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    Matenia got a reaction from Gregoryn82 in [PAID] HumanMasterPlugin   
    Based on the logs I'm seeing, your internet is going out completely. You're also losing connection to wrobot's auth server. If you're using a VPN, make sure you're disabling whatever IP cycling feature it might have.
    And for the love of God, delete the screenshot which contains your order iD. @Droidz please delete his screenshot if he isn't fast enough. It contains his full order id.

    This is precisely why everywhere says for support you need to read the FAQ and PM me on Discord.
  2. Like
    Matenia got a reaction from Gregoryn82 in [PAID] HumanMasterPlugin   
    The addon is called Carbonite. It doesn't exist for vanilla, it's a questhelper addon.

    CTM is necessary, because it's the only way I can get you out of the tram, if you get stuck. Also water without CTM is a mess.
  3. Thanks
    Matenia got a reaction from dripfeeder in [PAID][Product] AdvancedBattelgrounder   
    You can PM me on my Discord.

    I will give you a free code to check out the product and ban it after ~12 hours.
  4. Thanks
    Matenia got a reaction from dripfeeder in [PAID] HumanMasterPlugin   
    If you change your IP, as long as you stay on the same WRobot key, you need to account for a 15 minute downtime.
    Every time your IP is changed, there is a downtime of 15 minutes before a new IP is unlocked. Meaning a period of 15 minutes where you don't use the plugin at all. This is to ensure sharing between friends or reselling my products isn't possible, as this was unfortunately common in the past.
  5. Like
    Matenia got a reaction from reeze597 in [PAID] HumanMasterPlugin   
    It only works on the English client and it's possible that your cache is mixed from playing servers that send English and German item names.
  6. Like
    Matenia got a reaction from Dudubala in [PAID] HumanMasterPlugin   
    If you'd joined Discord to get support, there's already an announcement that I introduced this bug 2 days ago and will fix it when I get home tonight.
  7. Like
    Matenia reacted to slk in [N] Zul'Drak 74 - 80 by slk   
    Hello everyone!
    I've uploaded version 2.
    It is 100% AFK, works without getting stuck, Alliance+Horde friendly.
  8. Like
    Matenia reacted to justakeenz in [PAID][WotLK] Shadowpriest 1-80   
    ahh, yes i understand now. youve put this ip thing in to stop me just sharing it round and you not getting any money for your hard work. ? 
  9. Like
    Matenia got a reaction from Skemez in [PAID][PvP] Retribution Paladin   
    You probably didn't buy it (downloaded free trial, not the product emailed to you), aren't using it on TBC or are using addons that break wRobot. I've used it 2 weeks ago without issue and there haven't been any API changes. Get on Discord and PM me your order id if you want support.
  10. Like
    Matenia got a reaction from prion in [PAID][TBC] Frost Mage 1-70   
    Seems like you're overwriting distance in wRobot. My fightclass doesn't approach the target. wRobot does.
    If it doesn't cast any spells at all, check the log file. Points towards something being fundamentally broken (i.e. your combat log breaking or you running addons).

  11. Like
    Matenia got a reaction from Sabulus in PartyBot Helper   
    Probably if you run the main in grinder then just pause it. Should work. It will still send coordinates to the other chars. But obviously they won't go train or anything.
  12. Like
    Matenia got a reaction from saleh in PartyBot Helper   
    It's not the fightclasses' fault, it's part of the plugin which makes you attack the other party members' target and you can adjust it by changing the code. My development on this plugin has concluded (that's why it's free and I posted the code).
  13. Like
    Matenia got a reaction from Inaru in [FREE] Druid FightClass 1-20 Demo by Inaru   
    Code looks a lot like Eeny's fightclass.
    But also, I'm curious how you don't have to have the spells on the action bar. You're using WowSpell.IsSpellUsable, which checks usability based on action bar slot.

    Other than that, I guess it's just the free demo so far. I'm excited to see more people release products.
