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  1. Yes but it does not work very well. What I am looking for is something more accurate that take track of the Flame Shock to be renewed at 3/4 sec before it disappear and that follow the rotation without shot Lightining Bolt when Lava Burst is available. So far both the default profile that this one you linked are not doing this. Any advise?
  2. Hello, I am looking for a valid and reliable fight class profile for Elemental Shaman updated to WoD for mitych raidinig content. PM me, if you have something No losetime! Thanks!
  3. Hello, I am new to this program and was trying the default fight class of the Elemental Shaman. The Rotation seems quite good, the only problem ( that is big in terms of dps ) is that Flame Shock does not renew when it's 2-4 seconds before expiring. It can happen ( tested ) that the target stays without Flame Shock in, also for 6/10 seconds that is way too much and it means dps loss. I am checking all the "spell conditions" but I cannot find the specified one for this problem. Someone can help me? Also when Ascendence is on, what it is supposed to do is just spam Lava Burst, but it shots some randoms Lightinig bolts which I do not understand (??) Thanks in advance.
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