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ilevel409 Boe Blues farm (in jade)(90s only)

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a spread sheet i made for ilevel 409,(level 80) blues.

and the market value for my realm.(pls check them out for your own realm if you ever want to do so)

Here are the mob list that have most blues drop:(3 mob)







this 3 are at top left in jade forest while the list below are at the button of the jade(south)




PS: 0.01% drop rate is like over 8 hours. with a killing rate 250/hr. you will get 1 or 2 of them. and each mob drops more than one kind of them xD.(i mean 1 or 2 can be sold for almost 15k just a night and tons of greens with fur or cloth.)

i searched all the blues on wowhead and the mobs that drops them. i do overnight farm a lot with grindering which ends up tons tons tons of greens ( i have 1000 of them unsold on ah worth 500k lol...)

PS: the link for all the blue are http://www.wowhead.com/items?filter=qu=3;minle=400;minrl=80;maxrl=80;si=3

This profile only contain Water spirit

What's New in Version 10/21/13 06:44 PM   See changelog


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there is no point to add all 6 kind of them into one profile just simply they are not near each other.


and i think water spirit gives me the most blue, still testing just made it tonight  see how many i will get tomorrow 

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