  14. Like
    Matenia got a reaction from Cellinarac32211 in VanillaFlightMaster - Alliance   
    using robotManager.Helpful; using robotManager.Products; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using wManager.Plugin; using wManager.Events; using wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks; using wManager.Wow.Enums; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Configuration; using wManager.Wow.Class; public class Main : IPlugin { private string version = "1.6.1"; public static int timer = 0; public static bool _isLaunched; private static float saveDistance; public static Vector3 destinationVector = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); public static bool inProcessing = false; public static bool _takenTaxi = false; static FlightMasterDB from = (FlightMasterDB)null; static FlightMasterDB to = (FlightMasterDB)null; static FlightMasterDB discoverTaxiNode = (FlightMasterDB)null; public static bool _timer = false; public static bool _discoverTaxiTimer = false; public static bool changer = true; public static bool _updateNodes; public static bool checkPath = true; public static bool checkPathActive = false; public static FlightMasterDB checkPathActiveFM = (FlightMasterDB)null; public static bool cancelCheckPathThread = false; public static bool pauseCheckPathThread = false; public static string status = ""; public static string statusDiscover = ""; public static bool _copySettings { get; set; } public static bool _runScan = false; public static FlightMasterDB taxiToDiscover = (FlightMasterDB)null; public static bool _taxiToDiscover = false; public static bool _discoverInProessing = false; public static int stuckCounter = 0; //public static bool followingPath = false; //public static bool firstStart; //public static bool _logPause = false; //public static bool abortFlight = false; //public static bool _disposeInstance = false; //public static bool cancleOldMovement = false; //public static bool paused = false; //public static Vector3 myPositionAtStart = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); //public bool _deleteOldPath = false; public void Initialize() { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Flight Master initialized - " + version); _isLaunched = true; inProcessing = false; _copySettings = true; _runScan = true; _updateNodes = false; cancelCheckPathThread = false; ingameSettings(); watchForEvents(); FNVFlightMasterSettings.Load(); applyDefaultNodes(); MovementEvents.OnMovementPulse += MovementEventsOnOnMovementPulse; MovementEvents.OnSeemStuck += MovementEventsOnOnSeemStuck; scanNearbyTaxi.Start(); flightMasterLoop(); } public void Dispose() { _runScan = false; cancelCheckPathThread = true; _isLaunched = false; _updateNodes = false; MovementEvents.OnMovementPulse -= MovementEventsOnOnMovementPulse; MovementEvents.OnSeemStuck -= MovementEventsOnOnSeemStuck; FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Save(); Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Flight Master disposed"); } public void Settings() { FNVFlightMasterSettings.Load(); FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.ToForm(); FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Save(); } public static void ingameSettings() { if(wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FlightMasterTaxiUse) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: WRobots Taxi is enabled, going to disable it..."); wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FlightMasterTaxiUse = false; } } public static void applyDefaultNodes() { if(ObjectManager.Me.PlayerRace == PlayerFactions.NightElf) { FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Darkshore = true; FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Teldrassil = true; } if(ObjectManager.Me.PlayerRace == PlayerFactions.Human) FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Stormwind = true; if(ObjectManager.Me.PlayerRace == PlayerFactions.Dwarf || ObjectManager.Me.PlayerRace == PlayerFactions.Gnome) FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Ironforge = true; } private void flightMasterLoop() { while(Products.IsStarted && _isLaunched) { if(!Products.InPause && _takenTaxi || _timer) { while(ObjectManager.Me.IsOnTaxi) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } for(int timer = FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.pauseTaxiTime; timer > 0 && _timer; timer -= 1000) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } if(!scanNearbyTaxi.IsAlive) { Logging.Write("Taxi scan not running, restarting..."); scanNearbyTaxi.Start(); } if(!checkPathDuringRun.IsAlive && FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.useCheckPathThread) { Logging.Write("Check path is not running, restarting..."); checkPathDuringRun.Start(); } resetTaxi(); } Thread.Sleep(5000); } Dispose(); } private static void resetTaxi() { while(ObjectManager.Me.IsOnTaxi) { Thread.Sleep(5000); } Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency * 3 + 1500); Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Reset taxi"); _takenTaxi = false; from = (FlightMasterDB)null; to = (FlightMasterDB)null; _timer = false; checkPath = true; checkPathActive = false; checkPathActiveFM = (FlightMasterDB)null; } private void watchForEvents() { EventsLuaWithArgs.OnEventsLuaWithArgs += (LuaEventsId id, List<string> args) => { //_updateNodes = true; if(id == wManager.Wow.Enums.LuaEventsId.TAXIMAP_OPENED && FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.updateTaxi) { if(!