[D] 01:43:07.631 - [Info] Log file created: 6 feb 2018 01H43.log.html
[D] 01:43:07.618 - [Info] WRobot Version: 1.8.5 (18804) for wow: 7.3.5_25961
[D] 01:43:07.631 - [Info] Offical website: https://wrobot.eu/
[D] 01:43:07.631 - [Info] Operating System Details: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
[D] 01:43:07.761 - [Info] Lang: Español (República Bolivariana de Venezuela)
[D] 01:43:16.951 - [Blacklist] Added, 3 uniques Npcs, 6 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
01:43:17.434 - [Memory] Select game process: 3408 - Win...
[D] 01:43:18.328 - [Keyboard Hook] Couldn’t register the hot key.
[D] 01:43:18.328 - [Keyboard Hook] Couldn’t register the hot key.
[F] 01:43:18.353 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Gatherer ; CustomClass = Monk Windwalker (camelot10).xml ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = True ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; PathFinderRequestLog = True ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1600 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 12000 ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 10 ; KeyBindingMacro = P ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = False ; NpcScanAuctioneer = False ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = False ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = False ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Oso marrón acorazado ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = False ; FlyingMountName = Dragón nimbo dorado ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = Patineta de aguaoscura ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = False ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = True ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = False ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Carne cruda de uñagrieta, Piedra de hogar, Piedra de hogar de Dalaran, Silbato del maestro de vuelo, Piedra de hogar de la fortaleza, Jarabe de coraje, Faro de bestias de guerra del Sentinax, Sheliun, Bastón de la Niebla, Escarpines del Cantaespada, Capa raída del gladiador, Marca de Honor, Tomo de la mente tranquila, Pequeño cristal ley, Lanzaganchos tronaforjado, Cristal de taladita, Diente intacto, Garra intacta, Pluma de falcosaurio prístina, Mota de armonía, Huevo de falcosaurio, Huevo de ave silvestre, Costillas grandes de sabor fuerte, Filete de oso graso, Pata magra, Carne cruda de elekk, Huevo de rylak, Pepita de mena de oro, Pechuga de ave silvestre, Carne de tortuga cruda, Carne de lobo tierna, Carne de lobo rojo, Seda shal'dorei, Piel suntuosa, Paño de seda de ascuas, Tela de tejido de Escarcha, Paño de tejido abisal, Paño rúnico, Azufre infernal, Mena de piedra ley, Piedra densa, Pepita de mena de mitril, Pepita de mena de torio, Mena de torio, Mena de mitril, Piedra sólida, Pepita de mena de hierro, Mena de hierro, Pepita de hierro fantasma, Mena de oro, Piedra pesada, Mena de estaño, Piedra burda, Mena de cobre, Barra de plata, Barra de cobre, Piedra férrea, Agua cristalizada, Obliterium, Esencia espumosa, Sangre vil coagulada, Sustancia volátil y pegajosa, Fu Zan, el Compañero del Vagabundo ; ForceSellList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Carne cruda de uñagrieta, Piedra de hogar, Piedra de hogar de Dalaran, Silbato del maestro de vuelo, Piedra de hogar de la fortaleza, Jarabe de coraje, Faro de bestias de guerra del Sentinax, Sheliun, Bastón de la Niebla, Escarpines del Cantaespada, Capa raída del gladiador, Marca de Honor, Tomo de la mente tranquila, Pequeño cristal ley, Lanzaganchos tronaforjado, Cristal de taladita, Diente intacto, Garra intacta, Pluma de falcosaurio prístina, Mota de armonía, Huevo de falcosaurio, Huevo de ave silvestre, Costillas grandes de sabor fuerte, Filete de oso graso, Pata magra, Carne cruda de elekk, Huevo de rylak, Pepita de mena de oro, Pechuga de ave silvestre, Carne de tortuga cruda, Carne de lobo tierna, Carne de lobo rojo, Seda shal'dorei, Piel suntuosa, Paño de seda de ascuas, Tela de tejido de Escarcha, Paño de tejido abisal, Paño rúnico, Azufre infernal, Mena de piedra ley, Piedra densa, Pepita de mena de mitril, Pepita de mena de torio, Mena de torio, Mena de mitril, Piedra sólida, Pepita de mena de hierro, Mena de hierro, Pepita de hierro fantasma, Mena de oro, Piedra pesada, Mena de estaño, Piedra burda, Mena de cobre, Barra de plata, Barra de cobre, Piedra férrea, Agua cristalizada, Obliterium, Esencia espumosa, Sangre vil coagulada, Sustancia volátil y pegajosa, Fu Zan, el Compañero del Vagabundo ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = False ; CloseAfterXLevel = 110 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = False ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 1 ; LatencyMax = 5000 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1,5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = False ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = False ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1,5 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1,7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = False ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ;
