[D] 08:09:35 - [Info] Log file created: 3 Ιουν 2023 08H09.log.html
[D] 08:09:35 - [Info] WRobot Version: 2.8.0 (19388) for wow: 1.12.1_5875
[D] 08:09:35 - [Info] Offical website: https://wrobot.eu/
[D] 08:09:35 - [Info] Operating System Details: Windows 10 Enterprise
[D] 08:09:35 - [Info] Lang: Ελληνικά (Ελλάδας)
[F] 08:09:36 - [Memory] D3D9 found: 6A 14 B8 B0 1C 7A 6D E8 CA 9F
[F] 08:09:37 - [Memory] D3D11 found: 8B FF 55 8B EC 83 E4 F8 83 EC
[F] 08:09:37 - [Memory] D3D9 used
[F] 08:09:41 - HWBP hook
08:09:43 - [Memory] Select game process: 9220 - Ber...
[D] 08:09:45 - [PatherServer] Select server 1 (314ms)
[D] 08:09:45 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
08:09:45 - [Grinder] Loaded
[F] 08:09:45 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Grinder ; CustomClass = Hunter_by_eeny_v2r2(1).cs ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; FightInteractTargetMinDistance = 45 ; IgnoreFightWhenInMove = True ; DismountLandGroundDistance = 3,5 ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = False ; TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink = True ; EquipAvailableBagIfFreeContainerSlot = False ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; LootAndHarvestRangeQuickly = True ; LootInCombat = False ; SkipNodesInWater = False ; MaxUnitsNearMobs = 3 ; MaxUnitsNearObjects = 3 ; SearchRadiusMobs = 150 ; SearchRadiusObjects = 300 ; MaxZDistanceAttack = 150 ; MaxZDistanceIsAttacked = 150 ; MaxZDistanceFarm = 2000 ; BlacklistTaxiDefaultTimeMs = 1800000 ; BlacklistUnitDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; BlacklistGameObjectDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; MaxTryPerNode = 6 ; SellQuickly = False ; MaxCheckIfGoodMouseShortcutsWhenInteract = 2 ; HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 0 ; HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 6948 ; RecordChatInLog = True ; UseSpiritHealerAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 0 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; WaitWhenBuffWaitingToResurrect = False ; UseCTM = False ; AntiDrown = True ; AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = False ; PathFinderServerSeemDownPauseBotTimeSec = 10 ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1000 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 80000 ; TryToAvoidEnemyGroupsRatio = 0 ; IgnoreServerRoadsWater = False ; SmoothPath = False ; SmoothPathDistance = 1 ; KeyboardToTurn = False ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 8 ; RetrieveCorpseMaxDistance = 26 ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; SizeWidth = 534,4 ; SizeHeight = 375,2 ; SaveWindowPosition = False ; WindowPosX = 0 ; WindowPosY = 0 ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = DungeonParty.dll = False, HS2Town.cs = False, PartyHelperPlugin.dll = False, RandomJumper.cs = True, SmoothMove.dll = False, VanillaTrainLevel.cs = False, WAide_v1.2.1.dll = False, WhatsGoingOn.dll = True, WhisperReply.cs = False, WImprove_v1.3.1.dll = False, WTrainer_v1.3.4.dll = False, HumanMasterPlugin.dll = True ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = False ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = Mutton Chop ; FoodPercent = 55 ; DrinkName = Melon Juice ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = True ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = True ; SkinNinja = False ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 225 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = True ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = True ; SellGreen = True ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Light Shot, Tough Jerky, Hearthstone, Skinning Knife, Small Red Pouch, Small Green Pouch, Blue Leather Bag, Green Leather Bag, Red Leather Bag, Large Blue Sack, Large Green Sack, Large Knapsack, Troll-hide Bag, Journeyman's Backpack, Traveler's Backpack, Tough Hunk of Bread , Darnassian Bleu , Slitherskin Mackerel , Shiny Red Apple , Forest Mushroom Cap , Tough Jerky, Freshly Baked Bread , Dalaran Sharp , Longjaw Mud Snapper , Tel'Abim Banana , Red-speckled Mushroom , Haunch of Meat, Moist Cornbread , Dwarven Mild , Bristle Whisker Catfish , Snapvine Watermelon , Spongy Morel , Mutton Chop, Mulgore Spice Bread , Stormwind Brie , Rockscale Cod , Goldenbark Apple , Delicious Cave Mold , Wild Hog Shank, Soft Banana Bread , Fine Aged Cheddar , Striped Yellowtail , Moon Harvest Pumpkin , Raw Black Truffle , Cured Ham Steak, Homemade Cherry Pie , Alterac Swiss , Spinefin Halibut , Deep Fried Plantains , Dried King Bolete , Roasted Quail, Large Venom Sac, Melon Juice, Magic Dust, Sweet Nectar, Moonberry Juice, Morning Glory Dew, Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight, Recipe: Elixir of Giant Growth , Linen Bandage, Heavy Linen Bandage, Wool Bandage, Heavy Wool Bandage, Silk Bandage, Heavy Silk Bandage, Mageweave Bandage, Heavy Mageweave Bandage, Runecloth Bandage, Heavy Runecloth Bandage, Healing Potion, Minor Healing Potion, Major Mana Potion, Tough Hunk of Bread, Darnassian Bleu, Forest Mushroom Cap, Slitherskin Mackerel, Freshly Baked Bread, Red-speckled Mushroom, Moist Cornbread, Spongy Morel, Mulgore Spice Bread, Delicious Cave Mold, Rockscale Cod, Soft Banana Bread, Raw Black Truffle, Homemade Cherry Pie, Dried King Bolete, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Lesser Healing Potion, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Longjaw Mud Snapper, Bristle Whisker Catfish, Spinefin Halibut, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Major Healing Potion, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Dwarven Mild, , Dalaran Sharp, Stormwind Brie, Fine Aged Cheddar, Alterac Swiss ; ForceSellList = ; BuyList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Light Shot, Tough Jerky, Refreshing Spring Water, Hearthstone, Tough Hunk of Bread, Darnassian Bleu, Forest Mushroom Cap, Slitherskin Mackerel, Freshly Baked Bread, Red-speckled Mushroom, Moist Cornbread, Spongy Morel, Mulgore Spice Bread, Delicious Cave Mold, Rockscale Cod, Soft Banana Bread, Raw Black Truffle, Homemade Cherry Pie, Dried King Bolete, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Bristle Whisker Catfish, Spinefin Halibut, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Dalaran Sharp, Stormwind Brie, Fine Aged Cheddar, Alterac Swiss ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = True ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; ForceGroundMovementWhenDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; PlayerAttackedIfOnePetAttacked = True ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPlayerPet = True ; UseLuaToMove = True ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; SecurityDoNotCloseGame = False ; LatencyMin = 300 ; LatencyMax = 700 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; BackwardWhenStuck = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1,5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; LockFrameWhenDecollideFlightPath = False ;
[F] 08:09:46 - SaveWindowPosition = False ; NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Grinder ; CustomClass = Hunter_by_eeny_v2r2(1).cs ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; FightInteractTargetMinDistance = 45 ; IgnoreFightWhenInMove = True ; DismountLandGroundDistance = 3,5 ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = False ; TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink = True ; EquipAvailableBagIfFreeContainerSlot = False ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; LootAndHarvestRangeQuickly = True ; LootInCombat = False ; SkipNodesInWater = False ; MaxUnitsNearMobs = 3 ; MaxUnitsNearObjects = 3 ; SearchRadiusMobs = 150 ; SearchRadiusObjects = 300 ; MaxZDistanceAttack = 150 ; MaxZDistanceIsAttacked = 150 ; MaxZDistanceFarm = 2000 ; BlacklistTaxiDefaultTimeMs = 1800000 ; BlacklistUnitDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; BlacklistGameObjectDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; MaxTryPerNode = 6 ; SellQuickly = False ; MaxCheckIfGoodMouseShortcutsWhenInteract = 2 ; HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 0 ; HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 6948 ; RecordChatInLog = True ; UseSpiritHealerAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 0 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; WaitWhenBuffWaitingToResurrect = False ; UseCTM = False ; AntiDrown = True ; AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = False ; PathFinderServerSeemDownPauseBotTimeSec = 10 ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1000 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 80000 ; TryToAvoidEnemyGroupsRatio = 0 ; IgnoreServerRoadsWater = False ; SmoothPath = False ; SmoothPathDistance = 1 ; KeyboardToTurn = False ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 8 ; RetrieveCorpseMaxDistance = 26 ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; SizeWidth = 534,4 ; SizeHeight = 375,2 ; WindowPosX = 0 ; WindowPosY = 0 ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = DungeonParty.dll = False, HS2Town.cs = False, PartyHelperPlugin.dll = False, RandomJumper.cs = True, SmoothMove.dll = False, VanillaTrainLevel.cs = False, WAide_v1.2.1.dll = False, WhatsGoingOn.dll = True, WhisperReply.cs = False, WImprove_v1.3.1.dll = False, WTrainer_v1.3.4.dll = False, HumanMasterPlugin.dll = True ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = False ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = Mutton Chop ; FoodPercent = 55 ; DrinkName = Melon Juice ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = True ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = True ; SkinNinja = False ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 225 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = True ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = True ; SellGreen = True ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Light Shot, Tough Jerky, Hearthstone, Skinning Knife, Small Red Pouch, Small Green Pouch, Blue Leather Bag, Green Leather Bag, Red Leather Bag, Large Blue Sack, Large Green Sack, Large Knapsack, Troll-hide Bag, Journeyman's Backpack, Traveler's Backpack, Tough Hunk of Bread , Darnassian Bleu , Slitherskin Mackerel , Shiny Red Apple , Forest Mushroom Cap , Tough Jerky, Freshly Baked Bread , Dalaran Sharp , Longjaw Mud Snapper , Tel'Abim Banana , Red-speckled Mushroom , Haunch of Meat, Moist Cornbread , Dwarven Mild , Bristle Whisker Catfish , Snapvine Watermelon , Spongy Morel , Mutton Chop, Mulgore Spice Bread , Stormwind Brie , Rockscale Cod , Goldenbark Apple , Delicious Cave Mold , Wild Hog Shank, Soft Banana Bread , Fine Aged Cheddar , Striped Yellowtail , Moon Harvest Pumpkin , Raw Black Truffle , Cured Ham Steak, Homemade Cherry Pie , Alterac Swiss , Spinefin Halibut , Deep Fried Plantains , Dried King Bolete , Roasted Quail, Large Venom Sac, Melon Juice, Magic Dust, Sweet Nectar, Moonberry Juice, Morning Glory Dew, Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight, Recipe: Elixir of Giant Growth , Linen Bandage, Heavy Linen Bandage, Wool Bandage, Heavy Wool Bandage, Silk Bandage, Heavy Silk Bandage, Mageweave Bandage, Heavy Mageweave Bandage, Runecloth Bandage, Heavy Runecloth Bandage, Healing Potion, Minor Healing Potion, Major Mana Potion, Tough Hunk of Bread, Darnassian Bleu, Forest Mushroom Cap, Slitherskin Mackerel, Freshly Baked Bread, Red-speckled Mushroom, Moist Cornbread, Spongy Morel, Mulgore Spice Bread, Delicious Cave Mold, Rockscale Cod, Soft Banana Bread, Raw Black Truffle, Homemade Cherry Pie, Dried King Bolete, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Lesser Healing Potion, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Longjaw Mud Snapper, Bristle Whisker Catfish, Spinefin Halibut, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Major Healing Potion, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Dwarven Mild, , Dalaran Sharp, Stormwind Brie, Fine Aged Cheddar, Alterac Swiss ; ForceSellList = ; BuyList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Light Shot, Tough Jerky, Refreshing Spring Water, Hearthstone, Tough Hunk of Bread, Darnassian Bleu, Forest Mushroom Cap, Slitherskin Mackerel, Freshly Baked Bread, Red-speckled Mushroom, Moist Cornbread, Spongy Morel, Mulgore Spice Bread, Delicious Cave Mold, Rockscale Cod, Soft Banana Bread, Raw Black Truffle, Homemade Cherry Pie, Dried King Bolete, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Bristle Whisker Catfish, Spinefin Halibut, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Dalaran Sharp, Stormwind Brie, Fine Aged Cheddar, Alterac Swiss ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = True ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; ForceGroundMovementWhenDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; PlayerAttackedIfOnePetAttacked = True ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPlayerPet = True ; UseLuaToMove = True ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; SecurityDoNotCloseGame = False ; LatencyMin = 300 ; LatencyMax = 700 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; BackwardWhenStuck = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1,5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; LockFrameWhenDecollideFlightPath = False ;
[F] 08:09:46 - WRobotFileName = ; WRobotTmpFolderName = ; DriveLetter = ; FullWowPath = F:\Everlook Vanilla WoW Game Client\Wow Vanilla 1.12\WoW.exe ; MaxFPS = 30 ; MaxLuaMemoryUsage = 2147483647 ; CloseIfCannotLoginWowMinutes = 2 ; WaitTimeToRelogSeconds = 0 ; CloseGameIfAdminRights = False ; HideLuaError = False ; UseShortcuts = True ; WindowName = ; TopMost = False ; Remote = False ; ToTrayBar = False ; DarkMode = False ; BotNameUI = WRobot ; MeShow = True ; TargetShow = True ; PathShow = True ; BlacklistShow = True ; NpcShow = False ; PlayersShow = False ; ObjectsShow = False ; LowFps = True ; LowQuality = True ; ByName = ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerGlobalSetting ; FilePath = C:\Users\Gregory\Downloads\WRobot(1)\WRobot\\Settings\WRobotGlobalSetting.xml ;
[F] 08:09:46 - CanProtectAgainstScreenshots = False ; ArgsEnvironmentVariables = 471486 ; ForceStaticEncryptKey = 0 ; HowLongDaysKeepLogFiles = 7 ; InstallDateTime = 19/5/2023 11:27:24 μμ ; ShowMs = False ; normalCb = True ; fightCb = True ; navigatorCb = False ; debugCb = False ; ErrorCb = True ; SendErrorCb = False ; CurrentSetting = robotManager.robotManagerGlobalSetting ; FilePath = C:\Users\Gregory\Downloads\WRobot(1)\WRobot\\Settings\RobotManagerGlobalSetting.xml ;
[D] 08:09:46 - [Info] Wow Version: 5875
[D] 08:09:46 - [Info] Player found: True
[D] 08:09:46 - [Info] Wow Addons: _LazyPig, Postal, !Questie
08:09:46 - [SpellManager] Initializing SpellBook - (Wait few seconds)
08:09:46 - [SpellManager] Initialize SpellBook Finished (44 spell found)
[D] 08:09:46 - [SpellManager] List of id found in spellbook:
Attack (6603)
Beast Training (5149)
Cultivation (20552)
Dodge (81)
Dual Wield (674)
Endurance (20550)
First Aid (3273)
Nature Resistance (20551)
Parry (3127)
Skinning (8618)
War Stomp (20549)
Aspect of the Cheetah (5118)
Aspect of the Hawk (13165)
Aspect of the Hawk (14318)
Aspect of the Monkey (13163)
Call Pet (883)
Dismiss Pet (2641)
Feed Pet (6991)
Mend Pet (136)
Mend Pet (3111)
Revive Pet (982)
Scare Beast (1513)
Tame Beast (1515)
Arcane Shot (3044)
Arcane Shot (14281)
Arcane Shot (14282)
Auto Shot (75)
Hunter's Mark (1130)
Hunter's Mark (14323)
Multi-Shot (2643)
Rapid Fire (3045)
Serpent Sting (1978)
Serpent Sting (13549)
Serpent Sting (13550)
Serpent Sting (13551)
Disengage (781)
Freezing Trap (1499)
Mongoose Bite (1495)
Raptor Strike (2973)
Raptor Strike (14260)
Raptor Strike (14261)
Raptor Strike (14262)
Track Beasts (1494)
Wing Clip (2974)

08:09:46 - [SpellManager] Please wait, loading spellbook...
[E] 08:09:46 - Warning: You need to activate 'Vertical Sync' option, for it go to 'Game Menu' > 'Video Options' > in 'Miscellaneous' activate 'Vertical Sync'.
[E] 08:09:46 - Warning: It is recommended to disable all wow AddOns.
08:09:46 - [SpellManager] Spellbook loaded.
[D] 08:09:46 - [Keybindings]
Sit / Stand: X
Backward: S
Forward: W
Strafe Left: Q
Strafe Right: E
Pitch Up: INSERT
Pitch Down: DELETE
Turn Left: A
Turn Right: D

[D] 08:09:48 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 08:09:48 - ProfileName = Venom Sac Ashenv 30+ [H].xml ; BlackListWhereIAmDead = False ; RetLastPos = False ; PetBattle = False ; CurrentSetting = Grinder.Bot.GrinderSetting ;
[D] 08:09:48 - [Grinder] Profile used: Venom Sac Ashenv 30+ [H].xml
[F] 08:09:48 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Gregory\Downloads\WRobot(1)\WRobot\\FightClass\Hunter_by_eeny_v2r2(1).cs
[D] 08:09:49 - [Spell] Revive Pet (Id found: 982, Name found: Revive Pet, NameInGame found: Revive Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:09:49 - [Spell] Call Pet (Id found: 883, Name found: Call Pet, NameInGame found: Call Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 08:09:49 - [Spell] Mend Pet (Id found: 3111, Name found: Mend Pet, NameInGame found: Mend Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:09:49 - [Spell] Feed Pet (Id found: 6991, Name found: Feed Pet, NameInGame found: Feed Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 08:09:49 - [Spell] Aspect of the Hawk (Id found: 14318, Name found: Aspect of the Hawk, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Hawk, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:09:49 - [Spell] Aspect of the Monkey (Id found: 13163, Name found: Aspect of the Monkey, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Monkey, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:09:49 - [Spell] Hunter's Mark (Id found: 14323, Name found: Hunter's Mark, NameInGame found: Hunter's Mark, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 08:09:49 - [Spell] Concussive Shot (Id found: 27634, Name found: Concussive Shot, NameInGame found: Concussive Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:09:49 - [Spell] Raptor Strike (Id found: 14262, Name found: Raptor Strike, NameInGame found: Raptor Strike, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 08:09:49 - [Spell] Wing Clip (Id found: 2974, Name found: Wing Clip, NameInGame found: Wing Clip, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:09:49 - [Spell] Serpent Sting (Id found: 13551, Name found: Serpent Sting, NameInGame found: Serpent Sting, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 08:09:49 - [Spell] Arcane Shot (Id found: 14282, Name found: Arcane Shot, NameInGame found: Arcane Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:09:49 - [Spell] Auto Shot (Id found: 75, Name found: Auto Shot, NameInGame found: Auto Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 08:09:49 - [Spell] Aimed Shot (Id found: 27632, Name found: Aimed Shot, NameInGame found: Aimed Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
08:09:49 - Lock FC Is initialized.
08:09:49 - Hunter FC started.
08:09:49 - [Grinder] Select zone: Orgrimmar
[D] 08:09:49 - [FightPetBattle] Cannot load pet battle fight class, use default.
[D] 08:09:49 - [Spell] spellName=Battle Pet Training => Failed
[D] 08:09:49 - [Mount] No ground mount selected.
[D] 08:09:49 - [Mount] No aquatic mount selected.
[D] 08:09:49 - [Mount] No flying mount selected.
08:09:49 - [Grinder] Started
08:09:49 - [HumanMasterPlugin] HMP Settings: TransactionId = ******** ; MultiIP = False ; AutoEquip = True ; AutoEquipBlues = False ; Hearthstone = True ; Unstuck = False ; IgnoreCombatOnBrokenItems = True ; StopTagged = True ; FirstAid = True ; FirstAidHealth = 60 ; UsePotions = True ; HealPotPercent = 35 ; ManaPotPercent = 25 ; TakeTram = False ; Food = True ; Drink = True ; HighestConsumables = False ; AutoVendor = True ; AllowCurrentZone = False ; IgnoreInnkeepers = False ; DrinkAmount = 40 ; FoodAmount = 40 ; Ammo = True ; AmmoAmount = 1600 ; SpellStrings = System.String[] ; TalentStrings = System.String[] ; TrainSkinning = True ; TrainFirstAid = True ; TrainWeapons = True ; RunAway = True ; EscapeAmount = 3 ; EscapeElite = True ; EscapeDistance = 35 ; EscapePercent = 20 ; EscapePercentEnemies = 35 ; EscapePercentMana = 15 ; EscapePercentManaEnemies = 35 ; SmartPulls = True ; UseResurrect = True ; BlacklistInvalid = True ; PullPathCollision = True ; SpiritRezz = True ; DeathsPerXMinutes = 5 ; XMinutesSinceLastDeath = 15 ; In = PluginSettings ;
08:09:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Started.
08:09:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to trainer at levels: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 26, 30, 32, 34, 36, 40, 44, 48, 50, 54, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Training States
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding TalentPoint state
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding death events
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Resurrect State
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding AntiDrown State
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding SwimToShore State
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Vendor State
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Equip States
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding DeleteAndOpenItems after LootRange
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding BlackListUnlootableState for Farming
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding BlackListUnlootableState for FarmingRange
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Relogger 2000
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Pause 180
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Battlegrounder Combination 170
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SelectProfileState 160
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Resurrect 150
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] AntiDrown 149
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] My Macro 140
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] ClearPath 131
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] IsAttacked 130
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BattlePet 120
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Looting range 110
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] DeleteAndOpenItems 0 after Looting range
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BlacklistUnlootableObjects 0 before Farming range
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Farming range 110
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SwimToShore 0 before Regeneration
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Regeneration 100
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Looting 90
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BlacklistUnlootableObjects 0 before Farming
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Farming 80
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Milling 70
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] FlightMaster: Take taxi 60
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Prospecting 60
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] AutoEquip 43
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BagEquip 42
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] TownRun 40
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] TalentPoints 30
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Flight master discover 30
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Class Training 30
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] WarlockPetTraining 0 after Class Training
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] FirstAidTraining 29
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SkinningTraining 28
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] WeaponTraining 27
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] DeleteAndOpenItems 26
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Grinding 20
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Movement Loop 10
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Idle 0
08:09:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stored new engine as current engine to use
[E] 08:09:51 - Engine > Pulse(): System.InvalidOperationException: Η συλλογή έχει τροποποιηθεί, η λειτουργία απαρίθμησης ενδέχεται να μην εκτελεστεί.
σε System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
σε System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNextRare()
σε System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNext()
σε robotManager.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()