_updateNodes) { _updateNodes = true; //Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi map opened"); List<FlightMasterDB> dbUpdate = fillDB(); int node = -1; foreach(var temp in dbUpdate) { if(temp.continent.Equals(checkContinent())) { node = -1; node = wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.LuaDoString<int>("for i=0,30 do if string.find(TaxiNodeName(i),'" + temp.name + "') then return i end end return -1"); //Logging.Write("Node is: " + node); if(node == -1 && temp.alreadyDiscovered) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi node " + temp.name + " has not been discovered so far"); temp.alreadyDiscovered = false; FNVFlightMasterSettings.flightMasterSaveChanges(temp, false); } else if(node != -1 && !temp.alreadyDiscovered) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi node " + temp.name + " has already been discovered"); temp.alreadyDiscovered = true; FNVFlightMasterSettings.flightMasterSaveChanges(temp, true); } } } _updateNodes = false; Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency * 5 + 5000); } } }; } private static void MovementEventsOnOnSeemStuck() { Vector3 searingGorgeGate = new Vector3(-6033.529f, -2490.157f, 310.9456f); if((Usefuls.MapZoneName.Contains("Loch Modan") || Usefuls.MapZoneName.Contains("Searing Gorge")) && ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(searingGorgeGate) < 50 && FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.pauseSearingGorge) { stuckCounter++; if(stuckCounter >= 5) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Repeated stucks detected at the locked gate between Loch Modan and Searing Gorge. Going to stop bot, to prevent getting caught"); stuckCounter = 0; Products.ProductStop(); } } else { stuckCounter = 0; } if(_timer || _takenTaxi) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: SeemStuck detected, reset taxi to help solving it"); resetTaxi(); } } private static void MovementEventsOnOnMovementPulse(List<Vector3> points, CancelEventArgs cancelable) { // Logging.Write("Enter Movement event path count: " + points.Count); statusDiscover = Logging.Status; if(_taxiToDiscover && !discoverTaxiNode.Equals((FlightMasterDB)null) && !_discoverInProessing && !_updateNodes && !statusDiscover.Contains("Boat") && !statusDiscover.Contains("Ship")) { // Logging.Write("Enter _taxiToDiscover"); _discoverInProessing = true; Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 500); cancelable.Cancel = true; checkPathActive = true; checkPathActiveFM = discoverTaxiNode; discoverTaxi(discoverTaxiNode); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency * 3); cancelable.Cancel = false; checkPathActive = false; } if(changer && !_updateNodes && !inProcessing && ObjectManager.Me.IsAlive) //&& points.Count > 1 { //Logging.Write("Enter take taxi actual step"); changer = false; if(!_taxiToDiscover && !_timer && !_takenTaxi && ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(points.Last<Vector3>()) > FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.taxiTriggerDistance) { status = Logging.Status; if(FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.skipIfFollowPath && status.Contains("Follow Path") && !status.Contains("Resurrect") && calculateRealDistance(ObjectManager.Me.Position, points.Last<Vector3>()) < FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.skipIfFollowPathDistance) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Currently following path or distance to start (" + calculateRealDistance(ObjectManager.Me.Position, points.Last<Vector3>()) + " yards) is smaller than setting value (" + FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.skipIfFollowPathDistance + " yards)"); Thread.Sleep(1000); cancelable.Cancel = false; inProcessing = false; checkPathActive = true; changer = true; _timer = true; return; } destinationVector = points.Last<Vector3>(); saveDistance = calculateRealDistance(ObjectManager.Me.Position, points.Last<Vector3>()); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 500); cancelable.Cancel = true; if(!inProcessing) { from = getClosestFlightMasterFrom(); to = getClosestFlightMasterTo(); } Thread.Sleep(1000); if(!from.name.Contains(to.name) && !to.name.Contains("null") && !to.name.Contains("FlightMaster") && !from.name.Contains("null") && !from.Equals(to) && calculateRealDistance(ObjectManager.Me.Position, from.position) + calculateRealDistance(to.position, destinationVector) + FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.shorterMinDistance <= saveDistance) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Shorter path detected, taking Taxi from " + from.name + " to " + to.name); inProcessing = true; checkPathActive = true; checkPathActiveFM = from; //cancelable.Cancel = true; takeTaxi(from, to); //Logging.Write("After take taxi"); Thread.Sleep(1000); cancelable.Cancel = false; inProcessing = false; checkPathActive = true; } else { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: No shorter path available, skip flying"); cancelable.Cancel = false; _timer = true; inProcessing = false; } } changer = true; } //Logging.Write("Finished MovementPulseEvent"); } public static bool inCombat() { return Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return UnitAffectingCombat('player');"); } public static bool inCombatPet() { return Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return UnitAffectingCombat('pet');"); } Thread scanNearbyTaxi = new Thread(() => { int scanTimer = 10000; List<FlightMasterDB> npcScan = fillDB(); Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi scan started"); while(robotManager.Products.Products.IsStarted) { //Logging.Write("In Taxi scan thread loop"); /* if(!_runScan) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi scan disposed"); break; } */ if(_discoverTaxiTimer || _discoverInProessing) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Discover in processing or scan for nearby nodes paused"); for(int i = FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.pauseTaxiTime; i > 0; i -= 1000) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } _discoverTaxiTimer = false; } while(inCombat() || inCombatPet()) { Thread.Sleep(5000); } //Pause while training First Aid in Darnassus, to avoid conflicts with HumanMasterPlugin string status = Logging.Status; while(status.Contains("First Aid") && Usefuls.MapZoneName.Contains("Teldrassil")) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: HumanMasterPlugin trying to train First Aid. Pausing undiscovered node scan for five minutes to avoid conflicts"); Thread.Sleep(300000); } if(Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !