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  1. 9 feb. 2025 18H44.log.html This is what appears to me, it will be that you can help and not wait 15 days to respond
  2. hello good friend Droidz, you recently helped me for the key of version 7.3.5 (26124) . Now I come with another problem, I can already open the wrobot but it does not do any function when I load the quests and fighting classes it does not start the program does not give play or pause it does NOTHING, I play other servers and if everything works perfect for me but with this version I do not understand why I can't I am currently playing uwow 7.3.5 (26124) I would like you to try it and help me please
  3. thank you very much, but now I have another problem opening the wrobot with the client and I put the profiles and fight classes it does nothing the bot does not give PLAY or ANYTHING
  4. Hey, my license Key is not working for wRobot 7.3.5 (26124). Anyone know why? It always says my key is invalid. However the bot recognize my char and my gameversion. HELP ME
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