[D] 20:49:30 - [Info] Log file created: 28 Nov 2020 20H49.log.html
[D] 20:49:29 - [Info] WRobot Version: 2.7.0 (22080) for wow: 3.3.5a_12340
[D] 20:49:30 - [Info] Offical website: https://wrobot.eu/
[D] 20:49:30 - [Info] Operating System Details: Windows 10 Home
[D] 20:49:30 - [Info] Lang: English (United States)
[D] 20:49:30 - Warning: TeamViewer is launched on your computer, this software can cause problems, I recommend to close all TeamViewer process.
[F] 20:49:30 - [Memory] D3D9 found: 6A 14 B8 7E 2 DA 61 E8 9C 8C
[F] 20:49:30 - [Memory] D3D11 found: 8B FF 55 8B EC 83 E4 F8 83 EC
[F] 20:49:30 - [Memory] D3D9 used
[F] 20:49:33 - HWBP hook
20:49:34 - [Memory] Select game process: 10776 - Cai...
[D] 20:49:34 - [PatherServer] Select server 3 (126ms)
[D] 20:49:34 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
20:49:35 - [Quester] Loaded
[F] 20:49:35 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Quester ; CustomClass = WotLKRetPvP.dll ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; FightInteractTargetMinDistance = 45 ; IgnoreFightWhenInMove = False ; DismountLandGroundDistance = 3.5 ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = False ; TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink = True ; EquipAvailableBagIfFreeContainerSlot = False ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; LootAndHarvestRangeQuickly = True ; LootInCombat = False ; SkipNodesInWater = False ; MaxUnitsNearMobs = 3 ; MaxUnitsNearObjects = 3 ; SearchRadiusMobs = 150 ; SearchRadiusObjects = 300 ; MaxZDistanceAttack = 150 ; MaxZDistanceIsAttacked = 150 ; MaxZDistanceFarm = 2000 ; BlacklistTaxiDefaultTimeMs = 1800000 ; BlacklistUnitDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; BlacklistGameObjectDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; MaxTryPerNode = 2 ; MaxCheckIfGoodMouseShortcutsWhenInteract = 2 ; HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 0 ; HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 6948 ; RecordChatInLog = True ; UseSpiritHealerAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 0 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; WaitWhenBuffWaitingToResurrect = False ; UseCTM = True ; AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = False ; PathFinderServerSeemDownPauseBotTimeSec = 10 ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1600 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 80000 ; TryToAvoidEnemyGroupsRatio = 0 ; IgnoreServerRoadsWater = False ; SmoothPath = False ; SmoothPathDistance = 1 ; KeyboardToTurn = False ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 8 ; ForceAutoLoot = False ; RetrieveCorpseMaxDistance = 26 ; KeyBindingMacro = P ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; SizeWidth = 535 ; SizeHeight = 375 ; SaveWindowPosition = False ; WindowPosX = 0 ; WindowPosY = 0 ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 225 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Hearthstone, Death's Choice ; ForceSellList = ; BuyList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Hearthstone, Death's Choice ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 300 ; LatencyMax = 700 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1.5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0.6 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ;
[F] 20:49:36 - SaveWindowPosition = False ; NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Quester ; CustomClass = WotLKRetPvP.dll ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; FightInteractTargetMinDistance = 45 ; IgnoreFightWhenInMove = False ; DismountLandGroundDistance = 3.5 ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = False ; TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink = True ; EquipAvailableBagIfFreeContainerSlot = False ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; LootAndHarvestRangeQuickly = True ; LootInCombat = False ; SkipNodesInWater = False ; MaxUnitsNearMobs = 3 ; MaxUnitsNearObjects = 3 ; SearchRadiusMobs = 150 ; SearchRadiusObjects = 300 ; MaxZDistanceAttack = 150 ; MaxZDistanceIsAttacked = 150 ; MaxZDistanceFarm = 2000 ; BlacklistTaxiDefaultTimeMs = 1800000 ; BlacklistUnitDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; BlacklistGameObjectDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; MaxTryPerNode = 2 ; MaxCheckIfGoodMouseShortcutsWhenInteract = 2 ; HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 0 ; HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 6948 ; RecordChatInLog = True ; UseSpiritHealerAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 0 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; WaitWhenBuffWaitingToResurrect = False ; UseCTM = True ; AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = False ; PathFinderServerSeemDownPauseBotTimeSec = 10 ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1600 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 80000 ; TryToAvoidEnemyGroupsRatio = 0 ; IgnoreServerRoadsWater = False ; SmoothPath = False ; SmoothPathDistance = 1 ; KeyboardToTurn = False ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 8 ; ForceAutoLoot = False ; RetrieveCorpseMaxDistance = 26 ; KeyBindingMacro = P ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; SizeWidth = 535 ; SizeHeight = 375 ; WindowPosX = 0 ; WindowPosY = 0 ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 225 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Hearthstone, Death's Choice ; ForceSellList = ; BuyList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Hearthstone, Death's Choice ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 300 ; LatencyMax = 700 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1.5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0.6 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ;
[F] 20:49:36 - WRobotFileName = ; WRobotTmpFolderName = ; DriveLetter = ; FullWowPath = C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\ ; MaxFPS = 30 ; MaxLuaMemoryUsage = 2147483647 ; CloseIfCannotLoginWowMinutes = 2 ; WaitTimeToRelogSeconds = 0 ; CloseGameIfAdminRights = False ; HideLuaError = False ; UseShortcuts = True ; WindowName = ; TopMost = False ; Remote = False ; ToTrayBar = False ; MeShow = True ; TargetShow = True ; PathShow = True ; BlacklistShow = True ; NpcShow = False ; PlayersShow = False ; ObjectsShow = False ; LowFps = True ; LowQuality = True ; ByName = ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerGlobalSetting ; FilePath = C:\Users\jaywa\Desktop\WRobot\\Settings\WRobotGlobalSetting.xml ;
[F] 20:49:36 - CanProtectAgainstScreenshots = False ; ArgsEnvironmentVariables = 467EC2 ; HowLongDaysKeepLogFiles = 7 ; InstallDateTime = 11/28/2020 8:46:12 PM ; ShowMs = False ; normalCb = True ; fightCb = True ; navigatorCb = False ; debugCb = False ; ErrorCb = True ; SendErrorCb = False ; CurrentSetting = robotManager.robotManagerGlobalSetting ; FilePath = C:\Users\jaywa\Desktop\WRobot\\Settings\RobotManagerGlobalSetting.xml ;
[D] 20:49:36 - [Info] Wow Version: 12340
[D] 20:49:36 - [Info] Player found: True
[D] 20:49:36 - [Info] Wow Addons: ACP, ScottAddonPack
20:49:36 - [SpellManager] Initializing SpellBook - (Wait few seconds)
20:49:36 - [SpellManager] Initialize SpellBook Finished (173 spell found)
[D] 20:49:36 - [SpellManager] List of id found in spellbook:
Arcane Affinity (28877)
Arcane Torrent (28730)
Auto Attack (6603)
Basic Campfire (818)
Block (107)
Cold Weather Flying (54197)
Cooking (18260)
Dodge (81)
Engineering (51306)
First Aid (3273)
Fishing (7732)
Magic Resistance (822)
Northern Cloth Scavenging (59390)
Parry (3127)
Tailoring (51309)
Blessing of Wisdom (48936)
Cleanse (4987)
Concentration Aura (19746)
Consecration (48819)
Divine Plea (54428)
Exorcism (48801)
Flash of Light (48785)
Greater Blessing of Wisdom (48938)
Holy Light (48782)
Holy Wrath (48817)
Lay on Hands (48788)
Purify (1152)
Redemption (48950)
Sacred Shield (53601)
Seal of Light (20165)
Seal of Righteousness (21084)
Seal of Wisdom (20166)
Sense Undead (5502)
Turn Evil (10326)
Blessing of Kings (20217)
Devotion Aura (48942)
Divine Intervention (19752)
Divine Protection (498)
Divine Sacrifice (64205)
Divine Shield (642)
Fire Resistance Aura (48947)
Frost Resistance Aura (48945)
Greater Blessing of Kings (25898)
Hammer of Justice (10308)
Hand of Freedom (1044)
Hand of Protection (10278)
Hand of Reckoning (62124)
Hand of Sacrifice (6940)
Hand of Salvation (1038)
Righteous Defense (31789)
Righteous Fury (25780)
Seal of Justice (20164)
Shadow Resistance Aura (48943)
Shield of Righteousness (61411)
Avenging Wrath (31884)
Blessing of Might (48932)
Crusader Aura (32223)
Crusader Strike (35395)
Divine Storm (53385)
Greater Blessing of Might (48934)
Hammer of Wrath (48806)
Judgement of Justice (53407)
Judgement of Light (20271)
Judgement of Wisdom (53408)
Repentance (20066)
Retribution Aura (54043)
Seal of Corruption (53736)
Blessing of Wisdom (19742)
Blessing of Wisdom (19850)
Blessing of Wisdom (19852)
Blessing of Wisdom (19853)
Blessing of Wisdom (19854)
Blessing of Wisdom (25290)
Blessing of Wisdom (27142)
Blessing of Wisdom (48935)
Consecration (26573)
Consecration (20116)
Consecration (20922)
Consecration (20923)
Consecration (20924)
Consecration (27173)
Consecration (48818)
Exorcism (879)
Exorcism (5614)
Exorcism (5615)
Exorcism (10312)
Exorcism (10313)
Exorcism (10314)
Exorcism (27138)
Exorcism (48800)
Flash of Light (19750)
Flash of Light (19939)
Flash of Light (19940)
Flash of Light (19941)
Flash of Light (19942)
Flash of Light (19943)
Flash of Light (27137)
Flash of Light (48784)
Greater Blessing of Wisdom (25894)
Greater Blessing of Wisdom (25918)
Greater Blessing of Wisdom (27143)
Greater Blessing of Wisdom (48937)
Holy Light (635)
Holy Light (639)
Holy Light (647)
Holy Light (1026)
Holy Light (1042)
Holy Light (3472)
Holy Light (10328)
Holy Light (10329)
Holy Light (25292)
Holy Light (27135)
Holy Light (27136)
Holy Light (48781)
Holy Wrath (2812)
Holy Wrath (10318)
Holy Wrath (27139)
Holy Wrath (48816)
Lay on Hands (633)
Lay on Hands (2800)
Lay on Hands (10310)
Lay on Hands (27154)
Redemption (7328)
Redemption (10322)
Redemption (10324)
Redemption (20772)
Redemption (20773)
Redemption (48949)
Hammer of Justice (853)
Hammer of Justice (5588)
Hammer of Justice (5589)
Hand of Protection (1022)
Hand of Protection (5599)
Shield of Righteousness (53600)
Blessing of Might (19740)
Blessing of Might (19834)
Blessing of Might (19835)
Blessing of Might (19836)
Blessing of Might (19837)
Blessing of Might (19838)
Blessing of Might (25291)
Blessing of Might (27140)
Blessing of Might (48931)
Greater Blessing of Might (25782)
Greater Blessing of Might (25916)
Greater Blessing of Might (27141)
Greater Blessing of Might (48933)
Hammer of Wrath (24275)
Hammer of Wrath (24274)
Hammer of Wrath (24239)
Hammer of Wrath (27180)
Hammer of Wrath (48805)
Armored Blue Wind Rider (61230)
Armored Brown Bear (60116)
Blue Drake (59568)
Blue Wind Rider (32244)
Bronze Drake (59569)
Brown Wolf (6654)
Dire Wolf (6653)
Green Wind Rider (32245)
Invincible (72286)
Sea Turtle (64731)
Swift Brown Wolf (23250)
Swift Gray Wolf (23252)
Swift Green Wind Rider (32295)
Swift Purple Wind Rider (32297)
Swift Red Wind Rider (32246)
Swift Timber Wolf (23251)
Swift Yellow Wind Rider (32296)
Tawny Wind Rider (32243)
Summon Charger (34767)
Summon Warhorse (34769)
Timber Wolf (580)

20:49:36 - [SpellManager] Please wait, loading spellbook...
20:49:36 - [SpellManager] Spellbook loaded.
[D] 20:49:36 - [Keybindings]
Sit / Stand: X
Backward: S
Forward: W
Strafe Left: Q
Strafe Right: E
Turn Left: A
Turn Right: D

20:49:37 - [Quester] Stopped
20:49:38 - [Quester] Stopped
20:49:38 - [Quester] Closed
20:49:38 - [BG] Loaded
[F] 20:49:38 - SaveWindowPosition = False ; NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = AdvancedBattlegrounder ; CustomClass = WotLKRetPvP.dll ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; FightInteractTargetMinDistance = 45 ; IgnoreFightWhenInMove = False ; DismountLandGroundDistance = 3.5 ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = False ; TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink = True ; EquipAvailableBagIfFreeContainerSlot = False ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; LootAndHarvestRangeQuickly = True ; LootInCombat = False ; SkipNodesInWater = False ; MaxUnitsNearMobs = 3 ; MaxUnitsNearObjects = 3 ; SearchRadiusMobs = 150 ; SearchRadiusObjects = 300 ; MaxZDistanceAttack = 150 ; MaxZDistanceIsAttacked = 150 ; MaxZDistanceFarm = 2000 ; BlacklistTaxiDefaultTimeMs = 1800000 ; BlacklistUnitDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; BlacklistGameObjectDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; MaxTryPerNode = 2 ; MaxCheckIfGoodMouseShortcutsWhenInteract = 2 ; HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 0 ; HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 6948 ; RecordChatInLog = True ; UseSpiritHealerAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 0 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; WaitWhenBuffWaitingToResurrect = False ; UseCTM = True ; AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = False ; PathFinderServerSeemDownPauseBotTimeSec = 10 ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1600 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 80000 ; TryToAvoidEnemyGroupsRatio = 0 ; IgnoreServerRoadsWater = False ; SmoothPath = False ; SmoothPathDistance = 1 ; KeyboardToTurn = False ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 8 ; ForceAutoLoot = False ; RetrieveCorpseMaxDistance = 26 ; KeyBindingMacro = P ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; SizeWidth = 535 ; SizeHeight = 375 ; WindowPosX = 0 ; WindowPosY = 0 ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 225 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Hearthstone, Death's Choice ; ForceSellList = ; BuyList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Hearthstone, Death's Choice ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 300 ; LatencyMax = 700 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1.5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0.6 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ;
[D] 20:49:40 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
20:49:40 - Adding 856 road vectors for Arathi
20:49:40 - Adding 1420 water vectors for Arathi
[F] 20:49:40 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\jaywa\Desktop\WRobot\\FightClass\WotLKRetPvP.dll
[D] 20:49:40 - [Spell] Divine Shield (Id found: 642, Name found: Divine Shield, NameInGame found: Divine Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Blessing of Kings (Id found: 20217, Name found: Blessing of Kings, NameInGame found: Blessing of Kings, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Blessing of Might (Id found: 48932, Name found: Blessing of Might, NameInGame found: Blessing of Might, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Righteous Fury (Id found: 25780, Name found: Righteous Fury, NameInGame found: Righteous Fury, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Seal of Righteousness (Id found: 21084, Name found: Seal of Righteousness, NameInGame found: Seal of Righteousness, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Crusader Aura (Id found: 32223, Name found: Crusader Aura, NameInGame found: Crusader Aura, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Holy Light (Id found: 48782, Name found: Holy Light, NameInGame found: Holy Light, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Lay on Hands (Id found: 48788, Name found: Lay on Hands, NameInGame found: Lay on Hands, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Retribution Aura (Id found: 54043, Name found: Retribution Aura, NameInGame found: Retribution Aura, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Holy Light (Id found: 48782, Name found: Holy Light, NameInGame found: Holy Light, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Holy Light (Id found: 48782, Name found: Holy Light, NameInGame found: Holy Light, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Divine Protection (Id found: 498, Name found: Divine Protection, NameInGame found: Divine Protection, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Hammer of Wrath (Id found: 48806, Name found: Hammer of Wrath, NameInGame found: Hammer of Wrath, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Consecration (Id found: 48819, Name found: Consecration, NameInGame found: Consecration, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Hammer of Justice (Id found: 10308, Name found: Hammer of Justice, NameInGame found: Hammer of Justice, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Hammer of Justice (Id found: 10308, Name found: Hammer of Justice, NameInGame found: Hammer of Justice, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Arcane Torrent (Id found: 28730, Name found: Arcane Torrent, NameInGame found: Arcane Torrent, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Seal of Righteousness (Id found: 21084, Name found: Seal of Righteousness, NameInGame found: Seal of Righteousness, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Judgement of Justice (Id found: 53407, Name found: Judgement of Justice, NameInGame found: Judgement of Justice, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Divine Storm (Id found: 53385, Name found: Divine Storm, NameInGame found: Divine Storm, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Crusader Strike (Id found: 35395, Name found: Crusader Strike, NameInGame found: Crusader Strike, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Exorcism (Id found: 48801, Name found: Exorcism, NameInGame found: Exorcism, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Avenging Wrath (Id found: 31884, Name found: Avenging Wrath, NameInGame found: Avenging Wrath, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Hand of Freedom (Id found: 1044, Name found: Hand of Freedom, NameInGame found: Hand of Freedom, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Cleanse (Id found: 4987, Name found: Cleanse, NameInGame found: Cleanse, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Mana Tap (Id found: 36021, Name found: Mana Tap, NameInGame found: Mana Tap, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Sacred Shield (Id found: 53601, Name found: Sacred Shield, NameInGame found: Sacred Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Flash of Light (Id found: 48785, Name found: Flash of Light, NameInGame found: Flash of Light, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Cleanse (Id found: 4987, Name found: Cleanse, NameInGame found: Cleanse, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Repentance (Id found: 20066, Name found: Repentance, NameInGame found: Repentance, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Cleanse (Id found: 4987, Name found: Cleanse, NameInGame found: Cleanse, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Hand of Sacrifice (Id found: 6940, Name found: Hand of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Hand of Sacrifice, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Divine Sacrifice (Id found: 64205, Name found: Divine Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Divine Sacrifice, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Hand of Protection (Id found: 10278, Name found: Hand of Protection, NameInGame found: Hand of Protection, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:41 - [Spell] Hand of Protection (Id found: 10278, Name found: Hand of Protection, NameInGame found: Hand of Protection, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:42 - [Spell] Turn Evil (Id found: 10326, Name found: Turn Evil, NameInGame found: Turn Evil, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:49:42 - [Spell] Divine Plea (Id found: 54428, Name found: Divine Plea, NameInGame found: Divine Plea, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
20:49:42 - [BG] Started
[D] 20:49:42 - [NpcScan] Add npc to database: Repair - Katis
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Arcane Affinity Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Arcane Torrent Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Auto Attack Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Basic Campfire Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Block Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Cold Weather Flying Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Cooking Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Dodge Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Engineering Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: First Aid Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Fishing Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Magic Resistance Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Northern Cloth Scavenging Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Parry Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Tailoring Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Wisdom Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Wisdom Rank 2
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Wisdom Rank 3
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Wisdom Rank 4
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Wisdom Rank 5
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Wisdom Rank 6
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Wisdom Rank 7
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Wisdom Rank 8
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Wisdom Rank 9
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Cleanse Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Concentration Aura Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Consecration Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Consecration Rank 2
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Consecration Rank 3
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Consecration Rank 4
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Consecration Rank 5
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Consecration Rank 6
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Consecration Rank 7
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Consecration Rank 8
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Divine Plea Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Exorcism Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Exorcism Rank 2
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Exorcism Rank 3
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Exorcism Rank 4
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Exorcism Rank 5
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Exorcism Rank 6
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Exorcism Rank 7
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Exorcism Rank 8
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Exorcism Rank 9
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Flash of Light Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Flash of Light Rank 2
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Flash of Light Rank 3
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Flash of Light Rank 4
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Flash of Light Rank 5
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Flash of Light Rank 6
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Flash of Light Rank 7
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Flash of Light Rank 8
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Flash of Light Rank 9
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Greater Blessing of Wisdom Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Greater Blessing of Wisdom Rank 2
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Greater Blessing of Wisdom Rank 3
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Greater Blessing of Wisdom Rank 4
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Greater Blessing of Wisdom Rank 5
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 2
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 3
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 4
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 5
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 6
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 7
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 8
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 9
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 10
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 11
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 12
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 13
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Wrath Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Wrath Rank 2
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Wrath Rank 3
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Wrath Rank 4
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Wrath Rank 5
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Lay on Hands Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Lay on Hands Rank 2
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Lay on Hands Rank 3
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Lay on Hands Rank 4
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Lay on Hands Rank 5
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Purify Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Redemption Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Redemption Rank 2
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Redemption Rank 3
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Redemption Rank 4
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Redemption Rank 5
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Redemption Rank 6
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Redemption Rank 7
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Sacred Shield Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Seal of Light Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Seal of Righteousness Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Seal of Wisdom Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Sense Undead Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Turn Evil Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Kings Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Devotion Aura Rank 10
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Divine Intervention Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Divine Protection Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Divine Sacrifice Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Divine Shield Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Fire Resistance Aura Rank 5
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Frost Resistance Aura Rank 5
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Greater Blessing of Kings Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hammer of Justice Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hammer of Justice Rank 2
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hammer of Justice Rank 3
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hammer of Justice Rank 4
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hand of Freedom Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hand of Protection Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hand of Protection Rank 2
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hand of Protection Rank 3
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hand of Reckoning Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hand of Sacrifice Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hand of Salvation Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Righteous Defense Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Righteous Fury Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Seal of Justice Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Shadow Resistance Aura Rank 5
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Shield of Righteousness Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Shield of Righteousness Rank 2
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Avenging Wrath Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Might Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Might Rank 2
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Might Rank 3
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Might Rank 4
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Might Rank 5
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Might Rank 6
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Might Rank 7
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Might Rank 8
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Might Rank 9
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Might Rank 10
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Crusader Aura Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Crusader Strike Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Divine Storm Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Greater Blessing of Might Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Greater Blessing of Might Rank 2
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Greater Blessing of Might Rank 3
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Greater Blessing of Might Rank 4
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Greater Blessing of Might Rank 5
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hammer of Wrath Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hammer of Wrath Rank 2
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hammer of Wrath Rank 3
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hammer of Wrath Rank 4
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hammer of Wrath Rank 5
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hammer of Wrath Rank 6
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Judgement of Justice Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Judgement of Light Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Judgement of Wisdom Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Repentance Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Retribution Aura Rank 7
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Seal of Corruption Rank 1
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:49:42 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 20:49:42 - [NpcScan] Add npc to database: Repair - Muragus
[F] 20:49:43 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:49:43 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:49:43 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:49:43 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 20:49:43 - [NpcScan] Add npc to database: Repair - Kareth
[F] 20:49:44 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 20:49:44 - [NpcScan] Add npc to database: Mailbox - Mailbox
[D] 20:49:44 - [NpcScan] Add npc to database: Mailbox - Mailbox
[D] 20:49:44 - [NpcScan] Add npc to database: Mailbox - Mailbox
[F] 20:49:44 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:49:44 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:49:44 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 20:49:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Iskomoreno) 5.4+ LF 3 DPS; PRIEST; TANK w/ |cffffff00|Hquest:24589:80|h[Lord Jaraxxus Must Die!]|h|r|cffffff00|Hachievement:3916:07000000002833A7:1:12:18:17:4294967295:4294967295:4294967295:4294967295|h[Call of the Crusade (25 player)]|h|rb,p,o res
[D] 20:49:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Iskomoreno) 5.4+ LF 3 DPS; PRIEST; TANK w/ |cffffff00|Hquest:24589:80|h[Lord Jaraxxus Must Die!]|h|r|cffffff00|Hachievement:3916:07000000002833A7:1:12:18:17:4294967295:4294967295:4294967295:4294967295|h[Call of the Crusade (25 player)]|h|rb,p,o res
[D] 20:49:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Burningtime) # Guild -NcbPro too- is ENGLISH SPEAKING raiding guild -[4pm ST]- looking for serious ACTIVE players of 5.5+GS! We raid every day of the week. {ICC KS 10/25}, {RS 10/25}, ICC {10 HC 12/12}, {ICC 25 HC 5/12}!
[F] 20:49:45 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:49:45 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 20:49:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sajed) LFM Fresh ICC 25 << LK RUN >> +5.8K GS NEED 1Tank (Pref DK, Pala) AND DPS (pref boomy, spriest, hunter, mdps) ( REQUIRES PATIENCE) (DBW+BoE+P=RESS) /w GS+Spec+Achieve
[D] 20:49:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Bendiita) "Sangre De Hierro" GUILD LATINA Recluta DPS / TANKES / HEALERS NO Pedimos GS ..Guild NUEVA
[D] 20:49:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
20:49:56 - [Warsong] Go to starting position
[D] 20:49:56 - [Info] Continent change, Kalimdor to PVPZone03
[N] 20:49:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 933.3315 ; 1433.724 ; 345.5357 ; "None" to 946.7914 ; 1422.288 ; 345.41 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[D] 20:49:56 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[N] 20:49:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17.66261y, 270ms)
[F] 20:49:56 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[N] 20:49:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 934.8475 ; 1432.722 ; 345.5357 ; "None" to 939.9788 ; 1428.74 ; 345.6084 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:49:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (6.495249y, 136ms)
[N] 20:49:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 936.3676 ; 1431.536 ; 345.5357 ; "None" to 939.9788 ; 1428.74 ; 345.6084 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:49:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (4.567619y, 108ms)
[F] 20:50:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:50:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:51:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 937.3613 ; 1430.767 ; 345.5357 ; "None" to 916.0226 ; 1434.405 ; 345.413 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (21.64694y, 123ms)
[F] 20:51:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:51:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 936.3236 ; 1430.211 ; 345.5357 ; "None" to 916.0226 ; 1434.405 ; 345.413 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20.73018y, 106ms)
[F] 20:51:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
20:51:36 - [Warsong] Go to starting position
[N] 20:51:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 919.1057 ; 1433.766 ; 345.9039 ; "None" to 946.7914 ; 1422.288 ; 345.41 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:51:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (29.97493y, 109ms)
[F] 20:51:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:51:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 943.9045 ; 1423.398 ; 345.4511 ; "None" to 994.9714 ; 1422.54 ; 344.9629 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:51:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (52.61835y, 111ms)
[F] 20:51:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 20:51:46 - [Mount] No ground mount selected.
[D] 20:51:46 - [Mount] No aquatic mount selected.
[D] 20:51:46 - [Mount] No flying mount selected.
[F] 20:51:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
20:51:47 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 20:51:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 991.5645 ; 1422.544 ; 345.3232 ; "None" to 1343.883 ; 1402.511 ; 323.7987 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 20:51:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:51:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (372.0791y, 196ms)
[F] 20:51:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 20:51:54 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[F] 20:51:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:51:55 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 20:51:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:51:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:52:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
20:52:33 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
20:52:34 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
20:52:34 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 20:52:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1340.665 ; 1402.48 ; 322.6147 ; "None" to 1252.113 ; 1553.663 ; 309.9018 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:52:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (184.7647y, 125ms)
[F] 20:52:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
20:52:58 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
20:52:59 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 20:52:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1252.619 ; 1550.621 ; 309.9 ; "None" to 1215.478 ; 1337.398 ; 313.7791 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:52:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (220.3339y, 112ms)
[F] 20:53:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
20:53:07 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Jeric (lvl 80)
[F] 20:53:07 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 20:53:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 315ms
[F] 20:53:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 20:53:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 264ms
[F] 20:53:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 251ms
[F] 20:53:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 20:53:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 249ms
[F] 20:53:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 251ms
[F] 20:53:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 20:53:10 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:10 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 20:53:11 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:11 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:11 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:11 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:11 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:11 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:11 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:11 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:11 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:12 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:12 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:12 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:12 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 181ms
[F] 20:53:12 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 20:53:12 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:14 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 20:53:14 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 20:53:14 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:53:14 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 20:53:14 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:53:14 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 20:53:14 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 20:53:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 20:53:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 20:53:15 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:53:15 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 20:53:15 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:15 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:15 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 20:53:15 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:15 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:16 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:16 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:16 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:16 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:16 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:16 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:16 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:16 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:16 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:16 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:16 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:17 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:17 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:17 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:53:17 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 349ms
[F] 20:53:17 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 20:53:17 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:53:17 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 20:53:18 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:53:18 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:18 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 20:53:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 20:53:18 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:53:18 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 20:53:18 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 20:53:18 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:53:18 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:18 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 20:53:18 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:53:18 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 20:53:18 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 20:53:18 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 20:53:19 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:19 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:19 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:19 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:19 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:19 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:19 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:20 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:20 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 20:53:20 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:53:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
20:53:21 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 20:53:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1261.712 ; 1478.669 ; 311.8961 ; "None" to 1249.346 ; 1398.56 ; 311.5197 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:53:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (83.13947y, 110ms)
[F] 20:53:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
20:53:32 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 20:53:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1248.653 ; 1401.427 ; 311.9466 ; "None" to 1215.478 ; 1337.398 ; 313.7791 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:53:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (74.55357y, 110ms)
[N] 20:53:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1217.654 ; 1339.478 ; 313.402 ; "None" to 1189.406 ; 1396.445 ; 307.827 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:53:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (64.13206y, 110ms)
20:53:42 - [Fight] Attack player Meify (lvl 80)
[N] 20:53:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1217.654 ; 1339.478 ; 313.402 ; "None" to 1191.329 ; 1393.722 ; 308.5814 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:53:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (60.73339y, 108ms)
[N] 20:53:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1215.519 ; 1344.405 ; 313.2678 ; "None" to 1197.913 ; 1384.086 ; 311.3555 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:53:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (43.4949y, 119ms)
[F] 20:53:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 20:53:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 20:53:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 20:53:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 20:53:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 20:53:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 20:53:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 20:53:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 20:53:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 20:53:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 20:53:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 20:53:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 215ms
[F] 20:53:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 260ms
[F] 20:53:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 20:53:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 20:53:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 20:53:48 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:48 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:49 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:49 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:49 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:49 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:49 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:53:49 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 20:53:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 283ms
[D] 20:53:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Cerean-Blackrock) flag
20:53:49 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 20:54:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:54:03 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:54:03 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:54:03 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:54:03 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:54:03 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:54:03 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:54:04 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:54:04 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:54:04 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:54:04 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:54:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:54:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:54:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:54:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
20:54:06 - [BG] Found friendly flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to def
[N] 20:54:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8362 ; "None" to 1482.028 ; 1459.896 ; 342.795 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:54:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (472.9267y, 127ms)
[D] 20:54:08 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 20:54:08 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[D] 20:54:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Cerean-Blackrock) come
[N] 20:54:34 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 20:54:34 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 20:54:34 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
20:54:34 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Urballsrmine (lvl 80)
[F] 20:54:34 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:54:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 20:54:34 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:54:35 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:54:35 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:54:35 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:54:35 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:54:35 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:35 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:35 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:36 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:36 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:36 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:36 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 20:54:36 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:36 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:37 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 20:54:37 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:37 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:37 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:37 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:38 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:38 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 20:54:38 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:38 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 20:54:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:54:39 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 20:54:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:54:39 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:54:39 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:39 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 20:54:39 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 20:54:39 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 186ms
[F] 20:54:39 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:54:40 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:54:40 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:54:41 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 20:54:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 277ms
20:54:41 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 20:55:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:55:03 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:55:03 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:55:03 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:55:03 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
20:55:03 - [BG] Found friendly flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to def
[N] 20:55:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8362 ; "None" to 1109.763 ; 1460.545 ; 316.5595 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:55:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (153.0315y, 129ms)
[F] 20:55:03 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:55:03 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:55:04 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:55:04 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:55:04 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:55:04 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:55:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 20:55:05 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 20:55:05 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 20:55:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:55:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:55:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:55:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1113.017 ; 1460.544 ; 316.5594 ; "None" to 1138.958 ; 1474.024 ; 312.0405 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:55:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (29.58132y, 111ms)
20:55:21 - [Fight] Attack player Immortvllity (lvl 80)
[N] 20:55:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1113.017 ; 1460.544 ; 316.5594 ; "None" to 1138.958 ; 1474.024 ; 312.0405 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:55:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (29.58132y, 0ms)
[F] 20:55:22 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:55:22 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:55:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 20:55:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 20:55:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 20:55:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 20:55:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 20:55:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 20:55:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 20:55:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 20:55:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 20:55:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 20:55:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 20:55:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 20:55:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 20:55:25 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:25 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:26 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:26 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 154ms
[F] 20:55:26 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 20:55:26 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 20:55:27 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:27 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:27 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 20:55:27 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 20:55:27 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 20:55:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 20:55:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 20:55:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 208ms
[F] 20:55:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 20:55:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 20:55:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 215ms
[F] 20:55:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 20:55:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 20:55:30 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 186ms
[F] 20:55:30 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:55:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 20:55:30 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:55:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 230ms
[F] 20:55:31 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:55:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 20:55:31 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:55:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 20:55:31 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:55:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 20:55:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 20:55:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 20:55:32 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:32 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:32 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:33 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:33 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:33 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:33 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:33 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:33 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:34 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:34 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:34 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:34 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 20:55:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 20:55:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 20:55:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 20:55:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 20:55:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 20:55:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 20:55:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 20:55:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 20:55:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 20:55:37 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 20:55:37 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:37 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:39 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:39 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:55:39 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 20:55:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:55:39 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:55:39 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:39 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 20:55:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:55:40 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 20:55:40 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:55:40 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:40 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 20:55:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 20:55:40 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:55:40 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 20:55:40 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:55:40 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:40 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 20:55:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 20:55:40 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:41 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 20:55:41 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:41 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:41 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:41 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:42 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:42 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:42 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:42 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:42 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:43 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:43 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:43 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:43 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:43 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:43 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:55:43 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:44 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:55:44 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:44 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 20:55:44 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:55:44 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:44 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 20:55:44 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:55:44 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:44 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 20:55:44 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:55:44 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:44 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 20:55:44 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:55:44 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:44 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 20:55:45 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:55:45 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:45 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 20:55:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:55:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 20:55:45 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 20:55:45 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 20:55:45 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 20:55:46 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 196ms
[F] 20:55:46 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:46 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:46 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 20:55:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[N] 20:55:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1212.77 ; 1479.587 ; 306.7276 ; "None" to 1243.937 ; 1421.978 ; 310.1198 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:55:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (82.87205y, 112ms)
20:55:47 - [Fight] Attack player Nighthingale (lvl 80)
[F] 20:55:47 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:55:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1214.044 ; 1480.327 ; 306.5331 ; "None" to 1245.271 ; 1424.422 ; 310.6021 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:55:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (79.11971y, 112ms)
[F] 20:55:47 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:55:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1220.022 ; 1479.774 ; 306.6836 ; "None" to 1255.188 ; 1428.703 ; 314.0061 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:55:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (69.65071y, 109ms)
[N] 20:55:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1228.289 ; 1478.805 ; 307.434 ; "None" to 1267.197 ; 1431.154 ; 314.5313 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:55:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (75.47984y, 109ms)
[N] 20:55:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1235.923 ; 1478.442 ; 308.4309 ; "None" to 1278.503 ; 1431.337 ; 314.1188 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:55:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (63.88758y, 107ms)
[D] 20:55:51 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 20:55:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1245.284 ; 1470.002 ; 309.2888 ; "None" to 1237.804 ; 1420.48 ; 309.7863 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:55:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (51.22853y, 602ms)
20:55:52 - [Fight] Attack player Meify (lvl 80)
[F] 20:55:52 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:55:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1249.427 ; 1465.252 ; 310.2101 ; "None" to 1237.804 ; 1420.48 ; 309.7863 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:55:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (46.25787y, 109ms)
[F] 20:55:52 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:55:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 153ms
[F] 20:55:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 153ms
[F] 20:55:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 153ms
[F] 20:55:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 186ms
[F] 20:55:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 152ms
[F] 20:55:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 152ms
[F] 20:55:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 181ms
[F] 20:55:57 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
20:55:57 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 20:56:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:03 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:03 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:03 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:03 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:56:03 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1481.059 ; 1459.325 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 20:56:03 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 343.0687 (112 ms)
[F] 20:56:03 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:03 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:04 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:04 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
20:56:04 - [BG] Found enemy flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to attack!
[N] 20:56:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8362 ; "None" to 1493.901 ; 1459.215 ; 342.9125 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 20:56:04 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:56:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 20 (662.3178y, 131ms)
[F] 20:56:04 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:56:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.292 ; 1387.015 ; 340.8692 ; "None" to 1497.638 ; 1459.16 ; 345.0185 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:56:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 20 (658.4315y, 129ms)
[F] 20:56:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:56:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1032.012 ; 1392.394 ; 340.871 ; "None" to 1508.431 ; 1459.045 ; 350.7231 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 20:56:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:56:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (640.5252y, 129ms)
[F] 20:56:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:06 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:56:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1034.82 ; 1398.783 ; 340.7452 ; "None" to 1517.588 ; 1466.73 ; 352.016 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 20:56:06 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:56:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (634.141y, 131ms)
[F] 20:56:06 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:07 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:07 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:07 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:07 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:56:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1036.746 ; 1405.551 ; 341.6036 ; "None" to 1524.972 ; 1476.01 ; 352.005 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 20:56:07 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:07 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:07 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:56:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 18 (637.8666y, 634ms)
[D] 20:56:08 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 20:56:08 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1541.551 ; 1482.711 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 20:56:08 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 341.8687 (110 ms)
[N] 20:56:09 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1531.658 ; 1483.893 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 20:56:09 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 341.8687 (108 ms)
[N] 20:56:10 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1519.397 ; 1486.788 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 20:56:10 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 342.4688 (111 ms)
[N] 20:56:11 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1513.312 ; 1488.712 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 20:56:11 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 352.0687 (113 ms)
[D] 20:56:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Cerean-Blackrock) go flag
[N] 20:56:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1244.178 ; 1484.946 ; 309.3235 ; "None" to 1298.796 ; 1444.636 ; 316.4714 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:56:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (68.25815y, 116ms)
20:56:48 - [Fight] Attack player Nighthingale (lvl 80)
[N] 20:56:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1245.833 ; 1484.395 ; 309.4061 ; "None" to 1298.685 ; 1444.705 ; 316.4689 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:56:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (66.47178y, 109ms)
[F] 20:56:49 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:49 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 20:56:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 20:56:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 20:56:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 20:56:52 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Protection() (Hand of Protection on mouseover with guid 432345564231456384
[F] 20:56:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 248ms
[F] 20:56:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 20:56:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 20:56:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 20:56:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 20:56:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 20:56:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 417ms
[F] 20:56:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 248ms
[N] 20:56:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1281.498 ; 1460.785 ; 311.1527 ; "None" to 1286.097 ; 1466.359 ; 312.7166 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:56:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (7.393627y, 114ms)
20:56:54 - [Fight] Attack player Urballsrmine (lvl 80)
[F] 20:56:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 20:56:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 285ms
[F] 20:56:55 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:55 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 315ms
[F] 20:56:56 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:56:56 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:56:56 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:56:56 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:56:56 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:56:56 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:56:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:56:57 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:56:57 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564229319167
20:56:57 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Jeric (lvl 80)
[F] 20:56:57 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564229319167
[F] 20:56:57 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:56:57 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:56:57 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268580210
[F] 20:56:57 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 20:56:57 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268580210
[F] 20:56:58 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268580210
[F] 20:56:58 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:56:58 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:56:58 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:56:58 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:56:58 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 20:56:58 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:56:58 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:56:58 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:56:59 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:56:59 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 20:56:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 281ms
20:56:59 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 20:57:00 - [Fight] Fight stopped
20:57:00 - [BG] Switching to healer: Meify
[F] 20:57:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:57:33 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:57:33 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:57:33 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:57:33 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:57:33 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:57:34 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:57:34 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:57:34 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:57:34 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:57:35 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:57:35 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:57:36 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
20:57:37 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 20:57:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8361 ; "None" to 1215.478 ; 1337.398 ; 313.7791 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:57:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (208.6949y, 119ms)
[D] 20:57:38 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 20:57:38 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
20:57:45 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Jeric (lvl 80)
[F] 20:57:45 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:57:46 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:57:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 189ms
[F] 20:57:46 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:57:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 20:57:46 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:57:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 20:57:46 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:57:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 20:57:47 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:57:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 20:57:47 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:57:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 20:57:47 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:57:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 172ms
[D] 20:57:47 - [Fight] BlackList Jeric during 60 sec
20:57:47 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Jeric (lvl 80)
[F] 20:57:47 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:57:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 20:57:47 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:57:47 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:57:48 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:57:48 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:57:48 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:57:48 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:57:48 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 20:57:48 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:57:48 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:57:48 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 20:57:48 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:57:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 20:57:48 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:57:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 20:57:49 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:57:49 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:57:49 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:57:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 231ms
[F] 20:57:49 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:57:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 20:57:49 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:57:49 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:57:49 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:57:49 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 20:57:50 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:57:50 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:57:50 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:57:50 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:57:50 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:57:50 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:57:50 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 20:57:50 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 20:57:50 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:57:50 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:57:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 173ms
[F] 20:57:50 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 20:57:51 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:57:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 264ms
[F] 20:57:51 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:57:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 20:57:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 331ms
[F] 20:57:51 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
20:57:51 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 20:57:52 - [Fight] Fight stopped
20:57:52 - [BG] Switching to healer: Meify
[F] 20:58:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:03 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:03 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:03 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:03 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:03 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:04 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:04 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:04 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:04 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:04 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:58:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.836 ; "None" to 1094.49 ; 1392.897 ; 317.5451 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:58:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (74.67226y, 117ms)
20:58:07 - [Fight] Attack player Urballsrmine (lvl 80)
[N] 20:58:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.836 ; "None" to 1092.798 ; 1392.165 ; 317.8013 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:58:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (73.40294y, 115ms)
[F] 20:58:07 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:08 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 20:58:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 20:58:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 20:58:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[D] 20:58:09 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 20:58:09 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 20:58:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 163ms
[F] 20:58:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 20:58:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 20:58:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 20:58:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 181ms
[N] 20:58:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1049.549 ; 1390.666 ; 340.2742 ; "None" to 1081.709 ; 1397.585 ; 321.3372 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:58:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (63.33093y, 114ms)
[F] 20:58:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 20:58:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 20:58:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 20:58:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 20:58:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[N] 20:58:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1043.5 ; 1389.404 ; 340.6566 ; "None" to 1071.381 ; 1398.106 ; 323.9387 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 20:58:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[N] 20:58:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (70.19993y, 118ms)
[F] 20:58:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 152ms
[F] 20:58:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 20:58:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 20:58:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[N] 20:58:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1062.966 ; 1392.969 ; 336.0486 ; "None" to 1084.163 ; 1400.977 ; 321.0702 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:58:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (78.31897y, 124ms)
[F] 20:58:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 316ms
[F] 20:58:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 264ms
[F] 20:58:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[N] 20:58:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1067.609 ; 1396.226 ; 324.4761 ; "None" to 1100.456 ; 1410.88 ; 316.4459 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:58:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (37.18256y, 110ms)
[F] 20:58:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 20:58:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[N] 20:58:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1075.982 ; 1400.89 ; 323.6049 ; "None" to 1110.565 ; 1418.626 ; 314.3494 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:58:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (41.48015y, 112ms)
[F] 20:58:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 20:58:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[D] 20:58:19 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 20:58:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:58:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1084.323 ; 1406.876 ; 322.2272 ; "None" to 1107 ; 1397.204 ; 315.3389 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:58:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (25.59806y, 115ms)
20:58:19 - [Fight] Attack player Meify (lvl 80)
[F] 20:58:19 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:20 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:20 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:20 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:20 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:20 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:20 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:21 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 20:58:21 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:21 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:21 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:21 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:22 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:22 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:22 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:22 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:22 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:22 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:23 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:23 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:23 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:24 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:24 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:24 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:24 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:24 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:24 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:24 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:25 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:25 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:25 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:25 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:25 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:25 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:25 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:26 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:26 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:26 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:26 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:26 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:26 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:27 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:27 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:27 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:27 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 20:58:27 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:27 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:27 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:27 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:28 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:28 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:58:28 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
20:58:28 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 20:59:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:03 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:03 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:03 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:03 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:03 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:04 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:04 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:04 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
20:59:04 - [BG] Found enemy flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to attack!
[N] 20:59:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.836 ; "None" to 1007.925 ; 1457.592 ; 335.2064 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 20:59:04 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:59:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (256.5245y, 115ms)
[F] 20:59:04 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:59:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.532 ; 1387.526 ; 340.8048 ; "None" to 1009.928 ; 1457.518 ; 334.9869 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:59:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (254.1237y, 114ms)
[F] 20:59:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:59:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1040.284 ; 1389.101 ; 340.7036 ; "None" to 1020.703 ; 1458.417 ; 332.8822 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[D] 20:59:06 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 20:59:06 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 20:59:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:59:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (232.258y, 115ms)
[F] 20:59:06 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:06 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:06 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:07 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:07 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:07 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:07 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:07 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:59:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1050.999 ; 1390.914 ; 340.1841 ; "None" to 1031.571 ; 1458.449 ; 329.8669 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 20:59:07 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:59:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (232.0319y, 116ms)
[F] 20:59:07 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 20:59:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 20:59:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[N] 20:59:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1045.235 ; 1389.62 ; 340.6356 ; "None" to 1042.044 ; 1458.48 ; 326.5029 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:59:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (215.2746y, 113ms)
[D] 20:59:09 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 20:59:09 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[D] 20:59:10 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 20:59:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1046.767 ; 1390.677 ; 340.5549 ; "None" to 1052.774 ; 1458.512 ; 322.7502 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:59:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (205.8769y, 614ms)
20:59:10 - [Fight] Attack player Jeric (lvl 80)
[N] 20:59:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1052.489 ; 1391.432 ; 340.034 ; "None" to 1058.546 ; 1458.53 ; 320.9785 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:59:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (205.7447y, 114ms)
[N] 20:59:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1047.109 ; 1389.955 ; 340.5468 ; "None" to 1069.37 ; 1458.562 ; 318.2085 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:59:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (189.2206y, 112ms)
[D] 20:59:13 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 20:59:13 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[N] 20:59:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1044.641 ; 1390.4 ; 340.6294 ; "None" to 1079.982 ; 1459.685 ; 316.2245 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:59:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (176.2184y, 113ms)
[D] 20:59:14 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 20:59:14 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[N] 20:59:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1042.516 ; 1390.014 ; 340.6648 ; "None" to 1090.649 ; 1460.677 ; 316.4721 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:59:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (163.3817y, 119ms)
[D] 20:59:15 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 20:59:15 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[D] 20:59:16 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 20:59:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1088.326 ; 1400.548 ; 319.0207 ; "None" to 1117.652 ; 1461.175 ; 316.4433 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:59:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (77.92384y, 113ms)
20:59:22 - [Fight] Attack player Azraelbby (lvl 80)
[N] 20:59:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1089.757 ; 1401.535 ; 318.6634 ; "None" to 1119.38 ; 1461.422 ; 316.4457 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:59:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (75.60256y, 110ms)
[F] 20:59:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 20:59:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 20:59:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[N] 20:59:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1099.809 ; 1408.469 ; 316.4781 ; "None" to 1130.438 ; 1458.549 ; 314.7635 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:59:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (63.68844y, 114ms)
[N] 20:59:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1108.641 ; 1414.563 ; 314.7327 ; "None" to 1140.234 ; 1454.262 ; 313.2245 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:59:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (53.02251y, 110ms)
[F] 20:59:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 20:59:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 20:59:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 20:59:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[N] 20:59:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1117.326 ; 1422.268 ; 313.47 ; "None" to 1151.481 ; 1457.053 ; 312.4007 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:59:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (48.79148y, 112ms)
[F] 20:59:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 20:59:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 20:59:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 20:59:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 20:59:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 20:59:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[D] 20:59:28 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 20:59:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1126.514 ; 1431.306 ; 312.7666 ; "None" to 1097.68 ; 1461.657 ; 316.2461 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:59:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (51.23485y, 116ms)
20:59:28 - [Fight] Attack player Jtm (lvl 80)
[N] 20:59:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1127.752 ; 1432.527 ; 312.6652 ; "None" to 1099.416 ; 1461.717 ; 316.5423 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:59:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (48.6059y, 109ms)
[F] 20:59:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 20:59:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 20:59:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[N] 20:59:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1125.776 ; 1443.212 ; 314.0141 ; "None" to 1111.126 ; 1462.162 ; 316.5576 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:59:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (26.04046y, 110ms)
[F] 20:59:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 20:59:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 20:59:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 20:59:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 20:59:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 20:59:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 171ms
[F] 20:59:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 20:59:33 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 20:59:33 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 20:59:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 20:59:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 264ms
[F] 20:59:34 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 20:59:34 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 20:59:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 20:59:35 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 20:59:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 20:59:35 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 20:59:35 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:59:35 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 20:59:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 20:59:35 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:59:35 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 20:59:35 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 20:59:35 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:59:35 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 20:59:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 20:59:35 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 20:59:36 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:59:36 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 20:59:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 20:59:36 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:59:36 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 20:59:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 20:59:36 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 20:59:36 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:59:36 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 20:59:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 20:59:36 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 20:59:36 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:59:36 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 20:59:36 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 20:59:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 20:59:37 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 20:59:37 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 231ms
[F] 20:59:37 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 20:59:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 315ms
[F] 20:59:37 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 20:59:37 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 20:59:37 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 20:59:37 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 20:59:37 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 20:59:38 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 20:59:38 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 20:59:38 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 20:59:38 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 20:59:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 20:59:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 20:59:38 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 247ms
[N] 20:59:39 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1281.21 ; 1469.104 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 20:59:39 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 311.5687 (113 ms)
20:59:40 - [BG] Found enemy flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to attack!
[N] 20:59:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1168.404 ; 1460.143 ; 310.0667 ; "None" to 1291.474 ; 1468.039 ; 313.6839 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:59:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (124.9461y, 112ms)
[N] 20:59:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1168.904 ; 1460.315 ; 309.9982 ; "None" to 1293.69 ; 1467.51 ; 313.9916 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 20:59:40 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 20:59:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (126.6735y, 110ms)
[F] 20:59:40 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 20:59:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 20:59:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 20:59:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[N] 20:59:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1176.504 ; 1463.389 ; 307.5916 ; "None" to 1304.45 ; 1466.171 ; 316.6184 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:59:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (129.1055y, 115ms)
[F] 20:59:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 20:59:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 20:59:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 20:59:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 20:59:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[N] 20:59:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1186.685 ; 1465.127 ; 305.4301 ; "None" to 1317.872 ; 1464.602 ; 318.0847 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:59:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (132.3831y, 113ms)
[F] 20:59:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 20:59:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 20:59:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 20:59:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[N] 20:59:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1195.422 ; 1466.619 ; 305.9909 ; "None" to 1329.354 ; 1463.26 ; 320.159 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 20:59:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (135.2369y, 110ms)
[F] 20:59:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 20:59:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 20:59:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 20:59:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[D] 20:59:44 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 20:59:45 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1341.848 ; 1461.819 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 20:59:45 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 322.5284 (130 ms)
[N] 20:59:46 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1355.658 ; 1461.222 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 20:59:46 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 322.0687 (110 ms)
[N] 20:59:47 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1369.302 ; 1461.034 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 20:59:47 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 322.0687 (110 ms)
[N] 20:59:48 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1382.03 ; 1460.851 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 20:59:49 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 325.3701 (109 ms)
[N] 20:59:50 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1392.517 ; 1460.702 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 20:59:50 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 325.0687 (107 ms)
[N] 20:59:51 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1402.982 ; 1460.552 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 20:59:51 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 326.2687 (114 ms)
[N] 20:59:52 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1413.582 ; 1460.401 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 20:59:52 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 329.2687 (110 ms)
[N] 20:59:54 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1424.045 ; 1460.239 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 20:59:54 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 333.7687 (110 ms)
[N] 20:59:55 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1434.463 ; 1459.253 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 20:59:55 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 334.6687 (110 ms)
[N] 20:59:56 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1445.026 ; 1458.614 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 20:59:56 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 339.338 (111 ms)
[N] 20:59:58 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1455.444 ; 1458.705 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 20:59:58 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 342.7683 (112 ms)
[N] 20:59:59 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1450.656 ; 1466.322 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 20:59:59 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 340.9688 (107 ms)
21:00:00 - [BG] Found enemy flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to attack!
[N] 21:00:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1328.107 ; 1463.329 ; 319.9735 ; "None" to 1456.177 ; 1462.333 ; 342.7451 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:00:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (130.0824y, 110ms)
[N] 21:00:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1329.04 ; 1463.282 ; 320.1169 ; "None" to 1459.087 ; 1461.511 ; 342.7794 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:00:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (132.3312y, 112ms)
[N] 21:00:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1335.89 ; 1463.231 ; 321.3336 ; "None" to 1470.926 ; 1460.553 ; 342.7936 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:00:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (136.9827y, 107ms)
[N] 21:00:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1342.724 ; 1463.18 ; 322.3634 ; "None" to 1482.767 ; 1460.184 ; 342.7936 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:00:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (141.7245y, 109ms)
[N] 21:00:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1349.575 ; 1463.129 ; 323.3399 ; "None" to 1494.53 ; 1458.487 ; 343.2766 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:00:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (194.5339y, 116ms)
[D] 21:00:03 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 21:00:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1355.741 ; 1463.083 ; 324.5036 ; "None" to 1389.316 ; 1461.717 ; 325.9539 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:00:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (33.96628y, 109ms)
21:00:04 - [Fight] Attack player Zajigai (lvl 80)
[F] 21:00:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 21:00:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 21:00:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 21:00:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 21:00:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 21:00:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 197ms
[F] 21:00:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 21:00:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 21:00:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 21:00:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 21:00:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 21:00:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 283ms
[F] 21:00:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 317ms
[F] 21:00:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 21:00:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 283ms
[F] 21:00:08 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271859674
[F] 21:00:09 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271859674
[F] 21:00:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 21:00:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 277ms
[N] 21:00:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1400.964 ; 1462.227 ; 328.8121 ; "None" to 1426.07 ; 1459.425 ; 336.7528 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:00:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (26.48074y, 114ms)
21:00:09 - [Fight] Attack player Deciduous (lvl 80)
[F] 21:00:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 21:00:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 21:00:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 21:00:10 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 21:00:10 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 21:00:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 21:00:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 21:00:11 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:11 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:12 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:12 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:12 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:12 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:12 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 21:00:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 215ms
[F] 21:00:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 303ms
[F] 21:00:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 316ms
[F] 21:00:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 383ms
[F] 21:00:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 315ms
[F] 21:00:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 283ms
[F] 21:00:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 21:00:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 284ms
[F] 21:00:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 21:00:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 283ms
[F] 21:00:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 317ms
[F] 21:00:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 298ms
[F] 21:00:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 21:00:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 21:00:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 316ms
[F] 21:00:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 318ms
[F] 21:00:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 21:00:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 21:00:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 21:00:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 21:00:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 21:00:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 315ms
[F] 21:00:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 21:00:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 318ms
[D] 21:00:21 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 21:00:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[N] 21:00:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1368.207 ; 1459.541 ; 324.3738 ; "None" to 1355.524 ; 1454.072 ; 324.1545 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:00:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (15.34423y, 113ms)
21:00:22 - [Fight] Attack player Deciduous (lvl 80)
[N] 21:00:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1366.573 ; 1459.57 ; 324.4265 ; "None" to 1354.366 ; 1452.922 ; 323.9909 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:00:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (14.68624y, 110ms)
[F] 21:00:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 248ms
[F] 21:00:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 249ms
[F] 21:00:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 251ms
[F] 21:00:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 21:00:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 21:00:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 350ms
[F] 21:00:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 283ms
[F] 21:00:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 21:00:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 21:00:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[N] 21:00:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1345.51 ; 1446.471 ; 323.2979 ; "None" to 1323.783 ; 1441.021 ; 320.7717 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:00:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22.5412y, 128ms)
[F] 21:00:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 21:00:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 283ms
[F] 21:00:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 332ms
[F] 21:00:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 351ms
[F] 21:00:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 451ms
[F] 21:00:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 285ms
[F] 21:00:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 381ms
[F] 21:00:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 284ms
[F] 21:00:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 283ms
[F] 21:00:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 349ms
[F] 21:00:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 250ms
[F] 21:00:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 21:00:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 21:00:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 21:00:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 215ms
[F] 21:00:31 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:31 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:31 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 154ms
[F] 21:00:31 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:32 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:32 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:32 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:32 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:32 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:32 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:33 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:00:33 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 180ms
[F] 21:00:33 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:00:33 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:33 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:00:33 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:00:33 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 21:00:33 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:00:33 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:00:33 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 214ms
[F] 21:00:34 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:00:34 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:34 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 21:00:34 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:00:34 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:34 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 21:00:34 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:00:34 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:34 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:00:34 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:00:34 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:34 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:00:34 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:34 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 21:00:34 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:35 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:35 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:35 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:35 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:35 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:35 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:35 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 317ms
[F] 21:00:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 249ms
[F] 21:00:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 21:00:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 21:00:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 21:00:38 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:38 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:39 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:39 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:39 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:39 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:39 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:39 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:39 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:40 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:40 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 21:00:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 21:00:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158270293564
[F] 21:00:41 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:41 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:41 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:41 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:41 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265506035
[F] 21:00:41 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:41 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:41 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:41 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:41 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:00:43 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
21:00:43 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 21:00:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 244ms
[D] 21:00:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Cerean-Blackrock) lose
[F] 21:01:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:03 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:03 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:03 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:03 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:04 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:04 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:04 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:04 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:04 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:04 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
21:01:07 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 21:01:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8362 ; "None" to 1215.478 ; 1337.398 ; 313.7791 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:01:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (208.6949y, 0ms)
[D] 21:01:09 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 21:01:09 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
21:01:20 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Jeric (lvl 80)
[F] 21:01:20 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:20 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 21:01:20 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 21:01:21 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 21:01:21 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 21:01:21 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 21:01:21 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 21:01:21 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 21:01:21 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 21:01:22 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 21:01:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 21:01:22 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 21:01:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 153ms
[F] 21:01:22 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 21:01:22 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 21:01:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 21:01:23 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 21:01:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 21:01:23 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 21:01:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 21:01:23 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 21:01:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 21:01:23 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 21:01:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 21:01:24 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 21:01:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 21:01:24 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 21:01:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 21:01:24 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 21:01:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 197ms
[F] 21:01:24 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 21:01:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:01:24 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 21:01:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[D] 21:01:25 - [Fight] BlackList Jeric during 60 sec
21:01:25 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Jeric (lvl 80)
[F] 21:01:25 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:01:25 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:25 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:25 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:25 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:26 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:26 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:26 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:26 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:26 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:26 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:27 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:01:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 21:01:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 218ms
[F] 21:01:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 21:01:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 21:01:28 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269074272
[F] 21:01:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 218ms
[F] 21:01:28 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 21:01:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
21:01:28 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 21:01:29 - [Fight] Fight stopped
21:01:29 - [BG] Switching to healer: Luvcheto
[F] 21:02:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:03 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:03 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:03 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:03 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:04 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:04 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:04 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:04 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:04 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:04 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
21:02:05 - [BG] Found enemy flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to attack!
[N] 21:02:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8362 ; "None" to 975.1823 ; 1460.218 ; 336.4572 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 21:02:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:02:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (289.467y, 116ms)
[N] 21:02:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.665 ; 1387.572 ; 340.7944 ; "None" to 976.9317 ; 1460.172 ; 336.1921 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (287.1951y, 111ms)
[F] 21:02:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:06 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:06 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:06 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:07 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:07 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:02:07 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 21:02:07 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 21:02:07 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:02:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1041.614 ; 1389.308 ; 340.6743 ; "None" to 987.424 ; 1459.857 ; 335.8229 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (267.5548y, 120ms)
[F] 21:02:07 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:07 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:07 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:07 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 21:02:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 21:02:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 21:02:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[N] 21:02:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1055.238 ; 1391.639 ; 339.7898 ; "None" to 999.0779 ; 1459.913 ; 335.638 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (270.2249y, 113ms)
[F] 21:02:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 21:02:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 21:02:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 21:02:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 21:02:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 249ms
[F] 21:02:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 251ms
[N] 21:02:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1046.279 ; 1389.83 ; 340.5983 ; "None" to 1011.074 ; 1459.884 ; 334.6199 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 21:02:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 250ms
[D] 21:02:11 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 21:02:11 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 21:02:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 248ms
[N] 21:02:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (248.1651y, 751ms)
[F] 21:02:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 248ms
[F] 21:02:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 250ms
[F] 21:02:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 249ms
[D] 21:02:12 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 21:02:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[N] 21:02:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1049.134 ; 1391.001 ; 340.2708 ; "None" to 1042.292 ; 1459.945 ; 326.3191 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (219.0634y, 114ms)
21:02:12 - [Fight] Attack player Deciduous (lvl 80)
[N] 21:02:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1050.866 ; 1391.227 ; 340.1458 ; "None" to 1043.93 ; 1460.027 ; 325.7384 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (219.108y, 113ms)
[F] 21:02:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 21:02:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 21:02:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 21:02:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 21:02:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[N] 21:02:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1044.43 ; 1389.594 ; 340.6465 ; "None" to 1054.818 ; 1460.566 ; 321.9725 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (201.232y, 116ms)
[F] 21:02:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[D] 21:02:14 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 21:02:14 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 21:02:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 21:02:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:02:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 21:02:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:02:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[N] 21:02:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1048.872 ; 1390.951 ; 340.3034 ; "None" to 1065.848 ; 1460.133 ; 319.0076 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (194.6449y, 130ms)
[F] 21:02:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 21:02:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 21:02:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 21:02:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 21:02:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 21:02:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[N] 21:02:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1041.911 ; 1389.244 ; 340.6697 ; "None" to 1076.27 ; 1462.318 ; 317.0275 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[D] 21:02:17 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 21:02:17 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[N] 21:02:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (177.0342y, 111ms)
[F] 21:02:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 21:02:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 21:02:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:02:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:02:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[D] 21:02:18 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 21:02:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[N] 21:02:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1051.137 ; 1391.245 ; 340.1295 ; "None" to 1048.466 ; 1458.694 ; 324.1345 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (214.7058y, 116ms)
21:02:18 - [Fight] Attack player Azraelbby (lvl 80)
[N] 21:02:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1052.869 ; 1391.476 ; 340.0084 ; "None" to 1050.084 ; 1458.71 ; 323.5816 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (214.7845y, 111ms)
[F] 21:02:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 21:02:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:02:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 21:02:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 21:02:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[N] 21:02:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1046.827 ; 1389.915 ; 340.5648 ; "None" to 1061.053 ; 1458.501 ; 320.3036 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (197.3456y, 112ms)
[F] 21:02:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 21:02:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[D] 21:02:21 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 21:02:21 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 21:02:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:02:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:02:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:02:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[N] 21:02:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1046.495 ; 1390.645 ; 340.5711 ; "None" to 1073.121 ; 1458.943 ; 317.2794 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (184.9577y, 126ms)
[F] 21:02:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 21:02:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 21:02:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 21:02:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[D] 21:02:23 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 21:02:23 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 21:02:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 21:02:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 196ms
[N] 21:02:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1041.692 ; 1389.932 ; 340.6717 ; "None" to 1085.227 ; 1459.703 ; 317.1458 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (167.9228y, 112ms)
[F] 21:02:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 21:02:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:02:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:02:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[D] 21:02:24 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 21:02:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[N] 21:02:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1058.044 ; 1392.159 ; 339.4048 ; "None" to 1055.8 ; 1461.115 ; 321.7264 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (213.8363y, 115ms)
21:02:25 - [Fight] Attack player Nighthingale (lvl 80)
[N] 21:02:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1059.767 ; 1392.443 ; 338.9031 ; "None" to 1054.382 ; 1461.661 ; 322.2141 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (218.574y, 111ms)
[F] 21:02:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:02:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 330ms
[F] 21:02:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[N] 21:02:27 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 21:02:27 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 21:02:27 - [MovementManager] Further from the destination than at the beginning.
[N] 21:02:27 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 21:02:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1066.786 ; 1394.326 ; 325.679 ; "None" to 1063.173 ; 1460.514 ; 321.9519 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:27 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 21:02:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1066.861 ; 1394.37 ; 325.5798 ; "None" to 1054.382 ; 1461.661 ; 322.2141 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (156.0701y, 231ms)
[F] 21:02:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 21:02:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 197ms
[N] 21:02:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (147.3316y, 1015ms)
[F] 21:02:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:02:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:02:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 21:02:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 21:02:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[N] 21:02:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1076.075 ; 1407.121 ; 324.5557 ; "None" to 1056.939 ; 1460.175 ; 322.2991 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (138.0792y, 114ms)
[F] 21:02:38 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:38 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:02:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1121.615 ; 1453.236 ; 315.9266 ; "None" to 1046.795 ; 1459.225 ; 324.6425 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (80.02438y, 118ms)
[N] 21:02:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1112.69 ; 1461.016 ; 316.5589 ; "None" to 1138.078 ; 1440.839 ; 311.4924 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 21:02:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:02:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (33.90713y, 109ms)
21:02:40 - [Fight] Attack player Azraelbby (lvl 80)
[N] 21:02:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1110.943 ; 1460.969 ; 316.5589 ; "None" to 1138.078 ; 1440.839 ; 311.4924 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (35.65625y, 111ms)
[F] 21:02:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 21:02:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 284ms
[F] 21:02:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 21:02:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 21:02:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 21:02:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 21:02:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 21:02:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 21:02:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 21:02:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 21:02:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 21:02:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 21:02:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 21:02:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 21:02:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 21:02:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 21:02:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 21:02:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 21:02:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 21:02:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 181ms
[F] 21:02:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 21:02:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 21:02:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 21:02:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 21:02:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 21:02:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[D] 21:02:49 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 21:02:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:02:49 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1277.466 ; 1467.897 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[F] 21:02:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:02:49 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 311.5687 (112 ms)
[F] 21:02:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
21:02:50 - [BG] Found enemy flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to attack!
[N] 21:02:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1184.585 ; 1462.888 ; 305.9674 ; "None" to 1284.374 ; 1466.736 ; 312.78 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (100.9945y, 112ms)
[N] 21:02:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1186.319 ; 1463.086 ; 305.7566 ; "None" to 1285.879 ; 1466.531 ; 312.7646 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (100.7863y, 111ms)
[N] 21:02:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1198.011 ; 1466.104 ; 306.1272 ; "None" to 1296.279 ; 1465.089 ; 314.7819 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (99.29563y, 111ms)
[N] 21:02:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1209.756 ; 1468.942 ; 307.0373 ; "None" to 1306.711 ; 1463.854 ; 317.1996 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (97.68536y, 119ms)
[N] 21:02:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1221.892 ; 1469.008 ; 307.1599 ; "None" to 1317.249 ; 1462.606 ; 318.0952 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (96.64y, 112ms)
[D] 21:02:56 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 21:02:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:02:57 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1330.037 ; 1461.627 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 21:02:57 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 320.7016 (117 ms)
[F] 21:02:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:02:58 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1339.024 ; 1461.543 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[F] 21:02:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:02:58 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 319.6687 (108 ms)
[F] 21:02:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:02:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:02:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1254.555 ; 1465.203 ; 311.2099 ; "None" to 1322.656 ; 1459.804 ; 319.1394 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (68.92073y, 108ms)
21:02:59 - [Fight] Attack player Zajigai (lvl 80)
[N] 21:02:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1256.257 ; 1464.812 ; 311.6129 ; "None" to 1323.183 ; 1460.627 ; 319.195 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:02:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (67.63495y, 109ms)
[N] 21:03:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1274.682 ; 1462.485 ; 311.2592 ; "None" to 1332.481 ; 1464.132 ; 320.7402 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:03:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (58.7088y, 115ms)
[F] 21:03:07 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:07 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
21:03:12 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Zajigai (lvl 80)
[F] 21:03:13 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:03:16 - [Fight] BlackList Zajigai during 60 sec
21:03:16 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Nighthingale (lvl 80)
[F] 21:03:16 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:16 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:17 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:17 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:17 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:17 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:17 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:18 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:18 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:18 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 220ms
[F] 21:03:18 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:19 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 162ms
[F] 21:03:19 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 21:03:19 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 21:03:19 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 21:03:19 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:19 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:19 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:20 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:20 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:20 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:20 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:20 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:20 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:20 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:20 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:22 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:22 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:22 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:22 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:22 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:22 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:22 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:22 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:22 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:03:22 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:23 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:23 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:03:23 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:03:23 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:23 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:23 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:23 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:03:23 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:03:23 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:23 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:23 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:03:23 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:23 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:03:23 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:24 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:24 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:03:24 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:24 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:03:24 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:24 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:03:24 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:03:24 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:24 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:03:24 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:24 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:03:24 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:24 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:03:24 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:25 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:03:25 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 21:03:25 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:03:25 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 21:03:25 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:03:25 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:25 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:03:25 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:25 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:03:25 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:26 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:03:26 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:26 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:03:26 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:26 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:03:26 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:26 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:03:26 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:26 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:03:26 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 21:03:26 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:03:26 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:03:27 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:03:27 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 21:03:27 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 21:03:27 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:27 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:28 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:28 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271842769
[F] 21:03:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 21:03:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:03:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 21:03:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 21:03:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[D] 21:03:30 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 21:03:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1362.092 ; 1462.88 ; 324.5414 ; "None" to 1346.651 ; 1462.732 ; 322.9965 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:03:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (15.63727y, 171ms)
21:03:30 - [Fight] Attack player Urballsrmine (lvl 80)
[N] 21:03:30 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 21:03:30 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 21:03:30 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 21:03:32 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 21:03:32 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
21:03:32 - [BG] Switching to healer: Luvcheto
[D] 21:03:32 - [Fight] Target not valid
21:03:32 - Sleeping
21:03:35 - [BG] Battleground Finish
21:03:35 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 21:03:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1362.092 ; 1462.88 ; 324.5414 ; "None" to 1343.883 ; 1402.511 ; 323.7987 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 21:03:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (68.30756y, 114ms)
[N] 21:03:35 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[F] 21:03:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:37 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 21:03:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:03:37 - [Info] Continent change, PVPZone03 to Kalimdor
[D] 21:03:37 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 21:03:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:03:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Deathyeet) LFM ICC 10 nm EoF Run! 5.6k+ NEED 1 Pala/Dk Tank LAST SPOT! /w me gs spec and best achi! + [Lord Marrowgar Must Die!]
[F] 21:03:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:03:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[F] 21:03:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:03:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:04:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Crzyholy) WTS |cff0070dd|Hitem:47556:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Crusader Orb]|h|r 2 stacks |cff0070dd|Hitem:43102:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Frozen Orb]|h|r 10piece
[F] 21:04:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:04:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Plated) wtb dal port 55g
[F] 21:04:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:04:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Plated) wtb dal port 55g
[F] 21:04:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:04:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:04:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:04:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Shardzioss) LFM OS10 mount run rq need all 6k++ whisp GS and Role for invite!!
[F] 21:04:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:04:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Caramelapple) an NA guild is recruiting 6K+ players for our LOD progression, RS 25, Ulduar 25 & Bane groups. Raid times are Mon-Fri 1:00 am server. We use DKP. Please head to our discord to speak with an Officer - https://discord.gg/GYETXBx
[D] 21:04:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Crzyholy) WTS |cff0070dd|Hitem:47556:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Crusader Orb]|h|r 2 stacks |cff0070dd|Hitem:43102:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Frozen Orb]|h|r 10piece
[D] 21:04:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:04:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Sythiel) WTS |cffa335ee|Hitem:36919:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Cardinal Ruby]|h|r X4
[F] 21:04:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:05:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Shardzioss) LFM OS10 mount run rq need all 6k++ whisp GS and Role for invite!! 4/10
[F] 21:05:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:05:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[F] 21:05:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:05:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:05:31 - [Info] Continent change, Kalimdor to IsleofConquest
[D] 21:05:31 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 21:05:31 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[D] 21:05:33 - [Info] Continent change, IsleofConquest to Kalimdor
[D] 21:05:33 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 21:05:33 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[D] 21:05:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Crzyholy) WTS |cff0070dd|Hitem:47556:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Crusader Orb]|h|r 2 stacks
[D] 21:05:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[F] 21:05:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:06:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:06:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[F] 21:06:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:06:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Alkaholiks) ICC 10 8/12 HC Need 1Tank Dps 6k+
[D] 21:06:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[F] 21:07:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:07:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:07:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Shardzioss) LFM OS10 mount run rq need all 6k++ whisp GS and Role for invite!! 6/10
[F] 21:07:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:07:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Caramelapple) an NA guild is recruiting 6K+ players for our LOD progression, RS 25, Ulduar 25 & Bane groups. Raid times are Mon-Fri 1:00 am server. We use DKP. Please head to our discord to speak with an Officer - https://discord.gg/GYETXBx
[D] 21:07:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Alkaholiks) ICC 10 8/12 HC Need 1Tank Dps 6k+
[D] 21:07:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[F] 21:08:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:08:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Alkaholiks) ICC 10 8/12 HC Need 1Tank Dps 6k+
[D] 21:08:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[F] 21:08:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:08:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Alkaholiks) ICC 10 8/12 HC Need 1Tank Dps 6k+
[D] 21:08:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:08:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Fearlessgodx) portal dalaran pls
[F] 21:09:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:09:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Fearlessgodx) portal dalaran pls
[D] 21:09:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[F] 21:09:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:09:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Akariqueenn) WTB DALARAN PORTAL PLZZZ
[D] 21:09:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[F] 21:09:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:10:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Wrathgodz) Vhow can i get fastest to darkshore?
[D] 21:10:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Wrathgodz) WTS portals
[D] 21:10:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Wrathgodz) WTS portals
[D] 21:10:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[F] 21:10:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:10:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Crzyholy) WTS |cff0070dd|Hitem:47556:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Crusader Orb]|h|r 2stacks 290g each
[D] 21:10:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Caramelapple) an NA guild is recruiting 6K+ players for our LOD progression, RS 25, Ulduar 25 & Bane groups. Raid times are Mon-Fri 1:00 am server. We use DKP. Please head to our discord to speak with an Officer - https://discord.gg/GYETXBx
[F] 21:10:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:10:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Bushtits) WTB |cffa335ee|Hitem:40133:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Purified Dreadstone]|h|r X1 250 gold
[D] 21:10:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Alkaholiks) ICC 10 8/12 HC Need 1 SHAM 2 DPS 6k +
[D] 21:10:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:11:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Unholydefile) ICC 25 Nm(GS HC). NEED DPS HEALS
[F] 21:11:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:11:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[F] 21:11:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:11:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[F] 21:12:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:12:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:12:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Nicotinne) WTB DALARAN PORTAL
[D] 21:12:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Nicotinne) WTB DALARAN PORTAL
[D] 21:12:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Alkaholiks) ICC 10 8/12 HC Need 1Hunt 1 Sham 6k+
[F] 21:12:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:12:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Greyworn) WTB portal to dala
[D] 21:12:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:12:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Nicotinne) WTB DALARAN PORTAL
[D] 21:13:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Alkaholiks) ICC 10 8/12 HC Need 1Hunt 1 Sham 6k+
[F] 21:13:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:13:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Dodginho) sup fam
[D] 21:13:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[F] 21:13:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:13:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Alkaholiks) ICC 10 8/12 HC Need 1Hunt 1 Sham 6k+
[D] 21:13:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Walkingtumor) LF DEATHROLLER /W ME
[D] 21:13:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Caramelapple) an NA guild is recruiting 6K+ players for our LOD progression, RS 25, Ulduar 25 & Bane groups. Raid times are Mon-Fri 1:00 am server. We use DKP. Please head to our discord to speak with an Officer - https://discord.gg/GYETXBx
[D] 21:13:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sockio) WTB |cffa335ee|Hitem:47582:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Bracers of Swift Death]|h|r PST PRICE
[D] 21:13:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Dodginho) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:66846|h[Ochre Skeletal Warhorse]|h|r best mount in game prove me wrong
[D] 21:13:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[F] 21:13:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:14:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Walkingtumor) LF DEATHROLLER /W ME
[D] 21:14:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Walkingtumor) v
[D] 21:14:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Walkingtumor) LF DEATHROLLER /W ME
[D] 21:14:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[F] 21:14:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:14:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sesh) Nope, the cock mount is better |cff71d5ff|Hspell:65917|h[Magic Rooster]|h|r
[D] 21:14:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Walkingtumor) LF DEATHROLLER /W ME
[D] 21:14:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sesh) Runner up the lambo of the entire game |cff71d5ff|Hspell:26656|h[Black Qiraji Battle Tank]|h|r
[D] 21:14:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Dodginho) sounds like something a paladin would say
[D] 21:14:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:14:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sesh) You got me
[D] 21:15:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Alkaholiks) ICC 10 8/12 HC Need SHAM Last Spot
[D] 21:15:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Walkingtumor) LF DEATHROLLER /W ME
[D] 21:15:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:15:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Dodginho) Sesh, well I guess this means we're friends now
[D] 21:15:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Walkingtumor) LF DEATHROLLER /W ME
[D] 21:15:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sesh) I'm blushing
[D] 21:15:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Dodginho) nice to meet you, pal
[D] 21:15:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:15:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sesh) Nice to meet you too buddy
[D] 21:15:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Walkingtumor) LF DEATHROLLER /W ME
[D] 21:16:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Phatkyan) wtb |cffa335ee|Hitem:34057:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Abyss Crystal]|h|r
[D] 21:16:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Alkaholiks) ICC 10 8/12 HC Need SHAM Last Spot
[D] 21:16:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Stdclass) ME ORC
[D] 21:16:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Dodginho) JKLULZ *punches you in the face and vanishes*
[D] 21:16:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Stdclass) ME MEAT YOU ALL
[D] 21:16:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sesh) ME NOT THAT KIND OF ORC
[D] 21:16:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Yamshi) Nice to meet you both now piss off
[D] 21:16:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Onetoo) so romantic
[D] 21:16:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:16:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Walkingtumor) LF DEATHROLLER /W ME
[D] 21:16:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Yamshi) go eat eachothers asses
[D] 21:16:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sesh) Guys, I got the #1 anal joke
[D] 21:16:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Dodginho) ME NOT THAT KIND OF ORC
[D] 21:16:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Caramelapple) an NA guild is recruiting 6K+ players for our LOD progression, RS 25, Ulduar 25 & Bane groups. Raid times are Mon-Fri 1:00 am server. We use DKP. Please head to our discord to speak with an Officer - https://discord.gg/GYETXBx
[D] 21:16:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sesh) Are you prepared?
[D] 21:16:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:17:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Walkingtumor) LF DEATHROLLER /W ME
[D] 21:17:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sesh) ANAL |cff71d5ff|Hspell:47254|h[Turd]|h|r
[D] 21:17:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:17:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Alkaholiks) ICC 10 8/12 HC Need SHAM Last Spot
[D] 21:17:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Yamshi) Anal Turkish
[D] 21:17:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jaysh) Anal |cff4e96f7|Htalent:2011:1|h[Dirge]|h|r
[D] 21:17:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:18:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Darthtanyon) WTB |cff1eff00|Hitem:36910:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Titanium Ore]|h|r paying 720G per stack.
[D] 21:18:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Dodginho) Anal |cffffd000|Htrade:7924:136:225:700000000609237:8MAAAA|h[First Aid]|h|r
[D] 21:18:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:18:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Walkingtumor) LF DEATHROLLER /W ME
[D] 21:18:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sesh) Spread the anal aids.
[D] 21:18:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jaysh) anal |cff4e96f7|Htalent:2005:4|h[Impurity]|h|r
[D] 21:18:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Walkingtumor) LF DEATHROLLER /W ME
[D] 21:18:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Dodginho) Anal |cff71d5ff|Hspell:20577|h[Cannibalize]|h|r
[D] 21:18:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sesh) Oof that's a good one
[D] 21:18:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:19:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jaysh) anal |cff4e96f7|Htalent:2048:-1|h[Annihilation]|h|r
[D] 21:19:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Yamshi) Anal |cffffff00|Hachievement:3456:070000000000718A:1:11:1:15:4294967295:4294967295:4294967295:4294967295|h[Dead Man's Party]|h|r
[D] 21:19:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:19:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Alkaholiks) ICC 10 8/12 HC Need SHAM Last Spot
[D] 21:19:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Walkingtumor) LF DEATHROLLER /W ME
[D] 21:19:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Dodginho) Anal |cff71d5ff|Hspell:2836|h[Detect Traps]|h|r
[D] 21:19:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sesh) I eat ass.
