[D] 22:05:38 - [Info] Log file created: 17 Dec 2018 22H05.log.html
[D] 22:05:38 - [Info] WRobot Version: 2.2.4 (31129) for wow: 1.12.1_5875
[D] 22:05:38 - [Info] Offical website: https://wrobot.eu/
[D] 22:05:38 - [Info] Operating System Details: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
[D] 22:05:38 - [Info] Lang: English (United Kingdom)
[D] 22:05:38 - Warning: TeamViewer is launched on your computer, this software can cause problems, I recommend to close all TeamViewer process.
[F] 22:05:38 - [Memory] D3D9 found: 6A 18 B8 51 D7 5E 64 E8 5D 7E
[F] 22:05:38 - [Memory] D3D11 found: 8B FF 55 8B EC 83 EC 7C A1 F0
[D] 22:05:38 - [Memory] D3D9 used
[D] 22:05:54 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = False).
22:05:54 - [Memory] Select game process: 3464 - Xay...
22:05:55 - [Quester] Loaded
[F] 22:05:55 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Quester ; CustomClass = FrostMageVanilla.dll ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; IgnoreFightWhenInMove = True ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = True ; TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink = True ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; LootAndHarvestRangeQuickly = True ; LootInCombat = False ; SkipNodesInWater = False ; MaxTryPerNode = 6 ; SellQuickly = False ; HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 0 ; HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 6948 ; RecordChatInLog = True ; UseSpiritHealerAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 0 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; UseCTM = True ; AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = True ; PathFinderServerSeemDownPauseBotTimeSec = 20 ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1600 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 80000 ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 10 ; RetrieveCorpseMaxDistance = 26 ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = True ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = True ; SizeWidth = 895 ; SizeHeight = 656 ; SaveWindowPosition = False ; WindowPosX = 0 ; WindowPosY = 0 ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = HumanMasterPlugin.dll = True, FrostMageVanilla.dll = True, AutoPetFeed.dll = False, Horde_FNVVanillaFlightMaster.dll = True, HS2Town.cs = True, iTalents.dll = False, MoveDuringCombat.dll = False, VanillaClamOpenerv1.0.1.cs = True, VanillaFlightMaster.dll = False, WhatsGoingOn.dll = False ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = False ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = True ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = False ; HarvestMinerals = False ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 1 ; SearchRadius = 77 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 20 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = True ; SellGreen = True ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = ; ForceSellList = ; BuyList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = False ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = False ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = True ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = False ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1.5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0.6 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 350 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ;
[F] 22:05:55 - SaveWindowPosition = False ; NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Quester ; CustomClass = FrostMageVanilla.dll ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; IgnoreFightWhenInMove = True ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = True ; TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink = True ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; LootAndHarvestRangeQuickly = True ; LootInCombat = False ; SkipNodesInWater = False ; MaxTryPerNode = 6 ; SellQuickly = False ; HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 0 ; HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 6948 ; RecordChatInLog = True ; UseSpiritHealerAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 0 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; UseCTM = True ; AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = True ; PathFinderServerSeemDownPauseBotTimeSec = 20 ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1600 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 80000 ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 10 ; RetrieveCorpseMaxDistance = 26 ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = True ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = True ; SizeWidth = 895 ; SizeHeight = 656 ; WindowPosX = 0 ; WindowPosY = 0 ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = HumanMasterPlugin.dll = True, FrostMageVanilla.dll = True, AutoPetFeed.dll = False, Horde_FNVVanillaFlightMaster.dll = True, HS2Town.cs = True, iTalents.dll = False, MoveDuringCombat.dll = False, VanillaClamOpenerv1.0.1.cs = True, VanillaFlightMaster.dll = False, WhatsGoingOn.dll = False ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = False ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = True ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = False ; HarvestMinerals = False ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 1 ; SearchRadius = 77 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 20 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = True ; SellGreen = True ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = ; ForceSellList = ; BuyList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = False ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = False ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = True ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = False ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1.5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0.6 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 350 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ;
[F] 22:05:55 - WRobotFileName = ; WRobotTmpFolderName = ; DriveLetter = ; FullWowPath = C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\ ; MaxFPS = 30 ; MaxLuaMemoryUsage = 2147483647 ; CloseIfCannotLoginWowMinutes = 2 ; WaitTimeToRelogSeconds = 0 ; CloseGameIfAdminRights = False ; UseShortcuts = True ; WindowName = ; TopMost = False ; Remote = False ; ToTrayBar = False ; MeShow = True ; TargetShow = True ; PathShow = True ; BlacklistShow = True ; NpcShow = False ; PlayersShow = False ; ObjectsShow = False ; LowFps = True ; LowQuality = True ; ByName = ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerGlobalSetting ; FilePath = D:\Users\Neptali\Downloads\WRobot\WRobot\\Settings\WRobotGlobalSetting.xml ;
[F] 22:05:55 - CanProtectAgainstScreenshots = False ; ArgsEnvironmentVariables = 48BCDC ; InstallDateTime = 17/12/2018 18:53:45 ; ShowMs = False ; normalCb = True ; fightCb = True ; navigatorCb = False ; debugCb = False ; ErrorCb = True ; SendErrorCb = False ; CurrentSetting = robotManager.robotManagerGlobalSetting ; FilePath = D:\Users\Neptali\Downloads\WRobot\WRobot\\Settings\RobotManagerGlobalSetting.xml ;
[D] 22:05:55 - [Info] Wow Version: 5875
[D] 22:05:55 - [Info] Player found: True
[D] 22:05:55 - [Info] Wow Addons: AdWS, AdvancedTradeSkillWindow, Atlas, AtlasLoot, AtlasQuest, BGBuddy, CallToArms, Cartographer, Cartographer_Herbalism, Cartographer_Mining, ChatMOD, CooldownCount, DamageMeters, FlightMap, eCastingBar, EzDismount, Gatherer, !ImprovedErrorFrame, Kalented, MapCoords, CEnemyCastBar, !OmniCC, Outfitter, RangeRecolor, XPerl_Options, XPerl_Party, XPerl_PartyPet, XPerl_Player, XPerl_PlayerPet, XPerl_Target, XPerl_TargetTarget, XPerl, ZoneLevel, BGAssist, GoodInspect, QuestLevels, !Questie
