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Posts posted by da8ball

  1. For the Charge problem, set a few conditions: Me in Combat - True

                                                                             Target Distance - Bigger than 15




    Do you have Improve combat rotation speed checked on the Advanced settings - Class/Fight Class tab checked? That might cause the problem.


    Also, you have to share your file so we can check.

  2. Hello, I just started using again the Arena Wins Custom profile, and it still works fine. But I noticed Blizzard added a second confirmation pop up window for the second in the party, not the leader. This way I can only join the arena if I do it manually after every single fight. Is there a way to confirm this window as well, since the first windows that pop up works just great?


    Just to clarify, the pop up window I am referring to says: "Your group leader has queued you for All Arenas. Are you ready?"



    Here is the profile: 


    Thank you in advance!


  3. I assume that's how to do it. Kinda why I posted here. 


    Would that macro work with WRobot? even if im alt tabbed or somehow not have my cursor on wow? 


    The macro will only work if you have the mouse cursor over the Edge of Reality. WoW has to be on main screen, no Alt TAB

  4. Are they on two different wow accounts? If so, I dont see a problem. Only thing is that you cannot add an "ID" to you player, so I'm guessing part of this would have to be done manually, using WOWrotation and clicking everytime on you enemy.


    For the targeted player, you can create a profile on Grinder just to sit anywhere on the map you want to be killed.

  5. /run local f,x = CreateFrame("frame",nil, UIParent);f:SetScript("OnUpdate", function() if GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetText() == "Edge of Reality" then PlaySoundKitID(11466, "master", true); if not x then Screenshot(); x=true; end end end)



    What this macro will do is play a sound (YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!) whenever the tooltip shows "Edge of Reality".
    Requires you to position yourself and your cursor in such a way that if the portal spawns your cursor will be over it, showing the tooltip and triggering the sound.


    It's good for a single spawn spot.



    How do you set to harvest the Edge of Reality? Just put the ID under General Settings > Looting and Farming Options >Harvest object ?

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