[D] 08:09:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 农场 shib 这个 LM法师 大家 组队来干 这个贱人 有报仇的马
[D] 08:09:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nicehunter) MLD任务,来各种+++
[D] 08:09:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fifteencm) 血色图书馆 武器库 教堂3个本10人任务队,来的M+++7=3
08:09:56 - [HumanMasterPlugin] removing low-level drink Refreshing Spring Water from DoNotSellList
08:09:56 - [HumanMasterPlugin] removing low-level drink Ice Cold Milk from DoNotSellList
[D] 08:09:57 - [Spell] Pick Lock (Id found: 6480, Name found: Pick Lock, NameInGame found: Pick Lock, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
08:10:00 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 08:10:06 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 08:10:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2148,607 ; -3527,918 ; 48,32899 ; "None" to 2161,355 ; -3527,479 ; 48,32899 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:10:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,75585y, 574ms)
[F] 08:10:09 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:10:09 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:10:09 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:10:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuliaoyefeng) 赶快升级才是主要的
[F] 08:10:15 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:10:15 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:10:17 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:10:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuliaoyefeng) 然后再去算账
[D] 08:10:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Somas) AS排不进去啊
08:10:27 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:10:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2158,443 ; -3527,579 ; 47,98928 ; "None" to 2141,62 ; -3528,159 ; 49,45184 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:10:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,89616y, 154ms)
[D] 08:10:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fifteencm) 血色图书馆 武器库 教堂3个本10人任务队,来的M+++8=2
[D] 08:10:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Danainaii) lm没人打奥山了吧
08:10:46 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 08:10:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Decur) 一上午 菊花外翻。。
[F] 08:10:49 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:10:50 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 08:10:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xihuantianb) 农场本来就天天被干,既然不怕被干去任务,就做好被干的准备,别被干了 一天骂人
[F] 08:10:50 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:10:54 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:10:54 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:10:57 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:10:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xihuantianb) 好好练级,60了 杀回去
[F] 08:10:59 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:11:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fireballplus) 10个20几级的👊打的过他吗
08:11:08 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:11:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2222,388 ; -3543,609 ; 45,13967 ; "None" to 2208,124 ; -3540,802 ; 45,33172 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:11:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,53911y, 505ms)
[D] 08:11:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vikingpoleax) 教堂菜刀,来38以上DPS和奶
[D] 08:11:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Decur) 醒醒。。
[N] 08:11:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2211,873 ; -3541,539 ; 45,38284 ; "None" to 2222,777 ; -3543,698 ; 45,14629 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:11:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,11843y, 209ms)
[D] 08:11:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hidogs) [46] 心灵之眼 +++
[D] 08:11:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuyage) 不去那里练不行吗,组队打副本升级不行吗
[D] 08:11:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jwowo) 100个都老火
08:11:36 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 08:11:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2309,021 ; -3546,5 ; 45,08784 ; "None" to 2300,219 ; -3560,262 ; 45,08784 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:11:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,33621y, 238ms)
[D] 08:11:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yongganliliu) 我做任务的时候 放弃了丘陵的任务
[F] 08:11:41 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:11:41 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:11:41 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:11:45 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:11:46 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:11:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yongganliliu) 跑尸体都不够
[D] 08:11:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vikingpoleax) 教堂菜刀,来38以上DPS和奶
[F] 08:11:48 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:11:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Thrallsm) 石爪山出不去了都,一个LR的宝宝见人就杀。。。。
[D] 08:11:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fireballplus) 农场恶霸啊
[D] 08:11:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yongganliliu) 哦还是一个MS
[D] 08:11:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Thrallsm) 他们图个啥
08:11:56 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:11:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2303,36 ; -3555,352 ; 44,06896 ; "None" to 2310,802 ; -3543,714 ; 45,72132 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:11:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,91221y, 159ms)
[D] 08:12:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 哪里都一样
[D] 08:12:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Leec) 法师有什么资格说累
[D] 08:12:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zbbs) 丘陵保证你一天半级
[D] 08:12:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 这 斯还在这里补走了呢
[D] 08:12:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Thrallsm) 大周末的,有病吧
[D] 08:12:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xihuantianb) 我没放弃,我也去农场任务的,被贼,Ss 法师 猎人,都杀过我。 怕啥
[D] 08:12:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Juanmata) 那边任务我一个没做
[D] 08:12:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gorehowl) 真有人蛋疼啊
[D] 08:12:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodmoon) 他们没有小!@#$%^
[D] 08:12:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 环山也有也有个60 精灵LR 天天在那里杀
[D] 08:12:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gorehowl) 石爪山营地有个LR 控制宝宝杀人
[D] 08:12:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Westhaven) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 08:12:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 08:12:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 说明工作室已经入驻了
[D] 08:12:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Buerxing) PVP服就这样,不然就去PVE服了
[D] 08:12:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 石爪山那个昨天就在了 BT
[D] 08:12:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) [WorldBuffs] 酋长的祝福Buff(雷德·黑手) 已经释放.
08:12:41 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[D] 08:12:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nicehunter) MLD任务,来各种+++
[D] 08:12:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 说明工作室已经入驻了,阻止大家练小号的热情
[N] 08:12:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2063,771 ; -3505,45 ; 80,13668 ; "None" to 2048,499 ; -3513,605 ; 80,13668 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:12:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,31336y, 155ms)
[F] 08:12:45 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[F] 08:12:47 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:12:48 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 08:12:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gorehowl) 我这挂机拉个粑粑
[D] 08:12:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Evildarkenss) 农场没死过 没你们说的严重
[F] 08:12:48 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:12:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hidogs) [46] 心灵之眼 +++
[D] 08:12:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gorehowl) 回来正在被肯
[F] 08:12:52 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:12:52 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:12:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 加基森鸟掉2个火法也是哈哈
[F] 08:12:56 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:12:57 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:12:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Randys) 张嘴就来
[F] 08:13:01 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:13:01 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:13:05 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:13:05 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:13:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chinesebaby) 6团 mc 开组 补 盗贼 牧师 萨满 来的mmmmm
[D] 08:13:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chinesebaby) 6团 mc 开组 补 盗贼 牧师 萨满 来的mmmmm
[D] 08:13:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chinesebaby) 6团 mc 开组 补 盗贼 牧师 萨满 来的mmmmm
[D] 08:13:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 只有野外没人练级 工作室才能控制物资和练级
[F] 08:13:09 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:13:09 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:13:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 现在你来农场看看死不死
[F] 08:13:13 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:13:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 农场周三我去的时候 好几个大号来回杀。。
[D] 08:13:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vikingpoleax) 教堂菜刀,来38以上DPS和奶
[F] 08:13:19 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:13:23 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
08:13:28 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:13:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2054,417 ; -3510,448 ; 81,91038 ; "None" to 2064,177 ; -3502,104 ; 80,94154 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:13:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,8765y, 197ms)
[D] 08:13:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 08:13:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Westhaven) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 08:13:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gardlie) 工作室 别说是变态,再变态玩个游戏也不可能一天到晚只杀小号
[D] 08:13:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Emeralddream) 农场系列任务全部完成了,不就是一上午死十几次嘛,很正常
[D] 08:13:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chinesebaby) 6团 mc 开组 补 盗贼 牧师 萨满 来的mmmmm
[D] 08:13:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chinesebaby) 6团 mc 开组 补 盗贼 牧师 萨满 来的mmmmm
[D] 08:13:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuyage) 工作室闲的去杀小号,不去挣钱。。什么逻辑
[D] 08:13:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Randys) 反问一句,这服工作室控制物资与练级干什么
[D] 08:13:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gorehowl) 这种杀小号PVP没意思
08:13:42 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 08:13:44 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:13:44 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[N] 08:13:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,309 ; -3484,326 ; 86,967 ; "None" to 2034,78 ; -3477,389 ; 86,967 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:13:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,871759y, 156ms)
[F] 08:13:45 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:13:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 搞钱
[F] 08:13:49 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 08:13:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Randys) 为了g?
[F] 08:13:49 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:13:51 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:13:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) RMB交易
[F] 08:13:54 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:13:56 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:13:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Emeralddream) 线下扫码呀
[D] 08:13:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gardlie) 有人没时间就会找代链
[D] 08:13:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gorehowl) 我都嫌浪费时间 赶紧升级
[F] 08:13:58 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:14:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 工作室为了赚钱。。。杀小号又不赚钱
[D] 08:14:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chinesebaby) 我挖下
[D] 08:14:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Buerxing) 相比第一个60年代,差远了,动不动久一地墓碑,动不动就摇人团战,热闹
[D] 08:14:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 这服G又不好交易
08:14:07 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:14:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2035,061 ; -3477,741 ; 88,34249 ; "None" to 2045,207 ; -3494,639 ; 84,66732 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:14:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,05005y, 185ms)
[D] 08:14:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 昨天农场一个 60 牛头ZS 去帮忙硬是被10几个30 多40 的LM 打死了
[D] 08:14:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chinesebaby) 6团 mc 开组 补 盗贼 牧师 萨满 来的mmmmm
[D] 08:14:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ricken) 工作室没这么无聊得
[D] 08:14:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chinesebaby) 6团 mc 开组 补 盗贼 牧师 萨满 来的mmmmm
[D] 08:14:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chinesebaby) 6团 mc 开组 补 盗贼 牧师 萨满 来的mmmmm
[D] 08:14:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 农场有几个联盟2B
[D] 08:14:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zbbs) 萝卜丝多久刷新啊
[D] 08:14:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Emeralddream) 杀小号让你觉得练级难,搞氛围而已
[D] 08:14:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fzg) 工作室杀小号,不让你练级 让你找工作室去坐车
08:14:28 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 08:14:31 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[D] 08:14:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xihuantianb) 工作室,来这个服,找就饿死了, 你们想啥哦。
[F] 08:14:31 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:14:32 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:14:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 就是让你进FB
[F] 08:14:36 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:14:36 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:14:38 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:14:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vikingpoleax) 教堂菜刀,来38以上DPS和奶
[F] 08:14:41 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:14:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 掌门都40了
08:14:51 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:14:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2074,015 ; -3421,702 ; 92,95523 ; "None" to 2059,155 ; -3423,598 ; 92,43635 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:14:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,98898y, 152ms)
[D] 08:14:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vikingpoleax) 、5
[D] 08:14:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 等野外没人练号了 就开始控制物资了
[D] 08:14:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Randys) 要是rmb交易这么简单,之前国服早就rmb普遍了,来这里干什么
[D] 08:14:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 不是 他有这个耐心 为啥不去美服。。哪里才是赚钱的天堂啊
[N] 08:15:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2059,484 ; -3423,546 ; 92,39681 ; "None" to 2073,17 ; -3422,304 ; 93,11081 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:15:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,76054y, 153ms)
[D] 08:15:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Emeralddream) 工作室分大小,小工作室也要很多的
[D] 08:15:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuliaoyefeng) 杀小号有什么理由 就是想杀而已
08:15:12 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 08:15:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2119,278 ; -3399,734 ; 93,97402 ; "None" to 2111,674 ; -3383,029 ; 93,97402 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 08:15:13 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[D] 08:15:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 国服怀旧服 我在野外就没见过黑莲花
[D] 08:15:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 来着还费心杀小号。。
[N] 08:15:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 9 (64,88875y, 805ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[N] 08:15:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2128,677 ; -3398,098 ; 94,94175 ; "None" to 2138,67 ; -3394,57 ; 94,94175 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:15:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (15,31492y, 167ms)
[F] 08:15:18 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:15:18 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:15:18 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:15:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nicehunter) MLD任务,来各种+++
[F] 08:15:22 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:15:23 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:15:25 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:15:27 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[N] 08:15:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2139,708 ; -3394,422 ; 96,82204 ; "None" to 2121,534 ; -3398,117 ; 94,90674 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:15:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (19,54196y, 154ms)
[D] 08:15:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 坐车才几个钱 一屏8号美服不爽么
[D] 08:15:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qqyqq) [20] 北方城堡的火炮 加护送有一起的
[D] 08:16:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laosr) 不想受欺负,就换大号杀回去
[D] 08:16:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Magicfound) 墓地AA 有FS大哥来吗?
08:16:14 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 08:16:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 国服野外也是刷子的人体蜈蚣
[N] 08:16:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2144,409 ; -3527,515 ; 48,87112 ; "None" to 2160,948 ; -3528,973 ; 48,87112 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:16:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,60303y, 225ms)
[F] 08:16:15 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[F] 08:16:18 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:16:18 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:16:18 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:16:22 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:16:23 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:16:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Randys) 这服没工作室的,有的只是扭曲的人杀小号
[F] 08:16:27 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:16:27 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:16:31 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:16:31 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:16:35 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:16:36 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:16:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 一个大号去了还真没用,
[D] 08:16:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Huifuhuifu) 2G卖14格包
[F] 08:16:39 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 08:16:45 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:16:45 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:16:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 一群小号一样把你弄了
[F] 08:16:49 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:16:50 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:16:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rlm) 我就喜欢杀小号
[F] 08:16:53 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:16:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Thrallsm) 我要包包,可以邮寄吗
[F] 08:16:59 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:17:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zzso) 小号被杀了,满级了又去杀对面的小号,死循环
[D] 08:17:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Danainaii) 菊花要被捅烂了 md
[F] 08:17:03 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:17:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 10格包包 50Y一个
[D] 08:17:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 这F LM 太多了
[D] 08:17:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rlm) 湿地谁去啊
[D] 08:17:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gardlie) 有的 之前加的工会就是工作室接生意用的
[F] 08:17:08 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:17:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ricken) 他们杀你,等你满级再杀回去
[F] 08:17:12 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:17:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Danainaii) 这牧师野外太难混了
[D] 08:17:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fzg) 我没有啊
[D] 08:17:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chinesebaby) 6团 mc 开组 补 盗贼 牧师 萨满 来的mmmmm
[D] 08:17:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chinesebaby) 6团 mc 开组 补 盗贼 牧师 萨满 来的mmmmm
[D] 08:17:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 我满级只杀有世界BUFF的大号
[D] 08:17:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Buerxing) 过去想进FB都得拖尸进去,人满为患
[D] 08:17:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 嘿嘿嘿
[D] 08:17:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Decur) 转生+20
[D] 08:17:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Stonespirit) 10格包我AH 30Y买的 你要50Y
08:17:28 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 08:17:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2213,125 ; -3541,434 ; 45,35498 ; "None" to 2197,346 ; -3530,507 ; 45,35498 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:17:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,19255y, 158ms)
[N] 08:17:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2205,221 ; -3535,917 ; 45,34494 ; "None" to 2197,33 ; -3530,413 ; 45,34494 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:17:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,620828y, 153ms)
[F] 08:17:32 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:17:32 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:17:33 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:17:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) ········
[F] 08:17:36 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 08:17:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Randys) 接什么生意,练级吗?
[F] 08:17:37 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:17:41 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:17:43 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:17:45 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:17:50 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
08:17:55 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:17:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2197,665 ; -3530,685 ; 45,79583 ; "None" to 2213,733 ; -3541,855 ; 45,29431 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:17:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,57625y, 154ms)
[D] 08:18:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 练级也可以接的
[D] 08:18:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gardlie) 工会信息:接代练
[D] 08:18:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 杀小号的垃圾 装备都不怎么样
[D] 08:18:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Randys) 那为什么不去亚服坐车
08:18:20 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 08:18:21 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 08:18:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2306,758 ; -3549,125 ; 44,63065 ; "None" to 2294,349 ; -3560,018 ; 44,63065 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 08:18:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 公屏不见刷带小号吗
[N] 08:18:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,51204y, 224ms)
[F] 08:18:24 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:18:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:18:24 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:18:28 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:18:29 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:18:31 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:18:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 别把亚服的恶趣味带过来
[D] 08:18:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 你满级打打战场 随便杀阿门
08:18:40 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:18:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2298,873 ; -3556,048 ; 44,058 ; "None" to 2309,265 ; -3546,925 ; 45,04432 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:18:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,86411y, 159ms)
[D] 08:18:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 只是刷的含蓄一点
[D] 08:18:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Emeralddream) 不见,聊天插件都屏蔽了。。。
[D] 08:18:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 想吃排骨去其他服,这里不需要
[D] 08:18:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhangmt) 大哥们,有带AH做任务的吗
[D] 08:18:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Randys) 来这里花比亚服贵数倍的钱,这号还申诉不了,傻子才去找工作室练级
[D] 08:18:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ricken) 亚服&*!@#$太多了
[D] 08:18:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 亚服已经被工作室占领了
[D] 08:19:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Okboy) 上星期看中国频道
[D] 08:19:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 讲喝茶聊天看电视
[D] 08:19:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Okboy) 有人说代练
08:19:25 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[D] 08:19:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 明显的字眼肯定不行
[D] 08:19:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rlm) 你打战场·人家都是元帅·一羊是杀小号
[N] 08:19:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2065,083 ; -3506,329 ; 79,38297 ; "None" to 2050,005 ; -3506,447 ; 79,38297 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:19:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,07907y, 154ms)
[N] 08:19:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2060,159 ; -3506,367 ; 81,25005 ; "None" to 2049,896 ; -3506,448 ; 81,25005 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:19:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,26301y, 155ms)
[D] 08:19:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yongganliliu) 亚服进本都要挤进去
[F] 08:19:30 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:19:30 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:19:31 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:19:35 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:19:35 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:19:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 魔兽最初不就这样的
[D] 08:19:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 我看到 差不多等级的 LM就干
[F] 08:19:37 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:19:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 是你们变了
08:19:47 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:19:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2053,597 ; -3506,418 ; 82,84369 ; "None" to 2067,899 ; -3503,237 ; 79,39341 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:19:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (15,35659y, 248ms)
[N] 08:19:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2064,196 ; -3503,745 ; 80,50015 ; "None" to 2055,662 ; -3500,341 ; 83,01171 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:19:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,524366y, 159ms)
[D] 08:19:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Randys) 就是升满级了,t1凑毕业都要猴年马月,普通人也就三大本,蓝色环保混穿
[D] 08:19:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 有利益就会有纷争
[D] 08:19:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 35的页干
[D] 08:19:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 大杀小有什么问题吗,玩法不同,别老抱怨
08:20:01 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 08:20:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuyage) 看到比你低级的联盟一定要干,不然以后死的是你
[F] 08:20:03 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:20:04 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:20:04 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:20:08 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:20:08 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:20:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 战场厮杀各凭本事 这特码的60杀小号 还耽误我练级
[F] 08:20:10 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:20:13 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:20:15 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:20:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Songn) 我这个镜头怎么调整 被锁住了 只能第一人称
08:20:23 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:20:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,078 ; -3478,74 ; 87,93217 ; "None" to 2048,346 ; -3490,973 ; 85,24849 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 08:20:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 有本事的都满级之后报仇,而不是在那叫我被欺负了
[N] 08:20:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,00716y, 188ms)
[D] 08:20:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 都不是小孩子
[N] 08:20:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2046,267 ; -3487,897 ; 85,83015 ; "None" to 2040,216 ; -3475,897 ; 88,49415 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:20:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,70138y, 233ms)
[D] 08:20:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Maozil) 关键大号还守小号尸体
[D] 08:20:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 农场杀小号的 是国内服的GM
[D] 08:20:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Garonao) 落后就要挨打
[D] 08:20:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Maozil) 这就恶心了
[D] 08:20:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Coprse) 哀嚎 有没有想法的
[D] 08:20:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 就是故意来劝退玩家的
[D] 08:20:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Thrallsm) 觉得被LM恶心到了~人家在公会喊两句咋啦?
[D] 08:20:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yugigi) 存在即合理 咱也管不了别人
[D] 08:20:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nicehunter) 玛拉顿任务,来各职业+++
[D] 08:20:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 人家GM也是玩家
[D] 08:20:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cadeyishu) 巨魔第一次去幽暗城 用开飞行点吗
[D] 08:21:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ricken) 要开
[D] 08:21:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qqyqq) [20] 北方城堡的火炮 加护送有一起的
08:21:05 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[D] 08:21:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cadeyishu) OK
[F] 08:21:07 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:21:08 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:21:08 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:21:12 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:21:12 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:21:16 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:21:17 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:21:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 反正我已经举报 了 前段时间这里杀小号的圣骑士 已经被封号了
[F] 08:21:21 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:21:21 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:21:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 哎呀 装 B了
[F] 08:21:25 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:21:25 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:21:29 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:21:29 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:21:33 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 08:21:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Emeralddream) 杀小号不会被封号
[F] 08:21:34 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
08:21:36 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting to run away
[N] 08:21:36 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2171,435 ; -3475,935 ; 97,36117 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:21:36 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 99,43028 (164 ms)
[N] 08:21:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2058,287 ; -3435,966 ; 92,36117 ; "None" to 2171,435 ; -3475,935 ; 99,43028 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:21:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (141,1324y, 158ms)
[N] 08:21:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2058,287 ; -3435,966 ; 92,36117 ; "None" to 2171,435 ; -3475,935 ; 99,43028 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:21:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (141,1324y, 0ms)
08:21:36 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Found escape route consisting of 8 spots
[D] 08:21:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 和一个 骷髅 DZ 干仗没干过
[D] 08:21:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 杀小号举报还能封号?
[D] 08:21:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Emeralddream) 论坛里GM都回答了
[D] 08:21:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Daiyanren) 帮是情分 不帮也是正常 不帮还要嘲讽一波就有点过分了
[D] 08:21:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Emeralddream) 别瞎扯淡了
[D] 08:21:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fnine) LR求组剃刀沼泽,或者矮子本任务队
[D] 08:21:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 会的 这种属于守尸体
[D] 08:21:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhangzxy) 锋个马JB
[D] 08:21:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rlm) PVP服务器·
08:21:54 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stop fleeing, allow attacks again
[D] 08:21:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Linpingzhi) 收个 自用 风暴战斧
[D] 08:22:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rlm) 哪不很正常啊
[D] 08:22:04 - [Fight] Incorrect mob position
08:22:06 - [Regen] Started
08:22:08 - [Regen] Use food Mutton Chop
[D] 08:22:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Songn) 镜头怎么整 我第一人称 设置没有用
[D] 08:22:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 前段时间这里的圣骑士 已经封号了
[D] 08:22:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Thrallsm) [29] 大兽穴[29] 大兽穴[29] 大兽穴
[D] 08:22:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 你不抱怨,没人嘲讽你
08:22:33 - [Regen] Finished
[D] 08:22:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 刚说完 就夸张了
[N] 08:22:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2159,715 ; -3466,842 ; 94,04168 ; "None" to 2058,991 ; -3435,02 ; 92,42293 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:22:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (124,8062y, 153ms)
[D] 08:22:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 按欧美的逻辑 杀小号毫无荣耀可言
[D] 08:22:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Thrallsm) [29] 大兽穴 2=1
[D] 08:22:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fnine) 因为咋们这个服务器在线人数太多,不像国内%^&*!@很多都是AI,动了很多人蛋糕
[D] 08:22:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuliaoyefeng) 满级了杀回去就行了
[D] 08:23:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fnine) LR求组剃刀沼泽,或者矮子本任务队,有没有队伍呀
[D] 08:23:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 晚上遇到的老外基本还是不杀小号的杀小号很多都是国人
[D] 08:23:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 比如我,我一般看见大号,在他动手之前我都会斜杠下跪
[D] 08:23:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 哥们这技能都活了多少集了
08:23:22 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 08:23:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Randys) 前几天还有两个老外联盟嘲讽,说杀小号等于杀中国人呢
[D] 08:23:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 哈哈
[D] 08:23:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuyage) 按照中国的逻辑,先下手为强1,后下手遭殃
[N] 08:23:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2149,573 ; -3528,146 ; 48,25459 ; "None" to 2160,63 ; -3529,247 ; 48,25459 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:23:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,11126y, 155ms)
[F] 08:23:25 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:23:26 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:23:26 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:23:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cadeyishu) 没事 一般骷髅干我 我都是躺好的
[F] 08:23:30 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:23:30 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:23:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 下跪的这位大哥 秀!
[F] 08:23:33 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:23:35 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:23:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fourthsurvi) 能屈能伸
[D] 08:23:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 斜杠下跪,做个宏
[D] 08:23:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Meccs) 游戏特色
[D] 08:23:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 国人杀了你基本都是吐口水跳舞。、。
[D] 08:23:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ricken) 想杀就杀嘛,大不了60再杀回来
[D] 08:23:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cloudyun) 有黑石深渊任务队吗,组一个
08:23:45 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:23:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2159,471 ; -3529,131 ; 47,97781 ; "None" to 2141,017 ; -3527,295 ; 49,73409 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:23:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,62898y, 231ms)
[D] 08:23:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 你掌握了这个游戏的精髓
[D] 08:23:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiaomumula) 整个荆棘谷我都是让你打 让你打 打吧 打吧 的心态趟过来的。。
[D] 08:23:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 但是杀我的我就记小本本
[D] 08:23:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cadeyishu) 我是自己躺下
[D] 08:23:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 满级看到肯定杀
[D] 08:23:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiaoshibeici) 我大号杀联盟 反抗的 一律不杀
[D] 08:24:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vikingpoleax) 教堂菜刀,来38以上DPS和奶.3Q2
[D] 08:24:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nicehunter) 玛拉顿任务,来奶和法系++++
[D] 08:24:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cadeyishu) 斜杠 睡觉
08:24:08 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 08:24:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zpanlong) 你们少特么的吹了 15年玩过一阵子欧服 杀小号的也不少 别舔了
[D] 08:24:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Thrallsm) [29] 大兽穴
[D] 08:24:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vikingpoleax) 教堂菜刀,来38以上DPS和奶.3Q2
[N] 08:24:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2217,743 ; -3542,51 ; 45,07381 ; "None" to 2228,996 ; -3546,27 ; 45,07381 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:24:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,86518y, 168ms)
[F] 08:24:10 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:24:10 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:24:10 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:24:14 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:24:15 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:24:17 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:24:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vikingpoleax) 教堂菜刀,来38以上DPS和奶.3Q2
[F] 08:24:19 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:24:22 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:24:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 我就不杀小号,我都是玩他们
[D] 08:24:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vikingpoleax) 教堂菜刀,来38以上DPS和奶.3Q2
08:24:30 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:24:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2227,595 ; -3545,802 ; 45,25793 ; "None" to 2210,078 ; -3539,949 ; 45,66405 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:24:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,47399y, 152ms)
[D] 08:24:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cadeyishu) 一般杀我的 我自己躺下 第二次看都不看我一眼
[D] 08:24:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 羊爽了就放了他
[D] 08:24:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rlm) 带军衔的都杀
[D] 08:24:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cloudyun) 有黑石深渊任务队吗,组一个++有黑石深渊任务队吗,组一个++有黑石深渊任务队吗,组一个++有黑石深渊任务队吗,组一个++
[D] 08:24:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 满嘴#$%^&*
[D] 08:24:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 这游戏开发出 好多脚本!
[D] 08:24:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jordgrim) 墓地 AA 来风骚法师
[D] 08:24:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Linlii) zw3999wo就想知道什么时候挨雷劈
[D] 08:24:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 不用白不用
[D] 08:24:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fireballplus) 把血色作为反制手段,只要在野外被杀了,马上通知部落的兄弟把血色联盟清光,在那里只有我们能打他们,他们不能打我们
[D] 08:24:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 我说的是老外很杀小号不是没有
08:24:54 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[D] 08:24:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 很少
[F] 08:24:56 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:24:57 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:24:57 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:25:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 相对较少
[F] 08:25:01 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:25:01 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:25:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chinesebaby) 6团 mc 开组 补 牧师 萨满 38==2 来的mmmmm
[D] 08:25:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rlm) 老外很多
[F] 08:25:05 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:25:05 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:25:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chinesebaby) 6团 mc 开组 补 牧师 萨满 38==2 来的mmmmm
[D] 08:25:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 那是因为老外人口少
[D] 08:25:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chinesebaby) 6团 mc 开组 补 牧师 萨满 38==2 来的mmmmm
[F] 08:25:09 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:25:10 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:25:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nicehunter) 玛拉顿任务,来奶和法系++++
[F] 08:25:14 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:25:14 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:25:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 护送任务都是半夜做
[F] 08:25:18 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:25:18 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:25:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rlm) 没填也图据点
[F] 08:25:22 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:25:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 你当哪国都跟中国人一样多啊
[D] 08:25:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zpanlong) 毛线较少 有没有少是因为 老外本身就很少
[F] 08:25:29 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:25:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 农场杀小号 绝对不是因为觉得好玩
[F] 08:25:33 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:25:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cadeyishu) 护送能不做就不做
[D] 08:25:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zpanlong) 15年玩欧服 JJG也是地狱
[F] 08:25:40 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:25:44 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:25:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 难得和你说
[D] 08:25:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 你把人杀狠了 人家半夜拿枪去干你
[D] 08:25:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 就是想来劝退玩家 去国服公益玩
[D] 08:26:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zpanlong) 你就别舔了
[D] 08:26:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuyage) 说的国服公益不杀小号一样
[D] 08:26:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fkmhero) 国外 出什么杀人狂我都信
[D] 08:26:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vikingpoleax) 教堂菜刀,来38以上DPS和奶.3Q2
[D] 08:26:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zpanlong) 舔 人家也看不见
[D] 08:26:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ninestars) 刚有个喊血色教堂的,37SM要不要
[D] 08:26:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fifteencm) 血色图书馆 武器库 教堂3个本10人任务队,来的M+++8=2
08:26:25 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 08:26:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 起码没这么守到一个地方杀的
[F] 08:26:27 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 08:26:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2067,423 ; -3507,85 ; 77,93891 ; "None" to 2052,274 ; -3516,459 ; 77,93891 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:26:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,42357y, 383ms)
[D] 08:26:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chinesebaby) 6团 mc 开组 补 牧师 萨满 38==2 来的mmmmm
[F] 08:26:29 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:26:29 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:26:30 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 08:26:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2058,671 ; -3512,825 ; 79,63092 ; "None" to 2051,19 ; -3518,111 ; 79,63092 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:26:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,160408y, 205ms)
[N] 08:26:33 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 08:26:33 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 08:26:33 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[F] 08:26:34 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:26:34 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:26:36 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:26:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 起码这服免费
[F] 08:26:39 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:26:41 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:26:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vikingpoleax) 教堂菜刀,来38以上DPS.4Q1
[F] 08:26:49 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[D] 08:26:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 你有本事别玩这F啊
08:26:52 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:26:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2052,936 ; -3519,663 ; 81,41457 ; "None" to 2066,787 ; -3506,63 ; 78,60918 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:26:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,22413y, 235ms)
[D] 08:26:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nicehunter) 玛拉顿任务,来奶和法系++++
[D] 08:26:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 国服我85升90的时候一个盗贼杀我到89
[D] 08:26:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zpanlong) 我为啥不玩这F?
[D] 08:26:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 我屁都放不出来
[D] 08:27:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zpanlong) 为啥
[D] 08:27:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 什么都能扯到老外
[D] 08:27:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 有些BUG 也能接受
[D] 08:27:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chinesebaby) 6团 mc 开组 补 牧师 萨满 38==2 来的mmmmm
08:27:06 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[D] 08:27:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chinesebaby) 6团 mc 开组 补 牧师 萨满 38==2 来的mmmmm
[D] 08:27:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zpanlong) 是你自己扯的好么
[F] 08:27:09 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 08:27:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2048,71 ; -3495,885 ; 84,17188 ; "None" to 2046,295 ; -3513,481 ; 84,17188 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:27:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,76065y, 151ms)
[F] 08:27:12 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:27:12 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:27:12 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:27:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vikingpoleax) 教堂菜刀,来38以上DPS.4Q1
[D] 08:27:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 就是回档 有些蛋疼
[F] 08:27:16 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:27:17 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:27:20 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:27:21 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:27:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zpanlong) 你不但扯 而且还添
[D] 08:27:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niuerkuaipao) 荆棘谷瓶中信任务有来的吗!!!~~荆棘谷瓶中信任务有来的吗!!!~~
[F] 08:27:25 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:27:25 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:27:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Koalapals) YY有人打么
[D] 08:27:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 我说老外相对少杀小号
[F] 08:27:29 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 08:27:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Thrallsm) [29] 大兽穴 3个人了,还有来的吗?
[F] 08:27:29 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:27:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zpanlong) 舌头麻没
[F] 08:27:33 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:27:34 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:27:38 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:27:38 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:27:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jiuxianshan) |cff1eff00|Hitem:4500::::::::58:::::::::|h[旅行者的背包]|h|r 一个深渊没打几个怪 出2了 还都我R到了
[D] 08:27:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zpanlong) 你这个结论咋得出来的?
[D] 08:27:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 你满嘴!@#$%^说舔老外?
[F] 08:27:42 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:27:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zpanlong) 你这个结论咋得出来的?
[D] 08:27:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vikingpoleax) 教堂菜刀,来38以上DPS.4Q1
[F] 08:27:49 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:27:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zpanlong) 老外杀小号少的
[F] 08:27:53 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:27:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuliaoyefeng) 这服除了回档 其他的都还好
[D] 08:27:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eigth) 老外人少不搞你人多捏死你
[D] 08:27:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vikingpoleax) 教堂菜刀,来38以上DPS.4Q1
08:27:59 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:27:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2047,312 ; -3506,073 ; 84,38821 ; "None" to 2048,986 ; -3493,872 ; 84,46647 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:27:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,3158y, 153ms)
[D] 08:28:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zpanlong) 想象?
[D] 08:28:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhangzxy) 25W击杀。舔出来的
[D] 08:28:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 有的人就是这样什么都能扯到舔
[D] 08:28:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zpanlong) 张嘴就来
[D] 08:28:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 过段时间,人少点就好了
[D] 08:28:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wjsgzgr) Jiuxianshan 多少一个 卖吗、
[D] 08:28:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xixibang) 回档有时候挺好 昨天我抓BB被联盟大号杀了 尸体跑老远了 回档后奇迹的活了
[D] 08:28:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vikingpoleax) 教堂菜刀,来38以上DPS.4Q1
[D] 08:28:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zpanlong) 问题是你没根没据的这么说 不就是无脑舔么
[D] 08:28:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 有的人坚持不了,就会不玩了
[D] 08:28:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vikingpoleax) 教堂菜刀,来38以上DPS.4Q1
[D] 08:28:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jiuxianshan) Wjsgzgr-Everlook 用
08:28:31 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 08:28:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2119,088 ; -3399,909 ; 93,9155 ; "None" to 2127,689 ; -3384,486 ; 93,9155 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 08:28:33 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 08:28:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (51,34411y, 756ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[N] 08:28:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2127,628 ; -3398,34 ; 95,03413 ; "None" to 2136,603 ; -3394,998 ; 95,03413 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:28:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (11,73324y, 155ms)
[F] 08:28:36 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:28:36 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:28:36 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:28:40 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:28:41 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:28:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 难得和你这SB 说
[D] 08:28:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 你俩吵个啥
[F] 08:28:43 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:28:43 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:28:46 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 08:28:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuliaoyefeng) 那天好像有个哥们升了好几回40级。。。
[D] 08:28:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zpanlong) 问你为啥说老外杀小号的少 你也说不上来
[D] 08:28:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vikingpoleax) 教堂菜刀,来38以上DPS.4Q1
08:28:54 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:28:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2137,598 ; -3395,734 ; 95,64938 ; "None" to 2117,954 ; -3401,943 ; 93,99771 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:28:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (21,20501y, 158ms)
[D] 08:28:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 他俩在吵哪个国家的人杀小号比较多
[D] 08:28:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 确实少
[D] 08:29:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 你杀杀小号那些名字好多不是拼音?
[D] 08:29:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 我玩过欧美服的
[D] 08:29:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dapaoquan) 公会有大号在丘陵吗,帮忙做一下旋风斧任务?
[D] 08:29:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 一方说老外杀小号少,一方表示他是舔狗
08:29:15 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 08:29:16 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 08:29:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2052,721 ; -3446,195 ; 92,1769 ; "None" to 2049,522 ; -3455,382 ; 92,1769 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:29:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,728564y, 150ms)
[D] 08:29:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 我表示我去买个瓜子
[F] 08:29:19 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:29:19 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:29:19 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:29:23 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:29:24 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:29:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tatto) 国人就喜欢下个严重的结论
[F] 08:29:26 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:29:28 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:29:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 这SB 真是无脑仇富那种了
[F] 08:29:31 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:29:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rlm) 毛线·我杀都是老外用英语骂我
[D] 08:29:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tatto) 结果总是不经意发现自己是不是言语过重
08:29:41 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:29:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2049,592 ; -3455,186 ; 91,98999 ; "None" to 2056,165 ; -3436,153 ; 92,4373 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:29:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,14072y, 163ms)
[D] 08:29:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zpanlong) 我15年玩的欧服 同班3个挪威人1个芬兰人 就爱在JJG杀小号
[D] 08:29:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 哎呀,这就20了,等我25就危险咯
[D] 08:29:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tatto) 然后其实就是网暴的一员
[D] 08:29:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 以前LM和BL能交流?
[D] 08:29:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 可以讨论 但骂人家是舔狗就有些过分了
[D] 08:30:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 你别秀下线了
[D] 08:30:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nicehunter) 玛拉顿任务,来奶和法系++++
[D] 08:30:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 好玩
[D] 08:30:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eigth) 不过老外杀小号的确实少点 最起码都是打绿色等级的
08:30:14 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 08:30:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2141,066 ; -3527,12 ; 49,74854 ; "None" to 2158,366 ; -3520,489 ; 49,74854 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:30:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,52822y, 153ms)
[N] 08:30:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2150,151 ; -3523,637 ; 48,42063 ; "None" to 2158,486 ; -3520,443 ; 48,42063 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:30:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,925824y, 215ms)
[F] 08:30:21 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:30:21 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:30:22 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:30:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 这 shib 法师 杀好些个人了 我就潜行看着他杀
[D] 08:30:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Toutan) 玛拉顿多少级可以去啊
[D] 08:30:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tatto) 可以讨论。别轻易给别人的任何发表下结论
[D] 08:30:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 意思是我们看个美剧 也是舔狗咯?
[D] 08:30:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 这人现实中估计就是个小保安
[F] 08:30:26 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:30:26 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:30:28 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:30:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rlm) 湿地我只杀右荣誉的
[D] 08:30:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 好像躲猫猫一样 有意思
[F] 08:30:31 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
08:30:38 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:30:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2154,635 ; -3521,919 ; 48,14674 ; "None" to 2139,994 ; -3527,531 ; 49,95778 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:30:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,78354y, 159ms)
[D] 08:30:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 被业主经常叼所以戴谁都咬
[D] 08:30:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cadeyishu) 我草 为啥有些草药走近了就没了
[D] 08:30:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Decur) Qopo 你真是个热心观众。。
[D] 08:30:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 一点素质没有
[D] 08:30:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 歪果仁还读中国的孙子兵法呢
[D] 08:30:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fkmhero) 得了吧 老外杀人也不手软 只不过基数少而已
[D] 08:30:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 中心思想就是只要说一句老外的好就是崇洋媚外
[D] 08:30:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Emeralddream) 你跟老板都是这么汇报工作的?连个依据数据都没有,哈哈哈
08:30:58 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 08:30:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Koalapals) YY开组 10个人进组速度
[D] 08:30:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 聊聊天 划划水
[N] 08:30:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2219,951 ; -3543,097 ; 45,06598 ; "None" to 2229,665 ; -3545,413 ; 45,06598 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:31:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,986306y, 188ms)
[F] 08:31:01 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:31:02 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:31:02 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:31:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 练练号 有个事做
[F] 08:31:06 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:31:06 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:31:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Danainaii) 残忍地
[F] 08:31:09 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:31:11 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:31:17 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
08:31:20 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:31:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2229,212 ; -3545,304 ; 45,41758 ; "None" to 2210,222 ; -3540,778 ; 45,40879 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:31:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,52186y, 149ms)
[D] 08:31:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xixifu) YY组我 26SS
[D] 08:31:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 像这个服的护送任务
[D] 08:31:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zpanlong) 你就凭想象吧 想象我是个保安 想象老外不爱杀小号
[D] 08:31:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zpanlong) 梦里啥都有
[D] 08:31:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 希尔斯农场的那个法师 确实恶心人
[D] 08:31:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 大家基本都做
[N] 08:31:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2210,595 ; -3540,867 ; 45,4085 ; "None" to 2222,777 ; -3543,698 ; 45,14629 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:31:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,50933y, 159ms)
08:31:48 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 08:31:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2303,792 ; -3551,578 ; 44,31385 ; "None" to 2300,095 ; -3563,166 ; 44,31385 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:31:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,16405y, 156ms)
[D] 08:31:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tatto) 昨天那个孩子的妈。真的。就因为穿的衣服。被网暴。然后跳楼了。本来孩子死了就难过。结果喷子就看到他身材和衣服对她评头论足
[F] 08:31:53 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:31:53 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:31:53 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:31:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 像以前都是点卡在燃烧
[D] 08:31:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rlm) 布莱德那个老外大元帅·还是个主播·
[D] 08:31:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 我只是说老外杀小号的还是少没有说老外不杀小号OK?
[D] 08:31:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 就是二十多级那个农场?
[F] 08:31:57 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:31:58 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:31:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Koalapals) YY开组 10个人进组速度
[D] 08:31:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 公会有有克罗 帮我预备一个
[F] 08:32:00 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:32:02 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:32:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Meccs) 别管老外还是国人只要是lm就干就行了
[D] 08:32:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 我正想去呢,要被虐啦
[D] 08:32:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zpanlong) 我没反驳说不杀啊
[N] 08:32:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2300,665 ; -3561,381 ; 43,81514 ; "None" to 2294,92 ; -3555,995 ; 43,81602 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:32:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (7,874807y, 150ms)
[D] 08:32:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 国服怀旧服的时候,基本一条龙服务到60
[D] 08:32:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nicehunter) 中国人口基数那么大 SB也格外多的
[D] 08:32:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Koalapals) YY开组 10个人进组速度
[D] 08:32:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 别提国服
[D] 08:32:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xixifu) P话多
[D] 08:32:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Emeralddream) 怎么就老外杀小号少了?数据依据在哪里
[D] 08:32:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuyage) 所以没有一条龙服务不习惯了。。。。该
[D] 08:32:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 你一说国服我就感觉我在上班
[D] 08:32:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zpanlong) 他说不上 我个他说吧 他就说我生活中是个保安、。。。
[D] 08:32:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tatto) 就看人家的衣服穿的好看。妆容较美。就说人家职业啥啥啥来着。完全不管人家现在是不死孩子了
[D] 08:32:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 玩个游戏累的脑袋疼
[D] 08:32:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niuerkuaipao) 荆棘谷瓶中信任务有来的吗!!!~~荆棘谷瓶中信任务有来的吗!!!~~
08:32:51 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 08:32:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Koalapals) YY开组 10个人进组速度
[F] 08:32:52 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:32:53 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:32:53 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:32:57 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 08:32:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 人家明明谈的是感受!你找人家要数据
[D] 08:32:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eigth) 依据就是玩外服玩的多
[F] 08:32:57 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:33:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cadeyishu) 你们真有才
[F] 08:33:01 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:33:02 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:33:06 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:33:06 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:33:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 难得和这些人扯了
[F] 08:33:10 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:33:10 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:33:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rlm) 和喜欢老外又打又粗一个道理
[F] 08:33:14 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:33:15 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:33:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 这小shib 给我逗乐了
[F] 08:33:19 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:33:19 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:33:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zpanlong) 哈哈
[F] 08:33:23 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:33:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 我潜行 做任务 补耽误事
[D] 08:33:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 杀小号 连续杀的 确实国人多
[D] 08:33:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cloudyun) 黑上盗贼的衣服是哪件装备啊,我怎么看到到处都是和谐DZ衣服
[D] 08:33:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 中国那么多买苹果手机的
[F] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:33:31 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:33:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 你怎么不都去给人家丢了?
[F] 08:33:34 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:33:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 受三季稻影响
[F] 08:33:42 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:33:46 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:33:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Meccs) 迅鹰衣服为王的
[D] 08:33:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuyage) 三季稻也杀大号的,你们都误解了
[D] 08:33:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 希尔斯乱杀小号的 举报没用 哎 GM已经回复我了
08:34:03 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 08:34:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,142 ; -3477,468 ; 88,18876 ; "None" to 2031,583 ; -3464,506 ; 88,18876 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:34:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,53271y, 364ms)
[D] 08:34:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Emeralddream) 本来就没用
[D] 08:34:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Koalapals) YY开组 10个人进组速度
[F] 08:34:08 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:34:09 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:34:09 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:34:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eigth) 确实就是这样 我也爱杀小号
[F] 08:34:13 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 08:34:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Emeralddream) 论坛里GM都说过了
[D] 08:34:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 哎
[F] 08:34:13 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:34:16 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:34:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Emeralddream) 这属于PVP正常行为
[D] 08:34:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rlm) 做天在湿地我被3个60的追杀
[F] 08:34:20 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:34:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 三季稻是小号大号都不放过 这确实PVP
[D] 08:34:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 没用就没用呗,你可以再纠结一个月为什么大号杀小号
08:34:25 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:34:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2033,215 ; -3466,859 ; 90,64895 ; "None" to 2040,433 ; -3479,277 ; 87,79802 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:34:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,6432y, 157ms)
[D] 08:34:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 反正我是换地方早早升级去了
[D] 08:34:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 满级叫我的小伙伴一起去欺负他们
[D] 08:34:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuliaoyefeng) 三季稻眼里只有红名
[D] 08:34:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eigth) 很正常的一个行为
[D] 08:34:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Koalapals) YY开组 10个人进组速度
[D] 08:34:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 杀就杀吧 哎
[D] 08:34:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yugigi) 盘问雷瑟 有一起的么 咋npc这么容易死呢
[D] 08:34:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 我叫我发小玩了个术士
08:34:50 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 08:34:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2120,795 ; -3398,641 ; 94,52042 ; "None" to 2129,493 ; -3389,207 ; 94,52042 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 08:34:52 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 08:34:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (20,67341y, 164ms)
[D] 08:34:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 等满级我俩去欺负人
[F] 08:34:54 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:34:54 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:34:55 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:34:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Emeralddream) 那个任务我上午全做完了,死十几次,多大的事
[D] 08:34:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 嘿嘿嘿
[F] 08:34:59 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:34:59 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:35:01 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:35:02 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:35:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Daiyanren) 笔画真是多
[F] 08:35:04 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:35:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 再让我姐玩个牧师
[F] 08:35:06 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:35:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 不过刚才希尔斯农场 去了一个兽人SS执法了
[D] 08:35:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yangzhudashu) 看你们吹牛 我都aa升一级半了
[D] 08:35:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rlm) 做天才杀113个
[D] 08:35:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 心控跳崖
08:35:15 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:35:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2128,063 ; -3393,733 ; 98,7783 ; "None" to 2115,988 ; -3403,855 ; 93,89922 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:35:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (16,56596y, 536ms)
[D] 08:35:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 没用
[D] 08:35:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yamdie) 等我等级高了我就到处去杀联盟管他大小号
[D] 08:35:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 还在杀呢
[D] 08:35:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Krutus) People for monastery
[D] 08:35:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuyage) 三季稻眼里只有红名,别单拿他杀小号说事,他杀大号时的事迹都没报道
[D] 08:35:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 那个法师被兽人SS按在地上摩擦了好几次
[D] 08:35:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rlm) 被追杀几条街
[D] 08:35:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmbushir) MS52级去A花 有没有搞头
[D] 08:35:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Emeralddream) 双休日,野外肯定妖魔鬼怪,淡定
[D] 08:35:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Krutus) hi
[D] 08:35:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eigth) 红名都是怪
[D] 08:35:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 你被LM 大号杀了换LM 去问他为什么杀小号 他基本都说 他的小号还被LM 守着尸体
08:35:41 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 08:35:48 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:35:48 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:35:49 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:35:53 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:35:53 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:35:55 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:35:58 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:36:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Emeralddream) 死了就吹吹牛逼,过会儿再去,做一个是一个
[D] 08:36:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 很多人杀小号是因为他的小号被大号杀了。、
[D] 08:36:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 那对,我十多年了,到现在都记仇当初杀我的
08:36:06 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:36:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2043,955 ; -3464,155 ; 90,851 ; "None" to 2050,685 ; -3449,775 ; 91,94474 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:36:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,91495y, 189ms)
[D] 08:36:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 不过我不杀他们,我就羊,羊半小时
[D] 08:36:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 希尔斯农场杀小号的那几个号 是24小时轮班倒的
[D] 08:36:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Koalapals) YY开组 10个人进组速度
[D] 08:36:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 特别是贼
[D] 08:36:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 草 石爪山的任务做完了 该去丘陵了
[D] 08:36:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 最喜欢蹲人
08:36:36 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[D] 08:36:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eigth) 谁不是在杀与被杀中满级的 还有谁
[F] 08:36:37 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 08:36:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2144,95 ; -3527,49 ; 48,8086 ; "None" to 2156,674 ; -3527,395 ; 48,8086 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:36:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,72402y, 210ms)
[F] 08:36:39 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:36:40 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:36:40 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:36:44 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:36:44 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:36:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dadly) 石爪搞完去灰谷啊
[D] 08:36:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Okboy) 剃刀沼泽 5人队伍 来T DPS
[F] 08:36:47 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:36:49 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:36:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 斜杠下跪咯
[D] 08:36:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shandawang) 农场那里有个贼L字头的,,老是在那的
[D] 08:36:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 这玩意很实用
[D] 08:36:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 灰谷也搞完了 任务都红了
[D] 08:36:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nicehunter) 玛拉顿任务,来奶和法系++++
08:36:57 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:36:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2155,128 ; -3527,407 ; 48,04002 ; "None" to 2137,441 ; -3527,551 ; 50,94946 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:36:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,92553y, 247ms)
[D] 08:37:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Meccs) 去灰谷好些
[D] 08:37:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shouyishu) 丘陵农场任务不用做 都是溢出的
08:37:18 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 08:37:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2220,128 ; -3543,237 ; 45,07771 ; "None" to 2232,256 ; -3546,287 ; 45,07771 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:37:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,50623y, 159ms)
[F] 08:37:20 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:37:20 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:37:21 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:37:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 农场怪给的钱太多了,我是真想去
[F] 08:37:25 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:37:25 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:37:27 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:37:30 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:37:32 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:37:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Okboy) 剃刀沼泽 5人队伍 乱入DPS 来的速度
[D] 08:37:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 石爪山 灰谷 希尔斯 这3个地图切换做任务最好
[F] 08:37:34 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:37:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shandawang) 法师去农场是因为可以AOE
[D] 08:37:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 一小时升级打布可以买两个14包包了
[D] 08:37:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 灰谷左侧那个营地 太远了 不想跑
[F] 08:37:41 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
08:37:43 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:37:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2232,111 ; -3546,243 ; 45,27583 ; "None" to 2212,875 ; -3541,412 ; 45,37209 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:37:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,8334y, 158ms)
[D] 08:37:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 路过杀了格 20 LR
[D] 08:37:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 农场 海盗湾 和激流堡 长期有大号蹲
08:38:09 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 08:38:09 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 08:38:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2309,182 ; -3546,473 ; 45,09172 ; "None" to 2293,933 ; -3556,219 ; 45,09172 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:38:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,09762y, 155ms)
[F] 08:38:12 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:38:12 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:38:13 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:38:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dairymaid) 剃刀高地(40级+) 5人, 来各种输出, 外加治疗牧或奶萨一位!
[F] 08:38:17 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:38:17 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:38:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 人少了基本任务做不下来
[D] 08:38:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 废话。。人家联盟领地
[F] 08:38:19 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:38:20 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:38:22 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
08:38:30 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:38:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2298,79 ; -3553,148 ; 44,23061 ; "None" to 2310,749 ; -3545,472 ; 45,2137 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:38:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,24509y, 187ms)
[D] 08:38:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 一群小号也不怕60
[D] 08:38:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 人家不给联盟小号升级,给你部落位置干嘛
[D] 08:38:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodmoon) 我上次举报了一个猎人现在他用该被封了 再也没看见他
[D] 08:38:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) LM在哪里学绷带吧
[D] 08:38:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tanmznq) 武器库菜刀队,来个38+的奶或DPS,4=1
[D] 08:38:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fniudidi) 武器库才到 来个奶武器库才到 来个奶武器库才到 来个奶
[D] 08:38:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 杀小号能举报封号?
[D] 08:38:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Emeralddream) 你在做白日梦。。。
[D] 08:38:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 不是吧
[D] 08:39:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Emeralddream) 你还信了
[D] 08:39:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Magicfound) 墓地AA 来34+FS
[D] 08:39:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eigth) 彻底自
[D] 08:39:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Townflower) 激流堡任务没法做啦?
[D] 08:39:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 想多了。、
[D] 08:39:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yamdie) 哪有那么多闲功夫去封这种
[D] 08:39:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 在我们这是仇人,在联盟属于英雄
[D] 08:39:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodmoon) 干扰正常任务
[D] 08:39:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Okboy) 剃刀沼泽 5人队伍 乱入DPS 来的速度
[D] 08:39:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Townflower) 还想着去看看呢
08:39:17 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 08:39:19 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:39:19 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:39:20 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:39:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 激流堡有贼别去
[F] 08:39:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:39:24 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:39:26 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:39:29 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:39:31 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:39:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 暗夜贼和一个人类ZS 在那里
[D] 08:39:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuliaoyefeng) 激流堡半夜三点里面都是骷髅。。
08:39:39 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 08:39:39 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 08:39:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,685 ; -3497,809 ; 83,77307 ; "None" to 2055,732 ; -3515,095 ; 83,77307 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:39:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,75435y, 187ms)
[F] 08:39:42 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[F] 08:39:44 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[D] 08:39:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 我过去直接就一个侧躺斜杠下跪,他拿我如何
[D] 08:39:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Townflower) 行吧 任务直接放弃了
[F] 08:39:44 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:39:45 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:39:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 我刚才试了 GM回复说无法干预 祝我有愉快的一天
[F] 08:39:49 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 08:39:56 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:39:56 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:39:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Magicfound) 墓地AA 来34+FS
[F] 08:40:00 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:40:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 做个任务被杀十几次 我能愉快嘛
[F] 08:40:07 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:40:08 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:40:11 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:40:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 你不觉得淬炼你的意志吗
[F] 08:40:19 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:40:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodmoon) 直接举报干扰征程任务
[F] 08:40:23 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
08:40:26 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:40:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2054,031 ; -3507,828 ; 82,61176 ; "None" to 2051,207 ; -3495,767 ; 84,03014 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:40:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,46788y, 162ms)
[D] 08:40:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 加深联盟仇恨,多好啊
[D] 08:40:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) 墓地AA有需要LR的吗
[D] 08:40:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Emeralddream) gm最后一句话属于暴击。。
08:40:34 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:40:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,964 ; -3499 ; 83,62979 ; "None" to 2068,73 ; -3505,74 ; 78,0799 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:40:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,90295y, 220ms)
[D] 08:40:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Okboy) 剃刀沼泽 5人队伍 乱入DPS 4=1
[D] 08:40:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shandawang) 这也是PVP的一部分。。
[N] 08:40:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2065,636 ; -3504,397 ; 79,80013 ; "None" to 2055,662 ; -3500,341 ; 83,01171 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:40:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,236y, 155ms)
[D] 08:40:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 矿洞目前安全
[D] 08:40:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Windslice) 让你们知道社会的残酷
[D] 08:40:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) GM还给你个心灵激荡
[D] 08:40:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dairymaid) 剃刀高地(40级+) 5人, 来各种输出!
[D] 08:41:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 多亏玩了个法师。。
[D] 08:41:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodmoon) 这个服可以正常PVP但不能干扰任务
08:41:13 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 08:41:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Magicfound) 墓地AA 来34+FS
[F] 08:41:16 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:41:16 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:41:16 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:41:20 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:41:21 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:41:25 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:41:25 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:41:29 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:41:29 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:41:33 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:41:34 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:41:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Magicfound) 墓地AA 来34+FS
[D] 08:41:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Aoes) STSM AA 自强 来 FS
[D] 08:41:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhys) 大块野猪肉哪里掉
[F] 08:41:38 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:41:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rlm) 刚看到一个矮子ZS带9级巨魔做任务···
[F] 08:41:43 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:41:43 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:41:47 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:41:48 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:41:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuliaoyefeng) 猪身上。。
[F] 08:41:52 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:41:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodmoon) 截图举报
[F] 08:41:57 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:41:57 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:41:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yongganliliu) 岳掌门都来BL 了
[F] 08:42:01 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:42:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yongganliliu) 应为LM 被封号了
[D] 08:42:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Aoes) STSM AA 自强 来 FS
[F] 08:42:08 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:42:12 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:42:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ricken) 来BL了?
[D] 08:42:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Somas) 他为啥封?
[D] 08:42:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 嗯
[D] 08:42:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 我又提交了 说这个法师干扰玩家做任务
[F] 08:42:20 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:42:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yongganliliu) 结果 试炼谷寸草不生
[D] 08:42:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Heicao) 岳掌门在哪 ID给我 我要去帮他
[D] 08:42:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 来部落了
[F] 08:42:23 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:42:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 他来之后,怪都打不到
[D] 08:42:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tatto) 因为大号给他东西了
[D] 08:42:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fzg) 见到侏儒一个也不能放过,你杀了他以后会跳起来
[D] 08:42:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 在联盟是一直被杀,在部落一群大号打他怪
[D] 08:42:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 算了 岳掌门 天天那么被守 都没事
[D] 08:42:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yongganliliu) 大号帮他打怪 寸草不生
[D] 08:43:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nicehunter) 玛拉顿任务,来2个奶,开了
08:43:05 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 08:43:06 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 08:43:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2137,278 ; -3526,722 ; 51,14488 ; "None" to 2123,283 ; -3518,721 ; 51,14488 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:43:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,12088y, 342ms)
[F] 08:43:08 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:43:08 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:43:09 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:43:13 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:43:13 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:43:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 那是节目效果。
[F] 08:43:17 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:43:17 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:43:21 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:43:22 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:43:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 你们老说岳掌门 他是谁?很有名么?
[F] 08:43:26 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 08:43:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 主播?
[D] 08:43:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 掌门都40 骑马了。,
[F] 08:43:26 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:43:30 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:43:30 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:43:34 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:43:34 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:43:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Superoo) 一个主播
[D] 08:43:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhangzxy) 掌门最后播的还是去打本
[D] 08:43:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Superoo) 不喜欢
[F] 08:43:38 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:43:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bearjunior) 我感觉你们心里变态了· 曾经我在石爪山的洞里还和LM FS配合做过任务呢
[D] 08:43:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rlm) 做天被封号了
[F] 08:43:46 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:43:50 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:43:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Roguemax) 石爪山有个贱B LM 猎人用BB 一直杀小号
[D] 08:43:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuliaoyefeng) 那就是噱头
[D] 08:43:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 。。。。封号。。
[D] 08:43:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 封的什么号
[D] 08:43:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Liangkaishui) 就是那个 狗东西~
[D] 08:43:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 哦NO,又掉线
[F] 08:43:53 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:43:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Aoes) STSM AA 来 FS 自强
08:43:59 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:43:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2128,356 ; -3521,623 ; 57,13458 ; "None" to 2139,283 ; -3527,868 ; 50,17163 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:43:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,38321y, 157ms)
[D] 08:44:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nicehunter) 心态 我看了一眼岳掌门 按照他的节奏 真玩不了
[D] 08:44:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 今天还没回档,
[D] 08:44:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yongganliliu) 真的直播效果拉满
[D] 08:44:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yongganliliu) 图个乐子
[D] 08:44:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 不过他玩部落我不开心了
08:44:21 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 08:44:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2213,211 ; -3541,497 ; 45,34637 ; "None" to 2226,818 ; -3545,603 ; 45,34637 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:44:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,21301y, 156ms)
[F] 08:44:25 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:44:25 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:44:26 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:44:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rlm) 就是那个岳掌门说被封号了
[D] 08:44:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Roguemax) 我要开大号去北郡修道院 杀LM小号了
[D] 08:44:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 我还等满级去抽他呢
[F] 08:44:30 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:44:30 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:44:32 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:44:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gorehowl) 他玩的是流量 不是游戏
[D] 08:44:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhys) 刚到飞艇这,飞艇走了。。。
[D] 08:44:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 岳掌门是不是 哪个黑火抗鞋的家伙??
[F] 08:44:34 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:44:37 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:44:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 大马贼好看
[D] 08:44:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Daiyanren) 咱们玩的是游戏 人家玩啥都是为了钱
08:44:45 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:44:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2224,726 ; -3544,965 ; 45,16639 ; "None" to 2207,671 ; -3539,825 ; 45,32623 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:44:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,81349y, 154ms)
[D] 08:44:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Daiyanren) 不是一个性质
[D] 08:44:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 火炕鞋?
[D] 08:44:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 大妈贼都是一群人里面强杀
[D] 08:44:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhangzxy) 什么。。看看国F以前播野外的。。现在还有谁。。谁敢播野外!
[D] 08:45:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nicehunter) 看他直播的人 也不多啊
[D] 08:45:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 你说的那是毛人风吧
08:45:10 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 08:45:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2303,915 ; -3551,816 ; 44,29581 ; "None" to 2298,44 ; -3566,532 ; 44,29581 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:45:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,70071y, 197ms)
[D] 08:45:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 对
[D] 08:45:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nicehunter) 关注才几百人 好像
[F] 08:45:16 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:45:17 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:45:17 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:45:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 毛人凤
[F] 08:45:21 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:45:21 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:45:24 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:45:26 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:45:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Micck) 墓地 来一个FS
[D] 08:45:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 岳掌门什么梗??
08:45:34 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:45:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2300,332 ; -3561,447 ; 43,80107 ; "None" to 2305,385 ; -3547,863 ; 44,67589 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:45:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,51998y, 157ms)
[D] 08:45:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 那个人,我都懒得杀他
[D] 08:45:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Youthpast) 组
[D] 08:45:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 怕脏了手
[D] 08:45:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 毛装备
[D] 08:45:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Coprse) 岳掌门好像是在这个服哦
[D] 08:45:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Daiyanren) 华山掌门 岳不群 哈哈
[D] 08:46:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nicehunter) 玛拉顿任务,来2个奶,开了
[D] 08:46:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 还有一个魔兽老雷
[D] 08:46:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 他毛什么了?
[D] 08:46:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 都是毛人
08:46:21 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 08:46:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2056,334 ; -3500,789 ; 82,82701 ; "None" to 2044,308 ; -3496,41 ; 82,82701 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:46:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,79819y, 154ms)
[F] 08:46:23 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[F] 08:46:25 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:46:26 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:46:26 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:46:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 你搜嘛,出名的
[D] 08:46:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Decur) 是那个狂暴战老雷么
[F] 08:46:30 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:46:30 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:46:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Leec) 岳不群40的号要别人东西太多 封永久了 昨天起了个牛头战士
[D] 08:46:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuliaoyefeng) 就是为了赚钱的
[F] 08:46:34 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:46:34 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:46:38 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:46:39 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:46:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Heicao) 岳掌门不是黑装备 他是拍魔兽短视频了 靠自己强大的肺活量和喷暴雪 走红的 小主播 B站的
[F] 08:46:43 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:46:43 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:46:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bloodfox) 辛特兰精英任务有人没
[D] 08:46:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 众月之泪 做的密我
[F] 08:46:47 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:46:47 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:46:51 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:46:52 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:46:56 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
08:46:57 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting to run away
[N] 08:46:57 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2065,781 ; -3618,202 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:46:57 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 40,40628 (148 ms)
[N] 08:46:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,555 ; -3499,049 ; 83,66432 ; "None" to 2065,781 ; -3618,202 ; 40,40628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:46:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (218,3573y, 159ms)
[N] 08:46:57 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2086,256 ; -3613,922 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:46:57 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 44,00628 (153 ms)
[N] 08:46:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,555 ; -3499,049 ; 83,66432 ; "None" to 2086,256 ; -3613,922 ; 44,00628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:46:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (203,4831y, 158ms)
[N] 08:46:57 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2044,874 ; -3618,863 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:46:58 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 37,58937 (153 ms)
[N] 08:46:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,555 ; -3499,049 ; 83,66432 ; "None" to 2044,874 ; -3618,863 ; 37,58937 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:46:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (235,647y, 154ms)
[N] 08:46:58 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2105,676 ; -3606,151 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:46:58 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 39,11059 (157 ms)
[N] 08:46:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,555 ; -3499,049 ; 83,66432 ; "None" to 2105,676 ; -3606,151 ; 39,11059 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:46:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (178,5697y, 154ms)
[N] 08:46:58 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2024,17 ; -3615,882 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:46:58 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 37,20459 (159 ms)
[N] 08:46:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,555 ; -3499,049 ; 83,66432 ; "None" to 2024,17 ; -3615,882 ; 37,20459 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:46:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (254,722y, 211ms)
[N] 08:46:58 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2123,452 ; -3595,126 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:46:59 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 40,50682 (226 ms)
[N] 08:46:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,555 ; -3499,049 ; 83,66432 ; "None" to 2123,452 ; -3595,126 ; 40,50682 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:46:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (157,2676y, 193ms)
[N] 08:46:59 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2004,298 ; -3609,352 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:46:59 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 44,30628 (198 ms)
[N] 08:46:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,555 ; -3499,049 ; 83,66432 ; "None" to 2004,298 ; -3609,352 ; 44,30628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:46:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (270,8y, 208ms)
[N] 08:46:59 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2139,043 ; -3581,181 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[F] 08:46:59 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[N] 08:46:59 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 50,30628 (149 ms)
[N] 08:46:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,555 ; -3499,049 ; 83,66432 ; "None" to 2139,043 ; -3581,181 ; 50,30628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:47:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (139,2989y, 166ms)
[N] 08:47:00 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1985,862 ; -3599,47 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[F] 08:47:00 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 08:47:00 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 69,20628 (160 ms)
[N] 08:47:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,555 ; -3499,049 ; 83,66432 ; "None" to 1985,862 ; -3599,47 ; 69,20628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:47:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (317,6042y, 886ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[N] 08:47:01 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2151,977 ; -3564,741 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:01 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 51,53563 (186 ms)
[N] 08:47:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,555 ; -3499,049 ; 83,66432 ; "None" to 2151,977 ; -3564,741 ; 51,53563 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:47:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (125,549y, 232ms)
[N] 08:47:01 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1969,422 ; -3586,537 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:01 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 53,30628 (223 ms)
[N] 08:47:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,555 ; -3499,049 ; 83,66432 ; "None" to 1969,422 ; -3586,537 ; 53,30628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:47:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (123,7806y, 200ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=False (more info with server log option))
[N] 08:47:01 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2161,858 ; -3546,305 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:02 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 46,86979 (157 ms)
[N] 08:47:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,555 ; -3499,049 ; 83,66432 ; "None" to 2161,858 ; -3546,305 ; 46,86979 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:47:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (126,3185y, 155ms)
[N] 08:47:02 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1955,478 ; -3570,945 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:02 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 134,6063 (156 ms)
[N] 08:47:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,555 ; -3499,049 ; 83,66432 ; "None" to 1955,478 ; -3570,945 ; 134,6063 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:47:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (203,8135y, 870ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[N] 08:47:03 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2168,389 ; -3526,434 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
08:47:03 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Died, set new timestamp for last death
[N] 08:47:03 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 53,76995 (158 ms)
[N] 08:47:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,555 ; -3499,049 ; 83,66432 ; "None" to 2168,389 ; -3526,434 ; 53,76995 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:47:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (127,0419y, 167ms)
[N] 08:47:03 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1975,038 ; -3591,489 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:03 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 74,90628 (150 ms)
[N] 08:47:03 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2164,041 ; -3457,252 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:03 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 95,03058 (191 ms)
[N] 08:47:03 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1960,149 ; -3576,797 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:04 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 154,7063 (228 ms)
[N] 08:47:04 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1930,165 ; -3292,011 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:04 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 114,5063 (246 ms)
[N] 08:47:04 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1930,165 ; -3292,011 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:04 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 114,5063 (0 ms)
[N] 08:47:04 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1896,058 ; -3316,236 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[D] 08:47:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 哈哈哈哈 乞讨主播么
[N] 08:47:04 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 170,3063 (203 ms)
[N] 08:47:04 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1967,961 ; -3274,077 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:04 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 89,30628 (157 ms)
[N] 08:47:04 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1866,675 ; -3346,015 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:04 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 266,9063 (154 ms)
[N] 08:47:04 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2008,297 ; -3262,979 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:05 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 75,80628 (155 ms)
[N] 08:47:05 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1842,91 ; -3380,444 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:05 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 244,9757 (149 ms)
[N] 08:47:05 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2049,947 ; -3259,054 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:05 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 84,20628 (174 ms)
[N] 08:47:05 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1825,484 ; -3418,477 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:05 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 254,0063 (151 ms)
[N] 08:47:05 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2091,646 ; -3262,421 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:05 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 92,90628 (153 ms)
[N] 08:47:05 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1814,927 ; -3458,958 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:05 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 241,7063 (155 ms)
[N] 08:47:05 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2132,127 ; -3272,978 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:06 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 110,6356 (148 ms)
[N] 08:47:06 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1811,561 ; -3500,656 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:06 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 220,1063 (160 ms)
[N] 08:47:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,555 ; -3499,049 ; 83,66432 ; "None" to 1811,561 ; -3500,656 ; 220,1063 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:47:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (276,0732y, 197ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=False (more info with server log option))
[N] 08:47:06 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2170,16 ; -3290,403 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:06 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 110,3356 (219 ms)
[N] 08:47:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,555 ; -3499,049 ; 83,66432 ; "None" to 2170,16 ; -3290,403 ; 110,3356 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:47:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 23 (343,0326y, 201ms)
[N] 08:47:06 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1815,486 ; -3542,307 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:06 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 257,3063 (162 ms)
[N] 08:47:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,555 ; -3499,049 ; 83,66432 ; "None" to 1815,486 ; -3542,307 ; 257,3063 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:47:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 36 (1224,071y, 961ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[N] 08:47:07 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2204,589 ; -3314,168 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:08 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 98,74471 (157 ms)
[N] 08:47:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,555 ; -3499,049 ; 83,66432 ; "None" to 2204,589 ; -3314,168 ; 98,74471 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:47:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10 (266,8653y, 162ms)
[N] 08:47:08 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 1826,584 ; -3582,643 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:08 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 254,6063 (148 ms)
[N] 08:47:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,555 ; -3499,049 ; 83,66432 ; "None" to 1826,584 ; -3582,643 ; 254,6063 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:47:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 39 (1228,485y, 811ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[N] 08:47:09 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2234,368 ; -3343,551 ; 88,66432 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:47:09 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 98,94012 (187 ms)
[N] 08:47:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,555 ; -3499,049 ; 83,66432 ; "None" to 2234,368 ; -3343,551 ; 98,94012 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:47:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (271,3438y, 192ms)
[N] 08:47:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,555 ; -3499,049 ; 83,66432 ; "None" to (Kalimdor)
08:47:09 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Found escape route consisting of 1 spots
08:47:09 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Can't find a safe route to escape!
[D] 08:47:09 - [Fight] Incorrect mob position
[D] 08:47:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Heicao) 乞讨主播
[N] 08:47:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2421,724 ; -2953,619 ; 123,4735 ; "None" to 2051,555 ; -3499,049 ; 83,66432 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:47:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 23 (725,1609y, 298ms)
[N] 08:47:16 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 08:47:16 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 08:47:16 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[D] 08:47:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Daiyanren) dogthing
[D] 08:47:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhys) 死矿35贼能单刷吗
[D] 08:47:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Manyueg) 听那声音想揍他
[D] 08:47:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 大家知道铜须门吗
[D] 08:47:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Msxixi) 图书馆有去的吗 5个组
[D] 08:47:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Daiyanren) 主播都一个德行 看看图个乐
[D] 08:47:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Heicao) 口头禅 狗东西 dogthing 音乐正道的光结尾
[D] 08:47:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bras) 请教 我有一号登录不了 怎么办 一登录就掉线
[D] 08:47:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuyage) 掌门交易都挨封吗。。真恐怖
[D] 08:48:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 我们玩!当年最大的新闻
[D] 08:48:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bras) 和我这个号是一个账号的
[D] 08:48:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 举报的人多了呗
[D] 08:48:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuyage) 我看他的金币也刚够买小马啊,。这都被封。,。
[D] 08:48:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 对了,这服双开会封号是吧
[D] 08:48:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Flychard) 求组AH,有吗。。。。
[D] 08:48:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 大妈贼是我炸完美脱战
[D] 08:48:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 正常一个战士做任务到40
[D] 08:48:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 他不可能买得起马
[N] 08:48:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,765 ; -3496,267 ; 83,9386 ; "None" to 2051,012 ; -3506,238 ; 83,9386 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:48:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,0001y, 157ms)
[N] 08:48:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,765 ; -3496,267 ; 83,9386 ; "None" to 2050,824 ; -3508,731 ; 83,9386 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:48:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,50012y, 156ms)
[N] 08:48:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,765 ; -3496,267 ; 83,9386 ; "None" to 2050,635 ; -3511,224 ; 83,9386 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:48:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,99989y, 159ms)
[N] 08:48:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,765 ; -3496,267 ; 83,9386 ; "None" to 2050,447 ; -3513,717 ; 83,9386 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:48:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,49993y, 160ms)
[N] 08:48:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,765 ; -3496,267 ; 83,9386 ; "None" to 2050,259 ; -3516,21 ; 83,9386 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:48:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,99994y, 151ms)
[N] 08:48:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,765 ; -3496,267 ; 83,9386 ; "None" to 2050,07 ; -3518,703 ; 83,9386 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:48:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22,49998y, 158ms)
[N] 08:48:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,765 ; -3496,267 ; 83,9386 ; "None" to 2049,882 ; -3521,196 ; 83,9386 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:48:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (24,99999y, 159ms)
[N] 08:48:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,765 ; -3496,267 ; 83,9386 ; "None" to 2049,694 ; -3523,688 ; 83,9386 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:48:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (27,50001y, 177ms)
08:48:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Couldn't find safe spot, rezzing far away from corpse
[N] 08:48:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,765 ; -3496,267 ; 83,9386 ; "None" to 2049,694 ; -3523,688 ; 83,9386 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:48:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (27,50001y, 0ms)
[F] 08:48:44 - [Spell] Cast Call Pet (Call Pet)
08:48:44 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Revived, set new timestamp for last revival
[D] 08:48:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Huoredecha) 同求AH
08:48:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Couldn't find any safe spot to rezz, rezzing on top of corpse :/
[D] 08:48:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 买了已经人家
[D] 08:48:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nicehunter) 那个 大妈贼 他炸是用的什么
[F] 08:48:48 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
08:48:49 - [Regen] Started
08:48:50 - [Regen] Use food Mutton Chop
08:48:51 - [Regen] Use drink Melon Juice
[D] 08:48:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 所以封号了
[D] 08:48:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nicehunter) 我没看到他点东西啊
[D] 08:48:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 你猜他G哪来的
[D] 08:48:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 、找人给的G
[D] 08:49:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuliaoyefeng) 任务到40能有70金不错了
[D] 08:49:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Okboy) 剃刀沼泽 5人队伍 来法系DPS 4=1
[D] 08:49:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bloodfox) 工会里有辛特兰精英任务的没
[D] 08:49:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Syg) 在主城双开不会
08:49:03 - [Regen] Finished
[D] 08:49:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 哈哈,所以号没了
[N] 08:49:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2049,904 ; -3520,907 ; 83,4437 ; "None" to 2055,662 ; -3500,341 ; 83,01171 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:49:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (21,36139y, 153ms)
08:49:13 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 08:49:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Coprse) AH 任务带我一个
[D] 08:49:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 买了马骑术NPC被杀了
[N] 08:49:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2041,137 ; -3488,948 ; 86,11058 ; "None" to 2028,567 ; -3481,32 ; 86,11058 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:49:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,70277y, 178ms)
[D] 08:49:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Daiyanren) 任务买不起马
[D] 08:49:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Aoes) STSM AA 来 FS 来的MMMM 自强
[F] 08:49:18 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:49:19 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:49:19 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:49:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xbiubiubiu) 岳掌门号被封了?
[F] 08:49:23 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:49:23 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:49:27 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:49:28 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:49:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Huoredecha) 求组个AH
[F] 08:49:31 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:49:32 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:49:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuliaoyefeng) 没有横财买不起马的
[D] 08:49:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Daiyanren) 剥皮捡垃圾卖做任务 可以
[F] 08:49:36 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:49:36 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:49:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xbiubiubiu) 咋天还看了·
[F] 08:49:40 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:49:40 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:49:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 掌门买了马骑术NPC一直被贼杀哈哈
[F] 08:49:44 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 08:49:51 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:49:52 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:49:56 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:49:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuyage) 省着钱存,是存的出小马钱的
[F] 08:50:01 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:50:05 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:50:09 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:50:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Pupupuaa) 岳掌门以后玩部落了 牛头 战士 赶紧弄咋呢们会里
08:50:16 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:50:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2032,071 ; -3483,446 ; 87,75565 ; "None" to 2042,031 ; -3489,342 ; 85,87584 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:50:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,72609y, 193ms)
[D] 08:50:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eigth) 我也是做任务 我现在都已经够买马了
[D] 08:50:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Pangaea) 他怎么这么 有空,还在
[D] 08:50:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xbiubiubiu) 他给N服引了不少流量吖
08:50:37 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 08:50:39 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:50:39 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:50:39 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:50:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Pangaea) 0-0
[D] 08:50:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Aoes) stsm AA 自强 来 FS 来的MMM ====2
[F] 08:50:43 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:50:44 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:50:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuliaoyefeng) 弄来了 咱就全是他的直播材料了
[F] 08:50:46 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:50:46 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:50:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Coprse) AH 有任务队没~~~~
[F] 08:50:49 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:50:51 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:50:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 我是觉得我看他直播来的N服,在这里玩的挺开心
[F] 08:50:53 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:50:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 所以我决定报复他
[D] 08:50:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xbiubiubiu) 我就是看他直播来来的
[D] 08:51:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 啊,报答他
08:51:04 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:51:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2069,675 ; -3424,75 ; 93,38387 ; "None" to 2048,435 ; -3431,64 ; 92,56999 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:51:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (22,35022y, 152ms)
[D] 08:51:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Daiyanren) 马上60了 才600J
[D] 08:51:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Okboy) 剃刀沼泽 5人队伍 来DPS 4=1
[N] 08:51:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2052,17 ; -3430,31 ; 92,83395 ; "None" to 2067,879 ; -3425,958 ; 93,338 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:51:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (16,33244y, 153ms)
[D] 08:51:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 不过他玩部落了,没法报答了
[D] 08:51:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Aoes) stsm AA 自强 来 FS 来的MMM ====2
[D] 08:51:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eigth) 我现在都95G了 28级
[D] 08:51:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 我去,你大号邮寄自己的?
08:51:26 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 08:51:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2115,681 ; -3402,366 ; 93,86166 ; "None" to 2098,906 ; -3394,764 ; 93,86166 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:51:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,41695y, 154ms)
[F] 08:51:28 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[F] 08:51:30 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:51:31 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:51:31 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:51:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cfeifei) 求沼泽任务队
[D] 08:51:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Littledika) 兄弟们,狮子大开口任务物品金棒怎么弄?
[F] 08:51:35 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:51:35 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:51:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eigth) 我自己赚的
[F] 08:51:38 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:51:40 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:51:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Emeralddream) 施主,我劝你捐出95G,保平安
[D] 08:51:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) AH买
[D] 08:51:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Okboy) 剃刀沼泽 5人队伍 来DPS 4=1
[D] 08:51:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 一直没升级打布了?
08:51:51 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:51:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2103,935 ; -3397,15 ; 93,41573 ; "None" to 2117,056 ; -3402,989 ; 93,99162 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:51:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,37299y, 158ms)
[D] 08:51:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Littledika) AH没有......
[D] 08:52:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eigth) 没
[D] 08:52:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Viavia) 那岳掌门说人家花几千块买号来弄他,有真么贵吗?
[D] 08:52:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 这个锻造做
[D] 08:52:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eigth) 搞副业
[D] 08:52:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 我是准备打80组布
[D] 08:52:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 然后再升级
[D] 08:52:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 自己买金矿
[D] 08:52:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Huoredecha) 求组AH
[D] 08:52:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 一组布88Y呢
08:52:27 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 08:52:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eigth) 副业很挣钱
[F] 08:52:31 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:52:32 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 08:52:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Coprse) 哈哈 同求 AH
[D] 08:52:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cfeifei) 求沼泽任务队
[F] 08:52:32 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:52:36 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:52:36 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:52:39 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:52:41 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:52:43 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:52:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 毛料最好卖
08:52:52 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:52:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2084,485 ; -3518,377 ; 68,66846 ; "None" to 2072,417 ; -3508,712 ; 75,84117 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:52:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,04393y, 153ms)
[D] 08:52:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Koalapals) 去钓黑口变异鱼 2天肯定买马了
[D] 08:52:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 是吧,先赚第一桶金
08:53:11 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[D] 08:53:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 之后到了血色财大气粗
[D] 08:53:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nicehunter) 玛拉顿任务全通,来2个N,绿装给你
[N] 08:53:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2147,063 ; -3527,807 ; 48,47293 ; "None" to 2160,907 ; -3526,311 ; 48,47293 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:53:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,92484y, 186ms)
[F] 08:53:14 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:53:14 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:53:15 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:53:19 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:53:19 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:53:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 皮越来越不值钱
[F] 08:53:21 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:53:22 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:53:24 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:53:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kaertiao) 还有zs坑没
[D] 08:53:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kaertiao) 做任务
[D] 08:53:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ddabc) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手 将于 10 分 后重置.。
08:53:30 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:53:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2157,509 ; -3526,678 ; 48,00545 ; "None" to 2141,322 ; -3528,427 ; 49,48598 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:53:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,34843y, 156ms)
[D] 08:53:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kaertiao) mld
[D] 08:53:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 硬甲皮也不值钱吗
[D] 08:53:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yugigi) 36新手法师求个AA对
[D] 08:53:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 不好卖
[D] 08:53:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Coprse) AH组我个0- 0
[D] 08:53:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shaxin) 黑口鱼哪里多点呢
08:53:52 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 08:53:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2221,646 ; -3543,522 ; 45,12845 ; "None" to 2234,449 ; -3545,413 ; 45,12845 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:53:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,94178y, 215ms)
[F] 08:53:53 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[D] 08:53:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Daiyanren) 硬甲皮卖商店5Y一个
[F] 08:53:55 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:53:55 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:53:56 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:53:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 重皮好卖点
[D] 08:53:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 我记得祖尔格拉布鳄鱼
[F] 08:54:00 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:54:00 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:54:02 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:54:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Koalapals) 天水绿洲
[D] 08:54:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eigth) 要赚钱还得是双采
[D] 08:54:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 打一次能剥6组
[F] 08:54:05 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:54:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 旷工烈酒 [希尔斯布莱德之战]
[D] 08:54:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Huoredecha) AH求组个~
[D] 08:54:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 当然现在没有祖尔格拉布
08:54:13 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:54:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2232,559 ; -3545,222 ; 45,55856 ; "None" to 2214,665 ; -3542,491 ; 45,19949 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:54:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,10473y, 154ms)
[D] 08:54:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 卖NPC 50Y
[D] 08:54:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nicehunter) 玛拉顿任务全通,来2个N,绿装给你
[D] 08:54:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) AH卖 66 Y。
[D] 08:54:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Daiyanren) 还是玩小号 好玩
[D] 08:54:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bras) 请教 有个角色一登录就掉线, 同一账号下的其他角色是正常的 这怎么办
[D] 08:54:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 那你给剥皮忘了吧
08:54:36 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 08:54:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 有什么好剥的。。
[N] 08:54:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,11 ; -3548,741 ; 44,6753 ; "None" to 2303,388 ; -3564,646 ; 44,6753 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:54:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,33423y, 181ms)
[F] 08:54:37 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[F] 08:54:40 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:54:40 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:54:40 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:54:44 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:54:45 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:54:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nicehunter) 玛拉顿任务全通,来2个N,绿装给你
[D] 08:54:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 制皮做了装备卖都挣钱
[D] 08:54:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bearjunior) 建议删除此角色
[F] 08:54:47 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:54:49 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
08:54:58 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:54:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2304,641 ; -3559,292 ; 43,95254 ; "None" to 2310,51 ; -3543,947 ; 45,39634 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:54:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,49218y, 157ms)
[D] 08:55:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 为什么不去黑上剥狗皮呢
[D] 08:55:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ablemumud) 有可能是你角色在的地方卡
[D] 08:55:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Songshow) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手 将于 10 分 后重置.。
[D] 08:55:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eigth) 无论什么时候黑花那都是硬通货
[D] 08:55:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 奥对,奥妮克希亚也能剥
[D] 08:55:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chuanliub) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手 将于 10 分 后重置.。
[D] 08:55:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 这服花没有伴生吧
[D] 08:55:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 金珍珠什么价现在
[D] 08:55:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 没了GZS,我也能看见黑莲花了
[D] 08:55:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Youthpast) 1
[D] 08:55:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Daiyanren) 准备来玩个39盗贼 咱们样
[D] 08:55:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 刷了几个小时娜迦出了3个
08:55:49 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 08:55:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2041,285 ; -3488,517 ; 86,13362 ; "None" to 2030,023 ; -3481,18 ; 86,13362 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:55:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,44109y, 160ms)
[D] 08:55:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) 怒焰裂谷任务队,来DPS N
[D] 08:55:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 我特意玩了个亡灵法师
[F] 08:55:55 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:55:55 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:55:56 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:56:00 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:56:00 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:56:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 章+种族天赋解控
[F] 08:56:02 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:56:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Balalanisang) 就是为了抢花
[F] 08:56:05 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
08:56:13 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:56:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2030,815 ; -3481,602 ; 88,03716 ; "None" to 2045,797 ; -3488,815 ; 85,65939 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:56:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,79761y, 156ms)
[D] 08:56:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zelatul) 为啥石爪山 一路看见很多部落的尸体
[D] 08:56:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ablemumud) 金珍珠大概6金一个吧
[D] 08:56:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nicehunter) 玛拉顿任务全通,来2个N,绿装给你
[D] 08:56:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zbbs) 我准备39战士
[D] 08:56:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 这么便宜,,
08:56:34 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 08:56:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2061,028 ; -3432,112 ; 92,50401 ; "None" to 2070,195 ; -3424,489 ; 92,50401 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:56:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,92332y, 157ms)
[F] 08:56:37 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:56:38 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:56:38 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:56:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ablemumud) 人少,没需求
[F] 08:56:42 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:56:42 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:56:45 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:56:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 06年都卖30G
08:56:54 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:56:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2065,403 ; -3428,473 ; 93,24735 ; "None" to 2054,819 ; -3437,275 ; 92,61199 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:56:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,78047y, 226ms)
[D] 08:56:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Daiyanren) 600J 玩小号应该还是爽歪歪 哈哈
08:57:15 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 08:57:17 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:57:18 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:57:18 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:57:22 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:57:22 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 08:57:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shouyin) 又在UA的大哥吗 开个雷霆的门
[F] 08:57:25 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:57:27 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:57:29 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
08:57:38 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:57:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2106,622 ; -3407,423 ; 93,2815 ; "None" to 2126,205 ; -3397,338 ; 95,93931 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:57:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22,18671y, 156ms)
[D] 08:57:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eigth) 今天没有A监狱的了吗
[N] 08:57:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2122,958 ; -3399,01 ; 94,66499 ; "None" to 2108,562 ; -3406,386 ; 93,44257 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:57:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,22204y, 164ms)
08:58:15 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 08:58:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2070,069 ; -3509,639 ; 76,56417 ; "None" to 2074,116 ; -3522,414 ; 76,56417 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:58:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,40034y, 222ms)
[F] 08:58:20 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:58:20 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:58:20 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:58:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:58:25 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:58:27 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:58:29 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
08:58:37 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:58:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2073,896 ; -3521,485 ; 71,24524 ; "None" to 2068,469 ; -3504,589 ; 78,57544 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:58:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,20035y, 161ms)
[D] 08:58:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shouyin) UA有大哥木有 给弟弟开个雷霆门啊 跪谢
08:58:56 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 08:58:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2140,651 ; -3527,12 ; 49,85242 ; "None" to 2126,014 ; -3516,304 ; 49,85242 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:58:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,19967y, 158ms)
[F] 08:59:00 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:59:00 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:59:01 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:59:05 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:59:05 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:59:07 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:59:10 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 08:59:12 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
08:59:20 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:59:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2132,375 ; -3521,005 ; 54,18961 ; "None" to 2141,249 ; -3530,189 ; 49,35134 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:59:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,65652y, 199ms)
08:59:40 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[D] 08:59:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Randys) 野外必杀的职业,只有盗贼
[F] 08:59:43 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:59:43 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:59:43 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:59:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chuanliub) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 08:59:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[F] 08:59:47 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:59:48 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:59:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tangming) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[F] 08:59:52 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:59:52 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:59:56 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:59:56 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:00:00 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:00:01 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:00:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tangming) [WorldBuffs] 酋长的祝福Buff(雷德·黑手) 已经释放.
[F] 09:00:05 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:00:05 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:00:09 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:00:13 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 09:00:20 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:00:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 我这FS咋打出了MS的节奏
[D] 09:00:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Aoes) stsm AA 自强 来 FS 来的MMM ====1
09:00:41 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 09:00:42 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 09:00:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,901 ; -3547,997 ; 44,84302 ; "None" to 2324,426 ; -3556,496 ; 44,84302 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:00:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,58241y, 161ms)
[D] 09:00:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cloudyun) 我做了MC门任务,怎么NPC对话不了啊
[N] 09:00:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2316,435 ; -3552,271 ; 44,688 ; "None" to 2324,517 ; -3556,333 ; 44,688 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:00:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,045177y, 162ms)
[F] 09:00:44 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:00:44 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:00:44 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:00:48 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:00:49 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:00:51 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:00:53 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:00:56 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:01:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fzg) 不用和NPC对话啊
09:01:04 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:01:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2324,183 ; -3556,332 ; 44,63565 ; "None" to 2306,648 ; -3547,352 ; 44,80219 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:01:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (20,01006y, 159ms)
[D] 09:01:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cloudyun) 那怎么进本嗯
[D] 09:01:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fzg) 你站NPC那里直接跳到外面就可以进入了
[D] 09:01:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cloudyun) 哦哦
[D] 09:01:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cloudyun) 我都忘了
[D] 09:01:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cloudyun) 太就远了
09:01:53 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 09:01:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2041,671 ; -3489,549 ; 85,91126 ; "None" to 2028,1 ; -3485,333 ; 85,91126 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:01:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,21048y, 175ms)
[F] 09:01:55 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[F] 09:01:57 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:01:58 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:01:58 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:02:02 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:02:02 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:02:04 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:02:07 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:02:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ablemumud) 阿拉希高地4个精英任务,来各种
[N] 09:02:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2029,586 ; -3485,74 ; 87,95033 ; "None" to 2040,216 ; -3475,897 ; 88,49415 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:02:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,49766y, 172ms)
[D] 09:02:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ddabc) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手 将于 1 分 后重置.。
09:02:30 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 09:02:33 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:02:33 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:02:33 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:02:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ablemumud) 阿拉希高地4个精英任务,来各种
[F] 09:02:37 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:02:38 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:02:40 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
09:02:49 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:02:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2073,57 ; -3422,021 ; 93,0381 ; "None" to 2050,131 ; -3428,473 ; 92,70596 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:02:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (24,31254y, 160ms)
[N] 09:02:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2053,957 ; -3427,42 ; 92,84815 ; "None" to 2062,802 ; -3429,841 ; 92,58907 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:02:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,173716y, 208ms)
[D] 09:03:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ablemumud) 阿拉希高地4个精英任务,来各种
09:03:10 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 09:03:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2120,945 ; -3398,545 ; 94,59209 ; "None" to 2115,263 ; -3382,729 ; 94,59209 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:03:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (65,26363y, 881ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[F] 09:03:13 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 09:03:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2130,738 ; -3397,35 ; 94,75706 ; "None" to 2140,763 ; -3395,221 ; 94,75706 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:03:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (10,58803y, 152ms)
[F] 09:03:15 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:03:15 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:03:16 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:03:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ablemumud) 阿拉希高地4个精英任务,来各种,来个奶
[F] 09:03:20 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:03:20 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:03:22 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:03:25 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
09:03:32 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:03:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2140,609 ; -3395,294 ; 95,67237 ; "None" to 2121,24 ; -3399,368 ; 94,12964 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:03:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (19,906y, 154ms)
[D] 09:03:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ablemumud) 阿拉希高地4个精英任务,来各种,来个奶
[D] 09:03:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xieter) 剃刀沼泽有人去不 来俩DPS
[D] 09:03:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dashabibi) 教堂aa有没有猎人来
[D] 09:04:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Songshow) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手 将于 1 分 后重置.。
09:04:10 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[D] 09:04:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ablemumud) 阿拉希高地4个精英任务,来各种,来个奶
[F] 09:04:13 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:04:13 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:04:14 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:04:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xieter) 剃刀沼泽DPS1坑
[F] 09:04:18 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:04:18 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:04:22 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:04:22 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:04:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tivisa) 沼泽组
[F] 09:04:26 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:04:26 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:04:30 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:04:31 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:04:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nicehunter) 40-50级 一个奶都没有
[D] 09:04:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ablemumud) 阿拉希高地4个精英任务,来各种,来个奶
[F] 09:04:35 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:04:35 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:04:39 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 09:04:46 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 09:04:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Msxixi) 图书錧武器库有没有
[F] 09:04:46 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:04:50 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:04:54 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:04:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ablemumud) 阿拉希高地4个精英任务,来各种,来个奶
[D] 09:04:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yongganliliu) 我不是么
[D] 09:04:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yongganliliu) 49 的MS
[F] 09:05:01 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:05:05 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:05:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ablemumud) 走先跑过去,没准能遇到其他队伍
09:05:22 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 09:05:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Colourspins) 意志之冠最后一步 有人吗
[N] 09:05:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2143,624 ; -3527,473 ; 48,99762 ; "None" to 2161,074 ; -3524,617 ; 48,99762 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:05:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,68224y, 264ms)
[F] 09:05:28 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:05:28 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:05:29 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:05:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cfeifei) 求沼泽任务队
[F] 09:05:33 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:05:33 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:05:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ablemumud) 阿拉希高地4个精英任务,来各种,来个奶
[F] 09:05:37 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:05:37 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:05:41 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:05:42 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:05:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shaxin) 应该玩个奶的
[F] 09:05:45 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:05:46 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:05:50 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:05:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xbiubiubiu) 111、
[F] 09:05:57 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:05:57 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:06:01 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 09:06:07 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:06:07 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:06:11 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 09:06:16 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:06:20 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
09:06:25 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:06:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2154,304 ; -3525,725 ; 48,06739 ; "None" to 2141,92 ; -3527,752 ; 49,42693 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:06:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,62255y, 155ms)
09:06:46 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 09:06:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2217,482 ; -3542,457 ; 45,07806 ; "None" to 2229,43 ; -3549,746 ; 45,07806 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:06:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,99615y, 168ms)
[F] 09:06:52 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:06:52 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:06:52 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:06:56 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:06:57 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:06:59 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:07:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ablemumud) 收他尸体不
[F] 09:07:01 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:07:04 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
09:07:12 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:07:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2226,452 ; -3547,929 ; 44,84925 ; "None" to 2212,392 ; -3539,351 ; 45,46189 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:07:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,48111y, 187ms)
09:07:34 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 09:07:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2308,426 ; -3547,277 ; 44,97705 ; "None" to 2314,546 ; -3564,554 ; 44,97705 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:07:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,32905y, 158ms)
[F] 09:07:36 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[F] 09:07:39 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:07:39 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:07:39 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:07:43 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:07:44 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:07:48 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:07:48 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:07:52 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:07:52 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:07:56 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:07:56 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:08:00 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:08:01 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:08:05 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:08:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ablemumud) 阿拉希高地4个精英任务,来各种,来个奶
[F] 09:08:12 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:08:16 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 09:08:21 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:08:25 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:08:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dorstrange) 改1.1.4客户端后,SM元素武器咋没动画效果了呢
09:08:31 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:08:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2311,967 ; -3557,273 ; 44,48814 ; "None" to 2307,895 ; -3545,778 ; 45,12038 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:08:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,21142y, 227ms)
[D] 09:08:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Oboomi) 1.14不见效果,我用的1.12
[D] 09:09:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ablemumud) 阿拉希高地4个精英任务,来各种,来个奶
[D] 09:09:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niunaikafei) 有没有大佬便宜卖3个16格的包包给我啊
[D] 09:09:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Aoes) stsm AA 自强 来 FS 来的MMM ====1
09:09:22 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 09:09:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,916 ; -3488,466 ; 86,22392 ; "None" to 2023,327 ; -3490,298 ; 86,22392 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:09:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (18,84196y, 163ms)
[D] 09:09:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Oboomi) 求组MD菜刀队
[F] 09:09:29 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:09:29 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:09:29 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:09:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Aoes) stsm AA 自强 来 FS 来的MMM ====1
[F] 09:09:33 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:09:34 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:09:37 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:09:38 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:09:42 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:09:42 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:09:46 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:09:46 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:09:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 2个 60 把亡灵堡垒都屠了,
[F] 09:09:50 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:09:51 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:09:55 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:09:55 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:09:59 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:09:59 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:10:03 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 09:10:10 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:10:14 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:10:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ablemumud) 阿拉希高地4个精英任务,来各种,来个奶
09:10:19 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:10:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2030,451 ; -3489,239 ; 87,99785 ; "None" to 2043,003 ; -3488,249 ; 85,912 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:10:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,7621y, 236ms)
[D] 09:10:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 我说怎么A 怪的 FS都不见了
09:10:43 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 09:10:46 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:10:46 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:10:46 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:10:50 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:10:51 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:10:53 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:10:55 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
09:11:04 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:11:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2089,232 ; -3414,908 ; 93,02883 ; "None" to 2075,052 ; -3419,774 ; 92,6814 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:11:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,99578y, 161ms)
09:11:20 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 09:11:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2115,187 ; -3402,72 ; 93,77399 ; "None" to 2105,711 ; -3407,98 ; 93,77399 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:11:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,8375y, 214ms)
[F] 09:11:23 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:11:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:11:24 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:11:28 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:11:28 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:11:31 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:11:31 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:11:33 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:11:36 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
09:11:43 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:11:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2106,575 ; -3407,5 ; 93,27603 ; "None" to 2122,66 ; -3398,573 ; 95,94574 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:11:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,5882y, 155ms)
[D] 09:11:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ablemumud) ?
[D] 09:12:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ablemumud) 共享下任务
09:12:21 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 09:12:24 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:12:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:12:24 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:12:28 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:12:29 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:12:31 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:12:33 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:12:36 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:12:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ablemumud) 没有这个任务
[D] 09:12:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niunaikafei) 有没有大佬便宜卖3个16格的包包给我啊
09:12:46 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:12:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2086,14 ; -3518,844 ; 67,9185 ; "None" to 2074,874 ; -3510,41 ; 74,54938 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:12:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,55768y, 595ms)
[N] 09:12:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2077,65 ; -3512,489 ; 72,93772 ; "None" to 2089,47 ; -3520,205 ; 66,66553 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:12:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (15,87154y, 159ms)
[N] 09:13:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2093,031 ; -3524,077 ; 66,52076 ; "None" to 2101,875 ; -3523,157 ; 62,47563 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:13:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,768798y, 158ms)
09:13:08 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 09:13:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2146,604 ; -3527,711 ; 48,55687 ; "None" to 2159,461 ; -3527,627 ; 48,55687 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:13:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,85721y, 165ms)
[F] 09:13:10 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:13:11 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:13:11 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:13:15 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:13:15 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:13:18 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:13:20 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:13:22 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
09:13:33 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:13:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2157,426 ; -3527,64 ; 48,00298 ; "None" to 2139,894 ; -3527,755 ; 49,97626 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:13:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,64257y, 179ms)
[N] 09:13:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2143,547 ; -3527,731 ; 49,00235 ; "None" to 2153,773 ; -3528,462 ; 48,06479 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:13:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,29495y, 249ms)
[D] 09:13:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bibihehe) 这是什么bug?点完飞行,直接给我干到地方了,但在坐骑上下不来了啊
09:13:51 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 09:13:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2206,87 ; -3540,15 ; 45,2691 ; "None" to 2188,33 ; -3538,592 ; 45,2691 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:13:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,60513y, 185ms)
[N] 09:13:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2197,279 ; -3539,342 ; 45,40517 ; "None" to 2188,295 ; -3538,585 ; 45,40517 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 09:13:55 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[D] 09:13:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eigth) 插件问题
[N] 09:13:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,015932y, 522ms)
[F] 09:13:55 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:13:56 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:14:00 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:14:00 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:14:04 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:14:04 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:14:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eigth) 等一会儿飞到了自己就下来了
[F] 09:14:08 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:14:09 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:14:13 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:14:13 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:14:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bibihehe) 这下几吧万一啊
[F] 09:14:17 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:14:17 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:14:21 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:14:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Aoes) stsm AA 自强 来 FS 来的MMM ====1
[F] 09:14:27 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:14:31 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:14:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fzg) 你用BUG了 一会就封号
[D] 09:14:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bibihehe) 看来我还是用1.12吧
09:14:36 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:14:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2196,519 ; -3539,278 ; 45,44558 ; "None" to 2208,224 ; -3540,264 ; 45,35098 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:14:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,74712y, 527ms)
[D] 09:14:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fzg) 瞬移
[D] 09:14:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hassa) 兄弟们 锡矿在哪里挖
[D] 09:14:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eigth) 1.12好 没BUG
[D] 09:15:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bibihehe) 真&*!蛋的万一
09:15:04 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 09:15:07 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:15:07 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:15:07 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:15:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dorstrange) 那装备模型咋整
[D] 09:15:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tangming) 42战士去哪升级
[F] 09:15:11 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:15:12 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:15:16 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:15:16 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:15:20 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:15:20 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:15:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:15:24 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:15:28 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:15:29 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:15:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lyre) 有没有去诺莫瑞根的队伍?
[D] 09:15:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Linlii) 锡矿千针多
[D] 09:15:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 加基森 可以搞了
[D] 09:15:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eigth) 荆棘谷
[D] 09:15:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gongxiuhua) 湿地那个洞里 锡矿多
[F] 09:15:33 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 09:15:38 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 09:15:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Oboomi) 灰谷也多
[F] 09:15:38 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:15:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Luckyuncle) 血色 图书馆 菜刀队 来ZS SM
[F] 09:15:42 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 09:15:48 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:15:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hassa) ok
[F] 09:15:52 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:15:56 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 09:16:01 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:16:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Luckyuncle) 血色 图书馆 菜刀队 来ZS SM
[D] 09:16:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wotiger) 谁有空让我组一下跟新副本,谢谢
[D] 09:16:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kakashushu) 你们知道咋逃离战场吗
[D] 09:16:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yangzhudashu) alt+f4
09:16:49 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 09:16:49 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 09:16:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,099 ; -3478,607 ; 87,95802 ; "None" to 2037,758 ; -3466,195 ; 87,95802 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:16:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,63034y, 256ms)
[F] 09:16:51 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:16:52 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:16:52 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 09:16:53 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 09:16:53 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 09:16:53 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: Jump
[D] 09:16:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kakashushu) 。。。。
[D] 09:16:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lucasia) 为什么我一进别人的组 就掉线了。有人知道吗
[N] 09:16:54 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 09:16:54 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 09:16:56 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[D] 09:16:56 - [MovementManager] Current pos: 2037,833 ; -3466,464 ; 90,2617 ; "None" - Target pos: 2037,758 ; -3466,195 ; 87,95802 ; "None" Continent: Kalimdor Tile: 38.49962_28.17906
[D] 09:16:56 - [StuckResolver] Started.
[F] 09:16:56 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:16:57 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:16:57 - [StuckResolver] Done - Stuck count updated, new value: 1.
[F] 09:16:59 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:17:01 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:17:04 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:17:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gaoyao) 斜杠 afk
09:17:10 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:17:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2037,668 ; -3466,233 ; 90,29814 ; "None" to 2041,395 ; -3485,483 ; 86,5893 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:17:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (20,78878y, 244ms)
[D] 09:17:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zbbs) 插件问题
[D] 09:17:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xihuantianb) 遇到问题,先关 插件
09:17:30 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[D] 09:17:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Aoes) stsm AA 自强 来 FS 来的MMM ====1
[F] 09:17:32 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:17:33 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:17:33 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:17:37 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 09:17:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bearjunior) 不是 /GQUIT吗
[F] 09:17:37 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:17:41 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:17:41 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:17:45 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:17:46 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:17:50 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:17:50 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:17:54 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:17:54 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:17:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sijihong) 掉线?
[D] 09:17:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigfatcat) 。。。。
[F] 09:17:58 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 09:18:05 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:18:06 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:18:10 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:18:10 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:18:14 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 09:18:19 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:18:23 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
09:18:41 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 09:18:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2114,659 ; -3402,991 ; 93,75334 ; "None" to 2116,356 ; -3422,508 ; 93,75334 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:18:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,59024y, 154ms)
[N] 09:18:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2115,531 ; -3413,012 ; 93,35119 ; "None" to 2116,359 ; -3422,538 ; 93,35119 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:18:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,561321y, 151ms)
[F] 09:18:46 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:18:47 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:18:47 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:18:51 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:18:51 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:18:53 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
09:19:03 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:19:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2116,345 ; -3422,385 ; 93,09827 ; "None" to 2114,627 ; -3402,626 ; 93,7292 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:19:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,84337y, 154ms)
[N] 09:19:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2114,972 ; -3406,59 ; 93,66751 ; "None" to 2121,534 ; -3398,117 ; 94,90674 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:19:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,78788y, 532ms)
[D] 09:19:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wanders) |cff9d9d9d|Hitem:18365::::::::55:::::::::|h[一本写满评论的《纳特·帕格的钓鱼技巧完全攻略》]|h|r|cffa335ee|Hitem:18401::::::::55:::::::::|h[Foror's Compendium of Dragon Slaying]|h|r
[D] 09:19:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wudiyuanyuan) 有黑下队伍吗
[D] 09:19:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wanders) 这是什么
[D] 09:19:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ybber) 屠龙纲要
09:19:39 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 09:19:44 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:19:44 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:19:44 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:19:48 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:19:49 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:19:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tivisa) 屠龙纲要
[F] 09:19:53 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:19:53 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:19:57 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:19:57 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:20:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wanders) 这么容易出吗
[F] 09:20:01 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:20:02 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:20:05 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 09:20:13 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:20:13 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:20:17 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 09:20:24 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:20:28 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:20:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cwl) 黑石深渊任务队来N4-1
[D] 09:20:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 绷带奶 要不要
09:20:47 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 09:20:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2141,545 ; -3527,349 ; 49,59331 ; "None" to 2124,836 ; -3523,647 ; 49,59331 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:20:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,11415y, 290ms)
[F] 09:20:49 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[F] 09:20:51 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:20:52 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:20:52 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:20:56 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:20:56 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:20:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 。。。
[F] 09:21:00 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:21:01 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:21:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cwl) ?
[D] 09:21:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kanshu) 有图书馆队伍吗
[F] 09:21:05 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:21:05 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:21:09 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:21:09 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:21:13 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:21:14 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:21:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 绷带奶 你值得拥有
[F] 09:21:18 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:21:18 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:21:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 他 盗贼 去 给你们绷带
[F] 09:21:22 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:21:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 算半个奶
[F] 09:21:29 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:21:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xihuantianb) 意志之冠 杀14怪开始, 来的M
[D] 09:21:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xihuantianb) 意志之冠 杀14怪开始, 来的M
[D] 09:21:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 不要工资
[F] 09:21:33 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:21:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jmsm) 有绷带天赋么?
[F] 09:21:39 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
09:21:43 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:21:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2131,186 ; -3525,054 ; 54,40681 ; "None" to 2143,611 ; -3527,806 ; 48,98865 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:21:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,83191y, 155ms)
09:22:06 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 09:22:07 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 09:22:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2222,052 ; -3543,523 ; 45,13351 ; "None" to 2234,821 ; -3545,891 ; 45,13351 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:22:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,98593y, 158ms)
[D] 09:22:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Decur) 矿洞也不安全了。。
[F] 09:22:09 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:22:10 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:22:10 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:22:14 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:22:14 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:22:17 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:22:19 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:22:21 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:22:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 别怕 等我长大
09:22:30 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:22:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2232,053 ; -3545,378 ; 45,50591 ; "None" to 2215,156 ; -3542,245 ; 45,18098 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:22:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,18753y, 159ms)
[D] 09:22:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jmsm) 哦明白了哈哈
[D] 09:22:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kanshu) 图书馆 来DPS
[D] 09:22:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 我杀翻他们一群狗币
[N] 09:22:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2218,927 ; -3542,944 ; 45,04806 ; "None" to 2229,814 ; -3545,298 ; 45,48089 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:22:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,14648y, 150ms)
09:22:54 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 09:22:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,482 ; -3548,337 ; 44,76115 ; "None" to 2300,768 ; -3561,247 ; 44,76115 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:22:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,5518y, 151ms)
[F] 09:22:56 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[F] 09:22:58 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:22:59 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:22:59 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:23:03 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:23:03 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:23:06 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:23:08 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:23:10 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
09:23:18 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:23:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2302,437 ; -3558,037 ; 44,05643 ; "None" to 2309,927 ; -3543,638 ; 45,4171 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:23:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,28753y, 156ms)
[D] 09:23:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sharkrunning) 辛萨罗JY任务 来的MMMMM
[D] 09:23:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xihuantianb) 意志之冠 杀14怪开始, 来的M,随便来个
[D] 09:24:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sharkrunning) 辛萨罗JY任务 来的MMMMM
09:24:07 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 09:24:09 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 09:24:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040 ; -3483,021 ; 87,15843 ; "None" to 2026,723 ; -3471,912 ; 87,15843 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:24:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,31105y, 189ms)
[F] 09:24:11 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:24:12 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:24:12 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:24:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kanshu) 图书馆 有人来吗
[D] 09:24:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xihuantianb) 意志之冠 杀14怪开始, 来的M,随便来个
[F] 09:24:16 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:24:16 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:24:20 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:24:21 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:24:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lowfive) kanshu 战士,图书馆还要人不,密不了你
[F] 09:24:25 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:24:25 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:24:29 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:24:29 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:24:33 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:24:34 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:24:37 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:24:38 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:24:42 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:24:42 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:24:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kanshu) 你是不是把我拉黑了
[F] 09:24:46 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:24:50 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 09:24:57 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 09:25:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2032,027 ; -3476,35 ; 88,71404 ; "None" to 2041,646 ; -3469,628 ; 89,46358 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:25:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,75877y, 155ms)
[D] 09:25:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kanshu) 图书馆 来DPS 4=1
[D] 09:25:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lowfive) 头一次见你,何来拉黑一说{沉思}
09:25:18 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 09:25:21 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:25:21 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:25:21 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:25:25 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:25:26 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:25:28 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:25:30 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
09:25:41 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:25:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2072,905 ; -3422,494 ; 93,1601 ; "None" to 2051,994 ; -3429,618 ; 92,83804 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:25:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22,09291y, 180ms)
[D] 09:25:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sharkrunning) 辛萨罗JY任务 来的MMMMM
[N] 09:25:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2055,823 ; -3428,313 ; 92,87579 ; "None" to 2073,17 ; -3422,304 ; 93,11081 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:25:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,36035y, 162ms)
[D] 09:25:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sharkrunning) 辛特兰 辛萨罗JY任务 来的MMMMM
[D] 09:25:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jordgrim) 血色墓地 AA 来会的 法师
09:26:02 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 09:26:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2115,71 ; -3402,292 ; 93,8689 ; "None" to 2101,532 ; -3407,819 ; 93,8689 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:26:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,217y, 244ms)
[F] 09:26:06 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:26:06 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:26:06 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:26:10 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:26:11 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:26:13 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:26:15 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
09:26:23 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:26:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2103,586 ; -3407,037 ; 93,23331 ; "None" to 2120,164 ; -3400,556 ; 93,7902 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:26:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,80786y, 846ms)
[D] 09:26:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Oldhunterman) 麻烦问霞高地的野猪多少级别
[D] 09:26:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] () |cffffff00Zoram'gar Outpost is under attack!|r
09:27:01 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 09:27:03 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:27:04 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:27:04 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:27:08 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:27:08 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:27:11 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:27:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] () |cffffff00Zoram'gar Outpost is under attack!|r
[F] 09:27:13 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:27:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] () |cffffff00Zoram'gar Outpost is under attack!|r
09:27:35 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 09:27:37 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:27:37 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:27:38 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:27:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] () |cffffff00Zoram'gar Outpost is under attack!|r
[F] 09:27:42 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:27:42 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:27:44 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:27:47 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:27:49 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:27:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] () |cffffff00Zoram'gar Outpost is under attack!|r
09:28:10 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 09:28:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2212,919 ; -3541,471 ; 45,36661 ; "None" to 2228,646 ; -3546,986 ; 45,36661 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:28:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,66619y, 276ms)
[F] 09:28:14 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:28:14 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:28:15 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:28:18 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:28:19 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:28:23 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:28:23 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:28:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] () |cffffff00Zoram'gar Outpost is under attack!|r
[F] 09:28:27 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:28:27 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:28:31 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 09:28:39 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:28:39 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:28:43 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 09:28:48 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:28:49 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:28:52 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:28:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sharkrunning) 辛特兰 辛萨罗JY任务 来的MMMMM 5人了
[F] 09:28:58 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:29:02 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 09:29:09 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:29:13 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
09:29:19 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:29:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2222,924 ; -3544,988 ; 46,41913 ; "None" to 2211,351 ; -3540,386 ; 45,44714 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:29:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,49272y, 166ms)
09:29:44 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 09:29:45 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 09:29:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2309,165 ; -3546,505 ; 45,08862 ; "None" to 2310,462 ; -3562,688 ; 45,08862 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:29:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,23527y, 158ms)
[F] 09:29:47 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:29:48 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:29:48 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:29:52 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:29:52 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:29:55 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
09:30:03 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:30:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2310,003 ; -3556,971 ; 44,40214 ; "None" to 2308,872 ; -3542,856 ; 45,46384 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:30:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,2y, 165ms)
[D] 09:30:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 想买小马 就去打火焰元素
[D] 09:30:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hebin) 火那全是人
[D] 09:30:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Potatocherry) 在阿拉西高地吗
[D] 09:30:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 我10分钟出2
[D] 09:30:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hebin) 你在石爪打吗
[D] 09:30:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 对
09:30:53 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 09:30:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2041,248 ; -3487,846 ; 86,22556 ; "None" to 2032,563 ; -3480,034 ; 86,22556 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:30:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,68135y, 154ms)
[F] 09:30:56 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:30:56 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:30:56 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:31:00 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:31:01 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:31:03 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:31:05 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
09:31:14 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:31:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2033,524 ; -3480,899 ; 87,94681 ; "None" to 2047,148 ; -3493,153 ; 84,65063 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:31:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,6181y, 511ms)
[D] 09:31:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jojososo) 墓地 aa 来fs 猎人就位 3=2
09:31:44 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Wildthorn Lurker is in your path, need to attack
[N] 09:31:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2120,787 ; -3398,649 ; 94,51534 ; "None" to 2115,971 ; -3404,923 ; 94,51534 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:31:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (7,908604y, 156ms)
[F] 09:31:47 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:31:47 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:31:48 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:31:52 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:31:52 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:31:54 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:31:57 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:31:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niunaikafei) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 09:31:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tangming) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[F] 09:31:59 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
09:32:08 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:32:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2116,255 ; -3404,552 ; 93,90733 ; "None" to 2127,096 ; -3390,185 ; 102,4966 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:32:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (43,93432y, 159ms)
[D] 09:32:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niunaikafei) [WorldBuffs] 酋长的祝福Buff(雷德·黑手) 已经释放.
[D] 09:32:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tangming) [WorldBuffs] 酋长的祝福Buff(雷德·黑手) 已经释放.
[D] 09:32:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cpcer) 有血色教堂的任务队吗
[D] 09:32:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Darrettlves) awwwww
[N] 09:32:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2130,843 ; -3390,236 ; 102,0816 ; "None" to 2121,534 ; -3398,117 ; 94,90674 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:32:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (33,52729y, 237ms)
[N] 09:32:22 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 09:32:22 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 09:32:22 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[D] 09:32:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jojososo) 墓地 aa 来fs 位 3=2
[D] 09:32:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jojososo) 墓地 aa 来fs 位 3=2
09:32:54 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[D] 09:32:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niunaikafei) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 09:32:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tangming) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 09:32:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jordgrim) 血色墓地 AA 来会的 法师
[F] 09:32:58 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:32:58 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:32:59 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:33:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jojososo) 墓地 aa 来fs 位 3=2
[F] 09:33:03 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:33:03 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:33:05 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:33:08 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
09:33:17 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:33:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2091,834 ; -3520,93 ; 65,91254 ; "None" to 2079,045 ; -3513,497 ; 72,16895 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:33:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,06066y, 232ms)
[N] 09:33:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2081,999 ; -3515,214 ; 70,41048 ; "None" to 2095,669 ; -3522,128 ; 64,75285 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:33:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (16,80907y, 160ms)
09:33:34 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 09:33:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2139,572 ; -3526,945 ; 50,16285 ; "None" to 2149,134 ; -3510,412 ; 50,16285 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:33:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (19,95525y, 231ms)
[D] 09:33:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Petbug) zul 4=1 T or N
[N] 09:33:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2144,516 ; -3518,565 ; 49,56532 ; "None" to 2149,283 ; -3510,473 ; 49,56532 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:33:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (11,08065y, 160ms)
[F] 09:33:40 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:33:41 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:33:41 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:33:45 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:33:45 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:33:48 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:33:50 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:33:52 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:33:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laolou) 有血色任务队吗?
09:34:01 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:34:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2149,207 ; -3511,706 ; 50,85793 ; "None" to 2139,152 ; -3527,671 ; 50,2288 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:34:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,45704y, 149ms)
[D] 09:34:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jordgrim) 血色墓地 AA 来会的 法师
[D] 09:34:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Petdaddy) 求组血色任务队
[D] 09:34:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jordgrim) 血色墓地 AA 来会的 法师
[D] 09:34:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cpcer) 有血色教堂的任务队吗
09:34:22 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 09:34:23 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 09:34:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2225,812 ; -3544,372 ; 45,21284 ; "None" to 2241,797 ; -3546,005 ; 45,21284 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:34:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,0676y, 175ms)
[D] 09:34:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jordgrim) 血色墓地 AA 来会的 法师 1坑
[F] 09:34:25 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:34:26 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:34:26 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:34:30 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:34:30 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:34:33 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:34:35 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:34:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Oboomi) 有墓地菜刀队吗?
[D] 09:35:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jxkiki) 费伍德是50+任务吗
[D] 09:35:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hebin) 53
09:35:26 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 09:35:37 - [Fight] Mob has moved more than 45 yards
09:35:39 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 09:35:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2207,599 ; -3535,113 ; 45,53712 ; "None" to 2268,824 ; -3538,594 ; 47,74906 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:35:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (64,79378y, 158ms)
[D] 09:35:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hebin) 一般是去先了环形山再去费五德
[D] 09:35:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Petbug) zul 4=1 FS
[N] 09:35:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2245,189 ; -3540,198 ; 48,26162 ; "None" to 2134,185 ; -3526,46 ; 53,70417 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:35:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (112,9507y, 152ms)
[D] 09:35:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cpcer) 有血色教堂的任务队吗
[D] 09:36:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Petbug) zul 4=1 FS,neng la
09:36:23 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 09:36:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,037 ; -3483,451 ; 87,08712 ; "None" to 2032,216 ; -3471,399 ; 87,08712 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:36:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,3669y, 160ms)
[F] 09:36:28 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:36:28 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:36:29 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:36:32 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:36:33 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:36:35 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:36:38 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
09:36:45 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:36:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2033,898 ; -3473,991 ; 89,20381 ; "None" to 2042,882 ; -3487,836 ; 86,01815 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:36:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,80931y, 238ms)
[D] 09:36:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hallsf) 沼泽5人观光 来人
[D] 09:36:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yunv) 1
[D] 09:37:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zwow) 1
09:37:08 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 09:37:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2078,496 ; -3418,71 ; 92,85347 ; "None" to 2087,156 ; -3415,43 ; 92,85347 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:37:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,260817y, 152ms)
[F] 09:37:10 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:37:11 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:37:11 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:37:15 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:37:15 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:37:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yunv) 1
[F] 09:37:18 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:37:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Scentedtea) 有图书馆队伍吗
[F] 09:37:20 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:37:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 1
[F] 09:37:22 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:37:25 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
09:37:33 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:37:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2086,777 ; -3415,573 ; 93,00846 ; "None" to 2068,457 ; -3422,512 ; 92,63922 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:37:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,59395y, 165ms)
[D] 09:37:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Atala) LF2M FOR SM arms 啥意思?
[D] 09:37:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 组上我能DPS 还能奶
09:37:50 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 09:37:50 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 09:37:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2115,412 ; -3402,557 ; 93,81052 ; "None" to 2099,25 ; -3404,467 ; 93,81052 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:37:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,27454y, 199ms)
[D] 09:37:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Uncledeer) 影牙城堡有无一起的
[F] 09:37:53 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:37:54 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:37:54 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:37:58 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:37:58 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:38:01 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:38:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 跟我一起走 别回头
[F] 09:38:03 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:38:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Petbug) zul 4=1 FS,neng la
09:38:13 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:38:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2101,202 ; -3404,291 ; 93,15648 ; "None" to 2119,092 ; -3402,122 ; 93,9762 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:38:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,03904y, 179ms)
[N] 09:38:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2115,101 ; -3402,606 ; 93,75758 ; "None" to 2121,534 ; -3398,117 ; 94,90674 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:38:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (7,928556y, 151ms)
[D] 09:38:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Okboy) 剃刀沼泽 5人队伍 来T 4=1 可以拉
[D] 09:38:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 我能t
09:38:52 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 09:38:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2081,127 ; -3516,622 ; 70,70428 ; "None" to 2087,593 ; -3524,098 ; 70,70428 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:38:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,884601y, 163ms)
[N] 09:38:55 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 09:38:55 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 09:38:55 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[D] 09:38:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niunaikafei) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 09:38:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tangming) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[F] 09:38:58 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:38:59 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 09:38:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) w
[F] 09:38:59 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:39:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 人
[F] 09:39:03 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:39:03 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:39:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cpcer) 有血色教堂的任务队吗
[F] 09:39:06 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:39:08 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:39:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Okboy) AW
09:39:16 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:39:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2085,577 ; -3525,118 ; 67,30855 ; "None" to 2075,516 ; -3510,134 ; 74,2778 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:39:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,34682y, 929ms)
09:39:38 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 09:39:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Liefa) 今天怎么没有杀杀杀了啊??
[N] 09:39:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2149,598 ; -3527,999 ; 48,25766 ; "None" to 2160,395 ; -3528,259 ; 48,25766 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:39:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,80025y, 158ms)
[F] 09:39:41 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:39:41 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:39:41 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:39:45 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:39:46 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:39:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Liefa) 联盟变好了吗
[F] 09:39:48 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:39:50 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:39:53 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:39:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Liefa) 不手贱了吗
09:40:01 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:40:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2160,102 ; -3528,252 ; 47,97517 ; "None" to 2140,673 ; -3527,784 ; 49,74613 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:40:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,51511y, 182ms)
[D] 09:40:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fateheracles) 感觉一般猎人喜欢杀小号
[N] 09:40:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2144,357 ; -3527,873 ; 48,85513 ; "None" to 2153,773 ; -3528,462 ; 48,06479 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:40:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,467458y, 218ms)
[D] 09:40:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gorehowl) 人少了吧
09:40:19 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 09:40:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2210,007 ; -3540,798 ; 45,40546 ; "None" to 2218,835 ; -3557,463 ; 45,40546 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:40:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,85935y, 162ms)
[D] 09:40:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gorehowl) 这练级的人都不多
[D] 09:40:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Neversummer) 主要是盗贼
[F] 09:40:23 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:40:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 09:40:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gorehowl) 刚才在焦炭谷没几个人
[F] 09:40:24 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:40:28 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:40:28 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:40:32 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:40:33 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:40:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) [[27] 格雷苏 (1096)]有没认路的小伙子
[F] 09:40:36 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:40:37 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:40:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dirtyfisher) yy5人升级队,来治物理dps=1
[F] 09:40:41 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:40:41 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:40:45 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:40:45 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:40:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Neversummer) 从右边绕过去
[F] 09:40:49 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:40:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Liefa) 练贼不杀人,太对不起贼了
[D] 09:40:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fateheracles) 从右上绕过去
[F] 09:40:55 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:40:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gorehowl) 水的右侧上山
[F] 09:40:59 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:41:03 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
09:41:08 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:41:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2215,181 ; -3550,565 ; 44,57464 ; "None" to 2209,476 ; -3539,794 ; 45,4315 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:41:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,21838y, 155ms)
[D] 09:41:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 这么远
[D] 09:41:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jgle) 灰谷做任务 LM60级还守尸体
[D] 09:41:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Suobusa) yy可以练到多少级
[D] 09:41:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Neversummer) 那你是没去希尔斯布莱德看看
09:41:34 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 09:41:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,858 ; -3547,927 ; 44,84856 ; "None" to 2323,596 ; -3536,556 ; 44,84856 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:41:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,41603y, 152ms)
[N] 09:41:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2316,025 ; -3542,054 ; 45,53608 ; "None" to 2323,765 ; -3536,487 ; 45,53608 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:41:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,534571y, 173ms)
[D] 09:41:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yunv) 沼泽还有位置吗
[F] 09:41:40 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:41:41 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:41:41 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:41:45 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:41:45 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:41:48 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:41:50 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:41:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niunaikafei) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 09:41:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tangming) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 09:41:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Songshow) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 09:41:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fateheracles) 丘陵 主要是农场 和矿洞两个地方 容易被大号杀
09:42:00 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:42:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2321,623 ; -3538,029 ; 45,76902 ; "None" to 2307,57 ; -3548,135 ; 44,79434 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:42:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,33728y, 163ms)
[D] 09:42:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Songshow) [WorldBuffs] 酋长的祝福Buff(雷德·黑手) 已经释放.
[D] 09:42:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fateheracles) 特别是矿洞 跑尸还远
[D] 09:42:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yibiu) 我在路上就被杀了
[D] 09:42:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 你是没体验过石爪给杀的跑
[D] 09:42:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jgle) 哈哈哈,香草时代
09:42:50 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 09:42:51 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 09:42:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,116 ; -3482,078 ; 87,31187 ; "None" to 2032,552 ; -3469,706 ; 87,31187 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:42:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,50093y, 164ms)
[F] 09:42:53 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:42:54 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:42:54 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:42:58 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:42:58 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:43:01 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:43:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cpcer) 有血色教堂的任务队吗
[D] 09:43:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lookingforme) 这个服是不是没有血帆流氓这种生物?
[D] 09:43:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Neversummer) 阿拉希几个农场是不是也一样
[F] 09:43:03 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:43:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 这一路小跑带闪电 辟死LM
09:43:10 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:43:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2034,58 ; -3473,024 ; 89,48923 ; "None" to 2042,727 ; -3486,348 ; 86,17788 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:43:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,96388y, 278ms)
[D] 09:43:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fateheracles) 石爪被杀过 也挺远。特别是杀塞纳里奥的子女的任务那里
09:43:31 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 09:43:34 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:43:34 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:43:34 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:43:38 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:43:39 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:43:43 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:43:43 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:43:47 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:43:47 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:43:51 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:43:52 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:43:55 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:43:56 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:44:00 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:44:04 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:44:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jidanchaoren) 有奥达曼吗
[F] 09:44:09 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:44:13 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:44:17 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:44:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sbi) 我玩所有职业都不喜欢杀没有荣于的小号和守他们。感觉恶心了他们也浪费了我的时间。我只打有荣于的
[D] 09:44:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niunaikafei) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 09:44:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Trivento) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 09:44:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Songshow) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 09:44:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Okboy) 剃刀沼泽 10人任务队伍 来T DPS 奶 4=1 可以拉
09:44:31 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 09:44:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2118,24 ; -3400,653 ; 93,97428 ; "None" to 2130,884 ; -3400,997 ; 93,97428 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:44:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,64872y, 151ms)
[F] 09:44:33 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:44:33 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:44:34 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:44:38 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:44:38 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:44:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Trivento) [WorldBuffs] 酋长的祝福Buff(雷德·黑手) 已经释放.
[D] 09:44:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Songshow) [WorldBuffs] 酋长的祝福Buff(雷德·黑手) 已经释放.
[F] 09:44:40 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:44:43 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:44:45 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:44:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Okboy) 剃刀沼泽 10人任务队伍 来T DPS 奶 可以拉
[D] 09:44:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 石爪小径 进还是哪
09:44:54 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:44:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2128,848 ; -3400,942 ; 93,52034 ; "None" to 2108,741 ; -3401,698 ; 93,6931 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:44:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,12215y, 154ms)
[D] 09:44:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) [[27] 格雷苏 (1096)]
[D] 09:44:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lookingforme) 这个服是不是没有血帆流氓这种生物? .. 转了两圈一个都没找到, 活的死的都没有
[D] 09:45:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sbi) 船上很多兄弟
[D] 09:45:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yongganliliu) 23.53
09:45:29 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[D] 09:45:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yongganliliu) 有个血帆营地
[D] 09:45:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Okboy) 剃刀沼泽 10人任务队伍 来T DPS 奶 可以拉 9=1
[D] 09:45:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sbi) 你不去船上找当然少
[D] 09:45:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yongganliliu) 人比较少
[F] 09:45:34 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:45:34 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:45:35 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:45:39 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:45:39 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:45:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cpcer) 有血色教堂的任务队吗
[F] 09:45:41 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:45:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lookingforme) 好的好的 谢谢指点
[F] 09:45:44 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:45:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bibibaba) 剃刀组我
[D] 09:45:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tanyue) 荣誉谷劈不到buff吗?
[D] 09:46:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jgle) 流氓都被抓起来了
09:46:02 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 09:46:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2135,667 ; -3526,596 ; 51,85296 ; "None" to 2119,791 ; -3526,452 ; 51,85296 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 09:46:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Pickone) 大兽穴 有么
[N] 09:46:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,87663y, 157ms)
[F] 09:46:06 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:46:06 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:46:06 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:46:10 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:46:11 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:46:13 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:46:15 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:46:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Klove) `
[D] 09:46:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jidanchaoren) 有奥德曼任务队吗
[D] 09:46:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Klove) 1
[F] 09:46:20 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:46:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Klove) dashouxue
09:46:28 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:46:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2125,167 ; -3526,511 ; 56,7301 ; "None" to 2138,194 ; -3526,619 ; 50,77784 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:46:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,32293y, 153ms)
[D] 09:46:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jidanchaoren) 有奥德曼任务队吗
09:46:50 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 09:46:52 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 09:46:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2215,143 ; -3541,976 ; 45,19585 ; "None" to 2228,054 ; -3544,431 ; 45,19585 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:46:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,14257y, 158ms)
[F] 09:46:54 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:46:54 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:46:55 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:46:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhaoxiaokou) 有AH的队伍吗
[F] 09:46:58 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:46:59 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:47:01 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:47:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) [[27] 格雷苏 (1096)]这个 上去位罢发一发
[D] 09:47:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dirtyfisher) yy5人升级队,来t=1
[F] 09:47:03 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:47:06 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:47:08 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
09:47:19 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:47:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2225,458 ; -3543,937 ; 45,21484 ; "None" to 2208,412 ; -3540,695 ; 45,3514 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:47:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,35271y, 149ms)
[D] 09:47:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laolou) 有血色任务队吗
[D] 09:47:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Peterwon) |cff0070dd|Hitem:13055::::::::41:::::::::|h[噬骨者]|h|r5G 要的拿走咯
09:47:43 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 09:47:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,539 ; -3548,262 ; 44,77588 ; "None" to 2324,188 ; -3543,962 ; 44,77588 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:47:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,19591y, 150ms)
[F] 09:47:45 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[F] 09:47:47 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:47:48 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:47:48 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:47:52 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:47:52 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:47:56 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:47:56 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:47:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Townflower) 湖北岸东边有条小路
[F] 09:48:00 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:48:01 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:48:05 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:48:05 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:48:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) IP有没
[F] 09:48:09 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:48:09 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:48:13 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:48:14 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:48:17 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 09:48:23 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:48:23 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:48:27 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:48:31 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 09:48:38 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:48:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sbi) ZS什么姿态是免疫恐 惧的。持续几秒
[D] 09:48:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Neversummer) YY地下城4=1来T
[D] 09:48:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niunaikafei) 宝宝怎么升级比较快啊
[N] 09:48:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2317,821 ; -3545,607 ; 45,38682 ; "None" to 2309,638 ; -3545,965 ; 45,14604 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:48:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,194y, 151ms)
[D] 09:48:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Neversummer) YY地下城4=1来T
[D] 09:48:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Suobusa) 狂暴吧
[D] 09:49:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niunaikafei) 我38了 宝宝才30 做任务拉不住怪
[D] 09:49:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jidanchaoren) 奥德曼有吗
[D] 09:49:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jxkiki) |cffa335ee|Hitem:2824:0:0:0|h[飓风]|h|r为什么这么便宜
[D] 09:49:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Superoo) 血型狂暴技能
[D] 09:49:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sbi) 狂暴就是人红了是吧
[D] 09:49:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jidanchaoren) 奥德曼有吗
[D] 09:49:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 速度太快
[D] 09:49:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Danainaii) |cffa335ee|Hitem:2824::::::::40:::::::::|h[飓风]|h|r太快了
[D] 09:49:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zbbs) 做个监视好了
[D] 09:49:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dirtyfisher) 浪费子弹
09:49:30 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[D] 09:49:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hettytwo) |cffa335ee|Hitem:2824:0:0:0|h[飓风]|h|r太快了 费钱
[D] 09:49:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) |cffa335ee|Hitem:2824::::::::28:::::::::|h[飓风]|h|r快男
[N] 09:49:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,46 ; -3486,123 ; 86,64749 ; "None" to 2032,553 ; -3477,726 ; 86,64749 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:49:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,53281y, 156ms)
[F] 09:49:33 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:49:33 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 09:49:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xixifu) 飓风 费钱
[F] 09:49:33 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:49:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Suobusa) |cffa335ee|Hitem:2824::::::::27:::::::::|h[飓风]|h|r耗钱武器
[F] 09:49:37 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:49:38 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:49:40 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:49:42 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:49:45 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:49:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hebin) |cffa335ee|Hitem:2824::::::::27:::::::::|h[飓风]|h|r还是好用
[D] 09:49:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kleinv) 精准校对过的火枪 更快
[D] 09:49:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Suobusa) 技能伤害低
09:49:53 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:49:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2033,189 ; -3478,402 ; 88,30422 ; "None" to 2043,264 ; -3492,203 ; 85,33711 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:49:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (17,42339y, 151ms)
[D] 09:49:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jxkiki) 12G买了吧
[D] 09:49:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hebin) 这级别用啥
[D] 09:50:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hebin) 主要是平射
[D] 09:50:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Soupz) 你以为破产弓的名字是白叫的?
[D] 09:50:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Neversummer) YY地下城4=1来T
09:50:14 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 09:50:16 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[F] 09:50:18 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[D] 09:50:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gagalie) |cff0070dd|Hitem:6696:32:0:0|h[夜行者之弓]|h|r 我出门至少带30组箭头
[F] 09:50:20 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 09:50:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2068,296 ; -3425,672 ; 93,33179 ; "None" to 2084,63 ; -3424,772 ; 93,33179 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:50:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (20,09076y, 778ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[D] 09:50:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hannya) 飓风多少G
[F] 09:50:23 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[F] 09:50:25 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:50:25 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:50:26 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:50:30 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:50:30 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:50:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jxkiki) 12G
[D] 09:50:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hebin) 5
[F] 09:50:34 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:50:34 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:50:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hebin) 5G 我昨天 买的
[F] 09:50:38 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:50:39 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:50:42 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:50:43 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:50:47 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:50:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hannya) 攻速的确是快乐
[F] 09:50:54 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:50:58 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:50:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodmoon) 破产弓啊
[D] 09:50:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hannya) 攻速的确是块了
[F] 09:51:03 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
09:51:07 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:51:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2078,486 ; -3423,649 ; 93,67979 ; "None" to 2065,3 ; -3425,837 ; 92,55356 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:51:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,4137y, 151ms)
[D] 09:51:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hebin) 用不了几级就换火炮了
[D] 09:51:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xilixilizei) LR说没钱?
[D] 09:51:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jxkiki) LR哪里来钱、
09:51:25 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 09:51:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2115,291 ; -3402,68 ; 93,78575 ; "None" to 2125,33 ; -3395,468 ; 93,78575 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:51:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (17,12451y, 157ms)
[D] 09:51:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jxkiki) 一样升级
[F] 09:51:31 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:51:32 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:51:32 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:51:36 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:51:36 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:51:39 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
09:51:46 - Level UP! Reload Fight Class.
09:51:46 - Lock FC Stop in progress.
[F] 09:51:47 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Gregory\Downloads\WRobot(1)\WRobot\\FightClass\Hunter_by_eeny_v2r2(1).cs
09:51:47 - [Grinder] Select zone: Orgrimmar
[D] 09:51:47 - [Spell] Revive Pet (Id found: 982, Name found: Revive Pet, NameInGame found: Revive Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 09:51:47 - [Spell] Call Pet (Id found: 883, Name found: Call Pet, NameInGame found: Call Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 09:51:47 - [Spell] Mend Pet (Id found: 3111, Name found: Mend Pet, NameInGame found: Mend Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 09:51:47 - [Spell] Feed Pet (Id found: 6991, Name found: Feed Pet, NameInGame found: Feed Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 09:51:47 - [Spell] Aspect of the Hawk (Id found: 14318, Name found: Aspect of the Hawk, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Hawk, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 09:51:47 - [Spell] Aspect of the Monkey (Id found: 13163, Name found: Aspect of the Monkey, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Monkey, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 09:51:47 - [Spell] Hunter's Mark (Id found: 14323, Name found: Hunter's Mark, NameInGame found: Hunter's Mark, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 09:51:47 - [Spell] Concussive Shot (Id found: 27634, Name found: Concussive Shot, NameInGame found: Concussive Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 09:51:47 - [Spell] Raptor Strike (Id found: 14262, Name found: Raptor Strike, NameInGame found: Raptor Strike, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 09:51:47 - [Spell] Wing Clip (Id found: 2974, Name found: Wing Clip, NameInGame found: Wing Clip, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 09:51:47 - [Spell] Serpent Sting (Id found: 13551, Name found: Serpent Sting, NameInGame found: Serpent Sting, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 09:51:47 - [Spell] Arcane Shot (Id found: 14282, Name found: Arcane Shot, NameInGame found: Arcane Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 09:51:47 - [Spell] Auto Shot (Id found: 75, Name found: Auto Shot, NameInGame found: Auto Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 09:51:47 - [Spell] Aimed Shot (Id found: 27632, Name found: Aimed Shot, NameInGame found: Aimed Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
09:51:47 - Lock FC Is initialized.
09:51:47 - Lock FC Stop in progress.
09:51:47 - Hunter FC started.
09:51:48 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:51:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2124,264 ; -3396,819 ; 96,21339 ; "None" to 2109,116 ; -3407,116 ; 93,32967 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:51:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,54136y, 152ms)
[F] 09:51:48 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Gregory\Downloads\WRobot(1)\WRobot\\FightClass\Hunter_by_eeny_v2r2(1).cs
[D] 09:51:49 - [Spell] Revive Pet (Id found: 982, Name found: Revive Pet, NameInGame found: Revive Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 09:51:49 - [Spell] Call Pet (Id found: 883, Name found: Call Pet, NameInGame found: Call Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 09:51:49 - [Spell] Mend Pet (Id found: 3111, Name found: Mend Pet, NameInGame found: Mend Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 09:51:49 - [Spell] Feed Pet (Id found: 6991, Name found: Feed Pet, NameInGame found: Feed Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 09:51:49 - [Spell] Aspect of the Hawk (Id found: 14318, Name found: Aspect of the Hawk, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Hawk, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 09:51:49 - [Spell] Aspect of the Monkey (Id found: 13163, Name found: Aspect of the Monkey, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Monkey, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 09:51:49 - [Spell] Hunter's Mark (Id found: 14323, Name found: Hunter's Mark, NameInGame found: Hunter's Mark, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 09:51:49 - [Spell] Concussive Shot (Id found: 27634, Name found: Concussive Shot, NameInGame found: Concussive Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 09:51:49 - [Spell] Raptor Strike (Id found: 14262, Name found: Raptor Strike, NameInGame found: Raptor Strike, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 09:51:49 - [Spell] Wing Clip (Id found: 2974, Name found: Wing Clip, NameInGame found: Wing Clip, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 09:51:49 - [Spell] Serpent Sting (Id found: 13551, Name found: Serpent Sting, NameInGame found: Serpent Sting, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 09:51:49 - [Spell] Arcane Shot (Id found: 14282, Name found: Arcane Shot, NameInGame found: Arcane Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 09:51:49 - [Spell] Auto Shot (Id found: 75, Name found: Auto Shot, NameInGame found: Auto Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 09:51:49 - [Spell] Aimed Shot (Id found: 27632, Name found: Aimed Shot, NameInGame found: Aimed Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
09:51:49 - Lock FC Is initialized.
09:51:49 - Hunter FC started.
[D] 09:51:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niusanjin) 哪个职业只要说没钱,就有站出来反驳的,哈哈
[D] 09:51:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xilixilizei) 呵呵
[D] 09:51:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 我没有
[D] 09:52:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niunaikafei) 会里有卖16格包包的吗
[D] 09:52:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Srenzs) |cff1eff00|Hitem:10512:0:0:0|h[高速秘银弹头]|h|r这个子弹有人买吗?
09:52:22 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 09:52:24 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:52:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:52:25 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:52:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Uncledeer) 有买16格包包的么
[F] 09:52:29 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:52:29 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:52:31 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:52:34 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 09:52:36 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
09:52:45 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:52:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2082,655 ; -3517,478 ; 69,67571 ; "None" to 2073,776 ; -3507,68 ; 75,46848 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:52:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,43603y, 174ms)
[N] 09:52:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2074,058 ; -3507,991 ; 75,2766 ; "None" to 2077,884 ; -3514,681 ; 72,6629 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:52:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,138155y, 157ms)
[D] 09:52:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niunaikafei) 我买啊 3个多少钱啊
[D] 09:52:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Srenzs) |cff1eff00|Hitem:3853:0:0:0|h[月钢宽剑]|h|r有人买吗
09:53:03 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 09:53:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xooss) 有谁知道 18格背包怎么弄的
[D] 09:53:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xixibang) 35 去荆棘谷 可以了吧
[N] 09:53:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2135,17 ; -3526,595 ; 52,09069 ; "None" to 2119,303 ; -3524,1 ; 52,09069 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:53:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,06116y, 154ms)
[F] 09:53:09 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:53:09 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:53:09 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:53:13 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:53:14 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:53:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xooss) 有谁知道 18格背包怎么弄的
[D] 09:53:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Boombala) 18的包只有黑龙掉吧
[F] 09:53:16 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:53:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jgle) 35去送人头
[D] 09:53:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laolou) 30就可以去了
[F] 09:53:18 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 09:53:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Srenzs) |cffffffff|Hitem:6043:0:0:0|h[铁质平衡锤]|h|r有人买吗
[D] 09:53:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xixibang) ...
[D] 09:53:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 黑龙生产4
[D] 09:53:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jgle) 哈哈哈
09:53:27 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:53:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2124,583 ; -3524,924 ; 56,95194 ; "None" to 2137,263 ; -3526,924 ; 51,11919 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:53:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,09901y, 154ms)
[D] 09:53:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xooss) ~
[D] 09:53:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jgle) 生存环境很恶劣
09:53:49 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 09:53:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2207,977 ; -3540,302 ; 45,33374 ; "None" to 2190,055 ; -3542,184 ; 45,33374 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:53:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,02043y, 162ms)
[F] 09:53:51 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[F] 09:53:53 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:53:54 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:53:54 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:53:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodmoon) 联盟一群没有小@#$%^&的货
[F] 09:53:58 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:53:58 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:54:02 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:54:03 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:54:07 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 09:54:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kleinv) |cffffffff|Hitem:6043:0:0:0|h[铁质平衡锤]|h|r咋卖
[F] 09:54:07 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:54:11 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:54:11 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:54:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 黑龙用他的裤腰带抽出的皮筋 做的
[F] 09:54:15 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:54:16 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:54:19 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 09:54:25 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:54:29 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
09:54:35 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:54:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2197,416 ; -3541,411 ; 45,25356 ; "None" to 2209,911 ; -3540,099 ; 45,44833 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:54:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,56535y, 151ms)
[D] 09:54:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Phualalala) 南海没法做任务了 两个60SB 杀了一个小时的小号了
09:55:00 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 09:55:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vikingpoleax) 教堂菜刀,来38以上DPS.4Q1
[F] 09:55:02 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 09:55:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2306,411 ; -3549,634 ; 44,5786 ; "None" to 2298,24 ; -3565,643 ; 44,5786 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:55:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,97312y, 150ms)
[F] 09:55:05 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:55:05 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:55:05 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:55:09 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:55:10 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:55:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gorehowl) 南海是哪
[D] 09:55:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vikingpoleax) 教堂菜刀,来38以上DPS.4Q1
[F] 09:55:14 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:55:14 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:55:18 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:55:18 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:55:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Roguemax) 这种人就是心理变态扭曲者
[F] 09:55:22 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:55:23 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:55:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Soupz) 1
[F] 09:55:26 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:55:27 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:55:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) TDZZ 24+任务队 来各种
[F] 09:55:31 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:55:31 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:55:35 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 09:55:42 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:55:46 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:55:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) TDZZ 30+任务队 来各种
[D] 09:55:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Oboomi) 我到石瓜已经被杀三次了
[F] 09:55:52 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:55:56 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
09:55:59 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:55:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2301,686 ; -3558,893 ; 44,04226 ; "None" to 2307,277 ; -3547,936 ; 44,789 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:55:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,32373y, 190ms)
[D] 09:56:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xixifu) 从小就埋下仇恨的种子
[D] 09:56:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Temptatni) 有来图书馆任务的吗,来FS和T
[D] 09:56:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) |cff1eff00|Hitem:4831::::::::28:::::::::|h[捕猎短裤]|h|r|cff1eff00|Hitem:4829::::::::28:::::::::|h[睡梦腰带]|h|r|cff1eff00|Hitem:4832::::::::28:::::::::|h[秘法围裙]|h|r|cff1eff00|Hitem:4828::::::::28:::::::::|h[夜风腰带]|h|r
[D] 09:56:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) |cff1eff00|Hitem:4827::::::::28:::::::::|h[巫师腰带]|h|r
09:56:53 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 09:56:55 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 09:56:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,98 ; -3488,775 ; 86,16891 ; "None" to 2032,767 ; -3504,53 ; 86,16891 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:56:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,7671y, 151ms)
[F] 09:56:58 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:56:58 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:56:58 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:57:02 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:57:03 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:57:07 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:57:07 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:57:11 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:57:11 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:57:15 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:57:16 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:57:20 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:57:20 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:57:24 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:57:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) LM已经变态到鸟点NPC都杀了
[F] 09:57:29 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:57:30 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:57:34 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:57:37 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:57:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xooss) |cffa335ee|Hitem:19337::::::::51:::::::::|h[黑龙之书]|h|r 效果如何?
[D] 09:57:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiaoshibeici) 是不是一个暗夜猎人在杀
[D] 09:57:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Baojuhuao) 嗯 在藏宝海湾杀鸟点NPC 就术士有病了
[D] 09:57:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) XD
[N] 09:57:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2036,375 ; -3497,608 ; 86,1473 ; "None" to 2040,811 ; -3488,593 ; 86,2311 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:57:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,04779y, 166ms)
[D] 09:57:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Roguemax) 嗯
[D] 09:57:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Baojuhuao) 属实
[D] 09:57:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Roguemax) 早上就开始了
[D] 09:58:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhaoxiaokou) 那不是联盟 那是国内工作室
[D] 09:58:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Oboomi) 3800的血,杀着咱们这些灰名的,这都有兴趣
[D] 09:58:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Canyonhunter) 这个LM侏儒法师精神真好。。我上午农场系列任务就碰到他在一直清场,做完了,换个号下午他还在农场。。。
09:58:03 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 09:58:07 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:58:08 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:58:08 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:58:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhaoxiaokou) LM那边也有BL在杀
[F] 09:58:12 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:58:12 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:58:16 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:58:17 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:58:21 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:58:21 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:58:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yangzhudashu) 还好我在aa
[F] 09:58:25 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:58:25 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:58:29 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:58:29 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:58:33 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:58:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yangzhudashu) 太难了
[D] 09:58:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xixifu) 你没见 岳掌门 怎么练级的吗?
[D] 09:58:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nilaopo) 我在兽人农场 装小怪,已经截杀 几个LM 了 ,哈哈
[F] 09:58:39 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:58:43 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 09:58:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Oboomi) 不得不佩服他们的耐心
09:58:59 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 09:59:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2108,573 ; -3406,386 ; 93,44088 ; "None" to 2090,653 ; -3402,173 ; 93,44088 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:59:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,40913y, 158ms)
[D] 09:59:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhaoxiaokou) 尤其是已5A 金色这种比较大的SF为主
[D] 09:59:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 6666
[F] 09:59:05 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 09:59:06 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:59:06 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:59:10 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:59:10 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:59:14 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:59:15 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 09:59:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Baojuhuao) 只想快快发育 随时还手
[D] 09:59:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Suobusa) 人家是工作你付他什么
[F] 09:59:19 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 09:59:26 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 09:59:26 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:59:30 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 09:59:37 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 09:59:41 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
09:59:44 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 09:59:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2098,035 ; -3403,908 ; 93,03793 ; "None" to 2110,078 ; -3406,74 ; 93,33697 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 09:59:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,37487y, 152ms)
[D] 10:00:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Suobusa) 好比*!@#$%天天买几次你也服哈哈
10:00:25 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 10:00:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2078,942 ; -3515,343 ; 72,02878 ; "None" to 2084,76 ; -3524,985 ; 72,02878 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:00:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,26179y, 151ms)
[F] 10:00:28 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:00:29 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[N] 10:00:29 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 10:00:29 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 10:00:29 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 10:00:29 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:00:33 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:00:33 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:00:36 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:00:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sbi) 个人号其实没这么多精力的
[F] 10:00:38 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:00:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sbi) 天天上线杀小号杀二天就无聊了
[N] 10:00:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2082,581 ; -3525,676 ; 67,83049 ; "None" to 2089,47 ; -3520,205 ; 66,66553 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:00:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,87406y, 165ms)
[D] 10:00:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhaoxiaokou) 谁没事一个地方杀人杀几个小时 还是杀小号
[D] 10:00:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yangzhudashu) 那你可能不了解变态
10:00:58 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 10:00:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2148,879 ; -3527,935 ; 48,3073 ; "None" to 2158,506 ; -3528,527 ; 48,3073 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:00:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,645385y, 152ms)
[F] 10:01:02 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:01:02 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:01:03 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:01:07 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 10:01:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 要我 杀一会就无聊了
[D] 10:01:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Memoryc) |cff0070dd|Hitem:8190:0:0:0|h[半藏之剑]|h|r
[F] 10:01:07 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:01:09 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:01:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Temptatni) 有来图书馆任务的吗 来FS和T
[F] 10:01:12 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:01:14 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:01:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fateheracles) 凄凉之地的雷斧堡垒的恶魔皮怎么研磨啊
10:01:22 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:01:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2158,267 ; -3528,515 ; 47,987 ; "None" to 2138,953 ; -3527,325 ; 50,35209 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:01:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,49415y, 157ms)
[D] 10:01:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhaoxiaokou) 人家金色 5A公开招聘大号 去各个升级地方杀小号
10:01:42 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 10:01:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2215,899 ; -3542,161 ; 45,13683 ; "None" to 2232,818 ; -3539,114 ; 45,13683 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:01:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,19135y, 149ms)
[F] 10:01:45 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:01:45 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:01:45 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:01:49 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:01:50 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:01:54 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:01:54 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:01:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 张口 金色 闭口金色 的
[F] 10:01:58 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:01:58 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:01:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 你打广告呢
[F] 10:02:02 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:02:02 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:02:06 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 10:02:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhaoxiaokou) 打个鸡儿
[D] 10:02:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dirtyfisher) 影牙来t=1!
[F] 10:02:14 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:02:14 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:02:18 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:02:22 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 10:02:29 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:02:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhaoxiaokou) 国内的工作室 什么事情做不出来
[F] 10:02:33 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
10:02:37 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:02:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2226,24 ; -3540,299 ; 45,69245 ; "None" to 2213,163 ; -3542,654 ; 45,28616 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:02:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,29323y, 152ms)
[D] 10:02:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 来石爪山 峭壁湖啊 5A风景
[D] 10:02:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodmoon) 不是我说国内的^&*!@#都是垃圾
10:03:01 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 10:03:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2309,355 ; -3546,324 ; 45,1082 ; "None" to 2318,18 ; -3531,768 ; 45,1082 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:03:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,02242y, 151ms)
[F] 10:03:03 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[F] 10:03:06 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:03:06 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:03:06 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:03:10 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:03:10 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:03:14 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:03:15 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:03:19 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:03:19 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:03:23 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:03:23 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:03:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 那不是一般的垃圾
[F] 10:03:27 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 10:03:35 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:03:35 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:03:39 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 10:03:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 国内的太垃圾 直播主播 刷个华子 可能一整套毕业
[F] 10:03:46 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:03:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhaoxiaokou) 给钱就是R13 你还能咋样。。。
[F] 10:03:50 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 10:03:57 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
10:04:03 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:04:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2314,851 ; -3537,259 ; 45,77036 ; "None" to 2307,893 ; -3548,737 ; 44,75367 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:04:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,46099y, 172ms)
[D] 10:04:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) |cff0070dd|Hitem:10835:0:0:0|h[至高徽记之盾]|h|r 这个盾牌战士不能R ?
10:04:54 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 10:04:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2041,106 ; -3488,99 ; 86,11222 ; "None" to 2033,161 ; -3484,876 ; 86,11222 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:04:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,947569y, 151ms)
[N] 10:04:57 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 10:04:57 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 10:04:57 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[D] 10:05:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Koalapals) R
[F] 10:05:01 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:05:01 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:05:01 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:05:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xihuantianb) 人家有房贷 车贷 父母 老婆 孩子要养 ,你们也别怪 别人没底线了, 只要不犯法, 就这样吧
[F] 10:05:05 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:05:06 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:05:08 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:05:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) 萨满说我R
[F] 10:05:10 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:05:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) 他是元素
[F] 10:05:17 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
10:05:21 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:05:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2034,473 ; -3482,956 ; 87,64017 ; "None" to 2049,817 ; -3492,502 ; 84,85548 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:05:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (18,65581y, 166ms)
[D] 10:05:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) 元素也不用力量敏捷吧
[D] 10:05:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuyage) 他们怎么不去抢,不去偷,谁没有车贷房贷
[D] 10:05:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niusanjin) 他啥萨你都骂他,还又战士不能R的盾牌?
10:05:44 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[D] 10:05:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 我没有
[F] 10:05:48 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:05:49 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:05:49 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:05:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) 而且他身上的盾是加8耐力 和精神
[D] 10:05:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xihuantianb) 你情我愿的。
[D] 10:05:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Koalapals) R没事
[F] 10:05:53 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:05:53 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:05:56 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:05:58 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:05:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yangzhudashu) 大胆的r
[D] 10:06:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) 他身上是8智力的
10:06:06 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:06:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2061,582 ; -3431,438 ; 92,50164 ; "None" to 2043,44 ; -3431,379 ; 92,08234 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:06:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,14666y, 225ms)
[D] 10:06:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yangzhudashu) 战士不要智力?
[D] 10:06:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) 他说了一句 算了 JUST SOSO的都这样
[N] 10:06:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2043,877 ; -3431,39 ; 92,11178 ; "None" to 2062,802 ; -3429,841 ; 92,58907 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:06:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,99424y, 153ms)
[D] 10:06:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yilushunfeng) 你ROLL 没事的
[D] 10:06:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Koalapals) 无所谓啊
[D] 10:06:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Koalapals) R他呀的
10:06:26 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Wildthorn Lurker is in your path, need to attack
[N] 10:06:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2113,12 ; -3403,854 ; 93,70689 ; "None" to 2095,516 ; -3397,781 ; 93,70689 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:06:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,62224y, 159ms)
[F] 10:06:29 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[F] 10:06:31 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:06:31 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:06:32 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:06:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laomuzi) 呵呵
[D] 10:06:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yangzhudashu) 这个版本 好多装备都这样
[F] 10:06:36 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:06:36 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:06:40 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:06:40 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:06:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yangzhudashu) 那你问他 他还要力量吗
[F] 10:06:44 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:06:44 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:06:48 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:06:49 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:06:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Soupz) 谁知道盗贼开锁200以上哪里学还是有等级上限
[D] 10:06:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xilixilizei) YY来T~4==1,来了发车
[F] 10:06:53 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:06:53 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:06:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Heicao) |cff1eff00|Hitem:7372::::::::31:::::::::|h[重皮弹药包]|h|r哪位大佬会做啊
[F] 10:06:57 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:06:57 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:07:01 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 10:07:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laomuzi) 我一个战士,就问你能不能拿盾牌?
[F] 10:07:09 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:07:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laomuzi) 能拿为啥不能R?
[F] 10:07:12 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[N] 10:07:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2103,201 ; -3400,432 ; 93,53812 ; "None" to 2121,534 ; -3398,117 ; 94,90674 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:07:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,5295y, 150ms)
[D] 10:07:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hebin) |cff1eff00|Hitem:8218:0:0:0|h[厚皮弹药包]|h|r
10:07:45 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 10:07:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2072,375 ; -3511,079 ; 75,35594 ; "None" to 2069,681 ; -3528,613 ; 75,35594 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:07:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,74002y, 154ms)
[F] 10:07:48 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[F] 10:07:50 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:07:51 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:07:51 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:07:55 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:07:55 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:07:59 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:07:59 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:08:03 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:08:04 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:08:08 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:08:08 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:08:12 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:08:12 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:08:16 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:08:20 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 10:08:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhaoxiaokou) 今天咋个没AH队伍亚
[D] 10:08:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hebin) |cff1eff00|Hitem:7372:0:0:0|h[重皮弹药包]|h|r|cffffffff|Hitem:4234:0:0:0|h[重皮]|h|r8|cffffffff|Hitem:2321:0:0:0|h[细线]|h|r2
[D] 10:08:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Buerxing) 跟他们索罗啥,能用就R
[D] 10:08:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) 我觉得也是可以R 除了智力 其它属性也有很多
[F] 10:08:27 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:08:31 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
10:08:35 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:08:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2070,748 ; -3521,672 ; 72,09894 ; "None" to 2072,686 ; -3509,06 ; 75,65936 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:08:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (14,04021y, 159ms)
[D] 10:08:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yangzhudashu) 本来就可以、
[D] 10:08:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Msgs) [[42] 深入血色修道院 (1048)]求组....[[42] 深入血色修道院 (1048)]求组....[[42] 深入血色修道院 (1048)]求组....[[42] 深入血色修道院 (1048)]求组....[[42] 深入血色修道院 (1048)]求组....
[D] 10:08:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Superoo) 这盾牌没毛病 他太矫情
[D] 10:08:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) 骑士 萨满用也是可以
10:08:56 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 10:08:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2147,178 ; -3527,811 ; 48,45308 ; "None" to 2158,428 ; -3528,459 ; 48,45308 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:08:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,26791y, 151ms)
[F] 10:09:00 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:09:00 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:09:00 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:09:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gsocean) 要是我 不仅R 还要R了当他面摧毁
[F] 10:09:04 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:09:05 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:09:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tootl) 有没有卖16包包的 11g一个收
[F] 10:09:07 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:09:09 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:09:12 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:09:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Loserboy) 综合属性物品 谁都能用
10:09:19 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:09:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2157,556 ; -3528,409 ; 47,99762 ; "None" to 2138,969 ; -3527,338 ; 50,34388 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:09:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,76595y, 152ms)
[D] 10:09:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fateheracles) 凄凉之地的恶魔之皮点了没反应咋办 有人知道吗
[D] 10:09:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laolou) 只能说萨满用可以最大化发挥优势,没有战士不能R的说法
10:09:39 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 10:09:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2219,965 ; -3543,044 ; 45,0654 ; "None" to 2232,979 ; -3546,985 ; 45,0654 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:09:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,59697y, 152ms)
[D] 10:09:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niusanjin) 卡背包了吧
[F] 10:09:42 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:09:43 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:09:43 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:09:47 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:09:47 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:09:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niusanjin) 小退在上
[F] 10:09:50 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:09:52 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:10:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Soupz) 有没有教堂菜刀队伍
[D] 10:10:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kanshu) 图书馆来DPS
10:10:04 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:10:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2232,107 ; -3546,713 ; 45,15236 ; "None" to 2213,852 ; -3541,192 ; 45,31944 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:10:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,07177y, 209ms)
[D] 10:10:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Trivento) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 10:10:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 10:10:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lookingforme) 瓶中信 打穆克拉 打的MM
[D] 10:10:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) [WorldBuffs] 酋长的祝福Buff(雷德·黑手) 已经释放.
10:10:30 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 10:10:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,706 ; -3548,073 ; 44,81566 ; "None" to 2317,479 ; -3563,329 ; 44,81566 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:10:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,11753y, 159ms)
[F] 10:10:35 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:10:36 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:10:36 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:10:40 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:10:40 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:10:43 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:10:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Msgs) [[42] 深入血色修道院 (1048)]求组....
10:10:53 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:10:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2314,015 ; -3557,923 ; 44,42173 ; "None" to 2303,903 ; -3547,985 ; 44,64896 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:10:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,17971y, 181ms)
[D] 10:11:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rucepowder) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手 将于 10 分 后重置.。
10:11:44 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 10:11:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,032 ; -3484,322 ; 86,99771 ; "None" to 2033,078 ; -3475,323 ; 86,99771 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:11:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,37332y, 151ms)
[D] 10:11:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jiuxianshan) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手 将于 10 分 后重置.。
[D] 10:11:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Parksora) 27级打什么本经验多呀
[F] 10:11:46 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:11:46 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:11:47 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 10:11:47 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 10:11:47 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 10:11:48 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[D] 10:11:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kanshu) 图书馆有人来吗
[F] 10:11:51 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:11:51 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:11:53 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:11:56 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:11:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jojososo) 血色墓地 a
[D] 10:11:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cpcer) 有血色教堂的任务队吗
[D] 10:12:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vaters) 27黑暗深渊
10:12:06 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:12:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2031,67 ; -3477,116 ; 88,59102 ; "None" to 2047,376 ; -3492,961 ; 84,6842 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:12:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22,64948y, 243ms)
[D] 10:12:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Parksora) 奥
[D] 10:12:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jojososo) 血色墓地AA差 1fs 速来!!!!
[N] 10:12:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2044,606 ; -3490,166 ; 85,43087 ; "None" to 2039,927 ; -3482,369 ; 87,28128 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:12:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,279844y, 150ms)
10:12:30 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 10:12:32 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:12:33 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:12:33 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:12:37 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:12:37 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:12:40 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:12:42 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
10:12:51 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:12:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2073,281 ; -3422,219 ; 93,08815 ; "None" to 2053,169 ; -3427,272 ; 92,81985 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:12:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,73878y, 152ms)
10:12:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: True NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
10:12:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Mertle Murkpen not in this expansion, blacklisting!
10:12:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Lovely Merchant not in this expansion, blacklisting!
10:12:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: T'chali's Voodoo Brewery Apprentice not in this expansion, blacklisting!
10:12:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Laha Farplain not in this expansion, blacklisting!
10:12:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Bountiful Barrel not in this expansion, blacklisting!
10:12:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Blix Fixwidget not in this expansion, blacklisting!
10:12:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Ray'ma not in this expansion, blacklisting!
10:12:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Brew Vendor not in this expansion, blacklisting!
10:12:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Sergeant Thunderhorn not in this expansion, blacklisting!
10:12:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Blood Guard Zar'shi not in this expansion, blacklisting!
10:12:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Doris Volanthius not in this expansion, blacklisting!
10:12:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Lady Palanseer not in this expansion, blacklisting!
10:12:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Driz Tumblequick not in this expansion, blacklisting!
10:12:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Dalni Tallgrass not in this expansion, blacklisting!
10:12:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Xantili not in this expansion, blacklisting!
10:12:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Krixil Slogswitch not in this expansion, blacklisting!
10:12:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Razbo Rustgear not in this expansion, blacklisting!
10:12:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Axle not in this expansion, blacklisting!
10:12:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Garon Hutchins not in this expansion, blacklisting!
10:12:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Alexston Chrome not in this expansion, blacklisting!
10:12:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Ikaneba Summerset not in this expansion, blacklisting!
[N] 10:12:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2056,947 ; -3426,323 ; 92,76257 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,5514 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:13:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 42 (1150,725y, 329ms)
[N] 10:13:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2056,947 ; -3426,323 ; 92,76257 ; "None" to 1784,44 ; -4205,35 ; 40,3172 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:13:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 52 (1435,228y, 323ms)
[N] 10:13:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2056,947 ; -3426,323 ; 92,76257 ; "None" to 1657,85 ; -4192,21 ; 56,3834 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:13:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (1168,939y, 2768ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[N] 10:13:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2056,947 ; -3426,323 ; 92,76257 ; "None" to 1663,62 ; -4196,58 ; 56,4659 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:13:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 50 (1389,376y, 2442ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[N] 10:13:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2056,947 ; -3426,323 ; 92,76363 ; "None" to 1644,59 ; -4195,53 ; 56,3817 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:13:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (1245,402y, 3028ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
10:13:08 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Ukra'nor in zone:
10:13:08 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Gagsprocket in zone: The Barrens
10:13:08 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Ukra'nor to sell
[N] 10:13:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2056,947 ; -3426,323 ; 92,76366 ; "None" to 1580,05 ; -4097,68 ; 36,5514 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:13:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 42 (1150,725y, 0ms)
[D] 10:13:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fateheracles) 插件全关了都没用 凄凉之地的恶魔之皮是不是得1。12啊
[D] 10:13:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kanshu) 图书馆来DPS
[D] 10:14:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yongganliliu) 我没这个任务的印象啊
[D] 10:14:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodmoon) 等我60天天去夜色杀联盟
[D] 10:14:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Caoluyin) 有没有怒焰
[D] 10:14:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kanshu) 图书馆来DPS 疯狂输出的那种
[D] 10:15:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gaibian) 黑暗深渊任务队 去的MMM
[D] 10:15:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Parksora) 黑暗有不是任务队 刷经验的吗
[D] 10:15:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jxkiki) 没有黑石深渊AA队
[D] 10:15:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fateheracles) 雷斧堡垒的燃烧之刃怪随机掉的恶魔之皮
[D] 10:15:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fateheracles) 背包里显示的都是英文
[D] 10:15:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yongganliliu) 没做过
[D] 10:16:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sanjidog) 谁在银松 绑我做个任务
[D] 10:16:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Parksora) 正常打打的五人队也没有吗
10:16:16 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Selling items try 1/3
[D] 10:16:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kanshu) 图书馆来 DPS 疯狂输出的那种 4=1---mmmmm
10:16:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Selling items try 2/3
10:16:44 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Selling items try 3/3
[N] 10:16:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1582,31 ; -4099,882 ; 36,24114 ; "None" to 1618,96 ; -4307,28 ; 3,41723 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:16:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 70 (635,7736y, 447ms)
[N] 10:16:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1582,31 ; -4099,882 ; 36,24114 ; "None" to 1633,99 ; -4439,37 ; 15,7436 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:16:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 64 (529,941y, 190ms)
[N] 10:16:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1582,31 ; -4099,882 ; 36,24114 ; "None" to 1640,83 ; -4446,99 ; 15,7167 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:16:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 65 (540,5895y, 186ms)
[N] 10:16:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1582,31 ; -4099,882 ; 36,24114 ; "None" to 1775,1 ; -4482,91 ; 45,7307 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:16:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 72 (655,1295y, 207ms)
[N] 10:16:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1582,31 ; -4099,882 ; 36,24114 ; "None" to 340,362 ; -4686,29 ; 16,5411 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:16:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 88 (1993,14y, 221ms)
10:16:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Gryshka in zone:
10:16:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
[N] 10:16:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1582,31 ; -4099,882 ; 36,24114 ; "None" to -555,578 ; -2965,65 ; 91,7917 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[D] 10:16:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kanshu) 图书馆来 DPS 疯狂输出的那种 4=1---mmmmm
[N] 10:16:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 139 (5602,414y, 975ms)
[N] 10:16:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1582,31 ; -4099,882 ; 36,24114 ; "None" to -451,129 ; -2684,29 ; 95,7333 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:16:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 142 (5842,91y, 804ms)
10:16:49 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Fyr Mistrunner in zone:
10:16:49 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
10:16:49 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
[N] 10:16:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1582,31 ; -4099,882 ; 36,24114 ; "None" to 1766,71 ; -4367,36 ; -15,7114 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:16:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 41 (564,9011y, 193ms)
10:16:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
10:16:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
10:16:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
10:16:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Olvia in zone:
10:16:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
[N] 10:16:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1582,31 ; -4099,882 ; 36,24114 ; "None" to 1520,54 ; -4355,58 ; 19,0778 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:16:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 64 (657,7479y, 178ms)
[N] 10:16:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1582,31 ; -4099,882 ; 36,24114 ; "None" to 1891,6 ; -4326,75 ; 23,4799 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:16:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 26 (562,0278y, 193ms)
10:16:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
10:16:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
10:16:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Trak'gen in zone:
10:16:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
10:16:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
10:16:52 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
10:16:52 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
[N] 10:16:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1582,31 ; -4099,882 ; 36,24127 ; "None" to 2073,17 ; -3422,304 ; 93,11081 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:16:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 40 (1152,746y, 242ms)
[D] 10:17:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kanshu) 图书馆来 DPS 疯狂输出的那种 4=1---mmmmm
[D] 10:17:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodmoon) 联盟真他吗贱
[D] 10:17:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kanshu) 图书馆来 DPS 疯狂输出的那种 4=1---mmmmm
[D] 10:17:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vtianlong) 要SS吗
[D] 10:18:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Parksora) 27级能打什么本 有没有带的
[D] 10:18:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lookingforme) 瓶中信 打穆克拉 打的MM
[D] 10:19:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmbushir) 武器库 来个FS
[D] 10:19:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Youngcat) 有法师在石爪山脉吗
10:19:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Wildthorn Lurker is in your path, need to attack
[F] 10:19:31 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 10:19:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2078,658 ; -3508,925 ; 72,92632 ; "None" to 2076,983 ; -3526,506 ; 72,92632 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:19:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,66023y, 234ms)
[D] 10:19:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Suneyee) 墓地AA队组个
[D] 10:19:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jnkh) 有打图书馆的吗
[D] 10:19:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmbushir) 武器库 来个FS 有60大号带
[F] 10:19:33 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[F] 10:19:36 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:19:36 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:19:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lookingforme) 瓶中信 打穆克拉 打的MM
[F] 10:19:40 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:19:40 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:19:44 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:19:45 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:19:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhys) 有没有在凄凉的大佬来帮忙杀下联盟,一直守尸,太可恶了
[D] 10:19:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jnkh) 31行不
[F] 10:19:49 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:19:49 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:19:53 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:19:53 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:19:57 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:19:58 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:20:02 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 10:20:09 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:20:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Comboxx) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 10:20:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Trivento) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 10:20:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jiuxianshan) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 10:20:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Coolpai) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[F] 10:20:13 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 10:20:18 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:20:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhys) 有没有在凄凉的大佬来帮忙杀下联盟,一直守尸,太可恶了
[D] 10:20:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jiuxianshan) [WorldBuffs] 酋长的祝福Buff(雷德·黑手) 已经释放.
[D] 10:20:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodmoon) 垃圾联盟妈的趁我打怪偷袭我、
[F] 10:20:22 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 10:20:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gagalie) 1
[D] 10:20:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laomuzi) [60] 啊,安多哈尔!来人,一起打,4个人了
10:20:28 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:20:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2077,648 ; -3519,482 ; 71,24123 ; "None" to 2078,848 ; -3506,938 ; 73,30096 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:20:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,76918y, 149ms)
[D] 10:20:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lookingforme) 瓶中信 打穆克拉 打的MM
[N] 10:20:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2078,484 ; -3510,746 ; 72,76001 ; "None" to 2073,17 ; -3422,304 ; 93,11081 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:20:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (107,1426y, 157ms)
[D] 10:20:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) |cff0070dd|Hitem:2059:0:0:0|h[哨兵披风]|h|r
[D] 10:20:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Uncledeer) 影牙城堡有无一起的e
[D] 10:20:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rucepowder) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手 将于 1 分 后重置.。
10:20:44 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 10:20:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2055,871 ; -3477,639 ; 87,42411 ; "None" to 2056,584 ; -3467,583 ; 87,42411 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:20:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,08169y, 150ms)
[D] 10:20:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 妈呀 我什么时候掉的 都补知道
[F] 10:20:47 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 10:20:48 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 10:20:48 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 10:20:48 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[F] 10:20:48 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:20:48 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:20:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Comboxx) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手 将于 1 分 后重置.。
[F] 10:20:52 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:20:52 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:20:55 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:20:57 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:20:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Youthpast) |cff1eff00|Hitem:6667:0:0:0|h[技师披风]|h|r
[F] 10:20:59 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
10:21:06 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:21:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2054,295 ; -3467,742 ; 91,39673 ; "None" to 2055,225 ; -3486,732 ; 84,76082 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:21:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,13778y, 183ms)
[D] 10:21:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 我这披风 能值几G
[N] 10:21:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2055,039 ; -3482,927 ; 85,93869 ; "None" to 2073,17 ; -3422,304 ; 93,11081 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:21:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (67,7274y, 153ms)
[D] 10:21:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yilibobo) 技师不都穿丁字裤吗
10:21:33 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Wildthorn Lurker is in your path, need to attack
[N] 10:21:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2121,459 ; -3398,182 ; 94,85983 ; "None" to 2105,397 ; -3390,311 ; 94,85983 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:21:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (22,47215y, 153ms)
[F] 10:21:39 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:21:39 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:21:39 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:21:43 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:21:44 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:21:48 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:21:48 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:21:52 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:21:52 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:21:56 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:21:56 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:21:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fniudidi) 武器库菜刀队 来37+武器库菜刀队 来37+
[F] 10:22:00 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 10:22:08 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:22:12 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:22:15 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 10:22:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kanshu) 图书馆来DPS
[D] 10:22:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jnkh) 11
[D] 10:22:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kanshu) 4=1
[F] 10:22:23 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:22:27 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 10:22:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niugelail) tushugguan qiuzu
10:22:29 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:22:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2110,739 ; -3396,81 ; 94,37093 ; "None" to 2123,31 ; -3399,088 ; 94,71087 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:22:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,78007y, 162ms)
[D] 10:22:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niugelail) 图书馆组个
[D] 10:22:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kanshu) 满了
[D] 10:22:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cpcer) 求组血色教堂的任务队
10:22:54 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 10:22:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2055,208 ; -3440,682 ; 92,64226 ; "None" to 2067,406 ; -3453,193 ; 92,64226 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:22:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (22,22177y, 763ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[F] 10:22:56 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 10:22:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2057,033 ; -3448,181 ; 91,99186 ; "None" to 2060,609 ; -3457,53 ; 91,99186 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:22:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (10,14213y, 154ms)
[F] 10:22:59 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:22:59 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:22:59 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 10:23:00 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 10:23:00 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 10:23:00 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 10:23:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2058,387 ; -3458,033 ; 95,47168 ; "None" to 2053,355 ; -3441,867 ; 92,8114 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:23:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,13932y, 250ms)
[F] 10:23:03 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:23:04 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:23:06 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:23:08 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:23:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Uncledeer) 影牙任务来人
[D] 10:23:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cpcer) 求组血色教堂的任务队
10:23:18 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:23:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2057,76 ; -3456,052 ; 93,1038 ; "None" to 2053,355 ; -3441,867 ; 92,8114 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:23:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,85593y, 152ms)
[D] 10:23:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Heicao) 做弹药包的 猎人大哥呢 我快到了
[D] 10:23:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Uncledeer) 影牙来人
10:23:50 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 10:23:52 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 10:23:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2142,763 ; -3527,272 ; 49,25102 ; "None" to 2136,715 ; -3509,454 ; 49,25102 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:23:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,81591y, 153ms)
[N] 10:23:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2139,808 ; -3518,569 ; 51,05011 ; "None" to 2136,686 ; -3509,37 ; 51,05011 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:23:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,713728y, 203ms)
[F] 10:23:54 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:23:54 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:23:55 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:23:59 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:23:59 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:24:01 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:24:04 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
10:24:11 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:24:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2137,066 ; -3510,489 ; 57,26061 ; "None" to 2142,993 ; -3527,95 ; 49,09334 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:24:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,16775y, 156ms)
[D] 10:24:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Uncledeer) 影牙来人
10:24:29 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 10:24:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2208,498 ; -3540,505 ; 45,35972 ; "None" to 2189,962 ; -3537,442 ; 45,35972 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:24:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,78702y, 159ms)
[N] 10:24:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2198,787 ; -3538,902 ; 45,3722 ; "None" to 2190,037 ; -3537,443 ; 45,3722 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:24:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,871325y, 175ms)
[F] 10:24:34 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:24:35 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:24:35 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:24:39 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:24:39 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:24:42 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:24:44 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:24:46 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[N] 10:24:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2194,044 ; -3538,111 ; 45,80519 ; "None" to 2209,553 ; -3540,691 ; 46,33833 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:24:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,73138y, 172ms)
[D] 10:25:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kakadaguai) 集合石能用吗?
[D] 10:25:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Heicao) |cff1eff00|Hitem:7372::::::::31:::::::::|h[重皮弹药包]|h|r谁会做啊 大哥们
10:25:16 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 10:25:17 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 10:25:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,67 ; -3548,014 ; 44,8188 ; "None" to 2299,99 ; -3556,97 ; 44,8188 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:25:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,79882y, 150ms)
[F] 10:25:20 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:25:20 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:25:20 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:25:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:25:25 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:25:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bibihehe) 我去影牙
[F] 10:25:27 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:25:29 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:25:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Heideniu) 我会
10:25:39 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:25:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2300,831 ; -3555,99 ; 44,07901 ; "None" to 2314,544 ; -3539,583 ; 45,52661 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:25:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (21,43209y, 155ms)
[D] 10:25:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Uncledeer) 影牙来人
[D] 10:26:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bibihehe) 组我影牙
10:26:27 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 10:26:28 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:26:29 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:26:29 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:26:33 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:26:33 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:26:37 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:26:38 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:26:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) 黑石深渊竞技场 和周边怪菜刀 来53+ 奶 菜刀 3=2
[F] 10:26:42 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:26:42 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:26:46 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:26:46 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:26:50 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 10:26:58 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:26:58 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:27:02 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 10:27:07 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:27:11 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:27:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) 黑石深渊竞技场 和周边怪菜刀 来53+ 奶 4=1
[F] 10:27:15 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 10:27:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Uncledeer) 影牙来人
[F] 10:27:21 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
10:27:27 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 10:27:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,582 ; -3497,687 ; 83,79262 ; "None" to 2051,674 ; -3515,166 ; 83,79262 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:27:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,47949y, 253ms)
[N] 10:27:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,608 ; -3502,664 ; 83,30103 ; "None" to 2051,674 ; -3515,203 ; 83,30103 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:27:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,53924y, 160ms)
[F] 10:27:31 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:27:32 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[N] 10:27:32 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 10:27:32 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 10:27:32 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 10:27:32 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:27:36 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 10:27:41 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:27:42 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:27:44 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 10:27:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yerand) 有剃刀沼泽的对吗
[F] 10:27:49 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:27:53 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 10:27:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Darrettlves) 给2G洗个天赋嘛
[F] 10:28:01 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
10:28:04 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:28:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2050,101 ; -3508,544 ; 83,09087 ; "None" to 2051,57 ; -3495,316 ; 84,08433 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:28:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,34712y, 156ms)
[D] 10:28:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Okboy) 都打完了
10:28:26 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 10:28:29 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:28:29 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:28:30 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:28:34 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:28:34 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:28:36 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:28:39 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:28:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lucyxu) YY 还要人不 ?
[F] 10:28:43 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
10:28:48 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:28:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2070,925 ; -3419,983 ; 93,97916 ; "None" to 2053,461 ; -3423,36 ; 92,57594 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:28:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,84258y, 152ms)
[N] 10:28:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2057,313 ; -3422,615 ; 92,47107 ; "None" to 2073,17 ; -3422,304 ; 93,11081 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:28:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,87288y, 155ms)
[N] 10:29:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2077,429 ; -3422,24 ; 93,79388 ; "None" to 2084,598 ; -3416,406 ; 92,96313 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:29:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,279364y, 156ms)
10:29:08 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 10:29:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2111,959 ; -3404,577 ; 93,62014 ; "None" to 2104,01 ; -3422,461 ; 93,62014 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:29:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,57028y, 151ms)
[N] 10:29:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2108,047 ; -3413,379 ; 93,33511 ; "None" to 2103,919 ; -3422,666 ; 93,33511 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:29:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,16308y, 158ms)
[D] 10:29:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Caoluyin) 为啥驯服不了野兽了。。
[F] 10:29:14 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:29:15 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:29:15 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:29:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Heideniu) |cff1eff00|Hitem:7372:0:0:0|h[重皮弹药包]|h|r|cff1eff00|Hitem:7371:0:0:0|h[重型箭袋]|h|r谁要
[F] 10:29:19 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:29:19 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:29:22 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:29:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Heideniu) 免费送
[F] 10:29:24 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:29:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xohunter) 1
[D] 10:29:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xohunter) 我要
10:29:33 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:29:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2104,052 ; -3422,368 ; 93,58995 ; "None" to 2112,038 ; -3404,399 ; 93,65025 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:29:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,66382y, 241ms)
[D] 10:29:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bibibaba) 我要
[D] 10:29:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xixibang) |cff1eff00|Hitem:7371:0:0:0|h[重型箭袋]|h|r1
[D] 10:29:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nmily) 这会延迟这么高吗?
[D] 10:29:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodmoon) 我要肩带
10:30:22 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 10:30:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2147,726 ; -3527,851 ; 48,4049 ; "None" to 2162,259 ; -3536,338 ; 48,4049 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:30:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,83019y, 156ms)
[F] 10:30:23 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[F] 10:30:26 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:30:26 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:30:26 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:30:30 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:30:30 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:30:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chinareds) 有一起刷血色的吗
[F] 10:30:34 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:30:35 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:30:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niugelail) w
[F] 10:30:39 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:30:39 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:30:43 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:30:43 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:30:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chinareds) 有一起刷血色教堂的
[F] 10:30:47 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:30:48 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:30:51 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 10:30:59 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:30:59 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:31:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niugelail) 哦 教堂我还低了点
[F] 10:31:03 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 10:31:08 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:31:12 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 10:31:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) |cff0070dd|Hitem:2059:0:0:0|h[哨兵披风]|h|r这个几G
[F] 10:31:18 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:31:22 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 10:31:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2156,612 ; -3533,04 ; 47,86926 ; "None" to 2164,778 ; -3530,568 ; 48,01047 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:31:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,533518y, 150ms)
10:31:37 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 10:31:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2217,735 ; -3542,554 ; 45,07227 ; "None" to 2228,428 ; -3544,931 ; 45,07227 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:31:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,95435y, 150ms)
[F] 10:31:41 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:31:42 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:31:42 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:31:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Okboy) 自用
[F] 10:31:46 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:31:46 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:31:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 可以很贵,也可以很便宜
[F] 10:31:49 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:31:51 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 10:31:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 靠
10:32:03 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:32:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2228,086 ; -3544,89 ; 45,2921 ; "None" to 2208,916 ; -3540,594 ; 45,3819 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:32:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,64611y, 150ms)
[D] 10:32:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 好好说话
[D] 10:32:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 有U19的战场就会贵
[D] 10:32:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 估计没有
[D] 10:32:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 没有U19玩家就是练级过度用
[D] 10:32:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Darklorddl) 前期敏捷没什么收益呀,武器秒伤高1点就相当于10点敏捷
10:32:28 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 10:32:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2301,324 ; -3553,387 ; 44,16908 ; "None" to 2293,898 ; -3560,373 ; 44,16908 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:32:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,19498y, 153ms)
[D] 10:32:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bibihehe) 谁用的凡人插件,知道怎么把队伍挑出来不??
[F] 10:32:35 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:32:36 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:32:36 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:32:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 等级越低敏捷收益越高。。。
[D] 10:32:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 我敏捷104
[F] 10:32:40 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:32:40 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:32:42 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
10:32:52 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:32:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2293,979 ; -3560,268 ; 43,15641 ; "None" to 2308,407 ; -3546,725 ; 45,04301 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:32:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,87858y, 194ms)
[D] 10:32:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) |cffffffff|Hitem:8949:0:0:0|h[敏捷药剂]|h|r
[D] 10:33:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 就是吃
[D] 10:33:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 谁让我是炼金
[D] 10:33:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Darklorddl) 10点敏捷等于14点攻强等于1点秒伤
[D] 10:33:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Heideniu) 邮寄到Goodmoon截止
[D] 10:33:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Heideniu) 后面的我没材料了
[D] 10:33:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 敏捷必力量好马
[D] 10:33:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 肯定
10:33:38 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 10:33:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2064,589 ; -3506,039 ; 79,66785 ; "None" to 2047,963 ; -3509,09 ; 79,66785 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:33:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,9038y, 151ms)
[D] 10:33:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 你变豹子练级
[D] 10:33:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xohunter) 谢谢!
[F] 10:33:42 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:33:42 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:33:42 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:33:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niugelail) 求组血色图书馆武器库~~!!!!
[F] 10:33:46 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:33:46 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:33:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 我平衡
[F] 10:33:50 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:33:51 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:33:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) - -
[F] 10:33:55 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:33:55 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:33:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 你练级穿敏耐
[D] 10:33:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Darklorddl) 那你拿冥界没用
[F] 10:33:59 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:33:59 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:34:03 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:34:04 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:34:08 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:34:08 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:34:12 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:34:12 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:34:16 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:34:16 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:34:20 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 10:34:26 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:34:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 我平衡 PVP
[F] 10:34:30 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 10:34:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 补专练包子
[F] 10:34:37 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:34:41 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:34:45 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 10:34:50 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 10:34:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2053,939 ; -3507,996 ; 82,62025 ; "None" to 2050,268 ; -3496,969 ; 83,96391 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:34:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,6994y, 153ms)
10:35:03 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 10:35:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2042,504 ; -3490,485 ; 85,64379 ; "None" to 2025,882 ; -3488,072 ; 85,64379 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:35:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,79583y, 160ms)
[N] 10:35:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2037,683 ; -3489,782 ; 86,62116 ; "None" to 2026,023 ; -3488,086 ; 86,62116 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:35:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,78253y, 154ms)
[F] 10:35:10 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:35:10 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:35:10 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:35:14 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 10:35:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Coolpai) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 10:35:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Trivento) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 10:35:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[F] 10:35:21 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:35:22 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
10:35:29 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:35:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2030,322 ; -3488,714 ; 87,99554 ; "None" to 2045,539 ; -3490,926 ; 85,28314 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:35:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,61432y, 153ms)
[D] 10:35:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 你不升级了?
[D] 10:35:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 29级?
[D] 10:35:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niunaikafei) 收3个16格包包
[D] 10:35:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Deanwang) 31不知道哪里练级好
10:35:58 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 10:35:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2113,175 ; -3403,898 ; 93,71426 ; "None" to 2096,692 ; -3410,438 ; 93,71426 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:35:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,73284y, 149ms)
[F] 10:36:02 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:36:02 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:36:02 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:36:06 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 10:36:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Okboy) 一样
[D] 10:36:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Darrettlves) 谁有给2G洗个天赋
[D] 10:36:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Elmask) JJG
[F] 10:36:07 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:36:09 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:36:11 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:36:14 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:36:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yilushunfeng) 凄凉可以去
10:36:24 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:36:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2101,084 ; -3408,709 ; 93,05013 ; "None" to 2115,269 ; -3403,067 ; 93,80045 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:36:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,28329y, 156ms)
[D] 10:36:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hjhhmily) 31级去荆棘谷
[N] 10:36:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2111,654 ; -3404,505 ; 93,63454 ; "None" to 2121,534 ; -3398,117 ; 94,90674 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:36:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,83356y, 153ms)
[D] 10:36:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Liefa) 45贼求组MLD任务队。。。。。
10:36:51 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 10:36:55 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:36:56 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:36:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Deanwang) 他们都说猎人 带食腐鸟 爽歪歪 有么有人带过呀?
[F] 10:37:00 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:37:00 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:37:02 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:37:05 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:37:07 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:37:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 就是欺负不会举报 所以这LM才无限在这杀飞行员玩
[D] 10:37:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gsocean) 现在采药 剥皮 比较赚吧
10:37:15 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:37:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2042,774 ; -3467,099 ; 89,96394 ; "None" to 2050,406 ; -3453,239 ; 91,98147 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:37:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,95056y, 161ms)
[D] 10:37:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 这版本食腐鸟前期没尖啸技能吧
[D] 10:37:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Erpaoge) 鸟练级好
[N] 10:37:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2050,315 ; -3453,39 ; 91,98241 ; "None" to 2041,646 ; -3469,628 ; 89,46358 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:37:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,57874y, 161ms)
[D] 10:37:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Trivento) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 10:37:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Mzzc) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 10:37:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Coolpai) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 10:37:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 10:37:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 有的话练级是最好的
[D] 10:37:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Otow) D练级肯定是也行快
[D] 10:37:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Deanwang) 30+ 应该有了把
10:37:50 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 10:37:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2146,373 ; -3527,656 ; 48,60005 ; "None" to 2159,314 ; -3528,147 ; 48,60005 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:37:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,95095y, 155ms)
[D] 10:37:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Langgez) 没有
[F] 10:37:55 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:37:56 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:37:56 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:37:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Deanwang) 我现在带得风蛇
[D] 10:37:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Langgez) 我专门去找过
[F] 10:38:00 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:38:00 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:38:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jordgrim) 墓地 AA 来会的LR 法师
[F] 10:38:03 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:38:03 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:38:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Langgez) 要50左右的猫头鹰才会
[D] 10:38:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fateheracles) |cffffffff|Hitem:6766:0:0:0|h[恶魔之皮]|h|r换了1.12客户端可以接任务了
10:38:11 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:38:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2157,082 ; -3528,062 ; 48,0062 ; "None" to 2139,787 ; -3527,406 ; 50,0357 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:38:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,42618y, 153ms)
[D] 10:38:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Erpaoge) 风蛇A怪
[N] 10:38:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2143,421 ; -3527,544 ; 49,03112 ; "None" to 2153,773 ; -3528,462 ; 48,06479 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:38:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,29495y, 0ms)
[D] 10:38:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niunaikafei) 晕 这个是任务物品啊
10:38:30 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 10:38:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2219,473 ; -3542,964 ; 45,04327 ; "None" to 2230,16 ; -3545,163 ; 45,04327 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:38:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,91051y, 165ms)
[F] 10:38:34 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:38:34 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:38:34 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:38:38 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:38:39 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:38:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niunaikafei) 我1.14 看不懂这个是什么 把他丢了
[F] 10:38:41 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:38:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Otow) 40变旅行形态前,野性才能有30%加成速度
[F] 10:38:43 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:38:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Trivento) 那皮我也有,还不知道咋用
[D] 10:38:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fateheracles) 是的 1.14点这个没反应
10:38:51 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:38:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2229,861 ; -3545,101 ; 45,5317 ; "None" to 2210,585 ; -3541,136 ; 45,3904 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:38:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,68045y, 211ms)
[D] 10:38:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fateheracles) 1.12可以接任务
[D] 10:39:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niunaikafei) 做什么任务的
[D] 10:39:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Langgez) 旅行形态不是30级吗
[D] 10:39:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fateheracles) 堕落者
[D] 10:39:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Darklorddl) 30级就有旅行了
[D] 10:39:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fateheracles) 凄凉之地的任务
[D] 10:39:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jordgrim) 墓地 AA队 来风骚 LR
[D] 10:39:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jordgrim) 墓地 AA队 来风骚 LR
10:39:15 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 10:39:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2309,052 ; -3546,644 ; 45,07225 ; "None" to 2303,426 ; -3528,906 ; 45,07225 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 10:39:16 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 10:39:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,60864y, 150ms)
[N] 10:39:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2306,375 ; -3538,203 ; 45,60813 ; "None" to 2303,406 ; -3528,841 ; 45,60813 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:39:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,821257y, 153ms)
[D] 10:39:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niunaikafei) 好把 只能再去凄凉之地打打看有没有了
[F] 10:39:18 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:39:19 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:39:19 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:39:23 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:39:23 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:39:27 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:39:31 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:39:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fateheracles) 这个是雷斧堡垒的燃烧之刃怪掉的
[D] 10:39:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Deanwang) 食服鸟 比 风蛇呢?哪个舒服点
10:39:40 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:39:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2303,497 ; -3529,128 ; 45,54722 ; "None" to 2309,438 ; -3547,864 ; 44,93664 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:39:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,66465y, 162ms)
[D] 10:39:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fateheracles) 为啥感觉1.12界面看起来比1.1.4舒服呢
[D] 10:39:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gagalie) 风蛇吃面包 你懂了吧
[D] 10:39:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chinareds) 血色教堂菜刀队伍,来的M我
[D] 10:39:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 单练食腐鸟,前提是宠物要有尖啸技能
[D] 10:40:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Oujiaa) 1
[D] 10:40:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Huohuotoo) 猩猩肌腱果然与众不同
[D] 10:40:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Langgez) 风蛇多少级有吐息?
[D] 10:40:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Huohuotoo) 半小时了
[D] 10:40:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Deanwang) 风蛇确实好养活
[D] 10:40:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xihuantianb) 恶魔之皮 可以做一系列任务,最后杀凄凉之地 40精英魔王
[D] 10:40:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 什么年代了,宠物还养不活啊?
[D] 10:40:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Deanwang) 问法师要面包就好了
[D] 10:40:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chinareds) 血色教堂菜刀队伍,来的M我
[D] 10:40:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 打怪肉多的是啊
10:40:28 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 10:40:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2061,557 ; -3504,113 ; 81,24241 ; "None" to 2051,86 ; -3501,063 ; 81,24241 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:40:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,16484y, 157ms)
[F] 10:40:32 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 10:40:32 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 10:40:32 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[F] 10:40:32 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 10:40:32 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: Jump
[F] 10:40:33 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 10:40:34 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 10:40:34 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 10:40:35 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[D] 10:40:35 - [MovementManager] Current pos: 2052,168 ; -3501,159 ; 83,3515 ; "None" - Target pos: 2051,86 ; -3501,063 ; 81,24241 ; "None" Continent: Kalimdor Tile: 38.56467_28.15218
[D] 10:40:35 - [StuckResolver] Started.
[D] 10:40:36 - [StuckResolver] Done - Stuck count updated, new value: 2.
[F] 10:40:37 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:40:37 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:40:39 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:40:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Otow) 哈哈,这咕噜掐了别播
[F] 10:40:42 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:40:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 还纠结吃不吃面包的问题,哈哈
[F] 10:40:44 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:40:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dorstrange) 1.1.2能换模型么。。受不了那个T2
10:40:54 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:40:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,594 ; -3501,637 ; 83,3493 ; "None" to 2071,804 ; -3507,48 ; 76,36787 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:40:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (22,70307y, 157ms)
[D] 10:41:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhys) 武器库菜刀35有人要拿
10:41:11 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 10:41:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2043,117 ; -3491,325 ; 85,48985 ; "None" to 2037,798 ; -3508,65 ; 85,48985 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:41:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,12242y, 158ms)
[D] 10:41:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Deanwang) 主要不是说养活的问题 只是想看看啊食腐鸟 是不是更加猛一些
[F] 10:41:17 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:41:17 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:41:18 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:41:21 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:41:22 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:41:26 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 10:41:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhys) 武器库菜刀35有人要不
[F] 10:41:26 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:41:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Icepianist) 祖尔法拉克AA任务队,有SS,有锤子,来个治疗开打.
[F] 10:41:30 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:41:30 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:41:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 所有宠物DPS都是一样的,主要就是看技能
[F] 10:41:34 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:41:35 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:41:39 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 10:41:46 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:41:46 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:41:50 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 10:41:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 食腐鸟的尖啸技能,LR单练做任务最好用
[F] 10:41:57 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:42:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 还可以群拉怪,仇恨高
[N] 10:42:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2039,937 ; -3501,684 ; 84,98953 ; "None" to 2040,811 ; -3488,593 ; 86,2311 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:42:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,17886y, 150ms)
[D] 10:42:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Deanwang) 是呀
[D] 10:42:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gagalie) LR 和宝宝哪个是主体啊
10:42:21 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[D] 10:42:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Icepianist) 祖尔法拉克AA任务队,有SS,有锤子,来个治疗开打.
[F] 10:42:26 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:42:26 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:42:26 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:42:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jordgrim) 墓地 AA队 来风骚 LR
[D] 10:42:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jordgrim) 墓地 AA队 来风骚 LR
[D] 10:42:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 当然,萝卜丝因为现在暗影伤害,所以另算
[F] 10:42:30 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:42:31 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:42:33 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:42:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Pkfxbl) [[42] 深入血色修道院 (1048)]求组....
[F] 10:42:35 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:42:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gagalie) 我感觉人和宝宝就像盗贼打主副手
10:42:44 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:42:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2078,349 ; -3418,802 ; 92,83744 ; "None" to 2052,728 ; -3423,974 ; 92,53181 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:42:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (26,13933y, 154ms)
[D] 10:42:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Deanwang) 风蛇 需要学习撕咬吗??
[N] 10:42:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2056,474 ; -3423,218 ; 94,06365 ; "None" to 2078,517 ; -3418,613 ; 92,86058 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:42:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22,55086y, 151ms)
[D] 10:43:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jinsihou) 抓了萝卜丝 宝宝就是主体了
[D] 10:43:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shenilail) 学不了
10:43:06 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 10:43:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2114,331 ; -3403,27 ; 93,74999 ; "None" to 2098,757 ; -3412,758 ; 93,74999 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:43:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,23734y, 149ms)
[F] 10:43:08 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[F] 10:43:10 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:43:11 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:43:11 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:43:15 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:43:15 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:43:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yerand) 剃刀沼泽 来奶 dps
[F] 10:43:19 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:43:20 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:43:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Deanwang) 撕咬和抓鸡都不能学习吗?
[D] 10:43:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Elmask) 可以学的
[D] 10:43:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jinsihou) 1
[F] 10:43:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:43:24 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:43:28 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 10:43:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jordgrim) 墓地 AA队 来风骚 LR
[D] 10:43:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jordgrim) 墓地 AA队 来风骚 LR
[F] 10:43:28 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:43:32 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:43:33 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:43:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jinsihou) 沼泽1
[F] 10:43:36 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:43:37 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:43:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Deanwang) 爪机 肯定是无法学习的 因为我尝试了一下 提示我无法学习
[F] 10:43:41 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 10:43:46 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:43:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Elmask) 可以学撕咬,不能学找鸡
[F] 10:43:50 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:43:54 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 10:43:59 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:44:03 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 10:44:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 练级千万不要用爪击
[D] 10:44:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hjhhmily) 找鸡是什么技能
[F] 10:44:11 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
10:44:14 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:44:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2105,179 ; -3408,845 ; 93,20916 ; "None" to 2115,788 ; -3402,382 ; 93,87866 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:44:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,44107y, 155ms)
[D] 10:44:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Deanwang) 那我一会 找一个乌龟抓一下 把撕咬学习一下
[D] 10:44:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 练级宠物第一技能保证低吼
[D] 10:44:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Mzzc) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 10:44:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zelatul) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 10:44:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Deanwang) 其实想带乌龟的 哈哈 可惜听人说拉不住怪
[D] 10:44:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Icepianist) 祖尔法拉克AA任务队,有SS,有锤子,来个治疗开打.
[D] 10:44:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lookingforme) 瓶中信 打穆克拉 打的MM
[D] 10:44:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zelatul) [WorldBuffs] 酋长的祝福Buff(雷德·黑手) 已经释放.
[D] 10:44:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 没集中值释放低吼的话,会OT
[D] 10:44:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Midkids) 我就带个猪。。。
10:45:01 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 10:45:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Oldhunterman) 剃刀的野猪多少级别
[N] 10:45:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2146,49 ; -3527,685 ; 48,5779 ; "None" to 2163,261 ; -3525,649 ; 48,5779 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:45:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,8939y, 153ms)
[F] 10:45:05 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:45:05 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:45:06 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:45:10 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:45:10 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:45:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Midkids) AG门口的那种还是。。。
[D] 10:45:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yerand) 剃刀沼泽 来N dps=2
[F] 10:45:12 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:45:15 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:45:17 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:45:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lookingforme) 瓶中信 打穆克拉 打的MM
[D] 10:45:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 猪没冲锋就显得更傻了
[D] 10:45:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Midkids) 是啊
[D] 10:45:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Midkids) 没冲锋
[D] 10:45:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hjhhmily) 30 31的吧
10:45:25 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:45:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2157,345 ; -3526,364 ; 48,00937 ; "None" to 2143,846 ; -3528,072 ; 48,93863 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:45:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,63834y, 170ms)
[D] 10:45:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Oldhunterman) 腐烂者阿加吗多少级
[D] 10:45:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hallsf) 鸟点 没了...
[D] 10:45:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Mzzc) 彦祖们 请教个问题这个服应该是没有位面的对吧?我怎么经常拿不到世界BUFF啊
[D] 10:45:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Famoshen) ?
[D] 10:45:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 本身猪就是PVP用的
[D] 10:45:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ciner) 28 刚去过
[D] 10:45:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Midkids) 哪里的野猪有冲锋啊
[D] 10:45:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niunaikafei) 现阶段采矿多少到顶啊
10:45:46 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 10:45:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2220,551 ; -3543,264 ; 45,09874 ; "None" to 2229,186 ; -3547,403 ; 45,09874 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:45:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,575259y, 174ms)
[F] 10:45:48 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:45:48 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:45:48 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:45:52 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:45:53 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:45:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 要等级很高以后才有
[F] 10:45:55 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:45:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laomuzi) 300
[F] 10:45:57 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:46:00 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:46:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhys) 35dz不要装备求组武器库菜刀队
[D] 10:46:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ciner) PVP带啥宝宝 普通的宝宝
10:46:09 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:46:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2228,934 ; -3547,282 ; 45,06257 ; "None" to 2211,164 ; -3538,764 ; 45,49995 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:46:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,71075y, 199ms)
[D] 10:46:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dbdreamheal) 剃刀的猪有3级突进
[D] 10:46:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niunaikafei) 好的
[D] 10:46:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) 剃刀高地任务队,来人
10:46:32 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 10:46:32 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 10:46:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,975 ; -3547,782 ; 44,8774 ; "None" to 2297,496 ; -3558,352 ; 44,8774 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:46:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,88443y, 149ms)
[D] 10:46:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yerand) 剃刀沼泽 来N dps=2
[F] 10:46:35 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:46:35 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:46:36 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:46:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bibibaba) 组
[D] 10:46:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xihuantianb) 别骗 小朋友。。三级突进。。
[F] 10:46:40 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 10:46:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhys) 35dz不要装备求组武器库菜刀队
[F] 10:46:40 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:46:42 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:46:45 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:46:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Piterzs) 剃刀猪没技能
10:46:54 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:46:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2297,821 ; -3558,034 ; 43,90315 ; "None" to 2311,517 ; -3544,209 ; 45,34161 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:46:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,51393y, 163ms)
[D] 10:46:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 1DPS
[D] 10:47:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) 剃刀高地任务队,来奶 T DPS
[D] 10:47:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bgqg) 血色墓地AA,来拉怪猎人
[D] 10:47:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Deanwang) 这个服务器 最讨厌的就是开副本 经常是这个不分那个不分的
[D] 10:47:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jinsihou) 剃刀沼泽来奶 DPS
[D] 10:47:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 我
10:47:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Wildthorn Lurker is in your path, need to attack
[N] 10:47:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2041,361 ; -3489,2 ; 86,0269 ; "None" to 2031,469 ; -3503,884 ; 86,0269 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:47:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,70511y, 152ms)
[F] 10:47:52 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:47:53 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:47:53 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:47:57 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:47:57 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:48:01 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:48:02 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:48:06 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:48:06 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:48:10 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:48:10 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:48:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 那就自己开组呗
[F] 10:48:14 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:48:15 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:48:18 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:48:19 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:48:23 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 10:48:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) 剃刀高地任务队,来奶 T DPS
[F] 10:48:28 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:48:29 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:48:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Deanwang) 有么有 猎人带乌龟的呀?
[D] 10:48:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wudiyuanyuan) 黑下 高图斯的命令 来T 奶
[F] 10:48:33 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:48:33 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:48:37 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 10:48:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiangcaomei) 带乌龟就是卖萌用的
[D] 10:48:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bibibaba) 剃刀高地组我
[F] 10:48:44 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:48:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhys) 35dz不要装备求组武器库菜刀队
[F] 10:48:48 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:48:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) 剃刀高地任务队,来奶 T DPS
[F] 10:48:52 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 10:48:57 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
10:48:59 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:48:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2035,434 ; -3497,994 ; 86,30874 ; "None" to 2043,26 ; -3490,209 ; 85,55659 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:48:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,06442y, 159ms)
[D] 10:49:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yerand) 剃刀沼泽 来N dps=2
[N] 10:49:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,396 ; -3492,843 ; 85,84261 ; "None" to 2039,927 ; -3482,369 ; 87,28128 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:49:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,58287y, 154ms)
10:49:23 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 10:49:24 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:49:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:49:25 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:49:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wudiyuanyuan) 黑下 高图斯的命令 来T 奶
[F] 10:49:29 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:49:29 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:49:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) 剃刀高地任务队,来奶 T DPS
[F] 10:49:31 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:49:34 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:49:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jordgrim) 墓地 AA队 来风骚 LR
[D] 10:49:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jordgrim) 墓地 AA队 来风骚 LR
[D] 10:49:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) 剃刀高地任务队,来奶 T DPS
10:49:44 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:49:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2080,392 ; -3418,04 ; 92,90358 ; "None" to 2054,833 ; -3422,02 ; 92,55164 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:49:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (25,86905y, 154ms)
[D] 10:49:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) 剃刀高地任务队,来奶 T DPS
[D] 10:49:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jinsihou) 沼泽有奶来吗
[N] 10:49:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2058,563 ; -3421,439 ; 94,03694 ; "None" to 2078,517 ; -3418,613 ; 92,86058 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:49:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,18755y, 155ms)
10:50:02 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 10:50:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2120,507 ; -3398,873 ; 94,36338 ; "None" to 2130,325 ; -3385,413 ; 94,36338 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:50:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (45,74268y, 649ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[D] 10:50:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Igf) AH有队伍吗?
[F] 10:50:06 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:50:07 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:50:07 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:50:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Suneyee) 墓地AA队组个
[F] 10:50:11 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:50:11 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:50:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Deanwang) 有龙头 打怪还是舒服
[F] 10:50:15 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:50:16 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:50:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) 剃刀高地任务队,来奶 1DPS
[F] 10:50:20 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:50:20 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:50:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:50:24 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:50:28 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:50:28 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:50:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yerand) 剃刀沼泽 来N dps=2
[F] 10:50:32 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:50:33 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:50:37 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 10:50:42 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:50:46 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
10:50:52 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:50:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2131,145 ; -3397,369 ; 94,59201 ; "None" to 2118,632 ; -3401,443 ; 93,95992 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:50:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,17438y, 155ms)
[D] 10:51:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) 剃刀高地任务队,来奶 1DPS
[D] 10:51:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yerand) 剃刀沼泽 来N ==1
[D] 10:51:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) 剃刀高地任务队,来奶 1DPS 3=2
10:51:28 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 10:51:32 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:51:32 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:51:33 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:51:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Icepianist) 祖尔法拉克AA任务队,有SS,有锤子,来个治疗开打.
[F] 10:51:37 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:51:37 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:51:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bibibaba) 剃刀组我呀
[F] 10:51:39 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:51:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Deanwang) 怎么和联盟说话呢?
[F] 10:51:42 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:51:44 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
10:51:51 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:51:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2076,333 ; -3513,553 ; 73,51315 ; "None" to 2072,945 ; -3498,122 ; 79,55391 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:51:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,91356y, 155ms)
[D] 10:51:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kakadaguai) 用拳头
[D] 10:51:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jinsihou) 沼泽有奶来吗
[D] 10:51:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Pandapp) ZUL 组个
[N] 10:51:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2073,613 ; -3501,164 ; 77,54995 ; "None" to 2077,884 ; -3514,681 ; 72,6629 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:51:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,99461y, 155ms)
[D] 10:52:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yamaneater) |cff0070dd|Hitem:2912:0:0:0|h[阴影之爪]|h|rzhi qian ma?
[D] 10:52:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) 剃刀高地任务队,来奶 4=1
[D] 10:52:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhys) 35dz不要装备求组武器库菜刀队
10:52:14 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 10:52:15 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:52:15 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:52:16 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:52:20 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:52:20 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:52:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gsocean) 33能进血色了不
[F] 10:52:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:52:24 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:52:28 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:52:28 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:52:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yerand) 剃刀沼泽 来N ==1
[F] 10:52:32 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:52:33 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:52:37 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:52:37 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:52:41 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:52:41 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:52:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) 剃刀高地任务队,来奶 4=1
[D] 10:52:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yilushunfeng) 20就能进血色
[F] 10:52:45 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 10:52:51 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:52:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhys) 35dz不要装备求组武器库菜刀队
[F] 10:52:55 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
10:53:11 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 10:53:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2222,625 ; -3543,677 ; 45,14301 ; "None" to 2234,714 ; -3546,339 ; 45,14301 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:53:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,37875y, 150ms)
[D] 10:53:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) 剃刀高地任务队,来奶 4=1
[D] 10:53:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Portent) 20进不了好吧
[F] 10:53:13 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:53:13 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:53:13 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:53:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Poniard) |cff0070dd|Hitem:2912::::::::30:::::::::|h[阴影之爪]|h|r我10G AH买的
[F] 10:53:17 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:53:18 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:53:20 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:53:22 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:53:25 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:53:27 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:53:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Poniard) 当时的全部身价啊,很值钱,哈哈哈
[D] 10:53:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yamaneater) 我摸了一把
[D] 10:53:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Trivento) 环形山营地门口的花为什么攻击人了?
10:53:46 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 10:53:47 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 10:53:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,285 ; -3548,534 ; 44,71817 ; "None" to 2295,521 ; -3558,441 ; 44,71817 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:53:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,37995y, 154ms)
[N] 10:53:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2303,479 ; -3551,74 ; 44,29644 ; "None" to 2295,505 ; -3558,455 ; 44,29644 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:53:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,42436y, 186ms)
[F] 10:53:51 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:53:52 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:53:52 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:53:56 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:53:56 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:53:59 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:54:01 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
10:54:08 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:54:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2297,203 ; -3557,025 ; 43,89701 ; "None" to 2310,735 ; -3545,629 ; 45,19375 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:54:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,73826y, 150ms)
[D] 10:54:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vaters) |cff0070dd|Hitem:6220:0:0:0|h[流星碎片]|h|r别这个稍好一点
10:54:17 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
[N] 10:54:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,746 ; -3548,146 ; 44,80951 ; "None" to 2341,86 ; -2566,99 ; 102,857 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:54:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 34 (1412,478y, 251ms)
[N] 10:54:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,746 ; -3548,146 ; 44,80951 ; "None" to 1618,96 ; -4307,28 ; 3,41723 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:54:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 99 (1682,919y, 248ms)
[N] 10:54:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,746 ; -3548,146 ; 44,80951 ; "None" to 1775,1 ; -4482,91 ; 45,7307 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:54:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 101 (1702,275y, 261ms)
[N] 10:54:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,746 ; -3548,146 ; 44,80951 ; "None" to 1633,99 ; -4439,37 ; 15,7436 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:54:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 93 (1577,087y, 265ms)
[N] 10:54:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,746 ; -3548,146 ; 46,19555 ; "None" to 1640,83 ; -4446,99 ; 15,7167 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:54:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 94 (1587,88y, 251ms)
10:54:19 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
10:54:19 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
10:54:19 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
10:54:19 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
10:54:19 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
[N] 10:54:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,746 ; -3548,146 ; 45,56866 ; "None" to 1766,71 ; -4367,36 ; -15,7114 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:54:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 70 (1612,117y, 255ms)
10:54:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
10:54:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
10:54:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
10:54:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
[N] 10:54:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,746 ; -3548,146 ; 44,81038 ; "None" to 1891,6 ; -4326,75 ; 23,4799 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:54:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 55 (1609,173y, 245ms)
[N] 10:54:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,746 ; -3548,146 ; 44,81038 ; "None" to 1520,54 ; -4355,58 ; 19,0778 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:54:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 96 (1703,747y, 252ms)
10:54:21 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
10:54:21 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
10:54:21 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Asoran in zone:
10:54:21 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
10:54:21 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
10:54:21 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
[N] 10:54:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,746 ; -3548,146 ; 44,81038 ; "None" to 2354,76 ; -2540,69 ; 102,896 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:54:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 31 (1416,186y, 252ms)
[N] 10:54:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,746 ; -3548,146 ; 44,81038 ; "None" to 1692,69 ; -4412,03 ; 21,9288 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:54:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 88 (1548,501y, 287ms)
10:54:22 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Burkrum in zone: Ashenvale
10:54:22 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
10:54:22 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Burkrum with id 6028 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
[N] 10:54:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,746 ; -3548,146 ; 44,81038 ; "None" to 2354,76 ; -2540,69 ; 102,896 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:54:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 31 (1416,186y, 0ms)
[D] 10:54:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) TDGD 1nai 4=1
[D] 10:54:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zelatul) 我还用这|cffffffff|Hitem:2209:0:0:0|h[波刃短剑]|h|r
[D] 10:54:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) TDGD 1奶 4=1
[D] 10:54:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Suneyee) 墓地AA队有队伍不?
[D] 10:54:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gorehowl) 盗贼不升级武器 那咋玩
[D] 10:54:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jinsihou) 沼泽有奶来吗
[D] 10:55:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yerand) 剃刀沼泽 来N ==1
10:55:02 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to repair Burkrum with ID: 6028 aborted for some reason - maybe wRobot can't path to this vendor, consider blacklisting it
10:55:02 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 10:55:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2057,047 ; -3475,095 ; 88,69941 ; "None" to 2060,051 ; -3463,97 ; 88,69941 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:55:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (18,6753y, 154ms)
[D] 10:55:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yangzhudashu) 为啥 血色 也有好多60的lm
[F] 10:55:06 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:55:07 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:55:07 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:55:11 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:55:11 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:55:14 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:55:16 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 10:55:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yongganliliu) 不要搞的那么卑微
10:55:25 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 10:55:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2057,905 ; -3463,579 ; 95,63893 ; "None" to 2055,112 ; -3482,26 ; 86,18845 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:55:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (21,12048y, 155ms)
10:55:35 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
[N] 10:55:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2055,156 ; -3481,967 ; 86,30423 ; "None" to 1618,96 ; -4307,28 ; 3,41723 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[D] 10:55:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Comboxx) 只有伏击贼需要|cff0070dd|Hitem:2912::::::::17:::::::::|h[阴影之爪]|h|r,但是前面有2,0攻速的 24级 后面有个加屠兽的30多匕首
[D] 10:55:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yongganliliu) DZ 没武器怎么打
[N] 10:55:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 101 (1655,339y, 287ms)
[N] 10:55:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2055,156 ; -3481,967 ; 86,30423 ; "None" to 2341,86 ; -2566,99 ; 102,857 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:55:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 25 (1134,927y, 250ms)
[N] 10:55:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2055,156 ; -3481,967 ; 86,30423 ; "None" to 1775,1 ; -4482,91 ; 45,7307 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:55:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 103 (1674,695y, 305ms)
[N] 10:55:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2055,156 ; -3481,967 ; 86,30423 ; "None" to 1633,99 ; -4439,37 ; 15,7436 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:55:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 95 (1549,506y, 296ms)
[N] 10:55:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2055,156 ; -3481,967 ; 86,30423 ; "None" to 1640,83 ; -4446,99 ; 15,7167 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:55:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 96 (1560,155y, 276ms)
10:55:36 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
10:55:36 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
10:55:36 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
10:55:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
10:55:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
[N] 10:55:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2055,156 ; -3481,967 ; 87,568 ; "None" to 1766,71 ; -4367,36 ; -15,7114 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:55:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 72 (1584,877y, 283ms)
10:55:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
10:55:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
10:55:38 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
10:55:38 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Olvia in zone:
10:55:38 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
[N] 10:55:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2055,156 ; -3481,967 ; 87,44055 ; "None" to 1891,6 ; -4326,75 ; 23,4799 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[D] 10:55:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengsi) 盗贼战士26级去一趟黑暗深渊
[N] 10:55:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 57 (1581,96y, 284ms)
[N] 10:55:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2055,156 ; -3481,967 ; 86,30421 ; "None" to 1520,54 ; -4355,58 ; 19,0778 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:55:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 98 (1676,166y, 282ms)
10:55:39 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
10:55:39 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
10:55:39 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Asoran in zone:
10:55:39 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
10:55:39 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
10:55:39 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
[N] 10:55:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2055,156 ; -3481,967 ; 86,30421 ; "None" to 2354,76 ; -2540,69 ; 102,896 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:55:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 22 (1138,636y, 253ms)
[N] 10:55:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2055,156 ; -3481,967 ; 86,30421 ; "None" to 1692,69 ; -4412,03 ; 21,9288 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:55:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 90 (1520,921y, 283ms)
10:55:40 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Burkrum in zone: Ashenvale
10:55:40 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
10:55:40 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Burkrum with id 6028 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
[N] 10:55:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2055,156 ; -3481,967 ; 86,30421 ; "None" to 2354,76 ; -2540,69 ; 102,896 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:55:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 22 (1138,636y, 0ms)
[D] 10:55:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengsi) |cff0070dd|Hitem:16886::::::::36:::::::::|h[逃犯弯刀]|h|r
10:55:48 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to repair Burkrum with ID: 6028 aborted for some reason - maybe wRobot can't path to this vendor, consider blacklisting it
10:55:48 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 10:55:49 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 10:55:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2049,588 ; -3427,775 ; 92,61089 ; "None" to 2058,459 ; -3443,91 ; 92,61089 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:55:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (19,41018y, 228ms)
[D] 10:55:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jinsihou) 世界喊
[F] 10:55:51 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:55:52 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:55:52 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:55:56 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:55:56 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:55:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) |cff0070dd|Hitem:9453::::::::28:::::::::|h[剧毒复仇者]|h|r
[F] 10:56:00 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:56:00 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:56:04 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:56:05 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:56:09 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:56:09 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:56:13 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 10:56:18 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:56:19 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:56:23 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:56:23 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:56:27 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 10:56:34 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:56:38 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
10:56:42 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
10:56:42 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
10:56:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
10:56:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
10:56:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
10:56:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
10:56:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
10:56:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
10:56:44 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
10:56:44 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
10:56:44 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
10:56:44 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
10:56:44 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Asoran in zone:
10:56:44 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
10:56:44 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
10:56:44 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
10:56:45 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Burkrum in zone: Ashenvale
10:56:45 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
10:56:45 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Burkrum with id 6028 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
[N] 10:56:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2054,727 ; -3436,818 ; 92,60529 ; "None" to 2354,76 ; -2540,69 ; 102,896 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:56:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 22 (1093,576y, 245ms)
[D] 10:56:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Micck) 墓地 FS 求组
[D] 10:57:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Micck) 墓地 强力法师AAA求组
[D] 10:57:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yerand) 沼泽 来个 治疗
10:57:33 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to repair Burkrum with ID: 6028 aborted for some reason - maybe wRobot can't path to this vendor, consider blacklisting it
10:57:33 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Searing Infernal is in your path, need to attack
[F] 10:57:35 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:57:35 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:57:35 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:57:39 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:57:40 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:57:42 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:57:45 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:57:47 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:57:49 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
10:57:57 - [Looting] Loot Searing Infernal
[N] 10:57:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2047,113 ; -3159,416 ; 102,2363 ; "None" to 2042,598 ; -3143,451 ; 102,1074 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:57:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,59104y, 151ms)
[D] 10:58:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiayee) 盗贼用TD高地任务剑怎么样?
10:58:07 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
[N] 10:58:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2043,503 ; -3147,047 ; 101,3729 ; "None" to 2341,86 ; -2566,99 ; 102,857 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:58:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 20 (790,5347y, 209ms)
[N] 10:58:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2043,503 ; -3147,047 ; 101,3729 ; "None" to 1618,96 ; -4307,28 ; 3,41723 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:58:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 106 (2001,337y, 519ms)
[N] 10:58:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2043,503 ; -3147,047 ; 101,3729 ; "None" to 1633,99 ; -4439,37 ; 15,7436 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:58:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 100 (1895,505y, 462ms)
[N] 10:58:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2043,503 ; -3147,047 ; 101,3729 ; "None" to 1640,83 ; -4446,99 ; 15,7167 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:58:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 101 (1906,153y, 400ms)
[N] 10:58:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2043,503 ; -3147,047 ; 103,0085 ; "None" to 1775,1 ; -4482,91 ; 45,7307 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:58:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 108 (2021,259y, 472ms)
10:58:10 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
10:58:10 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
10:58:10 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
10:58:10 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
10:58:10 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
[N] 10:58:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2043,503 ; -3147,047 ; 102,983 ; "None" to 1766,71 ; -4367,36 ; -15,7114 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:58:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 77 (1931,021y, 457ms)
10:58:11 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
10:58:11 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
10:58:11 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
10:58:11 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
[N] 10:58:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2043,503 ; -3147,047 ; 101,3734 ; "None" to 1891,6 ; -4326,75 ; 23,4799 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:58:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 62 (1927,591y, 399ms)
[N] 10:58:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2043,503 ; -3147,047 ; 101,3734 ; "None" to 1520,54 ; -4355,58 ; 19,0778 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:58:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 103 (2022,165y, 481ms)
10:58:13 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
10:58:13 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
10:58:13 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
10:58:13 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
10:58:13 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
[N] 10:58:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2043,503 ; -3147,047 ; 101,3734 ; "None" to 2354,76 ; -2540,69 ; 102,896 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:58:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 17 (794,2427y, 214ms)
[N] 10:58:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2043,503 ; -3147,047 ; 101,3734 ; "None" to 1692,69 ; -4412,03 ; 21,9288 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[D] 10:58:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Micck) 墓地 有LR吗,一起AAAA
[N] 10:58:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 95 (1866,919y, 425ms)
10:58:14 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Burkrum in zone: Ashenvale
10:58:14 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
10:58:14 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Burkrum with id 6028 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
[N] 10:58:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2043,503 ; -3147,047 ; 101,3734 ; "None" to 2354,76 ; -2540,69 ; 102,896 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:58:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 17 (794,2427y, 0ms)
[D] 10:58:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gorehowl) 非常棒啊
[D] 10:58:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Micck) 2=3
10:58:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to repair Burkrum with ID: 6028 aborted for some reason - maybe wRobot can't path to this vendor, consider blacklisting it
10:58:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Mannoroc Lasher is in your path, need to attack
[F] 10:58:22 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:58:22 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 10:58:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Micck) FS 速来
[F] 10:58:23 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:58:27 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:58:27 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:58:29 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:58:30 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:58:32 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 10:58:34 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
10:58:43 - [Looting] Loot Mannoroc Lasher
[N] 10:58:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2043,081 ; -3103,52 ; 102,3497 ; "None" to 2056,618 ; -3087,885 ; 103,7773 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:58:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (25,96415y, 154ms)
[D] 10:58:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dyguiji) DZ怎么用挥手礼啊 20级的职业任务
10:58:53 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
10:58:53 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
10:58:53 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
10:58:54 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
10:58:54 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
10:58:54 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
10:58:54 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
10:58:54 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
10:58:55 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
10:58:55 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
10:58:55 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
10:58:55 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
10:58:55 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
10:58:55 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
10:58:55 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
10:58:56 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Burkrum in zone: Ashenvale
10:58:56 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
10:58:56 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Burkrum with id 6028 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
[N] 10:58:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2054,337 ; -3086,865 ; 103,5295 ; "None" to 2354,76 ; -2540,69 ; 102,896 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:58:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 18 (734,8051y, 300ms)
10:58:58 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to repair Burkrum with ID: 6028 aborted for some reason - maybe wRobot can't path to this vendor, consider blacklisting it
10:58:58 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Felguard is in your path, need to attack
[F] 10:59:00 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 10:59:01 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:59:01 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:59:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Comboxx) /SAULT
[F] 10:59:05 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[F] 10:59:07 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 10:59:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2067,149 ; -3072,829 ; 107,9316 ; "None" to 2051,424 ; -3081,146 ; 107,9316 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:59:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (18,0122y, 259ms)
[F] 10:59:09 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[D] 10:59:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) 剃刀高地任务队,来1奶 4=1
[F] 10:59:12 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:59:12 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:59:16 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:59:16 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:59:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Micck) 墓地来FS 来LR
[D] 10:59:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhys) 图书馆菜刀队,来各种
[D] 10:59:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Micck) 3=2
[F] 10:59:20 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 10:59:21 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 10:59:25 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 10:59:32 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:59:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Comboxx) /SAULTE
[F] 10:59:36 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 10:59:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Oilililo) 1
[D] 10:59:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Otow) 29可以去吗?@MICCK
[F] 10:59:41 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 10:59:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Oilililo) FS
[F] 10:59:45 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
10:59:48 - [Looting] Loot Felguard
[N] 10:59:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2057,561 ; -3077,876 ; 106,492 ; "None" to 2069,095 ; -3071,8 ; 108,002 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 10:59:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,1237y, 154ms)
[D] 10:59:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wuyeyouling) 有去玛拉顿做任务的 奶吗?
11:00:00 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
11:00:00 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
11:00:00 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
11:00:00 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
11:00:00 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
11:00:00 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
11:00:01 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
11:00:01 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
11:00:01 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
11:00:01 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
11:00:01 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
11:00:01 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
11:00:02 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
11:00:02 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
11:00:02 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
11:00:02 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Burkrum in zone: Ashenvale
11:00:02 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
11:00:02 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Burkrum with id 6028 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
[N] 11:00:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2065,796 ; -3073,538 ; 107,8532 ; "None" to 2354,76 ; -2540,69 ; 102,896 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:00:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 18 (716,9605y, 206ms)
[D] 11:00:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Micck) 墓地AA队 来FS
[D] 11:00:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lyre) /salute 应该是
[D] 11:00:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wudiyuanyuan) 黑下 高图斯的命令 来个T 9=1
11:00:10 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to repair Burkrum with ID: 6028 aborted for some reason - maybe wRobot can't path to this vendor, consider blacklisting it
11:00:10 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Searing Infernal is in your path, need to attack
[N] 11:00:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2104,048 ; -3032,345 ; 109,9187 ; "None" to 2098,941 ; -3040,172 ; 109,9187 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:00:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,346194y, 165ms)
[D] 11:00:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jinsihou) 世界喊
[D] 11:00:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Oilililo) MD+1
[F] 11:00:15 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 11:00:15 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 11:00:16 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 11:00:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) |cff1eff00|Hitem:15469:0:0:0|h[风歌腰带]|h|r|cff0070dd|Hitem:6468:0:0:0|h[蛇鳞腰带]|h|r
[F] 11:00:20 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 11:00:20 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 11:00:22 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 11:00:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) nagenagenage
[F] 11:00:25 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 11:00:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 哪个好
11:00:31 - [Looting] Loot Searing Infernal
[N] 11:00:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2099,094 ; -3039,945 ; 110,1068 ; "None" to 2106,378 ; -3025,906 ; 110,4389 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:00:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,81987y, 162ms)
11:00:39 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
11:00:40 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
11:00:40 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
11:00:40 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
11:00:40 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
11:00:40 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
11:00:40 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
11:00:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
11:00:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
11:00:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
11:00:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
11:00:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
11:00:42 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
11:00:42 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
11:00:42 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
11:00:42 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Burkrum in zone: Ashenvale
11:00:42 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
11:00:42 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Burkrum with id 6028 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
[N] 11:00:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2104,584 ; -3029,365 ; 109,9722 ; "None" to 2354,76 ; -2540,69 ; 102,896 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:00:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 18 (655,2236y, 223ms)
[D] 11:00:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bobocai) 血色有大神带妹
[D] 11:00:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yerand) 剃刀沼泽 来dps ==1
[D] 11:00:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) 蓝色
11:00:52 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to repair Burkrum with ID: 6028 aborted for some reason - maybe wRobot can't path to this vendor, consider blacklisting it
11:00:52 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Searing Infernal is in your path, need to attack
[D] 11:00:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 1
[F] 11:00:55 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 11:00:56 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 11:00:56 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 11:00:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) 怎么加入老外的频道
[F] 11:01:00 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 11:01:00 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 11:01:03 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 11:01:05 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 11:01:07 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 11:01:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zhys) 图书馆菜刀队,来各种
[F] 11:01:10 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 11:01:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Decur) 斜杠 world
[D] 11:01:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chouhuaidan) 我抓了一只31的鸟,有俯冲技能,怎么能给风蛇学习这个技能?
[D] 11:01:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Decur) join
11:01:16 - [Looting] Loot Searing Infernal
[N] 11:01:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2120,925 ; -2963,146 ; 112,8656 ; "None" to 2114,297 ; -2946,205 ; 112,6815 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:01:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (18,20258y, 177ms)
[D] 11:01:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Micck) 墓地 4法师就位,来LR(风蛇)
[D] 11:01:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Comboxx) 腰带多少G买的
11:01:27 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
11:01:27 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
11:01:27 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
11:01:27 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
11:01:27 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
11:01:27 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
11:01:27 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
11:01:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
11:01:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
[D] 11:01:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 组
11:01:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
11:01:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
11:01:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
11:01:29 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
11:01:29 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
11:01:29 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
11:01:29 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Burkrum in zone: Ashenvale
11:01:29 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
11:01:29 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Burkrum with id 6028 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
[N] 11:01:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2115,746 ; -2949,906 ; 112,9016 ; "None" to 2354,76 ; -2540,69 ; 102,896 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:01:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 18 (573,0018y, 181ms)
[D] 11:01:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qopo) 好几G
11:01:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to repair Burkrum with ID: 6028 aborted for some reason - maybe wRobot can't path to this vendor, consider blacklisting it
11:01:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Shadethicket Bark Ripper is in your path, need to attack
[D] 11:01:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 沼泽 组
[D] 11:01:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bobocai) 血色求组
[F] 11:01:41 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 11:01:41 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 11:01:45 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 11:01:47 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 11:01:50 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 11:01:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengsi) 这个腰带不好买吧
[D] 11:01:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) 剃刀高地 来1T 1奶
11:01:58 - [Looting] Loot Shadethicket Bark Ripper
[N] 11:01:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2122,69 ; -2896,329 ; 115,5223 ; "None" to 2120,473 ; -2880,776 ; 107,551 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:01:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,61607y, 150ms)
[D] 11:02:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengsi) 我记得是哀嚎的图纸制作?
[D] 11:02:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Comboxx) AH没看到之前
11:02:07 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
[N] 11:02:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2120,484 ; -2880,888 ; 107,553 ; "None" to 2341,86 ; -2566,99 ; 102,857 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:02:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 20 (500,7437y, 187ms)
[N] 11:02:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2120,484 ; -2880,888 ; 107,553 ; "None" to 1618,96 ; -4307,28 ; 3,41723 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[D] 11:02:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Micck) 墓地来LR ,4FS就位!!!
[N] 11:02:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 111 (2280,695y, 720ms)
[N] 11:02:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2120,484 ; -2880,888 ; 107,553 ; "None" to 1633,99 ; -4439,37 ; 15,7436 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:02:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 105 (2174,863y, 733ms)
[N] 11:02:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2120,484 ; -2880,888 ; 107,553 ; "None" to 1775,1 ; -4482,91 ; 45,7307 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:02:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 113 (2300,051y, 792ms)
[N] 11:02:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2120,484 ; -2880,888 ; 107,553 ; "None" to 1640,83 ; -4446,99 ; 15,7167 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:02:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 106 (2185,511y, 743ms)
11:02:10 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
11:02:10 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
11:02:10 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
11:02:11 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
11:02:11 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
[N] 11:02:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2120,484 ; -2880,888 ; 107,5531 ; "None" to 1766,71 ; -4367,36 ; -15,7114 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:02:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 82 (2209,822y, 645ms)
11:02:12 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
11:02:12 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
11:02:12 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
11:02:12 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
[N] 11:02:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2120,484 ; -2880,888 ; 107,5531 ; "None" to 1891,6 ; -4326,75 ; 23,4799 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:02:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 67 (2206,949y, 690ms)
[N] 11:02:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2120,484 ; -2880,888 ; 107,5531 ; "None" to 1520,54 ; -4355,58 ; 19,0778 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:02:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 108 (2301,523y, 653ms)
11:02:14 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
11:02:14 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
11:02:14 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
11:02:14 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
11:02:14 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
[N] 11:02:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2120,484 ; -2880,888 ; 107,5531 ; "None" to 2354,76 ; -2540,69 ; 102,896 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:02:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 17 (504,4517y, 247ms)
[N] 11:02:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2120,484 ; -2880,888 ; 107,5531 ; "None" to 1692,69 ; -4412,03 ; 21,9288 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:02:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 100 (2146,277y, 842ms)
11:02:15 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Burkrum in zone: Ashenvale
11:02:16 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
11:02:16 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Burkrum with id 6028 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
[N] 11:02:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2120,484 ; -2880,888 ; 107,5531 ; "None" to 2354,76 ; -2540,69 ; 102,896 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:02:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 17 (504,4517y, 0ms)
[D] 11:02:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Comboxx) 对的 凑齐材料不容易
11:02:26 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to repair Burkrum with ID: 6028 aborted for some reason - maybe wRobot can't path to this vendor, consider blacklisting it
11:02:26 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Wildthorn Stalker (lvl 20)
[N] 11:02:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2129,42 ; -2816,869 ; 115,3475 ; "None" to 2147,451 ; -2814,397 ; 115,3475 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:02:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,19924y, 150ms)
[F] 11:02:28 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 11:02:28 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 11:02:28 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 11:02:28 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 11:02:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2129,427 ; -2816,841 ; 115,3501 ; "None" to 2147,405 ; -2814,092 ; 115,3501 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:02:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,18678y, 152ms)
[N] 11:02:30 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 11:02:30 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 11:02:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2129,427 ; -2816,841 ; 115,3501 ; "None" to 2147,405 ; -2814,092 ; 115,3501 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:02:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,18678y, 0ms)
[F] 11:02:30 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 11:02:31 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 11:02:31 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 11:02:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2129,427 ; -2816,841 ; 115,3501 ; "None" to 2147,405 ; -2814,092 ; 115,3501 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:02:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,18678y, 0ms)
[N] 11:02:32 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[D] 11:02:32 - [MovementManager] Current pos: 2129,427 ; -2816,841 ; 115,3501 ; "None" - Target pos: 2147,405 ; -2814,092 ; 115,3501 ; "None" Continent: Kalimdor Tile: 37.28158_28.00732
[D] 11:02:32 - [StuckResolver] Started.
[F] 11:02:33 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 11:02:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2130,822 ; -2817,605 ; 115,5925 ; "None" to 2147,302 ; -2820,28 ; 115,5925 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:02:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (17,17401y, 248ms)
[D] 11:02:34 - [StuckResolver] Done - Stuck count updated, new value: 3.
[N] 11:02:34 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 11:02:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2130,448 ; -2820,535 ; 115,5188 ; "None" to 2147,302 ; -2820,28 ; 115,5925 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:02:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,85512y, 515ms)
[D] 11:02:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yerand) 剃刀沼泽 来dps ==1
[N] 11:02:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2135,356 ; -2820,565 ; 116,5875 ; "None" to 2145,687 ; -2825,252 ; 116,5875 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:02:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,34422y, 537ms)
[F] 11:02:37 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 11:02:38 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 11:02:38 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 11:02:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 组
11:02:44 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Stalker
[N] 11:02:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2144,723 ; -2824,825 ; 117,8206 ; "None" to 2127,722 ; -2817,102 ; 115,1876 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:02:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,85758y, 198ms)
11:02:55 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
11:02:55 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
11:02:56 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
11:02:56 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
11:02:56 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
11:02:56 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
11:02:56 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
[D] 11:02:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) RFD 1Tank 1healer
11:02:56 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
11:02:57 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
11:02:57 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
11:02:57 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
11:02:57 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
11:02:57 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
11:02:57 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
11:02:57 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
11:02:58 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Burkrum in zone: Ashenvale
11:02:58 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
11:02:58 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Burkrum with id 6028 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
[N] 11:02:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2131,282 ; -2818,719 ; 115,6599 ; "None" to 2354,76 ; -2540,69 ; 102,896 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:02:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 18 (446,3173y, 577ms)
[D] 11:03:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yangzhudashu) 卧槽 血色 一地白骨
[D] 11:03:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 来了
[D] 11:03:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengsi) 正常
[D] 11:03:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vaters) 腰带我怎么觉得绿色的好
[D] 11:03:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Micck) 墓地 强力LR 在哪里?
[D] 11:03:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lookingforme) [玛雷的腿 (613)] [心灵之眼 (591)] 做的MMM
[D] 11:03:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) |cffa335ee|Hitem:647:0:0:0|h[命运]|h|r 触发高吗 速度太快
[D] 11:03:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yamaneater) 强力LR再单杀
[D] 11:03:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengsi) 实在找不到猎人的话,你就4法1牧
[D] 11:03:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengsi) 牧师也能拉怪A的
[D] 11:03:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengsi) 呸
[D] 11:03:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lookingforme) [玛雷的腿 (613)] [心灵之眼 (591)] 做的MMM
[D] 11:03:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengsi) 法师自己也能拉怪A的
[D] 11:03:56 - [NpcScan] Add npc to database: Mailbox - Mailbox
11:04:03 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Selling items try 1/3
[D] 11:04:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) |cffa335ee|Hitem:647::::::::28:::::::::|h[命运]|h|r在F个10字 爽
[D] 11:04:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Liangkaishui) 我做
11:04:14 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Selling items try 2/3
11:04:15 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Selling items try 3/3
11:04:16 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Buying 7 stacks of Solid Shot
[D] 11:04:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ohlove) 你们是在找我吗
[D] 11:04:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xixibang) 请教下各位 荆棘谷格雷母高营地 有旅店么
[D] 11:04:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengsi) 2.6攻速有点快,但是效果真猛
11:04:22 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
[N] 11:04:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2351,896 ; -2540,693 ; 102,7235 ; "None" to 2341,86 ; -2566,99 ; 102,857 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:04:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (47,34177y, 154ms)
[N] 11:04:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2351,896 ; -2540,693 ; 102,7235 ; "None" to 1618,96 ; -4307,28 ; 3,41723 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:04:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 117 (2787,511y, 956ms)
[N] 11:04:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2351,896 ; -2540,693 ; 102,7235 ; "None" to 1775,1 ; -4482,91 ; 45,7307 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:04:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 119 (2806,867y, 967ms)
[N] 11:04:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2351,896 ; -2540,693 ; 102,7235 ; "None" to 1633,99 ; -4439,37 ; 15,7436 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[D] 11:04:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) 如果是3.6攻速就完美
[D] 11:04:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yangzhudashu) 血色 这儿有个lr dz 在杀lm
[N] 11:04:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 111 (2681,679y, 787ms)
[N] 11:04:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2351,896 ; -2540,693 ; 102,7235 ; "None" to 1640,83 ; -4446,99 ; 15,7167 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:04:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 112 (2692,327y, 840ms)
11:04:26 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
11:04:26 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
11:04:26 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
11:04:26 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
11:04:26 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
[N] 11:04:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2351,896 ; -2540,693 ; 102,7235 ; "None" to 1766,71 ; -4367,36 ; -15,7114 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:04:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 88 (2716,638y, 738ms)
11:04:27 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
11:04:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
[D] 11:04:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengsi) 没有
11:04:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
11:04:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Mutton Chop x 0 in 0 stacks - enough money: True
[N] 11:04:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2351,896 ; -2540,693 ; 102,7235 ; "None" to 1891,6 ; -4326,75 ; 23,4799 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:04:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 73 (2713,765y, 825ms)
[N] 11:04:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2351,896 ; -2540,693 ; 102,7235 ; "None" to 1520,54 ; -4355,58 ; 19,0778 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:04:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 114 (2808,908y, 1024ms)
11:04:30 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
11:04:30 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
11:04:31 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Melon Juice x 0 in 0 stacks - enough money: True
11:04:31 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
11:04:31 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
[N] 11:04:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2351,896 ; -2540,693 ; 102,7235 ; "None" to 2354,76 ; -2540,69 ; 102,896 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:04:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (2,869447y, 223ms)
[N] 11:04:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2351,896 ; -2540,693 ; 102,7235 ; "None" to 1692,69 ; -4412,03 ; 21,9288 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:04:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 106 (2653,093y, 874ms)
11:04:32 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Burkrum in zone: Ashenvale
11:04:32 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
11:04:32 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Burkrum with id 6028 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
11:04:34 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Selling items try 1/3
[D] 11:04:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chouhuaidan) 我抓了一只31的鸟,有俯冲技能,怎么能给风蛇学习这个技能?谁知道
[D] 11:04:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yangzhudashu) 好过瘾
[D] 11:04:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gorehowl) 战士任务真爱死啊我草
11:04:35 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Selling items try 2/3
11:04:36 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Selling items try 3/3
[D] 11:04:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Daiyanren) 现在39战场有人玩吗
11:04:38 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Buying 7 stacks of Solid Shot
11:04:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
11:04:42 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
11:04:42 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
11:04:42 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
11:04:42 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
11:04:42 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
11:04:42 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
11:04:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
[D] 11:04:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Igf) AH有治疗来吗?4=1
11:04:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
11:04:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Mutton Chop x 0 in 0 stacks - enough money: True
11:04:47 - Lock FC Stop in progress.
11:04:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stopped.
11:04:47 - [Grinder] Stopped
11:04:47 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 02h:54m:57s
XP/HR: 8423 - 221 min
Kills: 155 (53/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 3 (1/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 132 (45/hr)
Money/HR: 1 G 86 S 05 C (5 G 42 S 50 C)

