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Everything posted by kolovez

  1. Hi any advice on how to ensure complete separation between bot account and my main account on a private 3.3.5 wotlk server? This below would be my method, let me know if you think it can be improved. 1. I unplug internet connection for 5 min. When I reconnect my IP will have changed because it is dynamic. 2. I download a new wow client from the website that host the private server. This is to avoid any download on my wow.exe that can flag my wow files. 3. I create new account via website and create character and launch the bot. if I want to play on my main account again then I reset internet again. Get new IP and launch my original wow.exe file from another folder. This way there is full separation between my bot account and main account, right ? don’t want to risk my main getting banned. Any advice to improve or change this methodology? cheers.
  2. Hi Anyone know if this bot is still operational and works on Warmane ? if so, please let me know. also the get started video is 7 years old. Anyone know if it’s still valid or if there is a newer version?
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