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About Frabato

  • Birthday 10/31/1989

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  1. The wrotation not working at some areas is biggie this topic shouldnt be dead yet.
  2. So there is no hope is it?
  3. I don't use it,and how could i even had the idea to use it in gunship battle and arenas :D .Also tried removing the click to walk still wont help.
  4. If this gets fixed ill share my ultra epic retri profile :p
  5. I have observed something Wrotation dont work in some specific places like Gunship Battle in ICC and some arenas, Dont have other chars :D .Addons disable doesnt help.
  6. Bot>Idle i think when i check it.Just was trying to figure if mounting in arena bugs it.For fighting im using /startattack macro on my mousewheel and rolling it like crazy could be this too.
  7. Problem not solved.Worked on the 1st arena match after then its wont just cast my spells.So much ambaressment in arena.
  8. Heres the log Almost sure the bot is not intended to blacklist opponents in arena,even their pets. LOG - 10 Jun 2013 15H58.html.zip
  9. Even done it with the dummy - "Can't reach training dummy blacklisting it".If i could disable this blacklisting while im in arena would be so epic.
  10. When using wrotation in arena sometimes it stops working and then the stopness persists in next queues too.Found something suspicious in the logs:says cant reach player x,player x added to blacklist.How do i stop this madness.
  11. Frabato

    Healing Bug

    When using the bot for healing it wont heal the player only others and you eventually die.Very annoying in dungeons.
  12. Guys feel free to make suggestions,boomkin is complicated and it will take some time to max dps.
  13. It uses feline swiftness for now.I need more testing to see how reliable is the 3d talent.
  14. Thanks.
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