[D] 11:06:45 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 11:06:45 - ProfileName = Venom Sac Ashenv 30+ [H].xml ; BlackListWhereIAmDead = False ; RetLastPos = False ; PetBattle = False ; CurrentSetting = Grinder.Bot.GrinderSetting ;
[D] 11:06:45 - [Grinder] Profile used: Venom Sac Ashenv 30+ [H].xml
[F] 11:06:46 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Gregory\Downloads\WRobot(1)\WRobot\\FightClass\Hunter_by_eeny_v2r2(1).cs
[D] 11:06:46 - [Spell] Revive Pet (Id found: 982, Name found: Revive Pet, NameInGame found: Revive Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 11:06:46 - [Spell] Call Pet (Id found: 883, Name found: Call Pet, NameInGame found: Call Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 11:06:46 - [Spell] Mend Pet (Id found: 3111, Name found: Mend Pet, NameInGame found: Mend Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 11:06:46 - [Spell] Feed Pet (Id found: 6991, Name found: Feed Pet, NameInGame found: Feed Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 11:06:46 - [Spell] Aspect of the Hawk (Id found: 14318, Name found: Aspect of the Hawk, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Hawk, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 11:06:46 - [Spell] Aspect of the Monkey (Id found: 13163, Name found: Aspect of the Monkey, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Monkey, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 11:06:46 - [Spell] Hunter's Mark (Id found: 14323, Name found: Hunter's Mark, NameInGame found: Hunter's Mark, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 11:06:46 - [Spell] Concussive Shot (Id found: 27634, Name found: Concussive Shot, NameInGame found: Concussive Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 11:06:46 - [Spell] Raptor Strike (Id found: 14262, Name found: Raptor Strike, NameInGame found: Raptor Strike, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 11:06:46 - [Spell] Wing Clip (Id found: 2974, Name found: Wing Clip, NameInGame found: Wing Clip, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 11:06:46 - [Spell] Serpent Sting (Id found: 13551, Name found: Serpent Sting, NameInGame found: Serpent Sting, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 11:06:46 - [Spell] Arcane Shot (Id found: 14282, Name found: Arcane Shot, NameInGame found: Arcane Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 11:06:46 - [Spell] Auto Shot (Id found: 75, Name found: Auto Shot, NameInGame found: Auto Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 11:06:46 - [Spell] Aimed Shot (Id found: 27632, Name found: Aimed Shot, NameInGame found: Aimed Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
11:06:46 - Lock FC Is initialized.
11:06:46 - [Grinder] Select zone: Orgrimmar
11:06:46 - Hunter FC started.
[N] 11:06:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2351,896 ; -2540,693 ; 102,7235 ; "None" to 2121,534 ; -3398,117 ; 94,90674 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:06:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 45 (1484,807y, 424ms)
11:06:47 - [Grinder] Started
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] HMP Settings: TransactionId = ******** ; MultiIP = False ; AutoEquip = True ; AutoEquipBlues = False ; Hearthstone = True ; Unstuck = False ; IgnoreCombatOnBrokenItems = True ; StopTagged = True ; FirstAid = True ; FirstAidHealth = 60 ; UsePotions = True ; HealPotPercent = 35 ; ManaPotPercent = 25 ; TakeTram = False ; Food = True ; Drink = True ; HighestConsumables = False ; AutoVendor = True ; AllowCurrentZone = False ; IgnoreInnkeepers = False ; DrinkAmount = 40 ; FoodAmount = 40 ; Ammo = True ; AmmoAmount = 1600 ; SpellStrings = System.String[] ; TalentStrings = System.String[] ; TrainSkinning = True ; TrainFirstAid = True ; TrainWeapons = True ; RunAway = True ; EscapeAmount = 3 ; EscapeElite = True ; EscapeDistance = 35 ; EscapePercent = 20 ; EscapePercentEnemies = 35 ; EscapePercentMana = 15 ; EscapePercentManaEnemies = 35 ; SmartPulls = True ; UseResurrect = True ; BlacklistInvalid = True ; PullPathCollision = True ; SpiritRezz = True ; DeathsPerXMinutes = 5 ; XMinutesSinceLastDeath = 15 ; In = PluginSettings ;
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to trainer at levels: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 26, 30, 32, 34, 36, 40, 44, 48, 50, 54, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Training States
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding TalentPoint state
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding death events
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Resurrect State
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding AntiDrown State
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding SwimToShore State
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Vendor State
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Equip States
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding DeleteAndOpenItems after LootRange
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding BlackListUnlootableState for Farming
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding BlackListUnlootableState for FarmingRange
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Relogger 2000
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Pause 180
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Battlegrounder Combination 170
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SelectProfileState 160
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Resurrect 150
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] AntiDrown 149
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] My Macro 140
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] ClearPath 131
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] IsAttacked 130
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BattlePet 120
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Looting range 110
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] DeleteAndOpenItems 0 after Looting range
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BlacklistUnlootableObjects 0 before Farming range
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Farming range 110
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SwimToShore 0 before Regeneration
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Regeneration 100
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Looting 90
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BlacklistUnlootableObjects 0 before Farming
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Farming 80
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Milling 70
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] FlightMaster: Take taxi 60
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Prospecting 60
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] AutoEquip 43
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BagEquip 42
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] TownRun 40
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] TalentPoints 30
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Flight master discover 30
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Class Training 30
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] WarlockPetTraining 0 after Class Training
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] FirstAidTraining 29
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SkinningTraining 28
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] WeaponTraining 27
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] DeleteAndOpenItems 26
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Grinding 20
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Movement Loop 10
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Idle 0
11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stored new engine as current engine to use
[E] 11:06:47 - Engine > Pulse(): System.InvalidOperationException: Η συλλογή έχει τροποποιηθεί, η λειτουργία απαρίθμησης ενδέχεται να μην εκτελεστεί.
σε System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
σε System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNextRare()
σε System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNext()
σε robotManager.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()

