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Posts posted by spray

  1. So i used the trial for like an Hour with some profiles and it kinda seems that the movement is very "unhuman". The bot makes very edgy movements, following his waypoints very closely.


    Is there a way to make the movement, especially when making turns, more smooth? Right now, if anyone sees the bot, he instantly knows it is a bot.

  2. 2 hours ago, colderpotato said:

    Well zygor 3.3.5a has like no data included with it like the newer ones even then does nothing past importing Id from new one, but the older  for sure lacks that info in it. A HB quest profile from  3.3.5  converted to a gather dunno maybe could be  a issue  happened to all profiles i had I might try it with a cata, mop or wod profile for outland or northend before just rule it bugged. Because i gave up on using that feature since never does anything no matter what profile try listed from 3.3.5a Pirox, and glider are some other i tried to no luck.

    Do you maybe have a bunch of Honorbuddy profiles somewhere that are pre Cata, like before the world changed and stuff? 3.3.5 Profiles. 

    I would try to convert these somewhow, although it seems that the current convert tool does not support 3.3.5 stuff.

  3. 13 hours ago, richmiller said:

    There is a built in profile converter. Although it wont be converted perfectly. You will have to go in and check what went wrong in the proflie. Also alot of zones changed quest wise in cata. So that could also be a problem.

    I tried it already, doesnt work. The profiles are all from 3.3.5 pre-cata, but he simply wont do anything with them, the quest list is empty and he only creates 1 kb small profiles


    Same goes for the zygor import function, it doesnt work, he creates empty profiles from the data selected.

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