kakimaki got a reaction from
fragik in How to create Quest profile
April 19, 2017
included 2 lines at begining of QuestList.cs file.
using wManager.Wow.Class;
using robotManager.Helpful;
I try to make it work but it seems i cant. I would like to make one MOP Daily quest first.
I get an error while try using profile: cant find "QuestGrinderClass" type or namespace.
This was the original error but half haungarian. Compilator Error : c:\Users\Home\AppData\Local\Temp\d2rf4nhz.0.cs(1,39) : error CS0246: A következő típus- vagy névtérnév nem található: „QuestGrinderClass” (esetleg hiányzik egy „using” direktíva vagy egy szerelvényre mutató hivatkozás). QuestList.cs
//including these two rows solved my problem
using wManager.Wow.Class;
using robotManager.Helpful;
public sealed class TheEternalVigil : QuestGrinderClass
public TheEternalVigil()
// http://www.wowhead.com/quest=30307
Name = "The Eternal Vigil";
QuestId.AddRange(new[] { 30307 });
//kill 8 creatures
Step.AddRange(new[] {8, 0, 0, 0 });
// Target NPC info results
HotSpots.Add(new Vector3(1575.099f, 1387.266f, 444.9345f));
HotSpots.Add(new Vector3(1551.12f, 1381.316f, 443.8689f));
HotSpots.Add(new Vector3(1570f, 1436.109f, 441.7368f));
HotSpots.Add(new Vector3(1517.842f, 1418.363f, 442.5871f));
HotSpots.Add(new Vector3(1608.345f, 1461.799f, 442.3046f));
HotSpots.Add(new Vector3(1614.658f, 1415.385f, 446.3118f));
EntryTarget.Add(58412); // Shao-Tien Marauder : http://www.wowhead.com/npc=58412
EntryTarget.Add(65810); // Shao-Tien Soul-Render : http://www.wowhead.com/npc=65810
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<QuesterProfile xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<QuestsSorted Action="PickUp" NameClass="TheEternalVigil" />
<QuestsSorted Action="Pulse" NameClass="TheEternalVigil" />
<QuestsSorted Action="TurnIn" NameClass="TheEternalVigil" />
<NPCQuest Id="58408" Name="Leven Dawnblade" GameObject="false">
<Npc />
<Blackspots />
I'd appreciate any advice.