[D] 20:45:56.054 - [Info] Log file created: 19 Apr 2021 20H45.log.html
[D] 20:45:56.015 - [Info] WRobot Version: 2.7.0 (26570) for wow: 3.3.5a_12340
[D] 20:45:56.054 - [Info] Offical website: https://wrobot.eu/
[D] 20:45:56.055 - [Info] Operating System Details: Windows 10 Enterprise
[D] 20:45:56.073 - [Info] Lang: Deutsch (Deutschland)
[F] 20:45:58.622 - [Memory] D3D9 found: 6A 14 B8 30 3 38 6C E8 AA 95
[F] 20:45:58.798 - [Memory] D3D11 found: 8B FF 55 8B EC 83 E4 F8 83 EC
[F] 20:45:58.846 - [Memory] D3D9 used
[F] 20:46:02.489 - HWBP hook
20:46:07.594 - [Memory] Select game process: 4240 - Sha...
[D] 20:46:08.406 - [PatherServer] Select server 1 (117ms)
[D] 20:46:08.435 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = False).
20:46:09.663 - [Grinder2] Loaded
[F] 20:46:09.721 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = HealBot ; CustomClass = AIO.dll ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; FightInteractTargetMinDistance = 45 ; IgnoreFightWhenInMove = False ; DismountLandGroundDistance = 3,5 ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = False ; TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink = True ; EquipAvailableBagIfFreeContainerSlot = False ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; LootAndHarvestRangeQuickly = True ; LootInCombat = False ; SkipNodesInWater = False ; MaxUnitsNearMobs = 3 ; MaxUnitsNearObjects = 3 ; SearchRadiusMobs = 150 ; SearchRadiusObjects = 300 ; MaxZDistanceAttack = 150 ; MaxZDistanceIsAttacked = 150 ; MaxZDistanceFarm = 2000 ; BlacklistTaxiDefaultTimeMs = 1800000 ; BlacklistUnitDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; BlacklistGameObjectDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; MaxTryPerNode = 2 ; MaxCheckIfGoodMouseShortcutsWhenInteract = 2 ; HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 0 ; HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 6948 ; RecordChatInLog = True ; UseSpiritHealerAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 0 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; WaitWhenBuffWaitingToResurrect = False ; UseCTM = True ; AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = False ; PathFinderServerSeemDownPauseBotTimeSec = 10 ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1600 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 80000 ; TryToAvoidEnemyGroupsRatio = 0 ; IgnoreServerRoadsWater = False ; SmoothPath = False ; SmoothPathDistance = 1 ; KeyboardToTurn = False ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 8 ; ForceAutoLoot = False ; RetrieveCorpseMaxDistance = 26 ; KeyBindingMacro = P ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; SizeWidth = 535,2 ; SizeHeight = 375,2 ; SaveWindowPosition = False ; WindowPosX = 0 ; WindowPosY = 0 ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = HerbBlacklist [thxgod1].cs = False, Wholesome_TBC_WotlK_FlightMaster.dll = False, Fisherman's Friend 1.0.2.cs = False, GoToClick.dll = False, Multi Pull V2.cs = False, NodeBlacklist.cs = False, Wholesome_Inventory_Manager.dll = False, Wholesome_Vendors.dll = False ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Traveler's Tundra Mammoth ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Swift Red Wind Rider ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = False ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 225 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Salted Venison, Ice Cleaver, Cracked Iron Staff, Frost-Rimed Cloth Boots, Frigid Mail Belt, Honeymint Tea, Elixir of Armor Piercing, Frost-Rimed Cloth Gloves, Talandra's Rose, Elixir of Protection, Argent Lance, Frost-Encrusted Rifle, Frozen Leather Helmet, Sparkling Frostcap, Frigid Mail Pants, Frozen Pants, Frost-Rimed Cloth Bracers, Rubicund Scale, Rhino Meat, Chilled Meat, Gored Hide Legguards, Runic Mana Potion, Dulled Shiv, Frost-Worn Plate Boots, Frost-Worn Plate Belt, Ice-Pitted Blade, Frost-Worn Plate Chestpiece, Horde Lance, Peacekeeper Blade, Scroll of Protection II, Unspeakable Secret, Brilliant King's Amber, Virtuoso Inking Set, Scroll of Stamina II, Ink of the Sea, Enchanted Vial, Scroll of Stamina VIII, Scroll of Recall III, Resilient Parchment, Light Parchment, Moonglow Ink, Scroll of Strength VIII, Scroll of Intellect II, Weapon Vellum III, Weapon Vellum, Snowfall Ink, Scroll of Spirit VIII, Scroll of Strength II, Common Parchment, Lion's Ink, Scroll of Agility VIII, Armor Vellum III, Hearthstone, Totem of the Earthen Ring, Philosopher's Stone, Polished Mirror Helm, Noggenfogger Elixir, Firecracker Salmon, Thick Fur Clothing Scraps, Band of Callous Aggression, Grips of the Warming Heart, Eitrigg's Oath ; ForceSellList = ; BuyList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Salted Venison, Ice Cleaver, Cracked Iron Staff, Frost-Rimed Cloth Boots, Frigid Mail Belt, Honeymint Tea, Elixir of Armor Piercing, Frost-Rimed Cloth Gloves, Talandra's Rose, Elixir of Protection, Argent Lance, Frost-Encrusted Rifle, Frozen Leather Helmet, Sparkling Frostcap, Frigid Mail Pants, Frozen Pants, Frost-Rimed Cloth Bracers, Rubicund Scale, Rhino Meat, Chilled Meat, Gored Hide Legguards, Runic Mana Potion, Dulled Shiv, Frost-Worn Plate Boots, Frost-Worn Plate Belt, Ice-Pitted Blade, Frost-Worn Plate Chestpiece, Horde Lance, Peacekeeper Blade, Scroll of Protection II, Unspeakable Secret, Brilliant King's Amber, Virtuoso Inking Set, Scroll of Stamina II, Ink of the Sea, Enchanted Vial, Scroll of Stamina VIII, Scroll of Recall III, Resilient Parchment, Light Parchment, Moonglow Ink, Scroll of Strength VIII, Scroll of Intellect II, Weapon Vellum III, Weapon Vellum, Snowfall Ink, Scroll of Spirit VIII, Scroll of Strength II, Common Parchment, Lion's Ink, Scroll of Agility VIII, Armor Vellum III, Hearthstone, Totem of the Earthen Ring, Philosopher's Stone, Polished Mirror Helm, Noggenfogger Elixir, Firecracker Salmon, Thick Fur Clothing Scraps, Band of Callous Aggression, Grips of the Warming Heart, Eitrigg's Oath ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = True ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 300 ; LatencyMax = 700 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = False ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1,5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = False ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = True ;
[F] 20:46:10.640 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = HealBot ; CustomClass = AIO.dll ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; FightInteractTargetMinDistance = 45 ; IgnoreFightWhenInMove = False ; DismountLandGroundDistance = 3,5 ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = False ; TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink = True ; EquipAvailableBagIfFreeContainerSlot = False ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; LootAndHarvestRangeQuickly = True ; LootInCombat = False ; SkipNodesInWater = False ; MaxUnitsNearMobs = 3 ; MaxUnitsNearObjects = 3 ; SearchRadiusMobs = 150 ; SearchRadiusObjects = 300 ; MaxZDistanceAttack = 150 ; MaxZDistanceIsAttacked = 150 ; MaxZDistanceFarm = 2000 ; BlacklistTaxiDefaultTimeMs = 1800000 ; BlacklistUnitDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; BlacklistGameObjectDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; MaxTryPerNode = 2 ; MaxCheckIfGoodMouseShortcutsWhenInteract = 2 ; HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 0 ; HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 6948 ; RecordChatInLog = True ; UseSpiritHealerAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 0 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; WaitWhenBuffWaitingToResurrect = False ; UseCTM = True ; AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = False ; PathFinderServerSeemDownPauseBotTimeSec = 10 ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1600 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 80000 ; TryToAvoidEnemyGroupsRatio = 0 ; IgnoreServerRoadsWater = False ; SmoothPath = False ; SmoothPathDistance = 1 ; KeyboardToTurn = False ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 8 ; ForceAutoLoot = False ; RetrieveCorpseMaxDistance = 26 ; KeyBindingMacro = P ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; SizeWidth = 535,2 ; SizeHeight = 375,2 ; SaveWindowPosition = False ; WindowPosX = 0 ; WindowPosY = 0 ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = HerbBlacklist [thxgod1].cs = False, Wholesome_TBC_WotlK_FlightMaster.dll = False, Fisherman's Friend 1.0.2.cs = False, GoToClick.dll = False, Multi Pull V2.cs = False, NodeBlacklist.cs = False, Wholesome_Inventory_Manager.dll = False, Wholesome_Vendors.dll = False ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Traveler's Tundra Mammoth ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Swift Red Wind Rider ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = False ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 225 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Salted Venison, Ice Cleaver, Cracked Iron Staff, Frost-Rimed Cloth Boots, Frigid Mail Belt, Honeymint Tea, Elixir of Armor Piercing, Frost-Rimed Cloth Gloves, Talandra's Rose, Elixir of Protection, Argent Lance, Frost-Encrusted Rifle, Frozen Leather Helmet, Sparkling Frostcap, Frigid Mail Pants, Frozen Pants, Frost-Rimed Cloth Bracers, Rubicund Scale, Rhino Meat, Chilled Meat, Gored Hide Legguards, Runic Mana Potion, Dulled Shiv, Frost-Worn Plate Boots, Frost-Worn Plate Belt, Ice-Pitted Blade, Frost-Worn Plate Chestpiece, Horde Lance, Peacekeeper Blade, Scroll of Protection II, Unspeakable Secret, Brilliant King's Amber, Virtuoso Inking Set, Scroll of Stamina II, Ink of the Sea, Enchanted Vial, Scroll of Stamina VIII, Scroll of Recall III, Resilient Parchment, Light Parchment, Moonglow Ink, Scroll of Strength VIII, Scroll of Intellect II, Weapon Vellum III, Weapon Vellum, Snowfall Ink, Scroll of Spirit VIII, Scroll of Strength II, Common Parchment, Lion's Ink, Scroll of Agility VIII, Armor Vellum III, Hearthstone, Totem of the Earthen Ring, Philosopher's Stone, Polished Mirror Helm, Noggenfogger Elixir, Firecracker Salmon, Thick Fur Clothing Scraps, Band of Callous Aggression, Grips of the Warming Heart, Eitrigg's Oath ; ForceSellList = ; BuyList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Salted Venison, Ice Cleaver, Cracked Iron Staff, Frost-Rimed Cloth Boots, Frigid Mail Belt, Honeymint Tea, Elixir of Armor Piercing, Frost-Rimed Cloth Gloves, Talandra's Rose, Elixir of Protection, Argent Lance, Frost-Encrusted Rifle, Frozen Leather Helmet, Sparkling Frostcap, Frigid Mail Pants, Frozen Pants, Frost-Rimed Cloth Bracers, Rubicund Scale, Rhino Meat, Chilled Meat, Gored Hide Legguards, Runic Mana Potion, Dulled Shiv, Frost-Worn Plate Boots, Frost-Worn Plate Belt, Ice-Pitted Blade, Frost-Worn Plate Chestpiece, Horde Lance, Peacekeeper Blade, Scroll of Protection II, Unspeakable Secret, Brilliant King's Amber, Virtuoso Inking Set, Scroll of Stamina II, Ink of the Sea, Enchanted Vial, Scroll of Stamina VIII, Scroll of Recall III, Resilient Parchment, Light Parchment, Moonglow Ink, Scroll of Strength VIII, Scroll of Intellect II, Weapon Vellum III, Weapon Vellum, Snowfall Ink, Scroll of Spirit VIII, Scroll of Strength II, Common Parchment, Lion's Ink, Scroll of Agility VIII, Armor Vellum III, Hearthstone, Totem of the Earthen Ring, Philosopher's Stone, Polished Mirror Helm, Noggenfogger Elixir, Firecracker Salmon, Thick Fur Clothing Scraps, Band of Callous Aggression, Grips of the Warming Heart, Eitrigg's Oath ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = True ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 300 ; LatencyMax = 700 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = False ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1,5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = False ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = True ;
[F] 20:46:10.641 - WRobotFileName = ; WRobotTmpFolderName = ; DriveLetter = ; FullWowPath = C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\ ; MaxFPS = 30 ; MaxLuaMemoryUsage = 2147483647 ; CloseIfCannotLoginWowMinutes = 2 ; WaitTimeToRelogSeconds = 0 ; CloseGameIfAdminRights = False ; HideLuaError = False ; UseShortcuts = True ; WindowName = ; TopMost = False ; Remote = False ; ToTrayBar = False ; MeShow = True ; TargetShow = True ; PathShow = True ; BlacklistShow = True ; NpcShow = False ; PlayersShow = False ; ObjectsShow = False ; LowFps = True ; LowQuality = True ; ByName = ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerGlobalSetting ; FilePath = C:\Users\mail\Desktop\WOW\WRobot\\Settings\WRobotGlobalSetting.xml ;
[F] 20:46:10.647 - CanProtectAgainstScreenshots = False ; ArgsEnvironmentVariables = 47785E ; ForceStaticEncryptKey = 0 ; HowLongDaysKeepLogFiles = 7 ; InstallDateTime = 17.02.2021 17:51:11 ; ShowMs = True ; normalCb = True ; fightCb = True ; navigatorCb = True ; debugCb = False ; ErrorCb = True ; SendErrorCb = False ; CurrentSetting = robotManager.robotManagerGlobalSetting ; FilePath = C:\Users\mail\Desktop\WOW\WRobot\\Settings\RobotManagerGlobalSetting.xml ;
[D] 20:46:10.656 - [Info] Wow Version: 12340
[D] 20:46:10.659 - [Info] Player found: True
[E] 20:46:10.701 - Lua HWBPSecure: System.InvalidOperationException: Die Sammlung wurde geändert. Der Enumerationsvorgang kann möglicherweise nicht ausgeführt werden.
