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Everything posted by Rudrias

  1. Hello! So I'm working on a RDruid profile and I would like to know if/how I can remove the bot's default targeting. I do not want the RDruid to target enemies and approach them in any way, or dismount when riding by an enemy player. This is all for BGs thanks!
  2. I am trying to farm specific mobs in an area. How do I blacklist/ignore the other mobs? EDIT: It seems to be attacking the mobs i add to the list AND Lv 1 critters. It isn't attacking any other mobs. How do I stop it from attacking critters?
  3. Hello! I have purchased the lifetime single-license program and was wondering if there is a way I can pay the additional ~$10 to upgrade to the multi-license version. Thanks!
  4. I'll do that, thanks!
  5. However, it seems that my druid will not heal itself with healing spells. How do I accomplish this? I would rather her heal up with spells than eat. Edit: Yeah, the bot just stands there after combat until it is 100%
  6. Working good, Driodz! I think you got it!
  7. Turning off the fightclass just made me fly into the horizon forever after about 3 minutes. So, leave that on lol. However, turning OFF ignore fight in druid flight form seems to be helping. I'll report back if the issues persists.
  8. I will try these options and reply to this post thank you.
  9. Can I get some technical help here, please?
  10. Which is what I've done, however it looks a bit suspicious being a druid on a mount. Trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. :)
  11. Hello! Love the program, works quite well with some tweaking thus far! However, I have a druid that is my primary farmer and it seems that swift flight form is not gathering every node that it should be. What I've observed: - Will fly *just* above the node and not quite land - Will stare at the node for about 30s before deciding to move on. - Will sometimes bug out and just fly straight up/out ina given direction until it knocks into something. - Will Go AFK / not AFK many times over in rapid succession. Very bottish. Once I told the program to equip a standard flying mount, the problem vanished so it is exclusive to Swift Flight Form for druids. Is there a fix to this? Also, is there a way to make the bot press the jump button for longer instead of 0.5s spamming it when its stuck? Thanks for your time!
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