[D] 21:19:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Caramelapple) an NA guild is recruiting 6K+ players for our LOD progression, RS 25, Ulduar 25 & Bane groups. Raid times are Mon-Fri 1:00 am server. We use DKP. Please head to our discord to speak with an Officer - https://discord.gg/GYETXBx
[D] 21:19:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jaysh) anal |cff4e96f7|Htalent:1997:-1|h[Acclimation]|h|r
[D] 21:19:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:20:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Walkingtumor) LF DEATHROLLER /W ME
[D] 21:20:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Dodginho) and finally...
[D] 21:20:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Yamshi) Anal |cffffff00|Hachievement:1552:070000000000718A:1:2:9:17:4294967295:4294967295:4294967295:4294967295|h[Frenzied Firecracker]|h|r
[D] 21:20:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Esge) Anal |cff4e96f7|Htalent:265:-1|h[Dirty Deeds]|h|r
[D] 21:20:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Dodginho) Anal |cff71d5ff|Hspell:5227|h[Underwater Breathing]|h|r
[D] 21:20:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Esge) Anal |cff4e96f7|Htalent:681:-1|h[Hemorrhage]|h|r
[D] 21:20:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sesh) Ehhhhh
[D] 21:20:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Policarpa) Buy now on the marketplace: 7500 gold for 3 coins, help a pala get her very own shadowmourne before christmas!
[D] 21:20:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Walkingtumor) LF DEATHROLLER /W ME
[D] 21:20:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sesh) |cff4e96f7|Htalent:265:-1|h[Dirty Deeds]|h|r |cff4e96f7|Htalent:681:-1|h[Hemorrhage]|h|r are better
[D] 21:20:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Zyzyxz) Anal |cff4e96f7|Htalent:1629:-1|h[Anticipation]|h|r
[D] 21:20:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jaysh) anal |cff4e96f7|Htalent:1968:-1|h[Toughness]|h|r
[D] 21:20:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:20:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sesh) Anal |cff4e96f7|Htalent:681:-1|h[Hemorrhage]|h|r is pretty good
[D] 21:20:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Yamshi) Anal |cffffff00|Hachievement:4624:070000000000718A:1:2:22:17:4294967295:4294967295:4294967295:4294967295|h[Tough Love]|h|r
[D] 21:20:36 - [Info] Continent change, Kalimdor to PVPZone04
[D] 21:20:36 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
21:20:37 - [Arathi] Walking to starting position before BG starts
[N] 21:20:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 684.014 ; 681.22 ; -12.9159 ; "None" to 705.1193 ; 705.8058 ; -16.77039 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:20:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (32.70422y, 215ms)
[N] 21:20:37 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 21:20:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 684.014 ; 681.22 ; -12.9159 ; "None" to 705.1193 ; 705.8058 ; -16.77039 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:20:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (37.9089y, 116ms)
[F] 21:20:37 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
21:20:39 - [Arathi] Walking to starting position before BG starts
[N] 21:20:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 689.1335 ; 688.3315 ; -12.9159 ; "None" to 705.1193 ; 705.8058 ; -16.77039 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:20:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (29.07876y, 119ms)
[D] 21:20:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jaysh) anal |cff4e96f7|Htalent:1939:-1|h[Butchery]|h|r
21:20:41 - [Arathi] Walking to starting position before BG starts
[N] 21:20:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 693.677 ; 700.9469 ; -14.30593 ; "None" to 705.1193 ; 705.8058 ; -16.77039 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:20:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (14.90804y, 113ms)
[D] 21:21:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Aquanian-Blackrock) fish here
[F] 21:22:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
21:22:14 - [BG] Switching zone to Farm
[N] 21:22:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 702.0548 ; 705.2369 ; -16.13924 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:22:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (211.0025y, 138ms)
21:22:14 - [BG] Go to zone Farm in 5 steps
21:22:37 - [BG] Switching zone to Blacksmith
[N] 21:22:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 799.6167 ; 856.9138 ; -55.62447 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:22:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (281.523y, 168ms)
21:22:37 - [BG] Go to zone Blacksmith in 9 steps
21:22:39 - [BG] Switching zone to Lumber Mill
[N] 21:22:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 803.0816 ; 869.3556 ; -56.51572 ; "None" to 854.5645 ; 1150.825 ; 11.53786 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:22:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (332.1198y, 168ms)
21:22:39 - [BG] Go to zone Lumber Mill in 10 steps
[N] 21:22:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 807.6699 ; 927.5028 ; -57.41833 ; "None" to 858.9324 ; 974.6595 ; -61.97074 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:22:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (69.80202y, 120ms)
21:22:47 - [Fight] Attack player Deatharka (lvl 80)
[N] 21:22:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 807.6682 ; 929.6924 ; -57.50145 ; "None" to 855.3586 ; 971.8118 ; -61.59458 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:22:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (63.75867y, 118ms)
[F] 21:22:48 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:22:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[N] 21:22:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 810.7195 ; 934.4893 ; -57.64582 ; "None" to 847.509 ; 962.5315 ; -60.96177 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:22:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (46.37708y, 115ms)
[F] 21:22:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 21:22:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 499ms
[F] 21:22:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 530ms
[F] 21:22:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 609ms
[F] 21:22:50 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:22:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 21:22:51 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:22:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 21:22:51 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:22:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 439ms
[F] 21:22:52 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:22:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
[F] 21:22:53 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:22:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 500ms
[F] 21:22:53 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:22:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 21:22:54 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:22:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 21:22:54 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:22:54 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:22:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 607ms
[F] 21:22:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:22:55 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:22:55 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:22:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 21:22:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:22:55 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:22:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 21:22:55 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:22:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:22:56 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:22:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 21:22:56 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 21:22:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 673ms
[F] 21:22:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 770ms
[F] 21:22:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:22:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 21:22:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 544ms
[F] 21:22:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 571ms
[F] 21:23:00 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:23:00 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 669ms
[F] 21:23:00 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 21:23:00 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 21:23:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 566ms
[F] 21:23:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 510ms
[D] 21:23:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:12826|h[Polymorph]|h|r down on Pressd-Icecrown
[F] 21:23:02 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:23:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 21:23:02 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:23:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
21:23:02 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deatharka (lvl 80)
[F] 21:23:03 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:23:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 21:23:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 21:23:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 540ms
[F] 21:23:04 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:23:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[D] 21:23:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Plaquinf-Icecrown
[F] 21:23:05 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:23:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 21:23:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:23:05 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:23:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:23:05 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 298ms
[F] 21:23:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:23:05 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:23:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 21:23:06 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:23:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 230ms
[N] 21:23:06 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 21:23:06 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 21:23:06 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 21:23:06 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:23:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 21:23:07 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:23:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 392ms
[F] 21:23:07 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:23:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[F] 21:23:07 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:08 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:08 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:08 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:08 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:08 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:08 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:08 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:09 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:09 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:09 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:09 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:09 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:23:09 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:09 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:23:10 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:23:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 365ms
[F] 21:23:10 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:23:10 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:10 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:23:10 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:23:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 21:23:10 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:23:10 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 398ms
[F] 21:23:11 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:23:11 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:23:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 21:23:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 21:23:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 237ms
[F] 21:23:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 296ms
[F] 21:23:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 21:23:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 305ms
[F] 21:23:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 21:23:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[F] 21:23:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 21:23:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 21:23:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 372ms
[F] 21:23:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 337ms
[F] 21:23:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 21:23:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 302ms
[F] 21:23:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
[F] 21:23:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 335ms
[F] 21:23:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 21:23:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 373ms
[F] 21:23:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 303ms
[F] 21:23:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 307ms
[F] 21:23:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 337ms
[F] 21:23:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 439ms
[F] 21:23:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 338ms
[F] 21:23:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 338ms
[F] 21:23:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 305ms
[F] 21:23:21 - [RTF] Force clearing verification because spell could not be verified for 10 seconds
[F] 21:23:22 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:23:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 21:23:22 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:23:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 21:23:23 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:23:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 21:23:23 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270159510
[F] 21:23:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 21:23:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 600ms
[F] 21:23:24 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
21:23:24 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 21:23:25 - [Fight] Fight stopped
21:23:25 - [BG] Switching to healer: Glachiassftw
[F] 21:23:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:44 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:44 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:45 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:45 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:46 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:46 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
21:23:46 - [BG] Switching zone to Blacksmith
[N] 21:23:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 713.71 ; 638.364 ; -10.60159 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:23:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (529.9556y, 174ms)
21:23:46 - [BG] Go to zone Blacksmith in 13 steps
[F] 21:23:46 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:46 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:47 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:47 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:23:48 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
21:23:48 - [BG] Switching zone to Lumber Mill
[N] 21:23:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 712.3147 ; 657.5696 ; -12.50664 ; "None" to 854.5645 ; 1150.825 ; 11.53786 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:23:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (569.4805y, 170ms)
21:23:49 - [BG] Go to zone Lumber Mill in 15 steps
[N] 21:24:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 761.8102 ; 814.9473 ; -49.18204 ; "None" to 810.8342 ; 864.4055 ; -58.12202 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:24:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (70.20959y, 121ms)
21:24:10 - [Fight] Attack player Pressd (lvl 80)
[N] 21:24:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 762.6135 ; 816.9582 ; -49.34137 ; "None" to 810.968 ; 863.6362 ; -57.99952 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:24:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (67.76405y, 118ms)
[F] 21:24:11 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:24:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 21:24:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 602ms
[F] 21:24:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 668ms
[N] 21:24:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 773.6884 ; 828.8428 ; -50.0923 ; "None" to 821.9103 ; 855.2272 ; -57.25929 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:24:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (60.74943y, 124ms)
[F] 21:24:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 670ms
[F] 21:24:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 673ms
[F] 21:24:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 740ms
[F] 21:24:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 806ms
[N] 21:24:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 794.2197 ; 843.7942 ; -56.27247 ; "None" to 828.9432 ; 844.6551 ; -58.08992 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:24:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (40.48225y, 113ms)
[F] 21:24:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 807ms
[D] 21:24:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Koljemm-Icecrown
[F] 21:24:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 872ms
[F] 21:24:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 875ms
[N] 21:24:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 815.2648 ; 850.9797 ; -57.25924 ; "None" to 834.5127 ; 834.0101 ; -56.55215 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:24:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (30.48138y, 116ms)
[F] 21:24:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 770ms
[F] 21:24:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 773ms
[F] 21:24:20 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:24:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 21:24:21 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:24:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 21:24:21 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:24:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 21:24:22 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:24:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 21:24:23 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:24:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 21:24:23 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:24:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[F] 21:24:23 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:24:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 302ms
[F] 21:24:24 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:24:24 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:24:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 498ms
[N] 21:24:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 827.4835 ; 837.9064 ; -57.58429 ; "None" to 828.1071 ; 839.9149 ; -57.70412 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:24:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (2.085129y, 113ms)
21:24:24 - [Fight] Attack player Glachiassftw (lvl 80)
[F] 21:24:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 21:24:25 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:25 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:24:25 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:24:25 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 21:24:26 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:24:26 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:26 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:24:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 21:24:26 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 21:24:26 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 21:24:27 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 21:24:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:24:27 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 21:24:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:24:27 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:27 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:24:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 193ms
[F] 21:24:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:24:28 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 21:24:28 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 337ms
[F] 21:24:28 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 21:24:28 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 171ms
[F] 21:24:29 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:24:29 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 21:24:29 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:24:29 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:24:29 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 21:24:29 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:24:30 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:24:30 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 21:24:30 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:24:30 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:24:30 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:24:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 21:24:31 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 21:24:31 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 21:24:32 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 21:24:32 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 303ms
[F] 21:24:33 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 21:24:33 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 273ms
[F] 21:24:33 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 21:24:34 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 21:24:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 371ms
[F] 21:24:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 21:24:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 439ms
[F] 21:24:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 21:24:36 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 21:24:36 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 506ms
[F] 21:24:37 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 21:24:37 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:24:37 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:24:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 21:24:38 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 21:24:38 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 21:24:38 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 21:24:38 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[F] 21:24:39 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 21:24:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 21:24:40 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[F] 21:24:41 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:24:41 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:24:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 641ms
[F] 21:24:41 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:24:41 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:24:41 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:24:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 21:24:41 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:24:41 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:24:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 337ms
[F] 21:24:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:24:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:24:43 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:24:43 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:24:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 636ms
[F] 21:24:43 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:24:43 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 337ms
[F] 21:24:44 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:24:44 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:24:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 573ms
[F] 21:24:44 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[D] 21:24:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Kaponne-Icecrown
[F] 21:24:44 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 21:24:45 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 533ms
[F] 21:24:45 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:24:45 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:24:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 439ms
[F] 21:24:46 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:24:46 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:24:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 600ms
[F] 21:24:46 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 21:24:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 704ms
21:24:47 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 21:24:48 - [Fight] Fight stopped
21:24:48 - [BG] Switching to healer: Glachiassftw
[F] 21:25:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:25:14 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:25:14 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:25:15 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:25:15 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:25:15 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:25:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:25:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:25:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:25:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 834.7264 ; 784.9787 ; -57.08194 ; "None" to 829.6727 ; 829.8635 ; -57.77972 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 21:25:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:25:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (52.07029y, 591ms)
21:25:17 - [Fight] Attack player Pressd (lvl 80)
[N] 21:25:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 834.7264 ; 784.9787 ; -57.08194 ; "None" to 827.7426 ; 829.9152 ; -57.58523 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:25:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (50.22174y, 113ms)
[F] 21:25:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:25:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:25:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 21:25:18 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:25:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 21:25:18 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:25:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 534ms
[F] 21:25:19 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:25:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 541ms
[N] 21:25:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 830.7737 ; 799.287 ; -57.20837 ; "None" to 816.4877 ; 832.7805 ; -56.54698 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:25:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (36.41892y, 114ms)
[F] 21:25:20 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:25:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 539ms
[F] 21:25:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 1140ms
[F] 21:25:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 1038ms
[F] 21:25:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 1106ms
[N] 21:25:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 817.5436 ; 830.3512 ; -57.22985 ; "None" to 819.4063 ; 852.3806 ; -57.41654 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:25:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (41.32202y, 117ms)
21:25:23 - [Fight] Attack player Glachiassftw (lvl 80)
[N] 21:25:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 817.4714 ; 832.2224 ; -57.1973 ; "None" to 818.9218 ; 852.4382 ; -57.35498 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:25:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (33.71255y, 109ms)
[F] 21:25:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 1148ms
[F] 21:25:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 1045ms
[F] 21:25:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 1011ms
[F] 21:25:27 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 363ms
[F] 21:25:28 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 21:25:28 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 335ms
[F] 21:25:28 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 239ms
[F] 21:25:29 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 197ms
[F] 21:25:29 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:25:29 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 302ms
[F] 21:25:30 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 21:25:30 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 270ms
[F] 21:25:30 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:30 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:31 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:31 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 272ms
[F] 21:25:31 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 305ms
[F] 21:25:32 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 21:25:32 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 21:25:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 1546ms
[F] 21:25:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 1041ms
[F] 21:25:35 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 21:25:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 1376ms
[F] 21:25:37 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 237ms
[F] 21:25:37 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 21:25:39 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Protection() (Hand of Protection on mouseover with guid 17383940969593831459
[F] 21:25:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 1512ms
[F] 21:25:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 1305ms
[F] 21:25:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 1377ms
[F] 21:25:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 21:25:43 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 21:25:43 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:43 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:43 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:43 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:44 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:44 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:25:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 888ms
[D] 21:25:45 - [Fight] Target dead
21:25:45 - [BG] Switching to healer: Glachiassftw
21:25:45 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Watch (lvl 80)
[F] 21:25:45 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:25:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 339ms
[F] 21:25:46 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389046804
[F] 21:25:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 196ms
[F] 21:25:46 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:25:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 363ms
[F] 21:25:46 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:25:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 21:25:47 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:25:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 21:25:47 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:25:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 241ms
[F] 21:25:47 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:25:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 237ms
[D] 21:25:47 - [Fight] BlackList Watch during 60 sec
21:25:47 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Watch (lvl 80)
[F] 21:25:48 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:25:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
[F] 21:25:48 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:25:48 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:25:48 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:25:49 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:25:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 21:25:49 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:25:49 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271769504
[F] 21:25:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 21:25:49 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 21:25:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
21:25:50 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 21:25:50 - [Fight] Fight stopped
21:25:50 - [BG] Switching to healer: Kodia
[F] 21:26:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:26:14 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:26:14 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:26:15 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:26:15 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:26:15 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:26:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:26:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:26:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
21:26:16 - [BG] Switching zone to Blacksmith
[N] 21:26:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1211.524 ; 781.5569 ; -82.71008 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:26:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 22 (598.7213y, 169ms)
21:26:16 - [BG] Go to zone Blacksmith in 22 steps
[F] 21:26:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:26:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:26:18 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:26:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1189.935 ; 961.7369 ; -93.15981 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:26:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 25 (598.9534y, 171ms)
[N] 21:26:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1190.405 ; 963.0055 ; -92.92121 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:26:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (309.9548y, 154ms)
[N] 21:26:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1190.786 ; 964.0319 ; -92.55591 ; "None" to 854.5645 ; 1150.825 ; 11.53786 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:26:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (674.7703y, 171ms)
21:26:45 - [BG] Switching zone to Stables
[N] 21:26:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1191.363 ; 965.5875 ; -92.11571 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:26:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (307.0855y, 155ms)
21:26:46 - [BG] Go to zone Stables in 13 steps
[N] 21:26:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1192.301 ; 968.1159 ; -91.39829 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:26:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 25 (591.9276y, 173ms)
[N] 21:26:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1192.772 ; 969.3839 ; -91.04235 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:26:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (302.8974y, 151ms)
[N] 21:26:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1193.147 ; 970.3953 ; -90.74651 ; "None" to 854.5645 ; 1150.825 ; 11.53786 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:26:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (667.7476y, 171ms)
[N] 21:26:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1194.925 ; 975.1879 ; -89.14384 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:26:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 25 (584.0554y, 167ms)
[N] 21:26:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1195.398 ; 976.4634 ; -88.86161 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:26:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (295.0379y, 154ms)
[N] 21:26:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1195.773 ; 977.4747 ; -88.5081 ; "None" to 854.5645 ; 1150.825 ; 11.53786 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:26:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (659.8719y, 170ms)
21:26:48 - [BG] Switching zone to Gold Mine
[N] 21:26:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1196.814 ; 980.2823 ; -87.79272 ; "None" to 1145.381 ; 848.6724 ; -110.524 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:26:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (145.0235y, 136ms)
21:26:48 - [BG] Go to zone Gold Mine in 4 steps
21:26:50 - [BG] Switching zone to Stables
[N] 21:26:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1190.887 ; 965.209 ; -92.28879 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:26:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (307.6369y, 159ms)
21:26:51 - [BG] Go to zone Stables in 13 steps
[N] 21:26:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1203.233 ; 1002.784 ; -81.29275 ; "None" to 1134.263 ; 1002.49 ; -59.20288 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:26:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (148.2843y, 126ms)
21:26:56 - [Fight] Attack player Handles (lvl 80)
[N] 21:26:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1203.652 ; 1004.892 ; -81.21658 ; "None" to 1138.001 ; 1002.497 ; -60.54776 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:26:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (142.4751y, 121ms)
[F] 21:26:57 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:26:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[N] 21:26:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1204.585 ; 1012.349 ; -79.3917 ; "None" to 1146.199 ; 1010.317 ; -62.80515 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:26:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (122.7065y, 126ms)
[F] 21:26:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 21:26:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[N] 21:26:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1205.115 ; 1019.338 ; -76.66343 ; "None" to 1149.17 ; 1022.147 ; -63.03466 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:26:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (103.8106y, 126ms)
[F] 21:26:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[N] 21:26:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1205.234 ; 1026.056 ; -74.56465 ; "None" to 1150.919 ; 1034.173 ; -62.6929 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 21:26:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[N] 21:26:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (88.18504y, 117ms)
[F] 21:27:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[D] 21:27:00 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 21:27:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1205.218 ; 1033.076 ; -71.00885 ; "None" to 1152.579 ; 1046.265 ; -65.06828 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:27:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (71.6294y, 119ms)
21:27:00 - [Fight] Attack player Handles (lvl 80)
[F] 21:27:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 474ms
[N] 21:27:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1205.211 ; 1036.336 ; -70.28123 ; "None" to 1153.389 ; 1051.877 ; -64.66524 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:27:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (66.7484y, 120ms)
[F] 21:27:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[N] 21:27:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1204.653 ; 1043.327 ; -70.04958 ; "None" to 1155.134 ; 1063.958 ; -64.79784 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 21:27:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[N] 21:27:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (59.39053y, 127ms)
[F] 21:27:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[N] 21:27:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1203.951 ; 1050.085 ; -68.49323 ; "None" to 1156.821 ; 1075.645 ; -63.65323 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:27:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (54.98772y, 123ms)
[F] 21:27:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 21:27:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[N] 21:27:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1199.461 ; 1054.467 ; -67.35532 ; "None" to 1158.561 ; 1087.7 ; -63.37598 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:27:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (54.21258y, 117ms)
[F] 21:27:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[D] 21:27:04 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 21:27:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1195.288 ; 1058.049 ; -65.76208 ; "None" to 1161.544 ; 1050.93 ; -64.84589 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 21:27:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[N] 21:27:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (34.49899y, 113ms)
21:27:04 - [Fight] Attack player Watch (lvl 80)
[F] 21:27:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 21:27:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 21:27:05 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:27:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 21:27:06 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:27:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 21:27:06 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:27:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 373ms
[F] 21:27:06 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:27:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 344ms
[F] 21:27:07 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:27:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 21:27:07 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:27:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 274ms
[F] 21:27:08 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:27:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 330ms
[F] 21:27:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 535ms
21:27:08 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Watch (lvl 80)
[F] 21:27:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 21:27:09 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:27:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 21:27:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 21:27:10 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:27:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 21:27:11 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:27:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 21:27:11 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:27:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 204ms
[F] 21:27:11 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:27:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 21:27:12 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:27:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 21:27:12 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:27:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 21:27:12 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:27:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 21:27:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:27:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 379ms
21:27:13 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 21:27:14 - [Fight] Fight stopped
21:27:14 - [BG] Switching to healer: Glachiassftw
[N] 21:27:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1211.524 ; 781.5569 ; -82.71008 ; "None" to 1176.227 ; 826.6011 ; -101.2342 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 21:27:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:27:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (80.55739y, 114ms)
21:27:44 - [Fight] Attack player Pressd (lvl 80)
[F] 21:27:44 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:27:45 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:27:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1211.524 ; 781.5569 ; -82.71008 ; "None" to 1175.906 ; 824.6822 ; -101.2171 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:27:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (85.7433y, 116ms)
[F] 21:27:45 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:27:45 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:27:45 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:27:45 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:27:46 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:27:46 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:27:46 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:27:46 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:27:46 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:27:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[N] 21:27:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1207.657 ; 794.4592 ; -83.04538 ; "None" to 1172.773 ; 832.8691 ; -103.2983 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:27:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (75.6697y, 109ms)
[F] 21:27:47 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:27:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 21:27:47 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:27:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 270ms
[F] 21:27:47 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:27:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 21:27:48 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:27:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 21:27:48 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:27:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 21:27:49 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:27:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 21:27:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 586ms
[F] 21:27:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 21:27:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 21:27:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 535ms
[F] 21:27:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 571ms
[F] 21:27:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 432ms
[F] 21:27:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 669ms
[F] 21:27:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 21:27:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 670ms
[N] 21:27:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1168.895 ; 820.6799 ; -101.6749 ; "None" to 1162.683 ; 828.3364 ; -102.9416 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 21:27:54 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:27:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9.940438y, 110ms)
21:27:55 - [Fight] Attack player Watch (lvl 80)
[F] 21:27:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 839ms
[F] 21:27:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 602ms
[F] 21:27:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:27:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 272ms
[F] 21:27:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:27:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 21:27:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:27:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 21:27:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:27:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 21:27:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:27:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 237ms
[F] 21:27:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:27:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 21:27:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:27:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 21:27:59 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:27:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 21:27:59 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:27:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 225ms
[F] 21:27:59 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
21:27:59 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Plaquinf (lvl 80)
[F] 21:28:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:28:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 363ms
[F] 21:28:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271778449
[F] 21:28:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 21:28:01 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271778449
[F] 21:28:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 21:28:01 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:28:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 21:28:01 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:28:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 21:28:02 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:28:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 21:28:02 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:28:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 21:28:02 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:28:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 21:28:03 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:28:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 21:28:03 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:28:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 21:28:04 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:28:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 21:28:04 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:28:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 21:28:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:28:05 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:28:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 609ms
[F] 21:28:05 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:28:05 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:28:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 21:28:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 21:28:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 710ms
[D] 21:28:06 - [Fight] Fight stopped
21:28:06 - [BG] Switching to healer: Glachiassftw
21:28:07 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 21:28:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:28:14 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:28:15 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:28:15 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:28:15 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:28:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:28:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:28:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1016.588 ; 955.1847 ; -42.82856 ; "None" to 1145.381 ; 848.6724 ; -110.524 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:28:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 20 (474.2982y, 144ms)
[N] 21:28:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1016.588 ; 955.1847 ; -42.82856 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 21:28:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:28:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:28:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 23 (445.7388y, 173ms)
[N] 21:28:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1016.588 ; 955.1847 ; -42.82856 ; "None" to 854.5645 ; 1150.825 ; 11.53786 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:28:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (492.4606y, 172ms)
[N] 21:28:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1016.588 ; 955.1847 ; -42.82856 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:28:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 23 (445.7388y, 0ms)
21:28:16 - [BG] Go to zone Stables in 23 steps
[F] 21:28:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:28:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1016.93 ; 957.7919 ; -42.83215 ; "None" to 1145.381 ; 848.6724 ; -110.524 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:28:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 20 (471.6772y, 142ms)
[N] 21:28:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1017.172 ; 958.8432 ; -42.83215 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 21:28:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:28:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 23 (442.0396y, 170ms)
[N] 21:28:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1017.471 ; 960.1456 ; -42.9155 ; "None" to 854.5645 ; 1150.825 ; 11.53786 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:28:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (487.4283y, 168ms)
[F] 21:28:18 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:28:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1018.618 ; 965.1352 ; -43.29001 ; "None" to 1145.381 ; 848.6724 ; -110.524 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:28:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 20 (464.1347y, 150ms)
[N] 21:28:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1018.862 ; 966.1943 ; -43.32869 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:28:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 23 (434.4883y, 166ms)
[N] 21:28:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1019.161 ; 967.4966 ; -43.41476 ; "None" to 854.5645 ; 1150.825 ; 11.53786 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:28:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (479.9407y, 168ms)
[N] 21:28:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1020.306 ; 972.4785 ; -43.50741 ; "None" to 1145.381 ; 848.6724 ; -110.524 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:28:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 20 (456.604y, 147ms)
[N] 21:28:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1020.55 ; 973.5376 ; -43.4771 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:28:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 23 (426.9573y, 168ms)
[N] 21:28:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1020.849 ; 974.8399 ; -43.44143 ; "None" to 854.5645 ; 1150.825 ; 11.53786 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:28:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (472.525y, 168ms)
21:28:19 - [BG] Switching zone to Farm
[N] 21:28:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1022.025 ; 977.566 ; -43.32453 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:28:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (334.1408y, 163ms)
21:28:20 - [BG] Go to zone Farm in 13 steps
[N] 21:28:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1013.542 ; 1022.671 ; -43.98836 ; "None" to 1145.381 ; 848.6724 ; -110.524 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:28:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 18 (441.9652y, 164ms)
[N] 21:28:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1012.202 ; 1022.782 ; -43.80849 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:28:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 21 (414.7483y, 162ms)
[N] 21:28:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1010.854 ; 1022.894 ; -43.71184 ; "None" to 854.5645 ; 1150.825 ; 11.53786 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:28:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 17 (415.2089y, 160ms)
21:28:27 - [BG] Switching zone to Stables
[N] 21:28:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1009.498 ; 1023.007 ; -43.79375 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:28:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 21 (417.4429y, 162ms)
21:28:27 - [BG] Go to zone Stables in 21 steps
21:28:28 - [BG] Switching zone to Farm
[N] 21:28:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1009.015 ; 1022.809 ; -43.87269 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:28:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (277.7513y, 166ms)
21:28:28 - [BG] Go to zone Farm in 12 steps
21:28:29 - [BG] Switching zone to Blacksmith
[N] 21:28:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1000.506 ; 1023.206 ; -43.86379 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:28:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (36.89136y, 113ms)
21:28:30 - [BG] Go to zone Blacksmith in 3 steps
21:28:44 - [BG] Switching zone to Stables
[N] 21:28:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 973.5403 ; 1043.439 ; -44.58381 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:28:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 24 (463.3576y, 163ms)
21:28:44 - [BG] Go to zone Stables in 24 steps
[N] 21:28:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1022.607 ; 1029.428 ; -44.59034 ; "None" to 953.4309 ; 1035.623 ; -45.81997 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:28:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (69.46374y, 117ms)
21:28:52 - [Fight] Attack player Dispair (lvl 80)
[N] 21:28:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1024.625 ; 1028.621 ; -44.8799 ; "None" to 957.421 ; 1037.348 ; -45.35054 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:28:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (67.76994y, 119ms)
[F] 21:28:52 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:28:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
[N] 21:28:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1024.253 ; 1027.343 ; -44.80309 ; "None" to 968.8443 ; 1042.287 ; -44.7196 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:28:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (58.95562y, 115ms)
[F] 21:28:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 21:28:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 21:28:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 21:28:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 21:28:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 21:28:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 575ms
[F] 21:28:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 535ms
[F] 21:28:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 533ms
[F] 21:28:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 21:28:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 21:28:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266731379
[F] 21:28:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 21:28:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158266731379
[F] 21:28:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 21:28:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158266731379
[F] 21:28:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 21:29:00 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158266731379
[F] 21:29:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 21:29:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266731379
[F] 21:29:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 21:29:01 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266731379
[F] 21:29:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 21:29:01 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 572ms
[F] 21:29:02 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266731379
[F] 21:29:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 21:29:03 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266731379
[F] 21:29:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 498ms
[F] 21:29:03 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:03 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266731379
[F] 21:29:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 21:29:04 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 21:29:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 736ms
[F] 21:29:04 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158266731379
[F] 21:29:04 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158266731379
[F] 21:29:05 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158266731379
[F] 21:29:05 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158266731379
[F] 21:29:05 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158266731379
[F] 21:29:05 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266731379
[F] 21:29:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 297ms
[N] 21:29:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 975.9286 ; 1045 ; -44.61415 ; "None" to 975.9918 ; 1043.154 ; -44.41211 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:29:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (1.858165y, 114ms)
21:29:06 - [Fight] Attack player Koljemm (lvl 80)
[F] 21:29:07 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:07 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:08 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:08 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271754499
[F] 21:29:08 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:29:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 21:29:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:08 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:08 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271754499
[F] 21:29:08 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:29:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 21:29:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:08 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:09 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271754499
[F] 21:29:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 270ms
[F] 21:29:09 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 21:29:09 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271754499
[F] 21:29:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 21:29:09 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:09 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:10 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:29:10 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271754499
[F] 21:29:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 21:29:10 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:10 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:10 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:29:10 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:10 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 21:29:11 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 21:29:11 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 21:29:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 21:29:11 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:11 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 204ms
[F] 21:29:11 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:29:11 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:11 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:12 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:29:12 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:12 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 21:29:12 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:29:12 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:12 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 298ms
[F] 21:29:12 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 21:29:12 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 21:29:12 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271754499
[F] 21:29:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:29:12 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:13 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 21:29:13 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:29:13 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:13 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:13 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:29:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 21:29:13 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:13 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:14 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:29:14 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271754499
[F] 21:29:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 21:29:14 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:14 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:14 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:29:14 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:14 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 21:29:15 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:29:15 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[N] 21:29:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 975.9286 ; 1045 ; -44.61415 ; "None" to 975.7869 ; 1036.191 ; -43.68378 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 21:29:15 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:29:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8.859454y, 111ms)
21:29:15 - [Fight] Attack player Fjamsgrams (lvl 80)
[F] 21:29:15 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:29:15 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:15 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:15 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:29:15 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:15 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:16 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 21:29:16 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 21:29:16 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:29:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 21:29:17 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:29:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 21:29:17 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:29:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 21:29:18 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:29:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 540ms
[F] 21:29:18 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:19 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:29:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 571ms
[F] 21:29:19 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:29:19 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:19 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:29:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[F] 21:29:19 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 21:29:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 21:29:20 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:29:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 499ms
[F] 21:29:20 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:29:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:29:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:29:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:29:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:29:22 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:29:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 21:29:22 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:29:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 21:29:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:29:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[F] 21:29:23 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:29:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 537ms
[N] 21:29:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 972.974 ; 1035.197 ; -43.36448 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:29:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 21 (455.6443y, 162ms)
21:29:24 - [BG] Go to zone Stables in 21 steps
[N] 21:29:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 982.2275 ; 1033.052 ; -43.85915 ; "None" to 919.2946 ; 1004.252 ; -56.72772 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:29:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (74.17712y, 119ms)
21:29:25 - [Fight] Attack player Allunna (lvl 80)
[F] 21:29:26 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[N] 21:29:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 988.0087 ; 1031.756 ; -43.10761 ; "None" to 930.1392 ; 1010.172 ; -52.21674 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:29:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (62.43188y, 117ms)
[F] 21:29:26 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:26 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[F] 21:29:26 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[N] 21:29:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 986.1563 ; 1029.127 ; -43.3502 ; "None" to 940.5055 ; 1008.058 ; -48.98973 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:29:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (50.59379y, 119ms)
[F] 21:29:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:27 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 509ms
[F] 21:29:27 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:29:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:27 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 21:29:28 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 21:29:28 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 21:29:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[N] 21:29:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 976.8038 ; 1024.461 ; -44.12646 ; "None" to 944.1308 ; 986.4115 ; -49.62489 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:29:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (51.55722y, 116ms)
[F] 21:29:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 21:29:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[N] 21:29:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 970.8574 ; 1019.175 ; -45.44304 ; "None" to 928.0717 ; 989.4401 ; -50.69804 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:29:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (55.15113y, 118ms)
[F] 21:29:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
[F] 21:29:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[N] 21:29:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 964.684 ; 1014.381 ; -45.65592 ; "None" to 912.2667 ; 990.5092 ; -58.85723 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:29:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (59.0908y, 118ms)
[F] 21:29:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 21:29:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[D] 21:29:31 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 21:29:31 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:31 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:29:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 956.7676 ; 1010.399 ; -46.68664 ; "None" to 894.1256 ; 988.5287 ; -63.61914 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:29:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (69.11474y, 118ms)
21:29:31 - [Fight] Attack player Allunna (lvl 80)
[F] 21:29:31 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[N] 21:29:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 955.0331 ; 1009.624 ; -47.01543 ; "None" to 890.2016 ; 987.9478 ; -62.6837 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:29:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (70.17332y, 123ms)
[F] 21:29:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[N] 21:29:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 949.7604 ; 1007.533 ; -47.88694 ; "None" to 878.5602 ; 985.7557 ; -60.67478 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:29:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (76.76335y, 122ms)
[F] 21:29:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[N] 21:29:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 944.4244 ; 1005.577 ; -49.04068 ; "None" to 866.9751 ; 983.2226 ; -60.71254 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 21:29:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[N] 21:29:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (82.06667y, 608ms)
[F] 21:29:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 21:29:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[D] 21:29:34 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 21:29:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 21:29:34 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:34 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:34 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 21:29:35 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:35 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:35 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 21:29:35 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:29:35 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:29:35 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[N] 21:29:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 923.4915 ; 1000.357 ; -55.38916 ; "None" to 856.7905 ; 985.1154 ; -61.13387 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:29:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (68.66106y, 128ms)
21:29:35 - [Fight] Attack player Allunna (lvl 80)
[N] 21:29:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 921.6558 ; 999.9002 ; -55.93612 ; "None" to 858.2647 ; 985.5797 ; -61.36071 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:29:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (65.21449y, 117ms)
[F] 21:29:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[F] 21:29:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 21:29:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 21:29:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 21:29:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 21:29:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 21:29:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 21:29:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 21:29:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 21:29:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 21:29:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[N] 21:29:40 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 21:29:40 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 21:29:40 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 21:29:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 573ms
[F] 21:29:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[N] 21:29:42 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 21:29:42 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
21:29:42 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 21:29:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Handles
[D] 21:29:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Plaquinf-Icecrown
[F] 21:30:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:30:14 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:30:15 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:30:15 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:30:15 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:30:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:30:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
21:30:16 - [BG] Switching zone to Gold Mine
[N] 21:30:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 834.7264 ; 784.9787 ; -57.08194 ; "None" to 1145.381 ; 848.6724 ; -110.524 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:30:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (350.9016y, 171ms)
21:30:16 - [BG] Go to zone Gold Mine in 11 steps
[F] 21:30:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:30:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:30:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:30:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:30:18 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
21:32:21 - [BG] Switching zone to Blacksmith
[N] 21:32:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1145.266 ; 848.9489 ; -110.5239 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:32:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (490.6859y, 330ms)
21:32:21 - [BG] Go to zone Blacksmith in 19 steps
21:32:23 - [BG] Switching zone to Gold Mine
[N] 21:32:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1148.054 ; 857.2911 ; -110.8078 ; "None" to 1145.381 ; 848.6724 ; -110.524 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:32:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9.028154y, 115ms)
21:32:23 - [BG] Go to zone Gold Mine in 2 steps
21:32:41 - [BG] Switching zone to Stables
[N] 21:32:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1145.47 ; 849.0781 ; -110.5243 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:32:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (435.4342y, 173ms)
21:32:41 - [BG] Go to zone Stables in 16 steps
21:32:45 - [BG] Switching zone to Blacksmith
[N] 21:32:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1154.581 ; 884.1652 ; -111.8035 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:32:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (454.2845y, 170ms)
21:32:46 - [BG] Go to zone Blacksmith in 19 steps
21:32:49 - [BG] Switching zone to Stables
[N] 21:32:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1162.405 ; 907.6626 ; -108.9604 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:32:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (374.0589y, 165ms)
21:32:50 - [BG] Go to zone Stables in 15 steps
[N] 21:33:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1201.35 ; 1204.534 ; -55.64058 ; "None" to 1168.099 ; 1145.223 ; -56.15808 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:33:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (93.39297y, 129ms)
21:33:30 - [Fight] Attack player Pressd (lvl 80)
[N] 21:33:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1199.708 ; 1204.491 ; -55.64537 ; "None" to 1167.897 ; 1148.644 ; -54.99166 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:33:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (88.34123y, 119ms)
[F] 21:33:31 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:33:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 21:33:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 608ms
[N] 21:33:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1189.657 ; 1204.229 ; -56.29107 ; "None" to 1166.658 ; 1169.583 ; -54.82858 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:33:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (57.32321y, 116ms)
[F] 21:33:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 703ms
[F] 21:33:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 740ms
[F] 21:33:34 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:33:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 21:33:34 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:33:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 21:33:34 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:33:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 21:33:35 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:33:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 439ms
[F] 21:33:35 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:33:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 21:33:36 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:33:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 21:33:37 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:33:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 439ms
[F] 21:33:37 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:33:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 506ms
[F] 21:33:38 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:33:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 500ms
[F] 21:33:38 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:33:38 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:33:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 21:33:39 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:33:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:33:39 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:33:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 21:33:39 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:33:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:33:39 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:33:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 566ms
[F] 21:33:40 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 21:33:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 306ms
[F] 21:33:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 21:33:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 509ms
[F] 21:33:41 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:33:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 474ms
[F] 21:33:42 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:33:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 21:33:42 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:33:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 21:33:42 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:33:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 21:33:43 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:33:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
21:33:43 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Allunna (lvl 80)
[F] 21:33:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:33:44 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:33:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 596ms
[F] 21:33:44 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:33:44 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:33:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 636ms
[F] 21:33:45 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 21:33:45 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 21:33:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 575ms
[F] 21:33:46 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 21:33:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 707ms
21:33:46 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[N] 21:33:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1171.525 ; 1202.663 ; -56.46042 ; "None" to 1165.943 ; 1199.873 ; -56.37547 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:33:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (12.5898y, 112ms)
[D] 21:33:46 - [Fight] Fight stopped
21:33:46 - [BG] Switching to healer: Glachiassftw
[N] 21:33:47 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 21:33:47 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 21:33:47 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 21:33:49 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 21:33:49 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 21:33:50 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[D] 21:33:50 - [MovementManager] Current pos: 1171.525 ; 1202.663 ; -56.46042 ; "None" - Target pos: 1165.468 ; 1201.891 ; -56.28841 ; "None" Continent: PVPZone04 Tile: 29.74501_29.80339
[D] 21:33:50 - [StuckResolver] Started.
[D] 21:33:51 - [StuckResolver] Done - Stuck count updated, new value: 1.
[F] 21:34:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:14 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:15 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:15 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:15 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:18 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
21:34:18 - [BG] Switching zone to Farm
[N] 21:34:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1211.524 ; 781.5569 ; -82.71008 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:34:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (642.8245y, 158ms)
21:34:18 - [BG] Go to zone Farm in 16 steps
[N] 21:34:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1163.534 ; 808.3207 ; -98.75623 ; "None" to 1158.105 ; 876.6459 ; -109.9284 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:34:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (71.49149y, 129ms)
21:34:26 - [Fight] Attack player Glachiassftw (lvl 80)
[N] 21:34:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1162.588 ; 809.9683 ; -99.12434 ; "None" to 1157.079 ; 873.5053 ; -110.2411 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:34:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (70.25471y, 112ms)
[F] 21:34:27 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[F] 21:34:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 873ms
[F] 21:34:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 866ms
[F] 21:34:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 540ms
[F] 21:34:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 335ms
[F] 21:34:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 21:34:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 1109ms
[F] 21:34:32 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 21:34:32 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 21:34:33 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 21:34:33 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 21:34:33 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 337ms
[F] 21:34:34 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 21:34:34 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:34:34 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 449ms
[F] 21:34:35 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:34:35 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 21:34:35 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:34:35 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:34:35 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 21:34:36 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:34:36 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 21:34:36 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:34:36 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 21:34:36 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 21:34:37 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 242ms
[F] 21:34:37 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 231ms
[F] 21:34:37 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 21:34:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 242ms
[F] 21:34:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 439ms
[F] 21:34:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 21:34:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
[F] 21:34:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 21:34:40 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 273ms
[F] 21:34:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 21:34:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 532ms
[F] 21:34:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 21:34:42 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:42 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 21:34:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:43 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:34:43 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:44 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:34:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 21:34:44 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:34:44 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:44 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:34:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 337ms
[F] 21:34:45 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:34:45 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:45 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:34:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 337ms
[F] 21:34:45 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:34:45 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 302ms
[F] 21:34:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 21:34:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 306ms
[F] 21:34:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
[F] 21:34:47 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 21:34:47 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 21:34:47 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 274ms
[F] 21:34:48 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:34:48 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:48 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:34:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 270ms
[F] 21:34:48 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:34:48 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:48 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:34:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 21:34:49 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:34:49 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:34:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 21:34:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 21:34:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 21:34:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 21:34:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 21:34:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 21:34:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 335ms
[F] 21:34:51 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 21:34:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 578ms
[F] 21:34:52 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 21:34:52 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 533ms
[F] 21:34:53 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 534ms
[F] 21:34:54 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 539ms
[F] 21:34:54 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:34:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 474ms
[F] 21:34:54 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 21:34:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 609ms
21:34:55 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 21:35:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:35:15 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:35:15 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:35:15 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:35:15 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:35:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:35:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:35:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:35:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:35:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:35:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1211.524 ; 781.5569 ; -82.70951 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:35:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (642.8245y, 0ms)
21:35:17 - [BG] Go to zone Farm in 16 steps
[F] 21:35:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
21:35:17 - [BG] Switching zone to Stables
[F] 21:35:18 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:35:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1208.665 ; 783.2844 ; -83.06316 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:35:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 17 (548.671y, 171ms)
21:35:18 - [BG] Go to zone Stables in 17 steps
[N] 21:35:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1181.194 ; 790.3608 ; -89.32945 ; "None" to 1144.211 ; 849.3461 ; -110.5225 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:35:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (74.56134y, 118ms)
21:35:22 - [Fight] Attack player Glachiassftw (lvl 80)
[N] 21:35:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1179.627 ; 790.7637 ; -89.90171 ; "None" to 1143.95 ; 848.6327 ; -110.5225 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:35:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (73.91167y, 114ms)
[F] 21:35:23 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:35:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 474ms
[F] 21:35:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 21:35:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 21:35:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 537ms
[F] 21:35:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 640ms
[F] 21:35:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 640ms
[F] 21:35:26 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 432345564231563718
[F] 21:35:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 571ms
[F] 21:35:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 1411ms
[N] 21:35:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1152.556 ; 827.6356 ; -104.3335 ; "None" to 1147.439 ; 861.4973 ; -109.8124 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:35:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (37.38051y, 112ms)
[F] 21:35:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 1586ms
[F] 21:35:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 1537ms
[N] 21:35:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1145.691 ; 852.5269 ; -110.5786 ; "None" to 1147.36 ; 862.7103 ; -104.0933 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:35:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12.18802y, 114ms)
21:35:31 - [Fight] Attack player Pressd (lvl 80)
[F] 21:35:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 1620ms
[F] 21:35:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 1044ms
[F] 21:35:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 1582ms
[F] 21:35:36 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:35:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 21:35:36 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:35:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 335ms
[D] 21:35:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:12826|h[Polymorph]|h|r down on Pressd-Icecrown
[F] 21:35:37 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:35:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 21:35:37 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:35:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 444ms
[F] 21:35:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:35:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 21:35:38 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:35:38 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:35:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 21:35:39 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:35:39 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:35:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 21:35:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:35:39 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:35:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 439ms
[F] 21:35:40 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 21:35:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 572ms
[F] 21:35:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:35:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:35:41 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:35:41 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:35:41 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:35:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 1073ms
[N] 21:35:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1140.197 ; 851.4694 ; -110.3591 ; "None" to 1180.817 ; 881.7169 ; -103.8419 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:35:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (51.81399y, 112ms)
21:35:42 - [Fight] Attack player Unknown (lvl 80)
[D] 21:35:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Fjamsgrams-Icecrown
[F] 21:35:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 21:35:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 305ms
[N] 21:35:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1140.197 ; 851.4694 ; -110.3591 ; "None" to 1184.042 ; 875.8203 ; -103.7524 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:35:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (52.59559y, 114ms)
[F] 21:35:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 21:35:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 872ms
[F] 21:35:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 942ms
[F] 21:35:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 1170ms
[F] 21:35:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 939ms
[F] 21:35:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 1107ms
[F] 21:35:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 1242ms
[D] 21:35:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Handles
[F] 21:35:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 1213ms
[F] 21:35:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 1481ms
[N] 21:35:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1169.046 ; 889.9201 ; -108.0474 ; "None" to 1191.948 ; 894.4685 ; -103.6245 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:35:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (24.77577y, 113ms)
21:35:54 - [Fight] Attack player Kyky (lvl 80)
[N] 21:35:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1167.429 ; 891.3116 ; -109.717 ; "None" to 1191.948 ; 894.4685 ; -103.6245 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:35:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (26.47176y, 108ms)
[F] 21:35:54 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:35:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[D] 21:35:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [EMOTE] (Kerrygan) pwned Maciel-Blackrock! Streak of 1!
[F] 21:35:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 1381ms
[F] 21:35:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 1143ms
[F] 21:35:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389560297
[F] 21:35:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 21:35:58 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389560297
[F] 21:35:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 440ms
[F] 21:35:58 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389560297
[F] 21:35:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 303ms
[F] 21:35:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389560297
[F] 21:35:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 439ms
[F] 21:35:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389560297
[F] 21:35:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 21:36:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389560297
[F] 21:36:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 21:36:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389560297
[F] 21:36:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 240ms
[F] 21:36:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389560297
[F] 21:36:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 275ms
[F] 21:36:01 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389560297
[F] 21:36:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[D] 21:36:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) Handles casted |cff71d5ff|Hspell:2094|h[Blind]|h|r on me!
[F] 21:36:01 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389560297
[F] 21:36:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 21:36:01 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:36:01 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389560297
[F] 21:36:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 302ms
[F] 21:36:01 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:36:02 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389560297
[F] 21:36:02 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:36:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 21:36:02 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:36:02 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389560297
[F] 21:36:02 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:36:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 302ms
[F] 21:36:02 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389560297
[F] 21:36:02 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389560297
[N] 21:36:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1198.016 ; 905.1934 ; -103.5528 ; "None" to 1182.364 ; 919.5648 ; -102.4796 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:36:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (21.34376y, 113ms)
21:36:02 - [Fight] Attack player Handles (lvl 80)
[F] 21:36:03 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:36:03 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:36:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 21:36:03 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 21:36:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 1011ms
[F] 21:36:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 1176ms
[F] 21:36:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 1044ms
[F] 21:36:07 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[D] 21:36:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Koljemm-Icecrown
[F] 21:36:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 740ms
[F] 21:36:07 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388845795
[F] 21:36:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 21:36:08 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940388845795
[F] 21:36:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 21:36:08 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940388845795
[F] 21:36:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 21:36:08 - [RTF] Casting Consecration() (Consecration on target with guid 720575940388845795
[F] 21:36:08 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940388845795
[F] 21:36:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 21:36:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 1177ms
[F] 21:36:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 1250ms
[F] 21:36:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 1077ms
[D] 21:36:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [EMOTE] (Aquanian-Blackrock) pwned Pressd-Icecrown! Streak of 1!
[F] 21:36:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 809ms
[F] 21:36:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 740ms
[F] 21:36:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 696ms
[F] 21:36:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 610ms
[F] 21:36:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 605ms
[F] 21:36:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 603ms
[F] 21:36:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 571ms
[F] 21:36:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 573ms
[F] 21:36:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 604ms
[F] 21:36:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 21:36:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 21:36:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 475ms
[F] 21:36:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 21:36:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 21:36:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[D] 21:36:22 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 21:36:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 431ms
[N] 21:36:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1206.219 ; 1025.994 ; -74.65925 ; "None" to 1211.927 ; 1012.02 ; -78.25974 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:36:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15.51765y, 113ms)
21:36:22 - [Fight] Attack player Kodia (lvl 80)
[F] 21:36:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 21:36:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 21:36:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[F] 21:36:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 21:36:25 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:36:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 21:36:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 407ms
[F] 21:36:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
[F] 21:36:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 21:36:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 21:36:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 21:36:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 21:36:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 21:36:29 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271769504
[F] 21:36:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 337ms
[F] 21:36:29 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271769504
[F] 21:36:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 440ms
[F] 21:36:30 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271769504
[F] 21:36:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 21:36:30 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271769504
[F] 21:36:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 21:36:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 21:36:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 21:36:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 543ms
[F] 21:36:33 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:36:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[F] 21:36:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 739ms
[D] 21:36:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Plaquinf-Icecrown
[D] 21:36:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Handles
[F] 21:36:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 709ms
[F] 21:36:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 21:36:35 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:36:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 21:36:36 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:36:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 21:36:36 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:36:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 535ms
[F] 21:36:37 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:36:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 21:36:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:36:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 21:36:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:36:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 21:36:39 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:36:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 21:36:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 21:36:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[F] 21:36:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[F] 21:36:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 540ms
[F] 21:36:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 572ms
[F] 21:36:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 540ms
[F] 21:36:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 21:36:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 573ms
[F] 21:36:44 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:36:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 638ms
[F] 21:36:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 634ms
[F] 21:36:46 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 21:36:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 604ms
[D] 21:36:46 - [Fight] Fight stopped
21:36:46 - [BG] Switching to healer: Kodia
[D] 21:36:46 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
21:36:46 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 21:37:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:37:15 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:37:15 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:37:15 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:37:15 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:37:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:37:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:37:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:37:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:37:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1211.524 ; 781.5569 ; -82.71008 ; "None" to 1198.276 ; 798.7277 ; -83.40085 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:37:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (21.7367y, 110ms)
21:37:16 - [Fight] Attack player Koljemm (lvl 80)
[F] 21:37:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:37:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:37:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:37:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 21:37:17 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271754499
[F] 21:37:18 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271754499
[F] 21:37:18 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:37:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 21:37:18 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:37:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
21:37:19 - [BG] Switching zone to Farm
[F] 21:37:19 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:37:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[N] 21:37:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1203.355 ; 792.6003 ; -83.14929 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:37:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 20 (628.8552y, 176ms)
21:37:19 - [BG] Go to zone Farm in 20 steps
[F] 21:37:24 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[E] 21:38:00 - ProtectHook(): System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at robotManager.MemoryClass.Hook.()
at robotManager.MemoryClass.Hook.()

[N] 21:38:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 771.9509 ; 800.7513 ; -48.13032 ; "None" to 774.0162 ; 869.7762 ; -54.7682 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:38:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (69.37402y, 124ms)
21:38:25 - [Fight] Attack player Unknown (lvl 80)
[N] 21:38:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 772.7554 ; 802.4547 ; -48.8928 ; "None" to 771.9958 ; 866.2144 ; -54.32415 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:38:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (63.99513y, 115ms)
[F] 21:38:25 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:38:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 21:38:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 397ms
[N] 21:38:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 773.6066 ; 810.327 ; -49.3028 ; "None" to 762.1559 ; 851.6214 ; -49.69096 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:38:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (42.85435y, 115ms)
[F] 21:38:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 21:38:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 21:38:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 21:38:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 21:38:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 21:38:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 439ms
[F] 21:38:29 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388960326
[F] 21:38:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 21:38:30 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940388960326
[F] 21:38:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 21:38:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 671ms
[F] 21:38:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 21:38:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 672ms
[F] 21:38:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 604ms
[F] 21:38:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 603ms
[F] 21:38:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 539ms
[F] 21:38:34 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:38:34 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940388960326
[F] 21:38:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 21:38:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 21:38:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
[F] 21:38:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 21:38:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 21:38:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 21:38:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 21:38:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 21:38:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 21:38:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 474ms
[F] 21:38:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[F] 21:38:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 21:38:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 21:38:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 506ms
[F] 21:38:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 21:38:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[F] 21:38:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 21:38:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 21:38:44 - [RTF] Force clearing verification because spell could not be verified for 10 seconds
[F] 21:38:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:38:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 21:38:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 21:38:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 21:38:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 340ms
[F] 21:38:46 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:38:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 220ms
[F] 21:38:47 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:38:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 238ms
[F] 21:38:47 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:38:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 21:38:48 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:38:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 21:38:48 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:38:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 475ms
[F] 21:38:49 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:38:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[D] 21:38:49 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 21:38:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 442ms
21:38:49 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Flidais (lvl 80)
[D] 21:38:49 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[D] 21:38:49 - [Fight] BlackList Flidais during 60 sec
21:38:49 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Watch (lvl 80)
[F] 21:38:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 21:38:50 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389830497
[F] 21:38:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 272ms
[F] 21:38:50 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389830497
[F] 21:38:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 21:38:51 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389830497
[F] 21:38:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 21:38:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 606ms
21:38:51 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 21:39:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Plaquinf-Icecrown
[F] 21:39:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:39:15 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:39:15 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:39:15 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:39:15 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
21:39:15 - [BG] Switching zone to Gold Mine
[N] 21:39:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1201.87 ; 1163.131 ; -56.28565 ; "None" to 1145.381 ; 848.6724 ; -110.524 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 21:39:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:39:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (333.2921y, 167ms)
21:39:16 - [BG] Go to zone Gold Mine in 10 steps
[F] 21:39:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:39:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:39:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:39:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:39:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:39:18 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
21:39:26 - [BG] Switching zone to Blacksmith
[N] 21:39:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1204.781 ; 1081.754 ; -64.32406 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:39:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (281.9699y, 162ms)
21:39:26 - [BG] Go to zone Blacksmith in 11 steps
21:39:30 - [BG] Switching zone to Stables
[N] 21:39:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1187.656 ; 1065.078 ; -64.29041 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:39:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (222.7809y, 141ms)
21:39:30 - [BG] Go to zone Stables in 10 steps
21:39:32 - [BG] Switching zone to Blacksmith
[N] 21:39:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1187.418 ; 1079.438 ; -63.46323 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:39:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (269.6048y, 169ms)
21:39:33 - [BG] Go to zone Blacksmith in 11 steps
[N] 21:39:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1162.108 ; 1028.985 ; -64.76669 ; "None" to 1148.358 ; 961.2273 ; -63.29829 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:39:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (69.61297y, 124ms)
21:39:40 - [Fight] Attack player Kyky (lvl 80)
[N] 21:39:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1161.255 ; 1027.279 ; -64.51926 ; "None" to 1150.151 ; 964.0039 ; -63.33813 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:39:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (64.25246y, 125ms)
[F] 21:39:41 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:39:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[F] 21:39:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[F] 21:39:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 634ms
[F] 21:39:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 570ms
[N] 21:39:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1157.368 ; 1007.252 ; -63.91733 ; "None" to 1163.49 ; 972.9536 ; -63.21697 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:39:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (38.63445y, 115ms)
[F] 21:39:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 534ms
[F] 21:39:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[N] 21:39:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1157.299 ; 997.559 ; -63.84166 ; "None" to 1176.913 ; 976.3947 ; -63.83849 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:39:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (28.85538y, 111ms)
[F] 21:39:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 21:39:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 571ms
[F] 21:39:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 578ms
[F] 21:39:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 575ms
[F] 21:39:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 572ms
[F] 21:39:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[D] 21:39:48 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 21:39:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1175.447 ; 983.3649 ; -62.25066 ; "None" to 1198.205 ; 1000.625 ; -75.11885 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:39:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (150.1252y, 115ms)
21:39:48 - [Fight] Attack player Kyky (lvl 80)
[F] 21:39:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[N] 21:39:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1178.698 ; 986.226 ; -63.2705 ; "None" to 1200.394 ; 997.976 ; -81.82722 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:39:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (126.4441y, 120ms)
[F] 21:39:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 506ms
[F] 21:39:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 21:39:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[N] 21:39:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1181.989 ; 998.1448 ; -63.49895 ; "None" to 1202.84 ; 987.1898 ; -85.15312 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:39:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (124.9404y, 113ms)
[F] 21:39:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 21:39:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[F] 21:39:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 570ms
[N] 21:39:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1184.398 ; 1012.017 ; -63.66303 ; "None" to 1201.505 ; 975.0444 ; -88.03761 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:39:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (139.1311y, 120ms)
[F] 21:39:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 21:39:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 21:39:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 21:39:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 21:39:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 21:39:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 21:39:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[N] 21:39:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1173.267 ; 1035.477 ; -64.66138 ; "None" to 1210.184 ; 983.8052 ; -84.90349 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:39:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (118.4626y, 120ms)
[F] 21:39:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 21:39:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 21:39:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 21:39:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 21:39:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 21:39:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 397ms
[F] 21:39:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 21:39:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[N] 21:39:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1186.902 ; 1052.135 ; -64.33132 ; "None" to 1207.589 ; 975.3243 ; -84.02888 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:39:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (96.32718y, 123ms)
[F] 21:40:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[N] 21:40:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1192.034 ; 1051.933 ; -65.22491 ; "None" to 1203.855 ; 963.1227 ; -86.73929 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:40:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (104.4164y, 128ms)
[F] 21:40:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 21:40:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[D] 21:40:01 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
21:40:01 - [BG] Switching zone to Stables
[F] 21:40:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[N] 21:40:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1201.237 ; 1051.571 ; -67.92921 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:40:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (230.7245y, 142ms)
21:40:02 - [BG] Go to zone Stables in 9 steps
21:40:02 - [BG] Switching zone to Blacksmith
[N] 21:40:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1201.772 ; 1051.763 ; -68.03495 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:40:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (267.3878y, 157ms)
21:40:02 - [BG] Go to zone Blacksmith in 11 steps
[N] 21:40:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1161.489 ; 1028.293 ; -64.61768 ; "None" to 1199.734 ; 970.1622 ; -89.14982 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:40:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (143.1142y, 138ms)
21:40:09 - [Fight] Attack player Allunna (lvl 80)
[N] 21:40:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1160.57 ; 1026.323 ; -64.38503 ; "None" to 1200.517 ; 972.052 ; -88.93311 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:40:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (143.2927y, 121ms)
[F] 21:40:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 21:40:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 21:40:11 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[N] 21:40:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1164.85 ; 1033.511 ; -65.06876 ; "None" to 1197.258 ; 964.2173 ; -89.38851 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:40:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (143.2366y, 129ms)
[F] 21:40:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 21:40:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 21:40:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 21:40:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 21:40:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 21:40:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 302ms
[F] 21:40:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 21:40:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 21:40:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 21:40:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 21:40:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[N] 21:40:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1196.063 ; 1051.668 ; -66.33566 ; "None" to 1200.178 ; 976.2894 ; -87.94562 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:40:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (87.52987y, 125ms)
[F] 21:40:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[N] 21:40:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1201.744 ; 1051.513 ; -68.03616 ; "None" to 1202.297 ; 988.2047 ; -85.05517 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:40:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (69.21683y, 121ms)
[F] 21:40:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 21:40:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[N] 21:40:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1204.672 ; 1048.339 ; -68.80206 ; "None" to 1205.871 ; 999.4282 ; -82.05379 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:40:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (50.68843y, 120ms)
[F] 21:40:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 408ms
[D] 21:40:19 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 21:40:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1204.89 ; 1041.573 ; -70.68701 ; "None" to 1209.028 ; 1013.18 ; -78.28258 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 21:40:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[N] 21:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (29.68192y, 120ms)
21:40:19 - [Fight] Attack player Allunna (lvl 80)
[N] 21:40:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1204.934 ; 1039.674 ; -70.48721 ; "None" to 1209.833 ; 1017.062 ; -77.25277 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:40:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (24.10548y, 116ms)
[F] 21:40:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 21:40:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 21:40:20 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 371ms
[F] 21:40:21 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:21 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 21:40:21 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:40:21 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 439ms
[F] 21:40:22 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 21:40:22 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 21:40:23 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:23 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 574ms
[F] 21:40:23 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:40:24 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
21:40:24 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Allunna (lvl 80)
[F] 21:40:24 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:24 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 571ms
[F] 21:40:24 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 21:40:25 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:25 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271769504
[F] 21:40:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[F] 21:40:25 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 21:40:26 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:26 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271769504
[F] 21:40:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 568ms
[F] 21:40:26 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 21:40:26 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 21:40:27 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 21:40:27 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 21:40:28 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 21:40:28 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 365ms
[F] 21:40:28 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 21:40:29 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 21:40:29 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 341ms
[F] 21:40:29 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 195ms
[F] 21:40:30 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:30 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:30 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 170ms
[F] 21:40:30 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:30 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:31 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:31 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:31 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:31 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:31 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:31 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 21:40:31 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:31 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:31 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:40:31 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:31 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:31 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:31 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:40:32 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:32 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:32 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 21:40:32 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:32 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:32 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:40:32 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:32 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:32 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 21:40:32 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:32 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:32 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:32 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 21:40:32 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:32 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:33 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 21:40:33 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:33 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:33 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:40:33 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 21:40:33 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:33 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:33 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:40:33 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 21:40:34 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:34 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:34 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:34 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 21:40:35 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 21:40:35 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 537ms
[F] 21:40:35 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:35 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:35 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:40:35 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 21:40:36 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:36 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 633ms
[F] 21:40:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 21:40:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 21:40:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 432ms
[F] 21:40:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 21:40:38 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 21:40:39 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 341ms
[F] 21:40:39 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 21:40:39 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 298ms
[F] 21:40:40 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 432ms
[F] 21:40:40 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 21:40:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 532ms
[F] 21:40:42 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 604ms
[F] 21:40:42 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 600ms
[F] 21:40:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 605ms
[F] 21:40:44 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 507ms
[F] 21:40:44 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[F] 21:40:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[F] 21:40:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 606ms
[F] 21:40:46 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 365ms
[F] 21:40:47 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:47 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 671ms
[F] 21:40:47 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:40:47 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:47 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 702ms
[F] 21:40:48 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 21:40:48 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 21:40:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[F] 21:40:48 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 21:40:49 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 21:40:49 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:49 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 432ms
[F] 21:40:50 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:40:50 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:50 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 474ms
[F] 21:40:50 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:40:51 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:51 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 572ms
[F] 21:40:51 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 21:40:51 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 21:40:52 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 21:40:52 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 331ms
[F] 21:40:53 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 21:40:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:53 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 739ms
[F] 21:40:54 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:40:54 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:40:54 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:40:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 566ms
[F] 21:40:54 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:40:54 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 21:40:55 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 603ms
[F] 21:40:56 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564232494073
[F] 21:40:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 602ms
[F] 21:40:56 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
21:40:56 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 21:40:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 676ms
[D] 21:40:57 - [Fight] Fight stopped
21:40:57 - [BG] Switching to healer: Kodia
[F] 21:41:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:41:15 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:41:15 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:41:15 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:41:15 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:41:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:41:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:41:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:41:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:41:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:41:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:41:18 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:41:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1201.87 ; 1163.131 ; -56.28565 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:41:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (359.0461y, 162ms)
21:41:18 - [BG] Go to zone Blacksmith in 14 steps
21:41:25 - [BG] Switching zone to Gold Mine
[N] 21:41:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1191.076 ; 1114.823 ; -60.70068 ; "None" to 1145.381 ; 848.6724 ; -110.524 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:41:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (285.9861y, 163ms)
21:41:26 - [BG] Go to zone Gold Mine in 10 steps
21:42:06 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Fjamsgrams (lvl 80)
[F] 21:42:06 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 338ms
[F] 21:42:06 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 21:42:07 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 21:42:07 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 21:42:07 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 21:42:08 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 170ms
[F] 21:42:08 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 21:42:08 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 21:42:08 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 21:42:09 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 195ms
[F] 21:42:09 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:42:09 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:42:09 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 21:42:09 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 172ms
[F] 21:42:10 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 194ms
[F] 21:42:10 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 170ms
[F] 21:42:10 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 21:42:10 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 170ms
[F] 21:42:11 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 208ms
[F] 21:42:11 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:11 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:11 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:11 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:12 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:12 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:12 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:12 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 21:42:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[F] 21:42:14 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[F] 21:42:14 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 535ms
[F] 21:42:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 21:42:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 375ms
[F] 21:42:15 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:42:15 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:42:16 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 603ms
[F] 21:42:17 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:42:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 21:42:17 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:42:17 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 21:42:17 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:42:17 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:17 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:42:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:42:18 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:42:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[F] 21:42:18 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:42:18 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:42:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:42:19 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:42:19 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:42:19 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 21:42:19 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:42:19 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 21:42:19 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:20 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:20 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:42:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 21:42:20 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:42:20 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:42:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[N] 21:42:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1145.45 ; 848.9509 ; -110.5242 ; "None" to 1126.979 ; 857.3064 ; -111.4836 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 21:42:21 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[N] 21:42:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (21.84862y, 110ms)
21:42:21 - [Fight] Attack player Watch (lvl 80)
[F] 21:42:21 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:42:21 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:42:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 21:42:21 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:42:21 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:42:21 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:42:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 21:42:22 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 21:42:22 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 21:42:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 371ms
[F] 21:42:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 302ms
[F] 21:42:23 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Turn Evil on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:42:23 - [RTF] Casting Turn Evil() (Turn Evil on mouseover with guid 17379391428915888446
[F] 21:42:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 572ms
[F] 21:42:23 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Turn Evil because Can't do that while moving
[F] 21:42:24 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Turn Evil on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:42:24 - [RTF] Casting Turn Evil() (Turn Evil on mouseover with guid 17379391428915888446
[F] 21:42:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 873ms
[F] 21:42:24 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Turn Evil because Can't do that while moving
[F] 21:42:25 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Turn Evil on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:42:25 - [RTF] Casting Turn Evil() (Turn Evil on mouseover with guid 17379391428915888446
[F] 21:42:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 971ms
[F] 21:42:25 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Turn Evil
[F] 21:42:26 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Turn Evil on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:42:26 - [RTF] Casting Turn Evil() (Turn Evil on mouseover with guid 17379391428915888446
[F] 21:42:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 939ms
[F] 21:42:26 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Turn Evil because Can't do that while moving
[F] 21:42:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Turn Evil on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:42:27 - [RTF] Casting Turn Evil() (Turn Evil on mouseover with guid 17379391428915888446
[F] 21:42:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 771ms
[F] 21:42:27 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Turn Evil because Can't do that while moving
[F] 21:42:27 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:42:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 21:42:28 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:42:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 442ms
[F] 21:42:28 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:42:28 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:42:28 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265515034
[F] 21:42:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 264ms
21:42:29 - [BG] Switching zone to Blacksmith
[N] 21:42:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1151.096 ; 867.7562 ; -111.2878 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (471.0406y, 168ms)
21:42:29 - [BG] Go to zone Blacksmith in 19 steps
21:42:34 - [BG] Switching zone to Stables
[N] 21:42:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1162.437 ; 907.6901 ; -108.9518 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (387.5568y, 164ms)
21:42:34 - [BG] Go to zone Stables in 12 steps
21:42:42 - [BG] Switching zone to Blacksmith
[N] 21:42:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1190.011 ; 961.9081 ; -93.15008 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 17 (366.2243y, 166ms)
21:42:42 - [BG] Go to zone Blacksmith in 17 steps
[N] 21:42:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1190.937 ; 964.4067 ; -92.44766 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 25 (596.0158y, 175ms)
[N] 21:42:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1191.407 ; 965.6748 ; -92.08883 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (307.0855y, 0ms)
21:42:43 - [BG] Switching zone to Stables
[N] 21:42:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1191.513 ; 965.9625 ; -92.00749 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (320.2051y, 158ms)
21:42:44 - [BG] Go to zone Stables in 10 steps
[N] 21:42:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1192.458 ; 968.5139 ; -91.28392 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 25 (591.4847y, 168ms)
[N] 21:42:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1192.923 ; 969.767 ; -90.93008 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (316.0083y, 153ms)
[N] 21:42:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1194.713 ; 974.598 ; -89.27444 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 25 (584.6939y, 174ms)
[N] 21:42:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1195.183 ; 975.8661 ; -89.06744 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (309.2425y, 153ms)
[N] 21:42:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1196.875 ; 980.4329 ; -87.75702 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 25 (578.295y, 175ms)
[N] 21:42:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1197.345 ; 981.701 ; -87.46245 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (302.8214y, 147ms)
[N] 21:42:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1199.036 ; 986.265 ; -86.06747 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 24 (571.7881y, 167ms)
[N] 21:42:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1199.506 ; 987.5331 ; -85.44379 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (296.2387y, 151ms)
[N] 21:42:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1201.093 ; 992.1309 ; -84.3326 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 24 (565.3715y, 170ms)
[N] 21:42:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1201.357 ; 993.449 ; -84.12486 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (289.9984y, 150ms)
[N] 21:42:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1202.37 ; 998.5085 ; -82.28191 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 24 (558.5731y, 180ms)
[N] 21:42:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1202.637 ; 999.8425 ; -81.74744 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (283.0909y, 145ms)
[N] 21:42:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1203.588 ; 1004.586 ; -81.16602 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 23 (552.2747y, 174ms)
[N] 21:42:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1203.853 ; 1005.912 ; -81.00858 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (276.8038y, 146ms)
[N] 21:42:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1204.329 ; 1010.75 ; -79.85148 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 22 (545.9448y, 651ms)
[N] 21:42:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1204.792 ; 1015.865 ; -77.99066 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (266.4659y, 139ms)
[N] 21:42:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1204.89 ; 1016.947 ; -77.60396 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (306.7847y, 160ms)
21:42:50 - [BG] Switching zone to Blacksmith
[N] 21:42:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1205.111 ; 1019.388 ; -76.64219 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (304.1598y, 170ms)
21:42:51 - [BG] Go to zone Blacksmith in 13 steps
[N] 21:42:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1205.111 ; 1019.388 ; -76.64219 ; "None" to 1155.231 ; 1061.511 ; -64.9195 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (84.23836y, 121ms)
21:42:51 - [Fight] Attack player Pressd (lvl 80)
[N] 21:42:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1205.12 ; 1021.014 ; -75.96293 ; "None" to 1154.403 ; 1058.327 ; -63.96932 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (82.88183y, 124ms)
[F] 21:42:52 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:42:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 450ms
[N] 21:42:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1205.154 ; 1028.009 ; -73.76902 ; "None" to 1151.339 ; 1046.549 ; -65.06295 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (78.93378y, 120ms)
[F] 21:42:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 21:42:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[N] 21:42:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1205.188 ; 1035.021 ; -70.62159 ; "None" to 1148.268 ; 1034.746 ; -64.89517 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (80.23503y, 117ms)
[F] 21:42:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 499ms
[N] 21:42:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1204.734 ; 1041.994 ; -70.51733 ; "None" to 1144.994 ; 1023.04 ; -62.23303 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (81.81465y, 116ms)
[F] 21:42:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[D] 21:42:55 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 21:42:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1204.136 ; 1048.179 ; -68.81291 ; "None" to 1175.945 ; 1072.494 ; -63.31006 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 21:42:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[N] 21:42:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (38.91595y, 114ms)
21:42:55 - [Fight] Attack player Glachiassftw (lvl 80)
[N] 21:42:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1203.981 ; 1049.782 ; -68.54738 ; "None" to 1173.684 ; 1070.843 ; -62.76067 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:42:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (38.31537y, 115ms)
[F] 21:42:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 21:42:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 21:42:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 568ms
[F] 21:42:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 574ms
[F] 21:42:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 21:42:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 21:42:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 534ms
[F] 21:43:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[F] 21:43:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 499ms
[F] 21:43:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 21:43:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 21:43:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 21:43:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 21:43:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[D] 21:43:03 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 21:43:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[N] 21:43:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1160.556 ; 1084.508 ; -63.20446 ; "None" to 1157.946 ; 1110.048 ; -60.01279 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:43:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (26.09804y, 117ms)
21:43:04 - [Fight] Attack player Glachiassftw (lvl 80)
[N] 21:43:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1160.526 ; 1086.399 ; -63.14632 ; "None" to 1158.887 ; 1111.89 ; -60.33145 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:43:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (25.69798y, 110ms)
[F] 21:43:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 499ms
[F] 21:43:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[F] 21:43:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 637ms
[F] 21:43:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 21:43:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 738ms
[F] 21:43:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 840ms
[F] 21:43:08 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 21:43:09 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 332ms
[F] 21:43:09 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 21:43:10 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 21:43:10 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 21:43:10 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 21:43:10 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 242ms
[F] 21:43:11 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 21:43:11 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 303ms
[F] 21:43:11 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 21:43:12 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 21:43:12 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:43:12 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 375ms
[F] 21:43:12 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:43:13 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:43:13 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 21:43:13 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:13 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 21:43:13 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:13 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:13 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:14 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:43:14 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 21:43:14 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:43:14 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:14 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:43:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 21:43:14 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:43:14 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:14 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:43:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 21:43:15 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:43:15 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:15 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:43:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 21:43:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 740ms
[F] 21:43:16 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 371ms
[F] 21:43:16 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 21:43:17 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 21:43:18 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 21:43:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 1008ms
[F] 21:43:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 871ms
[F] 21:43:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 941ms
[F] 21:43:21 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 21:43:21 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:43:22 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:43:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 410ms
[F] 21:43:22 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:43:22 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:43:22 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:43:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 532ms
[F] 21:43:22 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:43:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 441ms
[F] 21:43:23 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:43:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[N] 21:43:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1175.64 ; 1134.883 ; -56.48767 ; "None" to 1177.016 ; 1139.761 ; -56.37486 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:43:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (61.01435y, 112ms)
[F] 21:43:23 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:43:23 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:43:24 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:43:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 21:43:24 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:43:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 21:43:24 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 21:43:25 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:43:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 21:43:25 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:43:25 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:43:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[F] 21:43:26 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:43:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 1105ms
[F] 21:43:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:43:27 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:43:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[D] 21:43:27 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 21:43:28 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 21:43:28 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 21:43:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 735ms
[N] 21:43:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1181.894 ; 1145.109 ; -56.35313 ; "None" to 1181.525 ; 1139.64 ; -55.18194 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:43:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (46.68681y, 110ms)
21:43:28 - [Fight] Attack player Dispair (lvl 80)
[F] 21:43:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 605ms
[F] 21:43:29 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158267987123
[F] 21:43:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[N] 21:43:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1180.626 ; 1141.571 ; -56.34207 ; "None" to 1185.208 ; 1129.855 ; -57.89695 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:43:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (57.47471y, 109ms)
[F] 21:43:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 535ms
[F] 21:43:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 572ms
[F] 21:43:31 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:43:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 21:43:32 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:43:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 21:43:32 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:43:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 21:43:33 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:43:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 21:43:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 674ms
[D] 21:43:34 - [Fight] Fight stopped
[F] 21:43:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 708ms
21:43:34 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Noxxic (lvl 80)
[F] 21:43:35 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:43:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 21:43:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 407ms
[F] 21:43:36 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265525467
[F] 21:43:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 21:43:36 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265525467
[F] 21:43:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 21:43:36 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265525467
[F] 21:43:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 21:43:37 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265525467
[F] 21:43:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 21:43:37 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265525467
[F] 21:43:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 305ms
[F] 21:43:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265525467
[F] 21:43:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 498ms
[F] 21:43:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265525467
[F] 21:43:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 337ms
[F] 21:43:39 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265525467
[F] 21:43:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 331ms
[F] 21:43:39 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265525467
[F] 21:43:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 21:43:40 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265525467
[F] 21:43:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[F] 21:43:40 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265525467
[F] 21:43:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 21:43:41 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:43:41 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265525467
[F] 21:43:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[F] 21:43:41 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:43:41 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:43:41 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265525467
[F] 21:43:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 21:43:41 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:43:41 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265525467
[F] 21:43:41 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:43:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 21:43:42 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:43:42 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265525467
[F] 21:43:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 602ms
[F] 21:43:42 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 21:43:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[F] 21:43:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 703ms
[F] 21:43:44 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:43:44 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:43:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 701ms
[F] 21:43:45 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Flash of Light
[F] 21:43:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 304ms
[F] 21:43:45 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265525467
[F] 21:43:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 21:43:45 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265525467
[F] 21:43:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 21:43:46 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:43:46 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:43:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 534ms
[N] 21:43:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1184.645 ; 1150.685 ; -56.22085 ; "None" to 1178.723 ; 1152.425 ; -56.37432 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (27.43528y, 110ms)
[F] 21:43:46 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:43:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 21:43:47 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:43:47 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:43:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 575ms
[F] 21:43:47 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 21:43:47 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 21:43:48 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:43:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 21:43:48 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:43:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 21:43:48 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:43:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 21:43:49 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:43:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 21:43:49 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:43:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 21:43:50 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265525467
[F] 21:43:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 21:43:50 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265525467
[F] 21:43:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 474ms
[F] 21:43:51 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265525467
[F] 21:43:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 21:43:51 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265525467
[F] 21:43:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 21:43:52 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265525467
[F] 21:43:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 21:43:52 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265525467
[F] 21:43:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 21:43:52 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 21:43:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 633ms
21:43:53 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 21:43:54 - [Fight] Fight stopped
21:43:54 - [BG] Switching to healer: Glachiassftw
[F] 21:44:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:44:15 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:44:15 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:44:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1211.524 ; 781.5569 ; -82.71008 ; "None" to 1175.248 ; 795.8599 ; -93.50191 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (40.45967y, 111ms)
21:44:15 - [Fight] Attack player Fjamsgrams (lvl 80)
[F] 21:44:15 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:44:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1211.524 ; 781.5569 ; -82.71008 ; "None" to 1175.248 ; 795.8599 ; -93.50191 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (40.45967y, 0ms)
[F] 21:44:15 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:44:16 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:44:16 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:44:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:44:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 21:44:16 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:44:17 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:44:17 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:44:17 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:44:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1201.115 ; 785.8257 ; -83.42995 ; "None" to 1166.631 ; 800.0037 ; -96.25124 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 21:44:17 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:44:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (40.9746y, 114ms)
[F] 21:44:17 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:44:17 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:44:17 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:44:18 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:44:18 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:44:18 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:44:18 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:44:19 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:44:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 533ms
[F] 21:44:19 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:44:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 535ms
[F] 21:44:20 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:44:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[F] 21:44:20 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:44:20 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:44:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 21:44:20 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:44:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:44:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:44:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:44:22 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Protection() (Hand of Protection on mouseover with guid 504403158269129465
[F] 21:44:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 967ms
[F] 21:44:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 734ms
[N] 21:44:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1162.809 ; 801.8937 ; -97.38585 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (587.4695y, 171ms)
[N] 21:44:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1162.809 ; 801.8937 ; -97.38585 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (497.4823y, 176ms)
[N] 21:44:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1162.809 ; 801.8937 ; -97.38585 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 21 (543.3618y, 169ms)
21:44:24 - [BG] Switching zone to Stables
[N] 21:44:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1162.809 ; 801.8937 ; -97.38585 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (497.4823y, 0ms)
21:44:24 - [BG] Go to zone Stables in 14 steps
[N] 21:44:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1162.071 ; 804.7157 ; -98.0795 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (584.5258y, 170ms)
[N] 21:44:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1161.828 ; 806.0461 ; -98.37898 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (493.1162y, 168ms)
[N] 21:44:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1161.584 ; 807.3844 ; -98.68044 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 21 (537.7496y, 171ms)
[N] 21:44:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1160.713 ; 812.1516 ; -99.61099 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (577.1982y, 173ms)
[N] 21:44:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1160.474 ; 813.4582 ; -99.85612 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (490.2993y, 169ms)
[N] 21:44:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1160.23 ; 814.7965 ; -100.1007 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 21 (530.5679y, 170ms)
[N] 21:44:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1159.352 ; 819.6033 ; -100.9749 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (570.5705y, 171ms)
[N] 21:44:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1159.112 ; 820.9178 ; -101.2236 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (477.9035y, 173ms)
[N] 21:44:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1158.87 ; 822.2404 ; -101.5716 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 20 (518.0662y, 170ms)
[N] 21:44:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1157.894 ; 827.5856 ; -102.8705 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 21:44:28 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 21:44:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (561.7109y, 650ms)
[N] 21:44:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1156.969 ; 832.6459 ; -105.2215 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (465.3589y, 170ms)
[N] 21:44:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1156.729 ; 833.9604 ; -106.0801 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 20 (505.3295y, 179ms)
[N] 21:44:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1155.809 ; 838.9969 ; -109.9897 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (549.3215y, 172ms)
[N] 21:44:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1155.568 ; 840.3193 ; -110.1477 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (456.439y, 166ms)
[N] 21:44:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1155.328 ; 841.6339 ; -110.1477 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 20 (496.6486y, 165ms)
[N] 21:44:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1154.676 ; 846.437 ; -110.5246 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (543.3002y, 170ms)
[N] 21:44:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1154.764 ; 847.7865 ; -110.5246 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (448.8562y, 166ms)
[N] 21:44:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1154.852 ; 849.136 ; -110.5246 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (489.0444y, 167ms)
[N] 21:44:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1155.184 ; 854.2612 ; -110.085 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (541.7933y, 170ms)
[N] 21:44:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1155.272 ; 855.6107 ; -110.1832 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (441.021y, 171ms)
[N] 21:44:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1155.36 ; 856.9603 ; -110.2123 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (481.209y, 169ms)
[N] 21:44:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1155.674 ; 861.7962 ; -110.4093 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (543.0193y, 169ms)
[N] 21:44:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1155.762 ; 863.1538 ; -110.4634 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (433.4582y, 169ms)
[N] 21:44:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1155.848 ; 864.4873 ; -110.509 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (473.6618y, 164ms)
[N] 21:44:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1156.163 ; 869.3312 ; -110.5505 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (545.4746y, 168ms)
[N] 21:44:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1156.25 ; 870.6728 ; -110.527 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (425.9231y, 163ms)
[N] 21:44:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1156.338 ; 872.0304 ; -110.4857 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (466.1042y, 169ms)
[N] 21:44:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1156.655 ; 876.9064 ; -110.4185 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (548.9933y, 171ms)
[N] 21:44:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1156.743 ; 878.264 ; -110.4161 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (418.32y, 180ms)
[N] 21:44:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1156.831 ; 879.6216 ; -110.4428 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (458.4999y, 170ms)
[N] 21:44:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1157.163 ; 884.7307 ; -111.0788 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (552.9393y, 173ms)
[N] 21:44:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1157.251 ; 886.0883 ; -111.5296 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (410.4813y, 170ms)
[N] 21:44:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1157.338 ; 887.4298 ; -111.84 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (450.6975y, 170ms)
[N] 21:44:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1157.653 ; 892.2898 ; -111.8485 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (558.4552y, 169ms)
[N] 21:44:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1157.74 ; 893.6153 ; -111.6603 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (402.9735y, 162ms)
[N] 21:44:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1157.828 ; 894.9728 ; -111.466 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (443.1377y, 169ms)
[N] 21:44:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1158.165 ; 899.8143 ; -110.7291 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (562.7918y, 167ms)
[N] 21:44:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1158.774 ; 901.0125 ; -110.469 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (395.2978y, 158ms)
[N] 21:44:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1159.381 ; 902.2028 ; -110.2052 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (435.4929y, 166ms)
[N] 21:44:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1161.595 ; 906.541 ; -109.234 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (569.5807y, 174ms)
[N] 21:44:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1162.213 ; 907.7528 ; -108.978 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (387.5568y, 0ms)
[N] 21:44:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1162.213 ; 907.7528 ; -108.978 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (429.1546y, 162ms)
[N] 21:44:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1164.547 ; 912.3276 ; -107.8414 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (575.6823y, 169ms)
[N] 21:44:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1165.158 ; 913.5251 ; -107.5469 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (380.9762y, 163ms)
[N] 21:44:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1165.769 ; 914.7225 ; -107.2328 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (421.1496y, 164ms)
21:44:38 - [BG] Switching zone to Farm
[N] 21:44:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1166.876 ; 916.892 ; -106.6446 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (580.4425y, 170ms)
21:44:39 - [BG] Go to zone Farm in 13 steps
21:44:43 - [BG] Switching zone to Gold Mine
[N] 21:44:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1143.565 ; 895.2169 ; -112.4446 ; "None" to 1145.381 ; 848.6724 ; -110.524 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (46.61949y, 116ms)
21:44:44 - [BG] Go to zone Gold Mine in 2 steps
21:44:58 - [BG] Switching zone to Farm
[N] 21:44:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1145.361 ; 849.1097 ; -110.5247 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:44:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (534.8958y, 167ms)
21:44:58 - [BG] Go to zone Farm in 14 steps
21:45:07 - [BG] Switching zone to Gold Mine
[N] 21:45:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1083.063 ; 833.9454 ; -100.4473 ; "None" to 1145.381 ; 848.6724 ; -110.524 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:45:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (72.83368y, 118ms)
21:45:07 - [BG] Go to zone Gold Mine in 4 steps
[N] 21:45:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1101.922 ; 846.0683 ; -106.201 ; "None" to 1157.498 ; 888.3075 ; -110.5854 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:45:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (71.70249y, 120ms)
21:45:11 - [Fight] Attack player Pressd (lvl 80)
[N] 21:45:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1103.478 ; 847.145 ; -106.709 ; "None" to 1155.975 ; 885.3864 ; -111.6354 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:45:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (67.65313y, 119ms)
[F] 21:45:11 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[N] 21:45:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1108.808 ; 851.6997 ; -108.5257 ; "None" to 1150.234 ; 874.5967 ; -111.3414 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 21:45:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[N] 21:45:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (49.09753y, 116ms)
[F] 21:45:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 21:45:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 21:45:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 21:45:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 603ms
[F] 21:45:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 607ms
[F] 21:45:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 568ms
[F] 21:45:16 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[F] 21:45:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 699ms
[F] 21:45:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 676ms
[N] 21:45:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1132.146 ; 853.1544 ; -110.7817 ; "None" to 1131.531 ; 852.8052 ; -110.7493 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:45:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.7078442y, 116ms)
21:45:18 - [Fight] Attack player Glachiassftw (lvl 80)
[F] 21:45:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 573ms
[F] 21:45:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 499ms
[F] 21:45:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 21:45:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 519ms
[F] 21:45:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 500ms
[F] 21:45:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[F] 21:45:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 541ms
[F] 21:45:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 571ms
[F] 21:45:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 531ms
[F] 21:45:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 171ms
[F] 21:45:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 21:45:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[N] 21:45:24 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 21:45:24 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 21:45:24 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 21:45:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 170ms
[F] 21:45:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 571ms
[F] 21:45:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 21:45:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 21:45:26 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 606ms
[F] 21:45:27 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 21:45:27 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 21:45:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 193ms
[F] 21:45:27 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 264ms
[F] 21:45:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 575ms
[F] 21:45:28 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 21:45:29 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 21:45:29 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 439ms
[F] 21:45:30 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 21:45:30 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 21:45:31 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:45:31 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[F] 21:45:31 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:45:32 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:45:32 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 568ms
[F] 21:45:32 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:45:32 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:45:32 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[F] 21:45:33 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 21:45:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 706ms
[F] 21:45:33 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 21:45:34 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:34 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:34 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:45:34 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 237ms
[F] 21:45:35 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 21:45:35 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 21:45:35 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 363ms
[F] 21:45:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 771ms
[F] 21:45:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 669ms
[F] 21:45:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 539ms
[F] 21:45:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 736ms
[F] 21:45:39 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 21:45:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 638ms
[F] 21:45:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 671ms
[F] 21:45:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 668ms
[F] 21:45:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 738ms
[F] 21:45:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 669ms
[F] 21:45:43 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 21:45:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[F] 21:45:44 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 21:45:45 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 21:45:45 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 303ms
[F] 21:45:45 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 21:45:46 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 21:45:46 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 373ms
[F] 21:45:47 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 566ms
[F] 21:45:47 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 337ms
[F] 21:45:48 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 21:45:48 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 429ms
[F] 21:45:49 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 21:45:49 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 496ms
[F] 21:45:50 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 636ms
[F] 21:45:51 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 605ms
[F] 21:45:51 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 21:45:51 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:51 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:52 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:52 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:52 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:45:52 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:52 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 21:45:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:45:52 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:52 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 21:45:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:45:52 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:52 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 21:45:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:45:53 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:53 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 21:45:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:45:53 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:53 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 21:45:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:45:53 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:53 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 21:45:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:45:53 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:53 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 21:45:53 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 21:45:54 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:45:54 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:54 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:45:54 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 21:45:54 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:45:54 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:55 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:45:55 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 21:45:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:45:55 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:45:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 302ms
[F] 21:45:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:45:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 204ms
[F] 21:45:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 21:45:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 21:45:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 21:45:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 21:45:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 21:45:58 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 21:45:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 21:45:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 21:45:58 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 21:45:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 21:45:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:45:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 21:46:00 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:46:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 21:46:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:46:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 510ms
[F] 21:46:01 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:46:01 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:46:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 21:46:01 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:46:01 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:46:01 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:46:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 572ms
[F] 21:46:02 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 21:46:02 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:46:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 541ms
[F] 21:46:03 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:46:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 533ms
[F] 21:46:03 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:46:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 337ms
[F] 21:46:04 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:46:04 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:46:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 673ms
[F] 21:46:04 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 21:46:04 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:46:04 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:46:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 371ms
[F] 21:46:04 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 21:46:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 21:46:05 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:46:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 21:46:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 21:46:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 21:46:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 668ms
21:46:06 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 21:46:06 - [Fight] Fight stopped
21:46:06 - [BG] Switching to healer: Glachiassftw
[F] 21:46:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:46:15 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:46:15 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:46:15 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:46:15 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:46:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:46:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:46:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:46:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:46:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:46:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 21:46:18 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
21:46:19 - [BG] Switching zone to Blacksmith
[N] 21:46:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 834.7264 ; 784.9787 ; -57.0807 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:46:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (466.7849y, 955ms)
21:46:20 - [BG] Go to zone Blacksmith in 13 steps
21:46:22 - Sleeping
[N] 21:46:22 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 21:46:22 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 21:46:22 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 21:46:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 829.8834 ; 775.6149 ; -55.99847 ; "None" to 1145.381 ; 848.6724 ; -110.524 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 21:46:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (345.4308y, 170ms)
[N] 21:46:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 21:46:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; "None" to 854.5645 ; 1150.825 ; 11.53786 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 21:46:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; "None" to 973.4664 ; 1043.973 ; -44.61947 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
21:46:25 - [BG] Switching zone to Gold Mine
[N] 21:46:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; "None" to 1145.381 ; 848.6724 ; -110.524 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
21:46:25 - [BG] Go to zone Gold Mine in 1 steps
21:46:25 - [BG] Battleground Finish
[D] 21:46:26 - [Info] Continent change, PVPZone04 to Kalimdor
[D] 21:46:26 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 21:46:27 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[D] 21:46:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Wib) WTS Warrior (Wibs Troll) with SM+6 boes+30k Gold +Engin/JC/Cooking 450+ 280% fly mount KS RS achv via warmane trade (150c) /w me for add some bis items
[D] 21:46:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Caramelapple) an NA guild is recruiting 6K+ players for our LOD progression, RS 25, Ulduar 25 & Bane groups. Raid times are Mon-Fri 1:00 am server. We use DKP. Please head to our discord to speak with an Officer - https://discord.gg/GYETXBx
[D] 21:46:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Llvinll) portal to dalaran please
[F] 21:46:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 21:46:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 432345564231563718
[F] 21:46:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269775445
[F] 21:46:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 21:46:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 21:46:51 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[D] 21:46:51 - [Info] Continent change, Kalimdor to IsleofConquest
[D] 21:46:51 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[D] 21:46:53 - [Info] Continent change, IsleofConquest to Kalimdor
[D] 21:46:53 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 21:46:53 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[D] 21:46:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:47:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Wib) WTS Warrior (Wibs Troll) with SM+6BiS+6 boes+30k Gold +Engin/JC/Cooking 450+ 280% fly mount KS RS achv via warmane trade (259c) /w me for info can remove item for lower price
[D] 21:47:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:47:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Skrain) Donating for a port to Dalaran
[D] 21:47:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:48:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:48:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sitonme) LFM TOC10 5+gs NEED 1 TANK 1 HUNTER!