bei System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
bei System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNextRare()
bei System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNext()
bei System.Linq.Enumerable.All[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
bei wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.()

20:46:10.812 - [SpellManager] Initializing SpellBook - (Wait few seconds)
20:46:10.898 - [SpellManager] Initialize SpellBook Finished (303 spell found)
[D] 20:46:10.909 - [SpellManager] List of id found in spellbook:
Alchemy (51304)
Auto Attack (6603)
Basic Campfire (818)
Beast Slaying (20557)
Berserking (26297)
Block (107)
Bow Specialization (26290)
Cold Weather Flying (54197)
Cooking (2550)
Da Voodoo Shuffle (58943)
Dodge (81)
First Aid (10846)
Fishing (7620)
Inscription (45363)
Milling (51005)
Mixology (53042)
Regeneration (20555)
Throwing Specialization (20558)
Call of the Ancestors (66843)
Call of the Elements (66842)
Call of the Spirits (66844)
Chain Lightning (49271)
Earth Shock (49231)
Earthbind Totem (2484)
Fire Elemental Totem (2894)
Fire Nova (61657)
Flame Shock (49233)
Frost Shock (49236)
Hex (51514)
Lava Burst (60043)
Lightning Bolt (49238)
Magma Totem (58734)
Purge (8012)
Searing Totem (58704)
Stoneclaw Totem (58582)
Wind Shear (57994)
Astral Recall (556)
Bloodlust (2825)
Earth Elemental Totem (2062)
Far Sight (6196)
Fire Resistance Totem (58739)
Flametongue Totem (58656)
Flametongue Weapon (58790)
Frost Resistance Totem (58745)
Frostbrand Weapon (58796)
Ghost Wolf (2645)
Grounding Totem (8177)
Lightning Shield (49281)
Nature Resistance Totem (58749)
Rockbiter Weapon (10399)
Sentry Totem (6495)
Stoneskin Totem (58753)
Strength of Earth Totem (58643)
Water Breathing (131)
Water Walking (546)
Windfury Totem (8512)
Windfury Weapon (58804)
Wrath of Air Totem (3738)
Ancestral Spirit (49277)
Chain Heal (55459)
Cleanse Spirit (51886)
Cleansing Totem (8170)
Cure Toxins (526)
Earth Shield (49284)
Earthliving Weapon (51994)
Healing Stream Totem (58757)
Healing Wave (49273)
Lesser Healing Wave (49276)
Mana Spring Totem (58774)
Mana Tide Totem (16190)
Nature's Swiftness (16188)
Reincarnation (20608)
Riptide (61301)
Tidal Force (55198)
Totemic Recall (36936)
Tremor Totem (8143)
Water Shield (57960)
Chain Lightning (421)
Chain Lightning (930)
Chain Lightning (2860)
Chain Lightning (10605)
Chain Lightning (25439)
Chain Lightning (25442)
Chain Lightning (49270)
Earth Shock (8042)
Earth Shock (8044)
Earth Shock (8045)
Earth Shock (8046)
Earth Shock (10412)
Earth Shock (10413)
Earth Shock (10414)
Earth Shock (25454)
Earth Shock (49230)
Fire Nova (1535)
Fire Nova (8498)
Fire Nova (8499)
Fire Nova (11314)
Fire Nova (11315)
Fire Nova (25546)
Fire Nova (25547)
Fire Nova (61649)
Flame Shock (8050)
Flame Shock (8052)
Flame Shock (8053)
Flame Shock (10447)
Flame Shock (10448)
Flame Shock (29228)
Flame Shock (25457)
Flame Shock (49232)
Frost Shock (8056)
Frost Shock (8058)
Frost Shock (10472)
Frost Shock (10473)
Frost Shock (25464)
Frost Shock (49235)
Lava Burst (51505)
Lightning Bolt (403)
Lightning Bolt (529)
Lightning Bolt (548)
Lightning Bolt (915)
Lightning Bolt (943)
Lightning Bolt (6041)
Lightning Bolt (10391)
Lightning Bolt (10392)
Lightning Bolt (15207)
Lightning Bolt (15208)
Lightning Bolt (25448)
Lightning Bolt (25449)
Lightning Bolt (49237)
Magma Totem (8190)
Magma Totem (10585)
Magma Totem (10586)
Magma Totem (10587)
Magma Totem (25552)
Magma Totem (58731)
Purge (370)
Searing Totem (3599)
Searing Totem (6363)
Searing Totem (6364)
Searing Totem (6365)
Searing Totem (10437)
Searing Totem (10438)
Searing Totem (25533)
Searing Totem (58699)
Searing Totem (58703)
Stoneclaw Totem (5730)
Stoneclaw Totem (6390)
Stoneclaw Totem (6391)
Stoneclaw Totem (6392)
Stoneclaw Totem (10427)
Stoneclaw Totem (10428)
Stoneclaw Totem (25525)
Stoneclaw Totem (58580)
Stoneclaw Totem (58581)
Fire Resistance Totem (8184)
Fire Resistance Totem (10537)
Fire Resistance Totem (10538)
Fire Resistance Totem (25563)
Fire Resistance Totem (58737)
Flametongue Totem (8227)
Flametongue Totem (8249)
Flametongue Totem (10526)
Flametongue Totem (16387)
Flametongue Totem (25557)
Flametongue Totem (58649)
Flametongue Totem (58652)
Flametongue Weapon (8024)
Flametongue Weapon (8027)
Flametongue Weapon (8030)
Flametongue Weapon (16339)
Flametongue Weapon (16341)
Flametongue Weapon (16342)
Flametongue Weapon (25489)
Flametongue Weapon (58785)
Flametongue Weapon (58789)
Frost Resistance Totem (8181)
Frost Resistance Totem (10478)
Frost Resistance Totem (10479)
Frost Resistance Totem (25560)
Frost Resistance Totem (58741)
Frostbrand Weapon (8033)
Frostbrand Weapon (8038)
Frostbrand Weapon (10456)
Frostbrand Weapon (16355)
Frostbrand Weapon (16356)
Frostbrand Weapon (25500)
Frostbrand Weapon (58794)
Frostbrand Weapon (58795)
Lightning Shield (324)
Lightning Shield (325)
Lightning Shield (905)
Lightning Shield (945)
Lightning Shield (8134)
Lightning Shield (10431)
Lightning Shield (10432)
Lightning Shield (25469)
Lightning Shield (25472)
Lightning Shield (49280)
Nature Resistance Totem (10595)
Nature Resistance Totem (10600)
Nature Resistance Totem (10601)
Nature Resistance Totem (25574)
Nature Resistance Totem (58746)
Rockbiter Weapon (8017)
Rockbiter Weapon (8018)
Rockbiter Weapon (8019)
Stoneskin Totem (8071)
Stoneskin Totem (8154)
Stoneskin Totem (8155)
Stoneskin Totem (10406)
Stoneskin Totem (10407)
Stoneskin Totem (10408)
Stoneskin Totem (25508)
Stoneskin Totem (25509)
Stoneskin Totem (58751)
Strength of Earth Totem (8075)
Strength of Earth Totem (8160)
Strength of Earth Totem (8161)
Strength of Earth Totem (10442)
Strength of Earth Totem (25361)
Strength of Earth Totem (25528)
Strength of Earth Totem (57622)
Windfury Weapon (8232)
Windfury Weapon (8235)
Windfury Weapon (10486)
Windfury Weapon (16362)
Windfury Weapon (25505)
Windfury Weapon (58801)
Windfury Weapon (58803)
Ancestral Spirit (2008)
Ancestral Spirit (20609)
Ancestral Spirit (20610)
Ancestral Spirit (20776)
Ancestral Spirit (20777)
Ancestral Spirit (25590)
Chain Heal (1064)
Chain Heal (10622)
Chain Heal (10623)
Chain Heal (25422)
Chain Heal (25423)
Chain Heal (55458)
Earth Shield (974)
Earth Shield (32593)
Earth Shield (32594)
Earth Shield (49283)
Earthliving Weapon (51730)
Earthliving Weapon (51988)
Earthliving Weapon (51991)
Earthliving Weapon (51992)
Earthliving Weapon (51993)
Healing Stream Totem (5394)
Healing Stream Totem (6375)
Healing Stream Totem (6377)
Healing Stream Totem (10462)
Healing Stream Totem (10463)
Healing Stream Totem (25567)
Healing Stream Totem (58755)
Healing Stream Totem (58756)
Healing Wave (331)
Healing Wave (332)
Healing Wave (547)
Healing Wave (913)
Healing Wave (939)
Healing Wave (959)
Healing Wave (8005)
Healing Wave (10395)
Healing Wave (10396)
Healing Wave (25357)
Healing Wave (25391)
Healing Wave (25396)
Healing Wave (49272)
Lesser Healing Wave (8004)
Lesser Healing Wave (8008)
Lesser Healing Wave (8010)
Lesser Healing Wave (10466)
Lesser Healing Wave (10467)
Lesser Healing Wave (10468)
Lesser Healing Wave (25420)
Lesser Healing Wave (49275)
Mana Spring Totem (5675)
Mana Spring Totem (10495)
Mana Spring Totem (10496)
Mana Spring Totem (10497)
Mana Spring Totem (25570)
Mana Spring Totem (58771)
Mana Spring Totem (58773)
Riptide (61295)
Riptide (61299)
Riptide (61300)
Water Shield (52127)
Water Shield (52129)
Water Shield (52131)
Water Shield (52134)
Water Shield (52136)
Water Shield (52138)
Water Shield (24398)
Water Shield (33736)
Armored Brown Bear (60116)
Swift Blue Raptor (23241)
Swift Olive Raptor (23242)
Swift Orange Raptor (23243)
Swift Red Wind Rider (32246)
Traveler's Tundra Mammoth (61447)

20:46:10.914 - [SpellManager] Please wait, loading spellbook...
[E] 20:46:11.024 - ProductSettings: System.NotImplementedException: Die Methode oder der Vorgang ist nicht implementiert.
bei Main.get_Settings()
bei robotManager.Products.Products.get_ProductSettings()

20:46:11.277 - [SpellManager] Spellbook loaded.
[D] 20:46:11.551 - [Keybindings]
Sit / Stand: X
Backward: S
Forward: W
Strafe Left: Q
Strafe Right: E
Turn Left: A
Turn Right: D

[F] 20:46:16.707 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\mail\Desktop\WOW\WRobot\\FightClass\AIO.dll
[D] 20:46:17.647 - [Spell] Cannibalize (Id found: 70363, Name found: Cannibalize, NameInGame found: Cannibalize, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:17.695 - [Spell] Arcane Torrent (Id found: 50615, Name found: Arcane Torrent, NameInGame found: Arcane Torrent, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:17.727 - [Spell] War Stomp (Id found: 61065, Name found: War Stomp, NameInGame found: War Stomp, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:17.791 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 33702, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:17.821 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26297, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:17.852 - [Spell] Will of the Forsaken (Id found: 7744, Name found: Will of the Forsaken, NameInGame found: Will of the Forsaken, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:17.899 - [Spell] Every Man for Himself (Id found: 59752, Name found: Every Man for Himself, NameInGame found: Every Man for Himself, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:17.946 - [Spell] Stoneform (Id found: 70733, Name found: Stoneform, NameInGame found: Stoneform, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:17.994 - [Spell] Escape Artist (Id found: 20589, Name found: Escape Artist, NameInGame found: Escape Artist, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:18.025 - [Spell] Gift of the Naaru (Id found: 59548, Name found: Gift of the Naaru, NameInGame found: Gift of the Naaru, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:18.089 - [Spell] Shadowmeld (Id found: 62199, Name found: Shadowmeld, NameInGame found: Shadowmeld, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:27.451 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = False).
[F] 20:46:27.506 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\mail\Desktop\WOW\WRobot\\FightClass\AIO.dll
[D] 20:46:28.513 - [Spell] Cannibalize (Id found: 70363, Name found: Cannibalize, NameInGame found: Cannibalize, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:28.546 - [Spell] Arcane Torrent (Id found: 50615, Name found: Arcane Torrent, NameInGame found: Arcane Torrent, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:28.574 - [Spell] War Stomp (Id found: 61065, Name found: War Stomp, NameInGame found: War Stomp, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:28.590 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 33702, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:28.624 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26297, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:28.636 - [Spell] Will of the Forsaken (Id found: 7744, Name found: Will of the Forsaken, NameInGame found: Will of the Forsaken, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:28.669 - [Spell] Every Man for Himself (Id found: 59752, Name found: Every Man for Himself, NameInGame found: Every Man for Himself, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:28.716 - [Spell] Stoneform (Id found: 70733, Name found: Stoneform, NameInGame found: Stoneform, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:28.731 - [Spell] Escape Artist (Id found: 20589, Name found: Escape Artist, NameInGame found: Escape Artist, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:28.748 - [Spell] Gift of the Naaru (Id found: 59548, Name found: Gift of the Naaru, NameInGame found: Gift of the Naaru, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:28.780 - [Spell] Shadowmeld (Id found: 62199, Name found: Shadowmeld, NameInGame found: Shadowmeld, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
20:46:28.818 - [Grinder2] Started
20:46:29.008 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 of FightClass
20:46:29.008 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 Discovering class and finding rotation...
[D] 20:46:29.124 - [Spell] Ghost Wolf (Id found: 2645, Name found: Ghost Wolf, NameInGame found: Ghost Wolf, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:29.155 - [Spell] Ancestral Spirit (Id found: 49277, Name found: Ancestral Spirit, NameInGame found: Ancestral Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:29.171 - [Spell] Stoneskin Totem (Id found: 58753, Name found: Stoneskin Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneskin Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:29.204 - [Spell] Strength of Earth Totem (Id found: 58643, Name found: Strength of Earth Totem, NameInGame found: Strength of Earth Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:29.216 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:29.255 - [Spell] Searing Totem (Id found: 58704, Name found: Searing Totem, NameInGame found: Searing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:29.279 - [Spell] Flametongue Totem (Id found: 58656, Name found: Flametongue Totem, NameInGame found: Flametongue Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:29.346 - [Spell] Totem of Wrath (Id found: 63283, Name found: Totem of Wrath, NameInGame found: Totem of Wrath, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:29.375 - [Spell] Wrath of Air Totem (Id found: 3738, Name found: Wrath of Air Totem, NameInGame found: Wrath of Air Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:29.389 - [Spell] Windfury Totem (Id found: 8512, Name found: Windfury Totem, NameInGame found: Windfury Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:29.421 - [Spell] Mana Spring Totem (Id found: 58774, Name found: Mana Spring Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Spring Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:29.436 - [Spell] Healing Stream Totem (Id found: 58757, Name found: Healing Stream Totem, NameInGame found: Healing Stream Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:29.452 - [Spell] Rockbiter Weapon (Id found: 10399, Name found: Rockbiter Weapon, NameInGame found: Rockbiter Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:29.484 - [Spell] Flametongue Weapon (Id found: 58790, Name found: Flametongue Weapon, NameInGame found: Flametongue Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:29.516 - [Spell] Earthliving Weapon (Id found: 51994, Name found: Earthliving Weapon, NameInGame found: Earthliving Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:29.548 - [Spell] Windfury Weapon (Id found: 58804, Name found: Windfury Weapon, NameInGame found: Windfury Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
20:46:29.760 - Running Restoration specialisation
[D] 20:46:29.802 - [Spell] Water Shield (Id found: 57960, Name found: Water Shield, NameInGame found: Water Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:29.832 - [Spell] Lightning Shield (Id found: 49281, Name found: Lightning Shield, NameInGame found: Lightning Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:29.865 - [Spell] Totemic Recall (Id found: 36936, Name found: Totemic Recall, NameInGame found: Totemic Recall, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:29.880 - [Spell] Call of the Elements (Id found: 66842, Name found: Call of the Elements, NameInGame found: Call of the Elements, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:29.912 - [Spell] Mana Tide Totem (Id found: 16190, Name found: Mana Tide Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Tide Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:29.928 - [Spell] Earth Elemental Totem (Id found: 2062, Name found: Earth Elemental Totem, NameInGame found: Earth Elemental Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:29.944 - [Spell] Stoneclaw Totem (Id found: 58582, Name found: Stoneclaw Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneclaw Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:29.976 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:29.992 - [Spell] Cleansing Totem (Id found: 8170, Name found: Cleansing Totem, NameInGame found: Cleansing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:30.008 - [Spell] Tremor Totem (Id found: 8143, Name found: Tremor Totem, NameInGame found: Tremor Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:30.041 - [Spell] Grounding Totem (Id found: 8177, Name found: Grounding Totem, NameInGame found: Grounding Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:30.107 - [Spell] Attack (Id found: 75100, Name found: Attack, NameInGame found: Attack, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:30.159 - [Spell] Nature's Swiftness (Id found: 16188, Name found: Nature's Swiftness, NameInGame found: Nature's Swiftness, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[F] 20:46:30.191 - [RTF] Casting Water Shield on Sharmeur [6435288]
[D] 20:46:30.213 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:30.244 - [Spell] Earth Shield (Id found: 49284, Name found: Earth Shield, NameInGame found: Earth Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:30.260 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:30.261 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:46:30.292 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:30.292 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:30.324 - [Spell] Riptide (Id found: 61301, Name found: Riptide, NameInGame found: Riptide, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:30.356 - [Spell] Chain Heal (Id found: 55459, Name found: Chain Heal, NameInGame found: Chain Heal, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:30.372 - [Spell] Lesser Healing Wave (Id found: 49276, Name found: Lesser Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Lesser Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:30.407 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:30.421 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:30.421 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:30.451 - [Spell] Earth Shock (Id found: 49231, Name found: Earth Shock, NameInGame found: Earth Shock, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:46:30.497 - [Spell] Lightning Bolt (Id found: 49238, Name found: Lightning Bolt, NameInGame found: Lightning Bolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[F] 20:46:31.541 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 20:46:31.764 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[D] 20:46:47.317 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chanc) Wo sind die besten Plätze um |cffffffff|Hitem:36909:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Kobalterz]|h|r zu farmen?
[D] 20:47:02.779 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Muntu) Und ich habe immernoch keinen bekommen!
20:47:04.119 - [Pause] started
[D] 20:51:35.513 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hungrig) Chanc, Zul'drak ist ganz gut
[D] 20:51:35.514 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chanc) ok danke
[D] 20:51:35.516 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hungrig) Ich liebe Raclette und andere extrem würzige Käsesorten. Aber leider haben die auch ein kleines bisschen Fettanteil
[D] 20:51:35.523 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Mehlinger) 1 tank db15+
[D] 20:51:35.525 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rossel) Alles ist besser mit Käse :D
[D] 20:51:35.526 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hugadarn) +
[D] 20:51:35.526 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Formina) Boah, jetzt hab ich mega Lust auf ein Raclette-Brot *sabber
[D] 20:51:35.527 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Naalando) frischkäse mit frischkäse z.b.
[D] 20:51:35.528 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rossel) Oder Käse überbacken mit noch mehr Käse
[D] 20:51:35.529 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hugadarn) ich liebe Käse :D
[D] 20:51:35.530 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Muntu) oder Herr Gummibärchen
[D] 20:51:35.533 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Muntu) *Herr nicht
[D] 20:51:35.534 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Mørgenstern) Gummibörchen stillen nicht ganz den Hunger nach Käse :/
[D] 20:51:35.535 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Muntu) Schokolade?
[D] 20:51:35.536 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rossel) Also Leute einfache Frage, Gummibärchen <> Schokolade
[D] 20:51:35.536 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Mørgenstern) :(
[D] 20:51:35.540 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Formina) Ich hab nur Feta und Parmesan im Kühlschrank, das is auch nix zum snacken.
[D] 20:51:35.541 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Mørgenstern) mann kann doch keinen Käsehunger mit was süßem stillen
[D] 20:51:35.542 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Grunsh) Parmesan reiben und keks daraus machen
[D] 20:51:35.543 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Formina) Parmesanchips +.+
[D] 20:51:35.544 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Mørgenstern) aber Schokolade gewinnt sonst immer
[D] 20:51:35.544 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Naalando) wie alt seid ihr so ?
[D] 20:51:35.545 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Muntu) Waffeln oder Gelato?
[D] 20:51:35.546 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Grunsh) schön im ofen zerlaufen lassen und abkühlen lassen
[D] 20:51:35.546 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Amrasamandil) kann es sein das ihr Käse redet?
[D] 20:51:35.547 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kîngshot) moin
20:51:35.640 - [Pause] Stoped
[D] 20:51:38.540 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Naalando) meddl
20:51:43.387 - [Grinder2] Stopped
20:51:44.077 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:05m:14s
XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[D] 20:51:47.066 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = False).
[F] 20:51:47.124 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\mail\Desktop\WOW\WRobot\\FightClass\AIO.dll
[D] 20:51:48.051 - [Spell] Cannibalize (Id found: 70363, Name found: Cannibalize, NameInGame found: Cannibalize, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:51:48.065 - [Spell] Arcane Torrent (Id found: 50615, Name found: Arcane Torrent, NameInGame found: Arcane Torrent, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:51:48.081 - [Spell] War Stomp (Id found: 61065, Name found: War Stomp, NameInGame found: War Stomp, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:51:48.096 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 33702, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:51:48.129 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26297, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:48.159 - [Spell] Will of the Forsaken (Id found: 7744, Name found: Will of the Forsaken, NameInGame found: Will of the Forsaken, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:51:48.190 - [Spell] Every Man for Himself (Id found: 59752, Name found: Every Man for Himself, NameInGame found: Every Man for Himself, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:51:48.223 - [Spell] Stoneform (Id found: 70733, Name found: Stoneform, NameInGame found: Stoneform, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:51:48.253 - [Spell] Escape Artist (Id found: 20589, Name found: Escape Artist, NameInGame found: Escape Artist, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:51:48.285 - [Spell] Gift of the Naaru (Id found: 59548, Name found: Gift of the Naaru, NameInGame found: Gift of the Naaru, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:51:48.301 - [Spell] Shadowmeld (Id found: 62199, Name found: Shadowmeld, NameInGame found: Shadowmeld, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
20:51:48.303 - [Grinder2] Started
20:51:48.612 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 of FightClass
20:51:48.613 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 Discovering class and finding rotation...
