[D] 15:56:17 - [Info] Log file created: 29 авг 2023 15H56.log.html
[D] 15:56:17 - [Info] WRobot Version: 2.8.0 (22979) for wow: 3.3.5a_12340
[D] 15:56:17 - [Info] Offical website: https://wrobot.eu/
[D] 15:56:17 - [Info] Operating System Details: Windows 10 Enterprise
[D] 15:56:17 - [Info] Lang: Русский (Россия)
[D] 15:56:17 - Warning: TeamViewer is launched on your computer, this software can cause problems, I recommend to close all TeamViewer process.
[F] 15:56:18 - [Memory] D3D9 found: 6A 14 B8 30 3 1C 64 E8 BA 95
[F] 15:56:18 - [Memory] D3D11 found: E9 6B BD D6 EB 83 E4 F8 83 EC
[F] 15:56:18 - [Memory] D3D9 used
[F] 15:56:23 - HWBP hook
15:56:26 - [Memory] Select game process: 14260 - Kei...
[D] 15:56:28 - [PatherServer] Select server 1 (286ms)
[D] 15:56:28 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
15:56:28 - [Quester] Loaded
[F] 15:56:28 - NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Quester ; CustomClass = ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; FightInteractTargetMinDistance = 45 ; IgnoreFightWhenInMove = True ; DismountLandGroundDistance = 3,5 ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = False ; TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink = True ; EquipAvailableBagIfFreeContainerSlot = False ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; LootAndHarvestRangeQuickly = True ; LootInCombat = False ; SkipNodesInWater = False ; MaxUnitsNearMobs = 3 ; MaxUnitsNearObjects = 3 ; SearchRadiusMobs = 150 ; SearchRadiusObjects = 300 ; MaxZDistanceAttack = 150 ; MaxZDistanceIsAttacked = 150 ; MaxZDistanceFarm = 2000 ; BlacklistTaxiDefaultTimeMs = 1800000 ; BlacklistUnitDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; BlacklistGameObjectDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; MaxTryPerNode = 2 ; MaxCheckIfGoodMouseShortcutsWhenInteract = 2 ; HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 0 ; HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 6948 ; RecordChatInLog = True ; UseSpiritHealerAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 0 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; WaitWhenBuffWaitingToResurrect = False ; UseCTM = True ; AntiDrown = True ; AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = False ; PathFinderServerSeemDownPauseBotTimeSec = 10 ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1600 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 80000 ; TryToAvoidEnemyGroupsRatio = 0 ; IgnoreServerRoadsWater = False ; SmoothPath = False ; SmoothPathDistance = 1 ; KeyboardToTurn = False ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 8 ; ForceAutoLoot = False ; RetrieveCorpseMaxDistance = 26 ; KeyBindingMacro = P ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; SizeWidth = 535,2 ; SizeHeight = 375,2 ; SaveWindowPosition = False ; WindowPosX = 0 ; WindowPosY = 0 ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = butler.cs = False, DestroyItems.dll = False, EasyPoison.dll = False, iTalents.dll = False, PoisonMaster.dll = False, refreshPoisons.lua = False, Wholesome_Inventory_Manager.dll = False ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 50 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 225 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Плотная паутина, Бок медведя, Дикая лоза, Тенешелк, Волшебная уздечка, Накидка черного призрака, Банановый оберег, Железношелковая паутина, Метка миротворца, Геральдические сапоги, Аквамарин, Красное волчье мясо, Атаманская кираса, Быстродействующий яд, Огромная ядовитая железа, Нежная волчатина, Свиток выносливости III, Свиток возвращения, Камень возвращения, Сушеные белые грибы, Кусок ветчины, Эликсир откровения, Выползки, Обломки костей, Зелье жажды скорости, Одолженный иллидарский ловец Скверны, Бугайский щит, Руническая ткань, Манускрипт упорства, Белое мясо паука, Небесный свет, Королевское платье, Аварийный маяк OOX-09/HL ; ForceSellList = ; BuyList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Плотная паутина, Бок медведя, Дикая лоза, Тенешелк, Волшебная уздечка, Накидка черного призрака, Банановый оберег, Железношелковая паутина, Метка миротворца, Геральдические сапоги, Аквамарин, Красное волчье мясо, Атаманская