[D] 21:48:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:49:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Meklovin) get down on gamon!
[D] 21:49:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:49:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sitonme) LFM TOC10 5+gs NEED 1 TANK 1 HUNTER!
[D] 21:49:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Caramelapple) an NA guild is recruiting 6K+ players for our LOD progression, RS 25, Ulduar 25 & Bane groups. Raid times are Mon-Fri 1:00 am server. We use DKP. Please head to our discord to speak with an Officer - https://discord.gg/GYETXBx
[D] 21:49:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Konohaju) LFM Fresh 10 ICC. Need 1 tank 1 heal 4 DPS. 5.4+. Full gem and enchant req. BoE + Primo + Fanged Skull reserved. Link ur achievement and GS.
[D] 21:49:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:50:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:50:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sandttorm) WTS |cff0070dd|Hitem:49908:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Primordial Saronite]|h|r 15x Offer Me
[D] 21:50:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:51:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sandttorm) WTS |cff0070dd|Hitem:49908:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Primordial Saronite]|h|r 14x Offer Me UR PRice
[D] 21:51:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:51:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Maryroi) PORTAL PLEASE!
[D] 21:51:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Konohaju) LFM Fresh 10 ICC. Need 1 tank 1 heal 4 DPS. 5.4+. Full gem and enchant req. BoE + Primo + Fanged Skull reserved. Link ur achievement and GS.
[D] 21:51:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Blackedotcom) WTB JC
[D] 21:51:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:52:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:52:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Konohaju) LFM Fresh 10 ICC. Need 1 tank 1 heal 4 DPS. 5.4+. Full gem and enchant req. BoE + Primo + Fanged Skull reserved. Link ur achievement and GS.
[D] 21:52:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Wib) WTS Warrior (Wibs Troll) with SM+6BiS+6 boes+30k Gold +Engin/JC/Cooking 450+ 280% fly mount KS RS achv via warmane trade (259c) /w me for info can remove item for lower price
[D] 21:52:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sandttorm) WTS |cff0070dd|Hitem:49908:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Primordial Saronite]|h|r 14x OFER ME
[D] 21:52:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Caramelapple) an NA guild is recruiting 6K+ players for our LOD progression, RS 25, Ulduar 25 & Bane groups. Raid times are Mon-Fri 1:00 am server. We use DKP. Please head to our discord to speak with an Officer - https://discord.gg/GYETXBx
[D] 21:52:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:52:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sitonme) LFM TOC10 5+gs NEED 1 TANK!
[D] 21:52:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sandttorm) WTS |cff0070dd|Hitem:49908:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Primordial Saronite]|h|r 14x OFER ME
[D] 21:53:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sitonme) LFM TOC10 5+gs NEED 1 TANK!
[D] 21:53:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:53:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:54:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:54:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Konohaju) LFM Fresh 10 ICC. Need 1 tank 1 heal 4 DPS. 5.4+. Full gem and enchant req. BoE + Primo + Fanged Skull reserved. Link ur achievement and GS.
[D] 21:54:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Shardzioss) LFM [Blackwing Lair] tmog run whisp me for invite! (paladin full)
[D] 21:54:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:55:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Konohaju) LFM Fresh 10 ICC. Need 1 tank 1 heal 4 DPS. 5.4+. Full gem and enchant req. BoE + Primo + Fanged Skull reserved. Link ur achievement and GS.
[D] 21:55:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:55:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Caramelapple) an NA guild is recruiting 6K+ players for our LOD progression, RS 25, Ulduar 25 & Bane groups. Raid times are Mon-Fri 1:00 am server. We use DKP. Please head to our discord to speak with an Officer - https://discord.gg/GYETXBx
[D] 21:55:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:56:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sandttorm) WTS |cff0070dd|Hitem:49908:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Primordial Saronite]|h|r12x OFfER Me
[D] 21:56:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Konohaju) LFM Fresh 10 ICC. Need 1 tank 1 heal 4 DPS. 5.4+. Full gem and enchant req. BoE + Primo + Fanged Skull reserved. Link ur achievement and GS.
[F] 21:56:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 21:56:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:56:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Babytv) SANDTTORM SCAMEER CARE!!!
[D] 21:56:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Babytv) SANDTTORM SCAMEER CARE!!!
[D] 21:56:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Igotnosoul) LF enchant
[D] 21:56:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Anitemare) sandttorom is cheat scammer report
[D] 21:56:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Babytv) SANDTTORM SCAMEER CARE!!!
[D] 21:56:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:56:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Vhenuz) NEED ALL ICC 10 ALT RUN LINK [Fall of the Lich King (10 player)]
[D] 21:57:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Konohaju) LFM Fresh 10 ICC. Need 1 tank 1 heal 4 DPS. 5.4+. Full gem and enchant req. BoE + Primo + Fanged Skull reserved. Link ur achievement and GS.
[D] 21:57:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:57:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sandttorm) WTS |cff0070dd|Hitem:49908:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Primordial Saronite]|h|r13x Offer Me
[D] 21:57:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:57:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Anitemare) hes cheet
[D] 21:58:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Igotnosoul) LF Enchant
[D] 21:58:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:58:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:59:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 21:59:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 22:00:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 22:00:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Vhenuz) NEED ALL ICC 10 ALT RUN LINK [Fall of the Lich King (10 player)]
[D] 22:00:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 22:01:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 22:01:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Konohaju) LFM Fresh 10 ICC. Need 1 tank 2 MDPS. 5.4+. Full gem and enchant req. BoE + Primo + Fanged Skull reserved. Link ur achievement and GS.
[D] 22:01:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Thunderjizz) HEROICS RESET
[D] 22:01:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 22:02:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Bluexmas) its the Tyson vs Jones fight today !!
[F] 22:02:02 - [Spell] Cast Crusader Aura (Crusader Aura)
[F] 22:02:02 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 22:02:05 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[D] 22:02:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 22:02:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Vhenuz) NEED TANK AND HEALER ICC 10 ALT RUN LINK [Fall of the Lich King (10 player)]
[D] 22:02:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Konohaju) LFM Fresh 10 ICC. Need 1 tank 2 MDPS. 5.4+. Full gem and enchant req. BoE + Primo + Fanged Skull reserved. Link ur achievement and GS.
[D] 22:02:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 22:03:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 22:03:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 22:04:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 22:04:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Konohaju) LFM Fresh 10 ICC. Need 1 tank 1 MDPS. 5.4+. Full gem and enchant req. BoE + Primo + Fanged Skull reserved. Link ur achievement and GS.
[D] 22:04:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Saks) any naxx runs?
[D] 22:04:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Bosbudi) lf 2v2 partner 1256 arena rat (Spriest,Retpal)
[D] 22:04:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 22:05:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 22:05:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Bosbudi) lf 2v2 partner 1256 arena rat (Spriest,Retpal)
[D] 22:05:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Blackclaaw) portal to dalaraN?
[D] 22:05:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Konohaju) LFM Fresh 10 ICC. Need 1 tank 1 MDPS. 5.4+. Full gem and enchant req. BoE + Primo + Fanged Skull reserved. Link ur achievement and GS.
[D] 22:05:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 22:06:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Konohaju) LFM Fresh 10 ICC. Need 1 tank 1 MDPS. 5.4+. Full gem and enchant req. BoE + Primo + Fanged Skull reserved. Link ur achievement and GS.
[F] 22:06:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 22:06:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 22:06:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Spacejumper) WTB |cffa335ee|Hitem:49891:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Leggings of Woven Death]|h|r
[D] 22:06:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 22:07:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 22:07:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Konohaju) LFM Fresh 10 ICC. Need 1 tank 1 MDPS. 5.4+. Full gem and enchant req. BoE + Primo + Fanged Skull reserved. Link ur achievement and GS.
[D] 22:07:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
[D] 22:08:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Nazrem) We are a NA based Progression Raiding Guild focused on clearing end-game content. ICC 25 8/12hc 12/12, RS 25 4/4. Main runs Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 7pm PST/10PM EST. 5.5k gs min. Pst for more info
[D] 22:08:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Konohaju) LFM Fresh 10 ICC. Need 1 tank 1 MDPS. 5.4+. Full gem and enchant req. BoE + Primo + Fanged Skull reserved. Link ur achievement and GS.
[D] 22:09:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Faka) LF JC
[D] 22:09:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Burningtime) # Guild -NcbPro too- is ENGLISH SPEAKING raiding guild -[4pm ST]- looking for serious ACTIVE players of 5.5+GS! We raid every day of the week. {ICC KS 10/25}, {RS 10/25}, ICC {10 HC 12/12}, {ICC 25 HC 5/12}!
[D] 22:09:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Nazrem) We are a NA based Progression Raiding Guild focused on clearing end-game content. ICC 25 8/12hc 12/12, RS 25 4/4. Main runs Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 7pm PST/10PM EST. 5.5k gs min. Pst for more info
[D] 22:10:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Burningtime) # Guild -NcbPro too- is ENGLISH SPEAKING raiding guild -[4pm ST]- looking for serious ACTIVE players of 5.5+GS! We raid every day of the week. {ICC KS 10/25}, {RS 10/25}, ICC {10 HC 12/12}, {ICC 25 HC 5/12}!
[D] 22:10:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Faka) lf jc
[D] 22:11:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Konohaju) LFM Fresh 10 ICC. Need 2 MDPS (rogue needed). 5.4+. Full gem and enchant req. BoE + Primo + Fanged Skull reserved. Link ur achievement and GS.
[D] 22:11:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Saks) any naxx runs?
[D] 22:11:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Melikari) invite for portals
[D] 22:12:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Konohaju) LFM Fresh 10 ICC. Need 2 MDPS (rogue needed). 5.4+. Full gem and enchant req. BoE + Primo + Fanged Skull reserved. Link ur achievement and GS.
[D] 22:12:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Mofli) I need |cffffd000|Henchant:27968|h[Enchanting: Enchant Weapon - Major Intellect]|h|r
[D] 22:12:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Zaruman) LF JEWELER
[D] 22:13:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Zaruman) LF JEWELER
[D] 22:13:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Mofli) i need |cffffd000|Henchant:27968|h[Enchanting: Enchant Weapon - Major Intellect]|h|r
[D] 22:13:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Konohaju) LFM Fresh 10 ICC. Need 2 MDPS (rogue needed). 5.4+. Full gem and enchant req. BoE + Primo + Fanged Skull reserved. Link ur achievement and GS.
[D] 22:13:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Zaruman) LF JEWELER
[D] 22:14:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Faka) LF JC
[D] 22:14:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Becardcain) LF lockpicking !
[D] 22:14:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Konohaju) LFM Fresh 10 ICC. Need 2 MDPS (rogue needed). 5.4+. Full gem and enchant req. BoE + Primo + Fanged Skull reserved. Link ur achievement and GS.
[D] 22:14:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Leillana) LF JC
[D] 22:14:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Konohaju) LFM Fresh 10 ICC. Need 2 MDPS (rogue needed). 5.4+. Full gem and enchant req. BoE + Primo + Fanged Skull reserved. Link ur achievement and GS.
[D] 22:15:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Konohaju) LFM Fresh 10 ICC. Need 2 MDPS (rogue needed). 5.4+. Full gem and enchant req. BoE + Primo + Fanged Skull reserved. Link ur achievement and GS.
[D] 22:16:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sandttorm) WTS |cff0070dd|Hitem:49908:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Primordial Saronite]|h|r
[F] 22:16:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:16:25 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 22:17:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Becardcain) WTS |cffa335ee|Hitem:44310:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Namlak's Supernumerary Sticker]|h|rÀ
[D] 22:17:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sandttorm) WTS |cff0070dd|Hitem:49908:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Primordial Saronite]|h|r
[D] 22:17:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Leillana) LF JC
[D] 22:17:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Konohaju) LFM Fresh 10 ICC. Need 1 DPS. 5.4+. Full gem and enchant req. BoE + Primo + Fanged Skull reserved. Link ur achievement and GS.
[D] 22:18:11 - [Info] Continent change, Kalimdor to PVPZone03
[D] 22:18:11 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 22:18:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271777898
22:18:11 - [Warsong] Go to starting position
[N] 22:18:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 933.3315 ; 1433.724 ; 345.5357 ; "None" to 946.7914 ; 1422.288 ; 345.41 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:18:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17.66261y, 0ms)
[F] 22:18:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:11 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 22:18:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271777898
[F] 22:18:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
22:18:12 - [Warsong] Go to starting position
[N] 22:18:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 936.8027 ; 1431.013 ; 345.5357 ; "None" to 946.7914 ; 1422.288 ; 345.41 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:18:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13.2631y, 229ms)
[F] 22:18:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271777898
[F] 22:18:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271777898
[F] 22:18:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271777898
[F] 22:18:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271777898
[F] 22:18:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271777898
[F] 22:18:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271777898
[F] 22:18:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271777898
[F] 22:18:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271777898
[F] 22:18:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271777898
[F] 22:18:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271777898
[F] 22:18:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271777898
[F] 22:18:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271777898
[F] 22:18:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271777898
[F] 22:18:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271777898
[F] 22:18:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268901312
[F] 22:18:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
22:18:26 - [Warsong] Go to starting position
[F] 22:18:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[N] 22:18:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 944.4055 ; 1424.372 ; 345.4444 ; "None" to 1506.639 ; 1493.598 ; 352.013 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:18:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (602.0333y, 134ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[F] 22:18:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[N] 22:18:28 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 22:18:28 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 22:18:28 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 22:18:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
22:18:29 - [Warsong] Go to starting position
[N] 22:18:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 948.9835 ; 1427.411 ; 346.7183 ; "None" to 946.7914 ; 1422.288 ; 345.41 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:18:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[N] 22:18:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (5.474701y, 126ms)
[F] 22:18:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:18:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:18:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:18:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:18:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271883096
[F] 22:19:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271786912
[F] 22:19:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:19:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:19:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:19:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:20:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:20:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:20:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:20:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:20:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:20:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:20:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:20:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:20:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:20:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:20:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:20:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:20:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:20:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:20:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:20:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:20:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:20:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:20:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:20:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:20:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:20:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:20:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:20:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:20:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:20:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:20:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:20:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:20:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:20:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:20:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:20:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:20:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:20:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:20:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:20:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:20:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:20:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[F] 22:20:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[F] 22:20:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269195208
[F] 22:20:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268952663
[N] 22:20:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 947.871 ; 1425.154 ; 345.3926 ; "None" to 994.9714 ; 1422.54 ; 344.9629 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:20:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271570039
[N] 22:20:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (57.2384y, 115ms)
22:20:15 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 22:20:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 992.0869 ; 1422.542 ; 345.275 ; "None" to 1307.951 ; 1452.997 ; 317.5738 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:20:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (345.7394y, 117ms)
[D] 22:20:23 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:20:23 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[N] 22:20:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1304.682 ; 1452.593 ; 317.3661 ; "None" to 1299.174 ; 1468.082 ; 315.1758 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:20:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16.5847y, 127ms)
22:20:57 - [Fight] Attack player Snugglez (lvl 80)
[F] 22:20:57 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:20:57 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:20:57 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:20:57 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:20:58 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:20:58 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:20:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:20:58 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:20:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:20:58 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:20:58 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:20:59 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:20:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1301.585 ; 1462.289 ; 316.6087 ; "None" to 1297.815 ; 1481.532 ; 314.9883 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:20:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19.67492y, 117ms)
22:20:59 - [Fight] Attack player Snugglez (lvl 80)
[F] 22:20:59 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158270939403
[F] 22:20:59 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158270939403
[F] 22:20:59 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158270939403
[F] 22:21:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 602ms
[F] 22:21:01 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Protection() (Hand of Protection on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:21:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 699ms
[F] 22:21:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 801ms
[F] 22:21:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 815ms
[F] 22:21:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 747ms
[F] 22:21:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 768ms
[F] 22:21:04 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:05 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:21:05 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 179ms
[F] 22:21:05 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:05 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:05 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:05 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:06 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:06 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:06 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:06 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:06 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:07 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:07 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:07 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:07 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:07 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:07 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:21:08 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 22:21:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:21:08 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:08 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:21:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:21:08 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:08 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:21:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 22:21:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:21:08 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 172ms
[F] 22:21:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:21:08 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:09 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:21:09 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:09 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:21:09 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:21:09 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:21:09 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:21:09 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:21:09 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:09 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:21:09 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:09 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:21:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 750ms
[F] 22:21:10 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:10 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:10 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389834821
[F] 22:21:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 760ms
[F] 22:21:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 652ms
[N] 22:21:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1307.035 ; 1501.792 ; 316.7433 ; "None" to 1304.221 ; 1498.241 ; 315.337 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:21:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (4.744085y, 114ms)
22:21:12 - [Fight] Attack player Mamatree (lvl 80)
[F] 22:21:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 700ms
[F] 22:21:13 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:13 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:13 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 197ms
[F] 22:21:13 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:21:14 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:21:14 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:14 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:14 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:21:14 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:21:15 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:15 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:16 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:16 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:16 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:16 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:16 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:16 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:16 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:17 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:17 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:17 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:17 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:17 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:17 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:17 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:21:17 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
22:21:17 - [BG] Switching to healer: Azye
[D] 22:21:17 - [Fight] Target not valid
[N] 22:21:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1320.008 ; 1503.45 ; 316.6602 ; "None" to 1344.026 ; 1514.521 ; 319.2266 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:21:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (27.24501y, 116ms)
22:21:18 - [Fight] Attack player Tazanar (lvl 80)
[F] 22:21:18 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:21:18 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:21:18 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:21:18 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:21:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 617ms
[N] 22:21:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1321.957 ; 1504.848 ; 316.4636 ; "None" to 1349.761 ; 1525.842 ; 315.5599 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:21:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (36.06623y, 115ms)
[F] 22:21:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 801ms
[F] 22:21:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 717ms
[D] 22:21:20 - [Fight] Fight stopped
[N] 22:21:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1331.814 ; 1514.51 ; 315.7225 ; "None" to 1347.85 ; 1520.733 ; 316.73 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:21:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17.23064y, 112ms)
22:21:20 - [Fight] Attack player Tazanar (lvl 80)
[F] 22:21:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 22:21:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 552ms
[F] 22:21:22 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271786912
[F] 22:21:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 152ms
[F] 22:21:22 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271786912
[F] 22:21:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:21:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 701ms
[F] 22:21:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:21:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:21:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:21:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:21:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 668ms
[F] 22:21:24 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:21:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1356.878 ; 1512.253 ; 319.0255 ; "None" to 1352.942 ; 1523.433 ; 317.3398 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:21:24 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:21:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11.97222y, 123ms)
22:21:24 - [Fight] Attack player Idiotclass (lvl 80)
[F] 22:21:24 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:21:24 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:21:25 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:21:25 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:21:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 22:21:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 22:21:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 549ms
[F] 22:21:27 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:21:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 155ms
[F] 22:21:27 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:21:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 22:21:27 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:21:27 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:21:27 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:21:28 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:21:28 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:21:28 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:21:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:21:28 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:21:28 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:21:28 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:21:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 209ms
[F] 22:21:29 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:21:29 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:21:29 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:21:29 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:21:29 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:21:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 22:21:29 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:21:29 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:21:29 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:21:29 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:21:29 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:21:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 22:21:29 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:21:29 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:21:29 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:21:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 22:21:30 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:21:30 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:21:30 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:21:30 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158265505191
22:21:30 - [BG] Switching to healer: Amendoas
[F] 22:21:30 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:21:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 230ms
[F] 22:21:30 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:21:30 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:21:30 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:21:31 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:21:31 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:21:31 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:21:31 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:21:31 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:21:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 22:21:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 452ms
[N] 22:21:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1359.141 ; 1527.584 ; 317.9221 ; "None" to 1356.075 ; 1550.157 ; 318.2455 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:21:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (23.14971y, 116ms)
22:21:33 - [Fight] Attack player Idiotclass (lvl 80)
[F] 22:21:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 451ms
[F] 22:21:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 22:21:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 535ms
[F] 22:21:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[F] 22:21:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 485ms
[F] 22:21:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 534ms
[F] 22:21:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 22:21:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 484ms
[F] 22:21:37 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:21:37 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:21:37 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:21:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:21:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:21:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:21:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 22:21:38 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:21:38 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:21:38 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:21:38 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:21:38 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:21:38 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:21:39 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:21:39 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:21:39 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:21:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 180ms
[F] 22:21:39 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:21:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 22:21:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:21:39 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:21:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1370.5 ; 1565.08 ; 318.2561 ; "None" to 1381.943 ; 1570.101 ; 321.1516 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:21:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12.82672y, 121ms)
22:21:39 - [Fight] Attack player Gagec (lvl 80)
[F] 22:21:39 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:21:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 22:21:40 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:21:40 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:21:40 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:21:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 486ms
[F] 22:21:41 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:21:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:21:41 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:21:41 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:21:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 281ms
[F] 22:21:41 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:21:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 602ms
[F] 22:21:42 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:21:42 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:21:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:21:42 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:21:42 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:21:43 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:21:43 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:21:43 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:21:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 22:21:43 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:21:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 532ms
22:21:43 - [BG] Switching to healer: Gagec
[F] 22:21:44 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:21:44 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 22:21:44 - [Fight] Target dead
[N] 22:21:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1381.269 ; 1570.693 ; 321.1235 ; "None" to 1383.882 ; 1565.436 ; 320.8719 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:21:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (5.876881y, 115ms)
22:21:44 - [Fight] Attack player Tazanar (lvl 80)
[F] 22:21:44 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:21:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 424ms
[F] 22:21:44 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:21:44 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:21:45 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:21:45 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:21:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 485ms
[F] 22:21:45 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:21:45 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:21:45 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:21:45 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:21:45 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:21:46 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:21:46 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:21:46 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:21:46 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271042159
[N] 22:21:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1381.815 ; 1569.501 ; 321.1506 ; "None" to 1421.841 ; 1553.472 ; 342.7507 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:21:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (386.1938y, 124ms)
22:21:46 - [Fight] Attack player Mamatree (lvl 80)
[N] 22:21:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1381.815 ; 1569.501 ; 321.1506 ; "None" to 1422.893 ; 1553.516 ; 342.7514 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:21:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (386.231y, 123ms)
[F] 22:21:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 417ms
[F] 22:21:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 535ms
[F] 22:21:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 484ms
[F] 22:21:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 452ms
[F] 22:21:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 450ms
[N] 22:21:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1370.565 ; 1555.419 ; 319.3239 ; "None" to 1433.99 ; 1553.202 ; 342.7546 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:21:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 21 (369.5236y, 125ms)
[F] 22:21:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 450ms
[F] 22:21:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 22:21:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 418ms
[F] 22:21:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 418ms
[F] 22:21:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 419ms
[N] 22:21:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1357.917 ; 1540.986 ; 319.4049 ; "None" to 1444.712 ; 1552.899 ; 342.7509 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:21:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (350.7402y, 132ms)
[F] 22:21:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 22:21:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 22:21:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 22:21:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 451ms
[F] 22:21:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 450ms
[F] 22:21:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 22:21:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 22:21:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 418ms
[F] 22:21:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 22:21:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 22:21:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 22:21:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 365ms
[F] 22:21:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 22:21:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 22:21:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 22:21:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 22:21:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 22:21:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 22:21:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 330ms
[F] 22:22:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[N] 22:22:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1354.179 ; 1471.408 ; 323.8698 ; "None" to 1440.785 ; 1544.034 ; 342.7709 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:22:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (270.6681y, 119ms)
[F] 22:22:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 317ms
[F] 22:22:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 22:22:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 335ms
[F] 22:22:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 335ms
[N] 22:22:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1353.729 ; 1459.204 ; 324.4947 ; "None" to 1437.206 ; 1533.682 ; 343.3203 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:22:01 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:22:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (247.5016y, 120ms)
[F] 22:22:02 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 22:22:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 22:22:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 22:22:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 22:22:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 22:22:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 22:22:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 22:22:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 22:22:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[N] 22:22:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1354.867 ; 1432.836 ; 323.1732 ; "None" to 1438.193 ; 1523.506 ; 345.3199 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:22:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (211.9018y, 112ms)
[D] 22:22:06 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 22:22:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1422.421 ; 1489.489 ; 349.0222 ; "None" to 1486.693 ; 1493.619 ; 352.1356 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:22:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (64.47997y, 112ms)
22:22:26 - [Fight] Attack player Ludociell (lvl 80)
[N] 22:22:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1423.156 ; 1491.074 ; 349.1074 ; "None" to 1484.958 ; 1493.827 ; 352.0712 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:22:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (61.93871y, 111ms)
[N] 22:22:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1433.438 ; 1493.266 ; 348.5836 ; "None" to 1473.504 ; 1495.186 ; 351.589 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:22:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (40.26968y, 113ms)
[N] 22:22:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1449.658 ; 1493.072 ; 350.2308 ; "None" to 1481.957 ; 1488.718 ; 351.9851 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:22:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (33.39397y, 112ms)
[F] 22:22:31 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:22:31 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[N] 22:22:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1463.46 ; 1493.286 ; 351.7478 ; "None" to 1486.106 ; 1479.312 ; 355.5422 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:22:31 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[N] 22:22:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (31.94277y, 116ms)
[F] 22:22:32 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:22:32 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:32 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:32 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:22:32 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:22:32 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:22:32 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:22:33 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:22:33 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:22:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 152ms
[F] 22:22:33 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:22:33 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:22:33 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:22:34 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:22:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 152ms
[F] 22:22:34 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:22:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:22:34 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:22:34 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:22:34 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:22:34 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:22:35 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:22:35 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:22:35 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:22:35 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389849560
[N] 22:22:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1487.141 ; 1478.946 ; 355.8225 ; "None" to 1488.678 ; 1477.253 ; 357.0761 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:22:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (2.607796y, 113ms)
22:22:35 - [Fight] Attack player Ludociell (lvl 80)
[F] 22:22:36 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:22:36 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:36 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:22:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 22:22:36 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:22:36 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:37 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:22:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 317ms
[F] 22:22:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 297ms
[F] 22:22:37 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:22:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 416ms
[F] 22:22:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:22:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:22:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:22:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:22:38 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:22:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 22:22:38 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:22:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 22:22:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:22:39 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:22:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 22:22:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:22:39 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:22:39 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:22:39 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:22:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 186ms
[F] 22:22:39 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:22:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 22:22:39 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:22:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:22:40 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:22:40 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:22:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 22:22:40 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:22:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 450ms
[F] 22:22:41 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158265589828
[F] 22:22:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 22:22:41 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158265589828
[F] 22:22:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 249ms
[F] 22:22:41 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158265589828
[F] 22:22:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 22:22:41 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 22:22:42 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:22:42 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 223ms
[F] 22:22:42 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:22:42 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:22:42 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:22:43 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:22:43 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:43 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:43 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:43 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:43 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:22:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1481.416 ; 1460.015 ; 362.5178 ; "None" to 1464.219 ; 1461.509 ; 361.653 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:22:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (18.06837y, 117ms)
[F] 22:22:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:22:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1481.416 ; 1460.015 ; 362.5178 ; "None" to 1453.264 ; 1462.063 ; 359.9166 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:22:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:22:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (28.61716y, 121ms)
[F] 22:22:46 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:46 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:46 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:46 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:46 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:46 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:47 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:47 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:47 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:47 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:47 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[D] 22:22:47 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 22:22:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1480.019 ; 1459.702 ; 362.5395 ; "None" to 1483.266 ; 1457.372 ; 362.5386 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:22:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1479.472 ; 1459.669 ; 362.5462 ; "None" to 1501.628 ; 1492.229 ; 352.1986 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:22:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (3.996801y, 114ms)
22:22:48 - [Fight] Attack player Lapisona (lvl 80)
[N] 22:22:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (43.42451y, 180ms)
[F] 22:22:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:22:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 22:22:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:22:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 22:22:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 22:22:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 22:22:49 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:49 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:22:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1485.709 ; 1466.673 ; 362.0943 ; "None" to 1508.025 ; 1484.203 ; 352.0192 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:22:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (59.23409y, 118ms)
[F] 22:22:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:22:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:22:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 220ms
[F] 22:22:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 215ms
[F] 22:22:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 212ms
[F] 22:22:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 212ms
[N] 22:22:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1488.26 ; 1479.005 ; 355.7498 ; "None" to 1510.071 ; 1474.058 ; 352.0045 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:22:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (53.63464y, 118ms)
[F] 22:22:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 220ms
[F] 22:22:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 181ms
[N] 22:22:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1490.57 ; 1491.267 ; 352.1272 ; "None" to 1514.073 ; 1464.277 ; 351.9994 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:22:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (50.11515y, 116ms)
[F] 22:22:53 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:53 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:22:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:22:53 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:22:53 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:22:54 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:22:54 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:22:54 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:22:54 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:22:54 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:22:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:22:55 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:22:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 22:22:55 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:22:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 349ms
[F] 22:22:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:22:55 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:22:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:22:55 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:22:55 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:22:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:22:55 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:22:56 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:22:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:22:56 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:22:56 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:22:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:22:56 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:22:56 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:22:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:22:56 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:22:56 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:22:58 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:22:58 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:22:58 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:22:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 204ms
[F] 22:22:58 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:22:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:22:58 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:22:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:22:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:22:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:22:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:22:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:22:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:01 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:01 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:01 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:01 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:01 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:01 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:01 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:23:01 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 22:23:02 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:23:02 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:02 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:02 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:02 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:02 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:03 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:03 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 173ms
[F] 22:23:03 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:03 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:03 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:03 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:03 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:03 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:04 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:23:04 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
22:23:04 - [BG] Switching to healer: Gagec
[F] 22:23:04 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:04 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:04 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:04 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:23:04 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:23:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 209ms
[F] 22:23:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:23:05 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 317ms
[F] 22:23:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:23:05 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 215ms
[F] 22:23:06 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:23:06 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 249ms
22:23:06 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Lapisona (lvl 80)
[F] 22:23:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:23:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:23:06 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:23:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:23:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:23:07 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:07 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on mouseover with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:23:07 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Flash of Light
[F] 22:23:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:23:07 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 22:23:07 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:23:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:23:07 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:08 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on mouseover with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:23:08 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:23:08 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:23:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 226ms
[F] 22:23:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:23:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:23:08 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:08 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:08 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:08 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:09 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:09 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:09 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:09 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:09 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:09 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:09 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:09 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:23:09 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:09 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:23:09 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:23:09 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:10 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:23:10 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:10 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:23:10 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 152ms
[F] 22:23:10 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:23:10 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:10 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:23:10 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:23:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:23:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:23:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:23:13 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:23:13 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:13 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:14 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 22:23:14 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:14 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:14 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:14 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:14 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:23:15 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:23:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 181ms
[F] 22:23:16 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:23:16 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:23:16 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:23:16 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:23:16 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:23:16 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 22:23:16 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:16 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:23:16 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:23:17 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:23:17 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:17 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:23:17 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:23:17 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:23:17 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:23:17 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:23:17 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:17 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:23:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:23:17 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:23:17 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 251ms
[F] 22:23:17 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:23:18 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:23:18 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 318ms
[F] 22:23:18 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:23:18 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:23:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 218ms
[F] 22:23:18 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Target needs to be in front of you.
[F] 22:23:18 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on mouseover with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:23:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 356ms
[F] 22:23:19 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 22:23:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 382ms
22:23:19 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[N] 22:23:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1515.576 ; 1472.652 ; 352.0217 ; "None" to 1482.654 ; 1458.425 ; 342.7948 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:23:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (57.76321y, 117ms)
[D] 22:23:19 - [Fight] Fight stopped
22:23:19 - [BG] Switching to healer: Azye
[N] 22:23:20 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 22:23:20 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 22:23:20 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 22:23:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:38 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:38 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:39 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:39 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:40 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
22:23:40 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 22:23:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1031.95 ; 1387.01 ; 340.6979 ; "None" to 1248.354 ; 1486.703 ; 309.4331 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:23:40 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:23:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (254.6953y, 120ms)
[F] 22:23:40 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:41 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:23:41 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 22:23:41 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:23:41 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
22:24:11 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 22:24:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1245.083 ; 1486.238 ; 309.2057 ; "None" to 1307.951 ; 1452.997 ; 317.5738 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:24:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (72.37197y, 114ms)
[N] 22:24:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1305.019 ; 1454.025 ; 317.687 ; "None" to 1313.414 ; 1449.442 ; 317.4637 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:24:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9.566974y, 117ms)
22:24:20 - [Fight] Attack player Mamatree (lvl 80)
[F] 22:24:20 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:24:21 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:24:21 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158270280699
[F] 22:24:21 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158270280699
[F] 22:24:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:24:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:22 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:22 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:22 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:22 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:22 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:22 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:22 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:24 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:24 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:24 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:24 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:24 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:24 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:25 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:25 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:25 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:24:25 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:24:25 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:24:26 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 175ms
[F] 22:24:26 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:24:26 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:24:26 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:24:26 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:26 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:24:26 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:24:26 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:24:26 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:24:26 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 22:24:27 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 22:24:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:24:27 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 246ms
[F] 22:24:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:24:27 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:27 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:24:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 188ms
[F] 22:24:28 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:24:28 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:24:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:24:28 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:24:28 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 22:24:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 282ms
22:24:28 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 22:24:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:24:38 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:24:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:24:38 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:24:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:24:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:24:39 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:24:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:24:39 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:24:40 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:24:40 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:24:40 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:24:40 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
22:24:40 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 22:24:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8364 ; "None" to 1171.058 ; 1395.516 ; 307.9998 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:24:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (151.03y, 117ms)
[F] 22:24:41 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:24:41 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 22:24:42 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:24:42 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
22:24:58 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Idiotclass (lvl 80)
[F] 22:24:59 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:24:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:24:59 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:24:59 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:24:59 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:24:59 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:25:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:25:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269754650
[D] 22:25:00 - [Fight] BlackList Idiotclass during 60 sec
22:25:00 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Ludociell (lvl 80)
[F] 22:25:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:25:01 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:25:01 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:25:02 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:25:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:25:02 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:25:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:25:02 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:02 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:02 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 22:25:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 383ms
22:25:03 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 22:25:03 - [Fight] Fight stopped
22:25:03 - [BG] Switching to healer: Amendoas
[F] 22:25:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:08 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:08 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:08 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:08 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:09 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:09 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:09 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:09 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:09 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:10 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:10 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:10 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:11 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:11 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
22:25:12 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 22:25:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8367 ; "None" to 1171.058 ; 1395.516 ; 307.9998 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:25:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (151.03y, 0ms)
[D] 22:25:14 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:25:14 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[N] 22:25:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1168.027 ; 1395.558 ; 308.4006 ; "None" to 1163.342 ; 1456.905 ; 310.1436 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:25:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (61.55048y, 112ms)
22:25:30 - [Fight] Attack player Amendoas (lvl 80)
[N] 22:25:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1168.027 ; 1395.558 ; 308.4006 ; "None" to 1163.342 ; 1456.905 ; 310.1436 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:25:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (61.55048y, 0ms)
[F] 22:25:30 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:30 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:25:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:25:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:25:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 22:25:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 22:25:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 22:25:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 22:25:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 230ms
[N] 22:25:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1165.32 ; 1431.141 ; 308.9211 ; "None" to 1162.578 ; 1468.645 ; 310.5146 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:25:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (37.6385y, 114ms)
[F] 22:25:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 22:25:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:25:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:25:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 22:25:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 251ms
[F] 22:25:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 248ms
[F] 22:25:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 283ms
[F] 22:25:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 283ms
[F] 22:25:39 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158268408754
[F] 22:25:39 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158268408754
[F] 22:25:39 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:39 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:39 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:39 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:40 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:40 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:40 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:40 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:40 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:40 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:41 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:25:41 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:41 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:41 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:41 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:25:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:25:42 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:25:42 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:25:42 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:25:42 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:25:42 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:42 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:25:42 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:25:43 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 22:25:43 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:25:43 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:43 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:25:43 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:25:43 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:25:43 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:25:43 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:25:43 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 22:25:44 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:25:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 534ms
[F] 22:25:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 22:25:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 22:25:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 22:25:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 22:25:45 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:25:45 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:25:46 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:25:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 582ms
[F] 22:25:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 22:25:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 365ms
[F] 22:25:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 350ms
[F] 22:25:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 351ms
[F] 22:25:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 349ms
[F] 22:25:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 365ms
[F] 22:25:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 349ms
[F] 22:25:49 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:50 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:50 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158270939403
[F] 22:25:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 213ms
[F] 22:25:50 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158270939403
[F] 22:25:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 22:25:50 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158270939403
[F] 22:25:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 22:25:51 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158270939403
[F] 22:25:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 218ms
[F] 22:25:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 22:25:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 485ms
[F] 22:25:52 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:25:52 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:25:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:25:52 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 264ms
[N] 22:25:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1191.631 ; 1513.108 ; 305.5999 ; "None" to 1176.112 ; 1502.13 ; 305.6417 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:25:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19.00943y, 112ms)
22:25:53 - [Fight] Attack player Tazanar (lvl 80)
[F] 22:25:53 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:25:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 22:25:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:25:53 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:53 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:25:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 22:25:54 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:25:54 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 22:25:54 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:25:54 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:25:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 22:25:54 - [RTF] Casting Avenging Wrath() (Avenging Wrath on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:25:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:25:54 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:25:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 22:25:55 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:25:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 22:25:55 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:25:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:25:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[N] 22:25:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1191.797 ; 1506.458 ; 305.0306 ; "None" to 1199.847 ; 1506.421 ; 306.3064 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:25:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8.150593y, 118ms)
22:25:56 - [Fight] Attack player Tazanar (lvl 80)
[D] 22:25:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Gurvins) 3 alis flag
[F] 22:25:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 282ms
[F] 22:25:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 22:25:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 332ms
[F] 22:25:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:25:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:25:57 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:25:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:25:58 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:25:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 173ms
[F] 22:25:58 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:25:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:25:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 450ms
[F] 22:25:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 22:25:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 316ms
[F] 22:25:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 332ms
[F] 22:26:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 22:26:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 483ms
[F] 22:26:01 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:26:01 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:26:01 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:01 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:26:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 161ms
[F] 22:26:01 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:01 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:26:01 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:26:01 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:01 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:26:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 22:26:02 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:02 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:26:02 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:26:02 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:02 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:26:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:26:02 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:02 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:26:02 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:26:02 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:26:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 170ms
[F] 22:26:03 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:26:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 152ms
[F] 22:26:03 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:26:03 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:26:03 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:26:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 22:26:03 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:26:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 22:26:03 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:26:04 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:26:04 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 22:26:04 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:26:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1203.412 ; 1516.413 ; 307.6852 ; "None" to 1191.358 ; 1517.35 ; 305.7669 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:26:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12.24128y, 111ms)
22:26:04 - [Fight] Attack player Idiotclass (lvl 80)
[F] 22:26:04 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:04 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:05 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:05 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:05 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:05 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:05 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:05 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:05 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 180ms
[F] 22:26:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:26:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:26:07 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:26:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 152ms
[F] 22:26:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 153ms
[F] 22:26:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 22:26:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:26:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:26:08 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:26:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 22:26:08 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:26:08 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:26:08 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:26:09 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:26:09 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:26:09 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:26:09 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:26:09 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:26:10 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:26:10 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:26:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:26:10 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:10 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 22:26:10 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:26:11 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:11 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 22:26:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:26:11 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:26:11 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:11 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 22:26:11 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:26:11 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:11 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:26:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 153ms
[F] 22:26:12 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:26:12 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:26:12 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:12 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:12 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:26:13 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:13 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:13 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:26:13 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:13 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 22:26:14 - [Fight] Target not valid
22:26:14 - [BG] Switching to healer: Gagec
22:26:15 - [BG] Found enemy flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to attack!
[N] 22:26:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1220.206 ; 1536.489 ; 306.5384 ; "None" to 1021.68 ; 1460.193 ; 332.5745 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:26:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (228.4497y, 115ms)
[N] 22:26:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1220.206 ; 1536.489 ; 306.5384 ; "None" to 1023.568 ; 1460.078 ; 332.1184 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:26:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (226.5149y, 113ms)
[F] 22:26:16 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:26:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 335ms
[F] 22:26:16 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:16 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 315ms
[F] 22:26:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 317ms
[F] 22:26:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[N] 22:26:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1209.822 ; 1528.476 ; 307.5173 ; "None" to 1042.212 ; 1459.607 ; 326.302 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:26:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (194.0655y, 114ms)
[F] 22:26:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 251ms
[F] 22:26:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[N] 22:26:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1200.746 ; 1522.727 ; 307.7253 ; "None" to 1052.417 ; 1459.65 ; 322.6714 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:26:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (172.5594y, 112ms)
[F] 22:26:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[D] 22:26:20 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 22:26:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1157.411 ; 1507.919 ; 303.6567 ; "None" to 1113.785 ; 1463.311 ; 316.5577 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:26:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (64.64362y, 116ms)
22:26:24 - [Fight] Attack player Mamatree (lvl 80)
[N] 22:26:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1156.177 ; 1506.682 ; 303.6976 ; "None" to 1116.367 ; 1463.293 ; 316.5285 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:26:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (60.29297y, 113ms)
[N] 22:26:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1150.307 ; 1500.8 ; 304.8357 ; "None" to 1128.503 ; 1462.413 ; 315.4839 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:26:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (45.95427y, 116ms)
[F] 22:26:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 231ms
[F] 22:26:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 186ms
[F] 22:26:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:26:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:26:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:26:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 22:26:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 22:26:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 22:26:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 22:26:29 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158270280699
[F] 22:26:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:26:29 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158270280699
[F] 22:26:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 22:26:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 22:26:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 22:26:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:26:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:26:30 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:26:31 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:31 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:31 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:31 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:31 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 153ms
[F] 22:26:32 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:26:32 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:32 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:26:32 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:32 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:26:32 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:32 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:33 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:26:33 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 181ms
[F] 22:26:33 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:26:33 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:26:33 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:26:34 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:34 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 22:26:34 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:34 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:34 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:26:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 384ms
[F] 22:26:34 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:26:35 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 230ms
[F] 22:26:35 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:26:35 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:26:35 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 22:26:36 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 22:26:36 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 231ms
[F] 22:26:36 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 229ms
[F] 22:26:37 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 22:26:37 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 22:26:37 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 22:26:38 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:38 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:38 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:38 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:38 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:38 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:38 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:39 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:39 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:39 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:39 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:39 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:39 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:40 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:40 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:40 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:40 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:26:40 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:26:41 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 22:26:41 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271786912
[F] 22:26:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 22:26:41 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271786912
[F] 22:26:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 248ms
[F] 22:26:42 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271786912
[F] 22:26:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 247ms
[F] 22:26:42 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271786912
[F] 22:26:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 252ms
[F] 22:26:42 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271786912
[F] 22:26:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 22:26:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 22:26:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:26:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:43 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:44 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:44 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:44 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:26:44 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 22:26:45 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 22:26:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 22:26:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 22:26:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 22:26:46 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 22:26:46 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 250ms
[F] 22:26:46 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:46 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 298ms
[F] 22:26:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:26:47 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:26:47 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:26:47 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:26:47 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:26:47 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 22:26:48 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 219ms
[F] 22:26:48 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 499ms
[F] 22:26:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 530ms
[F] 22:26:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 500ms
[F] 22:26:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 566ms
[F] 22:26:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 601ms
[F] 22:26:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 383ms
[F] 22:26:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 162ms
[F] 22:26:51 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:52 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:26:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:52 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:26:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:52 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:26:52 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:26:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:52 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 251ms
[F] 22:26:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:53 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 22:26:53 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:26:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:53 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 195ms
[F] 22:26:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:53 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:53 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:26:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:26:53 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 22:26:54 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:26:54 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:54 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:54 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 173ms
[F] 22:26:54 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:55 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:55 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 22:26:55 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:55 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:55 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:55 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:55 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:55 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:56 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 155ms
[F] 22:26:56 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:56 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:56 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:56 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:56 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:56 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:26:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:26:57 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[N] 22:26:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1215.724 ; 1506.216 ; 305.6374 ; "None" to 1231.154 ; 1496.486 ; 306.5816 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:26:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18.2657y, 111ms)
22:26:57 - [Fight] Attack player Amendoas (lvl 80)
[F] 22:26:57 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:57 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:57 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:57 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:57 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:58 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:58 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:58 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:58 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:58 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:58 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:59 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:59 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:26:59 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:26:59 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:26:59 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:27:00 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:27:00 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:27:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 22:27:00 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Flash of Light
[F] 22:27:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:27:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:27:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:27:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:27:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:27:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 22:27:01 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:27:01 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:27:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 22:27:01 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:27:01 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:27:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 783ms
[N] 22:27:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1236.941 ; 1490.73 ; 307.7758 ; "None" to 1250.007 ; 1476.79 ; 309.5969 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:27:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (19.64288y, 112ms)
22:27:02 - [Fight] Attack player Azye (lvl 80)
[F] 22:27:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 636ms
[F] 22:27:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 667ms
[F] 22:27:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 702ms
[F] 22:27:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 497ms
[F] 22:27:05 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:27:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:27:05 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:27:05 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:27:05 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:27:05 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:27:05 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:27:05 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:27:06 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:27:06 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:27:06 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:27:06 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:27:06 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:27:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:27:06 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:27:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1249.559 ; 1480.56 ; 309.6562 ; "None" to 1228.901 ; 1437.578 ; 309.6077 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:27:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (56.60503y, 114ms)
22:27:06 - [Fight] Attack player Ludociell (lvl 80)
[F] 22:27:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:27:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:27:06 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:27:07 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:27:07 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:27:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 483ms
[N] 22:27:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1249.559 ; 1480.56 ; 309.6562 ; "None" to 1232.799 ; 1437.795 ; 309.3363 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:27:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (53.04477y, 112ms)
[F] 22:27:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 565ms
[F] 22:27:08 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:27:08 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:27:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 616ms
[F] 22:27:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 550ms
[F] 22:27:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 515ms
[F] 22:27:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 483ms
[F] 22:27:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 499ms
[F] 22:27:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 450ms
[F] 22:27:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 450ms
[F] 22:27:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 22:27:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 432ms
[F] 22:27:13 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:27:13 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:27:13 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:27:13 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:27:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 211ms
[F] 22:27:13 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:27:14 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:27:14 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:27:14 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:27:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 171ms
[F] 22:27:14 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:27:14 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:27:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:27:14 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:27:14 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:27:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:27:15 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:27:15 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:27:15 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:27:15 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389849560
[F] 22:27:15 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389849560
22:27:16 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 22:27:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1238.861 ; 1432.434 ; 310.0295 ; "None" to 1343.883 ; 1402.511 ; 323.7987 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:27:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (113.1575y, 113ms)
[N] 22:27:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1341.441 ; 1404.494 ; 322.8873 ; "None" to 1311.815 ; 1416.578 ; 317.1413 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:27:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (32.50829y, 590ms)
22:27:31 - [Fight] Attack player Tazanar (lvl 80)
[F] 22:27:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 22:27:32 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:27:32 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:27:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 272ms
[F] 22:27:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 284ms
22:27:33 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 22:27:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1326.11 ; 1411.891 ; 318.5586 ; "None" to 1215.478 ; 1337.398 ; 313.7791 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:27:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (135.8967y, 113ms)
22:27:51 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 22:27:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1218.362 ; 1337.935 ; 313.429 ; "None" to 1307.951 ; 1452.997 ; 317.5738 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:27:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (155.9196y, 115ms)
22:28:10 - [BG] Found friendly flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to def
[N] 22:28:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1307.185 ; 1449.903 ; 316.6576 ; "None" to 1452.46 ; 1465.685 ; 342.7029 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:28:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (149.67y, 122ms)
[N] 22:28:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1404.222 ; 1461.593 ; 329.8506 ; "None" to 1413.68 ; 1459.281 ; 332.4639 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:28:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10.08102y, 117ms)
22:28:23 - [Fight] Attack player Tazanar (lvl 80)
[F] 22:28:23 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:28:23 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:28:24 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:28:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 22:28:24 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:28:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 204ms
[F] 22:28:24 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:28:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 181ms
[F] 22:28:24 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271667174
[F] 22:28:25 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271667174
[F] 22:28:25 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:28:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 677ms
[F] 22:28:26 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:28:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 717ms
[F] 22:28:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 583ms
[F] 22:28:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 619ms
[F] 22:28:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 615ms
[N] 22:28:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1410.255 ; 1460.306 ; 331.3615 ; "None" to 1408.416 ; 1460.723 ; 332.3163 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:28:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (2.11379y, 112ms)
22:28:28 - [Fight] Attack player Amendoas (lvl 80)
[F] 22:28:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 495ms
[F] 22:28:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 22:28:30 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:28:30 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158270939403
[F] 22:28:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 249ms
[F] 22:28:30 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158270939403
[F] 22:28:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 181ms
[F] 22:28:30 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158270939403
[F] 22:28:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:28:31 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158270939403
[F] 22:28:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 249ms
[F] 22:28:31 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158270939403
[F] 22:28:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 249ms
[F] 22:28:31 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158270939403
[F] 22:28:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 250ms
[F] 22:28:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 683ms
[F] 22:28:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 715ms
[F] 22:28:33 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:28:33 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:28:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 22:28:33 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Flash of Light
[F] 22:28:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 601ms
[F] 22:28:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 22:28:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 531ms
[F] 22:28:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 22:28:36 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:28:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:28:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 613ms
[F] 22:28:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 687ms
[F] 22:28:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 549ms
[F] 22:28:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 483ms
[F] 22:28:38 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:28:38 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:28:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:28:39 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:28:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 22:28:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:28:39 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:28:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:28:39 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:28:39 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:28:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:28:39 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:28:39 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:28:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:28:39 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:28:39 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:28:40 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:28:40 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:28:40 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:28:40 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:28:40 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:28:40 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:28:40 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:28:40 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:28:40 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:28:40 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:28:40 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:28:40 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:28:40 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:28:40 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:28:40 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:28:41 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:28:41 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:28:41 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:28:41 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:28:41 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:28:41 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:28:41 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
22:28:41 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 22:28:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 188ms
[D] 22:28:42 - [Fight] Fight stopped
22:28:42 - [BG] Switching to healer: Amendoas
[F] 22:29:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:29:08 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:29:08 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:29:08 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:29:08 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:29:09 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:29:09 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:29:09 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:29:09 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:29:10 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:29:10 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:29:10 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:29:10 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
22:29:11 - [BG] Found friendly flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to def
[N] 22:29:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8367 ; "None" to 1106.113 ; 1461.303 ; 316.5565 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:29:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (156.7133y, 119ms)
[F] 22:29:11 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:29:11 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 22:29:12 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:29:12 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
22:29:29 - [BG] Found friendly flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to def
[N] 22:29:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1109.182 ; 1461.024 ; 316.5599 ; "None" to 968.3989 ; 1456.734 ; 337.3154 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:29:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (143.14y, 115ms)
22:29:48 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 22:29:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 971.3129 ; 1457.213 ; 337.0838 ; "None" to 1283.282 ; 1525.56 ; 313.7712 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:29:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (335.9157y, 113ms)
22:30:29 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 22:30:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1280.055 ; 1525.456 ; 313.5594 ; "None" to 1249.346 ; 1398.56 ; 311.5197 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:30:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (135.8107y, 115ms)
22:30:47 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 22:30:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1248.626 ; 1401.539 ; 311.9546 ; "None" to 1171.058 ; 1395.516 ; 307.9998 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:30:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (77.90157y, 114ms)
[N] 22:30:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1174.306 ; 1395.738 ; 307.8344 ; "None" to 1151.421 ; 1376.25 ; 312.0126 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:30:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (30.34705y, 116ms)
22:30:57 - [Fight] Attack player Amendoas (lvl 80)
[F] 22:30:57 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:30:58 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:30:59 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:30:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:30:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 152ms
[F] 22:31:00 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:00 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:00 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:01 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:01 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:01 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 22:31:01 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 22:31:01 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:31:02 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 22:31:02 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:02 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:31:02 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 22:31:03 - [RTF] Casting Avenging Wrath() (Avenging Wrath on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 22:31:03 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:03 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 22:31:03 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:03 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:31:03 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:03 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:03 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:03 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:04 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:04 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:04 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:04 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:04 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:04 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 22:31:04 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:04 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:04 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:31:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:05 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:31:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while horrified
[F] 22:31:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:05 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:31:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while horrified
[F] 22:31:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:05 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:05 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:31:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:05 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while horrified
[F] 22:31:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:05 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while horrified
[F] 22:31:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:05 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while horrified
[F] 22:31:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:06 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while horrified
[F] 22:31:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:06 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while horrified
[F] 22:31:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:06 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while horrified
[F] 22:31:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:06 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:06 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:31:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:06 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while horrified
[F] 22:31:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:06 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:07 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while horrified
[F] 22:31:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:07 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:07 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:31:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:07 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:07 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while horrified
[F] 22:31:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:07 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:07 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while horrified
[F] 22:31:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:07 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:07 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while horrified
[F] 22:31:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:07 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:07 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:08 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:31:08 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:08 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:08 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:08 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:08 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:08 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:09 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:09 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:09 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:09 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 156ms
[F] 22:31:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:31:11 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:11 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:11 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:11 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:31:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 186ms
[F] 22:31:12 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:31:12 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:12 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 22:31:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 22:31:12 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:31:12 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:12 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 215ms
[F] 22:31:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 22:31:13 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:31:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 22:31:13 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:13 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 251ms
[F] 22:31:13 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:31:13 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:31:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 22:31:14 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:14 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 251ms
[F] 22:31:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:31:14 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:31:14 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:14 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 248ms
[F] 22:31:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 22:31:14 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:31:15 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:31:15 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 250ms
[F] 22:31:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 22:31:15 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:31:15 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:31:15 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:31:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 250ms
[F] 22:31:15 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:31:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 238ms
[F] 22:31:16 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:31:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 282ms
[F] 22:31:16 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 22:31:16 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:31:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 22:31:17 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:31:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 22:31:17 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:31:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 283ms
[F] 22:31:17 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:31:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 298ms
[F] 22:31:18 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389839504
[F] 22:31:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 22:31:18 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 22:31:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 284ms
22:31:18 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 22:31:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Toribianito-Blackrock) Juntos
[F] 22:31:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:38 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:38 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:39 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:39 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:40 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:40 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:40 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:40 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:41 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:31:41 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
22:31:41 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 22:31:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.836 ; "None" to 1252.113 ; 1553.663 ; 309.9018 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:31:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (293.8302y, 122ms)
[D] 22:31:43 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:31:43 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[D] 22:32:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Kahna) sigh... being pve tank in bg sucks x_x
[D] 22:32:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Periderm) when did they get two healers?
22:32:18 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 22:32:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1249.946 ; 1551.545 ; 309.2908 ; "None" to 1249.346 ; 1398.56 ; 311.5197 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:32:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (154.0759y, 117ms)
[N] 22:32:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1248.597 ; 1401.665 ; 311.9639 ; "None" to 1209.386 ; 1417.633 ; 308.5136 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:32:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (43.27318y, 113ms)
22:32:37 - [Fight] Attack player Popohnsd (lvl 80)
[N] 22:32:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1248.597 ; 1401.665 ; 311.9639 ; "None" to 1212.443 ; 1417.28 ; 308.7088 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:32:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (40.22267y, 111ms)
[F] 22:32:37 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:32:38 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:32:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:32:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 22:32:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 22:32:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 22:32:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 22:32:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:32:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:32:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 22:32:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 22:32:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:32:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:32:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 22:32:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:32:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 231ms
[F] 22:32:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:32:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:32:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:32:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 22:32:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 22:32:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:32:44 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 22:32:45 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 222ms
[F] 22:32:45 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:32:45 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 22:32:45 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:46 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:46 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:32:46 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:46 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:32:46 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:32:47 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:47 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 22:32:47 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:47 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:47 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:32:47 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:47 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:32:47 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:32:47 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:32:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1190.594 ; 1410.552 ; 307.0403 ; "None" to 1191.561 ; 1409.126 ; 306.9157 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:32:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (1.726993y, 113ms)
22:32:47 - [Fight] Attack player Lapisona (lvl 80)
[F] 22:32:48 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:32:48 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:48 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:32:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 22:32:48 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:48 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:32:48 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:32:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:32:48 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:48 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:32:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:32:48 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:48 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:32:49 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:32:49 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:49 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:32:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 22:32:49 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:49 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:32:49 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:32:49 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:32:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:32:49 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:32:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 22:32:50 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:32:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 22:32:50 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:32:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:32:50 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:32:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:32:50 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:32:50 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:32:51 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:32:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:32:51 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:32:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:32:51 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:32:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
22:32:51 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Popohnsd (lvl 80)
[F] 22:32:51 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389848699
[F] 22:32:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:52 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:32:52 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 22:32:52 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:52 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:52 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:52 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:32:52 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 22:32:53 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:53 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:53 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:53 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:53 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:53 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:53 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:53 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:53 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:54 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:54 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 22:32:54 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:54 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:54 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:54 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:55 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:55 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:55 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:32:55 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:32:55 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:32:55 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:32:55 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:55 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:32:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:56 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:32:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:56 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:56 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:32:56 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:56 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:32:56 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:32:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:56 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 22:32:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:57 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 186ms
[F] 22:32:57 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:32:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:32:57 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:57 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:32:57 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:32:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:32:57 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:57 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:32:57 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:32:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 22:32:58 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:58 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:32:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 218ms
[F] 22:32:58 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:32:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 22:32:58 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:58 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:32:58 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:32:58 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:58 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:32:58 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:32:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 22:32:59 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:59 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:32:59 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:32:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:32:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 22:32:59 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:59 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:32:59 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:32:59 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:59 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:32:59 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:32:59 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:32:59 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:32:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 249ms
[F] 22:33:00 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:33:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 250ms
[F] 22:33:00 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:33:00 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 251ms
[F] 22:33:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 22:33:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 22:33:01 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on mouseover with guid 504403158268629032
[F] 22:33:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 280ms
[F] 22:33:01 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:33:01 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:33:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 218ms
[F] 22:33:01 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:33:01 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:02 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:33:02 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:33:02 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:33:02 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:33:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 250ms
[F] 22:33:02 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:33:02 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:02 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:33:02 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:33:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 22:33:02 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:33:02 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:03 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:33:03 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:33:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:33:03 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:33:03 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:03 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:33:03 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:33:03 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 190ms
[F] 22:33:03 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:33:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 22:33:03 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:33:03 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:04 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:33:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 286ms
[F] 22:33:04 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:33:04 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:04 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:33:04 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:33:04 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 22:33:04 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:33:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 22:33:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:33:05 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 22:33:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 186ms
[F] 22:33:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 22:33:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 249ms
[F] 22:33:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:33:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:33:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:33:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:33:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 22:33:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:33:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 22:33:07 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:33:07 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:33:07 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:33:08 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:33:08 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:33:08 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:33:08 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:33:08 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:33:09 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389380852
[F] 22:33:09 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 22:33:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 283ms
22:33:09 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 22:33:10 - [Fight] Fight stopped
22:33:10 - [BG] Switching to healer: Gagec
[F] 22:33:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:38 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:38 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:39 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:39 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:40 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:40 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:40 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:41 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:41 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:41 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:33:42 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1369.217 ; 1461.548 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 22:33:42 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 322.0687 (0 ms)
22:33:42 - [BG] Found enemy flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to attack!
[N] 22:33:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8364 ; "None" to 1369.469 ; 1461.556 ; 324.4069 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:33:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (359.1887y, 123ms)
[N] 22:33:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.387 ; 1387.04 ; 340.8752 ; "None" to 1371.484 ; 1461.604 ; 324.3741 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:33:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (360.9502y, 115ms)
[F] 22:33:43 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:33:43 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:33:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1040.567 ; 1389.06 ; 340.6974 ; "None" to 1382.187 ; 1461.86 ; 324.8971 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[D] 22:33:44 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:33:44 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[N] 22:33:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (360.2001y, 117ms)
[N] 22:33:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1051.794 ; 1391.029 ; 340.1272 ; "None" to 1392.89 ; 1461.547 ; 326.6177 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:33:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (382.9817y, 117ms)
[N] 22:33:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1046.053 ; 1390.399 ; 340.6012 ; "None" to 1403.089 ; 1461.27 ; 329.4981 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:33:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (387.6589y, 119ms)
[D] 22:33:47 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:33:47 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[D] 22:33:48 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 22:33:49 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1416.573 ; 1461.171 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 22:33:49 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 329.2687 (111 ms)
[N] 22:33:50 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1426.023 ; 1461.1 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 22:33:50 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 333.7687 (113 ms)
[N] 22:33:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1067.066 ; 1393.612 ; 327.6645 ; "None" to 1123.74 ; 1395.365 ; 315.6521 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:33:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (57.83061y, 113ms)
22:33:51 - [Fight] Attack player Gagec (lvl 80)
[N] 22:33:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1068.79 ; 1393.905 ; 325.1286 ; "None" to 1121.982 ; 1395.674 ; 315.103 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:33:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (54.42029y, 114ms)
[N] 22:33:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1079.372 ; 1395.592 ; 322.133 ; "None" to 1131.426 ; 1397.755 ; 314.5812 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:33:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (52.64349y, 117ms)
[F] 22:33:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 22:33:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:33:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:33:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:33:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:33:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 243ms
[F] 22:33:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 22:33:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 215ms
[F] 22:33:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[N] 22:33:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1101.619 ; 1396.475 ; 316.1136 ; "None" to 1141.503 ; 1395.185 ; 311.7533 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:33:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[N] 22:33:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (40.14167y, 120ms)
[F] 22:33:55 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271786912
[F] 22:33:56 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271786912
[F] 22:33:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 332ms
[F] 22:33:56 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271667174
[F] 22:33:56 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271667174
[F] 22:33:56 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271667174
[F] 22:33:57 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271667174
[F] 22:33:57 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271667174
[F] 22:33:57 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271667174
[F] 22:33:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[N] 22:33:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1116.765 ; 1395.915 ; 314.9102 ; "None" to 1152.514 ; 1392.375 ; 312.429 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:33:57 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271667174
[F] 22:33:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:33:57 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271667174
[F] 22:33:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[N] 22:33:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (37.47877y, 616ms)
[F] 22:33:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 22:33:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 350ms
[F] 22:33:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 22:33:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 22:34:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 330ms
[F] 22:34:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 350ms
[F] 22:34:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 398ms
[F] 22:34:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 22:34:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 349ms
[F] 22:34:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 350ms
[F] 22:34:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 22:34:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 252ms
[F] 22:34:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 251ms
[F] 22:34:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 22:34:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 22:34:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 249ms
[F] 22:34:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 22:34:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 250ms
[F] 22:34:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 283ms
[F] 22:34:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 282ms
[F] 22:34:05 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:34:06 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:34:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:34:06 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:34:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 22:34:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:34:06 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:34:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:34:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:34:06 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:34:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 22:34:06 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:34:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:34:06 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:34:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:34:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:34:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:34:07 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:34:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:34:07 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:34:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:34:07 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:34:07 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 22:34:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:34:07 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:34:07 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:34:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:34:07 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:34:07 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:34:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:34:07 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:34:07 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 22:34:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:34:07 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:34:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:34:08 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:34:08 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 22:34:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:34:08 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:34:08 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:34:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:34:08 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:34:08 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:34:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:34:08 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:34:08 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 22:34:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:34:08 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:34:08 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:34:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:34:08 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:34:08 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 22:34:09 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:34:09 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:34:09 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 22:34:09 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:34:09 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:34:09 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:34:09 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266726190
[F] 22:34:09 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:34:09 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:09 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:09 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:09 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:10 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:10 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:10 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:10 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:10 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:10 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:10 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:10 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:11 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:11 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:11 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:11 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 22:34:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 264ms
22:34:11 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 22:34:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:38 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:38 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:39 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:39 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:40 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:40 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:40 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:34:41 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
22:34:42 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 22:34:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8362 ; "None" to 1248.354 ; 1486.703 ; 309.4331 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:34:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (257.3649y, 117ms)
[D] 22:34:43 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:34:43 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
22:35:06 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Azye (lvl 80)
[F] 22:35:06 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:06 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:35:06 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:07 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:07 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:07 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:07 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:07 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:07 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:08 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:08 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:08 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:35:08 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:08 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:08 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:09 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:09 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:09 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:09 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:09 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:09 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:09 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:10 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:10 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:35:10 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 22:35:10 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:35:10 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 22:35:11 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 160ms
[F] 22:35:11 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:11 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 22:35:11 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:11 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:12 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:12 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:12 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:12 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:12 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:12 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:12 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:13 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:13 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:13 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:13 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:13 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:13 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:14 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:14 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:14 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:35:14 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:14 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:35:14 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:14 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:35:14 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:35:14 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:14 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:35:14 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:35:15 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:15 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:35:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 153ms
[F] 22:35:15 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:35:15 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:15 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:35:15 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:35:15 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:15 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:35:15 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:15 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:35:15 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:35:15 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:35:15 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:35:15 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:15 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:35:16 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:16 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 153ms
[F] 22:35:16 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:16 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:16 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:17 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:17 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:17 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:17 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:17 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:17 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:18 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:35:18 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 22:35:18 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 175ms
[F] 22:35:18 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 22:35:19 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 246ms
[F] 22:35:19 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 263ms
[F] 22:35:19 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 243ms
[F] 22:35:19 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:35:20 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 22:35:20 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:35:20 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 22:35:20 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:35:20 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:35:20 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 230ms
[F] 22:35:21 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 247ms
[F] 22:35:21 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 218ms
[F] 22:35:21 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 22:35:22 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:35:22 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:22 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:22 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:22 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:22 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:22 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:23 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:23 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:23 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 180ms
[F] 22:35:23 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 22:35:24 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 264ms
[F] 22:35:24 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 374ms
[F] 22:35:24 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 22:35:25 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 22:35:25 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:25 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:25 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 155ms
[F] 22:35:26 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:26 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:26 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 153ms
[F] 22:35:26 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:26 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:27 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270722640
[F] 22:35:27 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
22:35:27 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 22:35:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:38 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:39 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:39 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:40 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:40 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:40 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:41 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:35:41 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
22:35:43 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 22:35:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8362 ; "None" to 1307.951 ; 1452.997 ; 317.5738 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:35:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (298.0551y, 120ms)
[D] 22:35:44 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:35:44 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
22:36:07 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Tazanar (lvl 80)
[F] 22:36:08 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:36:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 22:36:08 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:36:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 22:36:09 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:36:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 22:36:09 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:36:09 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:36:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 22:36:10 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 22:36:10 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:36:10 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:36:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 22:36:10 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 22:36:10 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:36:10 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:36:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 22:36:10 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 22:36:11 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:36:11 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:36:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 22:36:11 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:36:11 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:36:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 22:36:12 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:36:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 534ms
[F] 22:36:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:36:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 439ms
[D] 22:36:13 - [Fight] BlackList Tazanar during 60 sec
22:36:13 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Tazanar (lvl 80)
[F] 22:36:13 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:36:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 279ms
[F] 22:36:13 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268629032
[F] 22:36:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 22:36:14 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268629032
[F] 22:36:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 170ms
[F] 22:36:14 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268629032
[F] 22:36:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 22:36:14 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268629032
[F] 22:36:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 174ms
[F] 22:36:15 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:36:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 22:36:15 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 22:36:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 677ms
22:36:15 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 22:36:16 - [Fight] Fight stopped
22:36:16 - [BG] Switching to healer: Holymarie
[F] 22:36:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:36:38 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:36:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:36:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:36:39 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:36:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:36:39 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:36:40 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:36:40 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:36:40 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:36:41 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
22:36:41 - [BG] Found enemy flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to attack!