[D] 20:51:48.774 - [Spell] Ghost Wolf (Id found: 2645, Name found: Ghost Wolf, NameInGame found: Ghost Wolf, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:48.807 - [Spell] Ancestral Spirit (Id found: 49277, Name found: Ancestral Spirit, NameInGame found: Ancestral Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:48.839 - [Spell] Stoneskin Totem (Id found: 58753, Name found: Stoneskin Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneskin Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:48.872 - [Spell] Strength of Earth Totem (Id found: 58643, Name found: Strength of Earth Totem, NameInGame found: Strength of Earth Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:48.903 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:48.933 - [Spell] Searing Totem (Id found: 58704, Name found: Searing Totem, NameInGame found: Searing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:48.949 - [Spell] Flametongue Totem (Id found: 58656, Name found: Flametongue Totem, NameInGame found: Flametongue Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:48.965 - [Spell] Totem of Wrath (Id found: 63283, Name found: Totem of Wrath, NameInGame found: Totem of Wrath, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:51:48.982 - [Spell] Wrath of Air Totem (Id found: 3738, Name found: Wrath of Air Totem, NameInGame found: Wrath of Air Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:48.998 - [Spell] Windfury Totem (Id found: 8512, Name found: Windfury Totem, NameInGame found: Windfury Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.014 - [Spell] Mana Spring Totem (Id found: 58774, Name found: Mana Spring Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Spring Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.029 - [Spell] Healing Stream Totem (Id found: 58757, Name found: Healing Stream Totem, NameInGame found: Healing Stream Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.045 - [Spell] Rockbiter Weapon (Id found: 10399, Name found: Rockbiter Weapon, NameInGame found: Rockbiter Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.061 - [Spell] Flametongue Weapon (Id found: 58790, Name found: Flametongue Weapon, NameInGame found: Flametongue Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.077 - [Spell] Earthliving Weapon (Id found: 51994, Name found: Earthliving Weapon, NameInGame found: Earthliving Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.107 - [Spell] Windfury Weapon (Id found: 58804, Name found: Windfury Weapon, NameInGame found: Windfury Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
20:51:49.315 - Running Restoration specialisation
[D] 20:51:49.357 - [Spell] Water Shield (Id found: 57960, Name found: Water Shield, NameInGame found: Water Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.374 - [Spell] Lightning Shield (Id found: 49281, Name found: Lightning Shield, NameInGame found: Lightning Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.389 - [Spell] Totemic Recall (Id found: 36936, Name found: Totemic Recall, NameInGame found: Totemic Recall, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.405 - [Spell] Call of the Elements (Id found: 66842, Name found: Call of the Elements, NameInGame found: Call of the Elements, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.421 - [Spell] Mana Tide Totem (Id found: 16190, Name found: Mana Tide Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Tide Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.437 - [Spell] Earth Elemental Totem (Id found: 2062, Name found: Earth Elemental Totem, NameInGame found: Earth Elemental Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.469 - [Spell] Stoneclaw Totem (Id found: 58582, Name found: Stoneclaw Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneclaw Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.500 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.533 - [Spell] Cleansing Totem (Id found: 8170, Name found: Cleansing Totem, NameInGame found: Cleansing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.548 - [Spell] Tremor Totem (Id found: 8143, Name found: Tremor Totem, NameInGame found: Tremor Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.564 - [Spell] Grounding Totem (Id found: 8177, Name found: Grounding Totem, NameInGame found: Grounding Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.596 - [Spell] Attack (Id found: 75100, Name found: Attack, NameInGame found: Attack, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:51:49.612 - [Spell] Nature's Swiftness (Id found: 16188, Name found: Nature's Swiftness, NameInGame found: Nature's Swiftness, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.628 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.645 - [Spell] Earth Shield (Id found: 49284, Name found: Earth Shield, NameInGame found: Earth Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.680 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.681 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.708 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.709 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.739 - [Spell] Riptide (Id found: 61301, Name found: Riptide, NameInGame found: Riptide, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.771 - [Spell] Chain Heal (Id found: 55459, Name found: Chain Heal, NameInGame found: Chain Heal, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.786 - [Spell] Lesser Healing Wave (Id found: 49276, Name found: Lesser Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Lesser Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.802 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.819 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.819 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.835 - [Spell] Earth Shock (Id found: 49231, Name found: Earth Shock, NameInGame found: Earth Shock, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:51:49.850 - [Spell] Lightning Bolt (Id found: 49238, Name found: Lightning Bolt, NameInGame found: Lightning Bolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:52:09.875 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Formina) 25, Knie eines 70-jährigen
20:52:16.615 - [Grinder2] Stopped
20:52:17.534 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:28s
XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[F] 20:52:19.602 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\mail\Desktop\WOW\WRobot\\FightClass\AIO.dll
[D] 20:52:20.405 - [Spell] Cannibalize (Id found: 70363, Name found: Cannibalize, NameInGame found: Cannibalize, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:52:20.437 - [Spell] Arcane Torrent (Id found: 50615, Name found: Arcane Torrent, NameInGame found: Arcane Torrent, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:52:20.469 - [Spell] War Stomp (Id found: 61065, Name found: War Stomp, NameInGame found: War Stomp, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:52:20.484 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 33702, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:52:20.501 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26297, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:52:20.516 - [Spell] Will of the Forsaken (Id found: 7744, Name found: Will of the Forsaken, NameInGame found: Will of the Forsaken, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:52:20.532 - [Spell] Every Man for Himself (Id found: 59752, Name found: Every Man for Himself, NameInGame found: Every Man for Himself, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:52:20.548 - [Spell] Stoneform (Id found: 70733, Name found: Stoneform, NameInGame found: Stoneform, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:52:20.564 - [Spell] Escape Artist (Id found: 20589, Name found: Escape Artist, NameInGame found: Escape Artist, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:52:20.580 - [Spell] Gift of the Naaru (Id found: 59548, Name found: Gift of the Naaru, NameInGame found: Gift of the Naaru, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:52:20.596 - [Spell] Shadowmeld (Id found: 62199, Name found: Shadowmeld, NameInGame found: Shadowmeld, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
20:52:53.456 - [Grinder2] Stopped
20:52:54.078 - [WRotation] Loaded
[F] 20:52:54.106 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = WRotation ; CustomClass = AIO.dll ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; FightInteractTargetMinDistance = 45 ; IgnoreFightWhenInMove = False ; DismountLandGroundDistance = 3,5 ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = False ; TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink = True ; EquipAvailableBagIfFreeContainerSlot = False ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; LootAndHarvestRangeQuickly = True ; LootInCombat = False ; SkipNodesInWater = False ; MaxUnitsNearMobs = 3 ; MaxUnitsNearObjects = 3 ; SearchRadiusMobs = 150 ; SearchRadiusObjects = 300 ; MaxZDistanceAttack = 150 ; MaxZDistanceIsAttacked = 150 ; MaxZDistanceFarm = 2000 ; BlacklistTaxiDefaultTimeMs = 1800000 ; BlacklistUnitDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; BlacklistGameObjectDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; MaxTryPerNode = 2 ; MaxCheckIfGoodMouseShortcutsWhenInteract = 2 ; HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 0 ; HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 6948 ; RecordChatInLog = True ; UseSpiritHealerAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 0 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; WaitWhenBuffWaitingToResurrect = False ; UseCTM = True ; AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = False ; PathFinderServerSeemDownPauseBotTimeSec = 10 ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1600 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 80000 ; TryToAvoidEnemyGroupsRatio = 0 ; IgnoreServerRoadsWater = False ; SmoothPath = False ; SmoothPathDistance = 1 ; KeyboardToTurn = False ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 8 ; ForceAutoLoot = False ; RetrieveCorpseMaxDistance = 26 ; KeyBindingMacro = P ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; SizeWidth = 535,2 ; SizeHeight = 375,2 ; SaveWindowPosition = False ; WindowPosX = 0 ; WindowPosY = 0 ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = HerbBlacklist [thxgod1].cs = False, Wholesome_TBC_WotlK_FlightMaster.dll = False, Fisherman's Friend 1.0.2.cs = False, GoToClick.dll = False, Multi Pull V2.cs = False, NodeBlacklist.cs = False, Wholesome_Inventory_Manager.dll = False, Wholesome_Vendors.dll = False ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Traveler's Tundra Mammoth ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Swift Red Wind Rider ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = False ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 225 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Salted Venison, Ice Cleaver, Cracked Iron Staff, Frost-Rimed Cloth Boots, Frigid Mail Belt, Honeymint Tea, Elixir of Armor Piercing, Frost-Rimed Cloth Gloves, Talandra's Rose, Elixir of Protection, Argent Lance, Frost-Encrusted Rifle, Frozen Leather Helmet, Sparkling Frostcap, Frigid Mail Pants, Frozen Pants, Frost-Rimed Cloth Bracers, Rubicund Scale, Rhino Meat, Chilled Meat, Gored Hide Legguards, Runic Mana Potion, Dulled Shiv, Frost-Worn Plate Boots, Frost-Worn Plate Belt, Ice-Pitted Blade, Frost-Worn Plate Chestpiece, Horde Lance, Peacekeeper Blade, Scroll of Protection II, Unspeakable Secret, Brilliant King's Amber, Virtuoso Inking Set, Scroll of Stamina II, Ink of the Sea, Enchanted Vial, Scroll of Stamina VIII, Scroll of Recall III, Resilient Parchment, Light Parchment, Moonglow Ink, Scroll of Strength VIII, Scroll of Intellect II, Weapon Vellum III, Weapon Vellum, Snowfall Ink, Scroll of Spirit VIII, Scroll of Strength II, Common Parchment, Lion's Ink, Scroll of Agility VIII, Armor Vellum III, Hearthstone, Totem of the Earthen Ring, Philosopher's Stone, Polished Mirror Helm, Noggenfogger Elixir, Firecracker Salmon, Thick Fur Clothing Scraps, Band of Callous Aggression, Grips of the Warming Heart, Eitrigg's Oath ; ForceSellList = ; BuyList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Salted Venison, Ice Cleaver, Cracked Iron Staff, Frost-Rimed Cloth Boots, Frigid Mail Belt, Honeymint Tea, Elixir of Armor Piercing, Frost-Rimed Cloth Gloves, Talandra's Rose, Elixir of Protection, Argent Lance, Frost-Encrusted Rifle, Frozen Leather Helmet, Sparkling Frostcap, Frigid Mail Pants, Frozen Pants, Frost-Rimed Cloth Bracers, Rubicund Scale, Rhino Meat, Chilled Meat, Gored Hide Legguards, Runic Mana Potion, Dulled Shiv, Frost-Worn Plate Boots, Frost-Worn Plate Belt, Ice-Pitted Blade, Frost-Worn Plate Chestpiece, Horde Lance, Peacekeeper Blade, Scroll of Protection II, Unspeakable Secret, Brilliant King's Amber, Virtuoso Inking Set, Scroll of Stamina II, Ink of the Sea, Enchanted Vial, Scroll of Stamina VIII, Scroll of Recall III, Resilient Parchment, Light Parchment, Moonglow Ink, Scroll of Strength VIII, Scroll of Intellect II, Weapon Vellum III, Weapon Vellum, Snowfall Ink, Scroll of Spirit VIII, Scroll of Strength II, Common Parchment, Lion's Ink, Scroll of Agility VIII, Armor Vellum III, Hearthstone, Totem of the Earthen Ring, Philosopher's Stone, Polished Mirror Helm, Noggenfogger Elixir, Firecracker Salmon, Thick Fur Clothing Scraps, Band of Callous Aggression, Grips of the Warming Heart, Eitrigg's Oath ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = True ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 300 ; LatencyMax = 700 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = False ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1,5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = False ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = True ;
[D] 20:52:55.338 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = False).
[F] 20:52:55.340 - ManageMovement = False ; AttackAll = False ; UseMiniMapClick = False ; AutoResurrect = False ; LootInRange = False ; AttackOnlyIfFlaggedInCombat = False ; DisableCTM = False ; CurrentSetting = WRotation.Bot.WRotationSetting ;
[F] 20:52:55.604 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\mail\Desktop\WOW\WRobot\\FightClass\AIO.dll
[D] 20:52:56.507 - [Spell] Cannibalize (Id found: 70363, Name found: Cannibalize, NameInGame found: Cannibalize, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:52:56.540 - [Spell] Arcane Torrent (Id found: 50615, Name found: Arcane Torrent, NameInGame found: Arcane Torrent, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:52:56.555 - [Spell] War Stomp (Id found: 61065, Name found: War Stomp, NameInGame found: War Stomp, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:52:56.570 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 33702, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:52:56.587 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26297, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:52:56.602 - [Spell] Will of the Forsaken (Id found: 7744, Name found: Will of the Forsaken, NameInGame found: Will of the Forsaken, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:52:56.618 - [Spell] Every Man for Himself (Id found: 59752, Name found: Every Man for Himself, NameInGame found: Every Man for Himself, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:52:56.635 - [Spell] Stoneform (Id found: 70733, Name found: Stoneform, NameInGame found: Stoneform, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:52:56.650 - [Spell] Escape Artist (Id found: 20589, Name found: Escape Artist, NameInGame found: Escape Artist, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:52:56.665 - [Spell] Gift of the Naaru (Id found: 59548, Name found: Gift of the Naaru, NameInGame found: Gift of the Naaru, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:52:56.681 - [Spell] Shadowmeld (Id found: 62199, Name found: Shadowmeld, NameInGame found: Shadowmeld, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
20:52:56.725 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 of FightClass
20:52:56.725 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 Discovering class and finding rotation...
[D] 20:52:56.885 - [Spell] Ghost Wolf (Id found: 2645, Name found: Ghost Wolf, NameInGame found: Ghost Wolf, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:52:56.922 - [Spell] Ancestral Spirit (Id found: 49277, Name found: Ancestral Spirit, NameInGame found: Ancestral Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:52:56.948 - [Spell] Stoneskin Totem (Id found: 58753, Name found: Stoneskin Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneskin Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:52:56.964 - [Spell] Strength of Earth Totem (Id found: 58643, Name found: Strength of Earth Totem, NameInGame found: Strength of Earth Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:52:56.996 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:52:57.029 - [Spell] Searing Totem (Id found: 58704, Name found: Searing Totem, NameInGame found: Searing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:52:57.060 - [Spell] Flametongue Totem (Id found: 58656, Name found: Flametongue Totem, NameInGame found: Flametongue Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:52:57.091 - [Spell] Totem of Wrath (Id found: 57722, Name found: Totem of Wrath, NameInGame found: Totem of Wrath, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:52:57.124 - [Spell] Wrath of Air Totem (Id found: 3738, Name found: Wrath of Air Totem, NameInGame found: Wrath of Air Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:52:57.153 - [Spell] Windfury Totem (Id found: 8512, Name found: Windfury Totem, NameInGame found: Windfury Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:52:57.185 - [Spell] Mana Spring Totem (Id found: 58774, Name found: Mana Spring Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Spring Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:52:57.202 - [Spell] Healing Stream Totem (Id found: 58757, Name found: Healing Stream Totem, NameInGame found: Healing Stream Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:52:57.233 - [Spell] Rockbiter Weapon (Id found: 10399, Name found: Rockbiter Weapon, NameInGame found: Rockbiter Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:52:57.265 - [Spell] Flametongue Weapon (Id found: 58790, Name found: Flametongue Weapon, NameInGame found: Flametongue Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:52:57.297 - [Spell] Earthliving Weapon (Id found: 51994, Name found: Earthliving Weapon, NameInGame found: Earthliving Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:52:57.313 - [Spell] Windfury Weapon (Id found: 58804, Name found: Windfury Weapon, NameInGame found: Windfury Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
20:52:58.469 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:02s
XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

20:53:03.067 - [WRotation] Closed
20:53:03.083 - [Grinder2] Loaded
[F] 20:53:03.091 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = HealBot ; CustomClass = AIO.dll ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; FightInteractTargetMinDistance = 45 ; IgnoreFightWhenInMove = False ; DismountLandGroundDistance = 3,5 ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = False ; TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink = True ; EquipAvailableBagIfFreeContainerSlot = False ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; LootAndHarvestRangeQuickly = True ; LootInCombat = False ; SkipNodesInWater = False ; MaxUnitsNearMobs = 3 ; MaxUnitsNearObjects = 3 ; SearchRadiusMobs = 150 ; SearchRadiusObjects = 300 ; MaxZDistanceAttack = 150 ; MaxZDistanceIsAttacked = 150 ; MaxZDistanceFarm = 2000 ; BlacklistTaxiDefaultTimeMs = 1800000 ; BlacklistUnitDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; BlacklistGameObjectDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; MaxTryPerNode = 2 ; MaxCheckIfGoodMouseShortcutsWhenInteract = 2 ; HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 0 ; HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 6948 ; RecordChatInLog = True ; UseSpiritHealerAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 0 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; WaitWhenBuffWaitingToResurrect = False ; UseCTM = True ; AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = False ; PathFinderServerSeemDownPauseBotTimeSec = 10 ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1600 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 80000 ; TryToAvoidEnemyGroupsRatio = 0 ; IgnoreServerRoadsWater = False ; SmoothPath = False ; SmoothPathDistance = 1 ; KeyboardToTurn = False ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 8 ; ForceAutoLoot = False ; RetrieveCorpseMaxDistance = 26 ; KeyBindingMacro = P ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; SizeWidth = 535,2 ; SizeHeight = 375,2 ; SaveWindowPosition = False ; WindowPosX = 0 ; WindowPosY = 0 ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = HerbBlacklist [thxgod1].cs = False, Wholesome_TBC_WotlK_FlightMaster.dll = False, Fisherman's Friend 1.0.2.cs = False, GoToClick.dll = False, Multi Pull V2.cs = False, NodeBlacklist.cs = False, Wholesome_Inventory_Manager.dll = False, Wholesome_Vendors.dll = False ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Traveler's Tundra Mammoth ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Swift Red Wind Rider ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = False ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 225 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Salted Venison, Ice Cleaver, Cracked Iron Staff, Frost-Rimed Cloth Boots, Frigid Mail Belt, Honeymint Tea, Elixir of Armor Piercing, Frost-Rimed Cloth Gloves, Talandra's Rose, Elixir of Protection, Argent Lance, Frost-Encrusted Rifle, Frozen Leather Helmet, Sparkling Frostcap, Frigid Mail Pants, Frozen Pants, Frost-Rimed Cloth Bracers, Rubicund Scale, Rhino Meat, Chilled Meat, Gored Hide Legguards, Runic Mana Potion, Dulled Shiv, Frost-Worn Plate Boots, Frost-Worn Plate Belt, Ice-Pitted Blade, Frost-Worn Plate Chestpiece, Horde Lance, Peacekeeper Blade, Scroll of Protection II, Unspeakable Secret, Brilliant King's Amber, Virtuoso Inking Set, Scroll of Stamina II, Ink of the Sea, Enchanted Vial, Scroll of Stamina VIII, Scroll of Recall III, Resilient Parchment, Light Parchment, Moonglow Ink, Scroll of Strength VIII, Scroll of Intellect II, Weapon Vellum III, Weapon Vellum, Snowfall Ink, Scroll of Spirit VIII, Scroll of Strength II, Common Parchment, Lion's Ink, Scroll of Agility VIII, Armor Vellum III, Hearthstone, Totem of the Earthen Ring, Philosopher's Stone, Polished Mirror Helm, Noggenfogger Elixir, Firecracker Salmon, Thick Fur Clothing Scraps, Band of Callous Aggression, Grips of the Warming Heart, Eitrigg's Oath ; ForceSellList = ; BuyList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Salted Venison, Ice Cleaver, Cracked Iron Staff, Frost-Rimed Cloth Boots, Frigid Mail Belt, Honeymint Tea, Elixir of Armor Piercing, Frost-Rimed Cloth Gloves, Talandra's Rose, Elixir of Protection, Argent Lance, Frost-Encrusted Rifle, Frozen Leather Helmet, Sparkling Frostcap, Frigid Mail Pants, Frozen Pants, Frost-Rimed Cloth Bracers, Rubicund Scale, Rhino Meat, Chilled Meat, Gored Hide Legguards, Runic Mana Potion, Dulled Shiv, Frost-Worn Plate Boots, Frost-Worn Plate Belt, Ice-Pitted Blade, Frost-Worn Plate Chestpiece, Horde Lance, Peacekeeper Blade, Scroll of Protection II, Unspeakable Secret, Brilliant King's Amber, Virtuoso Inking Set, Scroll of Stamina II, Ink of the Sea, Enchanted Vial, Scroll of Stamina VIII, Scroll of Recall III, Resilient Parchment, Light Parchment, Moonglow Ink, Scroll of Strength VIII, Scroll of Intellect II, Weapon Vellum III, Weapon Vellum, Snowfall Ink, Scroll of Spirit VIII, Scroll of Strength II, Common Parchment, Lion's Ink, Scroll of Agility VIII, Armor Vellum III, Hearthstone, Totem of the Earthen Ring, Philosopher's Stone, Polished Mirror Helm, Noggenfogger Elixir, Firecracker Salmon, Thick Fur Clothing Scraps, Band of Callous Aggression, Grips of the Warming Heart, Eitrigg's Oath ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = True ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 300 ; LatencyMax = 700 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = False ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1,5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = False ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = True ;
[E] 20:53:03.188 - ProductSettings: System.NotImplementedException: Die Methode oder der Vorgang ist nicht implementiert.
