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  1. Hi, this my first post here. Wrobot is, a great tool with, a lot of possibilities, but i can't find some options which make me 100% happy. One of this option is checking conditions on focus, party1, arena1 etc. and casting spells what i want. A simple example can be arena2 casting Fear, so i cast Tremor etc. Can someone tell me how to write script like this. I have, a lot of ideas to make PvP scripts, but don't confuse with pve bot rotation with is useless on arena. Thx for help. Will it work? local spell, _, _, _, _, _, _, castID, _, = UnitCastingInfo("Arena1") local enabled = GetSpellCooldown("Tremor Totem") if spell then if castID == 5782 and enabled == 0 then RunMacroText("/cast Tremor Totem") end end end
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