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Erv Elemental Shaman PvP 1.0

   (2 reviews)

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Erv Elemental Shaman v1.0

Due to the lack (and poor quality) of other Elemental Shaman fight classes (other than Spooge's of course, which is more pve focused), especially ones centered around pvp, this is a profile I wrote to make it easier for my elemental shaman to bot in battlegrounds. As it uses defensive cooldowns, offensive cooldowns, interrupts spellcasting, drops totems, and casts a wide array of spells, it not only does half decent damage, but *also provides adequate disguise to your character being a bot (*NOT A GUARANTEE, PLEASE STILL BE CAUTIOUS WHEN BOTTING). As there are several talent-specific abilities written into this fight class, the following talents should be taken to ensure that the profile works correctly.

15 - Nature's Guardian

30 - Earthgrab Totem

45 - Totemic Persistence

60 - Echo of the Elements (really your call here)

75 - Ancestral Guidance

90 - Elemental Blast

-Basic Rotation (prioritized in this order)

  1. ​Will cast Flametongue Weapon once every 60 minutes (or once right away every time you start the bot, even out of combat).
  2. Will keep Lightning Shield up, casting it once every 2 minutes (optimized for battlegrounds, as it drops off when you are killed).
  3. Will keep Flame Shock up on the target, and refresh when there are 3 seconds left (27s duration).
  4. Will cast Lava Burst on cooldown every 8 seconds.

[*]Will cast Elemental Blast on cooldown every 12 seconds.

[*]Will cast Unleash Elements every 15 seconds to increase the damage of your next fire spell by 30%.

[*]Will cast Earth Shock when 7 charges of Lightning Shield have been generated.

[*]Will drop Searing Totem once every 25 seconds.

[*]Will cast Lightning Bolt as a filler when all other major damage dealing spells are on cooldown.

-Damage-Dealing Cooldowns (usage prioritized over basic rotation)

  1. Will use Ascendance before casting any damage dealing spells right when you enter combat and on cooldown every 3 minutes (as long as you're still in combat).

  1. Will use Shamanistic Rage if you are at or below 70% hp every 60 seconds on cooldown.
  2. Will use Healing Tide Totem if you are at or below 50% hp every 3 minutes on cooldown.
  3. Will use Capacitor Totem every 45 seconds on cooldown.
  4. Will use Grounding Totem every 25 seconds on cooldown.
  5. Will use Earthgrab Totem every 30 seconds on cooldown.
  6. IF TALENTED FOR Ancestral Guidance, will use if you are at or below 70% hp every 2 minutes on cooldown.
  7. Will spam Healing Surge if you are at or below 35% hp.

-Additional Notes

[*]Will Thunderstorm on cooldown every 45 seconds to restore mana and push back enemies.

[*]Will Wind Shear every 12 seconds on cooldown to interrupt enemy spellcasting.

Hopefully you guys like the profile! I put a bit of time into it, so if you do download it, use it, and like it, OR if you don't like it and would like any changes to be made, please leave a comment below, and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible. Happy Lava Bursting, and thanks :D

What's New in Version 1.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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