bei Main.get_Settings()
bei robotManager.Products.Products.get_ProductSettings()

[F] 20:53:04.325 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\mail\Desktop\WOW\WRobot\\FightClass\AIO.dll
[D] 20:53:05.174 - [Spell] Cannibalize (Id found: 70363, Name found: Cannibalize, NameInGame found: Cannibalize, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:53:05.189 - [Spell] Arcane Torrent (Id found: 50615, Name found: Arcane Torrent, NameInGame found: Arcane Torrent, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:53:05.205 - [Spell] War Stomp (Id found: 61065, Name found: War Stomp, NameInGame found: War Stomp, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:53:05.237 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 33702, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:53:05.268 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26297, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:53:05.299 - [Spell] Will of the Forsaken (Id found: 7744, Name found: Will of the Forsaken, NameInGame found: Will of the Forsaken, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:53:05.331 - [Spell] Every Man for Himself (Id found: 59752, Name found: Every Man for Himself, NameInGame found: Every Man for Himself, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:53:05.348 - [Spell] Stoneform (Id found: 70733, Name found: Stoneform, NameInGame found: Stoneform, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:53:05.363 - [Spell] Escape Artist (Id found: 20589, Name found: Escape Artist, NameInGame found: Escape Artist, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:53:05.379 - [Spell] Gift of the Naaru (Id found: 59548, Name found: Gift of the Naaru, NameInGame found: Gift of the Naaru, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:53:05.395 - [Spell] Shadowmeld (Id found: 62199, Name found: Shadowmeld, NameInGame found: Shadowmeld, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:54:01.038 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = False).
[F] 20:54:01.083 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\mail\Desktop\WOW\WRobot\\FightClass\AIO.dll
[D] 20:54:02.351 - [Spell] Cannibalize (Id found: 70363, Name found: Cannibalize, NameInGame found: Cannibalize, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:54:02.382 - [Spell] Arcane Torrent (Id found: 50615, Name found: Arcane Torrent, NameInGame found: Arcane Torrent, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:54:02.414 - [Spell] War Stomp (Id found: 61065, Name found: War Stomp, NameInGame found: War Stomp, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:54:02.446 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 33702, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:54:02.480 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26297, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:02.509 - [Spell] Will of the Forsaken (Id found: 7744, Name found: Will of the Forsaken, NameInGame found: Will of the Forsaken, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:54:02.541 - [Spell] Every Man for Himself (Id found: 59752, Name found: Every Man for Himself, NameInGame found: Every Man for Himself, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:54:02.573 - [Spell] Stoneform (Id found: 70733, Name found: Stoneform, NameInGame found: Stoneform, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:54:02.603 - [Spell] Escape Artist (Id found: 20589, Name found: Escape Artist, NameInGame found: Escape Artist, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:54:02.619 - [Spell] Gift of the Naaru (Id found: 59548, Name found: Gift of the Naaru, NameInGame found: Gift of the Naaru, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:54:02.634 - [Spell] Shadowmeld (Id found: 62199, Name found: Shadowmeld, NameInGame found: Shadowmeld, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
20:54:02.644 - [Grinder2] Started
20:54:02.677 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 of FightClass
20:54:02.677 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 Discovering class and finding rotation...
[D] 20:54:02.852 - [Spell] Ghost Wolf (Id found: 2645, Name found: Ghost Wolf, NameInGame found: Ghost Wolf, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:02.884 - [Spell] Ancestral Spirit (Id found: 49277, Name found: Ancestral Spirit, NameInGame found: Ancestral Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:02.901 - [Spell] Stoneskin Totem (Id found: 58753, Name found: Stoneskin Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneskin Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:02.918 - [Spell] Strength of Earth Totem (Id found: 58643, Name found: Strength of Earth Totem, NameInGame found: Strength of Earth Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:02.932 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:02.965 - [Spell] Searing Totem (Id found: 58704, Name found: Searing Totem, NameInGame found: Searing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:02.997 - [Spell] Flametongue Totem (Id found: 58656, Name found: Flametongue Totem, NameInGame found: Flametongue Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.028 - [Spell] Totem of Wrath (Id found: 57722, Name found: Totem of Wrath, NameInGame found: Totem of Wrath, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:54:03.059 - [Spell] Wrath of Air Totem (Id found: 3738, Name found: Wrath of Air Totem, NameInGame found: Wrath of Air Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.090 - [Spell] Windfury Totem (Id found: 8512, Name found: Windfury Totem, NameInGame found: Windfury Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.106 - [Spell] Mana Spring Totem (Id found: 58774, Name found: Mana Spring Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Spring Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.137 - [Spell] Healing Stream Totem (Id found: 58757, Name found: Healing Stream Totem, NameInGame found: Healing Stream Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.153 - [Spell] Rockbiter Weapon (Id found: 10399, Name found: Rockbiter Weapon, NameInGame found: Rockbiter Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.169 - [Spell] Flametongue Weapon (Id found: 58790, Name found: Flametongue Weapon, NameInGame found: Flametongue Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.200 - [Spell] Earthliving Weapon (Id found: 51994, Name found: Earthliving Weapon, NameInGame found: Earthliving Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.215 - [Spell] Windfury Weapon (Id found: 58804, Name found: Windfury Weapon, NameInGame found: Windfury Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
20:54:03.390 - Running Restoration specialisation
[D] 20:54:03.421 - [Spell] Water Shield (Id found: 57960, Name found: Water Shield, NameInGame found: Water Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.436 - [Spell] Lightning Shield (Id found: 49281, Name found: Lightning Shield, NameInGame found: Lightning Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.452 - [Spell] Totemic Recall (Id found: 36936, Name found: Totemic Recall, NameInGame found: Totemic Recall, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.469 - [Spell] Call of the Elements (Id found: 66842, Name found: Call of the Elements, NameInGame found: Call of the Elements, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.484 - [Spell] Mana Tide Totem (Id found: 16190, Name found: Mana Tide Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Tide Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.500 - [Spell] Earth Elemental Totem (Id found: 2062, Name found: Earth Elemental Totem, NameInGame found: Earth Elemental Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.514 - [Spell] Stoneclaw Totem (Id found: 58582, Name found: Stoneclaw Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneclaw Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.531 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.563 - [Spell] Cleansing Totem (Id found: 8170, Name found: Cleansing Totem, NameInGame found: Cleansing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.595 - [Spell] Tremor Totem (Id found: 8143, Name found: Tremor Totem, NameInGame found: Tremor Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.627 - [Spell] Grounding Totem (Id found: 8177, Name found: Grounding Totem, NameInGame found: Grounding Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.658 - [Spell] Attack (Id found: 75100, Name found: Attack, NameInGame found: Attack, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:54:03.675 - [Spell] Nature's Swiftness (Id found: 16188, Name found: Nature's Swiftness, NameInGame found: Nature's Swiftness, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.690 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.705 - [Spell] Earth Shield (Id found: 49284, Name found: Earth Shield, NameInGame found: Earth Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.722 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.722 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.785 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.786 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.848 - [Spell] Riptide (Id found: 61301, Name found: Riptide, NameInGame found: Riptide, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.906 - [Spell] Chain Heal (Id found: 55459, Name found: Chain Heal, NameInGame found: Chain Heal, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:03.955 - [Spell] Lesser Healing Wave (Id found: 49276, Name found: Lesser Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Lesser Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:04.029 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:04.056 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:04.057 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:04.119 - [Spell] Earth Shock (Id found: 49231, Name found: Earth Shock, NameInGame found: Earth Shock, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:04.135 - [Spell] Lightning Bolt (Id found: 49238, Name found: Lightning Bolt, NameInGame found: Lightning Bolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:54:11.894 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Muntu) das ist doch Unfug! Was haten denn ein Fliesentisch mit Käse zu tun?!
[D] 20:54:24.178 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gortox) alles
[D] 20:54:25.426 - [NpcScan] Add npc to database: Repair - Shoma
[D] 20:54:25.718 - [NpcScan] Add npc to database: Repair - Koru
[D] 20:54:26.678 - [NpcScan] Add npc to database: Mailbox - Mailbox
[D] 20:54:42.664 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Amrasamandil) Käse kann zerflie"s"en
20:54:45.029 - [Grinder2] Stopped
20:54:45.553 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:42s
XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[D] 20:56:22.695 - [Info] Continent change, Kalimdor to Valgarde70
[D] 20:56:22.695 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = False).
[D] 20:56:37.083 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = False).
[F] 20:56:37.138 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\mail\Desktop\WOW\WRobot\\FightClass\AIO.dll
[D] 20:56:38.689 - [Spell] Cannibalize (Id found: 70363, Name found: Cannibalize, NameInGame found: Cannibalize, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:38.723 - [Spell] Arcane Torrent (Id found: 50615, Name found: Arcane Torrent, NameInGame found: Arcane Torrent, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:38.758 - [Spell] War Stomp (Id found: 61065, Name found: War Stomp, NameInGame found: War Stomp, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:38.787 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 33702, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:38.817 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26297, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:38.846 - [Spell] Will of the Forsaken (Id found: 7744, Name found: Will of the Forsaken, NameInGame found: Will of the Forsaken, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:38.873 - [Spell] Every Man for Himself (Id found: 59752, Name found: Every Man for Himself, NameInGame found: Every Man for Himself, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:38.908 - [Spell] Stoneform (Id found: 70733, Name found: Stoneform, NameInGame found: Stoneform, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:38.938 - [Spell] Escape Artist (Id found: 20589, Name found: Escape Artist, NameInGame found: Escape Artist, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:38.967 - [Spell] Gift of the Naaru (Id found: 59548, Name found: Gift of the Naaru, NameInGame found: Gift of the Naaru, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:38.998 - [Spell] Shadowmeld (Id found: 62199, Name found: Shadowmeld, NameInGame found: Shadowmeld, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
20:56:39.008 - [Grinder2] Started
20:56:39.385 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 of FightClass
20:56:39.385 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 Discovering class and finding rotation...
[D] 20:56:39.551 - [Spell] Ghost Wolf (Id found: 2645, Name found: Ghost Wolf, NameInGame found: Ghost Wolf, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:39.585 - [Spell] Ancestral Spirit (Id found: 49277, Name found: Ancestral Spirit, NameInGame found: Ancestral Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:39.614 - [Spell] Stoneskin Totem (Id found: 58753, Name found: Stoneskin Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneskin Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:39.629 - [Spell] Strength of Earth Totem (Id found: 58643, Name found: Strength of Earth Totem, NameInGame found: Strength of Earth Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:39.649 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:39.677 - [Spell] Searing Totem (Id found: 58704, Name found: Searing Totem, NameInGame found: Searing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:39.693 - [Spell] Flametongue Totem (Id found: 58656, Name found: Flametongue Totem, NameInGame found: Flametongue Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:39.708 - [Spell] Totem of Wrath (Id found: 57722, Name found: Totem of Wrath, NameInGame found: Totem of Wrath, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:39.741 - [Spell] Wrath of Air Totem (Id found: 3738, Name found: Wrath of Air Totem, NameInGame found: Wrath of Air Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:39.773 - [Spell] Windfury Totem (Id found: 8512, Name found: Windfury Totem, NameInGame found: Windfury Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:39.807 - [Spell] Mana Spring Totem (Id found: 58774, Name found: Mana Spring Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Spring Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:39.836 - [Spell] Healing Stream Totem (Id found: 58757, Name found: Healing Stream Totem, NameInGame found: Healing Stream Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:39.868 - [Spell] Rockbiter Weapon (Id found: 10399, Name found: Rockbiter Weapon, NameInGame found: Rockbiter Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:39.900 - [Spell] Flametongue Weapon (Id found: 58790, Name found: Flametongue Weapon, NameInGame found: Flametongue Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:39.931 - [Spell] Earthliving Weapon (Id found: 51994, Name found: Earthliving Weapon, NameInGame found: Earthliving Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:39.963 - [Spell] Windfury Weapon (Id found: 58804, Name found: Windfury Weapon, NameInGame found: Windfury Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
20:56:39.995 - Tank name: Uelibrot
20:56:40.191 - Running Restoration specialisation
[D] 20:56:40.225 - [Spell] Water Shield (Id found: 57960, Name found: Water Shield, NameInGame found: Water Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:40.309 - [Spell] Lightning Shield (Id found: 49281, Name found: Lightning Shield, NameInGame found: Lightning Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:40.374 - [Spell] Totemic Recall (Id found: 36936, Name found: Totemic Recall, NameInGame found: Totemic Recall, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:40.409 - [Spell] Call of the Elements (Id found: 66842, Name found: Call of the Elements, NameInGame found: Call of the Elements, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:40.455 - [Spell] Mana Tide Totem (Id found: 16190, Name found: Mana Tide Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Tide Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:40.522 - [Spell] Earth Elemental Totem (Id found: 2062, Name found: Earth Elemental Totem, NameInGame found: Earth Elemental Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:40.578 - [Spell] Stoneclaw Totem (Id found: 58582, Name found: Stoneclaw Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneclaw Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:40.658 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:40.688 - [Spell] Cleansing Totem (Id found: 8170, Name found: Cleansing Totem, NameInGame found: Cleansing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:40.736 - [Spell] Tremor Totem (Id found: 8143, Name found: Tremor Totem, NameInGame found: Tremor Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:40.767 - [Spell] Grounding Totem (Id found: 8177, Name found: Grounding Totem, NameInGame found: Grounding Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:40.799 - [Spell] Attack (Id found: 75100, Name found: Attack, NameInGame found: Attack, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:40.832 - [Spell] Nature's Swiftness (Id found: 16188, Name found: Nature's Swiftness, NameInGame found: Nature's Swiftness, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:40.863 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:40.879 - [Spell] Earth Shield (Id found: 49284, Name found: Earth Shield, NameInGame found: Earth Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:40.894 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:40.894 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:40.926 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:40.926 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:40.957 - [Spell] Riptide (Id found: 61301, Name found: Riptide, NameInGame found: Riptide, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[F] 20:56:40.992 - [RTF] Casting Water Shield on Sharmeur [6435288]
[D] 20:56:41.020 - [Spell] Chain Heal (Id found: 55459, Name found: Chain Heal, NameInGame found: Chain Heal, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:41.036 - [Spell] Lesser Healing Wave (Id found: 49276, Name found: Lesser Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Lesser Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:41.052 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:41.067 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:41.067 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:41.082 - [Spell] Earth Shock (Id found: 49231, Name found: Earth Shock, NameInGame found: Earth Shock, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:41.097 - [Spell] Lightning Bolt (Id found: 49238, Name found: Lightning Bolt, NameInGame found: Lightning Bolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:42.113 - [Security] [CHAT] [PARTY] (Uelibrot) moin
[F] 20:56:42.496 - [RTF] Casting Earth Shield on Uelibrot [6565858]
[F] 20:56:44.090 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 20:56:45.671 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 20:56:47.302 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
20:56:48.065 - [Grinder2] Stopped
20:56:48.173 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:08s
XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[D] 20:56:51.685 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = False).
[F] 20:56:51.731 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\mail\Desktop\WOW\WRobot\\FightClass\AIO.dll
[D] 20:56:52.733 - [Spell] Cannibalize (Id found: 70363, Name found: Cannibalize, NameInGame found: Cannibalize, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:52.768 - [Spell] Arcane Torrent (Id found: 50615, Name found: Arcane Torrent, NameInGame found: Arcane Torrent, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:52.796 - [Spell] War Stomp (Id found: 61065, Name found: War Stomp, NameInGame found: War Stomp, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:52.812 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 33702, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:52.845 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26297, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:52.876 - [Spell] Will of the Forsaken (Id found: 7744, Name found: Will of the Forsaken, NameInGame found: Will of the Forsaken, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:52.914 - [Spell] Every Man for Himself (Id found: 59752, Name found: Every Man for Himself, NameInGame found: Every Man for Himself, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:52.953 - [Spell] Stoneform (Id found: 70733, Name found: Stoneform, NameInGame found: Stoneform, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:52.985 - [Spell] Escape Artist (Id found: 20589, Name found: Escape Artist, NameInGame found: Escape Artist, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:53.017 - [Spell] Gift of the Naaru (Id found: 59548, Name found: Gift of the Naaru, NameInGame found: Gift of the Naaru, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:53.050 - [Spell] Shadowmeld (Id found: 62199, Name found: Shadowmeld, NameInGame found: Shadowmeld, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
20:56:53.054 - [Grinder2] Started
20:56:53.179 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 of FightClass
20:56:53.179 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 Discovering class and finding rotation...
