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Everything posted by sfrawley420

  1. will this work on a fresh frost DK. Mine is only level 57
  2. I just got a spirit of harmony from fishing whoot
  3. doesn't work anymore they nerfed the drop rate
  4. its meant for low level mages starting off up to level 80 or so
  5. this is my first upload, I plan on putting a lot more up as I continue to learn and figure out how everything works. If you have any requests I will work on them for you
  6. Version 1.0


    this is a basic working frost mage class. It will cast ice barrier as often as it can, if your water elemental dies it will recast it. When Fingers of Frost is up it will cast ice lance. I have used this for 30 levels and I have not needed anything else while leveling Please post comments and any suggestions
  7. I made a few adjustments to your profile and it works flawless now, great profile thanks for your hard work. I will upload some of mine when I finish with them
  8. well that just sucks, why make something soo hard :(
  9. I am willing to pay for someone to either 1. teach me how to make questing profiles or 2. make me questing profiles to go from level 55 to 90 I understand that to go to level 90 it would be multiple profiles and I am ok with that. Let me know
  10. your profile that I downloaded doesn't cast any spells it just summoned a pet that attacks and let them do the work is there a way we can talk on skype?
  11. I have downloaded every single one of those and they are all for higher level mages and won't work on mine. I don't know what I am doing wrong
  12. I don't know if I have just gotten older to the point where I am not up to par with todays bots and stuff because I can't get any custom classes or paths to work properly. I have a level 47 frost mage and I don't know what I am doing wrong. Every time I load up a frost mage class it will always do stupid things like try to auto attack only or not shield etc I am trying to see if anyone is willing to help me out in this matter. I would like to have a profile that would be good for up to level 70 or so. I mainly just use frostbolt until I get the proc and use ice lance. Arcane explosion here and there and stuff like that. I would like it to make conjured food with the option to turn it off if you like. Eat said food to regain health. If I could get something that actually worked I would definately buy the bot as I know enough how to make profiles and stuff like that so I would be ok on that end. Message me if you are willing to help or reply here how I could contact you etc Thanks again
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