[F] 01:43:18.353 - WRobotFileName = JNIXUJ.exe ; FullWowPath = D:\Juegos\World of Warcraft\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe ; MaxFPS = 50 ; MaxLuaMemoryUsage = 2147483647 ; UseShortcuts = True ; WindowName = ; TopMost = False ; Remote = False ; SizeWidth = 535 ; SizeHeight = 380 ; ToTrayBar = False ; MeShow = True ; TargetShow = True ; PathShow = True ; BlacklistShow = True ; NpcShow = False ; PlayersShow = False ; ObjectsShow = False ; LowFps = True ; LowQuality = True ; ByName = ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerGlobalSetting ; FilePath = C:\Users\home\Desktop\woworo\WRobot\Settings\WRobotGlobalSetting.xml ;
[F] 01:43:18.353 - InstallDateTime = 05/01/2018 02:02:00 a.m. ; ShowMs = True ; normalCb = True ; fightCb = True ; navigatorCb = True ; debugCb = True ; ErrorCb = True ; SendErrorCb = False ; CurrentSetting = robotManager.robotManagerGlobalSetting ; FilePath = C:\Users\home\Desktop\woworo\WRobot\Settings\RobotManagerGlobalSetting.xml ;
[D] 01:43:18.354 - [Info] Wow Version: 25961
[D] 01:43:18.354 - [Info] Player found: True
[D] 01:43:18.379 - [Info] Wow Addons: BagBrother, Bagnon, TidyPlates, TidyPlatesHub, TidyPlatesWidgets, TidyPlates_Graphite, TidyPlates_Grey, TidyPlates_Neon, TidyPlates_Quatre, WeakAuras, DBM-Core, DBM-DefaultSkin, DBM-StatusBarTimers,
01:43:18.383 - [SpellManager] Initializing SpellBook - (Wait few seconds)
01:43:18.432 - [SpellManager] Initialize SpellBook Finished (163 spell found)
[D] 01:43:18.433 - [SpellManager] List of id found in spellbook:
Auto Attack (6603)
Honorable Medallion (195710)
Quaking Palm (107079)
Revive Battle Pets (125439)
Broken Isles Pathfinder (233368)
Apprentice Riding (33388)
Artisan Riding (34091)
Epicurean (107072)
Gourmand (107073)
Weapon Skills (106902)
Armor Skills (106904)
Languages (131701)
Bouncy (107076)
Inner Peace (107074)
Combat Ally (211390)
Garrison Ability (161691)
Disabling Technique (175697)
Provoke (115546)
Detox (218164)
Tiger's Lust (116841)
Effuse (116694)
Healing Elixir (122281)
Spear Hand Strike (116705)
Strike of the Windlord (205320)
Disable (116095)
Chi Wave (115098)
Tiger Palm (100780)
Paralysis (115078)
Flying Serpent Kick (101545)
Rising Sun Kick (107428)
Spinning Crane Kick (101546)
Blackout Kick (100784)
Zen Pilgrimage (126892)
Fists of Fury (113656)
Crackling Jade Lightning (117952)
Resuscitate (115178)
Roll (109132)
Storm, Earth, and Fire (137639)
Touch of Karma (122470)
Touch of Death (115080)
Transcendence (101643)
Transcendence: Transfer (119996)
Zen Flight (125883)
Windwalking (157411)
Mastery: Combo Strikes (115636)
Afterlife (116092)
Leg Sweep (119381)
Serenity (152173)
Breath of Fire (115181)
Ironskin Brew (115308)
Purifying Brew (119582)
Fortifying Brew (115203)
Effuse (231602)
Keg Smash (121253)
Expel Harm (115072)
Blackout Strike (205523)
Zen Meditation (115176)
Stagger (115069)
Brewmaster's Balance (245013)
Celestial Fortune (216519)
Mastery: Elusive Brawler (117906)
Gift of the Ox (124502)
Fortifying Brew (243435)
Life Cocoon (116849)
Detox (115450)
Essence Font (191837)
Enveloping Mist (124682)
Renewing Mist (115151)
Teachings of the Monastery (116645)
Essence Font (231633)
Mastery: Gust of Mists (117907)
Enveloping Mist (231605)
Soothing Mist (193884)
Renewing Mist (231606)
Rising Sun Kick (262840)
Revival (115310)
Reawaken (212051)
Thunder Focus Tea (116680)
Thunder Focus Tea (231876)
Vivify (116670)
First Aid (158741)
Cooking (158765)
Cooking Fire (818)
Mining Skills (2656)
Engineering (4036)
Timber Wolf (580)
Dire Wolf (6653)
Brown Wolf (6654)
Emerald Raptor (8395)
Turquoise Raptor (10796)
Violet Raptor (10799)
Red Skeletal Horse (17462)
Blue Skeletal Horse (17463)
Brown Skeletal Horse (17464)
Green Skeletal Warhorse (17465)
Gray Kodo (18989)
Brown Kodo (18990)
Black War Raptor (22721)
Swift Blue Raptor (23241)
Swift Olive Raptor (23242)
Swift Orange Raptor (23243)
Purple Skeletal Warhorse (23246)
Great White Kodo (23247)
Great Gray Kodo (23248)
Great Brown Kodo (23249)
Swift Brown Wolf (23250)
Swift Timber Wolf (23251)
Swift Gray Wolf (23252)
Tawny Wind Rider (32243)
Blue Wind Rider (32244)
Green Wind Rider (32245)
Swift Red Wind Rider (32246)
Swift Green Wind Rider (32295)
Swift Yellow Wind Rider (32296)
Swift Purple Wind Rider (32297)
Swift Pink Hawkstrider (33660)
Red Hawkstrider (34795)
Purple Hawkstrider (35018)
Blue Hawkstrider (35020)
Black Hawkstrider (35022)
Swift Green Hawkstrider (35025)
Swift Purple Hawkstrider (35027)
Twilight Drake (59571)
Black Drake (59650)
Albino Drake (60025)
Armored Brown Bear (60116)
Armored Blue Wind Rider (61230)
Traveler's Tundra Mammoth (61447)
White Kodo (64657)
Black Wolf (64658)
Black Skeletal Horse (64977)
Ochre Skeletal Warhorse (66846)
Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher (72808)
Dark Phoenix (88990)
Sandstone Drake (93326)
Kor'kron Annihilator (93644)
Pureblood Fire Hawk (97493)
Corrupted Fire Hawk (97560)
Amani Battle Bear (98204)
Flametalon of Alysrazor (101542)
Jade Cloud Serpent (113199)
Green Dragon Turtle (120395)
Azure Cloud Serpent (123992)
Golden Cloud Serpent (123993)
Thundering Jade Cloud Serpent (124408)
Black Dragon Turtle (127286)