22:05:55 - [SpellManager] Initializing SpellBook - (Wait few seconds)
22:05:55 - [SpellManager] Initialize SpellBook Finished (12 spell found)
[D] 22:05:55 - [SpellManager] List of id found in spellbook:
Attack (6603)
Cannibalize (20577)
Dodge (81)
Shadow Resistance (20579)
Shoot (5019)
Underwater Breathing (5227)
Will of the Forsaken (7744)
Arcane Intellect (1459)
Conjure Water (5504)
Fireball (133)
Frost Armor (168)
Frostbolt (116)

22:05:55 - [SpellManager] Please wait, loading spellbook...
22:05:55 - [SpellManager] Spellbook loaded.
[D] 22:05:56 - [Keybindings]
Sit / Stand: X
Backward: S
Forward: W
Strafe Left: Q
Strafe Right: E

[E] 22:05:56 - Warning: It is recommended to disable all wow AddOns.
[D] 22:06:01 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = False).
[F] 22:06:01 - ProfileName = 1-60 Horde (RANDOMIZED) NEW 3.0 (All Starting Zones) - PUBLIC DEMO.xml ; BlackListWhereIAmDead = False ; SaveModifiedGeneralSettings = False ; SkipPickUpQuestAfterXSecondes = 120 ; ProfilesUserSettings = ; CurrentSetting = Quester.Bot.QuesterSetting ;
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] It is not quest class type: Key
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : RudeAwakening
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheMindlessOnes
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : PiercingtheVeilUndeadLock
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TaintedScroll
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : RattlingtheRattlecages
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheDamned
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : MarlasLastWish
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : GetMariasSkull
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : ScavengingDeathknell
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : NightWebsHollowSpidersinCave
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : NightWebsHollow
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheScarletCrusade
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheRedMessenger
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : VitalIntelligence
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : GRIND16UDStartBatsWolves
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : GRIND16UDStartSpiders
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : ARoguesDeal
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : FieldsofGrief
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : PATHFieldsofGriefTo
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : GordosTask
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : APutridTask
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : DoomWeed
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : AtWarWithTheScarletCrusade
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : ProofofDemise
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : FieldsofGriefPART2
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : ANewPlague
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : GRIND69TirisfalGladesV1
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : GRIND69TirisfalGladesV2
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : GRIND69TirisfalGladesV3
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : Graverobbers
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheChillofDeath
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : DeathsintheFamily
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheHauntedMills
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : ForsakenDuties
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : ReturntotheMagistrate
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : RearGuardPatrol
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : DeliverytoSilverpineForest
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheMillsOverrunGetRibs
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheMillsOverrun
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : SpeakwithSevren
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheFamilyCrypt
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : GRIND911TirisfalVampBatsBylakeV1
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : GRIND911TirisfalBatsDogsbyScarletV1
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : GRIND1113TirisSpiderV1
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : GRIND1113AgamandMillV2
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : HalgarsSummons
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : CreatureoftheVoid
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheBinding
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : WalkToCircle
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : PATHUClvl10VoidwalkerTOCreaterofVoid
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : PATHLvl11WeaponsmasterUC
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : LvL10UDWarriorQuestSpeakwithGuard
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : OPENDOORUlagtheCleaver
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : lvl10UDWarriorQUlagtheCleaver
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : LvL10UDPriestTouchofWeakeness
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : PATHlvl10PriestQtoUnderCity
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : PATHTotheFamilyCryptAgamand
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : PATHRunToZeplinBrilltoOrg
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : PATHRunDownZeppDurotar
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : CatchZeppelinShipBrilltoOrg
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : PATHDurotarZepplintoORGFP
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : PATHOrgFPtoOrgEntrance
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : PATHOrgAHtoWeaponsMaster
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : YourPlaceInTheWorld
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : CuttingTeeth
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TaintedParchment
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : StingoftheScorpid
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : VileFamiliars
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : VileFamiliarsWarlockImpPet
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : GalgarsCactusAppleSurprise
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : VileFamiliarsTrollWarlockP2Turnin
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : LazyPeons
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : Sarkoth
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : SarkothPart2
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : GRIND16TrollOrcStartingAreaNoFamiliarV1
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : GRIND16TrollOrcStartingAreaWithFamiliarsV2
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : CallofEarthOrcTroll1
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : CallofEarthOrcTroll2
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoStonedurotar
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : CallofEarthOrcTroll3
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : InFavorofSpiritualityTrolllvl5Priest
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : GarmentsofSpirituality
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : PATHOrcTrollStartingtoBuyWeaponsRazor
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : PATHRazorHilltoOrgrimmarInkeepr
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : PATHOrgInkeepertoSkinningTrainer
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : PATHOrgrimmartoRazorHill