_taxiToDiscover && !ObjectManager.Me.IsOnTaxi) { foreach(var temp in npcScan) { if(checkContinent() == temp.continent && !temp.alreadyDiscovered && ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(temp.position) < FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.detectTaxiDistance) { taxiToDiscover = temp; discoverTaxiNode = temp; _taxiToDiscover = true; Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Near undiscovered Taxi node found: " + temp.name); Thread.Sleep(1000 + Usefuls.Latency); while(!MovementManager.InMovement) { Thread.Sleep(100); } Reenable(); } } } Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency * 10); npcScan = fillDB(); Thread.Sleep(scanTimer); } }); Thread checkPathDuringRun = new Thread(() => { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Path checker started"); while(robotManager.Products.Products.IsStarted) { if(pauseCheckPathThread) { Thread.Sleep(5000); continue; } if(_timer) { Thread.Sleep(5000); continue; } if(cancelCheckPathThread) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Check path thread disposed"); break; } if(checkPathActive) { Thread.Sleep(5000); status = Logging.Status; if(MovementManager.CurrentPath.Last<Vector3>().DistanceTo(checkPathActiveFM.position) > 10 && !checkPathActiveFM.Equals((FlightMasterDB)null) && !status.Contains("Resurrect") && !status.Contains("To Town")) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster: Current path does not lead to Flight Master of " + checkPathActiveFM.name + ". Reset path..."); checkPathActive = false; Reenable(); } Thread.Sleep(5000); } Thread.Sleep(5000); } }); //By Matenia private static async void Reenable() { //Logging.Write("Enter reenable"); await Task.Run(() => { Products.InPause = true; if(ObjectManager.Me.WowClass == WoWClass.Hunter) Lua.LuaDoString("RotaOn = false"); MovementManager.StopMove(); MovementManager.CurrentPath.Clear(); MovementManager.CurrentPathOrigine.Clear(); Thread.Sleep(5000); Products.InPause = false; if(ObjectManager.Me.WowClass == WoWClass.Hunter) Lua.LuaDoString("RotaOn = true"); Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Resetting pathing"); }); } private static float calculateRealDistance(Vector3 startVector, Vector3 destinationVector) { float distance = 0; List<Vector3> realDistance = new List<Vector3>(); realDistance = PathFinder.FindPath(startVector, destinationVector); for(int i = 0; i < realDistance.Count - 1; i++) { distance = distance + realDistance[i].DistanceTo2D(realDistance[i + 1]); } //Logging.Write("Real distance is: " + distance); return distance; } public static FlightMasterDB getClosestFlightMasterFrom() { List<FlightMasterDB> FMLnfmd = fillDB(); float tempDistance = 99999; FlightMasterDB returnObject = new FlightMasterDB("null", 0, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), false, false); foreach(var a in FMLnfmd) { if(a.alreadyDiscovered && a.position.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.Me.Position) < tempDistance && (a.continent == checkContinent())) { tempDistance = a.position.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.Me.Position); returnObject = a; } } return returnObject; } public static FlightMasterDB getClosestFlightMasterTo() { List<FlightMasterDB> FMLgcfmt = fillDB(); float tempDistance = 99999; FlightMasterDB returnObject = new FlightMasterDB("null", 0, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), false, false); foreach(var a in FMLgcfmt) { if(a.alreadyDiscovered && a.position.DistanceTo(destinationVector) < tempDistance && (a.continent == checkContinent())) { tempDistance = a.position.DistanceTo(destinationVector); returnObject = a; } } return returnObject; } public static bool checkContinent() { if(Usefuls.ContinentId == (int)ContinentId.Kalimdor) { //Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Currently located in Kalimdor"); return true; } else { //Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Currently located in Eastern Kingdoms"); return false; } } public static void waitFlying(string destinationFlightMaster) { while(ObjectManager.Me.IsOnTaxi) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: On taxi, waiting"); Thread.Sleep(30000); } _takenTaxi = true; inProcessing = false; Thread.Sleep(5000); Reenable(); Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Arrived at destination " + destinationFlightMaster + " , finished waiting"); } public static List<FlightMasterDB> fillDB() { //FNVFlightMasterSettings.Load(); //True = Kalimdor ; False = Eastern Kingdoms List<FlightMasterDB> FMListe = new List<FlightMasterDB>(); FlightMasterDB Stormwind = new FlightMasterDB("Stormwind", 352, new Vector3(-8835.76f, 490.084f, 109.6157f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Stormwind); FMListe.Add(Stormwind); FlightMasterDB ArathiHighlands = new FlightMasterDB("Arathi", 2835, new Vector3(-1240.03f, -2513.96f, 21.92969f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.ArathiHighlands); FMListe.Add(ArathiHighlands); FlightMasterDB Ashenvale = new FlightMasterDB("Ashenvale", 4267, new Vector3(2828.4f, -284.3f, 106.7f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Ashenvale); FMListe.Add(Ashenvale); FlightMasterDB Darkshore = new FlightMasterDB("Darkshore", 3841, new Vector3(6343.2f, 561.651f, 15.79876f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Darkshore); FMListe.Add(Darkshore); FlightMasterDB Stranglethorn = new FlightMasterDB("Stranglethorn", 2859, new Vector3(-14477.9f, 464.101f, 