I had to do a little debug but finally i got it, the existing dk profiles from 3.3.5 are very shitty by the way or they dont work properly in my case.
Here's the code for checking if two unholy runes are ready:
RuneCheck = nil
function RuneCheck()
local FrostRune = 0
local UnholyRune = 0
local BloodRune = 0
local DeathRune = 0
for i=1, 6 do
if GetRuneType(i) == 1 and select(1,GetRuneCooldown(i)) + select(2,GetRuneCooldown(i)) - GetTime() < 1
then BloodRune = BloodRune + 1 end
if GetRuneType(i) == 2 and select(1,GetRuneCooldown(i)) + select(2,GetRuneCooldown(i)) - GetTime() < 1
then UnholyRune = UnholyRune + 1 end
if GetRuneType(i) == 3 and select(1,GetRuneCooldown(i)) + select(2,GetRuneCooldown(i)) - GetTime() < 1
then FrostRune = FrostRune + 1 end
if GetRuneType(i) == 4 and select(1,GetRuneCooldown(i)) + select(2,GetRuneCooldown(i)) - GetTime() < 1
then DeathRune = DeathRune + 1 end
return BloodRune, UnholyRune, FrostRune, DeathRune
local RuneCheck = RuneCheck
local UnholyRunesReady = false;
-- Obliterate if both Unholy Runes are ready or ready within 1 second
if select(2,RuneCheck()) > 1 then UnholyRunesReady = true else UnholyRunesReady = false end