Hurricane (17402)
Innervate (29166)
Moonfire (9835)
Nature's Grasp (17329)
Soothe Animal (9901)
Starfire (25298)
Teleport: Moonglade (18960)
Thorns (9910)
Wrath (26984)
Aquatic Form (1066)
Bash (8983)
Berserk (50334)
Cat Form (768)
Challenging Roar (5209)
Claw (9850)
Cower (31709)
Dash (9821)
Demoralizing Roar (26998)
Dire Bear Form (9634)
Enrage (5229)
Faerie Fire (Feral) (16857)
Feline Grace (20719)
Feral Charge - Bear (16979)
Feral Charge - Cat (49376)
Ferocious Bite (31018)
Flight Form (33943)
Frenzied Regeneration (22842)
Growl (6795)
Maim (22570)
Mangle (Bear) (33986)
Mangle (Cat) (33982)
Maul (9881)
Pounce (9827)
Prowl (5215)
Rake (9904)
Ravage (9867)
Rip (9896)
Savage Defense (62600)
Shred (27001)
Survival Instincts (61336)
Swipe (Bear) (9908)
Tiger's Fury (9846)
Track Humanoids (5225)
Travel Form (783)
Abolish Poison (2893)
Gift of the Wild (21850)
Healing Touch (26978)
Mark of the Wild (9885)
Rebirth (20748)
Regrowth (9858)
Rejuvenation (25299)
Remove Curse (2782)
Revive (50765)
Tranquility (9863)
Blue Wind Rider (32244)
Great White Kodo (23247)
White Kodo (64657)

22:04:02 - [SpellManager] Please wait, loading spellbook...
22:04:02 - [SpellManager] Spellbook loaded.
[D] 22:04:02 - [Keybindings]
Sit / Stand: X
Backward: S
Forward: W
Strafe Left: Q
Strafe Right: E

[D] 22:04:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : grideone
[D] 22:04:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : grindertwo
[D] 22:04:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : grinderthree
[D] 22:04:05 - [Quester] Create instance of : ginderfour
[F] 22:04:06 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\FightClass\3.3.5a feral by dida1990.xml
22:04:06 - [Quester] Started
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Innervate, Id found: 29166, Name found: Innervate, NameInGame found: Innervate, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Mark of the Wild, Id found: 9885, Name found: Mark of the Wild, NameInGame found: Mark of the Wild, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Thorns, Id found: 9910, Name found: Thorns, NameInGame found: Thorns, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Bear Form, Id found: 48368, Name found: Bear Form, NameInGame found: Bear Form, know = False
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Dire Bear Form, Id found: 9634, Name found: Dire Bear Form, NameInGame found: Dire Bear Form, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Frenzied Regeneration, Id found: 22842, Name found: Frenzied Regeneration, NameInGame found: Frenzied Regeneration, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Survival Instincts, Id found: 61336, Name found: Survival Instincts, NameInGame found: Survival Instincts, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Survival Instincts, Id found: 61336, Name found: Survival Instincts, NameInGame found: Survival Instincts, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Enrage, Id found: 5229, Name found: Enrage, NameInGame found: Enrage, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Enrage, Id found: 5229, Name found: Enrage, NameInGame found: Enrage, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Demoralizing Roar, Id found: 26998, Name found: Demoralizing Roar, NameInGame found: Demoralizing Roar, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Demoralizing Roar, Id found: 26998, Name found: Demoralizing Roar, NameInGame found: Demoralizing Roar, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=War Stomp, Id found: 20549, Name found: War Stomp, NameInGame found: War Stomp, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Bash, Id found: 8983, Name found: Bash, NameInGame found: Bash, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Bash, Id found: 8983, Name found: Bash, NameInGame found: Bash, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Swipe (Bear), Id found: 9908, Name found: Swipe (Bear), NameInGame found: Swipe (Bear), know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Swipe (Bear), Id found: 9908, Name found: Swipe (Bear), NameInGame found: Swipe (Bear), know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Maul, Id found: 9881, Name found: Maul, NameInGame found: Maul, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Mangle (Bear), Id found: 33986, Name found: Mangle (Bear), NameInGame found: Mangle (Bear), know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Barkskin, Id found: 22812, Name found: Barkskin, NameInGame found: Barkskin, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Barkskin, Id found: 22812, Name found: Barkskin, NameInGame found: Barkskin, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Berserk, Id found: 50334, Name found: Berserk, NameInGame found: Berserk, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Berserk, Id found: 50334, Name found: Berserk, NameInGame found: Berserk, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Faerie Fire (Feral), Id found: 16857, Name found: Faerie Fire (Feral), NameInGame found: Faerie Fire (Feral), know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Shred, Id found: 27001, Name found: Shred, NameInGame found: Shred, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Savage Roar, Id found: 62071, Name found: Savage Roar, NameInGame found: Savage Roar, know = False
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Tiger's Fury, Id found: 9846, Name found: Tiger's Fury, NameInGame found: Tiger's Fury, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [FightPetBattle] Cannot load pet battle fight class, use default.
