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  1. I will give this a try today, ty for lending me this Fight Class profile until he is done making that one :)
  2. P.S. why can't I change targets on WRotation? When it is on I try to change targets and it won't let me with every single Fight class.... It only lets me change when the target is dead....
  3. Hello, I am having trouble with my fight class profile. I have a feral druid I am working on and I can't seem to get "Healing Touch" to cast on a "Predatory Swiftness" Proc. I am using the "Spell Affected By A Proc" Condition and put my Need as True and it will not work... Won't even cast it at all even when it does proc, I tried another time with the Need as False and then it just spamed Healing touch because it is top priority. I want it to cast on proc every time it procs. Please help me! :(
  4. Can someone please help me, I am new to WRobot and I would like to make a Auto Tanking profile with queing up, Tanking, Shape shifting into Bear form when not in bear form, using CD's when hp is at 50% or less, Growl when target is attacking a group member, thrashing for a filler spell, and waiting on pulling depending on healers mana with a message in instance chat saying "Healer is oom" or something, and all the WoD dungeons and their mechanics programed into the profile. I would do this myself but idk how
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