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Posts posted by redshirt1

  1. Good afternoon,


    Trying to launch the WRobot client immediately crashes / closes the WoW client.


    I have attempted to fix the issues by deleting and reinstalling the WRobot client.


    Log is as follows:

    [D] 13:12:10 - Log file created: 22 Jan 2015 13H12.log.html
    [D] 13:12:10 - WRobot Version: 1.3.4 for wow: 6.0.3_19342
    [D] 13:12:10 - Offical website: http://wrobot.eu/
    [D] 13:12:10 - Operating System Details: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
    [D] 13:12:10 - Lang: English (United States)
    [F] 13:12:10 - D3D9 found: 6A 14 B8 48 4A 54 6B E8 47 4D 
    [F] 13:12:11 - D3D11 found: 8B FF 55 8B EC 83 E4 F8 83 EC 
    [D] 13:12:11 - D3D11 used
    13:14:34 - Select game process: 86164 - Sto...

  2. @loves: yes, that is what I tried :)

    @Droidz: thank you for looking into it! I don't actually leave it unattended, I actually use it to allow me to play as I have bad arthritis - pushing lots of buttons hurts, but I enjoy coding the fight AI very much as it allows me to feel like I can still participate and play. :)

    The main reason I pointed this out is because several NPCs (especially raid bosses) don't allow you to get within 5 yards. Some have built in push backs like Tortos where you automatically get shoved back before getting in range, some mobs fly higher than 5 yards on the z axis, etc.

    I can manage movement just fine, but if I can't reach the mob WRotation won't work which means mashing my hand against the keyboard or avoiding those fights. ;)

  3. Good afternoon!


    There are quite a few NPCs with hit boxes greater than the default melee range of 5 yards, e.g. raid bosses; however, WRotation refuses to trigger melee skills if not within 5 yards of the NPC even though you can manually activate them.


    Reproduction Steps

    1. Expand "More info" section on main WRobot window to see triggered events
    2. Engage an NPC with a hitbox that extends beyond 5 yards (e.g. Tortos, Megaera, etc.)
    3. Watch "Target Distance" value in WRobot window
    4. Move to 6+ yards of NPC, verify you can manually trigger melee abilities
    5. At 6+ yards WRotation does not trigger events
    6. Move within 5 yards of NPC, WRotation triggers events

    Is there any way to account for larger NPC hit boxes at this time? I've tried increasing the range via the FightClass editor to 10+ yards but nothing seems to correct this issue.


    Thank you!

  4. Good afternoon,


    I was using the Fisherbot without issue, but today after the update it is giving the following error message:


    [Error] 15:12 - Engine > RunState(State state) > State: FisherbotState - System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.WoWGameObject wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWGameObject(System.Collections.Generic.List`1<wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.WoWGameObject>)'.
       at Fisherbot.Bot.FisherbotState.get_NeedToRun()
       at robotManager.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.KKXKYOULPALUHQGZPHJDUA(State JVMJLWQBMZJHSJTKJGKDO)


    I tried restarting both Wrobot and the game, but no dice.

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