[N] 22:36:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8362 ; "None" to 1146.636 ; 1449.445 ; 311.9127 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:36:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (145.5636y, 123ms)
[N] 22:36:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1028.961 ; 1387.283 ; 340.8469 ; "None" to 1147.096 ; 1448.551 ; 311.7318 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:36:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (145.5093y, 114ms)
[F] 22:36:41 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:36:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 22:36:42 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:36:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 22:36:42 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:36:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[D] 22:36:43 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:36:43 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 22:36:43 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:36:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 22:36:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 407ms
[F] 22:36:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 22:36:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 393ms
[F] 22:36:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 22:36:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 22:36:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 22:36:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 22:36:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 22:36:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 22:36:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[N] 22:36:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1082.175 ; 1396.614 ; 321.0312 ; "None" to 1156.555 ; 1446.393 ; 309.4493 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:36:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (90.63887y, 115ms)
[F] 22:36:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 22:36:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 573ms
[F] 22:36:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 605ms
[F] 22:36:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 771ms
[N] 22:36:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1101.406 ; 1409.507 ; 316.0576 ; "None" to 1163.97 ; 1439.808 ; 307.8072 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:36:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (72.08937y, 117ms)
[F] 22:36:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 637ms
[F] 22:36:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 672ms
[F] 22:36:52 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:36:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 365ms
[N] 22:36:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1112.279 ; 1417.066 ; 314.0636 ; "None" to 1176.199 ; 1437.46 ; 308.2111 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:36:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (71.13798y, 111ms)
[F] 22:36:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:36:53 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:36:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[F] 22:36:53 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:36:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:36:54 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:36:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 22:36:54 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:36:54 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:36:54 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:36:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 22:36:54 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Target needs to be in front of you.
[F] 22:36:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:36:55 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:36:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 22:36:55 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Target needs to be in front of you.
[F] 22:36:55 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:36:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 22:36:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:36:56 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:36:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 499ms
[D] 22:36:56 - [Fight] Fight stopped
[F] 22:36:56 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:36:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:36:56 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:36:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 499ms
[N] 22:36:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1138.272 ; 1434.821 ; 311.1372 ; "None" to 1161.645 ; 1444.005 ; 308.1327 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:36:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (25.29188y, 118ms)
22:36:56 - [Fight] Attack player Amendoas (lvl 80)
[F] 22:36:57 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:36:57 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:36:57 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:36:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 22:36:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[D] 22:36:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Ezuro-Lordaeron) Amendoas 's |cff71d5ff|Hspell:48156|h[Mind Flay]|h|r interrupted!
[F] 22:36:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 22:36:58 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:36:58 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:36:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 22:36:59 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:36:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 341ms
[F] 22:36:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[F] 22:37:00 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158265589828
[F] 22:37:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[F] 22:37:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:37:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 371ms
[F] 22:37:01 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:37:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 22:37:01 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:37:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 22:37:01 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:37:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 22:37:01 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:37:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 22:37:02 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:37:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 22:37:02 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:37:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 22:37:03 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:37:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 272ms
[F] 22:37:03 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:37:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 22:37:04 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:37:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 22:37:04 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:37:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 398ms
[F] 22:37:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:37:05 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:37:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 636ms
[F] 22:37:05 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:37:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:37:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 1079ms
[F] 22:37:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 840ms
[F] 22:37:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 22:37:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 506ms
[F] 22:37:09 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Protection() (Hand of Protection on mouseover with guid 504403158270939403
[F] 22:37:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 568ms
[F] 22:37:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 22:37:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 22:37:10 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:37:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 22:37:11 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:37:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 22:37:11 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 22:37:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
22:37:11 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 22:37:12 - [Fight] Fight stopped
22:37:12 - [BG] Switching to healer: Amendoas
[F] 22:37:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:37:38 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:37:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:37:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:37:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8362 ; "None" to 1082.542 ; 1395.672 ; 320.7748 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:37:39 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:37:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:37:39 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:37:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (64.56748y, 736ms)
22:37:39 - [Fight] Attack player Mamatree (lvl 80)
[N] 22:37:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8362 ; "None" to 1082.542 ; 1395.672 ; 320.7748 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:37:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (64.56748y, 0ms)
[F] 22:37:40 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:37:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 22:37:40 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:37:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 22:37:41 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 22:37:41 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:37:41 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 22:37:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 22:37:42 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:37:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 22:37:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 733ms
[F] 22:37:43 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158265589828
[F] 22:37:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 464ms
[F] 22:37:43 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158265589828
[F] 22:37:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 22:37:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158265589828
[F] 22:37:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[F] 22:37:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158265589828
[F] 22:37:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 535ms
[F] 22:37:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158265589828
[F] 22:37:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 539ms
[F] 22:37:46 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:37:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 22:37:46 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:37:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 22:37:46 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:37:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 273ms
[F] 22:37:47 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:37:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 22:37:47 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:37:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 314ms
[F] 22:37:48 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:37:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 331ms
[F] 22:37:48 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:37:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 22:37:48 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:37:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 237ms
[F] 22:37:49 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:37:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 247ms
[F] 22:37:49 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:37:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 279ms
[F] 22:37:49 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:37:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 22:37:50 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:37:50 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:37:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 22:37:50 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:37:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[D] 22:37:51 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
22:37:51 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Snugglez (lvl 80)
[F] 22:37:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 22:37:52 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:37:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 22:37:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 2184ms
[F] 22:37:54 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
22:37:54 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 22:37:55 - [Fight] Fight stopped
22:37:55 - [BG] Switching to healer: Mamatree
[F] 22:38:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:08 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:08 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:09 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:09 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:09 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:09 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:10 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:10 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:10 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:11 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:11 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
22:38:12 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 22:38:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.836 ; "None" to 1171.058 ; 1395.516 ; 307.9998 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:38:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (151.03y, 0ms)
[D] 22:38:14 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:38:14 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
22:38:20 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Idiotclass (lvl 80)
[F] 22:38:21 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 22:38:21 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:38:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 371ms
[F] 22:38:22 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:38:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 22:38:22 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:38:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 22:38:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:38:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[D] 22:38:23 - [Fight] BlackList Idiotclass during 60 sec
22:38:23 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Idiotclass (lvl 80)
[F] 22:38:23 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:38:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 22:38:24 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 22:38:24 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 537ms
[F] 22:38:25 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:38:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 22:38:25 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:38:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 22:38:26 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:38:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 22:38:26 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:38:26 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:38:26 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:38:27 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:38:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 22:38:27 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 22:38:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 604ms
22:38:28 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 22:38:28 - [Fight] Fight stopped
22:38:28 - [BG] Switching to healer: Holymarie
[F] 22:38:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:38 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:39 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:39 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:38:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.836 ; "None" to 1002.474 ; 1448.637 ; 336.2714 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:38:40 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:38:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (263.9109y, 122ms)
22:38:40 - [Fight] Attack player Azye (lvl 80)
[F] 22:38:40 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:38:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.836 ; "None" to 1002.474 ; 1448.637 ; 336.2714 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:38:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (263.9109y, 0ms)
[D] 22:38:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Ezuro-Lordaeron) Target Gagec
[F] 22:38:40 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 261ms
[F] 22:38:41 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 22:38:41 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[D] 22:38:41 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:38:41 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 22:38:41 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 22:38:42 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 22:38:43 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 22:38:43 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[D] 22:38:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Ezuro-Lordaeron) He's squishy af
[F] 22:38:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 806ms
[F] 22:38:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 766ms
[F] 22:38:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 668ms
[F] 22:38:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 535ms
[F] 22:38:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 533ms
[F] 22:38:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 22:38:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[F] 22:38:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 22:38:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 22:38:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 22:38:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 22:38:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 22:38:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 22:38:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 22:38:52 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 22:38:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 22:38:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 22:38:53 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:53 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:53 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:53 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:38:53 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:54 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:38:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 566ms
[F] 22:38:54 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:38:54 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:54 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:38:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 571ms
[F] 22:38:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:38:55 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:55 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:38:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:38:55 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:55 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:38:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:38:55 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:55 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:38:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:38:56 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:56 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:38:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:38:56 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:56 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:38:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:38:56 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:56 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:38:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:38:56 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:56 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:38:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:38:56 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:56 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:38:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:38:56 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:56 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:38:57 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:38:57 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:57 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:38:57 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:38:57 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:57 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:38:57 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:38:57 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:57 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:38:57 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:38:57 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:57 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:38:57 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:38:57 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:57 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:38:57 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:38:57 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:57 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[D] 22:38:57 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
22:38:58 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Tazanar (lvl 80)
[F] 22:38:58 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:38:58 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:58 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:38:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 539ms
[F] 22:38:58 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:38:58 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:59 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:38:59 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:38:59 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:59 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:38:59 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:38:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 22:38:59 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:38:59 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:59 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:38:59 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:38:59 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:38:59 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:38:59 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:38:59 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:00 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:39:00 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:39:00 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:00 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:39:00 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:39:00 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:00 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:39:00 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:39:00 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:00 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:39:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:39:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 22:39:01 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:39:01 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:01 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:39:01 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:39:01 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:01 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:39:01 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:39:01 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:01 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:39:01 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271042159
[F] 22:39:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 432ms
[F] 22:39:02 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:39:02 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 22:39:02 - [Fight] BlackList Tazanar during 60 sec
22:39:02 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Idiotclass (lvl 80)
[F] 22:39:02 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:39:02 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:39:02 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:02 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:39:03 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:39:03 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 534ms
[F] 22:39:03 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:39:03 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:39:03 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:39:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 537ms
[F] 22:39:03 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:39:03 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:04 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:39:04 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268629032
[F] 22:39:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 22:39:04 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:39:04 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:04 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:39:04 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268629032
[F] 22:39:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 22:39:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:39:05 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:39:05 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:39:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 22:39:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:39:05 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:39:05 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:39:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 22:39:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:39:06 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:39:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 22:39:06 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269754650
[F] 22:39:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 331ms
[F] 22:39:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 22:39:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
22:39:07 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 22:39:07 - [Fight] Fight stopped
22:39:07 - [BG] Switching to healer: Holymarie
[D] 22:39:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Kahna) eh, I think it's over now
[F] 22:39:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:38 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:39 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:39 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
22:39:39 - [BG] Found enemy flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to attack!
[N] 22:39:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8362 ; "None" to 1201.313 ; 1476.948 ; 306.8199 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:39:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (206.2175y, 116ms)
[N] 22:39:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.32 ; 1387.696 ; 340.8309 ; "None" to 1203.264 ; 1476.804 ; 307.1111 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:39:40 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:39:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (207.6897y, 114ms)
[F] 22:39:40 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:40 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 22:39:40 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:40 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:41 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:41 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:41 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:41 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:39:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1040.557 ; 1389.177 ; 340.6974 ; "None" to 1213.644 ; 1477.378 ; 306.9624 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[D] 22:39:41 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:39:41 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 22:39:41 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:39:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (206.2011y, 121ms)
[F] 22:39:41 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:41 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:42 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 22:39:42 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 22:39:42 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 22:39:43 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[N] 22:39:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1054.077 ; 1391.444 ; 339.9549 ; "None" to 1226.54 ; 1477.259 ; 307.3932 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:39:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (232.8761y, 122ms)
[F] 22:39:43 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 22:39:44 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 22:39:44 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:39:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 464ms
[N] 22:39:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1047.074 ; 1389.911 ; 340.5506 ; "None" to 1238.561 ; 1475.457 ; 308.8113 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:39:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (237.0257y, 116ms)
[F] 22:39:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 601ms
[D] 22:39:45 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:39:45 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[D] 22:39:46 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 22:39:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 670ms
[F] 22:39:46 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 22:39:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Ezuro-Lordaeron) yeah seeing that you fucking morons can't use your brains to target the most vulnerable healer
[N] 22:39:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1090.68 ; 1401.902 ; 318.4846 ; "None" to 1152.977 ; 1371.463 ; 312.6865 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:39:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (70.13831y, 113ms)
22:39:52 - [Fight] Attack player Snugglez (lvl 80)
[N] 22:39:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1092.216 ; 1402.979 ; 318.2655 ; "None" to 1152.606 ; 1373.049 ; 312.4368 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:39:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (68.7157y, 119ms)
[F] 22:39:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 22:39:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 22:39:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[N] 22:39:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1101.885 ; 1396.981 ; 315.9899 ; "None" to 1156.825 ; 1384.052 ; 310.8304 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:39:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (57.34586y, 113ms)
[F] 22:39:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 22:39:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[N] 22:39:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1109.56 ; 1393.25 ; 315.6289 ; "None" to 1164.167 ; 1398.695 ; 309.6418 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:39:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (55.20349y, 111ms)
[F] 22:39:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 22:39:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[D] 22:39:56 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 22:39:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1119.091 ; 1393.403 ; 314.8677 ; "None" to 1165.245 ; 1408.73 ; 309.8401 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:39:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (48.89151y, 119ms)
22:39:56 - [Fight] Attack player Holymarie (lvl 80)
[F] 22:39:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[N] 22:39:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1123.368 ; 1393.905 ; 315.05 ; "None" to 1168.894 ; 1407.198 ; 309.0277 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:39:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (47.80703y, 115ms)
[F] 22:39:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 22:39:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 541ms
[F] 22:39:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 668ms
[N] 22:39:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1137.465 ; 1397.638 ; 313.0498 ; "None" to 1181.386 ; 1403.147 ; 306.6382 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:39:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (44.93936y, 112ms)
[F] 22:39:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 704ms
[F] 22:40:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 739ms
[F] 22:40:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 840ms
[F] 22:40:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 835ms
[F] 22:40:02 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on mouseover with guid 504403158265505191
[F] 22:40:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 571ms
[F] 22:40:03 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389843140
[F] 22:40:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 22:40:03 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389843140
[F] 22:40:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 22:40:04 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268629032
[F] 22:40:04 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268629032
[F] 22:40:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 22:40:04 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268629032
[F] 22:40:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 298ms
[F] 22:40:05 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268629032
[F] 22:40:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 22:40:05 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268629032
[F] 22:40:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 22:40:05 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268629032
[F] 22:40:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:40:05 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268629032
[F] 22:40:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 22:40:06 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268629032
[F] 22:40:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:40:06 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268629032
[F] 22:40:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 262ms
[F] 22:40:06 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268629032
[F] 22:40:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 432ms
[F] 22:40:07 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:40:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 671ms
[F] 22:40:08 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268629032
[F] 22:40:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 22:40:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:40:08 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158268629032
[F] 22:40:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 528ms
[F] 22:40:09 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:40:09 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:40:09 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158268629032
[F] 22:40:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 22:40:09 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:40:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 637ms
[F] 22:40:10 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 22:40:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 639ms
22:40:10 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 22:40:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Periderm) horde usually doesnt target healers ive noticed. Alliance come straight for me all the time
[D] 22:40:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Periderm) no cc or peeling
[D] 22:40:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Kahna) that wasn't the only problem, the flag carrier was left alone too
[F] 22:40:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:40:38 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:40:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:40:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:40:39 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:40:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:40:39 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:40:40 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:40:40 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:40:40 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:40:41 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 22:40:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Goremetal) they have 4 healers)
[F] 22:40:41 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
22:40:42 - [BG] Found friendly flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to def
[N] 22:40:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8362 ; "None" to 1530.139 ; 1484.751 ; 351.9616 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:40:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 21 (668.4683y, 134ms)
[D] 22:40:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Goremetal) too mach
[D] 22:41:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Periderm) can you change spec in the middle of a BG? cause i dont remember them having that many heals
[N] 22:41:17 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 22:41:17 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 22:41:17 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 22:41:19 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 22:41:19 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
22:41:20 - [BG] Battleground Finish
22:41:20 - Sleeping
[D] 22:41:22 - [Info] Continent change, PVPZone03 to Kalimdor
[D] 22:41:22 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 22:41:22 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[D] 22:41:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Eljordipapas) $$ WTB |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r 100 stacks! Price per stack = 1k $$
22:42:18 - 10:42 PM - [Mariolo] whisper: hey

[D] 22:42:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [WHISPER] (Mariolo) hey
22:42:34 - 10:42 PM - [Mariolo] whisper: where i can buy pvp pieces?

[D] 22:42:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [WHISPER] (Mariolo) where i can buy pvp pieces?
[D] 22:42:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Bhalymo) SELLL |cffa335ee|Hitem:42508:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Titansteel Shield Wall]|h|r 1.5k
22:42:34 - [BG] Go to zone Mage Tower
[N] 22:42:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1807.736 ; 1539.416 ; 1267.623 ; "None" to 2289.46 ; 1715.584 ; 1183.11 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[D] 22:42:34 - [Info] Continent change, Kalimdor to NetherstormBG
[D] 22:42:34 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[N] 22:42:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 21 (643.7363y, 217ms)
[F] 22:42:34 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
22:42:35 - [BG] Go to zone Blood Elf Tower
[N] 22:42:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1816.595 ; 1541.877 ; 1263.808 ; "None" to 2045.424 ; 1418.922 ; 1190.721 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:42:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (334.7325y, 113ms)
22:42:36 - [BG] Go to zone Fel Reaver Ruins
[N] 22:42:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1820.632 ; 1543.015 ; 1262.073 ; "None" to 2049.252 ; 1745.891 ; 1189.428 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:42:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (396.9693y, 116ms)
[D] 22:42:38 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde Start2"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1842.032, 1516.777, 1228.64));
[N] 22:42:38 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde Start2
22:42:41 - [BG] Go to zone Blood Elf Tower
[N] 22:42:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1850.992 ; 1533.679 ; 1241.034 ; "None" to 2045.424 ; 1418.922 ; 1190.721 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:42:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (287.8166y, 121ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
22:42:51 - [BG] Go to zone Fel Reaver Ruins
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1898.778 ; 1525.734 ; 1194.208 ; "None" to 2049.252 ; 1745.891 ; 1189.428 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:42:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (275.9732y, 115ms)
[N] 22:43:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2031.98 ; 1680.38 ; 1180.076 ; "None" to 2027.17 ; 1749.999 ; 1194.857 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:43:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (73.23325y, 109ms)
22:43:17 - [Fight] Attack player Kpain (lvl 80)
[N] 22:43:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2032.46 ; 1682.202 ; 1181.212 ; "None" to 2026.643 ; 1748.19 ; 1194.841 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:43:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (67.93163y, 110ms)
[F] 22:43:17 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:43:18 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:43:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2032.099 ; 1693.768 ; 1182.898 ; "None" to 2033.902 ; 1741.267 ; 1191.921 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:43:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (48.92075y, 112ms)
[N] 22:43:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2033.113 ; 1704.69 ; 1187.776 ; "None" to 2043.512 ; 1745.124 ; 1190.335 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:43:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (42.7705y, 108ms)
[F] 22:43:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:43:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:43:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:43:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 22:43:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:43:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:43:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:23 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 22:43:24 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:43:24 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:43:24 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:43:24 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 22:43:24 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 22:43:25 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 170ms
[F] 22:43:25 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 155ms
[F] 22:43:25 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:43:25 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 170ms
[F] 22:43:26 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 22:43:26 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 22:43:26 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 22:43:26 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 195ms
[F] 22:43:26 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:43:27 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 22:43:27 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:27 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:27 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:43:27 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:28 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:28 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:28 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:43:28 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:43:28 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:43:28 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:28 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:43:28 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:43:28 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:28 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:43:29 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:43:29 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:29 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:43:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 22:43:29 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:43:29 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 248ms
[F] 22:43:29 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 22:43:29 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:43:29 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 248ms
[F] 22:43:29 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 22:43:29 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:43:29 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 22:43:30 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 22:43:30 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:43:30 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 22:43:30 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:43:30 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:43:30 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 249ms
[F] 22:43:30 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 22:43:30 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:43:30 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 252ms
[F] 22:43:30 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 22:43:30 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:31 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:31 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:31 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:31 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:31 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:31 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:43:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
22:43:31 - [BG] Go to zone Draenei Ruins
[N] 22:43:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2042.963 ; 1725.907 ; 1189.508 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:43:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 18 (483.4314y, 115ms)
22:43:41 - [BG] Go to zone Mage Tower
[N] 22:43:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2052.592 ; 1671.454 ; 1175.114 ; "None" to 2289.46 ; 1715.584 ; 1183.11 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:43:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (294.1211y, 114ms)
22:43:52 - [AdvancedBattlegrounder]: Force closing authentication thread
22:43:52 - [AdvancedBattlegrounder]: Closing authentication thread
22:43:52 - [RetPalaPvPTBC]: Force closing authentication thread
22:43:52 - [BG] Stopped
22:43:52 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 01h:54m:10s
XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
Kills: 31 (16/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 1 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[F] 22:44:08 - SaveWindowPosition = False ; NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = AdvancedBattlegrounder ; CustomClass = WotLKRetPvP.dll ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; FightInteractTargetMinDistance = 45 ; IgnoreFightWhenInMove = False ; DismountLandGroundDistance = 3.5 ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = False ; TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink = True ; EquipAvailableBagIfFreeContainerSlot = False ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; LootAndHarvestRangeQuickly = True ; LootInCombat = False ; SkipNodesInWater = False ; MaxUnitsNearMobs = 3 ; MaxUnitsNearObjects = 3 ; SearchRadiusMobs = 150 ; SearchRadiusObjects = 300 ; MaxZDistanceAttack = 150 ; MaxZDistanceIsAttacked = 150 ; MaxZDistanceFarm = 2000 ; BlacklistTaxiDefaultTimeMs = 1800000 ; BlacklistUnitDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; BlacklistGameObjectDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; MaxTryPerNode = 2 ; MaxCheckIfGoodMouseShortcutsWhenInteract = 2 ; HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 0 ; HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 6948 ; RecordChatInLog = True ; UseSpiritHealerAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 0 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; WaitWhenBuffWaitingToResurrect = False ; UseCTM = True ; AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = False ; PathFinderServerSeemDownPauseBotTimeSec = 10 ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1600 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 80000 ; TryToAvoidEnemyGroupsRatio = 0 ; IgnoreServerRoadsWater = False ; SmoothPath = False ; SmoothPathDistance = 1 ; KeyboardToTurn = False ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 8 ; ForceAutoLoot = False ; RetrieveCorpseMaxDistance = 26 ; KeyBindingMacro = P ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; SizeWidth = 535 ; SizeHeight = 375 ; WindowPosX = 0 ; WindowPosY = 0 ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = True ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Invincible ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = False ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 225 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Hearthstone, Death's Choice ; ForceSellList = ; BuyList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Hearthstone, Death's Choice ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = False ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = True ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 300 ; LatencyMax = 700 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1.5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0.6 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ;
[D] 22:44:09 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 22:44:09 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\jaywa\Desktop\WRobot\\FightClass\WotLKRetPvP.dll
[D] 22:44:09 - [Spell] Divine Shield (Id found: 642, Name found: Divine Shield, NameInGame found: Divine Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:09 - [Spell] Blessing of Kings (Id found: 20217, Name found: Blessing of Kings, NameInGame found: Blessing of Kings, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:09 - [Spell] Blessing of Might (Id found: 48932, Name found: Blessing of Might, NameInGame found: Blessing of Might, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:09 - [Spell] Righteous Fury (Id found: 25780, Name found: Righteous Fury, NameInGame found: Righteous Fury, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:09 - [Spell] Seal of Righteousness (Id found: 21084, Name found: Seal of Righteousness, NameInGame found: Seal of Righteousness, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:09 - [Spell] Crusader Aura (Id found: 32223, Name found: Crusader Aura, NameInGame found: Crusader Aura, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:09 - [Spell] Holy Light (Id found: 48782, Name found: Holy Light, NameInGame found: Holy Light, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:09 - [Spell] Lay on Hands (Id found: 48788, Name found: Lay on Hands, NameInGame found: Lay on Hands, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:09 - [Spell] Retribution Aura (Id found: 54043, Name found: Retribution Aura, NameInGame found: Retribution Aura, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:09 - [Spell] Holy Light (Id found: 48782, Name found: Holy Light, NameInGame found: Holy Light, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:09 - [Spell] Holy Light (Id found: 48782, Name found: Holy Light, NameInGame found: Holy Light, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:09 - [Spell] Divine Protection (Id found: 498, Name found: Divine Protection, NameInGame found: Divine Protection, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Hammer of Wrath (Id found: 48806, Name found: Hammer of Wrath, NameInGame found: Hammer of Wrath, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Consecration (Id found: 48819, Name found: Consecration, NameInGame found: Consecration, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Hammer of Justice (Id found: 10308, Name found: Hammer of Justice, NameInGame found: Hammer of Justice, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Hammer of Justice (Id found: 10308, Name found: Hammer of Justice, NameInGame found: Hammer of Justice, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Arcane Torrent (Id found: 28730, Name found: Arcane Torrent, NameInGame found: Arcane Torrent, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Seal of Righteousness (Id found: 21084, Name found: Seal of Righteousness, NameInGame found: Seal of Righteousness, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Judgement of Justice (Id found: 53407, Name found: Judgement of Justice, NameInGame found: Judgement of Justice, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Divine Storm (Id found: 53385, Name found: Divine Storm, NameInGame found: Divine Storm, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Crusader Strike (Id found: 35395, Name found: Crusader Strike, NameInGame found: Crusader Strike, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Exorcism (Id found: 48801, Name found: Exorcism, NameInGame found: Exorcism, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Avenging Wrath (Id found: 31884, Name found: Avenging Wrath, NameInGame found: Avenging Wrath, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Hand of Freedom (Id found: 1044, Name found: Hand of Freedom, NameInGame found: Hand of Freedom, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Cleanse (Id found: 4987, Name found: Cleanse, NameInGame found: Cleanse, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Mana Tap (Id found: 36021, Name found: Mana Tap, NameInGame found: Mana Tap, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Sacred Shield (Id found: 53601, Name found: Sacred Shield, NameInGame found: Sacred Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Flash of Light (Id found: 48785, Name found: Flash of Light, NameInGame found: Flash of Light, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Cleanse (Id found: 4987, Name found: Cleanse, NameInGame found: Cleanse, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Repentance (Id found: 20066, Name found: Repentance, NameInGame found: Repentance, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Cleanse (Id found: 4987, Name found: Cleanse, NameInGame found: Cleanse, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Hand of Sacrifice (Id found: 6940, Name found: Hand of Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Hand of Sacrifice, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Divine Sacrifice (Id found: 64205, Name found: Divine Sacrifice, NameInGame found: Divine Sacrifice, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Hand of Protection (Id found: 10278, Name found: Hand of Protection, NameInGame found: Hand of Protection, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Hand of Protection (Id found: 10278, Name found: Hand of Protection, NameInGame found: Hand of Protection, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Turn Evil (Id found: 10326, Name found: Turn Evil, NameInGame found: Turn Evil, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 22:44:10 - [Spell] Divine Plea (Id found: 54428, Name found: Divine Plea, NameInGame found: Divine Plea, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
22:44:10 - [BG] Started
22:44:10 - [BG] Go to zone Mage Tower
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Arcane Affinity Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Arcane Torrent Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Auto Attack Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Basic Campfire Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Block Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Cold Weather Flying Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Cooking Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Dodge Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Engineering Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: First Aid Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Fishing Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Magic Resistance Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Northern Cloth Scavenging Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Parry Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Tailoring Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Wisdom Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Wisdom Rank 2
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Wisdom Rank 3
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Wisdom Rank 4
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Wisdom Rank 5
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Wisdom Rank 6
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Wisdom Rank 7
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Wisdom Rank 8
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Wisdom Rank 9
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Cleanse Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Concentration Aura Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Consecration Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Consecration Rank 2
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Consecration Rank 3
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Consecration Rank 4
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Consecration Rank 5
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Consecration Rank 6
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Consecration Rank 7
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Consecration Rank 8
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Divine Plea Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Exorcism Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Exorcism Rank 2
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Exorcism Rank 3
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Exorcism Rank 4
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Exorcism Rank 5
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Exorcism Rank 6
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Exorcism Rank 7
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Exorcism Rank 8
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Exorcism Rank 9
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Flash of Light Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Flash of Light Rank 2
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Flash of Light Rank 3
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Flash of Light Rank 4
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Flash of Light Rank 5
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Flash of Light Rank 6
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Flash of Light Rank 7
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Flash of Light Rank 8
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Flash of Light Rank 9
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Greater Blessing of Wisdom Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Greater Blessing of Wisdom Rank 2
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Greater Blessing of Wisdom Rank 3
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Greater Blessing of Wisdom Rank 4
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Greater Blessing of Wisdom Rank 5
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 2
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 3
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 4
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 5
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 6
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 7
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 8
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 9
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 10
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 11
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 12
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Light Rank 13
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Wrath Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Wrath Rank 2
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Wrath Rank 3
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Wrath Rank 4
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Holy Wrath Rank 5
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Lay on Hands Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Lay on Hands Rank 2
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Lay on Hands Rank 3
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Lay on Hands Rank 4
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Lay on Hands Rank 5
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Purify Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Redemption Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Redemption Rank 2
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Redemption Rank 3
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Redemption Rank 4
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Redemption Rank 5
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Redemption Rank 6
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Redemption Rank 7
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Sacred Shield Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Seal of Light Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Seal of Righteousness Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Seal of Wisdom Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Sense Undead Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Turn Evil Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Kings Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Devotion Aura Rank 10
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Divine Intervention Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Divine Protection Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Divine Sacrifice Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Divine Shield Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Fire Resistance Aura Rank 5
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Frost Resistance Aura Rank 5
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Greater Blessing of Kings Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hammer of Justice Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hammer of Justice Rank 2
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hammer of Justice Rank 3
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hammer of Justice Rank 4
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hand of Freedom Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hand of Protection Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hand of Protection Rank 2
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hand of Protection Rank 3
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hand of Reckoning Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hand of Sacrifice Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hand of Salvation Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Righteous Defense Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Righteous Fury Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Seal of Justice Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Shadow Resistance Aura Rank 5
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Shield of Righteousness Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Shield of Righteousness Rank 2
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Avenging Wrath Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Might Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Might Rank 2
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Might Rank 3
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Might Rank 4
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Might Rank 5
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Might Rank 6
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Might Rank 7
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Might Rank 8
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Might Rank 9
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Blessing of Might Rank 10
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Crusader Aura Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Crusader Strike Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Divine Storm Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Greater Blessing of Might Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Greater Blessing of Might Rank 2
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Greater Blessing of Might Rank 3
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Greater Blessing of Might Rank 4
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Greater Blessing of Might Rank 5
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hammer of Wrath Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hammer of Wrath Rank 2
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hammer of Wrath Rank 3
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hammer of Wrath Rank 4
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hammer of Wrath Rank 5
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Hammer of Wrath Rank 6
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Judgement of Justice Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Judgement of Light Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Judgement of Wisdom Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Repentance Rank 1
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Retribution Aura Rank 7
[F] 22:44:10 - [RTF] Fightclass framework found in spellbook: Seal of Corruption Rank 1
[N] 22:44:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2105.095 ; 1731.655 ; 1169.979 ; "None" to 2289.46 ; 1715.584 ; 1183.11 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:44:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (211.3092y, 116ms)
22:44:10 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Invincible
[F] 22:44:12 - [Spell] Cast Crusader Aura (Crusader Aura)
[N] 22:44:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2268.329 ; 1709.331 ; 1171.515 ; "None" to 2317.365 ; 1659.407 ; 1167.66 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:44:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (70.14506y, 114ms)
22:44:25 - [Fight] Attack player Boomshh (lvl 80)
[N] 22:44:25 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 22:44:25 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 22:44:25 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 22:44:25 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:44:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2270.961 ; 1703.604 ; 1173.021 ; "None" to 2317.365 ; 1659.407 ; 1167.66 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[F] 22:44:25 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:44:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (64.30784y, 109ms)
[F] 22:44:26 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:26 - [Spell] Cast Crusader Aura (Crusader Aura)
[F] 22:44:26 - [Spell] Cast Crusader Aura (Crusader Aura)
[F] 22:44:26 - [Spell] Cast Crusader Aura (Crusader Aura)
[N] 22:44:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2270.983 ; 1696.069 ; 1173.759 ; "None" to 2324.435 ; 1652.11 ; 1167.208 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:44:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (69.51537y, 112ms)
22:44:26 - [Fight] Attack player Mbox (lvl 80)
[F] 22:44:27 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:44:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2273.926 ; 1693.743 ; 1174.286 ; "None" to 2324.435 ; 1652.11 ; 1167.208 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[F] 22:44:27 - [Spell] Cast Crusader Aura (Crusader Aura)
[N] 22:44:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (65.83707y, 121ms)
[F] 22:44:27 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:27 - [Spell] Cast Crusader Aura (Crusader Aura)
[F] 22:44:27 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 22:44:28 - [Spell] Cast Crusader Aura (Crusader Aura)
[F] 22:44:28 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:44:28 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:44:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2302.285 ; 1668.117 ; 1165.578 ; "None" to 2322.726 ; 1658.154 ; 1167.417 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:44:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2302.641 ; 1667.946 ; 1165.407 ; "None" to 2301.053 ; 1640.805 ; 1166.746 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:44:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (22.99668y, 117ms)
22:44:31 - [Fight] Attack player Mbox (lvl 80)
[N] 22:44:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (27.22006y, 184ms)
[D] 22:44:31 - [Fight] Fight stopped
22:44:31 - [BG] Switching to healer: Holybucket
[F] 22:44:31 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Protection() (Hand of Protection on mouseover with guid 17383923371284103210
[F] 22:44:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 22:44:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[N] 22:44:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307.234 ; 1660.49 ; 1164.45 ; "None" to 2326.183 ; 1649.867 ; 1167.273 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:44:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (21.90621y, 113ms)
[F] 22:44:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 22:44:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 338ms
[F] 22:44:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 695ms
[F] 22:44:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 22:44:35 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269043923
[F] 22:44:35 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269043923
[F] 22:44:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 180ms
[F] 22:44:35 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269043923
[N] 22:44:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2322.359 ; 1651.711 ; 1167.234 ; "None" to 2324.319 ; 1650.29 ; 1167.185 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:44:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (2.42059y, 111ms)
22:44:35 - [Fight] Attack player Pacifical (lvl 80)
[F] 22:44:35 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:35 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:35 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Flash of Light
[F] 22:44:35 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:35 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:36 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:44:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 22:44:36 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:36 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 22:44:36 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:36 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:36 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:44:36 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 22:44:37 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:37 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 213ms
[F] 22:44:37 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 432ms
[F] 22:44:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
[F] 22:44:38 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 330ms
[F] 22:44:38 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 218ms
[F] 22:44:39 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 22:44:39 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 22:44:39 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:39 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:40 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 196ms
[F] 22:44:40 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 207ms
[F] 22:44:40 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 197ms
[F] 22:44:40 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 22:44:41 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:44:41 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 22:44:41 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:41 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:41 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:41 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:42 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:42 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:42 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:42 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:42 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:42 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:43 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:43 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:43 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 259ms
[F] 22:44:43 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:44:43 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:43 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 22:44:43 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:44:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 350ms
[F] 22:44:44 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:44 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 247ms
[F] 22:44:44 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:44:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 520ms
[F] 22:44:45 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:45 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 251ms
[F] 22:44:45 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:44:45 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:44:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 599ms
[F] 22:44:46 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 22:44:46 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 22:44:46 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 22:44:46 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 221ms
[F] 22:44:47 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271628916
[F] 22:44:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 277ms
[F] 22:44:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 486ms
[F] 22:44:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 580ms
[F] 22:44:48 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 22:44:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 534ms
[F] 22:44:49 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:49 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 22:44:49 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:44:49 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:50 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 215ms
[F] 22:44:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 22:44:50 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:44:50 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:50 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:50 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:50 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 226ms
[F] 22:44:50 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:44:51 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:51 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:44:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:44:51 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:44:51 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 197ms
[F] 22:44:51 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:51 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 259ms
[F] 22:44:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:52 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 153ms
[F] 22:44:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 22:44:52 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:44:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 230ms
[F] 22:44:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 249ms
[F] 22:44:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 252ms
[F] 22:44:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 251ms
[F] 22:44:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 22:44:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 303ms
[F] 22:44:54 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:54 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 22:44:54 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:54 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:54 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:44:54 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:54 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:54 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:44:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 288ms
[F] 22:44:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:55 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:55 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:44:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:55 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 311ms
[F] 22:44:55 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:44:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:56 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 332ms
[F] 22:44:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 219ms
[F] 22:44:56 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:44:56 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:44:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:56 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:56 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:44:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 249ms
[F] 22:44:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:56 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:56 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:44:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:44:57 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:57 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:57 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:44:57 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:57 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:57 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:44:57 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 22:44:57 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:57 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:57 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:44:57 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:57 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:57 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:44:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:57 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:57 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:58 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:44:58 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 22:44:58 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:58 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:58 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:44:58 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 219ms
[F] 22:44:58 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:58 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:44:59 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:44:59 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:44:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 349ms
[F] 22:44:59 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:44:59 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:44:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 335ms
[F] 22:45:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 22:45:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 22:45:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 337ms
[F] 22:45:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 302ms
[F] 22:45:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 335ms
[D] 22:45:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [EMOTE] (Urabura) pwned Dpsonek-Blackrock! Streak of 1!
[F] 22:45:02 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:45:02 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:45:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 22:45:02 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:45:03 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:45:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 22:45:03 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:45:03 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:45:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 439ms
[F] 22:45:03 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:45:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 22:45:04 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:45:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 426ms
[F] 22:45:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:45:05 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:45:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 606ms
[F] 22:45:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:45:05 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:45:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 22:45:06 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:45:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 509ms
[F] 22:45:06 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:45:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 474ms
[F] 22:45:06 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:45:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 22:45:07 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:45:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 22:45:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:45:07 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:45:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 22:45:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:45:08 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:45:08 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:45:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 22:45:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:45:08 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:45:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 427ms
[F] 22:45:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:45:08 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:45:08 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:45:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:45:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 325ms
[F] 22:45:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 372ms
[F] 22:45:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 339ms
[F] 22:45:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 22:45:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 22:45:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 328ms
[F] 22:45:11 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:45:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 335ms
[F] 22:45:12 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 22:45:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
22:45:12 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[N] 22:45:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2287.484 ; 1588.514 ; 1165.655 ; "None" to 2419.277 ; 1612.023 ; 1185.419 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:45:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (137.0031y, 112ms)
[D] 22:45:12 - [Fight] Fight stopped
22:45:12 - [BG] Switching to healer: Luvcheto
[N] 22:45:13 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 22:45:13 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 22:45:13 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 22:45:15 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 22:45:15 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 22:45:16 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[D] 22:45:16 - [MovementManager] Current pos: 2287.484 ; 1588.514 ; 1165.655 ; "None" - Target pos: 2393.371 ; 1600.109 ; 1176.224 ; "None" Continent: NetherstormBG Tile: 29.02154_27.71097
[D] 22:45:16 - [StuckResolver] Started.
[D] 22:45:17 - [StuckResolver] Done - Stuck count updated, new value: 2.
[F] 22:45:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:45:29 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:45:29 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:45:29 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:45:30 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:45:30 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:45:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2351.785 ; 1455.399 ; 1185.324 ; "None" to 2289.46 ; 1715.584 ; 1183.11 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[F] 22:45:30 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:45:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (278.5629y, 113ms)
[F] 22:45:31 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:45:31 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:45:31 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:45:32 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:45:32 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:45:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2316.683 ; 1492.784 ; 1178.549 ; "None" to 2291.454 ; 1558.032 ; 1168.115 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:45:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (71.25391y, 109ms)
22:45:37 - [Fight] Attack player Keos (lvl 80)
[N] 22:45:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2315.711 ; 1494.317 ; 1178.282 ; "None" to 2289.748 ; 1557.252 ; 1167.726 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:45:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (69.20937y, 110ms)
[F] 22:45:37 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:45:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 22:45:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 774ms
[F] 22:45:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 606ms
[F] 22:45:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 739ms
[N] 22:45:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2305.967 ; 1514.371 ; 1173.686 ; "None" to 2278.287 ; 1563.311 ; 1168.37 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:45:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (57.743y, 110ms)
[F] 22:45:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 22:45:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 249ms
[F] 22:45:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 247ms
[F] 22:45:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 1004ms
[F] 22:45:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 975ms
[F] 22:45:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 1254ms
[F] 22:45:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 1377ms
[F] 22:45:46 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:45:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 372ms
[F] 22:45:46 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:45:46 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:45:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 270ms
[N] 22:45:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2279.369 ; 1556.578 ; 1166.914 ; "None" to 2276.946 ; 1559.895 ; 1166.86 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[F] 22:45:47 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[N] 22:45:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (4.107758y, 112ms)
22:45:47 - [Fight] Attack player Kpain (lvl 80)
[F] 22:45:47 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:45:47 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:45:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 22:45:47 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:45:48 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:45:48 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271765744
[F] 22:45:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 22:45:48 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:45:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 1710ms
[F] 22:45:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 1226ms
[F] 22:45:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 1478ms
[F] 22:45:53 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:45:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 303ms
[F] 22:45:53 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:45:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 364ms
[F] 22:45:53 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:45:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 22:45:54 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:45:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 22:45:54 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:45:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 22:45:54 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:45:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 22:45:55 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:45:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 22:45:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:45:55 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:45:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 604ms
[F] 22:45:56 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:45:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:45:56 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:45:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 407ms
[F] 22:45:56 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:45:56 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:45:56 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:45:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 22:45:56 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:45:57 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:45:57 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:45:57 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:45:57 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:45:57 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:45:58 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265589329
[F] 22:45:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 507ms
[F] 22:45:58 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158266961079
[F] 22:45:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 22:45:59 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158266961079
[N] 22:45:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2295.616 ; 1544.464 ; 1169.06 ; "None" to 2282.194 ; 1569.393 ; 1166.312 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:45:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (28.4457y, 109ms)
22:45:59 - [Fight] Attack player Ermrann (lvl 80)
[F] 22:45:59 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158266961079
[F] 22:45:59 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158266961079
[F] 22:45:59 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158266961079
[F] 22:46:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 1311ms
[F] 22:46:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 1163ms
[F] 22:46:02 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271765744
[F] 22:46:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 372ms
[F] 22:46:03 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271765744
[F] 22:46:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 520ms
[F] 22:46:03 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271765744
[F] 22:46:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
22:46:03 - [BG] Switching to healer: Ermrann
[D] 22:46:03 - [Fight] Target dead
[N] 22:46:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2282.312 ; 1570.884 ; 1166.169 ; "None" to 2283.347 ; 1581.255 ; 1165.418 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:46:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10.4494y, 110ms)
22:46:04 - [Fight] Attack player Immortvllity (lvl 80)
[F] 22:46:04 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:46:04 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 22:46:04 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:46:04 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:46:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 779ms
[F] 22:46:05 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 22:46:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 270ms
[F] 22:46:05 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 22:46:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 22:46:05 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 22:46:06 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 22:46:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 204ms
[F] 22:46:06 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 22:46:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 22:46:06 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 22:46:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 197ms
[F] 22:46:06 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 22:46:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 204ms
[F] 22:46:07 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 22:46:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 22:46:07 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 22:46:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:46:07 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 22:46:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 228ms
[F] 22:46:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 640ms
22:46:08 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Luvcheto (lvl 80)
[F] 22:46:09 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 22:46:09 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 329ms
[F] 22:46:09 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 22:46:10 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 22:46:11 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on target with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 22:46:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 599ms
[D] 22:46:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [EMOTE] (Urabura) pwned Keos-Blackrock! Streak of 1!
[F] 22:46:11 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 22:46:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 22:46:11 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 22:46:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 371ms
[F] 22:46:12 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:46:12 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 22:46:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 22:46:12 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:46:12 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:46:13 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 22:46:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 22:46:13 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:46:13 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:46:13 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 22:46:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 487ms
[F] 22:46:13 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:46:14 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 22:46:14 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 22:46:14 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 22:46:14 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 22:46:14 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 22:46:15 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 22:46:15 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[D] 22:46:15 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
22:46:16 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Mbox (lvl 80)
[F] 22:46:16 - [RTF] Casting Avenging Wrath() (Avenging Wrath on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 22:46:17 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 395ms
[F] 22:46:17 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 22:46:18 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269043923
[F] 22:46:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 338ms
[F] 22:46:18 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269043923
[F] 22:46:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 22:46:18 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269043923
[F] 22:46:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 22:46:19 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269043923
[F] 22:46:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 371ms
[D] 22:46:19 - [Fight] BlackList Mbox during 60 sec
22:46:19 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Mbox (lvl 80)
[F] 22:46:19 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269043923
[F] 22:46:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 22:46:19 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 22:46:20 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 194ms
[F] 22:46:20 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 172ms
[F] 22:46:20 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269043923
[F] 22:46:20 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269043923
[F] 22:46:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269043923
[F] 22:46:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269043923
[F] 22:46:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 170ms
[F] 22:46:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269043923
[F] 22:46:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269043923
[F] 22:46:21 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269043923
[F] 22:46:22 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269043923
[F] 22:46:22 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269043923
[F] 22:46:22 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269043923
[F] 22:46:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 339ms
[F] 22:46:22 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269043923
[F] 22:46:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 22:46:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269043923
[F] 22:46:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[D] 22:46:23 - [Fight] Target dead
22:46:23 - [BG] Switching to healer: Holybucket
[F] 22:46:23 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[N] 22:46:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2291.669 ; 1599.59 ; 1165.959 ; "None" to 2315.281 ; 1648.212 ; 1167.657 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:46:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (54.18558y, 110ms)
22:46:23 - [Fight] Attack player Dpsonek (lvl 80)
[F] 22:46:23 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:46:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2291.669 ; 1599.59 ; 1165.959 ; "None" to 2315.148 ; 1650.381 ; 1167.326 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:46:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (56.1319y, 114ms)
[F] 22:46:24 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:24 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 22:46:25 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 430ms
[N] 22:46:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2295.798 ; 1606.565 ; 1165.764 ; "None" to 2311.561 ; 1663.352 ; 1166.102 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:46:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (59.47479y, 118ms)
[F] 22:46:25 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 22:46:26 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 22:46:26 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 442ms
[F] 22:46:27 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 442ms
[F] 22:46:27 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
[F] 22:46:28 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 22:46:28 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
22:46:28 - [BG] Go to zone Draenei Ruins
[N] 22:46:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2304.728 ; 1633.425 ; 1166.641 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:46:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (218.6514y, 124ms)
[N] 22:46:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2303.457 ; 1604.737 ; 1167.179 ; "None" to 2239.632 ; 1581.005 ; 1159.544 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:46:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (82.94565y, 109ms)
22:46:33 - [Fight] Attack player Pacifical (lvl 80)
[N] 22:46:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2303.323 ; 1602.85 ; 1167.663 ; "None" to 2243.346 ; 1581.713 ; 1160.18 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:46:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (77.24941y, 114ms)
[F] 22:46:33 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 431ms
[F] 22:46:34 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[N] 22:46:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2302.095 ; 1592.94 ; 1167.618 ; "None" to 2262.422 ; 1586.178 ; 1163.5 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:46:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (48.03938y, 114ms)
[F] 22:46:35 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 22:46:35 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:46:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 22:46:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 637ms
[F] 22:46:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 845ms
[F] 22:46:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 905ms
[F] 22:46:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 846ms
[F] 22:46:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 842ms
[F] 22:46:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 873ms
[F] 22:46:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 971ms
[F] 22:46:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 971ms
[F] 22:46:43 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:46:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 373ms
[F] 22:46:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:46:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 311ms
[N] 22:46:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2248.769 ; 1557.646 ; 1167.186 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:46:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (156.781y, 113ms)
[D] 22:46:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [EMOTE] (Urabura) pwned Pacifical! Streak of 2!
[N] 22:47:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.313 ; 1419.343 ; 1196.049 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (1.191586y, 118ms)
[N] 22:47:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 106ms)
[N] 22:47:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
[N] 22:47:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.3566819y, 0ms)
22:47:06 - [BG] Go to zone Mage Tower
[N] 22:47:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289.361 ; 1418.527 ; 1196.223 ; "None" to 2289.46 ; 1715.584 ; 1183.11 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (303.4559y, 117ms)
[N] 22:47:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2294.939 ; 1431.354 ; 1192.517 ; "None" to 2283.959 ; 1499.964 ; 1174.703 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (73.40857y, 108ms)
22:47:09 - [Fight] Attack player Keos (lvl 80)
[N] 22:47:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2295.499 ; 1432.864 ; 1192.201 ; "None" to 2284.171 ; 1499.196 ; 1174.846 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[F] 22:47:09 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:47:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (71.61337y, 113ms)
[F] 22:47:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 700ms
[F] 22:47:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 738ms
[F] 22:47:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 672ms
[F] 22:47:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 841ms
[F] 22:47:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 840ms
[F] 22:47:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 1305ms
[F] 22:47:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 1314ms
[F] 22:47:16 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:47:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
22:47:17 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Keos (lvl 80)
[F] 22:47:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 1239ms
[F] 22:47:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 1010ms
[F] 22:47:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 1205ms
[F] 22:47:21 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:47:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 302ms
[F] 22:47:22 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:47:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 22:47:22 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:47:22 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:47:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 609ms
[F] 22:47:23 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:47:23 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:47:23 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:47:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 477ms
[F] 22:47:23 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:47:24 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 22:47:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 635ms
[F] 22:47:24 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 22:47:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 493ms
[F] 22:47:25 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 22:47:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 22:47:25 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:47:25 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:47:25 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:47:25 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:47:25 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:47:26 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:47:26 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:47:26 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:47:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 22:47:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:47:27 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:47:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 671ms
[F] 22:47:27 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:47:28 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:47:28 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:47:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 671ms
[F] 22:47:28 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:47:28 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:47:28 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:47:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 606ms
[F] 22:47:29 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:47:29 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:47:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 1371ms
[F] 22:47:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 1178ms
[F] 22:47:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 1036ms
[F] 22:47:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 1168ms
[F] 22:47:35 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Protection() (Hand of Protection on mouseover with guid 720575940389840571
[F] 22:47:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 1342ms
[F] 22:47:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 876ms
[F] 22:47:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 972ms
[F] 22:47:37 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:47:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 22:47:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:47:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 431ms
[F] 22:47:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:47:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 22:47:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:47:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 22:47:39 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:47:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 193ms
[F] 22:47:39 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:47:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 263ms
[F] 22:47:40 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:47:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 524ms
[F] 22:47:40 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:47:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 22:47:40 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 22:47:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 327ms
[F] 22:47:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 1213ms
[F] 22:47:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 804ms
[F] 22:47:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 305ms
[N] 22:47:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2291.314 ; 1433.003 ; 1191.511 ; "None" to 2289.79 ; 1432.235 ; 1191.738 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (1.721745y, 111ms)
22:47:43 - [Fight] Attack player Pacifical (lvl 80)
[N] 22:47:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2291.314 ; 1433.003 ; 1191.511 ; "None" to 2523.686 ; 1596.597 ; 1269.344 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (364.8595y, 122ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[D] 22:47:43 - [Fight] Cannot make path to the target (Ermrann), ignore it.
22:47:43 - [BG] Switching to healer: Ermrann
[F] 22:47:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 275ms
[F] 22:47:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 22:47:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:47:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:47:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 22:47:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
22:47:45 - [BG] Battleground Finish
[F] 22:47:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 431ms
[N] 22:47:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2291.314 ; 1433.003 ; 1191.511 ; "None" to 2289.79 ; 1432.235 ; 1191.738 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 22:47:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (1.721745y, 0ms)
22:47:45 - [Fight] Attack player Pacifical (lvl 80)
[D] 22:47:48 - [Info] Continent change, NetherstormBG to Kalimdor
[D] 22:47:48 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 22:47:48 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 22:47:48 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
22:48:05 - [Warsong] Go to starting position
[F] 22:48:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[N] 22:48:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 933.3315 ; 1433.724 ; 345.5357 ; "None" to 946.7914 ; 1422.288 ; 345.41 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:48:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17.66261y, 0ms)
[F] 22:48:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[D] 22:48:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Listener) LF guild
[F] 22:48:06 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[D] 22:48:06 - [Info] Continent change, Kalimdor to PVPZone03
[D] 22:48:06 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 22:48:06 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 22:48:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
22:48:06 - [Warsong] Go to starting position
[F] 22:48:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[N] 22:48:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 936.6048 ; 1431.229 ; 345.5357 ; "None" to 946.7914 ; 1422.288 ; 345.41 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:48:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13.2631y, 0ms)
[F] 22:48:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:48:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:48:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:48:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 22:49:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Kahna) sigh, I was kinda hoping for an alterac valley, at least I'd be actually useful there to tank the boss...
[F] 22:49:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[F] 22:49:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267918469
[F] 22:49:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158265900511
[N] 22:49:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 944.4653 ; 1424.332 ; 345.4429 ; "None" to 994.9714 ; 1422.54 ; 344.9629 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:49:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (53.5877y, 177ms)
[F] 22:49:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
22:49:56 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 22:49:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 991.9119 ; 1422.54 ; 345.2955 ; "None" to 1307.951 ; 1452.997 ; 317.5738 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:49:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (345.7394y, 0ms)
[F] 22:49:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:49:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 22:50:04 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:50:04 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 22:50:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:50:32 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 22:50:32 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 22:50:32 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 22:50:37 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 22:50:37 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 22:50:37 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 22:50:40 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[F] 22:50:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:50:40 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 22:50:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1248.199 ; 1437.908 ; 311.985 ; "None" to 1307.951 ; 1452.997 ; 317.5738 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:50:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (88.42433y, 119ms)
[F] 22:50:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
22:50:49 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Chillbrah (lvl 80)
[F] 22:50:49 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:49 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:49 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 284ms
[F] 22:50:50 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 481ms
[F] 22:50:51 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 485ms
[F] 22:50:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 603ms
[N] 22:50:52 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 22:50:52 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 22:50:52 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 22:50:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 600ms
[F] 22:50:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 638ms
[N] 22:50:53 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 22:50:53 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[F] 22:50:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 638ms
[F] 22:50:54 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Turn Evil on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:50:54 - [RTF] Casting Turn Evil() (Turn Evil on mouseover with guid 17379391428915888147
[F] 22:50:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 669ms
[F] 22:50:54 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Turn Evil because Invalid target
[F] 22:50:54 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:54 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:50:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 715ms
[D] 22:50:55 - [Fight] BlackList Chillbrah during 60 sec
22:50:55 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Repirobo (lvl 80)
[F] 22:50:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 735ms
[F] 22:50:57 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Turn Evil on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:50:57 - [RTF] Casting Turn Evil() (Turn Evil on mouseover with guid 17379391428915888147
[F] 22:50:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 767ms
[F] 22:50:57 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Turn Evil because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:50:57 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Turn Evil on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:50:57 - [RTF] Casting Turn Evil() (Turn Evil on mouseover with guid 17379391428915888147
[F] 22:50:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 632ms
[F] 22:50:58 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Turn Evil because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:50:58 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Turn Evil on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:50:58 - [RTF] Casting Turn Evil() (Turn Evil on mouseover with guid 17379391428915888147
[F] 22:50:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 681ms
[F] 22:50:58 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Turn Evil
[F] 22:50:58 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on mouseover with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:50:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 22:50:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 733ms
[F] 22:51:00 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Turn Evil on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:51:00 - [RTF] Casting Turn Evil() (Turn Evil on mouseover with guid 17379391428915888147
[F] 22:51:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 534ms
[F] 22:51:00 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Turn Evil because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:51:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 515ms
[F] 22:51:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 532ms
[F] 22:51:01 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:02 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:02 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 482ms
[F] 22:51:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 22:51:03 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:51:03 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 22:51:03 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:51:03 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:51:03 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 244ms
[F] 22:51:04 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:51:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 548ms
[F] 22:51:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 635ms
[F] 22:51:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 549ms
[F] 22:51:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 498ms
[F] 22:51:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:51:06 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 214ms
[F] 22:51:06 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:51:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:51:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 601ms
[F] 22:51:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 699ms
[F] 22:51:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 593ms
[F] 22:51:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 566ms
[F] 22:51:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 576ms
[F] 22:51:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 584ms
[F] 22:51:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 601ms
[F] 22:51:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 683ms
[F] 22:51:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 662ms
[F] 22:51:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 196ms
[F] 22:51:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:51:13 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:13 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:14 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:14 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:14 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:51:14 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:14 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:15 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 22:51:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:16 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:51:16 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 22:51:16 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:51:16 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 22:51:16 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:51:16 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 250ms
[F] 22:51:16 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:51:17 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:51:17 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 263ms
[F] 22:51:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 152ms
[F] 22:51:17 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:51:17 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:51:17 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 315ms
[F] 22:51:18 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:51:18 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:51:18 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:51:18 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:51:18 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:51:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 364ms
[F] 22:51:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 243ms
[F] 22:51:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 249ms
[F] 22:51:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:51:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 22:51:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:51:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 197ms
[F] 22:51:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 22:51:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 213ms
[F] 22:51:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:51:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 276ms
[F] 22:51:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 246ms
[F] 22:51:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 251ms
[F] 22:51:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 264ms
[F] 22:51:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 22:51:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 263ms
[F] 22:51:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 315ms
[F] 22:51:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 22:51:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 22:51:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 179ms
[F] 22:51:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 22:51:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 314ms
[F] 22:51:24 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:24 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 22:51:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 298ms
[F] 22:51:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 22:51:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 224ms
[F] 22:51:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[N] 22:51:26 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 22:51:26 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 22:51:26 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 22:51:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 215ms
[F] 22:51:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 212ms
[F] 22:51:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 22:51:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 22:51:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[N] 22:51:27 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 22:51:27 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 22:51:27 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 22:51:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 22:51:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 250ms
[F] 22:51:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 22:51:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 22:51:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 348ms
[F] 22:51:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 286ms
[F] 22:51:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 286ms
[F] 22:51:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 22:51:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 316ms
[F] 22:51:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 22:51:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:51:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 248ms
[F] 22:51:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 286ms
[F] 22:51:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 286ms
[F] 22:51:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 248ms
[F] 22:51:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 317ms
[F] 22:51:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 264ms
[F] 22:51:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 263ms
[F] 22:51:33 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:33 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:33 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 414ms
[F] 22:51:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 22:51:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 22:51:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 384ms
[F] 22:51:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 245ms
[F] 22:51:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 355ms
[F] 22:51:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 348ms
[F] 22:51:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 312ms
[F] 22:51:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 354ms
[F] 22:51:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 394ms
[F] 22:51:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 331ms
[F] 22:51:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 349ms
[F] 22:51:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 348ms
[F] 22:51:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 330ms
[F] 22:51:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 22:51:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 22:51:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 22:51:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 22:51:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 388ms
[F] 22:51:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 251ms
[F] 22:51:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 382ms
[F] 22:51:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 381ms
[F] 22:51:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 322ms
[F] 22:51:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 298ms
[F] 22:51:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 22:51:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 332ms
[F] 22:51:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 259ms
[F] 22:51:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 340ms
[F] 22:51:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 317ms
[F] 22:51:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 272ms
[F] 22:51:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:51:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:51:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 250ms
[F] 22:51:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 22:51:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 320ms
[F] 22:51:47 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:47 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:47 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:47 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:47 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:47 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:47 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:47 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:47 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:47 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:47 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:48 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:48 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:48 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:48 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:48 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:48 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:51:48 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
22:51:48 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 22:51:48 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[N] 22:51:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1298.122 ; 1433.688 ; 315.5575 ; "None" to 1246.797 ; 1427.164 ; 312.3553 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:51:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (52.07508y, 124ms)
[D] 22:51:48 - [Fight] Fight stopped
22:51:48 - [BG] Switching to healer: Meify
[N] 22:51:49 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 22:51:49 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 22:51:49 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 22:52:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:19 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:19 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:20 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:20 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:20 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:20 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:21 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:21 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:21 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:21 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:22 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:22 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:22 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
22:52:23 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 22:52:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1036.283 ; 1387.91 ; 340.7059 ; "None" to 1171.058 ; 1395.516 ; 307.9998 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:52:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (143.9406y, 114ms)
[F] 22:52:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:23 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:23 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 22:52:23 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:52:23 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 22:52:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:24 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:24 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:25 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:25 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:25 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:26 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:26 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:27 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:27 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:28 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:28 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:29 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:29 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:29 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:30 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:30 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:31 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:31 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:32 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:32 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:32 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:33 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:33 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:34 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:34 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:35 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:35 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:35 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:36 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:36 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:37 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:37 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 22:52:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [BN] (Daigas-Blackrock) healing
22:52:38 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Chillbrah (lvl 80)
[F] 22:52:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:52:38 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 22:52:38 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[F] 22:52:38 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 22:52:38 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 22:52:39 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:39 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:39 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:39 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:39 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:39 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:39 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:39 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:40 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:40 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 22:52:40 - [Fight] BlackList Chillbrah during 60 sec
22:52:40 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Chillbrah (lvl 80)
[F] 22:52:40 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:40 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:40 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:40 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:41 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:41 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:41 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:41 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:41 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:41 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:42 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:42 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:42 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:42 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:42 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:42 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:42 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:42 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:43 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:43 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:43 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:43 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:43 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:43 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:46 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:46 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:46 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:46 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:46 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:46 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 22:52:46 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:52:46 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:47 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:52:47 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:52:47 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:47 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:52:47 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:52:47 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:47 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:52:47 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:47 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:52:47 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:48 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:52:48 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:52:48 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:49 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:49 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:52:49 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:50 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:50 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:50 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:50 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:50 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:52:51 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 22:52:51 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 215ms
[F] 22:52:51 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 22:52:51 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:52:51 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 249ms
[F] 22:52:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:52:52 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:52 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:52:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:52:52 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:52 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:52:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:52:52 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 153ms
[F] 22:52:52 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:52:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:52:52 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:52:52 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:52:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:52:52 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:52 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:52:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:52:53 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:53 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:52:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:52:53 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:53 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:52:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:52:53 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:52:53 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:52:53 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 187ms
[F] 22:52:53 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 22:52:54 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:52:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:52:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:52:54 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on mouseover with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:52:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 22:52:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 22:52:55 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 22:52:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
22:52:55 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 22:52:56 - [Fight] Fight stopped
22:52:56 - [BG] Switching to healer: Mamatree
[F] 22:53:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:19 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:19 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:20 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:20 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:20 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:20 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
22:53:20 - [BG] Found enemy flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to attack!
[N] 22:53:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8364 ; "None" to 1153.152 ; 1467.307 ; 311.0885 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:53:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (163.8692y, 115ms)
[F] 22:53:21 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:53:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.667 ; 1387.459 ; 340.8011 ; "None" to 1155.028 ; 1467.534 ; 310.9378 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:53:21 - [RTF] Casting Retribution Aura() (Retribution Aura on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:53:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (164.4619y, 112ms)
[F] 22:53:21 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:21 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:21 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:21 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:21 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:21 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:22 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:22 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:22 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:22 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:22 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 22:53:22 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:53:22 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 22:53:22 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:22 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:22 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:23 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:23 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:23 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:23 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:23 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:23 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:23 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:24 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:24 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:24 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:53:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1062.232 ; 1392.821 ; 336.9904 ; "None" to 1165.605 ; 1468.879 ; 309.3621 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:53:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (184.1224y, 119ms)
[F] 22:53:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:53:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 197ms
[F] 22:53:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[N] 22:53:26 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 22:53:26 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 22:53:26 - [MovementManager] Further from the destination than at the beginning.
[N] 22:53:26 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 22:53:26 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 22:53:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1066.869 ; 1394.418 ; 325.5365 ; "None" to 1165.605 ; 1468.879 ; 309.3621 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:53:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (130.0349y, 120ms)
[N] 22:53:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1068.26 ; 1397.781 ; 324.3867 ; "None" to 1175.267 ; 1469.777 ; 306.0906 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:53:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (136.7467y, 114ms)
[N] 22:53:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1081.833 ; 1414.058 ; 322.5399 ; "None" to 1185.203 ; 1470.258 ; 304.5825 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:53:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (125.4398y, 115ms)
[D] 22:53:32 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 22:53:32 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:53:33 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1198.542 ; 1470.333 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 22:53:33 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 303.7687 (114 ms)
[N] 22:53:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1101.284 ; 1436.59 ; 320.975 ; "None" to 1148.042 ; 1488.468 ; 307.2743 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:53:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (72.79446y, 111ms)
22:53:34 - [Fight] Attack player Meify (lvl 80)
[N] 22:53:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1102.52 ; 1437.825 ; 320.975 ; "None" to 1148.042 ; 1488.468 ; 307.2743 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:53:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (71.16199y, 114ms)
[F] 22:53:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 153ms
[N] 22:53:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1119.819 ; 1451.027 ; 315.8616 ; "None" to 1146.089 ; 1498.199 ; 307.9739 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:53:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (55.13294y, 110ms)
[F] 22:53:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:53:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 22:53:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 253ms
[F] 22:53:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 250ms
[F] 22:53:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 283ms
[F] 22:53:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 250ms
[F] 22:53:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 22:53:39 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Protection() (Hand of Protection on mouseover with guid 504403158270939403
[F] 22:53:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 335ms
[F] 22:53:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 22:53:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 22:53:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 464ms
[F] 22:53:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 451ms
[F] 22:53:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 22:53:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 449ms
[F] 22:53:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 585ms
[F] 22:53:43 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:43 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:44 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:53:44 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:44 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:44 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:44 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:45 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:45 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:45 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:45 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:45 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 314ms
[F] 22:53:46 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 22:53:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 22:53:46 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:46 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:46 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:47 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:47 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 22:53:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 178ms
[F] 22:53:47 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:47 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:47 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:47 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:47 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:48 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:48 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:48 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:48 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:48 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:48 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 298ms
[F] 22:53:49 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:49 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:49 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:49 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:49 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:50 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 22:53:50 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:50 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:50 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:50 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:51 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:51 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:51 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:51 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:53:51 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 204ms
[F] 22:53:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:53:52 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:53:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:53:52 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:52 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:53:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:53:52 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:52 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:53:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:53:52 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:53 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:53:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:53:53 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 22:53:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:53:53 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:53 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:53:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:53:53 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:53 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:53:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:53:53 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:53 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:53:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:53:54 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:54 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:53:54 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:53:54 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:54 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:53:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 249ms
[F] 22:53:54 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:53:54 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:53:54 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:53:54 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 22:53:55 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 197ms
[F] 22:53:55 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:53:55 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 22:53:55 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 22:53:55 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:56 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:56 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:56 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:56 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:56 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:56 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:56 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:57 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:53:57 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:53:57 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 22:53:57 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 22:53:58 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 243ms
[F] 22:53:58 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 22:53:58 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:53:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:59 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:59 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:59 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:59 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 22:53:59 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:53:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 194ms
[F] 22:54:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:54:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:54:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:54:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 22:54:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 22:54:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 22:54:00 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 22:54:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 298ms
22:54:01 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 22:54:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:54:19 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:54:19 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:54:20 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:54:20 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:54:20 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:54:20 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:54:21 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:54:21 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
22:54:21 - [BG] Found friendly flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to def
[N] 22:54:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8364 ; "None" to 1430.714 ; 1522.411 ; 346.4251 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:54:21 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:54:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (507.2665y, 125ms)
[F] 22:54:21 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:54:22 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:54:22 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:54:22 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 22:54:23 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:54:23 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 22:54:23 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
22:55:24 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 22:55:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1429.88 ; 1519.661 ; 347.1629 ; "None" to 1248.354 ; 1486.703 ; 309.4331 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:55:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (211.325y, 127ms)
[N] 22:55:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1251.063 ; 1487.792 ; 309.7878 ; "None" to 1199.845 ; 1502.874 ; 305.657 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:55:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (53.61739y, 112ms)
22:55:50 - [Fight] Attack player Chillbrah (lvl 80)
[N] 22:55:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1251.063 ; 1487.792 ; 309.7878 ; "None" to 1200.388 ; 1503.006 ; 305.7154 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:55:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (53.12816y, 110ms)
[F] 22:55:51 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:55:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 22:55:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 22:55:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 22:55:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 22:55:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 22:55:54 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Sacrifice() (Hand of Sacrifice on mouseover with guid 504403158267212895
[F] 22:55:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 601ms
[F] 22:55:54 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:55:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 602ms
[F] 22:55:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 339ms
[F] 22:55:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 22:55:56 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:55:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 374ms
[F] 22:55:56 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:55:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 22:55:56 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:55:56 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:55:57 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:55:57 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:55:57 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:55:57 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:55:57 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:55:57 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:55:58 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389727404
[F] 22:55:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 241ms
[N] 22:55:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1208.649 ; 1500.32 ; 305.1091 ; "None" to 1237.566 ; 1440.389 ; 309.6177 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:55:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (79.15255y, 113ms)
22:55:58 - [Fight] Attack player Bellaoff (lvl 80)
[F] 22:55:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[N] 22:55:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1208.649 ; 1500.32 ; 305.1091 ; "None" to 1238.289 ; 1441.263 ; 309.7285 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:55:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (78.02798y, 112ms)
[F] 22:55:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 22:55:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 22:56:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 499ms
[F] 22:56:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 499ms
[F] 22:56:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 507ms
[F] 22:56:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[F] 22:56:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 540ms
[F] 22:56:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 570ms
[F] 22:56:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 735ms
[F] 22:56:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 805ms
[F] 22:56:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 806ms
[F] 22:56:06 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 22:56:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:56:07 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 529ms
[F] 22:56:07 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:56:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:56:07 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 303ms
[F] 22:56:07 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:07 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:56:07 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:08 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 22:56:08 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 508ms
[F] 22:56:09 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 22:56:09 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 22:56:09 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 239ms
[F] 22:56:10 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:56:10 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 22:56:10 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:56:10 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 22:56:10 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:56:10 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:56:10 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 302ms
[F] 22:56:11 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:56:11 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:11 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:56:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:56:11 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:56:11 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:11 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:56:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 298ms
[F] 22:56:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 837ms
[F] 22:56:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 744ms
[F] 22:56:13 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:13 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:13 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:56:14 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 22:56:14 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 22:56:15 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 22:56:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[F] 22:56:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 22:56:16 - [RTF] Casting Avenging Wrath() (Avenging Wrath on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 22:56:16 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:56:17 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 532ms
[F] 22:56:17 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:17 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:56:17 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:56:17 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 22:56:17 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 173ms
[F] 22:56:17 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:18 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:18 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 22:56:18 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 22:56:19 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 337ms
[F] 22:56:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 932ms
[F] 22:56:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 1105ms
[F] 22:56:21 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 22:56:22 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 22:56:22 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 170ms
[F] 22:56:22 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 22:56:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 22:56:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 22:56:23 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 22:56:24 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 22:56:25 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 695ms
[F] 22:56:25 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:56:25 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 603ms
[F] 22:56:26 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:26 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:56:26 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 22:56:26 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 163ms
[F] 22:56:26 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:27 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 227ms
[F] 22:56:27 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 22:56:27 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 237ms
[F] 22:56:28 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 231ms
[F] 22:56:28 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 22:56:28 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:56:28 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 306ms
[F] 22:56:28 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:56:28 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:56:29 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 22:56:29 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:56:29 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:29 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:56:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 205ms
[F] 22:56:29 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 22:56:30 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 432ms
[F] 22:56:30 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:56:30 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 474ms
[F] 22:56:30 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:56:31 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:56:31 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 22:56:31 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:56:31 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:56:31 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 22:56:32 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:56:32 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 22:56:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 1003ms
[F] 22:56:33 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 22:56:34 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 22:56:34 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 373ms
[F] 22:56:35 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 22:56:35 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 363ms
[F] 22:56:35 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 264ms
[F] 22:56:36 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 331ms
[F] 22:56:36 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 22:56:37 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 509ms
[F] 22:56:37 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 22:56:38 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 22:56:41 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:56:41 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 2970ms
[F] 22:56:41 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:41 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:56:41 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:56:41 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 158ms
[F] 22:56:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:42 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:43 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 22:56:44 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 162ms
[F] 22:56:44 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 22:56:44 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 22:56:44 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 212ms
[F] 22:56:45 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 22:56:45 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:56:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 153ms
[F] 22:56:45 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 22:56:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
22:56:45 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 22:56:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:49 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:50 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:50 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:50 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:50 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:50 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:51 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:51 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:51 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:51 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:52 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:52 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:52 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:56:53 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
22:56:54 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 22:56:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8362 ; "None" to 1249.346 ; 1398.56 ; 311.5197 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:56:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (228.6672y, 120ms)
[D] 22:56:56 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:56:56 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[D] 22:57:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Grour) always the no heals thing
[D] 22:57:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [BN] (Daigas-Blackrock) ye
[N] 22:57:10 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 22:57:10 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 22:57:10 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
22:57:11 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Fossilized (lvl 80)
[F] 22:57:11 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270252836
[F] 22:57:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 22:57:11 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270252836
[F] 22:57:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 457ms
[F] 22:57:12 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270252836
[F] 22:57:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 432ms
[F] 22:57:12 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270252836
[F] 22:57:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 22:57:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270252836
[F] 22:57:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 439ms
[F] 22:57:13 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270252836
[F] 22:57:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 500ms
[F] 22:57:14 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270252836
[F] 22:57:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 22:57:14 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270252836
[F] 22:57:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 22:57:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270252836
[F] 22:57:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 22:57:15 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:57:15 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270252836
[F] 22:57:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 637ms
[D] 22:57:15 - [Fight] BlackList Fossilized during 60 sec
22:57:15 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Fossilized (lvl 80)
[F] 22:57:16 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:57:16 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:57:16 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270252836
[F] 22:57:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 497ms
[F] 22:57:16 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:16 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:57:16 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 22:57:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 325ms
22:57:17 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 22:57:18 - [Fight] Fight stopped
22:57:18 - [BG] Switching to healer: Mamatree
[F] 22:57:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:20 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:20 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:20 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:20 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:21 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:21 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:21 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:21 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 22:57:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Elemelons) horde smash, no heal
[F] 22:57:22 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:22 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:23 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
22:57:26 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 22:57:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8361 ; "None" to 1252.113 ; 1553.663 ; 309.9018 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:57:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (293.8302y, 116ms)
[D] 22:57:28 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:57:28 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
22:57:46 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Chillbrah (lvl 80)
[F] 22:57:46 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 22:57:46 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 22:57:47 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 170ms
[F] 22:57:47 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 22:57:47 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 22:57:47 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 22:57:48 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 231ms
[F] 22:57:48 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 22:57:48 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 231ms
[F] 22:57:49 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 159ms
[F] 22:57:49 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 171ms
[F] 22:57:49 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:57:49 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 22:57:49 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 22:57:49 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 22:57:49 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:50 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 22:57:50 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 305ms
[F] 22:57:50 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 22:57:51 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 22:57:51 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 22:57:52 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 506ms
[D] 22:57:52 - [Fight] BlackList Chillbrah during 60 sec
22:57:52 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Mamatree (lvl 80)
[F] 22:57:52 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:52 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:52 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:52 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:53 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:53 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:53 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:57:53 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:53 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:57:53 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:57:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 278ms
[F] 22:57:54 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:57:54 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:54 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:57:54 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:57:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 22:57:54 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:57:54 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:54 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:57:54 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:57:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 272ms
[F] 22:57:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:57:55 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:55 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 22:57:55 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:57:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 22:57:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:57:55 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:56 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:57:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 303ms
[F] 22:57:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:57:56 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:57:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 297ms
[F] 22:57:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 264ms
[F] 22:57:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 22:57:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 270ms
[F] 22:57:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 22:57:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 22:57:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 22:57:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 270ms
[F] 22:57:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 22:57:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 22:57:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 22:58:00 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 22:58:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:58:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 22:58:00 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:58:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 22:58:00 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:58:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 22:58:01 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:58:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 22:58:01 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:58:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 22:58:01 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:58:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 280ms
[F] 22:58:02 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:58:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 343ms
[F] 22:58:02 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:58:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 330ms
[F] 22:58:03 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:58:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 341ms
[F] 22:58:03 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:58:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 22:58:03 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:58:03 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158270635919
[F] 22:58:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 22:58:04 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:58:04 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 22:58:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
22:58:04 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 22:58:05 - [Fight] Fight stopped
22:58:05 - [BG] Switching to healer: Mamatree
[F] 22:58:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:58:20 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:58:20 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:58:20 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:58:20 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:58:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:58:21 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:58:21 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:58:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:58:21 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:58:21 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
22:58:22 - [BG] Found enemy flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to attack!
