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  1. I waiting any update2. More 8 accounts banned +-10-12 days (ye-ye, i try botting safe:vm, not public poxy, reloger etc). Wrobot paused.
  2. Ofc, max safe botting. Im working on 1 monitor, and near i have 3 windows with wrobot on second monitor. When ppl come to spot i can /wave, buff, helping with quests or pause bot and play 3-5 min. Also i see on the wrobot radar to find and check nearby players. Dude, my accs changed the spots every 30-40 mins, and take break for 5-10 mins after spots. Gathering location A 30 min ->wait 5-7 min -> gathering location B 40 min ->wait 5-10 min -> grinding location C 35 min 🙂 Need wait update wRobot for warmane. Botting now is casino for ban, u acc can live 1-2 day or 30 min.
  3. Oh, it turns out I was right about the warden. I’m eagerly waiting for some good news from you. I’d really like to resume using wRobot as soon as possible, but until there’s an update, I’ll have to put it on pause. Losing 2-3 accounts with 60-70 level characters per day is just too frustrating.
  4. idk. -3 accounts today: 2 gathering, 1 grind. all worked at clear different IP (proxy) and started via Reloger. total 5 accounts permabanned in 7 days, i think it 2much..
  5. 2 days = 2 permaban I think warmane upgraded warden or what? anyone have some problem? Today tested it with next mode (my thoughts about upgraded warden)> in chat red: ninja looting etc. I immediately stop my 2 windows with bot but 1 dont stoped specially. After 2-3 mins next wave red chat permabanned 10 accs (botting), my runnig window banned too 😄 What do u think about it? My PC/IP claimed or really warmane changed something? P.S. Before this, my accounts had experienced a lot of banwaves.
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