Unfortunately, still bot working. Tried just that one, and both of the plugins posted and the results are the same:
10:42:11.860 - Shaman FC Is initialized.
10:42:11.860 - Shaman FC started.
[F] 10:42:11.875 - [Spell] Cast 闪电之盾 (Lightning Shield)
10:42:12.387 - CastSpellByName to /cast plugin loaded.
[F] 10:42:12.558 - [Spell] Cast 闪电之盾 (Lightning Shield)
[F] 10:42:13.237 - [Spell] Cast 闪电之盾 (Lightning Shield)
[F] 10:42:13.917 - [Spell] Cast 闪电之盾 (Lightning Shield)
[F] 10:42:14.581 - [Spell] Cast 闪电之盾 (Lightning Shield)
[F] 10:42:15.261 - [Spell] Cast 闪电之盾 (Lightning Shield)
[F] 10:42:15.928 - [Spell] Cast 闪电之盾 (Lightning Shield)