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  1. Just woke up, an memory pinned once again.
  2. I'm using Ohren frost dk, an Using atm Horde/mix/475-525 Uldum mining. I lowered all the settings on my graphic to fair, an using window mode. WRobot atm is using 63,836k of memory but I just started it, in an hour or so it will be using A LOT more. But 1 thing is different atm also I'm not doing the battleground either. I'm trying to level up my DK so I been doing Battleground an looking for Minerals while it in que.
  3. I'm running a total of 8 gigs, an it's using 1,608MB. But it's not just that I'm also running other things but it shows this in the red on my Norton an when I check my task manager also showing it is using the most memory.
  4. WRobot using MOST of my Ram Is there a way to lower the usage of it?
  5. I just started using the bot, an I'm already having problems figuring things out. Do I need to download more things for "questing" or grinding? I put the bot on for spiders an as he walks an gets stuck on mountains or walks threw alliance camp an gets me kills over an over again. Finally when I got there I've noticed he just keeps attacking till he dies even though I can heal myself.... I'm sure i'll have more questions later on. Maybe I can have this one answered also. I have a warrior JC an BS, will this bot be able to grind the supplies out? hes only about 300 in JC.
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