36.38163f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.StranglethornValley); FMListe.Add(Stranglethorn); FlightMasterDB Duskwood = new FlightMasterDB("Duskwood", 2409, new Vector3(-10513.8f, -1258.79f, 41.43174f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Duskwood); FMListe.Add(Duskwood); FlightMasterDB FeralasFeathermoon = new FlightMasterDB("Feathermoon", 8019, new Vector3(-4370.5f, 3340f, 12f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.FeralasFeathermoon); FMListe.Add(FeralasFeathermoon); FlightMasterDB FeralasThalanaar = new FlightMasterDB("Thalanaar", 4319, new Vector3(-4491f, -781f, -40f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.FeralasThalanaar); FMListe.Add(FeralasThalanaar); FlightMasterDB Tanaris = new FlightMasterDB("Tanaris", 7823, new Vector3(-7224.9f, -3738.2f, 8.4f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Tanaris); FMListe.Add(Tanaris); FlightMasterDB Hinterlands = new FlightMasterDB("The Hinterlands", 8018, new Vector3(282.1f, -2001.3f, 194.1f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.TheHinterlands); FMListe.Add(Hinterlands); FlightMasterDB Ironforge = new FlightMasterDB("Ironforge", 1573, new Vector3(-4821.13f, -1152.4f, 502.2116f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Ironforge); FMListe.Add(Ironforge); FlightMasterDB Menethil = new FlightMasterDB("Wetlands", 1571, new Vector3(-3793.2f, -782.052f, 9.014864f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Wetlands); FMListe.Add(Menethil); FlightMasterDB TheBarrens = new FlightMasterDB("The Barrens", 16227, new Vector3(-898.246f, -3769.65f, 11.71021f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.TheBarrens); FMListe.Add(TheBarrens); FlightMasterDB Redridge = new FlightMasterDB("Redridge", 931, new Vector3(-9435.8f, -2234.79f, 69.43174f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.RedridgeMountains); FMListe.Add(Redridge); FlightMasterDB Teldrassil = new FlightMasterDB("Teldrassil", 3838, new Vector3(8640.58f, 841.118f, 23.26363f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Teldrassil); FMListe.Add(Teldrassil); FlightMasterDB Southshore = new FlightMasterDB("Hillsbrad", 2432, new Vector3(-715.146f, -512.134f, 26.54455f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.HillsbradFoothills); FMListe.Add(Southshore); FlightMasterDB Stonetalon = new FlightMasterDB("Stonetalon Mountains", 4407, new Vector3(2682.83f, 1466.45f, 233.6483f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.StonetalonMountains); FMListe.Add(Stonetalon); FlightMasterDB Thelsamar = new FlightMasterDB("Loch Modan", 1572, new Vector3(-5424.85f, -2929.87f, 347.5623f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.LochModan); FMListe.Add(Thelsamar); FlightMasterDB Theramore = new FlightMasterDB("Dustwallow Marsh", 4321, new Vector3(-3828.88f, -4517.51f, 10.66067f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.DustwallowMarsh); FMListe.Add(Theramore); FlightMasterDB WesternP = new FlightMasterDB("Western Pleaguelands", 12596, new Vector3(928.3f, -1429.1f, 64.8f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.WesternPlaguelands); FMListe.Add(WesternP); FlightMasterDB Westfall = new FlightMasterDB("Westfall", 523, new Vector3(-10628.8f, 1037.79f, 34.43174f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Westfall); FMListe.Add(Westfall); FlightMasterDB EasternP = new FlightMasterDB("Eastern Pleaguelands", 12617, new Vector3(2269.9f, -5345.4f, 86.9f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.EasternPlaguelands); FMListe.Add(EasternP); FlightMasterDB SearingGorge = new FlightMasterDB("Searing Gorge", 2941, new Vector3(-6559.1f, -1169.4f, 309.8f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.SearingGorge); FMListe.Add(SearingGorge); FlightMasterDB BurningSteppes = new FlightMasterDB("Burning Steppes", 2299, new Vector3(-8365.1f, -2758.5f, 185.6f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.BurningSteppes); FMListe.Add(BurningSteppes); FlightMasterDB BlastedLands = new FlightMasterDB("Blasted Lands", 8609, new Vector3(-11110.2f, -3437.1f, 79.2f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.BlastedLands); FMListe.Add(BlastedLands); FlightMasterDB Azshara = new FlightMasterDB("Azshara", 12577, new Vector3(2718.2f, -3880.8f, 101.4f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Azshara); FMListe.Add(Azshara); FlightMasterDB Felwood = new FlightMasterDB("Felwood", 12578, new Vector3(6204.2f, -1951.4f, 571.3f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Felwood); FMListe.Add(Felwood); FlightMasterDB Winterspring = new FlightMasterDB("Winterspring", 11138, new Vector3(6800.5f, -4742.4f, 701.5f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Winterspring); FMListe.Add(Winterspring); FlightMasterDB UngoroCreater = new FlightMasterDB("goro Crater", 10583, new Vector3(-6110.5f, -1140.4f, -186.9f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.UngoroCrater); FMListe.Add(UngoroCreater); FlightMasterDB Silithus = new FlightMasterDB("Silithus", 15177, new Vector3(-6758.6f, 775.6f, 89f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Silithus); FMListe.Add(Silithus); FlightMasterDB Desolace = new FlightMasterDB("Desolace", 6706, new Vector3(136f, 1326f, 193f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Desolace); FMListe.Add(Desolace); return FMListe; } /* public static bool validFlight(String from, String to) { bool von = false; bool zu = false; List<FlightMasterDB> FMLvf = fillDB(); for(int i = 0; i < FMLvf.Count; i++) { if(FMLvf[i].name.Contains(from)) { von = FMLvf[i].continent; } if(FMLvf[i].name.Contains(to)) { zu = FMLvf[i].continent; } } return von != zu; } public static bool discoveredTaxiNodes(String from, String to) { List<FlightMasterDB> FMLDTN = fillDB(); foreach(var ele in FMLDTN) { if(ele.name.Contains(from)) { //Logging.Write("Test 1"); if(!ele.alreadyDiscovered) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi