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  1. great job! was able to afk for about 4-5 hours and worked perfectly, in that time i got about 60 felblight which go for 250g each on my server as well as around 5 stacks of hide..
  2. I tried setting range to 35 under fight class and still he has to pretty much run into the mob (maybe 5 yards) for the bot to start attacking it. please help me so my hunter can be ranged once again! I don't know what else to try. search radius is 300 under looting tab and attack range is 35 yards under fight class. what else to do?
  3. Does any1 know if their is a setting for mage class to conjure its own food when it runs out? Also the Tundra Mammoth mount is working,.. All the settings are on and checked for the character to sell/repair (greys,whites,green items) but still he doesn't use the mammoth mount. Maybe I'm missing a random setting? any advice on these 2 subjects would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
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