[N] 22:58:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8361 ; "None" to 963.7051 ; 1458.099 ; 338.4361 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:58:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:58:22 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:58:22 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:58:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (301.1697y, 611ms)
[F] 22:58:23 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:58:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.405 ; 1387.478 ; 340.82 ; "None" to 966.6227 ; 1458.138 ; 337.5501 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:58:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (297.9668y, 114ms)
[F] 22:58:23 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:58:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 286ms
[F] 22:58:23 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:58:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 463ms
[F] 22:58:24 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 22:58:24 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:58:24 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 22:58:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 22:58:24 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:58:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 22:58:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 602ms
[N] 22:58:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1051.132 ; 1390.931 ; 340.1748 ; "None" to 976.9372 ; 1458.679 ; 336.3497 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:58:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (287.7658y, 115ms)
[F] 22:58:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[F] 22:58:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 22:58:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[D] 22:58:27 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 22:58:27 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 22:58:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 22:58:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 22:58:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 22:58:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 22:58:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 22:58:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 22:58:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 463ms
[F] 22:58:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 22:58:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 22:58:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 22:58:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 22:58:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 408ms
[F] 22:58:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 407ms
[F] 22:58:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[N] 22:58:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1094.358 ; 1404.672 ; 317.8086 ; "None" to 1051.39 ; 1447.868 ; 340.3907 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:58:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (286.9169y, 117ms)
22:58:35 - [Fight] Attack player Repirobo (lvl 80)
[F] 22:58:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[N] 22:58:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1096.794 ; 1406.358 ; 317.1978 ; "None" to 1050.227 ; 1442.849 ; 339.8743 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:58:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (289.1277y, 114ms)
[F] 22:58:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 22:58:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[N] 22:58:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1102.355 ; 1410.205 ; 315.8252 ; "None" to 1047.572 ; 1431.392 ; 339.0286 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:58:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (293.9993y, 118ms)
[F] 22:58:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[N] 22:58:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1108.347 ; 1414.35 ; 314.8025 ; "None" to 1044.712 ; 1419.049 ; 339.8102 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:58:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[N] 22:58:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (299.2432y, 123ms)
[F] 22:58:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[N] 22:58:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1113.595 ; 1418.835 ; 313.8568 ; "None" to 1047.185 ; 1407.417 ; 340.6117 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:58:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 22:58:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[N] 22:58:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (303.1611y, 610ms)
[F] 22:58:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 408ms
[F] 22:58:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 22:58:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 22:58:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[N] 22:58:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1122.177 ; 1437.09 ; 313.4871 ; "None" to 1043.384 ; 1413.417 ; 340.8378 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:58:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (277.2599y, 122ms)
[F] 22:58:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 22:58:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 22:58:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 22:58:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 22:58:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 22:58:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 22:58:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 22:58:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[N] 22:58:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1122.014 ; 1466.778 ; 316.0736 ; "None" to 1043.58 ; 1403.851 ; 341.0196 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:58:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (256.973y, 125ms)
[F] 22:58:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[D] 22:58:44 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 22:58:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[N] 22:58:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1121.972 ; 1474.345 ; 315.4025 ; "None" to 1105.633 ; 1527.424 ; 314.7976 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:58:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:58:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (56.63335y, 115ms)
22:58:45 - [Fight] Attack player Mamatree (lvl 80)
[F] 22:58:45 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:58:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1121.963 ; 1475.971 ; 315.2139 ; "None" to 1105.633 ; 1527.424 ; 314.7976 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:58:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (54.99743y, 107ms)
[F] 22:58:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 22:58:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 22:58:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 22:58:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 22:58:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 22:58:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 22:58:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 22:58:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 22:58:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 22:58:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 22:58:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 474ms
[F] 22:58:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 22:58:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 22:58:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 22:58:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 22:58:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 22:58:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[D] 22:58:54 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 22:58:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 22:58:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:58:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1088.091 ; 1537.585 ; 316.3433 ; "None" to 1059.698 ; 1541.373 ; 327.7141 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:58:55 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:58:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (32.38737y, 114ms)
22:58:55 - [Fight] Attack player Mamatree (lvl 80)
[N] 22:58:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1086.349 ; 1538.302 ; 316.5777 ; "None" to 1056.474 ; 1540.802 ; 329.151 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:58:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (34.05208y, 111ms)
[N] 22:58:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1081.137 ; 1541.127 ; 317.5286 ; "None" to 1049.12 ; 1533.688 ; 334.5276 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:58:55 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:58:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[N] 22:58:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (38.68169y, 115ms)
[F] 22:58:56 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:58:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[N] 22:58:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1075.09 ; 1542.72 ; 318.8725 ; "None" to 1045.331 ; 1523.332 ; 337.6528 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:58:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (41.51596y, 109ms)
[F] 22:58:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 22:58:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[N] 22:58:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1069.035 ; 1542.15 ; 321.9203 ; "None" to 1046.477 ; 1512.62 ; 339.3824 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:58:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (44.40309y, 110ms)
[F] 22:58:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[D] 22:58:58 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 22:58:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[N] 22:58:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1063.281 ; 1538.143 ; 327.7805 ; "None" to 1048.023 ; 1500.531 ; 341.6014 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:58:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:58:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (47.65586y, 116ms)
22:58:58 - [Fight] Attack player Mamatree (lvl 80)
[F] 22:58:58 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:58:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1061.953 ; 1537.219 ; 328.6245 ; "None" to 1048.314 ; 1497.732 ; 341.7108 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:58:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (48.63163y, 111ms)
[F] 22:58:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[N] 22:58:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1056.155 ; 1532.854 ; 332.6805 ; "None" to 1050.274 ; 1485.236 ; 342.8485 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:58:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (52.9403y, 114ms)
[F] 22:58:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[N] 22:59:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1051.396 ; 1528.028 ; 337.452 ; "None" to 1051.44 ; 1473.51 ; 342.7122 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:59:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[N] 22:59:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (56.82346y, 111ms)
[F] 22:59:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[N] 22:59:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1047.681 ; 1522.532 ; 338.1386 ; "None" to 1052.535 ; 1461.981 ; 341.6818 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:59:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[N] 22:59:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (61.42857y, 110ms)
[F] 22:59:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[D] 22:59:01 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 22:59:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1047.881 ; 1515.929 ; 339.1949 ; "None" to 1053.477 ; 1450.801 ; 340.8424 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:59:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (65.73729y, 112ms)
22:59:02 - [Fight] Attack player Mamatree (lvl 80)
[F] 22:59:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[N] 22:59:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1048.258 ; 1513.528 ; 339.5045 ; "None" to 1053.09 ; 1446.594 ; 340.2509 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:59:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (68.33138y, 115ms)
[F] 22:59:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 22:59:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[N] 22:59:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1051.573 ; 1507.923 ; 341.0539 ; "None" to 1048.841 ; 1435.707 ; 339.261 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:59:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (72.60483y, 116ms)
[F] 22:59:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[N] 22:59:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1051.61 ; 1500.88 ; 341.9345 ; "None" to 1042.244 ; 1425.467 ; 339.3963 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:59:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[N] 22:59:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (77.36852y, 113ms)
[F] 22:59:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 407ms
[N] 22:59:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1051.586 ; 1493.844 ; 342.1348 ; "None" to 1033.284 ; 1417.114 ; 340.8878 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:59:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[N] 22:59:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (81.88722y, 112ms)
[F] 22:59:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 22:59:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 22:59:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 398ms
[D] 22:59:06 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 22:59:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 409ms
[F] 22:59:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:59:07 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:59:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:59:07 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:59:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:59:08 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 22:59:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1051.491 ; 1465.758 ; 341.9547 ; "None" to 1004.443 ; 1419.847 ; 345.2115 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:59:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (71.83843y, 119ms)
22:59:08 - [Fight] Attack player Khazuhiro (lvl 80)
[N] 22:59:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1051.486 ; 1464.148 ; 341.8056 ; "None" to 1006.264 ; 1419.298 ; 346.0746 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:59:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (69.29317y, 117ms)
[F] 22:59:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 409ms
[F] 22:59:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[N] 22:59:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1047.057 ; 1461.668 ; 341.8411 ; "None" to 1022.982 ; 1414.262 ; 344.0752 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 22:59:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[N] 22:59:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (54.32481y, 607ms)
[F] 22:59:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[F] 22:59:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 22:59:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 22:59:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[N] 22:59:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1038.899 ; 1449.803 ; 341.9393 ; "None" to 1035.576 ; 1422.13 ; 340.175 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:59:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (28.77139y, 118ms)
[F] 22:59:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 408ms
[F] 22:59:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 22:59:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 475ms
[F] 22:59:13 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564231364133
[F] 22:59:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 22:59:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564231364133
[F] 22:59:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 242ms
[F] 22:59:14 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564231364133
[F] 22:59:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 22:59:14 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564231364133
[F] 22:59:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 22:59:15 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564231364133
[F] 22:59:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 22:59:15 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:59:15 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 432345564231364133
[F] 22:59:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 22:59:15 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 22:59:16 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564231364133
[F] 22:59:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 22:59:16 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564231364133
[F] 22:59:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 22:59:16 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:59:16 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:59:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 204ms
[F] 22:59:17 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:59:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 463ms
[F] 22:59:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 809ms
[F] 22:59:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 635ms
[F] 22:59:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 771ms
[F] 22:59:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 798ms
[F] 22:59:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 773ms
[F] 22:59:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 839ms
[F] 22:59:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 703ms
[F] 22:59:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 766ms
[N] 22:59:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1030.398 ; 1403.918 ; 341.5938 ; "None" to 1025.687 ; 1399.015 ; 342.5475 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 22:59:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (6.866652y, 116ms)
22:59:24 - [Fight] Attack player Khazuhiro (lvl 80)
[F] 22:59:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 802ms
[F] 22:59:25 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 22:59:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 22:59:26 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564231364133
[F] 22:59:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 262ms
[F] 22:59:26 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564231364133
[F] 22:59:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 344ms
[F] 22:59:26 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564231364133
[F] 22:59:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 328ms
[F] 22:59:27 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564231364133
[F] 22:59:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 22:59:27 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564231364133
[F] 22:59:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 335ms
[F] 22:59:28 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564231364133
[F] 22:59:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 22:59:28 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564231364133
[F] 22:59:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 22:59:29 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 22:59:29 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 432345564231364133
[F] 22:59:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 571ms
[F] 22:59:29 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 22:59:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 599ms
[F] 22:59:30 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:59:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 441ms
[F] 22:59:31 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:59:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 398ms
[F] 22:59:31 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:59:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 22:59:32 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564231364133
[F] 22:59:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[F] 22:59:32 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564231364133
[F] 22:59:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 264ms
[F] 22:59:32 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564231364133
[F] 22:59:32 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564231364133
[F] 22:59:33 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564231364133
[F] 22:59:33 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:59:33 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:59:33 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:59:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[D] 22:59:33 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
22:59:33 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Rafgnar (lvl 80)
[F] 22:59:34 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 22:59:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 204ms
[F] 22:59:34 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564232543255
[F] 22:59:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 22:59:34 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564232543255
[F] 22:59:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 22:59:35 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564232543255
[F] 22:59:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 22:59:35 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:59:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 22:59:35 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 22:59:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 262ms
[F] 22:59:36 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 22:59:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 587ms
[D] 22:59:36 - [Fight] Fight stopped
22:59:36 - [BG] Switching to healer: Bellaoff
22:59:37 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 23:02:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Kahna) not even worth it to respawn :p
[D] 23:02:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [BN] (Daigas-Blackrock) yeah f it
[D] 23:02:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Kahna) I really hate how WG is so healer dependent... really, the team that wins is always the one that has more healers
[D] 23:03:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [BN] (Daigas-Blackrock) and horde usually has no one healing
[D] 23:03:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Kahna) I have a healer char, but it's only pve geared
[D] 23:03:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [BN] (Daigas-Blackrock) or if they do, allies have even more
[D] 23:03:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Kahna) I died in two slaps
[D] 23:03:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Kahna) so I guess I'd get two heals off before I die
[D] 23:04:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Kahna) not really trying to do a lot of pvp in this server, only going for some of the easier achieves and I'll be done with pvp
23:04:50 - [BG] Battleground Finish
[F] 23:04:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:04:51 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 23:04:51 - [Info] Continent change, PVPZone03 to Kalimdor
[D] 23:04:51 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 23:04:51 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:04:51 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 23:04:51 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:04:51 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 23:04:52 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:04:52 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:04:52 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:04:52 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:04:53 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:04:53 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:04:54 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:05:04 - [Warsong] Go to starting position
[N] 23:05:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 933.3315 ; 1433.724 ; 345.5357 ; "None" to 946.7914 ; 1422.288 ; 345.41 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:05:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17.66261y, 0ms)
[F] 23:05:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158271853258
[F] 23:05:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[D] 23:05:05 - [Info] Continent change, Kalimdor to PVPZone03
[D] 23:05:05 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 23:05:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265533334
[F] 23:05:05 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
23:05:05 - [Warsong] Go to starting position
[N] 23:05:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 934.8286 ; 1432.783 ; 345.5357 ; "None" to 946.7914 ; 1422.288 ; 345.41 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 23:05:05 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 23:05:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268381413
[N] 23:05:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15.91454y, 178ms)
[F] 23:05:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265683869
[F] 23:05:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158271853258
[F] 23:05:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268381413
[F] 23:05:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265683869
[F] 23:05:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158271853258
[F] 23:05:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268381413
[F] 23:05:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158271853258
[F] 23:05:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268381413
[F] 23:05:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158271853258
[F] 23:05:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268381413
[F] 23:05:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158271853258
[F] 23:05:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158268381413
[F] 23:05:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158271853258
[F] 23:05:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266456564
[F] 23:05:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158271853258
[F] 23:05:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158271853258
[F] 23:05:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158271853258
[F] 23:05:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158271853258
[F] 23:05:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158271853258
[F] 23:05:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158271853258
[F] 23:05:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265533334
[F] 23:05:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269465654
[F] 23:05:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269465654
[F] 23:05:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269465654
[F] 23:05:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158269465654
[F] 23:05:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[D] 23:05:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Bemo) we need healer
[D] 23:05:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Bemo) :P
[F] 23:05:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:05:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:05:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:05:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:05:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:05:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:05:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:05:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[D] 23:06:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Ihuman) U have 2
[F] 23:06:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[D] 23:06:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Ihuman) 3
[F] 23:06:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[D] 23:06:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Bemo) ok
[D] 23:06:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Bemo) cat
[F] 23:06:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[D] 23:06:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Lunazul) coolio
[D] 23:06:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Ihuman) better dps the fuq out of them
[F] 23:06:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[F] 23:06:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389851459
[F] 23:06:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270700145
[F] 23:06:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271875668
[F] 23:06:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158265559453
[F] 23:06:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158269418452
[F] 23:06:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270650377
[F] 23:06:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271732442
[N] 23:06:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 945.1561 ; 1423.723 ; 345.4328 ; "None" to 994.9714 ; 1422.54 ; 344.9629 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:06:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (54.37326y, 112ms)
[F] 23:06:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:06:38 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 23:06:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 992.3892 ; 1422.544 ; 345.2394 ; "None" to 1215.478 ; 1337.398 ; 313.7791 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:06:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (256.1263y, 124ms)
[F] 23:06:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 23:06:46 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 23:06:46 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 23:06:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:06:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:07:11 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 23:07:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1212.784 ; 1338.664 ; 313.95 ; "None" to 1343.883 ; 1402.511 ; 323.7987 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:07:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (154.2931y, 113ms)
[F] 23:07:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:07:31 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 23:07:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1341.167 ; 1402.494 ; 322.8103 ; "None" to 1252.113 ; 1553.663 ; 309.9018 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:07:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (185.1341y, 111ms)
[F] 23:07:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:07:56 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Rahba (lvl 80)
[F] 23:07:56 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:07:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 196ms
[F] 23:07:56 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:07:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 23:07:56 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:07:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 23:07:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:07:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 23:07:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:07:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 23:07:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:07:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 23:07:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:07:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 170ms
[F] 23:07:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:07:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 23:07:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:07:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 23:07:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:07:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 23:07:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:07:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 23:07:59 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:07:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 307ms
[F] 23:07:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:07:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 23:07:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:07:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 23:08:00 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:08:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 23:08:00 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:08:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 23:08:00 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:08:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 205ms
[F] 23:08:01 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:08:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 194ms
[F] 23:08:01 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:08:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 23:08:01 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:08:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 205ms
[F] 23:08:02 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:08:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 208ms
[F] 23:08:02 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:08:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 23:08:02 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:08:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 23:08:02 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:08:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 23:08:03 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:08:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 432ms
[F] 23:08:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 704ms
[F] 23:08:04 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:08:04 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:08:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 23:08:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:08:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:08:05 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:08:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 23:08:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 23:08:05 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:08:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 537ms
[F] 23:08:06 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:08:06 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:08:06 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:08:06 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:08:07 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:08:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 703ms
[F] 23:08:07 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:08:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 230ms
23:08:09 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 23:08:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1241.037 ; 1516.862 ; 306.925 ; "None" to 1343.883 ; 1402.511 ; 323.7987 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:08:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (156.1552y, 112ms)
[F] 23:08:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:08:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 23:08:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Bemo) try kill healers
[F] 23:08:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:08:30 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 23:08:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1341.752 ; 1404.414 ; 323.0453 ; "None" to 1283.282 ; 1525.56 ; 313.7712 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:08:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (136.3804y, 117ms)
[F] 23:08:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:08:41 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Urshalana (lvl 80)
[F] 23:08:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:08:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 23:08:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 532ms
[F] 23:08:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 508ms
[F] 23:08:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 568ms
[N] 23:08:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1303.046 ; 1476.507 ; 315.0655 ; "None" to 1314.87 ; 1467.522 ; 317.7393 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:08:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15.08952y, 119ms)
[F] 23:08:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 23:08:45 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 270ms
[F] 23:08:45 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 23:08:45 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 23:08:45 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 23:08:46 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 23:08:46 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 23:08:46 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 23:08:47 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 23:08:47 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 23:08:47 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 23:08:47 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 23:08:48 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 23:08:48 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 23:08:48 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 23:08:48 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 240ms
[F] 23:08:49 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 23:08:49 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 23:08:49 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:08:49 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 309ms
[F] 23:08:50 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:08:50 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 23:08:50 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:08:50 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:08:50 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 303ms
[F] 23:08:50 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:08:50 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 23:08:50 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:08:51 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:08:51 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 598ms
[F] 23:08:51 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Target needs to be in front of you.
[F] 23:08:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:08:52 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 571ms
[F] 23:08:52 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 23:08:52 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:08:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 23:08:53 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:08:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 568ms
[F] 23:08:53 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:08:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 23:08:54 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:08:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 23:08:55 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:08:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 600ms
[F] 23:08:55 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:08:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 599ms
[F] 23:08:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 966ms
[F] 23:08:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 964ms
[D] 23:08:58 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 23:08:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 870ms
[D] 23:08:58 - [Fight] BlackList Urshalana during 60 sec
[N] 23:08:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1339.636 ; 1502.813 ; 321.4984 ; "None" to 1325.071 ; 1514.185 ; 315.8621 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:08:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19.31868y, 117ms)
23:08:59 - [Fight] Attack player Harden (lvl 80)
[F] 23:08:59 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:08:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 439ms
[F] 23:09:00 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on mouseover with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:09:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 534ms
[F] 23:09:00 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on mouseover with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:09:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 506ms
[F] 23:09:01 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on mouseover with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:09:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 23:09:01 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:09:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 475ms
[D] 23:09:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Ihuman) Attack the Healer!!
[F] 23:09:02 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:09:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 23:09:02 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:09:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 23:09:03 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:09:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 23:09:03 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:09:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 432ms
[F] 23:09:04 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:09:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 23:09:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 1399ms
[F] 23:09:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 1207ms
23:09:08 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 23:09:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1335.858 ; 1523.472 ; 314.6116 ; "None" to 1171.058 ; 1395.516 ; 307.9998 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:09:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (215.671y, 112ms)
[F] 23:09:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:09:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:09:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:09:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:09:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:09:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:09:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:09:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:09:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:09:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:09:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:09:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:09:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:09:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:09:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:09:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:09:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:09:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:09:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:09:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:09:51 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
23:09:52 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 23:09:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1174.185 ; 1396.118 ; 307.798 ; "None" to 1283.282 ; 1525.56 ; 313.7712 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:09:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (178.0495y, 112ms)
[F] 23:09:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 23:10:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Bemo) stupid take the boot
[F] 23:10:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 23:10:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Bemo) ...
[N] 23:10:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1282.734 ; 1522.689 ; 314.6016 ; "None" to 1323.777 ; 1517.718 ; 315.7413 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:10:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (41.35882y, 113ms)
23:10:17 - [Fight] Attack player Khazmaran (lvl 80)
[N] 23:10:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1282.734 ; 1522.689 ; 314.6016 ; "None" to 1325.04 ; 1516.838 ; 315.6671 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:10:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (42.72264y, 112ms)
[F] 23:10:18 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 154ms
[F] 23:10:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 157ms
[F] 23:10:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 23:10:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 159ms
[N] 23:10:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1293.626 ; 1521.182 ; 315.9058 ; "None" to 1334.707 ; 1513.596 ; 316.8222 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:10:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (41.78555y, 114ms)
[F] 23:10:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 158ms
[F] 23:10:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 180ms
[F] 23:10:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 23:10:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 181ms
[F] 23:10:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 23:10:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 23:10:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 276ms
[F] 23:10:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 240ms
[F] 23:10:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 285ms
[F] 23:10:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 23:10:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 159ms
[F] 23:10:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 157ms
[F] 23:10:22 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:22 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 284ms
[F] 23:10:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 302ms
[F] 23:10:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 302ms
[F] 23:10:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 281ms
[F] 23:10:24 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:10:24 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:10:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 414ms
[F] 23:10:25 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389847332
[N] 23:10:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1337.36 ; 1525.823 ; 314.3476 ; "None" to 1335.519 ; 1526.593 ; 314.3321 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:10:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (1.994869y, 112ms)
23:10:25 - [Fight] Attack player Chaini (lvl 80)
[F] 23:10:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 349ms
[F] 23:10:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 262ms
[F] 23:10:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 449ms
[F] 23:10:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 23:10:27 - [RTF] Casting Avenging Wrath() (Avenging Wrath on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 23:10:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 442ms
[F] 23:10:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 375ms
[F] 23:10:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 453ms
[F] 23:10:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 354ms
[F] 23:10:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 348ms
[F] 23:10:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 346ms
[F] 23:10:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 327ms
[F] 23:10:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 305ms
[F] 23:10:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 449ms
[F] 23:10:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 421ms
[F] 23:10:32 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:32 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 303ms
[F] 23:10:32 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 178ms
[F] 23:10:32 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:32 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:33 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:33 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:33 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:33 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158269203034
[F] 23:10:33 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158269203034
[F] 23:10:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 362ms
[F] 23:10:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 371ms
[F] 23:10:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 372ms
[F] 23:10:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 23:10:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 364ms
[F] 23:10:35 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:36 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:36 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:36 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:36 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:36 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:36 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:36 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:37 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:37 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[N] 23:10:37 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 23:10:37 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 23:10:37 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 23:10:37 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:10:37 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:37 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:10:37 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:37 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 23:10:37 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:10:37 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:37 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 23:10:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 23:10:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 431ms
[F] 23:10:38 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:38 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:38 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:38 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:38 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:38 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:39 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:39 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:39 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:39 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:39 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:39 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:39 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:40 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:40 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:40 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:40 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:40 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:40 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:40 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:40 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:41 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:41 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:41 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:41 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:41 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:41 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:42 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:42 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:42 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:42 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:10:42 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 231ms
[F] 23:10:43 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:10:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 23:10:43 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:10:43 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 23:10:43 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:10:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 417ms
[F] 23:10:44 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271759898
[F] 23:10:44 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271759898
[D] 23:10:44 - [Fight] Target dead
23:10:44 - [BG] Switching to healer: Chaini
[N] 23:10:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1344.661 ; 1544.937 ; 314.39 ; "None" to 1356.814 ; 1561.702 ; 317.1579 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:10:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20.89024y, 109ms)
23:10:44 - [Fight] Attack player Harden (lvl 80)
[F] 23:10:44 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:10:44 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:44 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:10:44 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:10:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 332ms
[F] 23:10:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 414ms
[F] 23:10:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 23:10:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 23:10:46 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 23:10:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 517ms
[F] 23:10:47 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 23:10:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 478ms
[F] 23:10:48 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:10:48 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 218ms
[F] 23:10:48 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:10:48 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:10:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 453ms
[F] 23:10:49 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:49 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:49 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:49 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:49 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:49 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:49 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:49 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:50 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:50 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:50 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:50 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:50 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:51 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 215ms
[F] 23:10:51 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:10:51 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 23:10:51 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:10:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 535ms
[F] 23:10:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 485ms
[F] 23:10:53 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:10:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 617ms
[F] 23:10:53 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 23:10:53 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:53 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 23:10:54 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 23:10:54 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 23:10:54 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 23:10:54 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 23:10:54 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:55 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 205ms
[F] 23:10:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:10:55 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 23:10:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:10:55 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:55 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:10:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:10:55 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 23:10:56 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:10:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:10:56 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 250ms
[F] 23:10:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:10:56 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 221ms
[F] 23:10:56 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:10:56 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 231ms
[F] 23:10:57 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:58 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 23:10:58 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:58 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 176ms
[F] 23:10:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 157ms
[F] 23:10:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:10:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 193ms
[F] 23:10:59 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:10:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 23:11:00 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 221ms
[F] 23:11:00 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 193ms
[F] 23:11:00 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 23:11:01 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 219ms
[F] 23:11:01 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:11:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 158ms
[F] 23:11:01 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:11:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 23:11:01 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 171ms
[F] 23:11:02 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 23:11:02 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 23:11:02 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 23:11:02 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 23:11:02 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 23:11:03 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:03 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:03 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 248ms
[F] 23:11:03 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 23:11:04 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 197ms
[F] 23:11:04 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 23:11:04 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 23:11:04 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 219ms
[F] 23:11:05 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 23:11:05 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:11:05 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:11:05 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:11:05 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:11:05 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:11:06 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:11:06 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:11:06 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:11:06 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 249ms
[F] 23:11:06 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 226ms
[F] 23:11:07 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 247ms
[F] 23:11:07 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 23:11:07 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:07 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:08 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:08 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:08 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 152ms
[F] 23:11:08 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:08 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 152ms
[F] 23:11:09 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 215ms
[F] 23:11:09 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 219ms
[F] 23:11:09 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 23:11:09 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:11:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 23:11:10 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:11:10 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:11:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 23:11:10 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:11:10 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:11:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 648ms
[F] 23:11:11 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:11:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 23:11:11 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:11:11 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265514180
[F] 23:11:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 694ms
[F] 23:11:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 635ms
[F] 23:11:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 515ms
[N] 23:11:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1382.115 ; 1578.017 ; 321.4864 ; "None" to 1399.915 ; 1567.146 ; 343.3994 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:11:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 21 (416.8464y, 611ms)
23:11:14 - [Fight] Attack player Khazmaran (lvl 80)
[F] 23:11:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 448ms
[N] 23:11:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1382.115 ; 1578.017 ; 321.4864 ; "None" to 1399.152 ; 1567.243 ; 343.3337 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:11:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 21 (417.0365y, 112ms)
[F] 23:11:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 432ms
[F] 23:11:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 365ms
[F] 23:11:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 23:11:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 23:11:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 191ms
[F] 23:11:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 23:11:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 23:11:17 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:17 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 483ms
[N] 23:11:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1379.396 ; 1572.898 ; 321.0985 ; "None" to 1408.368 ; 1563.254 ; 342.984 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:11:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 22 (403.0233y, 121ms)
[F] 23:11:18 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 23:11:19 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 500ms
[F] 23:11:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 23:11:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 418ms
[N] 23:11:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1370.065 ; 1559.277 ; 317.886 ; "None" to 1421.562 ; 1560.964 ; 342.7505 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:11:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 24 (383.6605y, 121ms)
[F] 23:11:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 432ms
[F] 23:11:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 431ms
[F] 23:11:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 23:11:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 379ms
[F] 23:11:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 348ms
[F] 23:11:22 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:11:22 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:22 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:11:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 23:11:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 250ms
[N] 23:11:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1356.063 ; 1536.487 ; 318.9225 ; "None" to 1430.643 ; 1555.635 ; 342.7505 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 23:11:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 282ms
[N] 23:11:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (348.0323y, 124ms)
[F] 23:11:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 23:11:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 251ms
[F] 23:11:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 230ms
[F] 23:11:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 23:11:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 23:11:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 173ms
[F] 23:11:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 23:11:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 23:11:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 23:11:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 163ms
[F] 23:11:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 23:11:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[D] 23:11:27 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 23:11:32 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:11:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:11:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:11:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1417.765 ; 1480.855 ; 348.3125 ; "None" to 1422.911 ; 1544.779 ; 343.0835 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:11:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (66.4389y, 112ms)
23:11:56 - [Fight] Attack player Khazmaran (lvl 80)
[N] 23:11:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1418.169 ; 1482.554 ; 348.4128 ; "None" to 1422.591 ; 1544.654 ; 343.0887 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:11:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (64.53411y, 110ms)
[F] 23:12:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 23:12:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 23:12:03 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 23:12:04 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 356ms
[F] 23:12:04 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 152ms
[F] 23:12:04 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 23:12:04 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 23:12:04 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:04 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:05 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:05 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:05 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 23:12:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:12:05 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 23:12:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:12:05 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:12:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:12:06 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 23:12:06 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 23:12:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:12:06 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 23:12:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:12:06 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:12:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:12:06 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 23:12:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:12:07 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 180ms
[F] 23:12:07 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 23:12:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:12:07 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389847332
23:12:07 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Khazmaran (lvl 80)
[F] 23:12:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:12:07 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:07 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:12:07 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:12:08 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:12:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 23:12:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:12:08 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:12:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:12:08 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265504163
[F] 23:12:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:12:08 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:12:08 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 23:12:09 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:12:09 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:09 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:12:09 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:09 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:12:09 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:09 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 23:12:09 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:10 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 229ms
[F] 23:12:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 23:12:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 155ms
[F] 23:12:12 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:12 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:12 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:12 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:12 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:12 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:13 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:13 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:13 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:13 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:13 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:13 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:14 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:14 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:14 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:14 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:14 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389847332
[F] 23:12:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 23:12:14 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:15 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:15 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:15 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:15 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:15 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:15 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:15 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:15 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
23:12:15 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 23:12:16 - [Fight] Fight stopped
23:12:16 - [BG] Switching to healer: Urshalana
[F] 23:12:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:30 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:30 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:31 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:31 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:31 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:31 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:32 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:32 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:32 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:32 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:33 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:33 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:12:33 - [BG] Found friendly flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to def
[N] 23:12:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8362 ; "None" to 1384.442 ; 1460.774 ; 325.2125 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:12:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (373.8943y, 116ms)
[F] 23:12:33 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:12:34 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 23:12:35 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 23:12:35 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
23:13:19 - [BG] Found friendly flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to def
[N] 23:13:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1381.15 ; 1460.606 ; 324.8528 ; "None" to 1035.772 ; 1459.291 ; 328.3898 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:13:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (348.4626y, 116ms)
23:13:59 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Rahba (lvl 80)
[F] 23:13:59 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:13:59 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:13:59 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:13:59 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:14:00 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:14:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:01 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:01 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:01 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:01 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 23:14:01 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:02 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 152ms
[F] 23:14:02 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 23:14:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 313ms
[F] 23:14:02 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:14:02 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 23:14:03 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:14:03 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:03 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:14:03 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:14:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 215ms
[F] 23:14:03 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:14:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 23:14:03 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:14:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 23:14:04 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:14:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 23:14:04 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:04 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:14:04 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:14:05 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 23:14:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1156.589 ; 1485.119 ; 306.8549 ; "None" to 1171.058 ; 1395.516 ; 307.9998 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:14:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (90.82786y, 115ms)
23:14:17 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 23:14:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1170.6 ; 1398.454 ; 307.9111 ; "None" to 1252.113 ; 1553.663 ; 309.9018 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:14:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (180.1816y, 116ms)
23:14:26 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Rahba (lvl 80)
[F] 23:14:26 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:14:26 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:27 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:27 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:27 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:27 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:27 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:27 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:27 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:28 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:28 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:28 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:28 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:28 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
[F] 23:14:28 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271653814
23:14:29 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 23:14:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1176.106 ; 1416.825 ; 307.7969 ; "None" to 1248.354 ; 1486.703 ; 309.4331 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:14:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (115.0652y, 115ms)
[D] 23:14:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Lolirapstar-Blackrock) jaja
23:14:44 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 23:14:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1245.047 ; 1486.066 ; 309.2228 ; "None" to 1343.883 ; 1402.511 ; 323.7987 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:14:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (130.24y, 110ms)
23:15:01 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 23:15:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1341.428 ; 1404.595 ; 322.8592 ; "None" to 1248.354 ; 1486.703 ; 309.4331 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:15:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (124.8943y, 111ms)
23:15:17 - [BG] Found friendly flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to def
[N] 23:15:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1250.711 ; 1484.739 ; 309.826 ; "None" to 1523.043 ; 1471.72 ; 352.0279 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:15:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (288.144y, 117ms)
[N] 23:15:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1367.696 ; 1463.916 ; 324.4037 ; "None" to 1413.587 ; 1511.761 ; 347.4301 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:15:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 26 (241.2728y, 126ms)
23:15:33 - [Fight] Attack player Meify (lvl 80)
[N] 23:15:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1369.572 ; 1463.763 ; 324.494 ; "None" to 1413.338 ; 1510.836 ; 347.3406 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 23:15:33 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:15:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 27 (241.7744y, 120ms)
[F] 23:15:33 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:15:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1363.879 ; 1446.069 ; 325.1514 ; "None" to 1408.69 ; 1501.448 ; 348.0192 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:15:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 22 (207.7013y, 118ms)
[N] 23:15:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1359.44 ; 1440.683 ; 323.4632 ; "None" to 1402.076 ; 1491.949 ; 347.745 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:15:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 20 (188.5685y, 112ms)
[N] 23:15:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1357.058 ; 1434.65 ; 323.2235 ; "None" to 1396.731 ; 1481.317 ; 347.1475 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:15:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (169.8978y, 119ms)
[D] 23:15:39 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 23:15:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1356.851 ; 1427.142 ; 323.4803 ; "None" to 1388.703 ; 1471.69 ; 347.1373 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:15:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 18 (149.8781y, 115ms)
23:15:39 - [Fight] Attack player Meify (lvl 80)
[N] 23:15:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1356.803 ; 1425.396 ; 323.6643 ; "None" to 1388.532 ; 1468.551 ; 346.8661 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:15:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 18 (145.0872y, 109ms)
[N] 23:15:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1356.615 ; 1418.556 ; 323.9019 ; "None" to 1380.557 ; 1462.015 ; 342.8774 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:15:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (133.3121y, 109ms)
[N] 23:15:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1357.635 ; 1411.699 ; 324.337 ; "None" to 1368.491 ; 1460.975 ; 343.5279 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:15:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 17 (137.5834y, 115ms)
[N] 23:15:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1392.579 ; 1420.003 ; 346.5256 ; "None" to 1357.12 ; 1464.371 ; 345.406 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:15:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (71.10111y, 114ms)
[N] 23:15:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1389.085 ; 1425.845 ; 345.2557 ; "None" to 1350.041 ; 1473.674 ; 337.0996 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:15:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (151.9981y, 110ms)
[D] 23:15:51 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 23:15:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1389.135 ; 1428.114 ; 345.093 ; "None" to 1346.964 ; 1477.753 ; 329.2733 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:15:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (157.9731y, 119ms)
23:15:51 - [Fight] Attack player Meify (lvl 80)
[N] 23:15:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1389.713 ; 1426.493 ; 345.2357 ; "None" to 1345.479 ; 1480.022 ; 324.3205 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:15:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (160.4901y, 111ms)
[N] 23:15:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1395.606 ; 1414.874 ; 347.3576 ; "None" to 1348.349 ; 1491.07 ; 324.6555 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:15:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (155.2851y, 118ms)
[N] 23:15:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1393.455 ; 1403.953 ; 339.6978 ; "None" to 1350.884 ; 1501.719 ; 322.9218 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:15:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (150.1293y, 114ms)
[N] 23:15:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1388.093 ; 1399.49 ; 335.5377 ; "None" to 1354.127 ; 1513.776 ; 323.034 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:15:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (154.0136y, 113ms)
[D] 23:15:56 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 23:16:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1354.043 ; 1506.391 ; 321.3575 ; "None" to 1408.978 ; 1549.102 ; 343.0807 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:16:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (315.2273y, 130ms)
23:16:13 - [Fight] Attack player Harden (lvl 80)
[N] 23:16:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1354.064 ; 1508.267 ; 320.7803 ; "None" to 1408.88 ; 1549.422 ; 343.112 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:16:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (317.441y, 117ms)
[F] 23:16:14 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:16:14 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:16:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[N] 23:16:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1354.498 ; 1495.503 ; 323.901 ; "None" to 1403.935 ; 1558.718 ; 342.8452 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:16:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 20 (318.5331y, 121ms)
[N] 23:16:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1354.024 ; 1475.649 ; 323.9613 ; "None" to 1407.836 ; 1550.061 ; 343.154 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:16:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (285.8919y, 117ms)
[N] 23:16:19 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 23:16:19 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 23:16:19 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 23:16:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1353.963 ; 1473.098 ; 323.9052 ; "None" to 1419.544 ; 1480.195 ; 348.4272 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:16:21 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 23:16:21 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 23:16:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (205.0369y, 603ms)
23:16:21 - [Fight] Attack player Urshalana (lvl 80)
[N] 23:16:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1353.963 ; 1473.098 ; 323.9052 ; "None" to 1419.544 ; 1480.195 ; 348.4272 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:16:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (205.0369y, 0ms)
[N] 23:16:22 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[D] 23:16:22 - [MovementManager] Current pos: 1353.963 ; 1473.098 ; 323.9052 ; "None" - Target pos: 1353.403 ; 1449.59 ; 324.2274 ; "None" Continent: PVPZone03 Tile: 29.23794_29.46132
[D] 23:16:22 - [StuckResolver] Started.
23:16:22 - [BG] Battleground Finish
[N] 23:16:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1353.963 ; 1473.098 ; 323.9052 ; "None" to 1419.544 ; 1480.195 ; 348.4272 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:16:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (210.6964y, 113ms)
23:16:23 - [Fight] Attack player Urshalana (lvl 80)
[N] 23:16:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1353.963 ; 1473.098 ; 323.9052 ; "None" to 1419.544 ; 1480.195 ; 348.4272 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:16:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (210.6964y, 0ms)
[D] 23:16:23 - [StuckResolver] Done - Stuck count updated, new value: 3.
[D] 23:16:23 - [Fight] Fight stopped
[D] 23:16:25 - [Info] Continent change, PVPZone03 to Kalimdor
[D] 23:16:25 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 23:16:25 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 23:16:26 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[D] 23:16:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Mybluelock) |cffa335ee|Hitem:49907:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Boots of Kingly Upheaval]|h|r |cffa335ee|Hitem:49906:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Hellfrozen Bonegrinders]|h|r 6000 gold per each
[F] 23:16:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:16:38 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 23:16:38 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[D] 23:17:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Mybluelock) |cffa335ee|Hitem:49906:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Hellfrozen Bonegrinders]|h|r 6000gold
[D] 23:17:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jhhace) is a Progressive PvE raiding guild. Current Progression is ToC10/25 (5/5), ICC10/25 (12/12), Bane (11/12), RS25 Cleared. We use Discord for communications and a DKP System for looting. Raid Time is @5AM ST and 12pmst, req 5.7k+ gs,
[D] 23:17:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Veri) is a NA Progression Raiding Guild Currently Looking For Active and Competent Raiders of All Classes/Roles. Progression: ICC10HC: 12/12, ICC25: 8/12HC 12/12Nm, RS25 4/4. Raid Time: Mon/Wed/Fri 7PM PST/10PM EST
[D] 23:17:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Chargosh) WTS |cffa335ee|Hitem:1979:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:71|h[Wall of the Dead]|h|r
[D] 23:17:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Dranlex) WTS |cffa335ee|Hitem:49894:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Blessed Cenarion Boots]|h|r
[D] 23:17:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Mybluelock) |cffa335ee|Hitem:49906:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Hellfrozen Bonegrinders]|h|r 6000gold
[D] 23:18:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Veri) is a NA Progression Raiding Guild Currently Looking For Active and Competent Raiders of All Classes/Roles. Progression: ICC10HC: 12/12, ICC25: 8/12HC 12/12Nm, RS25 4/4. Raid Time: Mon/Wed/Fri 7PM PST/10PM EST
[D] 23:18:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Rahotab) dl portal wtb
[D] 23:18:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jhhace) is a Progressive PvE raiding guild. Current Progression is ToC10/25 (5/5), ICC10/25 (12/12), Bane (11/12), RS25 Cleared. We use Discord for communications and a DKP System for looting. Raid Time is @5AM ST and 12pmst, req 5.7k+ gs,
[D] 23:18:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sitonme) LFM TOC25 5+GS BoE Recipies ORBS reserved - NEED ALL!
[D] 23:19:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Mybluelock) a |cffa335ee|Hitem:49907:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Boots of Kingly Upheaval]|h|r
[D] 23:19:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sitonme) LFM TOC25 5+GS BoE Recipies ORBS reserved - NEED ALL!
[D] 23:19:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jhhace) is a Progressive PvE raiding guild. Current Progression is ToC10/25 (5/5), ICC10/25 (12/12), Bane (11/12), RS25 Cleared. We use Discord for communications and a DKP System for looting. Raid Time is @5AM ST and 12pmst, req 5.7k+ gs,
[D] 23:19:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Vorgmen) SELL HUNTER (RYSHAS NAME) LV 80/ FAST FLY / STS HC + CROSSBOW BISS HC + PVP LEGS BISS/ 2 proff full ONLY 84 COINS
[D] 23:19:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sitonme) LFM TOC25 5+GS BoE Recipies ORBS reserved - NEED ALL!
[D] 23:20:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Veri) is a NA Progression Raiding Guild Currently Looking For Active and Competent Raiders of All Classes/Roles. Progression: ICC10HC: 12/12, ICC25: 8/12HC 12/12Nm, RS25 4/4. Raid Time: Mon/Wed/Fri 7PM PST/10PM EST
[D] 23:20:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Mybluelock) Portal wtb
[D] 23:20:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Mybluelock) 1
[D] 23:20:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Mybluelock) portal wtb
[D] 23:20:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Vorgmen) SELL HUNTER (RYSHAS NAME) LV 80/ FAST FLY / STS HC + CROSSBOW BISS HC + PVP LEGS BISS/ 2 proff full ONLY 84 COINS warmane trade
[D] 23:20:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jhhace) is a Progressive PvE raiding guild. Current Progression is ToC10/25 (5/5), ICC10/25 (12/12), Bane (11/12), RS25 Cleared. We use Discord for communications and a DKP System for looting. Raid Time is @5AM ST and 12pmst, req 5.7k+ gs,
[D] 23:20:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Mybluelock) Portal wtb
[D] 23:21:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sitonme) LFM TOC25 5+GS BoE Recipies ORBS reserved - NEED ALL!
[D] 23:21:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jhhace) is a Progressive PvE raiding guild. Current Progression is ToC10/25 (5/5), ICC10/25 (12/12), Bane (11/12), RS25 Cleared. We use Discord for communications and a DKP System for looting. Raid Time is @5AM ST and 12pmst, req 5.7k+ gs,
[D] 23:21:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sitonme) LFM TOC25 5+GS BoE Recipies ORBS reserved - NEED ALL!
[D] 23:21:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] () |cffffff00Orgrimmar is under attack!|r
[D] 23:21:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] () |cffffff00Orgrimmar is under attack!|r
[D] 23:21:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] () |cffffff00Orgrimmar is under attack!|r
[D] 23:21:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Likethewind) WTB Dalaran Portal !!
[D] 23:21:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Likethewind) WTB Dalaran Portal !!
[D] 23:21:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sitonme) LFM TOC25 5+GS BoE Recipies ORBS reserved - NEED ALL!
[D] 23:22:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jhhace) is a Progressive PvE raiding guild. Current Progression is ToC10/25 (5/5), ICC10/25 (12/12), Bane (11/12), RS25 Cleared. We use Discord for communications and a DKP System for looting. Raid Time is @5AM ST and 12pmst, req 5.7k+ gs,
[D] 23:22:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sitonme) LFM TOC25 5+GS BoE Recipies ORBS reserved - NEED ALL!
[D] 23:22:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Ethotslayer) Chorapchez wants a f ree portal to dal, cuz he's a poor retard and won't pay
[D] 23:23:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Bosbudi) lf 2v2 partner 1256 arena rat (Spriest,Retpal)
[D] 23:23:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jhhace) is a Progressive PvE raiding guild. Current Progression is ToC10/25 (5/5), ICC10/25 (12/12), Bane (11/12), RS25 Cleared. We use Discord for communications and a DKP System for looting. Raid Time is @5AM ST and 12pmst, req 5.7k+ gs,
[D] 23:23:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sitonme) LFM TOC25 5+GS BoE Recipies ORBS reserved - NEED ALL!
[D] 23:24:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Dranlex) WTS |cffa335ee|Hitem:49894:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Blessed Cenarion Boots]|h|r
[D] 23:24:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Pinche) Guild "Reyes Del Caos" estamos reclutando gente de habla español para ir armando raids de Icc 10nm, 10hc; 25nm ;25 HC---- Sr 10nm,10hc, Sr 25nm; 25hc buscamos gente con ganas de jugar y no importa el gs
[D] 23:24:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jhhace) is a Progressive PvE raiding guild. Current Progression is ToC10/25 (5/5), ICC10/25 (12/12), Bane (11/12), RS25 Cleared. We use Discord for communications and a DKP System for looting. Raid Time is @5AM ST and 12pmst, req 5.7k+ gs,
[D] 23:24:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Ethotslayer) WTS |cff71d5ff|Hspell:53142|h[Portal: Dalaran]|h|r
[D] 23:25:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jhhace) is a Progressive PvE raiding guild. Current Progression is ToC10/25 (5/5), ICC10/25 (12/12), Bane (11/12), RS25 Cleared. We use Discord for communications and a DKP System for looting. Raid Time is @5AM ST and 12pmst, req 5.7k+ gs,
[D] 23:25:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Damage) WTS |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r
[D] 23:26:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jhhace) is a Progressive PvE raiding guild. Current Progression is ToC10/25 (5/5), ICC10/25 (12/12), Bane (11/12), RS25 Cleared. We use Discord for communications and a DKP System for looting. Raid Time is @5AM ST and 12pmst, req 5.7k+ gs,
[D] 23:27:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Spacejumper) WTS |cff0070dd|Hitem:43102:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Frozen Orb]|h|r
[D] 23:27:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jhhace) is a Progressive PvE raiding guild. Current Progression is ToC10/25 (5/5), ICC10/25 (12/12), Bane (11/12), RS25 Cleared. We use Discord for communications and a DKP System for looting. Raid Time is @5AM ST and 12pmst, req 5.7k+ gs,
[D] 23:28:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sitonme) LFM TOC25 5+GS BoE Recipies ORBS reserved - NEED ALL!
[D] 23:28:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Chaomein) WTS |cffffd000|Htrade:51313:450:450:7000000005EAA81:47Kb76a8f5Z7msynvLJPACAAgBGAFsAk6XzD807/+b3/H+///vT|h[Enchanting]|h|r
[D] 23:28:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sandttorm) WTS |cff0070dd|Hitem:49908:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Primordial Saronite]|h|r
[D] 23:28:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jhhace) is a Progressive PvE raiding guild. Current Progression is ToC10/25 (5/5), ICC10/25 (12/12), Bane (11/12), RS25 Cleared. We use Discord for communications and a DKP System for looting. Raid Time is @5AM ST and 12pmst, req 5.7k+ gs,
[D] 23:28:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Mybluelock) |cffa335ee|Hitem:49906:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Hellfrozen Bonegrinders]|h|r 6000gold
[D] 23:28:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Damage) WTS |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r
[D] 23:28:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sandttorm) WTS |cff0070dd|Hitem:49908:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Primordial Saronite]|h|r
[D] 23:28:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Vorgmen) SELL HUNTER (RYSHAS NAME) LV 80/ FAST FLY / STS HC + CROSSBOW BISS HC + PVP LEGS BISS/ 2 proff full ONLY 84 COINS warmane trade
[D] 23:28:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sandttorm) WTS |cff0070dd|Hitem:49908:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Primordial Saronite]|h|r
[D] 23:29:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sandttorm) WTS |cff0070dd|Hitem:49908:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Primordial Saronite]|h|r10x 5k
[D] 23:29:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sitonme) LFM TOC25 5+GS BoE Recipies ORBS reserved - NEED ALL!
[D] 23:29:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Mybluelock) |cffa335ee|Hitem:49906:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Hellfrozen Bonegrinders]|h|r 6000 gold
[D] 23:29:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Aaeola) Sandttorm its scamer
[D] 23:29:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Dranlex) WTS |cffa335ee|Hitem:49894:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Blessed Cenarion Boots]|h|r |cffa335ee|Hitem:49894:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Blessed Cenarion Boots]|h|r
[D] 23:29:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sitonme) LFM TOC25 5+GS BoE Recipies ORBS reserved - NEED ALL!
[D] 23:29:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Ejecuttora) Aaeola, thats true
[D] 23:29:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jhhace) is a Progressive PvE raiding guild. Current Progression is ToC10/25 (5/5), ICC10/25 (12/12), Bane (11/12), RS25 Cleared. We use Discord for communications and a DKP System for looting. Raid Time is @5AM ST and 12pmst, req 5.7k+ gs,
[D] 23:29:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Veri) is a NA Progression Raiding Guild Currently Looking For Active and Competent Raiders of All Classes/Roles. Progression: ICC10HC: 12/12, ICC25: 8/12HC 12/12Nm, RS25 4/4. Raid Time: Mon/Wed/Fri 7PM PST/10PM EST
[D] 23:29:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Aaeola) Sandttorm its scamer tru to trade 1 primordial for 5k
[D] 23:29:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Kashtator) ICC 10 eof LK fast run, need all 5.7+
[D] 23:29:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Mybluelock) ya
[D] 23:29:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Aaeola) Sandttorm its scamer tru to trade 1 primordial for 5k dont trade with him
[D] 23:29:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Mybluelock) report him
[D] 23:29:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Onetoo) adding him to ignored, thanks
[D] 23:30:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Dranlex) yea report him
[D] 23:30:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Prosthetic) GRUUL's LAIR !! TMOG run ! Need ALL !! Quick Run !!! (back res) FREE ROLL !!
[D] 23:30:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sitonme) LFM TOC25 5+GS BoE Recipies ORBS reserved - NEED ALL!
[D] 23:30:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jhhace) is a Progressive PvE raiding guild. Current Progression is ToC10/25 (5/5), ICC10/25 (12/12), Bane (11/12), RS25 Cleared. We use Discord for communications and a DKP System for looting. Raid Time is @5AM ST and 12pmst, req 5.7k+ gs,
[D] 23:30:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Vorgmen) SELL HUNTER (RYSHAS NAME) LV 80/ FAST FLY / STS HC + CROSSBOW BISS HC + PVP LEGS BISS/ 2 proff full ONLY 84 COINS warmane trade
[D] 23:30:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Boombomy) i buy boot from him 4k he is not
[D] 23:30:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Kashtator) ICC 10 eof LK fast run, need dps and tank healer, 5.7+, group root
[D] 23:31:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Vorgmen) SELL HUNTER (RYSHAS NAME) LV 80/ FAST FLY / STS HC + CROSSBOW BISS HC + PVP LEGS BISS/ 2 proff full ONLY 84 COINS warmane trade
[D] 23:31:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jhhace) is a Progressive PvE raiding guild. Current Progression is ToC10/25 (5/5), ICC10/25 (12/12), Bane (11/12), RS25 Cleared. We use Discord for communications and a DKP System for looting. Raid Time is @5AM ST and 12pmst, req 5.7k+ gs,
[D] 23:31:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Prosthetic) GRUUL's LAIR !! TMOG run ! Need ALL !! Quick Run !!! (back res) FREE ROLL for everything else !!
[D] 23:31:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sitonme) LFM TOC25 5+GS BoE Recipies ORBS reserved - NEED ALL!
[D] 23:31:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sitonme) LFM TOC25 5+GS BoE Recipies ORBS reserved - NEED ALL!
[D] 23:32:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Vorgmen) SELL HUNTER (RYSHAS NAME) LV 80/ FAST FLY / STS HC + CROSSBOW BISS HC + PVP LEGS BISS/ 2 proff full ONLY 84 COINS warmane trade
[D] 23:32:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sitonme) LFM TOC25 5+GS BoE Recipies ORBS reserved - NEED ALL!
[D] 23:32:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Damage) WTS |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r
[D] 23:32:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sitonme) LFM TOC25 5+GS BoE Recipies ORBS reserved - NEED ALL!
[D] 23:32:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jhhace) is a Progressive PvE raiding guild. Current Progression is ToC10/25 (5/5), ICC10/25 (12/12), Bane (11/12), RS25 Cleared. We use Discord for communications and a DKP System for looting. Raid Time is @5AM ST and 12pmst, req 5.7k+ gs,
[D] 23:32:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Vorgmen) SELL HUNTER (RYSHAS NAME) LV 80/ FAST FLY / STS HC + CROSSBOW BISS HC + PVP LEGS BISS/ 2 proff full ONLY 84 COINS warmane trade
23:32:53 - [Warsong] Go to starting position
[N] 23:32:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 933.3315 ; 1433.724 ; 345.5357 ; "None" to 946.7914 ; 1422.288 ; 345.41 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:32:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17.66261y, 0ms)
[D] 23:32:53 - [Info] Continent change, Kalimdor to PVPZone03
[D] 23:32:53 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 23:32:53 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 23:32:54 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
23:32:54 - [Warsong] Go to starting position
[D] 23:32:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Prosthetic) GRUUL's LAIR !! TMOG run ! Need ALL !! Quick Run !!! (back res) FREE ROLL for everything else !!
[N] 23:32:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 933.979 ; 1433.523 ; 345.5357 ; "None" to 946.7914 ; 1422.288 ; 345.41 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 23:32:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:32:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17.04114y, 191ms)
23:32:55 - [Warsong] Go to starting position
[N] 23:32:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 936.3314 ; 1431.46 ; 345.5357 ; "None" to 946.7914 ; 1422.288 ; 345.41 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:32:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13.91254y, 128ms)
[N] 23:33:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 944.4875 ; 1424.308 ; 345.4427 ; "None" to 941.1208 ; 1428.789 ; 345.5917 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:33:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (5.606806y, 111ms)
[N] 23:33:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 945.035 ; 1424.838 ; 345.4348 ; "None" to 941.1208 ; 1428.789 ; 345.5917 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:33:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (5.564225y, 106ms)
[F] 23:34:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:34:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 943.304 ; 1426.585 ; 345.46 ; "None" to 916.0226 ; 1434.405 ; 345.413 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:34:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (28.38004y, 161ms)
[F] 23:34:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:34:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 941.8008 ; 1427.126 ; 345.4818 ; "None" to 916.0226 ; 1434.405 ; 345.413 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:34:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (26.78635y, 108ms)
[F] 23:34:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:34:56 - [Warsong] Go to starting position
[F] 23:34:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:34:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 919.1058 ; 1433.534 ; 345.8779 ; "None" to 946.7914 ; 1422.288 ; 345.41 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:34:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (29.97493y, 0ms)
[F] 23:34:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:34:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:35:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 943.8491 ; 1423.383 ; 345.4518 ; "None" to 994.9714 ; 1422.54 ; 344.9629 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:35:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (52.61835y, 0ms)
[F] 23:35:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:35:08 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 23:35:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 991.6814 ; 1422.543 ; 345.3224 ; "None" to 1343.883 ; 1402.511 ; 323.7987 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:35:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (372.0791y, 0ms)
[F] 23:35:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 23:35:16 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 23:35:16 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 23:35:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:35:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:36:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1340.97 ; 1402.484 ; 322.7335 ; "None" to 1298.411 ; 1402.917 ; 314.7306 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:36:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (43.30654y, 119ms)
23:36:04 - [Fight] Attack player Cassul (lvl 80)
[N] 23:36:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1340.97 ; 1402.484 ; 322.7335 ; "None" to 1302.071 ; 1402.227 ; 313.7885 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:36:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (39.91485y, 109ms)
[F] 23:36:05 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 23:36:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 464ms
[F] 23:36:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 156ms
23:36:07 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 23:36:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1332.223 ; 1402.148 ; 317.3588 ; "None" to 1307.951 ; 1452.997 ; 317.5738 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:36:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (58.30671y, 116ms)
[F] 23:36:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:36:31 - [BG] Found enemy flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to attack!
[N] 23:36:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1308.282 ; 1450.143 ; 316.657 ; "None" to 929.0233 ; 1445.155 ; 345.5358 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 23:36:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:36:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (392.6845y, 123ms)
[N] 23:36:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1308.211 ; 1450.399 ; 316.7391 ; "None" to 930.554 ; 1446.475 ; 345.5358 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:36:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (390.6054y, 119ms)
[F] 23:36:32 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 23:36:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 432ms
[F] 23:36:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 430ms
[N] 23:36:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1295.057 ; 1454.296 ; 315.8083 ; "None" to 940.5963 ; 1454.613 ; 345.1196 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:36:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (367.038y, 125ms)
[F] 23:36:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 441ms
[F] 23:36:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
[F] 23:36:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 448ms
[N] 23:36:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1283.299 ; 1457.623 ; 311.3808 ; "None" to 951.4559 ; 1457.863 ; 342.3873 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:36:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (337.3814y, 112ms)
[F] 23:36:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 23:36:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 439ms
[F] 23:36:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[N] 23:36:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1271.587 ; 1460.936 ; 311.3718 ; "None" to 962.8355 ; 1458.961 ; 338.7831 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:36:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (312.8852y, 117ms)
[F] 23:36:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
[F] 23:36:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[D] 23:36:37 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 23:36:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 443ms
[F] 23:36:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:36:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1206.412 ; 1468.916 ; 307.0992 ; "None" to 1181.52 ; 1406.447 ; 306.4853 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:36:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (69.7591y, 108ms)
23:36:44 - [Fight] Attack player Keos (lvl 80)
[N] 23:36:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1204.541 ; 1468.796 ; 307.0161 ; "None" to 1183.069 ; 1405.638 ; 306.5392 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:36:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (69.06453y, 107ms)
[F] 23:36:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 442ms
[F] 23:36:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 23:36:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 23:36:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 23:36:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[N] 23:36:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1191.818 ; 1452.692 ; 307.0891 ; "None" to 1193.271 ; 1407.012 ; 306.8596 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:36:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (45.70398y, 108ms)
[F] 23:36:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 431ms
[F] 23:36:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 375ms
[F] 23:36:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 23:36:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 23:36:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 568ms
[F] 23:36:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 23:36:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 636ms
[N] 23:36:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1190.867 ; 1446.852 ; 308.0053 ; "None" to 1190.237 ; 1447.567 ; 307.9545 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:36:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.9539231y, 109ms)
23:36:52 - [Fight] Attack player Cassul (lvl 80)
[F] 23:36:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 566ms
[F] 23:36:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 566ms
[F] 23:36:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 23:36:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 606ms
[F] 23:36:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 635ms
[F] 23:36:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 564ms
[F] 23:36:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[F] 23:36:57 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:57 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:57 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:36:57 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:36:57 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 23:36:58 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[N] 23:36:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1190.058 ; 1447.691 ; 307.9526 ; "None" to 1206.295 ; 1409.724 ; 308.1224 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:36:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (41.35208y, 112ms)
[D] 23:36:58 - [Fight] Fight stopped
23:36:58 - [BG] Switching to healer: Teotihuacan
[N] 23:36:59 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 23:36:59 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 23:36:59 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[D] 23:37:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Skjuten) kill flag
[D] 23:37:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Skjuten) kill flag
[F] 23:37:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:37:22 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:37:22 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:37:23 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:37:23 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:37:23 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:37:23 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:37:24 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:37:24 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:37:24 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:37:25 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:37:25 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:37:26 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1493.49 ; 1458.356 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:37:26 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 343.0687 (114 ms)
23:37:27 - [BG] Found enemy flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to attack!
[N] 23:37:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1032.051 ; 1388.159 ; 340.6009 ; "None" to 1508.333 ; 1460.615 ; 350.6522 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:37:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (645.0045y, 126ms)
[N] 23:37:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1032.051 ; 1388.159 ; 340.6009 ; "None" to 1510.531 ; 1461.685 ; 351.761 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 23:37:28 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:37:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[N] 23:37:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (643.4082y, 613ms)
[F] 23:37:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[F] 23:37:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:37:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 397ms
[N] 23:37:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1036.424 ; 1402.74 ; 341.2487 ; "None" to 1521.807 ; 1471.772 ; 352.0329 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:37:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 18 (635.5977y, 130ms)
[F] 23:37:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 23:37:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 23:37:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[N] 23:37:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1038.064 ; 1414.208 ; 341.0052 ; "None" to 1530.117 ; 1478.736 ; 351.9692 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:37:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 18 (633.9067y, 134ms)
[F] 23:37:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 23:37:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 23:37:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:37:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 23:37:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 23:37:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 23:37:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 339ms
[F] 23:37:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 396ms
[F] 23:37:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 23:37:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 23:37:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 23:37:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:37:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 407ms
[F] 23:37:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 23:37:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 23:37:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 23:37:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 23:37:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 23:37:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:37:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 23:37:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 23:37:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 395ms
[F] 23:37:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 197ms
[F] 23:37:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 23:37:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 23:37:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 23:37:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 23:37:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 398ms
[F] 23:37:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:37:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 407ms
[F] 23:37:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:37:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 23:37:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 23:37:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 23:37:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 23:37:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 23:37:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[N] 23:37:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1068.701 ; 1541.243 ; 322.6122 ; "None" to 1521.501 ; 1476.983 ; 352.0182 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:37:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (487.0271y, 132ms)
[F] 23:37:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 23:37:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 397ms
[F] 23:37:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 23:37:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[N] 23:37:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1083.658 ; 1540.666 ; 317.1449 ; "None" to 1514.375 ; 1469.057 ; 352.0095 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:37:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (462.1324y, 127ms)
[F] 23:37:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:37:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 23:37:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[N] 23:37:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1094.28 ; 1537.642 ; 316.1667 ; "None" to 1507.547 ; 1461.271 ; 350.2419 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:37:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (449.4991y, 122ms)
[F] 23:37:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 23:37:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 23:37:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 23:37:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:37:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 23:37:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 397ms
[F] 23:37:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 23:37:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 23:37:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 23:37:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 396ms
[N] 23:37:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1130.336 ; 1527.378 ; 309.6012 ; "None" to 1498.242 ; 1459.85 ; 345.3484 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:37:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (421.0273y, 121ms)
[F] 23:37:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 23:37:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 23:37:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 390ms
[N] 23:37:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1141.368 ; 1523.9 ; 306.9735 ; "None" to 1487.383 ; 1459.553 ; 342.7948 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:37:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (358.4756y, 114ms)
[F] 23:37:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[F] 23:37:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 397ms
[F] 23:37:58 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:37:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 23:37:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[N] 23:37:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1154.185 ; 1519.739 ; 305.0925 ; "None" to 1474.73 ; 1459.776 ; 342.7948 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:37:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (332.3663y, 113ms)
[F] 23:37:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 23:38:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 487ms
[F] 23:38:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 393ms
[D] 23:38:00 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 23:38:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[N] 23:38:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1169.452 ; 1514.782 ; 302.4601 ; "None" to 1198.328 ; 1480.937 ; 305.7038 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:38:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (49.97916y, 107ms)
23:38:01 - [Fight] Attack player Cassul (lvl 80)
[N] 23:38:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1170.975 ; 1514.287 ; 302.7183 ; "None" to 1199.339 ; 1482.268 ; 305.681 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:38:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (47.43431y, 108ms)
[F] 23:38:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 23:38:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 23:38:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 23:38:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 23:38:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 23:38:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 23:38:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 574ms
[F] 23:38:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 566ms
[F] 23:38:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 23:38:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 600ms
[F] 23:38:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 604ms
[F] 23:38:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 599ms
[F] 23:38:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 398ms
[F] 23:38:09 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[N] 23:38:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1230.416 ; 1508.331 ; 305.1392 ; "None" to 1244.3 ; 1509.873 ; 309.3354 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:38:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14.58576y, 111ms)
23:38:09 - [Fight] Attack player Keos (lvl 80)
[F] 23:38:10 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265680913
[F] 23:38:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
23:38:10 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Englishmilf (lvl 80)
[F] 23:38:11 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265680913
[F] 23:38:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 23:38:11 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265684980
[F] 23:38:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 23:38:12 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265684980
[F] 23:38:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 440ms
[F] 23:38:12 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:12 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265684980
[F] 23:38:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 542ms
[F] 23:38:13 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 23:38:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 23:38:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265680913
[F] 23:38:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 230ms
[F] 23:38:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265680913
[F] 23:38:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 23:38:14 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265680913
[F] 23:38:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 237ms
[F] 23:38:14 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265680913
[F] 23:38:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 23:38:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265680913
[F] 23:38:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 335ms
[F] 23:38:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265680913
[F] 23:38:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 231ms
[F] 23:38:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265680913
[F] 23:38:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 23:38:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265680913
[F] 23:38:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 23:38:16 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265680913
[F] 23:38:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 23:38:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 23:38:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 305ms
[F] 23:38:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 270ms
[F] 23:38:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 273ms
[F] 23:38:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 310ms
[F] 23:38:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 23:38:18 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265680913
[F] 23:38:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 23:38:18 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158265680913
[F] 23:38:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 385ms
[N] 23:38:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1230.756 ; 1508.395 ; 305.18 ; "None" to 1248.912 ; 1537.409 ; 307.1505 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:38:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (34.28289y, 115ms)
23:38:19 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Keos (lvl 80)
[F] 23:38:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[F] 23:38:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 408ms
[N] 23:38:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1234.37 ; 1514.085 ; 305.6069 ; "None" to 1259.268 ; 1545.325 ; 311.4146 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:38:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (40.36781y, 110ms)
[F] 23:38:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 477ms
[F] 23:38:22 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:22 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:22 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:22 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:22 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:38:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[F] 23:38:23 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:23 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:23 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:38:23 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:23 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:23 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:38:23 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:23 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:23 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:38:23 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[D] 23:38:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Clevergirl-Icecrown
[F] 23:38:23 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:23 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:38:23 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:23 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:23 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:38:23 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:23 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:24 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:38:24 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:24 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:24 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:38:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 540ms
[F] 23:38:24 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:24 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:24 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:38:25 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:25 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:25 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:38:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 173ms
[F] 23:38:25 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:25 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:25 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:38:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 540ms
[F] 23:38:26 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:26 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:26 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:38:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 535ms
[F] 23:38:26 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:26 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:26 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:38:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:27 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:27 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:38:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:27 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:27 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:38:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:27 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:27 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:38:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:27 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:27 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265684980
[F] 23:38:27 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:38:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 224ms
[F] 23:38:28 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:28 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:28 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:38:28 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265684980
[F] 23:38:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 23:38:28 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:28 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:29 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:38:29 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265684980
[F] 23:38:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 254ms
[F] 23:38:29 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:29 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:29 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:38:29 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265684980
[F] 23:38:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 270ms
[F] 23:38:29 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:29 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:30 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:38:30 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:30 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265684980
[F] 23:38:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 310ms
[F] 23:38:30 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:38:30 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265684980
[F] 23:38:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 305ms
[F] 23:38:30 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:30 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:30 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:38:31 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265684980
[F] 23:38:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 23:38:31 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:31 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:31 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:31 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265684980
[F] 23:38:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 23:38:32 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 23:38:32 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 639ms
[F] 23:38:32 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:32 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:32 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:38:33 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 670ms
[F] 23:38:33 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:33 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:33 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:38:33 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:33 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:33 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:38:33 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:33 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:34 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:38:34 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:34 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:34 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:38:34 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265684980
[F] 23:38:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[F] 23:38:35 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158265684980
[F] 23:38:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 464ms
[F] 23:38:35 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265684980
[F] 23:38:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 337ms
[F] 23:38:36 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265684980
[F] 23:38:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 297ms
[F] 23:38:36 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265684980
[F] 23:38:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 23:38:36 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265684980
[F] 23:38:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 303ms
[F] 23:38:37 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:37 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 667ms
[F] 23:38:37 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 23:38:37 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:37 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 335ms
[F] 23:38:37 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 23:38:38 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:38 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 298ms
[F] 23:38:38 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 23:38:38 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:38:38 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 371ms
[F] 23:38:38 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:38:38 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:38:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 23:38:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 275ms
[F] 23:38:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 23:38:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[D] 23:38:40 - [Fight] Fight stopped
[F] 23:38:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
23:38:40 - [BG] Switching to healer: Teotihuacan
[D] 23:38:40 - [Fight] Target not valid
[F] 23:38:40 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
23:38:40 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 23:38:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:52 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:52 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:53 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:53 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:53 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:53 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:54 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:54 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:54 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:55 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:38:55 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:38:56 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 23:38:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8361 ; "None" to 1343.883 ; 1402.511 ; 323.7987 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:38:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (323.9546y, 115ms)
[D] 23:38:58 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 23:38:58 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
23:39:37 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 23:39:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1340.644 ; 1402.481 ; 322.6068 ; "None" to 1171.058 ; 1395.516 ; 307.9998 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:39:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (170.8437y, 110ms)
[N] 23:39:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1174.086 ; 1395.655 ; 307.8539 ; "None" to 1172.837 ; 1441.194 ; 307.703 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:39:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (45.59614y, 113ms)
23:39:59 - [Fight] Attack player Faayyer (lvl 80)
[N] 23:39:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1174.086 ; 1395.655 ; 307.8539 ; "None" to 1173.188 ; 1437.924 ; 307.7367 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:39:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (42.3246y, 111ms)
[F] 23:39:59 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:39:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 160ms
[F] 23:40:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 23:40:00 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:40:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:40:00 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:40:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 23:40:01 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:40:01 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 302ms
[F] 23:40:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 539ms
[F] 23:40:02 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 372ms
[F] 23:40:03 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 478ms
[F] 23:40:03 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 419ms
[F] 23:40:04 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 431ms
[F] 23:40:04 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:40:04 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 570ms
[F] 23:40:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:40:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:40:05 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 533ms
23:40:05 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Faayyer (lvl 80)
[F] 23:40:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:40:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:40:05 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 23:40:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while silenced
[F] 23:40:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:40:06 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158267987336
[F] 23:40:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 23:40:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while silenced
[F] 23:40:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:40:06 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158267987336
[F] 23:40:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 23:40:07 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 23:40:07 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 262ms
[F] 23:40:07 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 23:40:08 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 489ms
[F] 23:40:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:40:08 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 475ms
[F] 23:40:08 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while silenced
[F] 23:40:09 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:40:09 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 576ms
[F] 23:40:09 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:40:09 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 371ms
[F] 23:40:10 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:40:10 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 565ms
[F] 23:40:10 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:40:11 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:40:11 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 605ms
[F] 23:40:11 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:11 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:40:11 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:11 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:40:11 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 23:40:12 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:40:12 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:40:12 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 238ms
[F] 23:40:12 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:40:12 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:40:12 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:40:12 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:40:12 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:40:12 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 297ms
[F] 23:40:13 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 170ms
[F] 23:40:13 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 23:40:13 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 23:40:13 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 23:40:14 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 23:40:14 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 23:40:14 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 23:40:14 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:40:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 319ms
[F] 23:40:15 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:40:15 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:40:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
23:40:15 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Eleenk (lvl 80)
[F] 23:40:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 23:40:15 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:40:15 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:40:15 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:40:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 297ms
[F] 23:40:16 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:40:16 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 23:40:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 345ms
[D] 23:40:16 - [Fight] Fight stopped
23:40:16 - [BG] Switching to healer: Eleenk
23:40:17 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 23:40:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:40:22 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:40:22 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:40:23 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:40:23 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:40:23 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:40:23 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:40:24 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:40:24 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:40:24 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:40:25 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:40:25 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:40:27 - [BG] Found enemy flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to attack!
[N] 23:40:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8361 ; "None" to 1348.306 ; 1462.367 ; 323.1868 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (341.3997y, 118ms)
[N] 23:40:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1028.915 ; 1387.334 ; 340.8419 ; "None" to 1351.139 ; 1462.278 ; 323.5681 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (343.4808y, 113ms)
[F] 23:40:27 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:40:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 23:40:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 741ms
[N] 23:40:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1038.727 ; 1388.664 ; 340.7049 ; "None" to 1365.086 ; 1461.949 ; 324.551 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:40:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (345.547y, 116ms)
[F] 23:40:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 738ms
[F] 23:40:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 673ms
[N] 23:40:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1050.903 ; 1390.86 ; 340.1967 ; "None" to 1381.22 ; 1461.598 ; 324.7943 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:40:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (370.3531y, 112ms)
[F] 23:40:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 666ms
[D] 23:40:31 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 23:40:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 732ms
[D] 23:40:32 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 23:40:32 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[N] 23:40:32 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1400.553 ; 1460.817 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:40:32 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 325.6687 (192 ms)
[N] 23:40:34 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1424.082 ; 1460.334 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:40:34 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 333.7687 (0 ms)
[N] 23:40:36 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1428.149 ; 1458.323 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:40:36 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 333.7687 (109 ms)
[N] 23:40:37 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1414.431 ; 1457.335 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:40:37 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 329.2687 (115 ms)
[N] 23:40:38 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1409.486 ; 1457.661 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:40:38 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 326.8687 (109 ms)
[N] 23:40:38 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1404.567 ; 1457.886 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:40:38 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 326.2687 (110 ms)
[N] 23:40:39 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1399.649 ; 1458.155 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:40:39 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 325.6687 (117 ms)
[N] 23:40:39 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1394.526 ; 1458.62 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:40:39 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 325.0687 (110 ms)
[N] 23:40:40 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1389.652 ; 1459.162 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:40:40 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 324.1687 (609 ms)
[N] 23:40:41 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1379.566 ; 1460.409 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:40:41 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 322.3687 (113 ms)
[N] 23:40:41 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1374.67 ; 1460.949 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:40:41 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 322.0687 (106 ms)
[N] 23:40:41 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1369.73 ; 1460.951 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:40:41 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 322.0687 (0 ms)
[N] 23:40:42 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1366.213 ; 1460.608 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:40:42 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 322.0687 (105 ms)
[N] 23:40:44 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1354.132 ; 1451.605 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:40:44 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 322.0687 (109 ms)
[N] 23:40:46 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1351.473 ; 1437.117 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:40:46 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 323.6784 (108 ms)
[N] 23:40:48 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1352.514 ; 1421.691 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:40:48 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 322.0687 (120 ms)
[N] 23:40:50 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1356.095 ; 1406.943 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:40:50 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 322.0687 (110 ms)
[N] 23:40:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1196.476 ; 1421.785 ; 308.6584 ; "None" to 1249.935 ; 1437.065 ; 312.4309 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:40:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (55.84267y, 111ms)
23:40:52 - [Fight] Attack player Eleenk (lvl 80)
[N] 23:40:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1198.055 ; 1422.1 ; 308.7431 ; "None" to 1249.935 ; 1437.065 ; 312.4309 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:40:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (54.23583y, 106ms)
[F] 23:40:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 23:40:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 340ms
[F] 23:40:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 23:40:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 566ms
[F] 23:40:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 566ms
[F] 23:40:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 568ms
[F] 23:40:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 565ms
[F] 23:40:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 566ms
[F] 23:40:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 23:40:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 23:40:58 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:40:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 535ms
[F] 23:40:59 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158267987336
[F] 23:40:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 23:40:59 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158267987336
[F] 23:40:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 365ms
[F] 23:40:59 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158267987336
[F] 23:41:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 375ms
[F] 23:41:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158267987336
[F] 23:41:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 373ms
[F] 23:41:00 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158267987336
[F] 23:41:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 23:41:01 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158267987336
[F] 23:41:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 335ms
[F] 23:41:01 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158267987336
[F] 23:41:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 23:41:02 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158267987336
[F] 23:41:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 339ms
[F] 23:41:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 23:41:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 740ms
[F] 23:41:03 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158267987336
[F] 23:41:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 665ms
[N] 23:41:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1267.975 ; 1445.296 ; 313.7859 ; "None" to 1309.178 ; 1474.684 ; 318.3903 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:41:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (51.08693y, 116ms)
23:41:04 - [Fight] Attack player Faayyer (lvl 80)
[F] 23:41:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 302ms
[N] 23:41:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1269.191 ; 1445.85 ; 313.5189 ; "None" to 1309.178 ; 1474.684 ; 318.3903 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:41:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (49.77388y, 131ms)
[F] 23:41:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 23:41:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 371ms
[F] 23:41:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 564ms
[N] 23:41:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1273.953 ; 1448.877 ; 312.2426 ; "None" to 1311.613 ; 1485.285 ; 319.451 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:41:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (53.81215y, 107ms)
[F] 23:41:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 23:41:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 23:41:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 23:41:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 274ms
[F] 23:41:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 23:41:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 23:41:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 365ms
[F] 23:41:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 23:41:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[N] 23:41:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1288.027 ; 1458.119 ; 312.5443 ; "None" to 1310.068 ; 1497.373 ; 315.9704 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:41:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (53.07182y, 110ms)
[F] 23:41:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[F] 23:41:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 23:41:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 23:41:11 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 23:41:12 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:12 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 23:41:12 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 204ms
[F] 23:41:12 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 23:41:13 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 464ms
[F] 23:41:13 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 23:41:14 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 23:41:14 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 23:41:15 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 23:41:16 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 23:41:16 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 474ms
[F] 23:41:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 23:41:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 23:41:18 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 23:41:18 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:41:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 263ms
[D] 23:41:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Skjuten) COME HELP FLA
[F] 23:41:19 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:41:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 23:41:19 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:41:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 23:41:19 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:41:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 23:41:19 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:41:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 170ms
[F] 23:41:20 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 23:41:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
23:41:20 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 23:41:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:52 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:52 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:41:52 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1439.588 ; 1540.476 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:41:53 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 343.2501 (117 ms)
[F] 23:41:53 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:53 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:53 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:53 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:54 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:54 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:41:54 - [BG] Found enemy flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to attack!
[N] 23:41:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8362 ; "None" to 1443.305 ; 1527.384 ; 344.033 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 23:41:54 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:41:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (517.1483y, 123ms)
[N] 23:41:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.08 ; 1387.749 ; 340.8501 ; "None" to 1444.281 ; 1525.626 ; 344.264 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:41:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (516.1973y, 127ms)
[F] 23:41:55 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 270ms
[F] 23:41:55 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 23:41:56 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 479ms
[N] 23:41:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1040.339 ; 1389.227 ; 340.7022 ; "None" to 1447.664 ; 1515.325 ; 346.1175 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[D] 23:41:56 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 23:41:56 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[N] 23:41:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (500.7312y, 117ms)
[F] 23:41:56 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 23:41:57 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:41:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 487ms
[F] 23:41:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 776ms
[F] 23:41:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 476ms
[N] 23:41:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1059.147 ; 1392.307 ; 339.2276 ; "None" to 1450.281 ; 1501.898 ; 349.349 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:41:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 18 (508.8978y, 629ms)
[F] 23:41:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 629ms
[F] 23:42:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 23:42:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 23:42:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 310ms
[F] 23:42:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 23:42:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 23:42:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 212ms
[F] 23:42:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[N] 23:42:01 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 23:42:01 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 23:42:01 - [MovementManager] Further from the destination than at the beginning.
[N] 23:42:01 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 23:42:02 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 23:42:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1066.812 ; 1396.069 ; 324.5711 ; "None" to 1450.281 ; 1501.898 ; 349.349 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:42:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (454.5589y, 116ms)
[F] 23:42:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 162ms
[F] 23:42:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 464ms
[F] 23:42:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 23:42:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 23:42:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 23:42:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 23:42:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 23:42:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 23:42:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[N] 23:42:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1101.257 ; 1395.755 ; 316.2849 ; "None" to 1464.156 ; 1494.439 ; 352.0175 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:42:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (428.3039y, 115ms)
[F] 23:42:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:42:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 409ms
[F] 23:42:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 23:42:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 23:42:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 23:42:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[D] 23:42:09 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 23:42:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 397ms
[N] 23:42:10 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1478.368 ; 1493.844 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:42:10 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 341.8687 (110 ms)
[N] 23:42:12 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1493.252 ; 1493.302 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:42:12 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 341.8687 (111 ms)
[N] 23:42:14 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1499.019 ; 1493.4 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:42:15 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 341.8687 (883 ms)
[N] 23:42:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1182.344 ; 1396.063 ; 307.6658 ; "None" to 1199.987 ; 1458.864 ; 305.8551 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:42:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (65.29147y, 112ms)
23:42:16 - [Fight] Attack player Eleenk (lvl 80)
[N] 23:42:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1184.252 ; 1396.07 ; 307.6784 ; "None" to 1199.987 ; 1458.864 ; 305.8551 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:42:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (65.48816y, 108ms)
[F] 23:42:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 23:42:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:42:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 23:42:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 393ms
[F] 23:42:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[F] 23:42:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 23:42:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:42:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[N] 23:42:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1193.366 ; 1424.853 ; 308.9493 ; "None" to 1194.61 ; 1468.444 ; 305.9413 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:42:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (43.71266y, 110ms)
[F] 23:42:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 23:42:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 23:42:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 23:42:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 23:42:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 171ms
[F] 23:42:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 23:42:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 561ms
[F] 23:42:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 23:42:25 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158267987336
[F] 23:42:25 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158267987336
[F] 23:42:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 668ms
[F] 23:42:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[N] 23:42:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1192.047 ; 1466.685 ; 305.6728 ; "None" to 1183.352 ; 1498.184 ; 304.7709 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:42:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (34.4204y, 113ms)
23:42:26 - [Fight] Attack player Santial (lvl 80)
[F] 23:42:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 23:42:27 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:42:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 398ms
[F] 23:42:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 834ms
[N] 23:42:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1187.392 ; 1482.976 ; 303.2935 ; "None" to 1169.355 ; 1525.078 ; 302.3419 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:42:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (46.53085y, 113ms)
[F] 23:42:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 840ms
[F] 23:42:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 775ms
[F] 23:42:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 631ms
[D] 23:42:31 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 23:42:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1181.99 ; 1502.53 ; 305.3592 ; "None" to 1161.738 ; 1496.664 ; 305.5658 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:42:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (28.74856y, 114ms)
23:42:31 - [Fight] Attack player Locos (lvl 80)
[N] 23:42:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1181.069 ; 1504.173 ; 305.46 ; "None" to 1160.523 ; 1496.698 ; 305.5076 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:42:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (27.41495y, 108ms)
[F] 23:42:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 23:42:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 23:42:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 23:42:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[F] 23:42:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 603ms
[F] 23:42:35 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Sacrifice() (Hand of Sacrifice on mouseover with guid 504403158271028754
[F] 23:42:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 638ms
[F] 23:42:35 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564231220600
[F] 23:42:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 363ms
[F] 23:42:36 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564231220600
[F] 23:42:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 23:42:36 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564231220600
[F] 23:42:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 361ms
[F] 23:42:36 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564231220600
[F] 23:42:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 364ms
[F] 23:42:37 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564231220600
[F] 23:42:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 23:42:37 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564231220600
[F] 23:42:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 23:42:38 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:42:38 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 432345564231220600
[F] 23:42:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 23:42:38 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:42:38 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:42:38 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 432345564231220600
[F] 23:42:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 23:42:39 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 23:42:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 904ms
[F] 23:42:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 937ms
[F] 23:42:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 734ms
[F] 23:42:41 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:42:41 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:42:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
23:42:42 - [BG] Found friendly flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to def
[N] 23:42:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1149.849 ; 1476.577 ; 309.996 ; "None" to 942.3568 ; 1507.552 ; 364.5393 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 23:42:42 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:42:42 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[N] 23:42:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (256.8253y, 118ms)
23:43:13 - [BG] Found friendly flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to def
[N] 23:43:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 944.0082 ; 1510.004 ; 363.6239 ; "None" to 959.1626 ; 1418.205 ; 367.2911 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:43:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 33 (529.2595y, 164ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[D] 23:43:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Skjuten) their flag is on top
[N] 23:44:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 958.6447 ; 1418.555 ; 345.2705 ; "None" to 926.4391 ; 1441.676 ; 345.5658 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:44:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (52.03959y, 119ms)
23:44:16 - [Fight] Attack player Teotihuacan (lvl 80)
[N] 23:44:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 958.6447 ; 1418.555 ; 345.2705 ; "None" to 927.801 ; 1443.217 ; 345.5357 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:44:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (52.33205y, 119ms)
[F] 23:44:17 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:44:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 23:44:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 601ms
[F] 23:44:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 604ms
[F] 23:44:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 838ms
[F] 23:44:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 1009ms
[F] 23:44:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 778ms
[F] 23:44:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 1229ms
[F] 23:44:22 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158265684980
[F] 23:44:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265684980
[F] 23:44:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 407ms
[F] 23:44:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265684980
[F] 23:44:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 391ms
[N] 23:44:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 935.5032 ; 1446.469 ; 345.535 ; "None" to 954.6994 ; 1458.802 ; 356.0641 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:44:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (87.75691y, 593ms)
23:44:24 - [Fight] Attack player Santial (lvl 80)
[F] 23:44:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 770ms
[N] 23:44:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 934.6021 ; 1449.317 ; 345.5884 ; "None" to 945.3075 ; 1456.675 ; 356.1883 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:44:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (25.09875y, 121ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[D] 23:44:25 - [Fight] Cannot make path to the target (Santial), ignore it.
