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[Loki] Winterspring Azure Whelpling Grinder

Do you want a cute little Azure Whelpling? So did I, inspired by the by playingnaked.

Not to sell, but to cuddle with. (God damn Pokemon syndrome)

Anyways, the profile features

1) Circle route at the hotspot. The primary NPC is Anguished Highborne but Im taking the route abit wider from the hotspot to kill other NPCs that also drop Azure but at a lower droprate. This will give the highbournes some time to respawn. Ive micro managed the route to get most Highbourne kill per hour. One circle takes about 7-8 min for me.

2) Vendor and mailbox, alliance, but I think Horde can use this too since the village is faction neutral (I THINK)

3) 300+ kills / hr. Mind that the droprate is 0,02% which means 1 per 2000 kills. So this is nothing you can expect to pickup while eating lunch. Mine took 8 hr but Im a patient man. And I was watching hockey anyway :P

Tip of the Day:

If you are grinding with a lvl 90 char, Make a fight class that only includes instant spellcast to save time. My disc priest only uses penance, holy fire and SW: Pain. They all instakills everything. Also set your fighting range to 5 so you land in their face and dont need to run to loot.

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