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Malm => Failed
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Rip, Id found: 9896, Name found: Rip, NameInGame found: Rip, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Ferocious Bite, Id found: 31018, Name found: Ferocious Bite, NameInGame found: Ferocious Bite, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Mangle (Cat), Id found: 33982, Name found: Mangle (Cat), NameInGame found: Mangle (Cat), know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Claw, Id found: 9850, Name found: Claw, NameInGame found: Claw, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Rake, Id found: 9904, Name found: Rake, NameInGame found: Rake, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Mangle (Cat), Id found: 33982, Name found: Mangle (Cat), NameInGame found: Mangle (Cat), know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Feral Charge - Cat, Id found: 49376, Name found: Feral Charge - Cat, NameInGame found: Feral Charge - Cat, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Cat Form, Id found: 768, Name found: Cat Form, NameInGame found: Cat Form, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Regrowth, Id found: 9858, Name found: Regrowth, NameInGame found: Regrowth, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Regrowth, Id found: 9858, Name found: Regrowth, NameInGame found: Regrowth, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Healing Touch, Id found: 26978, Name found: Healing Touch, NameInGame found: Healing Touch, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Healing Touch, Id found: 26978, Name found: Healing Touch, NameInGame found: Healing Touch, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Rejuvenation, Id found: 25299, Name found: Rejuvenation, NameInGame found: Rejuvenation, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Remove Curse, Id found: 2782, Name found: Remove Curse, NameInGame found: Remove Curse, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Abolish Poison, Id found: 2893, Name found: Abolish Poison, NameInGame found: Abolish Poison, know = True
[D] 22:04:06 - [Spell] spellName=Battle Pet Training => Failed
[D] 22:04:06 - [Quester] New step (1): grindertwo>Pulse
[N] 22:04:06 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_22_35.mesh.gz
[N] 22:04:06 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_23_35.mesh.gz
[N] 22:04:06 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_22_36.mesh.gz
[N] 22:04:06 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_23_36.mesh.gz
[N] 22:04:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:04:07 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_24_35.mesh.gz
[N] 22:04:07 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_24_36.mesh.gz
[N] 22:04:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5
[N] 22:04:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12
22:04:07 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:04:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:04:10 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:04:12 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:04:12 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:04:14 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:04:15 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:04:16 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:04:18 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:04:19 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:04:21 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:04:23 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:04:24 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:04:26 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:04:26 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:04:27 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:04:28 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:04:29 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[F] 22:04:31 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:04:31 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:04:32 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:04:33 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:04:35 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:04:38 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:04:39 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:04:41 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:04:41 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:04:42 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:04:43 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:04:44 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:04:44 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:04:45 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:04:47 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:04:48 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:04:50 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:04:53 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:04:53 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 62)
[N] 22:04:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
[F] 22:04:55 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:04:55 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:04:58 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:04:59 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:05:01 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:05:02 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:05:04 - [Spell] Cast Barkskin (Barkskin)
[F] 22:05:04 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:05:06 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:05:07 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:05:07 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:05:08 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:05:09 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:05:10 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:05:11 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:05:12 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:05:13 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
22:05:14 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:05:15 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 62)
[N] 22:05:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
[F] 22:05:21 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:05:21 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:05:23 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:05:24 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:05:26 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:05:27 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:05:29 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:05:30 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:05:31 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:05:32 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:05:32 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:05:33 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:05:34 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:05:35 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:05:36 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:05:37 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:05:39 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:05:40 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:05:42 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:05:43 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:05:43 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Healing Touch (Healing Touch)
22:05:44 - [Regen] Started
22:05:47 - [Regen] Use food Radish Kimchi
22:05:47 - [Regen] Use drink Morning Glory Dew
22:06:18 - [Regen] Finished
22:06:18 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 64)
[N] 22:06:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7
22:06:21 - [Quester] Stopped
22:06:22 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:02m:16s
XP/HR: 59135 - 278 min
Kills: 4 (105/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 2 (52/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)
Honor/HR: 0 (0)

[D] 22:06:22 - [Quester] Create instance of : grideone
[D] 22:06:22 - [Quester] Create instance of : grindertwo
[D] 22:06:22 - [Quester] Create instance of : grinderthree
[D] 22:06:22 - [Quester] Create instance of : ginderfour
[F] 22:06:22 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\FightClass\3.3.5a feral by dida1990.xml
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Innervate, Id found: 29166, Name found: Innervate, NameInGame found: Innervate, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Mark of the Wild, Id found: 9885, Name found: Mark of the Wild, NameInGame found: Mark of the Wild, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Thorns, Id found: 9910, Name found: Thorns, NameInGame found: Thorns, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Bear Form, Id found: 48368, Name found: Bear Form, NameInGame found: Bear Form, know = False
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Dire Bear Form, Id found: 9634, Name found: Dire Bear Form, NameInGame found: Dire Bear Form, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Frenzied Regeneration, Id found: 22842, Name found: Frenzied Regeneration, NameInGame found: Frenzied Regeneration, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Survival Instincts, Id found: 61336, Name found: Survival Instincts, NameInGame found: Survival Instincts, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Survival Instincts, Id found: 61336, Name found: Survival Instincts, NameInGame found: Survival Instincts, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Enrage, Id found: 5229, Name found: Enrage, NameInGame found: Enrage, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Enrage, Id found: 5229, Name found: Enrage, NameInGame found: Enrage, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Demoralizing Roar, Id found: 26998, Name found: Demoralizing Roar, NameInGame found: Demoralizing Roar, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Demoralizing Roar, Id found: 26998, Name found: Demoralizing Roar, NameInGame found: Demoralizing Roar, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=War Stomp, Id found: 20549, Name found: War Stomp, NameInGame found: War Stomp, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Bash, Id found: 8983, Name found: Bash, NameInGame found: Bash, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Bash, Id found: 8983, Name found: Bash, NameInGame found: Bash, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Swipe (Bear), Id found: 9908, Name found: Swipe (Bear), NameInGame found: Swipe (Bear), know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Swipe (Bear), Id found: 9908, Name found: Swipe (Bear), NameInGame found: Swipe (Bear), know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Maul, Id found: 9881, Name found: Maul, NameInGame found: Maul, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Mangle (Bear), Id found: 33986, Name found: Mangle (Bear), NameInGame found: Mangle (Bear), know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Barkskin, Id found: 22812, Name found: Barkskin, NameInGame found: Barkskin, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Barkskin, Id found: 22812, Name found: Barkskin, NameInGame found: Barkskin, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Berserk, Id found: 50334, Name found: Berserk, NameInGame found: Berserk, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Berserk, Id found: 50334, Name found: Berserk, NameInGame found: Berserk, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Faerie Fire (Feral), Id found: 16857, Name found: Faerie Fire (Feral), NameInGame found: Faerie Fire (Feral), know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Shred, Id found: 27001, Name found: Shred, NameInGame found: Shred, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Savage Roar, Id found: 62071, Name found: Savage Roar, NameInGame found: Savage Roar, know = False
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Tiger's Fury, Id found: 9846, Name found: Tiger's Fury, NameInGame found: Tiger's Fury, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Maim, Id found: 22570, Name found: Maim, NameInGame found: Maim, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Rip, Id found: 9896, Name found: Rip, NameInGame found: Rip, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Ferocious Bite, Id found: 31018, Name found: Ferocious Bite, NameInGame found: Ferocious Bite, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Mangle (Cat), Id found: 33982, Name found: Mangle (Cat), NameInGame found: Mangle (Cat), know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Claw, Id found: 9850, Name found: Claw, NameInGame found: Claw, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Rake, Id found: 9904, Name found: Rake, NameInGame found: Rake, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Mangle (Cat), Id found: 33982, Name found: Mangle (Cat), NameInGame found: Mangle (Cat), know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Feral Charge - Cat, Id found: 49376, Name found: Feral Charge - Cat, NameInGame found: Feral Charge - Cat, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Cat Form, Id found: 768, Name found: Cat Form, NameInGame found: Cat Form, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Regrowth, Id found: 9858, Name found: Regrowth, NameInGame found: Regrowth, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Regrowth, Id found: 9858, Name found: Regrowth, NameInGame found: Regrowth, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Healing Touch, Id found: 26978, Name found: Healing Touch, NameInGame found: Healing Touch, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Healing Touch, Id found: 26978, Name found: Healing Touch, NameInGame found: Healing Touch, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Rejuvenation, Id found: 25299, Name found: Rejuvenation, NameInGame found: Rejuvenation, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Remove Curse, Id found: 2782, Name found: Remove Curse, NameInGame found: Remove Curse, know = True
[D] 22:06:23 - [Spell] spellName=Abolish Poison, Id found: 2893, Name found: Abolish Poison, NameInGame found: Abolish Poison, know = True
22:06:23 - [Quester] Started
[D] 22:06:23 - [Quester] New step (1): grindertwo>Pulse
[N] 22:06:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:06:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5
[N] 22:06:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12
22:06:23 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 64)
[N] 22:06:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4
[F] 22:06:25 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:06:27 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:06:27 - [Spell] Cast Thorns (Thorns)
[F] 22:06:27 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:06:28 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:06:28 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:06:28 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:06:29 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:06:30 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:06:31 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:06:32 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:06:34 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:06:36 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:06:37 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:06:37 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:06:39 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:06:42 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:06:44 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:06:44 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:06:46 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
22:06:47 - [Looting] Loot Dreadfang Lurker
22:06:48 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 62)
[N] 22:06:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:06:50 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:06:51 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:06:52 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:06:54 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:06:57 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:06:59 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:07:00 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:07:01 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:07:02 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:07:04 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:07:05 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Healing Touch (Healing Touch)
22:07:06 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
[F] 22:07:06 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Healing Touch (Healing Touch)
22:07:06 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[F] 22:07:08 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:07:10 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:07:12 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:07:13 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:07:16 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:07:17 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:07:19 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:07:20 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:07:22 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:07:24 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:07:26 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:07:27 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:07:30 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:07:30 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:07:31 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
22:07:33 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:07:34 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 62)
[F] 22:07:35 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:07:36 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:07:38 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:07:39 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:07:41 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:07:42 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:07:44 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:07:45 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:07:47 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:07:48 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:07:48 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:07:49 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:07:50 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:07:51 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:07:52 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:07:53 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 62)
[N] 22:07:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:07:55 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:07:57 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:07:59 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:08:00 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:08:01 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:08:01 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:08:03 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:08:04 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:08:04 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:08:05 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:08:06 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:08:07 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:08:08 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:08:10 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:08:11 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:08:13 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
