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Everything posted by 2515209

  1. than is there something that I might of done wrong? I cant make him heal during combat. Because something monster just come in 3 packs ,and I want my paladin to take them out but I dont know how to make him heal during combat. I only know how to heal after combat
  2. <FightClass xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <FightClassGeneralSettings> <FightClassName/> </FightClassGeneralSettings> <FightClassSpells> <FightClassSpell> <SpellName>Denounce</SpellName> <FightClassConditions> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>HolyPower</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionNumber"/> </FightClassCondition> </FightClassConditions> <Priority>2</Priority> </FightClassSpell> <FightClassSpell> <SpellName>Flash of Light</SpellName> <FightClassConditions> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>HealthPercent</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionNumber"> <Type>Smaller</Type> <Value>80</Value> </Param> </FightClassCondition> </FightClassConditions> <Priority>1</Priority> <CombatOnly>false</CombatOnly> </FightClassSpell> </FightClassSpells> </FightClass> I dont know how to attach file so just paste this into a notepad and save it as a .XML file
  3. I put in a different healing spell but using the same option as you but it didnt heal me
  4. It is a holy paladin
  5. So I want my paladin to heal when ever my health get below a certain percent. But I dont know how to. Right now he can only heal after the fight, I want the paladin to heal during the fight.
  6. I dont know why, when I leave my bot for 3 min, it mount itself and fly up as high as it can. And the Wrobot crashes please help. I dont know if it's me doing something wrong or the program
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