кираса, Быстродействующий яд, Огромная ядовитая железа, Нежная волчатина, Свиток выносливости III, Свиток возвращения, Камень возвращения, Сушеные белые грибы, Кусок ветчины, Эликсир откровения, Выползки, Обломки костей, Зелье жажды скорости, Одолженный иллидарский ловец Скверны, Бугайский щит, Руническая ткань, Манускрипт упорства, Белое мясо паука, Небесный свет, Королевское платье, Аварийный маяк OOX-09/HL ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = False ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; ForceGroundMovementWhenDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; PlayerAttackedIfOnePetAttacked = True ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPlayerPet = True ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; SecurityDoNotCloseGame = False ; LatencyMin = 300 ; LatencyMax = 700 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; BackwardWhenStuck = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1,5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; LockFrameWhenDecollideFlightPath = False ;
[F] 15:56:29 - SaveWindowPosition = False ; NewUserSettings = False ; LastProductSelected = Quester ; CustomClass = ; DetectEvadingMob = False ; FightInteractTargetMinDistance = 45 ; IgnoreFightWhenInMove = True ; DismountLandGroundDistance = 3,5 ; SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat = False ; TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink = True ; EquipAvailableBagIfFreeContainerSlot = False ; FoodMaxPercent = 95 ; DrinkMaxPercent = 95 ; LootAndHarvestRangeQuickly = True ; LootInCombat = False ; SkipNodesInWater = False ; MaxUnitsNearMobs = 3 ; MaxUnitsNearObjects = 3 ; SearchRadiusMobs = 150 ; SearchRadiusObjects = 300 ; MaxZDistanceAttack = 150 ; MaxZDistanceIsAttacked = 150 ; MaxZDistanceFarm = 2000 ; BlacklistTaxiDefaultTimeMs = 1800000 ; BlacklistUnitDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; BlacklistGameObjectDefaultTimeMs = 120000 ; MaxTryPerNode = 2 ; MaxCheckIfGoodMouseShortcutsWhenInteract = 2 ; HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 0 ; HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 6948 ; RecordChatInLog = True ; UseSpiritHealerAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 0 ; IgnoreFightWithPlayer = False ; WaitWhenBuffWaitingToResurrect = False ; UseCTM = True ; AntiDrown = True ; AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = False ; PathFinderServerSeemDownPauseBotTimeSec = 10 ; PathFinderRequestLog = False ; PathFinderFromServer = True ; OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance = 1600 ; PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs = 80000 ; TryToAvoidEnemyGroupsRatio = 0 ; IgnoreServerRoadsWater = False ; SmoothPath = False ; SmoothPathDistance = 1 ; KeyboardToTurn = False ; ReadObjectManagerFTS = 8 ; ForceAutoLoot = False ; RetrieveCorpseMaxDistance = 26 ; KeyBindingMacro = P ; EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 150 ; DismountWhenStuck = True ; NpcScanRepair = True ; NpcScanAuctioneer = True ; NpcScanVendor = False ; NpcScanMailboxes = True ; SkipInOutDoors = False ; RandomJumping = False ; SizeWidth = 535,2 ; SizeHeight = 375,2 ; WindowPosX = 0 ; WindowPosY = 0 ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = butler.cs = False, DestroyItems.dll = False, EasyPoison.dll = False, iTalents.dll = False, PoisonMaster.dll = False, refreshPoisons.lua = False, Wholesome_Inventory_Manager.dll = False ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 50 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestTimber = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 225 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = ; BlackListHarvestByName = ; ListHarvestByName = ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 2 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 40 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = Плотная паутина, Бок медведя, Дикая лоза, Тенешелк, Волшебная уздечка, Накидка черного призрака, Банановый оберег, Железношелковая паутина, Метка миротворца, Геральдические сапоги, Аквамарин, Красное волчье мясо, Атаманская кираса, Быстродействующий яд, Огромная ядовитая железа, Нежная волчатина, Свиток