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  1. i see. thanks for the answer anyway.
  2. Morning, How long it takes for a request to be completed?
  3. i think the nearest spot is what i said 50,60 in frostfire ridge The cords you have given are way to far at least in my map :S I may be wrong but thats what i see
  4. Hi, quest name: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=36800/fire-ammonite-lunker NPC: Nat Pagle Item: Fire Ammonite Angler Spot for fishing: 50.60 frostfire ridge or anywhere around there :) You can have only max 5 x Fire Ammonite Angler then i have to return them to Nat Pagle (5 x return times) then go back to spot and continue fishing :) If its possible i will be very appreciate it :D
  5. I have no clue how to setup such a thing :( Thats the reason of asking for some help. Outside of garisson is a lovely place to fish Fire Ammonite Anglers. Anyway if someone knows how to setup this route would be great if he could post it :)
  6. Is it possible to fish 5x Fire Ammonite Anglers then return to hand in 5x times to Nat Pagle and start over again? Thank you for any helpful comment.
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