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Posts posted by da8ball

  1. At Silvershard Mines, he seems to get stuck every time he leaves starting zone for Ally, by the wooden things. Temple of Kotmogu he usually goes aroud the door and stays there. I just realized there is no profile for them, so he uses "landmarks" which are not very good...


    Strand of Ancients, when attacking, most of times, falls into water and stays.



    If I was to make one, do I just record the path like a grinding profile ?

  2. I disagree, as a warrior player, the Prot Spec is much faster to level doing LFR and DGs, since you always skip line, a Prot grinder bot would level way longer due to DPS. Also try posting int he General section of the forum, this is the Help and Support section ^_^

  3. Now they added an option to "attack before attacked", try unchecking that. I also got stuck a few times doing arch, but never tried it before, so i cant really say. But i realized it got "dumb" a few days ago also... Going into idle without a reason, not attacking the second mob if it´s behind it, etc.

  4. I was getting "Character facing wrong way" yesterday since the latest update on my DK, very regularly.  Character gets attacked from behind by a mob and just stands there trying to attack back but never turning to face the mob.


    Wasn't getting it on my hunter though so wonder if it's only melee?


    Got the same on my warrior last couple days.

  5. Yes, but let´s take my grinding for example, Human thru lvl 20. Duskwood has mobs lvl 20-25, but the lvl of the mobs is divided into certain areas of duskwood. If I choose an NPC and the bot has to go thru this area inside Duskwood, I´ll be killed constantly. And If I choose an NPC , let´s say in a different area like Elywinn Forest (1-10) or West Fall (10-15), same thing might happen (actually happened all the time, that´s why I havent posted NPC locations)

  6. Yes, that would help a lot, but the NPCs I Chose, most of the time, are not compatible with the grinding zone, so what happened most of the time is that when he went to sell, he would go thru a zone with higher lvl mobs, and kept diying. Since I just started, I dont leave the bot unnatended to make sure it doesnt screw up. If I can sucessfully find one that works will mail it, so far I am lvl 19 and just found one ate the begining of the starter zone for humans, and them I leveled quickly and wasnt using this feature. Thru lvls 15-19 all my NPCs that I chose were bad decisions.

  7. Start grinder bot (where you select you profile), click on "Create Profile" button, in new window click on button "Load", select your profile (1-60 ally), targeting npc repair in game, at the bottom of the window click on "None" and select "Repair", click on button "Add target to npc list". Save profile and launch grinder bot.


    Thank you very much !!  That worked.  Just to clarify for someone else in the future, the profile consists from 1 to 60, each one with a specific zone for leveling, you should do that to each zone, under the "List" category

  8. @Loki: My Bger does nothing, doesnt queue for Bgs and when it starts, I have to manually enter the BG, then it´s fine


    @Droidz: OK, I just screwed up my whole 1-60 Human.xml file trying to put the info from


    How do I sucessfuly edit the XML file ? XML Editor just opens Internet Explorer on it.


    Please explain in detail, Like I said before, I am new to this and what may seem obvious for you, it's complicated for me. Tank you in advance. It also seems that this NPC feature should be already in the profile

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