22:08:14 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:08:15 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:08:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:08:17 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:08:20 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:08:21 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:08:22 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:08:25 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:08:27 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:08:28 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:08:29 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:08:30 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:08:31 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:08:32 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:08:34 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:08:35 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:08:37 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:08:38 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
22:08:41 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:08:42 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 62)
[N] 22:08:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:08:44 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:08:46 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:08:48 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:08:49 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:08:51 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:08:52 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:08:55 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:08:56 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:08:57 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:08:57 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:08:59 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:09:00 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:09:01 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:09:02 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 64)
[N] 22:09:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:09:04 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:09:04 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:09:04 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:09:05 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:09:07 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:09:07 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:09:08 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:09:09 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:09:10 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:09:11 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:09:12 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:09:13 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:09:15 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:09:16 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:09:17 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:09:19 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
22:09:20 - [Looting] Loot Dreadfang Lurker
22:09:21 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 63)
[N] 22:09:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:09:22 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:09:23 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:09:25 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:09:26 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:09:29 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:09:30 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:09:32 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:09:35 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:09:36 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:09:38 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:09:39 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:09:40 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:09:41 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:09:43 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:09:44 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:09:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:09:47 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:09:48 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:09:48 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:09:49 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:09:49 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:09:50 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:09:51 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:09:52 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:09:53 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:09:55 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:09:56 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:09:57 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:09:57 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:09:58 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:09:59 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:10:00 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:10:00 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:10:01 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:10:03 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:10:04 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:10:05 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[F] 22:10:06 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Healing Touch (Healing Touch)
[F] 22:10:08 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:10:10 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:10:11 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:10:11 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:10:12 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:10:14 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:10:15 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:10:17 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:10:19 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:10:20 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:10:20 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:10:21 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:10:22 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:10:23 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:10:24 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:10:25 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:10:26 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:10:28 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 63)
[N] 22:10:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:10:31 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:10:31 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:10:33 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:10:35 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:10:36 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:10:38 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:10:39 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:10:42 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:10:43 - [Spell] Cast Barkskin (Barkskin)
[F] 22:10:43 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:10:45 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:10:46 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:10:48 - [Looting] Loot Dreadfang Lurker
22:10:48 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 64)
[F] 22:10:51 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:10:53 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:10:54 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:10:56 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:10:57 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:10:59 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:11:00 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:11:02 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:11:03 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:11:05 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:11:06 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:11:08 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:11:11 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:11:13 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
22:11:15 - [Looting] Loot Dreadfang Lurker
22:11:15 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 62)
[N] 22:11:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:11:20 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:11:20 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:11:21 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:11:22 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:11:22 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:11:23 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:11:23 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:11:24 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:11:26 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:11:27 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:11:29 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:11:30 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:11:31 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:11:32 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:11:33 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:11:34 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 64)
[F] 22:11:35 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:11:36 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Healing Touch (Healing Touch)
[F] 22:11:38 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:11:41 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:11:43 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:11:46 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:11:47 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:11:49 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:11:50 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:11:52 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:11:54 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:11:56 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:11:59 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:12:00 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:12:01 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:12:02 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
22:12:02 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
22:12:03 - [Looting] Loot Dreadfang Lurker
22:12:04 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:12:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:12:07 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:12:07 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:12:08 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:12:09 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:12:10 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:12:10 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:12:11 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:12:13 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:12:14 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:12:16 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:12:17 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:12:19 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:12:19 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:12:20 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:12:21 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:12:23 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:12:23 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:12:25 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:12:26 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:12:28 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:12:30 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
22:12:32 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:12:33 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 64)
[N] 22:12:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:12:36 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:12:38 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:12:40 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:12:42 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:12:42 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:12:43 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:12:45 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:12:46 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:12:48 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:12:49 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:12:51 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
22:12:53 - [Looting] Loot Dreadfang Lurker
22:12:54 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 62)
[N] 22:12:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:12:57 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:12:57 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:12:58 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:12:59 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:13:00 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:13:02 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:13:03 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:13:06 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:13:09 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:13:10 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:13:10 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:13:12 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:13:13 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:13:14 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
22:13:15 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:13:15 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 62)
[N] 22:13:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:13:17 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:13:19 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:13:20 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:13:21 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:13:22 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:13:23 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:13:25 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:13:28 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:13:30 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:13:31 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:13:32 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:13:33 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:13:34 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:13:34 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:13:37 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
[N] 22:13:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
22:13:39 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 63)
[N] 22:13:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:13:44 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:13:45 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:13:45 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:13:46 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:13:47 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:13:47 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:13:48 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:13:49 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:13:50 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:13:52 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:13:53 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:13:55 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:13:56 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:13:56 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:13:58 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:13:59 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
22:14:02 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
22:14:03 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:14:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:14:06 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:14:08 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:14:09 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:14:11 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:14:11 - [Spell] Cast Barkskin (Barkskin)
[F] 22:14:12 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:14:14 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:14:15 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:14:18 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:14:19 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:14:20 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:14:20 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:14:22 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:14:22 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:14:23 - [Regen] Started
22:14:24 - [Regen] Use food Radish Kimchi
22:14:43 - [Regen] Finished
22:14:43 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:14:44 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:14:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
[F] 22:14:48 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:14:48 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:14:48 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:14:49 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:14:50 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:14:51 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:14:51 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:14:52 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:14:54 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:14:55 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:14:56 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:14:58 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:14:59 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:14:59 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:15:00 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:15:01 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:15:02 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:15:03 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:15:04 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:15:05 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:15:06 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
22:15:08 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:15:09 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[F] 22:15:10 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:15:11 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:15:13 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:15:14 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:15:16 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:15:18 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:15:19 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:15:21 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Healing Touch (Healing Touch)
