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Loki Fox Kit Grinder (pet) 1.0

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Loki Fox Kit Grinder (pet)

I made a grinder profile for Fox Kit at Tol Barad.

My profile feature

1) Direct routes to the spawn hotspots for shortest traveltime per kill (Map of hotspots)

2) Vendor and Repair (Alliance, i will run into Alliance camp)

Im having about 150 kills per hour and as far as ive seen its about 80% Fox's and 20% trash..

The only thing that hurt a liffle are Hellscream Guards but they are lvl 85 and really no problem unless you are paperthin. But at lvl 90 this is no problem at all.

Drop chance IS low, but this is what you get.


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It actually got stuck when on his way to vendor when he got full bags. I thought he would use the same path as the profile for that.

Perhaps using an autotrash addon would be best. Then it would be no need for vendors here. I got full bags after about 2,5h running the bot.


And also ONE FOX KIT :) I love him already :)

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It takes about 2 hours to fill your bags if you have 30-40 slots free when you start. The Fox's and trash drops 2-5 "jaws".

It seems like when you get full the bot tries to go to vendor easiest way and there are alot of places to fall down on :)


My suggestion is to MANUALLY sell your stuff at the vendor every two hours or less to avoid this.

You shouldnt leave your bot unattended for that long anyway.


An addon to automatically throw away grey items can be used also.

Im gonna try this Scrap Cleaner and hope its not a "sell at vendor" addon. I want an addon that DELETE the grey items.

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Really good profile! I was running it for about an hour and not getting stuck or anything at all. Does what it's supposed to do, get to the Baradin Fox and kill them. And as you said, about trash is correct as well. Thanks a lot!

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