node from " + ele.name + " has not been discovered so far. Abort taking taxi."); return false; } } } foreach(var ele in FMLDTN) { //Logging.Write("Test 2"); if(ele.name.Contains(to)) { if(!ele.alreadyDiscovered) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi node to " + ele.name + " has not been discovered so far. Abort taking taxi."); return false; } } } //Logging.Write("Test 3"); return true; } */ private static void takeTaxi(FlightMasterDB from, FlightMasterDB to) { //Logging.Write("Taking taxi from " + from.name + " to " + to.name); // Logging.Write("Distance: " + ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(from.position)); if(wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(from.position, 3.5f, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore)) { if(wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(from.position, from.NPCId, -1, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore, false)) { //Logging.Write("Enter select taxi"); //Logging.Write("FROM OBJECT: " + from.name); while(!ObjectManager.Me.IsOnTaxi) { if(ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted) wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.MountTask.DismountMount(false, false, 100); Usefuls.SelectGossipOption(GossipOptionsType.taxi); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 1500); while(_updateNodes) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi node update in progress, waiting..."); Thread.Sleep(10000); } int node = Lua.LuaDoString<int>("for i=0,30 do if string.find(TaxiNodeName(i),'" + to.name + "') then return i end end"); Lua.LuaDoString("TakeTaxiNode(" + node + ")"); Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taking Taxi from " + from.name + " to " + to.name); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 500); robotManager.Helpful.Keyboard.DownKey(wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.WindowHandle, System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Escape); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 2500); if(!ObjectManager.Me.IsOnTaxi) wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(from.position, from.NPCId, -1, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore, false); } if(ObjectManager.Me.IsOnTaxi) { //Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taking taxi successful!"); waitFlying(to.name); } } } } private static void discoverTaxi(FlightMasterDB flightMasterToDiscover) { FNVFlightMasterSettings.Load(); List<FlightMasterDB> FMLdt = fillDB(); if(wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(flightMasterToDiscover.position, 3.5f, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore)) { wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(flightMasterToDiscover.position, 3.5f, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore); if(wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(flightMasterToDiscover.position, flightMasterToDiscover.NPCId, -1, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore, false)) { wManager.wManagerSetting.ClearBlacklistOfCurrentProductSession(); wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(flightMasterToDiscover.position, flightMasterToDiscover.NPCId, -1, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore, false); if(ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted) wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.MountTask.DismountMount(false, false, 100); Usefuls.SelectGossipOption(GossipOptionsType.taxi); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 1500); while(_updateNodes) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFLightMaster]: Taxi node update in progress..."); Thread.Sleep(10000); } Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Flight Master " + flightMasterToDiscover.name + " discovered"); flightMasterToDiscover.alreadyDiscovered = true; FNVFlightMasterSettings.flightMasterSaveChanges(flightMasterToDiscover, true); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency * 5); timer = 0; //_timer = true; discoverTaxiNode = (FlightMasterDB)null; _taxiToDiscover = false; _discoverInProessing = false; _discoverTaxiTimer = true; Reenable(); return; } } _discoverInProessing = false; return; } } public class FlightMasterDB { public FlightMasterDB(String name, int NPCId, Vector3 position, bool continent, bool alreadyDiscovered) { this.name = name; this.NPCId = NPCId; this.position = position; this.continent = continent; this.alreadyDiscovered = alreadyDiscovered; } public int NPCId { get; set; } public Vector3 position { get; set; } public String name { get; set; } public bool continent { get; set; } public bool alreadyDiscovered { get; set; } } [Serializable] public class FNVFlightMasterSettings : Settings { public FNVFlightMasterSettings() { //Settings this.taxiTriggerDistance = 1000; this.pauseTaxiTime = 50000; this.detectTaxiDistance = 50; this.shorterMinDistance = 1000; this.skipIfFollowPath = true; this.updateTaxi = true; this.skipIfFollowPathDistance = 5000; this.useCheckPathThread = false; this.pauseSearingGorge = true; //FlightMaster discovered //Eastern Kingdoms this.ArathiHighlands = false; this.Wetlands = false; this.WesternPlaguelands = false; this.EasternPlaguelands = false; this.HillsbradFoothills = false; this.TheHinterlands = false; this.LochModan = false; this.Ironforge = false; this.SearingGorge = false; this.BurningSteppes = false; this.RedridgeMountains = false; this.Stormwind = false; this.Westfall = false; this.Duskwood = false; this.StranglethornValley = false; this.BlastedLands = false; //Kalimdor this.Teldrassil = false; this.Darkshore = false; this.Winterspring = false; this.Azshara = false; this.Ashenvale = false; this.StonetalonMountains = false; this.Desolace = false; this.TheBarrens = false; this.Tanaris = false; this.FeralasFeathermoon = false; this.FeralasThalanaar = false; this.UngoroCrater = false; this.DustwallowMarsh = false; this.Silithus = false; this.Moonglade = false; this.Felwood = false; } public static void flightMasterSaveChanges(FlightMasterDB needToChange, bool value) { if(needToChange.name.Contains("Arathi")) CurrentSettings.ArathiHighlands = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Wetlands")) CurrentSettings.Wetlands = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Western")) CurrentSettings.WesternPlaguelands = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Eastern")) CurrentSettings.EasternPlaguelands = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Hillsbrad")) CurrentSettings.HillsbradFoothills = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Hinterlands")) CurrentSettings.TheHinterlands = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Modan")) CurrentSettings.LochModan = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Ironforge")) CurrentSettings.Ironforge = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Searing")) CurrentSettings.SearingGorge = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Burning")) CurrentSettings.BurningSteppes = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Redridge")) CurrentSettings.RedridgeMountains = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Stormwind")) CurrentSettings.Stormwind = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Westfall")) CurrentSettings.Westfall = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Duskwood")) CurrentSettings.Duskwood = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Stranglethorn")) CurrentSettings.StranglethornValley = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Blasted")) CurrentSettings.BlastedLands = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Teldrassil")) CurrentSettings.Teldrassil = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Darkshore")) CurrentSettings.Darkshore = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Winterspring")) CurrentSettings.Winterspring = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Azshara")) CurrentSettings.Azshara = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Ashenvale")) CurrentSettings.Ashenvale = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Stonetalon")) CurrentSettings.StonetalonMountains = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Desolace")) CurrentSettings.Desolace = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Tanaris")) CurrentSettings.Tanaris = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Barrens")) CurrentSettings.TheBarrens = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Feathermoon")) CurrentSettings.FeralasFeathermoon = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Thalanaar")) CurrentSettings.FeralasThalanaar = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("ro Crater")) CurrentSettings.UngoroCrater = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Dustwallow")) CurrentSettings.DustwallowMarsh = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Silithus")) CurrentSettings.Silithus = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Felwood")) CurrentSettings.Felwood = value; FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Save(); Thread.Sleep(2500); try { FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings = Load<FNVFlightMasterSettings>(AdviserFilePathAndName("VanillaFlightMaster_DB", ObjectManager.Me.Name + "." + Usefuls.RealmName)); } catch(Exception e) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Error when trying to reload DB file -> " + e); } Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Settings saved of Flight Master " + needToChange.name); return; } public static FNVFlightMasterSettings CurrentSettings { get; set; } public bool Save() { try { return Save(AdviserFilePathAndName("VanillaFlightMaster_DB", ObjectManager.Me.Name + "." + Usefuls.RealmName)); } catch(Exception e) { Logging.WriteDebug("VanillaFlightMaster_DB => Save(): " + e); return false; } } public static bool Load() { try { if(File.Exists(AdviserFilePathAndName("VanillaFlightMaster_DB", ObjectManager.Me.Name + "." + Usefuls.RealmName))) { FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings = Load<FNVFlightMasterSettings>(AdviserFilePathAndName("VanillaFlightMaster_DB", ObjectManager.Me.Name + "." + Usefuls.RealmName)); return true; } FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings = new FNVFlightMasterSettings(); } catch(Exception e) { Logging.WriteDebug("VanillaFlightMaster_DB => Load(): " + e); } return false; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(1000)] [Category("1 - Main")] [DisplayName("Trigger Distance")] [Description("Sets how long your distance to your destination has to be, to trigger use of taxi")] public int taxiTriggerDistance { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(50000)] [Category("1 - Main")] [DisplayName("Pause Taxi Time")] [Description("Sets how long taxi is paused after use, to avoid loops. Only change it, if you experience issues")] public int pauseTaxiTime { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(50)] [Category("1 - Main")] [DisplayName("Discover Distance")] [Description("Min distance to discover an undiscovered taxi node")] public int detectTaxiDistance { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(1000)] [Category("1 - Main")] [DisplayName("Shorter Path Min")] [Description("Sets how much shorter a path has to be, to trigger taxi")] public int shorterMinDistance { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(false)] [Category("1 - Main")] [DisplayName("Use check path thread")] [Description("Checks if current path leads to Flight Master, while take taxi is running. Resets path, if otherwise")] public bool useCheckPathThread { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(true)] [Category("2 - Useful")] [DisplayName("1. Skip