выносливости III, Свиток возвращения, Камень возвращения, Сушеные белые грибы, Кусок ветчины, Эликсир откровения, Выползки, Обломки костей, Зелье жажды скорости, Одолженный иллидарский ловец Скверны, Бугайский щит, Руническая ткань, Манускрипт упорства, Белое мясо паука, Небесный свет, Королевское платье, Аварийный маяк OOX-09/HL ; ForceSellList = ; BuyList = ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = Плотная паутина, Бок медведя, Дикая лоза, Тенешелк, Волшебная уздечка, Накидка черного призрака, Банановый оберег, Железношелковая паутина, Метка миротворца, Геральдические сапоги, Аквамарин, Красное волчье мясо, Атаманская кираса, Быстродействующий яд, Огромная ядовитая железа, Нежная волчатина, Свиток выносливости III, Свиток возвращения, Камень возвращения, Сушеные белые грибы, Кусок ветчины, Эликсир откровения, Выползки, Обломки костей, Зелье жажды скорости, Одолженный иллидарский ловец Скверны, Бугайский щит, Руническая ткань, Манускрипт упорства, Белое мясо паука, Небесный свет, Королевское платье, Аварийный маяк OOX-09/HL ; ForceMailList = ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = False ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 25 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes = 5 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = False ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; ForceGroundMovementWhenDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; PlayerAttackedIfOnePetAttacked = True ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPlayerPet = True ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; SecurityDoNotCloseGame = False ; LatencyMin = 300 ; LatencyMax = 700 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; AvoidWallWithRays = True ; BackwardWhenStuck = True ; FlyAboveGroundHeight = 1,5 ; AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = True ; BlackListIfNotCompletePath = True ; WallDistancePathFinder = 0 ; PathFinderPostionOffset = 1 ; FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; LockFrameWhenDecollideFlightPath = False ;
[F] 15:56:29 - WRobotFileName = ; WRobotTmpFolderName = ; DriveLetter = ; FullWowPath = C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\ ; MaxFPS = 30 ; MaxLuaMemoryUsage = 2147483647 ; CloseIfCannotLoginWowMinutes = 2 ; WaitTimeToRelogSeconds = 0 ; CloseGameIfAdminRights = False ; HideLuaError = False ; UseShortcuts = True ; WindowName = ; TopMost = False ; Remote = False ; ToTrayBar = False ; DarkMode = False ; BotNameUI = WRobot ; MeShow = True ; TargetShow = True ; PathShow = True ; BlacklistShow = True ; NpcShow = True ; PlayersShow = False ; ObjectsShow = False ; LowFps = True ; LowQuality = False ; ByName = ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerGlobalSetting ; FilePath = D:\Games\WRobot\WRobot\\Settings\WRobotGlobalSetting.xml ;
[F] 15:56:29 - CanProtectAgainstScreenshots = False ; ArgsEnvironmentVariables = 46C9A4 ; ForceStaticEncryptKey = 0 ; HowLongDaysKeepLogFiles = 7 ; InstallDateTime = 17.07.2023 17:03:47 ; ShowMs = False ; normalCb = False ; fightCb = True ; navigatorCb = False ; debugCb = False ; ErrorCb = True ; SendErrorCb = False ; CurrentSetting = robotManager.robotManagerGlobalSetting ; FilePath = D:\Games\WRobot\WRobot\\Settings\RobotManagerGlobalSetting.xml ;
[D] 15:56:29 - [Info] Wow Version: 12340
[D] 15:56:29 - [Info] Player found: True
15:56:29 - [SpellManager] Initializing SpellBook - (Wait few seconds)
15:56:29 - [SpellManager] Initialize SpellBook Finished (55 spell found)
[D] 15:56:29 - [SpellManager] List of id found in spellbook:
Auto Attack (6603)
Dual Wield (674)
Throw (2764)
Pick Lock (1804)
Shoot (3018)
Parry (3127)
Dodge (81)
Adrenaline Rush (13750)
Sinister Strike (11294)
Feint (11303)
Gouge (1776)
Kick (1766)
Sprint (11305)
Backstab (11280)
Evasion (26669)
Blade Flurry (13877)
Ambush (11269)
Garrote (11290)
Dismantle (51722)
Slice and Dice (6774)
Expose Armor (8647)
Cheap Shot (1833)
Eviscerate (11300)
Rupture (11274)
Kidney Shot (8643)
Safe Fall (1860)
Vanish (1857)
Stealth (1784)
Disarm Trap (1842)
Detect Traps (2836)
Pick Pocket (921)
Blind (2094)
Distract (1725)
Sap (11297)

15:56:29 - [SpellManager] Please wait, loading spellbook...