[F] 22:15:22 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:15:24 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:15:26 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:15:28 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
22:15:29 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:15:30 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[F] 22:15:31 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:15:32 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:15:33 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:15:34 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:15:34 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:15:36 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:15:38 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:15:40 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:15:42 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:15:45 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:15:46 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:15:47 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:15:48 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:15:49 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:15:50 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:15:52 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:15:53 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:15:55 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
22:15:56 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:15:57 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 63)
[N] 22:15:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:15:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:16:01 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:16:02 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:16:04 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:16:05 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:16:05 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:16:07 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:16:08 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:16:10 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:16:12 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:16:14 - [Looting] Loot Dreadfang Lurker
22:16:14 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:16:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7
[N] 22:16:20 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 22:16:20 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 22:16:20 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 22:16:22 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:16:23 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[N] 22:16:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4
[N] 22:16:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7
[F] 22:16:26 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:16:27 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:16:27 - [Spell] Cast Barkskin (Barkskin)
[F] 22:16:28 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:16:29 - [Spell] Cast Thorns (Thorns)
[F] 22:16:31 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:16:33 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:16:34 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:16:35 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:16:36 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:16:37 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:16:39 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:16:41 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:16:45 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:16:46 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 62)
[N] 22:16:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:16:50 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:16:51 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:16:51 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:16:52 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:16:54 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:16:55 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:16:57 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:16:58 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:16:59 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:17:00 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:17:01 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:17:02 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:17:02 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:17:03 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:17:04 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:17:05 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:17:06 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:17:08 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
22:17:09 - [Regen] Started
22:17:10 - [Regen] Use food Radish Kimchi
22:17:27 - [Regen] Finished
22:17:27 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:17:28 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:17:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
[F] 22:17:30 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:17:30 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:17:32 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:17:33 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:17:35 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:17:35 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:17:36 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:17:38 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:17:39 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:17:41 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:17:41 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:17:42 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:17:43 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:17:44 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:17:45 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:17:46 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:17:47 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:17:49 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:17:49 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:17:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
[F] 22:17:52 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:17:54 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:17:55 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:17:57 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:17:58 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:18:00 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:18:01 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:18:01 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:18:02 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:18:03 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:18:04 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:18:05 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:18:05 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:18:07 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:18:08 - [Spell] Cast Barkskin (Barkskin)
[F] 22:18:09 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:18:10 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:18:11 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:18:12 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:18:13 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:18:15 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:18:16 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Healing Touch (Healing Touch)
22:18:17 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:18:18 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:18:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
[F] 22:18:21 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:18:22 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:18:22 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:18:25 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:18:29 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:18:31 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:18:31 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:18:32 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:18:33 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:18:34 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:18:35 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:18:36 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:18:37 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:18:39 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:18:41 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:18:42 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:18:43 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:18:44 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:18:45 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:18:46 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 62)
[N] 22:18:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:18:47 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:18:49 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:18:49 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:18:52 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:18:53 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:18:57 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:18:58 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:19:00 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:19:01 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:19:01 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:19:02 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:19:03 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:19:04 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:19:04 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:19:05 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:19:07 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:19:08 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
22:19:09 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:19:10 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 62)
[F] 22:19:11 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:19:12 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:19:13 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:19:13 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:19:14 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:19:16 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:19:17 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:19:19 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:19:20 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:19:22 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:19:25 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:19:26 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:19:30 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:19:32 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:19:33 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
22:19:34 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:19:35 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 62)
[N] 22:19:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11
22:19:35 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Flight Form
22:19:41 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 22:19:41 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:19:44 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:19:44 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:19:45 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:19:47 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:19:48 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:19:50 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:19:51 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:19:54 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:19:55 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:19:56 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:19:57 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:19:57 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:19:59 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:20:01 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:20:02 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:20:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5
[F] 22:20:04 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:20:05 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:20:06 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:20:07 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:20:10 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:20:12 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:20:12 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:20:13 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:20:14 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:20:14 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:20:15 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:20:16 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:20:17 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:20:19 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:20:20 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:20:21 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:20:22 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
22:20:23 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:20:24 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 64)
[F] 22:20:25 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:20:27 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:27 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:28 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:29 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:29 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:30 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:31 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:31 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:20:33 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:33 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:34 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:35 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:35 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:36 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:37 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:37 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:38 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:20:39 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:40 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:41 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:41 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:42 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:43 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:43 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:44 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:45 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:20:46 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:47 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:47 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:48 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:49 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:49 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:50 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:50 - [Spell] Cast Barkskin (Barkskin)
[F] 22:20:51 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:20:52 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:53 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:54 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:54 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:55 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:56 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:56 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:57 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:20:58 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:20:59 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:21:00 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:21:00 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:21:01 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:21:02 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:21:02 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:21:03 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:21:03 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:21:04 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:21:05 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:21:06 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:21:07 - [Spell] Cast War Stomp (War Stomp)
[F] 22:21:08 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:21:08 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:21:09 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Healing Touch (Healing Touch)
[F] 22:21:14 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:21:16 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:21:18 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
22:21:19 - [Looting] Loot Dreadfang Lurker
22:21:20 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 64)
[N] 22:21:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7
22:21:20 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Flight Form
22:21:25 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 22:21:25 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:21:27 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:21:28 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:21:29 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:21:33 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:21:34 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:21:36 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:21:37 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:21:39 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:21:39 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:21:40 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:21:41 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:21:43 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:21:45 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:21:47 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:21:49 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:21:51 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
22:21:52 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 63)
[N] 22:21:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:21:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:21:54 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:21:55 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:21:55 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:21:57 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:21:59 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:22:00 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:22:02 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:22:03 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:22:06 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:22:08 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:22:08 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:22:10 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
22:22:12 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