[D] 20:56:53.382 - [Spell] Ghost Wolf (Id found: 2645, Name found: Ghost Wolf, NameInGame found: Ghost Wolf, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:53.412 - [Spell] Ancestral Spirit (Id found: 49277, Name found: Ancestral Spirit, NameInGame found: Ancestral Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:53.442 - [Spell] Stoneskin Totem (Id found: 58753, Name found: Stoneskin Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneskin Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:53.475 - [Spell] Strength of Earth Totem (Id found: 58643, Name found: Strength of Earth Totem, NameInGame found: Strength of Earth Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:53.510 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:53.545 - [Spell] Searing Totem (Id found: 58704, Name found: Searing Totem, NameInGame found: Searing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:53.569 - [Spell] Flametongue Totem (Id found: 58656, Name found: Flametongue Totem, NameInGame found: Flametongue Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:53.600 - [Spell] Totem of Wrath (Id found: 57722, Name found: Totem of Wrath, NameInGame found: Totem of Wrath, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:53.636 - [Spell] Wrath of Air Totem (Id found: 3738, Name found: Wrath of Air Totem, NameInGame found: Wrath of Air Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:53.669 - [Spell] Windfury Totem (Id found: 8512, Name found: Windfury Totem, NameInGame found: Windfury Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:53.697 - [Spell] Mana Spring Totem (Id found: 58774, Name found: Mana Spring Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Spring Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:53.730 - [Spell] Healing Stream Totem (Id found: 58757, Name found: Healing Stream Totem, NameInGame found: Healing Stream Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:53.776 - [Spell] Rockbiter Weapon (Id found: 10399, Name found: Rockbiter Weapon, NameInGame found: Rockbiter Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:53.810 - [Spell] Flametongue Weapon (Id found: 58790, Name found: Flametongue Weapon, NameInGame found: Flametongue Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:53.854 - [Spell] Earthliving Weapon (Id found: 51994, Name found: Earthliving Weapon, NameInGame found: Earthliving Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:53.886 - [Spell] Windfury Weapon (Id found: 58804, Name found: Windfury Weapon, NameInGame found: Windfury Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
20:56:53.920 - Tank name: Uelibrot
20:56:54.155 - Running Restoration specialisation
[D] 20:56:54.187 - [Spell] Water Shield (Id found: 57960, Name found: Water Shield, NameInGame found: Water Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:54.201 - [Spell] Lightning Shield (Id found: 49281, Name found: Lightning Shield, NameInGame found: Lightning Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:54.217 - [Spell] Totemic Recall (Id found: 36936, Name found: Totemic Recall, NameInGame found: Totemic Recall, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:54.249 - [Spell] Call of the Elements (Id found: 66842, Name found: Call of the Elements, NameInGame found: Call of the Elements, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:54.281 - [Spell] Mana Tide Totem (Id found: 16190, Name found: Mana Tide Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Tide Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:54.313 - [Spell] Earth Elemental Totem (Id found: 2062, Name found: Earth Elemental Totem, NameInGame found: Earth Elemental Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:54.343 - [Spell] Stoneclaw Totem (Id found: 58582, Name found: Stoneclaw Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneclaw Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:54.376 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:54.389 - [Spell] Cleansing Totem (Id found: 8170, Name found: Cleansing Totem, NameInGame found: Cleansing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:54.404 - [Spell] Tremor Totem (Id found: 8143, Name found: Tremor Totem, NameInGame found: Tremor Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:54.437 - [Spell] Grounding Totem (Id found: 8177, Name found: Grounding Totem, NameInGame found: Grounding Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:54.484 - [Spell] Attack (Id found: 75100, Name found: Attack, NameInGame found: Attack, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:54.516 - [Spell] Nature's Swiftness (Id found: 16188, Name found: Nature's Swiftness, NameInGame found: Nature's Swiftness, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:54.559 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:54.585 - [Spell] Earth Shield (Id found: 49284, Name found: Earth Shield, NameInGame found: Earth Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:54.614 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:54.615 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[F] 20:56:54.648 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[D] 20:56:54.675 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:54.675 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:56:54.708 - [Spell] Riptide (Id found: 61301, Name found: Riptide, NameInGame found: Riptide, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:54.736 - [Spell] Chain Heal (Id found: 55459, Name found: Chain Heal, NameInGame found: Chain Heal, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:54.754 - [Spell] Lesser Healing Wave (Id found: 49276, Name found: Lesser Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Lesser Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:54.768 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:54.817 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:54.817 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:54.880 - [Spell] Earth Shock (Id found: 49231, Name found: Earth Shock, NameInGame found: Earth Shock, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:56:54.909 - [Spell] Lightning Bolt (Id found: 49238, Name found: Lightning Bolt, NameInGame found: Lightning Bolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[F] 20:56:56.349 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 20:56:57.723 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 20:56:57.911 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
20:56:59.344 - [Grinder2] Stopped
20:56:59.585 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:06s
XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[D] 20:57:12.724 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = False).
[F] 20:57:12.802 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\mail\Desktop\WOW\WRobot\\FightClass\AIO.dll
[D] 20:57:14.154 - [Spell] Cannibalize (Id found: 70363, Name found: Cannibalize, NameInGame found: Cannibalize, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:14.200 - [Spell] Arcane Torrent (Id found: 50615, Name found: Arcane Torrent, NameInGame found: Arcane Torrent, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:14.220 - [Spell] War Stomp (Id found: 61065, Name found: War Stomp, NameInGame found: War Stomp, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:14.267 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 33702, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:14.294 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26297, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:14.342 - [Spell] Will of the Forsaken (Id found: 7744, Name found: Will of the Forsaken, NameInGame found: Will of the Forsaken, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:14.357 - [Spell] Every Man for Himself (Id found: 59752, Name found: Every Man for Himself, NameInGame found: Every Man for Himself, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:14.391 - [Spell] Stoneform (Id found: 70733, Name found: Stoneform, NameInGame found: Stoneform, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:14.433 - [Spell] Escape Artist (Id found: 20589, Name found: Escape Artist, NameInGame found: Escape Artist, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:14.473 - [Spell] Gift of the Naaru (Id found: 59548, Name found: Gift of the Naaru, NameInGame found: Gift of the Naaru, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:14.502 - [Spell] Shadowmeld (Id found: 62199, Name found: Shadowmeld, NameInGame found: Shadowmeld, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
20:57:14.516 - [Grinder2] Started
20:57:14.541 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 of FightClass
20:57:14.541 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 Discovering class and finding rotation...
[D] 20:57:14.691 - [Spell] Ghost Wolf (Id found: 2645, Name found: Ghost Wolf, NameInGame found: Ghost Wolf, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:14.708 - [Spell] Ancestral Spirit (Id found: 49277, Name found: Ancestral Spirit, NameInGame found: Ancestral Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:14.744 - [Spell] Stoneskin Totem (Id found: 58753, Name found: Stoneskin Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneskin Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:14.773 - [Spell] Strength of Earth Totem (Id found: 58643, Name found: Strength of Earth Totem, NameInGame found: Strength of Earth Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:14.802 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:14.853 - [Spell] Searing Totem (Id found: 58704, Name found: Searing Totem, NameInGame found: Searing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:14.876 - [Spell] Flametongue Totem (Id found: 58656, Name found: Flametongue Totem, NameInGame found: Flametongue Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:14.912 - [Spell] Totem of Wrath (Id found: 57722, Name found: Totem of Wrath, NameInGame found: Totem of Wrath, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:14.937 - [Spell] Wrath of Air Totem (Id found: 3738, Name found: Wrath of Air Totem, NameInGame found: Wrath of Air Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:14.975 - [Spell] Windfury Totem (Id found: 8512, Name found: Windfury Totem, NameInGame found: Windfury Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:15.006 - [Spell] Mana Spring Totem (Id found: 58774, Name found: Mana Spring Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Spring Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:15.049 - [Spell] Healing Stream Totem (Id found: 58757, Name found: Healing Stream Totem, NameInGame found: Healing Stream Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:15.090 - [Spell] Rockbiter Weapon (Id found: 10399, Name found: Rockbiter Weapon, NameInGame found: Rockbiter Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:15.118 - [Spell] Flametongue Weapon (Id found: 58790, Name found: Flametongue Weapon, NameInGame found: Flametongue Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:15.132 - [Spell] Earthliving Weapon (Id found: 51994, Name found: Earthliving Weapon, NameInGame found: Earthliving Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:15.167 - [Spell] Windfury Weapon (Id found: 58804, Name found: Windfury Weapon, NameInGame found: Windfury Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
20:57:15.196 - Tank name: Uelibrot
20:57:15.439 - Running Restoration specialisation
[D] 20:57:15.480 - [Spell] Water Shield (Id found: 57960, Name found: Water Shield, NameInGame found: Water Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:15.559 - [Spell] Lightning Shield (Id found: 49281, Name found: Lightning Shield, NameInGame found: Lightning Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:15.598 - [Spell] Totemic Recall (Id found: 36936, Name found: Totemic Recall, NameInGame found: Totemic Recall, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:15.629 - [Spell] Call of the Elements (Id found: 66842, Name found: Call of the Elements, NameInGame found: Call of the Elements, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:15.660 - [Spell] Mana Tide Totem (Id found: 16190, Name found: Mana Tide Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Tide Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:15.695 - [Spell] Earth Elemental Totem (Id found: 2062, Name found: Earth Elemental Totem, NameInGame found: Earth Elemental Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:15.719 - [Spell] Stoneclaw Totem (Id found: 58582, Name found: Stoneclaw Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneclaw Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:15.752 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:15.783 - [Spell] Cleansing Totem (Id found: 8170, Name found: Cleansing Totem, NameInGame found: Cleansing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:15.830 - [Spell] Tremor Totem (Id found: 8143, Name found: Tremor Totem, NameInGame found: Tremor Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:15.893 - [Spell] Grounding Totem (Id found: 8177, Name found: Grounding Totem, NameInGame found: Grounding Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:15.939 - [Spell] Attack (Id found: 75100, Name found: Attack, NameInGame found: Attack, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:15.955 - [Spell] Nature's Swiftness (Id found: 16188, Name found: Nature's Swiftness, NameInGame found: Nature's Swiftness, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:15.985 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:16.017 - [Spell] Earth Shield (Id found: 49284, Name found: Earth Shield, NameInGame found: Earth Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:16.050 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:16.051 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:16.085 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:16.086 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:16.117 - [Spell] Riptide (Id found: 61301, Name found: Riptide, NameInGame found: Riptide, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:16.143 - [Spell] Chain Heal (Id found: 55459, Name found: Chain Heal, NameInGame found: Chain Heal, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:16.159 - [Spell] Lesser Healing Wave (Id found: 49276, Name found: Lesser Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Lesser Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:16.175 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:16.192 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:16.192 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:16.208 - [Spell] Earth Shock (Id found: 49231, Name found: Earth Shock, NameInGame found: Earth Shock, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:16.224 - [Spell] Lightning Bolt (Id found: 49238, Name found: Lightning Bolt, NameInGame found: Lightning Bolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:17.553 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Muntu) egal auf welchem Tisch
[D] 20:57:20.667 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Naalando) naja gibt loide die brauche ndas ne
[F] 20:57:27.353 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 20:57:28.663 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 20:57:29.088 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 20:57:30.445 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 20:57:31.946 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 20:57:33.493 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 20:57:35.898 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 20:57:37.351 - [RTF] Casting Mana Tide Totem on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 20:57:38.499 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Zarnas [7385640]
[F] 20:57:40.286 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Zarnas [7385640]
[F] 20:57:44.761 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Uelibrot [6565858]
[F] 20:57:51.801 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 20:57:53.179 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
20:57:54.431 - [Grinder2] Stopped
20:57:55.063 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:39s
XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 10 G 21 S 84 C (0 G 11 S 07 C)

[D] 20:57:57.835 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = False).
[F] 20:57:57.892 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\mail\Desktop\WOW\WRobot\\FightClass\AIO.dll
[D] 20:57:59.149 - [Spell] Cannibalize (Id found: 70363, Name found: Cannibalize, NameInGame found: Cannibalize, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:59.180 - [Spell] Arcane Torrent (Id found: 50615, Name found: Arcane Torrent, NameInGame found: Arcane Torrent, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:59.212 - [Spell] War Stomp (Id found: 61065, Name found: War Stomp, NameInGame found: War Stomp, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:59.242 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 33702, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:59.259 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26297, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:59.290 - [Spell] Will of the Forsaken (Id found: 7744, Name found: Will of the Forsaken, NameInGame found: Will of the Forsaken, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:59.321 - [Spell] Every Man for Himself (Id found: 59752, Name found: Every Man for Himself, NameInGame found: Every Man for Himself, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:59.354 - [Spell] Stoneform (Id found: 70733, Name found: Stoneform, NameInGame found: Stoneform, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:59.386 - [Spell] Escape Artist (Id found: 20589, Name found: Escape Artist, NameInGame found: Escape Artist, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:59.417 - [Spell] Gift of the Naaru (Id found: 59548, Name found: Gift of the Naaru, NameInGame found: Gift of the Naaru, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:59.432 - [Spell] Shadowmeld (Id found: 62199, Name found: Shadowmeld, NameInGame found: Shadowmeld, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
20:57:59.446 - [Grinder2] Started
20:57:59.640 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 of FightClass
20:57:59.640 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 Discovering class and finding rotation...
[D] 20:57:59.795 - [Spell] Ghost Wolf (Id found: 2645, Name found: Ghost Wolf, NameInGame found: Ghost Wolf, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:59.811 - [Spell] Ancestral Spirit (Id found: 49277, Name found: Ancestral Spirit, NameInGame found: Ancestral Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:59.825 - [Spell] Stoneskin Totem (Id found: 58753, Name found: Stoneskin Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneskin Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:59.842 - [Spell] Strength of Earth Totem (Id found: 58643, Name found: Strength of Earth Totem, NameInGame found: Strength of Earth Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:59.857 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:59.873 - [Spell] Searing Totem (Id found: 58704, Name found: Searing Totem, NameInGame found: Searing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:59.906 - [Spell] Flametongue Totem (Id found: 58656, Name found: Flametongue Totem, NameInGame found: Flametongue Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:57:59.938 - [Spell] Totem of Wrath (Id found: 57722, Name found: Totem of Wrath, NameInGame found: Totem of Wrath, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:57:59.971 - [Spell] Wrath of Air Totem (Id found: 3738, Name found: Wrath of Air Totem, NameInGame found: Wrath of Air Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:58:00.003 - [Spell] Windfury Totem (Id found: 8512, Name found: Windfury Totem, NameInGame found: Windfury Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:58:00.035 - [Spell] Mana Spring Totem (Id found: 58774, Name found: Mana Spring Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Spring Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:58:00.067 - [Spell] Healing Stream Totem (Id found: 58757, Name found: Healing Stream Totem, NameInGame found: Healing Stream Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:58:00.097 - [Spell] Rockbiter Weapon (Id found: 10399, Name found: Rockbiter Weapon, NameInGame found: Rockbiter Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:58:00.128 - [Spell] Flametongue Weapon (Id found: 58790, Name found: Flametongue Weapon, NameInGame found: Flametongue Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:58:00.159 - [Spell] Earthliving Weapon (Id found: 51994, Name found: Earthliving Weapon, NameInGame found: Earthliving Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:58:00.191 - [Spell] Windfury Weapon (Id found: 58804, Name found: Windfury Weapon, NameInGame found: Windfury Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
20:58:00.207 - Tank name: Uelibrot
20:58:00.399 - Running Restoration specialisation
[D] 20:58:00.443 - [Spell] Water Shield (Id found: 57960, Name found: Water Shield, NameInGame found: Water Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:58:00.476 - [Spell] Lightning Shield (Id found: 49281, Name found: Lightning Shield, NameInGame found: Lightning Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:58:00.506 - [Spell] Totemic Recall (Id found: 36936, Name found: Totemic Recall, NameInGame found: Totemic Recall, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:58:00.521 - [Spell] Call of the Elements (Id found: 66842, Name found: Call of the Elements, NameInGame found: Call of the Elements, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:58:00.537 - [Spell] Mana Tide Totem (Id found: 16190, Name found: Mana Tide Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Tide Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:58:00.552 - [Spell] Earth Elemental Totem (Id found: 2062, Name found: Earth Elemental Totem, NameInGame found: Earth Elemental Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:58:00.568 - [Spell] Stoneclaw Totem (Id found: 58582, Name found: Stoneclaw Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneclaw Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:58:00.676 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:58:00.695 - [Spell] Cleansing Totem (Id found: 8170, Name found: Cleansing Totem, NameInGame found: Cleansing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:58:00.711 - [Spell] Tremor Totem (Id found: 8143, Name found: Tremor Totem, NameInGame found: Tremor Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:58:00.744 - [Spell] Grounding Totem (Id found: 8177, Name found: Grounding Totem, NameInGame found: Grounding Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:58:00.774 - [Spell] Attack (Id found: 75100, Name found: Attack, NameInGame found: Attack, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:58:00.809 - [Spell] Nature's Swiftness (Id found: 16188, Name found: Nature's Swiftness, NameInGame found: Nature's Swiftness, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:58:00.837 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:58:00.871 - [Spell] Earth Shield (Id found: 49284, Name found: Earth Shield, NameInGame found: Earth Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[F] 20:58:00.913 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[D] 20:58:00.916 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:58:00.916 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:58:00.948 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:58:00.948 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:58:00.964 - [Spell] Riptide (Id found: 61301, Name found: Riptide, NameInGame found: Riptide, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:58:01.011 - [Spell] Chain Heal (Id found: 55459, Name found: Chain Heal, NameInGame found: Chain Heal, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:58:01.027 - [Spell] Lesser Healing Wave (Id found: 49276, Name found: Lesser Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Lesser Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:58:01.059 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:58:01.106 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:58:01.106 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:58:01.172 - [Spell] Earth Shock (Id found: 49231, Name found: Earth Shock, NameInGame found: Earth Shock, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:58:01.203 - [Spell] Lightning Bolt (Id found: 49238, Name found: Lightning Bolt, NameInGame found: Lightning Bolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[F] 20:58:01.990 - [RTF] Casting Tidal Force on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 20:58:02.510 - [RTF] Casting Earth Shield on Uelibrot [6565858]
[F] 20:58:04.286 - [RTF] Casting Riptide on Uelibrot [6565858]
[D] 20:58:05.566 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Naalando) aber immer hin konserviert alkohol und hält jung
[D] 20:58:08.663 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rossel) Die Welt braucht wirklich vieles, aber das, das nicht !