Blue Dragon Turtle (127287)
Brown Dragon Turtle (127288)
Purple Dragon Turtle (127289)
Red Dragon Turtle (127290)
Thundering Ruby Cloud Serpent (132036)
Sky Golem (134359)
Slate Primordial Direhorn (138425)
Bone-White Primal Raptor (138640)
Green Primal Raptor (138643)
Hearthsteed (142073)
Garn Nighthowl (171851)
Summon Chauffeur (179244)
Coalfist Gronnling (189364)
Arcanist's Manasaber (230987)
Smoldering Ember Wyrm (231428)
Cloudwing Hippogryph (242881)
Riddler's Mind-Worm (243025)
01:43:18.436 - [SpellManager] Please wait, loading spellbook...
[D] 01:43:18.672 - [SpellManager] Children spell found: Leg Sweep (119381) (parent spell: Disabling Technique (175697))
[D] 01:43:18.672 - [SpellManager] Children spell found: Serenity (152173) (parent spell: Storm, Earth, and Fire (137639))
[D] 01:43:18.672 - [SpellManager] Children spell found: Effuse (116694) (parent spell: Effuse (231602))
[D] 01:43:18.672 - [SpellManager] Children spell found: Detox (218164) (parent spell: Detox (115450))
[D] 01:43:18.672 - [SpellManager] Children spell found: Rising Sun Kick (107428) (parent spell: Rising Sun Kick (262840))
01:43:18.677 - [SpellManager] Spellbook loaded.
[D] 01:43:18.788 - [Keybindings]
Sentarse / Esperar: X
Andar para atrás: S
Al Frente: W
Saltar: SPACE
Andar a la izquierda: NUMPAD1
Andar a la derecha: NUMPAD2
01:43:24.289 - [Gatherer] Loaded
[F] 01:43:24.296 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Gatherer ; CustomClass = Monk Windwalker (camelot10).xml ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = True ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; PathFinderRequestLog = True ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1600 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 12000 ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 10 ; KeyBindingMacro = P ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = False ; NpcScanAuctioneer = False ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = False ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = False ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Oso marrón acorazado ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = False ; FlyingMountName = Dragón nimbo dorado ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = Patineta de aguaoscura ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = False ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 300 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = True ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = False ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Carne cruda de uñagrieta, Piedra de hogar, Piedra de hogar de Dalaran, Silbato del maestro de vuelo, Piedra de hogar de la fortaleza, Jarabe de coraje, Faro de bestias de guerra del Sentinax, Sheliun, Bastón de la Niebla, Escarpines del Cantaespada, Capa raída del gladiador, Marca de Honor, Tomo de la mente tranquila, Pequeño cristal ley, Lanzaganchos tronaforjado, Cristal de taladita, Diente intacto, Garra intacta, Pluma de falcosaurio prístina, Mota de armonía, Huevo de falcosaurio, Huevo de ave silvestre, Costillas grandes de sabor fuerte, Filete de oso graso, Pata magra, Carne cruda de elekk, Huevo de rylak, Pepita de mena de oro, Pechuga de ave silvestre, Carne de tortuga cruda, Carne de lobo tierna, Carne de lobo rojo, Seda shal'dorei, Piel suntuosa, Paño de seda de ascuas, Tela de tejido de Escarcha, Paño de tejido abisal, Paño rúnico, Azufre infernal, Mena de piedra ley, Piedra densa, Pepita de mena de mitril, Pepita de mena de torio, Mena de torio, Mena de mitril, Piedra sólida, Pepita de mena de hierro, Mena de hierro, Pepita de hierro fantasma, Mena de oro, Piedra pesada, Mena de estaño, Piedra burda, Mena de cobre, Barra de plata, Barra de cobre, Piedra férrea, Agua cristalizada, Obliterium, Esencia espumosa, Sangre vil coagulada, Sustancia volátil y pegajosa, Fu Zan, el Compañero del Vagabundo ; ForceSellList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Carne cruda de uñagrieta, Piedra de hogar, Piedra de hogar de Dalaran, Silbato del maestro de vuelo, Piedra de hogar de la fortaleza, Jarabe de coraje, Faro de bestias de guerra del Sentinax, Sheliun, Bastón de la Niebla, Escarpines del Cantaespada, Capa raída del gladiador, Marca de Honor, Tomo de la mente tranquila, Pequeño cristal ley, Lanzaganchos tronaforjado, Cristal de taladita, Diente intacto, Garra intacta, Pluma de falcosaurio prístina, Mota de armonía, Huevo de falcosaurio, Huevo de ave silvestre, Costillas grandes de sabor fuerte, Filete de oso graso, Pata magra, Carne cruda de elekk, Huevo de rylak, Pepita de mena de oro, Pechuga de ave silvestre, Carne de tortuga cruda, Carne de lobo tierna, Carne de lobo rojo, Seda shal'dorei, Piel suntuosa, Paño de seda de ascuas, Tela de tejido de Escarcha, Paño de tejido abisal, Paño rúnico, Azufre infernal, Mena de piedra ley, Piedra densa, Pepita de mena de mitril, Pepita de mena de torio, Mena de torio, Mena de mitril, Piedra sólida, Pepita de mena de hierro, Mena de hierro, Pepita de hierro fantasma, Mena de oro, Piedra pesada, Mena de estaño, Piedra burda, Mena de cobre, Barra de plata, Barra de cobre, Piedra férrea, Agua cristalizada, Obliterium, Esencia espumosa, Sangre vil coagulada, Sustancia volátil y pegajosa, Fu Zan, el Compañero del Vagabundo ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = False ; CloseAfterXLevel = 110 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = False ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 1 ; LatencyMax = 5000 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1,5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = False ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = False ; WallDistancePathFinder = 1,5 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1,7 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = False ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ;
