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Posts posted by chichimaozi

  1. Hi, just wanted to report that account was banned after 5 mins of fishbotting on Athena. A GM said :"this was a fishbot before", which confirms that using fishbot triggers immediate ban.

    However, I had been using gatherer and quester for past few weeks and it was not banned.

    I don't know if its something specific with fishbot, maybe the no delay fishing after looting the fish? Is it still safe to bot (using functions other than fishbot)?

  2. Hi, just wanted to report that account was banned after 5 mins of fishbotting on Athena. A GM said :"this was a fishbot before", which confirms that using fishbot triggers immediate ban.

    However, I had been using gatherer and quester for past few weeks and it was not banned.

    I don't know if its something specific with fishbot, maybe the no delay fishing after looting the fish? Any idea is appreciated

  3. So I am using a ret pally fight class bot for Cata and the condition to use exorcism is to have both "mana percent greater than 65" and the buff "The Art of War" being active.

    But the character is using exorcism only based on mana percent checking condition. In other words, it uses exorcism whenever mana percentage is greater than 65. Here is the part of code:

              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionNumber">
              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionNumber">
              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionStringBool">
                <Name>The Art of War</Name>

    This XML code should be correct, so it appears to me that either "The Art of War" is not properly coded at lower level (engine might not correctly check this buff, or maybe the variable name is incorrect at lower level?) or there is something wrong with the  "FightClassConditionStringBool" parameter.

    Is there a document or github link that contains lower-end code displaying how engine behind fightclass functions? So I can adjust fightclass XML code accordingly. BTW I am a computer science student so this is obvious to me.


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