[F] 20:58:11.103 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 20:58:14.224 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 20:58:17.306 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 20:58:18.659 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Frêdric [7375053]
[D] 20:58:24.127 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Naalando) und so muss man auch direkt tagsüber von innen desinfiziert, besonders wichtig in solch ahrten zeiten
20:58:28.423 - [Pause] started
20:58:35.794 - [Pause] Stoped
[D] 20:58:41.947 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rossel) Habe mal gelesen das wenn man eine Flasche Adelskrone getrunken hat, man die Stimme eines 60 Jährigen Starkrauchers bekommt
[D] 20:58:41.948 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Muntu) Bier desinfiziert nen Scheiß!
[F] 20:58:44.297 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 20:58:45.735 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 20:58:56.441 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Uelibrot [6565858]
[D] 20:59:03.571 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rossel) nach EINMALIGEM Konsum
[D] 20:59:09.783 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Muntu) Da muss schon der Präsident oder Puschkin ran
[D] 20:59:15.988 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Accua) guten abend gilde
20:59:16.996 - [Pause] started
20:59:19.074 - [Grinder2] Stopped
20:59:19.237 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:01m:19s
XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 18 G 70 S 63 C (0 G 41 S 05 C)

[D] 20:59:26.200 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = False).
[F] 20:59:26.261 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\mail\Desktop\WOW\WRobot\\FightClass\AIO.dll
[D] 20:59:27.254 - [Spell] Cannibalize (Id found: 70363, Name found: Cannibalize, NameInGame found: Cannibalize, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:59:27.274 - [Spell] Arcane Torrent (Id found: 50615, Name found: Arcane Torrent, NameInGame found: Arcane Torrent, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:59:27.301 - [Spell] War Stomp (Id found: 61065, Name found: War Stomp, NameInGame found: War Stomp, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:59:27.333 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 33702, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:59:27.365 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26297, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:27.400 - [Spell] Will of the Forsaken (Id found: 7744, Name found: Will of the Forsaken, NameInGame found: Will of the Forsaken, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:59:27.428 - [Spell] Every Man for Himself (Id found: 59752, Name found: Every Man for Himself, NameInGame found: Every Man for Himself, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:59:27.462 - [Spell] Stoneform (Id found: 70733, Name found: Stoneform, NameInGame found: Stoneform, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:59:27.500 - [Spell] Escape Artist (Id found: 20589, Name found: Escape Artist, NameInGame found: Escape Artist, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:59:27.523 - [Spell] Gift of the Naaru (Id found: 59548, Name found: Gift of the Naaru, NameInGame found: Gift of the Naaru, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:59:27.553 - [Spell] Shadowmeld (Id found: 62199, Name found: Shadowmeld, NameInGame found: Shadowmeld, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
20:59:27.568 - [Grinder2] Started
20:59:27.643 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 of FightClass
20:59:27.643 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 Discovering class and finding rotation...
[D] 20:59:27.824 - [Spell] Ghost Wolf (Id found: 2645, Name found: Ghost Wolf, NameInGame found: Ghost Wolf, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:59:27.839 - [Spell] Ancestral Spirit (Id found: 49277, Name found: Ancestral Spirit, NameInGame found: Ancestral Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:59:27.873 - [Spell] Stoneskin Totem (Id found: 58753, Name found: Stoneskin Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneskin Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:27.905 - [Spell] Strength of Earth Totem (Id found: 58643, Name found: Strength of Earth Totem, NameInGame found: Strength of Earth Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:27.935 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:27.967 - [Spell] Searing Totem (Id found: 58704, Name found: Searing Totem, NameInGame found: Searing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:27.983 - [Spell] Flametongue Totem (Id found: 58656, Name found: Flametongue Totem, NameInGame found: Flametongue Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:28.014 - [Spell] Totem of Wrath (Id found: 57722, Name found: Totem of Wrath, NameInGame found: Totem of Wrath, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:59:28.047 - [Spell] Wrath of Air Totem (Id found: 3738, Name found: Wrath of Air Totem, NameInGame found: Wrath of Air Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:28.077 - [Spell] Windfury Totem (Id found: 8512, Name found: Windfury Totem, NameInGame found: Windfury Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:28.109 - [Spell] Mana Spring Totem (Id found: 58774, Name found: Mana Spring Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Spring Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:28.158 - [Spell] Healing Stream Totem (Id found: 58757, Name found: Healing Stream Totem, NameInGame found: Healing Stream Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:28.188 - [Spell] Rockbiter Weapon (Id found: 10399, Name found: Rockbiter Weapon, NameInGame found: Rockbiter Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:28.202 - [Spell] Flametongue Weapon (Id found: 58790, Name found: Flametongue Weapon, NameInGame found: Flametongue Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:28.218 - [Spell] Earthliving Weapon (Id found: 51994, Name found: Earthliving Weapon, NameInGame found: Earthliving Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:28.232 - [Spell] Windfury Weapon (Id found: 58804, Name found: Windfury Weapon, NameInGame found: Windfury Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
20:59:28.265 - Tank name: Uelibrot
20:59:28.477 - Running Restoration specialisation
[D] 20:59:28.505 - [Spell] Water Shield (Id found: 57960, Name found: Water Shield, NameInGame found: Water Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:28.519 - [Spell] Lightning Shield (Id found: 49281, Name found: Lightning Shield, NameInGame found: Lightning Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:28.554 - [Spell] Totemic Recall (Id found: 36936, Name found: Totemic Recall, NameInGame found: Totemic Recall, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:28.583 - [Spell] Call of the Elements (Id found: 66842, Name found: Call of the Elements, NameInGame found: Call of the Elements, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:28.615 - [Spell] Mana Tide Totem (Id found: 16190, Name found: Mana Tide Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Tide Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:59:28.646 - [Spell] Earth Elemental Totem (Id found: 2062, Name found: Earth Elemental Totem, NameInGame found: Earth Elemental Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:28.678 - [Spell] Stoneclaw Totem (Id found: 58582, Name found: Stoneclaw Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneclaw Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:28.709 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:28.741 - [Spell] Cleansing Totem (Id found: 8170, Name found: Cleansing Totem, NameInGame found: Cleansing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:28.756 - [Spell] Tremor Totem (Id found: 8143, Name found: Tremor Totem, NameInGame found: Tremor Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:28.772 - [Spell] Grounding Totem (Id found: 8177, Name found: Grounding Totem, NameInGame found: Grounding Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:28.810 - [Spell] Attack (Id found: 75100, Name found: Attack, NameInGame found: Attack, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:59:28.836 - [Spell] Nature's Swiftness (Id found: 16188, Name found: Nature's Swiftness, NameInGame found: Nature's Swiftness, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:28.869 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:29.006 - [Spell] Earth Shield (Id found: 49284, Name found: Earth Shield, NameInGame found: Earth Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:29.114 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:59:29.114 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 20:59:29.148 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:29.148 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:29.180 - [Spell] Riptide (Id found: 61301, Name found: Riptide, NameInGame found: Riptide, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:29.244 - [Spell] Chain Heal (Id found: 55459, Name found: Chain Heal, NameInGame found: Chain Heal, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:29.275 - [Spell] Lesser Healing Wave (Id found: 49276, Name found: Lesser Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Lesser Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:29.292 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:29.323 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:29.323 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:29.340 - [Spell] Earth Shock (Id found: 49231, Name found: Earth Shock, NameInGame found: Earth Shock, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 20:59:29.354 - [Spell] Lightning Bolt (Id found: 49238, Name found: Lightning Bolt, NameInGame found: Lightning Bolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[F] 20:59:34.045 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 20:59:35.398 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Frêdric [7375053]
[F] 20:59:35.868 - [RTF] Casting Riptide on Frêdric [7375053]
[D] 20:59:42.936 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rossel) Bretznak 1,5L PET
[F] 20:59:43.851 - [RTF] Casting Grounding Totem on Sharmeur [6435288]
[D] 20:59:46.033 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Formina) Könnt ihr euch noch erinnern, als Trump vorgeschlagen hat man soll Bleiche drinken, um sich von Innen zu desinfizieren?
[D] 20:59:46.033 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Corys) klosterfrau melissengeist! @Muntu
20:59:57.365 - [Grinder2] Stopped
20:59:57.543 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:29s
XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[F] 20:59:59.701 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\mail\Desktop\WOW\WRobot\\FightClass\AIO.dll
[D] 21:00:00.776 - [Spell] Cannibalize (Id found: 70363, Name found: Cannibalize, NameInGame found: Cannibalize, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:00.804 - [Spell] Arcane Torrent (Id found: 50615, Name found: Arcane Torrent, NameInGame found: Arcane Torrent, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:00.820 - [Spell] War Stomp (Id found: 61065, Name found: War Stomp, NameInGame found: War Stomp, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:00.835 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 33702, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:00.853 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26297, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:00.883 - [Spell] Will of the Forsaken (Id found: 7744, Name found: Will of the Forsaken, NameInGame found: Will of the Forsaken, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:00.915 - [Spell] Every Man for Himself (Id found: 59752, Name found: Every Man for Himself, NameInGame found: Every Man for Himself, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:00.948 - [Spell] Stoneform (Id found: 70733, Name found: Stoneform, NameInGame found: Stoneform, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:00.978 - [Spell] Escape Artist (Id found: 20589, Name found: Escape Artist, NameInGame found: Escape Artist, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:01.010 - [Spell] Gift of the Naaru (Id found: 59548, Name found: Gift of the Naaru, NameInGame found: Gift of the Naaru, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:01.026 - [Spell] Shadowmeld (Id found: 62199, Name found: Shadowmeld, NameInGame found: Shadowmeld, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:07.277 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = False).
[F] 21:00:07.341 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\mail\Desktop\WOW\WRobot\\FightClass\AIO.dll
21:00:08.229 - [Grinder2] Stopped
[D] 21:00:08.308 - [Spell] Cannibalize (Id found: 70363, Name found: Cannibalize, NameInGame found: Cannibalize, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:08.338 - [Spell] Arcane Torrent (Id found: 50615, Name found: Arcane Torrent, NameInGame found: Arcane Torrent, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:08.370 - [Spell] War Stomp (Id found: 61065, Name found: War Stomp, NameInGame found: War Stomp, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:08.407 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 33702, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:08.449 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26297, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:08.480 - [Spell] Will of the Forsaken (Id found: 7744, Name found: Will of the Forsaken, NameInGame found: Will of the Forsaken, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:08.511 - [Spell] Every Man for Himself (Id found: 59752, Name found: Every Man for Himself, NameInGame found: Every Man for Himself, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:08.560 - [Spell] Stoneform (Id found: 70733, Name found: Stoneform, NameInGame found: Stoneform, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:08.590 - [Spell] Escape Artist (Id found: 20589, Name found: Escape Artist, NameInGame found: Escape Artist, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:08.606 - [Spell] Gift of the Naaru (Id found: 59548, Name found: Gift of the Naaru, NameInGame found: Gift of the Naaru, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:08.637 - [Spell] Shadowmeld (Id found: 62199, Name found: Shadowmeld, NameInGame found: Shadowmeld, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
21:00:08.645 - [Grinder2] Started
21:00:08.682 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 of FightClass
21:00:08.682 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 Discovering class and finding rotation...
[D] 21:00:08.859 - [Spell] Ghost Wolf (Id found: 2645, Name found: Ghost Wolf, NameInGame found: Ghost Wolf, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:08.892 - [Spell] Ancestral Spirit (Id found: 49277, Name found: Ancestral Spirit, NameInGame found: Ancestral Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:08.928 - [Spell] Stoneskin Totem (Id found: 58753, Name found: Stoneskin Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneskin Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:08.956 - [Spell] Strength of Earth Totem (Id found: 58643, Name found: Strength of Earth Totem, NameInGame found: Strength of Earth Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:08.989 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:09.003 - [Spell] Searing Totem (Id found: 58704, Name found: Searing Totem, NameInGame found: Searing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:09.019 - [Spell] Flametongue Totem (Id found: 58656, Name found: Flametongue Totem, NameInGame found: Flametongue Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:09.051 - [Spell] Totem of Wrath (Id found: 57722, Name found: Totem of Wrath, NameInGame found: Totem of Wrath, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:09.067 - [Spell] Wrath of Air Totem (Id found: 3738, Name found: Wrath of Air Totem, NameInGame found: Wrath of Air Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:09.098 - [Spell] Windfury Totem (Id found: 8512, Name found: Windfury Totem, NameInGame found: Windfury Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:09.129 - [Spell] Mana Spring Totem (Id found: 58774, Name found: Mana Spring Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Spring Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:09.161 - [Spell] Healing Stream Totem (Id found: 58757, Name found: Healing Stream Totem, NameInGame found: Healing Stream Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:09.191 - [Spell] Rockbiter Weapon (Id found: 10399, Name found: Rockbiter Weapon, NameInGame found: Rockbiter Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:09.225 - [Spell] Flametongue Weapon (Id found: 58790, Name found: Flametongue Weapon, NameInGame found: Flametongue Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
21:00:09.241 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:01s
XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[D] 21:00:09.255 - [Spell] Earthliving Weapon (Id found: 51994, Name found: Earthliving Weapon, NameInGame found: Earthliving Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:09.271 - [Spell] Windfury Weapon (Id found: 58804, Name found: Windfury Weapon, NameInGame found: Windfury Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
21:00:09.289 - Tank name: Uelibrot
21:00:09.464 - Running Restoration specialisation
[D] 21:00:09.495 - [Spell] Water Shield (Id found: 57960, Name found: Water Shield, NameInGame found: Water Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:09.524 - [Spell] Lightning Shield (Id found: 49281, Name found: Lightning Shield, NameInGame found: Lightning Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:09.540 - [Spell] Totemic Recall (Id found: 36936, Name found: Totemic Recall, NameInGame found: Totemic Recall, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:09.555 - [Spell] Call of the Elements (Id found: 66842, Name found: Call of the Elements, NameInGame found: Call of the Elements, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:09.573 - [Spell] Mana Tide Totem (Id found: 16190, Name found: Mana Tide Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Tide Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:09.603 - [Spell] Earth Elemental Totem (Id found: 2062, Name found: Earth Elemental Totem, NameInGame found: Earth Elemental Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:09.633 - [Spell] Stoneclaw Totem (Id found: 58582, Name found: Stoneclaw Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneclaw Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:09.665 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:09.696 - [Spell] Cleansing Totem (Id found: 8170, Name found: Cleansing Totem, NameInGame found: Cleansing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:09.726 - [Spell] Tremor Totem (Id found: 8143, Name found: Tremor Totem, NameInGame found: Tremor Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:09.758 - [Spell] Grounding Totem (Id found: 8177, Name found: Grounding Totem, NameInGame found: Grounding Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:09.863 - [Spell] Attack (Id found: 75100, Name found: Attack, NameInGame found: Attack, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:09.895 - [Spell] Nature's Swiftness (Id found: 16188, Name found: Nature's Swiftness, NameInGame found: Nature's Swiftness, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:09.976 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:10.026 - [Spell] Earth Shield (Id found: 49284, Name found: Earth Shield, NameInGame found: Earth Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:10.078 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:10.078 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:10.097 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:10.097 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:10.151 - [Spell] Riptide (Id found: 61301, Name found: Riptide, NameInGame found: Riptide, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[F] 21:00:10.195 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[D] 21:00:10.234 - [Spell] Chain Heal (Id found: 55459, Name found: Chain Heal, NameInGame found: Chain Heal, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:10.270 - [Spell] Lesser Healing Wave (Id found: 49276, Name found: Lesser Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Lesser Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:10.295 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:10.361 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:10.362 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:10.452 - [Spell] Earth Shock (Id found: 49231, Name found: Earth Shock, NameInGame found: Earth Shock, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:10.505 - [Spell] Lightning Bolt (Id found: 49238, Name found: Lightning Bolt, NameInGame found: Lightning Bolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[F] 21:00:11.654 - [RTF] Casting Earth Shield on Uelibrot [6565858]
[F] 21:00:13.583 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Uelibrot [6565858]
[F] 21:00:14.166 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Uelibrot [6565858]
[F] 21:00:15.861 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Frêdric [7375053]
[F] 21:00:23.461 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Dehpehess [7369528]
[F] 21:00:42.508 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:00:43.942 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:00:45.243 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:00:45.498 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[D] 21:00:46.638 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = False).
[F] 21:00:47.705 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\mail\Desktop\WOW\WRobot\\FightClass\AIO.dll
[D] 21:00:49.477 - [Spell] Cannibalize (Id found: 70363, Name found: Cannibalize, NameInGame found: Cannibalize, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:49.536 - [Spell] Arcane Torrent (Id found: 50615, Name found: Arcane Torrent, NameInGame found: Arcane Torrent, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:49.566 - [Spell] War Stomp (Id found: 61065, Name found: War Stomp, NameInGame found: War Stomp, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:49.581 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 33702, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:49.596 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26297, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:49.613 - [Spell] Will of the Forsaken (Id found: 7744, Name found: Will of the Forsaken, NameInGame found: Will of the Forsaken, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:49.645 - [Spell] Every Man for Himself (Id found: 59752, Name found: Every Man for Himself, NameInGame found: Every Man for Himself, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:49.677 - [Spell] Stoneform (Id found: 70733, Name found: Stoneform, NameInGame found: Stoneform, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:49.711 - [Spell] Escape Artist (Id found: 20589, Name found: Escape Artist, NameInGame found: Escape Artist, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:49.740 - [Spell] Gift of the Naaru (Id found: 59548, Name found: Gift of the Naaru, NameInGame found: Gift of the Naaru, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:49.756 - [Spell] Shadowmeld (Id found: 62199, Name found: Shadowmeld, NameInGame found: Shadowmeld, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[F] 21:00:49.757 - [FightClass] Fight class already loaded
[D] 21:00:49.757 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Idle already launched, ignore it.
[D] 21:00:49.757 - [FSM] State Healbot2.States.Healtarget already launched, ignore it.
[D] 21:00:49.757 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Pause already launched, ignore it.
[D] 21:00:49.757 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Relogger already launched, ignore it.
21:00:49.761 - [Grinder2] Started
21:00:49.805 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 of FightClass
21:00:49.805 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 Discovering class and finding rotation...