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : GRIND67DurotarWeaponmoney
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : APeonsBurden
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : ASolventSpiritGetMucus
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : ASolventSpirit
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : BreakaFewEggs
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : GRIND79DurotarV1
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : GRIND79DurotarV2
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : VanquishtheBetrayersLTBenedic
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : VanquishtheBetrayers
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : CarryYourWeight
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : EncroachmentQuailboar
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : EncroachmentScout
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : EncroachmentDustrunner
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : Encroachment
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : MinshinasSkull
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : ReporttoOrgnil
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : ThwartingKolkarAggression
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : ZalazaneHexedTrolls
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : ZalazaneVoodooTrolls
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : Zalazane
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : FromTheWreckage
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : DarkStorms
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : To913GrindSpotDurotar
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : KILL911Durotar1
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : KILL911Durotar2
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : HexofWeaknessTrolllvl10PriestQ
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : GoToRazorHillPriestTrainerOrgrimmar
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : RunToOrgrimmarWeaponsMaster
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : KILL1113Durotarv1
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : KILL1113Durotarv2
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : WindsintheDesert
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : SecuringtheLines
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : Margoz
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : PracticalPrey
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TamingtheBeast
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TamingtheBeast2
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TamingtheBeast3
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TrainingtheBeastP4
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TrainingtheBeastP5
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : GanrulsSummonsorcndtroll
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoTurninSummons
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : CreatureoftheVoidorcndtroll
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : RunfromSummonstoOutofOrg
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : PathGetTabletforVOID
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : BurningBladeCavetoOrgrimmar
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheBindingorcndtroll
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : RuntoBindingOrg
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : SkullRock
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : HiddenEnemies
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : NeeruFireblade
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : AkZeloth
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : CallofFireOrcTroll
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : CallofFireOrcTrollPart2
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : Worstpathingame
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : CallofFireOrcCroll3v1
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : CallofFireOrcTroll3v2
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : CallofFireOrcTroll4
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : GototheShrine
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : CallofFireOrcTroll5
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : HiddenEnemiesPart2
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : GoToThralltoFirebladeOrg
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : VeteranUzzekWarriorQ
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : PathofDefenseWarriorq
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : ThungrimFiregazeWarriorq
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : ForgedSteel
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheHuntBegins
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : AHumbleTask
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheHuntContinues
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : VerdantNote
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : AHumbleTaskPart2
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : RitesoftheEarthmother
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : RiteofStrength
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : RitesoftheEarthmotherPART2
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheBattleboars
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : KILL1to6MulgoreStarting
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : CallofEarthTauren
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : CallofEarthTaurenP2
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : CallofEarthTaurenP3
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : ATaskUnfinished
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : RiteofVision
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : RiteofVisionPart2Ambercorn
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : RiteofVisionPart2
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheRavagedCaravan
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : DangersoftheWindfury
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : PoisonWater
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : SwoopHunting
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : MazzranachePristineWolfHeart
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : MazzranacheFlatlandCougarFemur
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : MazzranachePlantstriderScale
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : Mazzranache
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : SharingtheLandTamers
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : SharingtheLandSkinners
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : SharingtheLand
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : WinterhoofCleansing
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : PATHWinterhoofClensingKILLSHIT
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : ThunderhornTotem
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : RiteofVisionPart3
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : KILL68Mulgore
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : ThunderhornCleansing
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : WildmaneTotem
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : KILL810MulgoreV1
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : KILL810MulgoreV2
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheRavagedCaravanPart2
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheVentureCo
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TamingtheBeastTaurenHunter
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TamingtheBeastP2TaurenHunter