[N] 23:44:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 934.6021 ; 1449.317 ; 345.5884 ; "None" to 944.0636 ; 1456.373 ; 356.1883 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:44:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (25.00584y, 117ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[F] 23:44:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
23:44:26 - [BG] Found friendly flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to def
[N] 23:44:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 934.6021 ; 1449.317 ; 345.5884 ; "None" to 954.5288 ; 1443.652 ; 367.2902 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:44:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (34.99041y, 118ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[N] 23:44:29 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 23:44:29 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 23:44:30 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 23:44:30 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 23:44:31 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[D] 23:44:31 - [MovementManager] Current pos: 950.2899 ; 1439.779 ; 345.3629 ; "None" - Target pos: 952.0677 ; 1439.784 ; 368.4034 ; "None" Continent: PVPZone03 Tile: 29.30042_30.21821
[D] 23:44:31 - [StuckResolver] Started.
[D] 23:44:33 - [StuckResolver] Done - Stuck count updated, new value: 4.
[N] 23:44:33 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 23:44:33 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 23:44:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 940.5632 ; 1439.801 ; 345.5009 ; "None" to 954.5288 ; 1443.652 ; 367.2902 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:44:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (30.26615y, 121ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[N] 23:44:37 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 23:44:37 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 23:44:38 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 23:44:38 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 23:44:39 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[D] 23:44:39 - [MovementManager] Current pos: 950.2906 ; 1443.638 ; 345.3631 ; "None" - Target pos: 954.5288 ; 1443.652 ; 367.2902 ; "None" Continent: PVPZone03 Tile: 29.29318_30.2182
[D] 23:44:39 - [StuckResolver] Started.
[D] 23:44:42 - [StuckResolver] Done - Stuck count updated, new value: 5.
[N] 23:44:42 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 23:44:42 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 23:44:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 944.2973 ; 1449.945 ; 345.4479 ; "None" to 954.5288 ; 1443.652 ; 367.2902 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:44:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (31.29476y, 118ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[N] 23:44:45 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 23:44:45 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 23:44:46 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 23:44:46 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 23:44:47 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[D] 23:44:47 - [MovementManager] Current pos: 950.2897 ; 1443.642 ; 345.3631 ; "None" - Target pos: 954.5288 ; 1443.652 ; 367.2902 ; "None" Continent: PVPZone03 Tile: 29.29317_30.21821
[D] 23:44:47 - [StuckResolver] Started.
[D] 23:44:48 - [StuckResolver] Done - Stuck count updated, new value: 6.
[N] 23:44:48 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 23:44:48 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 23:44:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 950.2897 ; 1443.642 ; 345.3631 ; "None" to 954.5288 ; 1443.652 ; 367.2902 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:44:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (26.51896y, 124ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[N] 23:44:49 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 23:44:49 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 23:44:51 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 23:44:51 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 23:44:52 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[D] 23:44:52 - [MovementManager] Current pos: 950.2907 ; 1443.644 ; 345.3631 ; "None" - Target pos: 954.5288 ; 1443.652 ; 367.2902 ; "None" Continent: PVPZone03 Tile: 29.29317_30.2182
[D] 23:44:52 - [StuckResolver] Started.
23:44:53 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Keos (lvl 80)
[N] 23:44:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 945.6599 ; 1434.129 ; 345.4255 ; "None" to 948.2153 ; 1459.5 ; 367.2896 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:44:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 20 (211.5459y, 115ms)
[F] 23:44:54 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:44:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[D] 23:44:54 - [StuckResolver] Done - Stuck count updated, new value: 7.
[N] 23:44:54 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 23:44:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 942.6761 ; 1431.338 ; 345.4705 ; "None" to 948.2153 ; 1459.5 ; 367.2896 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 23:44:54 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:44:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (208.4052y, 111ms)
[F] 23:44:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 499ms
[F] 23:44:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 936ms
[F] 23:44:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 907ms
[N] 23:44:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 940.0427 ; 1450.907 ; 345.523 ; "None" to 944.9659 ; 1454.874 ; 367.2897 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:44:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 17 (189.887y, 112ms)
23:44:57 - [Fight] Attack player Faayyer (lvl 80)
[N] 23:44:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 939.8271 ; 1453.07 ; 345.5237 ; "None" to 944.161 ; 1454.379 ; 367.2897 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:44:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 17 (187.8741y, 114ms)
[F] 23:44:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 742ms
[F] 23:44:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 740ms
[F] 23:45:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 682ms
[F] 23:45:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 540ms
[F] 23:45:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 448ms
[F] 23:45:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 460ms
[F] 23:45:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 23:45:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 530ms
[F] 23:45:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 530ms
[F] 23:45:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 475ms
[F] 23:45:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[N] 23:45:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 979.8337 ; 1471.407 ; 336.1725 ; "None" to 934.0315 ; 1455.964 ; 367.2897 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:45:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (129.894y, 114ms)
[F] 23:45:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 23:45:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 23:45:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[N] 23:45:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 979.1474 ; 1482.571 ; 336.2596 ; "None" to 925.9498 ; 1456.549 ; 362.0185 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:45:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (127.8092y, 151ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[D] 23:45:06 - [Fight] Cannot make path to the target (Faayyer), ignore it.
[N] 23:45:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 978.1696 ; 1483.87 ; 336.7586 ; "None" to 943.4143 ; 1454.905 ; 367.2881 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:45:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (118.2329y, 108ms)
23:45:06 - [Fight] Attack player Locos (lvl 80)
[F] 23:45:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:45:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[N] 23:45:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 974.7833 ; 1488.37 ; 338.6034 ; "None" to 943.4143 ; 1454.905 ; 367.2881 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:45:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (112.3158y, 110ms)
[F] 23:45:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 23:45:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[D] 23:45:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Skjuten) ....
[F] 23:45:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 397ms
[F] 23:45:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 417ms
[F] 23:45:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 23:45:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[N] 23:45:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 960.9963 ; 1506.687 ; 347.403 ; "None" to 930.8142 ; 1455.345 ; 366.7882 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:45:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (89.81837y, 109ms)
[F] 23:45:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 23:45:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 395ms
[N] 23:45:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 955.9719 ; 1512.239 ; 352.5252 ; "None" to 922.3327 ; 1455.379 ; 358.3459 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:45:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (89.22708y, 154ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[D] 23:45:11 - [Fight] Cannot make path to the target (Locos), ignore it.
[N] 23:45:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 954.6406 ; 1513.583 ; 353.7993 ; "None" to 928.4579 ; 1454.691 ; 356.0947 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:45:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (80.59174y, 162ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[F] 23:45:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 391ms
[N] 23:45:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 945.894 ; 1510.987 ; 363.0218 ; "None" to 937.3943 ; 1457.608 ; 356.1885 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:45:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (61.96012y, 155ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[N] 23:45:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 941.7271 ; 1499.595 ; 364.215 ; "None" to 951.0387 ; 1456.749 ; 356.1885 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:45:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 30 (522.2226y, 111ms)
23:45:14 - [Fight] Attack player Locos (lvl 80)
[N] 23:45:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 941.2186 ; 1498.067 ; 363.9037 ; "None" to 952.5396 ; 1456.024 ; 356.4147 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:45:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 30 (523.7363y, 112ms)
[F] 23:45:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:45:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 23:45:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[N] 23:45:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 943.7716 ; 1502.546 ; 365.0826 ; "None" to 964.6934 ; 1457.583 ; 357.4727 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:45:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 29 (505.7327y, 123ms)
[F] 23:45:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:45:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 23:45:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[N] 23:45:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 947.6902 ; 1513.165 ; 361.46 ; "None" to 977.4266 ; 1458.453 ; 357.5688 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:45:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 29 (481.5517y, 127ms)
[F] 23:45:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 23:45:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 23:45:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 23:45:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 23:45:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 411ms
[F] 23:45:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 394ms
[F] 23:45:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[N] 23:45:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 985.0068 ; 1463.62 ; 335.9154 ; "None" to 923.178 ; 1438.624 ; 345.6681 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:45:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (73.36044y, 119ms)
23:45:26 - [Fight] Attack player Faayyer (lvl 80)
[N] 23:45:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 986.4659 ; 1463.18 ; 335.9256 ; "None" to 924.2396 ; 1439.537 ; 345.6343 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:45:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (73.24261y, 115ms)
[F] 23:45:26 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:45:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 23:45:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:45:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:45:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[N] 23:45:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 977.2396 ; 1460.465 ; 336.1659 ; "None" to 934.2188 ; 1448.116 ; 345.5565 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:45:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (51.1862y, 113ms)
[F] 23:45:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:45:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 23:45:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 23:45:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 23:45:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 23:45:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[F] 23:45:31 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 23:45:32 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 23:45:32 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 23:45:33 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:45:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 533ms
[F] 23:45:33 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:45:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 23:45:34 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 454ms
[F] 23:45:35 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:45:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 535ms
[F] 23:45:35 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:45:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 204ms
[F] 23:45:35 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:35 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:36 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:36 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 23:45:37 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 498ms
[F] 23:45:37 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[F] 23:45:38 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 309ms
[F] 23:45:38 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 230ms
[F] 23:45:39 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 23:45:39 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 332ms
[F] 23:45:39 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 364ms
[F] 23:45:40 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 23:45:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 572ms
[F] 23:45:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 603ms
[F] 23:45:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 671ms
[F] 23:45:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 669ms
[F] 23:45:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 601ms
[F] 23:45:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 640ms
[F] 23:45:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389840376
[F] 23:45:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[F] 23:45:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 670ms
[F] 23:45:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 708ms
[F] 23:45:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 669ms
[F] 23:45:47 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 23:45:48 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 431ms
[F] 23:45:48 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 241ms
[F] 23:45:48 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 23:45:49 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 23:45:49 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 23:45:49 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 23:45:50 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 220ms
[F] 23:45:50 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 23:45:50 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 23:45:51 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 23:45:51 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:45:51 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 23:45:52 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:45:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:45:52 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 533ms
[F] 23:45:52 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:45:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:45:53 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 23:45:53 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 23:45:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 508ms
[F] 23:45:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 546ms
[F] 23:45:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 23:45:55 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:45:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 375ms
[F] 23:45:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:45:55 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:45:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 608ms
[F] 23:45:56 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:45:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:45:56 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:45:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 635ms
[F] 23:45:56 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:45:57 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:45:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 532ms
[F] 23:45:57 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:45:57 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:45:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[F] 23:45:58 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:45:58 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:45:58 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:45:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 632ms
[F] 23:45:58 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:45:59 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:45:59 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:45:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 665ms
[F] 23:45:59 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:45:59 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:45:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[F] 23:46:00 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:46:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 23:46:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[F] 23:46:01 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:46:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 23:46:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 597ms
[F] 23:46:02 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:46:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 23:46:02 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:46:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 270ms
[F] 23:46:03 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:46:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 23:46:03 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:46:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 197ms
[F] 23:46:03 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 23:46:04 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:46:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 275ms
[F] 23:46:04 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:46:05 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:46:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 195ms
[F] 23:46:05 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:46:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 23:46:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:06 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 675ms
[F] 23:46:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:46:06 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 568ms
[F] 23:46:07 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 23:46:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:07 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 609ms
[F] 23:46:08 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:46:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:08 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:46:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[F] 23:46:08 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:46:09 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:09 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:46:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 23:46:09 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 23:46:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 672ms
[F] 23:46:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 664ms
[F] 23:46:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 633ms
[F] 23:46:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 680ms
[F] 23:46:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 646ms
[F] 23:46:13 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:46:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 23:46:13 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:46:13 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:46:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 258ms
[F] 23:46:14 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:46:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 23:46:14 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940388313877
[F] 23:46:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 23:46:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 602ms
[F] 23:46:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 733ms
[F] 23:46:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 868ms
[F] 23:46:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 765ms
[F] 23:46:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 442ms
[F] 23:46:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 371ms
[F] 23:46:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 23:46:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 739ms
[F] 23:46:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 804ms
[F] 23:46:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 743ms
[F] 23:46:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 575ms
[F] 23:46:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 23:46:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 531ms
[F] 23:46:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[F] 23:46:24 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 463ms
[F] 23:46:25 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:25 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 537ms
[F] 23:46:25 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:46:26 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:26 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 539ms
[F] 23:46:26 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:46:26 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:26 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 23:46:26 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:46:26 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:46:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[F] 23:46:27 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 23:46:28 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 23:46:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 373ms
[F] 23:46:29 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 23:46:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 23:46:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 23:46:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 23:46:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[F] 23:46:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 23:46:32 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:32 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:32 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:32 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:32 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:46:32 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:32 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:32 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:46:32 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:32 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:32 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:46:32 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:32 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:32 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:46:32 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:33 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:33 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:46:33 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:33 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:33 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:46:33 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:33 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:33 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:46:33 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:33 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:33 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:46:33 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:33 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:33 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:46:33 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:33 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:33 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:46:33 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:34 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 23:46:34 - [Fight] Mob timeout
[F] 23:46:34 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:46:34 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:34 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:46:34 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Santial (lvl 80)
[F] 23:46:34 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:46:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 23:46:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 23:46:35 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:35 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:35 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:46:35 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265496376
[F] 23:46:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 23:46:35 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:35 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:36 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:46:36 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265496376
[F] 23:46:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 23:46:36 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:36 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:36 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:46:37 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265496376
[F] 23:46:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 302ms
[F] 23:46:37 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:37 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:37 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:46:37 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:37 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265496376
[F] 23:46:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 537ms
[F] 23:46:38 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Target needs to be in front of you.
[F] 23:46:38 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:38 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265496376
[F] 23:46:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[F] 23:46:38 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 23:46:38 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265496376
[F] 23:46:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 464ms
[F] 23:46:38 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:38 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:39 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:46:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:39 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:39 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:46:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:39 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:39 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:46:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:39 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:39 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:46:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:39 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:39 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:46:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:39 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:39 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:46:40 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265496376
[F] 23:46:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 23:46:40 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:40 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:40 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:46:41 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265496376
[F] 23:46:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 537ms
[F] 23:46:41 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:41 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:41 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:46:41 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:41 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:41 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:46:41 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:41 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:41 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:46:41 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:41 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:41 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:46:41 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:41 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:41 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:46:42 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:42 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:42 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:46:42 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:42 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:42 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:46:42 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:42 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:42 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:46:42 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:42 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:42 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:46:42 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:42 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:43 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:46:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265496376
[F] 23:46:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 532ms
[D] 23:46:43 - [Fight] BlackList Santial during 60 sec
23:46:43 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Keos (lvl 80)
[F] 23:46:43 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:43 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:43 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:46:44 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158267987336
[F] 23:46:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 600ms
[F] 23:46:44 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158267987336
[F] 23:46:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 23:46:45 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:46:45 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 602ms
[N] 23:46:45 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 23:46:45 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 23:46:45 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 23:46:45 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Flash of Light
[F] 23:46:46 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389853724
[F] 23:46:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 23:46:46 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 23:46:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 678ms
23:46:47 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 23:46:47 - [Fight] Fight stopped
23:46:47 - [BG] Switching to healer: Eleenk
[F] 23:46:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:52 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:52 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:53 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:53 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:46:53 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1402.58 ; 1460.344 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:46:53 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 326.2687 (0 ms)
[F] 23:46:53 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:53 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:46:54 - [BG] Found enemy flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to attack!
[N] 23:46:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8361 ; "None" to 1405.886 ; 1460.307 ; 330.4031 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:46:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (395.7828y, 121ms)
[F] 23:46:54 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:46:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8361 ; "None" to 1407.524 ; 1460.29 ; 330.9214 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 23:46:54 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:46:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (397.4829y, 117ms)
[F] 23:46:55 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 23:46:55 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 23:46:55 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[D] 23:46:56 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 23:46:56 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 23:46:56 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 464ms
[N] 23:46:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1044.067 ; 1389.721 ; 340.6489 ; "None" to 1421.11 ; 1460.153 ; 335.1334 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:46:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (404.2894y, 122ms)
[F] 23:46:56 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:46:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 23:46:57 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 23:46:57 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 23:46:57 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 23:46:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[N] 23:46:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1042.46 ; 1388.841 ; 340.6676 ; "None" to 1431.1 ; 1460.957 ; 338.5389 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 23:46:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 371ms
[N] 23:46:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (413.0857y, 124ms)
[F] 23:46:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 532ms
[D] 23:46:58 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 23:46:58 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 23:46:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 636ms
[N] 23:46:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1044.847 ; 1390.815 ; 340.6201 ; "None" to 1441.763 ; 1462.544 ; 342.0238 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 23:46:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (427.027y, 117ms)
[F] 23:46:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 603ms
[D] 23:47:00 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 23:47:00 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 23:47:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 633ms
[D] 23:47:00 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 23:47:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 668ms
[N] 23:47:01 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1458.036 ; 1459.991 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:47:01 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 342.9628 (107 ms)
[N] 23:47:02 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1465.938 ; 1459.294 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:47:03 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 343.0687 (109 ms)
[N] 23:47:04 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1473.915 ; 1458.592 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:47:04 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 343.0687 (606 ms)
[N] 23:47:05 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1485.667 ; 1458.329 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:47:05 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 343.0687 (108 ms)
[N] 23:47:06 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1493.637 ; 1458.568 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:47:06 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 343.0687 (0 ms)
[N] 23:47:07 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1500.909 ; 1458.786 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:47:08 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 343.0687 (109 ms)
[N] 23:47:09 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1508.806 ; 1460.3 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:47:09 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 343.1494 (112 ms)
[N] 23:47:10 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1515.299 ; 1464.922 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:47:10 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 346.9688 (106 ms)
[N] 23:47:11 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1520.99 ; 1470.401 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:47:11 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 341.8687 (109 ms)
[N] 23:47:12 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1526.513 ; 1476.359 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:47:12 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 341.8687 (114 ms)
[N] 23:47:13 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1532.959 ; 1481.238 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 23:47:13 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 341.8687 (109 ms)
[N] 23:47:14 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 23:47:14 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 23:47:14 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
23:47:14 - Sleeping
[N] 23:47:16 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 23:47:16 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
23:47:17 - [BG] Battleground Finish
23:47:17 - [BG] Found enemy flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to attack!
[N] 23:47:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1145.645 ; 1402.979 ; 311.1791 ; "None" to 1533.342 ; 1486.277 ; 351.954 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 23:47:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (487.6786y, 117ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[D] 23:47:18 - [Fight] Target not valid
[F] 23:47:20 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 23:47:20 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[D] 23:47:20 - [Info] Continent change, PVPZone03 to Kalimdor
[D] 23:47:20 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[D] 23:47:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jhhace) is a Progressive PvE raiding guild. Current Progression is ToC10/25 (5/5), ICC10/25 (12/12), Bane (11/12), RS25 Cleared. We use Discord for communications and a DKP System for looting. Raid Time is @5AM ST and 12pmst, req 5.7k+ gs,
[D] 23:47:37 - [Info] Continent change, Kalimdor to PVPZone01
[D] 23:47:37 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 23:47:37 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 23:47:37 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
23:47:39 - [BG] going to zone Stonehearth Bunker to attack
[N] 23:47:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1437.67 ; -610.089 ; 51.16093 ; "None" to -159.6747 ; -459.7626 ; 40.38681 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:47:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 50 (1514.408y, 125ms)
[D] 23:47:39 - [NpcScan] Add npc to database: Repair - Grelkor
[D] 23:47:40 - [NpcScan] Add npc to database: Repair - Grunnda Wolfheart
[D] 23:48:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Santichupala-Lordaeron) gooogogoogog
[D] 23:48:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Taknada-Lordaeron) kill miniboss
[F] 23:49:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:49:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:49:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:49:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:49:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:49:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:49:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:49:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:49:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:49:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:50:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -294.4472 ; -443.9147 ; 21.51037 ; "None" to -233.7584 ; -413.6638 ; 15.66253 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:50:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (69.24521y, 211ms)
23:50:16 - [Fight] Attack player Tugatitta (lvl 80)
[F] 23:50:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:50:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -291.6983 ; -444.3632 ; 22.48158 ; "None" to -232.121 ; -416.5363 ; 17.99179 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:50:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (69.04248y, 600ms)
[F] 23:50:17 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 479ms
[F] 23:50:17 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 451ms
[N] 23:50:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -282.4436 ; -441.7854 ; 27.69987 ; "None" to -226.7582 ; -422.7547 ; 23.53773 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:50:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (63.84769y, 113ms)
[F] 23:50:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[N] 23:50:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -278.5762 ; -437.3612 ; 25.42418 ; "None" to -214.8126 ; -425.8563 ; 27.77457 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:50:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (69.61086y, 107ms)
[F] 23:50:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 432ms
[N] 23:50:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -274.9274 ; -433.12 ; 21.30781 ; "None" to -203.2329 ; -426.8926 ; 27.64481 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[F] 23:50:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 410ms
[N] 23:50:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (74.18003y, 112ms)
[F] 23:50:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 410ms
[D] 23:50:19 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 23:50:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 398ms
[F] 23:50:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:50:26 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Stormpike Bowman (lvl 80)
[F] 23:50:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[N] 23:50:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -209.9882 ; -427.171 ; 30.08559 ; "None" to -169.456 ; -440.325 ; 40.98505 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:50:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 28 (198.8113y, 113ms)
[F] 23:50:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 429ms
[F] 23:50:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 23:50:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 23:50:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 23:50:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 479ms
[F] 23:50:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 463ms
[F] 23:50:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 397ms
[N] 23:50:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -189.8151 ; -445.3096 ; 27.46486 ; "None" to -169.456 ; -440.325 ; 40.98505 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:50:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 28 (172.4467y, 116ms)
[F] 23:50:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 410ms
[F] 23:50:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 23:50:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 23:50:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[D] 23:50:32 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[D] 23:50:32 - [Fight] BlackList Stormpike Bowman during 120 sec
23:50:32 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Stormpike Bowman (lvl 80)
[F] 23:50:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 304ms
[N] 23:50:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -181.3233 ; -460.9695 ; 27.41575 ; "None" to -172.851 ; -452.366 ; 40.87247 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:50:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 25 (143.7744y, 113ms)
[F] 23:50:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 23:50:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 23:50:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 23:50:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 23:50:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 23:50:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 23:50:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 23:50:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 23:50:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 23:50:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 302ms
[F] 23:50:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 392ms
[F] 23:50:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 23:50:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 23:50:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 23:50:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 398ms
[F] 23:50:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 23:50:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 395ms
[F] 23:50:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 411ms
[F] 23:50:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 23:50:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:50:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 23:50:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 23:50:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 209ms
[F] 23:50:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 330ms
[F] 23:50:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 450ms
[F] 23:50:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 464ms
[F] 23:50:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 23:50:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 407ms
[F] 23:50:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 525ms
[F] 23:50:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[F] 23:50:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 508ms
[F] 23:50:48 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 237ms
[F] 23:50:48 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 481ms
[F] 23:50:48 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 195ms
[F] 23:50:49 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 452ms
[F] 23:50:49 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 364ms
[F] 23:50:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 23:50:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 204ms
[F] 23:50:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 23:50:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 23:50:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 171ms
[N] 23:50:53 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 23:50:53 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 23:50:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -172.6317 ; -452.4817 ; 33.27968 ; "None" to -172.851 ; -452.366 ; 40.87247 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:50:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (49.76929y, 121ms)
[F] 23:50:53 - [RTF] Casting Avenging Wrath() (Avenging Wrath on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:50:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 23:50:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 23:50:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 665ms
[F] 23:50:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 23:50:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 23:50:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 510ms
[F] 23:50:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 476ms
[F] 23:50:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 740ms
[F] 23:50:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 17379391186132796378
[F] 23:50:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 23:50:58 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 17379391186132796378
[F] 23:50:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 479ms
[F] 23:50:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 17379391186132796378
[F] 23:50:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 499ms
[F] 23:50:59 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796378
[F] 23:50:59 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796378
[F] 23:51:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 154ms
[F] 23:51:00 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 17379391186132796378
[F] 23:51:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 23:51:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 17379391186132796378
[F] 23:51:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 241ms
[N] 23:51:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -172.5681 ; -452.501 ; 40.8908 ; "None" to -176.7937 ; -432.1954 ; 27.41625 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:51:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 31 (174.9628y, 113ms)
23:51:00 - [Fight] Attack player Tugatitta (lvl 80)
[F] 23:51:01 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:51:01 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 250ms
[N] 23:51:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -172.5681 ; -452.501 ; 40.8908 ; "None" to -179.437 ; -433.0113 ; 27.41625 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:51:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 31 (172.9137y, 113ms)
[F] 23:51:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 208ms
[F] 23:51:01 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:51:02 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:51:02 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 587ms
[F] 23:51:02 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:51:02 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:51:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 23:51:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 23:51:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 613ms
[F] 23:51:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 431ms
[F] 23:51:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 553ms
[F] 23:51:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 23:51:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 533ms
[F] 23:51:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 458ms
[F] 23:51:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 23:51:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 414ms
[F] 23:51:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:51:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 23:51:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 23:51:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 397ms
[F] 23:51:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 23:51:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 23:51:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 23:51:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 23:51:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 409ms
[F] 23:51:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 23:51:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 23:51:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:51:23 - [BG] going to zone Stonehearth Bunker to attack
[N] 23:51:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -179.563 ; -433.3519 ; 27.41575 ; "None" to -159.6747 ; -459.7626 ; 40.38681 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:51:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 24 (161.1253y, 113ms)
[F] 23:51:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 23:51:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Alonewarrior) lay
[N] 23:51:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -150.2068 ; -451.7284 ; 26.40959 ; "None" to -152.437 ; -441.758 ; 40.3982 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:51:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 23 (71.66089y, 113ms)
[N] 23:51:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -154.611 ; -449.9456 ; 28.09542 ; "None" to -152.437 ; -441.758 ; 40.3982 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:51:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 23 (66.6498y, 111ms)
23:51:44 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Stormpike Bowman (lvl 80)
[F] 23:51:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 261ms
[N] 23:51:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -160.324 ; -454.1755 ; 39.23129 ; "None" to -169.456 ; -440.325 ; 40.98505 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:51:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (27.2263y, 114ms)
[F] 23:51:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 195ms
[F] 23:51:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 533ms
[F] 23:51:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 495ms
[D] 23:51:46 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[D] 23:51:46 - [Fight] BlackList Stormpike Bowman during 120 sec
23:51:46 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Stormpike Bowman (lvl 80)
[F] 23:51:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 626ms
[N] 23:51:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -169.7562 ; -449.388 ; 41.11197 ; "None" to -163.494 ; -434.904 ; 41.07253 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:51:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (17.03619y, 108ms)
[F] 23:51:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 616ms
[F] 23:51:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 674ms
[F] 23:51:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 627ms
[F] 23:51:50 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 664ms
[F] 23:51:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 455ms
[F] 23:51:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 395ms
[F] 23:51:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 23:51:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 343ms
[F] 23:51:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 23:51:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[D] 23:51:52 - [Fight] BlackList Stormpike Bowman during 60 sec
23:51:52 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Stormpike Bowman (lvl 80)
[F] 23:51:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 314ms
[F] 23:51:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 23:51:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 23:51:54 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 17379391186132796382
[F] 23:51:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 23:51:54 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 17379391186132796382
[F] 23:51:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 23:51:54 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 17379391186132796382
[F] 23:51:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 240ms
[F] 23:51:55 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 17379391186132796382
[F] 23:51:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 264ms
[F] 23:51:55 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 17379391186132796382
[F] 23:51:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 250ms
[F] 23:51:55 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 17379391186132796382
[F] 23:51:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 205ms
[F] 23:51:56 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 17379391186132796382
[F] 23:51:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 243ms
[F] 23:51:56 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796382
[F] 23:51:56 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796382
[F] 23:51:56 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796382
[F] 23:51:56 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796382
[F] 23:51:57 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796382
[F] 23:51:57 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 23:51:57 - [Fight] BlackList Stormpike Bowman during 60 sec
23:51:57 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Stormpike Bowman (lvl 80)
[F] 23:51:57 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 17379391186132796382
[F] 23:51:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 264ms
[F] 23:51:57 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:58 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:58 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:51:58 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 23:51:58 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
23:51:58 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Stormpike Bowman (lvl 80)
[F] 23:51:59 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:51:59 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 23:51:59 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:51:59 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:51:59 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:51:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 23:51:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 162ms
[F] 23:52:00 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:52:00 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:52:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:52:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 452ms
[F] 23:52:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:52:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 23:52:01 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:52:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 23:52:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 394ms
[F] 23:52:01 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:52:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 23:52:02 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:52:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 191ms
[F] 23:52:02 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:52:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 23:52:02 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:52:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 171ms
[F] 23:52:02 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:52:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 23:52:03 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:52:03 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:52:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 361ms
23:52:05 - [BG] going to zone Stonehearth Bunker to attack
[N] 23:52:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -166.7291 ; -437.9718 ; 41.02142 ; "None" to -159.6747 ; -459.7626 ; 40.38681 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:52:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (24.42338y, 111ms)
[N] 23:52:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -165.8809 ; -448.6085 ; 40.40338 ; "None" to -152.437 ; -441.758 ; 40.3982 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:52:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (18.19012y, 105ms)
[N] 23:52:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -164.7709 ; -449.0204 ; 40.40338 ; "None" to -152.437 ; -441.758 ; 40.3982 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:52:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (18.79359y, 115ms)
[F] 23:52:13 - [RTF] Force clearing verification because spell could not be verified for 10 seconds
[F] 23:52:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:52:20 - [BG] going to zone Stonehearth Bunker to attack
[N] 23:52:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -155.3736 ; -440.8203 ; 40.39429 ; "None" to -159.6747 ; -459.7626 ; 40.38681 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[F] 23:52:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:52:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (28.51559y, 123ms)
[F] 23:52:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:52:25 - [BG] going to zone Stonehearth Bunker to attack
[N] 23:52:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -160.0282 ; -459.5072 ; 40.38835 ; "None" to -159.6747 ; -459.7626 ; 40.38681 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[F] 23:52:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:52:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.4361257y, 111ms)
[F] 23:52:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 23:52:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Stormcrows) snowfall
[F] 23:52:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:52:29 - [BG] going to zone Stonehearth Bunker to attack
[N] 23:52:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -160.0282 ; -459.5072 ; 40.38835 ; "None" to -159.6747 ; -459.7626 ; 40.38681 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:52:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.4361257y, 0ms)
[F] 23:52:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:52:34 - [BG] going to zone Stonehearth Bunker to attack
[N] 23:52:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -160.0282 ; -459.5072 ; 40.38835 ; "None" to -159.6747 ; -459.7626 ; 40.38681 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:52:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.4361257y, 0ms)
23:52:38 - [BG] going to zone Stonehearth Bunker to attack
[N] 23:52:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -160.0282 ; -459.5072 ; 40.38835 ; "None" to -159.6747 ; -459.7626 ; 40.38681 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:52:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.4361257y, 0ms)
23:52:42 - [BG] going to zone Stonehearth Bunker to attack
[N] 23:52:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -160.0282 ; -459.5072 ; 40.38835 ; "None" to -159.6747 ; -459.7626 ; 40.38681 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:52:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.4361257y, 0ms)
23:52:47 - [BG] going to zone Stonehearth Bunker to attack
[N] 23:52:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -160.0282 ; -459.5072 ; 40.38835 ; "None" to -159.6747 ; -459.7626 ; 40.38681 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:52:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.4361257y, 0ms)
[N] 23:52:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -160.0282 ; -459.5072 ; 40.38835 ; "None" to -127.5583 ; -477.7213 ; 27.44336 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:52:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (80.90263y, 110ms)
23:52:50 - [Fight] Attack player Chapis (lvl 80)
[N] 23:52:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -160.0282 ; -459.5072 ; 40.38835 ; "None" to -129.9894 ; -473.9604 ; 28.24871 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:52:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (75.98116y, 108ms)
[F] 23:52:50 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 262ms
[F] 23:52:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 821ms
[F] 23:52:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 865ms
[F] 23:52:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 674ms
[N] 23:52:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -162.1864 ; -443.5147 ; 33.27964 ; "None" to -133.5548 ; -461.1019 ; 26.41785 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:52:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (36.57611y, 108ms)
[F] 23:52:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 556ms
[F] 23:52:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 540ms
[F] 23:52:55 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 23:52:55 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 206ms
23:52:56 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Chapis (lvl 80)
[F] 23:52:56 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 23:52:56 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 23:52:56 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:57 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 211ms
[F] 23:52:57 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 205ms
[F] 23:52:57 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 161ms
[F] 23:52:57 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 23:52:58 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 23:52:58 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 23:52:58 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:52:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 23:52:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 256ms
[F] 23:52:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 296ms
[F] 23:52:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 23:53:00 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:53:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 292ms
[F] 23:53:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 23:53:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 531ms
[N] 23:53:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -142.4853 ; -456.6357 ; 26.37526 ; "None" to -132.0709 ; -464.4142 ; 26.39938 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:53:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (14.98565y, 104ms)
[F] 23:53:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 539ms
[F] 23:53:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 601ms
[F] 23:53:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 575ms
[F] 23:53:03 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270475689
[F] 23:53:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 372ms
[F] 23:53:03 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270475689
[F] 23:53:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 23:53:04 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:53:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 314ms
[F] 23:53:04 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:53:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 337ms
[F] 23:53:04 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:53:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 23:53:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:53:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 474ms
[F] 23:53:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 23:53:06 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:53:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 324ms
[F] 23:53:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 492ms
[F] 23:53:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 531ms
[F] 23:53:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 541ms
[F] 23:53:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 397ms
[F] 23:53:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 290ms
[F] 23:53:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 23:53:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 565ms
[F] 23:53:11 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270475689
[F] 23:53:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 379ms
[F] 23:53:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 272ms
[N] 23:53:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -129.7788 ; -498.361 ; 34.18227 ; "None" to -155.9742 ; -441.0323 ; 40.39809 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:53:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 25 (126.3827y, 111ms)
[F] 23:53:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 247ms
[N] 23:53:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -129.7788 ; -498.361 ; 34.18227 ; "None" to -130.4097 ; -502.1163 ; 36.06638 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:53:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (4.248559y, 114ms)
23:53:12 - [Fight] Attack player Chapis (lvl 80)
[F] 23:53:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 688ms
[F] 23:53:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 17383941935743369269
[F] 23:53:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 495ms
[F] 23:53:13 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:53:13 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 17383941935743369269
[F] 23:53:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 552ms
[F] 23:53:14 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:53:14 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:53:14 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 17383941935743369269
[F] 23:53:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 643ms
[F] 23:53:14 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:53:15 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:53:15 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 17383941935743369269
[F] 23:53:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 628ms
[N] 23:53:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -130.3085 ; -472.8331 ; 28.24872 ; "None" to 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[D] 23:53:15 - [Fight] Cannot make path to the target (), ignore it.
23:53:15 - [BG] Switching to healer:
[F] 23:53:15 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Target needs to be in front of you.
[F] 23:53:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 17383941935743369269
[F] 23:53:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 386ms
[F] 23:53:16 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:53:16 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:53:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 23:53:16 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:53:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 258ms
[F] 23:53:16 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:53:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 374ms
[F] 23:53:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[N] 23:53:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -129.4184 ; -467.9839 ; 26.84173 ; "None" to -114.4546 ; -489.125 ; 29.97227 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:53:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (28.2424y, 107ms)
[F] 23:53:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 180ms
[F] 23:53:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 196ms
[F] 23:53:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:53:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 443ms
[F] 23:53:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 275ms
[F] 23:53:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 371ms
[F] 23:53:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 384ms
[N] 23:53:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -124.932 ; -474.6968 ; 28.82816 ; "None" to -103.6957 ; -483.0358 ; 30.0584 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:53:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (28.02962y, 113ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[D] 23:53:20 - [Fight] Cannot make path to the target (Chapis), ignore it.
[F] 23:53:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 580ms
[N] 23:53:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -122.4056 ; -475.9701 ; 26.32493 ; "None" to -101.2147 ; -481.2056 ; 31.27289 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:53:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22.38185y, 102ms)
23:53:21 - [Fight] Attack player Chapis (lvl 80)
[F] 23:53:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 230ms
[F] 23:53:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 274ms
[F] 23:53:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 572ms
[F] 23:53:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 565ms
[F] 23:53:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 23:53:24 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158270475689
[F] 23:53:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 23:53:24 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270475689
[F] 23:53:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 288ms
[F] 23:53:24 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270475689
[F] 23:53:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 239ms
[F] 23:53:25 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270475689
[F] 23:53:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 23:53:25 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270475689
[F] 23:53:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 273ms
[F] 23:53:25 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158270475689
[F] 23:53:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 376ms
[F] 23:53:26 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270475689
[F] 23:53:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 395ms
[F] 23:53:26 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158270475689
[F] 23:53:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
23:53:26 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Stormpike Bowman (lvl 80)
[N] 23:53:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -99.91071 ; -479.1578 ; 31.08611 ; "None" to -147.147 ; -435.053 ; 40.8022 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[F] 23:53:26 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[N] 23:53:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 24 (142.6564y, 120ms)
[F] 23:53:27 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:53:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 273ms
[F] 23:53:27 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:53:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:53:27 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:53:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 596ms
[F] 23:53:27 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:53:27 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:53:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 563ms
[F] 23:53:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 678ms
[F] 23:53:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 23:53:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 489ms
[F] 23:53:30 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:53:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 462ms
[F] 23:53:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 189ms
[F] 23:53:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 247ms
[F] 23:53:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 308ms
[F] 23:53:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[F] 23:53:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 554ms
[F] 23:53:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 510ms
[F] 23:53:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 549ms
[F] 23:53:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 23:53:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 416ms
[F] 23:53:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 230ms
[F] 23:53:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 23:53:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 23:53:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 444ms
[F] 23:53:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 440ms
[F] 23:53:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 23:53:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 415ms
[F] 23:53:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 449ms
[F] 23:53:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 441ms
[F] 23:53:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 446ms
[F] 23:53:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 23:53:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 23:53:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 498ms
[F] 23:53:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 519ms
[F] 23:53:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 23:53:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 499ms
[F] 23:53:43 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 17379391186132796380
[F] 23:53:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 23:53:44 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 17379391186132796380
[F] 23:53:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 425ms
[F] 23:53:44 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 17379391186132796380
[F] 23:53:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 196ms
[F] 23:53:44 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 17379391186132796380
[F] 23:53:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 23:53:45 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 17379391186132796380
[F] 23:53:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 23:53:45 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 17379391186132796380
[F] 23:53:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 23:53:45 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 17379391186132796380
[F] 23:53:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 241ms
[F] 23:53:46 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 17379391186132796380
[F] 23:53:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 23:53:46 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 17379391186132796380
[F] 23:53:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 241ms
[F] 23:53:46 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 17379391186132796380
[F] 23:53:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 23:53:46 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 17379391186132796380
[F] 23:53:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 23:53:47 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:53:47 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 17379391186132796380
[F] 23:53:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 352ms
[F] 23:53:47 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:53:47 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 17379391186132796380
[F] 23:53:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 23:53:47 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:53:47 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796380
[F] 23:53:47 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796380
[F] 23:53:48 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796380
[F] 23:53:48 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796380
[F] 23:53:48 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796380
[F] 23:53:48 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796380
[F] 23:53:49 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:53:49 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 17379391186132796380
[F] 23:53:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
23:53:51 - [BG] going to zone Stonehearth Bunker to attack
[N] 23:53:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -146.923 ; -437.4005 ; 40.95105 ; "None" to -159.6747 ; -459.7626 ; 40.38681 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:53:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (33.14825y, 113ms)
[N] 23:53:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -146.9699 ; -437.1472 ; 40.93656 ; "None" to -152.437 ; -441.758 ; 40.3982 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:53:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (13.77184y, 104ms)
[N] 23:53:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -148.5168 ; -440.5001 ; 40.40337 ; "None" to -152.437 ; -441.758 ; 40.3982 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:53:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (9.050361y, 107ms)
23:53:54 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Stormpike Bowman (lvl 80)
[F] 23:53:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 237ms
[F] 23:53:55 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism on 17379391186132796380 because we're out of range
[F] 23:53:56 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:53:56 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:53:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 495ms
[F] 23:53:56 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:53:56 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:53:56 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:53:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 730ms
[F] 23:53:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:53:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 23:53:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:53:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 377ms
[F] 23:53:58 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:53:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 512ms
[F] 23:53:58 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:53:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 248ms
[F] 23:53:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:53:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 224ms
[F] 23:53:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:53:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 23:53:59 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:53:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 23:53:59 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:54:00 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:54:00 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:54:00 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:54:00 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:54:00 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:54:01 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:54:01 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:54:01 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 17379391186132796381
[F] 23:54:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 347ms
23:54:01 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Stormpike Bowman (lvl 80)
[F] 23:54:02 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:54:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 389ms
[F] 23:54:02 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:54:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 23:54:03 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:54:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 388ms
[F] 23:54:04 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:54:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 797ms
[F] 23:54:04 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:54:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 23:54:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 608ms
[F] 23:54:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 627ms
[F] 23:54:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 491ms
[F] 23:54:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 760ms
[F] 23:54:08 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 17379391186132796382
[F] 23:54:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 240ms
[F] 23:54:08 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 17379391186132796382
[F] 23:54:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 439ms
[F] 23:54:08 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796382
[F] 23:54:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 162ms
[F] 23:54:09 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796382
[F] 23:54:09 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796382
[F] 23:54:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 23:54:09 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 17379391186132796382
[F] 23:54:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 211ms
[F] 23:54:10 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 17379391186132796382
[F] 23:54:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 311ms
[F] 23:54:10 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:54:10 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:54:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 245ms
[F] 23:54:10 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:54:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:54:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:54:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:54:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:54:13 - [BG] going to zone Stonehearth Bunker to attack
[N] 23:54:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -165.8168 ; -437.6434 ; 40.99574 ; "None" to -159.6747 ; -459.7626 ; 40.38681 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:54:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (24.72985y, 108ms)
[F] 23:54:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:54:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -165.2953 ; -437.4355 ; 40.98765 ; "None" to -152.437 ; -441.758 ; 40.3982 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:54:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (13.83937y, 100ms)
[F] 23:54:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:54:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -163.1987 ; -439.96 ; 41.10059 ; "None" to -152.437 ; -441.758 ; 40.3982 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:54:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (11.36323y, 103ms)
[F] 23:54:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:54:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:54:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:54:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:54:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -157.3682 ; -440.8649 ; 40.40335 ; "None" to -117.7646 ; -479.62 ; 26.17871 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[F] 23:54:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:54:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 25 (113.7036y, 110ms)
23:54:16 - [Fight] Attack player Blyshe (lvl 80)
[F] 23:54:17 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:54:17 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:54:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 204ms
[N] 23:54:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -157.3682 ; -440.8649 ; 40.40335 ; "None" to -132.1029 ; -478.3437 ; 27.99754 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[F] 23:54:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[N] 23:54:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 23 (103.3394y, 115ms)
[F] 23:54:17 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:54:17 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:54:17 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:54:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 23:54:17 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:54:18 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:54:18 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:54:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -161.5581 ; -442.3233 ; 40.40335 ; "None" to -143.6603 ; -477.9875 ; 30.55823 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[F] 23:54:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[N] 23:54:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 25 (108.0767y, 110ms)
[F] 23:54:18 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:54:18 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:54:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 607ms
[N] 23:54:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -165.4592 ; -448.0891 ; 40.40335 ; "None" to -156.0126 ; -475.6492 ; 30.94803 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:54:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 25 (113.2769y, 109ms)
[F] 23:54:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 598ms
[F] 23:54:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 635ms
[F] 23:54:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 635ms
[N] 23:54:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -159.8996 ; -453.4077 ; 38.64635 ; "None" to -167.8367 ; -479.1458 ; 30.13135 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:54:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 18 (106.2106y, 121ms)
[F] 23:54:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 23:54:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[F] 23:54:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 23:54:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 500ms
[F] 23:54:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 506ms
[F] 23:54:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 507ms
[F] 23:54:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[F] 23:54:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 23:54:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 23:54:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 441ms
[F] 23:54:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 244ms
[F] 23:54:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 441ms
[F] 23:54:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 431ms
[F] 23:54:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 23:54:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 23:54:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 442ms
[F] 23:54:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 682ms
[F] 23:54:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 665ms
[F] 23:54:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 23:54:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 668ms
[F] 23:54:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 667ms
[F] 23:54:33 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 23:54:33 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 23:54:34 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 23:54:34 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 23:54:35 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 427ms
[F] 23:54:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 914ms
[F] 23:54:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 23:54:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[D] 23:54:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Stormcrows) snowfalll
[F] 23:54:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:54:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 374ms
[F] 23:54:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 23:54:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 23:54:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 338ms
[F] 23:54:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 23:54:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 23:54:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 562ms
[F] 23:54:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 641ms
[F] 23:54:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 452ms
[F] 23:54:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 23:54:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 23:54:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 304ms
[D] 23:54:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Stormcrows) take snowfall or theyre going to flank you
[F] 23:54:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 292ms
[F] 23:54:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 296ms
[F] 23:54:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 306ms
[F] 23:54:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 372ms
[F] 23:54:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 23:54:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 23:54:46 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 158ms
[F] 23:54:46 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:46 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:46 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:46 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:47 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:47 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:47 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:47 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:47 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:48 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:48 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:48 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:48 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:48 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:49 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 375ms
[F] 23:54:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 386ms
23:54:50 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Blyshe (lvl 80)
[F] 23:54:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 758ms
[F] 23:54:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[F] 23:54:51 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:54:51 - [RTF] Casting Lay on Hands() (Lay on Hands on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:54:52 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:54:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 429ms
[F] 23:54:52 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 393ms
[F] 23:54:53 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 225ms
[F] 23:54:53 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 23:54:53 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 224ms
[F] 23:54:54 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 206ms
[F] 23:54:54 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 231ms
[F] 23:54:54 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[F] 23:54:55 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 558ms
[F] 23:54:55 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 320ms
[F] 23:54:56 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 280ms
[F] 23:54:56 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:54:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 277ms
[F] 23:54:57 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:54:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 360ms
[F] 23:54:57 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:54:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 344ms
[F] 23:54:57 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:54:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 331ms
[F] 23:54:58 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:54:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 23:54:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 290ms
[F] 23:54:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 309ms
[F] 23:54:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 23:54:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 23:55:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 323ms
[F] 23:55:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:55:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 240ms
[F] 23:55:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:55:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 298ms
[F] 23:55:01 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:55:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 297ms
[F] 23:55:01 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:55:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 23:55:02 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 432345564231133748
[F] 23:55:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 296ms
[F] 23:55:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 316ms
[F] 23:55:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 339ms
[F] 23:55:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 23:55:03 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
23:55:03 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 23:55:04 - [Fight] Fight stopped
23:55:04 - [BG] Switching to healer: Xuzening
[D] 23:55:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Stormcrows) 3 alliance in ibt
[F] 23:55:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:55:23 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:55:23 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:55:23 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:55:23 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:55:24 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:55:24 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:55:24 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:55:24 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:55:25 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:55:25 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:55:26 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:55:27 - [BG] going to zone Iceblood Tower to defend
[N] 23:55:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -531.2178 ; -405.2314 ; 49.55119 ; "None" to -570.8574 ; -263.812 ; 75.00826 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:55:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 45 (344.6504y, 116ms)
[N] 23:55:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -606.7059 ; -373.7694 ; 66.35973 ; "None" to -603.2231 ; -334.1832 ; 51.76873 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:55:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (43.24944y, 114ms)
23:55:41 - [Fight] Attack player Jesicarabbit (lvl 80)
[N] 23:55:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -606.4346 ; -371.9054 ; 66.45667 ; "None" to -604.5734 ; -338.0902 ; 53.24669 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:55:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (37.24513y, 110ms)
[F] 23:55:42 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:55:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[N] 23:55:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -606.8614 ; -366.0869 ; 64.75241 ; "None" to -607.9573 ; -349.3964 ; 57.56549 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:55:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (18.74295y, 114ms)
[F] 23:55:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
[F] 23:55:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 23:55:43 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:55:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 372ms
[F] 23:55:44 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:55:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 365ms
23:55:44 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Jesicarabbit (lvl 80)
[F] 23:55:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:55:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 539ms
[F] 23:55:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:55:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 262ms
[F] 23:55:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:55:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 507ms
[F] 23:55:46 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:55:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 462ms
[F] 23:55:46 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:55:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 237ms
[F] 23:55:46 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:55:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 195ms
[F] 23:55:46 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:55:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 197ms
[F] 23:55:47 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:55:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 193ms
[F] 23:55:47 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:55:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 23:55:47 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:55:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 23:55:48 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:55:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 23:55:48 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:55:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 23:55:48 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:55:48 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:55:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 23:55:49 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 23:55:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 23:55:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 23:55:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
[F] 23:55:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 575ms
[F] 23:55:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 23:55:51 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:55:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 23:55:52 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:55:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 397ms
[F] 23:55:52 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:55:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 23:55:53 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:55:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 23:55:54 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:55:54 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:55:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 574ms
[F] 23:55:54 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:55:54 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:55:54 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:55:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 296ms
[F] 23:55:54 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:55:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:55:55 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:55:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 603ms
[F] 23:55:55 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:55:55 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:55:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 611ms
[F] 23:55:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 500ms
[F] 23:55:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 293ms
[F] 23:55:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 23:55:57 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:55:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 432ms
[F] 23:55:58 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:55:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 23:55:58 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:55:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 413ms
[F] 23:55:58 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:55:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 23:55:59 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:55:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 23:55:59 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:55:59 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:55:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 397ms
[F] 23:56:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 197ms
[F] 23:56:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 23:56:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 23:56:01 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 275ms
[F] 23:56:01 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 443ms
[F] 23:56:02 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 476ms
[F] 23:56:02 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:02 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:02 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:02 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:02 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:56:02 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:03 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:56:03 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 582ms
[F] 23:56:03 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:56:03 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:04 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:56:04 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 611ms
[F] 23:56:04 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:56:04 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:04 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:56:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:56:05 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 669ms
[F] 23:56:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 23:56:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 670ms
[F] 23:56:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:56:06 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:56:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:56:06 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:56:07 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 666ms
[F] 23:56:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:56:07 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:07 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:56:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:56:07 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:07 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 23:56:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:56:07 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:07 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:56:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:56:07 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:07 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:56:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:56:07 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:07 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:56:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:56:08 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:08 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:56:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:56:08 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:08 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:56:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[D] 23:56:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Blackmist-Lordaeron) defend iceblood tower
[F] 23:56:08 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:08 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:56:08 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 23:56:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:56:08 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:09 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:56:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 337ms
[F] 23:56:09 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:56:09 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:09 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:56:09 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 294ms
[F] 23:56:09 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:56:10 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:10 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:56:10 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 23:56:10 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:56:10 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:10 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:56:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 377ms
[F] 23:56:11 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:56:11 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 23:56:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Blackmist-Lordaeron) uick
[F] 23:56:11 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:56:11 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 605ms
[F] 23:56:11 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:56:11 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 533ms
[F] 23:56:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 331ms
[F] 23:56:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 331ms
[F] 23:56:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 23:56:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 23:56:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 339ms
[F] 23:56:14 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 23:56:14 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 331ms
[F] 23:56:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 23:56:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 23:56:15 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 23:56:16 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 374ms
[F] 23:56:16 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 500ms
[F] 23:56:17 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 23:56:18 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 540ms
[F] 23:56:18 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[F] 23:56:19 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 525ms
[F] 23:56:19 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 506ms
[F] 23:56:20 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 23:56:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 808ms
23:56:20 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 23:56:21 - [Fight] Fight stopped
23:56:21 - [BG] Switching to healer: Muchachota
[F] 23:56:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:23 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:23 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:23 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:23 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:24 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:24 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:24 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:56:25 - [BG] going to zone Iceblood Tower to defend
[N] 23:56:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -531.2178 ; -405.2314 ; 49.55119 ; "None" to -570.8574 ; -263.812 ; 75.00826 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:56:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 45 (344.6504y, 0ms)
[F] 23:56:25 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:25 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:26 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:26 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:27 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:27 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:28 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:28 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:29 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:56:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -564.7689 ; -404.7653 ; 53.51406 ; "None" to -615.3043 ; -370.9282 ; 59.56684 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:56:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (80.01231y, 112ms)
23:56:29 - [Fight] Attack player Jesicarabbit (lvl 80)
[N] 23:56:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -566.3788 ; -404.7867 ; 53.41655 ; "None" to -615.0986 ; -374.1416 ; 58.88435 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:56:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (75.24072y, 108ms)
[F] 23:56:29 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 23:56:30 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[N] 23:56:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -577.6805 ; -404.937 ; 53.90321 ; "None" to -619.2512 ; -368.1536 ; 62.30247 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[F] 23:56:30 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[N] 23:56:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (70.02314y, 114ms)
[F] 23:56:31 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 464ms
[F] 23:56:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 395ms
[N] 23:56:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -586.0116 ; -405.0479 ; 56.03635 ; "None" to -628.2611 ; -366.3998 ; 57.52157 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:56:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (66.50561y, 110ms)
[F] 23:56:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[D] 23:56:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Stormcrows) why do blackrock server players afk?
[F] 23:56:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 408ms
[N] 23:56:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -593.5538 ; -405.1482 ; 58.08267 ; "None" to -624.0964 ; -381.2621 ; 58.03071 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:56:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (43.06846y, 109ms)
[F] 23:56:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 23:56:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 23:56:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 417ms
[F] 23:56:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 23:56:35 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 364ms
[F] 23:56:35 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 439ms
[F] 23:56:36 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 432ms
[F] 23:56:36 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 328ms
[F] 23:56:37 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 431ms
[F] 23:56:37 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:56:37 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[F] 23:56:38 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:56:38 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:56:38 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 464ms
[F] 23:56:38 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:56:38 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:56:38 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 537ms
[F] 23:56:39 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 23:56:39 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 535ms
[F] 23:56:40 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 535ms
[F] 23:56:40 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 23:56:41 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 631ms
[F] 23:56:42 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 604ms
[F] 23:56:42 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 355ms
[F] 23:56:43 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 603ms
[F] 23:56:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 498ms
23:56:43 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Jesicarabbit (lvl 80)
[F] 23:56:43 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:56:44 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 23:56:44 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 23:56:44 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 23:56:44 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 23:56:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 510ms
[F] 23:56:45 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 513ms
[F] 23:56:46 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 513ms
[F] 23:56:46 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 526ms
[F] 23:56:47 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 335ms
[F] 23:56:47 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 23:56:47 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 193ms
[F] 23:56:48 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 340ms
[F] 23:56:48 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 332ms
[F] 23:56:49 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 338ms
[F] 23:56:49 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 23:56:49 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 23:56:49 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:56:50 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 23:56:50 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 255ms
[F] 23:56:50 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389514082
[F] 23:56:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 261ms
[F] 23:56:51 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 23:56:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
23:56:51 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 23:56:52 - [Fight] Fight stopped
23:56:52 - [BG] Switching to healer: Muchachota
[D] 23:57:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Stormcrows) 3-4 alliance in ibt
[D] 23:57:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Blackmist-Lordaeron) iceblood tower
[D] 23:57:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Verenthor-Lordaeron) they are too busy sucking dick
[F] 23:57:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:23 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:23 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:23 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:23 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:24 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:24 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:24 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:25 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:25 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:25 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:26 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:57:28 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to defend
[N] 23:57:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1090.477 ; -253.3087 ; 57.6727 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:57:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 61 (515.7126y, 125ms)
[N] 23:57:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1102.694 ; -276.0088 ; 60.12863 ; "None" to -1056.455 ; -305.8169 ; 59.19583 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:57:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (55.18525y, 107ms)
23:57:32 - [Fight] Attack player Destroyelf (lvl 80)
[N] 23:57:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1103.301 ; -277.8093 ; 61.47058 ; "None" to -1059.058 ; -303.7828 ; 59.25464 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:57:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (51.35082y, 107ms)
[F] 23:57:33 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 23:57:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 23:57:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 574ms
[F] 23:57:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 563ms
[F] 23:57:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 570ms
[F] 23:57:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 23:57:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 23:57:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 636ms
[F] 23:57:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 700ms
[F] 23:57:38 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 23:57:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 378ms
[N] 23:57:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1076.632 ; -308.6212 ; 57.69342 ; "None" to -1075.062 ; -311.7254 ; 57.75053 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:57:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (3.478801y, 117ms)
23:57:38 - [Fight] Attack player Destroyelf (lvl 80)
[F] 23:57:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 836ms
[F] 23:57:40 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:57:40 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 381ms
[F] 23:57:40 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:57:40 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 23:57:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 574ms
[F] 23:57:41 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 23:57:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 23:57:41 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 23:57:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 163ms
[F] 23:57:41 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 23:57:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 194ms
[F] 23:57:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 23:57:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 23:57:42 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:57:42 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 23:57:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 539ms
[F] 23:57:43 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:57:43 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:57:43 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 23:57:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 302ms
[F] 23:57:43 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:57:43 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 23:57:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 23:57:43 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:57:43 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 245ms
[F] 23:57:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 197ms
[F] 23:57:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 23:57:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 23:57:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 206ms
[F] 23:57:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 23:57:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 23:57:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 170ms
[F] 23:57:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 174ms
[F] 23:57:46 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 23:57:46 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:57:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 222ms
[F] 23:57:46 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on mouseover with guid 720575940388388555
[F] 23:57:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 23:57:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 23:57:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 23:57:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 260ms
[F] 23:57:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 272ms
[F] 23:57:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 290ms
[F] 23:57:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 270ms
[F] 23:57:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 23:57:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 23:57:50 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 23:57:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 562ms
23:57:50 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 23:57:51 - [Fight] Fight stopped
23:57:51 - [BG] Switching to healer: Muchachota
[D] 23:57:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Dizziness) many fwgy
[D] 23:58:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Dizziness) looks like 15
[F] 23:58:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:58:23 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:58:23 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:58:23 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:58:23 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:58:24 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:58:24 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:58:24 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:58:25 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:58:25 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:58:26 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:58:26 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:58:26 - [BG] going to zone Iceblood Tower to defend
[N] 23:58:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -531.2178 ; -405.2314 ; 49.55138 ; "None" to -570.8574 ; -263.812 ; 75.00826 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:58:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 45 (344.6504y, 0ms)
[D] 23:58:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Anlashok) help at IBT
[D] 23:58:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Anlashok) nvm LOL
[D] 23:58:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Blackmist-Lordaeron) NVM
[N] 23:58:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -596.9352 ; -346.2181 ; 58.25854 ; "None" to -563.7691 ; -301.0421 ; 46.04757 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:58:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (59.28799y, 113ms)
23:58:44 - [Fight] Attack player Moiaa (lvl 80)
[N] 23:58:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -596.4938 ; -344.3952 ; 57.65399 ; "None" to -566.6666 ; -302.5104 ; 46.2719 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:58:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (54.26202y, 114ms)
[F] 23:58:44 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:58:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[N] 23:58:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -594.7808 ; -337.3224 ; 55.62038 ; "None" to -576.3379 ; -310.5398 ; 45.8168 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[F] 23:58:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[N] 23:58:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (34.27038y, 106ms)
[F] 23:58:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 398ms
[F] 23:58:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 23:58:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 205ms
[F] 23:58:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 155ms
[F] 23:58:47 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271469909
[F] 23:58:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 23:58:47 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271469909
[F] 23:58:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 23:58:47 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271469909
[F] 23:58:47 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271469909
[F] 23:58:48 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271469909
[F] 23:58:48 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271469909
[F] 23:58:48 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271469909
[F] 23:58:48 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271469909
[F] 23:58:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 443ms
[F] 23:58:49 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271469909
[F] 23:58:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 220ms
[F] 23:58:49 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271469909
[F] 23:58:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 23:58:50 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271469909
[F] 23:58:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 23:58:50 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271469909
[F] 23:58:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 190ms
[F] 23:58:50 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271469909
[F] 23:58:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 248ms
[F] 23:58:50 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271469909
[F] 23:58:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 230ms
[F] 23:58:51 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271469909
[F] 23:58:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 237ms
[F] 23:58:51 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271469909
[F] 23:58:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 23:58:51 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271469909
[F] 23:58:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 23:58:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:58:52 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271469909
[F] 23:58:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 302ms
[F] 23:58:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:58:52 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271469909
[F] 23:58:52 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:58:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 23:58:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:58:52 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271469909
[F] 23:58:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 304ms
[F] 23:58:53 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 23:58:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:58:53 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271469909
[F] 23:58:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 296ms
[F] 23:58:53 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 23:58:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:58:53 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271469909
[F] 23:58:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 23:58:53 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while silenced
[F] 23:58:54 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:58:54 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271469909
[F] 23:58:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 331ms
[F] 23:58:54 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 23:58:54 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 23:58:54 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
23:58:54 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Blizzlike (lvl 80)
[F] 23:58:54 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:58:54 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:58:54 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:58:55 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:58:55 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:58:55 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 23:58:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 338ms
[F] 23:58:56 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 23:58:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[F] 23:58:56 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 23:58:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 23:58:56 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 23:58:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 663ms
23:58:57 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 23:59:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:59:23 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:59:23 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:59:23 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:59:24 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:59:24 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:59:24 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:59:24 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:59:25 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:59:25 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:59:26 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
23:59:26 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to defend
[N] 23:59:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -531.2178 ; -405.2314 ; 49.55138 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:59:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 65 (1036.158y, 133ms)
[F] 23:59:26 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 23:59:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -549.207 ; -404.6248 ; 53.92535 ; "None" to -611.7417 ; -394.602 ; 60.8534 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:59:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (71.26402y, 112ms)
23:59:29 - [Fight] Attack player Tugatitta (lvl 80)
[N] 23:59:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -550.8491 ; -404.6446 ; 54.64113 ; "None" to -611.7417 ; -394.602 ; 60.8534 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:59:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (69.55824y, 109ms)
[F] 23:59:29 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 23:59:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 23:59:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 530ms
[F] 23:59:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 23:59:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 498ms
[F] 23:59:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 497ms
[F] 23:59:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 23:59:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 23:59:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 564ms
[F] 23:59:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 566ms
[F] 23:59:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 533ms
[F] 23:59:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 23:59:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 571ms
[F] 23:59:36 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389336074
[F] 23:59:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 23:59:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 702ms
[F] 23:59:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 670ms
[F] 23:59:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389336074
[F] 23:59:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 23:59:39 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389336074
[F] 23:59:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 508ms
[F] 23:59:39 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389336074
[F] 23:59:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 281ms
[F] 23:59:39 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389336074
[F] 23:59:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 242ms
[F] 23:59:40 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389336074
[F] 23:59:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 23:59:40 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:59:40 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389336074
[F] 23:59:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 314ms
[F] 23:59:40 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:59:40 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389336074
[F] 23:59:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 197ms
[F] 23:59:41 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 23:59:41 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389336074
[F] 23:59:41 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389336074
[F] 23:59:41 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389336074
[F] 23:59:41 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389336074
[F] 23:59:41 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389336074
[F] 23:59:42 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389336074
[F] 23:59:42 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 23:59:42 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389336074
[F] 23:59:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
23:59:44 - [BG] going to zone Stonehearth Bunker to attack
[N] 23:59:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -622.1119 ; -399.5709 ; 59.14659 ; "None" to -159.6747 ; -459.7626 ; 40.38681 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 23:59:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 36 (663.4381y, 130ms)
[D] 23:59:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Blackmist-Lordaeron) all group and go boss
[F] 23:59:52 - [RTF] Force clearing verification because spell could not be verified for 10 seconds
[D] 00:00:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Santichupala-Lordaeron) boss
[D] 00:00:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Blackmist-Lordaeron) defend our graves so that they spawn back
00:01:05 - [BG] going to zone Tower Point to defend
[N] 00:01:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -159.6207 ; -459.485 ; 40.38874 ; "None" to -769.136 ; -361.7828 ; 90.89497 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:01:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 70 (887.8896y, 128ms)
[N] 00:02:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -618.619 ; -347.0611 ; 55.2435 ; "None" to -582.7935 ; -404.6417 ; 55.34998 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:02:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (89.2187y, 113ms)
00:02:20 - [Fight] Attack player Okuzovic (lvl 80)
[N] 00:02:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -620.4053 ; -348.2563 ; 55.34723 ; "None" to -582.1614 ; -404.2787 ; 55.23126 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:02:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (90.09106y, 116ms)
[F] 00:02:21 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:02:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[F] 00:02:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 00:02:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[F] 00:02:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 00:02:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 00:02:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 00:02:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 00:02:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 532ms
[F] 00:02:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 542ms
[F] 00:02:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 539ms
[F] 00:02:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 535ms
[F] 00:02:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 938ms
[F] 00:02:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 903ms
[N] 00:02:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -604.8676 ; -404.2196 ; 60.68691 ; "None" to -617.6705 ; -425.4662 ; 64.32021 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:02:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (27.25715y, 114ms)
00:02:29 - [Fight] Attack player Lisrythe (lvl 80)
[F] 00:02:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 1083ms
[F] 00:02:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 770ms
[F] 00:02:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 970ms
[N] 00:02:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -604.7402 ; -414.1154 ; 59.64985 ; "None" to -630.1216 ; -432.3678 ; 62.7343 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:02:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (31.46918y, 107ms)
[F] 00:02:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 1112ms
[F] 00:02:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 1177ms
[F] 00:02:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 936ms
[F] 00:02:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 999ms
[F] 00:02:37 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271562393
[F] 00:02:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 00:02:37 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271562393
[F] 00:02:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 00:02:38 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271562393
[F] 00:02:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271562393
[F] 00:02:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 00:02:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271562393
[F] 00:02:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 00:02:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271562393
[F] 00:02:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 00:02:39 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271562393
[F] 00:02:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 238ms
[F] 00:02:39 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271562393
[F] 00:02:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 231ms
[D] 00:02:39 - [Fight] Mob seem not attackable
[F] 00:02:39 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271562393
[F] 00:02:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[D] 00:02:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Verenthor-Lordaeron) 5 SEG
00:02:41 - [BG] going to zone Stormpike AidStation to tap/defend
[N] 00:02:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -636.4638 ; -436.5772 ; 64.14584 ; "None" to 636.9496 ; -33.21344 ; 45.84002 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:02:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 52 (1695.483y, 139ms)
[D] 00:02:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Verenthor-Lordaeron) GO BOSSS
[N] 00:02:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -629.6169 ; -405.5033 ; 59.97807 ; "None" to -608.2795 ; -343.0162 ; 56.63304 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:02:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (66.50143y, 112ms)
00:02:46 - [Fight] Attack player Phunnyxx (lvl 80)
[N] 00:02:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -629.1953 ; -403.3711 ; 59.64502 ; "None" to -606.1133 ; -341.8571 ; 55.02043 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:02:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (66.3638y, 108ms)
[F] 00:02:46 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:02:46 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:02:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 506ms
[F] 00:02:47 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:02:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 1108ms
[N] 00:02:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -626.4203 ; -389.338 ; 58.8032 ; "None" to -595.7288 ; -343.7641 ; 57.64111 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:02:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (58.59518y, 115ms)
[F] 00:02:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 1208ms
[F] 00:02:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 1105ms
[N] 00:02:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -619.9328 ; -370.958 ; 57.38614 ; "None" to -584.2486 ; -330.3779 ; 54.04791 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:02:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (59.70974y, 110ms)
[F] 00:02:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 1171ms
[F] 00:02:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 1179ms
[N] 00:02:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -610.8891 ; -353.1509 ; 57.23671 ; "None" to -594.2908 ; -322.5101 ; 51.06611 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:02:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (39.05985y, 114ms)
[D] 00:02:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Broforce) wait for me
[F] 00:02:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 1143ms
[F] 00:02:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 1004ms
[F] 00:02:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 735ms
[D] 00:02:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Blackmist-Lordaeron) go BOSS QUICK
[F] 00:02:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 668ms
[F] 00:02:56 - [RTF] Force clearing verification because spell could not be verified for 10 seconds
[F] 00:02:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:02:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 00:02:57 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Empty after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:02:57 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:02:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 603ms
[F] 00:02:58 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:02:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 604ms
[F] 00:02:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:02:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 441ms
[F] 00:02:59 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:02:59 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:02:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 588ms
[F] 00:02:59 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:03:00 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:03:00 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:03:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 534ms
[F] 00:03:00 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:03:00 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:03:00 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:03:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 00:03:01 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 00:03:01 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:03:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 00:03:01 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:03:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 00:03:02 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:03:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 498ms
[F] 00:03:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 00:03:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 442ms
[F] 00:03:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 00:03:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 335ms
[F] 00:03:04 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:03:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 261ms
[F] 00:03:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 739ms
[D] 00:03:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Blackmist-Lordaeron) defend our towers
[F] 00:03:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 804ms
[F] 00:03:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 00:03:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[N] 00:03:07 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 00:03:07 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 00:03:07 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 00:03:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 263ms
[F] 00:03:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 00:03:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 274ms
[F] 00:03:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 271ms
[F] 00:03:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
00:03:08 - [BG] Battleground Finish
[F] 00:03:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 256ms
[N] 00:03:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -586.5859 ; -326.0712 ; 49.1951 ; "None" to -582.3027 ; -319.402 ; 47.09782 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:03:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8.198908y, 115ms)
00:03:09 - [Fight] Attack player Unknown (lvl 80)
[N] 00:03:09 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 00:03:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; "None" to 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 00:03:09 - [Fight] Cannot make path to the target (), ignore it.
[D] 00:03:11 - [Info] Continent change, PVPZone01 to Kalimdor
[D] 00:03:11 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[D] 00:03:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Stormcrows) gg
[F] 00:03:11 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 00:03:11 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 00:03:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:03:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:03:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:03:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:03:29 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 00:03:29 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 00:03:31 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 00:03:31 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[D] 00:03:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Manetoukos) wtb x1 primo 600G
[D] 00:03:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Gugu) [Primordial Saronite] wtb
[D] 00:03:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Gugu) [Primordial Saronite] wtb
[D] 00:03:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Mementomorl) lfm toc10n tank&heal 5,3k gs
[D] 00:03:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Gugu) [Primordial Saronite] wtb
[D] 00:04:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Mementomorl) ae tigri nalazvaite :D
[D] 00:04:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Mementomorl) lfm toc10n need 2 tanks 1 big d1ck dps /w me
[D] 00:05:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Zainda) Prot/Ret Paladin Grind: >> https://www.twitch.tv/dyrezx
[D] 00:06:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Prosthetic) Magtheridon's Lair !! TMOG run ! Ready to Summon !! Need ALL !! Quick Run !!! (STAFF res) FREE ROLL for everything else !!
[D] 00:07:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Prosthetic) Magtheridon's Lair !! TMOG run ! Ready to Summon !! Need ALL !! Quick Run !!! (STAFF res) FREE ROLL for everything else !!
[D] 00:07:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Schneidrael) WTB |cff1eff00|Hitem:35622:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:65|h[Eternal Water]|h|r |cff1eff00|Hitem:35622:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:65|h[Eternal Water]|h|r |cff1eff00|Hitem:35622:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:65|h[Eternal Water]|h|r |cff1eff00|Hitem:35622:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:65|h[Eternal Water]|h|r
[D] 00:08:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Schneidrael) WTB |cff1eff00|Hitem:35622:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:65|h[Eternal Water]|h|r |cff1eff00|Hitem:35622:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:65|h[Eternal Water]|h|r |cff1eff00|Hitem:35622:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:65|h[Eternal Water]|h|r |cff1eff00|Hitem:35622:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:65|h[Eternal Water]|h|r
[D] 00:08:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Kashtator) ICC 10 eof LK fast run,last spot tank 5.7+ group root! team average 6.1
[D] 00:08:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Holypriests) yo any potion dealers around?
[D] 00:09:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Hote) Lfm icc25nm{boe_ps_ress}gs min 5.7}all need |cffffff00|Hachievement:4530:070000000058C2F5:1:11:26:20:4294967295:4294967295:4294967295:4294967295|h[The Frozen Throne (10 player)]|h|r
[D] 00:09:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Prosthetic) Magtheridon's Lair !! TMOG run ! Ready to Summon !! Need ALL !! Quick Run !!! (STAFF res) FREE ROLL for everything else !!
[F] 00:09:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 00:09:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Hote) Lfm icc25nm{boe_ps_ress}gs min 5.7}all need
[D] 00:10:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Hote) Lfm icc25nm{boe_ps_ress}gs min 5.7}all need
[D] 00:10:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Deathyeet) WTB portal to stonard 20g
[D] 00:10:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Tuica) SELL HUNTER (RYSHAS NAME) LV 80/ FAST FLY / STS HC + CROSSBOW BISS HC + PVP LEGS BISS/ 2 proff full ONLY 84 COINS warmane trade
[D] 00:10:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Deathyeet) WTB STONARD PORT 20g
[D] 00:10:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Hote) Lfm icc25nm{boe_ps_ress}gs min 5.7}all need
[D] 00:10:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Prosthetic) Magtheridon's Lair !! TMOG run ! Ready to Summon !! Need ALL !! Quick Run !!! (STAFF res) FREE ROLL for everything else !!
[D] 00:10:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Deathyeet) WTB stonard port 20g
[D] 00:11:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Hote) Lfm icc25nm{boe_ps_ress}gs min 5.7}all need
[D] 00:11:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Deathyeet) LFM ICC 10 nm EoF Run! 5.6k+ NEED 1 Pala/Dk Tank LAST SPOT! /w me gs spec and best achi! + [Lord Marrowgar Must Die!]
[D] 00:11:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Deathyeet) whoops
[D] 00:11:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Deathyeet) WTB portal stonard 20g!
[D] 00:11:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Damage) WTS |cffffffff|Hitem:40211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Potion of Speed]|h|r
[D] 00:11:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Hote) Lfm icc25nm{boe_ps_ress}gs min 5.7}all need
[D] 00:12:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Vorgmen) any rep farm?
[D] 00:12:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Prosthetic) Magtheridon's Lair !! TMOG run ! Ready to Summon !! Need ALL !! Quick Run !!! (STAFF res) FREE ROLL for everything else !!
[D] 00:12:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Vorgmen) inv me rep farm war dps
[D] 00:12:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Kashtator) ICC 10 eof LK fast run,last spot tank 5.7+ group root! team average 6.1, 9/10
[D] 00:13:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Prosthetic) Magtheridon's Lair !! TMOG run ! Ready to Summon !! Need Tank + 1 HEAL + 1 DPS !! Quick Run !!! (STAFF res) FREE ROLL for everything else !!
[D] 00:13:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Prosthetic) Magtheridon's Lair !! TMOG run ! Ready to Summon !! Need TANK + 1 HEAL + 1 DPS !! !! Quick Run !!! (STAFF res) FREE ROLL for everything else !!
[D] 00:14:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Zainda) Prot/Ret Paladin Grind: >> https://www.twitch.tv/dyrezx
[D] 00:14:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Hote) Lfm icc25nm{boe_ps_ress}gs min 5.7}all need
[D] 00:15:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Zahardx) WTS |cff0070dd|Hitem:49908:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Primordial Saronite]|h|r 5 x
[D] 00:16:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Prosthetic) Magtheridon's Lair !! TMOG run ! Ready to Summon !! Need Tank + 1 HEAL + 1 DPS !! Quick Run !!! (STAFF res) FREE ROLL for everything else !!
[D] 00:16:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Prosthetic) Magtheridon's Lair !! TMOG run ! Ready to Summon !! Need TANK + 1 HEAL + 1 DPS !! !! Quick Run !!! (STAFF res) FREE ROLL for everything else !!
[D] 00:16:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Kashtator) ICC 10 eof LK fast run,last spot tank 5.7+ group root! team average 6.1
[D] 00:16:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Hote) Lfm icc25nm{boe_ps_ress}gs min 5.7}all need
[D] 00:17:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Manetoukos) wtb primo 600g
[D] 00:17:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Prosthetic) Magtheridon's Lair !! TMOG run ! Ready to Summon !! Need Tank + 1 HEAL + 1 DPS !! Quick Run !!! (STAFF res) FREE ROLL for everything else !!
[D] 00:17:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Prosthetic) Magtheridon's Lair !! TMOG run ! Ready to Summon !! Need TANK + 1 HEAL + 1 DPS !! !! Quick Run !!! (STAFF res) FREE ROLL for everything else !!
[D] 00:17:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Hote) Lfm icc25nm{boe_ps_ress}gs min 5.7}all need
[D] 00:17:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Nyxarion) is Recuriting Active and Skilled Players with HC exp for Our ICC+RS raid with 5.8k gs at least.ICC 10HC 12/12, ICC 25 8/12HC, RS 25 4/4.We use Discord and DKP.Raiding @1 PM SVT!
[D] 00:18:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Kashtator) ICC 10 eof LK fast run,last spot tank 5.7+(prot pala prefer) group root! team average 6.1
[D] 00:18:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Prosthetic) Magtheridon's Lair !! TMOG run ! Ready to Summon !! Need Tank + 1 HEAL + 1 DPS !! Quick Run !!! (STAFF res) FREE ROLL for everything else !!
[D] 00:18:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Xpoly) lvls 29/30 tank and healer spam queing, pst if you wanna join
[D] 00:18:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Bappshot) DEATHROLL 500 G?
