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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. The tutorial for install really needs to be updated, lots of new features, Ill get to this tomorrow maybe before servers come up, Im just hoping 5.2 doesnt drop yet. And yea, as far as customer service goes, when droidz isnt around himself, creative and I pretty much live on the forums. We do what we can. I also noticed when saving the key if you copy and paste, it will only show you the last letter, as the key is too long to fit displayed in the text field. This is normal as of right now. When you click the + it will then save that key to memory and you just click that to login :) Let us know if this has worked for you so we can mark the thread as solved.
  2. lol i assure you that is not the case. I dont really have a scarriest moment, I guess when one of my current guild officers figured out what I was doing... but they ended up buying the bot after exploring it a bit further.
  3. its not really much of a secret, the converstaion that followed (this is old, back when we were all beta testers and before creative and myself got promoted to mods) just stated to sell your stacks of fish for ironpaws, then sell the cooking mats, instead of the raw fish. Server economy is server economy however, if these Mats sell shitty, so will fish. I just personally play on a low pop server, but Im moving soon.
  4. aside from the tutorials, there are not detailed descriptions, yet, but we invite you to review any of our products and post them on the forums. We try to describe everything in detail as much as possible. As far as party bot is concerned, there are two ways to do what you are asking. In order to dual bot (both accounts, and completely unattended) even though you say you are not willing to do this, I will describe it for others. Two dual bot: You will require two wow accounts, and have both wowx86 processes running simultaniously. You also need to own two seperate license keys to wrobot. Your primary account needs to be group leader. Start botting on your secondary account first, and open party bot on this process in particular. Set the Party bot settings to healer true or false, depending on if you are a healer or not. Make sure to set your fight class up, whether you are using an external rotation manager or not. Do not start the bot yet. Start wrobot again and launch under a different key, and attach to your group leader. From here select grinder, and setup your path, profile, whatever it is your doing. Again make sure the fight class is setup correctly. Do not start the bot yet. Manually move both of your characters in game to where you wish to start botting so they are within 5yds of eachother, this will help prevent characters from getting lost. Start Party Bot (bot #2) and the secondary character will begin following your main. Start Grinder (bot #1) The grinder will begin grinding the mobs, and the party bot will assist the party leader with whatever the main toon is doing, it will either heal you, or attack your target. Now if you just want to bot your second character, basically follow the same steps, but instead of setting up grinder, you are going to control the party leader yourself. So anything you do the partybot will assist you. PM me or reply if you require further assistance.
  5. In this thread I basically go over the most recent release notes but in greater detail after thoroughly testing all of the new features. This is more of a news column that details the changelog in a format the user can actually read and enjoy, but as always... The most up to date build log can always be viewed at http://download.mmor.../updateinfo.php WRobot 1.0.0.Beta9 New Product: -A new product, "Custom Profile", has been added to the bot. With this you can create and run a profile written in C# (this profile will have full access to the wrobot API). This is basically the first step towards a 'Questing Bot' You can have this product create a profile that will use items and interact with npcs. A great example would be a profile that automatically buys Empty Grocery Containers from Merchant Cheng, then uses them to turn your excess fish, vegetables, or meat into a Bundle of Groceries. Then have the bot automatically turn these in to Nam Ironpaw, in exchange for Ironpaw Tokens. Note this is still in its preliminary stages and may have some bugs, and this profile is not included, just given as an example. Core Program Update: The bot was recompiled to support Visual C++ 2010 as a dll required in wrobot folder was missing in some cases. This should fix a pleathora of bugs and install issues we were having, but as always, please submit any further bugs you come across. An option to press a particular key (for ingame macros) was added in a tab "My Macros" in General Settings. This will also help with the new Custom Profiler bot. The unstuck commands and procedures were also improved. License Key Management In order to expand upon party bot and multi botting, we have redesigned how lincese keys are saved in the bots memory. I for one am a big fan of this chnage, then again I also own three licenses. When launching the bot it will bring up the License Key Management screen, from there you can add as many keys as you purchase. And please remember, you Need 1 key per botting session, So if you wish to multibot across two seperate wow processes, you require two keys. The 'trial' key is now saved as the default key when the bot is installed to make testing easier for new members. Again we ask you to remember that this key is limited to a 30minute session and closes automatically after your 30 minutes is up. You may then restart the bot for another 30 minutes if you wish. We do ask that you support our product if you enjoy using it and purchase a full license key. Fisher Bot If running a grinder profile, and a fishing trainer is added or included to your profile, and the NpcDB.xml, wrobot now learns the new fishing skill level. The error relating to "You cannot fish here" or "water too shallow" now forces the bot to recast until fishing is successful. Enjoy your chairs fisherman :) Pet Battles Two spam errors were fixed, PetJournalGetHealth(int petActiveId) and GetContainerNumFreeSlots. Hopfully this will make this product run much smoother. Archaeology Bot The return to last position problem hase been fixed, and general improvements to the bot as a whole, and how it opperates, were made as well. The unstuck enhancements will also be seen here. ::Edit:: It seems Custom Profiler made it into the release notes, but was not added to the product drop down yet, working on a fix now, stay tuned. ::Edit2:: Custom Profiler was hotfixed into the bot as of today, 2-5-13
  6. Shadow