[D] 01:43:24.308 - [Blacklist] Added, 3 uniques Npcs, 6 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 01:43:28.854 - ProfileName = Horde\Mining\[H - Ghost Iron Ore] Pandaria Continent.xml ; CurrentSetting = Gatherer.Bot.GathererSetting ; PathingReverseDirection = False ; MountAllTime = True ; DisableAttackBeforeAttacked = True ; RetLastPos = False ; RandomisePath = False ; RandomiseDistanceMax = 2,5 ; OverrideSkipInOutDoors = True ; SkipIfPlayerNear = False ;
[F] 01:43:29.044 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\home\Desktop\woworo\WRobot\FightClass\Monk Windwalker (camelot10).xml
01:43:29.495 - [Gatherer] Started
[D] 01:43:29.495 - Profile used: Horde\Mining\[H - Ghost Iron Ore] Pandaria Continent.xml
[D] 01:43:29.508 - [Spell] Disable (Id found: 116095, Name found: Disable, NameInGame found: Incapacitar, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:43:29.548 - [Spell] Spinning Fire Blossom (Id found: 202077, Name found: Spinning Fire Blossom, NameInGame found: Flor de fuego giratoria, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:29.588 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Furia sangrienta, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:29.608 - [Spell] Touch of Karma (Id found: 122470, Name found: Touch of Karma, NameInGame found: Toque de karma, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
01:43:29.611 - [Farming] Farm Depósito de hierro fantasma > -171,0677 ; 1796,335 ; 204,247 ; "None"
[N] 01:43:29.624 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -170,3496 ; 1713,305 ; 242,7394 ; "None" to -171,0677 ; 1796,335 ; 204,247 ; "None" (HawaiiMainLand)
[D] 01:43:29.648 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Medallón de Gladiador, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:29.708 - [Spell] Ring of Peace (Id found: 237371, Name found: Ring of Peace, NameInGame found: Anillo de paz, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:29.748 - [Spell] Energizing Elixir (Id found: 115288, Name found: Energizing Elixir, NameInGame found: Elixir tonificante, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:29.768 - [Spell] Healing Elixir (Id found: 122281, Name found: Healing Elixir, NameInGame found: Elixir de sanación, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:43:29.788 - [Spell] Fortifying Brew (Id found: 115203, Name found: Fortifying Brew, NameInGame found: Brebaje reconstituyente, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:29.828 - [Spell] Zen Moment (Id found: 201325, Name found: Zen Moment, NameInGame found: Momento zen, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:29.868 - [Spell] Grapple Weapon (Id found: 233759, Name found: Grapple Weapon, NameInGame found: Arrebatar arma, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:29.908 - [Spell] Summon Black Ox Statue (Id found: 163178, Name found: Summon Black Ox Statue, NameInGame found: Invocar estatua del Buey Negro, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:29.969 - [Spell] Diffuse Magic (Id found: 122783, Name found: Diffuse Magic, NameInGame found: Difuminar magia, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:30.009 - [Spell] Dampen Harm (Id found: 175395, Name found: Dampen Harm, NameInGame found: Mitigar daño, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:30.029 - [Spell] Transcendence (Id found: 101643, Name found: Transcendence, NameInGame found: Transcendencia, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:43:30.049 - [Spell] Transcendence: Transfer (Id found: 119996, Name found: Transcendence: Transfer, NameInGame found: Transcendencia: Transferencia, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:30.069 - [Spell] Detox (Id found: 218164, Name found: Detox, NameInGame found: Depuración, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:43:30.089 - [Spell] Effuse (Id found: 116694, Name found: Effuse, NameInGame found: Efundir, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:43:30.109 - [Spell] Paralysis (Id found: 115078, Name found: Paralysis, NameInGame found: Parálisis, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:43:30.129 - [Spell] Tiger's Lust (Id found: 116841, Name found: Tiger's Lust, NameInGame found: Deseo del tigre, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:43:30.149 - [Spell] Flying Serpent Kick (Id found: 101545, Name found: Flying Serpent Kick, NameInGame found: Patada del dragón