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  1. DruidTank

    Dream of Cenarius

    Might be that it doesnt recognize the buff as its like 5 different buffs with the name? This is the one i would like to check for: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=145162
  2. Use settings to turn off Healing Touch for now.
  3. DruidTank

    Dream of Cenarius

    WoW Language: English FightClass: Log not saying anything interesting other then it doing Healing touch randomly.
  4. Version 1


    First version of the FightClass. Supports: Converting Mote of Harmony to Spirit of Harmony. Crystal of Insanity. Talent support:Wild charge Incarnation Known bugs: [*]Healing even if Dream of Cenarius buff isnt up. [*]Will get stuck if you have other flasks (due to Crystal of Insanity)
  5. The "Dream of Cenarius" proc buff for guradian druids doesnt register as a buff i think. When i use it for a condition as buff, and use healing touch when it procs just makes it spam healing touch.
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