11:06:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Started.
11:06:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] removing low-level drink Refreshing Spring Water from DoNotSellList
11:06:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] removing low-level drink Ice Cold Milk from DoNotSellList
11:06:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
[N] 11:06:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2319,75 ; -2541,266 ; 100,3795 ; "None" to 2341,86 ; -2566,99 ; 102,857 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:06:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (34,01082y, 165ms)
[N] 11:06:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2318,651 ; -2541,285 ; 100,3376 ; "None" to 1618,96 ; -4307,28 ; 3,41723 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[D] 11:06:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xaingwangyuj) 晕倒死 没办法呀
[D] 11:06:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gorehowl) 难
[N] 11:06:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 117 (2755,346y, 878ms)
[N] 11:06:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2312,422 ; -2541,396 ; 100,0711 ; "None" to 1775,1 ; -4482,91 ; 45,7307 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:06:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 119 (2768,504y, 915ms)
[N] 11:06:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2306,081 ; -2541,509 ; 99,73417 ; "None" to 1633,99 ; -4439,37 ; 15,7436 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:06:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 111 (2637,001y, 898ms)
[N] 11:06:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2299,733 ; -2541,621 ; 99,17199 ; "None" to 1640,83 ; -4446,99 ; 15,7167 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:06:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 112 (2641,297y, 983ms)
11:06:55 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
11:06:55 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
11:06:55 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
11:06:56 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
11:06:56 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
[N] 11:06:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2287,814 ; -2541,833 ; 97,18913 ; "None" to 1766,71 ; -4367,36 ; -15,7114 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:06:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 88 (2653,524y, 783ms)
11:06:57 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
11:06:57 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
11:06:57 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
11:06:57 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Mutton Chop x 0 in 0 stacks - enough money: True
11:06:58 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Krixil Slogswitch not in this expansion, blacklisting!
11:06:58 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Axle not in this expansion, blacklisting!
[N] 11:06:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2276,224 ; -2542,039 ; 95,50175 ; "None" to 1891,6 ; -4326,75 ; 23,4799 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:06:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 73 (2638,944y, 719ms)
[N] 11:06:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2271,192 ; -2542,128 ; 95,37546 ; "None" to 1520,54 ; -4355,58 ; 19,0778 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:06:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 114 (2729,125y, 893ms)
11:06:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
11:06:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
11:07:00 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Melon Juice x 0 in 0 stacks - enough money: True
11:07:00 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
11:07:00 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
[N] 11:07:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2260,808 ; -2542,313 ; 91,97542 ; "None" to 2354,76 ; -2540,69 ; 102,896 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:07:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (94,59886y, 157ms)
[N] 11:07:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2259,716 ; -2542,332 ; 91,74621 ; "None" to 1692,69 ; -4412,03 ; 21,9288 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:07:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 106 (2561,361y, 763ms)
11:07:01 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Burkrum in zone: Ashenvale
11:07:01 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
11:07:01 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Burkrum with id 6028 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
[N] 11:07:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2253,592 ; -2542,441 ; 90,44027 ; "None" to 2354,76 ; -2540,69 ; 102,896 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:07:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (101,9471y, 153ms)
[D] 11:07:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengsi) 如果你担心野外PVP和保命能力就敏锐
[D] 11:07:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gorehowl) 25个 能干你三四个小时
[D] 11:07:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Oilililo) SM拿厄运 同等级出风怒不用第二锤
[D] 11:07:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengsi) 不担心的话猛一点输出就战斗
[D] 11:07:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gagalie) 果断放弃
[D] 11:07:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiayee) 这个任务要做好练一级的准备
11:07:18 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Selling items try 1/3
11:07:19 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Selling items try 2/3
[D] 11:07:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lookingforme) [玛雷的腿 (613)] [心灵之眼 (591)] 做的MMM
11:07:21 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Selling items try 3/3
11:07:22 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Buying 7 stacks of Solid Shot
11:07:27 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
11:07:27 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
11:07:27 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
11:07:27 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
11:07:27 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
11:07:27 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
11:07:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
11:07:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
11:07:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
11:07:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Mutton Chop x 0 in 0 stacks - enough money: True
11:07:29 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
11:07:29 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
11:07:29 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Melon Juice x 0 in 0 stacks - enough money: True
11:07:29 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
11:07:29 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
11:07:29 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Burkrum in zone: Ashenvale
11:07:29 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
11:07:29 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Burkrum with id 6028 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
11:07:36 - Lock FC Stop in progress.
11:07:36 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stopped.
11:07:36 - [Grinder] Stopped
11:07:36 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:49s
XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[D] 11:29:33 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 11:29:33 - ProfileName = Venom Sac Ashenv 30+ [H].xml ; BlackListWhereIAmDead = False ; RetLastPos = False ; PetBattle = False ; CurrentSetting = Grinder.Bot.GrinderSetting ;
[D] 11:29:33 - [Grinder] Profile used: Venom Sac Ashenv 30+ [H].xml
[F] 11:29:33 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Gregory\Downloads\WRobot(1)\WRobot\\FightClass\Hunter_by_eeny_v2r2(1).cs
[D] 11:29:35 - [Spell] Revive Pet (Id found: 982, Name found: Revive Pet, NameInGame found: Revive Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 11:29:35 - [Spell] Call Pet (Id found: 883, Name found: Call Pet, NameInGame found: Call Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 11:29:35 - [Spell] Mend Pet (Id found: 3111, Name found: Mend Pet, NameInGame found: Mend Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 11:29:35 - [Spell] Feed Pet (Id found: 6991, Name found: Feed Pet, NameInGame found: Feed Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 11:29:35 - [Spell] Aspect of the Hawk (Id found: 14318, Name found: Aspect of the Hawk, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Hawk, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 11:29:35 - [Spell] Aspect of the Monkey (Id found: 13163, Name found: Aspect of the Monkey, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Monkey, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 11:29:35 - [Spell] Hunter's Mark (Id found: 14323, Name found: Hunter's Mark, NameInGame found: Hunter's Mark, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 11:29:35 - [Spell] Concussive Shot (Id found: 27634, Name found: Concussive Shot, NameInGame found: Concussive Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 11:29:35 - [Spell] Raptor Strike (Id found: 14262, Name found: Raptor Strike, NameInGame found: Raptor Strike, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 11:29:35 - [Spell] Wing Clip (Id found: 2974, Name found: Wing Clip, NameInGame found: Wing Clip, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 11:29:35 - [Spell] Serpent Sting (Id found: 13551, Name found: Serpent Sting, NameInGame found: Serpent Sting, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 11:29:35 - [Spell] Arcane Shot (Id found: 14282, Name found: Arcane Shot, NameInGame found: Arcane Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 11:29:35 - [Spell] Auto Shot (Id found: 75, Name found: Auto Shot, NameInGame found: Auto Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 11:29:35 - [Spell] Aimed Shot (Id found: 27632, Name found: Aimed Shot, NameInGame found: Aimed Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
11:29:35 - Lock FC Is initialized.
11:29:35 - [Grinder] Select zone: Orgrimmar
11:29:35 - Hunter FC started.
[N] 11:29:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2354,961 ; -2540,687 ; 102,8155 ; "None" to 2121,534 ; -3398,117 ; 94,90674 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:29:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 45 (1487,859y, 422ms)
11:29:36 - [Grinder] Started
11:29:36 - [HumanMasterPlugin] HMP Settings: TransactionId = ******** ; MultiIP = False ; AutoEquip = True ; AutoEquipBlues = False ; Hearthstone = True ; Unstuck = False ; IgnoreCombatOnBrokenItems = True ; StopTagged = True ; FirstAid = True ; FirstAidHealth = 60 ; UsePotions = True ; HealPotPercent = 35 ; ManaPotPercent = 25 ; TakeTram = False ; Food = True ; Drink = True ; HighestConsumables = False ; AutoVendor = True ; AllowCurrentZone = False ; IgnoreInnkeepers = False ; DrinkAmount = 40 ; FoodAmount = 40 ; Ammo = True ; AmmoAmount = 1600 ; SpellStrings = System.String[] ; TalentStrings = System.String[] ; TrainSkinning = True ; TrainFirstAid = True ; TrainWeapons = True ; RunAway = True ; EscapeAmount = 3 ; EscapeElite = True ; EscapeDistance = 35 ; EscapePercent = 20 ; EscapePercentEnemies = 35 ; EscapePercentMana = 15 ; EscapePercentManaEnemies = 35 ; SmartPulls = True ; UseResurrect = True ; BlacklistInvalid = True ; PullPathCollision = True ; SpiritRezz = True ; DeathsPerXMinutes = 5 ; XMinutesSinceLastDeath = 15 ; In = PluginSettings ;
11:29:36 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to trainer at levels: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 26, 30, 32, 34, 36, 40, 44, 48, 50, 54, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Training States
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding TalentPoint state
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding death events
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Resurrect State
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding AntiDrown State
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding SwimToShore State
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Vendor State
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Equip States
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding DeleteAndOpenItems after LootRange
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding BlackListUnlootableState for Farming
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding BlackListUnlootableState for FarmingRange
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Relogger 2000
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Pause 180
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Battlegrounder Combination 170
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SelectProfileState 160
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Resurrect 150
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] AntiDrown 149
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] My Macro 140
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] ClearPath 131
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] IsAttacked 130
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BattlePet 120
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Looting range 110
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] DeleteAndOpenItems 0 after Looting range
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BlacklistUnlootableObjects 0 before Farming range
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Farming range 110
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SwimToShore 0 before Regeneration
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Regeneration 100
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Looting 90
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BlacklistUnlootableObjects 0 before Farming
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Farming 80
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Milling 70
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] FlightMaster: Take taxi 60
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Prospecting 60
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] AutoEquip 43
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BagEquip 42
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] TownRun 40
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] TalentPoints 30
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Flight master discover 30
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Class Training 30
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] WarlockPetTraining 0 after Class Training
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] FirstAidTraining 29
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SkinningTraining 28
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] WeaponTraining 27
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] DeleteAndOpenItems 26
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Grinding 20
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Movement Loop 10
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Idle 0
11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stored new engine as current engine to use
[E] 11:29:37 - Engine > Pulse(): System.InvalidOperationException: Η συλλογή έχει τροποποιηθεί, η λειτουργία απαρίθμησης ενδέχεται να μην εκτελεστεί.
σε System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
σε System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNextRare()
σε System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNext()
σε robotManager.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()

11:29:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Started.
11:29:40 - [HumanMasterPlugin] removing low-level drink Refreshing Spring Water from DoNotSellList
11:29:40 - [HumanMasterPlugin] removing low-level drink Ice Cold Milk from DoNotSellList
11:29:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
[N] 11:29:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2323,531 ; -2542,628 ; 100,6015 ; "None" to 2341,86 ; -2566,99 ; 102,857 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:29:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (30,57022y, 149ms)
[N] 11:29:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2322,439 ; -2542,647 ; 100,5361 ; "None" to 1618,96 ; -4307,28 ; 3,41723 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:29:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 117 (2759,111y, 962ms)
[N] 11:29:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2315,762 ; -2542,763 ; 100,2839 ; "None" to 1775,1 ; -4482,91 ; 45,7307 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:29:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 119 (2771,826y, 1015ms)
[N] 11:29:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2308,658 ; -2542,886 ; 99,97444 ; "None" to 1633,99 ; -4439,37 ; 15,7436 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:29:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 111 (2639,574y, 1045ms)
[N] 11:29:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2301,218 ; -2543,016 ; 99,40636 ; "None" to 1640,83 ; -4446,99 ; 15,7167 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:29:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 112 (2642,793y, 993ms)
11:29:45 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
11:29:45 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
11:29:45 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
11:29:45 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
11:29:45 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
[N] 11:29:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2289,194 ; -2543,225 ; 97,57867 ; "None" to 1766,71 ; -4367,36 ; -15,7114 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:29:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 88 (2654,948y, 891ms)
11:29:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
11:29:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
11:29:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
11:29:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Mutton Chop x 0 in 0 stacks - enough money: True
11:29:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Krixil Slogswitch not in this expansion, blacklisting!
11:29:47 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Axle not in this expansion, blacklisting!
[N] 11:29:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2276,946 ; -2543,437 ; 95,88668 ; "None" to 1891,6 ; -4326,75 ; 23,4799 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:29:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 73 (2639,728y, 984ms)
[N] 11:29:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2270,049 ; -2543,557 ; 93,93412 ; "None" to 1520,54 ; -4355,58 ; 19,0778 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:29:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 114 (2727,739y, 1129ms)
11:29:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
11:29:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
11:29:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Melon Juice x 0 in 0 stacks - enough money: True
11:29:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
11:29:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
[N] 11:29:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2258,019 ; -2543,622 ; 91,49155 ; "None" to 2354,76 ; -2540,69 ; 102,896 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:29:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (97,45523y, 155ms)
[N] 11:29:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2256,927 ; -2543,586 ; 91,19614 ; "None" to 1692,69 ; -4412,03 ; 21,9288 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:29:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 106 (2558,539y, 792ms)
11:29:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Burkrum in zone: Ashenvale
11:29:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
11:29:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Burkrum with id 6028 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
[N] 11:29:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2250,477 ; -2543,373 ; 89,92908 ; "None" to 2354,76 ; -2540,69 ; 102,896 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:29:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (105,1205y, 178ms)
11:30:08 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Selling items try 1/3
11:30:10 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Selling items try 2/3
11:30:11 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Selling items try 3/3
11:30:12 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Buying 7 stacks of Solid Shot
11:30:17 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
11:30:18 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
11:30:18 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
11:30:18 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
11:30:18 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
11:30:18 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
11:30:18 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
11:30:19 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
11:30:19 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
11:30:19 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Mutton Chop x 0 in 0 stacks - enough money: True
11:30:19 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
11:30:19 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
11:30:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Melon Juice x 0 in 0 stacks - enough money: True
11:30:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
11:30:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
11:30:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Burkrum in zone: Ashenvale
11:30:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
11:30:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Burkrum with id 6028 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
11:30:27 - Lock FC Stop in progress.
11:30:27 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stopped.
11:30:27 - [Grinder] Stopped
11:30:27 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:51s
XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[D] 11:31:26 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 11:31:26 - ProfileName = Venom Sac Ashenv 30+ [H].xml ; BlackListWhereIAmDead = False ; RetLastPos = False ; PetBattle = False ; CurrentSetting = Grinder.Bot.GrinderSetting ;
[D] 11:31:26 - [Grinder] Profile used: Venom Sac Ashenv 30+ [H].xml
[F] 11:31:26 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Gregory\Downloads\WRobot(1)\WRobot\\FightClass\Hunter_by_eeny_v2r2(1).cs
[D] 11:31:27 - [Spell] Revive Pet (Id found: 982, Name found: Revive Pet, NameInGame found: Revive Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 11:31:27 - [Spell] Call Pet (Id found: 883, Name found: Call Pet, NameInGame found: Call Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 11:31:27 - [Spell] Mend Pet (Id found: 3111, Name found: Mend Pet, NameInGame found: Mend Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 11:31:27 - [Spell] Feed Pet (Id found: 6991, Name found: Feed Pet, NameInGame found: Feed Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 11:31:27 - [Spell] Aspect of the Hawk (Id found: 14318, Name found: Aspect of the Hawk, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Hawk, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 11:31:27 - [Spell] Aspect of the Monkey (Id found: 13163, Name found: Aspect of the Monkey, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Monkey, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 11:31:27 - [Spell] Hunter's Mark (Id found: 14323, Name found: Hunter's Mark, NameInGame found: Hunter's Mark, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 11:31:27 - [Spell] Concussive Shot (Id found: 27634, Name found: Concussive Shot, NameInGame found: Concussive Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 11:31:27 - [Spell] Raptor Strike (Id found: 14262, Name found: Raptor Strike, NameInGame found: Raptor Strike, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 11:31:27 - [Spell] Wing Clip (Id found: 2974, Name found: Wing Clip, NameInGame found: Wing Clip, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 11:31:27 - [Spell] Serpent Sting (Id found: 13551, Name found: Serpent Sting, NameInGame found: Serpent Sting, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 11:31:27 - [Spell] Arcane Shot (Id found: 14282, Name found: Arcane Shot, NameInGame found: Arcane Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 11:31:27 - [Spell] Auto Shot (Id found: 75, Name found: Auto Shot, NameInGame found: Auto Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 11:31:27 - [Spell] Aimed Shot (Id found: 27632, Name found: Aimed Shot, NameInGame found: Aimed Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
11:31:27 - Lock FC Is initialized.
11:31:27 - [Grinder] Select zone: Orgrimmar
11:31:27 - Hunter FC started.
[N] 11:31:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2351,734 ; -2540,756 ; 102,7198 ; "None" to 2121,534 ; -3398,117 ; 94,90674 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:31:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 45 (1484,807y, 0ms)
11:31:28 - [Grinder] Started
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] HMP Settings: TransactionId = ******** ; MultiIP = False ; AutoEquip = True ; AutoEquipBlues = False ; Hearthstone = True ; Unstuck = False ; IgnoreCombatOnBrokenItems = True ; StopTagged = True ; FirstAid = True ; FirstAidHealth = 60 ; UsePotions = True ; HealPotPercent = 35 ; ManaPotPercent = 25 ; TakeTram = False ; Food = True ; Drink = True ; HighestConsumables = False ; AutoVendor = True ; AllowCurrentZone = False ; IgnoreInnkeepers = False ; DrinkAmount = 40 ; FoodAmount = 40 ; Ammo = True ; AmmoAmount = 1600 ; SpellStrings = System.String[] ; TalentStrings = System.String[] ; TrainSkinning = True ; TrainFirstAid = True ; TrainWeapons = True ; RunAway = True ; EscapeAmount = 3 ; EscapeElite = True ; EscapeDistance = 35 ; EscapePercent = 20 ; EscapePercentEnemies = 35 ; EscapePercentMana = 15 ; EscapePercentManaEnemies = 35 ; SmartPulls = True ; UseResurrect = True ; BlacklistInvalid = True ; PullPathCollision = True ; SpiritRezz = True ; DeathsPerXMinutes = 5 ; XMinutesSinceLastDeath = 15 ; In = PluginSettings ;
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to trainer at levels: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 26, 30, 32, 34, 36, 40, 44, 48, 50, 54, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Training States
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding TalentPoint state
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding death events
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Resurrect State
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding AntiDrown State
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding SwimToShore State
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Vendor State
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Equip States
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding DeleteAndOpenItems after LootRange
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding BlackListUnlootableState for Farming
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding BlackListUnlootableState for FarmingRange
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Relogger 2000
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Pause 180
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Battlegrounder Combination 170
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SelectProfileState 160
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Resurrect 150
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] AntiDrown 149
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] My Macro 140
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] ClearPath 131
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] IsAttacked 130
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BattlePet 120
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Looting range 110
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] DeleteAndOpenItems 0 after Looting range
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BlacklistUnlootableObjects 0 before Farming range
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Farming range 110
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SwimToShore 0 before Regeneration
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Regeneration 100
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Looting 90
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BlacklistUnlootableObjects 0 before Farming
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Farming 80
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Milling 70
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] FlightMaster: Take taxi 60
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Prospecting 60
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] AutoEquip 43
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BagEquip 42
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] TownRun 40
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] TalentPoints 30
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Flight master discover 30
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Class Training 30
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] WarlockPetTraining 0 after Class Training
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] FirstAidTraining 29
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SkinningTraining 28
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] WeaponTraining 27
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] DeleteAndOpenItems 26
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Grinding 20
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Movement Loop 10
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Idle 0
11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stored new engine as current engine to use
[E] 11:31:28 - Engine > Pulse(): System.InvalidOperationException: Η συλλογή έχει τροποποιηθεί, η λειτουργία απαρίθμησης ενδέχεται να μην εκτελεστεί.
σε System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
σε System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNextRare()
σε System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNext()
σε robotManager.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()

11:31:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Started.
11:31:31 - [HumanMasterPlugin] removing low-level drink Refreshing Spring Water from DoNotSellList
11:31:31 - [HumanMasterPlugin] removing low-level drink Ice Cold Milk from DoNotSellList
11:31:32 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
[N] 11:31:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2317,174 ; -2541,351 ; 100,2813 ; "None" to 2341,86 ; -2566,99 ; 102,857 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:31:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (35,95756y, 924ms)
[N] 11:31:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2310,72 ; -2541,463 ; 99,99461 ; "None" to 1618,96 ; -4307,28 ; 3,41723 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:31:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 117 (2747,454y, 965ms)
[N] 11:31:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2303,938 ; -2541,58 ; 99,58218 ; "None" to 1775,1 ; -4482,91 ; 45,7307 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:31:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 119 (2760,051y, 758ms)
[N] 11:31:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2298,577 ; -2541,672 ; 99,03764 ; "None" to 1633,99 ; -4439,37 ; 15,7436 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:31:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 111 (2629,487y, 956ms)
[N] 11:31:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2291,907 ; -2541,787 ; 98,01829 ; "None" to 1640,83 ; -4446,99 ; 15,7167 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:31:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 112 (2633,389y, 837ms)
11:31:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
11:31:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
11:31:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
11:31:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
11:31:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
[N] 11:31:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2280,975 ; -2541,976 ; 95,8149 ; "None" to 1766,71 ; -4367,36 ; -15,7114 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:31:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 88 (2646,549y, 948ms)
11:31:38 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
11:31:39 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
11:31:39 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
11:31:39 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Mutton Chop x 0 in 0 stacks - enough money: True
11:31:39 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Krixil Slogswitch not in this expansion, blacklisting!
11:31:39 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Axle not in this expansion, blacklisting!
[N] 11:31:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2268,398 ; -2542,193 ; 95,64101 ; "None" to 1891,6 ; -4326,75 ; 23,4799 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:31:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 73 (2631,312y, 938ms)
[N] 11:31:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2261,832 ; -2542,306 ; 92,19113 ; "None" to 1520,54 ; -4355,58 ; 19,0778 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:31:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 114 (2719,337y, 947ms)
11:31:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
11:31:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
11:31:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Melon Juice x 0 in 0 stacks - enough money: True
11:31:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
11:31:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
[N] 11:31:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2251,229 ; -2542,489 ; 90,02286 ; "None" to 2354,76 ; -2540,69 ; 102,896 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:31:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (104,3443y, 243ms)
[N] 11:31:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2249,479 ; -2542,519 ; 89,72302 ; "None" to 1692,69 ; -4412,03 ; 21,9288 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:31:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 106 (2550,937y, 997ms)
11:31:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Burkrum in zone: Ashenvale
11:31:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
11:31:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Burkrum with id 6028 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
[N] 11:31:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2241,71 ; -2542,653 ; 88,44103 ; "None" to 2354,76 ; -2540,69 ; 102,896 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 11:31:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (113,9873y, 163ms)
11:32:02 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Selling items try 1/3
11:32:03 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Selling items try 2/3
11:32:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Selling items try 3/3
11:32:05 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Buying 7 stacks of Solid Shot
11:32:08 - Lock FC Stop in progress.
11:32:09 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stopped.
11:32:09 - [Grinder] Stopped
11:32:09 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:41s
XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[D] 12:10:13 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 12:10:13 - ProfileName = Venom Sac Ashenv 30+ [H].xml ; BlackListWhereIAmDead = False ; RetLastPos = False ; PetBattle = False ; CurrentSetting = Grinder.Bot.GrinderSetting ;
[D] 12:10:13 - [Grinder] Profile used: Venom Sac Ashenv 30+ [H].xml
[F] 12:10:13 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Gregory\Downloads\WRobot(1)\WRobot\\FightClass\Hunter_by_eeny_v2r2(1).cs
[D] 12:10:14 - [Spell] Revive Pet (Id found: 982, Name found: Revive Pet, NameInGame found: Revive Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 12:10:14 - [Spell] Call Pet (Id found: 883, Name found: Call Pet, NameInGame found: Call Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 12:10:14 - [Spell] Mend Pet (Id found: 3111, Name found: Mend Pet, NameInGame found: Mend Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 12:10:14 - [Spell] Feed Pet (Id found: 6991, Name found: Feed Pet, NameInGame found: Feed Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 12:10:14 - [Spell] Aspect of the Hawk (Id found: 14318, Name found: Aspect of the Hawk, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Hawk, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 12:10:14 - [Spell] Aspect of the Monkey (Id found: 13163, Name found: Aspect of the Monkey, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Monkey, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 12:10:14 - [Spell] Hunter's Mark (Id found: 14323, Name found: Hunter's Mark, NameInGame found: Hunter's Mark, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 12:10:14 - [Spell] Concussive Shot (Id found: 27634, Name found: Concussive Shot, NameInGame found: Concussive Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 12:10:14 - [Spell] Raptor Strike (Id found: 14262, Name found: Raptor Strike, NameInGame found: Raptor Strike, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 12:10:14 - [Spell] Wing Clip (Id found: 2974, Name found: Wing Clip, NameInGame found: Wing Clip, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 12:10:14 - [Spell] Serpent Sting (Id found: 13551, Name found: Serpent Sting, NameInGame found: Serpent Sting, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 12:10:14 - [Spell] Arcane Shot (Id found: 14282, Name found: Arcane Shot, NameInGame found: Arcane Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 12:10:14 - [Spell] Auto Shot (Id found: 75, Name found: Auto Shot, NameInGame found: Auto Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 12:10:14 - [Spell] Aimed Shot (Id found: 27632, Name found: Aimed Shot, NameInGame found: Aimed Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
12:10:14 - Lock FC Is initialized.
12:10:14 - Hunter FC started.
12:10:14 - [Grinder] Started
12:10:14 - [HumanMasterPlugin] HMP Settings: TransactionId = ******** ; MultiIP = False ; AutoEquip = True ; AutoEquipBlues = False ; Hearthstone = True ; Unstuck = False ; IgnoreCombatOnBrokenItems = True ; StopTagged = True ; FirstAid = True ; FirstAidHealth = 60 ; UsePotions = True ; HealPotPercent = 35 ; ManaPotPercent = 25 ; TakeTram = False ; Food = True ; Drink = True ; HighestConsumables = False ; AutoVendor = True ; AllowCurrentZone = False ; IgnoreInnkeepers = False ; DrinkAmount = 40 ; FoodAmount = 40 ; Ammo = True ; AmmoAmount = 1600 ; SpellStrings = System.String[] ; TalentStrings = System.String[] ; TrainSkinning = True ; TrainFirstAid = True ; TrainWeapons = True ; RunAway = True ; EscapeAmount = 3 ; EscapeElite = True ; EscapeDistance = 35 ; EscapePercent = 20 ; EscapePercentEnemies = 35 ; EscapePercentMana = 15 ; EscapePercentManaEnemies = 35 ; SmartPulls = True ; UseResurrect = True ; BlacklistInvalid = True ; PullPathCollision = True ; SpiritRezz = True ; DeathsPerXMinutes = 5 ; XMinutesSinceLastDeath = 15 ; In = PluginSettings ;
12:10:14 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Started.
12:10:24 - [Relog] Player
[F] 12:10:32 - [Spell] Cast Call Pet (Call Pet)
[F] 12:10:34 - [Spell] Cast Revive Pet (Revive Pet)
[F] 12:10:35 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 12:10:36 - [Spell] Cast Call Pet (Call Pet)
[F] 12:10:37 - [Spell] Cast Revive Pet (Revive Pet)
[F] 12:10:39 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 12:10:39 - [Spell] Cast Call Pet (Call Pet)
[F] 12:10:41 - [Spell] Cast Revive Pet (Revive Pet)
[F] 12:10:42 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 12:10:43 - [Spell] Cast Call Pet (Call Pet)
[F] 12:10:44 - [Spell] Cast Revive Pet (Revive Pet)
[F] 12:10:46 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 12:10:46 - [Spell] Cast Call Pet (Call Pet)
[F] 12:10:48 - [Spell] Cast Revive Pet (Revive Pet)
[F] 12:10:49 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 12:10:50 - [Spell] Cast Call Pet (Call Pet)
[F] 12:10:51 - [Spell] Cast Revive Pet (Revive Pet)
[F] 12:10:53 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 12:10:53 - [Spell] Cast Call Pet (Call Pet)
12:10:54 - [HumanMasterPlugin] removing low-level drink Refreshing Spring Water from DoNotSellList
12:10:54 - [HumanMasterPlugin] removing low-level drink Ice Cold Milk from DoNotSellList
12:10:59 - [Relog] Finished, Restarting bot
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to trainer at levels: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 26, 30, 32, 34, 36, 40, 44, 48, 50, 54, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Training States
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding TalentPoint state
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding death events
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Resurrect State
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding AntiDrown State
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding SwimToShore State
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Vendor State
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Equip States
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding DeleteAndOpenItems after LootRange
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding BlackListUnlootableState for Farming
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding BlackListUnlootableState for FarmingRange
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Relogger 2000
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Pause 180
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Battlegrounder Combination 170
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SelectProfileState 160
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Resurrect 150
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] AntiDrown 149
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] My Macro 140
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] ClearPath 131
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] IsAttacked 130
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BattlePet 120
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Looting range 110
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] DeleteAndOpenItems 0 after Looting range
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BlacklistUnlootableObjects 0 before Farming range
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Farming range 110
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SwimToShore 0 before Regeneration
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Regeneration 100
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Looting 90
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BlacklistUnlootableObjects 0 before Farming
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Farming 80
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Milling 70
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] FlightMaster: Take taxi 60
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Prospecting 60
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] AutoEquip 43
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BagEquip 42
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] TownRun 40
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] TalentPoints 30
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Flight master discover 30
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Class Training 30
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] WarlockPetTraining 0 after Class Training
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] FirstAidTraining 29
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SkinningTraining 28
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] WeaponTraining 27
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] DeleteAndOpenItems 26
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Grinding 20
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Movement Loop 10
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Idle 0
12:10:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stored new engine as current engine to use
[E] 12:10:59 - Engine > Pulse(): System.InvalidOperationException: Η συλλογή έχει τροποποιηθεί, η λειτουργία απαρίθμησης ενδέχεται να μην εκτελεστεί.
σε System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
σε System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNextRare()
σε System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNext()
σε robotManager.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()

12:10:59 - [Grinder] Select zone: Orgrimmar
12:11:02 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
[N] 12:11:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2351,6 ; -2540,74 ; 102,7138 ; "None" to 2341,86 ; -2566,99 ; 102,857 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:11:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (47,34177y, 0ms)
[N] 12:11:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2351,6 ; -2540,74 ; 102,7138 ; "None" to 1618,96 ; -4307,28 ; 3,41723 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:11:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 117 (2788,315y, 1246ms)
[N] 12:11:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2351,6 ; -2540,74 ; 102,7138 ; "None" to 1775,1 ; -4482,91 ; 45,7307 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:11:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 119 (2807,671y, 1124ms)
[N] 12:11:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2351,6 ; -2540,74 ; 102,7138 ; "None" to 1633,99 ; -4439,37 ; 15,7436 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:11:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 111 (2682,483y, 867ms)
[N] 12:11:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2351,6 ; -2540,74 ; 102,7138 ; "None" to 1640,83 ; -4446,99 ; 15,7167 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:11:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 112 (2693,131y, 819ms)
12:11:06 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
12:11:06 - Lock FC Stop in progress.
12:11:07 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stopped.
12:11:07 - [Grinder] Stopped
12:11:07 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:52s
XP/HR: 714876 - 2 min
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

12:12:18 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stopped.
[D] 12:12:19 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 12:12:19 - ProfileName = Venom Sac Ashenv 30+ [H].xml ; BlackListWhereIAmDead = False ; RetLastPos = False ; PetBattle = False ; CurrentSetting = Grinder.Bot.GrinderSetting ;
[D] 12:12:19 - [Grinder] Profile used: Venom Sac Ashenv 30+ [H].xml
[F] 12:12:19 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Gregory\Downloads\WRobot(1)\WRobot\\FightClass\Hunter_by_eeny_v2r2(1).cs
[D] 12:12:19 - [Spell] Revive Pet (Id found: 982, Name found: Revive Pet, NameInGame found: Revive Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 12:12:19 - [Spell] Call Pet (Id found: 883, Name found: Call Pet, NameInGame found: Call Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 12:12:19 - [Spell] Mend Pet (Id found: 3111, Name found: Mend Pet, NameInGame found: Mend Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 12:12:19 - [Spell] Feed Pet (Id found: 6991, Name found: Feed Pet, NameInGame found: Feed Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 12:12:19 - [Spell] Aspect of the Hawk (Id found: 14318, Name found: Aspect of the Hawk, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Hawk, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 12:12:19 - [Spell] Aspect of the Monkey (Id found: 13163, Name found: Aspect of the Monkey, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Monkey, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 12:12:19 - [Spell] Hunter's Mark (Id found: 14323, Name found: Hunter's Mark, NameInGame found: Hunter's Mark, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 12:12:19 - [Spell] Concussive Shot (Id found: 27634, Name found: Concussive Shot, NameInGame found: Concussive Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 12:12:19 - [Spell] Raptor Strike (Id found: 14262, Name found: Raptor Strike, NameInGame found: Raptor Strike, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 12:12:19 - [Spell] Wing Clip (Id found: 2974, Name found: Wing Clip, NameInGame found: Wing Clip, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 12:12:19 - [Spell] Serpent Sting (Id found: 13551, Name found: Serpent Sting, NameInGame found: Serpent Sting, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 12:12:19 - [Spell] Arcane Shot (Id found: 14282, Name found: Arcane Shot, NameInGame found: Arcane Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 12:12:19 - [Spell] Auto Shot (Id found: 75, Name found: Auto Shot, NameInGame found: Auto Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 12:12:19 - [Spell] Aimed Shot (Id found: 27632, Name found: Aimed Shot, NameInGame found: Aimed Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
12:12:19 - Lock FC Is initialized.
12:12:19 - [Grinder] Select zone: Orgrimmar
12:12:19 - Hunter FC started.
[N] 12:12:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2351,6 ; -2540,74 ; 102,7138 ; "None" to 2121,534 ; -3398,117 ; 94,90674 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:12:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 45 (1484,807y, 0ms)
12:12:20 - [Grinder] Started
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] HMP Settings: TransactionId = ******** ; MultiIP = False ; AutoEquip = True ; AutoEquipBlues = False ; Hearthstone = True ; Unstuck = False ; IgnoreCombatOnBrokenItems = True ; StopTagged = True ; FirstAid = True ; FirstAidHealth = 60 ; UsePotions = True ; HealPotPercent = 35 ; ManaPotPercent = 25 ; TakeTram = False ; Food = True ; Drink = True ; HighestConsumables = False ; AutoVendor = True ; AllowCurrentZone = False ; IgnoreInnkeepers = False ; DrinkAmount = 40 ; FoodAmount = 40 ; Ammo = True ; AmmoAmount = 1600 ; SpellStrings = System.String[] ; TalentStrings = System.String[] ; TrainSkinning = True ; TrainFirstAid = True ; TrainWeapons = True ; RunAway = True ; EscapeAmount = 3 ; EscapeElite = True ; EscapeDistance = 35 ; EscapePercent = 20 ; EscapePercentEnemies = 35 ; EscapePercentMana = 15 ; EscapePercentManaEnemies = 35 ; SmartPulls = True ; UseResurrect = True ; BlacklistInvalid = True ; PullPathCollision = True ; SpiritRezz = True ; DeathsPerXMinutes = 5 ; XMinutesSinceLastDeath = 15 ; In = PluginSettings ;
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to trainer at levels: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 26, 30, 32, 34, 36, 40, 44, 48, 50, 54, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Training States
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding TalentPoint state
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding death events
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Resurrect State
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding AntiDrown State
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding SwimToShore State
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Vendor State
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Equip States
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding DeleteAndOpenItems after LootRange
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding BlackListUnlootableState for Farming
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding BlackListUnlootableState for FarmingRange
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Relogger 2000
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Pause 180
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Battlegrounder Combination 170
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SelectProfileState 160
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Resurrect 150
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] AntiDrown 149
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] My Macro 140
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] ClearPath 131
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] IsAttacked 130
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BattlePet 120
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Looting range 110
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] DeleteAndOpenItems 0 after Looting range
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BlacklistUnlootableObjects 0 before Farming range
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Farming range 110
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SwimToShore 0 before Regeneration
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Regeneration 100
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Looting 90
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BlacklistUnlootableObjects 0 before Farming
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Farming 80
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Milling 70
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] FlightMaster: Take taxi 60
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Prospecting 60
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] AutoEquip 43
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BagEquip 42
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] TownRun 40
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] TalentPoints 30
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Flight master discover 30
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Class Training 30
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] WarlockPetTraining 0 after Class Training
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] FirstAidTraining 29
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SkinningTraining 28
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] WeaponTraining 27
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] DeleteAndOpenItems 26
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Grinding 20
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Movement Loop 10
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Idle 0
12:12:20 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stored new engine as current engine to use
[E] 12:12:20 - Engine > Pulse(): System.InvalidOperationException: Η συλλογή έχει τροποποιηθεί, η λειτουργία απαρίθμησης ενδέχεται να μην εκτελεστεί.
σε System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
σε System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNextRare()
σε System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNext()
σε robotManager.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()