[D] 00:18:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Zainda) Prot/Ret Paladin Grind: >> https://www.twitch.tv/dyrezx
[D] 00:18:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Manetoukos) wtb primo 600g
[D] 00:18:56 - [Info] Continent change, Kalimdor to PVPZone03
[D] 00:18:56 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
00:18:56 - [Warsong] Go to starting position
[F] 00:18:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[N] 00:18:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 933.3315 ; 1433.724 ; 345.5357 ; "None" to 946.7914 ; 1422.288 ; 345.41 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:18:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17.66261y, 0ms)
[N] 00:18:56 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 00:18:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 933.3315 ; 1433.724 ; 345.5357 ; "None" to 946.7914 ; 1422.288 ; 345.41 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 00:18:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:18:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389854086
[F] 00:18:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:18:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:18:57 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 00:18:57 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 00:18:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[N] 00:18:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17.66261y, 956ms)
[F] 00:18:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:18:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
00:18:57 - [Warsong] Go to starting position
[N] 00:18:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 933.3315 ; 1433.724 ; 345.5357 ; "None" to 946.7914 ; 1422.288 ; 345.41 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:18:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17.66261y, 0ms)
[F] 00:18:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:18:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:18:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:18:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:18:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:18:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:18:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:18:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:18:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:18:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
00:19:01 - [Warsong] Go to starting position
[N] 00:19:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 944.5388 ; 1424.264 ; 345.4419 ; "None" to 1506.639 ; 1493.598 ; 352.013 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 00:19:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[N] 00:19:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (650.0469y, 128ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[F] 00:19:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:19:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
00:19:47 - [Warsong] Go to starting position
[N] 00:19:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 944.8817 ; 1423.907 ; 345.4368 ; "None" to 1506.639 ; 1493.598 ; 352.013 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 00:19:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[N] 00:19:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (650.5109y, 132ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[F] 00:19:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
00:19:48 - [Warsong] Go to starting position
[N] 00:19:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 939.1519 ; 1426.493 ; 345.5204 ; "None" to 946.7914 ; 1422.288 ; 345.41 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 00:19:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[N] 00:19:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8.721026y, 110ms)
[F] 00:19:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:19:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:19:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:19:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:19:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[F] 00:20:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158266848067
[F] 00:20:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389672475
[F] 00:20:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389834830
[F] 00:20:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266482498
[N] 00:20:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 944.4484 ; 1423.864 ; 345.4432 ; "None" to 994.9714 ; 1422.54 ; 344.9629 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:20:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (53.64968y, 110ms)
00:20:42 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 00:20:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 992.431 ; 1422.544 ; 345.2347 ; "None" to 1215.478 ; 1337.398 ; 313.7791 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:20:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (256.091y, 116ms)
[D] 00:20:49 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 00:20:49 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[N] 00:21:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1212.815 ; 1338.649 ; 313.9478 ; "None" to 1204.401 ; 1395.091 ; 309.6996 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:21:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (57.22342y, 108ms)
00:21:13 - [Fight] Attack player Piromaniac (lvl 80)
[N] 00:21:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1212.815 ; 1338.649 ; 313.9478 ; "None" to 1204.401 ; 1395.091 ; 309.6996 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:21:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (57.22342y, 0ms)
[F] 00:21:13 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:21:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 00:21:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 00:21:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 00:21:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 00:21:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 00:21:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 00:21:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 00:21:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 00:21:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 767ms
[F] 00:21:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 1071ms
[F] 00:21:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 1239ms
[F] 00:21:20 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:21:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 00:21:21 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:21:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
00:21:21 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Piromaniac (lvl 80)
[F] 00:21:22 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:21:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 00:21:22 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 00:21:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 341ms
[F] 00:21:22 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271809692
[F] 00:21:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 00:21:23 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:21:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 430ms
[F] 00:21:23 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:21:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 00:21:24 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:21:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 00:21:24 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:21:24 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:21:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 547ms
[F] 00:21:25 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:21:25 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:21:25 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:21:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 00:21:25 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:21:25 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:21:26 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:21:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 00:21:26 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:21:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 205ms
[F] 00:21:26 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 00:21:26 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:21:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 00:21:26 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:21:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 00:21:27 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:21:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 00:21:27 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:21:27 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:21:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 302ms
[F] 00:21:28 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:21:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 531ms
[F] 00:21:28 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:21:28 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:21:28 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:21:28 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:21:28 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:21:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 00:21:29 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:21:29 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:21:29 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:21:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 571ms
[F] 00:21:30 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:21:30 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:21:30 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:21:30 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:21:30 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:21:30 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:21:30 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:21:30 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:21:30 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 00:21:30 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:21:30 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:21:30 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:21:30 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:21:30 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:21:31 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:21:31 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:21:31 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:21:31 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 00:21:31 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:21:31 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:21:31 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 00:21:31 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:21:31 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:21:31 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 00:21:31 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:21:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 00:21:31 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:21:31 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:21:32 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 00:21:32 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:21:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 00:21:32 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:21:32 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:21:32 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:21:32 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:21:32 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:21:33 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:21:33 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:21:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 273ms
[F] 00:21:33 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:21:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 00:21:34 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:21:34 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:21:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 768ms
[F] 00:21:34 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:21:34 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 00:21:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
00:21:35 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 00:21:35 - [Fight] Fight stopped
00:21:35 - [BG] Switching to healer: Immortvllity
[F] 00:22:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:04 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:05 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:06 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:06 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:07 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:07 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:08 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 00:22:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8362 ; "None" to 1065.171 ; 1384.62 ; 340.0744 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:22:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (41.36815y, 112ms)
00:22:09 - [Fight] Attack player Gwendolyn (lvl 80)
[N] 00:22:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8362 ; "None" to 1065.419 ; 1384.693 ; 339.9951 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:22:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (43.11003y, 0ms)
[F] 00:22:10 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 00:22:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 464ms
[F] 00:22:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 00:22:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 00:22:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 00:22:12 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 00:22:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 478ms
[F] 00:22:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 304ms
[F] 00:22:14 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:22:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 00:22:14 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:22:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 00:22:14 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:22:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 231ms
[F] 00:22:15 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:22:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 193ms
[F] 00:22:15 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:22:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 204ms
[F] 00:22:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:22:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 230ms
00:22:15 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Gwendolyn (lvl 80)
[F] 00:22:15 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 170ms
[F] 00:22:16 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:16 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:16 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:16 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:16 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:22:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 239ms
[F] 00:22:17 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:22:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 00:22:17 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:22:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 303ms
[F] 00:22:17 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:22:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 337ms
[F] 00:22:18 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:22:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 263ms
[F] 00:22:18 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:22:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 00:22:18 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:22:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 00:22:19 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:19 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
00:22:19 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 00:22:19 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 00:22:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[N] 00:22:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1063.426 ; 1386.548 ; 340.014 ; "None" to 1066.832 ; 1392.594 ; 326.9988 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:22:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 25 (379.0522y, 116ms)
[D] 00:22:20 - [Fight] Fight stopped
00:22:20 - [BG] Switching to healer: Shpongle
[N] 00:22:21 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 00:22:21 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 00:22:21 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 00:22:22 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 00:22:22 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 00:22:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:12826|h[Polymorph]|h|r down on Gwendolyn-Icecrown
[F] 00:22:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:34 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:35 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:35 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:35 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:36 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:36 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:36 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:36 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:37 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:37 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 00:22:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1037.769 ; 1386.752 ; 340.7226 ; "None" to 1030.109 ; 1418.58 ; 340.9348 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:22:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (36.29478y, 116ms)
00:22:38 - [Fight] Attack player Gwendolyn (lvl 80)
[F] 00:22:38 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 174ms
[N] 00:22:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1037.769 ; 1386.752 ; 340.7226 ; "None" to 1032.221 ; 1420.46 ; 340.6337 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:22:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (39.03139y, 111ms)
[F] 00:22:38 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:39 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 00:22:39 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:22:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 537ms
[F] 00:22:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:22:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:22:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 1010ms
[F] 00:22:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 1104ms
[N] 00:22:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1027.946 ; 1413.612 ; 341.2401 ; "None" to 1028.715 ; 1418.848 ; 341.019 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:22:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (5.29672y, 116ms)
00:22:42 - [Fight] Attack player Capitanlevi (lvl 80)
[F] 00:22:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 1010ms
[F] 00:22:44 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 242ms
[F] 00:22:44 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 307ms
[F] 00:22:45 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 298ms
[F] 00:22:45 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 00:22:46 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 313ms
[F] 00:22:46 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 332ms
[F] 00:22:46 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 306ms
[F] 00:22:47 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 340ms
[F] 00:22:47 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 00:22:47 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:22:47 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 00:22:48 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:22:48 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:22:48 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 194ms
[F] 00:22:48 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:22:48 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:22:48 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 230ms
[F] 00:22:48 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:22:48 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:48 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 00:22:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 297ms
[F] 00:22:49 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:22:49 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 00:22:49 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 00:22:50 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Protection() (Hand of Protection on mouseover with guid 504403158271863071
[F] 00:22:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 836ms
[F] 00:22:51 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Protection() (Hand of Protection on mouseover with guid 504403158271863071
[F] 00:22:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 801ms
[F] 00:22:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 942ms
[F] 00:22:52 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 00:22:52 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 00:22:53 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 00:22:53 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 506ms
[F] 00:22:54 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271863071
[F] 00:22:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[F] 00:22:55 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271863071
[F] 00:22:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 00:22:55 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271863071
[F] 00:22:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 500ms
[F] 00:22:56 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 00:22:56 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 00:22:56 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 204ms
[F] 00:22:57 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:57 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:57 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:57 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:57 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:58 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 00:22:58 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 00:22:58 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 00:22:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 00:22:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:22:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 293ms
[F] 00:23:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 749ms
[F] 00:23:00 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 172ms
[N] 00:23:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1034.465 ; 1417.898 ; 340.6901 ; "None" to 1037.695 ; 1418.813 ; 340.3038 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:23:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (3.379319y, 117ms)
00:23:00 - [Fight] Attack player Capitanlevi (lvl 80)
[F] 00:23:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 00:23:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 00:23:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 835ms
[F] 00:23:02 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 00:23:03 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 00:23:03 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 371ms
[F] 00:23:04 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 303ms
[F] 00:23:04 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 365ms
[F] 00:23:04 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:23:05 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 338ms
[F] 00:23:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:23:05 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:23:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 00:23:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:23:05 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 302ms
[F] 00:23:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:23:05 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 00:23:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:23:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:23:06 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 297ms
[F] 00:23:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 00:23:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 432ms
[F] 00:23:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 928ms
[F] 00:23:08 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 432345564231720808
[F] 00:23:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 541ms
[F] 00:23:09 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271863071
[F] 00:23:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 541ms
[F] 00:23:09 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271863071
[F] 00:23:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 00:23:10 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271863071
[F] 00:23:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[N] 00:23:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1042.052 ; 1438.544 ; 341.0385 ; "None" to 1033.47 ; 1444.571 ; 341.9744 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:23:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (12.71302y, 109ms)
[F] 00:23:10 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 338ms
[F] 00:23:11 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
[F] 00:23:11 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 00:23:11 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 00:23:12 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 371ms
[F] 00:23:12 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 00:23:12 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 00:23:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 00:23:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 335ms
[F] 00:23:13 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:23:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 00:23:14 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:23:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 431ms
[F] 00:23:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 00:23:15 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:23:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 648ms
[F] 00:23:16 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:23:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 00:23:16 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:23:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 639ms
[F] 00:23:17 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:23:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 00:23:18 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:23:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 668ms
[F] 00:23:18 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:23:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 545ms
[F] 00:23:19 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 00:23:19 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 00:23:19 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 207ms
[F] 00:23:20 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 00:23:20 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 00:23:21 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 00:23:21 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 00:23:22 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 00:23:22 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:23:22 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 00:23:22 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:23:22 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:22 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:23:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 303ms
[F] 00:23:23 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:23:23 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 566ms
[F] 00:23:23 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:23:23 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 00:23:24 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:23:24 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 00:23:24 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:23:24 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:24 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:23:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 331ms
[D] 00:23:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:12826|h[Polymorph]|h|r down on Shpongle-Icecrown
[F] 00:23:25 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:23:25 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 00:23:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 305ms
[F] 00:23:25 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 00:23:26 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 534ms
[F] 00:23:27 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 00:23:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:23:27 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:23:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 00:23:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 276ms
[F] 00:23:27 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:23:28 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 00:23:28 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 238ms
[F] 00:23:28 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 326ms
[F] 00:23:29 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389794912
[F] 00:23:29 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:23:29 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:23:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 540ms
[N] 00:23:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1031.339 ; 1452.355 ; 343.1079 ; "None" to 1049.275 ; 1487.198 ; 342.6756 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:23:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (39.19064y, 112ms)
00:23:29 - [Fight] Attack player Immortvllity (lvl 80)
[N] 00:23:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1031.339 ; 1452.355 ; 343.1079 ; "None" to 1048.909 ; 1494.121 ; 343.2243 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 00:23:29 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:23:30 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:23:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[N] 00:23:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (46.59693y, 113ms)
[F] 00:23:30 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:23:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 00:23:31 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:23:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[D] 00:23:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:12826|h[Polymorph]|h|r down on Immortvllity-Icecrown
[F] 00:23:31 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:23:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 550ms
[F] 00:23:32 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:23:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 565ms
[F] 00:23:33 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:23:33 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:23:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 635ms
[F] 00:23:33 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:23:33 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:23:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 565ms
[F] 00:23:34 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:23:34 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:23:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 642ms
[F] 00:23:34 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:23:34 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:23:35 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:23:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 542ms
[F] 00:23:35 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:23:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 297ms
[F] 00:23:35 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:23:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 288ms
[F] 00:23:36 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:23:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 00:23:36 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:23:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 00:23:37 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:23:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 00:23:37 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:23:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 00:23:37 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:23:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 00:23:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 706ms
[F] 00:23:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 506ms
[F] 00:23:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
00:23:40 - [BG] Switching to healer: Shpongle
[D] 00:23:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [EMOTE] (Aquanian-Blackrock) pwned Shpongle-Icecrown! Streak of 2!
[F] 00:23:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[D] 00:23:40 - [Fight] Target dead
[N] 00:23:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1056.428 ; 1463.149 ; 341.8652 ; "None" to 1067.613 ; 1397.466 ; 324.5089 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:23:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (147.4696y, 114ms)
00:23:40 - [Fight] Attack player Dyllan (lvl 80)
[N] 00:23:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1057.372 ; 1461.677 ; 341.8224 ; "None" to 1068.634 ; 1398.711 ; 324.3491 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:23:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (145.9838y, 111ms)
[F] 00:23:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 506ms
[F] 00:23:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 00:23:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 170ms
[F] 00:23:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 171ms
[N] 00:23:42 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 00:23:42 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 00:23:42 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 00:23:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 508ms
[N] 00:23:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1054.527 ; 1455.871 ; 341.3727 ; "None" to 1078.679 ; 1404.849 ; 323.5422 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:23:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (132.7619y, 117ms)
[F] 00:23:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 00:23:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 206ms
[F] 00:23:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 00:23:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[N] 00:23:44 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 00:23:44 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[F] 00:23:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 172ms
[D] 00:23:44 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 00:23:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 500ms
[N] 00:23:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1054.67 ; 1451.583 ; 340.9402 ; "None" to 1085.778 ; 1411.359 ; 322.1076 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:23:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (133.2617y, 117ms)
[F] 00:23:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 00:23:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[N] 00:23:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1063.807 ; 1450.565 ; 341.1635 ; "None" to 1094.681 ; 1428.688 ; 322.8999 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:23:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (152.6143y, 111ms)
[F] 00:23:46 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 00:23:46 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 00:23:47 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:23:47 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:23:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[N] 00:23:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1062.567 ; 1445.631 ; 340.9339 ; "None" to 1102.883 ; 1439.143 ; 320.9749 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 00:23:47 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:23:47 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:23:47 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:23:47 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:23:47 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[N] 00:23:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (160.6772y, 596ms)
00:23:47 - [Fight] Attack player Dyllan (lvl 80)
[N] 00:23:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1061.19 ; 1440.15 ; 340.0823 ; "None" to 1112.274 ; 1445.499 ; 322.5224 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:23:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 18 (263.1487y, 154ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[D] 00:23:47 - [Fight] Cannot make path to the target (Dyllan), ignore it.
[F] 00:23:48 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[N] 00:23:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1060.796 ; 1438.581 ; 339.8243 ; "None" to 1066.688 ; 1395.859 ; 324.5813 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 00:23:48 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 00:23:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (126.0454y, 113ms)
00:23:48 - [Fight] Attack player Woman (lvl 80)
[F] 00:23:48 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[N] 00:23:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1060.337 ; 1436.754 ; 339.3829 ; "None" to 1066.688 ; 1395.859 ; 324.5813 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:23:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (124.1668y, 114ms)
[F] 00:23:48 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:23:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 00:23:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 00:23:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 00:23:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[F] 00:23:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 00:23:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 00:23:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[F] 00:23:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 409ms
[F] 00:23:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 00:23:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 00:23:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 00:23:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 00:23:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 407ms
[D] 00:23:54 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 00:23:54 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 00:23:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 00:23:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[F] 00:23:56 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266574634
[F] 00:23:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 335ms
[F] 00:23:56 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158266574634
[F] 00:23:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 00:23:57 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158266574634
[F] 00:23:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 461ms
[F] 00:23:57 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158266574634
[F] 00:23:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 237ms
[F] 00:23:57 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158266574634
[F] 00:23:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 238ms
[F] 00:23:58 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158266574634
[F] 00:23:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 214ms
[F] 00:23:58 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:23:58 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266574634
[F] 00:23:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 00:23:58 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:23:58 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:23:59 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266574634
[F] 00:23:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 00:23:59 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158266574634
[F] 00:23:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 00:23:59 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:23:59 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266574634
[F] 00:23:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
[F] 00:24:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266574634
[F] 00:24:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 00:24:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266574634
[F] 00:24:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 264ms
[F] 00:24:00 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:24:00 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266574634
[F] 00:24:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 00:24:01 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 00:24:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 474ms
[F] 00:24:01 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158266574634
[F] 00:24:01 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158266574634
[F] 00:24:02 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158266574634
[F] 00:24:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 00:24:02 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158266574634
[F] 00:24:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 00:24:03 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:24:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 564ms
[F] 00:24:03 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:24:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 533ms
00:24:05 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 00:24:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1046.349 ; 1383.948 ; 340.7746 ; "None" to 1252.113 ; 1553.663 ; 309.9018 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:24:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (290.5721y, 115ms)
[D] 00:24:06 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 00:24:06 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
00:24:14 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Archerz (lvl 80)
[F] 00:24:15 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:24:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 534ms
[N] 00:24:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1107.159 ; 1413.527 ; 314.9238 ; "None" to 1121.452 ; 1440.118 ; 314.2577 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:24:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (32.35614y, 111ms)
[F] 00:24:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 00:24:15 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[D] 00:24:16 - [Fight] Fight stopped
[F] 00:24:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 293ms
00:24:16 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 00:24:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:24:34 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:24:35 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:24:35 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:24:35 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:24:35 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:24:36 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:24:36 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:24:36 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:24:37 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:24:37 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:24:38 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 00:24:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.836 ; "None" to 1054.549 ; 1396.384 ; 339.4622 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:24:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (30.11556y, 112ms)
00:24:38 - [Fight] Attack player Piromaniac (lvl 80)
[F] 00:24:38 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:24:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 161ms
[F] 00:24:38 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:24:38 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:24:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 00:24:39 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:24:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 00:24:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 1272ms
[F] 00:24:41 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:24:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 00:24:41 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:24:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 00:24:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:24:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 432ms
[F] 00:24:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:24:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 00:24:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:24:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 00:24:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:24:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 00:24:43 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:24:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 243ms
[F] 00:24:43 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:24:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 00:24:44 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:24:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 00:24:44 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:24:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 00:24:44 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:24:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 230ms
[F] 00:24:44 - [RTF] Casting Avenging Wrath() (Avenging Wrath on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:24:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 00:24:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 766ms
[F] 00:24:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 00:24:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 00:24:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 509ms
[F] 00:24:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
[F] 00:24:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 00:24:48 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:24:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 00:24:49 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:24:49 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:24:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 533ms
[F] 00:24:49 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:24:49 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:24:49 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:24:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 00:24:50 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:24:50 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:24:50 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:24:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 00:24:50 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:24:50 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:24:50 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:24:50 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:24:50 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:24:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 298ms
[F] 00:24:51 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:24:51 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:24:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 00:24:51 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:24:51 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:24:51 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:24:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[N] 00:24:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1053.906 ; 1396.278 ; 339.5271 ; "None" to 1046.47 ; 1461.051 ; 324.91 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:24:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (221.1218y, 114ms)
00:24:51 - [Fight] Attack player Archerz (lvl 80)
[N] 00:24:52 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 00:24:52 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 00:24:52 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 00:24:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 637ms
[N] 00:24:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1053.906 ; 1396.278 ; 339.5271 ; "None" to 1040.731 ; 1460.938 ; 326.9489 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:24:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (227.0777y, 115ms)
[F] 00:24:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 00:24:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[N] 00:24:53 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 00:24:53 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[F] 00:24:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 608ms
[N] 00:24:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1053.906 ; 1396.278 ; 339.5271 ; "None" to 1028.56 ; 1460.7 ; 330.7646 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:24:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (239.6865y, 112ms)
[N] 00:24:54 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 00:24:54 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[F] 00:24:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 706ms
[F] 00:24:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[N] 00:24:55 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[D] 00:24:55 - [MovementManager] Current pos: 1053.906 ; 1396.278 ; 339.5271 ; "None" - Target pos: 1040.347 ; 1388.755 ; 340.7627 ; "None" Continent: PVPZone03 Tile: 29.38198_30.02393
[D] 00:24:55 - [StuckResolver] Started.
[F] 00:24:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[N] 00:24:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1053.906 ; 1396.278 ; 339.5271 ; "None" to 1016.664 ; 1458.59 ; 333.7135 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:24:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (251.9298y, 121ms)
[F] 00:24:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 00:24:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 604ms
[D] 00:24:57 - [StuckResolver] Done - Stuck count updated, new value: 8.
[N] 00:24:57 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 00:24:57 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 00:24:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1050.427 ; 1392.799 ; 339.9921 ; "None" to 1016.664 ; 1458.59 ; 333.7135 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:24:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (247.3062y, 114ms)
[F] 00:24:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 803ms
[D] 00:24:57 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 00:24:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1047.958 ; 1391.771 ; 340.3441 ; "None" to 1079.358 ; 1396.791 ; 322.2994 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:24:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (64.51272y, 115ms)
00:24:58 - [Fight] Attack player Deniiz (lvl 80)
[N] 00:24:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1046.437 ; 1391.197 ; 340.557 ; "None" to 1080.338 ; 1397.427 ; 321.9225 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:24:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (61.8577y, 115ms)
[D] 00:24:58 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 00:24:58 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 00:24:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 908ms
[N] 00:24:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1042.641 ; 1388.701 ; 340.6665 ; "None" to 1096.103 ; 1407.656 ; 317.6909 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:24:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (70.58115y, 113ms)
[D] 00:25:00 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 00:25:00 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 00:25:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 838ms
[N] 00:25:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1040.634 ; 1390.091 ; 340.6923 ; "None" to 1108.228 ; 1417.84 ; 315.0168 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:25:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (84.88985y, 118ms)
[D] 00:25:01 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 00:25:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 804ms
[N] 00:25:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1047.993 ; 1391.144 ; 340.3875 ; "None" to 1098.287 ; 1407.859 ; 316.9318 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:25:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (78.16714y, 118ms)
00:25:01 - [Fight] Attack player Capitanlevi (lvl 80)
[N] 00:25:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1049.602 ; 1391.313 ; 340.1964 ; "None" to 1098.651 ; 1405.523 ; 316.4965 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:25:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (78.90747y, 111ms)
[F] 00:25:01 - [RTF] Force clearing verification because spell could not be verified for 10 seconds
[F] 00:25:02 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:25:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 440ms
[F] 00:25:02 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:25:02 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:25:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[F] 00:25:02 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:25:03 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:25:03 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:25:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 500ms
[D] 00:25:03 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 00:25:03 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 00:25:03 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:25:03 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:25:03 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:25:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 507ms
[F] 00:25:03 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:25:03 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:25:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 604ms
[N] 00:25:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1048.274 ; 1390.857 ; 340.3769 ; "None" to 1108.141 ; 1390.273 ; 316.2119 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:25:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (85.5024y, 119ms)
[F] 00:25:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 634ms
[F] 00:25:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 604ms
[N] 00:25:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1043.636 ; 1389.465 ; 340.6556 ; "None" to 1106.889 ; 1398.297 ; 315.2164 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:25:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (78.80769y, 112ms)
[F] 00:25:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 669ms
[F] 00:25:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 733ms
[F] 00:25:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 735ms
[F] 00:25:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 500ms
[F] 00:25:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 00:25:09 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:25:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 534ms
[N] 00:25:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1070.714 ; 1394.072 ; 324.8359 ; "None" to 1109.148 ; 1412.952 ; 316.7695 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:25:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (43.57344y, 120ms)
[F] 00:25:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
[F] 00:25:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[D] 00:25:10 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
00:25:10 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Shpongle (lvl 80)
[F] 00:25:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 00:25:11 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:25:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 00:25:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 338ms
[F] 00:25:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 00:25:13 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 602ms
[F] 00:25:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 00:25:14 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 00:25:14 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 00:25:15 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 264ms
[F] 00:25:15 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 440ms
[F] 00:25:16 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 00:25:16 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 00:25:17 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:25:17 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 571ms
[F] 00:25:17 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:25:18 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:25:18 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 534ms
[F] 00:25:18 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:25:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 572ms
[F] 00:25:19 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:25:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 00:25:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 00:25:20 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 00:25:20 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 00:25:20 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 00:25:20 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 162ms
[F] 00:25:21 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 00:25:21 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 00:25:21 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 00:25:22 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 00:25:22 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 00:25:22 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 00:25:22 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 00:25:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 00:25:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 00:25:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 00:25:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 170ms
[F] 00:25:24 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 179ms
[F] 00:25:24 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:25:24 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 308ms
[F] 00:25:24 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:25:24 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:25:24 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 00:25:25 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:25:25 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:25 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:25:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 00:25:25 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:25:25 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 00:25:25 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 00:25:25 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:25:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 00:25:26 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:25:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 00:25:27 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:25:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[F] 00:25:27 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 00:25:28 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 00:25:28 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 00:25:28 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 00:25:29 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 00:25:29 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:25:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 577ms
[F] 00:25:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 00:25:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 00:25:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 00:25:31 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:25:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 305ms
[F] 00:25:32 - [RTF] Casting Divine Plea() (Divine Plea on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:25:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 00:25:32 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:25:33 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:25:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 531ms
[F] 00:25:33 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:25:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 540ms
[F] 00:25:34 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:25:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 534ms
[F] 00:25:34 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 00:25:35 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[F] 00:25:35 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 00:25:36 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 00:25:36 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 00:25:37 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:25:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 00:25:37 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 00:25:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 431ms
00:25:38 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 00:26:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:04 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:04 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:05 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:05 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:06 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 00:26:06 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1448.82 ; 1460.37 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 00:26:07 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 340.9688 (111 ms)
[F] 00:26:07 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:07 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:08 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
00:26:08 - [BG] Found enemy flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to attack!
[N] 00:26:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8362 ; "None" to 1462.06 ; 1459.893 ; 343.2101 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:26:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (453.3491y, 118ms)
[N] 00:26:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.406 ; 1387.582 ; 340.8174 ; "None" to 1464.51 ; 1459.845 ; 342.795 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:26:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (455.4319y, 126ms)
[F] 00:26:09 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 00:26:09 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 00:26:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1039.562 ; 1389.01 ; 340.7084 ; "None" to 1476.101 ; 1459.617 ; 342.795 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 00:26:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[N] 00:26:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (456.5768y, 117ms)
[F] 00:26:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 674ms
[N] 00:26:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1048.95 ; 1390.556 ; 340.3257 ; "None" to 1486.856 ; 1459.406 ; 342.795 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:26:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (475.3625y, 124ms)
[F] 00:26:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 667ms
[F] 00:26:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 704ms
[N] 00:26:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1045.481 ; 1390.338 ; 340.6196 ; "None" to 1497.816 ; 1459.399 ; 345.1151 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:26:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (652.9014y, 143ms)
[F] 00:26:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 677ms
[D] 00:26:13 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 00:26:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 672ms
[N] 00:26:14 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1512.836 ; 1463.537 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 00:26:14 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 346.9688 (108 ms)
[N] 00:26:16 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1527.945 ; 1474.369 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 00:26:16 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 341.8687 (115 ms)
[N] 00:26:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1101.398 ; 1535.639 ; 315.1139 ; "None" to 1126.984 ; 1481.761 ; 316.4374 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:26:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (60.08117y, 120ms)
00:26:37 - [Fight] Attack player Piromaniac (lvl 80)
[N] 00:26:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1102.954 ; 1535.195 ; 314.7278 ; "None" to 1125.658 ; 1484.21 ; 315.1342 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:26:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (56.18125y, 112ms)
[F] 00:26:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 668ms
[N] 00:26:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1106.889 ; 1529.807 ; 314.4394 ; "None" to 1119.284 ; 1477.331 ; 316.0232 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:26:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (69.19009y, 115ms)
[F] 00:26:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 672ms
[F] 00:26:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 705ms
[F] 00:26:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 669ms
[F] 00:26:40 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 00:26:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 00:26:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 00:26:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[N] 00:26:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1110.203 ; 1497.761 ; 313.4277 ; "None" to 1134.209 ; 1493.801 ; 310.9367 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 00:26:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 00:26:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 231ms
[N] 00:26:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (24.45813y, 777ms)
[F] 00:26:43 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 474ms
[F] 00:26:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 00:26:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 00:26:45 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on mouseover with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:26:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 602ms
[F] 00:26:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 531ms
[F] 00:26:46 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
00:26:47 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Piromaniac (lvl 80)
[F] 00:26:47 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[F] 00:26:48 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[F] 00:26:48 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 197ms
[F] 00:26:48 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
[D] 00:26:48 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
[D] 00:26:48 - [Fight] BlackList Piromaniac during 60 sec
00:26:48 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Gwendolyn (lvl 80)
[F] 00:26:49 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 442ms
[F] 00:26:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 195ms
[F] 00:26:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[N] 00:26:51 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 00:26:51 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 00:26:51 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 00:26:51 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:51 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:51 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:26:51 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:51 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:26:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 00:26:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:26:52 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:52 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:26:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 602ms
[F] 00:26:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:26:53 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:53 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:26:53 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:26:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 00:26:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:26:53 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:54 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:26:54 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:26:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 00:26:54 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:26:54 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:54 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:26:54 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:26:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 272ms
[F] 00:26:54 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:26:54 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:55 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:26:55 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:26:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 00:26:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:26:55 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:26:55 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:26:55 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:26:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 303ms
[F] 00:26:56 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:26:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 00:26:56 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:26:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 306ms
[F] 00:26:57 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:26:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 00:26:57 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 00:26:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 745ms
[D] 00:26:57 - [Fight] Fight stopped
00:26:57 - [BG] Switching to healer: Shpongle
00:26:58 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 00:27:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:27:04 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:27:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:27:05 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:27:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:27:06 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:27:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:27:06 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:27:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:27:07 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:27:07 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:27:08 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
00:27:08 - [BG] Going to random spot in the middle looking for a fight
[N] 00:27:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8362 ; "None" to 1343.883 ; 1402.511 ; 323.7987 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:27:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (323.9546y, 120ms)
[D] 00:27:10 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 00:27:10 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
00:27:49 - [BG] Found enemy flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to attack!
[N] 00:27:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1341.418 ; 1402.488 ; 322.9078 ; "None" to 1201.204 ; 1474.48 ; 307.0413 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:27:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (164.2247y, 111ms)
[N] 00:27:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1341.671 ; 1402.538 ; 323.0079 ; "None" to 1203.888 ; 1475.025 ; 307.3673 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 00:27:50 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:27:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[N] 00:27:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (161.8101y, 113ms)
[F] 00:27:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 00:27:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 00:27:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 407ms
[F] 00:27:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 00:27:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 00:27:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 397ms
[F] 00:27:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[N] 00:27:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1319.851 ; 1424.076 ; 318.5587 ; "None" to 1197.343 ; 1468.506 ; 306.2505 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 00:27:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 397ms
[N] 00:27:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (136.9961y, 113ms)
[F] 00:27:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 00:27:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[N] 00:27:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1312.64 ; 1430.978 ; 315.6385 ; "None" to 1189.032 ; 1461.791 ; 305.8807 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:27:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (142.7634y, 110ms)
[F] 00:27:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 00:27:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 00:27:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[N] 00:27:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1303.925 ; 1432.857 ; 314.9825 ; "None" to 1181.588 ; 1454.034 ; 308.0835 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:27:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (126.8939y, 109ms)
[F] 00:27:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 407ms
[F] 00:27:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[D] 00:27:57 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 00:27:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[N] 00:28:04 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1146.116 ; 1401.75 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 00:28:04 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 311.6728 (107 ms)
[N] 00:28:06 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1144.138 ; 1390.46 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 00:28:06 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 311.8687 (112 ms)
[N] 00:28:08 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1130.879 ; 1381.703 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 00:28:08 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 311.8687 (109 ms)
[N] 00:28:10 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1113.352 ; 1376.641 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 00:28:10 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 314.4661 (111 ms)
[N] 00:28:11 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1115.988 ; 1374.513 ; 100 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 00:28:11 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 314.508 (108 ms)
00:28:12 - [BG] Found enemy flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to attack!
[N] 00:28:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1182.063 ; 1453.787 ; 308.0596 ; "None" to 1119.546 ; 1372.6 ; 315.8547 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:28:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (102.9572y, 116ms)
[N] 00:28:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1181.801 ; 1453.869 ; 308.0777 ; "None" to 1121.884 ; 1372.255 ; 315.4278 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:28:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (102.1472y, 110ms)
[F] 00:28:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[F] 00:28:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[N] 00:28:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1175.39 ; 1446.262 ; 308.2128 ; "None" to 1131.271 ; 1367.719 ; 313.589 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:28:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (91.32291y, 114ms)
[F] 00:28:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 00:28:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 00:28:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[N] 00:28:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1168.947 ; 1437.593 ; 307.3795 ; "None" to 1134.976 ; 1357.218 ; 312.9871 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:28:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (89.78876y, 110ms)
[F] 00:28:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 00:28:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 00:28:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[N] 00:28:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1165.947 ; 1427.417 ; 308.8271 ; "None" to 1130.042 ; 1347.566 ; 314.1281 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:28:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (91.36378y, 117ms)
[F] 00:28:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 00:28:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[N] 00:28:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1164.051 ; 1417.601 ; 309.6986 ; "None" to 1122.93 ; 1339.385 ; 315.614 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 00:28:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 00:28:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[N] 00:28:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (91.5557y, 764ms)
[F] 00:28:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 00:28:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 00:28:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[N] 00:28:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1155.781 ; 1402.277 ; 310.9393 ; "None" to 1106.861 ; 1340.79 ; 315.8784 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:28:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (85.97335y, 114ms)
[F] 00:28:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 00:28:20 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:28:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 00:28:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 00:28:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[N] 00:28:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1147.075 ; 1392.709 ; 311.3391 ; "None" to 1096.46 ; 1342.923 ; 315.9373 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:28:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (79.27303y, 112ms)
[F] 00:28:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 00:28:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 00:28:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 00:28:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 00:28:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 00:28:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 00:28:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[F] 00:28:25 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389854086
[F] 00:28:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 00:28:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 00:28:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 00:28:26 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389854086
[F] 00:28:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 00:28:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 699ms
[F] 00:28:28 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389854086
[F] 00:28:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 00:28:28 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389854086
[F] 00:28:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 00:28:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 00:28:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 372ms
[F] 00:28:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 572ms
[F] 00:28:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 604ms
[F] 00:28:31 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:28:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[F] 00:28:32 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on mouseover with guid 504403158269692973
[F] 00:28:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 669ms
[F] 00:28:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[F] 00:28:33 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:28:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 460ms
[F] 00:28:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 00:28:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 00:28:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 601ms
[F] 00:28:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 605ms
[F] 00:28:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 410ms
[F] 00:28:36 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:28:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 00:28:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 332ms
[F] 00:28:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 00:28:37 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 00:28:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
00:28:37 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 00:29:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:29:04 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:29:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
00:29:05 - [BG] Found friendly flag carrier in ObjectManager, going to def
[N] 00:29:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.836 ; "None" to 1425.149 ; 1460.347 ; 336.4294 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[F] 00:29:05 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 00:29:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (415.8297y, 119ms)
[F] 00:29:05 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:29:06 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:29:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:29:06 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:29:06 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:29:07 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 00:29:07 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1073.519, 1394.711, 323.8328));
[N] 00:29:07 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde GY
[F] 00:29:07 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:29:08 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
00:29:25 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Gwendolyn (lvl 80)
[F] 00:29:26 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:29:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 499ms
[F] 00:29:26 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:29:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 00:29:26 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:29:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 170ms
[F] 00:29:27 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:29:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 00:29:27 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:29:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 190ms
[F] 00:29:27 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:29:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 00:29:27 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:29:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 00:29:28 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:29:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 00:29:28 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:29:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 298ms
[F] 00:29:29 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:29:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[D] 00:29:29 - [Fight] BlackList Gwendolyn during 60 sec
00:29:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Gwendolyn (lvl 80)
[F] 00:29:29 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:29:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 00:29:29 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:29:29 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:29:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 00:29:30 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:29:30 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:29:30 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:29:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 174ms
[F] 00:29:30 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:29:30 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158265550888
[F] 00:29:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 00:29:30 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 00:29:30 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:29:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 00:29:31 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:29:31 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:29:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 00:29:31 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:29:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 00:29:31 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:29:31 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:29:32 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:29:32 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:29:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 237ms
[F] 00:29:32 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:29:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 00:29:33 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:29:33 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158267096124
[F] 00:29:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 604ms
[F] 00:29:33 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:29:33 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 00:29:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 648ms
00:29:34 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 00:29:34 - [Fight] Fight stopped
00:29:34 - [BG] Switching to healer: Shpongle
[N] 00:29:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1029.14 ; 1387.49 ; 340.8389 ; "None" to 1046.213 ; 1389.249 ; 340.6127 ; "None" (PVPZone03)
[N] 00:29:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17.16441y, 115ms)
00:29:45 - [Fight] Attack player Woman (lvl 80)
[F] 00:29:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 375ms
[F] 00:29:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 00:29:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
00:29:46 - Sleeping
00:29:47 - [BG] Battleground Finish
[F] 00:29:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:29:49 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:29:49 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:29:50 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 00:29:50 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 00:29:50 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 00:29:50 - [Info] Continent change, PVPZone03 to Kalimdor
[D] 00:29:50 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 00:29:50 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:29:50 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:29:50 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:29:51 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:29:51 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:29:51 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:29:52 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:29:52 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 00:30:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Thugboy) 1 dps join rdf 35-40
[D] 00:30:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Ryzor) Salam ( Gold 60k va hero ( priest , dk , pala ) fs /w Baraye etela'at bishtar
[D] 00:30:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Prosthetic) Magtheridon's Lair !! TMOG run ! Ready to Summon !! Need Tank + 1 HEAL !! Quick Run !!! (STAFF res) FREE ROLL for everything else !!
[D] 00:30:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Manetoukos) WTB PRIMO 600G
[D] 00:30:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Manetoukos) PRIMO 600G
[D] 00:30:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Suzushii) ICC10 EOF RUN NEED ALL B+P 5.7K ACHIEVE MUST
[D] 00:31:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Xupakoko) why u tal like yoda
[D] 00:31:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Prosthetic) Magtheridon's Lair !! TMOG run ! Ready to Summon !! Need Tank + 1 DPS !! Quick Run !!! (STAFF res) FREE ROLL for everything else !!
[D] 00:31:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Palalen) eof run need acheve !!
[D] 00:31:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Manetoukos) WTB PRIMO 600G
[D] 00:31:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Manetoukos) WTB PRIMO 600G
[D] 00:32:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Prosthetic) Magtheridon's Lair !! TMOG run ! Ready to Summon !! Need Tank + 1 DPS !! Quick Run !!! (STAFF res) FREE ROLL for everything else !!
[D] 00:33:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Manetoukos) WTB PRIMO 600G
[D] 00:33:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Manetoukos) WTB PRIMO 600G
00:33:17 - [BG] Go to zone Blood Elf Tower
[N] 00:33:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1807.736 ; 1539.416 ; 1267.624 ; "None" to 2045.424 ; 1418.922 ; 1190.721 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 00:33:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (344.6855y, 231ms)
[D] 00:33:18 - [Info] Continent change, Kalimdor to NetherstormBG
[D] 00:33:18 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[N] 00:33:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1808.108 ; 1539.477 ; 1267.455 ; "None" to 2045.424 ; 1418.922 ; 1190.721 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[F] 00:33:18 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 00:33:18 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[N] 00:33:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (344.2751y, 113ms)
[D] 00:33:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Phunnie-Icecrown
[D] 00:33:21 - [MovementManager] Use action C#: Logging.WriteNavigator("[OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde Start2"); MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(1842.032, 1516.777, 1228.64));
[N] 00:33:21 - [OffMeshConnection] Jump down Horde Start2
00:33:24 - [BG] Go to zone Draenei Ruins
[N] 00:33:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1850.888 ; 1532.935 ; 1240.7 ; "None" to 2289.381 ; 1418.182 ; 1196.309 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 00:33:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 22 (564.3297y, 119ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
00:33:30 - [BG] Go to zone Mage Tower
[N] 00:33:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1868.102 ; 1524.67 ; 1210.553 ; "None" to 2289.46 ; 1715.584 ; 1183.11 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 00:33:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (532.7977y, 115ms)
00:33:33 - [BG] Go to zone Fel Reaver Ruins
[N] 00:33:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1881.662 ; 1536.588 ; 1202.763 ; "None" to 2049.252 ; 1745.891 ; 1189.428 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 00:33:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (279.1115y, 112ms)
00:33:38 - [BG] Go to zone Mage Tower
[N] 00:33:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1910.687 ; 1563.335 ; 1188.576 ; "None" to 2289.46 ; 1715.584 ; 1183.11 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 00:33:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (471.2579y, 644ms)
00:33:41 - [BG] Go to zone Fel Reaver Ruins
[N] 00:33:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1919.7 ; 1571.201 ; 1182.714 ; "None" to 2049.252 ; 1745.891 ; 1189.428 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 00:33:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (224.6006y, 115ms)
00:33:42 - [BG] Go to zone Mage Tower
[N] 00:33:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1923.445 ; 1574.705 ; 1178.795 ; "None" to 2289.46 ; 1715.584 ; 1183.11 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 00:33:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (452.59y, 119ms)
[N] 00:33:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1944.95 ; 1592.858 ; 1177.394 ; "None" to 2004.785 ; 1629.047 ; 1173.777 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 00:33:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (70.13568y, 111ms)
00:33:46 - [Fight] Attack player Barillaz (lvl 80)
[N] 00:33:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1946.403 ; 1594.069 ; 1177.216 ; "None" to 2004.727 ; 1632.195 ; 1173.843 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 00:33:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (70.57097y, 108ms)
[F] 00:33:47 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:33:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[N] 00:33:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1952.013 ; 1598.309 ; 1176.422 ; "None" to 2004.959 ; 1644.52 ; 1175.158 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 00:33:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (70.28689y, 108ms)
[F] 00:33:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 00:33:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 398ms
[N] 00:33:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1957.376 ; 1602.781 ; 1175.722 ; "None" to 2007.855 ; 1655.852 ; 1177.352 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 00:33:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (73.26295y, 110ms)
[F] 00:33:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 00:33:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[N] 00:33:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1961.372 ; 1606.746 ; 1175.193 ; "None" to 2010.395 ; 1665.788 ; 1182.126 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 00:33:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (78.2704y, 107ms)
[F] 00:33:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[D] 00:33:50 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 00:33:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[N] 00:33:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1978.824 ; 1626.235 ; 1174.341 ; "None" to 2048.095 ; 1632.135 ; 1167.643 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 00:33:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (70.25875y, 109ms)
00:33:52 - [Fight] Attack player Snowflower (lvl 80)
[N] 00:33:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1980.239 ; 1627.822 ; 1174.386 ; "None" to 2048.039 ; 1634.13 ; 1167.994 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 00:33:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (68.53763y, 108ms)
[F] 00:33:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 00:33:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[N] 00:33:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1990.995 ; 1630.249 ; 1173.99 ; "None" to 2047.735 ; 1644.99 ; 1170.185 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 00:33:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (58.74638y, 109ms)
[F] 00:33:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[F] 00:33:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 00:33:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 00:33:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[N] 00:33:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2003.288 ; 1633.114 ; 1173.919 ; "None" to 2046.864 ; 1656.843 ; 1172.511 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 00:33:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (49.63821y, 109ms)
[F] 00:33:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 00:33:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[F] 00:33:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 00:33:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[N] 00:33:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2017.548 ; 1640.713 ; 1173.833 ; "None" to 2046.252 ; 1669.15 ; 1175.003 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 00:33:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (40.42234y, 110ms)
[F] 00:33:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 474ms
[F] 00:33:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 00:33:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 00:34:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 00:34:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 00:34:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 738ms
[F] 00:34:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 771ms
[F] 00:34:02 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:34:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 365ms
[F] 00:34:03 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:34:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
[F] 00:34:03 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:34:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 00:34:04 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:34:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 441ms
[F] 00:34:04 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:04 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:34:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 00:34:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:34:05 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:05 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:34:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 535ms
[F] 00:34:05 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:34:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:06 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:34:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 570ms
[F] 00:34:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 00:34:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 837ms
[F] 00:34:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 773ms
[F] 00:34:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 844ms
[F] 00:34:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 805ms
[F] 00:34:10 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:34:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 354ms
[F] 00:34:10 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 507ms
[F] 00:34:11 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 462ms
[F] 00:34:11 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 00:34:12 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:12 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 604ms
[F] 00:34:12 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:34:12 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:13 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 602ms
[F] 00:34:13 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:34:13 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:13 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 602ms
[F] 00:34:14 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:34:14 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:34:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 838ms
[F] 00:34:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 535ms
[F] 00:34:15 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:34:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 00:34:16 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:34:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 00:34:16 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:34:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 00:34:16 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:34:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 205ms
[F] 00:34:16 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:34:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 00:34:17 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:34:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 00:34:17 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:34:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 00:34:17 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:34:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 00:34:18 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:34:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 00:34:19 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[F] 00:34:19 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:34:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 00:34:19 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:34:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 363ms
[F] 00:34:20 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:34:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 372ms
[F] 00:34:20 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:34:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 00:34:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 937ms
[D] 00:34:21 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 00:34:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[N] 00:34:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2012.033 ; 1669.018 ; 1182.387 ; "None" to 2008.998 ; 1659.416 ; 1180.469 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 00:34:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (15.29328y, 110ms)
00:34:22 - [Fight] Attack player Snowflower (lvl 80)
[F] 00:34:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 440ms
[F] 00:34:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 739ms
[F] 00:34:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 812ms
[F] 00:34:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 772ms
[F] 00:34:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 570ms
[F] 00:34:26 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 00:34:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 739ms
[F] 00:34:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 739ms
[F] 00:34:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 542ms
[F] 00:34:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 499ms
[D] 00:34:29 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
00:34:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Meep (lvl 80)
[F] 00:34:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 162ms
[F] 00:34:30 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 00:34:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Andmint) [Vforce]: Trinketted
[F] 00:34:30 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:34:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 00:34:31 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:34:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 270ms
[F] 00:34:31 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:34:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 00:34:31 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:34:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 00:34:32 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:34:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 00:34:32 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:34:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 00:34:33 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:34:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 00:34:33 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:34:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 00:34:34 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:34:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 483ms
[F] 00:34:35 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:34:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 00:34:35 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 00:34:35 - [Fight] BlackList Meep during 60 sec
00:34:35 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Meep (lvl 80)
[F] 00:34:35 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:35 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:35 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:35 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:35 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:36 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:36 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:36 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:36 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:36 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:36 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:36 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:36 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:37 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:34:37 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:37 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 635ms
[F] 00:34:37 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:34:38 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:38 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[N] 00:34:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2007.402 ; 1667.304 ; 1182.098 ; "None" to 2012.258 ; 1673.586 ; 1182.724 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 00:34:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (10.53172y, 109ms)
[F] 00:34:38 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:34:38 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:34:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 539ms
[F] 00:34:38 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:38 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:39 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:34:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:39 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:39 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:34:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:39 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:39 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:34:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:39 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:39 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 00:34:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 532ms
[F] 00:34:40 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:40 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:40 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:34:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 539ms
[F] 00:34:41 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:41 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:41 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:34:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 530ms
[F] 00:34:41 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:41 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:41 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:34:41 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:41 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:42 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:34:42 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:42 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:42 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:34:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 00:34:42 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:42 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:42 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:34:43 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:43 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:43 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:34:43 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:43 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:43 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 00:34:43 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:43 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:43 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 00:34:43 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:43 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:43 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:34:43 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:43 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:43 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 00:34:43 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:43 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:43 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 00:34:44 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:44 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:44 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:34:44 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:44 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:44 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:34:44 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:44 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:44 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:34:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 00:34:45 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:45 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:45 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:34:45 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:34:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 00:34:45 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:45 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:45 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:34:45 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:45 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:46 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:34:46 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:46 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:46 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:34:46 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:34:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 535ms
[F] 00:34:46 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:46 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:47 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 00:34:47 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:34:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 475ms
[F] 00:34:47 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:47 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:47 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:34:48 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:34:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 00:34:48 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:48 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:34:48 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:34:49 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:34:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 613ms
[F] 00:34:49 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:34:49 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:34:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 647ms
[F] 00:34:50 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:34:50 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 00:34:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 765ms
00:34:50 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 00:34:51 - [Fight] Fight stopped
00:34:51 - [BG] Switching to healer: Sclaky
[F] 00:35:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:25 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:25 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:25 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:25 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:26 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:26 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 00:35:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2012.403 ; 1455.412 ; 1172.193 ; "None" to 2048.243 ; 1462.006 ; 1168.48 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[F] 00:35:26 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 00:35:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (36.62935y, 108ms)
[F] 00:35:27 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
00:35:27 - [Fight] Attack player Aristokrat (lvl 80)
[N] 00:35:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2012.403 ; 1455.412 ; 1172.193 ; "None" to 2048.243 ; 1462.006 ; 1168.48 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 00:35:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (36.62935y, 0ms)
[F] 00:35:27 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 273ms
[F] 00:35:27 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 275ms
[F] 00:35:28 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 00:35:28 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 304ms
[F] 00:35:29 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[F] 00:35:29 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 00:35:29 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 00:35:30 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 533ms
[F] 00:35:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 972ms
[F] 00:35:31 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564231312515
[F] 00:35:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 00:35:32 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564231312515
[F] 00:35:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[F] 00:35:32 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 170ms
00:35:32 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Meep (lvl 80)
[F] 00:35:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 833ms
[F] 00:35:33 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 00:35:34 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 00:35:34 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 00:35:35 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 00:35:35 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 00:35:36 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 00:35:36 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 407ms
[F] 00:35:37 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 343ms
[F] 00:35:37 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 305ms
[F] 00:35:37 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 305ms
[F] 00:35:38 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:35:38 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 00:35:38 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[D] 00:35:38 - [Fight] BlackList Meep during 60 sec
00:35:38 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Meep (lvl 80)
[F] 00:35:38 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:35:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:35:39 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 00:35:39 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Flash of Light
[F] 00:35:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:35:39 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:35:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 00:35:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:35:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 00:35:40 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 00:35:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 195ms
[F] 00:35:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 00:35:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 204ms
[F] 00:35:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:41 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:41 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 00:35:41 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 00:35:42 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 371ms
[F] 00:35:42 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 00:35:43 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 00:35:43 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 537ms
[F] 00:35:44 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:35:44 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 673ms
[F] 00:35:44 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:35:44 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:35:44 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 00:35:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 00:35:45 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 440ms
[F] 00:35:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 670ms
[F] 00:35:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 00:35:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 707ms
[F] 00:35:48 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 00:35:49 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 500ms
[F] 00:35:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 695ms
[F] 00:35:50 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 373ms
[F] 00:35:50 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 00:35:51 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:35:51 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 669ms
[F] 00:35:51 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:35:52 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 507ms
[F] 00:35:52 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 638ms
[F] 00:35:53 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 571ms
[F] 00:35:53 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 00:35:54 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:35:54 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:35:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 630ms
[F] 00:35:55 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:35:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:35:55 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 00:35:55 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:35:55 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 195ms
[F] 00:35:55 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:35:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 294ms
[F] 00:35:56 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 388ms
[F] 00:35:56 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 00:35:57 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 476ms
[F] 00:35:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 00:35:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 275ms
[F] 00:35:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:59 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:35:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 00:36:00 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 172ms
[F] 00:36:00 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 152ms
[F] 00:36:00 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:36:00 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:36:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 237ms
[F] 00:36:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 218ms
[F] 00:36:01 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:36:01 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:36:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 239ms
[F] 00:36:01 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:36:01 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:36:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 302ms
[F] 00:36:01 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:36:02 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 196ms
[F] 00:36:02 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:36:02 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:36:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 303ms
[F] 00:36:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 00:36:02 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:36:03 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:36:03 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:36:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 00:36:03 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:36:03 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:36:03 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:36:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 215ms
[F] 00:36:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 00:36:03 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:36:03 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:36:03 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:36:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 284ms
[F] 00:36:04 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:36:04 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:36:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 155ms
[F] 00:36:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 218ms
[F] 00:36:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 00:36:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 248ms
[F] 00:36:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 00:36:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 00:36:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 270ms
[F] 00:36:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 219ms
[F] 00:36:06 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 00:36:06 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 221ms
[F] 00:36:06 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 206ms
[F] 00:36:07 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 00:36:07 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 225ms
[F] 00:36:07 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:07 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 00:36:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 00:36:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 218ms
[F] 00:36:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 00:36:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 220ms
[F] 00:36:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 00:36:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 00:36:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 00:36:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 00:36:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 00:36:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 219ms
[F] 00:36:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 218ms
[F] 00:36:10 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 210ms
[F] 00:36:11 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:36:11 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 246ms
[F] 00:36:11 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:36:11 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:11 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:36:11 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:36:11 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 00:36:11 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:36:12 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:36:12 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:12 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:36:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 00:36:12 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:36:12 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 00:36:12 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:36:12 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:36:12 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:36:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 00:36:12 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:36:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 00:36:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 319ms
[F] 00:36:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 294ms
[F] 00:36:13 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:13 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 00:36:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 263ms
[F] 00:36:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 415ms
[F] 00:36:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 162ms
[F] 00:36:15 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 00:36:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 00:36:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 00:36:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 380ms
[F] 00:36:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 414ms
[F] 00:36:17 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:36:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 00:36:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 00:36:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 221ms
[F] 00:36:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 00:36:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 212ms
[F] 00:36:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 00:36:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 00:36:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 221ms
[F] 00:36:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[D] 00:36:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Smokelol) wp
[F] 00:36:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 153ms
[F] 00:36:19 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 239ms
[F] 00:36:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 00:36:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 238ms
[F] 00:36:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 00:36:20 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 00:36:21 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:21 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:21 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 172ms
[F] 00:36:21 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:21 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 00:36:22 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:22 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:22 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 00:36:22 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:22 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 00:36:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 287ms
[F] 00:36:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 281ms
[F] 00:36:23 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 00:36:24 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 212ms
[F] 00:36:24 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 00:36:24 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 00:36:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 418ms
00:36:25 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[N] 00:36:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2047.86 ; 1485.433 ; 1165.407 ; "None" to 2059.333 ; 1443.61 ; 1176.016 ; "None" (NetherstormBG)
[N] 00:36:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (44.64687y, 109ms)
[D] 00:36:25 - [Fight] Fight stopped
00:36:25 - [BG] Switching to healer: Sclaky
[N] 00:36:26 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 00:36:26 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 00:36:26 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
00:36:39 - [BG] Battleground Finish
[F] 00:36:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:36:41 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:36:41 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 00:36:42 - [Info] Continent change, NetherstormBG to Kalimdor
[D] 00:36:42 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 00:36:42 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:36:42 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 00:36:42 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 00:36:42 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:36:42 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:36:43 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:36:43 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:36:43 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:36:43 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:36:43 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:36:44 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:36:44 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:36:45 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 00:36:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Genosmitz) is Recuriting Active and Skilled Players with HC exp for Our ICC+RS raid with 5.8k gs at least.ICC 10HC 12/12, ICC 25 8/12HC, RS 25 4/4.We use Discord and DKP.Raiding @1PM SVT!
[D] 00:36:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Andmint) any mage
[D] 00:36:59 - [Info] Continent change, Kalimdor to PVPZone04
[D] 00:36:59 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
00:36:59 - [Arathi] Walking to starting position before BG starts
[F] 00:36:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271079894
[N] 00:36:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 684.014 ; 681.22 ; -12.9159 ; "None" to 705.1193 ; 705.8058 ; -16.77039 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 00:36:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271752463
[F] 00:36:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[N] 00:36:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (32.70422y, 119ms)
[F] 00:36:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:36:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:36:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:36:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271459296
[F] 00:36:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:36:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271807348
[F] 00:36:59 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 00:36:59 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
00:37:00 - [Arathi] Walking to starting position before BG starts
[N] 00:37:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 686.4603 ; 684.0685 ; -12.9159 ; "None" to 705.1193 ; 705.8058 ; -16.77039 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 00:37:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271079894
[F] 00:37:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[N] 00:37:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (28.96391y, 108ms)
[F] 00:37:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271459296
[F] 00:37:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271807348
[F] 00:37:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271079894
[F] 00:37:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271459296
[F] 00:37:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271807348
[F] 00:37:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271079894
[F] 00:37:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271807348
[F] 00:37:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271079894
00:37:02 - [Arathi] Walking to starting position before BG starts
[N] 00:37:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 696.6555 ; 695.9462 ; -14.04786 ; "None" to 705.1193 ; 705.8058 ; -16.77039 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 00:37:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[N] 00:37:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (13.28586y, 113ms)
[F] 00:37:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271807348
[F] 00:37:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271079894
[F] 00:37:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271079894
[F] 00:37:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271079894
[F] 00:37:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271079894
[F] 00:37:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271079894
[F] 00:37:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271079894
[F] 00:37:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271079894
[F] 00:37:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271079894
[F] 00:37:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[D] 00:37:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Backtonature) nga loe ma low gs tway
[F] 00:37:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271079894
[F] 00:37:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389715644
[F] 00:37:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 720575940389710182
[F] 00:37:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[D] 00:37:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Cheema) kmkl low gs
[F] 00:37:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[D] 00:37:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Warsongem) my raptor is hungry
[F] 00:37:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:37:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:37:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:37:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:37:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[D] 00:38:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Fxt) Gbok
[D] 00:38:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Cheema) let him suck my dick
[F] 00:38:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[D] 00:38:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Fxt) Crusader Pala
[F] 00:38:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
[F] 00:38:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158268395427
[F] 00:38:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158267129249
[F] 00:38:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:38:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on mouseover with guid 504403158270204964
00:38:45 - [BG] Switching zone to Farm
[N] 00:38:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 703.2303 ; 703.6061 ; -16.21335 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:38:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (211.7571y, 214ms)
00:38:45 - [BG] Go to zone Farm in 7 steps
00:39:05 - [BG] Switching zone to Lumber Mill
[N] 00:39:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 788.0425 ; 840.0219 ; -54.70312 ; "None" to 854.5645 ; 1150.825 ; 11.53786 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:39:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (353.0378y, 115ms)
00:39:06 - [BG] Go to zone Lumber Mill in 13 steps
[N] 00:39:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 790.7456 ; 1060.113 ; -19.21422 ; "None" to 813.7621 ; 1124.933 ; 11.7064 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:39:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (77.45656y, 111ms)
00:39:33 - [Fight] Attack player Vforce (lvl 80)
[N] 00:39:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 790.939 ; 1061.995 ; -18.40074 ; "None" to 815.2908 ; 1125.657 ; 11.9667 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:39:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (76.87396y, 110ms)
[F] 00:39:34 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:39:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 464ms
[F] 00:39:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 00:39:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 414ms
[F] 00:39:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[F] 00:39:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[F] 00:39:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 595ms
[F] 00:39:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 670ms
[F] 00:39:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 737ms
[F] 00:39:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 900ms
[F] 00:39:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 1303ms
[F] 00:39:41 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:39:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 00:39:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 1374ms
[F] 00:39:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 1546ms
[F] 00:39:44 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268512012
[F] 00:39:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
00:39:45 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Naive (lvl 80)
[F] 00:39:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 1231ms
[F] 00:39:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 935ms
[F] 00:39:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 971ms
[F] 00:39:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 442ms
[F] 00:39:49 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:39:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 344ms
[F] 00:39:49 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:39:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 372ms
[F] 00:39:50 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:39:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 506ms
[F] 00:39:50 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:39:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 394ms
[F] 00:39:51 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:39:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 00:39:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 379ms
[F] 00:39:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 439ms
[F] 00:39:52 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:39:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 196ms
[F] 00:39:52 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:39:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 331ms
[F] 00:39:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 592ms
[F] 00:39:53 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:39:53 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:39:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 171ms
[F] 00:39:54 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:39:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 00:39:54 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:39:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 158ms
[F] 00:39:54 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:39:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 441ms
[F] 00:39:55 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:39:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 00:39:55 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:39:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 00:39:56 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:39:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 339ms
[F] 00:39:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 359ms
[F] 00:39:56 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:39:56 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:39:57 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:39:57 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:39:57 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:39:57 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:39:57 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:39:57 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:39:57 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:39:58 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:39:58 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:39:58 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:39:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 608ms
[F] 00:39:58 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:39:58 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:39:59 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:39:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 00:39:59 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:39:59 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:40:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 565ms
[F] 00:40:00 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:40:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 437ms
[F] 00:40:00 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 00:40:00 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:40:00 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:40:00 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 00:40:01 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:40:01 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:40:01 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 00:40:01 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:40:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 326ms
[F] 00:40:01 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:40:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 00:40:02 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:40:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 304ms
[F] 00:40:02 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:40:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 262ms
[F] 00:40:02 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:40:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 00:40:03 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:40:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
[F] 00:40:03 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:40:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 00:40:04 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:40:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 489ms
[F] 00:40:04 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:40:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 00:40:05 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:40:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 579ms
[F] 00:40:06 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:40:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 443ms
[F] 00:40:06 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:40:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 570ms
[F] 00:40:07 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 00:40:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 557ms
00:40:07 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 00:40:08 - [Fight] Fight stopped
00:40:08 - [BG] Switching to healer: Aristokrat
[F] 00:40:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:40:15 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:40:15 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:40:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:40:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:40:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
00:40:16 - [BG] Switching zone to Gold Mine
[N] 00:40:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 834.7264 ; 784.9787 ; -57.0807 ; "None" to 1145.381 ; 848.6724 ; -110.524 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 00:40:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 00:40:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (327.6932y, 114ms)
00:40:17 - [BG] Go to zone Gold Mine in 8 steps
[F] 00:40:17 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:40:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:40:18 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:40:18 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:40:18 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 00:40:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Panms) bs
[D] 00:40:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Panms) safe
[N] 00:41:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1145.11 ; 848.5828 ; -110.5245 ; "None" to 1159.741 ; 914.8723 ; -107.8913 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:41:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (67.93595y, 111ms)
00:41:05 - [Fight] Attack player Playana (lvl 80)
[F] 00:41:05 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 00:41:06 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 00:41:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1145.11 ; 848.5828 ; -110.5245 ; "None" to 1153.266 ; 912.1786 ; -108.2564 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:41:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (64.15679y, 107ms)
[F] 00:41:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 00:41:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 00:41:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[N] 00:41:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1146.583 ; 860.0646 ; -111.146 ; "None" to 1169.225 ; 919.4337 ; -105.6429 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:41:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (64.47994y, 110ms)
[F] 00:41:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 00:41:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 396ms
[F] 00:41:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 409ms
[F] 00:41:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[N] 00:41:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1150.653 ; 874.608 ; -111.8812 ; "None" to 1160.786 ; 923.1866 ; -107.0153 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:41:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (49.91425y, 112ms)
[F] 00:41:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[N] 00:41:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1152.131 ; 881.4608 ; -112.158 ; "None" to 1185.308 ; 942.623 ; -97.59033 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:41:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (71.70284y, 110ms)
00:41:10 - [Fight] Attack player Madflame (lvl 80)
[F] 00:41:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 635ms
[N] 00:41:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1153.341 ; 888.1137 ; -112.319 ; "None" to 1185.308 ; 942.623 ; -97.59033 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:41:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (65.4137y, 113ms)
[F] 00:41:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 631ms
[F] 00:41:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 629ms
[F] 00:41:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 604ms
[F] 00:41:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 774ms
[F] 00:41:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 871ms
[N] 00:41:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1171.724 ; 912.6949 ; -106.0558 ; "None" to 1195.92 ; 972.3573 ; -89.57446 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:41:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (66.45784y, 110ms)
[F] 00:41:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 769ms
[F] 00:41:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 769ms
[D] 00:41:16 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 00:41:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1177.589 ; 925.5419 ; -102.424 ; "None" to 1200.178 ; 983.9926 ; -86.12728 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:41:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (64.74832y, 115ms)
00:41:17 - [Fight] Attack player Madflame (lvl 80)
[N] 00:41:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1178.273 ; 927.2885 ; -101.9162 ; "None" to 1200.739 ; 985.5242 ; -84.90966 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:41:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (64.69426y, 108ms)
[F] 00:41:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 760ms
[F] 00:41:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 768ms
[N] 00:41:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1183.299 ; 940.2933 ; -98.39913 ; "None" to 1204.905 ; 996.9084 ; -82.72833 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:41:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (62.7639y, 109ms)
[F] 00:41:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 773ms
[F] 00:41:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 740ms
[N] 00:41:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1188.281 ; 952.5623 ; -95.23113 ; "None" to 1208.862 ; 1007.722 ; -79.70928 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:41:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (60.96156y, 111ms)
[F] 00:41:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 739ms
[F] 00:41:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 741ms
[N] 00:41:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1193.206 ; 964.5857 ; -91.97755 ; "None" to 1212.726 ; 1018.338 ; -76.72423 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:41:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (59.23923y, 107ms)
[F] 00:41:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 733ms
[D] 00:41:23 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 00:41:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 675ms
[N] 00:41:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1198.029 ; 976.3633 ; -88.32311 ; "None" to 1213.306 ; 1025.787 ; -74.83242 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:41:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (53.55507y, 108ms)
00:41:24 - [Fight] Attack player Dorolyn (lvl 80)
[N] 00:41:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1198.749 ; 978.1214 ; -87.81046 ; "None" to 1213.612 ; 1029.066 ; -74.20592 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:41:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (54.8942y, 109ms)
[F] 00:41:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 668ms
[N] 00:41:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1201.406 ; 984.6099 ; -85.9433 ; "None" to 1211.206 ; 1041.093 ; -70.99911 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:41:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (59.24237y, 108ms)
[F] 00:41:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 664ms
[D] 00:41:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Expertcombat-Icecrown
[F] 00:41:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 598ms
[N] 00:41:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1203.74 ; 995.6221 ; -83.23182 ; "None" to 1201.478 ; 1054.655 ; -67.75726 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:41:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (62.64516y, 594ms)
[F] 00:41:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 599ms
[F] 00:41:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 610ms
[N] 00:41:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1204.841 ; 1006.321 ; -80.82035 ; "None" to 1188.745 ; 1042.003 ; -63.39514 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:41:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (60.58649y, 110ms)
[F] 00:41:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 666ms
[F] 00:41:28 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 310ms
[N] 00:41:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1204.954 ; 1014.16 ; -78.68117 ; "None" to 1182.683 ; 1027.219 ; -63.07205 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:41:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (69.42688y, 118ms)
[F] 00:41:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 00:41:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 730ms
[N] 00:41:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1205.053 ; 1023.586 ; -75.11641 ; "None" to 1181.114 ; 1009.003 ; -63.23143 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:41:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (76.61566y, 108ms)
[D] 00:41:30 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 00:41:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 773ms
[N] 00:41:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1205.124 ; 1030.34 ; -72.95312 ; "None" to 1189.572 ; 1053.123 ; -64.61256 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:41:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (37.24653y, 114ms)
00:41:31 - [Fight] Attack player Meify (lvl 80)
[N] 00:41:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1205.144 ; 1032.215 ; -71.62309 ; "None" to 1189.887 ; 1049.876 ; -64.8409 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:41:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (29.11132y, 110ms)
[F] 00:41:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 616ms
[F] 00:41:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[D] 00:41:32 - [Fight] Fight stopped
[F] 00:41:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[N] 00:41:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1201.818 ; 1044.6 ; -69.16669 ; "None" to 1192.405 ; 1037.141 ; -60.89383 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:41:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (22.50636y, 111ms)
00:41:33 - [Fight] Attack player Meify (lvl 80)
[F] 00:41:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[N] 00:41:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1199.44 ; 1045.508 ; -67.55884 ; "None" to 1192.215 ; 1037.022 ; -60.81102 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:41:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (24.18764y, 106ms)
[F] 00:41:33 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 330ms
[F] 00:41:34 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 398ms
[F] 00:41:34 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 00:41:35 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:35 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:35 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:35 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:35 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:35 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:36 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 441ms
[F] 00:41:36 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 00:41:37 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:41:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 00:41:37 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:41:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 00:41:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:41:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 303ms
[F] 00:41:38 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:41:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 00:41:38 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:41:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 197ms
[F] 00:41:39 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:41:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 206ms
[F] 00:41:39 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:41:39 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:41:39 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:41:39 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:41:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:41:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:41:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:41:40 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:41:40 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:41:41 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:41:41 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:41 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:41 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:41 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:41:43 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 00:41:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 658ms
00:41:44 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 00:41:44 - [Fight] Fight stopped
00:41:44 - [BG] Switching to healer: Meify
[D] 00:41:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Panms) 2 bs
[F] 00:42:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:42:15 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:42:15 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:42:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:42:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:42:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 00:42:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1016.588 ; 955.1847 ; -42.82842 ; "None" to 1145.381 ; 848.6724 ; -110.524 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 00:42:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 00:42:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (437.4778y, 119ms)
00:42:17 - [BG] Go to zone Gold Mine in 16 steps
[F] 00:42:17 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:42:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:42:18 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:42:18 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:42:19 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 00:42:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Nikolas) farm
[D] 00:42:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Gambatte) fm
[N] 00:42:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1059.53 ; 992.0599 ; -50.62163 ; "None" to 1128.839 ; 996.9292 ; -60.85721 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:42:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (70.23005y, 112ms)
00:42:24 - [Fight] Attack player Meify (lvl 80)
[N] 00:42:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1061.129 ; 992.3073 ; -51.10802 ; "None" to 1127.698 ; 996.1061 ; -60.79962 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:42:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (67.37818y, 109ms)
[F] 00:42:25 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:42:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 475ms
[F] 00:42:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 00:42:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 00:42:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[N] 00:42:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1079.758 ; 993.5118 ; -55.03591 ; "None" to 1115.649 ; 991.1539 ; -58.4565 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:42:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (41.12912y, 111ms)
[F] 00:42:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 607ms
[F] 00:42:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 539ms
[F] 00:42:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 597ms
[N] 00:42:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1095.666 ; 993.9434 ; -60.34047 ; "None" to 1117.316 ; 981.3851 ; -68.45598 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:42:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (70.54227y, 112ms)
[F] 00:42:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 669ms
[F] 00:42:30 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158267575979
[F] 00:42:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 00:42:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 775ms
[D] 00:42:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Panms) hi ~rogue~ wake up
[F] 00:42:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 1071ms
[F] 00:42:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 1113ms
[N] 00:42:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1129.347 ; 995.2732 ; -60.96047 ; "None" to 1127.551 ; 968.5718 ; -67.38385 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:42:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (38.17968y, 110ms)
[F] 00:42:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 1043ms
[D] 00:42:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Expertcombat-Icecrown
[F] 00:42:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 974ms
[F] 00:42:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 838ms
[F] 00:42:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 776ms
[F] 00:42:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 739ms
[F] 00:42:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 809ms
[F] 00:42:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 769ms
[F] 00:42:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 769ms
[D] 00:42:40 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 00:42:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 638ms
[N] 00:42:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1133.119 ; 943.1196 ; -62.62785 ; "None" to 1136.041 ; 926.5486 ; -68.15602 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:42:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (21.12915y, 119ms)
00:42:41 - [Fight] Attack player Meify (lvl 80)
[N] 00:42:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1133.064 ; 941.2367 ; -62.40621 ; "None" to 1136.428 ; 925.1377 ; -71.10423 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:42:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (22.61186y, 106ms)
[N] 00:42:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1133 ; 936.6329 ; -61.96882 ; "None" to 1137.498 ; 921.2504 ; -83.35254 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:42:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (325.009y, 115ms)
[F] 00:42:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 637ms
[N] 00:42:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1133.85 ; 934.6159 ; -62.50994 ; "None" to 1138.378 ; 918.0802 ; -98.14052 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:42:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (309.756y, 110ms)
[F] 00:42:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 700ms
[N] 00:42:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1135.759 ; 940.2079 ; -62.27239 ; "None" to 1139.737 ; 913.1253 ; -106.3366 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:42:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (302.687y, 115ms)
[F] 00:42:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 628ms
[F] 00:42:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 636ms
[D] 00:42:45 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 00:42:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1139.856 ; 952.2147 ; -63.25233 ; "None" to 1192.541 ; 958.1548 ; -93.2869 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:42:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (215.5239y, 113ms)
00:42:45 - [Fight] Attack player Luvcheto (lvl 80)
[F] 00:42:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[N] 00:42:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1140.642 ; 954.5154 ; -63.25459 ; "None" to 1190.168 ; 954.6557 ; -94.49421 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:42:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (217.2816y, 108ms)
[F] 00:42:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[N] 00:42:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1142.904 ; 961.1436 ; -63.27148 ; "None" to 1184.887 ; 944.0097 ; -97.40751 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:42:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (222.3806y, 113ms)
[F] 00:42:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 539ms
[N] 00:42:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1144.903 ; 967.0021 ; -63.35332 ; "None" to 1180.38 ; 934.2874 ; -100.095 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 00:42:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[N] 00:42:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (228.0895y, 111ms)
[F] 00:42:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[N] 00:42:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1146.916 ; 972.8989 ; -63.50862 ; "None" to 1174.781 ; 925.0939 ; -103.1461 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:42:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (232.9859y, 113ms)
[F] 00:42:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 00:42:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[D] 00:42:48 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 00:42:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1149.092 ; 979.2755 ; -63.45048 ; "None" to 1170.269 ; 914.2793 ; -106.1577 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:42:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (238.1457y, 111ms)
00:42:48 - [Fight] Attack player Luvcheto (lvl 80)
[F] 00:42:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[N] 00:42:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1150.229 ; 982.6048 ; -63.45851 ; "None" to 1168.133 ; 908.5522 ; -107.5736 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:42:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (240.8062y, 116ms)
[F] 00:42:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[F] 00:42:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 00:42:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 00:42:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 00:42:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 398ms
[F] 00:42:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 00:42:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 00:42:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 00:42:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 00:42:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 00:42:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 00:42:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 00:42:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 00:42:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 00:42:56 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:42:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[N] 00:42:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1182.119 ; 1032.416 ; -63.57645 ; "None" to 1160.099 ; 898.6243 ; -106.2666 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 00:42:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[N] 00:42:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (192.514y, 112ms)
[N] 00:42:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1184.138 ; 1034.617 ; -62.41594 ; "None" to 1142.983 ; 885.9412 ; -112.7365 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 00:42:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[N] 00:42:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (210.8241y, 111ms)
[F] 00:42:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 00:42:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 00:42:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 00:42:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 00:42:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 00:42:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
00:43:00 - [BG] Switching zone to Farm
[F] 00:43:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[N] 00:43:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1202.428 ; 1043.628 ; -69.67391 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:43:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 18 (489.901y, 117ms)
00:43:00 - [BG] Go to zone Farm in 18 steps
[N] 00:43:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1200.505 ; 1046.773 ; -68.28393 ; "None" to 1162.425 ; 1104.943 ; -59.87353 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:43:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (70.43456y, 753ms)
00:43:02 - [Fight] Attack player Snowflower (lvl 80)
[N] 00:43:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1195.021 ; 1047.416 ; -64.02872 ; "None" to 1162.624 ; 1104.097 ; -59.84834 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:43:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (65.63231y, 108ms)
[F] 00:43:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 00:43:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 00:43:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[N] 00:43:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1187.949 ; 1054.91 ; -64.34797 ; "None" to 1152.097 ; 1103.321 ; -58.935 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:43:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (60.48446y, 112ms)
[F] 00:43:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 00:43:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 00:43:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 00:43:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 00:43:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 570ms
[F] 00:43:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 00:43:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 00:43:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 00:43:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 574ms
[F] 00:43:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 00:43:10 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:43:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 00:43:10 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:43:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 00:43:11 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:43:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 438ms
[F] 00:43:11 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:43:11 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:43:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 540ms
[F] 00:43:12 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 00:43:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 565ms
[F] 00:43:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 00:43:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 00:43:14 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:43:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 433ms
[F] 00:43:14 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:43:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 335ms
[D] 00:43:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Rayniac) defend 3
[F] 00:43:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 397ms
00:43:15 - [BG] Switching zone to Gold Mine
[F] 00:43:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 329ms
[N] 00:43:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1174.85 ; 1114.282 ; -60.28612 ; "None" to 1145.381 ; 848.6724 ; -110.524 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:43:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (296.3009y, 112ms)
00:43:15 - [BG] Go to zone Gold Mine in 10 steps
[N] 00:43:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1175.261 ; 1114.597 ; -60.27407 ; "None" to 1200.541 ; 1163.017 ; -56.32981 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:43:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (56.4086y, 112ms)
00:43:15 - [Fight] Attack player Demoncleave (lvl 80)
[F] 00:43:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 537ms
[N] 00:43:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1179.326 ; 1110.334 ; -61.62927 ; "None" to 1200.541 ; 1163.017 ; -56.32981 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:43:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (57.49684y, 109ms)
[F] 00:43:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 532ms
[F] 00:43:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 541ms
[F] 00:43:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 605ms
[F] 00:43:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 607ms
[N] 00:43:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1187.788 ; 1125.108 ; -58.88216 ; "None" to 1190.895 ; 1163.028 ; -55.68679 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:43:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (38.68653y, 115ms)
[F] 00:43:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 600ms
[N] 00:43:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1188.521 ; 1131.728 ; -57.42237 ; "None" to 1179.173 ; 1163.042 ; -56.41343 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:43:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (37.9602y, 115ms)
[F] 00:43:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 605ms
[F] 00:43:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 705ms
[D] 00:43:21 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
00:43:21 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Meify (lvl 80)
[F] 00:43:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 700ms
[F] 00:43:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 700ms
[F] 00:43:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 00:43:23 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:43:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 00:43:24 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:43:24 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:43:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 507ms
[F] 00:43:24 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:43:24 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:43:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 00:43:25 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:43:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 00:43:25 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:43:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 274ms
[F] 00:43:26 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:43:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 237ms
[F] 00:43:26 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:43:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 231ms
[F] 00:43:26 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:43:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 00:43:26 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:43:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 00:43:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:43:27 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:43:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 00:43:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:43:27 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:43:27 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:43:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 00:43:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:43:28 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:43:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 00:43:28 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:43:28 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:43:28 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:43:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 506ms
[F] 00:43:28 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 00:43:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 868ms
[F] 00:43:29 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:43:29 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:43:30 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:43:30 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:43:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 00:43:31 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:43:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 498ms
[F] 00:43:31 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:43:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 00:43:32 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:43:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 00:43:32 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:43:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 404ms
[F] 00:43:33 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:43:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[F] 00:43:33 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:43:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 336ms
[F] 00:43:34 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:43:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[N] 00:43:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1199.704 ; 1190.74 ; -56.57602 ; "None" to 1203.74 ; 1160.737 ; -56.23915 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 00:43:34 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:43:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[N] 00:43:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (30.27511y, 111ms)
00:43:34 - [Fight] Attack player Madflame (lvl 80)
[F] 00:43:34 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:43:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 00:43:35 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 00:43:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) Madflame-Icecrown casted |cff71d5ff|Hspell:12826|h[Polymorph]|h|r on me!
