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Tagged By NPC Bot "state" issue (AzerothCcore with Trickerer Trinity-Bots Module)

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Server is 3.3.5 running azerothcore with the trickerer "trinity-bots" party bots. The bots that you invite to your party are NPC's. Because they are NPC's, if you are in a dungeon and pull a group when using grinder product the state of the bot will change correctly for that first mob you tag but once that mob is dead, it will ignore the other mobs your party is fighting because they have technically been tagged by an NPC. It changes state from isAttacked to Farming and goes off in search of a new pack of mobs not already in combat with my npc bots. 

I've come to the above conclusions after a lot of research on wrobot forums and looking through as much of the code and the docs for wmanager objectmanager and more. I originally thought the issue could be solved by adjusting "units near target" and "attack elite" and "can attack mobs in combat" but once I realized the azerothcore module makes the bots as NPC's I started to discover the info that lead to the above conclusions.

My questions are, can I force the change in state from within a fightclass editor? Is it simple to create a plugin to resolve this? Making a plugin seems a bit daunting - any tips would help. Thanks.

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