[D] 21:00:49.979 - [Spell] Ghost Wolf (Id found: 2645, Name found: Ghost Wolf, NameInGame found: Ghost Wolf, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:50.012 - [Spell] Ancestral Spirit (Id found: 49277, Name found: Ancestral Spirit, NameInGame found: Ancestral Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.042 - [Spell] Stoneskin Totem (Id found: 58753, Name found: Stoneskin Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneskin Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.057 - [Spell] Strength of Earth Totem (Id found: 58643, Name found: Strength of Earth Totem, NameInGame found: Strength of Earth Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.073 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.105 - [Spell] Searing Totem (Id found: 58704, Name found: Searing Totem, NameInGame found: Searing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.136 - [Spell] Flametongue Totem (Id found: 58656, Name found: Flametongue Totem, NameInGame found: Flametongue Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.151 - [Spell] Totem of Wrath (Id found: 57722, Name found: Totem of Wrath, NameInGame found: Totem of Wrath, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:50.167 - [Spell] Wrath of Air Totem (Id found: 3738, Name found: Wrath of Air Totem, NameInGame found: Wrath of Air Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.185 - [Spell] Windfury Totem (Id found: 8512, Name found: Windfury Totem, NameInGame found: Windfury Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.203 - [Spell] Mana Spring Totem (Id found: 58774, Name found: Mana Spring Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Spring Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.230 - [Spell] Healing Stream Totem (Id found: 58757, Name found: Healing Stream Totem, NameInGame found: Healing Stream Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.246 - [Spell] Rockbiter Weapon (Id found: 10399, Name found: Rockbiter Weapon, NameInGame found: Rockbiter Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.279 - [Spell] Flametongue Weapon (Id found: 58790, Name found: Flametongue Weapon, NameInGame found: Flametongue Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.311 - [Spell] Earthliving Weapon (Id found: 51994, Name found: Earthliving Weapon, NameInGame found: Earthliving Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.343 - [Spell] Windfury Weapon (Id found: 58804, Name found: Windfury Weapon, NameInGame found: Windfury Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
21:00:50.379 - Tank name: Uelibrot
21:00:50.556 - Running Restoration specialisation
[D] 21:00:50.597 - [Spell] Water Shield (Id found: 57960, Name found: Water Shield, NameInGame found: Water Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.628 - [Spell] Lightning Shield (Id found: 49281, Name found: Lightning Shield, NameInGame found: Lightning Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.660 - [Spell] Totemic Recall (Id found: 36936, Name found: Totemic Recall, NameInGame found: Totemic Recall, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.695 - [Spell] Call of the Elements (Id found: 66842, Name found: Call of the Elements, NameInGame found: Call of the Elements, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.726 - [Spell] Mana Tide Totem (Id found: 16190, Name found: Mana Tide Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Tide Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:50.756 - [Spell] Earth Elemental Totem (Id found: 2062, Name found: Earth Elemental Totem, NameInGame found: Earth Elemental Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.787 - [Spell] Stoneclaw Totem (Id found: 58582, Name found: Stoneclaw Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneclaw Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.803 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.820 - [Spell] Cleansing Totem (Id found: 8170, Name found: Cleansing Totem, NameInGame found: Cleansing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.836 - [Spell] Tremor Totem (Id found: 8143, Name found: Tremor Totem, NameInGame found: Tremor Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.852 - [Spell] Grounding Totem (Id found: 8177, Name found: Grounding Totem, NameInGame found: Grounding Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.882 - [Spell] Attack (Id found: 75100, Name found: Attack, NameInGame found: Attack, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:50.898 - [Spell] Nature's Swiftness (Id found: 16188, Name found: Nature's Swiftness, NameInGame found: Nature's Swiftness, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.914 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.951 - [Spell] Earth Shield (Id found: 49284, Name found: Earth Shield, NameInGame found: Earth Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:50.985 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:50.986 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:51.055 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:51.055 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:51.091 - [Spell] Riptide (Id found: 61301, Name found: Riptide, NameInGame found: Riptide, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[F] 21:00:51.132 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[D] 21:00:51.150 - [Spell] Chain Heal (Id found: 55459, Name found: Chain Heal, NameInGame found: Chain Heal, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:00:51.165 - [Spell] Lesser Healing Wave (Id found: 49276, Name found: Lesser Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Lesser Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:51.181 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:51.196 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:51.197 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:51.228 - [Spell] Earth Shock (Id found: 49231, Name found: Earth Shock, NameInGame found: Earth Shock, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:00:51.261 - [Spell] Lightning Bolt (Id found: 49238, Name found: Lightning Bolt, NameInGame found: Lightning Bolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[F] 21:00:52.447 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:00:52.593 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:00:53.966 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:00:54.107 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[D] 21:00:55.952 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Herasor) was ist besser für n pala? |cff0070dd|Hitem:51993:0:0:0:0:0:-90:19:56|h[Turbulenter Umhang des Totenbeschwörers]|h|r oder |cff0070dd|Hitem:11626:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:56|h[Trauerschleiercape]|h|r
[D] 21:00:55.953 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Naalando) das video war auch gut von biden wo er die flugzeugtreppe hochstolpert
[D] 21:00:55.954 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Muntu) Das mit der Bleiche ist ein richtiger Kult. Ich hab vergessen wie das heißt, aber es hat viele Oxidantien und soll daher gesund sein. Besonders bei Spastik oder Asberger
[F] 21:00:58.743 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Zarnas [7385640]
[D] 21:00:59.043 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rossel) Wer weiß Morgenstern xD
[D] 21:01:02.145 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Naalando) das is eigentlich symbolisch für ihn und seine amtszeit
[F] 21:01:03.267 - [RTF] Casting Riptide on Zarnas [7385640]
21:01:09.315 - [Grinder2] Stopped
21:01:10.228 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:19s
XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 16 G 54 S 20 C (0 G 09 S 19 C)

[D] 21:01:34.917 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = False).
[F] 21:01:34.959 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\mail\Desktop\WOW\WRobot\\FightClass\AIO.dll
[D] 21:01:36.049 - [Spell] Cannibalize (Id found: 70363, Name found: Cannibalize, NameInGame found: Cannibalize, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:01:36.091 - [Spell] Arcane Torrent (Id found: 50615, Name found: Arcane Torrent, NameInGame found: Arcane Torrent, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:01:36.123 - [Spell] War Stomp (Id found: 61065, Name found: War Stomp, NameInGame found: War Stomp, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:01:36.156 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 33702, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:01:36.172 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26297, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:36.204 - [Spell] Will of the Forsaken (Id found: 7744, Name found: Will of the Forsaken, NameInGame found: Will of the Forsaken, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:01:36.234 - [Spell] Every Man for Himself (Id found: 59752, Name found: Every Man for Himself, NameInGame found: Every Man for Himself, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:01:36.267 - [Spell] Stoneform (Id found: 70733, Name found: Stoneform, NameInGame found: Stoneform, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:01:36.286 - [Spell] Escape Artist (Id found: 20589, Name found: Escape Artist, NameInGame found: Escape Artist, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:01:36.313 - [Spell] Gift of the Naaru (Id found: 59548, Name found: Gift of the Naaru, NameInGame found: Gift of the Naaru, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:01:36.334 - [Spell] Shadowmeld (Id found: 62199, Name found: Shadowmeld, NameInGame found: Shadowmeld, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:01:36.337 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Idle already launched, ignore it.
[D] 21:01:36.337 - [FSM] State Healbot2.States.Healtarget already launched, ignore it.
[D] 21:01:36.337 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Pause already launched, ignore it.
[D] 21:01:36.337 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Relogger already launched, ignore it.
21:01:36.347 - [Grinder2] Started
21:01:36.383 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 of FightClass
21:01:36.383 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 Discovering class and finding rotation...
[D] 21:01:36.584 - [Spell] Ghost Wolf (Id found: 2645, Name found: Ghost Wolf, NameInGame found: Ghost Wolf, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:01:36.617 - [Spell] Ancestral Spirit (Id found: 49277, Name found: Ancestral Spirit, NameInGame found: Ancestral Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:36.648 - [Spell] Stoneskin Totem (Id found: 58753, Name found: Stoneskin Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneskin Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:36.663 - [Spell] Strength of Earth Totem (Id found: 58643, Name found: Strength of Earth Totem, NameInGame found: Strength of Earth Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:36.687 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:36.725 - [Spell] Searing Totem (Id found: 58704, Name found: Searing Totem, NameInGame found: Searing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:36.758 - [Spell] Flametongue Totem (Id found: 58656, Name found: Flametongue Totem, NameInGame found: Flametongue Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:36.790 - [Spell] Totem of Wrath (Id found: 57722, Name found: Totem of Wrath, NameInGame found: Totem of Wrath, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:01:36.823 - [Spell] Wrath of Air Totem (Id found: 3738, Name found: Wrath of Air Totem, NameInGame found: Wrath of Air Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:36.853 - [Spell] Windfury Totem (Id found: 8512, Name found: Windfury Totem, NameInGame found: Windfury Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:36.885 - [Spell] Mana Spring Totem (Id found: 58774, Name found: Mana Spring Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Spring Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:36.901 - [Spell] Healing Stream Totem (Id found: 58757, Name found: Healing Stream Totem, NameInGame found: Healing Stream Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:36.917 - [Spell] Rockbiter Weapon (Id found: 10399, Name found: Rockbiter Weapon, NameInGame found: Rockbiter Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:36.933 - [Spell] Flametongue Weapon (Id found: 58790, Name found: Flametongue Weapon, NameInGame found: Flametongue Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:36.951 - [Spell] Earthliving Weapon (Id found: 51994, Name found: Earthliving Weapon, NameInGame found: Earthliving Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:36.982 - [Spell] Windfury Weapon (Id found: 58804, Name found: Windfury Weapon, NameInGame found: Windfury Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
21:01:37.015 - Tank name: Uelibrot
21:01:37.235 - Running Restoration specialisation
[D] 21:01:37.264 - [Spell] Water Shield (Id found: 57960, Name found: Water Shield, NameInGame found: Water Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:37.281 - [Spell] Lightning Shield (Id found: 49281, Name found: Lightning Shield, NameInGame found: Lightning Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:37.295 - [Spell] Totemic Recall (Id found: 36936, Name found: Totemic Recall, NameInGame found: Totemic Recall, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:37.312 - [Spell] Call of the Elements (Id found: 66842, Name found: Call of the Elements, NameInGame found: Call of the Elements, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:37.342 - [Spell] Mana Tide Totem (Id found: 16190, Name found: Mana Tide Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Tide Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:01:37.376 - [Spell] Earth Elemental Totem (Id found: 2062, Name found: Earth Elemental Totem, NameInGame found: Earth Elemental Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:37.408 - [Spell] Stoneclaw Totem (Id found: 58582, Name found: Stoneclaw Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneclaw Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:37.440 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:37.469 - [Spell] Cleansing Totem (Id found: 8170, Name found: Cleansing Totem, NameInGame found: Cleansing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:37.500 - [Spell] Tremor Totem (Id found: 8143, Name found: Tremor Totem, NameInGame found: Tremor Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:37.516 - [Spell] Grounding Totem (Id found: 8177, Name found: Grounding Totem, NameInGame found: Grounding Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:37.568 - [Spell] Attack (Id found: 75100, Name found: Attack, NameInGame found: Attack, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:01:37.598 - [Spell] Nature's Swiftness (Id found: 16188, Name found: Nature's Swiftness, NameInGame found: Nature's Swiftness, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:37.614 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:37.665 - [Spell] Earth Shield (Id found: 49284, Name found: Earth Shield, NameInGame found: Earth Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:37.686 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:37.686 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:37.722 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:37.732 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[F] 21:01:37.744 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[D] 21:01:37.789 - [Spell] Riptide (Id found: 61301, Name found: Riptide, NameInGame found: Riptide, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:01:37.819 - [Spell] Chain Heal (Id found: 55459, Name found: Chain Heal, NameInGame found: Chain Heal, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:01:37.850 - [Spell] Lesser Healing Wave (Id found: 49276, Name found: Lesser Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Lesser Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:01:37.883 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:01:37.915 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:01:37.915 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:01:37.931 - [Spell] Earth Shock (Id found: 49231, Name found: Earth Shock, NameInGame found: Earth Shock, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:01:37.978 - [Spell] Lightning Bolt (Id found: 49238, Name found: Lightning Bolt, NameInGame found: Lightning Bolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[F] 21:01:39.376 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:01:43.399 - [RTF] Casting Nature's Swiftness on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:01:44.192 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Zarnas [7385640]
[F] 21:01:54.316 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Zarnas [7385640]
[D] 21:01:54.884 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Naalando) hoffentlich entdeckt die usa mal wieder paar ölvorkommen in irgendwelchen ländern und bringt dann demokratie
[F] 21:01:55.960 - [RTF] Casting Grounding Totem on Sharmeur [6435288]
[D] 21:01:57.977 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Muntu) und man kann sich das Analbleaching sparen
[D] 21:02:13.458 - [Security] [CHAT] [PARTY] (Zarnas) Man macht nur mehr dmg als tank im moment
[D] 21:02:19.572 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Formina) Hört, hört!
[F] 21:02:21.912 - [RTF] Casting Earth Shield on Uelibrot [6565858]
[D] 21:02:22.641 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Muntu) *Bleiche geht auch als Einlauf :D
[F] 21:02:23.367 - [RTF] Casting Riptide on Zarnas [7385640]
[F] 21:02:34.766 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Zarnas [7385640]
[D] 21:02:35.008 - [Security] [CHAT] [PARTY] (Uelibrot) jo dan mach ich katze :)
[F] 21:02:37.675 - [RTF] Casting Mana Tide Totem on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:02:37.774 - [RTF] Casting Mana Tide Totem on Sharmeur [6435288]
[D] 21:02:38.099 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rossel) xD
[D] 21:02:44.298 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Formina) Pls dont.
[D] 21:02:44.299 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Mørgenstern) cih spare mir die Frage, woher du das weißt ^^
[D] 21:02:50.487 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Commandrer) können priester schwerter tragen?
[D] 21:02:56.683 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Muntu) Bildung und intellenz
[F] 21:02:57.914 - [RTF] Casting Totemic Recall on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:02:59.306 - [RTF] Casting Riptide on Zarnas [7385640]
[F] 21:02:59.463 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:03:01.002 - [RTF] Casting Riptide on Zarnas [7385640]
[F] 21:03:02.393 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Zarnas [7385640]
[F] 21:03:02.536 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:03:03.958 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Zarnas [7385640]
[F] 21:03:04.113 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:03:05.444 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:03:06.860 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:03:08.427 - [RTF] Casting Riptide on Zarnas [7385640]
[F] 21:03:09.250 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Dehpehess [7369528]
[F] 21:03:13.486 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Dehpehess [7369528]
[F] 21:03:23.509 - [RTF] Casting Riptide on Dehpehess [7369528]
[D] 21:03:30.766 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rossel) !!11
[D] 21:03:33.871 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Muntu) <- immernoch Abitur und deshalb voll elite
21:03:36.345 - [Pause] started
[D] 21:07:54.678 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Iordanov) moin
[D] 21:07:54.679 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rossel) Servus
[D] 21:07:54.679 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Arethra) liebe gilde..ich hab da was gefunden das anders aussieht als anderes..kenn mich ja noch überhaupt nicht aus..ist das was gutes: |cff1eff00|Hitem:10333:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:33|h[Scharlachrote Handgelenksschützer]|h|r
[D] 21:07:54.680 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Iordanov) na naalando was geht
[D] 21:07:54.681 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fiandra) kann mir einer sagen, wo ich den Rüstmeister von den Söhnen Hodirs finde? Bin hier Dun Niffelem aber seh keinen^^
[D] 21:07:54.681 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Winnetouu) Hi, jemand in OG der mir kurz bei |cff808080|Hquest:806:12|h[Dunkle Stürme]|h|r hilft?
[D] 21:07:54.682 - [Security] [CHAT] [PARTY] (Zarnas) Reg ma
[D] 21:07:54.682 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Winnetouu) wäre sehr nett
[D] 21:07:54.683 - [Security] [CHAT] [BN_WHISPER] (Sharmeur) wieso? xD
[D] 21:07:54.684 - [Security] [CHAT] [BN_WHISPER] (Sharmeur) mach mal ^^
[D] 21:07:54.685 - [Security] [CHAT] [PARTY] (Zarnas) Muss man das jetzt echt erklären warum?^^
[D] 21:07:54.686 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Muntu) Gegenüber vom Flugpunkt
[D] 21:07:54.687 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Muntu) ein letztes Mal noch und dann fange ich was sinnvolles mit meinem Leben an:
[D] 21:07:54.688 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Muntu) 1) Wer Netherstofftaschen für einen Char braucht, kann einfach whispern und bekommt welche geschenkt. 2) Wenn Ihr Netherstoff spenden wollt, würde ich mich freuen. 3) Wenn ich nicht da bin, schickt mir einen Brief 4) Erzählt es weiter!
[D] 21:07:54.688 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Herasor) wie komm ich nach winterquell?
[D] 21:07:54.689 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Mehlinger) TANK DB 19+
[D] 21:07:54.689 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Grunsh) über teufelswald holzschlundfeste ganz im norden
[D] 21:07:54.690 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Grunsh) immer gerade ausreiten
[D] 21:07:54.691 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Perris) und vorher holzschlundfeste auf im krieg rausnehmen^^
[D] 21:07:54.692 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Grunsh) kommst auch so durch
[D] 21:07:54.692 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Grunsh) reiten ist drinnen möglich
[D] 21:07:54.694 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fiandra) hä kann es sein, dass ich wenn ich in dun niffelem bin (setze da ja automatisch so ne maske auf) dann keinen mehr anklicken kann? Sehe jetzt nicht mal mehr den Flugmeister bei dem ich gelandet bin^^
[D] 21:07:54.695 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Perris) klar, durchkänmpfen, aber dann geben die dir keine qs und die lohnen sich ^^
[D] 21:07:54.696 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Muntu) Dann habt noch einen schönen Abend und viel Spaß mit eurem Käse, euren Bärten und eurer Bleiche :)
[D] 21:07:54.697 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Formina) Dankö!
21:07:54.831 - [Pause] Stoped
[F] 21:07:55.009 - [RTF] Casting Water Shield on Sharmeur [6435288]
21:07:55.363 - [Grinder2] Stopped
21:07:56.342 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:06m:19s
XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 6 G 42 S 11 C (0 G 67 S 60 C)

[D] 21:07:59.036 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = False).