22:22:12 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:22:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:22:15 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:22:16 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:22:18 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:22:19 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:22:19 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:22:21 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:22:22 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:22:24 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:22:25 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:22:25 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:22:26 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:22:27 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:22:28 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:22:29 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:22:31 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
22:22:32 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 63)
[F] 22:22:33 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:22:35 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:22:37 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:22:37 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:22:39 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:22:43 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:22:44 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:22:46 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:22:47 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:22:49 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:22:50 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:22:50 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:22:52 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:22:53 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:22:54 - [Looting] Loot Dreadfang Lurker
22:22:55 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 63)
[N] 22:22:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:22:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:22:58 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:22:59 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:23:00 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:23:01 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:23:02 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:23:04 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:23:05 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:23:07 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:23:08 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:23:10 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:23:12 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:23:14 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:23:15 - [Looting] Loot Dreadfang Lurker
22:23:16 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 62)
[N] 22:23:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5
[F] 22:23:21 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:23:23 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:23:24 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:23:26 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:23:27 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:23:29 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:23:30 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:23:32 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:23:33 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:23:33 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
22:23:35 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
22:23:35 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 64)
[N] 22:23:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5
[F] 22:23:37 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:23:39 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:23:40 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:23:41 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:23:43 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:23:47 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:23:49 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:23:50 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:23:53 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:23:55 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:23:57 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:24:01 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:24:03 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:24:03 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
22:24:05 - [Looting] Loot Dreadfang Lurker
22:24:05 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 62)
[N] 22:24:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:24:09 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:24:11 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:24:13 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:24:14 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:24:16 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:24:17 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:24:19 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:24:20 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:24:22 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:24:24 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:24:26 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:24:27 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
22:24:28 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 63)
[N] 22:24:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_21_36.mesh.gz
[N] 22:24:28 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_21_35.mesh.gz
[N] 22:24:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11
[N] 22:24:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5
[F] 22:24:34 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:24:36 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:24:37 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:24:39 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:24:39 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:24:40 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:24:41 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:24:43 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:24:45 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:24:46 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:24:48 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
22:24:49 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 63)
[N] 22:24:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5
[F] 22:24:50 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:24:51 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:24:51 - [Spell] Cast Barkskin (Barkskin)
[F] 22:24:52 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:24:54 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:24:56 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:24:58 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:24:59 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:25:02 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:25:05 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:25:06 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:25:09 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:25:10 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:25:11 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:25:12 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
22:25:14 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Timber Worg (lvl 62)
[F] 22:25:15 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:25:16 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:25:18 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:25:19 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:25:22 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:25:25 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:25:26 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:25:28 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
22:25:28 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 62)
[N] 22:25:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:25:29 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:25:31 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:25:31 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:25:33 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:25:34 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:25:35 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:25:39 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:25:41 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:25:41 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:25:42 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:25:43 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:25:45 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:25:47 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
22:25:49 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
22:25:50 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 63)
[N] 22:25:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5
[F] 22:25:53 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:25:54 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:25:56 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:25:57 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:25:59 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:26:00 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:26:02 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:26:03 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:26:05 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:26:07 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:26:09 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:26:10 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:26:11 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 62)
[F] 22:26:15 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:26:17 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:26:17 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:26:18 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:26:20 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:26:21 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:26:23 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:26:24 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:26:26 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
22:26:28 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
22:26:29 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 63)
[N] 22:26:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:26:33 - [Spell] Cast Thorns (Thorns)
[F] 22:26:35 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:26:37 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:26:38 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:26:42 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:26:44 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:26:45 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:26:47 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:26:48 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:26:49 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:26:50 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:26:52 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:26:53 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:26:55 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 63)
[N] 22:26:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14
22:26:56 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Flight Form
[N] 22:26:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12
22:27:01 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 22:27:02 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:27:03 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:27:06 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:27:09 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:27:10 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:27:12 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:27:16 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:27:17 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
[F] 22:27:17 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Healing Touch (Healing Touch)
22:27:17 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:27:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
[F] 22:27:19 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:27:21 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:27:21 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:27:22 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:27:23 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:27:25 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:27:27 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:27:28 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:27:30 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:27:31 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:27:33 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:27:35 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:27:37 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:27:38 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:27:39 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 62)
[F] 22:27:42 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:27:44 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:27:46 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:27:47 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:27:49 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:27:50 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:27:51 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:27:52 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:27:52 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:27:53 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:27:54 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:27:55 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:27:56 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:27:58 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:27:59 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:28:00 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:28:01 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
22:28:02 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:28:03 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 63)
[F] 22:28:04 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:28:04 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:28:05 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:28:06 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:28:06 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:28:07 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:28:08 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:28:09 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:28:11 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:28:12 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:28:14 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:28:15 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:28:17 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:28:19 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:28:21 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:28:22 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:28:24 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 62)
[N] 22:28:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:28:27 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:28:29 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:28:29 - [Spell] Cast Barkskin (Barkskin)
[F] 22:28:30 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:28:31 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:28:32 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:28:33 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:28:34 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:28:36 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:28:38 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:28:40 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:28:41 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:28:41 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:28:43 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:28:44 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:28:44 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:28:47 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:28:48 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
22:28:50 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Timber Worg (lvl 62)
[F] 22:28:51 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:28:53 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:28:55 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:28:56 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:28:57 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:28:58 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:29:00 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:29:01 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:29:02 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:29:04 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:29:06 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:29:07 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:29:09 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:29:10 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:29:12 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:29:12 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
[F] 22:29:13 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Healing Touch (Healing Touch)
22:29:13 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 63)
[N] 22:29:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:29:17 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:29:20 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:29:21 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:29:25 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:29:27 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:29:28 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:29:31 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:29:32 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:29:33 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:29:34 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:29:36 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
22:29:37 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
22:29:38 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:29:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5
22:29:38 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Flight Form
22:29:43 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 22:29:45 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[N] 22:29:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
[F] 22:29:48 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:29:49 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:29:53 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:29:55 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:29:56 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:29:57 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:29:58 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:29:58 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:29:59 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:30:00 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:30:01 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:30:02 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:30:04 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:30:05 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:30:06 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:30:07 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