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : TamingtheBeastP3TaurenHunter
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : KILL1013Mulgorev1
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : KILL1013Mulgorev2
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : ASacredBurial
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : WildmaneCleansing
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : RUNTurajotoxroadstauren
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] Create instance of : JourneytotheCrossroads
[F] 22:06:02 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: D:\Users\Neptali\Downloads\WRobot\WRobot\\FightClass\FrostMageVanilla.dll
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Blink (Id found: 29211, Name found: Blink, NameInGame found: Blink, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Frost Nova (Id found: 30094, Name found: Frost Nova, NameInGame found: Frost Nova, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Frostbolt (Id found: 116, Name found: Frostbolt, NameInGame found: Frostbolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Fireball (Id found: 133, Name found: Fireball, NameInGame found: Fireball, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Shoot (Id found: 5019, Name found: Shoot, NameInGame found: Shoot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Frost Armor (Id found: 168, Name found: Frost Armor, NameInGame found: Frost Armor, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Ice Armor (Id found: 10222, Name found: Ice Armor, NameInGame found: Ice Armor, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Remove Lesser Curse (Id found: 1176, Name found: Remove Lesser Curse, NameInGame found: Remove Lesser Curse, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Arcane Intellect (Id found: 1459, Name found: Arcane Intellect, NameInGame found: Arcane Intellect, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Arcane Intellect (Id found: 1459, Name found: Arcane Intellect, NameInGame found: Arcane Intellect, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Arcane Intellect (Id found: 1459, Name found: Arcane Intellect, NameInGame found: Arcane Intellect, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Ice Barrier (Id found: 13039, Name found: Ice Barrier, NameInGame found: Ice Barrier, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Dampen Magic (Id found: 10176, Name found: Dampen Magic, NameInGame found: Dampen Magic, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] spellName=Conjure Mana Emerald => Failed
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Ruby (Id found: 10056, Name found: Conjure Mana Ruby, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Ruby, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Citrine (Id found: 10055, Name found: Conjure Mana Citrine, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Citrine, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Jade (Id found: 3553, Name found: Conjure Mana Jade, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Jade, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Conjure Mana Agate (Id found: 1210, Name found: Conjure Mana Agate, NameInGame found: Conjure Mana Agate, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] spellName=Conjure Mana Emerald => Failed
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 28613, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Frost Nova (Id found: 30094, Name found: Frost Nova, NameInGame found: Frost Nova, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Counterspell (Id found: 29443, Name found: Counterspell, NameInGame found: Counterspell, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Fire Blast (Id found: 29644, Name found: Fire Blast, NameInGame found: Fire Blast, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Fire Blast (Id found: 29644, Name found: Fire Blast, NameInGame found: Fire Blast, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Frostbolt (Id found: 116, Name found: Frostbolt, NameInGame found: Frostbolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Fireball (Id found: 133, Name found: Fireball, NameInGame found: Fireball, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Shoot (Id found: 5019, Name found: Shoot, NameInGame found: Shoot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Mana Shield (Id found: 17741, Name found: Mana Shield, NameInGame found: Mana Shield, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Mana Shield (Id found: 17741, Name found: Mana Shield, NameInGame found: Mana Shield, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Ice Barrier (Id found: 13039, Name found: Ice Barrier, NameInGame found: Ice Barrier, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Frost Nova (Id found: 30094, Name found: Frost Nova, NameInGame found: Frost Nova, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Polymorph (Id found: 29848, Name found: Polymorph, NameInGame found: Polymorph, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26635, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Counterspell (Id found: 29443, Name found: Counterspell, NameInGame found: Counterspell, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Cold Snap (Id found: 12472, Name found: Cold Snap, NameInGame found: Cold Snap, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Evocation (Id found: 28763, Name found: Evocation, NameInGame found: Evocation, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Fire Blast (Id found: 29644, Name found: Fire Blast, NameInGame found: Fire Blast, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Fire Blast (Id found: 29644, Name found: Fire Blast, NameInGame found: Fire Blast, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Shoot (Id found: 5019, Name found: Shoot, NameInGame found: Shoot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Arcane Explosion (Id found: 30096, Name found: Arcane Explosion, NameInGame found: Arcane Explosion, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Cone of Cold (Id found: 30095, Name found: Cone of Cold, NameInGame found: Cone of Cold, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Fire Blast (Id found: 29644, Name found: Fire Blast, NameInGame found: Fire Blast, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Cone of Cold (Id found: 30095, Name found: Cone of Cold, NameInGame found: Cone of Cold, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Shoot (Id found: 5019, Name found: Shoot, NameInGame found: Shoot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Mana Shield (Id found: 17741, Name found: Mana Shield, NameInGame found: Mana Shield, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Mana Shield (Id found: 17741, Name found: Mana Shield, NameInGame found: Mana Shield, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Ice Barrier (Id found: 13039, Name found: Ice Barrier, NameInGame found: Ice Barrier, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Counterspell (Id found: 29443, Name found: Counterspell, NameInGame found: Counterspell, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] Cold Snap (Id found: 12472, Name found: Cold Snap, NameInGame found: Cold Snap, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] spellName=Fireblast => Failed
[D] 22:06:02 - [FightPetBattle] Cannot load pet battle fight class, use default.
[D] 22:06:02 - [Spell] spellName=Battle Pet Training => Failed
[D] 22:06:02 - [Mount] No ground mount selected.
[D] 22:06:02 - [Mount] No aquatic mount selected.
[D] 22:06:02 - [Mount] No flying mount selected.
22:06:02 - [VanillaFlightMaster] – started v1.0.4 for Horde
22:06:02 - [VanillaFlightMaster] – WRobots Taxi is enabled, now disabling...