12:12:21 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Started.
12:12:24 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Npc ID 6028 to Vendor/Repair blacklist
12:12:24 - [HumanMasterPlugin] removing low-level drink Refreshing Spring Water from DoNotSellList
12:12:24 - [HumanMasterPlugin] removing low-level drink Ice Cold Milk from DoNotSellList
12:12:24 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
[N] 12:12:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2317,473 ; -2541,334 ; 100,2932 ; "None" to 2341,86 ; -2566,99 ; 102,857 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:12:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (35,75927y, 155ms)
[N] 12:12:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2316,269 ; -2541,355 ; 100,2452 ; "None" to 1618,96 ; -4307,28 ; 3,41723 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:12:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 117 (2752,976y, 808ms)
[N] 12:12:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2310,691 ; -2541,452 ; 99,99387 ; "None" to 1775,1 ; -4482,91 ; 45,7307 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[D] 12:12:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 这LM 猎人慌了 他以为LM飞行员很安全
[N] 12:12:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 119 (2766,781y, 954ms)
[N] 12:12:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2303,909 ; -2541,57 ; 99,57983 ; "None" to 1633,99 ; -4439,37 ; 15,7436 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:12:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 111 (2634,834y, 903ms)
[N] 12:12:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2297,568 ; -2541,68 ; 98,92293 ; "None" to 1640,83 ; -4446,99 ; 15,7167 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:12:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 112 (2639,121y, 945ms)
12:12:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
12:12:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
12:12:29 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
12:12:29 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
12:12:29 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
[N] 12:12:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2285,761 ; -2541,886 ; 96,76178 ; "None" to 1766,71 ; -4367,36 ; -15,7114 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:12:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 88 (2651,427y, 761ms)
12:12:30 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
12:12:30 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
12:12:30 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
12:12:31 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Mutton Chop x 0 in 0 stacks - enough money: True
12:12:31 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Krixil Slogswitch not in this expansion, blacklisting!
12:12:31 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcFinder]: Axle not in this expansion, blacklisting!
[N] 12:12:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2274,604 ; -2542,08 ; 94,69208 ; "None" to 1891,6 ; -4326,75 ; 23,4799 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:12:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 73 (2637,206y, 917ms)
[N] 12:12:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2268,152 ; -2542,192 ; 94,20417 ; "None" to 1520,54 ; -4355,58 ; 19,0778 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:12:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 114 (2725,913y, 996ms)
12:12:33 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
12:12:33 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
12:12:33 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Melon Juice x 0 in 0 stacks - enough money: True
12:12:33 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
12:12:33 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
[N] 12:12:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2257,223 ; -2542,383 ; 93,47363 ; "None" to 1692,69 ; -4412,03 ; 21,9288 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:12:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 106 (2559,268y, 888ms)
12:12:34 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kaja in zone:
12:12:34 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
12:12:34 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Kaja with id 3322 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
[N] 12:12:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2250,111 ; -2542,506 ; 89,84885 ; "None" to 1692,69 ; -4412,03 ; 21,9288 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[D] 12:12:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Garonao) 有时候一只怪也要跑
[N] 12:12:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 106 (2551,58y, 934ms)
12:12:35 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi at Vhulgra
[N] 12:12:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2242,566 ; -2542,638 ; 88,54182 ; "None" to 2305,64 ; -2520,15 ; 103,8088 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:12:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (72,54708y, 152ms)
[N] 12:12:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2242,44 ; -2542,392 ; 88,52103 ; "None" to 2305,64 ; -2520,15 ; 103,8088 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:12:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (72,54708y, 0ms)
[D] 12:12:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Srenzs) 哦
12:12:48 - [FlightMaster] No found useful destination on FlightMaster Vhulgra, skip it.
12:12:48 - [FlightMaster] Cannot take taxi, Blacklist flightmaster 30 min and taxi node for session.
[N] 12:12:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2304,375 ; -2523,226 ; 104,349 ; "None" to 1692,69 ; -4412,03 ; 21,9288 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:12:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 105 (2611,234y, 827ms)
[N] 12:12:50 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 12:12:50 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 12:12:50 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[D] 12:12:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Evandad) 哈哈
[D] 12:13:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Srenzs) 这是正常现象吗
[D] 12:13:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Evandad) 太正常了
[D] 12:13:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Srenzs) 哦
[D] 12:13:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Evandad) 这是最原始的版本
[D] 12:13:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lookingforme) 好可爱
[D] 12:13:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Leec) 你能问出这句话来 还是玩猎人去吧
[D] 12:13:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Evandad) 毒药都是带次数的
[D] 12:14:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Srenzs) LR半天都砍不死怪
[D] 12:14:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Leec) 不然以后有你受的
12:14:05 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to repair Kaja with ID: 3322 aborted for some reason - maybe wRobot can't path to this vendor, consider blacklisting it
12:14:05 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Mannoroc Lasher is in your path, need to attack
[F] 12:14:07 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:14:07 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:14:07 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:14:11 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:14:12 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:14:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Srenzs) 比战士还难
[F] 12:14:14 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:14:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wudibainiu) 猎人不靠砍
[F] 12:14:16 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
12:14:21 - [Looting] Loot Mannoroc Lasher
[N] 12:14:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2041,916 ; -2925,621 ; 108,2598 ; "None" to 2048,013 ; -2946,563 ; 111,1758 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:14:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (34,32774y, 194ms)
[D] 12:14:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wudibainiu) 靠射
[D] 12:14:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Evandad) 我们习惯了
[D] 12:14:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Srenzs) 怎么射
[D] 12:14:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Evandad) 玩盗贼都是信仰
12:14:33 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
[N] 12:14:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2050,307 ; -2948,202 ; 110,4132 ; "None" to 2341,86 ; -2566,99 ; 102,857 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:14:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 22 (598,1218y, 199ms)
[N] 12:14:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2050,307 ; -2948,202 ; 111,3363 ; "None" to 1618,96 ; -4307,28 ; 3,41723 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:14:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 107 (2199,192y, 526ms)
[N] 12:14:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2050,307 ; -2948,202 ; 110,2801 ; "None" to 1633,99 ; -4439,37 ; 15,7436 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:14:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 101 (2093,159y, 591ms)
[N] 12:14:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2050,222 ; -2948,286 ; 111,2794 ; "None" to 1640,83 ; -4446,99 ; 15,7167 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:14:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 102 (2103,91y, 580ms)
[N] 12:14:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2050,222 ; -2948,286 ; 109,7364 ; "None" to 1775,1 ; -4482,91 ; 45,7307 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:14:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 109 (2218,178y, 608ms)
12:14:36 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
12:14:36 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
12:14:36 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
12:14:36 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
12:14:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
[N] 12:14:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2050,222 ; -2948,286 ; 109,7364 ; "None" to 1766,71 ; -4367,36 ; -15,7114 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:14:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 78 (2127,948y, 541ms)
12:14:37 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
12:14:38 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
12:14:38 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
12:14:38 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
[N] 12:14:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2050,222 ; -2948,286 ; 109,7364 ; "None" to 1891,6 ; -4326,75 ; 23,4799 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:14:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 63 (2125,075y, 626ms)
[N] 12:14:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2050,222 ; -2948,286 ; 109,7364 ; "None" to 1520,54 ; -4355,58 ; 19,0778 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:14:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 104 (2219,649y, 632ms)
12:14:40 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
12:14:40 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
12:14:40 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
12:14:40 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
12:14:40 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
[N] 12:14:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2050,222 ; -2948,286 ; 109,7364 ; "None" to 1692,69 ; -4412,03 ; 21,9288 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:14:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 96 (2064,403y, 542ms)
12:14:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kaja in zone:
12:14:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
12:14:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Kaja with id 3322 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
[N] 12:14:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2050,222 ; -2948,286 ; 109,7364 ; "None" to 1692,69 ; -4412,03 ; 21,9288 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:14:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 96 (2064,403y, 0ms)
12:14:51 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to repair Kaja with ID: 3322 aborted for some reason - maybe wRobot can't path to this vendor, consider blacklisting it
12:14:52 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Felguard (lvl 29)
[F] 12:14:54 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:14:54 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:14:54 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:14:58 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:14:59 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:15:03 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:15:03 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:15:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xohunter) 往身上射
[F] 12:15:07 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:15:07 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:15:11 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:15:11 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:15:15 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 12:15:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Foxdie) 盗贼 60年代练级很快啊
[F] 12:15:16 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:15:20 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 12:15:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Foxdie) 战士才需要信仰
[D] 12:15:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 我54 级LR 3700多血 这个 56的LR 才2500.。
[D] 12:15:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Atala) 会里有会附魔灼热的吗
[F] 12:15:27 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:15:31 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 12:15:38 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:15:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xohunter) 往脸或者$%^&*!上射也行
12:15:42 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
12:15:42 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
12:15:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
12:15:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
12:15:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
12:15:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
[D] 12:15:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Evandad) 嗯 我盗贼国F杀胖子都生过60
12:15:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
12:15:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
12:15:44 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
12:15:44 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
12:15:44 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
12:15:44 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
12:15:44 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
12:15:44 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
12:15:44 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
12:15:45 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kaja in zone:
12:15:45 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
12:15:45 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Kaja with id 3322 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
[N] 12:15:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2047,498 ; -3022,723 ; 106,5721 ; "None" to 1692,69 ; -4412,03 ; 21,9288 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:15:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 95 (1990,212y, 564ms)
12:15:49 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to repair Kaja with ID: 3322 aborted for some reason - maybe wRobot can't path to this vendor, consider blacklisting it
12:15:49 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Felguard is in your path, need to attack
[F] 12:15:51 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:15:51 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:15:51 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:15:55 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:15:56 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:15:58 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:15:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Evandad) 这1.14改动多大啊
[F] 12:16:00 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:16:03 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:16:05 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
12:16:12 - [Looting] Loot Felguard
[N] 12:16:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2047,645 ; -3047,421 ; 107,6485 ; "None" to 2048,923 ; -3062,698 ; 104,4779 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:16:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,65444y, 157ms)
12:16:16 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Searing Infernal (lvl 29)
[F] 12:16:19 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:16:20 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:16:20 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:16:24 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 12:16:31 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:16:31 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:16:35 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 12:16:41 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:16:41 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:16:45 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 12:16:52 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:16:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Newlight) 血色教堂AA来 LR 4=1
[F] 12:16:56 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 12:17:02 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:17:06 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
12:17:12 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
12:17:13 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
12:17:13 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
12:17:13 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
12:17:13 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
12:17:13 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
12:17:13 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
12:17:14 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
12:17:14 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
12:17:14 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
12:17:14 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
12:17:14 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
12:17:14 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
12:17:15 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
12:17:15 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
12:17:15 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kaja in zone:
12:17:15 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
12:17:15 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Kaja with id 3322 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
[N] 12:17:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2048,755 ; -3058,789 ; 104,6444 ; "None" to 1692,69 ; -4412,03 ; 21,9288 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:17:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 95 (1954,318y, 625ms)
12:17:23 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to repair Kaja with ID: 3322 aborted for some reason - maybe wRobot can't path to this vendor, consider blacklisting it
12:17:23 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Felguard is in your path, need to attack
[F] 12:17:27 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:17:27 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:17:27 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:17:31 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:17:32 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:17:38 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:17:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Suirenshi) 不用插件的话,右键点击头像没有功能是吗?
12:17:46 - [Looting] Loot Felguard
[N] 12:17:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2048,545 ; -3109,899 ; 101,4725 ; "None" to 2043,509 ; -3130,486 ; 104,0389 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:17:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (21,34832y, 163ms)
12:17:55 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
12:17:55 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
12:17:55 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
12:17:55 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
12:17:56 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
12:17:56 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
12:17:56 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
12:17:56 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
12:17:56 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
12:17:57 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
[D] 12:17:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fswda) 哀嚎任务有趣的吗
12:17:57 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
12:17:57 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
12:17:57 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
12:17:57 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
12:17:57 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
12:17:57 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kaja in zone:
12:17:57 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
12:17:57 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Kaja with id 3322 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
[N] 12:17:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2043,549 ; -3130,293 ; 104,0495 ; "None" to 1692,69 ; -4412,03 ; 21,9288 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:17:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 95 (1884,721y, 572ms)
[D] 12:18:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nightfal) 采矿225后去哪学
[D] 12:18:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Crazei) 幽暗
[D] 12:18:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Igf) 哀嚎任务奖励好
[D] 12:18:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nightfal) 哦,谢谢,工程225后是到加基森吧
12:18:45 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to repair Kaja with ID: 3322 aborted for some reason - maybe wRobot can't path to this vendor, consider blacklisting it
12:18:45 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 12:18:46 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 12:18:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2045,798 ; -3404,072 ; 92,1993 ; "None" to 2043,685 ; -3385,614 ; 92,1993 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:18:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,57856y, 159ms)
[F] 12:18:48 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:18:48 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:18:49 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:18:53 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:18:53 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:18:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nightfal) 工程学225后,有等级限制吗
[F] 12:18:57 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:18:57 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:19:01 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:19:01 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:19:05 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:19:06 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:19:10 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 12:19:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Heicao) 40级吧
[F] 12:19:17 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:19:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nightfal) 哦
[F] 12:19:21 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
12:19:28 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:19:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2044,58 ; -3393,425 ; 92,22469 ; "None" to 2045,959 ; -3405,482 ; 92,17667 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:19:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,13609y, 158ms)
12:19:36 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
[N] 12:19:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2045,512 ; -3401,573 ; 92,27848 ; "None" to 2341,86 ; -2566,99 ; 102,857 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:19:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 25 (1053,803y, 246ms)
[N] 12:19:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2045,512 ; -3401,573 ; 92,27848 ; "None" to 1618,96 ; -4307,28 ; 3,41723 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:19:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 102 (1737,389y, 311ms)
[N] 12:19:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2045,512 ; -3401,573 ; 92,27848 ; "None" to 1775,1 ; -4482,91 ; 45,7307 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:19:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 104 (1756,745y, 338ms)
[N] 12:19:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2045,512 ; -3401,573 ; 92,27848 ; "None" to 1633,99 ; -4439,37 ; 15,7436 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:19:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 96 (1631,557y, 292ms)
[N] 12:19:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2045,512 ; -3401,573 ; 92,27848 ; "None" to 1640,83 ; -4446,99 ; 15,7167 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:19:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 97 (1642,205y, 302ms)
12:19:38 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
12:19:38 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
12:19:38 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
12:19:38 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
12:19:38 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
[N] 12:19:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2045,512 ; -3401,573 ; 92,27848 ; "None" to 1766,71 ; -4367,36 ; -15,7114 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:19:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 73 (1666,516y, 338ms)
12:19:39 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
12:19:39 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
12:19:39 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
12:19:40 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
[N] 12:19:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2045,512 ; -3401,573 ; 92,27848 ; "None" to 1891,6 ; -4326,75 ; 23,4799 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:19:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 58 (1663,643y, 331ms)
[N] 12:19:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2045,512 ; -3401,573 ; 92,27848 ; "None" to 1520,54 ; -4355,58 ; 19,0778 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:19:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 99 (1758,217y, 412ms)
12:19:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
12:19:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
12:19:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
12:19:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
12:19:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
[N] 12:19:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2045,512 ; -3401,573 ; 93,61192 ; "None" to 1692,69 ; -4412,03 ; 21,9288 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:19:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 91 (1603,093y, 318ms)
12:19:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kaja in zone:
12:19:42 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
12:19:42 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Kaja with id 3322 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
[N] 12:19:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2045,512 ; -3401,573 ; 93,27383 ; "None" to 1692,69 ; -4412,03 ; 21,9288 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:19:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 91 (1603,06y, 321ms)
12:19:53 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to repair Kaja with ID: 3322 aborted for some reason - maybe wRobot can't path to this vendor, consider blacklisting it
12:19:53 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 12:19:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2054,659 ; -3474,785 ; 88,46712 ; "None" to 2060,336 ; -3487,681 ; 88,46712 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 12:19:54 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 12:19:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (14,49892y, 163ms)
[F] 12:19:57 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:19:57 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:19:57 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:20:01 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:20:02 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:20:04 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:20:06 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
12:20:15 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:20:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2057,781 ; -3483,191 ; 86,95991 ; "None" to 2052,619 ; -3470,151 ; 89,98945 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:20:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,34775y, 162ms)
12:20:24 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
12:20:24 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
12:20:24 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
12:20:24 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
12:20:24 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
12:20:24 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
12:20:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
12:20:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
12:20:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
12:20:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Olvia in zone:
12:20:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
12:20:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
12:20:26 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
12:20:26 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Asoran in zone:
12:20:26 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
12:20:26 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
12:20:26 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
12:20:26 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kaja in zone:
12:20:26 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
12:20:26 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Kaja with id 3322 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
[N] 12:20:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2052,672 ; -3470,285 ; 90,87318 ; "None" to 1692,69 ; -4412,03 ; 21,9288 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:20:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 91 (1534,575y, 290ms)
12:20:32 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to repair Kaja with ID: 3322 aborted for some reason - maybe wRobot can't path to this vendor, consider blacklisting it
12:20:32 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 12:20:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2071,637 ; -3504,214 ; 77,28181 ; "None" to 2074,532 ; -3518,065 ; 77,28181 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:20:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,14957y, 158ms)
[F] 12:20:39 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:20:39 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:20:40 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:20:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skysong) |cffa335ee|Hitem:810::::::::49:::::::::|h[北风]|h|r很好用啊 .
[F] 12:20:44 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:20:44 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:20:46 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
12:20:54 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:20:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2073,742 ; -3514,287 ; 75,25816 ; "None" to 2070,946 ; -3500,907 ; 79,13825 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:20:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,20874y, 180ms)
[D] 12:20:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skysong) 就是看起来丑
[D] 12:21:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Petdaddy) 刚才回档了这么多
12:21:03 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Starting TownRun: NeedsToRepair: False NeedsToSell: False NeedsToBuyFood: False NeedsToBuyDrinks: False
12:21:03 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Kaylisk in zone: Ashenvale
12:21:03 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Fizzgrimble in zone:
12:21:03 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Moorane Hearthgrain in zone: The Barrens
12:21:03 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Neutral NPC null, using friendly NPC
12:21:03 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Innkeeper Pala in zone:
12:21:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kor'jus in zone:
12:21:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kilxx in zone: The Barrens
12:21:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
12:21:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Olvia in zone:
12:21:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Mutton Chop with id 3770
12:21:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Jazzik in zone: The Barrens
12:21:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
12:21:05 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Asoran in zone:
12:21:05 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Don't need to go vendor for Melon Juice with id 1205
12:21:05 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Checking if we need to go vendor for Solid Shot with id 3033
12:21:05 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Need to rebuy Solid Shot x 1400 in 7 stacks - enough money: True
12:21:05 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Kaja in zone:
12:21:05 - [HumanMasterPlugin] [NpcHelper] Found NPC: Daeolyn Summerleaf in zone:
12:21:05 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to vendor Kaja with id 3322 to buy Solid Shot with id 3033
[N] 12:21:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2071,023 ; -3501,277 ; 78,92209 ; "None" to 1692,69 ; -4412,03 ; 21,9288 ; "DbCreature" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:21:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 90 (1495,135y, 362ms)
[D] 12:21:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xgzc) 拉怪好用吗北风
[D] 12:21:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skysong) 伤害高
[D] 12:22:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niunaikafei) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手 将于 10 分 后重置.。
[D] 12:22:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tangming) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手 将于 10 分 后重置.。
[D] 12:22:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 就我在杀LM飞行员吗?
[D] 12:22:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xgzc) 要怒气不要伤害 感觉有点慢
[D] 12:22:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Heicao) 林吉之斧
[D] 12:22:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Heicao) 兽人这个最好
[D] 12:22:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Heicao) 不过你是牛头
[D] 12:22:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xgzc) 牛头呢
[D] 12:23:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Oilililo) 草药225了去哪学
[D] 12:23:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xgzc) 推荐一下
[N] 12:23:08 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 12:23:08 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 12:23:08 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 12:23:10 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 12:23:10 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 12:23:11 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[D] 12:23:11 - [MovementManager] Current pos: 1655,232 ; -3844,107 ; 56,96381 ; "None" - Target pos: 1656,849 ; -3845,849 ; 59,15908 ; "None" Continent: Kalimdor Tile: 39.2077_28.89644
[D] 12:23:11 - [StuckResolver] Started.
[D] 12:23:12 - [StuckResolver] Done - Stuck count updated, new value: 4.
[N] 12:23:12 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 12:23:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1655,232 ; -3844,107 ; 56,96381 ; "None" to 1692,69 ; -4412,03 ; 21,9288 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:23:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 67 (800,3367y, 314ms)
[D] 12:23:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xgzc) 风暴太贵了
[D] 12:23:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Heicao) 牛头不知道了
[D] 12:23:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) UA
[D] 12:23:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Icelie) 随便草药师就行
[D] 12:23:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Heicao) 你防战就拿耐力加成多的就行
[D] 12:23:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xgzc) 我看看AH
[D] 12:23:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gufang) 妈的,Lm非 逼着我上大号,艹
[D] 12:24:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jgle) 我也上过了
[D] 12:24:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Icelie) 22
[D] 12:24:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gufang) 真他妈贱
[D] 12:24:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) 我也刚上了个大号 拉了很多
[D] 12:24:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Silder) 大哥们下次有大号的换着带小号吧,
[D] 12:24:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Bgangan) 求组 怒焰
[D] 12:24:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Bgangan) 求组 怒焰副本
[D] 12:25:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Bgangan) 求组 怒焰副本
12:25:06 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Selling items try 1/3
[D] 12:25:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Nies) STSM发财 来2个童工FS 效率队 3波流LR已就为3=2
12:25:10 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Selling items try 2/3
[D] 12:25:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Xixixihahaha) en
12:25:12 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Selling items try 3/3
[E] 12:25:12 - ReadLast(LogType logType): System.NullReferenceException: Δεν έχει οριστεί αναφορά αντικειμένου σε μια παρουσία αντικειμένου.
σε robotManager.Helpful.Logging.ReadLast(LogType logType)

12:25:13 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Buying 7 stacks of Solid Shot
[D] 12:25:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skysong) 密林买过来52才能拿
[D] 12:25:20 - [Spell] Pick Lock (Id found: 6480, Name found: Pick Lock, NameInGame found: Pick Lock, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[N] 12:25:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 1689,844 ; -4413,013 ; 21,67919 ; "None" to 2083,488 ; -3517,936 ; 69,17815 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:25:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 98 (1469,674y, 396ms)
[D] 12:25:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Qaqwuwu) 1.6g收符文布卖的mmmm人在AG椰树下支持邮寄
[D] 12:25:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xgzc) 我刚好52
[D] 12:25:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skysong) 密林陪风暴能用到60了
[D] 12:25:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) 都玩狂暴了?
[D] 12:26:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xgzc) 我是防粘
[D] 12:26:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 玩两ZS不就行了
[D] 12:26:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skysong) 升级不用狂暴打的慢啊
[D] 12:26:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [YELL] (Pathfinding) 收 9G 格罗姆之血 8.5G山鼠草 5G 瘟疫花 卖的M我 欢迎邮寄
[D] 12:26:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xgzc) 招架闪避呀
[D] 12:26:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) [[30] 耐力的试炼 (1150)] 一起的来
[D] 12:26:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xgzc) 吃装备
[D] 12:26:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skysong) 80版本一个防战天赋用到底.
[D] 12:26:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Leec) 满级之前不要玩狂暴
[D] 12:26:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xgzc) 还是武器吧
[D] 12:27:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xgzc) 稳
[D] 12:27:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Linpingzhi) 嗯
[D] 12:27:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Linpingzhi) 我洗了两次都不如
[D] 12:27:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Leec) 去战场搞个冰刺 砍到满级
[D] 12:27:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skysong) 感觉武器没狂暴打怪快啊.
[D] 12:27:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Linpingzhi) 未命中太多了
[D] 12:27:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 这版本洗天赋太贵
[D] 12:27:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Linpingzhi) 能武器 必须可好
[D] 12:27:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Leec) 你要装备好可以 狮心头这种
[D] 12:27:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) [[30] 耐力的试炼 (1150)] 一起的来
[D] 12:27:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xgzc) 装备好无所谓
[D] 12:27:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Linpingzhi) 嗯 武器要超前
[D] 12:27:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yametehyy) 冰刺猴年马月拿不到
[D] 12:27:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) 没好的双手武器了
[D] 12:27:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Leec) 找坑场
[D] 12:28:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xgzc) 战场想赢一场太难了
[D] 12:28:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) [[30] 耐力的试炼 (1150)] 一起的来
[D] 12:28:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skysong) |cffa335ee|Hitem:9372::::::::49:::::::::|h[鞭笞者苏萨斯]|h|r
[D] 12:28:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) |cff0070dd|Hitem:17766:0:0:0|h[瑟莱德丝公主的节杖]|h|r 还是这个 战场没坑厂
[D] 12:28:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xgzc) 更难出祖尔的
[D] 12:28:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) [[30] 耐力的试炼 (1150)] 一起的来
[D] 12:28:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skysong) 45级用到52拿密林了
[D] 12:28:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eternalflame) 剃刀沼泽 全任务5人队伍,来32+FS,治疗,MT~2=3~~!
[D] 12:28:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) ZUL那个速度怎么那么快
12:29:00 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 12:29:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2151,972 ; -3528,149 ; 48,13197 ; "None" to 2164,83 ; -3529,566 ; 48,13197 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:29:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,93575y, 360ms)
[D] 12:29:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Linpingzhi) |cffa335ee|Hitem:9372::::::::47:::::::::|h[鞭笞者苏萨斯]|h|r是不狂暴天赋好
[D] 12:29:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shuibaba) 耐力失恋1
[F] 12:29:05 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:29:06 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:29:06 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:29:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skysong) 快了触发高
[F] 12:29:10 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:29:10 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:29:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jnkh) 1
[D] 12:29:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) 那个世界之树的嫩枝还蛮贵 不舍得买
[F] 12:29:13 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:29:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xgzc) 狂暴可以 当T 拿密林拉怪没怒气
[F] 12:29:15 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
12:29:25 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:29:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2164,58 ; -3529,572 ; 47,96934 ; "None" to 2145,254 ; -3529,799 ; 48,61513 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:29:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,33829y, 215ms)
12:29:47 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 12:29:48 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[D] 12:29:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eternalflame) 剃刀沼泽 全任务5人队伍,来32+MT和治疗,3=2~~~!
[F] 12:29:48 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:29:49 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:29:53 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:29:53 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:29:55 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:29:58 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:30:00 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
12:30:09 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:30:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2223,96 ; -3544,056 ; 45,17019 ; "None" to 2210,024 ; -3541,004 ; 45,39141 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:30:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,26803y, 530ms)
[N] 12:30:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2210,387 ; -3541,084 ; 45,39025 ; "None" to 2222,777 ; -3543,698 ; 45,14629 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:30:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,66504y, 212ms)
[D] 12:30:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skysong) T拿奎剑了
[D] 12:30:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gsocean) 亡灵起源 有没有记忆力好的 知道在哪个书架
12:30:37 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 12:30:42 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:30:42 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:30:42 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:30:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) 第一个
[F] 12:30:46 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:30:47 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:30:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xgzc) 现在才52 差好远
[F] 12:30:49 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:30:51 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:30:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) 图书馆院子进去 再进去
12:30:59 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:30:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2295,257 ; -3555,865 ; 43,8687 ; "None" to 2310,128 ; -3545,804 ; 45,16719 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:30:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (18,2342y, 152ms)
[D] 12:31:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bunait) 第一个小房间
[D] 12:31:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xaingwangyuj) 神庙任务队开组 来各种
[D] 12:31:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gsocean) 不在BOSS那么
[D] 12:31:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niunaikafei) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手 将于 1 分 后重置.。
[D] 12:31:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skysong) 52拿密林刚好啊
[D] 12:31:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) 不在
[D] 12:31:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skysong) 好用不贵
[D] 12:31:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xaingwangyuj) 神庙任务队开组 来各种
[D] 12:31:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xgzc) 我就觉得密林太慢了 拉怪
12:31:46 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 12:31:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2062,136 ; -3504,449 ; 81,03176 ; "None" to 2052,349 ; -3501,636 ; 81,03176 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:31:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,18341y, 259ms)
[F] 12:31:48 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:31:49 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[N] 12:31:49 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 12:31:49 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[F] 12:31:49 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:31:49 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: Jump
[N] 12:31:50 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 12:31:50 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 12:31:52 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[D] 12:31:52 - [MovementManager] Current pos: 2052,58 ; -3501,675 ; 83,24523 ; "None" - Target pos: 2052,349 ; -3501,636 ; 81,03176 ; "None" Continent: Kalimdor Tile: 38.56564_28.15141
[D] 12:31:52 - [StuckResolver] Started.
[D] 12:31:53 - [StuckResolver] Done - Stuck count updated, new value: 5.
[F] 12:31:53 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:31:54 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:31:56 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:31:58 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:31:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xgzc) 却怒
[F] 12:32:01 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:32:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Animalzoon) [破碎的符印][短兵相接][真正的威胁] 来人 MMM
[F] 12:32:03 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
12:32:09 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:32:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,535 ; -3501,919 ; 83,34706 ; "None" to 2069,854 ; -3506,667 ; 77,38902 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:32:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (20,32499y, 164ms)
[D] 12:32:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skysong) 升级可以啊
12:32:22 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 12:32:23 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 12:32:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2041,485 ; -3489,319 ; 87,55505 ; "None" to 2027,689 ; -3488,753 ; 87,55505 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:32:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,8069y, 219ms)
[F] 12:32:26 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:32:26 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:32:26 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:32:30 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:32:31 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:32:33 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:32:35 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
12:32:44 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:32:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2029,492 ; -3488,827 ; 88,02707 ; "None" to 2045,779 ; -3489,495 ; 85,5378 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:32:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,49027y, 236ms)
[D] 12:32:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xgzc) 再找找看看合适的
[D] 12:32:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xaingwangyuj) 神庙任务队开组 来各种
[D] 12:32:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Caoluyin) 为啥驯服不了野兽。。。
[D] 12:33:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yibiu) 1
12:33:13 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 12:33:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2121,694 ; -3397,987 ; 95,00034 ; "None" to 2127,523 ; -3385,25 ; 95,00034 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 12:33:15 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 12:33:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (47,25715y, 672ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[F] 12:33:17 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:33:17 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:33:18 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:33:22 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:33:22 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:33:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yangzhudashu) 野兽有自己的想法
[F] 12:33:24 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:33:27 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
12:33:35 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:33:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2133,094 ; -3396,732 ; 94,56463 ; "None" to 2119,303 ; -3403,211 ; 94,08832 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:33:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,24424y, 174ms)
[D] 12:33:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xgzc) |cff0070dd|Hitem:13014:0:0:0|h[林吉之斧]|h|r 这个拉怪怎么样 速度快 加耐力
[D] 12:33:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skysong) 52升级没密林陪痛击平民最好搭配了.
[D] 12:34:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nineode) 你把优点都说出来了
[D] 12:34:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Caoluyin) ...
[D] 12:34:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nineode) {猥琐}
[D] 12:34:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Natelyer) ..
[D] 12:34:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skysong) T|cff0070dd|Hitem:13014::::::::49:::::::::|h[林吉之斧]|h|r可以
[D] 12:34:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nineode) 还要多问一下干嘛
[D] 12:34:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Caoluyin) 这半天驯服不了
[D] 12:34:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skysong) 也不贵买把用用感受下
[D] 12:34:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xgzc) 嗯
12:35:06 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 12:35:08 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 12:35:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2157,144 ; -3528,928 ; 48,00089 ; "None" to 2174,254 ; -3537,341 ; 48,00089 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:35:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (20,0062y, 463ms)
[F] 12:35:10 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 12:35:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2164,033 ; -3535,495 ; 48,10346 ; "None" to 2171,15 ; -3541,923 ; 48,10346 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 12:35:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skysong) 伤害高是王道啊
[N] 12:35:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,589544y, 156ms)
[F] 12:35:14 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:35:14 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:35:15 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:35:19 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:35:19 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:35:21 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
12:35:30 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:35:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2171,121 ; -3541,779 ; 47,2168 ; "None" to 2156,309 ; -3528,517 ; 48,0156 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:35:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (19,9456y, 155ms)
[D] 12:35:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xgzc) 过渡一下吧
12:36:08 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 12:36:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2069,102 ; -3425,013 ; 93,26853 ; "None" to 2078,613 ; -3423,975 ; 93,26853 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:36:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,567792y, 224ms)
[F] 12:36:11 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:36:12 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:36:12 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:36:16 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:36:16 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:36:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Caoluyin) 这猪都疯了吧
[F] 12:36:19 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:36:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Caoluyin) 驯服不了
[D] 12:36:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) |cff0070dd|Hitem:13047:0:0:0|h[世界之树的嫩枝]|h|rAH 29
12:36:28 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:36:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2078,332 ; -3423,953 ; 93,77654 ; "None" to 2056,685 ; -3425,593 ; 92,68525 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:36:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (21,73639y, 154ms)
[N] 12:36:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2060,463 ; -3425,386 ; 92,43385 ; "None" to 2067,879 ; -3425,958 ; 93,338 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:36:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (7,493y, 243ms)
[D] 12:36:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skysong) ZS拿这没用啊
[D] 12:36:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eternalflame) TDZZ 全任务5 人 队伍,来32+TANK和治疗,3=2~~~!
12:37:12 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Wildthorn Lurker is in your path, need to attack
[N] 12:37:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2070,216 ; -3509,749 ; 76,48271 ; "None" to 2065,83 ; -3523,432 ; 76,48271 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:37:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,36802y, 530ms)
[F] 12:37:18 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:37:18 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:37:18 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:37:22 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:37:23 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:37:25 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[N] 12:37:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2067,048 ; -3519,643 ; 74,20581 ; "None" to 2077,884 ; -3514,681 ; 72,6629 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:37:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,01733y, 282ms)
[D] 12:37:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bunait) |cffffffff|Hitem:9259::::::::48:::::::::|h[巨魔部族项链]|h|r 干什么用的
[D] 12:37:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Erico) 会里有人借个组不?重置一下FB
[D] 12:37:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) 怎么会没有 除了ZC的冰刺 平民的速度慢的就这了吧
[D] 12:37:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nightfal) 60级号给30来级的号交易14格包可以不
12:37:58 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 12:38:00 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:38:00 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:38:00 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:38:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) |cffa335ee|Hitem:647:0:0:0|h[命运]|h|r 命运9.5G
[F] 12:38:04 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:38:05 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:38:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eternalflame) TDZZ 全任务5 人 队伍,来32+TANK和治疗,3=2~~~!
[F] 12:38:07 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:38:08 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:38:10 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:38:12 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:38:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bunait) |cffffffff|Hitem:9259::::::::48:::::::::|h[巨魔部族项链]|h|r 干什么用的 谁知道
12:38:19 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:38:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2224,839 ; -3544,277 ; 45,18817 ; "None" to 2208,032 ; -3539,915 ; 45,34811 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:38:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,36446y, 158ms)
[D] 12:38:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) |cff0070dd|Hitem:13044:0:0:0|h[斩魔剑]|h|r 这个垃圾也挂11G
[D] 12:38:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Delyi) 貌似是LM任务
12:38:45 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 12:38:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2305,473 ; -3550,488 ; 44,46393 ; "None" to 2306,064 ; -3564,853 ; 44,46393 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:38:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,37765y, 206ms)
[F] 12:38:49 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:38:49 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:38:50 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:38:54 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:38:54 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:38:56 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:38:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nightfal) |cff0070dd|Hitem:13044:0:0:0|h[斩魔剑]|h|r攻速慢,好东东
[D] 12:39:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) |cffa335ee|Hitem:19169:0:0:0|h[夜幕]|h|r 这个挂900G ?想钱想疯了
12:39:07 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:39:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2305,932 ; -3561,629 ; 43,77736 ; "None" to 2305,245 ; -3544,961 ; 44,99499 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:39:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,72624y, 172ms)
[D] 12:39:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Pandabig) |cff0070dd|Hitem:13053:0:0:0|h[厄运制造者]|h|r 精美小垃圾
[D] 12:39:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) 3.1的速度算攻速慢?
[D] 12:39:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bornwarrior) |cff0070dd|Hitem:13047:0:0:0|h[世界之树的嫩枝]|h|r 这个3.7
[D] 12:39:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nightfal) 算慢了
[D] 12:39:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jiuyaoyao) 双手武器 低于3.5的都是快速武器
12:40:00 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 12:40:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,721 ; -3473,879 ; 88,87115 ; "None" to 2038,232 ; -3461,079 ; 88,87115 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:40:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,03959y, 163ms)
[F] 12:40:04 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:40:04 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:40:05 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:40:09 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:40:09 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:40:11 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:40:14 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:40:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eternalflame) TDZZ 5人装备任务队,来32+TANK和治疗,3=2~~~!
[N] 12:40:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2038,365 ; -3461,531 ; 90,85526 ; "None" to 2047,51 ; -3458,139 ; 91,94309 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:40:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (10,1826y, 154ms)
[D] 12:40:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ricken) 这个版本,FSAA点不点寒冰刺骨的?我帮朋友问问
[D] 12:40:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Leec) 不
12:40:45 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 12:40:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2092,501 ; -3413,827 ; 93,00404 ; "None" to 2076,28 ; -3420,149 ; 93,00404 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:40:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,41004y, 155ms)
[D] 12:40:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laolou) 有个亚历山大战斧
[F] 12:40:48 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[F] 12:40:51 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:40:51 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 12:40:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ricken) 噢
[F] 12:40:51 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:40:55 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:40:56 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:41:00 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:41:00 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:41:04 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:41:04 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:41:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Littledika) 现在一套魔暴龙多钱?
[F] 12:41:08 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:41:08 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:41:12 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:41:13 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:41:17 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:41:17 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:41:21 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 12:41:28 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[E] 12:41:28 - ReadLast(LogType logType): System.NullReferenceException: Δεν έχει οριστεί αναφορά αντικειμένου σε μια παρουσία αντικειμένου.
σε robotManager.Helpful.Logging.ReadLast(LogType logType)

[F] 12:41:28 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:41:32 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 12:41:40 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:41:44 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:41:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dadilr) 工程先学地精还是侏儒
[D] 12:42:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nightfal) 地精实用点吧
[D] 12:42:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dadilr) 工程先学地精还是侏儒
12:42:22 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 12:42:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nineode) 先地精{猥琐}
[N] 12:42:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2149,005 ; -3528,01 ; 48,29698 ; "None" to 2160,08 ; -3528,247 ; 48,29698 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:42:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,077y, 154ms)
[F] 12:42:25 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:42:25 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:42:25 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:42:29 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:42:30 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:42:32 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:42:34 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
12:42:45 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:42:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2159,719 ; -3528,248 ; 47,9772 ; "None" to 2140,386 ; -3527,825 ; 49,81205 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:42:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,42473y, 243ms)
[D] 12:42:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dadilr) 学完再洗掉?
12:42:52 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Equipping: Emblazoned Hat with 8,30000007152557 because it is better than with 0
[D] 12:42:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Atala) 有爆炸犯想法就地精
[N] 12:42:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2144,302 ; -3527,911 ; 48,86339 ; "None" to 2153,773 ; -3528,462 ; 48,06479 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:42:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,467458y, 0ms)
[D] 12:43:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yines) 你可以先冲240左右选侏儒
[D] 12:43:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yines) 然后把东西做出来后洗了在冲一个地精
[D] 12:43:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Atala) 侏儒东西多 但不实用
12:43:34 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 12:43:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2229,502 ; -3545,216 ; 45,46849 ; "None" to 2242,074 ; -3531,61 ; 45,46849 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 12:43:35 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 12:43:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (21,17657y, 272ms)
[F] 12:43:38 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:43:38 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:43:39 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:43:42 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:43:43 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:43:47 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:43:47 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:43:51 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:43:51 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:43:55 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:43:56 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:43:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eternalflame) TDZZ 5人装备任务队,来32+TANK和治疗,3=2~~~!
[F] 12:44:00 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:44:00 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:44:04 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:44:04 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:44:08 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 12:44:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nightfal) 死亡射线好有,但忘 了怎么拿图纸
[D] 12:44:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zbbs) 先侏儒后地精嘛
[F] 12:44:15 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:44:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dadilr) 好的
[F] 12:44:19 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 12:44:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yines) 做出来的东西 可以用
[D] 12:44:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Evertoo) 沼泽有什么装备啊
[D] 12:44:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dadilr) 那我先学侏儒
12:44:26 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:44:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2236,177 ; -3537,542 ; 49,1728 ; "None" to 2228,715 ; -3546,067 ; 45,26014 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:44:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,98626y, 159ms)
[D] 12:44:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Atala) 这版本能洗吗
[D] 12:45:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yines) 就是删了重练
12:45:02 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 12:45:08 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:45:09 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:45:09 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:45:13 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:45:13 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:45:16 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:45:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] () |cffffff00Nightsong Woods is under attack!|r
[F] 12:45:18 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:45:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zbbs) 追求极限嘛这点成本不算什么
12:45:26 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:45:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2052,052 ; -3498,177 ; 83,70676 ; "None" to 2065,56 ; -3504,828 ; 79,69537 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:45:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,58192y, 156ms)
[D] 12:45:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yines) 很快的
12:45:40 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 12:45:42 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 12:45:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2044,776 ; -3493,218 ; 84,96591 ; "None" to 2033,823 ; -3507,127 ; 84,96591 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:45:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,70395y, 157ms)
[F] 12:45:44 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:45:45 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:45:45 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:45:49 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:45:49 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:45:52 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:45:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yines) 毕竟能做任务就行 也不用冲满
[F] 12:45:54 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:45:56 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:46:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yines) 第一个 其他都不用学
12:46:05 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:46:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2038,553 ; -3501,121 ; 85,2914 ; "None" to 2044,655 ; -3488,537 ; 85,73031 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:46:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (15,58958y, 235ms)
[D] 12:46:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yines) 就学冲技能的
[D] 12:46:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Atala) 做到铁皮手雷那一步
[D] 12:46:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eternalflame) TDZZ 5人装备任务队,来32+TANK和治疗,3=2~~~!
[D] 12:46:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zxftank) 哪位大佬有时间 帮我做旋风斧任务
[D] 12:47:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zxftank) 哪位大佬有时间 帮我做旋风斧任务
12:47:32 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 12:47:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,515 ; -3548,27 ; 44,77244 ; "None" to 2315,814 ; -3562,95 ; 44,77244 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:47:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,86354y, 151ms)
[F] 12:47:37 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:47:37 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:47:37 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:47:41 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:47:41 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:47:45 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:47:46 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:47:50 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:47:50 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:47:54 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:47:54 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:47:58 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:47:59 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:48:02 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 12:48:08 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:48:12 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 12:48:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cutemanzi) 51级DZ打的过吧
[F] 12:48:19 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:48:23 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
12:48:26 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:48:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2312,466 ; -3557,026 ; 44,50997 ; "None" to 2303,944 ; -3547,179 ; 44,72335 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:48:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,0245y, 154ms)
12:49:04 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 12:49:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2151,3 ; -3528,198 ; 48,15521 ; "None" to 2137,974 ; -3526,933 ; 48,15521 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:49:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,38529y, 155ms)
[F] 12:49:06 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:49:06 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:49:07 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:49:11 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:49:11 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:49:13 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:49:16 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
12:49:26 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:49:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2140,526 ; -3527,175 ; 49,87529 ; "None" to 2157,879 ; -3528,822 ; 47,99195 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:49:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,53195y, 234ms)
12:50:10 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 12:50:11 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2115,045 ; -3402,928 ; 93,77559 ; "None" to 2126,699 ; -3393,819 ; 93,77559 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:50:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (18,56374y, 158ms)
[F] 12:50:15 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:50:15 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:50:15 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:50:19 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:50:20 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:50:22 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:50:24 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:50:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengyuwuzu) 塔纳利斯最南边去挖宝藏,我一开旗子窜出6个彪形大汉,瞬间躺了................
[F] 12:50:27 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:50:29 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
12:50:35 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:50:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2126,741 ; -3396,07 ; 96,59294 ; "None" to 2110,978 ; -3406,107 ; 93,42538 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:50:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,95436y, 157ms)
[D] 12:50:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sukcmyd) 没什么好东西 的
[D] 12:50:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Delyi) ···
[D] 12:50:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengyuwuzu) 跑尸要5分钟
12:50:58 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 12:50:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2059,742 ; -3434,088 ; 92,48337 ; "None" to 2055,368 ; -3446,449 ; 92,48337 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:50:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (13,26058y, 157ms)
[F] 12:51:00 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:51:00 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:51:01 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:51:05 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:51:05 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:51:07 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:51:10 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
12:51:18 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:51:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2055,4 ; -3446,242 ; 92,17114 ; "None" to 2062,039 ; -3427,595 ; 92,43285 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:51:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (19,97854y, 155ms)
[D] 12:51:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Thyssen) 你还数数了,我只知道是一坨人,直接轮了
12:51:33 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 12:51:34 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 12:51:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2044,612 ; -3463,022 ; 91,24818 ; "None" to 2032,238 ; -3459,243 ; 91,24818 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:51:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,93902y, 155ms)
[F] 12:51:36 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:51:36 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 12:51:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengyuwuzu) 法师可以A死,这猎人有点难
[F] 12:51:37 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:51:41 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:51:41 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:51:43 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:51:46 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:51:48 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:51:50 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:51:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sukcmyd) 我记得杀一个就够了
12:51:57 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:51:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2034,785 ; -3460,021 ; 91,17621 ; "None" to 2051,365 ; -3465,085 ; 91,30814 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:51:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,33693y, 160ms)
[D] 12:51:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eternalflame) RFK LF2M Lv32+ Tank and Healer
[N] 12:52:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2047,539 ; -3463,917 ; 91,51822 ; "None" to 2041,646 ; -3469,628 ; 89,46358 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:52:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,46y, 247ms)
12:52:17 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 12:52:19 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:52:19 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:52:20 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:52:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:52:24 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:52:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Randys) |cffffffff|Hitem:8167::::::::45:::::::::|h[龟壳]|h|r这个值钱吗,大佬们
[F] 12:52:28 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:52:28 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:52:32 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:52:33 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:52:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) 谁知道黑龙BUFF是一定要别人挂才有,还是定点有?》
[D] 12:52:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengyuwuzu) 这个英文是啥意思
[F] 12:52:37 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:52:37 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:52:41 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:52:41 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:52:45 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:52:46 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:52:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Delyi) 用处很少 龟壳
[F] 12:52:49 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:52:50 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:52:54 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 12:52:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Randys) 懂啦
[D] 12:52:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hemers) 剃刀ZZ
[D] 12:52:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) GM 密我了
[F] 12:53:01 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:53:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Doubledan) 别人挂才有
[D] 12:53:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 他们受不了
[F] 12:53:05 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:53:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengyuwuzu) 咱们公会还有国际友人啊
[D] 12:53:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eternalflame) TDZZ 5人装备任务队,来32+TANK,4=1~~~!
[D] 12:53:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 瞬间专业了我
12:53:34 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 12:53:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2220,595 ; -3543,148 ; 45,09852 ; "None" to 2230,602 ; -3544,94 ; 45,09852 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 12:53:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) 这不来个BUFF,真砍不动了
[N] 12:53:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,16589y, 223ms)
[F] 12:53:37 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:53:38 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:53:38 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:53:42 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:53:42 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:53:45 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:53:47 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:53:49 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:53:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Delyi) 20前 有龙头在出门
[D] 12:53:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 得 还警告我了
12:53:57 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:53:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2230,4 ; -3544,904 ; 45,60029 ; "None" to 2210,923 ; -3541,417 ; 45,3778 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:53:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,78839y, 152ms)
[D] 12:54:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Delyi) 你干啥了
[D] 12:54:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Delyi) 警告你
[D] 12:54:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) LM杀飞行员就不警告
[D] 12:54:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hemers) 啥子警告你
[D] 12:54:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 我在杀LM飞行员
12:54:21 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 12:54:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2304,51 ; -3551,358 ; 44,34932 ; "None" to 2299,012 ; -3564,593 ; 44,34932 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:54:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,33127y, 160ms)
[F] 12:54:24 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:54:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:54:25 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:54:29 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:54:29 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:54:31 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:54:33 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:54:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Delyi) 这也警告啊
12:54:41 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:54:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2300,441 ; -3561,151 ; 43,83268 ; "None" to 2309,818 ; -3544,714 ; 45,29637 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:54:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,97976y, 157ms)
[D] 12:54:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hemers) 你问他警告LM了吗
[D] 12:54:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Walldown) 公会3团 周三晚7点30 补治疗法师 ss 六团正在组建 有意的加微信 ww210066 进公会群报名 55级以上均可
[D] 12:54:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Walldown) 公会3团 周三晚7点30 补治疗法师 ss 六团正在组建 有意的加微信 ww210066 进公会群报名 55级以上均可
[D] 12:54:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 嗯 我不会英文
[D] 12:55:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Suneyee) 墓地AA队,RL已到位,来风骚FS
12:55:14 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 12:55:15 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 12:55:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2149,943 ; -3528,073 ; 48,23225 ; "None" to 2138,077 ; -3525,928 ; 48,23225 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:55:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,05905y, 152ms)
[F] 12:55:17 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:55:18 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:55:18 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:55:22 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:55:22 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:55:25 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:55:27 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
12:55:34 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:55:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2140,362 ; -3526,341 ; 50,0429 ; "None" to 2157,748 ; -3529,484 ; 47,98335 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:55:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,78768y, 155ms)
[D] 12:55:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Delyi) 阻塞交通 交警出面了 ···
[D] 12:55:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 杀到GM 封你号 别怕 我们支持你
[D] 12:55:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zelatul) 剃刀沼泽多少可以去
[D] 12:56:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Suneyee) 墓地AA队,RL已到位,来风骚FS
[D] 12:56:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Delyi) 楼上看热闹不嫌事大···
[D] 12:56:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 我就想知道哪个LR 被警告没有
12:56:19 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 12:56:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2118,358 ; -3400,456 ; 93,9575 ; "None" to 2131,349 ; -3404,005 ; 93,9575 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:56:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,46667y, 151ms)
[F] 12:56:24 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:56:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:56:25 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:56:29 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:56:29 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:56:31 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:56:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengyuwuzu) 我看人家直播经常杀鸟点啊,也没什么事
[F] 12:56:34 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
12:56:42 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:56:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2128,487 ; -3403,223 ; 93,4808 ; "None" to 2112,087 ; -3398,743 ; 94,32758 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:56:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,0221y, 158ms)
[D] 12:56:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) 会里有大佬行行好,给几个10格包包吗,身上就1G多。买不起。
[D] 12:56:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Midkids) PVP不管的
[D] 12:56:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 那就不清楚了 反正我收到了警告
[D] 12:57:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Midkids) 屠城都没人管
[D] 12:57:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 因为杀的不是发达交通位子
12:57:09 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 12:57:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2039,982 ; -3480,406 ; 87,6346 ; "None" to 2035,501 ; -3489,761 ; 87,6346 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:57:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,37305y, 305ms)
[F] 12:57:13 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:57:14 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:57:14 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:57:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Evertoo) 那个是假冒GM的吧
[D] 12:57:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 看来 偏斜LM
[F] 12:57:18 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:57:18 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:57:21 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 12:57:23 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 12:57:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hemers) 你隔哪杀飞机呢
[D] 12:57:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengyuwuzu) 不会啊,LM摩根鸟点
12:57:33 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:57:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2035,636 ; -3489,478 ; 87,01477 ; "None" to 2044,068 ; -3471,877 ; 88,87257 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:57:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,60507y, 886ms)
[D] 12:57:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 不是 是英文 估计是老外举报了
[D] 12:57:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hemers) 冒牌吧
[D] 12:57:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Midkids) ZZ一般要30
[D] 12:57:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 系统提示我账号受到了警告
[D] 12:58:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 还是会英文有优势 中午不受理
[D] 12:58:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eternalflame) RFK LF1M Tank Last Spot
[D] 12:58:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hemers) 百度翻译粘贴啊
[D] 12:58:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) 会里有大佬行行好,给3个10格包包吗,身上就1G多。买不起。
12:59:06 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[D] 12:59:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Soull) 大概是系统检测到你是在中国注册的账号了
[N] 12:59:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2063,138 ; -3505,259 ; 80,39468 ; "None" to 2048,166 ; -3515,04 ; 80,39468 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:59:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,88377y, 167ms)
[F] 12:59:08 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[F] 12:59:11 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 12:59:11 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:59:11 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:59:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Loserboy) 没大佬 都是小号
[F] 12:59:15 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:59:16 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:59:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hemers) QQ.COM是吧
[F] 12:59:20 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:59:20 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:59:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:59:24 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:59:28 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:59:29 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:59:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 公会有人送包的
[D] 12:59:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) 有了。会里大佬给了。。
[F] 12:59:33 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:59:33 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:59:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hemers) 都是代理注册
[F] 12:59:37 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 12:59:37 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 12:59:41 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 12:59:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Evertoo) 我的也是QQ.com啊
[D] 12:59:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Soull) 外国注册的好像有点特权 我听一个主播这么说过
[F] 12:59:45 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
12:59:49 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 12:59:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2054,261 ; -3511,059 ; 81,7952 ; "None" to 2063,568 ; -3501,875 ; 81,14159 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 12:59:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,09136y, 246ms)
[D] 12:59:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bombsman) 我有俩6格的包包看你能凑活不
[D] 12:59:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Evertoo) 主播算个毛啊
[D] 12:59:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) 这个版本G真得难挣。。
[D] 12:59:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Evertoo) 主播说
[D] 13:00:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 估计是
[N] 13:00:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2063,557 ; -3501,887 ; 81,142 ; "None" to 2055,662 ; -3500,341 ; 83,01171 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:00:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,259589y, 257ms)
[D] 13:00:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) 包包有了。感谢感谢
[D] 13:00:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Misswe) AH有个任务给10格包包
[D] 13:00:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Colourspins) 小马多少钱
[D] 13:00:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiaozhibba) G多好挣啊
[D] 13:00:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Onetwothre) TDZZ 有去的没啊
[D] 13:00:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 我刚才飞走了 要不我买3个也可以
[D] 13:00:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手 将于 10 分 后重置.。
[D] 13:00:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Colourspins) 100还是90
[D] 13:00:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tequliadz) +++
[D] 13:00:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Colourspins) 小马 100还是90
[D] 13:00:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) 怎么挣。。我现在15级了。才1G多。野外绿装都没出一个。
[D] 13:00:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Axvv) 90
[D] 13:00:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 90
[D] 13:00:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 来各种~~~~
[D] 13:00:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Leeyoutian) JJG鸟点NPC又又又又没了
[D] 13:01:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 正常的
[D] 13:01:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiaozhibba) 我现在3000G
[D] 13:01:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 没办法 我去杀LM飞行员 被GM警告了
13:01:02 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 13:01:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2152,752 ; -3528,35 ; 48,10233 ; "None" to 2162,432 ; -3529,22 ; 48,10233 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:01:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,718938y, 161ms)
[F] 13:01:05 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:01:05 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:01:05 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 13:01:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gsocean) 33MS 组一个
[D] 13:01:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Colourspins) 怎么样才能攒够90
[D] 13:01:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 你们自行解决吧
[D] 13:01:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Colourspins) 艹
[D] 13:01:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Walldown) 公会3团 周三晚7点30 补治疗法师 ss 六团正在组建 有意的加微信 ww210066 进公会群报名 55级以上均可
[D] 13:01:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Walldown) 公会3团 周三晚7点30 补治疗法师 ss 六团正在组建 有意的加微信 ww210066 进公会群报名 55级以上均可
[F] 13:01:09 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:01:10 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 13:01:12 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 13:01:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 后面等级高了 给的东西值钱了 就有前了
[D] 13:01:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 来各种~~~~
[D] 13:01:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Colourspins) 还不能买金 封号
[D] 13:01:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tails) 有没有祖尔队伍
[D] 13:01:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Canghaio) AG声望多少能被雷劈
13:01:23 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:01:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2162,115 ; -3529,191 ; 47,96298 ; "None" to 2142,641 ; -3527,441 ; 49,2613 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:01:23 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,59616y, 160ms)
[D] 13:01:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 打东西卖
[D] 13:01:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Axvv) 大号直接交易
[D] 13:01:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiaozhibba) 刷STSM 就有钱了
[D] 13:01:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 友善
[D] 13:01:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Evertoo) 学个钓鱼,也不至于穷啊
13:01:41 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 13:01:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2213,635 ; -3541,626 ; 45,31234 ; "None" to 2228,752 ; -3545,988 ; 45,31234 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:01:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,73273y, 160ms)
[F] 13:01:47 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:01:47 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:01:47 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:01:51 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 13:01:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) 一直小号都挖矿卖,昨天看了下AH,,我得天。。这么低得价格
[D] 13:01:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 绿了就行 黄的不劈
[D] 13:01:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skysong) 有辛特兰护送小鸡的吗?
[F] 13:01:52 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 13:01:54 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 13:01:56 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 13:01:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 来各种~~~~
[F] 13:01:59 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 13:02:01 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 13:02:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Axvv) 草比矿值钱
[D] 13:02:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigandblack) 炫富可耻
[D] 13:02:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Evertoo) 你学钓鱼,看看变异鱼多少?
[D] 13:02:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Canghaio) 努力升级
[F] 13:02:07 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
13:02:10 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:02:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2225,938 ; -3545,168 ; 45,19994 ; "None" to 2209,542 ; -3540,445 ; 45,41988 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:02:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,06509y, 227ms)
[D] 13:02:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 我去灼热峡谷了
[D] 13:02:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) 这不想法子。。真要甩大腿到60级了。
13:02:36 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 13:02:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 来各种~~~~
[N] 13:02:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,091 ; -3548,77 ; 44,67078 ; "None" to 2297,816 ; -3562,173 ; 44,67078 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:02:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,29901y, 208ms)
[D] 13:02:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 大家祈祷我少死点吧 阿门
[F] 13:02:43 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:02:43 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:02:43 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 13:02:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zbbr) 除了china 和中国 还有哪些中文频道呢
[D] 13:02:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Axvv) 一个黑花100G 慢慢攒 大马不是啥事情
[F] 13:02:47 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:02:48 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 13:02:50 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 13:02:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Loserboy) 一个洞里 10来个铁矿
[D] 13:02:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Canghaio) 现在级别好升多了
[F] 13:02:52 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
13:03:01 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:03:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2300,622 ; -3558,118 ; 44,08892 ; "None" to 2309,093 ; -3545,877 ; 45,15016 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:03:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,92389y, 162ms)
[D] 13:03:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Canghaio) 以前做任务要断续的
[D] 13:03:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nfqwfn) 黑花哪的
[D] 13:03:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Canghaio) 现在辛特兰都有静音了
[D] 13:03:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shdady) 照明弹
[D] 13:03:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Axvv) 燃烧 东瘟疫 冬泉谷
13:03:50 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 13:03:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2041,929 ; -3489,962 ; 85,81216 ; "None" to 2031,343 ; -3504,58 ; 85,81216 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 13:03:51 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 13:03:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,0485y, 156ms)
[N] 13:03:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2036,667 ; -3497,232 ; 86,12476 ; "None" to 2031,343 ; -3504,587 ; 86,12476 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:03:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,079798y, 164ms)
[F] 13:03:54 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:03:54 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:03:54 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:03:58 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:03:59 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 13:04:01 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 13:04:03 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 13:04:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengyuwuzu) |cffffffff|Hitem:9360:0:0:0|h[科尔戈的黄金]|h|r只给了这个啊,害我跑这么远,还跑尸一次呢
13:04:12 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:04:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2031,472 ; -3504,405 ; 86,81947 ; "None" to 2043,067 ; -3488,39 ; 85,87502 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:04:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (19,86615y, 176ms)
[D] 13:04:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 来各种~~~~
13:04:33 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 13:04:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2060,012 ; -3433,567 ; 92,51343 ; "None" to 2071,391 ; -3432,81 ; 92,51343 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:04:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (18,75699y, 190ms)
[F] 13:04:36 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:04:37 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:04:37 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:04:41 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:04:41 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 13:04:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gsocean) 这个知识问答 谁变成了巫妖王啊
[F] 13:04:43 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 13:04:46 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 13:04:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gsocean) 错了还给我个DBUF。、。。、。
13:04:54 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:04:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2070,592 ; -3432,92 ; 97,86521 ; "None" to 2051,441 ; -3434,137 ; 92,73132 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:04:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,8642y, 165ms)
[D] 13:04:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Evertoo) 反正不是老子变成就行
[N] 13:05:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,911 ; -3434,108 ; 92,71172 ; "None" to 2062,802 ; -3429,841 ; 92,58907 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:05:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,69738y, 243ms)
[N] 13:05:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2066,077 ; -3428,487 ; 93,45821 ; "None" to 2073,17 ; -3422,304 ; 93,11081 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:05:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,415382y, 164ms)
13:05:14 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 13:05:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2111,489 ; -3404,69 ; 93,60381 ; "None" to 2106,232 ; -3386,889 ; 93,60381 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:05:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (22,15701y, 161ms)
[F] 13:05:16 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 13:05:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2105,936 ; -3396,813 ; 93,38804 ; "None" to 2101,051 ; -3389,238 ; 93,38804 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:05:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (10,40667y, 153ms)
[F] 13:05:19 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:05:19 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:05:19 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:05:23 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:05:24 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 13:05:26 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
13:05:35 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:05:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2101,024 ; -3391,747 ; 93,55202 ; "None" to 2111,577 ; -3408,692 ; 93,43515 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:05:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,57393y, 154ms)
[D] 13:05:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jidanchaoren) |cff0070dd|Hitem:9534::::::::45:::::::::|h[工程学协会头盔]|h|r
[D] 13:06:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jidanchaoren) |cff0070dd|Hitem:9534::::::::45:::::::::|h[工程学协会头盔]|h|r这个咋样
[D] 13:06:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lulalei) 第一任巫妖王耐奥祖
[D] 13:06:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 来各种~~~~
[D] 13:06:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jidanchaoren) 大神们
13:06:12 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 13:06:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2073,224 ; -3511,712 ; 74,95016 ; "None" to 2070,019 ; -3525,747 ; 74,95016 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:06:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,39604y, 234ms)
[F] 13:06:16 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:06:17 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:06:17 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 13:06:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Natelyer) 嘿嘿 我在重力拍卖行挂了个铁矿石标价70G 没想到有人买了
[F] 13:06:21 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:06:21 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 13:06:24 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 13:06:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Natelyer) 中立拍卖行
[F] 13:06:26 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 13:06:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bennd) 还差5G买坐骑..
13:06:34 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:06:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2070,911 ; -3521,839 ; 71,98508 ; "None" to 2074,453 ; -3506,331 ; 75,45836 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:06:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (16,68516y, 222ms)
[D] 13:06:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Loserboy) 70???你要被封号了
[D] 13:06:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sunhoo) ADM5人任务队有人去吗
[D] 13:06:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Loserboy) 诈骗
[D] 13:06:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yametehyy) 封号警告
13:06:54 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 13:06:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2145,72 ; -3527,588 ; 48,70782 ; "None" to 2159,372 ; -3525,923 ; 48,70782 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:06:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,75281y, 229ms)
[D] 13:06:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Natelyer) - -
[D] 13:06:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ccong) 坐骑一共多少G
[F] 13:06:57 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:06:57 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:06:58 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 13:06:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 草
[F] 13:07:01 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 13:07:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sbi) 准备重开个号吧。
[D] 13:07:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Natelyer) 为什么啊
[F] 13:07:02 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 13:07:04 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 13:07:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Uzia) 诈骗敌人也叫诈骗?
[D] 13:07:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Doubledan) 90G
[F] 13:07:06 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 13:07:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 东瘟疫 20 几个LM组队做任务
13:07:17 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:07:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2158,311 ; -3526,079 ; 47,9969 ; "None" to 2139,938 ; -3528,294 ; 49,92385 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:07:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,6056y, 156ms)
[D] 13:07:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jmsm) ++
[D] 13:07:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 全是 57 58 的
[N] 13:07:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2143,758 ; -3527,833 ; 48,96185 ; "None" to 2153,773 ; -3528,462 ; 48,06479 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:07:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,29495y, 0ms)
[D] 13:07:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 杀红衣
13:07:35 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 13:07:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2210,057 ; -3540,781 ; 45,40642 ; "None" to 2222,843 ; -3553,815 ; 45,40642 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:07:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,25805y, 154ms)
[D] 13:07:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 20几个人杀怪
[F] 13:07:39 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:07:40 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:07:40 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:07:44 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:07:44 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:07:48 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:07:49 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:07:53 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:07:53 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 13:07:55 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
13:08:05 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:08:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2225,914 ; -3549,33 ; 44,65003 ; "None" to 2208,837 ; -3539,538 ; 45,40124 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:08:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,69944y, 165ms)
[D] 13:08:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 来各种~~~~
[D] 13:08:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 来T~~~~
13:08:31 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 13:08:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2305,616 ; -3550,354 ; 44,48309 ; "None" to 2300,651 ; -3563,525 ; 44,48309 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:08:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,07528y, 163ms)
[D] 13:08:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ccong) 90G差不多吧。。除非你专业特费钱
[F] 13:08:37 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:08:37 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:08:37 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:08:41 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:08:42 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 13:08:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Asiryao) |cff0070dd|Hitem:13378::::::::60:::::::::|h[百灵上衣]|h|r|cff1eff00|Hitem:15825::::::::60:::::::::|h[吊钩外套]|h|r
[F] 13:08:44 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 13:08:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ccong) TB 30块100G
13:08:53 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:08:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2301,833 ; -3560,389 ; 43,94171 ; "None" to 2304,761 ; -3546,632 ; 44,77866 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:08:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,09028y, 156ms)
[D] 13:09:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 来T~~~~
[N] 13:09:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2303,937 ; -3550,553 ; 44,39791 ; "None" to 2309,638 ; -3545,965 ; 45,14604 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:09:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (7,355846y, 515ms)
[D] 13:09:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zxftank) 哪位大佬有时间 帮我做旋风斧任务
[D] 13:09:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手 将于 1 分 后重置.。
[D] 13:09:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zxftank) 哪位大佬有时间 帮我做下旋风斧任务
13:09:44 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 13:09:45 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 13:09:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2039,979 ; -3482,904 ; 87,18011 ; "None" to 2031,09 ; -3469,253 ; 87,18011 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:09:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,29059y, 153ms)
[F] 13:09:48 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:09:48 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:09:48 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:09:52 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:09:52 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 13:09:55 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 13:09:57 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
13:10:04 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:10:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2033,424 ; -3472,72 ; 89,5843 ; "None" to 2041,769 ; -3485,652 ; 86,48875 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:10:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,699y, 162ms)
13:10:21 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[D] 13:10:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jiuxianshan) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手 将于 10 分 后重置.。
[N] 13:10:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2069,095 ; -3425,063 ; 93,29002 ; "None" to 2078,589 ; -3422,716 ; 93,29002 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:10:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,779562y, 239ms)
[F] 13:10:28 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:10:28 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:10:28 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:10:32 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:10:33 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 13:10:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ngtank) 教堂来个拉怪LR和一FS
[F] 13:10:35 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
13:10:43 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:10:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2078,423 ; -3422,717 ; 93,40215 ; "None" to 2059,221 ; -3427,503 ; 92,57624 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:10:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,80674y, 237ms)
[D] 13:10:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 来个T~~~~
[D] 13:10:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Undertakor) 有没有监狱AA队啊
13:11:02 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 13:11:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2117,993 ; -3400,694 ; 93,99845 ; "None" to 2102,926 ; -3411,281 ; 93,99845 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:11:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,41493y, 155ms)
[F] 13:11:06 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:11:06 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:11:06 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:11:10 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:11:11 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 13:11:13 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 13:11:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ngtank) 教堂来个拉怪LR和一FS~~刷装备
13:11:23 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:11:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2107,357 ; -3408,384 ; 93,22845 ; "None" to 2119,282 ; -3399,788 ; 93,95007 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:11:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,71843y, 185ms)
[D] 13:11:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wudibainiu) 31t能去吗
13:11:59 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 13:12:03 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:12:03 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:12:04 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:12:08 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:12:08 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:12:12 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:12:12 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 13:12:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ngtank) 教堂来个拉怪LR和一FS~~刷装备
[F] 13:12:16 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:12:17 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:12:21 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:12:21 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:12:25 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:12:25 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:12:29 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:12:29 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:12:33 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 13:12:41 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:12:44 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
13:13:01 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 13:13:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2138,817 ; -3526,841 ; 50,48385 ; "None" to 2121,591 ; -3533,628 ; 50,48385 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:13:03 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,51438y, 154ms)
[F] 13:13:05 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:13:06 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:13:06 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 13:13:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 来个T~~~~
[F] 13:13:10 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:13:10 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:13:14 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:13:15 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:13:18 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:13:19 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:13:23 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:13:23 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 13:13:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ngtank) 教堂来个拉怪LR~~~
[F] 13:13:27 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:13:27 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:13:31 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:13:32 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 13:13:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ccyw) 召唤沙德拉 来人一起做!!!
[F] 13:13:36 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:13:40 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 13:13:47 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
13:13:51 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:13:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2129,351 ; -3530,571 ; 54,95424 ; "None" to 2139,475 ; -3526,582 ; 50,28045 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:13:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,84344y, 225ms)
[D] 13:13:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sigy) rc
[D] 13:14:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sigy) og
13:14:12 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Wildthorn Lurker is in your path, need to attack
[N] 13:14:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2209,258 ; -3540,511 ; 45,40236 ; "None" to 2192,54 ; -3534,373 ; 45,40236 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:14:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,80939y, 198ms)
[F] 13:14:17 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:14:17 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:14:18 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 13:14:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ngtank) 教堂来个拉怪LR~~~
[F] 13:14:22 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:14:22 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:14:26 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:14:26 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 13:14:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ccyw) 召唤沙德拉 来人一起做!!!
[F] 13:14:30 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:14:31 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 13:14:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nongwo) |cffffffff|Hitem:3419::::::::46:::::::::|h[红玫瑰]|h|r 这和有什么用 谁知道
[F] 13:14:35 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:14:35 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:14:39 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:14:39 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 13:14:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nongwo) |cffffffff|Hitem:3419::::::::46:::::::::|h[红玫瑰]|h|r 这个有什么用 谁知道
[F] 13:14:43 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:14:43 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:14:47 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 13:14:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xieter) 送给心爱的人
[F] 13:14:55 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 13:14:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Loserboy) 送大妈
[F] 13:14:59 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 13:15:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ccyw) 召唤沙德拉 来人一起做!!!
[D] 13:15:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kofok) 全是男人
[D] 13:15:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nongwo) 送给谁?
[N] 13:15:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2199,41 ; -3536,893 ; 45,47805 ; "None" to 2214,973 ; -3541,923 ; 46,55834 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:15:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,39138y, 196ms)
13:15:23 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 13:15:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2306,178 ; -3549,743 ; 44,56041 ; "None" to 2310,309 ; -3566,791 ; 44,56041 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:15:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,54071y, 157ms)
[F] 13:15:27 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:15:27 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:15:27 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 13:15:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skysong) 送
[F] 13:15:31 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:15:32 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:15:36 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:15:36 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:15:40 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:15:40 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 13:15:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xieter) 你没有心爱的男人吗
[D] 13:15:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nongwo) 能获得好感度是么
[F] 13:15:44 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 13:15:51 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:15:52 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 13:15:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 来个T~~~~
[F] 13:15:56 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:16:00 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
13:16:08 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:16:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2308,677 ; -3560,057 ; 44,14376 ; "None" to 2305,61 ; -3547,398 ; 44,72419 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:16:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,03819y, 201ms)
[D] 13:16:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ccyw) 召唤沙德拉 来人一起做!!!
[D] 13:16:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hldg) 我为什么接不到50级战士职业任务啊
[D] 13:16:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eternalflame) RFK LF1M Tank Last Spot
[D] 13:16:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Loserboy) 括约肌松弛度+1
[D] 13:16:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gsocean) |cff1eff00|Hitem:6806::::::::33:::11:1:3524:::::|h[跳动之火]|h|r |cff0070dd|Hitem:7001::::::::33:::::::::|h[墓碑节杖]|h|r 这俩魔杖那个好用点
13:17:00 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 13:17:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2039,953 ; -3482,533 ; 87,24956 ; "None" to 2033,999 ; -3473,556 ; 87,24956 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:17:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,77247y, 152ms)
[D] 13:17:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ccyw) 召唤沙德拉 来人!!!
[N] 13:17:04 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 13:17:04 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 13:17:04 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[D] 13:17:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Meinanzhizhi) 联盟没事做的吗? jjc营地杀我一次, 山里又杀我一次。
[D] 13:17:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shilaoda) 战士是老司机
[F] 13:17:06 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:17:07 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:17:07 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:17:11 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:17:11 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 13:17:13 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 13:17:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skysong) |cff1eff00|Hitem:6806::::::::49:::11:1:3524:::::|h[跳动之火]|h|r
13:17:22 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:17:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2032,287 ; -3474,984 ; 88,96955 ; "None" to 2045,988 ; -3493,347 ; 84,81538 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:17:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (23,28412y, 179ms)
[D] 13:17:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Evbolr) |cff0070dd|Hitem:7001::::::::33:::::::::|h[墓碑节杖]|h|r暗影伤害好点
[N] 13:17:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2043,727 ; -3490,327 ; 85,49293 ; "None" to 2039,927 ; -3482,369 ; 87,28128 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:17:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,997929y, 157ms)
13:17:43 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 13:17:44 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 13:17:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2063,643 ; -3429,04 ; 92,81154 ; "None" to 2073,052 ; -3428,756 ; 92,81154 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:17:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,412708y, 155ms)
[F] 13:17:45 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:17:45 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 13:17:47 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 13:17:47 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 13:17:47 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight
[F] 13:17:49 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:17:49 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 13:17:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gsocean) 速度快啊
[F] 13:17:51 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 13:17:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Evertoo) 看着心情来就行了,小号装备啊
[D] 13:17:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ccyw) 召唤沙德拉 来人!!!
[F] 13:17:54 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 13:17:56 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
13:18:04 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:18:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2072,464 ; -3426,508 ; 95,38639 ; "None" to 2053,062 ; -3429,358 ; 92,89916 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:18:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (19,83183y, 155ms)
[D] 13:18:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 来个T~~~~
[N] 13:18:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2056,977 ; -3428,642 ; 92,79569 ; "None" to 2067,879 ; -3425,958 ; 93,338 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:18:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (11,42091y, 153ms)
13:18:24 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 13:18:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2119,985 ; -3399,235 ; 94,12598 ; "None" to 2129,888 ; -3386,18 ; 94,12598 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:18:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (46,47001y, 690ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[F] 13:18:27 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:18:28 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:18:28 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:18:32 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:18:32 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 13:18:35 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 13:18:37 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 13:18:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bombsman) 符文铜棒会里那位大神会做
[D] 13:18:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ccyw) 召唤沙德拉 来人!!!
13:18:47 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:18:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2132,591 ; -3397,104 ; 94,44986 ; "None" to 2117,809 ; -3402,104 ; 93,99628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:18:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,61122y, 179ms)
[D] 13:19:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Undertakor) |cffffffff|Henchant:7421|h[符文铜棒]|h|r
[D] 13:19:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jiuxianshan) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手 将于 1 分 后重置.。
13:19:25 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 13:19:27 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:19:28 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:19:28 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:19:32 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:19:32 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:19:36 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:19:36 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 13:19:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ccyw) 召唤沙德拉 来人!!!
[F] 13:19:40 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:19:41 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:19:45 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:19:45 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:19:49 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:19:49 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 13:19:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 来个T~~~~
[D] 13:19:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lvpiyuqi) 辛特兰 恶齿村JY 任务 来人 可以拉++++++++
[F] 13:19:53 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:19:54 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:19:57 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:19:58 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:20:02 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 13:20:09 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:20:13 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 13:20:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lvpiyuqi) 辛特兰 恶齿村JY 任务 来人 可以拉++++++++
[D] 13:20:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shilaoda) 哪位大哥大姐帮我做下盗贼任务 自己干不过呀
13:20:33 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 13:20:34 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 13:20:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2149,945 ; -3528,099 ; 48,23103 ; "None" to 2163,002 ; -3527,044 ; 48,23103 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:20:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,1002y, 915ms)
[F] 13:20:36 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:20:36 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:20:37 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:20:41 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:20:42 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 13:20:44 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 13:20:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ccyw) 召唤沙德拉 来人!!!
[F] 13:20:46 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 13:20:49 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 13:20:51 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
13:21:05 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 13:21:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2209,35 ; -3540,641 ; 45,4045 ; "None" to 2204,696 ; -3558,288 ; 45,4045 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:21:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,2512y, 155ms)
[D] 13:21:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Suchenglong) 1G 求术士拉一下荒芜之地
[F] 13:21:11 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:21:11 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:21:12 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:21:16 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:21:16 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:21:20 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:21:20 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:21:24 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 13:21:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 来个T~~~~
[D] 13:21:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lvpiyuqi) 辛特兰 恶齿村JY 任务 来人 可以拉++++++++
[F] 13:21:29 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:21:30 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:21:34 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 13:21:41 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:21:41 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:21:45 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 13:21:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ngtank) 教堂来个拉怪LR
[F] 13:21:51 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:21:51 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:21:55 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 13:22:02 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:22:06 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 13:22:11 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
13:22:14 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:22:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2206,699 ; -3550,692 ; 43,80296 ; "None" to 2209,793 ; -3538,962 ; 45,46783 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:22:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,24429y, 159ms)
[D] 13:22:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ngtank) 教堂来个拉怪LR
13:22:39 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 13:22:40 - [Spell] Cast Raptor Strike (Raptor Strike)
[N] 13:22:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2305,855 ; -3549,872 ; 44,53599 ; "None" to 2299,17 ; -3561,183 ; 44,53599 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:22:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,13886y, 174ms)
[D] 13:22:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ngtank) 教堂来个拉怪LR
[F] 13:22:42 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:22:42 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:22:43 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:22:47 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 13:22:47 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[F] 13:22:49 - [Spell] Cast Arcane Shot (Arcane Shot)
[D] 13:22:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lvpiyuqi) 辛特兰 恶齿村JY 任务 来人 可以拉++++++++来个奶5=1
[D] 13:22:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 来个T 9=1~~~~
13:22:57 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:22:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2300,453 ; -3559,014 ; 44,04673 ; "None" to 2306,154 ; -3545,509 ; 45,01553 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:22:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,69139y, 164ms)
13:22:58 - Lock FC Stop in progress.
13:22:59 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stopped.
13:22:59 - [Grinder] Stopped
13:22:59 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 01h:10m:38s
XP/HR: 8943 - 137 min
Kills: 56 (47/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 2 (1/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 49 (41/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[F] 13:23:05 - SaveWindowPosition = False ; NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Grinder ; CustomClass = Ordush-Paid-Beastmaster-Hunter-Vanilla.dll ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; FightInteractTargetMinDistance = 45 ; IgnoreFightWhenInMove = True ; DismountLandGroundDistance = 3,5 ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = False ; TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink = True ; EquipAvailableBagIfFreeContainerSlot = False ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; LootAndHarvestRangeQuickly = True ; LootInCombat = False ; SkipNodesInWater = False ; MaxUnitsNearMobs = 3 ; MaxUnitsNearObjects = 3 ; SearchRadiusMobs = 150 ; SearchRadiusObjects = 300 ; MaxZDistanceAttack = 150 ; MaxZDistanceIsAttacked = 150 ; MaxZDistanceFarm = 2000 ; BlacklistTaxiDefaultTimeMs = 1800000 ; BlacklistUnitDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; BlacklistGameObjectDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; MaxTryPerNode = 6 ; SellQuickly = False ; MaxCheckIfGoodMouseShortcutsWhenInteract = 2 ; HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 0 ; HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 6948 ; RecordChatInLog = True ; UseSpiritHealerAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 0 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; WaitWhenBuffWaitingToResurrect = False ; UseCTM = False ; AntiDrown = True ; AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = False ; PathFinderServerSeemDownPauseBotTimeSec = 10 ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1000 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 80000 ; TryToAvoidEnemyGroupsRatio = 0 ; IgnoreServerRoadsWater = False ; SmoothPath = False ; SmoothPathDistance = 1 ; KeyboardToTurn = False ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 8 ; RetrieveCorpseMaxDistance = 26 ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; SizeWidth = 534,4 ; SizeHeight = 375,2 ; WindowPosX = 0 ; WindowPosY = 0 ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = DungeonParty.dll = False, HS2Town.cs = False, PartyHelperPlugin.dll = False, RandomJumper.cs = True, SmoothMove.dll = False, VanillaTrainLevel.cs = False, WAide_v1.2.1.dll = False, WhatsGoingOn.dll = True, WhisperReply.cs = False, WImprove_v1.3.1.dll = False, WTrainer_v1.3.4.dll = False, HumanMasterPlugin.dll = True ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = False ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = Spongy Morel ; FoodPercent = 55 ; DrinkName = Melon Juice ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = True ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = True ; SkinNinja = False ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 225 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = True ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = True ; SellGreen = True ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Light Shot, Tough Jerky, Hearthstone, Skinning Knife, Small Red Pouch, Small Green Pouch, Blue Leather Bag, Green Leather Bag, Red Leather Bag, Large Blue Sack, Large Green Sack, Large Knapsack, Troll-hide Bag, Journeyman's Backpack, Traveler's Backpack, Tough Hunk of Bread , Darnassian Bleu , Slitherskin Mackerel , Shiny Red Apple , Forest Mushroom Cap , Tough Jerky, Freshly Baked Bread , Dalaran Sharp , Longjaw Mud Snapper , Tel'Abim Banana , Red-speckled Mushroom , Haunch of Meat, Moist Cornbread , Dwarven Mild , Bristle Whisker Catfish , Snapvine Watermelon , Spongy Morel , Mutton Chop, Mulgore Spice Bread , Stormwind Brie , Rockscale Cod , Goldenbark Apple , Delicious Cave Mold , Wild Hog Shank, Soft Banana Bread , Fine Aged Cheddar , Striped Yellowtail , Moon Harvest Pumpkin , Raw Black Truffle , Cured Ham Steak, Homemade Cherry Pie , Alterac Swiss , Spinefin Halibut , Deep Fried Plantains , Dried King Bolete , Roasted Quail, Large Venom Sac, Melon Juice, Magic Dust, Sweet Nectar, Moonberry Juice, Morning Glory Dew, Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight, Recipe: Elixir of Giant Growth , Linen Bandage, Heavy Linen Bandage, Wool Bandage, Heavy Wool Bandage, Silk Bandage, Heavy Silk Bandage, Mageweave Bandage, Heavy Mageweave Bandage, Runecloth Bandage, Heavy Runecloth Bandage, Healing Potion, Minor Healing Potion, Major Mana Potion, Tough Hunk of Bread, Darnassian Bleu, Forest Mushroom Cap, Slitherskin Mackerel, Freshly Baked Bread, Red-speckled Mushroom, Moist Cornbread, Spongy Morel, Mulgore Spice Bread, Delicious Cave Mold, Rockscale Cod, Soft Banana Bread, Raw Black Truffle, Homemade Cherry Pie, Dried King Bolete, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Lesser Healing Potion, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Longjaw Mud Snapper, Bristle Whisker Catfish, Spinefin Halibut, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Major Healing Potion, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Dwarven Mild, , Dalaran Sharp, Stormwind Brie, Fine Aged Cheddar, Alterac Swiss, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , ; ForceSellList = ; BuyList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Light Shot, Tough Jerky, Refreshing Spring Water, Hearthstone, Tough Hunk of Bread, Darnassian Bleu, Forest Mushroom Cap, Slitherskin Mackerel, Freshly Baked Bread, Red-speckled Mushroom, Moist Cornbread, Spongy Morel, Mulgore Spice Bread, Delicious Cave Mold, Rockscale Cod, Soft Banana Bread, Raw Black Truffle, Homemade Cherry Pie, Dried King Bolete, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Bristle Whisker Catfish, Spinefin Halibut, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Dalaran Sharp, Stormwind Brie, Fine Aged Cheddar, Alterac Swiss, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = True ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; ForceGroundMovementWhenDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; PlayerAttackedIfOnePetAttacked = True ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPlayerPet = True ; UseLuaToMove = True ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; SecurityDoNotCloseGame = False ; LatencyMin = 300 ; LatencyMax = 700 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; BackwardWhenStuck = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1,5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; LockFrameWhenDecollideFlightPath = False ;
[F] 13:23:06 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Gregory\Downloads\WRobot(1)\WRobot\\FightClass\Ordush-Paid-Beastmaster-Hunter-Vanilla.dll
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Aspect of the Hawk (Id found: 14318, Name found: Aspect of the Hawk, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Hawk, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Aspect of the Cheetah (Id found: 5118, Name found: Aspect of the Cheetah, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Cheetah, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Trueshot Aura (Id found: 20938, Name found: Trueshot Aura, NameInGame found: Trueshot Aura, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Aspect of the Monkey (Id found: 13163, Name found: Aspect of the Monkey, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Monkey, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Rapid Fire (Id found: 3045, Name found: Rapid Fire, NameInGame found: Rapid Fire, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 24571, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26635, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] spellName=Arcane Torrent => Failed
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Hunter's Mark (Id found: 14323, Name found: Hunter's Mark, NameInGame found: Hunter's Mark, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Feign Death (Id found: 5385, Name found: Feign Death, NameInGame found: Feign Death, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Disengage (Id found: 781, Name found: Disengage, NameInGame found: Disengage, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Concussive Shot (Id found: 27634, Name found: Concussive Shot, NameInGame found: Concussive Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Serpent Sting (Id found: 13551, Name found: Serpent Sting, NameInGame found: Serpent Sting, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Raptor Strike (Id found: 14262, Name found: Raptor Strike, NameInGame found: Raptor Strike, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Mongoose Bite (Id found: 1495, Name found: Mongoose Bite, NameInGame found: Mongoose Bite, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Freezing Trap (Id found: 1499, Name found: Freezing Trap, NameInGame found: Freezing Trap, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Intimidation (Id found: 24394, Name found: Intimidation, NameInGame found: Intimidation, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Bestial Wrath (Id found: 26592, Name found: Bestial Wrath, NameInGame found: Bestial Wrath, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Call Pet (Id found: 883, Name found: Call Pet, NameInGame found: Call Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Revive Pet (Id found: 982, Name found: Revive Pet, NameInGame found: Revive Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Mend Pet (Id found: 3111, Name found: Mend Pet, NameInGame found: Mend Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Feed Pet (Id found: 6991, Name found: Feed Pet, NameInGame found: Feed Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Auto Shot (Id found: 75, Name found: Auto Shot, NameInGame found: Auto Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Aimed Shot (Id found: 27632, Name found: Aimed Shot, NameInGame found: Aimed Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Multi-Shot (Id found: 2643, Name found: Multi-Shot, NameInGame found: Multi-Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Arcane Shot (Id found: 14282, Name found: Arcane Shot, NameInGame found: Arcane Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Volley (Id found: 22908, Name found: Volley, NameInGame found: Volley, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Viper Sting (Id found: 14351, Name found: Viper Sting, NameInGame found: Viper Sting, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:08 - [Spell] Wing Clip (Id found: 2974, Name found: Wing Clip, NameInGame found: Wing Clip, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[F] 13:23:15 - SaveWindowPosition = False ; NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Grinder ; CustomClass = ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; FightInteractTargetMinDistance = 45 ; IgnoreFightWhenInMove = True ; DismountLandGroundDistance = 3,5 ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = False ; TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink = True ; EquipAvailableBagIfFreeContainerSlot = False ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; LootAndHarvestRangeQuickly = True ; LootInCombat = False ; SkipNodesInWater = False ; MaxUnitsNearMobs = 3 ; MaxUnitsNearObjects = 3 ; SearchRadiusMobs = 150 ; SearchRadiusObjects = 300 ; MaxZDistanceAttack = 150 ; MaxZDistanceIsAttacked = 150 ; MaxZDistanceFarm = 2000 ; BlacklistTaxiDefaultTimeMs = 1800000 ; BlacklistUnitDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; BlacklistGameObjectDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; MaxTryPerNode = 6 ; SellQuickly = False ; MaxCheckIfGoodMouseShortcutsWhenInteract = 2 ; HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 0 ; HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 6948 ; RecordChatInLog = True ; UseSpiritHealerAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 0 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; WaitWhenBuffWaitingToResurrect = False ; UseCTM = False ; AntiDrown = True ; AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = False ; PathFinderServerSeemDownPauseBotTimeSec = 10 ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1000 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 80000 ; TryToAvoidEnemyGroupsRatio = 0 ; IgnoreServerRoadsWater = False ; SmoothPath = False ; SmoothPathDistance = 1 ; KeyboardToTurn = False ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 8 ; RetrieveCorpseMaxDistance = 26 ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; SizeWidth = 534,4 ; SizeHeight = 375,2 ; WindowPosX = 0 ; WindowPosY = 0 ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = DungeonParty.dll = False, HS2Town.cs = False, PartyHelperPlugin.dll = False, RandomJumper.cs = True, SmoothMove.dll = False, VanillaTrainLevel.cs = False, WAide_v1.2.1.dll = False, WhatsGoingOn.dll = True, WhisperReply.cs = False, WImprove_v1.3.1.dll = False, WTrainer_v1.3.4.dll = False, HumanMasterPlugin.dll = True ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = False ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = Spongy Morel ; FoodPercent = 55 ; DrinkName = Melon Juice ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = True ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = True ; SkinNinja = False ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 225 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = True ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = True ; SellGreen = True ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Light Shot, Tough Jerky, Hearthstone, Skinning Knife, Small Red Pouch, Small Green Pouch, Blue Leather Bag, Green Leather Bag, Red Leather Bag, Large Blue Sack, Large Green Sack, Large Knapsack, Troll-hide Bag, Journeyman's Backpack, Traveler's Backpack, Tough Hunk of Bread , Darnassian Bleu , Slitherskin Mackerel , Shiny Red Apple , Forest Mushroom Cap , Tough Jerky, Freshly Baked Bread , Dalaran Sharp , Longjaw Mud Snapper , Tel'Abim Banana , Red-speckled Mushroom , Haunch of Meat, Moist Cornbread , Dwarven Mild , Bristle Whisker Catfish , Snapvine Watermelon , Spongy Morel , Mutton Chop, Mulgore Spice Bread , Stormwind Brie , Rockscale Cod , Goldenbark Apple , Delicious Cave Mold , Wild Hog Shank, Soft Banana Bread , Fine Aged Cheddar , Striped Yellowtail , Moon Harvest Pumpkin , Raw Black Truffle , Cured Ham Steak, Homemade Cherry Pie , Alterac Swiss , Spinefin Halibut , Deep Fried Plantains , Dried King Bolete , Roasted Quail, Large Venom Sac, Melon Juice, Magic Dust, Sweet Nectar, Moonberry Juice, Morning Glory Dew, Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight, Recipe: Elixir of Giant Growth , Linen Bandage, Heavy Linen Bandage, Wool Bandage, Heavy Wool Bandage, Silk Bandage, Heavy Silk Bandage, Mageweave Bandage, Heavy Mageweave Bandage, Runecloth Bandage, Heavy Runecloth Bandage, Healing Potion, Minor Healing Potion, Major Mana Potion, Tough Hunk of Bread, Darnassian Bleu, Forest Mushroom Cap, Slitherskin Mackerel, Freshly Baked Bread, Red-speckled Mushroom, Moist Cornbread, Spongy Morel, Mulgore Spice Bread, Delicious Cave Mold, Rockscale Cod, Soft Banana Bread, Raw Black Truffle, Homemade Cherry Pie, Dried King Bolete, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Lesser Healing Potion, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Longjaw Mud Snapper, Bristle Whisker Catfish, Spinefin Halibut, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Major Healing Potion, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Dwarven Mild, , Dalaran Sharp, Stormwind Brie, Fine Aged Cheddar, Alterac Swiss, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , ; ForceSellList = ; BuyList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Light Shot, Tough Jerky, Refreshing Spring Water, Hearthstone, Tough Hunk of Bread, Darnassian Bleu, Forest Mushroom Cap, Slitherskin Mackerel, Freshly Baked Bread, Red-speckled Mushroom, Moist Cornbread, Spongy Morel, Mulgore Spice Bread, Delicious Cave Mold, Rockscale Cod, Soft Banana Bread, Raw Black Truffle, Homemade Cherry Pie, Dried King Bolete, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Bristle Whisker Catfish, Spinefin Halibut, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Dalaran Sharp, Stormwind Brie, Fine Aged Cheddar, Alterac Swiss, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = True ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; ForceGroundMovementWhenDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; PlayerAttackedIfOnePetAttacked = True ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPlayerPet = True ; UseLuaToMove = True ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; SecurityDoNotCloseGame = False ; LatencyMin = 300 ; LatencyMax = 700 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; BackwardWhenStuck = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1,5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; LockFrameWhenDecollideFlightPath = False ;
[F] 13:23:15 - SaveWindowPosition = False ; NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Grinder ; CustomClass = Ordush-Paid-Beastmaster-Hunter-Vanilla.dll ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; FightInteractTargetMinDistance = 45 ; IgnoreFightWhenInMove = True ; DismountLandGroundDistance = 3,5 ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = False ; TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink = True ; EquipAvailableBagIfFreeContainerSlot = False ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; LootAndHarvestRangeQuickly = True ; LootInCombat = False ; SkipNodesInWater = False ; MaxUnitsNearMobs = 3 ; MaxUnitsNearObjects = 3 ; SearchRadiusMobs = 150 ; SearchRadiusObjects = 300 ; MaxZDistanceAttack = 150 ; MaxZDistanceIsAttacked = 150 ; MaxZDistanceFarm = 2000 ; BlacklistTaxiDefaultTimeMs = 1800000 ; BlacklistUnitDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; BlacklistGameObjectDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; MaxTryPerNode = 6 ; SellQuickly = False ; MaxCheckIfGoodMouseShortcutsWhenInteract = 2 ; HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 0 ; HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 6948 ; RecordChatInLog = True ; UseSpiritHealerAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 0 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; WaitWhenBuffWaitingToResurrect = False ; UseCTM = False ; AntiDrown = True ; AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = False ; PathFinderServerSeemDownPauseBotTimeSec = 10 ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1000 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 80000 ; TryToAvoidEnemyGroupsRatio = 0 ; IgnoreServerRoadsWater = False ; SmoothPath = False ; SmoothPathDistance = 1 ; KeyboardToTurn = False ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 8 ; RetrieveCorpseMaxDistance = 26 ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; SizeWidth = 534,4 ; SizeHeight = 375,2 ; WindowPosX = 0 ; WindowPosY = 0 ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = DungeonParty.dll = False, HS2Town.cs = False, PartyHelperPlugin.dll = False, RandomJumper.cs = True, SmoothMove.dll = False, VanillaTrainLevel.cs = False, WAide_v1.2.1.dll = False, WhatsGoingOn.dll = True, WhisperReply.cs = False, WImprove_v1.3.1.dll = False, WTrainer_v1.3.4.dll = False, HumanMasterPlugin.dll = True ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = False ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = Spongy Morel ; FoodPercent = 55 ; DrinkName = Melon Juice ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = True ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = True ; SkinNinja = False ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 225 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = True ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = True ; SellGreen = True ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Light Shot, Tough Jerky, Hearthstone, Skinning Knife, Small Red Pouch, Small Green Pouch, Blue Leather Bag, Green Leather Bag, Red Leather Bag, Large Blue Sack, Large Green Sack, Large Knapsack, Troll-hide Bag, Journeyman's Backpack, Traveler's Backpack, Tough Hunk of Bread , Darnassian Bleu , Slitherskin Mackerel , Shiny Red Apple , Forest Mushroom Cap , Tough Jerky, Freshly Baked Bread , Dalaran Sharp , Longjaw Mud Snapper , Tel'Abim Banana , Red-speckled Mushroom , Haunch of Meat, Moist Cornbread , Dwarven Mild , Bristle Whisker Catfish , Snapvine Watermelon , Spongy Morel , Mutton Chop, Mulgore Spice Bread , Stormwind Brie , Rockscale Cod , Goldenbark Apple , Delicious Cave Mold , Wild Hog Shank, Soft Banana Bread , Fine Aged Cheddar , Striped Yellowtail , Moon Harvest Pumpkin , Raw Black Truffle , Cured Ham Steak, Homemade Cherry Pie , Alterac Swiss , Spinefin Halibut , Deep Fried Plantains , Dried King Bolete , Roasted Quail, Large Venom Sac, Melon Juice, Magic Dust, Sweet Nectar, Moonberry Juice, Morning Glory Dew, Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight, Recipe: Elixir of Giant Growth , Linen Bandage, Heavy Linen Bandage, Wool Bandage, Heavy Wool Bandage, Silk Bandage, Heavy Silk Bandage, Mageweave Bandage, Heavy Mageweave Bandage, Runecloth Bandage, Heavy Runecloth Bandage, Healing Potion, Minor Healing Potion, Major Mana Potion, Tough Hunk of Bread, Darnassian Bleu, Forest Mushroom Cap, Slitherskin Mackerel, Freshly Baked Bread, Red-speckled Mushroom, Moist Cornbread, Spongy Morel, Mulgore Spice Bread, Delicious Cave Mold, Rockscale Cod, Soft Banana Bread, Raw Black Truffle, Homemade Cherry Pie, Dried King Bolete, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Lesser Healing Potion, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Longjaw Mud Snapper, Bristle Whisker Catfish, Spinefin Halibut, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Major Healing Potion, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Dwarven Mild, , Dalaran Sharp, Stormwind Brie, Fine Aged Cheddar, Alterac Swiss, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , ; ForceSellList = ; BuyList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Light Shot, Tough Jerky, Refreshing Spring Water, Hearthstone, Tough Hunk of Bread, Darnassian Bleu, Forest Mushroom Cap, Slitherskin Mackerel, Freshly Baked Bread, Red-speckled Mushroom, Moist Cornbread, Spongy Morel, Mulgore Spice Bread, Delicious Cave Mold, Rockscale Cod, Soft Banana Bread, Raw Black Truffle, Homemade Cherry Pie, Dried King Bolete, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Bristle Whisker Catfish, Spinefin Halibut, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Dalaran Sharp, Stormwind Brie, Fine Aged Cheddar, Alterac Swiss, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = True ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; ForceGroundMovementWhenDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; PlayerAttackedIfOnePetAttacked = True ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPlayerPet = True ; UseLuaToMove = True ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; SecurityDoNotCloseGame = False ; LatencyMin = 300 ; LatencyMax = 700 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; BackwardWhenStuck = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1,5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; LockFrameWhenDecollideFlightPath = False ;
[D] 13:23:21 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 13:23:21 - ProfileName = Venom Sac Ashenv 30+ [H].xml ; BlackListWhereIAmDead = False ; RetLastPos = False ; PetBattle = False ; CurrentSetting = Grinder.Bot.GrinderSetting ;
[D] 13:23:21 - [Grinder] Profile used: Venom Sac Ashenv 30+ [H].xml
[F] 13:23:21 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Gregory\Downloads\WRobot(1)\WRobot\\FightClass\Ordush-Paid-Beastmaster-Hunter-Vanilla.dll
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Aspect of the Hawk (Id found: 14318, Name found: Aspect of the Hawk, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Hawk, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Aspect of the Cheetah (Id found: 5118, Name found: Aspect of the Cheetah, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Cheetah, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Trueshot Aura (Id found: 20938, Name found: Trueshot Aura, NameInGame found: Trueshot Aura, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Aspect of the Monkey (Id found: 13163, Name found: Aspect of the Monkey, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Monkey, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Rapid Fire (Id found: 3045, Name found: Rapid Fire, NameInGame found: Rapid Fire, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 24571, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26635, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] spellName=Arcane Torrent => Failed
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Hunter's Mark (Id found: 14323, Name found: Hunter's Mark, NameInGame found: Hunter's Mark, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Feign Death (Id found: 5385, Name found: Feign Death, NameInGame found: Feign Death, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Disengage (Id found: 781, Name found: Disengage, NameInGame found: Disengage, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Concussive Shot (Id found: 27634, Name found: Concussive Shot, NameInGame found: Concussive Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Serpent Sting (Id found: 13551, Name found: Serpent Sting, NameInGame found: Serpent Sting, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Raptor Strike (Id found: 14262, Name found: Raptor Strike, NameInGame found: Raptor Strike, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Mongoose Bite (Id found: 1495, Name found: Mongoose Bite, NameInGame found: Mongoose Bite, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Freezing Trap (Id found: 1499, Name found: Freezing Trap, NameInGame found: Freezing Trap, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Intimidation (Id found: 24394, Name found: Intimidation, NameInGame found: Intimidation, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Bestial Wrath (Id found: 26592, Name found: Bestial Wrath, NameInGame found: Bestial Wrath, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Call Pet (Id found: 883, Name found: Call Pet, NameInGame found: Call Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Revive Pet (Id found: 982, Name found: Revive Pet, NameInGame found: Revive Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Mend Pet (Id found: 3111, Name found: Mend Pet, NameInGame found: Mend Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Feed Pet (Id found: 6991, Name found: Feed Pet, NameInGame found: Feed Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Auto Shot (Id found: 75, Name found: Auto Shot, NameInGame found: Auto Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Aimed Shot (Id found: 27632, Name found: Aimed Shot, NameInGame found: Aimed Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Multi-Shot (Id found: 2643, Name found: Multi-Shot, NameInGame found: Multi-Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Arcane Shot (Id found: 14282, Name found: Arcane Shot, NameInGame found: Arcane Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Volley (Id found: 22908, Name found: Volley, NameInGame found: Volley, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Viper Sting (Id found: 14351, Name found: Viper Sting, NameInGame found: Viper Sting, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:24 - [Spell] Wing Clip (Id found: 2974, Name found: Wing Clip, NameInGame found: Wing Clip, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
13:23:24 - [Grinder] Select zone: Orgrimmar
13:23:24 - Updated Fightclass to the newest version.
13:23:25 - [Grinder] Started
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] HMP Settings: TransactionId = ******** ; MultiIP = False ; AutoEquip = True ; AutoEquipBlues = False ; Hearthstone = True ; Unstuck = False ; IgnoreCombatOnBrokenItems = True ; StopTagged = True ; FirstAid = True ; FirstAidHealth = 60 ; UsePotions = True ; HealPotPercent = 35 ; ManaPotPercent = 25 ; TakeTram = False ; Food = True ; Drink = True ; HighestConsumables = False ; AutoVendor = True ; AllowCurrentZone = False ; IgnoreInnkeepers = False ; DrinkAmount = 40 ; FoodAmount = 40 ; Ammo = True ; AmmoAmount = 1600 ; SpellStrings = System.String[] ; TalentStrings = System.String[] ; TrainSkinning = True ; TrainFirstAid = True ; TrainWeapons = True ; RunAway = True ; EscapeAmount = 3 ; EscapeElite = True ; EscapeDistance = 35 ; EscapePercent = 20 ; EscapePercentEnemies = 35 ; EscapePercentMana = 15 ; EscapePercentManaEnemies = 35 ; SmartPulls = True ; UseResurrect = True ; BlacklistInvalid = True ; PullPathCollision = True ; SpiritRezz = True ; DeathsPerXMinutes = 5 ; XMinutesSinceLastDeath = 15 ; In = PluginSettings ;
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to trainer at levels: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 26, 30, 32, 34, 36, 40, 44, 48, 50, 54, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Training States
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding TalentPoint state
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding death events
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Resurrect State
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding AntiDrown State
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding SwimToShore State
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Vendor State
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Equip States
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding DeleteAndOpenItems after LootRange
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding BlackListUnlootableState for Farming
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding BlackListUnlootableState for FarmingRange
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Relogger 2000
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Pause 180
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Battlegrounder Combination 170
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SelectProfileState 160
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Resurrect 150
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] AntiDrown 149
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] My Macro 140
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] ClearPath 131
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] IsAttacked 130
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BattlePet 120
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Looting range 110
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] DeleteAndOpenItems 0 after Looting range
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BlacklistUnlootableObjects 0 before Farming range
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Farming range 110
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SwimToShore 0 before Regeneration
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Regeneration 100
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Looting 90
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BlacklistUnlootableObjects 0 before Farming
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Farming 80
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Milling 70
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] FlightMaster: Take taxi 60
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Prospecting 60
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] AutoEquip 43
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BagEquip 42
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] TownRun 40
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] TalentPoints 30
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Flight master discover 30
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Class Training 30
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] WarlockPetTraining 0 after Class Training
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] FirstAidTraining 29
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SkinningTraining 28
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] WeaponTraining 27
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] DeleteAndOpenItems 26
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Grinding 20
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Movement Loop 10
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Idle 0
13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stored new engine as current engine to use
[E] 13:23:25 - Engine > Pulse(): System.InvalidOperationException: Η συλλογή έχει τροποποιηθεί, η λειτουργία απαρίθμησης ενδέχεται να μην εκτελεστεί.
σε System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
σε System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNextRare()
σε System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNext()
σε robotManager.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()