22:30:08 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
[F] 22:30:08 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Healing Touch (Healing Touch)
22:30:09 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 64)
[N] 22:30:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:30:10 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:30:12 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:30:12 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:30:13 - [Spell] Cast Barkskin (Barkskin)
[F] 22:30:15 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:30:18 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:30:20 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:30:22 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:30:25 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:30:27 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:30:28 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:30:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Ironspine Petrifier (lvl 62)
[F] 22:30:32 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:30:33 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:30:35 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:30:38 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:30:39 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:30:40 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:30:42 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:30:43 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:30:43 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:30:45 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:30:46 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:30:48 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:30:49 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:30:51 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
22:30:54 - [Looting] Loot Ironspine Petrifier
22:30:55 - [Looting] Loot Dreadfang Lurker
22:30:56 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 63)
[N] 22:30:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:30:58 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:30:58 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:30:59 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:31:00 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:31:01 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:31:01 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:31:02 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:31:04 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:31:05 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:31:07 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:31:08 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:31:10 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:31:10 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:31:11 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:31:13 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
22:31:16 - [Looting] Loot Dreadfang Lurker
[N] 22:31:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4
22:31:17 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Flight Form
22:31:22 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 62)
[N] 22:31:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
[F] 22:31:25 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
22:31:26 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 22:31:27 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:31:29 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:31:29 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:31:31 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:31:35 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:31:36 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:31:38 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:31:39 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Healing Touch (Healing Touch)
[F] 22:31:41 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:31:42 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:31:43 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:31:45 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:31:46 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:31:48 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:31:49 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
22:31:50 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
22:31:51 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 63)
[N] 22:31:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:31:52 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:31:53 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:31:54 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:31:56 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:31:59 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:32:00 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:32:02 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Healing Touch (Healing Touch)
[F] 22:32:03 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:32:05 - [Spell] Cast Mark of the Wild (Mark of the Wild)
[F] 22:32:07 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:32:09 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:32:11 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:32:12 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:32:13 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:32:15 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
[N] 22:32:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4
22:32:16 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Flight Form
22:32:20 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:32:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
22:32:24 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 22:32:24 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:32:26 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:32:28 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:32:32 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:32:33 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:32:34 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:32:38 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:32:38 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:32:39 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:32:40 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:32:41 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:32:42 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:32:43 - [Spell] Cast Barkskin (Barkskin)
[F] 22:32:43 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:32:45 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:32:46 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:32:46 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:32:48 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
22:32:49 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 62)
[N] 22:32:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
[F] 22:32:50 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Healing Touch (Healing Touch)
[F] 22:32:52 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:32:52 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:32:53 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:32:54 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:32:57 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:33:00 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:33:02 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:33:03 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:33:05 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:33:06 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:33:07 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:33:08 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:33:09 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:33:10 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:33:11 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:33:12 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:33:13 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:33:14 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 63)
[N] 22:33:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
[F] 22:33:15 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:33:17 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:33:19 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:33:20 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:33:21 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:33:22 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:33:24 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:33:26 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:33:27 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:33:30 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:33:32 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:33:34 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
22:33:37 - [Looting] Loot Dreadfang Lurker
22:33:37 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 63)
[N] 22:33:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:33:40 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:33:41 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:33:42 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:33:42 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:33:43 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:33:44 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:33:44 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:33:46 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:33:47 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:33:49 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:33:51 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:33:52 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:33:53 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:33:55 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:33:57 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:33:58 - [Looting] Loot Dreadfang Lurker
22:33:59 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:33:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:34:01 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:34:03 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:34:05 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:34:06 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:34:08 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:34:09 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:34:11 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:34:12 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:34:15 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:34:16 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:34:17 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:34:20 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:34:21 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 62)
[N] 22:34:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:34:22 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:34:23 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:34:24 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:34:25 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:34:25 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:34:27 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:34:28 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:34:30 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:34:31 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:34:32 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:34:33 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:34:34 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:34:34 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:34:35 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:34:36 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:34:37 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:34:38 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:34:40 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:34:42 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:34:43 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:34:44 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 63)
[N] 22:34:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:34:47 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:34:50 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:34:51 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:34:53 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:34:54 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:34:55 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:34:56 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:34:57 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:34:59 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:35:00 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:35:01 - [Looting] Loot Dreadfang Lurker
22:35:02 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 64)
[F] 22:35:03 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:35:03 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:35:04 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:35:06 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:35:10 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:35:11 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
22:35:13 - 22:35 - [Totemtöter] whisper: |cffffffff|Hitem:2459:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:61|h[Hurtigkeitstrank]|h|r

[F] 22:35:14 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:35:15 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:35:17 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:35:18 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:35:20 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:35:24 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:35:25 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:35:25 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:35:26 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:35:28 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
22:35:30 - [Looting] Loot Dreadfang Lurker
22:35:31 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 63)
[N] 22:35:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:35:34 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:35:36 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:35:37 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:35:38 - [Spell] Cast Barkskin (Barkskin)
[F] 22:35:39 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:35:42 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:35:44 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:35:46 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:35:49 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:35:51 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:35:52 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:35:54 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 63)
[F] 22:35:55 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:35:57 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:35:58 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:35:59 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:36:01 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:36:02 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:36:04 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:36:05 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:36:07 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:36:10 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:36:12 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:36:14 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:36:15 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:36:16 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
22:36:17 - [Looting] Loot Dreadfang Lurker
22:36:18 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:36:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:36:21 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:36:22 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:36:23 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:36:23 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:36:24 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:36:25 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:36:25 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:36:27 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:36:28 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:36:30 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:36:31 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:36:32 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:36:33 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:36:34 - [Spell] Cast Thorns (Thorns)
[F] 22:36:36 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:36:36 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
22:36:39 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 64)
[N] 22:36:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:36:43 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:36:45 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:36:46 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:36:48 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:36:49 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:36:51 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:36:52 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:36:54 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:36:55 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:36:57 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:36:58 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:37:00 - [Looting] Loot Dreadfang Lurker
22:37:01 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:37:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:37:04 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:37:04 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:37:05 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:37:06 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:37:06 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:37:07 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:37:09 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:37:10 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:37:12 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:37:12 - [Spell] Cast Barkskin (Barkskin)
[F] 22:37:13 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:37:13 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:37:14 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:37:15 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:37:16 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:37:16 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:37:17 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:37:18 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:37:20 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:37:21 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:37:23 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