[D] 22:06:02 - [Quester] MessageBox: Andoido's 1-14 Horde Randomized DEMO (beta)(All Starting Zones) - This is a demo, bugs are to be expected. Please contact me on Wrobot or Discord if you find any. Click OK to close this popup and start the profile!! Alliance 1-60 Randomized Available now! https://rocketr.net/sellers/Tarud
22:06:02 - [VanillaFlightMaster] – flight path scan started
[D] 22:06:03 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 28613, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:03 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 28613, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:03 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 28613, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:03 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 28613, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:03 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 28613, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:03 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 28613, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:03 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 28613, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:03 - [Spell] Conjure Food (Id found: 28613, Name found: Conjure Food, NameInGame found: Conjure Food, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:06:03 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 22:06:03 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 22:06:03 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 22:06:03 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 22:06:03 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 22:06:03 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 22:06:03 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
22:06:03 - [HearthstoneToGoToTown] Loadded.
[D] 22:06:03 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 22:06:03 - [Spell] Conjure Water (Id found: 5504, Name found: Conjure Water, NameInGame found: Conjure Water, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
22:06:03 - Loaded Frost Mage Fightclass
22:06:04 - [Quester] Started
22:06:05 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding First Aid State
22:06:05 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding WarlockPetTraining State
[D] 22:06:05 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[1]: DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|cFF0DB3FF Andoido's 1-60 HORDE Randomized Demo. Supports 1-13. This is a DEMO, a Beta test for the actual release. Please let me know of ANY bugs or Issues. https://discord.gg/rRDqUe |cFF0DB3FF - To START this demo, click OK when the popup comes. https://rocketr.net/sellers/Tarud |r")
22:06:05 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to trainer at levels: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 46, 50, 56, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70
22:06:05 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Started.
22:06:07 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Derek the Undying not in this expansion, blacklisting!
22:06:07 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Isabella with ID: 2124
[D] 22:06:07 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[2]: MyFrame:Hide()

[D] 22:06:07 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[3]: MyFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")

MyFrame.text = MyFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal")
MyFrame.text:SetText("Initializing profile...")
MyFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", 0, -100)
MyFrame:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 0, 0, 1)

RateFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")

RateFrame.text = RateFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal")
RateFrame.text:SetText("Support: https://discord.gg/DkAcWN")
RateFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", 0, -155)
RateFrame:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 0, 0, 1)

ByFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")

ByFrame.text = ByFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal")
ByFrame.text:SetText("Horde Randomized DEMO.")
ByFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", -60, -45)
ByFrame:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 0, 0, 1)


[D] 22:06:08 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[4]: DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|cFFFFCE2ERaceChecker|r Checking if we are Undead")
[D] 22:06:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Dausos) LFG SM arms
[D] 22:06:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Xaye) /cta D<2305:Dausos:LFG SM arms:x>
[D] 22:06:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Archis) /cta C<2305:Maids:LFM RFC NEED ALL:x>
[D] 22:06:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sracula) /cta D<2306:Dausos:LFG SM arms:x>
[D] 22:06:09 - [Quester] If[5] (ObjectManager.Me.Level >= 1 && ObjectManager.Me.Level < 50 && (wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.MapZoneName == "Tirisfal Glades" || wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.MapZoneName == "Undercity" || wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.MapZoneName == "The Undercity")) | Result: True
[D] 22:06:10 - [Quester] If[6] (ObjectManager.Me.Level >= 1 && ObjectManager.Me.Level < 13 && (wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.MapZoneName == "Tirisfal Glades" || wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.MapZoneName == "Undercity" || wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.MapZoneName == "The Undercity")) | Result: True
[D] 22:06:10 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[7]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Pickup Undead Quests")
[D] 22:06:11 - [Quester] If[10] (!wManager.Wow.Helpers.SpellManager.KnowSpell(688) || !SpellManager.KnowSpell(7763) && ObjectManager.Me.WowClass == WoWClass.Warlock && ObjectManager.Me.Level >= 1 && ObjectManager.Me.Level <= 6) | Result: True
[D] 22:06:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Moowlek) /cta C<2305:Assha:LFM Brumeran kill:x>
[D] 22:06:12 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[11]: MyFrame.text:SetText("[warlock] Learn Summon Imp")
[D] 22:06:12 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[15]: CastSpellByName("Summon Imp", onSelf);
[D] 22:06:13 - [Quester] Wait[16]: 11000 ms
[D] 22:06:24 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[18]: MyFrame.text:SetText("The MindlessOnes")
[D] 22:06:25 - [Quester] If[22] (ObjectManager.Me.WowClass == WoWClass.Warlock && ObjectManager.Me.Level >= 1 && ObjectManager.Me.Level <= 6) | Result: False
[D] 22:06:26 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[28]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Rattle the Rattlecages")
[D] 22:06:27 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[30]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Doing The Damned")
[D] 22:06:27 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[32]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Turnin Rattlecage/Damned")
[D] 22:06:28 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[35]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Marlas Last Wish")
[D] 22:06:28 - [Quester] IfHasQuest[37] (6395) | Result: False
[D] 22:06:29 - [Quester] If[42] (!Lua.LuaDoString(@"local i = 1
while true do
local spellName, spellRank = GetSpellName(i, ""pet"")
if string.find(spellName, ""Blood Pact"") then
return true;
i = i + 1
end")) | Result: True

[D] 22:06:30 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[43]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Go learn Blood Pact")
[D] 22:06:30 - [Quester] RunCode[44]: wManager.Wow.Bot.States.ToTown.ForceToTown = true;
[D] 22:06:31 - [Quester] Wait[45]: 5000 ms
[D] 22:06:37 - [HearthstoneToGoToTown] Use Hearthstone.
