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  1. @Koalemos23 I had tried this, but the function didn't seem to work properly when I tried, it would still wait for the buff to expire. - Not sure if I was doing something incorrectly though.
  2. @Zer0 and @TheSmokie Thank you both, incredibly helpful! I'll have to learn Lua myself at some point.
  3. Hi there, I'm new to fight class editing, so excuse my level of knowledge. I'm designing a feral druid combat rotation for 3.3.5, and wondering if there was anyway to refresh Savage Roar "x" amount of seconds before expiring / or if it has fully expired? (I've managed to do the latter, but would obviously need the contingency if the event of it expiring. Fight Classes Attached. P.S If there is any code to be used, I would prefer it in C format, however if Lua is the only way to achieve so, either is great. Many thanks in advance. Feral DPS.xml
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