13:23:25 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Started.
[F] 13:23:25 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Gregory\Downloads\WRobot(1)\WRobot\\FightClass\Ordush-Paid-Beastmaster-Hunter-Vanilla.dll
13:23:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Npc ID 6028 to Vendor/Repair blacklist
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Aspect of the Hawk (Id found: 14318, Name found: Aspect of the Hawk, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Hawk, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Aspect of the Cheetah (Id found: 5118, Name found: Aspect of the Cheetah, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Cheetah, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Trueshot Aura (Id found: 20938, Name found: Trueshot Aura, NameInGame found: Trueshot Aura, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Aspect of the Monkey (Id found: 13163, Name found: Aspect of the Monkey, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Monkey, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Rapid Fire (Id found: 3045, Name found: Rapid Fire, NameInGame found: Rapid Fire, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 24571, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26635, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] spellName=Arcane Torrent => Failed
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Hunter's Mark (Id found: 14323, Name found: Hunter's Mark, NameInGame found: Hunter's Mark, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Feign Death (Id found: 5385, Name found: Feign Death, NameInGame found: Feign Death, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Disengage (Id found: 781, Name found: Disengage, NameInGame found: Disengage, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Concussive Shot (Id found: 27634, Name found: Concussive Shot, NameInGame found: Concussive Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Serpent Sting (Id found: 13551, Name found: Serpent Sting, NameInGame found: Serpent Sting, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Raptor Strike (Id found: 14262, Name found: Raptor Strike, NameInGame found: Raptor Strike, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Mongoose Bite (Id found: 1495, Name found: Mongoose Bite, NameInGame found: Mongoose Bite, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Freezing Trap (Id found: 1499, Name found: Freezing Trap, NameInGame found: Freezing Trap, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Intimidation (Id found: 24394, Name found: Intimidation, NameInGame found: Intimidation, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Bestial Wrath (Id found: 26592, Name found: Bestial Wrath, NameInGame found: Bestial Wrath, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Call Pet (Id found: 883, Name found: Call Pet, NameInGame found: Call Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Revive Pet (Id found: 982, Name found: Revive Pet, NameInGame found: Revive Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Mend Pet (Id found: 3111, Name found: Mend Pet, NameInGame found: Mend Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Feed Pet (Id found: 6991, Name found: Feed Pet, NameInGame found: Feed Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Auto Shot (Id found: 75, Name found: Auto Shot, NameInGame found: Auto Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Aimed Shot (Id found: 27632, Name found: Aimed Shot, NameInGame found: Aimed Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Multi-Shot (Id found: 2643, Name found: Multi-Shot, NameInGame found: Multi-Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Arcane Shot (Id found: 14282, Name found: Arcane Shot, NameInGame found: Arcane Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Volley (Id found: 22908, Name found: Volley, NameInGame found: Volley, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Viper Sting (Id found: 14351, Name found: Viper Sting, NameInGame found: Viper Sting, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:23:28 - [Spell] Wing Clip (Id found: 2974, Name found: Wing Clip, NameInGame found: Wing Clip, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
13:23:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] removing low-level drink Refreshing Spring Water from DoNotSellList
13:23:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] removing low-level drink Ice Cold Milk from DoNotSellList
13:23:28 - Already running the newest version of the Fightclass
13:23:28 - [My fightclass] Is started.
[D] 13:23:29 - [Spell] Pick Lock (Id found: 6480, Name found: Pick Lock, NameInGame found: Pick Lock, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[F] 13:23:29 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
13:23:31 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stopped.
13:23:31 - [Grinder] Stopped
13:23:32 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:07s
XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[D] 13:24:00 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 13:24:00 - ProfileName = Venom Sac Ashenv 30+ [H].xml ; BlackListWhereIAmDead = False ; RetLastPos = False ; PetBattle = False ; CurrentSetting = Grinder.Bot.GrinderSetting ;
[D] 13:24:00 - [Grinder] Profile used: Venom Sac Ashenv 30+ [H].xml
[F] 13:24:00 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Gregory\Downloads\WRobot(1)\WRobot\\FightClass\Ordush-Paid-Beastmaster-Hunter-Vanilla.dll
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Aspect of the Hawk (Id found: 14318, Name found: Aspect of the Hawk, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Hawk, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Aspect of the Cheetah (Id found: 5118, Name found: Aspect of the Cheetah, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Cheetah, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Trueshot Aura (Id found: 20938, Name found: Trueshot Aura, NameInGame found: Trueshot Aura, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Aspect of the Monkey (Id found: 13163, Name found: Aspect of the Monkey, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Monkey, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Rapid Fire (Id found: 3045, Name found: Rapid Fire, NameInGame found: Rapid Fire, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 24571, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26635, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] spellName=Arcane Torrent => Failed
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Hunter's Mark (Id found: 14323, Name found: Hunter's Mark, NameInGame found: Hunter's Mark, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Feign Death (Id found: 5385, Name found: Feign Death, NameInGame found: Feign Death, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Disengage (Id found: 781, Name found: Disengage, NameInGame found: Disengage, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Concussive Shot (Id found: 27634, Name found: Concussive Shot, NameInGame found: Concussive Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Serpent Sting (Id found: 13551, Name found: Serpent Sting, NameInGame found: Serpent Sting, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Raptor Strike (Id found: 14262, Name found: Raptor Strike, NameInGame found: Raptor Strike, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Mongoose Bite (Id found: 1495, Name found: Mongoose Bite, NameInGame found: Mongoose Bite, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Freezing Trap (Id found: 1499, Name found: Freezing Trap, NameInGame found: Freezing Trap, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Intimidation (Id found: 24394, Name found: Intimidation, NameInGame found: Intimidation, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Bestial Wrath (Id found: 26592, Name found: Bestial Wrath, NameInGame found: Bestial Wrath, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Call Pet (Id found: 883, Name found: Call Pet, NameInGame found: Call Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Revive Pet (Id found: 982, Name found: Revive Pet, NameInGame found: Revive Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Mend Pet (Id found: 3111, Name found: Mend Pet, NameInGame found: Mend Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Feed Pet (Id found: 6991, Name found: Feed Pet, NameInGame found: Feed Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Auto Shot (Id found: 75, Name found: Auto Shot, NameInGame found: Auto Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Aimed Shot (Id found: 27632, Name found: Aimed Shot, NameInGame found: Aimed Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Multi-Shot (Id found: 2643, Name found: Multi-Shot, NameInGame found: Multi-Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Arcane Shot (Id found: 14282, Name found: Arcane Shot, NameInGame found: Arcane Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Volley (Id found: 22908, Name found: Volley, NameInGame found: Volley, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Viper Sting (Id found: 14351, Name found: Viper Sting, NameInGame found: Viper Sting, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:24:03 - [Spell] Wing Clip (Id found: 2974, Name found: Wing Clip, NameInGame found: Wing Clip, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
13:24:03 - [Grinder] Select zone: Orgrimmar
13:24:03 - Already running the newest version of the Fightclass
13:24:03 - [My fightclass] Is started.
13:24:04 - [Grinder] Started
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] HMP Settings: TransactionId = ******** ; MultiIP = False ; AutoEquip = True ; AutoEquipBlues = False ; Hearthstone = True ; Unstuck = False ; IgnoreCombatOnBrokenItems = True ; StopTagged = True ; FirstAid = True ; FirstAidHealth = 60 ; UsePotions = True ; HealPotPercent = 35 ; ManaPotPercent = 25 ; TakeTram = False ; Food = True ; Drink = True ; HighestConsumables = False ; AutoVendor = True ; AllowCurrentZone = False ; IgnoreInnkeepers = False ; DrinkAmount = 40 ; FoodAmount = 40 ; Ammo = True ; AmmoAmount = 1600 ; SpellStrings = System.String[] ; TalentStrings = System.String[] ; TrainSkinning = True ; TrainFirstAid = True ; TrainWeapons = True ; RunAway = True ; EscapeAmount = 3 ; EscapeElite = True ; EscapeDistance = 35 ; EscapePercent = 20 ; EscapePercentEnemies = 35 ; EscapePercentMana = 15 ; EscapePercentManaEnemies = 35 ; SmartPulls = True ; UseResurrect = True ; BlacklistInvalid = True ; PullPathCollision = True ; SpiritRezz = True ; DeathsPerXMinutes = 5 ; XMinutesSinceLastDeath = 15 ; In = PluginSettings ;
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to trainer at levels: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 26, 30, 32, 34, 36, 40, 44, 48, 50, 54, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Training States
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding TalentPoint state
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding death events
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Resurrect State
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding AntiDrown State
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding SwimToShore State
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Vendor State
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Equip States
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding DeleteAndOpenItems after LootRange
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding BlackListUnlootableState for Farming
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding BlackListUnlootableState for FarmingRange
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Relogger 2000
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Pause 180
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Battlegrounder Combination 170
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SelectProfileState 160
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Resurrect 150
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] AntiDrown 149
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] My Macro 140
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] ClearPath 131
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] IsAttacked 130
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BattlePet 120
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Looting range 110
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] DeleteAndOpenItems 0 after Looting range
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BlacklistUnlootableObjects 0 before Farming range
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Farming range 110
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SwimToShore 0 before Regeneration
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Regeneration 100
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Looting 90
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BlacklistUnlootableObjects 0 before Farming
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Farming 80
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Milling 70
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] FlightMaster: Take taxi 60
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Prospecting 60
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] AutoEquip 43
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BagEquip 42
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] TownRun 40
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] TalentPoints 30
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Flight master discover 30
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Class Training 30
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] WarlockPetTraining 0 after Class Training
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] FirstAidTraining 29
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SkinningTraining 28
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] WeaponTraining 27
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] DeleteAndOpenItems 26
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Grinding 20
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Movement Loop 10
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Idle 0
13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stored new engine as current engine to use
[E] 13:24:04 - Engine > Pulse(): System.InvalidOperationException: Η συλλογή έχει τροποποιηθεί, η λειτουργία απαρίθμησης ενδέχεται να μην εκτελεστεί.
σε System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
σε System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNextRare()
σε System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNext()
σε robotManager.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()

13:24:04 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Started.
13:24:07 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Npc ID 6028 to Vendor/Repair blacklist
13:24:07 - [HumanMasterPlugin] removing low-level drink Refreshing Spring Water from DoNotSellList
13:24:07 - [HumanMasterPlugin] removing low-level drink Ice Cold Milk from DoNotSellList
[D] 13:24:08 - [Spell] Pick Lock (Id found: 6480, Name found: Pick Lock, NameInGame found: Pick Lock, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 13:24:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 来个T 9=1~~~~
13:24:41 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 13:24:42 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 13:24:43 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:24:43 - [Spell] Cast Rapid Fire (Rapid Fire)
[N] 13:24:43 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2026,246 ; -3494,373 ; 96,52542 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 13:24:44 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 88,2981 (311 ms)
[N] 13:24:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2039,233 ; -3478 ; 88,14624 ; "None" to 2026,246 ; -3494,373 ; 88,2981 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 13:24:44 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 13:24:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,89916y, 223ms)
[N] 13:24:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2039,233 ; -3478 ; 88,14624 ; "None" to 2026,246 ; -3494,373 ; 88,2981 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:24:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (29,55781y, 155ms)
[F] 13:24:48 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:24:49 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:24:49 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 13:24:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ccyw) 召唤沙德拉 来人!!!
[D] 13:24:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rucepowder) 环形山有一起做任务的吗
[F] 13:25:00 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 13:25:05 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
13:25:07 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:25:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2028,324 ; -3493,849 ; 87,7739 ; "None" to 2041,835 ; -3485,373 ; 86,52542 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:25:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,99782y, 225ms)
[D] 13:25:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Flychard) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 13:25:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 13:25:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ddabc) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 13:25:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Franciskong) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 13:25:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Scories) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 13:25:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ckxd) 有做DZ毒药任务的吗
[D] 13:25:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) [WorldBuffs] 酋长的祝福Buff(雷德·黑手) 已经释放.
[D] 13:25:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Scories) [WorldBuffs] 酋长的祝福Buff(雷德·黑手) 已经释放.
[D] 13:25:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shushudao) [WorldBuffs] 酋长的祝福Buff(雷德·黑手) 已经释放。
[D] 13:25:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ddabc) [WorldBuffs] 酋长的祝福Buff(雷德·黑手) 已经释放.
[D] 13:25:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Flychard) [WorldBuffs] 酋长的祝福Buff(雷德·黑手) 已经释放.
[F] 13:25:33 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 13:25:34 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 13:25:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shilaoda) 有
13:25:34 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 13:25:35 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:25:35 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[N] 13:25:35 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2105,808 ; -3393,777 ; 104,9876 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 13:25:36 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 102,972 (266 ms)
[N] 13:25:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2110,731 ; -3405,206 ; 93,52431 ; "None" to 2105,808 ; -3393,777 ; 102,972 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 13:25:36 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:25:36 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[N] 13:25:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (23,80039y, 917ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[N] 13:25:37 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2105,195 ; -3398,436 ; 104,9876 ; "None" strict = False
[D] 13:25:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 来个T 9=1~~~~
[N] 13:25:37 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 98,60629 (525 ms)
[N] 13:25:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2110,731 ; -3405,206 ; 93,52431 ; "None" to 2105,195 ; -3398,436 ; 98,60629 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 13:25:37 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 13:25:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,11447y, 229ms)
[N] 13:25:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2110,731 ; -3405,206 ; 93,52431 ; "None" to 2105,195 ; -3398,436 ; 98,60629 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:25:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,11447y, 181ms)
[F] 13:25:38 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:25:39 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:25:40 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 13:25:41 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:25:42 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 13:25:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ccyw) 召唤沙德拉 来人!!!
[F] 13:25:51 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 13:25:57 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[D] 13:25:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shilaoda) 盗贼任务的
13:25:59 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:25:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2107,456 ; -3400,865 ; 93,74268 ; "None" to 2123,195 ; -3398,436 ; 94,98756 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:25:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,97364y, 166ms)
[D] 13:26:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Flychard) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 13:26:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ddabc) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 13:26:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Franciskong) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 13:26:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 13:26:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Scories) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 13:26:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shushudao) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放。
[D] 13:26:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tangming) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[N] 13:26:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2123,053 ; -3398,458 ; 94,94403 ; "None" to 2108,562 ; -3406,386 ; 93,44257 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:26:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,58621y, 264ms)
[D] 13:26:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tangming) [WorldBuffs] 酋长的祝福Buff(雷德·黑手) 已经释放.
[D] 13:26:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ckxd) 有做DZ毒药任务的吗有做DZ毒药任务的吗有做DZ毒药任务的吗
[D] 13:26:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shilaoda) 盗贼任务的一起、
13:26:27 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 13:26:27 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:26:28 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:26:29 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:26:30 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 13:26:32 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 13:26:41 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 13:26:46 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
13:26:48 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:26:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2074,752 ; -3512,631 ; 74,25539 ; "None" to 2066,339 ; -3498,102 ; 81,39543 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:26:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,24458y, 155ms)
[D] 13:26:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Otow) 一个闪现掉进奥格地下了。。。
[N] 13:26:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2068,136 ; -3501,188 ; 80,04054 ; "None" to 2071,874 ; -3510,803 ; 75,60661 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:26:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,22828y, 286ms)
[D] 13:26:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tangming) [WorldBuffs] 奥妮克希亚Buff将于 14 秒后释放.
[D] 13:26:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Flychard) [WorldBuffs] 奥妮克希亚Buff将于 14 秒后释放.
[D] 13:26:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) [WorldBuffs] 奥妮克希亚Buff将于 14 秒后释放.
[D] 13:26:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Scories) [WorldBuffs] 奥妮克希亚Buff将于 14 秒后释放.
[D] 13:26:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shushudao) [WorldBuffs] 奥妮克希亚Buff将于 14 秒后释放。
[D] 13:26:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Franciskong) [WorldBuffs] 奥妮克希亚Buff将于 14 秒后释放.
[D] 13:27:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lvpiyuqi) 辛特兰 恶齿村JY 任务 来人 可以拉++++++++来各路人马 奶5=1
[F] 13:27:06 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
13:27:07 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 13:27:07 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 13:27:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ccyw) 召唤沙德拉 来人!!!
[D] 13:27:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Anhuiz) 终于等到了。
[D] 13:27:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 来个T 9=1~~~~
[F] 13:27:08 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:27:09 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:27:10 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 13:27:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Franciskong) [WorldBuffs] 屠龙者的咆哮Buff(奥妮克希亚)已经释放.
[F] 13:27:21 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 13:27:24 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
13:27:26 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:27:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2158,622 ; -3528,98 ; 47,98214 ; "None" to 2143,783 ; -3528,297 ; 48,9421 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:27:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,88483y, 282ms)
[F] 13:27:45 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
13:27:45 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 13:27:46 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2212,597 ; -3525,37 ; 55,07527 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 13:27:46 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 46,2408 (206 ms)
[N] 13:27:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2218,068 ; -3542,496 ; 45,07159 ; "None" to 2212,597 ; -3525,37 ; 46,2408 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:27:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,0172y, 167ms)
[N] 13:27:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2218,068 ; -3542,496 ; 45,07159 ; "None" to 2212,597 ; -3525,37 ; 46,2408 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:27:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,0172y, 208ms)
[F] 13:27:47 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:27:49 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:27:50 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:27:51 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 13:28:01 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 13:28:03 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[F] 13:28:03 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
13:28:05 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:28:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2213,281 ; -3527,73 ; 45,75096 ; "None" to 2217,807 ; -3545,128 ; 45,03495 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:28:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,99107y, 157ms)
[D] 13:28:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 卧槽 来了 死2次了
[F] 13:28:26 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
13:28:27 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 13:28:28 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2326,45 ; -3538,835 ; 55,40553 ; "None" strict = False
[F] 13:28:28 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 13:28:28 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 46,42072 (153 ms)
[N] 13:28:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2305,653 ; -3550,285 ; 44,49122 ; "None" to 2326,45 ; -3538,835 ; 46,42072 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:28:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (23,81869y, 155ms)
[N] 13:28:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2305,653 ; -3550,285 ; 44,49122 ; "None" to 2326,45 ; -3538,835 ; 46,42072 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:28:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (23,81869y, 156ms)
[F] 13:28:31 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:28:32 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:28:32 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 13:28:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Huohuotoo) 这帮LM大号真的闲的
[F] 13:28:44 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 13:28:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ccyw) 召唤沙德拉 来人!!!
[F] 13:28:46 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
13:28:48 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:28:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2326,013 ; -3539,003 ; 45,9877 ; "None" to 2309,063 ; -3543,494 ; 45,40553 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:28:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,54411y, 190ms)
[D] 13:29:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 满级大马 QS 两刀··
[D] 13:29:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 来个T 9=1~~~~
[D] 13:29:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 这杀飞行员的部落号 居然在我们小号公会
[D] 13:29:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 都是 国人··
[D] 13:29:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lvpiyuqi) 辛特兰 恶齿村JY 任务 来人 可以拉++++++++来各路人马 奶7=1
[F] 13:29:37 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
13:29:37 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 13:29:38 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2068,35 ; -3424,134 ; 102,5171 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 13:29:38 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 95,79607 (153 ms)
[N] 13:29:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2059,991 ; -3433,574 ; 92,51281 ; "None" to 2068,35 ; -3424,134 ; 95,79607 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:29:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,02915y, 159ms)
[N] 13:29:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2059,991 ; -3433,574 ; 92,51281 ; "None" to 2068,35 ; -3424,134 ; 95,79607 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 13:29:39 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 13:29:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,02915y, 152ms)
[D] 13:29:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Finethanks) 这个服 是不是LM比BL贱很多
[F] 13:29:41 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:29:42 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:29:43 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[N] 13:29:43 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 13:29:43 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[F] 13:29:43 - [Spell] Cast Rapid Fire (Rapid Fire)
[D] 13:29:43 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[D] 13:29:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Huohuotoo) 我去。。。两个大号守尸
[D] 13:29:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 他待在旅店不敢杀飞行员了 应该也被警告了
[F] 13:29:54 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 13:29:58 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[D] 13:29:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shushudao) ny任务队有吗
13:29:59 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:29:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2069,741 ; -3425,954 ; 93,91484 ; "None" to 2055,622 ; -3436,862 ; 92,51711 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:30:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,89741y, 159ms)
[D] 13:30:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cir) 组个
[D] 13:30:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zzso) bl觉得LM贱,LM觉得BL贱
[D] 13:30:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zzso) 都一个样
[D] 13:30:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sukcmyd) LM狗BL猪
[F] 13:30:30 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
13:30:30 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 13:30:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Flechaz) 剃刀高地来个t===1
[N] 13:30:31 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2027,942 ; -3467,296 ; 100,2324 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 13:30:31 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 91,82762 (159 ms)
[N] 13:30:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2042,552 ; -3467,628 ; 89,79313 ; "None" to 2027,942 ; -3467,296 ; 91,82762 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:30:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,7541y, 155ms)
[N] 13:30:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2042,552 ; -3467,628 ; 89,79313 ; "None" to 2027,942 ; -3467,296 ; 91,82762 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 13:30:32 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 13:30:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,7541y, 165ms)
[F] 13:30:33 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:30:34 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:30:35 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 13:30:35 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:30:46 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 13:30:52 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
13:30:54 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:30:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2028,233 ; -3467,289 ; 91,08603 ; "None" to 2045,942 ; -3467,296 ; 90,23238 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:30:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,73004y, 155ms)
[D] 13:31:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 来个T 9=1~~~~
[D] 13:31:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Huohuotoo) 都一样,哪哪都有这种
[D] 13:31:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 我被满级盗贼杀 旁边路过的亡灵盗贼 满级大马 砍都不看一眼
13:32:04 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 13:32:05 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 13:32:06 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
13:32:06 - PET ATTACKING: Wildthorn Lurker (Unit) : 3821 : 0x1BE60008 : 17379391026128521335 : F130000EED008877
[F] 13:32:07 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[D] 13:32:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 问题是 我杀LM飞行员第一时间就被举报了
[N] 13:32:09 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2081,435 ; -3497,739 ; 90,91679 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 13:32:09 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 87,75244 (154 ms)
[N] 13:32:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2063,875 ; -3505,848 ; 79,96292 ; "None" to 2081,435 ; -3497,739 ; 87,75244 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:32:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (29,12417y, 164ms)
[N] 13:32:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2063,875 ; -3505,848 ; 79,96292 ; "None" to 2081,435 ; -3497,739 ; 87,75244 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:32:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (29,12417y, 154ms)
[F] 13:32:11 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:32:12 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:32:13 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 13:32:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 这货杀了几周了
[F] 13:32:24 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 13:32:25 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
13:32:27 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:32:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2078,25 ; -3495,937 ; 77,89214 ; "None" to 2064,049 ; -3502,397 ; 80,91679 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:32:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,89245y, 153ms)
[D] 13:32:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 来个T 9=1~~~~
[D] 13:32:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nogun) 你英语好也可以去举报、
[D] 13:32:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 果然是中文不在优势
[N] 13:32:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2067,507 ; -3500,824 ; 80,35488 ; "None" to 2061,121 ; -3503,864 ; 81,41247 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:32:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (7,150982y, 162ms)
[D] 13:32:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 举报了 说没用
[D] 13:32:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 随便来~~~~
[F] 13:32:57 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
13:32:57 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 13:32:58 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2134,033 ; -3396,893 ; 104,0487 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 13:32:58 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 101,5875 (156 ms)
[N] 13:32:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2120,335 ; -3399,031 ; 94,25745 ; "None" to 2134,033 ; -3396,893 ; 101,5875 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 13:32:58 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[N] 13:32:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (18,19501y, 161ms)
[N] 13:32:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2120,335 ; -3399,031 ; 94,25745 ; "None" to 2134,033 ; -3396,893 ; 101,5875 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:32:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (18,19501y, 166ms)
[F] 13:33:00 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:33:02 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:33:02 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 13:33:13 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 13:33:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Someil) PVP游戏,杀人举报没用的
[F] 13:33:16 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
13:33:18 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:33:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2131,036 ; -3393,709 ; 98,66517 ; "None" to 2116,646 ; -3401,551 ; 94,04871 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:33:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,58973y, 223ms)
[D] 13:33:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nogun) 杀关键npc gm会管的
[D] 13:33:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 我被警告了
[D] 13:33:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 让我不准杀
[D] 13:33:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Richiezcc) 就是赶紧 满级 然后 杀回去就是了
13:33:54 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 13:33:54 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[N] 13:33:54 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2161,453 ; -3522,01 ; 58,99972 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 13:33:55 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 48,30173 (205 ms)
[N] 13:33:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2150,156 ; -3528,014 ; 48,22092 ; "None" to 2161,453 ; -3522,01 ; 48,30173 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:33:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,79446y, 200ms)
[N] 13:33:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2150,156 ; -3528,014 ; 48,22092 ; "None" to 2161,453 ; -3522,01 ; 48,30173 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:33:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,79446y, 158ms)
[F] 13:33:56 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:33:56 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:33:57 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:33:57 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 13:34:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 我还杀飞行员? 我怕要被封号
[D] 13:34:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Frssxill) 教堂AA 少个FS
[D] 13:34:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Richiezcc) 杀他们小号的时候 谁 杀过你 你就告诉他 是他让还给你的人命
[D] 13:34:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yelp) 血色 教堂10人任务队 随便来~~~~
[F] 13:34:08 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 13:34:11 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[D] 13:34:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 没说杀人
13:34:12 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:34:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2161,076 ; -3522,181 ; 47,98452 ; "None" to 2144,066 ; -3526,668 ; 48,99972 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:34:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,62044y, 206ms)
[D] 13:34:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 杀飞行员 各位听清楚
[D] 13:34:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zbbr) 哈哈哈飞机你都杀
[D] 13:34:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zbbr) 你可真坏啊
13:34:28 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 13:34:28 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[N] 13:34:29 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2211,828 ; -3523,117 ; 55,41007 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 13:34:29 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 55,13564 (148 ms)
[N] 13:34:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2211,496 ; -3541,131 ; 45,40493 ; "None" to 2211,828 ; -3523,117 ; 55,13564 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:34:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,47719y, 154ms)
[N] 13:34:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2211,496 ; -3541,131 ; 45,40493 ; "None" to 2211,828 ; -3523,117 ; 55,13564 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:34:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,47719y, 162ms)
[D] 13:34:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 啧啧啧
[F] 13:34:30 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:34:32 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:34:34 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:34:34 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 13:34:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zbbr) lm可恨死你啦
[D] 13:34:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Finethanks) 这几个LM附魔小号有病是吧
[D] 13:34:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hisfather) 你这没搞明白是吧
[F] 13:34:44 - [Spell] Cast Rapid Fire (Rapid Fire)
[F] 13:34:45 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
13:34:49 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:34:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2211,85 ; -3523,695 ; 46,05316 ; "None" to 2210,789 ; -3541,351 ; 45,38169 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:34:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,70084y, 158ms)
[D] 13:34:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Finethanks) 堵着荆棘谷这个营地杀
[D] 13:35:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Walldown) 公会3团 周三晚7点30 补治疗法师 ss 六团正在组建 有意的加微信 ww210066 进公会群报名 55级以上均可
[F] 13:35:15 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
13:35:16 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 13:35:17 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2325,909 ; -3542,698 ; 54,96978 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 13:35:17 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 46,2496 (165 ms)
[N] 13:35:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,836 ; -3547,947 ; 44,84404 ; "None" to 2325,909 ; -3542,698 ; 46,2496 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:35:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,87196y, 162ms)
[N] 13:35:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,836 ; -3547,947 ; 44,84404 ; "None" to 2325,909 ; -3542,698 ; 46,2496 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:35:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,87196y, 167ms)
[F] 13:35:19 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:35:20 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:35:20 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 13:35:21 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:35:21 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 13:35:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tuanmieace) 墓地AA对有人不?
[F] 13:35:32 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
13:35:36 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:35:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2325,67 ; -3542,723 ; 45,76368 ; "None" to 2308,523 ; -3547,357 ; 44,96978 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:35:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,77992y, 154ms)
13:36:25 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 13:36:26 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 13:36:27 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2032,131 ; -3502,816 ; 95,44215 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 13:36:27 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 86,99537 (154 ms)
[N] 13:36:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2043,063 ; -3491,336 ; 85,49551 ; "None" to 2032,131 ; -3502,816 ; 86,99537 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:36:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,92313y, 161ms)
[N] 13:36:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2043,063 ; -3491,336 ; 85,49551 ; "None" to 2032,131 ; -3502,816 ; 86,99537 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:36:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,92313y, 154ms)
[F] 13:36:29 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:36:30 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:36:30 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 13:36:41 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 13:36:43 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
13:36:45 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:36:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2033,19 ; -3501,734 ; 86,34243 ; "None" to 2047,855 ; -3489,558 ; 85,5609 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:36:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,07666y, 162ms)
[F] 13:37:01 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 13:37:02 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
13:37:02 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 13:37:03 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:37:04 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:37:04 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 13:37:05 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:37:05 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 13:37:16 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 13:37:19 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
13:37:20 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:37:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2067,864 ; -3426,004 ; 93,35564 ; "None" to 2053,706 ; -3434,434 ; 92,64661 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:37:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,4929y, 155ms)
[F] 13:37:56 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 13:37:57 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
13:37:57 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 13:37:58 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2087,845 ; -3501,859 ; 87,20653 ; "None" strict = False
[F] 13:37:58 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 13:37:58 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 84,80628 (246 ms)
[N] 13:37:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2077,538 ; -3514,381 ; 72,87869 ; "None" to 2087,845 ; -3501,859 ; 84,80628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:37:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (33,85577y, 178ms)
[N] 13:37:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2077,538 ; -3514,381 ; 72,87869 ; "None" to 2087,845 ; -3501,859 ; 84,80628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 13:37:58 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[N] 13:37:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (33,85577y, 165ms)
[F] 13:37:59 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 13:37:59 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:38:00 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:38:02 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:38:02 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 13:38:13 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 13:38:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tuanmieace) 墓地AA求组
13:38:19 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:38:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2085,758 ; -3505,491 ; 70,41763 ; "None" to 2070,458 ; -3506,518 ; 77,20653 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:38:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,7694y, 157ms)
[N] 13:38:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2074,194 ; -3506,267 ; 75,58681 ; "None" to 2077,884 ; -3514,681 ; 72,6629 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:38:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,641645y, 158ms)
[D] 13:39:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Doubledan) /w
[F] 13:39:31 - [Spell] Cast Disengage (Disengage)
13:39:31 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 13:39:31 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 13:39:32 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2172,684 ; -3523,821 ; 58,03092 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 13:39:32 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 48,23192 (150 ms)
[N] 13:39:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2148,051 ; -3527,926 ; 48,37529 ; "None" to 2172,684 ; -3523,821 ; 48,23192 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 13:39:32 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 13:39:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (38,39757y, 156ms)
[N] 13:39:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2148,051 ; -3527,926 ; 48,37529 ; "None" to 2172,684 ; -3523,821 ; 48,23192 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:39:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (38,39757y, 161ms)
[D] 13:39:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Petbug) 怎么这么多double人物
[D] 13:39:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Psychopanic) 风蛇多少级的有俯冲啊
[F] 13:39:34 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:39:36 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:39:37 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:39:38 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 13:39:39 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 13:39:44 - [Spell] Cast Rapid Fire (Rapid Fire)
[D] 13:39:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hebin) 31
[F] 13:39:50 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 13:39:52 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
13:39:54 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 13:39:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2171,887 ; -3524,939 ; 47,89484 ; "None" to 2155,297 ; -3528,48 ; 48,03092 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:39:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,96475y, 156ms)
[D] 13:40:07 - [Looting] Cannot loot the target (Wildthorn Lurker), ignore it.
[N] 13:40:15 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
13:40:28 - [Relog] Player
[E] 13:40:51 - CAS: System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException: Ακυρώθηκε μια εργασία.
σε System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
σε System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
σε (Object , Object[] )
σε  .(MethodBase , Object , Object[] , Boolean )
σε  .(MethodBase , Object , Object[] , Boolean )
σε  .(MethodBase , Boolean )
σε  .  (  ,   )
σε  . ()
σε  . (Boolean )

[E] 13:41:53 - Error injection: Cannot launch it, skipped.
[N] 13:41:56 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 13:41:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2160,763 ; -3527,313 ; 47,97306 ; "None" to 2121,534 ; -3398,117 ; 94,90674 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 13:41:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 12 (283,2047y, 234ms)
[F] 13:41:57 - [Spell] Cast Call Pet (Call Pet)
[D] 13:41:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Vaan) 哀嚎自强任务队来啊
13:42:01 - [Relog] Finished, Restarting bot
13:42:07 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stopped.
13:42:07 - [Grinder] Stopped
13:42:08 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:18m:04s
XP/HR: 10773 - 96 min
Kills: 17 (56/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 19 (63/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[F] 14:48:34 - SaveWindowPosition = False ; NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Grinder ; CustomClass = ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; FightInteractTargetMinDistance = 45 ; IgnoreFightWhenInMove = True ; DismountLandGroundDistance = 3,5 ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = False ; TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink = True ; EquipAvailableBagIfFreeContainerSlot = False ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; LootAndHarvestRangeQuickly = True ; LootInCombat = False ; SkipNodesInWater = False ; MaxUnitsNearMobs = 3 ; MaxUnitsNearObjects = 3 ; SearchRadiusMobs = 150 ; SearchRadiusObjects = 300 ; MaxZDistanceAttack = 150 ; MaxZDistanceIsAttacked = 150 ; MaxZDistanceFarm = 2000 ; BlacklistTaxiDefaultTimeMs = 1800000 ; BlacklistUnitDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; BlacklistGameObjectDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; MaxTryPerNode = 6 ; SellQuickly = False ; MaxCheckIfGoodMouseShortcutsWhenInteract = 2 ; HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 0 ; HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 6948 ; RecordChatInLog = True ; UseSpiritHealerAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 0 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; WaitWhenBuffWaitingToResurrect = False ; UseCTM = False ; AntiDrown = True ; AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = False ; PathFinderServerSeemDownPauseBotTimeSec = 10 ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1000 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 80000 ; TryToAvoidEnemyGroupsRatio = 0 ; IgnoreServerRoadsWater = False ; SmoothPath = False ; SmoothPathDistance = 1 ; KeyboardToTurn = False ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 8 ; RetrieveCorpseMaxDistance = 26 ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; SizeWidth = 534,4 ; SizeHeight = 375,2 ; WindowPosX = 0 ; WindowPosY = 0 ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = DungeonParty.dll = False, HS2Town.cs = False, PartyHelperPlugin.dll = False, RandomJumper.cs = True, SmoothMove.dll = False, VanillaTrainLevel.cs = False, WAide_v1.2.1.dll = False, WhatsGoingOn.dll = True, WhisperReply.cs = False, WImprove_v1.3.1.dll = False, WTrainer_v1.3.4.dll = False, HumanMasterPlugin.dll = True ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = False ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = Spongy Morel ; FoodPercent = 55 ; DrinkName = Melon Juice ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = True ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = True ; SkinNinja = False ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 225 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = True ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = True ; SellGreen = True ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Light Shot, Tough Jerky, Hearthstone, Skinning Knife, Small Red Pouch, Small Green Pouch, Blue Leather Bag, Green Leather Bag, Red Leather Bag, Large Blue Sack, Large Green Sack, Large Knapsack, Troll-hide Bag, Journeyman's Backpack, Traveler's Backpack, Tough Hunk of Bread , Darnassian Bleu , Slitherskin Mackerel , Shiny Red Apple , Forest Mushroom Cap , Tough Jerky, Freshly Baked Bread , Dalaran Sharp , Longjaw Mud Snapper , Tel'Abim Banana , Red-speckled Mushroom , Haunch of Meat, Moist Cornbread , Dwarven Mild , Bristle Whisker Catfish , Snapvine Watermelon , Spongy Morel , Mutton Chop, Mulgore Spice Bread , Stormwind Brie , Rockscale Cod , Goldenbark Apple , Delicious Cave Mold , Wild Hog Shank, Soft Banana Bread , Fine Aged Cheddar , Striped Yellowtail , Moon Harvest Pumpkin , Raw Black Truffle , Cured Ham Steak, Homemade Cherry Pie , Alterac Swiss , Spinefin Halibut , Deep Fried Plantains , Dried King Bolete , Roasted Quail, Large Venom Sac, Melon Juice, Magic Dust, Sweet Nectar, Moonberry Juice, Morning Glory Dew, Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight, Recipe: Elixir of Giant Growth , Linen Bandage, Heavy Linen Bandage, Wool Bandage, Heavy Wool Bandage, Silk Bandage, Heavy Silk Bandage, Mageweave Bandage, Heavy Mageweave Bandage, Runecloth Bandage, Heavy Runecloth Bandage, Healing Potion, Minor Healing Potion, Major Mana Potion, Tough Hunk of Bread, Darnassian Bleu, Forest Mushroom Cap, Slitherskin Mackerel, Freshly Baked Bread, Red-speckled Mushroom, Moist Cornbread, Spongy Morel, Mulgore Spice Bread, Delicious Cave Mold, Rockscale Cod, Soft Banana Bread, Raw Black Truffle, Homemade Cherry Pie, Dried King Bolete, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Lesser Healing Potion, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Longjaw Mud Snapper, Bristle Whisker Catfish, Spinefin Halibut, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Major Healing Potion, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Dwarven Mild, , Dalaran Sharp, Stormwind Brie, Fine Aged Cheddar, Alterac Swiss, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, , , , , ; ForceSellList = ; BuyList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Light Shot, Tough Jerky, Refreshing Spring Water, Hearthstone, Tough Hunk of Bread, Darnassian Bleu, Forest Mushroom Cap, Slitherskin Mackerel, Freshly Baked Bread, Red-speckled Mushroom, Moist Cornbread, Spongy Morel, Mulgore Spice Bread, Delicious Cave Mold, Rockscale Cod, Soft Banana Bread, Raw Black Truffle, Homemade Cherry Pie, Dried King Bolete, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Bristle Whisker Catfish, Spinefin Halibut, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Dalaran Sharp, Stormwind Brie, Fine Aged Cheddar, Alterac Swiss, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = True ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; ForceGroundMovementWhenDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; PlayerAttackedIfOnePetAttacked = True ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPlayerPet = True ; UseLuaToMove = True ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; SecurityDoNotCloseGame = False ; LatencyMin = 300 ; LatencyMax = 700 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; BackwardWhenStuck = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1,5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; LockFrameWhenDecollideFlightPath = False ;
[F] 14:48:35 - SaveWindowPosition = False ; NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Grinder ; CustomClass = Ordush-Paid-Beastmaster-Hunter-Vanilla.dll ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; FightInteractTargetMinDistance = 45 ; IgnoreFightWhenInMove = True ; DismountLandGroundDistance = 3,5 ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = False ; TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink = True ; EquipAvailableBagIfFreeContainerSlot = False ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; LootAndHarvestRangeQuickly = True ; LootInCombat = False ; SkipNodesInWater = False ; MaxUnitsNearMobs = 3 ; MaxUnitsNearObjects = 3 ; SearchRadiusMobs = 150 ; SearchRadiusObjects = 300 ; MaxZDistanceAttack = 150 ; MaxZDistanceIsAttacked = 150 ; MaxZDistanceFarm = 2000 ; BlacklistTaxiDefaultTimeMs = 1800000 ; BlacklistUnitDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; BlacklistGameObjectDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; MaxTryPerNode = 6 ; SellQuickly = False ; MaxCheckIfGoodMouseShortcutsWhenInteract = 2 ; HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 0 ; HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 6948 ; RecordChatInLog = True ; UseSpiritHealerAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 0 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; WaitWhenBuffWaitingToResurrect = False ; UseCTM = False ; AntiDrown = True ; AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = False ; PathFinderServerSeemDownPauseBotTimeSec = 10 ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1000 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 80000 ; TryToAvoidEnemyGroupsRatio = 0 ; IgnoreServerRoadsWater = False ; SmoothPath = False ; SmoothPathDistance = 1 ; KeyboardToTurn = False ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 8 ; RetrieveCorpseMaxDistance = 26 ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; SizeWidth = 534,4 ; SizeHeight = 375,2 ; WindowPosX = 0 ; WindowPosY = 0 ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = DungeonParty.dll = False, HS2Town.cs = False, PartyHelperPlugin.dll = False, RandomJumper.cs = True, SmoothMove.dll = False, VanillaTrainLevel.cs = False, WAide_v1.2.1.dll = False, WhatsGoingOn.dll = True, WhisperReply.cs = False, WImprove_v1.3.1.dll = False, WTrainer_v1.3.4.dll = False, HumanMasterPlugin.dll = True ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = False ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = Spongy Morel ; FoodPercent = 55 ; DrinkName = Melon Juice ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = True ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = True ; SkinNinja = False ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 225 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = True ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = True ; SellGreen = True ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Light Shot, Tough Jerky, Hearthstone, Skinning Knife, Small Red Pouch, Small Green Pouch, Blue Leather Bag, Green Leather Bag, Red Leather Bag, Large Blue Sack, Large Green Sack, Large Knapsack, Troll-hide Bag, Journeyman's Backpack, Traveler's Backpack, Tough Hunk of Bread , Darnassian Bleu , Slitherskin Mackerel , Shiny Red Apple , Forest Mushroom Cap , Tough Jerky, Freshly Baked Bread , Dalaran Sharp , Longjaw Mud Snapper , Tel'Abim Banana , Red-speckled Mushroom , Haunch of Meat, Moist Cornbread , Dwarven Mild , Bristle Whisker Catfish , Snapvine Watermelon , Spongy Morel , Mutton Chop, Mulgore Spice Bread , Stormwind Brie , Rockscale Cod , Goldenbark Apple , Delicious Cave Mold , Wild Hog Shank, Soft Banana Bread , Fine Aged Cheddar , Striped Yellowtail , Moon Harvest Pumpkin , Raw Black Truffle , Cured Ham Steak, Homemade Cherry Pie , Alterac Swiss , Spinefin Halibut , Deep Fried Plantains , Dried King Bolete , Roasted Quail, Large Venom Sac, Melon Juice, Magic Dust, Sweet Nectar, Moonberry Juice, Morning Glory Dew, Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight, Recipe: Elixir of Giant Growth , Linen Bandage, Heavy Linen Bandage, Wool Bandage, Heavy Wool Bandage, Silk Bandage, Heavy Silk Bandage, Mageweave Bandage, Heavy Mageweave Bandage, Runecloth Bandage, Heavy Runecloth Bandage, Healing Potion, Minor Healing Potion, Major Mana Potion, Tough Hunk of Bread, Darnassian Bleu, Forest Mushroom Cap, Slitherskin Mackerel, Freshly Baked Bread, Red-speckled Mushroom, Moist Cornbread, Spongy Morel, Mulgore Spice Bread, Delicious Cave Mold, Rockscale Cod, Soft Banana Bread, Raw Black Truffle, Homemade Cherry Pie, Dried King Bolete, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Lesser Healing Potion, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Longjaw Mud Snapper, Bristle Whisker Catfish, Spinefin Halibut, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Major Healing Potion, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Dwarven Mild, , Dalaran Sharp, Stormwind Brie, Fine Aged Cheddar, Alterac Swiss, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, , , , , ; ForceSellList = ; BuyList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Light Shot, Tough Jerky, Refreshing Spring Water, Hearthstone, Tough Hunk of Bread, Darnassian Bleu, Forest Mushroom Cap, Slitherskin Mackerel, Freshly Baked Bread, Red-speckled Mushroom, Moist Cornbread, Spongy Morel, Mulgore Spice Bread, Delicious Cave Mold, Rockscale Cod, Soft Banana Bread, Raw Black Truffle, Homemade Cherry Pie, Dried King Bolete, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Bristle Whisker Catfish, Spinefin Halibut, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Dalaran Sharp, Stormwind Brie, Fine Aged Cheddar, Alterac Swiss, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = True ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; ForceGroundMovementWhenDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; PlayerAttackedIfOnePetAttacked = True ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPlayerPet = True ; UseLuaToMove = True ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; SecurityDoNotCloseGame = False ; LatencyMin = 300 ; LatencyMax = 700 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; BackwardWhenStuck = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1,5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; LockFrameWhenDecollideFlightPath = False ;
[D] 14:49:01 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 14:49:01 - ProfileName = Venom Sac Ashenv 30+ [H].xml ; BlackListWhereIAmDead = False ; RetLastPos = False ; PetBattle = False ; CurrentSetting = Grinder.Bot.GrinderSetting ;
[D] 14:49:01 - [Grinder] Profile used: Venom Sac Ashenv 30+ [H].xml
[F] 14:49:01 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Gregory\Downloads\WRobot(1)\WRobot\\FightClass\Ordush-Paid-Beastmaster-Hunter-Vanilla.dll
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Aspect of the Hawk (Id found: 14318, Name found: Aspect of the Hawk, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Hawk, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Aspect of the Cheetah (Id found: 5118, Name found: Aspect of the Cheetah, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Cheetah, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Trueshot Aura (Id found: 20938, Name found: Trueshot Aura, NameInGame found: Trueshot Aura, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Aspect of the Monkey (Id found: 13163, Name found: Aspect of the Monkey, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Monkey, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Rapid Fire (Id found: 3045, Name found: Rapid Fire, NameInGame found: Rapid Fire, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 24571, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26635, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] spellName=Arcane Torrent => Failed
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Hunter's Mark (Id found: 14323, Name found: Hunter's Mark, NameInGame found: Hunter's Mark, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Feign Death (Id found: 5385, Name found: Feign Death, NameInGame found: Feign Death, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Disengage (Id found: 781, Name found: Disengage, NameInGame found: Disengage, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Concussive Shot (Id found: 27634, Name found: Concussive Shot, NameInGame found: Concussive Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Serpent Sting (Id found: 13551, Name found: Serpent Sting, NameInGame found: Serpent Sting, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Raptor Strike (Id found: 14262, Name found: Raptor Strike, NameInGame found: Raptor Strike, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Mongoose Bite (Id found: 1495, Name found: Mongoose Bite, NameInGame found: Mongoose Bite, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Freezing Trap (Id found: 1499, Name found: Freezing Trap, NameInGame found: Freezing Trap, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Intimidation (Id found: 24394, Name found: Intimidation, NameInGame found: Intimidation, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Bestial Wrath (Id found: 26592, Name found: Bestial Wrath, NameInGame found: Bestial Wrath, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Call Pet (Id found: 883, Name found: Call Pet, NameInGame found: Call Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Revive Pet (Id found: 982, Name found: Revive Pet, NameInGame found: Revive Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Mend Pet (Id found: 3111, Name found: Mend Pet, NameInGame found: Mend Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Feed Pet (Id found: 6991, Name found: Feed Pet, NameInGame found: Feed Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Auto Shot (Id found: 75, Name found: Auto Shot, NameInGame found: Auto Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Aimed Shot (Id found: 27632, Name found: Aimed Shot, NameInGame found: Aimed Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Multi-Shot (Id found: 2643, Name found: Multi-Shot, NameInGame found: Multi-Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Arcane Shot (Id found: 14282, Name found: Arcane Shot, NameInGame found: Arcane Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Volley (Id found: 22908, Name found: Volley, NameInGame found: Volley, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Viper Sting (Id found: 14351, Name found: Viper Sting, NameInGame found: Viper Sting, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 14:49:04 - [Spell] Wing Clip (Id found: 2974, Name found: Wing Clip, NameInGame found: Wing Clip, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
14:49:04 - Already running the newest version of the Fightclass
14:49:04 - [My fightclass] Is started.
14:49:05 - [Grinder] Started
14:49:05 - [HumanMasterPlugin] HMP Settings: TransactionId = ******** ; MultiIP = False ; AutoEquip = True ; AutoEquipBlues = False ; Hearthstone = True ; Unstuck = False ; IgnoreCombatOnBrokenItems = True ; StopTagged = True ; FirstAid = True ; FirstAidHealth = 60 ; UsePotions = True ; HealPotPercent = 35 ; ManaPotPercent = 25 ; TakeTram = False ; Food = True ; Drink = True ; HighestConsumables = False ; AutoVendor = True ; AllowCurrentZone = False ; IgnoreInnkeepers = False ; DrinkAmount = 40 ; FoodAmount = 40 ; Ammo = True ; AmmoAmount = 1600 ; SpellStrings = System.String[] ; TalentStrings = System.String[] ; TrainSkinning = True ; TrainFirstAid = True ; TrainWeapons = True ; RunAway = True ; EscapeAmount = 3 ; EscapeElite = True ; EscapeDistance = 35 ; EscapePercent = 20 ; EscapePercentEnemies = 35 ; EscapePercentMana = 15 ; EscapePercentManaEnemies = 35 ; SmartPulls = True ; UseResurrect = True ; BlacklistInvalid = True ; PullPathCollision = True ; SpiritRezz = True ; DeathsPerXMinutes = 5 ; XMinutesSinceLastDeath = 15 ; In = PluginSettings ;
14:49:05 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Started.
14:49:14 - [Relog] Player
[E] 14:49:43 - Error injection: Cannot launch it, skipped.
[E] 14:49:43 - Error injection: Cannot launch it, skipped.
14:49:45 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Npc ID 6028 to Vendor/Repair blacklist
14:49:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] removing low-level drink Refreshing Spring Water from DoNotSellList
14:49:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] removing low-level drink Ice Cold Milk from DoNotSellList
14:49:50 - [Relog] Finished, Restarting bot
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to trainer at levels: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 26, 30, 32, 34, 36, 40, 44, 48, 50, 54, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Training States
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding TalentPoint state
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding death events
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Resurrect State
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding AntiDrown State
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding SwimToShore State
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Vendor State
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Equip States
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding DeleteAndOpenItems after LootRange
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding BlackListUnlootableState for Farming
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding BlackListUnlootableState for FarmingRange
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Relogger 2000
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Pause 180
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Battlegrounder Combination 170
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SelectProfileState 160
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Resurrect 150
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] AntiDrown 149
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] My Macro 140
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] ClearPath 131
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] IsAttacked 130
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BattlePet 120
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Looting range 110
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] DeleteAndOpenItems 0 after Looting range
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BlacklistUnlootableObjects 0 before Farming range
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Farming range 110
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SwimToShore 0 before Regeneration
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Regeneration 100
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Looting 90
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BlacklistUnlootableObjects 0 before Farming
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Farming 80
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Milling 70
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] FlightMaster: Take taxi 60
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Prospecting 60
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] AutoEquip 43
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BagEquip 42
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] TownRun 40
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] TalentPoints 30
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Flight master discover 30
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Class Training 30
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] WarlockPetTraining 0 after Class Training
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] FirstAidTraining 29
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SkinningTraining 28
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] WeaponTraining 27
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] DeleteAndOpenItems 26
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Grinding 20
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Movement Loop 10
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Idle 0
14:49:50 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stored new engine as current engine to use
[E] 14:49:50 - Engine > Pulse(): System.InvalidOperationException: Η συλλογή έχει τροποποιηθεί, η λειτουργία απαρίθμησης ενδέχεται να μην εκτελεστεί.
σε System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
σε System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNextRare()
σε System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNext()
σε robotManager.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()