22:06:38 - [ToTown] Go to vendor Joshua Kien (Vendor)
[N] 22:06:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1842.286 ; 1599.461 ; 94.46024 ; "None" to 1866.02 ; 1574.45 ; 94.31376 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[D] 22:06:38 - [PatherServer] Select server 3 (62ms)
[N] 22:06:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (35.36501y, 304ms)
[D] 22:06:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Intention) /cta D<2306:Yauded:DPS/heal LFG BRD, LBRS, or DM W:x>
[N] 22:06:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1858.08 ; 1579.609 ; 93.32839 ; "None" to 1866.02 ; 1574.45 ; 94.31376 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:06:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (11.09505y, 54ms)
[N] 22:06:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1859.734 ; 1578.79 ; 94.12893 ; "None" to 1866.02 ; 1574.45 ; 94.31376 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:06:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (8.617574y, 43ms)
22:06:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Buying 4 stacks of
22:06:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Buying 8 stacks of Conjured Water
22:06:44 - [ToTown] Vendor found Joshua Kien
22:06:45 - [ToTown] Sell items (try 1) (Free slots: 10)
[D] 22:06:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Intention) zar X kiel Belankar GUL Lok Mannor Maz x
[D] 22:06:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Archis) /cta C<2306:Itscindy:LFM The Mind's Eye:x>
22:06:50 - [ToTown] Sell items (try 2) (Free slots: 12)
22:06:55 - [ToTown] Buy drink and food
[D] 22:06:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Intention) /cta C<2306:Propadla:LFM ZF:x>
[D] 22:07:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Estela) /cta D<2307:Tolu:DPS LFG BRD princess rescue. DMW:x>
[D] 22:07:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Estela) /cta C<2307:Nock:LFM Full MARA:x>
[D] 22:07:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Intention) /cta C<2306:Legololz:LF1M. Into The Maw of Madness, Glyph Chasing & Breaking the Code. Need Healer:x>
[D] 22:07:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Tollz) Mage LFG DM:Tribute / DM:W --- BRD (Commander Gor'Shak Questline)
[D] 22:07:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sracula) /cta D<2307:Tollz:Mage LFG DM.Tribute / DM.W --- BRD (Commander Gor'Shak Questline):x>
[D] 22:07:19 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[46]: CastSpellByName("Summon Imp", onSelf);
[D] 22:07:20 - [Quester] Wait[47]: 11000 ms
[D] 22:07:31 - [Quester] RunCode[48]: wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(new Vector3(1836.77f, 1641.04f, 97.62813f), 5749);
[N] 22:07:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1862.317 ; 1575.537 ; 94.31359 ; "None" to 1836.77 ; 1641.04 ; 97.62813 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:07:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (72.07355y, 59ms)
[N] 22:07:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1861.919 ; 1576.297 ; 94.31359 ; "None" to 1836.77 ; 1641.04 ; 97.62813 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:07:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (73.5116y, 52ms)
[D] 22:07:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Intention) /cta C<2307:Weedcraft:LF1M MARA healer FULLRUN (quests):x>
[D] 22:07:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Moowlek) /cta C<2306:Nabokoff:LFM BRD LAVA RUN I NEED rDPS / HEAL HOJ res GEARED GROUP:x>
[D] 22:07:43 - [Quester] Wait[49]: 1000 ms
[D] 22:07:45 - [Quester] RunCode[50]: Lua.LuaDoString("GossipTitleButton1:Click();");
[D] 22:07:46 - [Quester] RunCode[51]: Lua.LuaDoString("StaticPopup1Button1:Click();");
[D] 22:07:46 - [Quester] RunCode[52]: Lua.LuaDoString("BuyMerchantItem(7,1)");
[D] 22:07:47 - [Quester] RunCode[53]: Lua.LuaDoString("CloseMerchant()");
[D] 22:07:48 - [Quester] RunCode[54]: ItemsManager.UseItem(16321);
[D] 22:07:49 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[56]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Night Web / Scavenging Pickup")
[D] 22:07:50 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[59]: MyFrame.text:SetText("Do ScavengingDeathknell")
[D] 22:07:51 - [Quester] New step (60): ScavengingDeathknell>Pulse
[N] 22:07:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1899.307 ; 1569.499 ; 89.41208 ; "None" to 1899.562 ; 1562.665 ; 88.68204 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:07:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (25.70982y, 62ms)
[N] 22:07:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1899.562 ; 1562.665 ; 88.68204 ; "None" to 1891.122 ; 1549.091 ; 88.07707 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:07:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (20.49336y, 71ms)
[N] 22:07:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1891.122 ; 1549.091 ; 88.07707 ; "None" to 1868.729 ; 1541.76 ; 88.31954 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:07:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (23.83538y, 72ms)
[N] 22:07:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1868.729 ; 1541.76 ; 88.31954 ; "None" to 1859.361 ; 1535.345 ; 89.49058 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:07:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (51.18475y, 73ms)
[N] 22:07:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1859.361 ; 1535.345 ; 89.49058 ; "None" to 1891.787 ; 1507.268 ; 88.07748 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:07:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (47.87181y, 72ms)
