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Jh16 - Warlock Demonology -Contest 1.0.0

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About This File

This was originally created for personal use, however I felt like sharing. :)

Also having a chance at a free subscription isn't that bad either. :D

Single Target Supported

AoE Not Supported
(might try this sometime later)

For 1.0.0:


List of spells used: (in no particular order)

  • Corruption (keeps DoT active)
  • Hand of Gul'dan (keeps DoT active but not all charges used, least after it uses it the first time)
  • Soul Fire (used while Molten Core buff is active and while in Metamorphosis more than 85 Demonic Fury)
  • Metamorphosis (activates at 900 Demonic Fury)
  • Shadow Bolt (filler while all DoTs are active and Molten Core isn't active)
  • Touch of Chaos (Demonic Fury dump while waiting, would like to see a faster cast of this)
  • Chaos Wave (keeps DoT active but not all charges used, least after it uses it the first time. Stops after lower than 120 Demonic Fury)
  • Aura of the Elements (keeps buff active, applies when gone into Metamorphosis)
  • Dark Regeneration (activates when lower than 40% health)
  • Life Tap (currently working for level 90, might make support for lower levels in later version)
  • Dark Intent (keeps buff active, in or out of combat, however not while mounted)
  • Summon Imp (if Summon Voidwalker isn't currently learned and no pet active and if Sacrifice is active)
  • Summon Voidwalker (if Summon Felguard isn't currently learned and no pet active and if Sacrifice is active)
  • Summon Felguard (default pet if spell is learned and won't summon if Sacrifice active)
  • Mortal Coil (below 80% health only)

    • 15). Dark Regeneration Support (will add Drain/Harvest Life in later version)
    • 30). Mortal Coil Support (will add Howl of Terror in later version. unsure about Shadowfury)
    • 45). None (will add to later version)
    • 60). None (will add to later version)
    • 75). Supremacy and Sacrifice Supported. (Will add Service to later version)
    • 90). None (will add to later version)


      • None (will add support for useable glyphs in later version)


      [*]Trinket(s) Not Supported (will add this in later version)

      [*]Healthstone Usage Not Supported (tried adding it but seemed it didn't want to work, might try in later versions)

      [*]Damage Cooldowns Not Supported (will add in later version, will be disabled on default go into settings to activate)

      [*]Pet Abilities Not Supported (tried adding but seemed it didn't want to work, might try in later versions)

      Phew, a lot of stuff in there and a lot of testing put into it. As you can tell there are several things that I need to figure out then I could do a lot more with it.

      Hope you guys enjoy it. =D

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

User Feedback

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Very nice job on winning the contest!

Thanks, lets just hope I can get my blooming arch bug mount within the 6 months. xD Already up to 70 Tol'vir solves and haven't seen it yet. :(

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I don't think this is working anymore.

You sure? Cause it is working fine for me. Nothing really changed at all with 5.2 for Demo Locks except for buffing of spells.

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I'm having an issue with "pulling." Tries to cast spells, but remains too far away (You are too far away!). But the character never moves any closer. In the end, it just keeps casting into perpetuity until I intervene.


Is anyone else having this problem? Is there anything I can do to fix it?

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I'm having an issue with "pulling." Tries to cast spells, but remains too far away (You are too far away!). But the character never moves any closer. In the end, it just keeps casting into perpetuity until I intervene.


Is anyone else having this problem? Is there anything I can do to fix it?


if you change the range in profile editor to something lower than 45 it works fine at lower levels

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