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    // I used Eeny's File as a Template and claim no ownership of this file. // My knowledge and skill with C# is limited but I did what I could to see about getting a working profile for a priest // That not only could DPS but heal your party as well. // I found very often that I was stuck doing DPS on the priest as most files available did not have a profile built for // healing and doing dps on classic 1.12.1. This is just a pet project as a hobby and wanted to share it for anyone who // might be looking to play a priest class in a more versatile way. Currently this profile has been tested and tuned up to a level 15 priest. //Any further work will have to be done by you, challenge yourself! Healing Skills(Works on party members) Fade Shield Renew, LesserHeal, FlashHeal Dps ShadowWordPain Smite Mindblast Wands When you are using assisted mode, Wrotation, it WILL target group members to heal and then retarget last target, if it is alive. Else, you need to target next mob. ~Shocki3
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