[N] 22:07:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1891.787 ; 1507.268 ; 88.07748 ; "None" to 1909.351 ; 1506.333 ; 89.18517 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:07:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (23.73311y, 74ms)
[N] 22:07:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1909.351 ; 1506.333 ; 89.18517 ; "None" to 1913.21 ; 1492.017 ; 89.28915 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:07:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (59.78472y, 108ms)
[N] 22:07:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1913.21 ; 1492.017 ; 89.28915 ; "None" to 1991.129 ; 1553.038 ; 79.94538 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:07:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (121.7693y, 87ms)
[N] 22:07:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1991.129 ; 1553.038 ; 79.94538 ; "None" to 1984.477 ; 1592.533 ; 82.91799 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:07:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (43.96232y, 72ms)
[N] 22:07:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1984.477 ; 1592.533 ; 82.91799 ; "None" to 1971.25 ; 1597.542 ; 82.39996 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:07:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (26.31166y, 72ms)
[N] 22:07:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1971.25 ; 1597.542 ; 82.39996 ; "None" to 1956.71 ; 1617.754 ; 82.55672 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:07:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (46.21134y, 205ms)
[N] 22:07:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1956.71 ; 1617.754 ; 82.55672 ; "None" to 1899.307 ; 1569.499 ; 89.41208 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:07:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (84.85343y, 71ms)
[N] 22:07:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1837.847 ; 1637.407 ; 96.93488 ; "None" to 1899.307 ; 1569.499 ; 89.41208 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:07:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (132.4552y, 112ms)
22:07:56 - [Farming] Farm Equipment Boxes > 1867.64 ; 1541.64 ; 88.3213 ; "None"
[N] 22:07:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1843.288 ; 1611.696 ; 96.96746 ; "None" to 1867.64 ; 1541.64 ; 88.3213 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:07:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (79.08371y, 54ms)
[D] 22:07:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Intention) /cta D<2307:Imain:DPS LFG SM Cath or Armory:x>
22:08:08 - [Farming] Farm successful
22:08:09 - [Farming] Player Nearest of the node
22:08:09 - [Farming] Farm Equipment Boxes > 1891.29 ; 1548.12 ; 88.0769 ; "None"
[N] 22:08:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1864.359 ; 1544.336 ; 88.73958 ; "None" to 1891.29 ; 1548.12 ; 88.0769 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:08:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (27.86003y, 117ms)
22:08:14 - [Farming] Farm successful
22:08:15 - [Farming] Farm Equipment Boxes > 1909.97 ; 1507.27 ; 89.185 ; "None"
[N] 22:08:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1887.416 ; 1546.65 ; 88.4705 ; "None" to 1909.97 ; 1507.27 ; 89.185 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:08:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (53.16478y, 120ms)
22:08:17 - [Farming] Player Nearest of the node
22:08:17 - [Farming] Player near the node, farm canceled
22:08:18 - [Farming] Farm Equipment Boxes > 1912.53 ; 1492.64 ; 88.2604 ; "None"
[N] 22:08:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1894.878 ; 1527.364 ; 88.07703 ; "None" to 1912.53 ; 1492.64 ; 88.2604 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:08:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (57.42409y, 98ms)
[D] 22:08:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Kardiac) Shaman LFG SM Cath, can heal
[D] 22:08:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Alexmage) /cta D<2307:Kardiac:Shaman LFG SM Cath, can heal:x>
22:08:27 - [Farming] Farm successful
22:08:28 - [Farming] Farm Equipment Boxes > 1903.3 ; 1487.85 ; 93.9513 ; "None"
[N] 22:08:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1916.703 ; 1493.711 ; 88.2655 ; "None" to 1903.3 ; 1487.85 ; 93.9513 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:08:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 25 (101.8361y, 53ms)
22:08:30 - [Farming] Player Nearest of the node
22:08:30 - [Farming] Player near the node, farm canceled
22:08:30 - [Farming] Farm Equipment Boxes > 1848.6 ; 1516.77 ; 88.0788 ; "None"
[N] 22:08:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1921.344 ; 1506.87 ; 88.07697 ; "None" to 1848.6 ; 1516.77 ; 88.0788 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:08:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (78.62775y, 72ms)
22:08:43 - [Farming] Farm successful
22:08:43 - [Farming] Farm Equipment Boxes > 1899.36 ; 1562.73 ; 88.0769 ; "None"
[N] 22:08:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1852.755 ; 1516.535 ; 88.07808 ; "None" to 1899.36 ; 1562.73 ; 88.0769 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:08:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (80.27208y, 54ms)
[D] 22:08:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Alexmage) /cta D<2307:Yauded:DPS/heal LFG BRD, LBRS, or DM W:x>
22:08:56 - [Farming] Farm successful
22:08:57 - [Farming] Farm Equipment Boxes > 1898.85 ; 1570.28 ; 89.0722 ; "None"
[N] 22:08:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1895.957 ; 1560.439 ; 88.07737 ; "None" to 1898.85 ; 1570.28 ; 89.0722 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:08:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (29.92934y, 97ms)