volador, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:43:30.169 - [Spell] Flying Serpent Kick (Id found: 101545, Name found: Flying Serpent Kick, NameInGame found: Patada del dragón volador, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:43:30.209 - [Spell] Chi Torpedo (Id found: 119539, Name found: Chi Torpedo, NameInGame found: Torpedo de chi, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:30.229 - [Spell] Roll (Id found: 109132, Name found: Roll, NameInGame found: Rodar, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:43:30.249 - [Spell] Serenity (Id found: 152173, Name found: Serenity, NameInGame found: Serenidad, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:43:30.269 - [Spell] Storm, Earth, and Fire (Id found: 137639, Name found: Storm, Earth, and Fire, NameInGame found: Tormenta, Tierra y Fuego, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:43:30.289 - [Spell] Fists of Fury (Id found: 113656, Name found: Fists of Fury, NameInGame found: Puños de furia, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:30.349 - [Spell] Whirling Dragon Punch (Id found: 196742, Name found: Whirling Dragon Punch, NameInGame found: Puñetazo de dragón giratorio, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:30.389 - [Spell] Leg Sweep (Id found: 119381, Name found: Leg Sweep, NameInGame found: Barrido de pierna, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:43:30.409 - [Spell] Spear Hand Strike (Id found: 116705, Name found: Spear Hand Strike, NameInGame found: Golpe de mano de lanza, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:43:30.429 - [Spell] Touch of Death (Id found: 115080, Name found: Touch of Death, NameInGame found: Toque de la muerte, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:43:30.449 - [Spell] Whirling Dragon Punch (Id found: 196742, Name found: Whirling Dragon Punch, NameInGame found: Puñetazo de dragón giratorio, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:30.469 - [Spell] Strike of the Windlord (Id found: 205320, Name found: Strike of the Windlord, NameInGame found: Golpe del Señor del viento, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:30.509 - [Spell] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger (Id found: 241088, Name found: Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger, NameInGame found: Invocar a Xuen, el Tigre blanco, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:30.550 - [Spell] Chi Burst (Id found: 260535, Name found: Chi Burst, NameInGame found: Ráfaga de chi, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:30.589 - [Spell] Rushing Jade Wind (Id found: 237618, Name found: Rushing Jade Wind, NameInGame found: Viento de jade impetuoso, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:30.609 - [Spell] Spinning Crane Kick (Id found: 101546, Name found: Spinning Crane Kick, NameInGame found: Patada giratoria de la grulla, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:30.625 - [PatherServer] Select server 1
[D] 01:43:30.629 - [Spell] Tiger Palm (Id found: 100780, Name found: Tiger Palm, NameInGame found: Palma del tigre, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:43:30.649 - [Spell] Rising Sun Kick (Id found: 107428, Name found: Rising Sun Kick, NameInGame found: Patada del sol naciente, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:30.669 - [Spell] Rushing Jade Wind (Id found: 237618, Name found: Rushing Jade Wind, NameInGame found: Viento de jade impetuoso, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:30.689 - [Spell] Chi Wave (Id found: 115098, Name found: Chi Wave, NameInGame found: Ola de chi, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:43:30.709 - [Spell] Blackout Kick (Id found: 100784, Name found: Blackout Kick, NameInGame found: Patada oscura, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:43:30.729 - [Spell] Tiger Palm (Id found: 100780, Name found: Tiger Palm, NameInGame found: Palma del tigre, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:43:30.749 - [Spell] Resuscitate (Id found: 115178, Name found: Resuscitate, NameInGame found: Resucitar, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:43:30.769 - [Spell] Crackling Jade Lightning (Id found: 117952, Name found: Crackling Jade Lightning, NameInGame found: Relámpago crepitante de jade, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[N] 01:43:30.918 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (136,4351y)
01:43:32.034 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Dragón nimbo dorado
01:43:43.445 - [Farming] Farm successful
01:43:43.469 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Dragón nimbo dorado
01:43:46.031 - [Farming] Farm Depósito de hierro fantasma > -141,8715 ; 1866,271 ; 188,963 ; "None"
[N] 01:43:46.069 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -171,378 ; 1796,292 ; 208,7734 ; "Flying" to -141,8715 ; 1866,271 ; 188,963 ; "None" (HawaiiMainLand)
[N] 01:43:46.234 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (208,7406y)
[N] 01:43:46.235 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: -171,378 ; 1796,292 ; 208,7734 ; "Flying" strict = False
[N] 01:43:46.394 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 206,4359