[F] 22:37:23 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Healing Touch (Healing Touch)
22:37:23 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:37:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:37:25 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:37:27 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:37:28 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:37:32 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:37:34 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:37:35 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:37:37 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:37:37 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:37:38 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:37:39 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:37:39 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:37:40 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:37:42 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:37:43 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:37:45 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[N] 22:37:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
22:37:46 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Flight Form
22:37:49 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 63)
[N] 22:37:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:37:51 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:37:53 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:37:54 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:37:55 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:37:59 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:38:00 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:38:02 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:38:03 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:38:05 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:38:06 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:38:07 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:38:08 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:38:09 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:38:11 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:38:15 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
22:38:16 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 62)
[N] 22:38:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
[F] 22:38:19 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:38:19 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:38:20 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:38:22 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:38:23 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:38:25 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:38:27 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:38:29 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:38:30 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:38:31 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:38:32 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:38:33 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:38:33 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:38:34 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:38:35 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:38:36 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:38:38 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:38:39 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:38:40 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:38:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:38:43 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:38:46 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:38:47 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:38:49 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:38:49 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:38:50 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:38:52 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:38:53 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:38:55 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:38:55 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:38:56 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:38:57 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:38:58 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:38:59 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:39:00 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:39:01 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:39:02 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 62)
[F] 22:39:03 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:39:03 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:39:04 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:39:04 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:39:05 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:39:06 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:39:06 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:39:07 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:39:08 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:39:09 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:39:10 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:39:12 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:39:13 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:39:14 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:39:14 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:39:15 - [Spell] Cast Barkskin (Barkskin)
[F] 22:39:16 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:39:16 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:39:18 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:39:19 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:39:21 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:39:22 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:39:23 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:39:24 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:39:25 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
[F] 22:39:25 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Healing Touch (Healing Touch)
22:39:26 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[F] 22:39:27 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:39:29 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:39:31 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:39:34 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:39:36 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:39:38 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:39:39 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:39:39 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:39:40 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:39:41 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:39:41 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:39:42 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:39:44 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:39:45 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:39:47 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:39:48 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:39:49 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 63)
[N] 22:39:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:39:50 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:39:51 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[N] 22:39:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:39:52 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:39:53 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:39:54 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:39:55 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:39:56 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:39:58 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:40:00 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:40:02 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:40:05 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:40:06 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
22:40:10 - [Looting] Loot Dreadfang Lurker
22:40:10 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 62)
[N] 22:40:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
[D] 22:40:15 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[D] 22:40:16 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 22:40:17 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 22:40:17 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 22:40:17 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 22:40:19 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[N] 22:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4
[F] 22:40:20 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:40:20 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:40:22 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:40:23 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:40:25 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:40:25 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:40:26 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:40:28 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:40:29 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:40:31 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:40:32 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
22:40:33 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:40:34 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:40:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:40:38 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:40:39 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:40:40 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:40:40 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:40:41 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:40:42 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:40:42 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:40:44 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:40:46 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:40:47 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:40:48 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:40:49 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:40:50 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:40:50 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:40:51 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:40:52 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:40:54 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:40:56 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:40:57 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:40:58 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:40:59 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
22:41:00 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:41:00 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 62)
[N] 22:41:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:41:02 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:41:04 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:41:05 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:41:07 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:41:08 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:41:10 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:41:11 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:41:12 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:41:12 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:41:13 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:41:14 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:41:15 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:41:16 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:41:20 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
22:41:22 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:41:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
[F] 22:41:25 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:41:25 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:41:26 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:41:27 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:41:27 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:41:28 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:41:28 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:41:29 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:41:31 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:41:32 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:41:33 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:41:34 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:41:34 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:41:35 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:41:36 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:41:36 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:41:37 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:41:38 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:41:39 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:41:41 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:41:42 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:41:43 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:41:44 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
22:41:45 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:41:46 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:41:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:41:47 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:41:49 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:41:50 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:41:51 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:41:51 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:41:52 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:41:52 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:41:53 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:41:54 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:41:55 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:41:56 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:41:56 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:41:57 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:41:58 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:41:58 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:41:59 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:00 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:00 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:42:01 - [Spell] Cast Barkskin (Barkskin)
[F] 22:42:01 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:02 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:03 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:03 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:04 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:05 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:05 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:06 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:07 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:42:08 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:09 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:09 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:10 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:10 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:11 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:12 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:12 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:13 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:42:14 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:15 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:16 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:16 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:17 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:18 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:18 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:19 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:19 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:42:21 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:21 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:22 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:23 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:23 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:24 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:25 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:25 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:26 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:42:27 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:28 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:29 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:29 - [Spell] Cast War Stomp (War Stomp)
[F] 22:42:30 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:42:31 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:42:32 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Healing Touch (Healing Touch)
[F] 22:42:32 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:42:34 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:34 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:35 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:36 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:36 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:37 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:38 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:38 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:39 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:42:40 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:41 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:42 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:42 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:43 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:43 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:44 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:42:45 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[D] 22:42:45 - [Fight] Fight stopped
22:42:45 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 22:42:47 - [Resurrect] Blacklist corpse position -2089,761 ; 4682,772 ; -9,495031 ; "None" - Radius: 30
[N] 22:42:50 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_23_37.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:50 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_22_37.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:50 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_24_37.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:50 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: Expansion01 - -4660,969;160,8826;2433,643 - -4682,772;-9,495031;2089,761