22:09:02 - [Farming] Farm successful
22:09:03 - [Farming] Farm Equipment Boxes > 1956.45 ; 1616.72 ; 82.1385 ; "None"
[N] 22:09:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1903.074 ; 1569.548 ; 89.0751 ; "None" to 1956.45 ; 1616.72 ; 82.1385 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:09:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (79.90944y, 86ms)
22:09:15 - [Farming] Farm successful
22:09:16 - [Farming] Farm Equipment Boxes > 1971.21 ; 1598.49 ; 82.3257 ; "None"
[N] 22:09:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1952.406 ; 1615.332 ; 82.14452 ; "None" to 1971.21 ; 1598.49 ; 82.3257 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:09:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (61.11499y, 154ms)
[D] 22:09:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Alexmage) /cta D<2308:Blindsun:LFG UBRS full run:x>
22:09:26 - [Farming] Farm successful
22:09:26 - [Farming] Farm Equipment Boxes > 1985.14 ; 1593.29 ; 82.4882 ; "None"
[N] 22:09:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1969.226 ; 1594.573 ; 82.32489 ; "None" to 1985.14 ; 1593.29 ; 82.4882 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:09:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (25.40191y, 73ms)
22:09:31 - [Farming] Farm successful
22:09:32 - [Farming] Farm Equipment Boxes > 1991.39 ; 1552.15 ; 79.0752 ; "None"
[N] 22:09:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1982.501 ; 1590.115 ; 82.49079 ; "None" to 1991.39 ; 1552.15 ; 79.0752 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:09:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (41.85175y, 108ms)
22:09:39 - [Farming] Farm successful
22:10:04 - [Farming] Farm Equipment Boxes > 1909.97 ; 1507.27 ; 89.185 ; "None"
[N] 22:10:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1919.234 ; 1582.128 ; 84.01343 ; "None" to 1909.97 ; 1507.27 ; 89.185 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:10:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (88.66314y, 90ms)
[D] 22:10:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Moowlek) /cta C<2309:Kagit:LFM BRD LAVA RUN, pst (only IF res) pst! .):x>
22:10:11 - [FrostMageVanilla]: Force closing authentication thread
22:10:11 - Unloaded Frost Mage Fightclass
22:10:11 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stopped.
22:10:11 - [VanillaFlightMaster] – disposed
22:10:11 - [HumanMasterPlugin]: Closing authentication thread
22:10:11 - [HearthstoneToGoToTown] Disposed.
22:10:11 - [Quester] Stopped
22:10:12 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:04m:08s
XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 10 (145/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 01 S 59 C (0 G 00 S 11 C)

22:10:34 - [Quester] Stopped
22:10:35 - [Quester] Stopped
22:10:35 - [Quester] Closed
22:10:35 - [WRotation] Loaded
[F] 22:10:35 - SaveWindowPosition = False ; NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = WRotation ; CustomClass = FrostMageVanilla.dll ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; IgnoreFightWhenInMove = True ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = True ; TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink = True ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; LootAndHarvestRangeQuickly = True ; LootInCombat = False ; SkipNodesInWater = False ; MaxTryPerNode = 6 ; SellQuickly = False ; HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 0 ; HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 6948 ; RecordChatInLog = True ; UseSpiritHealerAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 0 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; UseCTM = True ; AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = True ; PathFinderServerSeemDownPauseBotTimeSec = 20 ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1600 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 80000 ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 10 ; RetrieveCorpseMaxDistance = 26 ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = True ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = True ; SizeWidth = 895 ; SizeHeight = 656 ; WindowPosX = 0 ; WindowPosY = 0 ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = HumanMasterPlugin.dll = True, FrostMageVanilla.dll = True, AutoPetFeed.dll = False, Horde_FNVVanillaFlightMaster.dll = True, HS2Town.cs = True, iTalents.dll = False, MoveDuringCombat.dll = False, VanillaClamOpenerv1.0.1.cs = True, VanillaFlightMaster.dll = False, WhatsGoingOn.dll = False ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = False ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = True ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = False ; HarvestMinerals = False ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 1 ; SearchRadius = 77 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 20 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = True ; SellGreen = True ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = ; ForceSellList = ; BuyList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = False ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = False ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = True ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 150 ; LatencyMax = 500 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = False ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1.5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0.6 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 350 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ;
22:10:37 - [WRotation] Closed