your logic is flawed - why Must I keep changing back and forth between 32 and 64 bit versions ?
I have a 4K Computer - I'm running Win 10 - I like progress - I want to not have to reload WOW in 32 bit just to run WOW robot and have to change setting to run it in 64 bit mode when I want to play competatively
I'm not going to keep switching between 32 and 64 bit -
I'm, a paying customer - I want to use a 64 bit program - you cant see the difference - I can feel the difrerence -
I want something that I can play wow and log onto without constantly changing setting - My earlier post says it all.
also - I think if you are in this business to make money you need to look at the majority and the way forward -
If you think ppl will continue to use 32 bit programs - good Luck -
Thanx anyway