14:49:51 - [Grinder] Select zone: Orgrimmar
[D] 14:49:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Icefeng) 在来两个DPS 开车了
[D] 14:49:54 - [Spell] Pick Lock (Id found: 6480, Name found: Pick Lock, NameInGame found: Pick Lock, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[N] 14:49:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2069,72 ; -3526,54 ; 70,9113 ; "None" to 2077,884 ; -3514,681 ; 72,6629 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:49:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,50376y, 292ms)
[D] 14:50:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Skeletonkin) 这个侏儒法师今天又在这儿杀了一天小号 这是真的佩服
[F] 14:50:07 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
14:50:07 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 14:50:08 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2161,53 ; -3523,861 ; 58,87154 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 14:50:08 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 48,29959 (187 ms)
[N] 14:50:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2146,734 ; -3527,718 ; 48,53471 ; "None" to 2161,53 ; -3523,861 ; 48,29959 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:50:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,29156y, 212ms)
[N] 14:50:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2146,734 ; -3527,718 ; 48,53471 ; "None" to 2161,53 ; -3523,861 ; 48,29959 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:50:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,29156y, 190ms)
[F] 14:50:09 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 14:50:10 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 14:50:10 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 14:50:10 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 14:50:11 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:50:12 - [Spell] Cast Rapid Fire (Rapid Fire)
[D] 14:50:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Klove) 哇 有龙头呀 ~
[F] 14:50:13 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:50:13 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 14:50:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Icefeng) 图书馆吧
[F] 14:50:24 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 14:50:28 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
14:50:30 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 14:50:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2159,401 ; -3524,298 ; 47,99376 ; "None" to 2142,313 ; -3530,447 ; 49,09547 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:50:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,19455y, 160ms)
[D] 14:50:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Icefeng) 武器库等级低了哦
[D] 14:50:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niugelail) 我龙头被LM打掉了 555
[D] 14:50:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Humhunt) 有没有血色任务的
[D] 14:50:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jinsihou) MD 我龙头被杀了
[D] 14:50:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Icefeng) 我龙头还在
[F] 14:50:45 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
14:50:45 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 14:50:46 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2212,206 ; -3523,063 ; 55,30439 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 14:50:46 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 55,13564 (0 ms)
[N] 14:50:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2206,435 ; -3540,019 ; 45,24959 ; "None" to 2212,206 ; -3523,063 ; 55,13564 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:50:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (21,4787y, 156ms)
[N] 14:50:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2206,435 ; -3540,019 ; 45,24959 ; "None" to 2212,206 ; -3523,063 ; 55,13564 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 14:50:47 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 14:50:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (21,4787y, 152ms)
[F] 14:50:48 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 14:50:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Icefeng) 再来一个DPS开车了
[F] 14:50:49 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:50:50 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 14:50:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fayidiao) AH 5人任务队 来20+ T N DPS 2=3
[D] 14:50:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kawakawayi) 小号要龙头有毛用~~~
[F] 14:51:01 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 14:51:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niugelail) TK 最好啊
[F] 14:51:03 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
14:51:05 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 14:51:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2211,788 ; -3525,141 ; 45,65714 ; "None" to 2207,547 ; -3540,45 ; 45,30439 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:51:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (15,96914y, 157ms)
[D] 14:51:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Icefeng) 血色图书馆再来一个DPS开车了
[N] 14:51:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2208,903 ; -3536,859 ; 45,4555 ; "None" to 2214,973 ; -3541,923 ; 46,55834 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:51:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (7,98171y, 207ms)
[D] 14:51:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lighthunter) 为啥我接不到深入血色 这个任务 是声望不够吗
[D] 14:51:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) 33
[D] 14:51:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wudibainiu) 要多少几得
[F] 14:51:30 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
14:51:31 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 14:51:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 你多少
[N] 14:51:32 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2327,504 ; -3538,153 ; 55,47356 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 14:51:32 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 46,42072 (0 ms)
[N] 14:51:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,758 ; -3547,489 ; 44,89101 ; "None" to 2327,504 ; -3538,153 ; 46,42072 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (21,89474y, 224ms)
[N] 14:51:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,758 ; -3547,489 ; 44,89101 ; "None" to 2327,504 ; -3538,153 ; 46,42072 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 14:51:32 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 14:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (26,37558y, 229ms)
[F] 14:51:34 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 14:51:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lighthunter) 我都34 了啊
[F] 14:51:35 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:51:36 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:51:37 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:51:37 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 14:51:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 37吧
[D] 14:51:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fourteenfrog) 深渊有治疗来么?
[D] 14:51:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wudibainiu) 31
[D] 14:51:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Keqiusha) 有龙头的话,找个没人的地方,砍2小时怪,爽的很
[F] 14:51:48 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 14:51:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Icefeng) 血色图书馆再来一个DPS开车了
[D] 14:51:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xihuantianb) 我记得要36 、不懂是不是,
[D] 14:51:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laokulou) 血色教堂菜刀队伍来38+ SM MS ZS
14:51:53 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 14:51:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2327,451 ; -3538,292 ; 46,24808 ; "None" to 2310,117 ; -3542,812 ; 45,47356 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:51:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,93076y, 546ms)
[D] 14:51:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zuogulang) 会里 谁在用大脚????
[D] 14:51:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Pinsheng) |cff0070dd|Hitem:7730::::::::41:::::::::|h[钴蓝粉碎者]|h|r2G 有人要没
[N] 14:52:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2313,904 ; -3541,824 ; 45,50396 ; "None" to 2299,77 ; -3554,354 ; 44,11206 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:52:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,93966y, 153ms)
[D] 14:52:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lighthunter) 我盗贼 33 接到了 LR 接不到
[D] 14:52:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fourteenfrog) 黑石深渊竞技场将军来个N
[D] 14:52:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zuogulang) 为什么我大脚打不开银行?
[D] 14:52:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jinsihou) 小号才是需要龙头
[D] 14:52:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Icefeng) 血色图书馆再来一个DPS开车了
[D] 14:52:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nongwo) 我的脚43码
[D] 14:52:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ufathr) 黑暗深渊 有人吗 带我一个
[F] 14:52:40 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
14:52:40 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 14:52:41 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 14:52:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fourteenfrog) 黑石深渊竞技场将军来个N|cff0070dd|Hitem:11819::::::::53:::::::::|h[复苏之风]|h|r
[N] 14:52:41 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2085,834 ; -3502,257 ; 87,82897 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 14:52:41 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 84,80628 (148 ms)
[N] 14:52:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2056,76 ; -3501,082 ; 82,70943 ; "None" to 2085,834 ; -3502,257 ; 84,80628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 14:52:41 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 14:52:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (29,1734y, 153ms)
[N] 14:52:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2056,76 ; -3501,082 ; 82,70943 ; "None" to 2085,834 ; -3502,257 ; 84,80628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:52:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (29,1734y, 154ms)
[F] 14:52:42 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:52:45 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:52:46 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:52:46 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 14:52:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodyong) 是打不开
[F] 14:52:57 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 14:52:58 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 14:52:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zuogulang) ?
[D] 14:52:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodyong) 关了插件才能打开
14:53:07 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 14:53:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2084,826 ; -3502,27 ; 71,67311 ; "None" to 2068,447 ; -3506,915 ; 77,82897 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:53:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,10414y, 154ms)
[D] 14:53:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zuogulang) 关了哪个 插件?
[D] 14:53:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodyong) 大脚插件
[D] 14:53:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zuogulang) 还是全部关了?
[N] 14:53:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2068,629 ; -3506,864 ; 77,77756 ; "None" to 2055,662 ; -3500,341 ; 83,01171 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:53:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,43004y, 155ms)
[D] 14:53:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Soacherish) 奥达曼有人来不
[D] 14:53:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodyong) 有大脚插件打不开仓库的
14:53:23 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 14:53:24 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 14:53:25 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2030,261 ; -3500,946 ; 95,92077 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 14:53:26 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 89,95726 (149 ms)
[N] 14:53:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2041,369 ; -3489,187 ; 86,02668 ; "None" to 2030,261 ; -3500,946 ; 89,95726 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:53:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,64628y, 154ms)
[N] 14:53:26 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2041,369 ; -3489,187 ; 86,02668 ; "None" to 2030,261 ; -3500,946 ; 89,95726 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:53:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,64628y, 152ms)
[D] 14:53:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zuogulang) ......
[F] 14:53:27 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:53:28 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:53:29 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 14:53:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zuogulang) 那么骚?
[D] 14:53:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Icefeng) 血色图书馆 在来个DPS 开车了
[D] 14:53:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodyong) 对头
[F] 14:53:39 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 14:53:44 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
14:53:46 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 14:53:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2031,845 ; -3499,31 ; 86,66515 ; "None" to 2042,989 ; -3488,218 ; 85,92077 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:53:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,74111y, 154ms)
[D] 14:53:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodyong) 我每次取东西都要关插件
[D] 14:53:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zuogulang) 。。。。
14:54:08 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 14:54:08 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
14:54:09 - PET ATTACKING: Wildthorn Lurker (Unit) : 3821 : 0x21165008 : 17379391026128521325 : F130000EED00886D
[F] 14:54:09 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 14:54:10 - [Spell] Cast Disengage (Disengage)
[N] 14:54:10 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2103,519 ; -3394,546 ; 104,1936 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 14:54:10 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 102,8434 (150 ms)
[N] 14:54:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2119,797 ; -3399,454 ; 94,04765 ; "None" to 2103,519 ; -3394,546 ; 102,8434 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:54:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (23,23y, 154ms)
[N] 14:54:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2119,797 ; -3399,454 ; 94,04765 ; "None" to 2103,519 ; -3394,546 ; 102,8434 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:54:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (24,43003y, 156ms)
[F] 14:54:12 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 14:54:12 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:54:13 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:54:13 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 14:54:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fayidiao) AH 5人任务队 来20+ T N DPS 2=3
[F] 14:54:24 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 14:54:26 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[D] 14:54:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Icefeng) 开工了 满了
14:54:28 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 14:54:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2105,56 ; -3395,496 ; 93,32195 ; "None" to 2120,906 ; -3399,205 ; 94,19363 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:54:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (16,43369y, 153ms)
[D] 14:54:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Manyueg) 剃刀高地 任务队 随便来2个
14:55:08 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 14:55:08 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[D] 14:55:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shushudao) AH 还要人吗
[N] 14:55:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2136,202 ; -3524,889 ; 51,95076 ; "None" to 2088,407 ; -3508,628 ; 70,63737 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:55:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (56,00134y, 155ms)
[D] 14:55:14 - [Fight] Mob has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 14:55:14 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
14:55:16 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 14:55:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2114,676 ; -3521,479 ; 58,80464 ; "None" to 2076,296 ; -3494,145 ; 80,29765 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:55:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (73,1284y, 153ms)
[F] 14:55:16 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[N] 14:55:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2083,962 ; -3520,254 ; 68,52455 ; "None" to 2057,515 ; -3469,412 ; 92,11852 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:55:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (69,70502y, 155ms)
[D] 14:55:22 - [Fight] Mob has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 14:55:22 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
14:55:23 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 14:55:23 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2066,043 ; -3506,378 ; 78,99104 ; "None" to 2047,05 ; -3444,948 ; 91,98051 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 14:55:24 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[N] 14:55:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (66,30074y, 157ms)
[F] 14:55:27 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[N] 14:55:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2057,601 ; -3481,716 ; 87,44357 ; "None" to 2153,773 ; -3528,462 ; 48,06479 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:55:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (129,6949y, 155ms)
[D] 14:55:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kawakawayi) LM真贱呀~~我不打怪他不敢出来~~~一打怪偷袭我
[F] 14:55:43 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
14:55:43 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 14:55:44 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 14:55:44 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2159,298 ; -3520,2 ; 59,88259 ; "None" strict = False
[F] 14:55:44 - [Spell] Cast Rapid Fire (Rapid Fire)
[N] 14:55:44 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 48,3782 (149 ms)
[N] 14:55:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2151,607 ; -3528,295 ; 48,14387 ; "None" to 2159,298 ; -3520,2 ; 48,3782 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:55:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,16791y, 153ms)
[N] 14:55:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2151,607 ; -3528,295 ; 48,14387 ; "None" to 2159,298 ; -3520,2 ; 48,3782 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:55:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,16791y, 155ms)
[F] 14:55:45 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 14:55:45 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:55:47 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:55:47 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 14:55:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ufathr) 黑暗深渊 有人吗 带我一个
[F] 14:55:49 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 14:55:59 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 14:56:00 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[F] 14:56:01 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
14:56:02 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 14:56:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2158,765 ; -3520,677 ; 48,00753 ; "None" to 2141,911 ; -3524,859 ; 49,88259 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:56:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,46577y, 163ms)
[D] 14:56:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Daqqiezi) 执法队在哪里呢
[D] 14:56:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Daqqiezi) 执法队在哪里呢
[D] 14:56:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Daqqiezi) 速度出来维护
[N] 14:56:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2145,381 ; -3523,998 ; 49,16172 ; "None" to 2153,773 ; -3528,462 ; 48,06479 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:56:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,568304y, 226ms)
[D] 14:56:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Konice) 哀嚎10人任务队,来各种!!!!!!!!!
[D] 14:56:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fayidiao) AH 5人任务队 来20+ T 4=1
[F] 14:56:19 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
14:56:20 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 14:56:20 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 14:56:21 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 14:56:21 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2203,701 ; -3519,584 ; 55,4647 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 14:56:21 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 49,81957 (149 ms)
[N] 14:56:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2212,209 ; -3541,367 ; 45,40046 ; "None" to 2203,701 ; -3519,584 ; 49,81957 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:56:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (45,59946y, 155ms)
[N] 14:56:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2212,209 ; -3541,367 ; 45,40046 ; "None" to 2203,701 ; -3519,584 ; 49,81957 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:56:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (23,89291y, 180ms)
[F] 14:56:24 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:56:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 14:56:25 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:56:26 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 14:56:27 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 14:56:28 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 14:56:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Konice) 哀嚎10人任务队,来各种!!!!!!!!!
[D] 14:56:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kawakawayi) LM面对面都不敢~~真菜
[D] 14:56:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) LM 也太多人了
[F] 14:56:39 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 14:56:41 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 14:56:41 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[F] 14:56:42 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
14:56:43 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 14:56:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2203,767 ; -3519,786 ; 46,2256 ; "None" to 2208,36 ; -3536,971 ; 45,4647 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 14:56:43 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[N] 14:56:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,80446y, 229ms)
[N] 14:56:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2207,4 ; -3533,378 ; 45,71621 ; "None" to 2209,553 ; -3540,691 ; 46,33833 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:56:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (7,64823y, 152ms)
[D] 14:56:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Manyueg) 剃刀高地 任务队 随便来2个
[D] 14:57:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 我和个盗贼杀骑士 半天没打死 越打来越多人·
[D] 14:57:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fayidiao) 大佬 我5人队 缺T 你15DZ 米我,,,
[F] 14:57:07 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
14:57:07 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 14:57:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fayidiao) AH 5人任务队 来20+ T 4=1
[N] 14:57:09 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2325,137 ; -3543,559 ; 54,80241 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 14:57:09 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 46,2496 (0 ms)
[N] 14:57:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2305,402 ; -3550,43 ; 44,46586 ; "None" to 2325,137 ; -3543,559 ; 46,2496 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:57:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (22,41348y, 248ms)
[N] 14:57:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2305,402 ; -3550,43 ; 44,46586 ; "None" to 2325,137 ; -3543,559 ; 46,2496 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 14:57:09 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 14:57:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,9728y, 554ms)
[F] 14:57:12 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:57:13 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 14:57:14 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:57:14 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 14:57:16 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 14:57:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) 血色武器库任务队来人
[D] 14:57:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 3打2 变成3打7了·
[F] 14:57:27 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 14:57:28 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[F] 14:57:29 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
14:57:30 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 14:57:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2322,988 ; -3544,279 ; 45,66012 ; "None" to 2307,75 ; -3548,218 ; 44,80241 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:57:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,76167y, 155ms)
[D] 14:57:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kawakawayi) 那天我杀个圣骑士~~快@#$%^&了~~来个牧师一直加血~~~草~~
[D] 14:58:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jinsihou) MD 凄凉之地的LM 开始犯贱
[F] 14:58:17 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 14:58:17 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
14:58:18 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 14:58:19 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 14:58:19 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 14:58:20 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 14:58:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jinsihou) 报复
[F] 14:58:21 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 14:58:23 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 14:58:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xihuantianb) 干他们呀
[F] 14:58:34 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 14:58:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 已经干了啊
[F] 14:58:37 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 14:58:37 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
14:58:39 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 14:58:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2072,158 ; -3422,977 ; 93,25154 ; "None" to 2051,192 ; -3430,053 ; 92,78722 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:58:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22,13256y, 161ms)
[D] 14:58:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nongwo) 看见联盟小号 绝对不能手软
[D] 14:58:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fayidiao) AH 5人任务队 来20+ T 4=1
[N] 14:58:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2051,541 ; -3429,936 ; 92,80785 ; "None" to 2073,17 ; -3422,304 ; 93,11081 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:58:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22,93834y, 153ms)
[D] 14:58:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 我都对 60的 骷髅下手了
[D] 14:58:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jinsihou) 我是在雷斧这被干的 一个小德
[D] 14:59:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 没怕过
[D] 14:59:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiayee) 多少级的啊
[D] 14:59:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xihuantianb) 我二十多级,就开始偷袭60的了。
[D] 14:59:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jinsihou) 问号
14:59:10 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Wildthorn Lurker is in your path, need to attack
[F] 14:59:10 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 14:59:11 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 14:59:12 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2029,852 ; -3475,198 ; 98,08941 ; "None" strict = False
[D] 14:59:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xhundan) 你这是该多愤怒呀
[N] 14:59:12 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 89,48 (148 ms)
[N] 14:59:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,392 ; -3475,357 ; 88,58723 ; "None" to 2029,852 ; -3475,198 ; 89,48 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 14:59:12 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 14:59:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,5785y, 152ms)
[N] 14:59:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,392 ; -3475,357 ; 88,58723 ; "None" to 2029,852 ; -3475,198 ; 89,48 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:59:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,5785y, 522ms)
[F] 14:59:13 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:59:14 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:59:15 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 14:59:16 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 14:59:27 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 14:59:28 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 14:59:30 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
14:59:31 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 14:59:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2032,083 ; -3475,228 ; 89,49501 ; "None" to 2047,852 ; -3475,198 ; 88,08941 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 14:59:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,83111y, 412ms)
[D] 14:59:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 我整死两个 60的了
[N] 14:59:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2044,04 ; -3475,205 ; 88,28546 ; "None" to 2039,927 ; -3482,369 ; 87,28128 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 14:59:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kokoft) 死了4次了
[N] 14:59:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,321372y, 221ms)
[F] 14:59:45 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:59:46 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
14:59:46 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 14:59:47 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 14:59:47 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:59:48 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 14:59:49 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 14:59:49 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 14:59:50 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 14:59:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fayidiao) AH 5人任务队 来20+ T 4=1
[F] 14:59:52 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 14:59:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zengyuan) 矮子本有T和N来吗
[D] 15:00:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Manyueg) 小号被杀 换大号FS 来守尸体
[F] 15:00:03 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 15:00:04 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[F] 15:00:05 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[F] 15:00:06 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
15:00:06 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 15:00:06 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2076,93 ; -3514,151 ; 73,19537 ; "None" to 2072,301 ; -3499,013 ; 79,39594 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:00:06 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (17,4311y, 154ms)
[D] 15:00:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eternalflame) Gnomer LF2M Lv30 Tank and Heal~~~
[D] 15:00:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Suiyuer) DPS要不
[D] 15:00:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jinsihou) 你们什么任务
[N] 15:00:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2071,412 ; -3502,494 ; 78,13181 ; "None" to 2077,884 ; -3514,681 ; 72,6629 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:00:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (14,86402y, 156ms)
[D] 15:00:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Manyueg) 结果来了个60军装SS 被杀了
[D] 15:00:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zengyuan) 要T和N
[D] 15:00:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) 有没有要去血色武器库的
[D] 15:00:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Manyueg) 再喊了个LR朋友来 杀了SS 结果给他跑了
[D] 15:00:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Forgottener) [[54] 两半合一 (5051)] 好运护符 在哪了
[F] 15:01:05 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
15:01:06 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 15:01:06 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 15:01:06 - [Spell] Cast Rapid Fire (Rapid Fire)
[N] 15:01:07 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2163,115 ; -3526,478 ; 58,49289 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 15:01:07 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 48,25512 (215 ms)
[N] 15:01:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2134,435 ; -3526,468 ; 52,50056 ; "None" to 2163,115 ; -3526,478 ; 48,25512 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:01:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (28,99294y, 227ms)
[N] 15:01:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2134,435 ; -3526,468 ; 52,50056 ; "None" to 2163,115 ; -3526,478 ; 48,25512 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 15:01:07 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 15:01:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (28,99294y, 233ms)
[F] 15:01:08 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 15:01:08 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 15:01:10 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 15:01:11 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 15:01:12 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 15:01:12 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 15:01:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) 血色武器库来T和奶
[D] 15:01:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dabenxiangb) 哀嚎
[F] 15:01:14 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 15:01:25 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 15:01:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dabenxiangb) 缺T和奶
[F] 15:01:26 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[F] 15:01:27 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
15:01:27 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 15:01:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2162,755 ; -3526,52 ; 47,96322 ; "None" to 2145,729 ; -3531,136 ; 48,49289 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:01:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,64947y, 153ms)
[D] 15:01:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Malabaz) 组我
[N] 15:01:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2149,3 ; -3530,168 ; 48,21488 ; "None" to 2134,185 ; -3526,46 ; 53,70417 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:01:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,5027y, 153ms)
[F] 15:02:07 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
15:02:07 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 15:02:08 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2135,605 ; -3397,836 ; 103,9711 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 15:02:08 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 101,4791 (150 ms)
[N] 15:02:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2120,936 ; -3398,542 ; 94,59274 ; "None" to 2135,605 ; -3397,836 ; 101,4791 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:02:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,22012y, 152ms)
[N] 15:02:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2120,936 ; -3398,542 ; 94,59274 ; "None" to 2135,605 ; -3397,836 ; 101,4791 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:02:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,22012y, 157ms)
[F] 15:02:09 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 15:02:09 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 15:02:09 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 15:02:09 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 15:02:11 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 15:02:11 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 15:02:13 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 15:02:13 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 15:02:15 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 15:02:16 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 15:02:27 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[N] 15:02:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2135,194 ; -3397,847 ; 94,24703 ; "None" to 2121,534 ; -3398,117 ; 94,90674 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:02:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,67826y, 154ms)
[D] 15:02:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Judgemd) 31级 可以 去打什么本 ?
[D] 15:02:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Youngcat) 请问有人知道这个服 是什么时候开的吗
[D] 15:02:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bisheng) ZUL 菜刀队 来SM DPS(ZQS优先)~~~~~~~~~~~~ZUL 菜刀队 来SM DPS(ZQS优先)~~~~~~~~~~~~ZUL 菜刀队 来SM DPS(ZQS优先)~~~~~~~~~~~~ZUL 菜刀队 来SM DPS(ZQS优先)~~~~~~~~~~~~ZUL 菜刀队 来SM DPS(ZQS优先)~~
[D] 15:02:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tiomi) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 15:02:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Proter) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 15:02:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shushudao) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放。
[D] 15:02:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Linzhei) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 15:03:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dabenxiangb) 哀嚎来奶和T 3=2
[D] 15:03:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Proter) [WorldBuffs] 酋长的祝福Buff(雷德·黑手) 已经释放.
[D] 15:03:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shushudao) [WorldBuffs] 酋长的祝福Buff(雷德·黑手) 已经释放。
[D] 15:03:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tiomi) [WorldBuffs] 酋长的祝福Buff(雷德·黑手) 已经释放.
[F] 15:03:07 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
15:03:07 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 15:03:08 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2214,597 ; -3523,994 ; 55,22928 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 15:03:08 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 47,05389 (149 ms)
[N] 15:03:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2217,287 ; -3542,398 ; 45,08271 ; "None" to 2214,597 ; -3523,994 ; 47,05389 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:03:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,70352y, 154ms)
[N] 15:03:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2217,287 ; -3542,398 ; 45,08271 ; "None" to 2214,597 ; -3523,994 ; 47,05389 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:03:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,70352y, 156ms)
[F] 15:03:09 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 15:03:12 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 15:03:12 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 15:03:13 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 15:03:13 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 15:03:15 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 15:03:17 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 15:03:27 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 15:03:28 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
15:03:30 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 15:03:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2214,637 ; -3524,489 ; 46,50256 ; "None" to 2214,597 ; -3541,994 ; 45,22928 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:03:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,55142y, 213ms)
[D] 15:03:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kevinxx) ZUL 任务队 有没组个
[N] 15:03:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2214,606 ; -3538,275 ; 45,37223 ; "None" to 2222,777 ; -3543,698 ; 45,14629 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:03:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,809686y, 233ms)
[D] 15:03:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ufathr) 黑暗深渊 有人吗 带我一个
[D] 15:03:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Longice) 亲们,29级去哪 任务啊
[F] 15:03:52 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
15:03:52 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 15:03:53 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2326,536 ; -3541,987 ; 55,07426 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 15:03:53 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 46,2496 (0 ms)
[N] 15:03:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2309,376 ; -3546,235 ; 45,11704 ; "None" to 2326,536 ; -3541,987 ; 46,2496 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:03:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,71397y, 182ms)
[N] 15:03:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2309,376 ; -3546,235 ; 45,11704 ; "None" to 2326,536 ; -3541,987 ; 46,2496 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:03:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,71397y, 201ms)
[F] 15:03:54 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 15:03:55 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 15:03:56 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 15:03:57 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 15:03:57 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 15:03:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Debt) 血色武器库来T和奶
[F] 15:03:59 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 15:04:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Alonesoso) 塔伦没人
[F] 15:04:10 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 15:04:10 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 15:04:11 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[D] 15:04:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Heicao) 黑暗深渊组一个
[D] 15:04:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Alonesoso) 塔伦米尔
15:04:13 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 15:04:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2324,4 ; -3542,6 ; 45,72514 ; "None" to 2309,149 ; -3546,646 ; 45,07426 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:04:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,79157y, 234ms)
[D] 15:04:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ufathr) 黑暗深渊 有人吗 带我一个
[D] 15:04:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ufathr) 黑暗深渊 有人吗 带我一个
[F] 15:04:53 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
15:04:53 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 15:04:55 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 15:04:55 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2030,085 ; -3500,602 ; 96,01377 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 15:04:55 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 89,95726 (0 ms)
[N] 15:04:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,511 ; -3485,87 ; 86,68286 ; "None" to 2030,085 ; -3500,602 ; 89,95726 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:04:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,34241y, 157ms)
[N] 15:04:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,511 ; -3485,87 ; 86,68286 ; "None" to 2030,085 ; -3500,602 ; 89,95726 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:04:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,34241y, 153ms)
[F] 15:04:57 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 15:04:57 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 15:04:58 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 15:04:59 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 15:05:00 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 15:05:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kevinxx) ZUL 任务团开组 来的MMMM
[F] 15:05:01 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 15:05:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dabenxiangb) 哀嚎来奶和T 3=2
[F] 15:05:12 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 15:05:13 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
15:05:14 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 15:05:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2031,5 ; -3498,796 ; 86,74306 ; "None" to 2042,813 ; -3487,874 ; 86,01377 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:05:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,74219y, 154ms)
[D] 15:05:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zuogulang) 其实把大脚插件里的 背包整合关了。。就可以打开银行了。
[D] 15:05:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ufathr) 111111
[D] 15:05:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kevinxx) ZUL 任务团开组 T已到位 来的MMMM 最好来个有锤子的
[F] 15:05:56 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
15:05:57 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 15:05:57 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 15:05:57 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 15:05:58 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 15:05:59 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 15:05:59 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 15:06:01 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 15:06:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bigmei) |cff1eff00|Hitem:6466::::::::32:::::::::|h[蛇鳞披风]|h|r有人要不
[F] 15:06:03 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 15:06:07 - [Spell] Cast Rapid Fire (Rapid Fire)
[D] 15:06:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Soulgather) ZUL组个 有锤子
[D] 15:06:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Motata) 有玛拉顿AA吗?
[F] 15:06:12 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 15:06:13 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
15:06:14 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 15:06:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2078,098 ; -3514,716 ; 72,54508 ; "None" to 2075,621 ; -3499,39 ; 77,39129 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:06:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (19,19293y, 157ms)
[D] 15:06:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Soulgather) |cff1eff00|Hitem:9240:0:0:0|h[祖尔法拉克之槌]|h|r
[D] 15:06:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zuogulang) 墓地AA 有吗,。
[N] 15:06:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2072,996 ; -3502,206 ; 77,38065 ; "None" to 2077,884 ; -3514,681 ; 72,6629 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:06:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,20432y, 154ms)
[D] 15:06:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kevinxx) ZUL 任务团开组 T已到位 来的MMMM 最好来个有锤子的
[D] 15:06:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Alonesoso) ww
15:06:31 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 15:06:31 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[N] 15:06:32 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2157,341 ; -3522,782 ; 59,97861 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 15:06:33 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 48,41784 (181 ms)
[N] 15:06:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2142,913 ; -3527,323 ; 49,19896 ; "None" to 2157,341 ; -3522,782 ; 48,41784 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:06:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,14532y, 208ms)
[N] 15:06:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2142,913 ; -3527,323 ; 49,19896 ; "None" to 2157,341 ; -3522,782 ; 48,41784 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:06:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,14532y, 152ms)
[F] 15:06:33 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 15:06:34 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 15:06:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Soulgather) ZUL组个 有锤子
[D] 15:06:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dabenxiangb) 哀嚎 4=1 随便来
[F] 15:06:35 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 15:06:35 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 15:06:37 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 15:06:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dabenxiangb) 哀嚎4=1随便来
[F] 15:06:48 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 15:06:50 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[F] 15:06:50 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
15:06:51 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 15:06:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2155,214 ; -3523,421 ; 48,07368 ; "None" to 2139,954 ; -3527,441 ; 49,97861 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:06:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,89543y, 154ms)
[D] 15:06:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Alonesoso) ww
[D] 15:07:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kevinxx) ZUL 任务团开组 T已到位 来法系和治疗MMMM 最好来个有锤子的
[D] 15:07:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ccyw) MLD 5人任务队,来治疗 DPS..
[D] 15:07:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Konice) AH10人任务队,来TN 5=5
[D] 15:07:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kevinxx) ZUL 任务团开组 T已到位 来法系和治疗MMMM
[D] 15:08:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Bisheng) ZUL 菜刀队 来SM DPS(ZQS优先)~~~~~~~~~~~~
15:08:06 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 15:08:06 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[N] 15:08:07 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2126,857 ; -3400,366 ; 103,5585 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 15:08:07 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 97,14603 (152 ms)
[N] 15:08:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2113,068 ; -3403,841 ; 93,70277 ; "None" to 2126,857 ; -3400,366 ; 97,14603 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:08:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,63155y, 158ms)
[N] 15:08:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2113,068 ; -3403,841 ; 93,70277 ; "None" to 2126,857 ; -3400,366 ; 97,14603 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:08:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,63155y, 156ms)
[F] 15:08:08 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 15:08:09 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 15:08:10 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 15:08:10 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 15:08:11 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 15:08:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kevinxx) ZUL 任务团开组 T已到位 来法系和治疗MMMM 7=3
[F] 15:08:12 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 15:08:13 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 15:08:14 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 15:08:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gorehowl) 有能附魔屠兽的么 帮忙整一个
[F] 15:08:25 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 15:08:27 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[F] 15:08:28 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
15:08:29 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 15:08:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2124,738 ; -3400,903 ; 94,45493 ; "None" to 2109,471 ; -3405,025 ; 93,55852 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:08:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,8394y, 154ms)
[D] 15:08:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tuanmieace) 墓地AA队有来的么?
[D] 15:08:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Windrage) 矮子副本 诺莫瑞根来个T 5=1~~~~~
[D] 15:09:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dabenxiangb) 哀嚎来个奶
[F] 15:09:12 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 15:09:12 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 15:09:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kevinxx) ZUL 任务团开组 T已到位 来法系和治疗MMMM 7=3
15:09:12 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 15:09:13 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2208,072 ; -3521,776 ; 55,4564 ; "None" strict = False
[F] 15:09:14 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 15:09:14 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 55,13564 (149 ms)
[N] 15:09:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2213,847 ; -3541,575 ; 45,30136 ; "None" to 2208,072 ; -3521,776 ; 55,13564 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:09:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (24,36484y, 155ms)
[N] 15:09:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2213,847 ; -3541,575 ; 45,30136 ; "None" to 2208,072 ; -3521,776 ; 55,13564 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:09:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (24,36484y, 154ms)
[F] 15:09:16 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 15:09:16 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 15:09:17 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 15:09:18 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 15:09:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Pinsheng) 41FS求组教堂AA
[F] 15:09:19 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 15:09:20 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 15:09:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ccyw) MLD 5人任务队,来治疗 4Q1..
[F] 15:09:31 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 15:09:34 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
15:09:36 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 15:09:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2208,107 ; -3522,128 ; 46,28098 ; "None" to 2212,731 ; -3539,162 ; 45,4564 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:09:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (18,47298y, 155ms)
[D] 15:09:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Eyesing) 工会里看不到自己正常不
[N] 15:09:44 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2209,732 ; -3536,962 ; 45,46815 ; "None" to 2214,973 ; -3541,923 ; 46,55834 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:09:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (7,298601y, 154ms)
[D] 15:09:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Kevinxx) ZUL 任务团开组 T已到位 来法系和治疗MMMM 8=2
15:09:57 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 15:09:57 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 15:09:58 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2326,778 ; -3543,066 ; 54,95166 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 15:09:58 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 46,2496 (0 ms)
[N] 15:09:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2308,105 ; -3547,715 ; 44,89829 ; "None" to 2326,778 ; -3543,066 ; 46,2496 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 15:09:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ccyw) MLD 5人任务队,来治疗 4Q1..
[N] 15:09:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,2899y, 155ms)
[N] 15:09:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2308,105 ; -3547,715 ; 44,89829 ; "None" to 2326,778 ; -3543,066 ; 46,2496 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:09:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,2899y, 205ms)
[F] 15:09:59 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 15:10:01 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 15:10:02 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 15:10:03 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 15:10:03 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 15:10:05 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 15:10:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tuanmieace) 墓地AA队来熟练法师猎人
[D] 15:10:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Pinsheng) 41FS求组教堂AA
[D] 15:10:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fourteenfrog) 不和谐的烈焰任务为什么接不到
[F] 15:10:15 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 15:10:17 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[F] 15:10:18 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
15:10:19 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 15:10:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2326,344 ; -3543,186 ; 45,79634 ; "None" to 2309,839 ; -3550,287 ; 44,67929 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 15:10:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,00263y, 155ms)
[D] 15:10:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Famoshen) 可以共享的
[D] 15:10:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tuanmieace) 墓地AA队来熟练法师猎人
[N] 15:11:07 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
15:11:19 - [Relog] Player
18:46:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stopped.
18:46:43 - [Grinder] Stopped
18:46:43 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 03h:57m:38s
XP/HR: 77130 - 10 min
Kills: 22 (59/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 21 (57/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[E] 21:48:12 - CAS: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά την αποστολή της αίτησης. ---> System.Net.WebException: Δεν ήταν δυνατή η επίλυση του απομακρυσμένου ονόματος: 'auth.wrobot.eu'
σε System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
σε System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler.GetResponseCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
--- Τέλος ιχνηλάτησης στοίβας εσωτερικών εξαιρέσεων ---
σε System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
σε System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
σε (Object , Object[] )
σε  .(MethodBase , Object , Object[] , Boolean )
σε  .(MethodBase , Object , Object[] , Boolean )
σε  .(MethodBase , Boolean )
σε  .  (  ,   )
σε  . ()
σε  . (Boolean )

[F] 22:33:52 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Gregory\Downloads\WRobot(1)\WRobot\\FightClass\Ordush-Paid-Beastmaster-Hunter-Vanilla.dll
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Aspect of the Hawk (Id found: 14318, Name found: Aspect of the Hawk, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Hawk, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Aspect of the Cheetah (Id found: 5118, Name found: Aspect of the Cheetah, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Cheetah, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Trueshot Aura (Id found: 20938, Name found: Trueshot Aura, NameInGame found: Trueshot Aura, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Aspect of the Monkey (Id found: 13163, Name found: Aspect of the Monkey, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Monkey, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Rapid Fire (Id found: 3045, Name found: Rapid Fire, NameInGame found: Rapid Fire, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 24571, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26635, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] spellName=Arcane Torrent => Failed
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Hunter's Mark (Id found: 14323, Name found: Hunter's Mark, NameInGame found: Hunter's Mark, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Feign Death (Id found: 5385, Name found: Feign Death, NameInGame found: Feign Death, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Disengage (Id found: 781, Name found: Disengage, NameInGame found: Disengage, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Concussive Shot (Id found: 27634, Name found: Concussive Shot, NameInGame found: Concussive Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Serpent Sting (Id found: 13551, Name found: Serpent Sting, NameInGame found: Serpent Sting, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Raptor Strike (Id found: 14262, Name found: Raptor Strike, NameInGame found: Raptor Strike, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Mongoose Bite (Id found: 1495, Name found: Mongoose Bite, NameInGame found: Mongoose Bite, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Freezing Trap (Id found: 1499, Name found: Freezing Trap, NameInGame found: Freezing Trap, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Intimidation (Id found: 24394, Name found: Intimidation, NameInGame found: Intimidation, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Bestial Wrath (Id found: 26592, Name found: Bestial Wrath, NameInGame found: Bestial Wrath, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Call Pet (Id found: 883, Name found: Call Pet, NameInGame found: Call Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Revive Pet (Id found: 982, Name found: Revive Pet, NameInGame found: Revive Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Mend Pet (Id found: 3111, Name found: Mend Pet, NameInGame found: Mend Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Feed Pet (Id found: 6991, Name found: Feed Pet, NameInGame found: Feed Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Auto Shot (Id found: 75, Name found: Auto Shot, NameInGame found: Auto Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Aimed Shot (Id found: 27632, Name found: Aimed Shot, NameInGame found: Aimed Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Multi-Shot (Id found: 2643, Name found: Multi-Shot, NameInGame found: Multi-Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Arcane Shot (Id found: 14282, Name found: Arcane Shot, NameInGame found: Arcane Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Volley (Id found: 22908, Name found: Volley, NameInGame found: Volley, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Viper Sting (Id found: 14351, Name found: Viper Sting, NameInGame found: Viper Sting, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 22:33:54 - [Spell] Wing Clip (Id found: 2974, Name found: Wing Clip, NameInGame found: Wing Clip, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[F] 22:34:16 - SaveWindowPosition = False ; NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Grinder ; CustomClass = ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; FightInteractTargetMinDistance = 45 ; IgnoreFightWhenInMove = True ; DismountLandGroundDistance = 3,5 ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = False ; TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink = True ; EquipAvailableBagIfFreeContainerSlot = False ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; LootAndHarvestRangeQuickly = True ; LootInCombat = False ; SkipNodesInWater = False ; MaxUnitsNearMobs = 3 ; MaxUnitsNearObjects = 3 ; SearchRadiusMobs = 150 ; SearchRadiusObjects = 300 ; MaxZDistanceAttack = 150 ; MaxZDistanceIsAttacked = 150 ; MaxZDistanceFarm = 2000 ; BlacklistTaxiDefaultTimeMs = 1800000 ; BlacklistUnitDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; BlacklistGameObjectDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; MaxTryPerNode = 6 ; SellQuickly = False ; MaxCheckIfGoodMouseShortcutsWhenInteract = 2 ; HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 0 ; HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 6948 ; RecordChatInLog = True ; UseSpiritHealerAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 0 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; WaitWhenBuffWaitingToResurrect = False ; UseCTM = False ; AntiDrown = True ; AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = False ; PathFinderServerSeemDownPauseBotTimeSec = 10 ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1000 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 80000 ; TryToAvoidEnemyGroupsRatio = 0 ; IgnoreServerRoadsWater = False ; SmoothPath = False ; SmoothPathDistance = 1 ; KeyboardToTurn = False ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 8 ; RetrieveCorpseMaxDistance = 26 ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; SizeWidth = 534,4 ; SizeHeight = 375,2 ; WindowPosX = 0 ; WindowPosY = 0 ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = DungeonParty.dll = False, HS2Town.cs = False, PartyHelperPlugin.dll = False, RandomJumper.cs = True, SmoothMove.dll = False, VanillaTrainLevel.cs = False, WAide_v1.2.1.dll = False, WhatsGoingOn.dll = True, WhisperReply.cs = False, WImprove_v1.3.1.dll = False, WTrainer_v1.3.4.dll = False, HumanMasterPlugin.dll = True ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = False ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = Spongy Morel ; FoodPercent = 55 ; DrinkName = Melon Juice ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = True ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = True ; SkinNinja = False ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 225 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = True ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = True ; SellGreen = True ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Light Shot, Tough Jerky, Hearthstone, Skinning Knife, Small Red Pouch, Small Green Pouch, Blue Leather Bag, Green Leather Bag, Red Leather Bag, Large Blue Sack, Large Green Sack, Large Knapsack, Troll-hide Bag, Journeyman's Backpack, Traveler's Backpack, Tough Hunk of Bread , Darnassian Bleu , Slitherskin Mackerel , Shiny Red Apple , Forest Mushroom Cap , Tough Jerky, Freshly Baked Bread , Dalaran Sharp , Longjaw Mud Snapper , Tel'Abim Banana , Red-speckled Mushroom , Haunch of Meat, Moist Cornbread , Dwarven Mild , Bristle Whisker Catfish , Snapvine Watermelon , Spongy Morel , Mutton Chop, Mulgore Spice Bread , Stormwind Brie , Rockscale Cod , Goldenbark Apple , Delicious Cave Mold , Wild Hog Shank, Soft Banana Bread , Fine Aged Cheddar , Striped Yellowtail , Moon Harvest Pumpkin , Raw Black Truffle , Cured Ham Steak, Homemade Cherry Pie , Alterac Swiss , Spinefin Halibut , Deep Fried Plantains , Dried King Bolete , Roasted Quail, Large Venom Sac, Melon Juice, Magic Dust, Sweet Nectar, Moonberry Juice, Morning Glory Dew, Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight, Recipe: Elixir of Giant Growth , Linen Bandage, Heavy Linen Bandage, Wool Bandage, Heavy Wool Bandage, Silk Bandage, Heavy Silk Bandage, Mageweave Bandage, Heavy Mageweave Bandage, Runecloth Bandage, Heavy Runecloth Bandage, Healing Potion, Minor Healing Potion, Major Mana Potion, Tough Hunk of Bread, Darnassian Bleu, Forest Mushroom Cap, Slitherskin Mackerel, Freshly Baked Bread, Red-speckled Mushroom, Moist Cornbread, Spongy Morel, Mulgore Spice Bread, Delicious Cave Mold, Rockscale Cod, Soft Banana Bread, Raw Black Truffle, Homemade Cherry Pie, Dried King Bolete, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Lesser Healing Potion, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Longjaw Mud Snapper, Bristle Whisker Catfish, Spinefin Halibut, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Major Healing Potion, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Dwarven Mild, , Dalaran Sharp, Stormwind Brie, Fine Aged Cheddar, Alterac Swiss, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, , , , , ; ForceSellList = ; BuyList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Light Shot, Tough Jerky, Refreshing Spring Water, Hearthstone, Tough Hunk of Bread, Darnassian Bleu, Forest Mushroom Cap, Slitherskin Mackerel, Freshly Baked Bread, Red-speckled Mushroom, Moist Cornbread, Spongy Morel, Mulgore Spice Bread, Delicious Cave Mold, Rockscale Cod, Soft Banana Bread, Raw Black Truffle, Homemade Cherry Pie, Dried King Bolete, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Bristle Whisker Catfish, Spinefin Halibut, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Dalaran Sharp, Stormwind Brie, Fine Aged Cheddar, Alterac Swiss, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = True ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; ForceGroundMovementWhenDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; PlayerAttackedIfOnePetAttacked = True ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPlayerPet = True ; UseLuaToMove = True ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; SecurityDoNotCloseGame = False ; LatencyMin = 300 ; LatencyMax = 700 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; BackwardWhenStuck = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1,5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; LockFrameWhenDecollideFlightPath = False ;
[F] 22:34:16 - SaveWindowPosition = False ; NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Grinder ; CustomClass = Ordush-Paid-Beastmaster-Hunter-Vanilla.dll ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; FightInteractTargetMinDistance = 45 ; IgnoreFightWhenInMove = True ; DismountLandGroundDistance = 3,5 ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = False ; TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink = True ; EquipAvailableBagIfFreeContainerSlot = False ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; LootAndHarvestRangeQuickly = True ; LootInCombat = False ; SkipNodesInWater = False ; MaxUnitsNearMobs = 3 ; MaxUnitsNearObjects = 3 ; SearchRadiusMobs = 150 ; SearchRadiusObjects = 300 ; MaxZDistanceAttack = 150 ; MaxZDistanceIsAttacked = 150 ; MaxZDistanceFarm = 2000 ; BlacklistTaxiDefaultTimeMs = 1800000 ; BlacklistUnitDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; BlacklistGameObjectDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; MaxTryPerNode = 6 ; SellQuickly = False ; MaxCheckIfGoodMouseShortcutsWhenInteract = 2 ; HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 0 ; HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 6948 ; RecordChatInLog = True ; UseSpiritHealerAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 0 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; WaitWhenBuffWaitingToResurrect = False ; UseCTM = False ; AntiDrown = True ; AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = False ; PathFinderServerSeemDownPauseBotTimeSec = 10 ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1000 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 80000 ; TryToAvoidEnemyGroupsRatio = 0 ; IgnoreServerRoadsWater = False ; SmoothPath = False ; SmoothPathDistance = 1 ; KeyboardToTurn = False ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 8 ; RetrieveCorpseMaxDistance = 26 ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; SizeWidth = 534,4 ; SizeHeight = 375,2 ; WindowPosX = 0 ; WindowPosY = 0 ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = DungeonParty.dll = False, HS2Town.cs = False, PartyHelperPlugin.dll = False, RandomJumper.cs = True, SmoothMove.dll = False, VanillaTrainLevel.cs = False, WAide_v1.2.1.dll = False, WhatsGoingOn.dll = True, WhisperReply.cs = False, WImprove_v1.3.1.dll = False, WTrainer_v1.3.4.dll = False, HumanMasterPlugin.dll = True ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = False ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = Spongy Morel ; FoodPercent = 55 ; DrinkName = Melon Juice ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = True ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = True ; SkinNinja = False ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 225 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = True ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = True ; SellGreen = True ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Light Shot, Tough Jerky, Hearthstone, Skinning Knife, Small Red Pouch, Small Green Pouch, Blue Leather Bag, Green Leather Bag, Red Leather Bag, Large Blue Sack, Large Green Sack, Large Knapsack, Troll-hide Bag, Journeyman's Backpack, Traveler's Backpack, Tough Hunk of Bread , Darnassian Bleu , Slitherskin Mackerel , Shiny Red Apple , Forest Mushroom Cap , Tough Jerky, Freshly Baked Bread , Dalaran Sharp , Longjaw Mud Snapper , Tel'Abim Banana , Red-speckled Mushroom , Haunch of Meat, Moist Cornbread , Dwarven Mild , Bristle Whisker Catfish , Snapvine Watermelon , Spongy Morel , Mutton Chop, Mulgore Spice Bread , Stormwind Brie , Rockscale Cod , Goldenbark Apple , Delicious Cave Mold , Wild Hog Shank, Soft Banana Bread , Fine Aged Cheddar , Striped Yellowtail , Moon Harvest Pumpkin , Raw Black Truffle , Cured Ham Steak, Homemade Cherry Pie , Alterac Swiss , Spinefin Halibut , Deep Fried Plantains , Dried King Bolete , Roasted Quail, Large Venom Sac, Melon Juice, Magic Dust, Sweet Nectar, Moonberry Juice, Morning Glory Dew, Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight, Recipe: Elixir of Giant Growth , Linen Bandage, Heavy Linen Bandage, Wool Bandage, Heavy Wool Bandage, Silk Bandage, Heavy Silk Bandage, Mageweave Bandage, Heavy Mageweave Bandage, Runecloth Bandage, Heavy Runecloth Bandage, Healing Potion, Minor Healing Potion, Major Mana Potion, Tough Hunk of Bread, Darnassian Bleu, Forest Mushroom Cap, Slitherskin Mackerel, Freshly Baked Bread, Red-speckled Mushroom, Moist Cornbread, Spongy Morel, Mulgore Spice Bread, Delicious Cave Mold, Rockscale Cod, Soft Banana Bread, Raw Black Truffle, Homemade Cherry Pie, Dried King Bolete, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Lesser Healing Potion, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Longjaw Mud Snapper, Bristle Whisker Catfish, Spinefin Halibut, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Major Healing Potion, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Razor Arrow, Jagged Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Dwarven Mild, , Dalaran Sharp, Stormwind Brie, Fine Aged Cheddar, Alterac Swiss, Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, , , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, , , , , , Rough Arrow, Sharp Arrow, , , , , , , , Light Shot, Heavy Shot, Solid Shot, Accurate Slugs, , , , , ; ForceSellList = ; BuyList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Light Shot, Tough Jerky, Refreshing Spring Water, Hearthstone, Tough Hunk of Bread, Darnassian Bleu, Forest Mushroom Cap, Slitherskin Mackerel, Freshly Baked Bread, Red-speckled Mushroom, Moist Cornbread, Spongy Morel, Mulgore Spice Bread, Delicious Cave Mold, Rockscale Cod, Soft Banana Bread, Raw Black Truffle, Homemade Cherry Pie, Dried King Bolete, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Bristle Whisker Catfish, Spinefin Halibut, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Dalaran Sharp, Stormwind Brie, Fine Aged Cheddar, Alterac Swiss, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk, Refreshing Spring Water, Ice Cold Milk ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = True ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; ForceGroundMovementWhenDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; PlayerAttackedIfOnePetAttacked = True ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPlayerPet = True ; UseLuaToMove = True ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; SecurityDoNotCloseGame = False ; LatencyMin = 300 ; LatencyMax = 700 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; BackwardWhenStuck = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1,5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; LockFrameWhenDecollideFlightPath = False ;
[D] 07:27:54 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 07:27:54 - ProfileName = Venom Sac Ashenv 30+ [H].xml ; BlackListWhereIAmDead = False ; RetLastPos = False ; PetBattle = False ; CurrentSetting = Grinder.Bot.GrinderSetting ;
[D] 07:27:54 - [Grinder] Profile used: Venom Sac Ashenv 30+ [H].xml
[F] 07:27:54 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Gregory\Downloads\WRobot(1)\WRobot\\FightClass\Ordush-Paid-Beastmaster-Hunter-Vanilla.dll
[D] 07:27:56 - [Spell] Aspect of the Hawk (Id found: 14318, Name found: Aspect of the Hawk, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Hawk, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 07:27:56 - [Spell] Aspect of the Cheetah (Id found: 5118, Name found: Aspect of the Cheetah, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Cheetah, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Trueshot Aura (Id found: 20938, Name found: Trueshot Aura, NameInGame found: Trueshot Aura, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Aspect of the Monkey (Id found: 13163, Name found: Aspect of the Monkey, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Monkey, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Rapid Fire (Id found: 3045, Name found: Rapid Fire, NameInGame found: Rapid Fire, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 24571, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26635, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] spellName=Arcane Torrent => Failed
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Hunter's Mark (Id found: 14323, Name found: Hunter's Mark, NameInGame found: Hunter's Mark, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Feign Death (Id found: 5385, Name found: Feign Death, NameInGame found: Feign Death, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Disengage (Id found: 781, Name found: Disengage, NameInGame found: Disengage, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Concussive Shot (Id found: 27634, Name found: Concussive Shot, NameInGame found: Concussive Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Serpent Sting (Id found: 13551, Name found: Serpent Sting, NameInGame found: Serpent Sting, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Raptor Strike (Id found: 14262, Name found: Raptor Strike, NameInGame found: Raptor Strike, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Mongoose Bite (Id found: 1495, Name found: Mongoose Bite, NameInGame found: Mongoose Bite, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Freezing Trap (Id found: 1499, Name found: Freezing Trap, NameInGame found: Freezing Trap, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Intimidation (Id found: 24394, Name found: Intimidation, NameInGame found: Intimidation, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Bestial Wrath (Id found: 26592, Name found: Bestial Wrath, NameInGame found: Bestial Wrath, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Call Pet (Id found: 883, Name found: Call Pet, NameInGame found: Call Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Revive Pet (Id found: 982, Name found: Revive Pet, NameInGame found: Revive Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Mend Pet (Id found: 3111, Name found: Mend Pet, NameInGame found: Mend Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Feed Pet (Id found: 6991, Name found: Feed Pet, NameInGame found: Feed Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Auto Shot (Id found: 75, Name found: Auto Shot, NameInGame found: Auto Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Aimed Shot (Id found: 27632, Name found: Aimed Shot, NameInGame found: Aimed Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Multi-Shot (Id found: 2643, Name found: Multi-Shot, NameInGame found: Multi-Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Arcane Shot (Id found: 14282, Name found: Arcane Shot, NameInGame found: Arcane Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Volley (Id found: 22908, Name found: Volley, NameInGame found: Volley, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Viper Sting (Id found: 14351, Name found: Viper Sting, NameInGame found: Viper Sting, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 07:27:57 - [Spell] Wing Clip (Id found: 2974, Name found: Wing Clip, NameInGame found: Wing Clip, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
07:27:57 - Already running the newest version of the Fightclass
07:27:57 - [My fightclass] Is started.
07:27:58 - [Grinder] Started
07:27:58 - [HumanMasterPlugin] HMP Settings: TransactionId = ******** ; MultiIP = False ; AutoEquip = True ; AutoEquipBlues = False ; Hearthstone = True ; Unstuck = False ; IgnoreCombatOnBrokenItems = True ; StopTagged = True ; FirstAid = True ; FirstAidHealth = 60 ; UsePotions = True ; HealPotPercent = 35 ; ManaPotPercent = 25 ; TakeTram = False ; Food = True ; Drink = True ; HighestConsumables = False ; AutoVendor = True ; AllowCurrentZone = False ; IgnoreInnkeepers = False ; DrinkAmount = 40 ; FoodAmount = 40 ; Ammo = True ; AmmoAmount = 1600 ; SpellStrings = System.String[] ; TalentStrings = System.String[] ; TrainSkinning = True ; TrainFirstAid = True ; TrainWeapons = True ; RunAway = True ; EscapeAmount = 3 ; EscapeElite = True ; EscapeDistance = 35 ; EscapePercent = 20 ; EscapePercentEnemies = 35 ; EscapePercentMana = 15 ; EscapePercentManaEnemies = 35 ; SmartPulls = True ; UseResurrect = True ; BlacklistInvalid = True ; PullPathCollision = True ; SpiritRezz = True ; DeathsPerXMinutes = 5 ; XMinutesSinceLastDeath = 15 ; In = PluginSettings ;
07:27:58 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Started.
07:28:07 - [Relog] Player
[E] 07:28:36 - Error injection: Cannot launch it, skipped.
07:28:40 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Npc ID 6028 to Vendor/Repair blacklist
07:28:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] removing low-level drink Refreshing Spring Water from DoNotSellList
07:28:41 - [HumanMasterPlugin] removing low-level drink Ice Cold Milk from DoNotSellList
[F] 07:28:42 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:28:45 - [Relog] Finished, Restarting bot
07:28:45 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Going to trainer at levels: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 26, 30, 32, 34, 36, 40, 44, 48, 50, 54, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70
07:28:45 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Training States
07:28:45 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding TalentPoint state
07:28:45 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding death events
07:28:45 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Resurrect State
07:28:45 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding AntiDrown State
07:28:45 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding SwimToShore State
07:28:45 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Vendor State
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding Equip States
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding DeleteAndOpenItems after LootRange
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding BlackListUnlootableState for Farming
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding BlackListUnlootableState for FarmingRange
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Relogger 2000
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Pause 180
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Battlegrounder Combination 170
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SelectProfileState 160
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Resurrect 150
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] AntiDrown 149
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] My Macro 140
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] ClearPath 131
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] IsAttacked 130
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BattlePet 120
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Looting range 110
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] DeleteAndOpenItems 0 after Looting range
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BlacklistUnlootableObjects 0 before Farming range
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Farming range 110
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SwimToShore 0 before Regeneration
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Regeneration 100
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Looting 90
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BlacklistUnlootableObjects 0 before Farming
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Farming 80
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Milling 70
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] FlightMaster: Take taxi 60
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Prospecting 60
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] AutoEquip 43
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] BagEquip 42
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] TownRun 40
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] TalentPoints 30
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Flight master discover 30
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Class Training 30
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] WarlockPetTraining 0 after Class Training
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] FirstAidTraining 29
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] SkinningTraining 28
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] WeaponTraining 27
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] DeleteAndOpenItems 26
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Grinding 20
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Movement Loop 10
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Idle 0
07:28:46 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stored new engine as current engine to use
[E] 07:28:46 - Engine > Pulse(): System.InvalidOperationException: Η συλλογή έχει τροποποιηθεί, η λειτουργία απαρίθμησης ενδέχεται να μην εκτελεστεί.
σε System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
σε System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNextRare()
σε System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNext()
σε robotManager.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()