15:56:29 - [SpellManager] Spellbook loaded.
[D] 15:56:29 - [Keybindings]
Sit / Stand: X
Backward: S
Forward: W
Strafe Left: Q
Strafe Right: E
Pitch Up: INSERT
Pitch Down: DELETE
Turn Left: A
Turn Right: D

[D] 15:56:38 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
[F] 15:56:38 - ProfileName = 5 Rogue BloodElf 1-70 Sirus.su.xml ; BlackListWhereIAmDead = False ; SaveModifiedGeneralSettings = False ; SkipPickUpQuestAfterXSecondes = 120 ; ProfilesUserSettings = Quester.Bot.ProfileUserSettings ; CurrentSetting = Quester.Bot.QuesterSetting ;
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : ReclaimingSunstriderIsle
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : UnfortunateMeasures
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : ReporttoLanthanPerilon
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : Aggression
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : FelendrentheBanished
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : TaintedArcaneSliver
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : AidingtheOutrunners
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : SlainbytheWretched
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : PackageRecovery
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : CompletingtheDelivery
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : MajorMalfunction
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : UnstableManaCrystals
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : WantedThaelistheHungerer
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : DeliverytotheNorthSanctum
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : MalfunctionattheWestSanctum
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : ArcaneInstability
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheSpearcraftersHammer
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : MissingintheGhostlands
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheFallenCourier
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : DeliverytoTranquillien
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheForsaken
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : ReturntoArcanistVandril
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : SuncrownVillage
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : Anoksuten
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : TrollJuju
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheFarstriderEnclave
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheTraitorsShadow
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : HintsofthePast
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : ReporttoMagisterKaendris
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheTwinZiggurats
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheTraitorsDestruction
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : WANTEDSyndicatePersonnel
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : SouvenirsofDeath
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : HumbertsSword
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : Grind2835
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : Grind3642
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : Grind4248
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : Grind4853
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : Gring5458
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : ThroughtheDarkPortal
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : ArrivalinOutland
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : JourneytoThrallmar
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : ReporttoNazgrel
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : EradicatetheBurningLegion
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : BonechewerBlood
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : IWorkFortheHorde
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : FelsparkRavine
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : SourceoftheCorruption
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : NoMoreMushrooms
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheresNoExplanationforFashion
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : ThickHydraScales
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : MenacingMarshfangs
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : SearchingforScoutJyoba
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : JyobasReport
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : TheRespectofAnother
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : ImSaved
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : TalbukMastery
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : WindrocMastery
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : ClefthoofMastery
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : TalbukMastery2
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : WindrocMastery2
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : ClefthoofMastery2
[D] 15:56:39 - [Quester] Create instance of : ZeppToNorthrend
15:56:39 - [FightClass] No Fight Class selected
15:56:39 - [Quester] Started
[D] 15:56:39 - [FightPetBattle] Cannot load pet battle fight class, use default.
[D] 15:56:39 - [Spell] spellName=Battle Pet Training => Failed
[D] 15:56:39 - [Mount] No ground mount selected.
[D] 15:56:39 - [Mount] No aquatic mount selected.
[D] 15:56:39 - [Mount] No flying mount selected.
