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feral druid farming fight class...


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So, I've been out of botting for 6 months due to a ban using HB. Since HB seems to be getting destroyed by Blizz i thought i'd try out WRobot.

All i want the bot for is gathering to sell for gold. So with that in mind, i bought and downloaded this profile 

I then download the fight class 'Legion Cat Druid by BetterSister.xml'. Not really a fan of it though. I have a Feral Druid that in HB i had setup so that it would always be stealth via Prowl, no mounting up, just stealthed, walking around and coming out of stealth to farm and then back into stealth. This avoided a lot of the unnecessary combat with mobs and produced a better gather rate.

Does anyone know how i can replicate this in Wrobot? Is anyone aware of any just farming fight class profiles for druid feral? I've been looking but haven't seen anything yet

Thanks in advanced


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