[N] 01:43:46.394 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -171,378 ; 1796,292 ; 206,4359 ; "Flying" to -141,8715 ; 1866,271 ; 188,963 ; "None" (HawaiiMainLand)
[N] 01:43:46.582 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (203,1308y)
01:43:58.852 - [Farming] Farm successful
01:43:58.890 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Dragón nimbo dorado
01:44:01.329 - [Farming] Farm Depósito de hierro fantasma > -206,441 ; 1854,083 ; 164,4126 ; "None"
01:44:09.175 - [Farming] Farm successful
01:44:09.210 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Dragón nimbo dorado
01:44:16.290 - [Farming] Farm Depósito de hierro fantasma > -305,0729 ; 1809,167 ; 153,719 ; "None"
01:44:24.401 - [Farming] Farm successful
01:44:24.434 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Dragón nimbo dorado
01:44:36.174 - [Farming] Farm Depósito de hierro fantasma > -267,9254 ; 1606,293 ; 232,171 ; "None"
01:44:47.253 - [Farming] Farm successful
01:44:47.275 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Dragón nimbo dorado
01:44:55.668 - [Farming] Farm Depósito de hierro fantasma rico > -440,809 ; 1529,182 ; 188,4253 ; "None"
01:45:03.770 - [Farming] Farm successful
01:45:03.809 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Dragón nimbo dorado
01:45:06.309 - [Farming] Farm Depósito de hierro fantasma > -516,9271 ; 1520,625 ; 160,1927 ; "None"
[N] 01:45:06.349 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -441,1241 ; 1528,963 ; 193,9805 ; "Flying" to -516,9271 ; 1520,625 ; 160,1927 ; "None" (HawaiiMainLand)
[N] 01:45:07.141 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (127,8427y)
[N] 01:45:07.141 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: -441,1241 ; 1528,963 ; 193,9805 ; "Flying" strict = False
[N] 01:45:07.302 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 188,9259
[N] 01:45:07.302 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -441,1241 ; 1528,963 ; 188,9259 ; "Flying" to -516,9271 ; 1520,625 ; 160,1927 ; "None" (HawaiiMainLand)
[N] 01:45:07.588 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (127,8427y)
01:45:14.318 - [Gatherer] Stopped
01:45:14.409 - Session statistics:
Tiempo transcurrido:: 00h:01m:44s
Bajas: 0 (0/hr)
Muertes: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Recojidos(Farmeos): 6 (207/hr)
Loot(s): 0 (0/hr)
Oro / HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)
[F] 01:45:21.579 - ProfileName = Horde\Mining\[H - Ghost Iron Ore] Pandaria Continent.xml ; CurrentSetting = Gatherer.Bot.GathererSetting ; PathingReverseDirection = False ; MountAllTime = True ; DisableAttackBeforeAttacked = True ; RetLastPos = False ; RandomisePath = False ; RandomiseDistanceMax = 2,5 ; OverrideSkipInOutDoors = True ; SkipIfPlayerNear = False ;
[F] 01:45:21.592 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\home\Desktop\woworo\WRobot\FightClass\Monk Windwalker (camelot10).xml
[D] 01:45:21.930 - [Spell] Disable (Id found: 116095, Name found: Disable, NameInGame found: Incapacitar, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:45:21.950 - [Spell] Spinning Fire Blossom (Id found: 202077, Name found: Spinning Fire Blossom, NameInGame found: Flor de fuego giratoria, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
01:45:21.965 - [Gatherer] Started
[D] 01:45:21.965 - Profile used: Horde\Mining\[H - Ghost Iron Ore] Pandaria Continent.xml
[D] 01:45:21.970 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 164458, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Furia sangrienta, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:45:21.990 - [Spell] Touch of Karma (Id found: 122470, Name found: Touch of Karma, NameInGame found: Toque de karma, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:45:22.010 - [Spell] Gladiator's Medallion (Id found: 208683, Name found: Gladiator's Medallion, NameInGame found: Medallón de Gladiador, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:45:22.030 - [Spell] Ring of Peace (Id found: 237371, Name found: Ring of Peace, NameInGame found: Anillo de paz, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
01:45:22.030 - [Farming] Farm Depósito de hierro fantasma > -516,9271 ; 1520,625 ; 160,1927 ; "None"
[D] 01:45:22.050 - [Spell] Energizing Elixir (Id found: 115288, Name found: Energizing Elixir, NameInGame found: Elixir tonificante, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:45:22.070 - [Spell] Healing Elixir (Id found: 122281, Name found: Healing Elixir, NameInGame found: Elixir de sanación, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[N] 01:45:22.070 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -474,9101 ; 1517,106 ; 225,8867 ; "Flying" to -516,9271 ; 1520,625 ; 160,1927 ; "None" (HawaiiMainLand)