[F] 21:07:59.075 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\mail\Desktop\WOW\WRobot\\FightClass\AIO.dll
[D] 21:08:00.446 - [Spell] Cannibalize (Id found: 70363, Name found: Cannibalize, NameInGame found: Cannibalize, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:00.461 - [Spell] Arcane Torrent (Id found: 50615, Name found: Arcane Torrent, NameInGame found: Arcane Torrent, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:00.509 - [Spell] War Stomp (Id found: 61065, Name found: War Stomp, NameInGame found: War Stomp, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:00.525 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 33702, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:00.556 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26297, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:00.588 - [Spell] Will of the Forsaken (Id found: 7744, Name found: Will of the Forsaken, NameInGame found: Will of the Forsaken, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:00.622 - [Spell] Every Man for Himself (Id found: 59752, Name found: Every Man for Himself, NameInGame found: Every Man for Himself, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:00.651 - [Spell] Stoneform (Id found: 70733, Name found: Stoneform, NameInGame found: Stoneform, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:00.683 - [Spell] Escape Artist (Id found: 20589, Name found: Escape Artist, NameInGame found: Escape Artist, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:00.698 - [Spell] Gift of the Naaru (Id found: 59548, Name found: Gift of the Naaru, NameInGame found: Gift of the Naaru, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:00.715 - [Spell] Shadowmeld (Id found: 62199, Name found: Shadowmeld, NameInGame found: Shadowmeld, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:00.717 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Idle already launched, ignore it.
[D] 21:08:00.717 - [FSM] State Healbot2.States.Healtarget already launched, ignore it.
[D] 21:08:00.717 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Pause already launched, ignore it.
[D] 21:08:00.717 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Relogger already launched, ignore it.
21:08:00.719 - [Grinder2] Started
21:08:01.047 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 of FightClass
21:08:01.047 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 Discovering class and finding rotation...
[D] 21:08:01.204 - [Spell] Ghost Wolf (Id found: 2645, Name found: Ghost Wolf, NameInGame found: Ghost Wolf, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:01.236 - [Spell] Ancestral Spirit (Id found: 49277, Name found: Ancestral Spirit, NameInGame found: Ancestral Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:01.268 - [Spell] Stoneskin Totem (Id found: 58753, Name found: Stoneskin Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneskin Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:01.300 - [Spell] Strength of Earth Totem (Id found: 58643, Name found: Strength of Earth Totem, NameInGame found: Strength of Earth Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:01.330 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:01.346 - [Spell] Searing Totem (Id found: 58704, Name found: Searing Totem, NameInGame found: Searing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:01.378 - [Spell] Flametongue Totem (Id found: 58656, Name found: Flametongue Totem, NameInGame found: Flametongue Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:01.477 - [Spell] Totem of Wrath (Id found: 57722, Name found: Totem of Wrath, NameInGame found: Totem of Wrath, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:01.502 - [Spell] Wrath of Air Totem (Id found: 3738, Name found: Wrath of Air Totem, NameInGame found: Wrath of Air Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:01.535 - [Spell] Windfury Totem (Id found: 8512, Name found: Windfury Totem, NameInGame found: Windfury Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:01.548 - [Spell] Mana Spring Totem (Id found: 58774, Name found: Mana Spring Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Spring Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:01.564 - [Spell] Healing Stream Totem (Id found: 58757, Name found: Healing Stream Totem, NameInGame found: Healing Stream Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:01.580 - [Spell] Rockbiter Weapon (Id found: 10399, Name found: Rockbiter Weapon, NameInGame found: Rockbiter Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:01.596 - [Spell] Flametongue Weapon (Id found: 58790, Name found: Flametongue Weapon, NameInGame found: Flametongue Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:01.612 - [Spell] Earthliving Weapon (Id found: 51994, Name found: Earthliving Weapon, NameInGame found: Earthliving Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:01.644 - [Spell] Windfury Weapon (Id found: 58804, Name found: Windfury Weapon, NameInGame found: Windfury Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
21:08:01.678 - Tank name: Uelibrot
21:08:01.868 - Running Restoration specialisation
[D] 21:08:01.915 - [Spell] Water Shield (Id found: 57960, Name found: Water Shield, NameInGame found: Water Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:02.149 - [Spell] Lightning Shield (Id found: 49281, Name found: Lightning Shield, NameInGame found: Lightning Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:02.165 - [Spell] Totemic Recall (Id found: 36936, Name found: Totemic Recall, NameInGame found: Totemic Recall, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:02.195 - [Spell] Call of the Elements (Id found: 66842, Name found: Call of the Elements, NameInGame found: Call of the Elements, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:02.226 - [Spell] Mana Tide Totem (Id found: 16190, Name found: Mana Tide Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Tide Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:02.242 - [Spell] Earth Elemental Totem (Id found: 2062, Name found: Earth Elemental Totem, NameInGame found: Earth Elemental Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:02.275 - [Spell] Stoneclaw Totem (Id found: 58582, Name found: Stoneclaw Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneclaw Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:02.306 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:02.337 - [Spell] Cleansing Totem (Id found: 8170, Name found: Cleansing Totem, NameInGame found: Cleansing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:02.369 - [Spell] Tremor Totem (Id found: 8143, Name found: Tremor Totem, NameInGame found: Tremor Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:02.400 - [Spell] Grounding Totem (Id found: 8177, Name found: Grounding Totem, NameInGame found: Grounding Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:02.456 - [Spell] Attack (Id found: 75100, Name found: Attack, NameInGame found: Attack, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:02.546 - [Spell] Nature's Swiftness (Id found: 16188, Name found: Nature's Swiftness, NameInGame found: Nature's Swiftness, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[F] 21:08:02.794 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[D] 21:08:02.891 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:02.935 - [Spell] Earth Shield (Id found: 49284, Name found: Earth Shield, NameInGame found: Earth Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:02.965 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:02.965 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:08:02.997 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:02.997 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:03.067 - [Spell] Riptide (Id found: 61301, Name found: Riptide, NameInGame found: Riptide, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:03.110 - [Spell] Chain Heal (Id found: 55459, Name found: Chain Heal, NameInGame found: Chain Heal, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:03.141 - [Spell] Lesser Healing Wave (Id found: 49276, Name found: Lesser Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Lesser Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:03.172 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:03.207 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:03.207 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:03.252 - [Spell] Earth Shock (Id found: 49231, Name found: Earth Shock, NameInGame found: Earth Shock, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:08:03.282 - [Spell] Lightning Bolt (Id found: 49238, Name found: Lightning Bolt, NameInGame found: Lightning Bolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[F] 21:08:04.197 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:08:04.259 - [RTF] Casting Earth Shield on Uelibrot [6565858]
[F] 21:08:05.638 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:08:05.797 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:08:07.314 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:08:08.847 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Zarnas [7385640]
[F] 21:08:18.927 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:08:20.384 - [RTF] Casting Earth Shield on Uelibrot [6565858]
[F] 21:08:21.981 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:08:23.434 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:08:24.809 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:08:25.094 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:08:26.498 - [RTF] Casting Riptide on Zarnas [7385640]
[F] 21:08:26.670 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
21:08:27.667 - [Pause] started
21:08:51.649 - [Pause] Stoped
[E] 21:08:52.054 - ReadLast(LogType logType): System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
bei robotManager.Helpful.Logging.ReadLast(LogType logType)

21:08:56.106 - [Grinder2] Stopped
21:08:56.518 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:55s
XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[D] 21:10:33.296 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = False).
[F] 21:10:33.352 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\mail\Desktop\WOW\WRobot\\FightClass\AIO.dll
[D] 21:10:34.660 - [Spell] Cannibalize (Id found: 70363, Name found: Cannibalize, NameInGame found: Cannibalize, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:10:34.680 - [Spell] Arcane Torrent (Id found: 50615, Name found: Arcane Torrent, NameInGame found: Arcane Torrent, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:10:34.713 - [Spell] War Stomp (Id found: 61065, Name found: War Stomp, NameInGame found: War Stomp, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:10:34.759 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 33702, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:10:34.789 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26297, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:34.805 - [Spell] Will of the Forsaken (Id found: 7744, Name found: Will of the Forsaken, NameInGame found: Will of the Forsaken, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:10:34.821 - [Spell] Every Man for Himself (Id found: 59752, Name found: Every Man for Himself, NameInGame found: Every Man for Himself, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:10:34.837 - [Spell] Stoneform (Id found: 70733, Name found: Stoneform, NameInGame found: Stoneform, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:10:34.873 - [Spell] Escape Artist (Id found: 20589, Name found: Escape Artist, NameInGame found: Escape Artist, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:10:34.905 - [Spell] Gift of the Naaru (Id found: 59548, Name found: Gift of the Naaru, NameInGame found: Gift of the Naaru, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:10:34.933 - [Spell] Shadowmeld (Id found: 62199, Name found: Shadowmeld, NameInGame found: Shadowmeld, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:10:34.935 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Idle already launched, ignore it.
[D] 21:10:34.935 - [FSM] State Healbot2.States.Healtarget already launched, ignore it.
[D] 21:10:34.935 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Pause already launched, ignore it.
[D] 21:10:34.935 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Relogger already launched, ignore it.
21:10:34.940 - [Grinder2] Started
21:10:35.082 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 of FightClass
21:10:35.082 - [WOTLK - Shaman]: Started 3.1.21 Discovering class and finding rotation...
[D] 21:10:35.262 - [Spell] Ghost Wolf (Id found: 2645, Name found: Ghost Wolf, NameInGame found: Ghost Wolf, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:10:35.295 - [Spell] Ancestral Spirit (Id found: 49277, Name found: Ancestral Spirit, NameInGame found: Ancestral Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:35.326 - [Spell] Stoneskin Totem (Id found: 58753, Name found: Stoneskin Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneskin Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:35.359 - [Spell] Strength of Earth Totem (Id found: 58643, Name found: Strength of Earth Totem, NameInGame found: Strength of Earth Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:35.389 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:35.406 - [Spell] Searing Totem (Id found: 58704, Name found: Searing Totem, NameInGame found: Searing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:35.422 - [Spell] Flametongue Totem (Id found: 58656, Name found: Flametongue Totem, NameInGame found: Flametongue Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:35.456 - [Spell] Totem of Wrath (Id found: 57722, Name found: Totem of Wrath, NameInGame found: Totem of Wrath, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:10:35.482 - [Spell] Wrath of Air Totem (Id found: 3738, Name found: Wrath of Air Totem, NameInGame found: Wrath of Air Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:35.499 - [Spell] Windfury Totem (Id found: 8512, Name found: Windfury Totem, NameInGame found: Windfury Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:35.515 - [Spell] Mana Spring Totem (Id found: 58774, Name found: Mana Spring Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Spring Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:35.530 - [Spell] Healing Stream Totem (Id found: 58757, Name found: Healing Stream Totem, NameInGame found: Healing Stream Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:35.564 - [Spell] Rockbiter Weapon (Id found: 10399, Name found: Rockbiter Weapon, NameInGame found: Rockbiter Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:35.593 - [Spell] Flametongue Weapon (Id found: 58790, Name found: Flametongue Weapon, NameInGame found: Flametongue Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:35.609 - [Spell] Earthliving Weapon (Id found: 51994, Name found: Earthliving Weapon, NameInGame found: Earthliving Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:35.667 - [Spell] Windfury Weapon (Id found: 58804, Name found: Windfury Weapon, NameInGame found: Windfury Weapon, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
21:10:35.693 - Tank name: Uelibrot
21:10:35.880 - Running Restoration specialisation
[D] 21:10:35.923 - [Spell] Water Shield (Id found: 57960, Name found: Water Shield, NameInGame found: Water Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:36.161 - [Spell] Lightning Shield (Id found: 49281, Name found: Lightning Shield, NameInGame found: Lightning Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:36.195 - [Spell] Totemic Recall (Id found: 36936, Name found: Totemic Recall, NameInGame found: Totemic Recall, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:36.226 - [Spell] Call of the Elements (Id found: 66842, Name found: Call of the Elements, NameInGame found: Call of the Elements, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:36.278 - [Spell] Mana Tide Totem (Id found: 16190, Name found: Mana Tide Totem, NameInGame found: Mana Tide Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:10:36.303 - [Spell] Earth Elemental Totem (Id found: 2062, Name found: Earth Elemental Totem, NameInGame found: Earth Elemental Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:36.336 - [Spell] Stoneclaw Totem (Id found: 58582, Name found: Stoneclaw Totem, NameInGame found: Stoneclaw Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:36.366 - [Spell] Magma Totem (Id found: 58734, Name found: Magma Totem, NameInGame found: Magma Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:36.383 - [Spell] Cleansing Totem (Id found: 8170, Name found: Cleansing Totem, NameInGame found: Cleansing Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:36.429 - [Spell] Tremor Totem (Id found: 8143, Name found: Tremor Totem, NameInGame found: Tremor Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:36.460 - [Spell] Grounding Totem (Id found: 8177, Name found: Grounding Totem, NameInGame found: Grounding Totem, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:36.509 - [Spell] Attack (Id found: 75100, Name found: Attack, NameInGame found: Attack, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:10:36.541 - [Spell] Nature's Swiftness (Id found: 16188, Name found: Nature's Swiftness, NameInGame found: Nature's Swiftness, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:36.572 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:36.586 - [Spell] Earth Shield (Id found: 49284, Name found: Earth Shield, NameInGame found: Earth Shield, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:36.605 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[F] 21:10:36.698 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[D] 21:10:36.774 - [Spell] Tidal Force (Id found: 55198, Name found: Tidal Force, NameInGame found: Tidal Force, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
[D] 21:10:36.813 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:10:36.814 - [Spell] Cleanse Spirit (Id found: 51886, Name found: Cleanse Spirit, NameInGame found: Cleanse Spirit, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:10:36.839 - [Spell] Riptide (Id found: 61301, Name found: Riptide, NameInGame found: Riptide, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:10:36.873 - [Spell] Chain Heal (Id found: 55459, Name found: Chain Heal, NameInGame found: Chain Heal, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:10:36.934 - [Spell] Lesser Healing Wave (Id found: 49276, Name found: Lesser Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Lesser Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:10:36.998 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 49273, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:10:37.045 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:10:37.045 - [Spell] Cure Toxins (Id found: 526, Name found: Cure Toxins, NameInGame found: Cure Toxins, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:10:37.075 - [Spell] Earth Shock (Id found: 49231, Name found: Earth Shock, NameInGame found: Earth Shock, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[D] 21:10:37.090 - [Spell] Lightning Bolt (Id found: 49238, Name found: Lightning Bolt, NameInGame found: Lightning Bolt, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
[F] 21:10:37.521 - [RTF] Casting Nature's Swiftness on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:10:37.964 - [RTF] Casting Tidal Force on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:10:38.124 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
21:10:39.524 - [Pause] started
[D] 21:11:04.324 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Inob) was erwartest du denn? direkt bling bling?
[D] 21:11:04.325 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rossel) Wtf ^^ was für ne verschwendung xD
[D] 21:11:04.326 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hungrig) |cff0070dd|Hitem:22980:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:45|h[Stab der Sonne]|h|r sowad
21:11:04.493 - [Pause] Stoped
[F] 21:11:04.619 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:11:06.045 - [RTF] Casting Earth Shield on Uelibrot [6565858]
[D] 21:11:07.408 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Luckless) ist die Felhunter Quest für den HM verbugged? Suche nun seit einer Stunde in der Zentauren Höhle nach der Kiste mit dem Buch...
[F] 21:11:07.623 - [RTF] Casting Riptide on Zarnas [7385640]
[F] 21:11:09.108 - [RTF] Casting Grounding Totem on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:11:10.235 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Zarnas [7385640]
[F] 21:11:14.249 - [RTF] Casting Earth Elemental Totem on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:11:24.628 - [RTF] Casting Totemic Recall on Sharmeur [6435288]
[D] 21:11:25.917 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rossel) Ich verabschiede mich auch für heute :) Schönen Abend noch Leute
[F] 21:11:26.739 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:11:28.212 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:11:29.632 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:11:31.028 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:11:31.266 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:11:32.865 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:11:34.384 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[D] 21:11:35.230 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hungrig) Selbst die beiden Schwerter sind schicker, obwohl sie ganz simpel und geradlinig sind: |cff1eff00|Hitem:23410:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:45|h[Gut geschmiedetes Schwert]|h|r + |cff1eff00|Hitem:24339:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:45|h[Stach]|h|r
[F] 21:11:35.828 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:11:36.063 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:11:38.114 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:11:39.595 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:11:41.287 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[D] 21:11:41.377 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hungrig) Bis bald mal Rossel, schönen Abend dir!
[F] 21:11:42.898 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[D] 21:11:44.479 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Formina) Bye Rossel
[F] 21:11:44.589 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:11:46.181 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:11:47.780 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:11:49.264 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:11:51.148 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:11:52.894 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[D] 21:11:53.784 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rossel) *wink*
[F] 21:11:54.289 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:11:54.433 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:11:56.125 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:11:57.536 - [RTF] Casting Grounding Totem on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:11:58.886 - [RTF] Casting Riptide on Zarnas [7385640]
[F] 21:12:00.325 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:12:01.727 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:12:01.887 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:12:03.338 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:12:04.807 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Zarnas [7385640]
[F] 21:12:06.375 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:12:07.910 - [RTF] Casting Riptide on Uelibrot [6565858]
[F] 21:12:09.336 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:12:09.489 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:12:10.942 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Zarnas [7385640]
[F] 21:12:11.086 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:12:12.475 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Uelibrot [6565858]
[F] 21:12:12.633 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:12:14.096 - [RTF] Casting Grounding Totem on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:12:14.191 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Uelibrot [6565858]
[F] 21:12:14.351 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:12:14.524 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:12:14.853 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Uelibrot [6565858]
[F] 21:12:15.153 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Uelibrot [6565858]
[F] 21:12:16.620 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:12:18.035 - [RTF] Casting Lesser Healing Wave on Zarnas [7385640]
[F] 21:12:20.348 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:12:21.923 - [RTF] Casting Call of the Elements on Sharmeur [6435288]
[F] 21:12:23.378 - [RTF] Casting Earth Shield on Uelibrot [6565858]
[F] 21:12:24.830 - [RTF] Casting Riptide on Zarnas [7385640]
21:12:26.202 - [Pause] started
21:13:24.193 - [Grinder2] Stopped
21:13:24.205 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:02m:49s
XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 10 G 40 S 94 C (0 G 47 S 71 C)

21:13:24.484 - [Pause] Stoped
21:13:25.528 - [Grinder2] Stopped