if Follow Path / Boat step")] [Description("Skips take taxi, if currently executing a Follow Path or Boat Quester step. When running a profile with dedicated paths")] public bool skipIfFollowPath { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(true)] [Category("2 - Useful")] [DisplayName("2. Update taxi nodes")] [Description("Scans and updates all entries on the taxi map of the current continent, if they have already been discovered. Triggers, when the taxi map is opened")] public bool updateTaxi { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(5000)] [Category("2 - Useful")] [DisplayName("1.1 Skip if ... min distance")] [Description("Won't skip taxi min distance to destination")] public float skipIfFollowPathDistance { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(true)] [Category("2 - Useful")] [DisplayName("3. Stop bot at Searing Gorge gate")] [Description("Stops the bot, to prevent it from running into the Searing Gorge gate from Loch Modan and getting stuck over and over again")] public bool pauseSearingGorge { get; set; } //FlightMaster //Eastern Kingdoms public bool Stormwind { get; set; } public bool Westfall { get; set; } public bool RedridgeMountains { get; set; } public bool Duskwood { get; set; } public bool StranglethornValley { get; set; } public bool Ironforge { get; set; } public bool BurningSteppes { get; set; } public bool BlastedLands { get; set; } public bool SearingGorge { get; set; } public bool LochModan { get; set; } public bool Wetlands { get; set; } public bool ArathiHighlands { get; set; } public bool HillsbradFoothills { get; set; } public bool WesternPlaguelands { get; set; } public bool EasternPlaguelands { get; set; } public bool TheHinterlands { get; set; } //Kalimdor public bool Ashenvale { get; set; } public bool Azshara { get; set; } public bool Darkshore { get; set; } public bool Teldrassil { get; set; } public bool Desolace { get; set; } public bool DustwallowMarsh { get; set; } public bool Felwood { get; set; } public bool FeralasFeathermoon { get; set; } public bool FeralasThalanaar { get; set; } public bool Moonglade { get; set; } public bool Silithus { get; set; } public bool StonetalonMountains { get; set; } public bool Tanaris { get; set; } public bool TheBarrens { get; set; } public bool UngoroCrater { get; set; } public bool Winterspring { get; set; } } Source code I still had access to - now that FNV disappeared I wanted to publish it in case someone wanted to take over
  15. Thanks
    Matenia got a reaction from Stormblessed in [PAID] Affliction/Demonology Warlock 1-70   
    If you changed your wRobot key, it's a 12 hour downtime. Support is only on Discord, so if you PM me your order id I can figure out what's wrong.
  16. Haha
    Matenia got a reaction from neversummer930 in [PAID][PvP] Retribution Paladin   
    No, I will never make something like that. Scripters have no place in competitive pvp. Git gud
  17. Like
    Matenia got a reaction from thxgod1 in [PAID] Affliction/Demonology Warlock 1-70   
    Gotta delete the warlock settings for that character in your settings folder
  18. Like
    Matenia got a reaction from mrfrank in [PAID] HumanMasterPlugin   
    I'm always on Discord and my name is showing in red. If you're using a multi IP license, activate the setting.
    If you change your wRobot key, the downtime is 12 hours (and the only way to get around is to PM me on Discord).
    If this downtime happens mid-run, make sure HMP is up to date and you have a stable connection. Your log should give you info on what might've caused the connection issues.
    Edit: To clarify, I'm talking about my Discord channel, which is really active and has 500+ members.
  19. Like
    Matenia got a reaction from mrfrank in [PAID] Combat Rogue 1-60   
    First Aid is plugin related. I could add it to the FC but it would mess up other stuff. *Maybe* I will add it before the near year, if I can think of a smart way.
  20. Thanks
    Matenia got a reaction from Brosidenkingof in [PAID] HumanMasterPlugin   
    The message is a bit longer. Wait 15 minutes. If you changed your wRobot key recently, it takes 12 hours before you are allowed to use a new one. This is to prevent filesharing with friends
  21. Like
    Matenia reacted to tinytimbo in [PAID] HumanMasterPlugin   
    Yes I did miss the instructions on this page. Micam sorted me out and it's working now. Thanks Micam!
  22. Like
    Matenia got a reaction from Marshalek in PartyBot Helper   
    These are just the addon messages your character receives from all users on the server at all times. You can deactivate the debug logging if it bothers you, the source is right there.
  23. Thanks
    Matenia got a reaction from grrberry in [PAID] HumanMasterPlugin   
    At 1 session, you won't run wRobot through different VPNs - unless there is an exploit that Droidz needs to fix where you can use several IPs and sessions despite only paying for 1?
    Only the more expensive multi session licenses are what HMP doesn't fully support yet. But I am getting around to it.

    Thank you for being understanding. I've updated HMP to fix the list of pots.
  24. Like
    Matenia reacted to MrBramwell in [PAID] HumanMasterPlugin   
    Just use a VPN with split tunneling functionality, makes you able to do "Per app VPN's" That way you can force WoW through a VPN and Wrobot stays on your local machine. I know for example Express VPN has this functionality. 
  25. Thanks
    Matenia got a reaction from grrberry in [PAID] HumanMasterPlugin   
    Some people have said they have gotten mass-banned using proxies on the same machine and their idea is the server somehow scans your LAN. I don't think that's how they get caught - but you can do this through different VMs all the same - this won't affect HMP then.
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