[D] 01:45:22.090 - [Spell] Fortifying Brew (Id found: 115203, Name found: Fortifying Brew, NameInGame found: Brebaje reconstituyente, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:45:22.110 - [Spell] Zen Moment (Id found: 201325, Name found: Zen Moment, NameInGame found: Momento zen, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:45:22.130 - [Spell] Grapple Weapon (Id found: 233759, Name found: Grapple Weapon, NameInGame found: Arrebatar arma, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:45:22.150 - [Spell] Summon Black Ox Statue (Id found: 163178, Name found: Summon Black Ox Statue, NameInGame found: Invocar estatua del Buey Negro, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:45:22.170 - [Spell] Diffuse Magic (Id found: 122783, Name found: Diffuse Magic, NameInGame found: Difuminar magia, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:45:22.190 - [Spell] Dampen Harm (Id found: 175395, Name found: Dampen Harm, NameInGame found: Mitigar daño, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:45:22.210 - [Spell] Transcendence (Id found: 101643, Name found: Transcendence, NameInGame found: Transcendencia, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:45:22.230 - [Spell] Transcendence: Transfer (Id found: 119996, Name found: Transcendence: Transfer, NameInGame found: Transcendencia: Transferencia, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:45:22.270 - [Spell] Detox (Id found: 218164, Name found: Detox, NameInGame found: Depuración, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:45:22.290 - [Spell] Effuse (Id found: 116694, Name found: Effuse, NameInGame found: Efundir, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:45:22.310 - [Spell] Paralysis (Id found: 115078, Name found: Paralysis, NameInGame found: Parálisis, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:45:22.330 - [Spell] Tiger's Lust (Id found: 116841, Name found: Tiger's Lust, NameInGame found: Deseo del tigre, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:45:22.350 - [Spell] Flying Serpent Kick (Id found: 101545, Name found: Flying Serpent Kick, NameInGame found: Patada del dragón volador, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:45:22.370 - [Spell] Flying Serpent Kick (Id found: 101545, Name found: Flying Serpent Kick, NameInGame found: Patada del dragón volador, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:45:22.390 - [Spell] Chi Torpedo (Id found: 119539, Name found: Chi Torpedo, NameInGame found: Torpedo de chi, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:45:22.410 - [Spell] Roll (Id found: 109132, Name found: Roll, NameInGame found: Rodar, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:45:22.430 - [Spell] Serenity (Id found: 152173, Name found: Serenity, NameInGame found: Serenidad, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:45:22.450 - [Spell] Storm, Earth, and Fire (Id found: 137639, Name found: Storm, Earth, and Fire, NameInGame found: Tormenta, Tierra y Fuego, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:45:22.470 - [Spell] Fists of Fury (Id found: 113656, Name found: Fists of Fury, NameInGame found: Puños de furia, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:45:22.490 - [Spell] Whirling Dragon Punch (Id found: 196742, Name found: Whirling Dragon Punch, NameInGame found: Puñetazo de dragón giratorio, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:45:22.510 - [Spell] Leg Sweep (Id found: 119381, Name found: Leg Sweep, NameInGame found: Barrido de pierna, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:45:22.530 - [Spell] Spear Hand Strike (Id found: 116705, Name found: Spear Hand Strike, NameInGame found: Golpe de mano de lanza, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:45:22.550 - [Spell] Touch of Death (Id found: 115080, Name found: Touch of Death, NameInGame found: Toque de la muerte, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:45:22.570 - [Spell] Whirling Dragon Punch (Id found: 196742, Name found: Whirling Dragon Punch, NameInGame found: Puñetazo de dragón giratorio, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:45:22.590 - [Spell] Strike of the Windlord (Id found: 205320, Name found: Strike of the Windlord, NameInGame found: Golpe del Señor del viento, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:45:22.610 - [Spell] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger (Id found: 241088, Name found: Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger, NameInGame found: Invocar a Xuen, el Tigre blanco, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:45:22.630 - [Spell] Chi Burst (Id found: 260535, Name found: Chi Burst, NameInGame found: Ráfaga de chi, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:45:22.650 - [Spell] Rushing Jade Wind (Id found: 237618, Name found: Rushing Jade Wind, NameInGame found: Viento de jade impetuoso, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[N] 01:45:22.656 - [Server] [Path-Finding] Partial result: -474,9101 ; 1517,106 ; 225,8867 ; "None" (HawaiiMainLand_29,15543_32,89046) to -516,9271 ; 1520,625 ; 160,1927 ; "None" (HawaiiMainLand_29,14883_32,96924)