[D] 15:56:40 - [Quester] New step (183): ThroughtheDarkPortal>PickUp
[N] 15:56:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -11814,15 ; -3185,873 ; -30,55456 ; "None" to -11817,3 ; -3187,89 ; -30,67939 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:56:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (3,746306y, 614ms)
[N] 15:56:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -11814,15 ; -3185,873 ; -30,55456 ; "None" to -11817,3 ; -3187,89 ; -30,67939 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:56:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (3,746306y, 0ms)
[D] 15:56:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Vyuy) {полумесяц}PvE ги APES ведет набор от 4т4(профы) || нид танк(с дд-офф) сова/маг/демон/элем/дц/шп ||EPGP|| пт сб вт 19 мск РT||
[D] 15:56:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Kukun) |cffe6cc80|Hitem:63517:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Рекомендательный значок гильдии]|h|r продаю 63
[D] 15:56:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Sovamudraya) КЯЗ гер нид танк
[D] 15:56:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Дедчебурек) ИЩУ ПАТИ НА ЦЛК РЕПОФАРМ
[D] 15:56:42 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Esaria) МАГИК ХМ НИД 2 танка 250+ 1а
[D] 15:56:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Yorzi) Энх 4т4 Пм .Есть вопрос.
[D] 15:56:45 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Амнепо) ОС 10 |cffff2020|Hquest:24579:80|h[Сартарион должен умереть!]|h|r |cffffff00|Hquest:28057:-1|h[Сезонное задание: Книга смерти]|h|r нид 2 хила дд/рдд
[D] 15:56:48 - [Quester] New step (185): ThroughtheDarkPortal>Pulse
[D] 15:56:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Совраттитель) |cff66bbff|Hjournal:0:758:1|h[Цитадель Ледяной Короны]|h|r 25 (1а/аук + бое/дс) Танк хпал/ршам р/дд 250+ Время на сбор
[D] 15:56:49 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Субара) Продам |cff0070dd|Hitem:110133:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Иллюзия: Длань Повелителя Огня]|h|r22к
[N] 15:56:49 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -11821,94 ; -3189,596 ; -30,73104 ; "None" to -635 ; -4720 ; 5 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:56:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 445 (22174,92y, 2192ms)
[N] 15:56:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 0 ; -859 ; 58 ; "None" to -233,9797 ; 1026,787 ; 54,32534 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[D] 15:56:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Mortemy) |cffff2020|Hquest:32009:85|h[4 Категория]|h|r |cffffff00|Hquest:28082:-1|h[Ежедневное задание: Малар]|h|r Нид все
[D] 15:56:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Heag) |cffff2020|Hquest:32009:85|h[4 Категория]|h|r |cffffff00|Hquest:28082:-1|h[Ежедневное задание: Малар]|h|r нид все!!
[D] 15:56:52 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Guras) В кузню яму и залы по квесту нид Танк Хил и 1р.дд
[N] 15:56:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 43 (2893,717y, 373ms)
15:56:52 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Деревня Сломанного Клыка, Внутренние земли to Мельница Таррен, Хилсбрад, go to npc.
[N] 15:56:52 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -11838,44 ; -3196,959 ; -29,78305 ; "None" to -635 ; -4720 ; 5 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 15:56:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 448 (22198,8y, 2269ms)
[D] 15:56:55 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Темашвд) дц 271 помогу апнуть рейт в 2с за голду
[D] 15:56:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Halkdort) НА ОКТАРИОНА НИД ВСЕ+++
[D] 15:56:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Зулатван) 1 дд контры
[D] 15:56:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Релаксант) |cff0070dd|Hitem:23572:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80|h[Изначальная Пустота]|h|r продам много
[D] 15:56:58 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Pyne) НА КОНТРЫ НИД 3 ДД
[N] 15:56:59 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 15:56:59 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 15:57:00 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 15:57:00 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 15:57:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Kcehodru) в цлк репофакт нид хил 2т4 9\10 груп лут
[D] 15:57:01 - [Security] [CHAT] [CHANNEL] (Биполярыч) ИВК 25 нид 1 танк 2 хила Хпал/Ршам 4т4 250 + (1а/аук) время на сбор 22/25
[N] 15:57:01 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[D] 15:57:01 - [MovementManager] Current pos: -11829 ; -3202,961 ; -30,69925 ; "None" - Target pos: -11790,33 ; -3200,26 ; -27,23342 ; "None" Continent: Azeroth Tile: 38.00555_54.17937
[D] 15:57:01 - [StuckResolver] Started.
15:57:02 - [Quester] Stopped
15:57:02 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:22s
XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)

[D] 15:57:03 - [StuckResolver] Done - Stuck count updated, new value: 1.