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About BAx

  • Birthday 08/31/1992

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  1. Hi there! Do I need two seperate Wrobot processes and two idkeys to use Grinder and Battlegrounder on the same wow process, or is there some feature that allow you to do this with one Wrobot procress that I don't know about? Over and out! BAx
  2. Well, I have to get some sleep now. But I'll be back in a couple of hours. Good luck tho! You'll need it, my files are kinda messy! ;)
  3. They are all the same, just different opener abilitys.
  4. Tried that one also, did not work.
  5. I tried to change the general range to 30 yards also, but it would just stand 30 yards away from the mob and not use the ability. Cloak and Dagger did not exist before 5.2 and therefore Ambush, Garrote and Cheap Shot only had 5 yards range and still does if you don't use Cloak and Dagger. I think that is why it's not working. Except if you do as I did.
  6. Found a solution. Switched the optional option "Check if know spell, is usable and good distance" to False. Works as it should now. You can lock this thread. Thanks! BAx
  7. Hi there! I have a problem with my Fight Class. I have the talent Cloak and Dagger wich makes my Ambush, Cheap Shot and Garrote to be used on 30yards range or less. But I can't get it to work, it just wont use these abilitys if I'm not right next to the mob. I've encountered some flying mobs at the moment and the rogue just stands there because it's not in range. If anyone have any solution for this I'd be very grateful. Thanks for your time! BAx
  8. BAx


    Version 1.0.4


    ARogue - Assassination Rogue I created this one for myself while leveling, it works great! Recommended Talents & Glyphs 15 Shadow Focus 30 Nerve Strike 45 Leeching Poison 60 Cloak and Dagger 75 Prey of the Weak 90 Anticipation Glyph of Deadly Momentum Glyph of Stealth Glyph of Recuperate Not Rested Item Level 377 - Using standard grinding profile in The Jade Forest. Enjoy! BAx
  9. I liked it, I added some more things to it and uploaded it. Cheers BAx
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