[D] 01:45:22.670 - [Spell] Spinning Crane Kick (Id found: 101546, Name found: Spinning Crane Kick, NameInGame found: Patada giratoria de la grulla, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:45:22.710 - [Spell] Tiger Palm (Id found: 100780, Name found: Tiger Palm, NameInGame found: Palma del tigre, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:45:22.730 - [Spell] Rising Sun Kick (Id found: 107428, Name found: Rising Sun Kick, NameInGame found: Patada del sol naciente, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:45:22.750 - [Spell] Rushing Jade Wind (Id found: 237618, Name found: Rushing Jade Wind, NameInGame found: Viento de jade impetuoso, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:45:22.770 - [Spell] Chi Wave (Id found: 115098, Name found: Chi Wave, NameInGame found: Ola de chi, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:45:22.790 - [Spell] Blackout Kick (Id found: 100784, Name found: Blackout Kick, NameInGame found: Patada oscura, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 01:45:22.830 - [Spell] Tiger Palm (Id found: 100780, Name found: Tiger Palm, NameInGame found: Palma del tigre, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:45:22.850 - [Spell] Resuscitate (Id found: 115178, Name found: Resuscitate, NameInGame found: Resucitar, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 01:45:22.870 - [Spell] Crackling Jade Lightning (Id found: 117952, Name found: Crackling Jade Lightning, NameInGame found: Relámpago crepitante de jade, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[N] 01:45:24.332 - [Server] [Path-Finding] Partial result: -516,9271 ; 1520,625 ; 160,1927 ; "None" (HawaiiMainLand_29,14883_32,96924) to -503,5633 ; 1542,988 ; 226,4259 ; "None" (HawaiiMainLand_29,1069_32,94418)
[N] 01:45:24.332 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (267,5912y)
01:45:32.851 - [Farming] Farm successful
01:45:32.891 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Dragón nimbo dorado
[N] 01:45:35.391 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 103,6172
01:46:02.991 - [Farming] Farm Depósito de hierro fantasma > -9,149305 ; 1465,198 ; 364,4077 ; "None"
01:46:10.741 - [Farming] Farm successful
01:46:10.772 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Dragón nimbo dorado
01:46:26.134 - [Farming] Farm Depósito de hierro fantasma > 283,2257 ; 1471,911 ; 445,9506 ; "None"
01:46:33.322 - [Farming] Farm successful
01:46:33.354 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Dragón nimbo dorado
01:46:35.994 - [Farming] Farm Depósito de hierro fantasma > 339,5295 ; 1393,243 ; 400,1559 ; "None"
[N] 01:46:36.034 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 282,8695 ; 1471,843 ; 450,5422 ; "Flying" to 339,5295 ; 1393,243 ; 400,1559 ; "None" (HawaiiMainLand)
[N] 01:46:36.442 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (142,7994y)
[N] 01:46:36.442 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 282,8695 ; 1471,843 ; 450,5422 ; "Flying" strict = False
[N] 01:46:36.805 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 446,8881
[N] 01:46:36.805 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 282,8695 ; 1471,843 ; 446,8881 ; "Flying" to 339,5295 ; 1393,243 ; 400,1559 ; "None" (HawaiiMainLand)
[N] 01:46:36.969 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (141,9272y)
01:46:48.522 - [Farming] Farm successful
01:46:48.555 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Dragón nimbo dorado
01:46:51.175 - [Blacklist] 4 Units hostile Near Depósito de hierro fantasma
01:46:51.512 - [Farming] Farm Depósito de hierro fantasma > 373,5799 ; 1428,219 ; 431,2788 ; "None"
[N] 01:46:51.553 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 339,3085 ; 1393,066 ; 404,7403 ; "Flying" to 373,5799 ; 1428,219 ; 431,2788 ; "None" (HawaiiMainLand)
[N] 01:46:52.131 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (113,3095y)
[N] 01:46:52.131 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 339,3085 ; 1393,066 ; 404,7403 ; "Flying" strict = False
[N] 01:46:52.293 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 400,718
[N] 01:46:52.293 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 339,3085 ; 1393,066 ; 400,718 ; "Flying" to 373,5799 ; 1428,219 ; 431,2788 ; "None" (HawaiiMainLand)
[N] 01:46:52.678 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (113,3095y)
01:47:01.201 - [Farming] Farm successful
01:47:01.236 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Dragón nimbo dorado
01:47:06.555 - [Blacklist] 4 Units hostile Near Depósito de hierro fantasma
01:47:07.315 - [Farming] Farm Depósito de hierro fantasma > 486,3385 ; 1411,705 ; 415,2381 ; "None"
01:47:15.406 - [Farming] Farm successful
01:47:15.436 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Dragón nimbo dorado
01:47:21.884 - [Blacklist] 4 Units hostile Near Depósito de hierro fantasma
01:47:22.633 - [Farming] Farm Depósito de hierro fantasma > 455,5799 ; 1239,5 ; 216,412 ; "None"
01:47:36.439 - [Farming] Farm successful
01:47:36.474 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Dragón nimbo dorado
01:47:54.975 - [Farming] Farm Depósito de hierro fantasma > 113,1372 ; 1366,189 ; 221,2302 ; "None"
01:47:58.786 - [Mount] Dismount
01:48:03.972 - [Farming] Farm successful
01:48:03.995 - [Mount] Mounting fly mount Dragón nimbo dorado
[E] 01:48:06.835 - Connection error, close bot, you have probably launched 2 times bot with same license key, please contact WRobot team if it is not the case.
[E] 01:48:06.835 - System.Char[]
01:48:07.204 - [Gatherer] Stopped
01:48:07.704 - [Gatherer] Stopped
01:48:07.704 - [Gatherer] Closed