[N] 22:42:50 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_23_34.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:50 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_22_34.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:50 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_24_34.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:50 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_21_37.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_21_34.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_25_36.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_25_35.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_25_37.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_22_38.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_23_38.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_25_34.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_21_38.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_23_33.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_22_33.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_24_38.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_21_33.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_25_38.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_26_37.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_26_36.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_26_35.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_20_37.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_20_36.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_24_39.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_23_39.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_20_38.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_22_39.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_26_34.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_21_39.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\dida-Win7\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\Expansion01\Expansion01_26_38.mesh.gz
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: Expansion01 - -4682,772;-9,495031;2089,761 - -4595,93;155,8826;2341,895
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12
[D] 22:42:58 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[D] 22:43:00 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[D] 22:43:01 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[D] 22:43:07 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
22:43:33 - [Resurrect] Player retrieve corpse
22:43:33 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 63)
[N] 22:43:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:43:34 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:43:36 - [Spell] Cast Mark of the Wild (Mark of the Wild)
[F] 22:43:38 - [Spell] Cast Thorns (Thorns)
[F] 22:43:39 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:43:40 - [Spell] Cast Barkskin (Barkskin)
[F] 22:43:40 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:43:41 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:43:42 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:43:44 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:43:45 - [Spell] Cast Innervate (Innervate)
[F] 22:43:47 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:43:49 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:43:50 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Healing Touch (Healing Touch)
[F] 22:43:55 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:43:56 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:43:58 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:44:01 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:44:03 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:44:04 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:44:06 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:44:09 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
22:44:11 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
22:44:12 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 63)
[N] 22:44:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:44:14 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:44:15 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:44:15 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:44:16 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:44:17 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:44:18 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:44:20 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:44:20 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:44:21 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:44:22 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:44:23 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:44:25 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:44:28 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
22:44:30 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
22:44:31 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[F] 22:44:33 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:44:34 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:44:35 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:44:36 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:44:38 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:44:40 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:44:41 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:44:43 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:44:47 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:44:47 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:44:48 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
22:44:49 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:44:50 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 63)
[N] 22:44:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:44:53 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:44:54 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:44:55 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:44:56 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:44:58 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:44:59 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:45:00 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:45:00 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:45:01 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:45:03 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:45:04 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
22:45:05 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 62)
[F] 22:45:08 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:45:09 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:45:11 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:45:13 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:45:15 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:45:17 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:45:20 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:45:21 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:45:21 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:45:22 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:45:23 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:45:24 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:45:24 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:45:25 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:45:26 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[F] 22:45:28 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:45:28 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:45:30 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:45:30 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:45:31 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:45:32 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:45:34 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:45:35 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:45:37 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:45:40 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:45:41 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:45:41 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:45:43 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:45:43 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:45:44 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:45:45 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:45:46 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:45:47 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 63)
[N] 22:45:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6
[F] 22:45:48 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:45:50 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:45:52 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:45:53 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:45:54 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:45:56 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:46:00 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:46:01 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:46:02 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:46:03 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:46:04 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Healing Touch (Healing Touch)
22:46:05 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
22:46:06 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 63)
[N] 22:46:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5
[F] 22:46:11 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:46:12 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:46:13 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:46:14 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:46:18 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:46:20 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:46:21 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:46:23 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:46:25 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:46:26 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:46:29 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:46:31 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
22:46:33 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
22:46:34 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 62)
[F] 22:46:35 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:46:36 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:46:37 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:46:38 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:46:40 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:46:41 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:46:43 - [Spell] Cast Barkskin (Barkskin)
[F] 22:46:43 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:46:45 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:46:46 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Healing Touch (Healing Touch)
[F] 22:46:48 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:46:50 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
22:46:52 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 63)
[F] 22:46:55 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:46:56 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:46:58 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:46:59 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:47:01 - [Spell] Cast Regrowth (Regrowth)
[F] 22:47:03 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:47:03 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:47:05 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:47:06 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:47:08 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:47:09 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:47:11 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:47:13 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
22:47:14 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
[N] 22:47:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
22:47:15 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Flight Form
22:47:18 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 63)
[N] 22:47:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7
22:47:23 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 22:47:23 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[N] 22:47:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[D] 22:47:24 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 22:47:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[D] 22:47:26 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 22:47:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[D] 22:47:28 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: Jump
[N] 22:47:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:47:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:48:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:48:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:48:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:48:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:48:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:48:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:48:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:48:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:48:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:48:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:48:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:48:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:48:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:48:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:48:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:48:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:48:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
22:48:11 - [Regen] Started
22:48:12 - [Regen] Use food Radish Kimchi
22:48:30 - [Regen] Finished
22:48:30 - [Looting] Loot Dreadfang Lurker
22:48:31 - [Fight] Player Attack Dreadfang Lurker (lvl 64)
[N] 22:48:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:48:34 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:48:34 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:48:35 - [Spell] Cast Barkskin (Barkskin)
[F] 22:48:36 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:48:36 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:48:37 - [Spell] Cast Shred (Shred)
[F] 22:48:38 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:48:39 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:48:41 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:48:42 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:48:44 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:48:45 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:48:45 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:48:47 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:48:48 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:48:49 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Healing Touch (Healing Touch)
22:48:50 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Ironspine Petrifier (lvl 63)
[F] 22:48:50 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:48:52 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Healing Touch (Healing Touch)
[F] 22:48:54 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:48:56 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:48:57 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:48:58 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:48:59 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:49:01 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:49:02 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:49:04 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:49:07 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:49:09 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:49:11 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:49:15 - [Looting] Loot Ironspine Petrifier
22:49:16 - [Looting] Loot Dreadfang Lurker
22:49:17 - [Fight] Player Attack Teromoth (lvl 63)
[N] 22:49:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:49:18 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:49:18 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[N] 22:49:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[D] 22:49:19 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 22:49:21 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[N] 22:49:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[N] 22:49:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:49:23 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:49:24 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:49:26 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:49:27 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:49:29 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:49:30 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:49:32 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:49:32 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:49:34 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:49:35 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:49:35 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:49:36 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
22:49:38 - [Looting] Loot Teromoth
22:49:38 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 62)
[N] 22:49:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:49:40 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:49:43 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:49:44 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:49:44 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:49:46 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:49:47 - [Spell] Cast Barkskin (Barkskin)
[F] 22:49:47 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:49:49 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:49:49 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:49:50 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:49:52 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:49:53 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Healing Touch (Healing Touch)
22:49:55 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
22:49:56 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 63)
[N] 22:49:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:49:57 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:49:58 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:49:59 - [Spell] Cast Feral Charge - Cat (Feral Charge - Cat)
[F] 22:50:01 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:50:05 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:50:07 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:50:08 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:50:11 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:50:12 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:50:15 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:50:18 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:50:20 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
22:50:21 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
[N] 22:50:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4
22:50:22 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Flight Form
22:50:25 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 62)
[N] 22:50:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4
22:50:29 - [Mount] Dismount
[F] 22:50:29 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form)
[F] 22:50:30 - [Spell] Cast Tiger's Fury (Tiger's Fury)
[F] 22:50:31 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:50:33 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:50:34 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
[F] 22:50:36 - [Spell] Cast Rip (Rip)
[F] 22:50:38 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:50:39 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))
[F] 22:50:42 - [Spell] Cast Ferocious Bite (Ferocious Bite)
[F] 22:50:45 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:50:46 - [Spell] Cast Rake (Rake)
22:50:47 - [Looting] Loot Timber Worg
22:50:48 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Worg (lvl 62)
[N] 22:50:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2
[F] 22:50:51 - [Spell] Cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (Faerie Fire (Feral))
[F] 22:50:53 - [Spell] Cast Mangle (Cat) (Mangle (Cat))