    Grinding - Eat food

    again, is it from the wow client language? Are you copying the wowhead link in french? or english. Just curious.
  7. Shadow

    Swift Flight Form

    there is an option in general settings, Under Mount options, for ground mount make sure you put an actual ground mount in, I use Blue Shado-Pan Riding Tiger, for Flying Mount, put in Swift Flight Form. UNCHECK ignore fight if in ground. Also check your fight class, make sure you have it set to morph into cat or boomkin, or whatever, and start attacking if attacked. This should solve both problems, I farm herbs on my druid all the time without problem. PM me or reply again if you have further issues.
  8. I see lots of stuff, because i have wrobot installed in like 3 different places from building my installer, and im updating it to beta9 now btw, i already had c++10 patched in, can I remove c++12 now?
  9. that doesnt seem right, but I can also see where this could be, settings do save across the board so to speak, i need to reload everything when i bot between different characters. In my case it has something to do with the keys, my settings are bound to my license keys so to speak, and if im multibotting sometimes i need to reset the settings between different characters. But glad to see you got everything situated.
  10. i had this problem back with origional wowrobot too, think it as something to do with click to move or some setting in prat or wim
  11. try to reinstall the latest build, there was an issue related to the trial key that was fixed with the most recent update to my installer, but again, using a specific key, should have nothing to do with how the bot performs.
  12. Im not sure if this is a bug or not, and I think its more related to click to move. But has anyone else noticed while botting, if your like fishing or doing archy, and wanna talk in gchat, it will occasionally put stuff that youve said in the last few minutes in the chat box? and when you get caught, it looks like your repeating yourself randomly.
  13. regen is for pots and food, you need to add healing spells to the fight class or check that they are included, Not setting a fight class basically means the bot wont function unless you handle your rotation externally. Tell me when you reinstalled the bot, did you use the zip or installer, and which prerequisites are currently installed?
  14. Shadow

    Grinding - Eat food

    I wonder if this is language specific?
  15. Shadow

    error 80 Blockages

    this isnt really a bug is what Droidz is saying, a blockage means your character is getting stuck and cannot move, The bot automatically shuts down if your character gets stuck that many times. We suggest you check your profile, or modify its path, depends on what you are doing.
  16. locked for inactivity, if you are still having problems, please PM a mod
  17. now now, lets not flame anyone... locking topic
  18. I tested this a few beta's ago, and unless something changed recently, once you login using the same key a second time, your first session will disconnect in about a minute. Not sure if this changed or not yet.
  19. cant make a shortcut to wow with admin if you dont know where wow is installed lol, need to target it, and everyone can have wow installed in different places, I do general searches so if its in C:\World of Warcraft C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft C:\Program Files X86\World of Warcraft C:\Public\Games\World of Warcraft it does work as of right now. (note this version is not released, but PM me if you would like to try it out) But Im still writing the algorithm to search for World of Warcraft on all available hard drives, then search for wow.exe in the found folder to make sure it is the correct install path. Once I have the location saved as a variable i can correctly make the shortcut to the desktop. Its just finding the location if people have wow installed in strange places, or on different hard drives. Droidz is helping me integrate searching for registry keys, however I am still trying to confirm that everyone will have the same key, so I dont need to search multiple keys. As I stated, this is alot more complex than I had hoped, but I am making great progress. Again special thanks to all the members that helped me thus far, and Mageski for helping with the search algorithm.
  20. .... that is strange. I can add checks for all this, but im trying to slim down the installer size. Let me know
  21. Script is done, just need testers, PMing you Audrey please PM me with your install paths everyone
  22. One thing I forgot to check on your pc, Verify that .net 4.0CP is installed, and not 4.5, while 4.5 should suffice for everything 4.0 needs, I just found a bug in my installer that I am fixing just now, also run windows update afterwards, there are 7 hotfixes by Microsoft to .net 4.0CP Droidz changed the way update.exe works, Im still working with him to finetune my installer due to this.
  23. Shadow

    Fishing Suggestions

    yea the spear is kinda important for capping, but not moving would be nice, for now im using mrfishit just because of this.
  24. I went through this, but your welcome to give it a shot obviously, i think the issue is relating to running different drive letters, and multiple hard drives. Whats your idea out of curiosity? I redownload my installer, and tried setting the zip up, the bot opens fine without errors, just cannot locate any wow process's
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