[D] 00:43:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Panms) from st to lm XD
[F] 00:43:35 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:43:35 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:43:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 506ms
[F] 00:43:36 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:43:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 572ms
[N] 00:43:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1199.314 ; 1184.352 ; -56.59333 ; "None" to 1203.477 ; 1160.229 ; -56.24915 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:43:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (24.48286y, 109ms)
00:43:36 - [Fight] Attack player Madflame (lvl 80)
[F] 00:43:37 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:43:37 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:43:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 643ms
[F] 00:43:37 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:43:37 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:43:37 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940388917874
[F] 00:43:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 00:43:38 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940388917874
[F] 00:43:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 00:43:38 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940388917874
[F] 00:43:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 564ms
[N] 00:43:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1200.944 ; 1169.109 ; -56.3815 ; "None" to 1167.208 ; 1194.299 ; -56.39563 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:43:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1201.158 ; 1168.623 ; -56.35736 ; "None" to 1166.876 ; 1194.619 ; -56.40571 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:43:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (52.36167y, 114ms)
00:43:39 - [Fight] Attack player Luvcheto (lvl 80)
[N] 00:43:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (52.87536y, 177ms)
[F] 00:43:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 769ms
[F] 00:43:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 670ms
[F] 00:43:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 774ms
[D] 00:43:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Nikolas) Farm!
[F] 00:43:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 696ms
[F] 00:43:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 534ms
[F] 00:43:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 774ms
[F] 00:43:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 772ms
[D] 00:43:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Panms) then we get 5
[F] 00:43:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 768ms
[F] 00:43:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 886ms
[F] 00:43:46 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:43:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 00:43:47 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:43:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 00:43:47 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:43:47 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:43:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[D] 00:43:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Dorolyn-Icecrown
[F] 00:43:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 00:43:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 543ms
00:43:48 - [BG] Switching to healer: Luvcheto
[N] 00:43:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1162.902 ; 1199.314 ; -56.48447 ; "None" to 1193.47 ; 1169.856 ; -56.43947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:43:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (50.9184y, 119ms)
00:43:48 - [Fight] Attack player Madflame (lvl 80)
[F] 00:43:49 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389767066
[F] 00:43:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 161ms
[F] 00:43:49 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389767066
[N] 00:43:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1162.902 ; 1199.314 ; -56.48447 ; "None" to 1194.648 ; 1172.603 ; -56.66204 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:43:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (52.99752y, 109ms)
[F] 00:43:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 395ms
[F] 00:43:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 868ms
[N] 00:43:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1166.491 ; 1188.742 ; -56.35839 ; "None" to 1203.712 ; 1178.132 ; -55.67128 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:43:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (52.44267y, 110ms)
[N] 00:43:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1167.553 ; 1185.397 ; -56.36283 ; "None" to 1222.715 ; 1188.269 ; -52.33438 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 00:43:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 776ms
[N] 00:43:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (70.60632y, 109ms)
[F] 00:43:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 775ms
[D] 00:43:53 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 00:43:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1172.997 ; 1173.944 ; -56.45885 ; "None" to 1231.849 ; 1193.548 ; -48.9313 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:43:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (68.81088y, 121ms)
00:43:53 - [Fight] Attack player Madflame (lvl 80)
[F] 00:43:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 738ms
[N] 00:43:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1174.047 ; 1172.423 ; -56.4073 ; "None" to 1233.267 ; 1194.368 ; -48.29113 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:43:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (68.57054y, 110ms)
[F] 00:43:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 669ms
[F] 00:43:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 602ms
[N] 00:43:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1183.889 ; 1167.611 ; -56.43755 ; "None" to 1241.516 ; 1200.258 ; -44.33698 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:43:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (67.32885y, 108ms)
[F] 00:43:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 597ms
[F] 00:43:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 181ms
[N] 00:43:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1194.049 ; 1172.973 ; -56.66861 ; "None" to 1250.207 ; 1205.281 ; -39.87939 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:43:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (66.92823y, 109ms)
[F] 00:43:56 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564230243818
[F] 00:43:56 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564230243818
[F] 00:43:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564230243818
[F] 00:43:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564230243818
[F] 00:43:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 215ms
[F] 00:43:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[N] 00:43:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1204.636 ; 1179.059 ; -55.91344 ; "None" to 1259.4 ; 1210.595 ; -35.69054 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:43:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (66.35162y, 108ms)
[F] 00:43:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 00:43:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 298ms
[F] 00:43:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564230243818
[F] 00:43:58 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564230243818
[F] 00:43:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 181ms
[F] 00:43:59 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564230243818
[F] 00:43:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 00:43:59 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 432345564230243818
[F] 00:43:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 180ms
[D] 00:43:59 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 00:43:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1215.461 ; 1185.281 ; -54.39819 ; "None" to 1257.664 ; 1196.879 ; -39.91979 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:43:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (46.10016y, 111ms)
00:43:59 - [Fight] Attack player Meify (lvl 80)
[N] 00:43:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1216.968 ; 1186.148 ; -54.11764 ; "None" to 1259.871 ; 1198.946 ; -39.13724 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:43:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (47.21039y, 110ms)
[N] 00:44:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1222.716 ; 1188.273 ; -52.41883 ; "None" to 1267.691 ; 1206.274 ; -34.65864 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:44:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (52.5165y, 128ms)
[N] 00:44:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1228.442 ; 1191.112 ; -50.38817 ; "None" to 1275.819 ; 1213.889 ; -29.947 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:44:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (56.61213y, 112ms)
[F] 00:44:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 249ms
[F] 00:44:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 283ms
[N] 00:44:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1241.859 ; 1198.154 ; -44.31761 ; "None" to 1275.902 ; 1202.642 ; -33.23101 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:44:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (36.08334y, 111ms)
[F] 00:44:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 317ms
[F] 00:44:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 315ms
[F] 00:44:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 314ms
[F] 00:44:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 153ms
[F] 00:44:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 319ms
[F] 00:44:04 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 187ms
[F] 00:44:04 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 00:44:04 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:04 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:04 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:04 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:05 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 381ms
[F] 00:44:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 384ms
[F] 00:44:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 351ms
[F] 00:44:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 00:44:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 00:44:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 213ms
[F] 00:44:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 00:44:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 00:44:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 231ms
[F] 00:44:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 00:44:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 00:44:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 00:44:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 214ms
[N] 00:44:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1265.565 ; 1186.535 ; -39.68298 ; "None" to 1294.97 ; 1207.16 ; -27.65893 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:44:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (37.87623y, 113ms)
[F] 00:44:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 00:44:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 00:44:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 00:44:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 00:44:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[D] 00:44:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) Interrupted Meify with |cff71d5ff|Hspell:2139|h[Counterspell]|h|r
[N] 00:44:12 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 00:44:12 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 00:44:12 - [MovementManager] Further from the destination than at the beginning.
[N] 00:44:12 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 00:44:12 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 00:44:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1256.7 ; 1176.931 ; -46.4583 ; "None" to 1294.97 ; 1207.16 ; -27.65893 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:44:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (51.50856y, 112ms)
[F] 00:44:13 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:44:13 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:44:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 00:44:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 00:44:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 00:44:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 00:44:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 00:44:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 00:44:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 00:44:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 00:44:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 00:44:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 00:44:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 00:44:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 00:44:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 00:44:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 216ms
[F] 00:44:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 00:44:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 217ms
[F] 00:44:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 00:44:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 249ms
[F] 00:44:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 00:44:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 320ms
[F] 00:44:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 314ms
[F] 00:44:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 316ms
[F] 00:44:20 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 350ms
[F] 00:44:21 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 151ms
[F] 00:44:21 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 00:44:22 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 00:44:22 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:22 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:22 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 00:44:22 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 153ms
[F] 00:44:23 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 152ms
[F] 00:44:23 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 00:44:23 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:23 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:23 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:23 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:23 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:24 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:24 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:24 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:24 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:24 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:24 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:25 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:25 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:25 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:25 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:25 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940383848701
[F] 00:44:25 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940383848701
[N] 00:44:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1325.804 ; 1205.606 ; -27.32952 ; "None" to 1326.893 ; 1226.965 ; -21.82254 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:44:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22.08462y, 110ms)
00:44:26 - [Fight] Attack player Snowflower (lvl 80)
[F] 00:44:26 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:44:26 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:44:26 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:44:26 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:44:26 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:44:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 00:44:26 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:44:26 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:44:27 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:44:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:44:27 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:44:27 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 00:44:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:44:27 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:44:27 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:44:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:44:27 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:44:27 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 00:44:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:44:27 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:44:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 00:44:27 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:44:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 211ms
[F] 00:44:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 00:44:28 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:44:28 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:44:28 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:44:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 00:44:29 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:44:29 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:44:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 00:44:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 253ms
[F] 00:44:29 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:44:30 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:44:30 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:44:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 00:44:30 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:44:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 283ms
[F] 00:44:30 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:44:30 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:44:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 231ms
[F] 00:44:31 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:44:31 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:44:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 300ms
[F] 00:44:31 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 504403158271617100
[F] 00:44:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 00:44:31 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:44:31 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:44:31 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:44:31 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:44:31 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:44:32 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:44:32 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:44:32 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:44:32 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940389854041
[F] 00:44:32 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on mouseover with guid 720575940389767066
[F] 00:44:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 251ms
00:44:32 - [BG] Switching zone to Stables
[N] 00:44:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1299.885 ; 1237.123 ; -23.15623 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:44:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (146.0237y, 118ms)
00:44:33 - [BG] Go to zone Stables in 4 steps
[D] 00:44:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Tocc
[D] 00:44:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Dorolyn-Icecrown
00:44:49 - [BG] Switching zone to Farm
[N] 00:44:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1171.698 ; 1200.743 ; -56.27878 ; "None" to 807.7224 ; 878.6296 ; -56.34103 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:44:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (576.2183y, 117ms)
00:44:50 - [BG] Go to zone Farm in 14 steps
00:44:50 - [BG] Switching zone to Stables
[N] 00:44:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1169.569 ; 1201.648 ; -56.3941 ; "None" to 1166.186 ; 1197.549 ; -56.42041 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:44:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (5.774777y, 113ms)
00:44:51 - [BG] Go to zone Stables in 3 steps
[D] 00:45:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Nikolas) rogu
[D] 00:45:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Panms) flag
[N] 00:45:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1166.577 ; 1197.805 ; -56.39566 ; "None" to 1229.179 ; 1224.352 ; -43.78953 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:45:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (76.6079y, 115ms)
00:45:14 - [Fight] Attack player Drizth (lvl 80)
[F] 00:45:14 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:45:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 170ms
[N] 00:45:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1166.577 ; 1197.805 ; -56.39566 ; "None" to 1218.938 ; 1218.191 ; -46.40532 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 00:45:15 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 00:45:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (60.82459y, 113ms)
[D] 00:45:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Rayniac) bs help
[F] 00:45:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 00:45:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 00:45:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 535ms
[F] 00:45:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 537ms
[F] 00:45:17 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 00:45:18 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 00:45:18 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 00:45:19 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 331ms
[F] 00:45:19 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 00:45:20 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 511ms
[F] 00:45:20 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 463ms
[F] 00:45:21 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 369ms
[F] 00:45:21 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:45:21 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 499ms
[F] 00:45:22 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 00:45:22 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:45:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 545ms
[F] 00:45:23 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 00:45:23 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 508ms
[F] 00:45:24 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:45:24 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:45:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 706ms
[F] 00:45:24 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:45:25 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:45:25 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:45:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 669ms
[F] 00:45:25 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:45:25 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 00:45:26 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:45:26 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:45:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 698ms
[F] 00:45:26 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:45:26 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:45:26 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:45:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 574ms
[F] 00:45:27 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Flash of Light
[F] 00:45:27 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:45:27 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:45:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 632ms
[F] 00:45:27 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:45:27 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:45:28 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 454ms
[F] 00:45:28 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 00:45:28 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 188ms
[F] 00:45:28 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 153ms
[F] 00:45:29 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 175ms
[F] 00:45:29 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 00:45:29 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 184ms
[F] 00:45:29 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 179ms
[F] 00:45:30 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 183ms
[F] 00:45:30 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:30 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:30 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 180ms
[F] 00:45:30 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 182ms
[F] 00:45:30 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 185ms
[F] 00:45:31 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:31 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:31 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:31 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:31 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 00:45:32 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 199ms
[F] 00:45:32 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 00:45:32 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 00:45:32 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 154ms
[F] 00:45:33 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:33 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:33 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 218ms
[F] 00:45:33 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 215ms
[F] 00:45:34 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 215ms
[F] 00:45:34 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 215ms
[F] 00:45:34 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 00:45:35 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 239ms
[F] 00:45:35 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:45:35 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:45:35 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 00:45:35 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 00:45:35 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:45:35 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:45:35 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:45:35 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 215ms
[F] 00:45:36 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:45:36 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:45:36 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:45:36 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 00:45:36 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:45:36 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:45:36 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:45:37 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:45:37 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 511ms
[F] 00:45:37 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:45:37 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:45:37 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 603ms
[F] 00:45:38 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:45:38 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:45:38 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 631ms
[F] 00:45:39 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 00:45:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 582ms
[F] 00:45:39 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:45:39 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:45:39 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:45:40 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:45:40 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:45:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 706ms
[F] 00:45:40 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:45:40 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:45:40 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 327ms
[F] 00:45:41 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 398ms
[F] 00:45:41 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 00:45:41 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 335ms
[F] 00:45:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 00:45:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 428ms
[F] 00:45:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 431ms
[F] 00:45:44 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:45:44 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:45:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 658ms
[F] 00:45:44 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:45:44 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:45:44 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:45:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 674ms
[F] 00:45:45 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:45:45 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:45:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 604ms
[F] 00:45:46 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 506ms
[F] 00:45:46 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 00:45:47 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 500ms
[F] 00:45:48 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:45:48 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:45:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 670ms
[F] 00:45:48 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:45:48 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 00:45:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 537ms
[F] 00:45:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 533ms
[F] 00:45:49 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 00:45:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 00:45:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[F] 00:45:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 568ms
[F] 00:45:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 537ms
[F] 00:45:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 542ms
[F] 00:45:53 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 00:45:53 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:53 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:53 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:54 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:54 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:54 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:54 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:54 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271522466
[F] 00:45:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 566ms
00:45:56 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Darkzerox (lvl 80)
[F] 00:45:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 206ms
[F] 00:45:57 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266854022
[F] 00:45:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 00:45:58 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 00:45:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 684ms
00:45:58 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 00:46:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Panms) flag
[D] 00:46:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Cheema) help stable
[F] 00:46:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:16 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:16 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:17 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:17 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:17 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:18 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:18 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:19 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 00:46:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1016.588 ; 955.1847 ; -42.82841 ; "None" to 1022.262 ; 1011.962 ; -44.71572 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:46:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (57.1336y, 115ms)
00:46:19 - [Fight] Attack player Blizzlike (lvl 80)
[N] 00:46:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1016.588 ; 955.1847 ; -42.82841 ; "None" to 1022.053 ; 1011.189 ; -44.66838 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:46:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (56.34851y, 112ms)
[F] 00:46:19 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 00:46:20 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 00:46:20 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 00:46:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 826ms
[F] 00:46:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 899ms
[F] 00:46:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 900ms
[F] 00:46:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 902ms
[F] 00:46:24 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 00:46:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[D] 00:46:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Cexy) dont
[F] 00:46:25 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 00:46:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 344ms
[F] 00:46:25 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 00:46:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 00:46:26 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 00:46:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 00:46:26 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 00:46:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 00:46:27 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 574ms
[F] 00:46:27 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 00:46:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 501ms
[F] 00:46:28 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 00:46:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 00:46:28 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:46:28 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 00:46:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 00:46:29 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:46:29 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 00:46:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 00:46:29 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:46:29 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 00:46:29 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 00:46:29 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 00:46:30 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 00:46:30 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:46:30 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 00:46:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 396ms
[F] 00:46:30 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 00:46:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 636ms
[F] 00:46:31 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 00:46:31 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 00:46:31 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 00:46:31 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 00:46:32 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 00:46:32 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 00:46:32 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 00:46:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 00:46:32 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 00:46:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 277ms
[N] 00:46:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1010.464 ; 1002.526 ; -44.46705 ; "None" to 982.5104 ; 1042.691 ; -44.01308 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:46:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (51.13639y, 118ms)
00:46:33 - [Fight] Attack player Playana (lvl 80)
[F] 00:46:33 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388630668
[F] 00:46:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[N] 00:46:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1010.464 ; 1002.526 ; -44.46705 ; "None" to 984.0845 ; 1043.066 ; -43.91645 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[F] 00:46:33 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[N] 00:46:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (50.10526y, 113ms)
[F] 00:46:33 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 00:46:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Epidemic) dont
[F] 00:46:34 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 00:46:34 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 332ms
[F] 00:46:35 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[N] 00:46:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1006.862 ; 1014.327 ; -43.84919 ; "None" to 993.8983 ; 1047.405 ; -43.8181 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:46:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (35.52777y, 110ms)
[F] 00:46:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 1210ms
[D] 00:46:36 - [Fight] Fight stopped
[F] 00:46:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 1404ms
[N] 00:46:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 998.6512 ; 1035.692 ; -42.82948 ; "None" to 995.4503 ; 1043.952 ; -43.32238 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:46:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8.872105y, 115ms)
00:46:38 - [Fight] Attack player Naive (lvl 80)
[F] 00:46:39 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Protection() (Hand of Protection on mouseover with guid 504403158271752463
[F] 00:46:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 1549ms
[F] 00:46:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 1140ms
[F] 00:46:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 1010ms
[F] 00:46:42 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:46:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 171ms
[F] 00:46:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:46:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 00:46:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:46:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 189ms
[F] 00:46:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268945103
[D] 00:46:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Gambatte) bs
[F] 00:46:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 00:46:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:46:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 00:46:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:46:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 203ms
[F] 00:46:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:46:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 200ms
[F] 00:46:44 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:46:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 168ms
[F] 00:46:44 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:46:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 196ms
[F] 00:46:44 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:46:44 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:46:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 00:46:44 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:46:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 180ms
[F] 00:46:45 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:46:45 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:46:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 154ms
[F] 00:46:45 - [RTF] Casting Avenging Wrath() (Avenging Wrath on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 176ms
[D] 00:46:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Gambatte) flag
[F] 00:46:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 757ms
[F] 00:46:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 638ms
[F] 00:46:47 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:47 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:47 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:47 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:47 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:48 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:48 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:48 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:48 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:48 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:46:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 609ms
[F] 00:46:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 496ms
[F] 00:46:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 620ms
[F] 00:46:50 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:46:50 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:46:50 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:46:51 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:46:51 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:46:51 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158268945103
[F] 00:46:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 747ms
[F] 00:46:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 680ms
[F] 00:46:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 370ms
[F] 00:46:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 286ms
[F] 00:46:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 291ms
[F] 00:46:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 254ms
[F] 00:46:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 244ms
[F] 00:46:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 247ms
[F] 00:46:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 248ms
[D] 00:46:55 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[N] 00:46:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 976.7079 ; 1031.798 ; -43.96986 ; "None" to 974.3233 ; 1039.728 ; -44.27382 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:46:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (8.505328y, 111ms)
00:46:55 - [Fight] Attack player Playana (lvl 80)
[F] 00:46:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 176ms
[F] 00:46:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 00:46:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 169ms
[F] 00:46:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 164ms
[F] 00:46:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[N] 00:46:57 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 00:46:57 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 00:46:57 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 00:46:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 976.7079 ; 1031.798 ; -43.96986 ; "None" to 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[D] 00:46:58 - [Fight] Cannot make path to the target (Meify), ignore it.
00:46:58 - [BG] Switching to healer: Meify
00:47:00 - [BG] Battleground Finish
[N] 00:47:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 976.7079 ; 1031.798 ; -43.96986 ; "None" to 974.3233 ; 1039.728 ; -44.27382 ; "None" (PVPZone04)
[N] 00:47:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (8.505328y, 0ms)
00:47:00 - [Fight] Attack player Playana (lvl 80)
[N] 00:47:00 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[D] 00:47:02 - [Info] Continent change, PVPZone04 to Kalimdor
[D] 00:47:02 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 00:47:02 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 00:47:03 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[D] 00:47:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Iluminaughty) LFM toc 10 nm need all fresh runn
[D] 00:47:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Iluminaughty) LFM toc 10 nm need all fresh runn
[D] 00:47:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Jhhace) is a Progressive PvE raiding guild. Current Progression is ToC10/25 (5/5), ICC10/25 (12/12), Bane (11/12), RS25 Cleared. We use Discord for communications and a DKP System for looting. Raid Time is @5AM ST and 12pmst, req 5.7k+ gs,
00:47:28 - [Alterac] Go to starting position
[F] 00:47:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[N] 00:47:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1437.67 ; -610.089 ; 51.16051 ; "None" to -1378.115 ; -545.6639 ; 54.95531 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:47:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (88.92673y, 113ms)
[N] 00:47:28 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 00:47:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1437.67 ; -610.089 ; 51.16051 ; "None" to -1378.115 ; -545.6639 ; 54.95531 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:47:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (91.14949y, 105ms)
[F] 00:47:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:28 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[D] 00:47:28 - [Info] Continent change, Kalimdor to PVPZone01
[D] 00:47:28 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 00:47:28 - [RTF] Updating known spells because of PET_BAR_UPDATE
[F] 00:47:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
00:47:29 - [Alterac] Go to starting position
[N] 00:47:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1435.266 ; -609.7329 ; 51.14239 ; "None" to -1378.115 ; -545.6639 ; 54.95531 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:47:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (87.93307y, 113ms)
[F] 00:47:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
00:47:31 - [Alterac] Go to starting position
[N] 00:47:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1432.801 ; -599.1724 ; 51.241 ; "None" to -1378.115 ; -545.6639 ; 54.95531 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:47:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (77.13249y, 109ms)
[F] 00:47:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
00:47:34 - [Alterac] Go to starting position
[N] 00:47:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1423.84 ; -588.9835 ; 52.46206 ; "None" to -1378.115 ; -545.6639 ; 54.95531 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:47:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (63.03613y, 112ms)
[F] 00:47:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
00:47:36 - [Alterac] Go to starting position
[N] 00:47:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1413.789 ; -579.4615 ; 54.39606 ; "None" to -1378.115 ; -545.6639 ; 54.95531 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:47:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (49.14513y, 116ms)
[F] 00:47:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
00:47:39 - [Alterac] Go to starting position
[N] 00:47:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1403.322 ; -569.5453 ; 55.88276 ; "None" to -1378.115 ; -545.6639 ; 54.95531 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:47:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (34.73598y, 113ms)
[F] 00:47:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
00:47:41 - [Alterac] Go to starting position
[N] 00:47:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1393.133 ; -559.8923 ; 55.40136 ; "None" to -1378.115 ; -545.6639 ; 54.95531 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:47:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20.69289y, 112ms)
[F] 00:47:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
00:47:44 - [Alterac] Go to starting position
[N] 00:47:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1382.942 ; -550.2368 ; 54.99656 ; "None" to -1378.115 ; -545.6639 ; 54.95531 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:47:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (6.649115y, 112ms)
[F] 00:47:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[N] 00:47:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1380.367 ; -547.7977 ; 54.77129 ; "None" to -1382.65 ; -544.2493 ; 54.85727 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:47:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (4.219795y, 114ms)
[F] 00:47:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[N] 00:47:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1380.506 ; -546.674 ; 54.75457 ; "None" to -1382.65 ; -544.2493 ; 54.85727 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:47:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (3.237926y, 108ms)
[F] 00:47:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:47:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[D] 00:48:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Paickurwa-Lordaeron) estoy cagao de sueño y me tiene que caer alterac
[F] 00:48:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[D] 00:48:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Paickurwa-Lordaeron) la concha
[F] 00:48:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:27 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:28 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:29 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:30 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:32 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:33 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:34 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:35 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:36 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:37 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:38 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:39 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:40 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:41 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:42 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:43 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:44 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:45 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:46 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:47 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:48 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:49 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:50 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:51 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:52 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:53 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[D] 00:48:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Draitwaz-Blackrock) buff
[F] 00:48:54 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:55 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:57 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:58 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:48:59 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:00 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:01 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:02 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:03 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:04 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:05 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:06 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:07 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:08 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:09 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:10 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:11 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:12 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[N] 00:49:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1379.157 ; -543.2936 ; 54.7455 ; "None" to -1382.65 ; -544.2493 ; 54.85727 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:49:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (3.623043y, 109ms)
[F] 00:49:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:13 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:14 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:15 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:16 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:17 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[D] 00:49:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Ipsofactum) fuck this bg
[N] 00:49:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1379.76 ; -542.4324 ; 54.87597 ; "None" to -898.396 ; -279.974 ; 64.4548 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:49:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (558.6161y, 117ms)
[F] 00:49:18 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:19 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:20 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[N] 00:49:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1376.837 ; -540.2087 ; 55.13851 ; "None" to -898.396 ; -279.974 ; 64.4548 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:49:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (554.9618y, 124ms)
[F] 00:49:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[D] 00:49:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Totembaiba) its great
[F] 00:49:21 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[N] 00:49:22 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 00:49:22 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 00:49:22 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 00:49:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:22 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[N] 00:49:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1377.942 ; -538.6017 ; 55.42264 ; "None" to -898.396 ; -279.974 ; 64.4548 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:49:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (554.9504y, 117ms)
[F] 00:49:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:23 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[N] 00:49:24 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 00:49:24 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 00:49:24 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 00:49:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[D] 00:49:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Totembaiba) just play it right!
[F] 00:49:24 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[F] 00:49:25 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Kings() (Blessing of Kings on target with guid 504403158266964334
[N] 00:49:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1378.922 ; -537.7137 ; 55.59041 ; "None" to -898.396 ; -279.974 ; 64.4548 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:49:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (555.3042y, 116ms)
[D] 00:49:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Ipsofactum) too long
00:50:37 - [Alterac] Go to starting position
[N] 00:50:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -901.6886 ; -280.3266 ; 64.74699 ; "None" to -1378.115 ; -545.6639 ; 54.95531 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:50:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (561.9901y, 119ms)
[D] 00:51:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Filthylawyer) go for snowfall gy plz
00:51:47 - [BG] Running to start position to mount
[N] 00:51:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1375.702 ; -543.505 ; 55.27325 ; "None" to -1360.549 ; -531.4715 ; 52.4437 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:51:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19.55566y, 597ms)
00:51:52 - [BG] going to zone Stonehearth Bunker to attack
[N] 00:51:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1362.923 ; -533.5192 ; 53.04964 ; "None" to -159.6747 ; -459.7626 ; 40.38681 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:51:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 45 (1406.985y, 125ms)
[D] 00:53:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Panms) our mine
[N] 00:53:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -506.4091 ; -344.8143 ; 32.47052 ; "None" to -475.8449 ; -283.217 ; 26.1101 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:53:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (72.63545y, 218ms)
00:53:46 - [Fight] Attack player Kriiss (lvl 80)
[N] 00:53:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -503.7092 ; -345.2635 ; 32.00798 ; "None" to -478.58 ; -283.1166 ; 27.0375 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:53:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (70.79065y, 116ms)
[F] 00:53:46 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:53:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 476ms
[F] 00:53:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 525ms
[F] 00:53:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 608ms
[F] 00:53:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 00:53:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 651ms
[F] 00:53:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 708ms
[N] 00:53:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -493.622 ; -317.0176 ; 33.24614 ; "None" to -491.0729 ; -275.9965 ; 29.15778 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[D] 00:53:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Thomac) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:26889|h[Vanish]|h|r up on Tocc-Blackrock
[N] 00:53:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (44.49221y, 111ms)
[F] 00:53:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 836ms
[F] 00:53:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 713ms
[F] 00:53:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 675ms
[D] 00:53:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Thomac) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:26889|h[Vanish]|h|r up on Kriiss-Blackrock
[F] 00:53:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 844ms
[F] 00:53:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 614ms
[D] 00:53:54 - [Fight] Incorrect target position
[F] 00:53:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 584ms
[N] 00:53:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -487.8274 ; -279.049 ; 27.83013 ; "None" to -457.8079 ; -280.0709 ; 23.20582 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:53:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (30.39077y, 112ms)
00:53:54 - [Fight] Attack player Luvcheto (lvl 80)
[F] 00:53:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 520ms
[F] 00:53:56 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:53:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 488ms
[F] 00:53:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 604ms
[F] 00:53:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 675ms
[F] 00:53:58 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:53:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 519ms
[F] 00:53:58 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:53:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 314ms
[F] 00:53:59 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:53:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 476ms
[D] 00:53:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Thomac) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Dorolyn
[F] 00:53:59 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:53:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 552ms
[F] 00:54:00 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 492ms
[F] 00:54:01 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 530ms
[F] 00:54:01 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 519ms
[F] 00:54:02 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 484ms
[F] 00:54:02 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 273ms
[F] 00:54:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 547ms
[F] 00:54:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 461ms
[F] 00:54:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 552ms
[F] 00:54:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 548ms
[F] 00:54:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 400ms
[F] 00:54:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 515ms
[F] 00:54:06 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:06 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:06 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:54:06 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:06 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:54:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 638ms
[F] 00:54:07 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:54:07 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:07 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:54:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 570ms
[F] 00:54:08 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:54:08 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:08 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:54:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 570ms
[F] 00:54:09 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:54:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 207ms
[F] 00:54:10 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on target with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:54:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 767ms
[F] 00:54:10 - [RTF] Casting Repentance() (Repentance on target with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:54:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 716ms
[F] 00:54:11 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:54:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 487ms
[F] 00:54:11 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:54:11 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:11 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 00:54:11 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:54:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 266ms
[F] 00:54:12 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:54:12 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:12 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:54:12 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158271728000
[F] 00:54:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 236ms
[F] 00:54:12 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:54:12 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:12 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:54:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 248ms
[F] 00:54:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
00:54:13 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Coxz (lvl 80)
[F] 00:54:13 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:54:13 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 212ms
[F] 00:54:13 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:54:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 227ms
[F] 00:54:14 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:54:14 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:14 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 00:54:14 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 720575940389852577
[F] 00:54:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 270ms
[F] 00:54:14 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:54:14 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:14 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 00:54:15 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389852577
[F] 00:54:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 00:54:15 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:54:15 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:15 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:54:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 284ms
[F] 00:54:15 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:54:15 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:16 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 00:54:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 316ms
[F] 00:54:16 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 00:54:16 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 314ms
[F] 00:54:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 425ms
[F] 00:54:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 00:54:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 00:54:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 303ms
[F] 00:54:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 297ms
[F] 00:54:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 259ms
[F] 00:54:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 268ms
[F] 00:54:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 00:54:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 270ms
[F] 00:54:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 00:54:20 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 00:54:20 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940389852577
[F] 00:54:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 00:54:20 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389852577
[F] 00:54:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 307ms
[F] 00:54:21 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940389852577
[F] 00:54:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 533ms
[F] 00:54:21 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 00:54:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 703ms
00:54:22 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 00:54:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:26 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:26 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:27 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:27 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:27 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:27 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:28 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:28 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:28 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:29 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:29 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 00:54:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -531.2178 ; -405.2314 ; 49.55119 ; "None" to -488.3271 ; -411.3562 ; 30.53412 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:54:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 20 (305.5301y, 114ms)
00:54:30 - [Fight] Attack player Veemoh (lvl 80)
[N] 00:54:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -531.2178 ; -405.2314 ; 49.55119 ; "None" to -489.0177 ; -411.0976 ; 30.46202 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:54:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 20 (304.8044y, 110ms)
[F] 00:54:31 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 162ms
[F] 00:54:31 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 00:54:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 1519ms
[F] 00:54:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 1336ms
[F] 00:54:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 998ms
[N] 00:54:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -565.7927 ; -405.6712 ; 53.56396 ; "None" to -498.1732 ; -408.0752 ; 30.57106 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:54:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 17 (261.4y, 112ms)
[F] 00:54:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 625ms
[F] 00:54:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 398ms
[F] 00:54:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 440ms
[F] 00:54:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 475ms
[N] 00:54:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -584.2183 ; -405.4981 ; 55.51764 ; "None" to -506.4025 ; -401.7442 ; 30.52277 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:54:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 19 (234.0204y, 114ms)
[F] 00:54:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 631ms
[F] 00:54:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 603ms
[F] 00:54:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 269ms
[F] 00:54:39 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269064327
[F] 00:54:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 395ms
[F] 00:54:40 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269064327
[F] 00:54:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 339ms
[D] 00:54:40 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight.
00:54:40 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Rydarius (lvl 80)
[F] 00:54:40 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269064327
[F] 00:54:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 367ms
[F] 00:54:41 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269064327
[F] 00:54:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 00:54:41 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269064327
[F] 00:54:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 364ms
[F] 00:54:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269064327
[F] 00:54:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 409ms
[F] 00:54:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269064327
[F] 00:54:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 272ms
[F] 00:54:42 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269064327
[F] 00:54:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 310ms
[F] 00:54:43 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269064327
[F] 00:54:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 332ms
[D] 00:54:43 - [Fight] BlackList Rydarius during 60 sec
[F] 00:54:43 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269064327
[F] 00:54:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 307ms
00:54:43 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Rydarius (lvl 80)
[F] 00:54:43 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:44 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:44 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940388950927
[F] 00:54:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 477ms
[F] 00:54:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 841ms
[F] 00:54:45 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 00:54:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 653ms
00:54:46 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[D] 00:54:47 - [Fight] Fight stopped
00:54:47 - [BG] Switching to healer: Soyou
[F] 00:54:56 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:56 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:56 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[D] 00:54:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Panms) dmn a bug
[F] 00:54:56 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:57 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:57 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:57 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:58 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:58 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:58 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:59 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:54:59 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
00:55:03 - [BG] going to zone Iceblood Tower to defend
[N] 00:55:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1090.477 ; -253.3087 ; 57.67263 ; "None" to -570.8574 ; -263.812 ; 75.00826 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:55:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 54 (709.0374y, 125ms)
[N] 00:55:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -819.2878 ; -316.7615 ; 56.44773 ; "None" to -768.1943 ; -329.9008 ; 65.91869 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:55:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (56.70116y, 111ms)
00:55:40 - [Fight] Attack player Demoncleave (lvl 80)
[N] 00:55:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -817.6825 ; -316.8849 ; 56.77462 ; "None" to -770.8817 ; -330.4482 ; 65.33215 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:55:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (53.9764y, 110ms)
[F] 00:55:40 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:55:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 00:55:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[F] 00:55:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 567ms
[F] 00:55:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 543ms
[F] 00:55:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 530ms
[F] 00:55:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 702ms
[F] 00:55:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 408ms
[F] 00:55:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 439ms
[F] 00:55:45 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 720575940388459110
[F] 00:55:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 368ms
[F] 00:55:46 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940388459110
[F] 00:55:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 439ms
[F] 00:55:46 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 720575940388459110
[F] 00:55:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
00:55:46 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Alastaire (lvl 80)
[F] 00:55:46 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 720575940388459110
[F] 00:55:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 436ms
[F] 00:55:47 - [RTF] Casting Cleanse() (Cleanse on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:55:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 197ms
[F] 00:55:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 699ms
[F] 00:55:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 608ms
[F] 00:55:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 503ms
[F] 00:55:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 679ms
[F] 00:55:50 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158269671953
[F] 00:55:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 416ms
[F] 00:55:50 - [RTF] Casting Divine Protection() (Divine Protection on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:55:51 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 00:55:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 528ms
00:55:51 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[N] 00:55:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -770.0823 ; -321.9919 ; 66.14675 ; "None" to -803.913 ; -337.9274 ; 58.25252 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:55:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (39.58554y, 112ms)
[D] 00:55:51 - [Fight] Fight stopped
00:55:51 - [BG] Switching to healer: Aristokrat
[N] 00:55:52 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 00:55:52 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 00:55:52 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 00:55:54 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 00:55:54 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 00:55:55 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[D] 00:55:55 - [MovementManager] Current pos: -770.0823 ; -321.9919 ; 66.14675 ; "None" - Target pos: -787.0749 ; -335.1441 ; 63.91769 ; "None" Continent: PVPZone01 Tile: 32.60373_33.4439
[D] 00:55:55 - [StuckResolver] Started.
[D] 00:55:56 - [StuckResolver] Done - Stuck count updated, new value: 9.
[N] 00:55:56 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 00:55:56 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 00:55:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -770.0823 ; -321.9919 ; 66.14675 ; "None" to -803.913 ; -337.9274 ; 58.25252 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:55:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (42.93372y, 111ms)
[D] 00:56:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Stormcrows) take iceblood gy and tower
[F] 00:56:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:56:26 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:56:26 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:56:27 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:56:27 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:56:27 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:56:27 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:56:28 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:56:28 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:56:28 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:56:29 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 00:56:29 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
00:56:31 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:56:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1091.089 ; -254.3819 ; 57.67744 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:56:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 58 (515.8561y, 123ms)
[D] 00:56:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Occus-Lordaeron) you mean ffs?
[N] 00:57:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1304.073 ; -269.2671 ; 91.99585 ; "None" to -1297.5 ; -266.767 ; 114.15 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:57:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 32 (117.4818y, 113ms)
[N] 00:57:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1300.392 ; -267.2066 ; 91.82905 ; "None" to -1297.5 ; -266.767 ; 114.15 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:57:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 32 (113.2631y, 116ms)
00:57:36 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:57:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1300.797 ; -267.4686 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:57:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (7.144609y, 109ms)
00:57:41 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:57:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1299.926 ; -267.6459 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:57:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (6.302925y, 115ms)
00:57:45 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:57:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1298.825 ; -268.0596 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:57:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (4.919624y, 111ms)
00:57:50 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:57:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1297.827 ; -268.2277 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:57:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (4.043721y, 111ms)
00:57:54 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:57:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.75 ; -268.2892 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:57:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (1.47926y, 112ms)
00:57:59 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:57:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:57:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 112ms)
00:58:03 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:58:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:58:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:58:07 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:58:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:58:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
[D] 00:58:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Filthylawyer) def our general
00:58:11 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:58:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:58:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:58:15 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:58:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:58:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:58:19 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:58:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:58:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:58:23 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:58:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:58:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
[D] 00:58:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Occus-Lordaeron) you mean its finish for us?
00:58:27 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:58:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:58:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:58:32 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:58:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:58:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:58:36 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:58:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:58:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:58:40 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:58:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:58:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:58:44 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:58:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:58:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:58:48 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:58:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:58:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:58:52 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:58:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:58:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:58:56 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:58:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:58:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
[D] 00:58:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Totembaiba) Alliance: Iceblood Tower 0:07
00:59:00 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:59:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:59:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:59:04 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:59:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:59:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:59:08 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:59:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:59:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:59:12 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:59:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:59:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:59:16 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:59:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:59:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:59:20 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:59:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:59:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:59:24 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:59:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:59:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:59:28 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:59:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:59:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:59:32 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:59:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:59:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:59:36 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:59:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:59:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:59:40 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:59:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:59:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:59:44 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:59:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:59:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:59:48 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:59:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:59:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:59:52 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:59:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:59:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
00:59:56 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 00:59:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 00:59:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
01:00:00 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:00:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:00:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
01:00:04 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:00:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:00:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
01:00:08 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:00:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:00:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
01:00:11 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:00:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:00:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
01:00:15 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:00:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:00:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
01:00:19 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:00:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:00:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
01:00:23 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:00:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:00:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
01:00:27 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:00:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:00:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
01:00:31 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:00:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:00:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
01:00:35 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:00:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:00:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
01:00:39 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:00:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:00:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
01:00:43 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:00:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:00:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
01:00:47 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:00:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:00:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
01:00:51 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:00:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:00:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
01:00:55 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:00:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:00:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
01:00:59 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:00:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:00:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
01:01:03 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:01:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:01:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
[D] 01:01:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Cssmd) SNOWFAAAALLLL
01:01:07 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:01:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:01:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
01:01:11 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:01:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:01:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
01:01:15 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:01:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:01:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
01:01:19 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:01:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:01:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
01:01:23 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:01:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.14 ; -267.3177 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:01:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 41 (245.6202y, 222ms)
01:01:28 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:01:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.741 ; -267.0025 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:01:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 41 (246.3112y, 117ms)
01:01:32 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:01:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.704 ; -267.7472 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:01:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 41 (245.2644y, 119ms)
01:01:37 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:01:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.721 ; -268.5207 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:01:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 39 (243.563y, 113ms)
01:01:42 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:01:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1297.497 ; -268.6494 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:01:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 39 (242.7862y, 114ms)
01:01:46 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:01:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1298.353 ; -268.5447 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:01:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 39 (241.9255y, 113ms)
[D] 01:01:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Stormcrows) love how pl try to dps enemies off you...
01:01:51 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:01:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1299.428 ; -268.4132 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:01:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 39 (240.8456y, 112ms)
[D] 01:01:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Stormcrows) use cc
[N] 01:01:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1300.244 ; -268.3134 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1303.787 ; -315.7724 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:01:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 65 (287.8897y, 113ms)
01:01:54 - [Fight] Attack player Tocc (lvl 80)
[F] 01:01:54 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
01:01:54 - [BG] Banner really close and Tocc not in line of sight, stopping fight!
[F] 01:01:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
01:01:56 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:01:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1300.244 ; -268.3134 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:01:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 39 (240.0271y, 111ms)
[N] 01:01:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1300.787 ; -268.2469 ; 114.1517 ; "None" to -1297.5 ; -266.767 ; 114.15 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:01:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (4.210558y, 599ms)
[N] 01:01:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1306.049 ; -266.9674 ; 114.0799 ; "None" to -1297.5 ; -266.767 ; 114.15 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:01:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (9.715214y, 114ms)
[D] 01:02:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Occus-Lordaeron) you mean we are noobs?
01:02:02 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:02:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1300.354 ; -267.4151 ; 114.1512 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:02:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 39 (240.0499y, 116ms)
01:02:07 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:02:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1299.984 ; -266.8332 ; 114.1512 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:02:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (240.6002y, 111ms)
[D] 01:02:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Stormcrows) some ppl yeah
01:02:12 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:02:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1300.981 ; -266.8165 ; 114.1512 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:02:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (7.655391y, 112ms)
[N] 01:02:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.211 ; -267.452 ; 114.1512 ; "None" to -1297.5 ; -266.767 ; 114.15 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:02:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (4.394989y, 111ms)
01:02:16 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:02:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1299.928 ; -267.9345 ; 114.1512 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:02:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (6.302925y, 0ms)
01:02:21 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:02:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1298.875 ; -268.2219 ; 114.1512 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:02:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (4.919624y, 0ms)
[D] 01:02:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Filthylawyer) stop fucking assaulting if we cant defend it
01:02:25 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:02:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1297.646 ; -268.3425 ; 114.1512 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:02:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (4.043721y, 0ms)
01:02:30 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:02:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.821 ; -268.3464 ; 114.1512 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:02:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (1.47926y, 0ms)
[D] 01:02:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Occus-Lordaeron) we are from loarderon what do you expect
01:02:34 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:02:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.237 ; -267.3933 ; 114.1512 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:02:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
[D] 01:02:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Blvckbear-Lordaeron) ^
01:02:38 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:02:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.319 ; -267.132 ; 114.1512 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:02:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
01:02:42 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:02:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.319 ; -267.132 ; 114.1512 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:02:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
[N] 01:02:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.319 ; -267.132 ; 114.1512 ; "None" to -1299.363 ; -274.4571 ; 114.0861 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:02:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (21.05679y, 112ms)
01:02:44 - [Fight] Attack player Tocc (lvl 80)
01:02:45 - [BG] Banner really close and Tocc not in line of sight, stopping fight!
01:02:46 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:02:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.319 ; -267.132 ; 114.1512 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:02:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
01:02:50 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:02:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.319 ; -267.132 ; 114.1512 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:02:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.5383824y, 0ms)
[D] 01:02:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Panms) putland here !!!XD
[D] 01:02:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Occus-Lordaeron) we know ICC ... we kn LYCH
01:02:54 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:02:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.319 ; -267.132 ; 114.1512 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:02:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 41 (245.6202y, 0ms)
[D] 01:02:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Panms) outland
01:02:58 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:02:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.623 ; -266.9786 ; 114.1512 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:02:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 41 (246.3112y, 0ms)
[D] 01:03:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Occus-Lordaeron) pute toi meme
01:03:03 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:03:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.543 ; -267.972 ; 114.1512 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:03:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 41 (245.2644y, 0ms)
01:03:07 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:03:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1296.842 ; -268.8562 ; 114.1512 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:03:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 39 (243.4495y, 114ms)
[D] 01:03:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Panms) we dont know wlk
[D] 01:03:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Occus-Lordaeron) tete de noeud
[D] 01:03:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Ipsofactum) can't wait so I can faction change
01:03:12 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:03:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1297.695 ; -268.7808 ; 114.1512 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:03:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 39 (242.7862y, 0ms)
01:03:16 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:03:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1298.808 ; -268.6234 ; 114.1512 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:03:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 39 (241.4698y, 116ms)
01:03:21 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:03:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1299.915 ; -268.4629 ; 114.1512 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:03:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 39 (240.3544y, 112ms)
01:03:26 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:03:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1300.744 ; -268.3429 ; 114.1512 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:03:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 39 (239.5212y, 111ms)
[N] 01:03:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.557 ; -268.2252 ; 114.1512 ; "None" to -1297.5 ; -266.767 ; 114.15 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:03:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (4.880544y, 109ms)
[N] 01:03:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1302.449 ; -267.105 ; 114.1513 ; "None" to -1297.5 ; -266.767 ; 114.15 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:03:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (5.641251y, 111ms)
01:03:31 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:03:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1300.539 ; -266.9453 ; 114.1513 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:03:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (240.0587y, 113ms)
[N] 01:03:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1300.539 ; -266.9453 ; 114.1513 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:03:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 67 (290.1316y, 115ms)
[D] 01:03:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Stormcrows) dk's use your pull
[D] 01:03:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Stormcrows) youy know, like the alliance does
[N] 01:04:19 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 01:04:19 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 01:04:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1307.113 ; -316.7781 ; 100.0529 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:04:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 23 (85.14073y, 110ms)
[D] 01:04:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Filthylawyer) you guys are fucking retarded lol
01:04:32 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:04:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1304.295 ; -314.2314 ; 113.8671 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:04:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (7.749848y, 117ms)
[D] 01:04:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Ipsofactum) There's 1 dk defending SH Bunke
01:04:37 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:04:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1300.986 ; -317.9869 ; 113.8671 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:04:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (1.239997y, 112ms)
01:04:42 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:04:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.895 ; -318.2155 ; 113.8671 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:04:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.4331149y, 112ms)
01:04:46 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:04:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.895 ; -318.2155 ; 113.8671 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:04:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.4331149y, 0ms)
01:04:51 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:04:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.895 ; -318.2155 ; 113.8671 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:04:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.4331149y, 0ms)
01:04:55 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:04:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.895 ; -318.2155 ; 113.8671 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:04:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.4331149y, 0ms)
01:05:00 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:05:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.895 ; -318.2155 ; 113.8671 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:05:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.4331149y, 0ms)
[D] 01:05:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Stormcrows) .bg inc sh gy
01:05:04 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:05:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.895 ; -318.2155 ; 113.8671 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:05:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.4331149y, 0ms)
01:05:09 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:05:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.895 ; -318.2155 ; 113.8671 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:05:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.4331149y, 0ms)
01:05:13 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:05:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.895 ; -318.2155 ; 113.8671 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:05:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.4331149y, 0ms)
[D] 01:05:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Feelrock) try to grp up
01:05:18 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:05:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.895 ; -318.2155 ; 113.8671 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:05:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.4331149y, 0ms)
[D] 01:05:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Blvckbear-Lordaeron) regroup
01:05:23 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:05:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.895 ; -318.2155 ; 113.8671 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:05:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 42 (229.3585y, 113ms)
01:05:28 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:05:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1304.907 ; -315.8204 ; 113.8671 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:05:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (223.6221y, 128ms)
[N] 01:05:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1305.709 ; -311.1534 ; 113.8562 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:05:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (7.222377y, 111ms)
[N] 01:05:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1307.365 ; -311.4377 ; 113.8534 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:05:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (10.47322y, 114ms)
01:05:34 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:05:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1304.412 ; -314.5124 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:05:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (222.2848y, 118ms)
[N] 01:05:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1305.552 ; -311.339 ; 113.8636 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:05:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (7.222377y, 0ms)
[N] 01:05:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1306.863 ; -311.4192 ; 113.849 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:05:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (8.000666y, 112ms)
01:05:40 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:05:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1304.981 ; -314.4149 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:05:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (222.2132y, 114ms)
[N] 01:05:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1305.805 ; -311.0211 ; 113.8507 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:05:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (7.222377y, 0ms)
[N] 01:05:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1306.916 ; -311.3083 ; 113.8451 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:05:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (8.000666y, 0ms)
[N] 01:05:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1305.087 ; -314.2303 ; 113.8671 ; "None" to -1362.187 ; -333.2294 ; 90.95459 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:05:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 41 (194.6462y, 111ms)
01:05:45 - [Fight] Attack player Tocc (lvl 80)
01:05:45 - [BG] Banner really close and Tocc not in line of sight, stopping fight!
[F] 01:05:45 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:05:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 174ms
01:05:47 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:05:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1305.087 ; -314.2303 ; 113.8671 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:05:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (222.2132y, 0ms)
[N] 01:05:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1305.917 ; -310.8008 ; 113.8427 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:05:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (7.619023y, 109ms)
[N] 01:05:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1307.7 ; -311.4203 ; 113.8568 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:05:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (10.5484y, 107ms)
01:05:53 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:05:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1304.508 ; -314.0112 ; 113.8675 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:05:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 39 (221.7578y, 120ms)
[N] 01:05:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1306.302 ; -311.0471 ; 113.8445 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:05:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (7.495032y, 1026ms)
[N] 01:05:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1309.415 ; -316.2435 ; 113.8415 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:05:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (17.97875y, 108ms)
01:06:02 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:06:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1304.421 ; -313.9261 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 39 (221.7578y, 0ms)
[N] 01:06:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1306.32 ; -310.9063 ; 113.8399 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (7.495032y, 0ms)
[N] 01:06:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1305.547 ; -310.9383 ; 113.8517 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (7.222377y, 0ms)
01:06:08 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:06:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1304.303 ; -314.2562 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (222.2848y, 0ms)
[N] 01:06:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1305.922 ; -311.2503 ; 113.856 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (7.222377y, 0ms)
[N] 01:06:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1306.847 ; -311.3269 ; 113.8448 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (8.000666y, 0ms)
01:06:14 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:06:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1304.886 ; -314.5707 ; 113.8673 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (222.2132y, 0ms)
[N] 01:06:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1305.802 ; -311.0327 ; 113.8512 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (7.222377y, 0ms)
[N] 01:06:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1306.422 ; -311.9812 ; 114.326 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (7.5767y, 109ms)
01:06:20 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:06:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1304.829 ; -314.6642 ; 113.8671 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (222.2132y, 0ms)
[N] 01:06:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1305.522 ; -311.2294 ; 113.8609 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (7.222377y, 0ms)
[N] 01:06:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1306.657 ; -311.5074 ; 113.8532 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (8.000666y, 0ms)
01:06:26 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:06:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1304.824 ; -314.6392 ; 113.8671 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (222.2132y, 0ms)
[N] 01:06:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1305.67 ; -311.2605 ; 113.8599 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (7.222377y, 0ms)
[F] 01:06:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 01:06:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1306.547 ; -311.757 ; 114.2993 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (7.5767y, 0ms)
01:06:32 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:06:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1304.84 ; -314.6403 ; 113.8671 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (222.2132y, 0ms)
[N] 01:06:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1305.679 ; -311.2317 ; 113.8589 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (7.222377y, 0ms)
[N] 01:06:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1306.627 ; -311.6304 ; 114.3883 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (7.778281y, 113ms)
01:06:37 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:06:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1305.076 ; -314.2444 ; 113.8671 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (222.2132y, 0ms)
[N] 01:06:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1306.378 ; -310.4291 ; 113.824 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (8.109888y, 127ms)
[N] 01:06:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1307.688 ; -311.3841 ; 113.8538 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (10.5484y, 0ms)
01:06:44 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:06:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1304.383 ; -314.3004 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (222.2848y, 0ms)
[N] 01:06:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1305.916 ; -311.3124 ; 113.858 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (7.222377y, 0ms)
[N] 01:06:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1306.893 ; -311.2839 ; 113.8435 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (8.000666y, 0ms)
01:06:50 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:06:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1304.971 ; -314.4448 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (222.2132y, 0ms)
[N] 01:06:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1305.803 ; -311.0393 ; 113.8514 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (7.222377y, 0ms)
[N] 01:06:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1306.691 ; -311.5217 ; 113.8518 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (8.000666y, 0ms)
01:06:56 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:06:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1304.703 ; -314.8732 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (222.6417y, 115ms)
[N] 01:06:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1305.537 ; -311.4678 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (6.87329y, 111ms)
[N] 01:06:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1306.89 ; -311.3459 ; 113.8453 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:06:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (8.000666y, 0ms)
01:07:02 - [BG] going to zone Frostwolf Relief Hut to tap/defend
[N] 01:07:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1304.84 ; -314.6729 ; 113.8675 ; "None" to -1402.618 ; -306.1053 ; 89.5062 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:07:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (222.2132y, 0ms)
[N] 01:07:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1305.657 ; -311.2814 ; 113.8605 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:07:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (7.222377y, 0ms)
[N] 01:07:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1306.797 ; -311.3836 ; 113.8459 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:07:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (8.000666y, 0ms)
01:07:08 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:07:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1305.074 ; -314.2685 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:07:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (8.479081y, 109ms)
01:07:13 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:07:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.089 ; -317.0219 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:07:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (1.456869y, 113ms)
01:07:18 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:07:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.891 ; -317.8531 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:07:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.343773y, 112ms)
01:07:22 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:07:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.891 ; -317.8531 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:07:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.343773y, 0ms)
01:07:27 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:07:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.891 ; -317.8531 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:07:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.343773y, 0ms)
01:07:32 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:07:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.891 ; -317.8531 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:07:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.343773y, 0ms)
01:07:36 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:07:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.891 ; -317.8531 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:07:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.343773y, 0ms)
01:07:41 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:07:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.891 ; -317.8531 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:07:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.343773y, 0ms)
01:07:45 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:07:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.891 ; -317.8531 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:07:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.343773y, 0ms)
01:07:50 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:07:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.891 ; -317.8531 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:07:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.343773y, 0ms)
01:07:55 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:07:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.891 ; -317.8531 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:07:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.343773y, 0ms)
[D] 01:07:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Feelrock) capture sux
01:07:59 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:07:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.891 ; -317.8531 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:07:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.343773y, 0ms)
01:08:04 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:08:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.891 ; -317.8531 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:08:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.343773y, 0ms)
01:08:08 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:08:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.891 ; -317.8531 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:08:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.343773y, 0ms)
01:08:13 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:08:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.891 ; -317.8531 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:08:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.343773y, 0ms)
01:08:17 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:08:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.891 ; -317.8531 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:08:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.343773y, 0ms)
01:08:22 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:08:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.891 ; -317.8531 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:08:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.343773y, 0ms)
01:08:26 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:08:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.891 ; -317.8531 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:08:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.343773y, 0ms)
01:08:31 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:08:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.891 ; -317.8531 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:08:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.343773y, 0ms)
01:08:35 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:08:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.891 ; -317.8531 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:08:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.343773y, 0ms)
01:08:40 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:08:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.891 ; -317.8531 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:08:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.343773y, 0ms)
[N] 01:08:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.891 ; -317.8531 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1268.435 ; -281.9358 ; 78.07864 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:08:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (183.1633y, 116ms)
01:08:43 - [Fight] Attack player Gwendolyn (lvl 80)
01:08:43 - [BG] Banner really close and Gwendolyn not in line of sight, stopping fight!
[F] 01:08:43 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:08:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 171ms
01:08:45 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to attack
[N] 01:08:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.891 ; -317.8531 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:08:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (0.343773y, 0ms)
01:08:47 - [BG] going to zone Tower Point to defend
[N] 01:08:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1301.891 ; -317.8531 ; 113.8672 ; "None" to -769.136 ; -361.7828 ; 90.89497 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:08:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 98 (938.5718y, 126ms)
[D] 01:10:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Panms) can we get there boss in middle
[D] 01:10:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Thomac) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:26889|h[Vanish]|h|r up on Crysisgodx
01:10:41 - [BG] going to zone East Frostwolf Tower to defend
[N] 01:10:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -768.7755 ; -361.4439 ; 90.89597 ; "None" to -1302.225 ; -317.9346 ; 113.8672 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:10:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 98 (931.681y, 249ms)
[N] 01:11:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -819.7312 ; -367.4904 ; 55.73077 ; "None" to -759.7637 ; -358.2637 ; 90.8681 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:11:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 37 (197.6356y, 125ms)
01:11:05 - [Fight] Attack player Crysisgodx (lvl 80)
[N] 01:11:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -821.3836 ; -366.5694 ; 54.5488 ; "None" to -759.7637 ; -358.2637 ; 90.8681 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:11:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 37 (199.8338y, 113ms)
[F] 01:11:05 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:11:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 01:11:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 382ms
[F] 01:11:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[F] 01:11:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 398ms
[F] 01:11:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 411ms
[F] 01:11:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 398ms
[F] 01:11:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 413ms
[F] 01:11:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 509ms
[F] 01:11:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 482ms
[F] 01:11:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 01:11:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 01:11:11 - [RTF] Iteration took 538ms
[F] 01:11:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 535ms
[F] 01:11:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 550ms
[F] 01:11:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 01:11:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 475ms
[F] 01:11:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 475ms
[F] 01:11:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 540ms
[F] 01:11:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 604ms
[F] 01:11:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 667ms
[F] 01:11:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 675ms
[F] 01:11:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 666ms
[F] 01:11:18 - [RTF] Iteration took 663ms
[F] 01:11:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 667ms
[F] 01:11:20 - [RTF] Iteration took 669ms
[F] 01:11:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 659ms
[F] 01:11:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 606ms
[F] 01:11:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 598ms
[F] 01:11:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 609ms
[F] 01:11:23 - [RTF] Iteration took 608ms
[F] 01:11:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 601ms
[F] 01:11:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 635ms
[F] 01:11:25 - [RTF] Iteration took 628ms
[F] 01:11:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 642ms
[F] 01:11:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 638ms
[F] 01:11:27 - [RTF] Iteration took 701ms
[F] 01:11:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 439ms
[F] 01:11:28 - [RTF] Iteration took 221ms
[F] 01:11:29 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 372ms
[F] 01:11:29 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 198ms
[F] 01:11:29 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 196ms
[F] 01:11:29 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 160ms
[F] 01:11:30 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 01:11:30 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 299ms
[F] 01:11:30 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 170ms
[F] 01:11:31 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 204ms
[F] 01:11:31 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 165ms
[F] 01:11:31 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 259ms
[F] 01:11:32 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 193ms
[F] 01:11:32 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:32 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:32 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:32 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:33 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:33 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:33 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:33 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:33 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:33 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:34 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:34 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:34 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:34 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269672688
[N] 01:11:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -760.1313 ; -364.657 ; 90.82749 ; "None" to -749.3948 ; -366.5218 ; 85.98347 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:11:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 35 (150.4334y, 113ms)
[F] 01:11:34 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269672688
[F] 01:11:35 - [RTF] Casting Hand of Freedom() (Hand of Freedom on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:11:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 395ms
[N] 01:11:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -760.1313 ; -364.657 ; 90.82749 ; "None" to -744.5362 ; -367.9835 ; 69.94518 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:11:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 35 (138.6103y, 109ms)
[F] 01:11:35 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 01:11:35 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:11:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 231ms
[F] 01:11:36 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 01:11:36 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 01:11:36 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:11:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[D] 01:11:36 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 01:11:36 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 01:11:36 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Flash of Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 01:11:36 - [RTF] Casting Flash of Light() (Flash of Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:11:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 502ms
[F] 01:11:37 - [RTF] Delegating SPELL_HEAL to UNIT_HEALTH
[F] 01:11:37 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Flash of Light after delegated event UNIT_HEALTH
[N] 01:11:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -763.7402 ; -357.1761 ; 68.75762 ; "None" to -785.8284 ; -295.5635 ; 70.24041 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:11:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (71.96661y, 111ms)
01:11:48 - [Fight] Attack player Crysisgodx (lvl 80)
[N] 01:11:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -762.9725 ; -355.7518 ; 68.8022 ; "None" to -785.8284 ; -295.5635 ; 70.24041 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:11:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (70.38602y, 111ms)
[F] 01:11:48 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:11:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 469ms
[F] 01:11:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[F] 01:11:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[N] 01:11:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -761.7943 ; -341.6634 ; 67.26328 ; "None" to -791.8331 ; -288.4652 ; 72.8928 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:11:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (65.6601y, 111ms)
[F] 01:11:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 01:11:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 01:11:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[N] 01:11:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -761.8543 ; -329.255 ; 67.06998 ; "None" to -798.8043 ; -280.2243 ; 72.71202 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[F] 01:11:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 230ms
[N] 01:11:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (66.79065y, 109ms)
[F] 01:11:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 408ms
[N] 01:11:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -761.8818 ; -323.5717 ; 68.67294 ; "None" to -801.9961 ; -276.4512 ; 62.3938 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:11:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (101.9883y, 109ms)
[F] 01:11:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 407ms
[F] 01:11:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 405ms
[N] 01:11:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -765.1578 ; -318.158 ; 70.14404 ; "None" to -809.4105 ; -267.6864 ; 61.31758 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:11:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (93.53529y, 111ms)
[F] 01:11:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[D] 01:11:53 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 01:11:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
01:12:04 - [BG] going to zone West Frostwolf Tower to defend
[N] 01:12:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -809.62 ; -268.1772 ; 60.48309 ; "None" to -1296.407 ; -266.8502 ; 114.1513 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:12:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 61 (755.7016y, 128ms)
[D] 01:12:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Stormcrows) sh gy
[D] 01:12:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Stormcrows) shb???
[D] 01:12:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Blvckbear-Lordaeron) base
[D] 01:12:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Stormcrows) help shb
[D] 01:12:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Blvckbear-Lordaeron) theyre going thru
[D] 01:12:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Stormcrows) help shb
[D] 01:12:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Blvckbear-Lordaeron) go back
[D] 01:13:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Stormcrows) help cap bunkers!!!
[D] 01:13:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Stormcrows) wtf
[N] 01:13:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1300.532 ; -271.5128 ; 107.6123 ; "None" to -1304.748 ; -315.8929 ; 113.8683 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:13:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 49 (224.1096y, 115ms)
01:13:29 - [Fight] Attack player Tocc (lvl 80)
[N] 01:13:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1299.302 ; -272.9499 ; 107.6123 ; "None" to -1304.748 ; -315.8929 ; 113.8683 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:13:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 49 (226.0186y, 116ms)
[F] 01:13:30 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:13:30 - [RTF] Iteration took 464ms
[F] 01:13:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 773ms
[F] 01:13:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 835ms
[F] 01:13:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 804ms
[F] 01:13:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 799ms
[F] 01:13:34 - [RTF] Iteration took 798ms
[F] 01:13:35 - [RTF] Iteration took 795ms
[F] 01:13:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 812ms
[F] 01:13:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 807ms
[F] 01:13:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 768ms
[F] 01:13:38 - [RTF] Iteration took 665ms
[F] 01:13:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 608ms
[F] 01:13:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 570ms
[F] 01:13:40 - [RTF] Iteration took 536ms
[F] 01:13:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 463ms
[F] 01:13:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 474ms
[F] 01:13:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 01:13:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 465ms
[F] 01:13:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 474ms
[F] 01:13:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 01:13:44 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 01:13:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 01:13:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 01:13:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 01:13:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 471ms
[F] 01:13:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 466ms
[F] 01:13:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 473ms
[F] 01:13:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 478ms
[F] 01:13:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 01:13:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 01:13:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 548ms
[F] 01:13:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 01:13:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 462ms
[F] 01:13:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 467ms
[F] 01:13:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[N] 01:13:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1310.405 ; -317.2131 ; 113.8111 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:13:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (18.89184y, 111ms)
[N] 01:13:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1310.156 ; -312.9173 ; 113.8112 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:13:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (14.62711y, 115ms)
[D] 01:13:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Paradok) dps-ers delete your trinkets this is shame
[N] 01:14:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1304.339 ; -314.1445 ; 113.8671 ; "None" to -1326.9 ; -350.517 ; 91.20007 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:14:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 37 (184.2472y, 125ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
01:14:07 - [BG] going to zone Tower Point to defend
[N] 01:14:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1304.339 ; -314.1445 ; 113.8671 ; "None" to -769.136 ; -361.7828 ; 90.89497 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:14:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 96 (931.9575y, 124ms)
[N] 01:14:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1308.119 ; -310.1903 ; 113.8101 ; "None" to -1302.9 ; -316.981 ; 113.867 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:14:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (10.24417y, 109ms)
[N] 01:14:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1308.398 ; -311.7925 ; 113.8617 ; "None" to -768.907 ; -363.71 ; 90.8949 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:14:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 96 (930.3422y, 127ms)
[D] 01:15:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Blvckbear-Lordaeron) 27 11 11
[D] 01:15:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Blvckbear-Lordaeron) 27 11 11
[D] 01:15:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Blvckbear-Lordaeron) 27 11 11
[D] 01:15:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Stormcrows) 4 vs me yay
01:16:02 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Eternalsprit (lvl 80)
[F] 01:16:02 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 230ms
[F] 01:16:02 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:02 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 01:16:03 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 01:16:03 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 01:16:03 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 265ms
[F] 01:16:03 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 01:16:04 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 201ms
[F] 01:16:04 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 01:16:04 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 235ms
[F] 01:16:05 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 173ms
[F] 01:16:05 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 01:16:05 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 01:16:05 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 01:16:05 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 173ms
[F] 01:16:06 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 01:16:06 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:06 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Justice() (Hammer of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:06 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 159ms
[F] 01:16:07 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 193ms
[F] 01:16:07 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 01:16:07 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 01:16:07 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 160ms
[D] 01:16:07 - [Fight] BlackList Eternalsprit during 60 sec
01:16:07 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Eternalsprit (lvl 80)
[F] 01:16:08 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 01:16:08 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:16:08 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:16:08 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:16:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 176ms
[F] 01:16:09 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:16:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 440ms
[F] 01:16:09 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:16:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 301ms
[F] 01:16:09 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 01:16:10 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 315ms
[F] 01:16:10 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:10 - [RTF] Iteration took 476ms
[F] 01:16:11 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:16:11 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:16:11 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:16:11 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:16:11 - [RTF] Casting Divine Shield() (Divine Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:16:11 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 01:16:11 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:16:12 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 01:16:12 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:12 - [RTF] Iteration took 534ms
[F] 01:16:12 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 01:16:12 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:16:12 - [RTF] Force clearing verification for Holy Light
[F] 01:16:13 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:13 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 01:16:13 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 01:16:13 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:16:13 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 01:16:13 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 634ms
[F] 01:16:14 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 01:16:14 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:16:14 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Can't do that while moving
[F] 01:16:14 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:14 - [RTF] Iteration took 569ms
[F] 01:16:15 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Holy Light on FightClass DLL
[F] 01:16:15 - [RTF] Casting Holy Light() (Holy Light on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:16:15 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Holy Light because Not yet recovered
[F] 01:16:15 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 01:16:15 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:15 - [RTF] Iteration took 495ms
[F] 01:16:15 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 01:16:16 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 01:16:16 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158266887228
[F] 01:16:16 - [RTF] Iteration took 682ms
[F] 01:16:16 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism
[F] 01:16:17 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:16:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 578ms
01:16:17 - [BG] Banner really close and Eternalsprit not in line of sight, stopping fight!
[F] 01:16:17 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:16:17 - [RTF] Iteration took 374ms
[D] 01:16:17 - [Fight] BlackList Eternalsprit during 60 sec
01:16:17 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Eternalsprit (lvl 80)
[F] 01:16:17 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
01:16:17 - [BG] Banner really close and Teaserx not in line of sight, stopping fight!
01:16:17 - [BG] Switching to healer: Teaserx
[F] 01:16:17 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:16:18 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
01:16:18 - [BG] Banner really close and Eternalsprit not in line of sight, stopping fight!
[D] 01:16:18 - [Fight] BlackList Eternalsprit during 60 sec
[F] 01:16:19 - [RTF] Iteration took 1356ms
01:16:19 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Eternalsprit (lvl 80)
01:16:19 - [BG] Banner really close and Eternalsprit not in line of sight, stopping fight!
[D] 01:16:19 - [Fight] BlackList Eternalsprit during 60 sec
[F] 01:16:21 - [RTF] Iteration took 1447ms
01:16:21 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Eternalsprit (lvl 80)
01:16:21 - [BG] Banner really close and Eternalsprit not in line of sight, stopping fight!
[D] 01:16:21 - [Fight] BlackList Eternalsprit during 60 sec
[F] 01:16:22 - [RTF] Iteration took 1604ms
01:16:22 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Eternalsprit (lvl 80)
01:16:23 - [BG] Banner really close and Eternalsprit not in line of sight, stopping fight!
[D] 01:16:23 - [Fight] BlackList Eternalsprit during 60 sec
[F] 01:16:24 - [RTF] Iteration took 1802ms
01:16:24 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Eternalsprit (lvl 80)
[F] 01:16:26 - [RTF] Iteration took 2194ms
[F] 01:16:29 - [RTF] Iteration took 2049ms
[N] 01:16:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -763.7159 ; -360.2963 ; 90.89486 ; "None" to -754.5413 ; -357.0937 ; 80.10968 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:16:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 16 (76.79826y, 206ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[D] 01:16:29 - [Fight] Cannot make path to the target (Eternalsprit), ignore it.
[F] 01:16:31 - [RTF] Iteration took 2129ms
[D] 01:16:31 - [Fight] BlackList Eternalsprit during 60 sec
[F] 01:16:31 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 01:16:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -763.7672 ; -360.2719 ; 90.89486 ; "None" to -765.5499 ; -345.5906 ; 67.68381 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[F] 01:16:31 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 01:16:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 29 (126.3675y, 122ms)
01:16:31 - [Fight] Attack player Alastaire (lvl 80)
[F] 01:16:32 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[N] 01:16:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -763.7598 ; -360.2755 ; 90.89486 ; "None" to -768.4937 ; -339.6436 ; 69.52814 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:16:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 30 (133.242y, 113ms)
[F] 01:16:33 - [RTF] Iteration took 1191ms
[F] 01:16:36 - [RTF] Iteration took 2462ms
[N] 01:16:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -775.8798 ; -368.3048 ; 90.89503 ; "None" to -787.7371 ; -346.8361 ; 67.21098 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:16:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 28 (123.6376y, 119ms)
[F] 01:16:37 - [RTF] Iteration took 1386ms
[N] 01:16:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -779.9383 ; -359.2559 ; 85.45995 ; "None" to -799.3081 ; -349.5879 ; 65.8875 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:16:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 27 (129.517y, 113ms)
[D] 01:16:38 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 01:16:39 - [RTF] Iteration took 1596ms
[N] 01:16:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -767.6678 ; -358.2159 ; 84.35458 ; "None" to -775.0912 ; -349.4675 ; 68.51254 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[F] 01:16:39 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[N] 01:16:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 25 (92.12701y, 112ms)
01:16:39 - [Fight] Attack player Dalanze (lvl 80)
[N] 01:16:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -765.5152 ; -358.3561 ; 84.35458 ; "None" to -774.9735 ; -350.2335 ; 68.64469 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:16:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 25 (92.09773y, 114ms)
[F] 01:16:41 - [RTF] Iteration took 1747ms
[N] 01:16:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -772.0723 ; -363.4505 ; 79.03063 ; "None" to -764.7993 ; -345.7259 ; 68.69096 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:16:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (47.84377y, 109ms)
[F] 01:16:42 - [RTF] Iteration took 1172ms
[N] 01:16:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -765.2104 ; -359.859 ; 73.71026 ; "None" to -744.2349 ; -350.1711 ; 67.45211 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:16:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (48.84077y, 116ms)
[D] 01:16:43 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 01:16:43 - [RTF] Iteration took 1133ms
[N] 01:16:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -766.234 ; -367.8847 ; 68.76054 ; "None" to -766.3167 ; -354.3446 ; 68.78527 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:16:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (15.17818y, 110ms)
01:16:44 - [Fight] Attack player Bellaoff (lvl 80)
[F] 01:16:45 - [RTF] Iteration took 1253ms
[F] 01:16:46 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 334ms
[F] 01:16:46 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:46 - [RTF] Iteration took 361ms
[F] 01:16:47 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 434ms
[F] 01:16:47 - [RTF] Casting Arcane Torrent() (Arcane Torrent on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:47 - [RTF] Iteration took 366ms
[F] 01:16:48 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 427ms
[F] 01:16:48 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 275ms
[F] 01:16:48 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:48 - [RTF] Iteration took 238ms
[F] 01:16:48 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 233ms
[F] 01:16:49 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:49 - [RTF] Iteration took 453ms
[F] 01:16:50 - [RTF] Iteration took 1349ms
[F] 01:16:51 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 402ms
[F] 01:16:51 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 01:16:51 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:51 - [RTF] Iteration took 376ms
[F] 01:16:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 01:16:52 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 267ms
[F] 01:16:52 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 01:16:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 01:16:52 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 303ms
[F] 01:16:52 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 01:16:52 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 01:16:52 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:52 - [RTF] Iteration took 202ms
[F] 01:16:53 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 01:16:53 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 01:16:53 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:53 - [RTF] Iteration took 403ms
[F] 01:16:53 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while stunned
[F] 01:16:54 - [RTF] Iteration took 748ms
[F] 01:16:54 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:54 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:54 - [RTF] Casting Hammer of Wrath() (Hammer of Wrath on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:55 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 234ms
[F] 01:16:55 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 232ms
[F] 01:16:55 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 230ms
[F] 01:16:55 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:55 - [RTF] Iteration took 166ms
[F] 01:16:56 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 162ms
[F] 01:16:56 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 167ms
[F] 01:16:56 - [RTF] Casting Judgement of Justice() (Judgement of Justice on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:56 - [RTF] Iteration took 375ms
[F] 01:16:57 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 01:16:57 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 564ms
[F] 01:16:57 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Not yet recovered
[F] 01:16:57 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 01:16:57 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:57 - [RTF] Iteration took 406ms
[F] 01:16:58 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while silenced
[F] 01:16:58 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 01:16:58 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 333ms
[F] 01:16:58 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while silenced
[F] 01:16:58 - [RTF] Casting Divine Storm() (Divine Storm on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:58 - [RTF] Iteration took 392ms
[F] 01:16:59 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 546ms
[F] 01:16:59 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:16:59 - [RTF] Iteration took 378ms
[F] 01:17:00 - [RTF] Casting Crusader Strike() (Crusader Strike on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:17:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 399ms
[F] 01:17:00 - [RTF] Queueing verification for Exorcism on FightClass DLL
[F] 01:17:00 - [RTF] Casting Exorcism() (Exorcism on target with guid 504403158269648320
[F] 01:17:00 - [RTF] Iteration took 479ms
[F] 01:17:01 - [RTF] Clearing verification for Exorcism because Can't do that while silenced
[F] 01:17:01 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[F] 01:17:01 - [RTF] Iteration took 635ms
01:17:01 - [Resurrect] Player dead
[F] 01:17:26 - [RTF] Casting Blessing of Might() (Blessing of Might on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:17:26 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:17:27 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:17:27 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:17:27 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:17:28 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:17:28 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:17:28 - [RTF] Casting Righteous Fury() (Righteous Fury on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:17:28 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:17:29 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:17:29 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:17:30 - [RTF] Casting Seal of Righteousness() (Seal of Righteousness on player with guid 504403158268328467
01:17:30 - [BG] going to zone Stonehearth Bunker to attack
[N] 01:17:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -1090.477 ; -253.3087 ; 57.67263 ; "None" to -159.6747 ; -459.7626 ; 40.38681 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:17:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 48 (1122.464y, 129ms)
[D] 01:17:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Thomac) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:26889|h[Vanish]|h|r up on Tocc-Blackrock
[N] 01:18:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -850.0938 ; -313.7087 ; 53.71348 ; "None" to -791.7968 ; -278.3594 ; 72.06824 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:18:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (86.22968y, 113ms)
01:18:03 - [Fight] Attack player Barillaz (lvl 80)
[N] 01:18:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -848.1827 ; -313.845 ; 53.37881 ; "None" to -792.9872 ; -275.2473 ; 71.22731 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:18:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (88.2973y, 108ms)
[F] 01:18:03 - [RTF] Casting Sacred Shield() (Sacred Shield on player with guid 504403158268328467
[F] 01:18:03 - [RTF] Iteration took 472ms
[F] 01:18:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 307ms
[N] 01:18:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -839.345 ; -313.3215 ; 53.46277 ; "None" to -798.5806 ; -269.1746 ; 63.92669 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:18:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (61.92374y, 113ms)
[F] 01:18:04 - [RTF] Iteration took 435ms
[F] 01:18:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 468ms
[F] 01:18:05 - [RTF] Iteration took 470ms
[F] 01:18:06 - [RTF] Iteration took 504ms
[F] 01:18:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 537ms
[F] 01:18:07 - [RTF] Iteration took 401ms
[N] 01:18:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -823.1093 ; -292.9343 ; 54.68016 ; "None" to -782.1597 ; -347.0806 ; 66.37889 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:18:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (69.79787y, 119ms)
01:18:07 - [Fight] Attack player Cervantess (lvl 80)
[N] 01:18:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -822.0246 ; -291.3746 ; 55.17668 ; "None" to -781.426 ; -346.701 ; 66.50776 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:18:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (70.89833y, 119ms)
[F] 01:18:08 - [RTF] Iteration took 505ms
[F] 01:18:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 510ms
[F] 01:18:09 - [RTF] Iteration took 517ms
[N] 01:18:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -815.2171 ; -301.8695 ; 56.99778 ; "None" to -771.1673 ; -350.1236 ; 84.31984 ; "None" (PVPZone01)
[N] 01:18:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 21 (162.625y, 118ms)
[D] 01:18:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Aquanian-Blackrock) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Tocc
[D] 01:19:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Totembaiba) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Aftteruback
[D] 01:19:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Thomac) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Aftteruback
[D] 01:19:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [EMOTE] (Thomac) has killed Barillaz! Streak of 2!
[D] 01:19:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Thomac) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:26889|h[Vanish]|h|r up on Crysisgodx
[F] 01:19:50 - [RTF] Clearing verification because we died
[D] 01:20:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Stormcrows) where is horde??
[D] 01:20:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [44] (Stormcrows) ah asleep in the base
[D] 01:21:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Thomac) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Tocc-Blackrock
[D] 01:21:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Thomac) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:26889|h[Vanish]|h|r up on Kriiss-Blackrock
[D] 01:21:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Totembaiba) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Dorolyn
[D] 01:21:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Thomac) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Dorolyn
[D] 01:21:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Thomac) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:26889|h[Vanish]|h|r up on Podliytrus
[D] 01:21:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Totembaiba) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Crysisgodx
[D] 01:21:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Thomac) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Crysisgodx
[D] 01:21:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Totembaiba) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Kriiss-Blackrock
[D] 01:21:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Thomac) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Kriiss-Blackrock
[D] 01:21:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Stormcrows) tower
[D] 01:21:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Thomac) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:26889|h[Vanish]|h|r up on Dorolyn
[D] 01:22:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Totembaiba) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Crysisgodx
[D] 01:22:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Totembaiba) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Tocc-Blackrock
[D] 01:22:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Thomac) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Crysisgodx
[D] 01:22:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Thomac) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Tocc-Blackrock
[D] 01:22:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Totembaiba) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Dorolyn
[D] 01:22:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [SAY] (Totembaiba) |cff71d5ff|Hspell:1784|h[Stealth]|h|r up on Dorolyn
02:23:39 - [AdvancedBattlegrounder]: Force closing authentication thread
02:23:39 - [AdvancedBattlegrounder]: Closing authentication thread
02:23:39 - [RetPalaPvPTBC]: Force closing authentication thread
02:23:39 - [Fight] Attack player (lvl 0)
02:23:39 - [BG] Stopped
02:23:40 - [BG] Stopped
02:23:40 - [BG] Closed