07:28:46 - [Grinder] Select zone: Orgrimmar
[D] 07:28:49 - [Spell] Pick Lock (Id found: 6480, Name found: Pick Lock, NameInGame found: Pick Lock, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[N] 07:28:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2246,22 ; -3563,61 ; 40,6722 ; "None" to 2248,11 ; -3551,792 ; 43,71655 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:28:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,34943y, 259ms)
[N] 07:28:51 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 07:28:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2246,22 ; -3563,61 ; 40,6722 ; "None" to 2248,11 ; -3551,792 ; 43,71655 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:28:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,34943y, 153ms)
[F] 07:29:02 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
07:29:02 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 07:29:04 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2329,88 ; -3538,859 ; 55,34996 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:29:05 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 46,99132 (149 ms)
[N] 07:29:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2305,933 ; -3549,967 ; 44,53326 ; "None" to 2329,88 ; -3538,859 ; 46,99132 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 07:29:05 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 07:29:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (26,51223y, 155ms)
[N] 07:29:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2305,933 ; -3549,967 ; 44,53326 ; "None" to 2329,88 ; -3538,859 ; 46,99132 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:29:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (26,51223y, 153ms)
[F] 07:29:05 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:29:05 - [Spell] Cast Rapid Fire (Rapid Fire)
[F] 07:29:08 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:29:08 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:29:09 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:29:10 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:29:11 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:29:19 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:29:21 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:29:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2328,126 ; -3539,596 ; 46,30728 ; "None" to 2314,209 ; -3545,255 ; 45,25441 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:29:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,0601y, 154ms)
[N] 07:29:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2317,85 ; -3543,774 ; 45,51741 ; "None" to 2299,77 ; -3554,354 ; 44,11206 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:29:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,99505y, 153ms)
[D] 07:29:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yatofs) 1
[F] 07:29:41 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
07:29:41 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 07:29:42 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2217,273 ; -3529,771 ; 55,714 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:29:42 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 48,53563 (157 ms)
[N] 07:29:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2224,075 ; -3543,953 ; 45,17622 ; "None" to 2217,273 ; -3529,771 ; 48,53563 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:29:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,08328y, 154ms)
[N] 07:29:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2224,075 ; -3543,953 ; 45,17622 ; "None" to 2217,273 ; -3529,771 ; 48,53563 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:29:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,08328y, 156ms)
[F] 07:29:43 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 07:29:45 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:29:45 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:29:46 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:29:47 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[N] 07:29:47 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 07:29:47 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 07:29:47 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 07:29:48 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:29:59 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:30:00 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:30:02 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:30:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2219,336 ; -3529,045 ; 48,81573 ; "None" to 2226,273 ; -3545,36 ; 45,714 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:30:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (18,10491y, 155ms)
[D] 07:30:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lmzjz) 安多哈尔有人做没
[F] 07:30:20 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
07:30:21 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 07:30:22 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2174,385 ; -3525,155 ; 57,98539 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:30:22 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 48,1989 (150 ms)
[N] 07:30:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2154,207 ; -3528,523 ; 48,04821 ; "None" to 2174,385 ; -3525,155 ; 48,1989 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:30:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,45719y, 155ms)
[N] 07:30:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2154,207 ; -3528,523 ; 48,04821 ; "None" to 2174,385 ; -3525,155 ; 48,1989 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:30:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,45719y, 156ms)
[F] 07:30:22 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 07:30:24 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:30:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:30:25 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:30:26 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:30:27 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:30:38 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:30:40 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:30:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2172,425 ; -3525,606 ; 47,88155 ; "None" to 2156,998 ; -3529,813 ; 47,98539 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:30:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,99082y, 158ms)
[D] 07:30:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Pinsheng) 本地FS 求组教堂AA
07:30:58 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 07:30:58 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 07:30:59 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 07:31:00 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 07:31:01 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2091,015 ; -3502,219 ; 85,71048 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:31:01 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 84,80628 (151 ms)
[N] 07:31:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2070,643 ; -3509,964 ; 76,27216 ; "None" to 2091,015 ; -3502,219 ; 84,80628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:31:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (36,90729y, 155ms)
[N] 07:31:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2070,643 ; -3509,964 ; 76,27216 ; "None" to 2091,015 ; -3502,219 ; 84,80628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:31:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (39,45879y, 173ms)
[F] 07:31:04 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:31:04 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:31:05 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:31:06 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:31:07 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:31:16 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:31:18 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:31:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2087,721 ; -3500,582 ; 71,75999 ; "None" to 2073,628 ; -3506,878 ; 75,71048 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:31:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,93313y, 155ms)
[N] 07:31:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2076,945 ; -3505,396 ; 74,56045 ; "None" to 2066,414 ; -3507,28 ; 78,53646 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:31:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,41294y, 159ms)
07:31:34 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 07:31:34 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[N] 07:31:35 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2029,544 ; -3496,625 ; 95,91465 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:31:35 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 87,70202 (150 ms)
[N] 07:31:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2039,942 ; -3483,125 ; 87,14607 ; "None" to 2029,544 ; -3496,625 ; 87,70202 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:31:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,04874y, 157ms)
[N] 07:31:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2039,942 ; -3483,125 ; 87,14607 ; "None" to 2029,544 ; -3496,625 ; 87,70202 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:31:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,04874y, 156ms)
[F] 07:31:36 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[D] 07:31:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Petitchasseu) 还有外地FS?
[F] 07:31:38 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:31:39 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:31:40 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:31:40 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:31:42 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:31:53 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:31:56 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:31:58 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:31:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2029,813 ; -3496,331 ; 87,26261 ; "None" to 2045,133 ; -3487,625 ; 85,91465 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:31:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (17,68194y, 156ms)
[F] 07:32:15 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 07:32:16 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
07:32:16 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 07:32:16 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:32:17 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 07:32:17 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:32:19 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:32:20 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:32:31 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:32:34 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:32:36 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:32:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2079,634 ; -3416,614 ; 92,99994 ; "None" to 2056,163 ; -3422,96 ; 92,43994 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:32:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (24,32039y, 158ms)
[N] 07:32:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2059,725 ; -3421,951 ; 92,38218 ; "None" to 2078,517 ; -3418,613 ; 92,86058 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:32:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,09269y, 153ms)
07:32:56 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 07:32:56 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 07:32:57 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2131,024 ; -3400,691 ; 103,6717 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:32:57 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 97,40628 (153 ms)
[N] 07:32:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2116,004 ; -3402,171 ; 93,92046 ; "None" to 2131,024 ; -3400,691 ; 97,40628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:32:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,49059y, 153ms)
[N] 07:32:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2116,004 ; -3402,171 ; 93,92046 ; "None" to 2131,024 ; -3400,691 ; 97,40628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:32:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,49059y, 157ms)
[F] 07:32:58 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[N] 07:32:58 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 07:32:58 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 07:32:58 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 07:33:00 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:33:01 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:33:01 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:33:02 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[N] 07:33:02 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 07:33:02 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 07:33:02 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 07:33:03 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:33:13 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:33:14 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:33:15 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:33:15 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2131,373 ; -3402,807 ; 93,61935 ; "None" to 2113,637 ; -3405,349 ; 93,67169 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:33:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,91695y, 158ms)
[D] 07:33:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jgle) 本地的活儿好
[D] 07:33:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Westhaven) 本地是指哪类人
[D] 07:34:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wcore) MLD aa 来LR 法师
[D] 07:34:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Petitchasseu) 周星驰电影的本地的?
[D] 07:34:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Andyzhu) MLD 组
[D] 07:34:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wcore) MLD aa 来LR 法师
[D] 07:34:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Emeralddream) 本地的胡子扎人不
[D] 07:34:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Andyzhu) 111
[D] 07:35:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Petitchasseu) 你指上面还是下面的
07:35:34 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 07:35:34 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 07:35:35 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 07:35:35 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2207,49 ; -3519,697 ; 55,38212 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:35:35 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 55,25997 (260 ms)
[N] 07:35:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2209,376 ; -3540,638 ; 45,4051 ; "None" to 2207,49 ; -3519,697 ; 55,25997 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:35:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (41,87737y, 154ms)
[N] 07:35:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2209,376 ; -3540,638 ; 45,4051 ; "None" to 2207,49 ; -3519,697 ; 55,25997 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:35:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (41,87737y, 155ms)
[F] 07:35:36 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 07:35:37 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:35:37 - [Spell] Cast Rapid Fire (Rapid Fire)
[F] 07:35:38 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:35:39 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:35:41 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 07:35:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Emeralddream) 后面
[F] 07:35:51 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:35:53 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:35:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2217,446 ; -3522,498 ; 48,24002 ; "None" to 2207,49 ; -3537,697 ; 45,38212 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:35:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (18,42946y, 154ms)
[D] 07:35:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Westhaven) 后面可没几根
[D] 07:35:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laomuzi) 腋下的
[N] 07:36:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2209,808 ; -3534,651 ; 45,61739 ; "None" to 2214,973 ; -3541,923 ; 46,55834 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:36:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,969346y, 154ms)
[D] 07:36:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Petitchasseu) 玩的真花
07:36:16 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Wildthorn Lurker is in your path, need to attack
[F] 07:36:16 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
07:36:17 - PET ATTACKING: Wildthorn Lurker (Unit) : 3821 : 0x22C32808 : 17379391026128521328 : F130000EED008870
[F] 07:36:18 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 07:36:18 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2324,125 ; -3544,561 ; 54,62363 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:36:18 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 46,0817 (149 ms)
[N] 07:36:18 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2305,548 ; -3550,476 ; 44,46692 ; "None" to 2324,125 ; -3544,561 ; 46,0817 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:36:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,56286y, 151ms)
[N] 07:36:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2305,548 ; -3550,476 ; 44,46692 ; "None" to 2324,125 ; -3544,561 ; 46,0817 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:36:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,56286y, 159ms)
[F] 07:36:20 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:36:21 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:36:21 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:36:22 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:36:24 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:36:33 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:36:33 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:36:34 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:36:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2322,506 ; -3545,018 ; 45,60744 ; "None" to 2306,739 ; -3549,219 ; 44,62363 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:36:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,34689y, 153ms)
[F] 07:36:59 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
07:37:00 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 07:37:01 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2170,484 ; -3527,561 ; 57,97679 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:37:01 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 48,16977 (150 ms)
[N] 07:37:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2151,139 ; -3528,254 ; 48,15982 ; "None" to 2170,484 ; -3527,561 ; 48,16977 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:37:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (25,47767y, 153ms)
[N] 07:37:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2151,139 ; -3528,254 ; 48,15982 ; "None" to 2170,484 ; -3527,561 ; 48,16977 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:37:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,35666y, 152ms)
[F] 07:37:01 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 07:37:03 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:37:04 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:37:05 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:37:05 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:37:07 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 07:37:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Spyderr) 血色任务有人吗
[F] 07:37:17 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:37:18 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:37:20 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:37:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2170,093 ; -3527,597 ; 47,90076 ; "None" to 2153,097 ; -3532,219 ; 47,97679 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:37:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,61342y, 155ms)
[N] 07:37:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2153,207 ; -3532,19 ; 47,9728 ; "None" to 2147,309 ; -3527,801 ; 50,39478 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:37:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (7,740486y, 152ms)
[N] 07:37:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2143,828 ; -3524,91 ; 49,96473 ; "None" to 2134,185 ; -3526,46 ; 53,70417 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:37:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,45779y, 159ms)
[D] 07:37:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Timediver) 有
07:37:43 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 07:37:43 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 07:37:44 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 07:37:45 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 07:37:45 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2087,41 ; -3502,698 ; 87,1485 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:37:45 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 84,80628 (0 ms)
[N] 07:37:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2070,586 ; -3509,954 ; 76,29554 ; "None" to 2087,41 ; -3502,698 ; 84,80628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:37:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (39,45585y, 155ms)
[N] 07:37:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2070,586 ; -3509,954 ; 76,29554 ; "None" to 2087,41 ; -3502,698 ; 84,80628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:37:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (37,15017y, 153ms)
[F] 07:37:47 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:37:47 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:37:48 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:37:48 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:37:50 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 07:37:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Spyderr) 求组血色任务队。。。。。。。
[F] 07:38:01 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:38:03 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[D] 07:38:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Spyderr) [[33] 狂热之心 (1113)][[38] 堕落者纲要 (1049)][[42] 深入血色修道院 (1048)]
07:38:05 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:38:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2084,195 ; -3502,639 ; 71,8886 ; "None" to 2069,246 ; -3504,823 ; 78,158 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:38:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (16,40661y, 154ms)
07:38:16 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 07:38:17 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
07:38:17 - PET ATTACKING: Wildthorn Lurker (Unit) : 3821 : 0x22C35008 : 17379391026128521327 : F130000EED00886F
[F] 07:38:18 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:38:18 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 07:38:19 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2029,176 ; -3499,402 ; 96,28112 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:38:19 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 87,46375 (149 ms)
[N] 07:38:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,569 ; -3486,66 ; 86,52619 ; "None" to 2029,176 ; -3499,402 ; 87,46375 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:38:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,11852y, 155ms)
[N] 07:38:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,569 ; -3486,66 ; 86,52619 ; "None" to 2029,176 ; -3499,402 ; 87,46375 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:38:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,11852y, 157ms)
[F] 07:38:21 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:38:21 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:38:22 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:38:22 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:38:24 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:38:35 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:38:37 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:38:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2030,691 ; -3497,833 ; 86,93785 ; "None" to 2041,904 ; -3486,674 ; 86,28112 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:38:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,83285y, 154ms)
[F] 07:38:57 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
07:38:57 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 07:38:58 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:38:59 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 07:38:59 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:39:00 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:39:02 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 07:39:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Biezhuangbi) 练BB 只能打和角色相差10级的怪才有经验吗
[D] 07:39:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Westhaven) 为啥你有这么多任务
[F] 07:39:13 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:39:14 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:39:15 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:39:17 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:39:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2074,697 ; -3421,302 ; 92,88038 ; "None" to 2052,614 ; -3426,309 ; 92,73891 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:39:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22,64409y, 185ms)
[D] 07:39:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Suneyee) 求组墓地AA队
[N] 07:39:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2056,533 ; -3425,42 ; 92,66766 ; "None" to 2067,879 ; -3425,958 ; 93,338 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:39:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,37868y, 218ms)
[F] 07:39:33 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 07:39:33 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
07:39:33 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 07:39:34 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2099,803 ; -3391,635 ; 103,9731 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:39:35 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 101,6063 (148 ms)
[N] 07:39:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2116,854 ; -3401,583 ; 94,04623 ; "None" to 2099,803 ; -3391,635 ; 101,6063 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 07:39:35 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 07:39:35 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (28,47323y, 681ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[N] 07:39:35 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2098,005 ; -3395,976 ; 103,9731 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:39:35 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 101,6063 (154 ms)
[N] 07:39:35 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2116,854 ; -3401,583 ; 94,04623 ; "None" to 2098,005 ; -3395,976 ; 101,6063 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:39:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (21,06871y, 158ms)
[N] 07:39:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2116,854 ; -3401,583 ; 94,04623 ; "None" to 2098,005 ; -3395,976 ; 101,6063 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:39:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (21,06871y, 153ms)
[F] 07:39:37 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:39:38 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:39:39 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:39:39 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[N] 07:39:40 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 07:39:40 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 07:39:40 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 07:39:41 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2099,803 ; -3391,635 ; 103,9731 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:39:41 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 101,6063 (0 ms)
[N] 07:39:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2104,403 ; -3395,297 ; 93,35541 ; "None" to 2099,803 ; -3391,635 ; 101,6063 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 07:39:41 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[N] 07:39:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (14,46674y, 862ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[N] 07:39:42 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2098,005 ; -3395,976 ; 103,9731 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:39:42 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 101,6063 (0 ms)
[N] 07:39:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2104,403 ; -3395,297 ; 93,35541 ; "None" to 2098,005 ; -3395,976 ; 101,6063 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:39:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,4629y, 154ms)
[N] 07:39:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2104,403 ; -3395,297 ; 93,35541 ; "None" to 2098,005 ; -3395,976 ; 101,6063 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:39:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,4629y, 0ms)
[F] 07:39:42 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:39:43 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:39:44 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 07:39:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Spyderr) 血色 一共五个任务啊 有的有前置任务
[F] 07:39:54 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:39:57 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:39:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2100,48 ; -3395,773 ; 93,1615 ; "None" to 2115,392 ; -3400,635 ; 93,97311 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:39:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,70502y, 153ms)
[D] 07:40:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ols) 我们公会针对性很强啊
[N] 07:40:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2111,702 ; -3399,432 ; 94,07562 ; "None" to 2121,534 ; -3398,117 ; 94,90674 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:40:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,954537y, 155ms)
[D] 07:40:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ols) 荆棘谷被杀好几次
[D] 07:40:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Biezhuangbi) 练BB 只能打和角色相差10级的怪才有经验吗
[D] 07:40:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nmily) 你的有经验 它才有。
[D] 07:40:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Canyonhunter) 你想太多,是BL在JJG都要被教育一顿
[D] 07:40:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ols) 不
[F] 07:41:06 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
07:41:06 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 07:41:07 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 07:41:07 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2213,857 ; -3533,397 ; 55,16218 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:41:07 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 46,06196 (151 ms)
[N] 07:41:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2220,55 ; -3543,223 ; 45,09822 ; "None" to 2213,857 ; -3533,397 ; 46,06196 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:41:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,92778y, 162ms)
[N] 07:41:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2220,55 ; -3543,223 ; 45,09822 ; "None" to 2213,857 ; -3533,397 ; 46,06196 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:41:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,92778y, 153ms)
[D] 07:41:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Westhaven) 最好是比自己低2-3级的,打起来快,经验相对也多
[D] 07:41:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Longfashi) 对酒你个二货
[D] 07:41:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ols) 那个盗贼就说只打soso
[F] 07:41:08 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:41:09 - [Spell] Cast Rapid Fire (Rapid Fire)
[F] 07:41:10 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:41:10 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 07:41:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Hannya) ALX那个侏儒法师还在吗?
[F] 07:41:12 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 07:41:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Longfashi) 二货对酒在不在
[F] 07:41:23 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:41:24 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[D] 07:41:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Walldown) 你找死么
[N] 07:41:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2214,115 ; -3533,682 ; 45,69997 ; "None" to 2209,553 ; -3540,691 ; 46,33833 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:41:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,387589y, 151ms)
[D] 07:41:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Canyonhunter) 你退会试试,还是要被教育
[D] 07:41:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Biezhuangbi) 我60 还准备去A玛拉顿 练BB 看来不行了
[D] 07:41:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Longfashi) ha tui
[D] 07:41:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ols) 杀了我三次我杀了五个联盟
[D] 07:41:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ols) 哎只能换地图了
[D] 07:42:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Canyonhunter) 这个时候应该是换号玩玩,哈哈
[D] 07:42:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Westhaven) JJG咱就不敢去
[D] 07:42:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laofeige) 说得我以后都不敢去JJG做任务了
[F] 07:42:32 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
07:42:33 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 07:42:33 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 07:42:33 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2160,627 ; -3521,697 ; 59,2615 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:42:33 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 48,30173 (0 ms)
[N] 07:42:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2145,06 ; -3527,593 ; 48,78616 ; "None" to 2160,627 ; -3521,697 ; 48,30173 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:42:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,65396y, 154ms)
[N] 07:42:34 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2145,06 ; -3527,593 ; 48,78616 ; "None" to 2160,627 ; -3521,697 ; 48,30173 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:42:34 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,65396y, 154ms)
[F] 07:42:34 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 07:42:35 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 07:42:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ols) 做任务先退公会
[D] 07:42:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Oilhead) 其实05年环境比这个服恶劣多了
[F] 07:42:36 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:42:37 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:42:38 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 07:42:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ols) 省的被针对
[D] 07:42:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Crazei) 哪有那么恐怖,我在那里做完也就死了两次
[D] 07:42:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Canyonhunter) 呵呵
[D] 07:42:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Youhouhou) 赫尔库拉的复仇 任务在哪交。。。。
[F] 07:42:49 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:42:50 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[D] 07:42:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Youhouhou) 南海镇啊?
07:42:52 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:42:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2160,331 ; -3521,778 ; 47,99201 ; "None" to 2140,99 ; -3524,431 ; 50,25077 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:42:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,65194y, 160ms)
[N] 07:43:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2144,842 ; -3523,916 ; 49,32814 ; "None" to 2153,773 ; -3528,462 ; 48,06479 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:43:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,10094y, 154ms)
[D] 07:43:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Longfashi) 对酒
[D] 07:43:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Soulgather) 墓地
[D] 07:43:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Canyonhunter) 等退会了还呗针对你准备换阵营吗,哈哈
[D] 07:43:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Walldown) 公会3团 周三晚7点30 补治疗法师 ss 六团正在组建 有意的加微信 ww210066 进公会群报名 55级以上均可
[D] 07:43:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Walldown) 公会3团 周三晚7点30 补治疗法师 ss 六团正在组建 有意的加微信 ww210066 进公会群报名 55级以上均可
[D] 07:43:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Uushaman) 南海墓地,那个任务,我每回必死。
[D] 07:43:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Soulgather) 拖尸进去吧 卫兵55级
[F] 07:43:20 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
07:43:20 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 07:43:21 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2326,095 ; -3540,615 ; 55,21561 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:43:21 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 46,39526 (148 ms)
[N] 07:43:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2303,037 ; -3552,166 ; 44,25603 ; "None" to 2326,095 ; -3540,615 ; 46,39526 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 07:43:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laofeige) 05年也是打得有来有回啊,你们说得只有被打的份
[D] 07:43:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Walldown) 你是哪个
[D] 07:43:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Suneyee) 求组墓地AA队
[N] 07:43:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (25,87815y, 153ms)
[N] 07:43:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2303,037 ; -3552,166 ; 44,25603 ; "None" to 2326,095 ; -3540,615 ; 46,39526 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 07:43:21 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 07:43:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (25,87815y, 199ms)
[F] 07:43:22 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:43:22 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 07:43:24 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 07:43:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Walldown) 小法牛?
[F] 07:43:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:43:25 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:43:26 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 07:43:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Walldown) 亚瑟?
[F] 07:43:28 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 07:43:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ols) 受不了可以退
[F] 07:43:39 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:43:40 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:43:41 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:43:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2325,891 ; -3540,651 ; 45,92485 ; "None" to 2308,709 ; -3545,274 ; 45,21561 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:43:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,80714y, 220ms)
[D] 07:43:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Longfashi) 对酒你个水货
[D] 07:43:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ols) 天天一堆人在哪喊
[D] 07:43:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Timediver) 受不了就停
[D] 07:43:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiuluoyaodao) #showtooltip 防御姿态
[D] 07:44:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Longfashi) 发点16的包包过来
[D] 07:44:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ols) 受不了换图升级再来打
[D] 07:44:10 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Walldown) 滚
[D] 07:44:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sanjidog) 求14包包2个
[D] 07:44:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sanjidog) 求14包包2个
[D] 07:44:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Longfashi) 快点
[D] 07:44:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Walldown) 都不知道你是谁
[F] 07:44:20 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
07:44:20 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 07:44:21 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 07:44:21 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2089,753 ; -3503,875 ; 85,89451 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:44:21 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 84,80628 (152 ms)
[N] 07:44:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2065,501 ; -3506,659 ; 79,10654 ; "None" to 2089,753 ; -3503,875 ; 84,80628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:44:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (42,27005y, 154ms)
[N] 07:44:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2065,501 ; -3506,659 ; 79,10654 ; "None" to 2089,753 ; -3503,875 ; 84,80628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:44:22 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (42,27005y, 153ms)
[F] 07:44:22 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 07:44:24 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:44:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:44:25 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:44:26 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:44:27 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 07:44:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Longfashi) 速度发点16的包包
[D] 07:44:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cerave) 我 秦始皇 打钱
[F] 07:44:39 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 07:44:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Danainaii) 擦 刚上飞机 甩龙头了
[D] 07:44:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[F] 07:44:40 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[F] 07:44:41 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:44:42 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:44:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2088,914 ; -3500,711 ; 72,3913 ; "None" to 2072,366 ; -3508,533 ; 75,89451 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:44:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,63534y, 157ms)
[N] 07:44:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2075,676 ; -3506,969 ; 74,77824 ; "None" to 2066,414 ; -3507,28 ; 78,53646 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:44:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,00026y, 692ms)
[D] 07:44:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gagalie) 我 袁世凯 打钱
[D] 07:44:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Longfashi) 别发多了法个10个就好
[F] 07:44:59 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
07:44:59 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 07:44:59 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 07:45:00 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2061,2 ; -3484,948 ; 95,54094 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:45:00 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 89,90628 (209 ms)
[N] 07:45:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2039,885 ; -3481,931 ; 87,36214 ; "None" to 2061,2 ; -3484,948 ; 89,90628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:45:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (28,50016y, 153ms)
[N] 07:45:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2039,885 ; -3481,931 ; 87,36214 ; "None" to 2061,2 ; -3484,948 ; 89,90628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:45:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4 (28,50016y, 156ms)
[F] 07:45:01 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:45:01 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 07:45:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Walldown) 要包包 加 微信 ww210066 进群 找 隔壁老王 统一发放
[F] 07:45:02 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 07:45:02 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:45:03 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:45:04 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 07:45:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Walldown) 要包包 加 微信 ww210066 进群 找 隔壁老王 统一发放
[F] 07:45:05 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:45:14 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[D] 07:45:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[N] 07:45:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2058,099 ; -3479,261 ; 88,69059 ; "None" to 2041,646 ; -3469,628 ; 89,46358 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:45:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (54,21861y, 156ms)
[D] 07:45:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ols) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手 将于 10 分 后重置.。
07:45:35 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 07:45:35 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[N] 07:45:36 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2132,56 ; -3399,991 ; 103,8274 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:45:37 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 94,22182 (175 ms)
[N] 07:45:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2115,346 ; -3402,433 ; 93,80296 ; "None" to 2132,56 ; -3399,991 ; 94,22182 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:45:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,39201y, 198ms)
[N] 07:45:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2115,346 ; -3402,433 ; 93,80296 ; "None" to 2132,56 ; -3399,991 ; 94,22182 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 07:45:37 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 07:45:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,39201y, 185ms)
[F] 07:45:38 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:45:39 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:45:40 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:45:40 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:45:42 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:45:53 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
07:45:57 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:45:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2130,716 ; -3400,363 ; 93,61805 ; "None" to 2115,174 ; -3404,649 ; 93,82739 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:45:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,1239y, 153ms)
[D] 07:46:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[D] 07:46:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qwwqw) 1.14怎么没有任务指引?
07:46:18 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 07:46:20 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2078,566 ; -3417,681 ; 102,4439 ; "None" strict = False
[F] 07:46:20 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 07:46:20 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 93,40277 (147 ms)
[N] 07:46:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2058,132 ; -3436,155 ; 92,35116 ; "None" to 2078,566 ; -3417,681 ; 93,40277 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:46:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (27,56771y, 151ms)
[N] 07:46:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2058,132 ; -3436,155 ; 92,35116 ; "None" to 2078,566 ; -3417,681 ; 93,40277 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:46:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (27,56771y, 152ms)
[F] 07:46:21 - [Spell] Cast Rapid Fire (Rapid Fire)
[F] 07:46:22 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 07:46:24 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:46:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:46:25 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:46:26 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:46:27 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 07:46:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[F] 07:46:38 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:46:39 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[D] 07:46:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Suneyee) 求组墓地AA队
[N] 07:46:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2076,925 ; -3419,115 ; 92,73403 ; "None" to 2058,991 ; -3435,02 ; 92,42293 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:46:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (23,97284y, 158ms)
[F] 07:47:11 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
07:47:12 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 07:47:13 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2211,381 ; -3523,54 ; 55,37584 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:47:13 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 55,13564 (0 ms)
[N] 07:47:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2213,945 ; -3541,612 ; 45,29283 ; "None" to 2211,381 ; -3523,54 ; 55,13564 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 07:47:13 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 07:47:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (29,18199y, 158ms)
[N] 07:47:13 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2213,945 ; -3541,612 ; 45,29283 ; "None" to 2211,381 ; -3523,54 ; 55,13564 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:47:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (29,18199y, 154ms)
[F] 07:47:15 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:47:15 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:47:16 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:47:17 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:47:18 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 07:47:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[F] 07:47:29 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:47:30 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:47:32 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:47:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2212,058 ; -3523,538 ; 46,28629 ; "None" to 2211,381 ; -3541,54 ; 45,37584 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:47:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,03744y, 157ms)
[D] 07:47:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lowfive) 有来A玛拉顿的法师么,缺一个
[D] 07:47:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[F] 07:48:08 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
07:48:09 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 07:48:10 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2173,755 ; -3523,755 ; 58,01513 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:48:10 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 48,23192 (0 ms)
[N] 07:48:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2155,727 ; -3528,678 ; 48,02261 ; "None" to 2173,755 ; -3523,755 ; 48,23192 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:48:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,68853y, 153ms)
[N] 07:48:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2155,727 ; -3528,678 ; 48,02261 ; "None" to 2173,755 ; -3523,755 ; 48,23192 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 07:48:10 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 07:48:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,68853y, 152ms)
[F] 07:48:12 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:48:13 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:48:13 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:48:14 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:48:16 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:48:27 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:48:29 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:48:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2173,449 ; -3523,824 ; 47,8775 ; "None" to 2156,368 ; -3528,414 ; 48,01513 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:48:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,68721y, 237ms)
[D] 07:48:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[F] 07:49:52 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
07:49:52 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 07:49:53 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2327,814 ; -3541,324 ; 55,15125 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:49:53 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 46,47355 (151 ms)
[N] 07:49:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2308,866 ; -3546,814 ; 45,04594 ; "None" to 2327,814 ; -3541,324 ; 46,47355 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:49:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,77836y, 155ms)
[N] 07:49:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2308,866 ; -3546,814 ; 45,04594 ; "None" to 2327,814 ; -3541,324 ; 46,47355 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:49:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,77836y, 155ms)
[F] 07:49:54 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 07:49:57 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:49:57 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:49:58 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:49:58 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:50:00 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:50:11 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:50:14 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:50:17 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:50:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2327,721 ; -3541,344 ; 46,1814 ; "None" to 2310,427 ; -3545,983 ; 45,15125 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:50:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,93439y, 545ms)
07:50:57 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 07:50:57 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
07:50:58 - PET ATTACKING: Wildthorn Lurker (Unit) : 3821 : 0x22C33C08 : 17379391026128521335 : F130000EED008877
[F] 07:50:59 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[F] 07:51:00 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
07:51:01 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 07:51:02 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2084,922 ; -3497,778 ; 90,3704 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:51:02 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 84,80628 (148 ms)
[N] 07:51:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2063,712 ; -3505,439 ; 80,1575 ; "None" to 2084,922 ; -3497,778 ; 84,80628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:51:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (28,84627y, 153ms)
[N] 07:51:02 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2063,712 ; -3505,439 ; 80,1575 ; "None" to 2084,922 ; -3497,778 ; 84,80628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:51:02 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (28,84627y, 153ms)
[F] 07:51:02 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[D] 07:51:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[F] 07:51:05 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:51:06 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:51:07 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:51:07 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[N] 07:51:07 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 07:51:07 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 07:51:07 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 07:51:09 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:51:10 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
07:51:20 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:51:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2084,669 ; -3499,702 ; 74,213 ; "None" to 2067,535 ; -3502,436 ; 80,3704 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:51:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,41117y, 156ms)
[N] 07:51:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2071,045 ; -3501,876 ; 78,62952 ; "None" to 2061,121 ; -3503,864 ; 81,41247 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:51:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,49682y, 155ms)
07:51:37 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 07:51:37 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 07:51:38 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2030,148 ; -3500,199 ; 96,09957 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:51:38 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 89,95726 (0 ms)
[N] 07:51:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,361 ; -3485,505 ; 86,77537 ; "None" to 2030,148 ; -3500,199 ; 89,95726 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:51:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,17556y, 154ms)
[N] 07:51:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,361 ; -3485,505 ; 86,77537 ; "None" to 2030,148 ; -3500,199 ; 89,95726 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:51:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,17556y, 151ms)
[F] 07:51:40 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:51:41 - [Spell] Cast Rapid Fire (Rapid Fire)
[F] 07:51:41 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:51:42 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[N] 07:51:42 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 07:51:42 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 07:51:42 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 07:51:44 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:51:55 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:51:56 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[F] 07:51:57 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:51:58 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:51:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2028,917 ; -3498,349 ; 87,18815 ; "None" to 2042,876 ; -3487,471 ; 86,09957 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:51:58 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,73032y, 154ms)
[D] 07:52:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
07:52:42 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 07:52:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2085,895 ; -3519,049 ; 67,99289 ; "None" to 2060,478 ; -3487,755 ; 84,48814 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:52:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (51,33665y, 225ms)
[F] 07:52:42 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[N] 07:52:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2077,313 ; -3520,858 ; 70,68668 ; "None" to 2067,49 ; -3457,424 ; 97,85473 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:52:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 7 (74,56795y, 188ms)
[D] 07:52:48 - [Fight] Mob has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 07:52:48 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:52:49 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 07:52:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2068,671 ; -3499,027 ; 80,70364 ; "None" to 2081,036 ; -3438,383 ; 103,6263 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 07:52:50 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[N] 07:52:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (131,9019y, 231ms)
[F] 07:52:50 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[N] 07:52:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2061,87 ; -3466,667 ; 96,55068 ; "None" to 2107,97 ; -3420,053 ; 92,98343 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:52:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 8 (88,4291y, 228ms)
[D] 07:52:55 - [Fight] Mob has moved more than 45 yards
[F] 07:52:56 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[N] 07:53:04 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2107,642 ; -3419,984 ; 93,00272 ; "None" to 2077,884 ; -3514,681 ; 72,6629 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:53:04 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 11 (143,8725y, 207ms)
[D] 07:53:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xiuluoyaodao) #showtooltip 防御姿态
07:53:27 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Wildthorn Lurker is in your path, need to attack
[F] 07:53:28 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[N] 07:53:29 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2163,243 ; -3523,546 ; 58,63368 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:53:29 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 50,93563 (150 ms)
[N] 07:53:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2141,593 ; -3527,218 ; 49,60111 ; "None" to 2163,243 ; -3523,546 ; 50,93563 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 07:53:29 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 07:53:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22,00003y, 153ms)
[N] 07:53:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2141,593 ; -3527,218 ; 49,60111 ; "None" to 2163,243 ; -3523,546 ; 50,93563 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:53:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22,00003y, 154ms)
[D] 07:53:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[F] 07:53:31 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:53:32 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:53:33 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:53:33 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:53:35 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 07:53:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Suneyee) 求组墓地AA队
[F] 07:53:46 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 07:53:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Gagalie) 雷霆崖没有工程吗
[F] 07:53:47 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:53:48 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:53:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2161,212 ; -3523,931 ; 47,97969 ; "None" to 2145,856 ; -3528,205 ; 48,63368 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:53:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,95285y, 155ms)
[D] 07:53:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qwwqw) 我去
[D] 07:53:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yydsjmf) 龙头几点有知道的吗?
07:54:06 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 07:54:06 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 07:54:07 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 07:54:08 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2214,188 ; -3523,36 ; 55,40052 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:54:08 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 47,05389 (0 ms)
[N] 07:54:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2210,053 ; -3540,821 ; 45,40508 ; "None" to 2214,188 ; -3523,36 ; 47,05389 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:54:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,01923y, 155ms)
[N] 07:54:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2210,053 ; -3540,821 ; 45,40508 ; "None" to 2214,188 ; -3523,36 ; 47,05389 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:54:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,01923y, 155ms)
[F] 07:54:08 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 07:54:12 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:54:12 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:54:13 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:54:13 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:54:17 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 07:54:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[D] 07:54:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Animalzoon) 求组教堂菜刀队
[F] 07:54:26 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[D] 07:54:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ols) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手 将于 1 分 后重置.。
07:54:30 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:54:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2213,684 ; -3525,352 ; 45,90194 ; "None" to 2209,53 ; -3540,747 ; 45,40052 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:54:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,95339y, 205ms)
[D] 07:54:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dairymaid) 奥达曼(40级+) 5人, 来各种输出, 外加治疗牧或奶萨一位!
[D] 07:55:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Szuer) [60+] 啊,安多哈尔!有人来吗
07:55:47 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 07:55:48 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[N] 07:55:49 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2135,265 ; -3396,842 ; 104,0147 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:55:49 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 101,5875 (0 ms)
[N] 07:55:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2117,111 ; -3401,018 ; 94,05687 ; "None" to 2135,265 ; -3396,842 ; 101,5875 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:55:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (22,20908y, 154ms)
[N] 07:55:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2117,111 ; -3401,018 ; 94,05687 ; "None" to 2135,265 ; -3396,842 ; 101,5875 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:55:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (22,20908y, 153ms)
[F] 07:55:49 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 07:55:53 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:55:53 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:55:54 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:55:54 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:55:56 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 07:55:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yydsjmf) 龙头是整点吗?
[D] 07:56:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yydsjmf) 请教下
[F] 07:56:06 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[D] 07:56:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Noller) 奥达曼还要人不
07:56:08 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:56:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2133,366 ; -3396,998 ; 94,50972 ; "None" to 2117,878 ; -3401,5 ; 94,01473 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:56:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (20,0091y, 159ms)
[D] 07:56:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Huannian) YY队有吗
[D] 07:56:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Redredfire) 合计还暴击
[D] 07:56:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[D] 07:56:24 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Szuer) [60+] 啊,安多哈尔!有人来吗 已有三人
[D] 07:56:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[D] 07:56:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Oilililo) 有没有血色图书馆 武器任务队
[F] 07:56:41 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 07:56:41 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:56:41 - [Spell] Cast Rapid Fire (Rapid Fire)
07:56:42 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 07:56:42 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 07:56:43 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:56:44 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:56:44 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:56:46 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:56:57 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:56:58 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:56:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2086,917 ; -3519,218 ; 67,59171 ; "None" to 2076,959 ; -3501,431 ; 75,81211 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:56:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (21,98006y, 154ms)
[N] 07:57:07 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2078,444 ; -3504,084 ; 74,24168 ; "None" to 2089,47 ; -3520,205 ; 66,66553 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:57:07 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (22,16093y, 242ms)
[D] 07:57:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[D] 07:57:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cecc) 收集破碎的护符 诅咒之地 来人
[D] 07:57:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cecc) 收集破碎的护符 诅咒之地 来人
[D] 07:57:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dairymaid) 奥达曼(40级+) 5人, 来各种输出, 外加治疗牧或奶萨一位!
07:57:35 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 07:57:36 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 07:57:37 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2327,001 ; -3542,352 ; 55,04218 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:57:37 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 46,2496 (0 ms)
[N] 07:57:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2308,827 ; -3546,84 ; 45,04115 ; "None" to 2327,001 ; -3542,352 ; 46,2496 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:57:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,75893y, 155ms)
[N] 07:57:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2308,827 ; -3546,84 ; 45,04115 ; "None" to 2327,001 ; -3542,352 ; 46,2496 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:57:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,75893y, 157ms)
[F] 07:57:37 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 07:57:40 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:57:41 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:57:42 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:57:42 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:57:44 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:57:53 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
07:57:55 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 07:57:55 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2325,615 ; -3542,714 ; 45,7604 ; "None" to 2309,615 ; -3547,011 ; 45,04218 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:57:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,58238y, 155ms)
[D] 07:58:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[D] 07:58:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Stimulate) 靠战场R个包包100点被骂
[D] 07:58:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Coolpai) 求组教堂AA队
[D] 07:58:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodyong) 挑战奈古拉什 有做的组
[F] 07:58:36 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
07:58:37 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 07:58:37 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 07:58:38 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2029,546 ; -3498,416 ; 96,38374 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:58:38 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 87,46375 (0 ms)
[N] 07:58:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,037 ; -3481,73 ; 87,3818 ; "None" to 2029,546 ; -3498,416 ; 87,46375 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:58:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,70973y, 193ms)
[N] 07:58:38 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,037 ; -3481,73 ; 87,3818 ; "None" to 2029,546 ; -3498,416 ; 87,46375 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:58:38 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,70973y, 214ms)
[F] 07:58:41 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:58:42 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:58:43 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:58:43 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:58:45 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:58:56 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 07:58:58 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:58:59 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[N] 07:59:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2030,206 ; -3497,417 ; 87,06708 ; "None" to 2039,927 ; -3482,369 ; 87,28128 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:59:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,91661y, 232ms)
[D] 07:59:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[D] 07:59:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Szuer) [60+] 啊,安多哈尔!有人来吗 已有四人 来个奶妈
[D] 07:59:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodyong) 挑战奈古拉什 瓶中信 有做的组
[F] 07:59:46 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
07:59:46 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 07:59:47 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2157,999 ; -3523,464 ; 59,71095 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 07:59:47 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 48,41784 (0 ms)
[N] 07:59:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2145,768 ; -3527,697 ; 48,69239 ; "None" to 2157,999 ; -3523,464 ; 48,41784 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:59:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,94524y, 157ms)
[N] 07:59:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2145,768 ; -3527,697 ; 48,69239 ; "None" to 2157,999 ; -3523,464 ; 48,41784 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 07:59:47 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,94524y, 203ms)
[F] 07:59:48 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 07:59:48 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 07:59:48 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 07:59:49 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 07:59:50 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:59:50 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:59:51 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 07:59:52 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 07:59:53 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 07:59:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jiuxianshan) Szuer-Everlook 我做完[60] 红衣信使 过去
[D] 07:59:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dairymaid) 奥达曼(40级+) 5人, 随便来个奶妈开了!
[D] 08:00:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Huannian) 血色多少级能进
[F] 08:00:05 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:00:07 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
08:00:08 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:00:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2157,89 ; -3523,494 ; 48,01205 ; "None" to 2140,612 ; -3528,123 ; 49,71095 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:00:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,96759y, 460ms)
[N] 08:00:17 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2144,292 ; -3527,137 ; 48,91879 ; "None" to 2153,773 ; -3528,462 ; 48,06479 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:00:17 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (9,611588y, 207ms)
[D] 08:00:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Lers) 25 好像
[F] 08:00:28 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 08:00:30 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
08:00:30 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[D] 08:00:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[F] 08:00:30 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[N] 08:00:31 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2207,537 ; -3520,192 ; 55,51412 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:00:31 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 55,25997 (0 ms)
[N] 08:00:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2221,848 ; -3543,504 ; 45,13055 ; "None" to 2207,537 ; -3520,192 ; 55,25997 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 08:00:31 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 08:00:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (42,39383y, 156ms)
[N] 08:00:31 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2221,848 ; -3543,504 ; 45,13055 ; "None" to 2207,537 ; -3520,192 ; 55,25997 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:00:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (42,39383y, 155ms)
[F] 08:00:31 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:00:32 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:00:33 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:00:33 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:00:35 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:00:35 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:00:36 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 08:00:36 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Rattingclock) 墓地20几来着?
[F] 08:00:38 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 08:00:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[F] 08:00:49 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:00:50 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
08:00:52 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:00:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2219,389 ; -3521,928 ; 49,17162 ; "None" to 2212,196 ; -3537,579 ; 45,51412 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:00:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,60874y, 195ms)
[D] 08:00:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Cibei) 我也想求组武器菜刀队
[N] 08:01:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2213,746 ; -3534,207 ; 45,59777 ; "None" to 2222,777 ; -3543,698 ; 45,14629 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:01:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13,10952y, 201ms)
[D] 08:01:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dairymaid) 奥达曼(40级+) 5人, 随便来个奶妈开了!
[D] 08:01:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Suneyee) 求组墓地AA队
[D] 08:01:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[F] 08:01:51 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 08:01:52 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
08:01:52 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 08:01:52 - [Spell] Cast Rapid Fire (Rapid Fire)
[F] 08:01:53 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:01:54 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:01:55 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:01:57 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:02:06 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
08:02:08 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:02:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2070,591 ; -3424,061 ; 93,42395 ; "None" to 2051,754 ; -3426,571 ; 92,7142 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:02:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,01666y, 155ms)
[N] 08:02:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2055,511 ; -3426,07 ; 92,7846 ; "None" to 2067,879 ; -3425,958 ; 93,338 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:02:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (12,3808y, 153ms)
[D] 08:02:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
08:02:23 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 08:02:23 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 08:02:24 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:02:25 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[N] 08:02:25 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2135,694 ; -3397,412 ; 103,982 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:02:25 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 101,4791 (0 ms)
[N] 08:02:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2114,354 ; -3403,181 ; 93,74527 ; "None" to 2135,694 ; -3397,412 ; 101,4791 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 08:02:25 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 08:02:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (23,42017y, 247ms)
[N] 08:02:25 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2114,354 ; -3403,181 ; 93,74527 ; "None" to 2135,694 ; -3397,412 ; 101,4791 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:02:26 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (23,42017y, 168ms)
[F] 08:02:28 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:02:28 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:02:29 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:02:29 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:02:31 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 08:02:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dairymaid) 奥达曼(40级+) 5人, 随便来个奶妈开了!
[F] 08:02:42 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[D] 08:02:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chuanliub) AH有人么
08:02:43 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:02:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2133,843 ; -3397,765 ; 94,30747 ; "None" to 2118,307 ; -3402,071 ; 93,98203 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:02:44 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,12454y, 226ms)
[D] 08:03:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Niente) 塔纳利斯 护送小鸡 来的MMMMM
[F] 08:03:11 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 08:03:11 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:03:12 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
08:03:12 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 08:03:12 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:03:13 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:03:14 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:03:15 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:03:16 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:03:27 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:03:30 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
08:03:32 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:03:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2084,008 ; -3518,234 ; 68,89901 ; "None" to 2073,708 ; -3502,958 ; 76,75359 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:03:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,02768y, 180ms)
[N] 08:03:42 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2075,506 ; -3505,625 ; 75,13772 ; "None" to 2083,488 ; -3517,936 ; 69,17815 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:03:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,83664y, 166ms)
[D] 08:03:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodyong) 挑战奈古拉什 瓶中信 有做的组
[F] 08:04:10 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
08:04:11 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 08:04:12 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2326,76 ; -3539,552 ; 55,34247 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:04:12 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 46,42072 (0 ms)
[N] 08:04:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,624 ; -3548,205 ; 44,7914 ; "None" to 2326,76 ; -3539,552 ; 46,42072 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:04:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (21,0646y, 156ms)
[N] 08:04:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2307,624 ; -3548,205 ; 44,7914 ; "None" to 2326,76 ; -3539,552 ; 46,42072 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:04:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (21,0646y, 152ms)
[F] 08:04:12 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:04:14 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:04:14 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:04:15 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:04:16 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:04:17 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:04:29 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:04:31 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:04:31 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
08:04:33 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:04:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2325,209 ; -3540,172 ; 45,83171 ; "None" to 2306,414 ; -3545,76 ; 45,01312 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:04:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,62552y, 158ms)
08:04:40 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Equipping: Infiltrator Bracers with 7,5 because it is better than Greenweave Bracers of the Eagle with 2,60000002384186
[D] 08:04:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Daqilai) 绷带最高是什么绷带啊
[D] 08:04:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Szuer) 厚符文绷带
[D] 08:05:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Daqilai) 在哪里血
[D] 08:05:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[D] 08:05:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Empirecemete) 我建议你早上做,不然LM捣乱就是个死
[F] 08:05:17 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
08:05:17 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 08:05:19 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2062,604 ; -3486,401 ; 95,26425 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:05:19 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 89,87823 (155 ms)
[N] 08:05:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2041,106 ; -3488,783 ; 86,13912 ; "None" to 2062,604 ; -3486,401 ; 89,87823 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:05:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (30,77115y, 155ms)
[N] 08:05:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2041,106 ; -3488,783 ; 86,13912 ; "None" to 2062,604 ; -3486,401 ; 89,87823 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 08:05:19 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 08:05:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (30,77115y, 154ms)
[F] 08:05:22 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:05:23 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
08:05:24 - PET ATTACKING: Wildthorn Lurker (Unit) : 3821 : 0x22C31408 : 17379391026128521329 : F130000EED008871
[F] 08:05:24 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:05:25 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
08:05:26 - PET ATTACKING LOWER HP: Wildthorn Lurker (Unit) : 3821 : 0x22C37808 : 17379391026128521327 : F130000EED00886F
[F] 08:05:26 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[N] 08:05:27 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2038,493 ; -3495,588 ; 94,92498 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:05:27 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 86,21588 (160 ms)
[N] 08:05:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2056,954 ; -3480,008 ; 87,83273 ; "None" to 2038,493 ; -3495,588 ; 86,21588 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:05:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (24,21122y, 185ms)
[N] 08:05:27 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2056,954 ; -3480,008 ; 87,83273 ; "None" to 2038,493 ; -3495,588 ; 86,21588 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:05:27 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (24,21122y, 199ms)
[D] 08:05:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Blackcowboy) 落锤
[F] 08:05:31 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 08:05:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Daqilai) 谢谢
[F] 08:05:41 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 08:05:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Qwwqw) 我不接受你的建议
[F] 08:05:43 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:05:44 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:05:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dairymaid) 奥达曼(40级+) 5人, 随便来个奶妈开了!
08:05:46 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[D] 08:05:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Daqilai) 我现在去看看
[N] 08:05:49 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2060,648 ; -3487,25 ; 95,39815 ; "None" strict = False
[F] 08:05:49 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[N] 08:05:49 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 89,90628 (150 ms)
[N] 08:05:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2041,288 ; -3493,298 ; 85,59241 ; "None" to 2060,648 ; -3487,25 ; 89,90628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:05:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,73655y, 155ms)
[N] 08:05:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2041,288 ; -3493,298 ; 85,59241 ; "None" to 2060,648 ; -3487,25 ; 89,90628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:05:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,73655y, 157ms)
[D] 08:05:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[F] 08:05:55 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:05:56 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:05:57 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:05:58 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:05:59 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:06:01 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[N] 08:06:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; "None" to 2043,262 ; -3491,909 ; 85,39815 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 08:06:03 - [Fight] Cannot make path to the target (Wildthorn Lurker), ignore it.
[D] 08:06:03 - [Fight] BlackList Wildthorn Lurker during 60 sec
08:06:03 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[D] 08:06:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xieter) 剃刀沼泽 DPS2坑 来的M 跑本中
[F] 08:06:07 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:06:08 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:06:09 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
08:06:09 - [Regen] Started
08:06:14 - [Regen] Use food Spongy Morel
08:06:14 - [Regen] Use drink Melon Juice
[D] 08:06:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[D] 08:06:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Coolpai) 求组教堂AA队
08:06:32 - [Regen] Finished
08:06:33 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:06:33 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2058,463 ; -3487,878 ; 84,4426 ; "None" to 2055,092 ; -3485,375 ; 84,99152 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:06:33 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (4,234556y, 154ms)
[D] 08:06:34 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Coolpai) 求组教堂AA队
[D] 08:06:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Coolpai) 求组教堂AA队
08:06:37 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:06:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2057,122 ; -3488,234 ; 84,36341 ; "None" to 2043,262 ; -3491,909 ; 85,39815 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:06:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,37659y, 160ms)
[D] 08:06:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xieter) 剃刀沼泽 DPS2坑 来的M 跑本中
[D] 08:07:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dyguiji) YY任务队来的速度
[D] 08:07:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dairymaid) 奥达曼(40级+) 5人, 随便来个奶妈开了!
[F] 08:07:38 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
08:07:38 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 08:07:39 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 08:07:39 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2212,067 ; -3522,996 ; 55,41369 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:07:39 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 55,13564 (0 ms)
[N] 08:07:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2212,75 ; -3541,359 ; 45,38268 ; "None" to 2212,067 ; -3522,996 ; 55,13564 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:07:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,80354y, 160ms)
[N] 08:07:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2212,75 ; -3541,359 ; 45,38268 ; "None" to 2212,067 ; -3522,996 ; 55,13564 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:07:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (20,80354y, 154ms)
[F] 08:07:39 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:07:42 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:07:43 - [Spell] Cast Rapid Fire (Rapid Fire)
[F] 08:07:44 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:07:44 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:07:46 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:07:55 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
08:07:57 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:07:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2212,059 ; -3524,883 ; 45,63521 ; "None" to 2210,635 ; -3543,083 ; 45,26052 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:07:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,25965y, 158ms)
[D] 08:07:59 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Nawozou) WC 是哪
[D] 08:08:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Soulgather) 哀嚎
[D] 08:08:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xcvhong) 黑暗深渊任务队 有来的没
[D] 08:08:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dairymaid) 奥达曼(40级+) 5人, 随便来个奶妈开了!
[D] 08:08:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xcvhong) 黑暗深渊任务队 有来的没
[D] 08:08:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jordgrim) 墓地 AA 来LR FS
08:08:47 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 08:08:47 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[D] 08:08:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jordgrim) 墓地 AA 来LR FS
[D] 08:08:47 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zelatul) 丘陵那个法师又来了 还带了猎人
[F] 08:08:49 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 08:08:50 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2090,575 ; -3502,771 ; 85,77879 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:08:50 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 84,80628 (0 ms)
[N] 08:08:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2071,872 ; -3510,802 ; 75,60715 ; "None" to 2090,575 ; -3502,771 ; 84,80628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:08:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (36,68855y, 155ms)
[N] 08:08:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2071,872 ; -3510,802 ; 75,60715 ; "None" to 2090,575 ; -3502,771 ; 84,80628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[D] 08:08:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) 武器菜刀没人去吗
[D] 08:08:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xieter) 剃刀沼泽 DPS 1坑 来的M 跑本中
[N] 08:08:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (36,68855y, 158ms)
[F] 08:08:52 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:08:53 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:08:54 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:08:55 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 08:09:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Mt) 你35 估计没人组你 36再去吧 35 去图书
[F] 08:09:06 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:09:07 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[D] 08:09:09 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Danainaii) 丘陵鬼见愁
08:09:09 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:09:09 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2087,784 ; -3502,386 ; 71,1048 ; "None" to 2073,188 ; -3507,429 ; 75,77879 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:09:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,13442y, 228ms)
[D] 08:09:23 - [Looting] Cannot loot the target (Wildthorn Lurker), ignore it.
[N] 08:09:28 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2076,629 ; -3506,241 ; 74,50667 ; "None" to 2066,414 ; -3507,28 ; 78,53646 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:09:28 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,03007y, 156ms)
[N] 08:09:31 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
08:09:44 - [Relog] Player
[E] 08:11:36 - Error injection: Cannot launch it, skipped.
[E] 08:11:38 - Error injection: Cannot launch it, skipped.
[N] 08:11:41 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 08:11:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2058,492 ; -3487,948 ; 84,31656 ; "None" to 2121,534 ; -3398,117 ; 94,90674 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:11:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 14 (142,3342y, 245ms)
[F] 08:11:43 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[D] 08:11:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dairymaid) 奥达曼(40级+) 5人, 随便来个奶妈开了!
08:11:46 - [Relog] Finished, Restarting bot
[D] 08:11:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队dz求组武器菜刀队
08:11:47 - [Regen] Started
08:11:48 - [Regen] Finished
08:11:48 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 08:11:49 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:11:49 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:11:50 - [Spell] Cast Rapid Fire (Rapid Fire)
[F] 08:11:50 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:11:51 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:11:53 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 08:11:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shuibaba) 还在吗
[D] 08:11:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Petitchasseu) 艾 我也白做了
[F] 08:11:59 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 08:12:00 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[F] 08:12:01 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
08:12:02 - [Regen] Started
08:12:03 - [Regen] Use food Spongy Morel
08:12:04 - [Regen] Use drink Melon Juice
[D] 08:12:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shuibaba) 沼泽的还在吗
[D] 08:12:20 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Petitchasseu) 回档了好多这次
08:12:28 - [Regen] Finished
08:12:29 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:12:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2062,431 ; -3469,448 ; 95,05691 ; "None" to 2057,256 ; -3486,535 ; 84,59544 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:12:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (23,38784y, 218ms)
[N] 08:12:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2057,543 ; -3483,29 ; 86,83163 ; "None" to 2044,958 ; -3493,469 ; 84,9032 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:12:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,30099y, 163ms)
[D] 08:12:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Petdaddy) 这次回档跟之前不一样呢
[D] 08:12:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodmoon) 沼泽的可以组我么
[F] 08:12:51 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 08:12:52 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
08:12:52 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[D] 08:12:53 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zelatul) 这shibi法师是个疯狗吗
[F] 08:12:53 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:12:54 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:12:54 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:12:55 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:12:55 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:12:57 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:13:08 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:13:08 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
08:13:10 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:13:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2074,924 ; -3421,019 ; 92,78584 ; "None" to 2052,927 ; -3425,046 ; 92,63496 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:13:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (22,36389y, 161ms)
[D] 08:13:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[N] 08:13:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2056,601 ; -3424,373 ; 92,55495 ; "None" to 2073,17 ; -3422,304 ; 93,11081 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:13:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,70679y, 158ms)
[F] 08:13:27 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
08:13:28 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 08:13:28 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:13:29 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[N] 08:13:29 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2129,477 ; -3400,735 ; 103,5831 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:13:29 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 97,34966 (179 ms)
[N] 08:13:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2119,006 ; -3399,951 ; 93,90458 ; "None" to 2129,477 ; -3400,735 ; 97,34966 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 08:13:29 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 08:13:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,05024y, 159ms)
[N] 08:13:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2119,006 ; -3399,951 ; 93,90458 ; "None" to 2129,477 ; -3400,735 ; 97,34966 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:13:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (11,05024y, 155ms)
[F] 08:13:30 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:13:31 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:13:32 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[N] 08:13:32 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 08:13:32 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 08:13:32 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[D] 08:13:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodmoon) 30猎人求组沼泽
[D] 08:13:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[F] 08:13:33 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 08:13:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dairymaid) 奥达曼(40级+) 5人, 随便来个奶妈开了!
[D] 08:13:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xcvhong) 黑暗深渊十人任务队 来的M
[F] 08:13:44 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:13:46 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
08:13:48 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:13:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2129,683 ; -3402,946 ; 93,50806 ; "None" to 2112,09 ; -3405,393 ; 93,58314 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:13:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,76237y, 160ms)
[D] 08:13:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xcvhong) 黑暗深渊十人任务队 来的M
[D] 08:14:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xcvhong) 刚才的ZS来不了
[D] 08:14:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sannainai) zu ge
[D] 08:14:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xieter) 剃刀沼泽 DPS1坑 来的M 跑本中
[D] 08:14:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队dz求组武器菜刀队
[D] 08:14:18 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sannainai) 组个
[F] 08:14:19 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 08:14:19 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:14:21 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 08:14:21 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Evildarkenss) 有坑没了 深渊?
[F] 08:14:22 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:14:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:14:25 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:14:26 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 08:14:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Suneyee) 求组墓地AA队求组墓地AA队求组墓地AA队
[F] 08:14:27 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
08:14:28 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 08:14:28 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:14:29 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
08:14:30 - PET ATTACKING: Wildthorn Lurker (Unit) : 3821 : 0x1E5E1408 : 17379391026128521329 : F130000EED008871
[D] 08:14:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sannainai) 黑暗深渊呃呃组个
[D] 08:14:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laofeige) *!@#$%,疯狂掉线
[F] 08:14:31 - [Spell] Cast Disengage (Disengage)
[F] 08:14:36 - [Spell] Cast Disengage (Disengage)
[N] 08:14:39 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2155,578 ; -3523,006 ; 60,61819 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:14:39 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 48,47224 (154 ms)
[N] 08:14:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2140,512 ; -3527,084 ; 49,89277 ; "None" to 2155,578 ; -3523,006 ; 48,47224 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:14:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,67268y, 156ms)
[N] 08:14:39 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2140,512 ; -3527,084 ; 49,89277 ; "None" to 2155,578 ; -3523,006 ; 48,47224 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:14:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,67268y, 155ms)
08:14:39 - PET ATTACKING LOWER HP: Wildthorn Lurker (Unit) : 3821 : 0x1E5E5008 : 17379391026128521335 : F130000EED008877
[F] 08:14:39 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:14:40 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:14:40 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:14:41 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:14:42 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[D] 08:14:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dairymaid) 奥达曼(40级+) 5人, 随便来个奶妈开了!
[F] 08:14:43 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
08:14:44 - PET ATTACKING LOWER HP: Wildthorn Lurker (Unit) : 3821 : 0x1E5E5008 : 17379391026128521335 : F130000EED008877
[F] 08:14:44 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:14:45 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:14:46 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
08:14:48 - PET ATTACKING LOWER HP: Wildthorn Lurker (Unit) : 3821 : 0x1E5E1408 : 17379391026128521329 : F130000EED008871
[F] 08:14:50 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:14:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xcvhong) 深渊刚组 来人啊
[F] 08:14:56 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
08:15:01 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 08:15:01 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:15:02 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:15:03 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:15:04 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:15:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队
[F] 08:15:09 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:15:11 - [Spell] Cast Mend Pet (Mend Pet)
[D] 08:15:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Evildarkenss) 11111111111111
08:15:13 - [Regen] Started
[F] 08:15:17 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
08:15:18 - [Regen] Use food Mutton Chop
08:15:19 - [Regen] Use drink Melon Juice
[D] 08:15:22 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Evildarkenss) 深渊组
[D] 08:15:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Walldown) 公会3团 周三晚7点30 补治疗法师 ss 六团正在组建 有意的加微信 ww210066 进公会群报名 55级以上均可
[D] 08:15:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Walldown) 公会3团 周三晚7点30 补治疗法师 ss 六团正在组建 有意的加微信 ww210066 进公会群报名 55级以上均可
[D] 08:15:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xcvhong) 我们是黑暗深渊
08:15:43 - [Regen] Finished
[N] 08:15:48 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2153,464 ; -3523,486 ; 48,15966 ; "None" to 2159,603 ; -3529,057 ; 47,97816 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:15:48 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,291566y, 159ms)
[D] 08:15:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xcvhong) 黑暗深渊十人任务队 来的M
08:15:56 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 08:15:56 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[N] 08:15:57 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2212,738 ; -3524,552 ; 55,31604 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:15:57 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 46,2408 (0 ms)
[N] 08:15:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2215,379 ; -3542,031 ; 45,17743 ; "None" to 2212,738 ; -3524,552 ; 46,2408 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:15:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,70961y, 158ms)
[N] 08:15:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2215,379 ; -3542,031 ; 45,17743 ; "None" to 2212,738 ; -3524,552 ; 46,2408 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:15:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,70961y, 158ms)
[F] 08:15:58 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:16:00 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:16:01 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:16:02 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:16:02 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:16:04 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:16:12 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
08:16:14 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:16:14 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2212,923 ; -3525,773 ; 45,651 ; "None" to 2210,433 ; -3543,704 ; 45,213 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:16:15 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,10796y, 162ms)
[F] 08:16:34 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
08:16:35 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 08:16:35 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 08:16:36 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2326,793 ; -3538,61 ; 55,43835 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:16:36 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 46,42072 (0 ms)
[N] 08:16:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2305,133 ; -3550,885 ; 44,41108 ; "None" to 2326,793 ; -3538,61 ; 46,42072 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 08:16:36 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[N] 08:16:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (24,97726y, 161ms)
[N] 08:16:36 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2305,133 ; -3550,885 ; 44,41108 ; "None" to 2326,793 ; -3538,61 ; 46,42072 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:16:36 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (24,97726y, 159ms)
[F] 08:16:36 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[D] 08:16:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wolfteeth) 丘陵农场这个LM法师真是服了
[F] 08:16:39 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:16:39 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:16:40 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:16:40 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 08:16:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Mt) 血色武器库 菜刀经验队,来个 2000+MP SM
[F] 08:16:42 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 08:16:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) dz求组武器菜刀队dz求组武器菜刀队
[D] 08:16:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodmoon) 那个垃圾每天都在那
[F] 08:16:50 - [Spell] Cast Rapid Fire (Rapid Fire)
[F] 08:16:54 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:16:54 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[F] 08:16:55 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[D] 08:16:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodyong) 想要做免费任务的速度,荆棘谷送任务怪刷了,直接掉落任务
[D] 08:16:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ioss) [[42] 打开钥匙之石 (652)]
08:16:57 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:16:57 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2326,408 ; -3538,766 ; 46,05707 ; "None" to 2309,406 ; -3543,269 ; 45,43835 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:16:57 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,59902y, 162ms)
[D] 08:17:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xcvhong) 黑暗深渊十人任务队 来的M
[D] 08:17:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shouyin) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 08:17:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zelatul) 换地方吧
[D] 08:17:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shouyin) [WorldBuffs] 酋长的祝福Buff(雷德·黑手) 已经释放.
[D] 08:17:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zelatul) 没大号管 只有拜拜
[D] 08:17:35 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodmoon) 我在农场任务做了一下午当时
08:17:41 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 08:17:41 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 08:17:43 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 08:17:43 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2025,618 ; -3493,342 ; 96,82539 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:17:43 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 88,2981 (0 ms)
[N] 08:17:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2039,931 ; -3482,093 ; 87,32948 ; "None" to 2025,618 ; -3493,342 ; 88,2981 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:17:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,23055y, 156ms)
[N] 08:17:43 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2039,931 ; -3482,093 ; 87,32948 ; "None" to 2025,618 ; -3493,342 ; 88,2981 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:17:43 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,23055y, 156ms)
[F] 08:17:45 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:17:45 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:17:46 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:17:47 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:17:48 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 08:17:50 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dairymaid) 奥达曼(40级+) 5人, 随便来个奶妈开了!
[D] 08:17:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ioss) 哎
[F] 08:17:57 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:17:57 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
08:17:59 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:17:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2027,953 ; -3491,648 ; 88,08398 ; "None" to 2043,29 ; -3482,759 ; 86,78751 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:17:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,77456y, 162ms)
[D] 08:18:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Mt) 原来是大佬啊
[D] 08:18:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Shouyin) [WorldBuffs] 雷德·黑手Buff将于 6 秒后释放.
[D] 08:18:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Goodmoon) 应该还有个垃圾猎人
[F] 08:18:19 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
08:18:19 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 08:18:19 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 08:18:20 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2083,406 ; -3417,417 ; 102,4321 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:18:20 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 96,80628 (157 ms)
[N] 08:18:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2077,045 ; -3419,534 ; 92,7424 ; "None" to 2083,406 ; -3417,417 ; 96,80628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:18:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (7,839311y, 154ms)
[N] 08:18:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2077,045 ; -3419,534 ; 92,7424 ; "None" to 2083,406 ; -3417,417 ; 96,80628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 08:18:20 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 08:18:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (7,839311y, 158ms)
[F] 08:18:21 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:18:22 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:18:22 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[N] 08:18:22 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 08:18:22 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 08:18:22 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 08:18:24 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 08:18:26 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zelatul) 对
[F] 08:18:34 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:18:38 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[D] 08:18:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zelatul) 有个精灵猎人在旁边隐身
08:18:40 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:18:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2083,561 ; -3419,731 ; 92,66166 ; "None" to 2065,76 ; -3424,673 ; 92,45494 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:18:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,47509y, 158ms)
[D] 08:19:00 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Pangaea) 那个人不怕猝死吗,凌晨看他就在农场了,
[D] 08:19:06 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xcvhong) 黑暗深渊十人任务队 来的M
[D] 08:19:12 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Oboomi) 有MD菜刀队不
[D] 08:19:15 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wolfteeth) 一直杀小号,有意思吗
[D] 08:19:27 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ioss) 上午杀跑了一波
[D] 08:19:33 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zelatul) 心里变态呗
[D] 08:19:39 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dairymaid) 奥达曼(40级+) 5人, 随便来个奶妈开了!
[D] 08:19:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) 图书馆菜刀队来DPSSM
[D] 08:19:57 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laocy) 现在灼热多少钱啊
08:20:02 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 08:20:02 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 08:20:03 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:20:03 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[D] 08:20:03 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chuanliub) 听说是个住在国外的国人
[F] 08:20:04 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[D] 08:20:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) 18
[D] 08:20:07 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wolfteeth) 有大号来弄他不
[F] 08:20:07 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
08:20:07 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 08:20:08 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 08:20:08 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2152,619 ; -3521,725 ; 62,10523 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:20:08 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 48,67218 (159 ms)
[N] 08:20:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2127,833 ; -3525,82 ; 55,86568 ; "None" to 2152,619 ; -3521,725 ; 48,67218 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 08:20:08 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[N] 08:20:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (26,13177y, 155ms)
[N] 08:20:08 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2127,833 ; -3525,82 ; 55,86568 ; "None" to 2152,619 ; -3521,725 ; 48,67218 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:20:09 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (26,13177y, 156ms)
[F] 08:20:09 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:20:12 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:20:12 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:20:13 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:20:14 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:20:15 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 08:20:25 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Jmsm) 人肉他
[F] 08:20:26 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:20:27 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[D] 08:20:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zelatul) 要来的早来了
[D] 08:20:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Maoflowerlie) 影牙5人任务队 来T 法系DPS 来的MM 3=2
08:20:29 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:20:29 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2152,211 ; -3521,8 ; 48,33866 ; "None" to 2135,232 ; -3526,384 ; 52,10523 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:20:29 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,98515y, 156ms)
[D] 08:20:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengxuedadi) LM杀我几次,杀回来就是了,在JJG老有盗贼杀我
[D] 08:20:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xieter) 去国外弄他
[D] 08:20:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xcvhong) 黑暗深渊十人任务队 来的M
[D] 08:20:46 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Pangaea) 那个人看的出很闲,守了3天的农场了
[F] 08:20:49 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
08:20:50 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 08:20:50 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 08:20:50 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2088,287 ; -3500,935 ; 87,27827 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:20:50 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 84,80628 (0 ms)
[N] 08:20:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2062,272 ; -3504,619 ; 80,92299 ; "None" to 2088,287 ; -3500,935 ; 84,80628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 08:20:51 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 08:20:51 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (46,31558y, 722ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[N] 08:20:51 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2086,489 ; -3496,593 ; 87,27827 ; "None" strict = False
[F] 08:20:51 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[N] 08:20:51 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 84,80628 (152 ms)
[N] 08:20:51 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2062,272 ; -3504,619 ; 80,92299 ; "None" to 2086,489 ; -3496,593 ; 84,80628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 08:20:52 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 08:20:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (44,19262y, 679ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[N] 08:20:52 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2083,629 ; -3492,865 ; 87,27827 ; "None" strict = False
[D] 08:20:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dairymaid) 奥达曼(40级+) 5人, 随便来个奶妈开了!
[D] 08:20:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zelatul) 他满级了 杀的回来个鸡儿
[N] 08:20:52 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 87,50629 (153 ms)
[N] 08:20:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2062,272 ; -3504,619 ; 80,92299 ; "None" to 2083,629 ; -3492,865 ; 87,50629 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 08:20:52 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 08:20:53 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 6 (51,42474y, 708ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option))
[N] 08:20:53 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2058,173 ; -3518,321 ; 87,27827 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:20:53 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 78,94266 (153 ms)
[N] 08:20:53 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2062,272 ; -3504,619 ; 80,92299 ; "None" to 2058,173 ; -3518,321 ; 78,94266 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 08:20:53 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 08:20:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,43858y, 155ms)
[N] 08:20:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2062,272 ; -3504,619 ; 80,92299 ; "None" to 2058,173 ; -3518,321 ; 78,94266 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:20:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (14,43858y, 161ms)
[F] 08:20:54 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:20:55 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:20:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Pangaea) 都快变成那边的农民工了
[F] 08:20:55 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:20:56 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:20:57 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:20:58 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:21:09 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:21:10 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
08:21:12 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:21:12 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2058,488 ; -3517,628 ; 78,45691 ; "None" to 2070,901 ; -3505,593 ; 77,27827 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:21:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,32903y, 190ms)
[D] 08:21:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tushalm) PVP 是这样的 我昨天 一天在夜色杀让你
[D] 08:21:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengxuedadi) 杀别的等级低点的,偷袭基本都跑不了
[N] 08:21:20 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2070,947 ; -3505,548 ; 77,26835 ; "None" to 2061,121 ; -3503,864 ; 81,41247 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:21:20 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (10,79627y, 158ms)
[D] 08:21:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tushalm) PVP 是这样的 我昨天 一天在夜色杀人
[D] 08:21:28 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Pangaea) 他会喊人的,昨天他打不过了就喊了个战士了
[D] 08:21:31 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Youshou) 估计小时候被BL 杀得有阴影了
[D] 08:21:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Pangaea) 哈哈哈
[F] 08:21:39 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
08:21:40 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 08:21:41 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[N] 08:21:41 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2136,571 ; -3396,806 ; 103,9098 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:21:41 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 101,4791 (0 ms)
[N] 08:21:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2115,441 ; -3402,515 ; 93,81676 ; "None" to 2136,571 ; -3396,806 ; 101,4791 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:21:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (23,19001y, 158ms)
[N] 08:21:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2115,441 ; -3402,515 ; 93,81676 ; "None" to 2136,571 ; -3396,806 ; 101,4791 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:21:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (23,19001y, 159ms)
[F] 08:21:43 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[D] 08:21:43 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Youshou) 从小变态 人生扭曲
[F] 08:21:44 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:21:45 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:21:45 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:21:47 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:21:51 - [Spell] Cast Rapid Fire (Rapid Fire)
[D] 08:21:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Liukan) 教堂aa来法师++++++++++++++=1
[D] 08:21:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Youshou) 埋下了仇恨的种子
[F] 08:21:58 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:21:58 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
08:22:00 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:22:00 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2133,77 ; -3397,4 ; 94,39899 ; "None" to 2115,888 ; -3400,781 ; 93,94865 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:22:00 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,20411y, 161ms)
[D] 08:22:02 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) 图书馆菜刀队来DPSSM
[D] 08:22:05 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dairymaid) 奥达曼(40级+) 5人, 随便来个奶妈开了!
[D] 08:22:23 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ioss) 变态 啥不是 一辈子吃不上4个菜
[D] 08:22:29 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Fengxuedadi) 在JJG不被杀绝对不杀别人,被杀一次找到能杀过的就当报仇了
[D] 08:22:32 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Liukan) 教堂aa来法师++++++++++++++=1
[D] 08:22:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Maoflowerlie) 影牙5人任务队 来T 来的MM 4=1
[D] 08:22:38 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Maoflowerlie) 影牙5人任务队 来T 来的MM 4=1
[D] 08:22:41 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xcvhong) 黑暗深渊十人任务队 来的M
[D] 08:22:44 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Laiwolai) 图书馆菜刀队来SM
[F] 08:22:54 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
08:22:55 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[N] 08:22:56 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2324,167 ; -3543,474 ; 54,71582 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:22:56 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 46,0817 (0 ms)
[N] 08:22:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2306,839 ; -3549,037 ; 44,63935 ; "None" to 2324,167 ; -3543,474 ; 46,0817 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:22:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,25596y, 220ms)
[N] 08:22:56 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2306,839 ; -3549,037 ; 44,63935 ; "None" to 2324,167 ; -3543,474 ; 46,0817 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:22:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (18,25596y, 224ms)
[D] 08:22:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Magicfound) 教堂AA 等级要要求吗?
[F] 08:22:56 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:22:59 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:23:00 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:23:00 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:23:01 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:23:03 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 08:23:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yangzhudashu) 38
[D] 08:23:11 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Liukan) 教堂aa来法师++++++++++++++=1
[F] 08:23:14 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[D] 08:23:14 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Liukan) 教堂aa来法师++++++++++++++=1
08:23:16 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:23:16 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2323,973 ; -3543,504 ; 45,69083 ; "None" to 2306,78 ; -3548,133 ; 44,71582 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:23:16 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,83195y, 159ms)
[D] 08:23:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wolfteeth) 沙比
[D] 08:23:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Tushalm) 昨天 夜色 和赤脊山 最少10个60的找我
[D] 08:23:51 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wolfteeth) 又来了
[F] 08:23:56 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
08:23:56 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 08:23:58 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2025,844 ; -3495,454 ; 96,40845 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:23:58 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 88,2981 (0 ms)
[N] 08:23:58 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,566 ; -3488,306 ; 86,30553 ; "None" to 2025,844 ; -3495,454 ; 88,2981 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 08:23:58 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 08:23:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,48577y, 543ms)
[N] 08:23:59 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2040,566 ; -3488,306 ; 86,30553 ; "None" to 2025,844 ; -3495,454 ; 88,2981 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:23:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,48577y, 204ms)
[F] 08:24:00 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:24:01 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:24:02 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:24:02 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:24:04 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:24:15 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:24:17 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
08:24:19 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:24:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2027,673 ; -3494,415 ; 87,71905 ; "None" to 2041,433 ; -3486,454 ; 86,40845 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:24:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,95014y, 207ms)
[D] 08:24:30 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Youshou) 你们也够享受的 被杀了这么多次还在那儿。。你喜欢SM 吧
[F] 08:24:36 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 08:24:37 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
08:24:37 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 08:24:38 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:24:38 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:24:40 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:24:41 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 08:24:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Zelatul) 撤吧 别纠结了
[D] 08:24:48 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Xcvhong) 黑暗深渊十人任务队 来的M
[F] 08:24:52 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
08:24:54 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[D] 08:24:54 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Chuanliub) 有没有AH队伍 有没有AH队伍
[N] 08:24:54 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2078,549 ; -3418,629 ; 92,86279 ; "None" to 2061,151 ; -3418,929 ; 92,83086 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:24:55 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,40105y, 156ms)
[N] 08:25:05 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2064,901 ; -3418,865 ; 92,74191 ; "None" to 2073,17 ; -3422,304 ; 93,11081 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:25:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,963201y, 158ms)
[D] 08:25:16 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dairymaid) 奥达曼(40级+) 5人, 随便来个奶妈开了!
08:25:39 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[F] 08:25:40 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[D] 08:25:40 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ghghaii) 塔伦米尔 有40+的大佬吗,帮忙做个战士职业任务
[N] 08:25:40 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2160,391 ; -3523,289 ; 59,09155 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:25:40 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 48,29959 (0 ms)
[N] 08:25:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2143,96 ; -3527,482 ; 48,93803 ; "None" to 2160,391 ; -3523,289 ; 48,29959 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:25:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,96887y, 159ms)
[N] 08:25:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2143,96 ; -3527,482 ; 48,93803 ; "None" to 2160,391 ; -3523,289 ; 48,29959 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:25:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (16,96887y, 155ms)
[F] 08:25:41 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:25:44 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:25:44 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:25:45 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:25:46 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:25:47 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:25:58 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[N] 08:26:01 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2160,229 ; -3523,337 ; 47,9891 ; "None" to 2164,778 ; -3530,568 ; 48,01047 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:26:01 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (8,54306y, 159ms)
[D] 08:26:04 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Selinabb) 我号在那边帮你做
[D] 08:26:13 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Selinabb) ==MM你
[D] 08:26:19 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Ghghaii) 好的。谢谢
[D] 08:26:37 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Dairymaid) 奥达曼(40级+) 5人, 随便来个奶妈开了!
[D] 08:26:56 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Sanjidog) 有人带我下趟哀嚎吗
[F] 08:27:09 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
08:27:09 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 08:27:10 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2130,81 ; -3400,496 ; 103,6726 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:27:10 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 97,40628 (0 ms)
[N] 08:27:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2116,115 ; -3402,126 ; 93,94038 ; "None" to 2130,81 ; -3400,496 ; 97,40628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 08:27:10 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[N] 08:27:10 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,18624y, 207ms)
[N] 08:27:10 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2116,115 ; -3402,126 ; 93,94038 ; "None" to 2130,81 ; -3400,496 ; 97,40628 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:27:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (15,18624y, 212ms)
[F] 08:27:11 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:27:13 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:27:14 - [Spell] Cast Rapid Fire (Rapid Fire)
[F] 08:27:14 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:27:15 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[N] 08:27:15 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 08:27:15 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 08:27:15 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[F] 08:27:16 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 08:27:17 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Wudibainiu) 会里又带血色任务得大号吗
[F] 08:27:28 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:27:28 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
08:27:30 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:27:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2130,915 ; -3402,676 ; 93,5907 ; "None" to 2113,424 ; -3405,155 ; 93,67256 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:27:31 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,66672y, 867ms)
[F] 08:27:59 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
[F] 08:28:00 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:28:00 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
08:28:01 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 28)
[F] 08:28:01 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:28:01 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:28:02 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:28:03 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:28:04 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:28:05 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:28:17 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:28:17 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
08:28:19 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:28:19 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2086,132 ; -3518,926 ; 67,91422 ; "None" to 2073,566 ; -3501,718 ; 77,32175 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:28:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (23,29179y, 164ms)
[N] 08:28:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2075,564 ; -3504,296 ; 75,52696 ; "None" to 2083,488 ; -3517,936 ; 69,17815 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:28:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,00454y, 162ms)
[F] 08:28:49 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Hawk (Aspect of the Hawk)
08:28:49 - [Fight] Player Attack Wildthorn Lurker (lvl 29)
[N] 08:28:50 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: 2213,45 ; -3524,067 ; 55,30114 ; "None" strict = False
[N] 08:28:50 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 47,05389 (0 ms)
[N] 08:28:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2217,721 ; -3542,714 ; 45,06617 ; "None" to 2213,45 ; -3524,067 ; 47,05389 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:28:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,23307y, 159ms)
[N] 08:28:50 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2217,721 ; -3542,714 ; 45,06617 ; "None" to 2213,45 ; -3524,067 ; 47,05389 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[N] 08:28:50 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (19,23307y, 157ms)
[F] 08:28:50 - [Spell] Cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's Mark)
[F] 08:28:52 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:28:52 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:28:53 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:28:54 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
[F] 08:28:55 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:28:57 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:28:58 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:28:59 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:29:00 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:29:01 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:29:02 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:29:03 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:29:04 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:29:05 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:29:06 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:29:07 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:29:08 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:29:09 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:29:10 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:29:11 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:29:12 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:29:13 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:29:14 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:29:15 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:29:16 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:29:17 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:29:18 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:29:19 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[D] 08:29:20 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged
[F] 08:29:20 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
08:29:20 - [Fight] Can't reach Wildthorn Lurker, blacklisting it.
[F] 08:29:21 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
[F] 08:29:21 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:29:22 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[N] 08:29:22 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2213,472 ; -3524,198 ; 47,78446 ; "None" to 2214,973 ; -3541,923 ; 46,55834 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
[F] 08:29:23 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:29:23 - [Spell] Cast Multi-Shot (Multi-Shot)
[F] 08:29:24 - [Spell] Cast Auto Shot (Auto Shot)
[F] 08:29:24 - [Spell] Cast Serpent Sting (Serpent Sting)
08:29:27 - [HumanMasterPlugin] adding drink Refreshing Spring Water to DoNotSellList
[E] 08:29:41 - PostRequest: http://pathfindervanilla.wrobot.eu/ -> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά την αποστολή της αίτησης. ---> System.Net.WebException: Η υποκείμενη σύνδεση έκλεισε: Μια σύνδεση που αναμενόταν να διατηρηθεί έχει κλείσει από το διακομιστή. ---> System.IO.IOException: Δεν είναι δυνατή η ανάγνωση δεδομένων από τη σύνδεση μεταφοράς Απέτυχε μια προσπάθεια σύνδεσης, επειδή ο συνδεδεμένος υπολογιστής δεν ανταποκρίθηκε κανονικά μετά από ένα χρονικό διάστημα, ή η σύνδεση που είχε δημιουργηθεί απέτυχε, επειδή ο συνδεδεμένος κεντρικός υπολογιστής δεν μπόρεσε να ανταποκριθεί. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Απέτυχε μια προσπάθεια σύνδεσης, επειδή ο συνδεδεμένος υπολογιστής δεν ανταποκρίθηκε κανονικά μετά από ένα χρονικό διάστημα, ή η σύνδεση που είχε δημιουργηθεί απέτυχε, επειδή ο συνδεδεμένος κεντρικός υπολογιστής δεν μπόρεσε να ανταποκριθεί
σε System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndReceive(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
σε System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.EndRead(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
--- Τέλος ιχνηλάτησης στοίβας εσωτερικών εξαιρέσεων ---
σε System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.EndRead(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
σε System.Net.PooledStream.EndRead(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
σε System.Net.Connection.ReadCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
--- Τέλος ιχνηλάτησης στοίβας εσωτερικών εξαιρέσεων ---
σε System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
σε System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler.GetResponseCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
--- Τέλος ιχνηλάτησης στοίβας εσωτερικών εξαιρέσεων ---
σε System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
σε System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
σε robotManager.Helpful.Others. .MoveNext()

[E] 08:29:52 - GetRequest: http://pathfindervanilla.wrobot.eu/?IsOnline=1 -> System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException: Ακυρώθηκε μια εργασία.
σε System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
σε System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
σε robotManager.Helpful.Others..MoveNext()

[E] 08:29:52 - GetRequest: https://download.wrobot.eu/wrobotvanilla/meshes/meshes.php?IsOnline=1 -> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά την αποστολή της αίτησης. ---> System.Net.WebException: Δεν ήταν δυνατή η επίλυση του απομακρυσμένου ονόματος: 'download.wrobot.eu'
σε System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
σε System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler.GetResponseCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
--- Τέλος ιχνηλάτησης στοίβας εσωτερικών εξαιρέσεων ---
σε System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
σε System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
σε robotManager.Helpful.Others..MoveNext()

[E] 08:29:52 - PathFinder server seem down, try to change server.
[N] 08:29:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,83046y, 30323ms) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=False (more info with server log option))
[E] 08:29:52 - CAS: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά την αποστολή της αίτησης. ---> System.Net.WebException: Δεν ήταν δυνατή η επίλυση του απομακρυσμένου ονόματος: 'auth.wrobot.eu'
σε System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
σε System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler.GetResponseCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
--- Τέλος ιχνηλάτησης στοίβας εσωτερικών εξαιρέσεων ---
σε System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
σε System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
σε (Object , Object[] )
σε  .(MethodBase , Object , Object[] , Boolean )
σε  .(MethodBase , Object , Object[] , Boolean )
σε  .(MethodBase , Boolean )
σε  .  (  ,   )
σε  . ()
σε  . (Boolean )

08:30:02 - [Relog] Player
[E] 08:30:59 - Error injection: Cannot launch it, skipped.
[E] 08:31:00 - Error injection: Cannot launch it, skipped.
08:31:02 - [Security] Pathfinder server seem down, pause bot for 10 secondes
08:31:03 - [HumanMasterPlugin] removing low-level drink Refreshing Spring Water from DoNotSellList
[F] 08:31:04 - [Spell] Cast Aspect of the Cheetah (Aspect of the Cheetah)
08:31:08 - [Relog] Finished, Restarting bot
[D] 08:31:08 - [Security] [CHAT] [GUILD] (Yunv) 有去矮子本的吗
08:31:12 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stopped.
08:31:12 - [Grinder] Stopped
08:31:13 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 01h:03m:15s
XP/HR: 37955 - 2 min
Kills: 60 (56/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 55 (52/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[D] 08:33:27 - [PatherServer] Select server 2 (241ms)
[D] 08:33:27 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 08:33:27 - ProfileName = Venom Sac Ashenv 30+ [H].xml ; BlackListWhereIAmDead = False ; RetLastPos = False ; PetBattle = False ; CurrentSetting = Grinder.Bot.GrinderSetting ;
[D] 08:33:27 - [Grinder] Profile used: Venom Sac Ashenv 30+ [H].xml
[F] 08:33:27 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Gregory\Downloads\WRobot(1)\WRobot\\FightClass\Ordush-Paid-Beastmaster-Hunter-Vanilla.dll
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Aspect of the Hawk (Id found: 14318, Name found: Aspect of the Hawk, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Hawk, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Aspect of the Cheetah (Id found: 5118, Name found: Aspect of the Cheetah, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Cheetah, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Trueshot Aura (Id found: 20938, Name found: Trueshot Aura, NameInGame found: Trueshot Aura, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Aspect of the Monkey (Id found: 13163, Name found: Aspect of the Monkey, NameInGame found: Aspect of the Monkey, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Rapid Fire (Id found: 3045, Name found: Rapid Fire, NameInGame found: Rapid Fire, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Blood Fury (Id found: 24571, Name found: Blood Fury, NameInGame found: Blood Fury, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Berserking (Id found: 26635, Name found: Berserking, NameInGame found: Berserking, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] spellName=Arcane Torrent => Failed
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Hunter's Mark (Id found: 14323, Name found: Hunter's Mark, NameInGame found: Hunter's Mark, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Feign Death (Id found: 5385, Name found: Feign Death, NameInGame found: Feign Death, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Disengage (Id found: 781, Name found: Disengage, NameInGame found: Disengage, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Concussive Shot (Id found: 27634, Name found: Concussive Shot, NameInGame found: Concussive Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Serpent Sting (Id found: 13551, Name found: Serpent Sting, NameInGame found: Serpent Sting, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Raptor Strike (Id found: 14262, Name found: Raptor Strike, NameInGame found: Raptor Strike, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Mongoose Bite (Id found: 1495, Name found: Mongoose Bite, NameInGame found: Mongoose Bite, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Freezing Trap (Id found: 1499, Name found: Freezing Trap, NameInGame found: Freezing Trap, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Intimidation (Id found: 24394, Name found: Intimidation, NameInGame found: Intimidation, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Bestial Wrath (Id found: 26592, Name found: Bestial Wrath, NameInGame found: Bestial Wrath, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Call Pet (Id found: 883, Name found: Call Pet, NameInGame found: Call Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Revive Pet (Id found: 982, Name found: Revive Pet, NameInGame found: Revive Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Mend Pet (Id found: 3111, Name found: Mend Pet, NameInGame found: Mend Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Feed Pet (Id found: 6991, Name found: Feed Pet, NameInGame found: Feed Pet, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Auto Shot (Id found: 75, Name found: Auto Shot, NameInGame found: Auto Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Aimed Shot (Id found: 27632, Name found: Aimed Shot, NameInGame found: Aimed Shot, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Multi-Shot (Id found: 2643, Name found: Multi-Shot, NameInGame found: Multi-Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Arcane Shot (Id found: 14282, Name found: Arcane Shot, NameInGame found: Arcane Shot, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Volley (Id found: 22908, Name found: Volley, NameInGame found: Volley, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Viper Sting (Id found: 14351, Name found: Viper Sting, NameInGame found: Viper Sting, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
[D] 08:33:30 - [Spell] Wing Clip (Id found: 2974, Name found: Wing Clip, NameInGame found: Wing Clip, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
08:33:30 - [Grinder] Select zone: Orgrimmar
08:33:30 - [Looting] Loot Wildthorn Lurker
[N] 08:33:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 2213,472 ; -3524,198 ; 46,21811 ; "None" to 2213,45 ; -3542,067 ; 45,30126 ; "None" (Kalimdor)
08:33:30 - Already running the newest version of the Fightclass
[N] 08:33:30 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (17,89217y, 196ms)
08:33:31 - [My fightclass] Is started.
08:33:31 - [Grinder] Started
08:33:31 - [HumanMasterPlugin] HMP Settings: TransactionId = ******** ; MultiIP = False ; AutoEquip = True ; AutoEquipBlues = False ; Hearthstone = True ; Unstuck = False ; IgnoreCombatOnBrokenItems = True ; StopTagged = True ; FirstAid = True ; FirstAidHealth = 60 ; UsePotions = True ; HealPotPercent = 35 ; ManaPotPercent = 25 ; TakeTram = False ; Food = True ; Drink = True ; HighestConsumables = False ; AutoVendor = True ; AllowCurrentZone = False ; IgnoreInnkeepers = False ; DrinkAmount = 40 ; FoodAmount = 40 ; Ammo = True ; AmmoAmount = 1600 ; SpellStrings = System.String[] ; TalentStrings = System.String[] ; TrainSkinning = True ; TrainFirstAid = True ; TrainWeapons = True ; RunAway = True ; EscapeAmount = 3 ; EscapeElite = True ; EscapeDistance = 35 ; EscapePercent = 20 ; EscapePercentEnemies = 35 ; EscapePercentMana = 15 ; EscapePercentManaEnemies = 35 ; SmartPulls = True ; UseResurrect = True ; BlacklistInvalid = True ; PullPathCollision = True ; SpiritRezz = True ; DeathsPerXMinutes = 5 ; XMinutesSinceLastDeath = 15 ; In = PluginSettings ;
08:33:31 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Started.
08:33:31 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stopped.
08:33:31 - [Grinder] Stopped
08:33:32 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:01s
XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)