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TBC quester 1-30 lvl !TEST! 3x xp rate 1.0

   (1 review)

About This File

Hi, this is my first quester, it will probably have some bugs so let me know what quest you're stuck on, otherwise it should be 100% AFK but I'm not entirely sure. You can take your lvl 70 and it will definitely be 100% AFK.

Quest - Blood Shards Of Agamaggan = DONT SELL BLOOD SHARDS.
otherwise you'll get stuck.

I should finish the quester up to level 70 in a week or two.

Everything will be completely free.

Starting Zone for ORCS

Thanks ❤️

What's New in Version 1.0   See changelog


FIX MANY BUGS! Everything should be working properly now, let me know if you find anything wrong!

User Feedback

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Hi all.
I want to leave my opinion about this bot.
I can’t say that he is 100% afk... the bot lacks grind, especially on leveling 10-18.
In places where the task is completed, such as kill/collect, the bot constantly dies and only after hours of attempts completes this task.
So... sorry for my assessment... you're good for writing the quests yourself, but you also need to optimize. 😃

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